So are the Lightning going to Florida Man up the figure skating thing or are the Caps just too cursed? I’m still gun-shy from the Astros run last year where I didn’t believe until the World Series that it was really going to happen. So I know how it feels, Caps fans. And I want you to feel it again. All right. Enough trash talking.

Florida Man
This guy couldn’t just get a face tattoo, no. He had to go all ISIS bomb building to get his FUCK YOU DAD in. Bahstahn Strong!
This is capitalism right here. Coffee waste product selling at 400% premium to coffee. I would love to see how a Socialist explains the development of this market.
Well, this will tie right into my facial tattoo meme. Florida Man arrested for climbing on playground equipment and telling children where babies come from. I think I like the part where the cop watched him try to pick fights with tourists for a while before arresting him. Good job, Clearwater Beach PD. Way to try to let the man express himself.
Giant, predatory worms found in France (not at Cannes, either)
I don’t believe this was a problem at Boy Scout Jamborees when I was young. We’d just have used them for pranks.
Metaphor alert —Sinkhole opens on White House lawn. I’ve got a song for that.
The WH is a sinkhole.
Sadly, Iridium’s satellites did not explode on the pad. Maybe the deploy will be fucked. Only two more launches to wish for failure!
Why so down on Iridium?
Kevin Bacon not available for comment.
I’m sad that’s not where my brain went.
Damn it! Read before posting.
Kevins busy right now
Earl was the real star of Tremors, and that’s why the comeback failed.
Finn Carter would like a word.
Assaulting a protected animal?
This sentence was completely out of place in an already odd story. Not odd that some freaky worms ended up in France, but in how this Justine guy the WP is interviewing buried his own head in the sand for like two decades refusing to admit it despite people sending him pictures after pictures of them.
I would think that this story about a worm would be the worst.
Sorry about the formatting, but it is pretty funny. And it is in Belgium!
“Giant, predatory worms found in France”
Is that what they call the French now? Makes sense.
This is capitalism right here. Coffee waste product selling at 400% premium to coffee. I would love to see how a Socialist explains the development of this market.
I have some this tea. This lady didn’t discover it. It’s been a traditional drink for 1100 years.
Also you can make brandy from coffee cherries.
You can make ‘brandy’ from just about anything that produces sugar and will ferment.
“How’d you like some of my toilet wine?”
“Sure, but only if you used Tropical Skittles.”
God bless the market for finding a way to use coffee husks. The commies can suck it
You know where there’s a lot of that and no market? Venezuela. Maduro is da man.
Officers said Ryan at first was approaching tourists and making inappropriate comments to women in an effort to get their male partners to confront him. An officer in the area was watching him at the time.
He’s lucky he didn’t get shot.
“Oh look honey, its an honest-to-God crazy man! I wonder when he’s going to strip off his clothes and start eating faces!”
I read this as “start eating feces”
Still works
I also so saw “feces” until your post.
Meh, it’s Clearwater beach. I imagine those Enforcers have been given a YFG speech about not upsetting the tourists even if it means they don’t get to pants-shit their magazines on a furtively moving menacing waistband that refuses to stop resisting.
I mean, it just makes sense.
*or, Goannas, if you prefer.
They probably thought he was a Scientologist and didn’t want to get sued.
Golf clap.
If I had my wish mosquitoes, ticks, fleas, and nematodes would be extinct.
Nematodes are essential for agriculture, something about turning the soil.
Mosquitos are an important part of the food chain for some birds and insects.
Ticks and fleas? No idea what the knock-on effects of getting rid of those would be.
The Boy Scout condom story has been out there for three days – THREE DAYS – and no one brought it here before hand. Where are you people getting your news?
Glibertarians, of course
I couldn’t. It was just too much to consciously acknowledge.
This guy couldn’t just get a face tattoo, no. He had to go all ISIS bomb building to get his FUCK YOU DAD in.
“I’m just a Ciccolo, and everywhere I go, people know the part I’m playing….”
“There will come a day when youth will pass away. What will they say about me?”
Giant, predatory worms found in France (not at Cannes, either)
Somebody call Burt Gummer!
“Well, when the radios went down I decided to return to the refinery, but en route, I find I’M IN AN AMBUSH SITUATION! Must have been a couple dozen of these things! Well, I dropped the first wave with semi-auto fire, but they just kept on coming. Sheer luck most of them were in front of the truck, so I just popped it into six-wheel and ran ’em down. The ones that got on board I handled with a combination of small-arms fire and hand-to-hand techniques. [pulls out two pistols] I am completely. Out. Of ammo. [Beat] That’s never happened to me before.”
Burt Gummer’s greatest moment:
I liked the old west one too. 2 & 3 don’t exist in my mind.
Burt Gummer is one of my favorite fictional gun nuts, along with Van Pelt:
#1 of course, is D-FENS from Falling Down.
Titty Tuesday Continues!
1, 3, 14, 18, 23, 27, 29, 33, 48, 50, 51, 53, 76, 77.
I’m still saddened whenever I see ink ruining otherwise good skin.
Yes no one likes graffiti on their playground
I agree. 11 is a beautiful woman but that ink turns her from would to wouldn’t.
Metaphor alert —Sinkhole opens on White House lawn
That’s not a sinkhole. This is a sinkhole.
Remember 1981?
Fucking genius idea. Foolproof – why hasn’t anyone done this before????
If they couldn’t get this during the height of the recession, what the hell makes even the dumbest person with a D next to their name think this is a selling point in 2018?
Something something BERNIE!!1! something something stupid Drumpf
Just burnishing some proggie credentials.
No shit?
According to Wikipedia, even Victorian age workhouses were unable to turn a profit.
Breaking even is better than letting them fall idle. Anything that reduces the cost of supporting the poor is good.
But i have long suspected that there is always a bottom five percent of society who just cannot turn in a decent days work, no matter how closely you supervise them.
Only 5%? Heck, look at how many of us are hanging around here all day.
Hey! i worked 5 hours today! Sup with you?
Hey, some of us work here!
I thought Rufus was the only one…
No, I work *here* here.
I started at 6:30am and am still working at 5:30pm.
Commenting not included
One of the great mysteries of our time.
Unresolved =Tax the “rich” or I have no idea.
From the comments:
Please do.
“Let’s get them to let us put just the tip in for now. We can go completely bonkers batshit nuts afterward!”
Can we not just focus on healthcare, common sense gun regulation?
The two issues that have cost them hundreds of state, local, and national seats. Yeah, just keep hammering away on those.
The sad part is this is a loosing idea because it is too conservative.
see the idea behind “guaranteed jobs” is you are only worthwhile to society if you are productively working. Once you have guaranteed jobs nobody has an excuse to sit around and just collect welfare anymore because pretty much everyone short of quadriplegics and the severely mentally retarded can do some kind of productive labor, sure maybe not profitably but there is something they can do. From a progressive standpoint this is inherently discriminatory to all manner of “disabled” and “disenfranchised” and is a cynical attack on those who cannot or do not want to live according to capitalism’s dictates.
Also once you have guaranteed jobs pretty close to everyone has an incentive to go out and get a better job than the government guaranteed one which will lead directly to reduced dependency on the government which also makes it a losing idea to progressives.
If you guarantee everyone a job, but the jobs are real gruntwork that nobody would want to do (and they don’t get paid unless they do it), then I can see how that might encourage people to look for something better. But a lot of people might just stick with the government job if it wasn’t too unpalatable.
Fuck you, bring your own.
A good Scout is always prepared, right?
Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean, and Reverent?
I guess condoms count as clean and friendly…
Helpful too.
Thrifty, too: who wants to pay 18 years of child support?
I think they would tick the Courteous box, too.
They surely can’t go through as many as they do at the Olympics, at least.
I dunno, those Boy Scouts are going through puberty. We could be looking at a tsunami of semen here.
Tsunami of Semen is an interesting band name.
So does the condom go on the cookie or on the scout. Takes the fun out of things either way.
One of the reasons for the Boy Scouts was that at the time, there was a crusade against masturbation, and it was thought that strenuous exercise, called “rovering” would prevent it.
Rovering to Success, by Robert Baden-Powell
The first chapter is entitled How to be happy though rich – or poor is an overview of Baden-Powell’s ideas for leading a happy and fulfilled life, enlivened with anecdotes from his military career and quotes from personalities as diverse as Abraham Lincoln, Mark Twain and Tennyson. The next five chapters are described as ”Rocks you are likely to bump on” (while paddling your own canoe). They are: “I. Horses” which deals with gambling, II. Wine on the perils of alcohol abuse, III. Women, which includes some very basic sex education which was considered ground-breaking at the time, but includes Victorian ideas of racial purity and abstinence.[7] IV. Cuckoos and Humbugs which warns against political extremism but encourages political public service, and finally V. Irreligion, in which Baden-Powell contends that understanding of God can be found through nature study and helping others, and includes a quote from The Quran.[8] The last chapter of the book, Rovering – the Aim of the Rover Brotherhood, explains the purpose and structure of Rovering and gives a wide range of suggestions for activities and service projects that Rovers could undertake.
or Rodgering to Success by Robert Baden-Powell, closer to the mark,
His hobbies included cross-dressing and musical theater.
No joke: Baden-Powell was a deeply odd man. For one thing, he was terrified both of women—whom he divided into either “Hags” or “Heifers”—and the effect of women on young boys. The original edition of Scouting for Boys has whole pages devoted to teaching adolescents how to repress their lust, including advice on periodically dipping your “racial organ” in ice-cold water.
In person, Powell was no less obsessive. He frequently urged his Scouts to avoid “girlitis” and do their best to repress “the animal instinct.” When he finally got married at the age of 55, the simple act of sharing a bed with a woman gave him blinding headaches, and he quickly took to sleeping alone on his balcony, even in the winter. The only time he ever seemed comfortable around women was when he was playing one: During his time in the army, Powell became famous for cross-dressing on stage to entertain his troops.
Is it possible to be both an incel and a cuck? Cause that guy sounds like it.
On the other hand he apparently was willing to share more than just a bed with his wife, since he sired three children. And he married a woman 22 years his junior, which would be a very odd choice for someone who was put off by women. If he was, he could have just stayed unmarried like his contemporary Lord Kitchener (the guy from the original “I want you for the Army” posters that inspired the one with Uncle Sam). In any case he’s an odd duck, but I think that knowledge nuts take is too sensational.
Yeah I agree, teaching young horny boys not to shove their dick in everything that moves is hardly anti-woman. It’s a basic lesson that parents teach their kids today and probably always have.
From what I’be read “rovering” has little to nothing to do with masturbation. What is your source?
“The practice is called ‘self-abuse’. And the result of self-abuse is always – mind you, always – that the boy after a time becomes weak and nervous and shy, he gets headaches and probably also palpitations of the heart, and if he still carries it on too far he very often goes out of his mind and becomes an idiot.
The use of your parts is not to play with when you are a boy but to enable you to get children when you are grown up and married. But if you misuse them while young you will not be able to use them when you are a man: they will not work then.
So for all reasons be on the look out against this temptation, it is easier to stop it at first than when it becomes a habit. The next time you feel the desire coming on don’t give way to it; resist it. If you have the chance just wash your parts in cold water and cool them down. Wet dreams come from it especially after eating rich food, or too much meat, or from sleeping with too warm a blanket over your body or in too soft a bed or from sleeping on your back. Therefore avoid all these.
Avoid listening to stories or reading or thinking about dirty subjects. You will soon find that the temptation will not worry you so much. Be strong and don’t give way to it.”
From Scouting for Boys, 1908.
I think that is the general idea behind providing the condoms
Normies discover 3D printing, panic
I remember when the anarchists cookbook was a freak-out. Then the internet made that knowledge so ubiquitous there was no point in worrying about any source. I’m hoping technology does the same for guns.
That Florida guy playing spoiler….I….well….
/scratches head. Raises finger.
…maybe he was….anyway.
I have a pop-up book that taught me everything I need to know. Wanna borrow it?
I need to know more.
What did you use to get the pages unstuck?
Winston’s mom?
Merck’s experimental and unlicensed Ebola vaccine is being used in latest outbreak
Note to self. If I ever want to try an experimental treatment go to Africa. Fuck the FDA.
The same progs who setup ridiculous testing delays at home are the same ones who cry the loudest about teh evul pharmas doing “human experimentation” on ignorant third worlders.
Lets see, you’ve got Ebola which can have anywhere from a 25% to a 90% mortality rate depending on the strain
I am pretty sure you want the vaccine because it is unlikely that the side effects are going to be worse than the disease
I look forward to a new crop of mutant superheroes.
The Hemorrhagic Avenger
The concentration of smug and hot air will form a new star, like a lamer 2010 space odyssey
GUys help I jus t rolled my eyes to far back in my h ead and they got stucl and now i;m blindd.
Jussssssssst beat out the first choice, You Should Be Thanking Me Pictures
Where is barfman when we need him the most?
All of their original content is online to download in hours in full. You can Google nearly any movie that Netflix has and find it online without even having to torrent it. I refuse to pay even a cheap monthly fee to Netflix or Youtube for anything at this point.
How does this work? Do I just Google Netflix and, say, Dark Knight and get a link to watch the movie?
Google “watch dark knight online free” and you will get links. Just make sure you have good pop up blockers and adware or don’t click on stupid shit.
Thanks Brochettaward.
don’t click on stupid shit
But I like it here.
They’re actually gonna do it? Pee-yuke!
I’m sure it will do well though.
I am really amazed and dismayed that people continue to defend this con artist and even go so far as issuing him interest free loans in hope of someday receiving a product that will likely never materialize:
This way to the egress, sucker.
Most idiotic thing from the article:
I have never seen glazed brake pads lead to any significant increase in stopping distance – at worst they’ll just squeal a lot and possibly lead to uneven wear on the rotors over time. The more likely explanation is that Tesla egotistically insisted on designing every nut and bolt in this car instead of contracting an experienced third party for the task, and their braking system is the product of this. It’s probably overheating on hard deceleration which boils the fluid and results in brake fade.
It’s the ABS software. (And possibly regeneration.) Musk already took to Twitter to say an over the air update should fix it.
You generally get a nasty shudder with glazing as one part of the rotor grips and another part slips. The sensation at the pedal is easily confused with ABS activating. But unlike ABS, you’ll also get a pretty good vibration through the steering wheel.
’cause’ it to lose money? I thought it was hem-raging it.
I just learned that my golf clap schtick was also featured in the movie “Men at Work” which I’ve never seen.
I think it was entertaining. Granted I haven’t seen it in over 20 years.
If shit bombs are your kind of comedy this one is a must see.
Stupid little comedy, but fun. Plus it has a who’s who of minor actors from some of my favorite movies: Sy Richardson, Keith David, Dean Cameron, John Getz. Plus the chick was pretty hot.
Carl and James…
That’s where I first heard the term, and that’s what enters my head everytime I see it.
A Florida man climbed atop a piece of equipment at a Clearwater Beach playground Sunday and yelled at a bunch of children in the area.
I’m curious to know where he thinks babies come from.
Meanwhile, not in France….
I am disappoint that this didn’t happen in Florida.
I would never go outside again
That happened in Florida, it just wasn’t considered ‘news’.
Yup, unless the snake bit him on the penis that’s not even going to make the local news in Florida.
Twist: his penis swelled so much that he launched a career in porn under the name “Frankencock”.
I love how the parents of these monsters always say “he’s such a good boy”.
Yeah. Bullying was why he did it. Forget about the *millions* of other kids that get bullied everyday and don’t go on killing sprees.
Bullying does seem to be a common thread. Doesn’t make him a good kid though.
Not really. To date in the bulk of the school shootings the shooters have been as likely as not to have been the bullies
Gonna pimp this article again – since it is free. French linked to it at NRO last week – very compelling case:
Find me a kid that age how DOESN’T think he’s being bullied.
It’s a matter of degree though. Some kids get it much worse than others. It doesn’t excuse it but it may help to partially explain it.
Only if bullying increased over the last 20 years. I suspect not but I doubt it’s quantifiable. At least the video game theory has correlation going for it even though I doubt that’s the reason.
The “guns” or “bullying” reasons don’t even have correlation. You could say a lack of bullying has created kids who fail to recognize consequences. It’s more plausible anyway.
Part of the problem is that some teachers are almost complicit in it. There was a kid named TJ that went to my junior high who was severely mentally retarded. He was a super sweet kid, but he was slow, had very poor hygiene and would get picked on constantly. Our gym teacher would actually get pissed at him because he’d run bases super slow or otherwise just fuck up games in that special way that a normal human being would expect and accept a retarded kid to do. One day one of the guys in my class who especially liked to pick on TJ completely unprovoked threw a padlock and hit him square in the back of the head in the locker room after class thinking it was hilarious. I confronted him about it and the gym teacher immediately came barging in to break us up. He seemed to only be interested in breaking up the imminent fight between me and this asshole kid and didn’t give a shit about TJ sitting on the bench clutching his bleeding head and bawling his eyes out.
The point is that teachers sometimes tend to be callous shitheads who don’t give a shit about bullying as long as it isn’t happening to their favored students.
Bullying is bad, yeah.
Murdering 10 people is worse, though.
I got bullied by a future mobster in the third grade. We got into two fights and that was it. And then ‘Butch’ who was in grade 6 (and I still know to this day) who grew into a 6’8” behemoth told me to seek him out next time someone bothered me.
Another guy, in jr. high, slammed a broom ball stick on my head because he didn’t like something I musta said on the bench. To this day I’m pissed I didn’t whack him but I was just too stunned and put faith that fat ass coach would have at least said something.
And then I saw people put pineapple on pizza which was the worst bullying of them all.
Guns have been easily obtainable from the dawn of public education, as has bullying. Why didn’t bullies shoot up innocents back in our day?
What has changed? Asshole officers have been shot by their own men since at least the Civil War. But why gun down innocents, too, if you think revenge violence is the answer to your problems?
Possible good news for The Expanse fans:
Amazon is the only place you can see the old episodes without paying extra. So hip-hip-hooray!
Best show on not pay-extra-for TV right now.
This is why Latin should still be required: Publix supermarket in South Carolina censors high school graduate’s ‘Summa Cum Laude’ cake
You’re lucky if your front line grocery store employee is functionally literate in his native language. These are not the best and brightest of our society, student employees excepted.
Damn it I didn’t hit refresh and posted the same article!
I accept your apology.
As I recall, one Florida politician won a primary election just by telling voters that his opponent’s wife had been a thespian in college.
Don’t a lot of women experiment with that in college?
Yup, just like most college men matriculate.
Fortunately, there’s antibiotics for that.
From the WaPo version of the story:
Umm… what?
“I was home schooled and had a GPA of 57.8!”
Needs an extra decimal place for authenticity.
What, were you fucking the teacher?
If the suggestions from the front page of PornHub are to be believed that’s a wildly popular activity.
It’s not just home-schooling. I get kids from the local public schools who have 4+ GPAs. Something to do with taking AP or similar courses.
AP and college credit. If you spend half your day (as a senior) at the local juco taking GE reqs, you can ratchet up your GPA like that.
Summa Cum Laude
Summa Cum Quiet
The hard part is writing legibly on the cake in the “special” icing.
Aww, nuts.
No, octopuses don’t come from outer space
For example, Stedman said, the octopus genome was mapped in 2015. While it indeed contained many surprises, one relevant finding was that octopus nervous system genes split from the squid’s only around 135 million years ago — long after the Cambrian explosion.
Stedman added that, for a virus, such as the RNA-based ones known as retroviruses, to somehow turn a squid into an octopus, that virus would have to evolve on a world where squid were already plentiful.
Modern retroviruses have evolved to be extremely specific about which hosts they infect, Stedman said. But a retrovirus from outer space wouldn’t have evolved to be specific for Earth-based creatures, and “certainly not specific enough for something like a squid — unless you have massive amounts of squids on some planet incredibly close to us that is spitting off all of these meteors. But I think that kind of assumption is highly unlikely,” Stedman said.
Science marches on!
But there was a consensus!
Those were just paid shills from Big Calamari.
*lights candles in front of octopus icon*
Cthulhu, Octopus, Hydra. I guess at it’s heart it’s all the same religion.
It’s okay, big guy. It’s obviously part of a disinformation campaign to keep the masses calm.
/Passes tinfoil to Scruffy
What about octopi?
Or Octopussy?
Aliens , octosomething let’s surf
So you’re saying these squid-aliens lobbed asteroids at Earth to destroy the ancient Silurian civilization?
I’m glad they’re discussing this, but I haz many sadz that it’s necessary.
Common sense speech control
Btw, love the avatar.
Publix supermarket in South Carolina censors high school graduate’s ‘Summa Cum Laude’ cake
Hey it’s South Carolina there’s a chance they didn’t know how to spell Cum.*Dodges rocks from South Carolinian Glibs*
This in a state that has no problem with a team called the Gamecocks.
When ever anyone says that abolishing the death penalty is “soft on crime” I think of this place and ruminate on how it’s a fate worse than death.
It doesn’t sound that bad.
In that place, you don’t even get to stack boxes.
Ted will like this. I watched ‘I want to Live!’ starring Susan Hayward as Barbara Graham who was sentenced to death for murder. Leaving aside if she was in fact guilty (and looks like she was), the film took the stance of questioning capital punishment and it did good enough a job to plant a seed of doubt for me.
I never was a big proponent of it to begin with, but hey whatev.
I believe there should be evidentiary requirements. Circumstantial evidence should not be enough on its one to put someone to death. Life with no possibility of parole would still be an option.
People like Charles Manson should not have been kept alive.
Just out of curiosity, who did Manson kill?
Manson has a rather inflated reputation for evil. He was a drugged up loons who manipulated some other loons.
He still probably should have just been offed. He wouldn’t be my own example of someone who should definitively have been put to death by the state. I think you have to draw the line at the crime, and then base the decision off of certainty of guilt. But that’s a power I just don’t trust the state or anyone else with. I mean, people and even large groups of people convince themselves of all kinds of stupid shit.
It’s perhaps easier for me to say that because I think a life in a maximum security prison is worse than death, anyway.
Circumstantial evidence should not be enough on its one to put someone to death.
Testimonial evidence is notoriously unreliable. I’m not sure requiring it really adds much of a safeguard. I also doubt that very many people are convicted of murder based solely on circumstantial evidence.
It does happen. I’d be fine requiring physical or video evidence.
Physical and video evidence is circumstantial evidence (basically, anything not testimonial is circumstantial, if my 30+ year recollection of law school isn’t too far off base).
I’m sure its theoretically possible to convict without testimonial evidence, but a case where the prosecution doesn’t call a single witness to do anything other than give expert testimony or authenticate written, physical, video, etc. evidence is hard for me to imagine.
Ok well I’m not a lawyer so I don’t know the lingo. I’m not even sure what the requirements should be, I’m just throwing out the concept of having requirements. If you have DNA or fingerprints somewhere that there is no way they should be if the person is innocent or if you have video evidence of the same nature than that would be pretty strong evidence iny mind. My wife and I watch a lot of ID and we see cases all of the time where it seems obvious based on all these “circumstantial” facts that a person committed a crime and the police arrest them and yet it turns out they didn’t do it. This sometimes happens even with confessions typically when the suspect is young or has a very low IQ. Would be nice to not kill them. Yeah, life without parole in those cases would have still been an injustice but at least if the truth was discovered you could give them some of their life back. I agree that witness identification is also notoriously unreliable.
I guess my uneducated brain thought that a circumstantial case is when there is no one piece of evidence that is damning, but there are a number of little things that look pretty convincing taken in their totality.
I’m running on a 30+ year old recollection that I can’t be arsed to confirm, so grain o’ salt.
Regardless of the terminology, though, testimony is notoriously unreliable. “Forensic” evidence has acquired a patina of “science” which is largely undeserved, with a few exceptions (DNA being the main one).
Having never been a criminal lawyer (in the sense of “that’s how I make my living”, wait, hold that, in the sense of “prosecutor or criminal defense lawyer”), I don’t have much in the way of hands-on, but my impression is that many criminal cases, including those that would leave you without reasonable doubt, are made up of “a number of little things that look pretty convincing taken in their totality”. In some ways, its the case of “one piece of evidence that is damning” that should make you nervous if there isn’t a lot of corroboration.
Bottom line: I think its very hard to generalize about what kinds of evidence should be required to support a conviction.
I don’t like that movie because it’s so over the top and tries to make her into a victim so ham-fistedly. By the end of the *long* gas chamber scene, I was yelling, “Die, bitch, die!” at the TV.
“10 Rillington Place” is a *much* better anti-capital punishment movie.
Yes! It did draaaaggg on. It was forced.
I would like to take a moment to draw your attention to the fact that the name of the psychotherapist interviewed in the article’s embedded video is Larry Nutter.
Carry on.
I had a lot of friends who worked there, Watched Mc veigh, Kazynski and others like that, 23.5 hours in, 30 minutes out,,,,
I have two “favorite” ADX Florence inmates. Yeah, I’ve read about this stuff.
First one is a former correctional officer named Michael Rudkin. Used to work at FCI Danbury in Connecticut. Dude decided to have an affair with a (female) inmate. Problem 1. And then he decided to try and conspire with that inmate to kill his wife. Which led to him getting sentenced to 10 years in federal prison, which he was going to serve at USP Coleman in Florida. While he was there, he tried to conspire with some of his fellow inmates to kill his wife, kill his wife’s new boyfriend, kill the former inmate paramour, and kill the federal investigator who put him in prison. This got him 90 years, which he’s serving at ADX.
Second is Richard Lee McNair. You can read his story on Wiki. Long story short, he’s escaped from county jail, then he escaped from state prison, then he escaped from a high security fed prison, which landed him in Florence.
“said Larry Nutter, a former prison psychotherapist. ”
Is this an Ayn Rand novel?
Had tacos all weekend. Grilled Salmon and Zuccini tonight.
“Had tacos all weekend”
The pink variety?
He said salmon.
Would have preferred that:).
OT: Sunday I had a Going-Away party here in MPLS. Want to know how I ended my night? Drunk and SEVERELY hypoglycemic. When I reached the corner of 26th and Nicollet there was an ambulance and a cop car waiting for me.
One of the cops said: “Are you alright? You match the description of an individual seen falling into a flower bed.” I responded; “Well, I can’t see myself doing anything quite so Charlie Chaplin-esque… but thank you for your service.”
And then I shook the fuckers hand! He had the blue nitrile gloves on and everything! (And yes, I fell into a few flower beds on my way home.) Sigh…I’m gonna miss this place.
26th and Nicollet
Well, that’s better than waking up at 26th and California:
Eugene Robinson is outraged
Stop waiting for the constitutional crisis that President Trump is sure to provoke. It’s here.
On Sunday, via Twitter, Trump demanded that the Justice Department concoct a transparently political investigation, with the aim of smearing veteran professionals at Justice and the FBI and also throwing mud at the previous administration. Trump’s only rational goal is casting doubt on the probe by special counsel Robert S. Mueller III, which appears to be closing in.
Trump’s power play is a gross misuse of his presidential authority and a dangerous departure from long-standing norms.
The Justice Department answered Trump’s tweeted demand by announcing that an existing investigation by its inspector general will now “include determining whether there was any impropriety or political motivation” by the FBI. Deputy Attorney General Rod J. Rosenstein may hope that is enough to avoid a showdown. I fear he is wrong.
None of this is normal or acceptable. One of the bedrock principles of our system of government is that no one is above the law, not even the president. But a gutless Congress has refused, so far, to protect this sacred inheritance.
Trump is determined to use the Justice Department and the FBI to punish those he sees as political enemies. This is a crisis, and it will get worse.
Rambling, stuttering, angry, too. Trump is bad. Very bad. No one is above the law, as long as they are not named Clinton.
The FBI wouldn’t be spying on Public Enemy Number One if he didn’t deserve it.
Dyson’s brother?
Angry, racist, faux-righteous black dudes.
“the probe by special counsel Robert S. Mueller III, which appears to be closing in.”
It’s appeared to be closing in for a year now. It’s like if I’ve been saying that it’s going to rain every 5 minutes for a year now and we’ve had a year long drought. And I still expect people to believe me. These people are more deluded than anyone I’ve ever seen. They put bigfoot and space alien hunters to shame.
Difference being of course that it actually will rain at some point.
Attention Upper Midwest and Mountain States Glibs!
OMWC and I are doing a road trip the second week of June, mixed business and leisure. We are available the following evenings, if any Glibs in these areas want to meet up:
June 9, Saturday: Sioux Falls, SD
June 10, Sunday: Sheridan, WY
June 12, Tuesday: Bozeman, MT
June 13, Wednesday: Butte, MT
June 16, Saturday: Bismarck, ND (also passing through Fargo during the day on June 17)
Sunday, June 17: Minneapolis, MN
And, you’d also get to meet the pizza-loving dog whose BFF is Swiss and archenemy is Bacon Magic!
Email GlibSP at pm dot me
Looks interesting except for the night in Butte. Why in heck would you stay in the Super Fund City?
Also, take the back roads between the bozone and Butte and skip the interstate. Several hot springs (Norris Hot Spring is right next to the road), great trout fishing and with a dirt road capability you can follow the old Milwaukee Road route across the Continental Divide.
We used to live in the general vicinity when we were first married. I have business meetings on the route (the reason for the trip).
We’ve already heard from Mikey for our Bozeman evening. Hope Late P Brooks is reading this. And that he knows if he disses me, he’s banned for life. 😉
Next time I go through there, wanna take the old rte 1 through Anaconda and Philipsburg – supposed to be great this time of year. Always just stuck to I-90 before.
Old Rte 1 is a nice drive. I prefer Deer Lodge to Anaconda but the entire area is beautiful. Take the FS road up to Lemhi Pass sometime. Except for the dirt road (slightly better than a two tracker) the area looks the same as when Lewis and Clark wandered through. The view from the pass is awesome but I wonder how they felt. Here they were on the Continental Divide and BAM their hypothesis that it would be an easy portage to the Columbia is shot to shit. Looking west from Lemhi all you see is range after range of mountains.
thx on my “to drive” list.
Good info. I have a touristy history paper I picked up from driving through (maybe in Missoula) that has a lot of old history articles on Philipsburg as well as lots of ads for interesting-sounding stores in the area (apparently mainly seasonal).
If I show up, can I get a selfie?
Can’t you always take a selfie?
I’d love to meet you in Fargo that Sunday afternoon just to say “hi.”
While in Bismarck, check out the State Heritage Center. It’s on the grounds of the capital building. It’s not much compared to something like the Field Museum, but I think it’s pretty nice for li’l ol’ North Dakota. And it’s free!
Done! E me.
the universe keeps rearranging itself to prove Trump right
MS-13 member, street name “Animal”, sentenced to 40 years for murder
Is is he magic?
It’s like the “No Homers” club. They’re allowed to have one.
Russians are behind this. They hacked some poor guy and make his name animal.
False consciousness
Alex Carvey hugged her friends, shed tears over white crosses bearing her classmates’ names and stood in silence for a moment. Then she reflected on the cause of the violence that hit her hometown.
“I don’t think guns are the problem — I think people are the problem,” Carvey, 16, a student at Santa Fe High School, said. “Even if we did more gun laws, people who are sick enough to do something like this are still going to figure out a way to do it. So it doesn’t matter.”
Many of Carvey’s classmates — along with their parents — agree with her. In contrast to the immediate aftermath of the Feb. 14 massacre in Parkland, Florida, when student survivors kicked off a national call for tougher gun control laws on social media and in street protests, there are few calls for new gun laws in Santa Fe.
How can this be? Wasn’t there another David Hogg in the torpedo tube, ready to fire at the NRA?
I can hear Bloomberg weeping and rending his garments from here.
It’s Santa Fe, Texas. The closest thing to a progressive enclave in that city is a vineyard/winery, that celebrated Armed Forces Day last Friday. It’s basically the core of the basket of deplorables.
“It’s basically the core of the basket of deplorables”
OK, nevermind. Bloomberg is probably fapping thinking that there are 10 fewer of them.
Kids say the darnedest things.
Still far out from the election, outlier, hard to predict etc. etc.
However, these generic polls are typically skewed to Dems no matter what; factor in that they are the party out of power in a midterm, factor in that they’ve been holding a double digit lead for months, this is fairly interesting.
If it stays this way and is corroborated by other polls, it would be catastrophic for the Dems and just goes to show how unpopular Kulturkampf BS is with the electorate.
That is an outlier, but it fits the downward trend for the Dems that has been going on for months. The RCP average of polls is D+4, while in December it was D+13, so yeah, the Dems may want to tread carefully because the numbers aren’t trending in their favor. They still have the lead, but they could easily blow it.
I have read that GOP internal polling indicates they need to keep it under a 5% deficit to hold onto the House.
I don;t think that makes any sense.
the reality is that “general polling of the national pop” is not helpful at explaining outcomes of what are in fact, “a few dozen local races which may be contested”
This here. Each House and Senate race is too local for national polling to give much of an indication on what the ultimate outcome will be.
It is not as helpful as general polling for president, but it does have bearing. While there are always local issues that weigh heavily, there is always a general sentiment effect across the country with votes generally moving in the same direction in similar magnitude. A general sentiment against incumbents by -2 will be wiped out by a favorite son sentiment in favor of a specific incumbent by +10, leaving a net +8, but it still had an effect. In the main, though, you are right, that often too much is read into the general polls, ignoring the specifics.
I don’t think the effect of the Dems nominating far left wack-o candidates across the country has set in yet. When it does, there’s going to be full on panic from Democrats, because I’m sorry, districts that went from Trump are not going to elect avowed ‘socialists’ talking free every fucking thing under the sun.
Yes, and its a legit point to say, “this is evidence that a ‘blue wave’ is not only not forthcoming, but that sentiment in favor of left is weaker than it historically should be”
Good Science Finally Proves What Everyone Already Believed
*i suspect some bad-scientists and/or Russian Alt-Right sleeper agents may eventually examine this study and make false accusations about its flimsy and flawed methodology. PAY NO ATTENTION TO THEM THEY’RE TRYING TO CONFUSE YOU
Ahh. They’re most effective when they say what people already know. Wow, surely that… changes people’s votes? wait what.
Of course, this assumes the entire population in each area is on twitter.
I think it’s more likely that the professors got together and brainstormed the most effective way to get themselves more paid media appearances.
I’d go a step further and bet my house that the average Trump voter in these areas isn’t on Twitter or being exposed to the Tweets of Russian bots at all.
That’s why it made all the Dems vote for Trump!!!
No, but see, CNN was able to hunt down and harass that grandmother who shared a “Russia-made” meme on Facebook, proving that Russia made her and everyone in her Facebook group vote for Trump.
So, they pulled some numbers out of their asses?
ahem. “extrapolated”, good sir
I would be my guess that the subset of the population on twitter, and the subset who vote, don’t have much overlap.
authors looked at the share of pro-leave or pro-Trump tweets by geography to check how closely votes were correlated with Twitter activity
Two thoughts:
(1) How did the profs identify the geographic source of Tweets?
(2) On the internet, isn’t the important thing not where information originates from, but where it is received?
Do these idiots actually expect us to believe that over 2mm people voted for Trump because of Russian twitter bots? Hillary spent vast sums on social media marketing; the volume of tweets that her campaign paid for exceeds what the Russian twitter bots did by orders of magnitude, but by some mysterious Slavic voodoo it was the Russian bots who moved the needle?
Plus, I love the factitious “accuracy” of their 3.23%. Everyone knows the more digits to the right of the decimal, the more sciencetastic it is.
Them Rooskies are a crafty bunch, even craftier than ((those people)).
“”How did the profs identify the geographic source of Tweets?””
blue-checked users list their location.
however, many anonymous users do not. in fact, i’d guess % of ‘unknowns’ is over 50%
its worthless even poking holes in these guys methology. its implausible and specious at every level.
I absolutely love this idea that a few tweets completely swung the election for Trump even while the mass media was literally colluding with the Democrats, practically all of Hollywood was trash talking him, and the president at the time was basically campaigning for Hillary while still in office.
Yep, it’s definitely Trump who had the unfair advantage…
Of course, this assumes the entire population in each area is on twitter.
Twitter’s business development execs wish this was the case.
Yeah no shit.
CNN really is fake news.
3 of the 12 shootings listed in that article took place at or involved students from historically black colleges. Not making any judgments, just an observation.
The left continues to chase after one of its favorite corporate boogiemen despite having little to no evidence to support its claims:
Et tu Rock?
Nope. Coincidence.
I liked the new jumanji.
You disgust me.
+ Karen Gillan
clearing the way for jurors to consider not just scientific evidence related to what caused Johnson’s cancer, but allegations that Monsanto suppressed evidence of the risks of its weed killing products
Jurors are not supposed to consider bare allegations, but the evidence supporting those allegations. Before we can get to Monsanto suppressing evidence of risk, we need to determine there was legitimate evidence of risk such that suppressing it was a Bad Thing. Ignoring shit studies pushed by activists is not “suppressing evidence”.
That is an outlier, but it fits the downward trend for the Dems that has been going on for months. The RCP average of polls is D+4, while in December it was D+13, so yeah, the Dems may want to tread carefully because the numbers aren’t trending in their favor. They still have the lead, but they could easily blow it.
Maybe, just maybe, people who were waiting to see if the nation devolved into chaos and civil strife (not to mention cannibalism and rapine) have decided Trump’s America might not be the shithole predicted by Team Hillary.
Puts away fava beans and Chianti for another day.
Or they are trying to fake out team red and lull them into a false sense of security
It’s time to left harder.
The Russian investigation is on the verge of uncovering something major.
Yeah. One of the FBI guys dropped a couple hundreds under his desk.
“It’s time to left harder.”
Well, they clearly got that memo.
The Critic predicts the 2016 presidential election
“That’s not Bill Clinton! That’s just one of your mechanical hillbilly bears.”
“Yeah, but so far, no one’s noticed the difference.”
fun facts
In 6th grade, I got roped into doing the morning announcements. I tried to get out of it, but my teacher insisted. So I said, OK, I’ll do a movie review. When the moment of truth came, I said “101 Dalmatians opens in this Friday. Some of you might like it, but I think..IT STINKS!” I got suspended and had to apologize over the announcements later, which is odd because all the teachers and students thought it was hilarious. One teacher said “someone your age should not be quoting The Critic.”
At the same time, I was practicing my lines for the Xmas play. I was Scrooge. Tiny Tim was taller than me.
I got the big parts in our class plays in elementary school, not because I could act, but because I could remember the lines.
I played the Pied Piper of Hameln, and had to wear tights. Eek. I felt like I could see my tighty-whities through the sheer tights, and was self-conscious about it.
“I got the big parts in our class plays in elementary school, not because I could act, but because I could remember the lines.”
I think that was the reason with me as well.
I’ve always been good at memorizing things. School was a cinch, except for math. But I got better at that.
I got the big parts in our class plays
And when you played the Pied Piper, everyone could tell, amirite?
How many are you guys going to buy?
F35 cost: $100 mil
For that much, you could outfit 100k guys with an AK-47 and a suicide vest.
Iran got $1.7 billion from the US in 2016. That’s enough for 1.7 million militants outfitted per above.
That could be a unit of measure. AK/SV
$1.7 billion = 1.7 giga AK/SVs.
1.7 mega AK/SVs
/math pedant
I told ya I got better at math
I shouda knowed better – I always get them backwards.
ACLU can’t make a real argument so they just derp instead.
Opposite of a P Brooks.
Gilmoring? That’s 1 Hail Mary. Refusing to call it a Gilmore? That’s 100.
I bet they spent it all on hookers and blow.
I love tacos.
Several House Republicans sign resolution calling for second special counsel to investigation
The question to my mind is whether the FBI is even capable of handling such an investigation, or any partisan investigation, with any objectivity.
Over the weekend, the Justice Department announced it had asked the watchdog to expand that investigation by examining whether any improper politically motivated surveillance of the Trump campaign in 2016 took place.
A lot of doubt over that, eh.
The IG can’t question anybody that no longer works for the Department. I.e., all the former Obama officials.
Didn’t know that. This investigation is good. This investigation of that investigation is bad. Hopefully it will be investigations all the way down.
Hope Late P Brooks is reading this. And that he knows if he disses me, he’s banned for life. ?
I was driving to work this morning listening to the local news. As a guest on the show, they had a cop from Barling, Ar. The cop was bragging that he had written 44 no seat belt tickets in the past 12 hours. This was eaten up by the local media as a great thing. Officer Safety McSafterson claimed that he cared about the people and wrote them tickets to keep them safe.
I almost threw up. This kind of shit disgusts me.
Holy shit. My blood pressure spiked reading that 3rd sentence. I’m with you, that is messed up. That so many people think seat belt laws are a good thing makes me hate human beings.
…except for you people! I love you guys and mythical gals!
No kidding. It makes me sick. Seatbelt laws are the ultimate nannystatism. And most people are okay with them.
This makes me sad.
They’re an easy excuse for a cop to make a stop and see what else they can come up with.
You people are heartless. How else was he supposed to get his stripes?
Not change his underwear?
I didn’t want to do this, but I’ve been triggered.
Jeebus Lach, good on you that you stayed so calm.
By the way, since the dog obviously had a false positive, I’m sure that all the cases it was involved in earlier are being reviewed. Right?
I remember when California brought in the seatbelt law. I was 12 years old and I remember arguing at school that it was a terrible idea. It still fucking sucks.
I was telling my boss a few weeks ago when we were looking for a new news guy that I’d happily take the job, but everyone in local government would end up hating us.
Not from the Onion
If you’re going to live with your parents after you’ve become an adult, you need to accept the concept of filial piety. If you don’t respect and honor your parents, GTFO.
If I had the opportunity to go back in time and change a purchase, I would have never bought the residential grade husqvarna zero turn mower I currently use. I would go back in time and slap the shit our of 24 year old Lachowsky and tell him to drop the extra 5 grand to get a real mower.
Sunk costs mean something.
/kick’s own self in ass
Last fall I walked away from my Husqvarna lawn tractor mid mow and drove straight to the John Deere dealership and bought an X350. I’ve never been happier. The Husqvarna left for $500, which means that pile of shit only cost me $3k over four years.
I had a 450 when I was still mowing my property in the midwest, 6 acres. Left with my daughter. We’re now looking at buying a house again and I want at least one acre. If you don’t have anything else to do but now, I’d highly recommend a zero turn mower instead. If you do have other things to do like tilling and plowing, I’d recommend something bigger.
Mow, not now.
I dropped about $4,500 on the 350 which including the bagging system and the mulching system. We’re on an acre with 3/4 of that lawn. I really couldn’t justify spending more.
As click and clack used to say:. “it’s the cheap person that pays the most.”
You live in the country. Buy a goat. I’m not sure what their turn radius is, but they are quiet and easy to operate.
LA Dog Trainer headline: “Americans can learn something from the British royal family’s enthusiastic embrace of Meghan Markle”
Fuck you pal. I was enthusiastically embracing Meghan Markle long before the Brits were.
I have the wedding DVR’d. No spoilers, please.
The Queen showed up. Exactly on time.
Half the reason Suits was worth watching was her.
There are other reasons?
That Harvey is so dreamy.
Must mention again the Delingpole brothers’ game, Merkel or Markle. The rules are simple: Angela Merkel’s head on Meghan Markle’s body ,or the other way around, and why?
That’s easy; Angie’s head on Meg’s body. Where do you spend more night-time naughty-time…body or head?
Wrong! Merkels head on Miss Marples body.
That was the twist I didn’t see coming.
I think she needs help. It’s a good thing I’m here.
Lach’s seatbelt cop/turd reminded me of this PoS.
It’s an old article and the comments seem to be gone. When they were there It was heartening that they were all calling him out for being a discrace to the human race.
I find it funny where people draw the line on behavior that should be punished. It seems to be typically based on what they themselves think they’d do or are willing to admit they’d do. Some level of social acceptability and their own sense of shame. If some cop is a complete hardass going after DUI cases, the comments there would be applauding him (even though most people have broken laws related to driving while intoxicated on some level – most to the point where they could have received a DUI). But speeding? EVERYONE SPEEDS! Or, at least, it’s not viewed as major enough of an infraction that people will deny it and it’s something that most people continue to do even as they get older.
We do it because we know it’s not necessariily dangerous to others. By speeding I mean having the number your speedometer needle is pointing at being larger than a number on a sign you just passed. 80 in front of a school is illegal but mostly it’s wrong.
Looks like Donald is going to deport that little mexican kid, only 3 new subscribers today.
I did my part. *sniff*
I hate the way people use plot hole these days. A plot hole isn’t some other way you think of achieving a goal that the characters didn’t; It’s not something that movie just didn’t cover; and it’s not something that you just didn’t understand. A plot hole is a point in a story that contradicts or is somehow impossible by the set rules of a universe.