Does anybody really like John McCain?

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If any of you come across some good Trump audio (has to be clean sounding and not echoey) feel free to pass it along to me.
The Hair saying he doesn’t want anyone to die seems a bit out of character to me.
The mustache is the follicled character that wants people to die.
When can we expect to see Bolton’s ‘Stache make an appearance?
When I get a good story for it? Sheesh.
That doesn’t stop SugarFree.
Well if this doesn’t work out they can train them to be pilots.
Or give them guns and make them cops or border guards.
Some thing like this?
Is Germany’s unemployment really that low or are they gaming the numbers the way the US does?
Only if they’ve reclassified “Welfare Recipient” as a job title.
It might be if you exclude immigrants
If they are at “full employment” using the immigrants to fill empty jobs is a better idea than having welfare slums. Keeping people out of jobs isn’t going to stop terrorist anymore than banning guns is going to stop school shootings.
I was under the understanding that Serbs, Croats, and Poles were already driving plenty of trucks in the EU
I feel like I have to preface everything with “if true…” now a days.
And they love immigrants!
“unlikely to find work in the next ten years”
6 months or get the fuck out.
SLD: I’m open borders and anti-welfare state
Six months? You’re too lenient. If they can’t prove they’re net contributers Now they go back.
What about stay at home moms and adult students?
What makes you think they should get special treatment?
adult student is pretty much the opposite of net contributor.
But they’re working on a 3 month certificate in welding to become a higher net contributor.
Why are they doing it on their own rather than as a paid traineeship at an employer? Even around here there are companies willing to fund that type of training to get people to work.
Only if that’s their sole vocation.
If they’re working full time to cover the inflated price tag, they might be foolish, but they can still be net contributers.
If they are paying full out-of-state tuition and not getting any assistance of any kind, I’ll call students net contributors.
She looka Like a Man!, Great job again!
Guess it’s back to Tony Soprano.
OT: I guess there aren’t many honors graduates in Publix management.
Well I screwed that one up.
There is a job at Publix waiting for you…
Rapper throws fan under the bus.
She should ask for a refund of all the money she has spent on Lamar. “If I cant say it, I shouldn’t listen to it.”
What a jackass.
Black privilege.
^^^Avatar: Q-approved.
Thank Gosh! Danny Devito’s biggest fan’s tweets are newz.
Does anybody really like John McCain?
John McCain does. He loves John McCain. He’s the bestest.
Someone’s muscling in on Lindsey Graham’s turf.
I don’t think John was ever flexible enough to give himself the fellating Lindsay did.
Good stuff. Poor Suckabee Sanders. Sad!
Donald does not heart Huckabees
That depiction of her was remarkably evenhanded.
“Pictured: Literally Hitler, 10 Years Ago”
Love the NYT articles.
And the coda with the Mexican kid was the best.
A shame the whole thing doesn’t show.
If you zoom in you may be able to read some of the nuggets in there. (written by me, not actual NYT articles)
STEVE SMITH and Zardoz are a nice touch.
No, that’s a good thing, you’ll need stuff like that for the special features section when the DVD comes out.
That was amusing.
Rupert Holmes is cancer.
Verdict: true.
My wife made me listen to that song last night.
I find it implausible that they were both fed up with the relationship and looking to cheat and then decided they really belong together.
Probably based on Bill And Hilary
Well, your Demons certainly schooled my Blues on the weekend.
Yeah, that hasn’t been out of the ordinary this year (sorry, mate, had to be said), although I admit it was ugly. It was the type of match where at first you’re loving your team crushing it, but towards the end you’re like this kid.
If it makes you feel better, they may well get their comeuppance against Adelaide.
Yeah, the win against Essendon the previous week gave cause for optimism.
I have no problem with Melbourne: if Carlton sucks, I’d like to see Melbourne or St. Kilda win the flag. Just like it was great to see Footscray finally win a second.
I didn’t watch the match, but it was a good upset, and gave the Blues fans something to hold on to, finally. The Saints are currently playing at about the level of the Blues, so that’s probably a no-go for a couple years (for either team). The Demons have a shot, although I think they’ll need to ramp up their defensive chops if they want some silverware. They score points by the bushel, but they’re not always that great at stopping others from doing so.
I don’t follow the VFL, so I can’t say anything intelligent about Footscray (and yes, I recognize the fact that I might be unable to say anything intelligent about the AFL, the NFL, US baseball, politics, or anything else).
Ah, crap. Sorry if you were talking about the Western Bulldogs.
Although they will also probably need a couple years of rebuilding.
If the progs actually lose seats, the salty tears of November 2016 will have been but mere scraps compared to what would be to come.
well fuck me.
Is this the same polls having Hillary winning with 1.7 billion votes?
I am thinking this is an outlier.
Most likely. I’m still enjoying the agitation this has to be causing the loons.
Eh, registered voters is not usually a good metric.
Yeah, don’t forget the Cemetary and Alien votes.
in 2015 i think i complained once every day =
“Political opinion polling more than 6 months away from elections is MEANINGLESS”*
no one listened to me.
its less scientific than weather forecasts equally-far-out; because w/ weather you have 100s of years of almanacs and models of cyclic patterns. But people aren’t the bloody weather, and what they think today has little to do with what they’re going to be thinking come winter.
*caveat: not ‘100% meaningless’, maybe, but certainly meaningless to the question of ‘what’s going to happen in the future’. What it is meaningful for is mostly “right now”, and how whatever headlines/events are happening right now give a small number of people slightly different balance of sentiment towards X vs. Y party. If i were a political person i’d look at those changing sentiments and try to establish, “what moved the needle here?” Kanye? Diplomacy w/ Norks? dropping tariff-talk? Even getting a grip on that wouldn’t necessarily mean anything towards future results, but it would give people in the political-messaging business an idea about what buttons to try and press in weeks leading into election.
*plugs ears*
Oh Cassandra, whine, whine.
Great. Now I want wine. Are you happy?!?
Huh. I now want Cassandra (SFW)
Ooh wee
I remember seeing the sports betting odds showing Trump at 6-1 to 10-1, and thinking “that’s fricken crazy, there are a ton of people who are voting for him, but keeping there head down because they don’t want any shit. I certainly wouldn’t have gone so far as to have predicted a Trump win, but at those odds, I’d have been happy to put down a flyer.
Only partially related, but I was entertained by a bunch of stories popping up in my news feed about how the Vegas Sports Books may be in trouble if the Knights win the Cup. Some of them took bets at 500:1 odds pre-season, and some locals threw down $10-$20 on them because… why not? The article said that each of the major sports books have at least one outstanding ticket that will pay out $50,000 if the Knights win.
Huh. I thought the way books were run they always got a percent no matter which team won.
If the money moves faster than the books can keep up there can be a problem.
Ha ha ha ha. That is amusing. Pay up, suckas.
It does explain why the odds on the Browns winning the Superbowl went from 215:1 last year to 50:1 this year. Last year, I gladly threw $10 down on the flyer. For just a 50:1 payout, the story isn’t as good, nor is the payout.
I did have several Brits tell the tale of a football team that all of the fans threw a tenner on every year, and one year when the odds were high (200-300:1), the team won the championship. So all of these hooligans got a huge payout, and most of them blew the cash over the course of a weekend.
Even if the dems take the House it won’t change anything. The pubs had the chance to repeal Obamacare. They didn’t. They had a chance to balance the budget. They didn’t. They had a chance to relax gun laws. They didn’t. Why should their base reward them? I won’t she a tear.
Florida Man sees through the meth haze and speaks the truth.
It will be mega-lulz if the Dems take the House and actually impeach Trump.
Yeah…I don’t want to live in that timeline.
Why not? The best they get is censor. Then Trump gives an epic non-apology from the floor.
Edit: Censure
Dang. I had been against the idea, but now I’m for it. I want to see that speech.
It legitimizes witch hunts and we will never see the end of these types of shenanigans.
I think that train has left the station and sank.
I guess I should up my bourbon budget.
Legislatively, having the Dems take the House won’t make much difference.
They would also immediately ramp up the TDS machine with hearings and shit. Whether that would be a bug or a feature, I couldn’t say. Basically, more of what I consider palace intrigue, with little to no effect on anyone outside the Swamp.
The Republicans didn’t have the Senate though. They had a razor thin margin there blocked by the same three RINOS every time. If they had the same margins as the House, the Obamacare repeal would’ve easily passed.
51 Republican senators and 2 independent. If the elephants can’t get stuff done with a majority, what good are they?
Because they dont truly have a majority imo. As I said. A couple more actual republicans and — yes — Obamacare repeal passes.
Exactly this.
Rand Paul’s “Penny Plan” had a floor vote in the Senate. Only 21 Senators voted for a moderate 1% annual step down on non SSDI spending over the next 20 or so years.
Every single one of them was a Republican. The entire Senate Democrat caucus and half the so called Republicans wouldn’t vote for a fucking 1% annual cut to non Social Security Spending.
So keep voting for them? Sorry, this is why I won’t shed a tear. The vast majority of Republicans have no interest in fiscal responsibility or reducing government involvement in our lives.
I never said anything about voting for them, but both parties are not equally bad on spending. The Republican Party is split on whether or not to cut spending. The Democrat Party is in unanimous agreement that more spending is required.
Like, would you rather have Rand Paul or Elizabeth Warren running the Senate agenda?
I wish I could watch this at work, but I’d be shitcanned before McCain said “Mai fuhrendzz” while stroking his bleach white testicle hairs.
Interesting read from Adam Ford (creator of the Babylon Bee)
The Mexican kid got me
T the Mexican kid got me a funny look for my wife because I snorted
This is why I don’t post from my phone
Snorted what?
Apparently coke
So, we have Mexicans and drugs. Where’s the ass sex?
So, I guess there aren’t many honors graduates in Publix management.
Grade inflation ain’t no thing, but here’s almost a full letter grade above perfect.
I have no problem indicating that some kids took more rigorous classes than others. I’m just not sure that the GPA is the best place for that. Oh, and get rid of plusses and minuses (and their associated GPA tomfoolery… looking at you 4.25 A+)
There’s a vintage trshmnstr rant in the Purdue Exponent circa 2008 about how fucking stupid plusses and minuses are, especially when you switch to them when your students are halfway through a degree.
Not sure about that school but some schools have switched to a 5 point scale
“I got an E in Social Justice.”
This one goes to 11…
In high school, mine was a 12 point scale. They had to send a conversion chart in every college application package. They went to a goofy 4+ point scale a few years after I graduated.
Back in the day at the University of Alberta (Edmonton, Canada), they used a nine-point scale applied to a normal distribution, called the Stanine scale. Translating that scale into other Universities’ scores was always a nightmare for transferring students or those going from a Bachelor’s at the U. of A. to a Masters almost anywhere else in the Western world.
Rules is rules.
-cake nazi
“Bake that Nazi cake, (((Baker))),”
You know who else will “cum loud”?
Quiet Riot?
You mean Slade
Russia’s alleged involvement in the hacking first came to public attention nearly two years ago, when CrowdStrike, a cybersecurity firm hired by the DNC, identified two separate Russian-affiliated breaches of the DNC networks in 2015 and 2016.
Soon after,, WikiLeaks and hacker persona Guccifer 2.0 began releasing emails pilfered from DNC servers. In October 2016, the Department of Homeland Security and the director of national intelligence publicly blamed the Russian government for directing the email hacks.
The January 2017 intelligence community assessment offered a more complete picture of the Russian activity. It described an influence operation that married covert cyber operations with disinformation to undermine confidence in U.S. democracy, damage Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton and help Trump win.
It also said that Russian intelligence gained access to DNC networks in July 2015 and maintained it until at least June 2016, noting that the GRU, Russia’s main intelligence agency, “had exfiltrated large volumes of data from the DNC” by May 2016.
Where are the hacking indictments? By all means, let’s have a detailed exploration of the facts in open court. Let’s see just what the Demos were up to, and with whom they were sharing information. I’m sure Hillary and Podesta are eager to co-operate.
Guccifer 2.0 is literally a creation of the DNC to cover for the fact that an insider turned the emails over to Wikileaks.
I’m still convinced that the e-mail hacks were by the Russians and that they were looking for dirt on Hillary to gain leverage over her if she became President. I wouldn’t be surprised if they had it. We just know what e-mails were released. They rest could have been far more damning. Also I believe the Russians were trying to get dirt on Trump as well. The attempts at collusion by the Russian “attorneys” were to get humint from the Trump campaign. That way it wouldn’t matter who was President as far as the Russians would be concerned as if you have dirt on both candidates you’ll be in control regardless of what the American people do.
What servers were hacked again?
Oh you mean those servers that Crowdstrike/DNC never turned over to the FBI for independent verification.
Yeah, That really did muddy the waters as the victims of the crime didn’t cooperate with the FBI.
Which leads to three possibilities; the servers had information on them that the DNC really did not want the FBI to see, or blaming the Russians was a load of bullshit because the hack was internal, or both.
Even if the hack was internal, it could have been the Russians as they could have paid/manipulated someone into hacking the servers. The problem is this issue is so politicized I doubt we’ll ever have the whole truth one way or the other.
And Debbie Wasserman Shultz.
Assuming there wasn’t a bunch of gay sex already going on?
I see where they are going with this one. I can see it being a real driver of membership
What’s the age limit…asking for….let’s just go with Jesse.
You’re thinking OMWC. Jesse has more in common with Kristen when it comes to men, afaik.
But, gay sex?
Kristen is into hairy Turks?
Oily hairy Turks
Late to the party (can’t do H&H at work, mostly because of the giggling), but wanted to give belated thanks to CPRM who keeps knocking it out of the park. The Mexican kid at the end – brilliant homage to “If You Don’t buy this Magazine, We’ll Shoot this Dog.”
Well done. The spick at the end was perfect.