And (((we))) do, you know. According to Stormy Daniels, Trump is circumcised, and I don’t think that’s a coincidence!
I really should note that today is the birthday of both Ho Chi Minh and Pol Pot. I hope they’re celebrating it together. It’s also the birthday of Andre The Giant. I hope that in Heaven, he’s dreaming of large women. And one other notable birthday, which I’ll save until the end. But first, a few carefully curated news stories.
What a shock- there’s all sorts of spying going on in DC, and you’re actually paying for the bugs.
DHS hasn’t disclosed how many devices it found or where. The agency also said it did not determine who was operating them
They say this with a delightful air of innocence and sincerity. Especially with their Fourth Amendment-themed toilet paper.
I remained mystified at why anyone takes Trump’s social media brain lint seriously. But at least someone does, and by dios he’s gonna DO something about it!
The fiery leftist leading the race for Mexican president, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, vowed Friday to hit back at US President Donald Trump if he insults Mexico on Twitter. “If he makes an offensive tweet, I’m going to take responsibility for answering him,” said Lopez Obrador, a former Mexico City mayor who has a double-digit lead in most opinion polls heading into the July 1 election.
That’ll teach him!
This story is sooooo meta. And it strikes me that prosecutions here are violations of the First Amendment, but what the fuck do I know, phrases like “no law” and “shall not be infringed” are things that as a non-legal scholar I cannot possibly be allowed to understand.
“This pay-for-removal scheme attempts to profit off of someone else’s humiliation,” said Attorney General Xavier Becerra.
Said with the innocence of a guy who caused that humiliation. I need to go look for a good deal on a woodchipper.
There are some pieces of pseudo-science that refuse to die. The electromagnetic fields one is a beautiful example, a complete creation of one guy (Brodeur) that captured the imaginations of millions of ignorati. I must admire the creativity in this latest twist, however.
Matt Shardlow, CEO of Buglife said: “We apply limits to all types of pollution to protect the habitability of our environment, but as yet, even in Europe, the safe limits of electromagnetic radiation have not been determined, let alone applied. “There is a credible risk that 5G could impact significantly on wildlife, and that placing transmitters on LED street lamps, which attract nocturnal insects such as moths increases exposure and thereby risk.
“Therefore we call for all 5G pilots to include detailed studies of their influence and impacts on wildlife, and for the results of those studies to be made public.”
Translation: we’re going to keep sowing FUD and making demands until you pay us off. I do like that they’re worried about sources of EMF being placed too close to… sources of EMF.
When I was a kid, the code word for eating pork and shellfish on the down low was “go out for Chinese food.” It’s nice to see that cultural tradition is alive and well, and may lead to more Jewish-Muslim amity.
This is why I go to SuperCuts. Ahh, New York, never change!
OK, that last birthday that I hinted at. Yep, old Scoopnose, my fellow hobbyist, Pete Townsend. And here’s a song of his from the early days that should be better known than it is.
I’m sure its own own spooks with the listening devices.
After all, we have a Constitution!
As you said, toilet paper. My local sheriff has one of these devices, and tried to buy it without letting anyone know.
Wheres the guys from Volokh Conspiracy to tell us that its not the spies, but the privacy advocates that are actually the ones making everything unsecured?
Regarding the bolded, I’m sure the mobile carriers will be delighted to hear that Congress can’t tell them to jump and how high.
Only one buy, Stuart Baker. And he pretty much gets shit on every time he posts one of those anti-privacy screeds. (Or at least, he did when I read VC.)
Er, guy, not buy. That was a typo, not auto-correct since I’m actually on my PC.
I couldn’t think of his name.
I get that they don’t really exercise editorial control, but when you keep publishing a guy who seemingly has one note, that he always plays wrong, you might start to think that the rest of the staff(?) agree. Kind of like TOS publishing Shitka… and everyone else they have on staff except 2Chili.
That story about the StingRay devices is exactly why I’ve been using encrypted apps for damn near every piece of communication I can.
Anyone got plans for an ark? Day 7 of rain.
Send some my way. My grass would appreciate it.
This story is sooooo meta.
I’m surprised somebody at Glibs decided to post this one. 😉
Translation: we’re going to keep sowing FUD and making demands until you pay us off. I do like that they’re worried about sources of EMF being placed too close to… sources of EMF.
The things they say, they’re unbelievable.
Somehow this seems unlikely.
You know what they say about snitches.
They get better medical attention than those who follow the code of silence?
That stylist is an expert in the fade
*prolonged applause*
I hope that in Heaven, he’s dreaming of large women.
To bastardize W C Fields, I’d rather have two small women than one large one.
*”I’d rather have two twenty year olds than one forty year old.” or words to that effect
To step on MWC’s schtick:
“What’s the best thing about having sex with twenty two year olds? There’s twenty of them.”
Well, I think I’ve finalized my itenery for my road trip.
First stop, Hershey PA to visit the Eponymous candymake and Echo Dell Caverns.
Second Stop Roanoke, VA to visit Natural Arch Caverns
Third Stop – [Town Redacted] NC to visit relatives.
Fourth Stop – Dothan, AL to visit Florida Caverns state park and the gulf coast.
Fifth Stop – Oxford, Miss to have dinner.
Sixth Stop – Texarkana. Only thing on the list is “Maybe a car museum”
Seventh Stop – Dallas for BBQ, and the “Sorry we missed our opening date” mini-convention, and maybe a visit to a shooting range.
Eighth Stop – Carthage Mo, for an overnight.
Ninth Stop – Lexington, Ky to visit Toyota factory.
Tenth Stop – Clymer, NY because a ski resort is really cheap in the summer. I may visit Erie PA while I’m there, but I’m definately going back to Warren to visit the restaurant I’d planned to have lunch at last year. (Someone drove a car into their kitchen and broke one of their grills, so they were closed when I arrived)
Then it’s off to home.
For gods sake don’t eat any pizza in Warren. I’m still scared from my ketchupy, cheese bread I had there 10 years ago.
I wasn’t planning on it.
I don’t tend to pick up pizza on the road. I’m only going back there because I’m a stubborn bastard. My plans were thwarted by the car in the kitchen, so I have to complete the previous plan.
We actually scored some pretty excellent pizza when we were passing through Erie. So not all hope is lost.
My mistake was assuming Italian Americans were present in all of the nooks and crannies of my fair state.
The car in the kitchen? I clearly missed something.
Well, the story from my perspective is a bit on the droll side.
I arrived in Warren and took some Nice pictures of the Kinzua dam. Then I went into town for lunch. I’d picked a spot to stop because it wasn’t a chain restaurant. I got there and the sign said “Closed for repairs”, which annoyed me, but I dutifully got out the GPS and searched for restaurants nearby.
Every place I checked was either A: closed or B: looked too… er… disreputable to stop at. I ended up at a Perkins of all places (I hadn’t seen one in years and it had been decades since I’d last been inside one). While I was having lunch, two people got seated in the booth behind me and one of them apparently worked at the restaurant I’d originally picked. They mentioned that someone had driven into the kitchen and wrecked one of the grills.
Perkins!? Holy shit! I didn’t know that chain still exists. After a night of debauchery, many a morning was spent at the Perkins in Aurora, nursing hangovers while still managing to eat a huge breakfast.
If you want caves, aren’t you only about an hour away from Howe Caverns?
So? It’s not as if all caves are the same.
a ski resort is really cheap in the summer
But the rocks and dirt are hell on your skis.
*tries to be snarky*
*can’t stop chuckling*
If you like cave attractions, check out
The tour is done from a boat.
Centre Hall, PA is almost exatly as far from both of my planned routes through PA as it can get without leaving PA. I’ll have to file the recommendation away for a different day.
What are the chances he goes missing after day 2, and the only clue is the word “Glib” carved into a tree?
When you’re in the DFW area, you MUST go to Babe’s Chicken Dinner. It’s a regional chain.
Is the founder former military? I see BCD and think bad conduct discharge, which JAG call big chicken dinner.
Is that where “winner winner chicken dinner ” comes from?
If you’re going from Dothan down 231 to Panama City, be sure to respect the speed limits in those podunk panhandle towns. They make their annual budget off of giving speeding tickets to out-of-staters. They tend to focus on spring break, but now that that’s over, any car with out of state plates will do.
Out of state, I judiciously follow the speed limits because I don’t want to have to figure out how to show up in court, and I’ll be damned if I’m going to pay the inflated face value of the extortion.
I know you’re not much of a beer person, but while in Hershey, you may want to swing by Troeg’s brewing. It’s right in the city, and has a self guided tour if you’re interested in the beer making process. They do have some local food, as well as some interesting fruit beers.
I’ll see if I can fit it into the itenery. (I’m looking into how much slack space is in the plan to see if XYZ are feasible)
Feasibility is – it depends on what time I arrive in Harrisburg on my first day of driving. The days after are too full to fit it in without being one of those frazzled “must plan down to the minute” fools.
OMWC, stop with all the negative waves. If you can’t prove to me that the waves are 100% safe, we should treat them like cancer waves that kill the bees.
Yeah, 237 scientists told the UN this is dangerous. Why do you hate science OMWC?
We hate the UN, not science.
Those black helicopters and cell phone readers are good at dispersing all of those damaging rays
Who do you think enforces the will of the scientists? If you hate the enforcers, you hate the science they are enforcing. Duh.
It’s a lot like being a self-hating Jew.
I’ve got good and bad news.
The good news is that 5G frequency bands will probably fall in the current wifi frequency range (2.4 GHz to 5.9 GHz).
The bad news is that wifi has already turned you into a zombie, so it doesn’t matter.
*taps tin foil hat*
Didn’t think of this, didja?!
Yeah, but how are you going to protect your precious bodily fluids?
I store mine in sealed air proof containers in a temperature controlled room.
I have a plan for that!
Can’t we install some fans or something to disperse them?
The agency also said it did not determine who was operating them
Mister Nobody strikes again!
Do you really want mutated moths?
OT: You know you’ve been getting too much rain when you have to take two hours of vacation just find a slim window to cut the grass.
That is all
Or you are actually looking forward to tomorrow when the rain is finally relenting and wondering if the grass will dry enough for at least a quick high cut.
Don’t read the comments on the mugshot article. Just don’t.
today’s lesson: the one who pays the piper calls the tune
This university told a professor not to talk about wolves. Now it’s paying him $300,000 to leave.
Robert Wielgus thinks it backfires when you cull wolf populations in order to protect livestock.
The director of Washington State University’s Large Carnivore Conservation Laboratory has published research that says wolf populations can actually grow after they are culled because they move around and reproduce more. Then they kill even more livestock.
He also documented how a rancher allegedly baited a wolf pack in order to have it killed by the state, moving his cattle near the pack. It got picked up in the media.
The research made Wielgus deeply unpopular with elected leaders whose constituents are ranchers, and those elected leaders in turn made life difficult for leaders at WSU, which is located in the state’s eastern agricultural area.
A state lawmaker and cattle rancher got a “rider” attached to WSU’s state budget that restricted the researcher’s work and then got the university to denounce his research as “inaccurate and inappropriate.” Then it got worse, according to Greenberg:
WSU then instructed Wielgus and his lab members to stop speaking to the press or the public about wolves. The university also required all scientific papers and presentations to be presented to a WSU administrator for vetting and approval before publication.
[head desk]
Sounds like a Patrick Swayze movie from the 80s.
And the left will totally ignore this example of how public funding of research is easily politicized.
It just shows how important it is to have the right people controlling the funding.
I get a wolf tag every year with the Sportsman’s package license. You’re supposed to fill out the tag and send it in when you take one. The state wants to keep the wolf population around 600, and it’s currently estimated there are about 1,000.
A couple of years ago, a pair of wolves killed almost 300 sheep for nothing more than fun and entertainment. Needless to say, there are a number of wolves taken that never get reported.
It’s entirely possible he’s a giant crackpot.
I was just thinking, you know what the Dems problem was in the ’16 election? They didn’t do identity politics hard enough. So how about we push the “we need women in congress” platform really hard in Pennsylvania! That should do the trick. If they had just done that for Hillary’s campaign, we’d have our first female president right now.
I am supporting a woman candidate for State Senate, she is our current State Rep. Oh, wait, she’s a Republican – must not be a real woman.
CNN’s Jim Acosta: “I was totally just as hard on Obama as I’m being on Trump! Why, I once asked Obama a pathetically easy to answer question on why he hadn’t crushed Isis yet! I’m not at all a biased lefty ‘reporter.'”
That takes a special level of self-deception and rationalization. Truly impressive work, Mr. Acosta.
“Empire is hard!”
/Han Barbie
::golf clap::
Good grief. I had an unpleasant interaction with one of these critters yesterday:
The fucker got in my jeep while I was in the grocery store. When I started putting groceries in the back seat it jumped on my hand and started drilling for bone. He wouldn’t give it up either. He chased me around the parking lot for a few minutes while I did my best impression of a helicopter. Today I look like I have one cartoon hand. I can barely type. I may start a jihad against them.
Just fuck.
Just fuck? Eh, that works too.
Ah yes, the good old paper wasp. They’re the friendly sort.
Their cousins, the bald-faced hornets, are the ones that are really friendly though. They’ll chase you to the ends of the earth. Bastards are mean and they really hurt, and they can squirt venom in your eyes, and did I mention that they really hurt and they’re mean?
My Granddaddy – “Don’t ever shoot a hornet’s nest. They will find you from as far away as you can shoot them. ”
Thirty years later my brother and his brother in law are walking in the piney woods around Toledo Bend lake. They see a hornet’s nest about 100 yards away. Brother in law draws his pistol. My brother gets out “No! Wait! Don’t do tha…” and brother in law puts one in the nest. He is standing there chuckling and about 20 seconds later here they come. My brother said they went straight to the brother in law and completely ignored my brother. They chased him around for about five minutes before giving up. Next day brother in law had both eyes swelled shut.
Valuable lesson. Turns out my Granddaddy knew what he was talking about.
Yeah, there’s a reason “angry as a hornet” is a long-surviving saying.
When I was living in the Atlanta area I had a yellow-jacket nest take up residence at the end of my driveway one summer. It was pretty interesting to watch… they kept a pretty big area around their nest completely cleared out. I had to keep an eye out when mowing the grass because they’d get all riled up if I got too close. I tried coexisting for a while, but when the nest got pretty big I decided enough was enough. It took several rounds of poison foam to clear them out. Tough little bastards.
My dad damn near killed himself one summer mowing the grass…. he ran over a nest that had taken up residence the prior fall. They came pouring out and a bunch of them flew up his pants leg. Ended up in the hospital for 3 days looking like a balloon animal.
Don’t screw with the wasp family. They are some nasty critters.
Best dealt with with a can of wasp spray that can be used from about 20’.
I hate wasps. Not as much as field mice though.
I understand that they can be destructive little vermin, but I’ve never known them to swarm someone for getting to close to their nests.
My reading the language of my own statement, I do not come to the conclusion that I was making an equivocation.
Also, would I rather take care of an infestation with can of spray neurotoxin, or a big troubleshooting and trapping or strategic food poisoning process? I’ll take the wasp infestation any day of the week.
And they say Australia is where everything is out to kill you.
The entire gulf coast is swarming alive with wasps of many varieties. Stand outside in the summer anywhere and within a minute you will see one. I hate ’em.
I come across these guys in my neighborhood occasionally in the Summer.
They seem to be poking around gardens foraging for food, not looking to sting humans. But they are big. And mean looking. I avoid.
He chased me around the parking lot for a few minutes while I did my best impression of a helicopter
We need to have the security camera footage. To put to Yakety Sax. For the Glibertariat.
(feel better:))
That sounds perfect
I thought when you said critter you meant a progressive.
The first progressives were in fact all WASPs.
Well played. All though *technically* it started with Germans and then was imported to America where the WASPs to derp to another level.
Headline: How to Retire Today With a Million Dollars
It’s easy. Anybody can do it.
1) Get a million dollars.
2) Quit your job.
You laugh but I always found those books by successful entrepreneurs to be largely useless. I rarely learn about how they actually made their money and few will ever tell you the fact luck plays a (sometimes big) factor.
Let me rephrase. Generally found a good number of those books to be at times unhelpful and left me with more questions than answers.
Exactly how many times did you have to learn that lesson?
Thankfully not many. Mostly by listening to the insipid things Dragon’s have to say.
Start putting money away as early as you can, keep putting money away, and bust your ass for 30-40 years.
Or get a cushy government job with a garaunteed pension. It’s just as good as the alternative and requires much less effort.
Air Force adopts Army’s Occupational Camouflage Pattern uniform
It’s “operational”, not “occupational” you dolts. Freudian slip?
I say: OD green for forests and jungles; khaki for deserts.
“Occupational Camouflage”
Is that what you wear when you’re hiding in the bathroom from your boss?
I thought a clipboard was the original occupational camo.
A clipboard is like kryptonite to me. I will cross the street to avoid that shit.
Yep. When I started sitting in the Captain’s seat, my responsibility on medical emergencies became CPR. Clipboard, pen, radio. I had laid hands on enough patients that I was more than happy to pass it off to someone else.
No. That’s the source calling it that, not the Air Force.
I say “whatever keeps me alive the longest.”
Yeah. I meant that the journos who wrote that are dolts.
That would make an AWESOME Duffel blog post – occupational camouflage!
The Air Force – it’s almost like being in the military.
Maybe now the Army will have more than one flight approved boot. And maybe that one boot will not be a goretex insulated overpriced swamp foot device totally unsuitable for the desert
Standard issue these days is 2 pairs of hot weather boots and 1 pair of cold weather boots. The cold weather ones have goretex. I’ve found them to be comfortable.
The hot weather boots are not authorized for flight.
The hot weather boots are not authorized for flight.
Does that literally mean “not approved to be worn in an airplane/helicopter/under a parachute”
Which would then lead to the question of what makes a boot unsuitable for wearing in such vehicles.
I have a pair of the original Goretex boots. Bought ’em in the clothing sales store in Heidelberg in 1996. I’ve worn them every hunting season since, and they are still in great shape. Never had cold feet in those babies, not even in November at 10,000 feet.
The boots are $180 Belleville’s with goretex lining. They are decent boots but pricy. They last a few years.
My issue is that the Army has not approved any new boots for flight for 15 years. An insulated boot is totally inappropriate for the desert. We’ve been fighting a desert war for over 15 years. I’m sure someone knows someone who got some sweet insider deal with Belleville. Other services manage to flight approve boots so maybe the Army can allow Air Force boots since they are too incompetent to test and approve the boots on their own.
What, no mention of the shockingly beautiful event in England this morning? I’m speaking of course about the weather in the Windsor area. I’ve been there on a dozen business or holiday trips and never seen such nice weather.
I was listening toa radio report yesterday that the vast majority of Americans do not give a shit about the wedding, but they’re going to talk about it constantly anyway.
I was informed that there were multiple recordings of it taking place on our box and I would pay dearly if I interfered with any of that.
Regardless of how much I express my disinterest in the welfare wedding, the girlfriend insists on providing me updates.
Oh she won’t do that to me; she’ll watch on her own and at worst give me a summary.
My wife has been watching all morning.
Against my better judgement, I keep muttering: “I don’t understand it. Why does anyone care about this?”
Apparently I’m not that bright.
The economy may be chugging along, but many Americans are still struggling to afford a basic middle class life.
Nearly 51 million households don’t earn enough to afford a monthly budget that includes housing, food, child care, health care, transportation and a cell phone, according to a study released Thursday by the United Way ALICE Project. That’s 43% of households in the United States.
The figure includes the 16.1 million households living in poverty, as well as the 34.7 million families that the United Way has dubbed ALICE — Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed. This group makes less than what’s needed “to survive in the modern economy.”
I can’t afford to fly to Monaco for two weeks for the F1 extravaganza. Where’s my check?
I’d be in fiscally great shape if I put my kids in public school and stopped paying twice for their education.
Whew! I wonder what they’ll do next now that they’ve solved poverty!
Note that they don’t include taxes in that monthly budget.
That’d be doubleplus ungood, it is only the single biggest expenditure I have, easily 2-3x times more than it costs to pay my mortgage.
My share of FICA, plus income tax, comes out to about 1/6 of my gross. I’m not certain how much all the other taxes make up.
Federal Income tax alone is more than I pay for my house.
Just checked my total taxes… fuckers.
I thought McMansions were the cause of all of our problems?
I hate this notion that having children is completely out of the person’s control, like developing Parkinson’s or something. There’s no excuse for not knowing that sex = babies. Condoms are not expensive and abstinence is free. Birth control would be cheaper and more accessible if we didn’t have a government-protected cartel in the healthcare industry.
There were two women at work talking about child support yesterday, and one of them said, “Well, they (men) know what happens when you have sex, so they shouldn’t complain about having to pay.” No onus whatsoever on the woman to take precautions against an unwanted pregnancy – they’re just passive objects. Sex is apparently something that men do TO women.
Sounds like United Way is trying to justify it’s existence.
Many of these folks are the nation’s child care workers, home health aides, office assistants and store clerks, who work low-paying jobs and have little savings, the study noted. Some 66% of jobs in the US pay less than $20 an hour.
Plainly a job for the United Nations human rights squad.
“Some 66% of employees in the US are worth less than $20 an hour.”
Looks like we have a new floor for minimum wage demands.
You think that’s bad? 50% of employees make less than the median wage!! This is Trump’s America!!!
* mean wage
/ someone who failed math almost every year of K-12
You were right the first time boss.
Also, when you factor in taxes, insurances, benefits, paid time off, etc., then many of those jobs actually cost the employer well over $20 per hour.
Yeah, at the low end benefits can be as much as salary if health insurance is provided and particularly if it is a pension instead of 401k.
I know when I was making around 20k my benefits were around 12k – and that was long before healthcare costs exploded.
Side rant: last year my private health insurance for a family of five ran up to $2,200 per month with a $13,500 deductible. Imagine that on minimum wage!
So we went with a Christian health exchange. $500 per month with a $5000 deductible. It doesn’t cover mental health or drug and alcohol induced problems. And you can’t get knocked up out of wedlock. But other than that it is better than the government mandated crap and a tiny fraction of the cost.
Re That’s some projection!
Re the hair stylists. What is it with chefs and stylists who take their craft a tad too seriously?
Jesus, the English on TV – Ramsey? – and all that yelling….all because they couldn’t cut an onion fast enough or something.
Ramsey’s English shows are totally chill. That shouty act is a put-on because Fox demands it.
Yeh, that’s true.
I like the English ones.
The American ones makes me want to punch everyone and not go eat at those places.
He was partners with people here in a restaurant that eventually flopped. How you can’t make a chicken place work (and Montreal badly needs more of those) is weird.
Most restaurants fail because of poor financial management. They have a thin profit margin to start with so screwing around with the money is a death sentence.
That was pretty much it. It was rumoured and alleged by the partners he was always drunk and not serious about it.
I thought Ramsay was a teetotaler.
The shouty American ones are a guilty pleasure for me. Fox has a knack for picking the most awful people in the country to appear as contestants on those shows.
I did like Kitchen Nightmares whenever I caught it from time to time.
I wonder if people are that incompetent and stupid.
I know one thing is for sure, given I’m a bit of a germaphobe and focus on cleanliness (I’m always going around spraying shit at the daycare), my kitchen would be spotless including the fridge area. That’s just common sense. I can’t accept someone thinking I’m a pig.
An asshole or idiot is fine. But…a piggish sloth? NO WAY!
My guilty pleasure when it comes to cooking shows is Worst Chefs in America, at least for the first half of the season. Once the people stop making truly terrible mistakes, it isn’t as interesting.
I hate the celebrity ones though
Well guys. Looks like Vegas is heading to the Cup final.
The Jets are playing very well but Vegas just has that ‘horseshoe destiny’ thing going.
Has there ever before been an expansion team making the playoff finals in any major sport before? Usually expansion teams are cellar dwellers for their first several years at least.
I’ll bet if the NHL ever expands again, they’ll do it very differently than what produced the Knights. Especially with the Original Six sitting out the last two rounds.
The Chicago Fire won MLS in their first year.
Turns out my Granddaddy knew what he was talking about.
“When I was young my daddy was a dumb sum’bitch but the older I get the smarter he is.”
Does SP know that you’re a “hobbyist?”
I’m going to get the Fool picture next Saturday, there seems to be an Event upcoming at the Slabs, and we got an invite,
/what wedding?
Work on the deck has slowed to a stop as work that I get paid for has been ramped up to “Are you fucking kidding me?” But it will resume.
Work is good, we are slower than Obama closing Gitmo, but it should pick up, it hasn’t got to 80 degrees in 10 days.
Really? We just had three days of 98-100. It’s freakin’ may and I am already having to water my grass.
And btw Yusef, getting an air conditioner man around here means making an appt days in advance. If you came here you would work at will.
And I’m Jelly Suthen, I’ll be in great demand when it warms up, In the fucking IE in May! I want some Global Warming!
Fuck it! I’m going to Arizona
I’m considering turning on the heat.
A song for you assholes.
Classic asshole song.
Here’s the original Asshole,
I don’t know much about the Monarchy where the heritage lines are concerned but how doesn’t the fact this guy married an American actress not mess up the line?
Royalty my foot.
More like parasites.
I turned on the news this morning. I saw a church full of ladies wearing funny hats. I turned it off.
And no horses around.
Doesn’t really matter, he’s nowhere near the throne at this point – 6th in line and dropping as his brother has more kids.
Off Royalty?
Rufus, this is my Favorite Queen, on multiple levels,and i’m not even Ghey
Without me and the French, you’re just Americans. Lol. And Loyalists.
My wife’s favorite Queen. She’s not gay either.
“eating pork and shellfish on the down low”
These fine ladies seem to have misplaced their clothes! What a shame.
35 appears to be freshly waxed.
49 looks just like a friend of mine, otherwise a great list.
If I have to choose just 1, I Pick 68. 😉
You lie like a rug, they all had clothes on. I went through it twice just to make sure.
Watching Team USA disintegrate against Sweden.
Drinking alcohol and eating pork? I think I need re-educated.
David Frum goes for the Statue of Liberty play right out of the fucking gate.
Americans of high-school age are 82 times more likely to die from a gun homicide than 15- to 19-year-olds in the rest of the developed world.
This stark discrepancy is often treated as a baffling fact, requiring some counterintuitive explanation.
Yes, Dave, of course. And all those teenagers were sitting at their desks, innocently scribbling away on trigonometry problems when a bullying victim loaded down with more deadly military assault weaponry than an Airborne Ranger appeared out of nowhere and began throwing lead.
Oh, the humanity.
I wonder what controlling for gang membership does to those stats…
You’re not supposed to dig into what the actual data are, Q. Just rely on the feelz you get from the headline-numbers and bow before your prog masters.
Take the word ‘gun’ out of that sentence and things look a bit different.
You cant have my guns Dave. Really, go fuck yourself.
This guy calls himself a conservative? It’s no wonder the Republican Party is so worthless.
David Frum is a statist piece of shit. That’s why he writes at The Atlantic.
Yep, he’s the obedient house dog; KDW was the wolf. That kind of conservative wasn’t welcome in those parts.
….captured the imaginations of millions of ignorati.
If I join the ignorati do I get one of those hooded robes with the rope belts and invites to the secret meetings?
I realize that between the Texas shooting, the Cuban plane crash and the Royal Wedding, this story got short shrift. But you’d think that at least there would be a decent amount of coverage.
Highlight from a related tweet: “Jonathan Oddi (the man who shot up the Trump National Doral and was shot by police) […] worked for DancingBear[dot]com – a porn website where men wearing costume bear heads have sex with large groups of women.”
No comment.
A true American
I am not sure whether i should be embarrassed, or proud of my recognition-skills, by pointing out that the curly haired blonde behind the Dancing Bear is a porn-star who goes by the name, “Shirley Dimples”
Will google later
I’ve, um, heard of that site. I’m guessing the women don’t pay anything for the “performance.” Otherwise, I have know idea how it would not be illegal prostitution.
Everyone envies the sex life of bears and tries to emulate it. This is well known.
Whoa, Rule 34 of The Avengers.
Anyone who lived in manhattan in their 20s probably at one point or another found themselves at Astor Place Hairstylists
it is, i can only assume, the biggest barbershop in the world. I can’t imagine anyone anywhere trying anything so similarly ridiculous.
It has 3 floors. the basement being the ‘big room’, with like 20 chairs, the street level having maybe a dozen, and then a small upstairs with 6-8. They are running full-tilt pretty much 12+ hours a day. Need a haircut a 8pm ….and only speak Farsi? NO PROBLEM: they have at least 2, completely incompetent and utterly untrained people ready to hack away at your head for a flat-rate (always cheap; last time i was there, over a decade and a half ago, i think it was $10)
These aren’t “stylists”. The business model is basically, “anyone who wants to run a chair and can bring in customers can work there”. Its like driving a cab, only it involves scissors.
The trick, as a customer, is to find someone you get a good vibe from, and who you are willing to personally train to groom your gourd correctly. You then diligently keep returning to that same person for the next couple of years. Eventually their game rises to the point where you are getting great value per $.
You don’t just walk in and expect to get a decent haircut. oh, god no. that’s simply not going to happen. And you want to complain? Well, they have bouncers for that. Yes, a barber shop with a goon, trained specifically to throw out irate customers.
A short documentary film on the place, which captures the essence of it. I was not previously aware that they also offered a Karaoke machine in the back room.
I cut my own hair and have for 30 years. If I am gonna have a bad haircut I want it for free.
I get my hair cut for free, and the best part is that I can flirt with the girl that cuts my hair (and even occasionally cop a feel) and not get in trouble.
That’s fine and all, until your wife finds out.
I can cop a feel with my haircutter and often do.
Same here. I’m mostly bald and keep really short, so I just run the clippers over what’s left once a week.
What’s the point? $10 buys me a haircut without the hassle of having to socialize with the person paid for making it short again. If I have to train them, I expect to pay less.
It may come as a shock to you to learn that what = “cheap” in NYC is not necessarily completely in line with your price-experiences in Bumblefuck Junction
In gaming news that may be of interest to at least some of the people here. Paradox Interactive is now expanding into board games. The first one they’re looking to make is Crusader Kings. Warning: This is a Kickstarter, and appears to be this project creator’s first board game. Personally, I’m probably (80%) waiting for retail on this one.
Could never get into Crusader Kings, EUIV is infinitely better.
Apples and oranges, I feel. CK has always been more war-focused than EU. If you play CK, expecting it to be EU then you will be disappointed.
Also, turn in your avatar.
Of course if they fire the progtard professors who started the decline, the shittards will burn the place down. It’s like the Venezuala of State colleges. Stuck in a death spiral.
“In addition to POC centered events there will be antiracist workshops for white folks and people who do not identify as POC.”
So thoughtful of you.
“do not identify as POC”
So all I have to do is declare myself a black person and I can qualify for all kinds of affirmative action goodies? Sign me up!
I think the question, “Do you identify as POC,” is really this question: “Are you a socialist?”
Remember, a black person is “acting white” or an Uncle Tom, according to these modern-day Red Guards, if he or she believes in individualism, Enlightenment values, and treating people equally under the law.
No, Q. It doesn’t work like that.
We have tests.
Don’t understand how this is legal. Would a class on how not to commit crimes required for only “POC” be legit?
They’re student activities. Not college courses.
Who is sending their tuition money to that asylum? Enrollment should be down 100%
Seattle area government employees.
“In a memo to the college’s board of trustees, Evergreen President George Bridges wrote that cuts totaling $5.9 million are needed because of lower-than-expected tuition revenue.”
Let’s get our priorities straight: does George Bridges identify as trans socialist POC Q?
They expected more.
These “consequences” you speak of, they seem to be most unpleasant. We would like them to stop.
“In addition to POC centered events there will be antiracist workshops for white folks and people who do not identify as POC.”
“I came for an argument.”
“This is abuse. Arguments are across the hall.”
Isn’t a rules violation to link to a story that was linked to less than 24 hours ago?
When I read the headline about the “stylist” throwing a customer through a window, I was confused. Most of them couldn’t throw a blow dryer through the window. Then I read it was a barber from Brooklyn and it all became clear to me. Get a straight razor shave at your own peril.
Meh, I’m circumcised and I know for a fact there isn’t a Jew in the woodpile.
And yet, you hang out with me. That’s mighty suspicious, Hymie.
Hey, even the Jews hate you so how bad could it be?
So i asked someone on the twitters what the “Right Wing Threats to Free Speech” which all these IDW people keep failing to address.
I was hopeful. I was expecting something about, i don’t know, Bush-Era Surveillance programs? The bizarre legal category, “Terrorist Threatenings”? stuff like that.
the answer was, “Bans of BDS protests”.
I cocked my head and was like…. Right….. Wing?
Every time I see “IDW” I think of the comic book company. What does the acronym stand for in this instance?
Jesus, how quickly have once-mainstream* ideas like “there are two genders,” “capitalism is both empirically and morally superior to communism,” and “yes, black people can be racist, too” been marginalized into the “dark web.” In reality, there is nothing “dark” about them.
*I mean mainstream to the American elite intellectual sphere; obviously these ideas are mainstream to the average American.
“Ideas”? These are all forms of hate-speech that have been *debunked*. Educate yourself.
Ah, okay. Thanks.
Somehow, refusing to do business with a prominent anti-Semitic group is “right wing.”
However, I don’t like the state picking and choosing with whom it does business based on ideology. I think there’s a colorable argument that this is state action favoring one viewpoint over another.
I’m pretty sure that the NY state BDS protest thing will get overturned by courts. it was purely shit that both Gov and Senators were doing because its “re-election time” and they needed to throw red-meat at their key constituencies.
I’m sure. I kind of wish there was some, you know, legal repercussion for state actors who engage in unconstitutional acts. When lefties rant about privilege, they should focus their ire on the most privileged institution of them all: the state.
throw red-meat at
I wonder when the left is going to get around to having problems with that phrase.
Doesn’t he have to marry her now?
They’re breaking up this family, but will progressives care?
You would think the birth of a centaur would’ve made bigger news.
Today’s best duffleblog posts
1st place: Minot Air Force Base launches search for missing Minuteman nuclear missile
2nd place: Captain America promoted to major, moved to staff position
When America asked for an exception, Fury said that it’s in America’s best interest to do staff time if he wants to ever become Lt. Col. America.
“He submitted very weak bullets for his last OER, such as ‘thwarted alien invasion’ and ‘destroyed evil robots,’” Fury said. “Come on, America, we need quantity. How many aliens did you thwart? How will this affect unit readiness? Did you update your training calendars?”
“He’ll figure that stuff out at battalion.”
America remains optimistic that he will find a solution to stay in action. “I tried to get a DUI to prevent my promotion, but my super soldier metabolism prevents me from getting drunk,” says America. “I suppose everyone has their shortcomings.”
That first one isn’t funny, didn’t the AF lose nukes before?
OK, so what’s the deal with the Santa Fe shooting? I’m not seeing anything close to the social media firestorm generated after the Parkland massacre. Working theories: no “assault weapon” was used; people are somewhat numb to shootings now; no douchey David Hogg equivalent this time; too many other things for the outrage machine to be outraged by…
Apparently they see they don’t have a play, what with the guns being so mundane and legally owned by his father. I would’ve thought some CA prog-tard would be touting their law on unauthorized access by a minor. Though my FB is full of “he had Nazi stuff” while ignoring all of the other stuff (hammer & sickle) he had. FB for the derp!
There is no outrage for the same reason there was no outrage over the Vegas shooting or the GOP baseball team shooting. In the former, the victims were deplorable country music fans. In the latter, the shooter was a Bernie Bro.
For similar reasons, there is no outrage about the number of gun homicides in Baltimore, Cleveland, Chicago, and Detroit.
It was an actual self-induced nut job following his own schedule. As opposed to a nut job being monitored by a skin suit in your NSA. That agent would be intervening in local law enforcement to ensure he wasn’t arrested while secretly befriending him (direct message via Facebook, Twitter, or in the case of Newtown over World of Warcraft).
In parallel you have other agents crafting ‘palatable’ gun control laws that at least somewhat loosely apply to the situation that is about to happen.
Once the legislation is drafted (and enough team red guys are bribed), you start encouraging the asset towards his date with destiny. The exact date is usually irrelevant, more like shoot for a specific month or before/after a particular political event.
in this case they actually got caught flat-footed so plan B. Virtue signal, then lay low to survive the midterms.
re: “Behavioral Science”
Its a field which is often referred to in order to justify regulatory ideas which politicians / bureaucrats believe will engender some sort of positive social change.
(*i don’t believe this is usually the real reasons for any regulatory policy; most of the time, they have them because of the “This is something”-rule, and because it allows them to spend money)
My suspicions regarding many of the things in this field is that often, government policy FOLLOWS underlying behavioral change.
example: many people have tried crediting “Broken Windows”-style aggressive policing with the massive drop in crime in NYC in the early-mid 1990s.
Problem: the transition from ‘growth’ to ‘decline’ in violence happened in ~89-92
broken-windows policies weren’t even initiated until Giuliani’s second term, in 1993. and they didn’t even get deployed city-wide until 1995-1998, by which time murder had already fallen 30-50%
Same basic issue with things like, “Tobacco policy”. You see lots of charts showing “declines in smoking since 1990”, with flags showing all the various govt interventions that occurred during that decade. Widespread bans of smoking in public didn’t occur until the early-mid 2000s.
But smoking has been in decline since the mid-1970s
The only reason the policies became popular was because the critical mass of ‘few remaining smokers’ was too small to bitch about it. The policies didn’t engender change; the policies simply allowed politicians to pat themselves on the back for something the public was *already doing*.
Why bother pointing this out?
I was glancing over this article, pointing out that school shootings have been in steady decline for 3 decades
the reason regulation, or aggressive govt intervention is more likely now than ever, is not because the problem is growing.
Oh, and TOS steps in, right on cue
Reason is a Goddamn disgrace, they’re so bad they’re counterproductive.
Their method often seems to be “Put prog-sugar on a conservative pill”
iow, Nick’s article answers, “What should we do about gun control?” with “probably nothing”
but teasing people w/ the headline, and the ‘to be sure’ nature of “probably”… and the chastising of the conservative position for not being “empathetic” enough…. appeals to the progressive mind.
I just wonder who they think they’re convincing
They’re trying to appease their few big-time donors would be my guess because I don’t think they’re convincing anyone.
“Probably nothing [can be done], but #libertarians need to … “do something””
A contradiction in one sentence. Impressive.
#libertarians need to be joining the conversation to “do something”
OK, this is something:
Get rid of gun-free zones by requiring all public accommodations currently subject to anti-discrimination laws to allow people to carry on-premises. Basically, expand civil rights laws to protect the RKBA. You would think expansion of civil rights laws would tickle the fancy of the cosmos, who were all for doing so to protect the civil rights of transvestites and whatnot.
Maybe that’s what they’ll push for, I wouldn’t hold my breath though.
Certainly public property.
I’d like to see elimination automatic criminal penalties for carrying in spite of a sign (TX’s 30.05, .06, .07 signs). Private property owner can ask you to leave, and if you don’t, can have you arrested for trespassing. But if they don’t ask you to leave, there’s no automatic crime.
30.06 ought to be a sign *requiring* carry, dammit.
Ditching gun-free zones and making sure sane people are armed on premises would put a screeching halt to the school shooting bullshit. I dont mean armed cops….they would just end up being target #1. Staff and concealed carry. This shit would end today. But the gun grabbers dont want it to end, do they?
Only if the “something” is ENB making us sammiches.
I’d like her to clean my guns too.
She’s skinny enough to clean the barrel as a swab.
“The only reason the policies became popular was because the critical mass of ‘few remaining smokers’ was too small to bitch about it. The policies didn’t engender change; the policies simply allowed politicians to pat themselves on the back for something the public was *already doing*.”
Much the same way politicians take credit for a growing economy.
Also, behavioral science/economics lends an air of scientific rationality/empiricism to convince the somewhat-educated to give up their (or more likely, other people’s) liberty in favor of central planning. Such “scientisim” has been used by progressives since Marx’s time to justify their control over all aspects of life.
Unfortunately, we frequently interview these dingbat. Had one guy whose paper claimed a change in policy changed the demographics of a profession. Being assholes, a colleague and I looked it up on Google. Demographics prior to the change looked like US demographics. Demographics today (20 years later) look like US demographics. So, first question we asked, why do you think policy caused the change in demographics not changing demographics caused the policy change? Crickets. I blame his advisor, ffs, I was sure we were teeing up an easy one. Nope. Interview went downhill from there.
As Stossel likes to say, govt runs to the front of the parade and pretends to be leading it. Workplace accidents were on the decline before OSHA, but OSHA still takes the credit.
Reminds me of the good old OSHA fatalities graph that’s used to justify OSHA regs, it’s hard to find a better illustration of taking credit for a preexisting trend than this:
derp minds think alike
Check out graph 4 at this link, funny what they cut out isn’t it?
You can’t make that shit up.
It rises to the level of a flat-out lie in my opinion.
Lying is all that they have.
*just as a footnote:
the period in which federal anti-smoking efforts really exploded was the 1990s
note that the decline in total % of smokers in the above chart hardly changed at all 1989-2004
the reasons for the later declines were mostly generational.
when govt programs assess their own effectiveness, they tend to change the data to find something that WAS changing. it was mostly “reductions in new teen smokers” that they focused on. yet its unclear that anything govt was doing was even filtering (pun!) down to kids. social/cultural changes in attitudes were subtle and had little to do with Nanny-state, imo.
The Salem Witch hunts continue. And how the f’k would that be human trafficking to begin with!
Stossel on armed teachers:
One school in TX put up a sign: Our teachers are ARMED. The locals approve.
Star Trek: The Libertarian Edition
larf! yet more larf!
TOS did well. I may resume donating.
I don’t get it.
I don’t believe in no win scenarios. Lol.
So using their own weapon against them?
What can be done to stop mass shootings like #SantaFeHighSchool w/o shredding the Constitution? Probably nothing, but #libertarians need to be joining the conversation to “do something”
If I didn’t know better, I might read that as “enter the conversation and advocate NOT doing something”. Sadly, I’m unwilling to give Gillespie (or whoever wrote that) that much credit.
@Suthenboy regarding his comment on mine about the Soviet quote: “Evan, dont you already have a visual aid?:
Sorry, what do mean? I assume you’re talking of North Korea?