OT immediately, re the school shooting. I can’t find a non FB link but there is a pic doing the rounds on some FB pages showing the National Guard at Kent State with the caption:
“the only time military weapons were used in a school shooting was by the military”
Huh. Okay…
I just saw the news. Another round of gimme-you-rights in full swing. Succession seems the only answer when you’ve got half (?) the country begging for slavery.
First loser! YESSS!!!
GIFs make everything better.
Hey, mate! Hold my beah! I’m going to take a selfie…
After reading the description of his demise, I couldn’t help but note the similarity to the end of Chef on South Park.
I missed that he shat himself…
When he landed. Guaranteed.
he should have gone with Homer from the Simpsons.
Bone heal and chicks dig scars.
They embarrassed the government. What other excuse do they need?
The next Amoskeag Auction is coming up. A coworker and I are going up next week to inspect what is available for auction.
The only whining about the Gift of the Gun you’ll hear from me, assuming you hear any, is that I don’t have enough money for all the gifts I want to buy myself.
Internal military documents reviewed by Reuters showed that the number of soldiers detained for treason, rebellion and desertion rose to 172 in the first four months of the year, up three-and-a-half times on the same period of 2017.
When you lose the Army, you’re done.
It falls under the “Because Fuck You, That’s Why” all-purpose reason. It really shouldn’t be puzzling at this point.
RAYCISST LAWYER is bigger news in my town than some kid who shot up his art class.
I find it hard to believe that a New Yorker named “Aaron Schlossberg” hasn’t spoken Yiddish in a public setting.
*checks for sidelocks*
Since this guy has a bit of a history–shockingly enough, he seems to be a bit hard to get along with no matter what your race–a few stories in the national press are exposing how he made a ruckus at an “anti-Muslim counterdemonstration” against “Muslim activist Linda Sarsour,” reporting that he screamed at the Naturei Karta extreme anti-Zionist haredim (it’s complicated; for another day) that turn up everywhere and that she had with her. He must be paying them to try to turn New York to his side.
Your post appears to be riddled with synthetic sucrose
I watched Three Billboards Outside Ebbing last night. Interesting movie and I don’t want to give any spoilers, but it’s treatment of racism was actually pretty good by Hollywood standards.
Disregard, it was the front page article
Good. Keep them distracted with that shit. I hope on Monday the City Council does nothing but give speeches for their proclamation condemning this guy, instead of whatever other asinine agenda they have in their docket; and I hope Andrew Cuomo rubs his face with brown shoe polish and organizes a “Speaking-Spanish-In” in solidarity with the oppressed instead of whatever else he was going to announce that day.
You joke but I did see offhand already that some pols are gearing up to do exactly this sort of thing.
The same people that are marshaling the entire world to protest and destroy the name of this guy (justifiably so, in my opinion) also are likely to harbor the idea that we need laws to make sure that these sorts of racists are required to serve the people they dislike, who, I’m sure, get truly amazing service.
Isn’t this a demonstration of the power of public shaming and outcry to evict bigots from society? Couldn’t we rely on this sort of social sanction rather than using government force?
I know I’d much rather let the bigots and racists identify themselves so that I could refuse to give them my money. As it is, I can just hope I’m not.
I still find the glee with which the media are participating in it to be a little off-putting.
Yeah me too. The only thing left is the public hanging.
work 10 hrs a day
house is a fucken mess
come home and make breakfast/lunch/dinner
have wife ask you to help clean up
Big ol’ nope
Patriarchy, dude.
Preach on, brother!
Add me being handicapped, not able to stand for very long, bend over or lift anything over 8 pounds to that request from the wife to ‘help’ clean up the house the wife messed up as she sat around all day while I worked those 10 hours too.
Thats some crazy shit.
“to that request from the wife to ‘help’ clean up the house the wife messed up as she sat around all day while I worked those 10 hours too.”
Damn fucken straight. When I’m at home with the kid, the house gets cleaned, I do laundry and make dinner, often get some ‘honey-do’ tasks completed (like when she broke the sink). When shes at home with him the place gets trashed and somehow its my fault… right.
There’s a ridiculous commercial on about how “inclusive” some stupid music awards show is. “There’s a list for pop! There’s a list for hip-hop!” Um… OK. I guess pigeonholing more and more people into their own little categories is a form of “inclusiveness”….
Both Hip-Hop-Americans and Pop-Americans are treasured parts of our national fabric, but the ugly historical context of the former’s oppression of the latter cannot be ignored.
I would like to subscribe to Pop’s newsletter.
vox on the royal wedding: derp- so much derp
Monarchies are more democratically legitimate
The cost of monarchy is low
NPR hosts seemed oddly excited about it. So much for the concern about inequality.
Without reading the linked article, I’m guessing this is further proof that Trump is the gift that keeps on giving.
The “cost of monarchy” thing is right. The rest is kind of poorly argued, not that its use of the word “democracy” is being banded about in a sillier fashion here than elsewhere.
The UK is a “crowned republic.” It’s not for nothing that no one in it is interested in making it an official one–in a “revolution” that would change the dressing to further sever Britons from their history without actually dislodging anything of the actual political order that is currently oppressing and mismanaging it. Note by contrast how widespread and cross-ideological the fury against the now-completely farcical “reformed” House of Lords.
Reposting for the night links freaks. – NSFW. Been hearing about this one for a few years and guess they finally finished it. YMMV…but potential.
McCarthy is the opposite of funny. this is just a crude, humorless version of Who Framed Roger Rabbit with puppets instead of cartoons, or so it appears to me from that trailer
The Spy movie she did a few years back was actually pretty funny.
I don’t mind her in limited doses. Her one trick act would be hard to take for an entire movie.
Hey! She does physically resemble Sean Spicer, which I am told is hilarious.
What I can’t figure out is on the supermarket gab books waiting in line I always see pictures of how she lost weight, then she has like 4 movies a year where she’s fat and that’s the whole joke. So is she a yoyo dieter or is her husband a feeder?
I think they actually started filming this one in 2015 or so (unless it was just preproduction articles I was reading at the old Twitchfilm site) – so a year or two before she made Ghostbusters reboot, etc. Could be mistaken.
Aw I thought it was going to be Jenny McCarthy.
Trigger warning for those of us with puppephobia, asshole!
Looks like an X rated remake of “Who Framed Roger Rabbit” with Muppets.
Poor Bunk. It’s a travesty that the only one from The Wire with a career is the incredibly, ridiculously overrated Idris Elba.
Should have been this link.
Link doesn’t work. What happened to Bunk?
With everybody that’s been in there, you don’t wanna know.
Fee, fie, foe, fum. I smell the derp of David Frum,.
Americans of high-school age are 82 times more likely to die from a gun homicide than 15- to 19-year-olds in the rest of the developed world.
Mexico and Brazil aren’t developed?
68% of the gun homicides in the US occur in 5% of the counties. But that doesn’t help the gun grabber case, so down the memory hole it goes.
Take away those not involved in gang and drug activity and the number drops considerably, often below that of European nations. The reason Mexico and Brazil have very high firearm death rates is because they have tremendous problems with gangs, usually related to drugs.
I work in an emergency department and am aware that I’m just one guy with anecdotes, but it’s very rare to see a young person shot that wasn’t involved in one or the other of those things. Yes, every once in a while you get someone who really was just standing around, but most of the time you discover that wasn’t the case. We’ve had many brought in shot that had to have their own guns and knives confiscated before we could treat them.
We can achieve European and Asian crime rates by achieving European and Asian demographics.
When the backwards crackers who own all the guns have lower homicide rates than most European countries, you start thinking that maybe guns aren’t the problem.
I’m not saying we should ship people off or anything crazy, just recognize reality and the limitations that impose, And also not infringe the rights of people who are innocent of any wrong doing.
Also good choices.
Both are good choices.
I assume you have more coming?
Good thing I’m drinking.
I just assume Q is always coming.
*thumbs up*
Oh, thanks for submitting that booty gallery. More of that please.
How many thoughts and prayers does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Roll Tootsie Pop?
+1 wise owl.
The man with 2 assholes
A guy I met yesterday told me a story about how he ended up with 2 assholes. He was in basic, hadn’t taken a shit in a week, and during the 5 minute bathroom break between powerpoint shows, he was trying real hard to unclog his bowels. Well, he pushed himself too hard and ended up tearing his sphincter muscles.
I’ve heard of “death by powerpoint”, but this is the first confirmed casualty from powerpoint I know of.
Did you hook him up?
Also a second asshole
To preface, death is never good and what happened today is a tragedy; but it was a shotgun and a revolver so at least we don’t have another volley of ignorance over ‘assault weapons’ coming.
You’d think so…
Yeah, I’m guessing they’ll just go full-on wanting to grab all guns. You know it’s coming at some point.
Yeah but of course they’re not ready for it at this stage. Today the “assault weapons” are a special sort of limitless-power superweapon. Once they are banned, for good this time, they will eagerly point out that there is really nothing of importance to distinguish those assault weapons of old–now as safely out of the Overton window as grenade launchers–in deadliness from other, still legal, firearms.
I agree.
Going by the war on drugs, I’m guessing another 70 years or so.
How is this different from what any other Democrats regularly do post-Sandy Hook? Andrew Cuomo (to the amusement of everyone but himself) thinks he has a shot at the presidential nomination that his dad never had the nerve to take. Unfortunately he now has to run for re-election against Sarah Jessica Parker. She cannot remotely challenge him in the polls, but her glamor draws national attention with every move she makes, embarrassing him as a pragmatist for his lack of hard-prog credentials. Hence his endless string of virtue signals that is amusing the entire state. I am surprise he did not blame Republican attacks on public education for school shootings.
Why doesn’t he ask Trump to give everyone a free unicorn and a suitcase full of money while he’s at it?
Oh wait, those would be specific impossible policy proposals. Instead, he went general.
The Virginia Tech shooter killed 32 with Glock 19 (15 round mag) and a Walther P22 (10 round mag). He shot 49 total, so he reloaded at least twice.
This guy could give SEA SMITH a run for his money.
SEA SMITH rapes great whites for breakfast.
But what about the guy who kills a great white by getting in the water and shooting it multiple times with a speargun?
Only if he shot it in the blowhole.
In the “you can’t make this shit up file”:
If this article were a piece of satire, it would be fucking brilliant.
Sadly, it’s not.
Now there’s a guy who it just feels downright weird to see him still around. You just expect him to have been absorbed into the mists of time somewhere; he feels jarring in ours. He’s like the journalism version of a Hypercolor T-shirt.
OMG I had to click to see who it was. He used to be interesting.
So fiscal he squandered how much on green companies?
What am I missing exactly? the table clearly shows the numbers between 2000 to 2016 with an explosion of debt both on a total number and as a % of GDP under Obama:
You’re trying to reason. You’re thinking too much. You need to relax. Let go. Let the derp wash over you.
+1 scalpel -1 ax +1 John McCain Literally Hitler.
This was one of today’s funnier moments
Tom Nichols notes (paraphrase): “I bitch about trump *constantly* and have a huge fanbase that love me for it. I made one remark today “he didnt fuck up when talking about Sante Fe”…
…and all his fanbase SHRIEKED: TRAITOR!!!!!!!!
its just the dynamics of this current “in-group” / “out-group” shit. It also explains why the NYT has gone batshit trying to discredit Jordan Peterson or anyone in the IDW, and why Reason magazine is doing the same. The second anyone shows the slightest “in-between-ness”, or lack of utter devotion to orthodoxy? Its a threat to the entire superstructure of their whole universe.
Which is *the whole fucking point the IDW types are always making*.
The hysterical polarization which makes dialogue about ‘grey area’ issues impossible. The issue ceases to be about the issue, and it becomes a question of “Are you with US or THEM”. Which is why many on the liberal left side take so much issue w/ Dave Rubin; its not that he has any fucking ideas that are wrong – he’s not even very bright, and has no particular strong convictions. Its that he’s too-willing-to-listen to anyone and not “Challenge!” them.
here we have Anthony Fisher giving his bright insight on that topic
Does everyone remember how Reason took Jimmy Kimmel to task for never having critics of the ACA on his show? because that’s a common thing w/ talk show hosts. The “must have BOTH SIDES” basically is “progressive AND left”. Whereas when you have someone who lets ‘right-wingers’ on his show? Suddenly its all Hurr Durr, whycome you never invite no Black Marxists???
The title alone gives you an idea where that was going.
Speaking of which, how is it that in all of this women-integrated-into-combat-jobs business no one has done a joke about confusing an IED with an IUD?
You’re not helping.
Its this stupid label given to the “academics who are challenging the PC-culture on campus” =
– Sam Harris, Steven Pinker, Jon Haidt, Jordan Peterson, CH Sommers, … plus Dave Rubin as their “gilligan” – the dumb, media-guy who helps make them popular.
The media goes after Gilligan-Rubin because he’s a soft-target, and Peterson, because he’s making the most money (therefore is suspect) and has tendency to say, “Weird shit” because he’s a bloody psych-prof who occasionally mixes references to Jungian Archetypes with vague references to ‘postmodern marxists’.
They don’t go after Pinker or Harris or Haidt because they’re the most ‘liberal friendly’ and best regarded.
The term recently broke into mainstream use by Bari Weiss article in NYT
Intectual Dark Web. Heard of that just didn’t see it as IDW before. NTTAWWT and it’s SFW BTW.
I wouldn’t say mainstream until I hear a guy use it at McDonald’s
Rubin talks about this in his interview with Shapiro last week. Bill Maher gets tossed in there, too. Haidt has been attacked, but nowhere near as much as Peterson. I find Haidt’s dissection of the left’s insistence of orothodoxy the best out there. Weinstein’s was insightful, but he’s still a prog through and through.
The progressivism: The wart of ideologies.
“”. I find Haidt’s dissection of the left’s insistence of orothodoxy the best out there. “”
I find Haidt the best overall by a mile. He has the best grasp on the basic issues, and understands the “how left and right think” issues and can explain them w/ great pleasure and enjoyment.
Harris is more wide-ranging and catches shit because of a) his vehement anti-islam sentiment from years ago, and b) his daring to sit down w/ charles murray
Pinker is so genial that no one says bad stuff except behind his back.
The stupidest criticisms of the lot of them get endlessly recycled. The 2 stupidest arguments are:
1) “they don’t criticize BOTH SIDES!!”
– they mostly come from academia (rubin offers some media-related insight); in academia (and media) there is an approximately 12:1 ratio of liberals to conservatives.
Obviously “the problem” they see is one of left-orthodoxy crowding out ‘everything else’. this doesn’t mean there’s no problems on the right. Its just that they’re *small, and otherwise not immediately pressing*.
Like, ffs, =
IDW: “on one hand Youtube demonitizes any conservative content”
This is literally one of their *best* arguments. Its absurd. Its one of fisher’s primary gripes.
2) “Well, they pretend their voices are ‘marginalized!?” they’re not being repressed! They have millions of Youtube views! Peterson rakes in money! They are all super-successful!”
The point isn’t that THEY are specifically the ones suffering exclusion …
(*tho many did! Weistein was run out of his job by a violent mob; Majid Nawaz – their islamic member – was labeled an Islamophobe by the SPLC… for starting an *anti-extremist* Islamic outreach group; Harris has been repeatedly slandered as a Racist by VOX; Peterson… dear god, Peterson has been called everything from a Holocaust promoter, to desiring return to female slavery…to…)
… the point is that they are EXPLAINING why so many professors self-censor, because of the risk of professional consequences.
Its like people suddenly forget the dozens of examples in Reason of professors or media-people who have been attacked by SJW mobs for perceived violation of PC-orthodoxy. Everyone from Brendan Eich, to Robert Reece… to people disinvited from conferences because conference organizers learn (gasp) they’re pro-life, or some other irrelevant detail to their job….
but the derp-mob still thinks this, “but they’re famous? how can they be oppressed?” line is brilliant debunking.
Get purged by govt subsidized and certified institution for wrongthink, scramble to piece together a following in the free market of the net. “See, my stealing of your bike made you exercise!”
But remember. They’re all whiners and feel they’re victims according to the lazy fucks who refuse to challenge their arguments.
Reason included.
“She has insisted she thought the speech was so famous it didn’t need crediting”
Well, that’s original.
In other news….millennial this:
Chevy Cruze ad on TV: “…My Cruze is my home office, my recording studio, this is a safe space where I can focus and clear my head.”
Millennial or no, that is weird. Of all the vehicles, they choose to say that about one of the few compact cars they (or any other American company) are still making going forward, when damn near everything else is a SUV of some sort?
What I hate is when a commercial uses an easy-listening muzak version of a rock song:
The original version of that song (Where is my mind) is played at the end of Fight Club when all the bombs go off.
I don’t mind it, and I’m a Pixies fan. I quite like this piano arrangement of Where Is My Mind – it brings something to it.
Stars are aligned for Vegas. Jesus, I can’t figure out how much of it can be attributed to the horseshoe factor or are they really that good.
It would actually be in their interests to NOT win and move onto the Cup. The fans are mostly new to hockey and riding a high horse right out the gate followed by years of nothing will be terrible.
I live in Vegas, and a lifelong hockey fan (Kings) and the city is unbearable right now.
It can only go down from here because this is a team built on plucking players from other teams. One in which the NHL made it extremely easy for them for some reason.
Meanwhile long suffering fan bases have to watch this.
And Fleury. Wtf?
All the North American sports leagues are built on this model where “anyone can win”, what with drafts and shit. Complete opposite of, say, Euro-soccer which is basically cutthroat in comparison.
That’s what gets me. All the claims of an amazing run…you were given a chance to make a dream team of sorts with no cap.
I used to live in Vegas about 15 years ago; the one thing you can count on is no one supports local teams. Everyone is from somewhere else.
If I understood correctly, the NHL markets this accordingly.
I havn’t watched the NHL since the glowing puck, and I haven’t lived in Vegas for over a decade; so I’m not the target for this. But being friends with folks on the UNLV football/basketball/softball/baseball teams while I was there, as well as knowing some guys on the local semi-pro football team; Vegas pride in sports wasn’t that strong. Meh. Down another beer, gotta pass out so I can wake up at 4am for work. Down the hatch!
So kind of like MLS in Seattle or Portland. Meanwhile here in NYC nobody gives a shit about our two teams.
Toronto and Vancouver have hard core fans though. Montreal is touch and go.
But doesn’t Seattle sell out?
They sell out the half of their football stadium – the lower tier of seats – that’s left open for soccer. The NYC teams struggle to get 20,000 and then there’s Atlanta – 50,000 per game. I really don’t get it. Some combination of novelty and demographics, I think.
And some woke.
What is woke about MLS? Do they have Transgender Parents’ Night promotions or something? The only inherently woke league is the WNBA.
Vague reference to allegations that hipsters like soccer.
There’s a story about a woman who’s first hockey game she attended live was G7 1994 Rangers/Devils.
I have some vague opposition to a first-year team winning the title. They should struggle & scrape for year after year like, say, the Mets.
Football: Parma will be back in Serie A next year.
Parma will be back in Serie A next year.I have zero interest in the top of any league any more. (Juventus… yawn.) The bottom is where all the action is at.
And now I’m about to watch Collingwood v Geelong (yeah, from last weekend). Mid-table we don’t suck this year as much as every other year!
Oops blockquote not strikethough
Carlton actually got a win last week.
I DVR’ed that one but had to skip it due to lack of time but wow wonders never cease.
I’d like to buy the AFL streaming access but I’m holding off until the Blues are at least decent.
I pay for a sports package mostly to get extra soccer but one of those channels shows 2 or 3 extra AFL matches on top of the 1 or 2 that we get with basic Fox Sports. It’s like 5 bucks a month – not bad.
Only problem is I don’t get every Collingwood match 🙁
We dumped cable a few years back, so that option is out for me. I seem to recall you don’t do streaming, but I think the AFL allows you to subscribe via your club which means you can watch all their games.
All I can find related to that is joining the actual club, with numerous options that are way too complicated for me to review in my current state.
I hear you: I think you’re on the right track but I’m three (or four) shots into Tullamore Dew so no reasoning here either.
OTOH I could drop a few dollars every month just to hear Bruce McAvaney calling anything. He cracks me up for some reason.
Appropos of nothing – The Godfathers were a good band.
Yeah but their pizza is based out of Omaha and was made by a black mathematician. And there’s no part of that sentence I remotely am on board with.
Of course not Diego, you’re racist against Nebraska blacks. We all know this. Just quit your hatred, dude. Seriously, man. You can recover your heart. *sniffles*
re: saudis liberalizing, but also arresting feminist advocates
i’m starting to think there’s a new “2-step” dynamic being frequently employed in politics (and media)
where you loudly highlight X, but then quietly do Y, knowing that 90% of the public only ever sees the former, and that few will criticize the latter because they *think* the X might still be real.
See: Obama’s “I’m going to end all the wars”, and quietly start more wars. And people still think he fulfilled his promises. People believe what they want to believe, or what they think is the best-accepted thing to believe.
Re: the Saudis – i think many in the west are so enthralled by idea that Saudis might reconcile w/ Israel, that they’ll just politely ignore any domestic repression in the meantime.
What I am surprised is that the Arabs don’t seem to have minded the embassy move all that much. I saw a recent poll that suggested that the street has not softened its opinion on Israel one bit. Only makes it clearer; I’d have thought the governments would have have hated the move because it brings the Palestinian issue into the forefront and embarrasses them at a time when “unofficial” friendliness between them and Israel is approaching ’70s Shah levels, and–while the strength of Sunni Islamism is lower than it’s been in almost 40 years–Iran is making a hard play for influence in the region.
This realignment is still mind-boggling to me, btw! For so long Israel’s pre-Islamism “periphery against the center” (i.e. cultivate non-Arab allies like Iran and Turkey against the then-dominant remnants of Arab nationalism) was the agenda–with continuing covert relations with post-Revolutionary Iran still good enough that they cooperated against Saddam, and we used Israel as a go-between when we wanted to sell the Iranians weapons in the ’80s. When Rabin was bold enough to prematurely propose the now-incumbent “inversion,” of which Oslo was supposed to be the lynchpin, the Likud led above all by Netanyahu took the traditional Arab-hawk, Iran-dove position and denounced Rabin as delusional. Who would’ve thought that we’d one day see PM Netanyahu’s Israel quietly treating injured al-Qaeda fighters as they slip into Israel while fighting Iranian proxies (and the head of Saudi Arabia openly telling the Palestinians to “take the deal or shut up” the next time the Americans offered one)?
*denounced Rabin’s Arab overtures and hostility to Iran as delusional. Which, it turned out the delusional part was thinking that the Palestinians were an essential part of it–that the “solution” to that problem was anything more complicated than building a fence to keep their suicide bombs out of Israel and just proceeding to make friends with Arab governments that were in the end just as happy as Israel was to say fuck ’em.
Pretty sure Israel has been very particular about which Syrians they treat on the border. There’s some vetting involved and I highly doubt they would treat any terrorists. I may be wrong, but I don’t think they’re even treating any combatants.
Meh. If you’re the new prince trying to change things in an archaic system you have to control the change. You need to stride the line between the old and the new. If you have no qualms about rights the best way to do this is to arrest the rabble who make noise so you can transition quietly. The best way to ‘win’ any Civilization game is to be fascist, but that doesn’t make it right.
It seems obvious–probably because he pretty much says so overtly–that MBS wants to change KSA from this weird sui generis hermit petrotheocracy into a “normal” hereditary, aggressive authoritarian state. It’s rather straightforward and not the least bit paradoxical when you think about it. It takes an American to think of everything as a continuum from “most like America” to “least like America.”
MBS–who was emboldened to take control by the fact that he was so obviously loved by Trump, whereas State Department hands did not favor him at all–exaggerates the sociocultural permissiveness of pre-1979 KSA, which he was not alive to experience. But the fact that he cultivates that myth so loudly and unreservedly at all, declaring nobody likes post-1979 and he will take them back to what was, is important. But the myth is true insofar as no kings or the royals in general have been social “conservatives” as far as political forces go; they all would like more “reform” than the clerical forces would want; and they regard the clerics’ power–as with any other–as in the end a rival to their own and at the very most a strategic temporary ally that they must appease as it is useful. Now the clerics have much less leverage; and on the other hand the entire old state model is unfeasible anyway for economic reasons. Any Saudi leader would have eventually moved against them and curbed them, if perhaps much slower. Not every one would be swinging his dick around the region and turning the country into a personality-centered dictatorship.
More to the point, I don’t think it’s quite appropriate to think of MBS as having some sort of reformist, social-liberal passion that he simply thinks of himself as breaking a few eggs to get. Such a leader is quite conceivable in Saudi, but I don’t think he is it. I think he sees the opportunity to move against the clerics, a distinct center of power and influence in his kingdom–the advantage-disadvantage balance of such a move having become more favorable with every year for nearly two decades–and is taking it, rather aggressively, as any king of anywhere would.
holy hell, it’s real
Individual Camouflage 1967 US Army Training Film; How to Not Be Seen
sadly, it does not feature exploding bushes
I have missed all the Hurricane Crotch Shot (or whatever they called themselves) discussions, but did anyone else remember back to this interview with the sorority girl you want to grudge fuck even though you don’t know her?
That chic was an Obama admin State Dept spokesperson. She needs to be called in front of a Nunes’s committee. My ass this was a handful of FBI agents that took it upon themselves to investigate Trump ties to Russia. The whole goddamned Obama administration knew they were spying on the Trump campaign and tried to spin whatever horseshit they could spin. I am unconvinced this is not the biggest scandal in American history. Or maybe you guys have discussed this to death and I missed it.
No, “crossfire hurricane” hasn’t been much discussed.
i still haven’t read the whole reporting on it.
and yes, I wanted to grudge-fuck marie harf
I admit my learning of it comes from the right wing bubble spin on the NYTimes article during my drives, but even with that realization the whole thing reeks. Seriously, a drunk dude says some shit to an Australian Ambassador in a bar in the UK(?) ( an Australian that is a big donor to the Clinton Foundation which I have heard before but not brought up recently) about Russia and that gets itself turned into some top FBI brass taking it upon themselves to investigate ties between Trump and Russia during a campaign that everyone on the planet knew Hillary was going to win? My ass! They were spying on the opposition using the justice department and the CIA. This has never happened. I always thought Obama really wanted to be a third world leader and he proved himself to the task.
My goal in life is to basically be the drunk guy in this story whose inane ramblings launch an FBI/CIA investigation.
You will have to change your name to Popodopolous and who wants to do that.
Both blondes in that video – would.
I keep thinking about the one who keeps saying “non-partisan.” I’d make her repeat that over and over.
ya, that jumped put at me as well. I swear I have heard her, possibly in the same interview about the “information” and she says something like, ‘ we had to get it out there or they would have figured out how we got it’.
I’d even do them separately, so I could give each the attention they deserve.
has this made the rounds yet?
Air force base searches for missing machine gun shortly after losing grenades
This never happened under Obama, must be Drumpf’s fault.
How does shit like that make the news? Wouldn’t the AF want to keep that on the lowdown?
1. They’re offering a reward (I love that it’s just $5,000), so someone actually wants to get that shit back and wants it publicized.
2. They likely locked down any number of units or the whole base for a time. Everyone in the town probably knew about it, anyway.
OpSec barely exists anymore.
I suspect an entire chain of command is getting fired soon.
Lose a weapon, get fired. Funnel them to drug cartels, best AG ever.
I’m picturing Holder at the border with a tank of helium and some party balloons, waiting for a northern breeze.
I gotta pass out, but I’ll leave you with S Club 7 Say Goodbye.
Every Saturday I buy my newspaper from the old (60?) lady at the kiosk in the station. We make small talk because I’ve been going there for years. Guess I stick out from the other customers, so she’ll slip me an extra chocolate she has leftover.
Today, her small talk was, “Furarechatta, issho ni nomouyo.” (I just got dumped. Let’s go for a drink sometime). Awkward as fuck. Yeah, no thanks.
Are you 60 yourself?
I don’t see why that would matter.
Prolly not but it was my first thought too. But then again I’m single.
OOO, Glibs dirt, Rhy is flirting with Straif. I’m starting this rumor now! This is just like highschool, except we’re all the cool kids!
He’s cool!
We are the cool kids like this guy was the cool kid. Except without the eventual child molestation. Most of us, at least.
I wish I were gay. No more tv shows watching people eating and saying “Oh, delicious”. No more hiding in terror for 3 days a month. No more, “Hmm, what’s in this wad of toilet paper left next to the toilet?”
You don’t have to wish, you can make it come true, it just takes effort.
My ex was an oddball. She’d sometimes go to sleep listening to David Attenborough talk about pygmy humpback whales of the Serengeti or whatever, and sometimes watching Iron Chef in Japanese.
You clearly don’t know that many gay dudes.
Don’t be jelly. It’s not as fabulous as all that.
The replacement of the informative “how to cook” food shows with the various other weird types is a development not at all to my liking but very indicative of where our tastes have been going as a society.
I always found it amusing, when I am not busy being morally outraged, that the LGBT lobby keeps pushing to outlaw “gay conversion therapy” (always insanely broadly conceived) as a treatment goal, not a particular technique, with often among the various flimsy justifications the idea that it is not only an empirical fact that it does not work but an article of faith that it never will, or that such a treatment would not be useful and helpful to some people if it did. Perhaps they anticipate a sort of “repathologization” of homosexuality, and/or an extinction by treatment (as the Jews would fear assimilation and conversion).
This makes me larf because of the suggestion that it could happen at this stage in human history. Have they actually talked to kids nowadays? If they discovered a technique that could change your sexual desires, damn near every male under 30 nowadays would want to be converted to bisexuality.
Well, given that it’s almost always applied to teens against their will, I can understand the disapproval.
I can too, and share it 100%. But passing a law banning parents from putting their kids through such therapy remains morally outrageous and intolerable in a free society.
It is unfortunate that much of what sucks about being gay, and certainly nearly all of what remains about sucking about it, is the attitudes of family. I can understand sometimes why so many gays have turned statist–they want to aggressively engineer society to eradicate this last, but considerable, source of misery for so many people. I may speak with scorn about the jihad of chasing “homophobia” out of hearts and minds now that it has been chasen out of the law, but I do understand its appeal. It’s abhorrent and must be stopped, but I understand its appeal. All the same the state simply cannot (legitimately) help the man whose family disowns them for marrying a guy, or even the kid whose mom tries everything she can to keep her son from going to hell. It’s hard for a person who didn’t go through that to avoid being flippant about it, but all the same these are the rights of a free people; and anyone who would infringe upon them is the enemy.
It doesn’t matter whether you yourself are a woman’s age, as to how odd it would be that she would ask you out like that? Or as to whether you might be expected to entertain such a proposition? Come now; I am on board as much as the next guy with May-December romances in either direction. But it’s not like it wouldn’t be a factor! You tell us a story about a 60 year old woman whom you know only with the barest of casualness coming on to you rather aggressively, and you’re saying it doesn’t matter to us and our appreciation of the anecdote whether you yourself are 70 or 25 as she’s saying this to you?
Straif is Harvey Weinstein; so you from that you can get his age from the interwebs.
I think he’s implying that a Japanese woman in her 60s is so squinty she can’t make out whether her paramour is her own age.
I’m about 10 years younger. Point is I wouldn’t cheat on my wife with a 60 year old. If I were 100, then it would matter.
So, “What you’re saying is you’d cheat on your wife with a 45 year old?” Caches response for future blackmail.
I laughed.
Guilty. Judging from Youjizz, I’m not the only one.
I just turned 49. I know exactly where you’re coming from.
I did forget you were married.
You’re getting some old jap lady love; more excitement than I’ve had in years. #Jelly.
Did you say “Aw, I bet you say that to all the gaijin,” and move on?
I just chuckled. Either a weird joke or a come on. Or both. You guys must have stories of getting hit on by someone you didn’t expect it to come from.
I’ve never been hit on by anyone ever; I live vicariously through you, and I am alive!
Bullshit. You just didn’t realize it. I didn’t either when I was a young’un. Trust me, you were hit on.
For quite a number of years I had an at-least annual realization, of “oh, crap, she was hitting on me!” about someone from some time prior. In retrospect, _so_ many missed opportunities, due to my stupidity/low self-esteem.
On the plus side, I did have a girlfriend say I was an ideal boyfriend because I was too stupid to know when other women were hitting on me… So I got that going for me.
Absolutely. Most guys need something like this:
Been there. Too bad I didn’t get over it about 15 years earlier.
At current rates, I should be a total swordsman by… *calculates* 87 years old? Maybe a couple years after that.
Pretty sure Richie smells burning feathers.
Oh yeah. Once I reached a certain age those receptors went dormant but my wife has “Spidey-Sense” when it comes to women chatting me up. Shit, I had to quit Facebook for this very reason. Who the fuck is interested in me that way?
I was followed around at a party not long ago by a girl who in elementary school we called “Fat Ashley,” and in the interim she hadn’t improved enough to overcome the threshold of liquor I’d need to make a go of it before going catatonic.
Thank God I never stooped as low as my fictional counterpart.
Poor unrequited Fez.
I watched that fucking series twice through because it was on during lunch at my old job. When Mila Kunis started doing that bourbon commercial… yowza.
In fairness, I think I had a real shot with the girl I went out with tonight… mainly because we’re friends from high school, and we’d been an item at the end of her marriage to some other guy… but we still go and get drinks now and again, and I leaned in for a hug tonight and I swear she turned her face in like she’d like a smooch… but it’s been awhile, and I don’t give smooches away. Hugs are free, but you got to pay for the smooches. And she went dutch on drinks, she clearly wasn’t paying for the smooches. And even if I thought, even for a moment, that I’d throw a smooch the way of an old friend, even if I wanted to do an old lover a favor and throw out a smooch on the cheap, I’ve got my reputation to consider. I start throwing out smooches like they’re nothing, next thing, people think they’re just refuse. Don’t worry about paying for no smooches, you can grab up a couple on the cheap if you wait awhile. Wait a couple years and you get the smooches for free. Nah. I’m not about the freebies. You pay for my smooches.
One of my favorite websites is, which posts amusing little commentaries on all the newspaper funny strips as they come out. For the notoriously bland Dennis the Menace he often assesses the “menace” level actually being displayed.
Fun fact: There is a completely unrelated British comic strip also called Dennis the Menace. As befitting (what used to be before they became pussies) British culture as opposed to American, this Dennis instead of being a cute fat little blond boy who mildly annoys his neighbor, is a mean-looking, dirty-looking kid who goes around town committing vandalism and assaulting people and siccing his dog on them.
Which Dennis is the original? Neither. By sheer coincidence, they premiered on exactly the same day.
Damnit, man, I expect results, not stalemate!
Unless we’re actually in universe B… there are two Dennises the Menace… that premiered on the same day… and perhaps hate birds are not in fact the birds that hate, but the birds that love. We’re spinning like the top at the end of Inception, and the only way to work out what’s real and what’s fake news is to taunt a goose.
I don’t get why everybody is assuming she was hitting on him. Kinda sounds like she just wanted some company in a lousy time.
Everybody needs to tone down the sex obsession. I sent my brother a vid of some ducks in my yard, and his first thought was “two mallards? so theyre gay ducks then.”
alright, I’m serious this time; I’m going to sleep. Stop looking at me while I sleep pervs!
I need someone to enact my labor for me. What happens to an incel who manages to get laid? Is he cast out of the community?
He becomes an excel.
talentsspasmodic flares ofwitticismobvious puns arewastedinflicted on you people.I just figured you were bitching about Microsoft. They can fuck anything up.
i thought it was some A$1$ punnery.
GlibFit post since I missed it earlier. Been a fat piece of shit the past few months and have done zero exercise and my diet is totally off. It shows. Lot of stress with life in general and especially work, but need to get back into it. My goal has never been specific, I’ve always been about the process. My fitness has always been part work-related and part personal. I always felt that someone who works in the physical security career field should look the part. A secure environment starts with the self and is built in layers outward. A security professional who looks the part means potential adversaries may look elsewhere for an easier target. This applies to the person and the place they are securing. So that’s the work part.
The lifestyle part is just something that’s been a part of me forever. Stay active in order to stay sane, really. So much of my mental wellbeing is connected to my physical wellbeing that when I stop pushing myself physically I start to spiral down pretty hard mentally.
So yeah, got to get back up on the horse. Back to work with my meal prep and workout routine. Starting with some lighter weights five days a week, fifteen to thirty minutes of sprints three days a week. I throw in some sled pushes/pulls, battle ropes, and some other high intensity stuff in between for explosive power. Wife teaches HIIT so I’ll go to one of her classes a week to strengthen that relationship muscle (IYKWIMAITYD).
Do you even command presence, bro?
*flares imaginary lats*
Bro, you don’t want a piece of this bro.
That was like two posts ago. Some of us are making pizza now.
*Homer Simpson drooling noise*
LOL I was just considering doing that – but too lazy. That’s more a Saturday night project.
People in NYC make their own pizza?
I was in Riverdale in October, and the food was… ummm… not to my liking.
I took the train to GCT, walked a block, and got pizza. 3 times in one day.
Manhattan pizza? You sound easily impressed.
Where was this place anyway?
Not impressed; just hungry.
I went to 7 pizza places in 3 days.
Didn’t even have to click.
I use pop’n’fresh dough but yeah, it’s as good as pizzeria to me. I’m kind of cheap so I don’t eat out much.
Some of us had the beef bulgogi instead of the bibimbap, because we’re watching the carbs.
*looks off to the distance, presenting a noble profile*
Bibimbap is fine if you skip the rice, which I do.
“Bibimbap, no rice” might have thrown them for a loop, but I’ll keep it in mind next time.
You’re the customer.
Tru dat. This place is semi-amazing, in that we have never had the same menu format twice in the half-dozen times we’ve been – they’re constantly tweaking it. Tonight they’re selling it as “Korean tapas” (I think).
I can’t imagine all that menu-tweaking is a good sign, but they were packed tonight and the food has always been good (it’s semi-tough for the gluten-free wife, but they do their best).
Hey, no more than “sushi, no rice” or “fried rice, no rice” or
Rice Krispie treats, no rice” might.
This an actual word for that.
Yes. All three are rather technically clear in what they would have to be. Just conceptually quite odd.
You’re young enough to let stuff slide a little while. You’ll get back up to speed after a week or two.
So, the obvious has been confirmed.
These are the same people who days ago were telling us just how the investigation started.
But most laughable is that this deep agent will be revealed, and his life at risk…
Not enough ire has been cast upon Rosenstein. That guy looks like a pedophile, to start with.
They’re clearly building the groundwork here to cover their asses. They’re going to blame a foreign intelligence service allied to the US. It still won’t even be remotely clear who would pose a threat to his life.
Obviously the Alphabets have been playing “Ker-Plunk” since 2016. It’s now just a matter of who draws the last straw. Whatta fucking clown show. i know it will never happen but I’d like to see rows of heads on pikes running down the Washington Mall.
I haven’t kept up: who does the various scuttlebutt point to as the informant?
Halper. Daily Caller named him two months ago, as the guy who met with Page in 2016 and brought Papadopoulous to London too (or the other way aruond, I get the flunkies confused). But it’s clearly him, so all the “OMG THE SOURCE COULD BE OUTED!!” is just stupid theater.
I couldn’t read the article. Adblocker bs and I am in the drunk enough to not care stage. I will figure that out tomorrow right now I have to eat pizza, but ya, they are pre-covering their asses. It is all eventually going to come out the sad thing being half the country won’t care because Trump is literally Hitler and of course the patriots had spies in his campaign. I have little hope for this country existing in ten years but I keep telling myself that I am buying into the drama. Who knows.
This is the infuriating part. They don’t care because it isn’t their hen-house and the fox swears up and down that he’s their man. This time.
More on “Anthony Fisher, Bitching About Dave Rubin”
Does anyone else notice some fundamental contradiction in this complaint?
What blows me away is that he can write this, and I’d guess that 99% of readers would roll right through it and never catch a whiff of any contradiction.
There’s also the very-conscious conflation that “platforming (and agreeing)” and “hosting (and endorsing)”…
…repeatedly suggesting that *merely having a guest on the show constitutes public endorsement of that person* Which is pretty much the antithesis of the “liberal” POV which doesn’t presume to this sort of Pre-judgement of what is “acceptable or unacceptable”.
Yet in the next breath he says, “whycome no marxists or palestinians”.
Fisher pretends to be defending some “true liberal ideal” (which allows more extremists on the left); but one who sees risks and threats in allowing “extremists on the right”.
You boil it all down and all he’s actually saying is, “You’re providing a venue for people i don’t think deserve one”. Liberalism indeed.
He made a pretty nuanced case on the podcast. He’s pretty much where you’d expect a libertarian to be on the Israel/Palestine conflict, which is: libertarianism has no place in the Israel/Palestine conflict. There are no good answers. There are no trade-offs.
I don’t know what you’re referring to, and maybe you Me’d this reply.
I’m specifically referring to his argument in the Daily Beast article which bashes on Rubin w/ an internally contradictory argument, saying,
on one hand “platforming people is explicit endorsement”
on the other hand “your failure to entertain marxists and jihadis is a sign of your illiberalism”
The idea of ‘media being gatekeepers of right vs. wrong ideas’ is not consistent w/ this idea that unless Rubin takes all-comers, he is violating some ‘free-thinker’ requirement
Ehh, I think I crossed wires about the argument here. I was listening to him on Fifth Column earlier and he wasn’t making any apologies for either Hamas or Israel. Which is reasonable. But you’re discussing something else entirely.
Considering the whole point of Rubin is giving people who are shut out of the Overton window a place to speak, that argument is ludicrous. Whycome MGTOWs no interview no feminists?
something else bizarre about Reason’s various rationalizations about the IDW people:
on one hand, they seem to cheerlead them individually – Pinker, Haidt, Harris, etc have all gotten some favorable press (tho i think harris was considered outre for his anti-islam stance; but not terribly so. )…
…but if you put them together w/ Peterson and Rubin? Suddenly they’re Personas Non Grata as a whole, and – ENB’s article was particularly terrible in this regard – suddenly all their actually-interesting and relevant contributions to national-discourse need to be downplayed as “old controversies” no longer interesting or relevant. “They’re just spouting ‘controversial’ things to appeal to losers on Youtube”.
It feels like, “its OK when these people are just ‘outliers’ in the media” – but if they come together and represent any coherent alternative to the existing “Left/Right – libertarian” menu? Then they’ve got to be denounced as good to no one.
Its weird, inconsistent, and doesn’t seem to align to any libertarian idea of ‘creating more space beyond the purely political”.
It’s as you say “in group” BS. They’re just bitter that some people are striking out on their own. Very anti libertarian.
There seems to be a plan to label them and put their views outside the Overton window. Sort of like how alt-right became “Anyone who voted for Trump.”
The IDW gets more views than CNNs prime time slot. The center of mass media politics is not the center of real politics. That seems to be their concern.
Hey, if it meant some rather drastic transformations on Rubin’s end, the younger me at least would have been definitely up for it.
The rise in the use of the word “platforming” and the rise in numbers of assholes who would gut the first amendment can’t be coincidental.
“Platforming” sounds like that idiotic internet craze wherein a lot of stupid people shoved a length of 2×4 up their own fundaments and took selfies. Platforming. Hell in a hand-cart, Frank…
Deplatforming is totes unlike self censorship. Reasons.
The great thing about traveling east to west is you can do all day drinking but start after noon so you seem upstanding.
Two more drinks to home.
You are Tora san. Hopefully my review will be coming soon.
This? This here? My favorite article ever written on this site. Perhaps anywhere.
Whoops. Too slow drinking that mai tai. Make that one drink. Unless the stewardesses sit in their seats and screw with their phones the whole time due to “expected turbulence”. Or it’s a shitty ass IPA.