I know there are a lot of Glibs Caps fans out there. So I won’t dwell on last night’s game too much. But I gotta say, they should call the DC Police on Andrei Vasilevskiy for grand larceny. Jesus, I haven’t seen a performance between the pipes like that since that stupid, twitchy asshole Patrick Roy tore through the playoffs with Les Canadiens that one year (I can’t be arsed to look it up, but I’m sure somebody will refresh my memory). Or maybe Dominic Hasek in his golden years. Suffice to say, if they fail to win this series, the Capitals will look to this game as the reason why.
No basketball, because the NBA needs 4 days between playoff games. What, are the players walking from Boston to Cleveland? COME ON!!!!! Also, The Dodgers won a game to avoid being swept by the Marlins after they were swept in 4 by the Reds. The defending NL Champs are 2 games ahead of having the worst record in the entire National League. Elsewhere, the first place Astros were off yesterday.
IF you have a birthday today, you share it with Tsar Nicholas II, last Tsar of Russia, Crown Prince Ruprecht, filmmaker Frank Capra, Tennis player and clothier to Mods Fred Perry, the last rally great pontiff, Saint John Paul II, “Mr October” Reggie Jackson, Chinese actor Chow Yun Fat, Canadien hero Jari Kurri, rapper Rob Base, sometimes funny woman Tina Fey and my brother.
It was also the day Napoleon was declared Emperor by the French Senate. Christopher Marlowe, author of such plays as Othello and The Merchant Of Venice, is arrested for heresy. Great Britain declares war on France (for the umpteenth time) in 1756, Britain declares war on France in 1803. And Dracula is published in London.
You get all that? Good! Now its time for…the links!

Let’s see how many “libertarian” pundits abandon this position today.
Trump to cut government funding for elective medical procedure. Good! Unless you’re an empowered woman, who freaks out because you might have to pay for your own medical care.
Wow, what the fuck is wrong with people? He gets points for honesty in describing things. The writer of the story loses points for dishonest reporting in trying to tie guns to the killings as more than just a tool the killer used.
And I think its gonna be a long, long time…before this guy gets out of jail.

Illinois pol does something right? Must me a typo.
Holy shit! An Illinois politician tries to stem the tide of gun grabbing assholery. Did I wake up in bizarro world?
Companies anxious to get sued send products to Charlotte, NC. Seriously, who in their right mind, in this litigious age, would just put electric scooters out there for people to rent at their own convenience on busy city streets and sidewalks? They’ll be bankrupt within a year.
Say cheese…you stupid, drunk asshole.

Who’s a good boy? Yes he is! He’s a good puppy!
And I bet this was an awkward visit to the veterinarian. I mean…yeah.
Bonus link: new small business opens in Houston area.
A classic from the birthday boy.
Th-, th-, th-, that’s all folks!
Obviously local government needs to get into the electric scooter rental market. It’s worked so well for bike
sharestheft.*Chicago mournfully nods, glances over at Divvy rack*
There are plenty of Dogs named Bear, so I see nothing wrong with a Bear named Dog.
Me and you and bear named Boo
“Let’s see what’s in this pick-a-nick basket!!”
*hides picanic basket*
Humphrey is my favorite
Frickin’ Chinese illegal immigrant bears.
of course not. Nothing is ever that simple.
Seriously, why isn’t it called “Unplanned Parenting”?
Because it’s core business model is Planned Unparenthood.
Ha, nice! Gonna steal that one.
It’s that darn “only more spending and government” ratchet clause in the Constitution.
Fuck those taxpayer subsidized murder mills.
He started making peculiar Facebook posts, openly asking for sex, talking about going to taxidermy school.
Did the beaver consent?
Nice beaver!
I’m not sure, Ward. Why don’t you go ask Wally.
Gee Ward, you sure were hard on the beaver last night.
WTF is with matting an image with the same image? Can’t just use blank space? Annoying as fuck.
What’s the context or instigating irritant for thios gripe?
Smiling drunk killer story.
I don’t know why they do it that way, but it’s unfortunately become common practice with tall images, particularly cell phones held the wrong way.
Oh yeah, I forgot to plug this.
Just in case any of you were looking for a musical instrument or had a kid that needed one.
That’s more clarinets than I was expecting.
Hrmm… it also appears to have a history of Violins.
*throws in trash*
This one time, at band camp…
My kid announced he wants to take up a percussion instrument next year. I told my wife I want to start taking up swearing at her in front of the kids this year.
Get him a glock
Don’t sweat it.
These work well too:
That chick smiling in the mug shot is a POS, but did she know the lady had died when the pic was taken? She probably knew she had caused injury. I just don’t want to believe anyone is that evil/stupid.
The fatality happened after the mugshot, though the injury was sustained before.
Right? That’s kind of sleezy of Fox. She’s a scumbag, but why do they have to imply in the headline that she’s smiling right after killing someone?
Well, she is smiling right after she put someone in critical condition.
She was also drunk off her ass which makes people smiley.
18 and 60? Well, I assume they did warn her that having children at that age was high risk.
“This is the sort of legislation that comes out of the General Assembly under Madigan’s Democrats that really, it just creates hassles for businesses and honest business owners — red tape, filings and fees,” Rauner said Thursday morning on WJPF, a radio station in southern Illinois. “And it really doesn’t improve public safety and it doesn’t really stop criminals. This is the kind of legislation that really, it’s more for headlines than it really is to keep the people of Illinois safe.”
Rauner said the motivation for the new bill is “political grandstanding, grabbing for headlines rather than trying to get real improvement for the people of Illinois.”
So what he’s saying is, he doesn’t care if women and children die.
Christopher Marlowe, author of such plays as Othello and The Merchant Of Venice, is arrested for heresy.
Pretty sure he wrote the Harry Potter series, too.
They made a play about a board game? Well, if they could make a movie about one I suppose it’s possible.
/deliberately ignoring the Bard
Merchant of Venice the board game? Loser has to convert.
I thought loser had to give up a pound of flesh.
Wasn’t he the P.I in The Long Goodbye?
*narrows gaze*
This rotten shit happened a couple of miles from my house yesterday.
N.J. school bus accident: Paramus student, teacher killed in field trip crash
Totally the bus driver’s fault. He missed the exit. Instead of just taking the next exit, he tried to do a U-turn in a little break in the median the cops use – In a fucking bus on Route 80.
Yeah, right up the road from my office. Just terrible.
Our office manager’s daughter was an EMT on the scene, she managed to text a couple of very brief updates. Really awful stuff.
I knew something was fishy because I drove past Waterloo Village to avoid the crash last night – wouldn’t have been an option if he hadn’t screwed up.
Really insane to try to do a u-turn on one of those median breaks on Route 80, I wouldn’t even try that in a car.
I’m neighbors with the Allamuchy Volunteer Fire Chief. I’ll have to check in with him this weekend to see if he needs to decompress with a beer.
I would imagine he does. Must have been tough seeing all those little bodies strewn all over. Surprising there were only two fatalities so far, assuming the ones in critical condition make it.
I’m seeing more and more weird and bizarro moves on the road these days. People seem to be winging how they interpret the rules of the road. For example, people stopping to let cars in where there are no stops. They just stop to do a *good* deed out of nowhere. It’s retarded. They don’t seem to realize one of their responsibilities is to keep the traffic flow going. Not stop and potentially have the person behind hit them causing an accident. No logic. Worse, I’ve seen where they stop and wait because the car they’re letting in is not going in our direction but have to go into the other opposite lane. Naturally, people on the other side don’t know this and keep going. I honk when this happens.
Ugh. Yes. And good on you for using that horn as God intended it.
Those drivers are all progs – the only thing that matters is how they feel. Driving by emotion instead of by brain.
Traffic rules are oppressive hegemonies designed by cis white males. Trans people and black and brown bodies have different interpretations of proper traffic flow. Furthermore, a notion of “my lane” or “your lane” enforce a harmful pattern of capitalistic ownership. Communal ownership of lanes will ensure that womyn, trans people, and black and brown bodies can articulate their motorist experiences in all their complexity.
/sarcasm… Or is it?
Unreal, right?
I heard that this morning on 1010 WINS. For “balance” they proceeded to pull the public driving records of the company that owned the truck. Naturally like any business of this size there violations. Something like 289 or so. I’ve no idea how big their fleet is – so no way to tell if this is good or bad.
But given fact the driver decided to make U-Turn in the middle of Route 80 it is immaterial. And MSM wonder why it gets no respect from critical consumers.
Yeah, it looks like they’re going to do their best to demonize the truck driver and the company, even though the bus was trying to pull an illegal u-turn on the highway.
Dear Glib Admin Mammals,
It is not often that I make humble requests (as opposed to demanding your immediate subjegation), but can I get a link to the captcha pic for this post? Your Future Reptilian Overlords find it quite amusing.
Sure thing.
I’ll even do you one better…
Excellent, I shall transmit this to the Fleet.
Speaking of those captchas are actually quite effective. Your average non-human has quite the hard time with them.
I have a hard time with them.
*looks around shiftily*
I have a hard time with them on touch devices. Really, I just have a hard time with touch devices in general. They’re not designed for Muppets.
You need to get your material upgraded to work with touch screens.
I can never tell whether to check one of the squares if a corner of the desired object is intruding on a square you would not normally check.
I failed on a street sign one because I included squares contining the signposts too.
That is awesome. Hearty LOL.
Deadpool fan dressed in Marvel costume mistaken for ISIS fanatic by Swiss terror police
Why do I feel like if this was in the US the article would read:
Furtive gesturing non-compliant failed body cam
Alles muss in ordnung sein.
“The agents had a good laugh.”
The two movies fans, probably not so much.
“We almost shot you, goddamn that was hilarious!”
“You should have seen the two of you…face down on the pavement, getting cuffed by a good half dozen of us…hahahahaha!”
“Should’ve worn your brown pants!”
Gone fishin’
U.S. Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s office on Thursday gave a federal court a classified memo describing the extent of his investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election and other related crimes.
The memo was filed in response to questions raised in the court in Virginia two weeks ago by Judge T.S. Ellis that Mueller should not have “unfettered powers.”
Ellis demanded to see an unredacted copy of the August 2017 memo written by U.S. Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein that defined Mueller’s investigative mandate.
Ellis will review the memo before deciding whether or not to dismiss charges against President Donald Trump’s former election campaign manager, Paul Manafort.
Manafort has argued that Rosenstein granted Mueller too much scope when he was appointed exactly a year ago, and that Mueller is exceeding that authority.
And we still are waiting to see what Mueller is going to do about the two(?) Russians who are going to force him to show his cards in court.
And we still are waiting to see what Mueller is going to do about the two(?) Russians who are going to force him to show his cards in court.
He will claim national security to thwart discovery.
…and have the cases dismissed.
Be real interested in hearing from a lawyer what’s the precedent of that, because that seems awfully shady. I get that prosecutors are generally immunized against liability for their stupid, reckless decisions, but trying to get your own case dismissed because the defendant proved too eager to be tried seems impressively reckless and stupid. Especially given Ellis’ stand on the Manafort case.
Dancing on the head of a pin
Whether a sitting president can be subjected to prosecution has never been tested at the U.S. Supreme Court, but Giuliani said Mueller’s team agrees it is bound by a U.S. Justice Department memo from October 2000. That memo concluded U.S. presidents cannot be indicted because the prosecution would interfere with their ability to execute their constitutional duties.
I realize I’m not versed in the intricacies of Constitutional scholarship, but it seems to me a sitting President must be impeached and removed from office before being indicted by a court for his crimes (real or imagined). That’s probably why they put that in the Constitution.
That’s an accurate assessment
People say this but I find it to be an odd interpretation. Every Federal official can be impeached. The idea that you can’t convict some low-level beancounter in the Bureau of Indian Affairs of running a red light on 8th and K until and unless you fire him doesn’t quite seem right; and if the President is to be treated any differently then that doctrine seems to have been made up out of wholecloth.
Better what seems to me to be more straightforward: Impeachment is a mechanism by which Congress can remove Federal officials (including those who cannot be removed by any other means–the President, Vice President, and judges). Saying this, laying out a provision for such a mechanism, does nothing to suggest that any such officials enjoy immunity from criminal proceedings, which are an entirely separate phenomenon.
(This of course does nothing to take away from the fact that certain things are simply not crimes at all qua judicial proceedings, and in fact in many cases could not even be made so by statute. FDR could have personally handed Hitler a briefcase of every single secret the United States had, right on the eve of D-Day, and no court could convict him of jack shit.)
>because the prosecution would interfere with their ability to execute their constitutional duties.
This part doesn’t make any sense to me. If you told me the president can’t be indicted against his will because he is the unitary executive and he chooses not to indict himself, that would make sense. But this reasoning doesn’t.
“That can’t be right because it would lead to unexpected outcomes” is not really a canon of interpretation that is supposed to work, though I recognize 4 or 5 SC justices disagree.
Morning Glibs. Got an interesting one for ya. Prog tries to get libertarians fails but isn’t a total tool about it
So he’s saying they campaign for them?
Seriously though, do we have any free-stater’s that comment here? I’m interested in the movement, I just wish they’d picked Montana
You misspelled Wyoming.
+1 close second
Wyoming is the obvious choice due to total state population. It takes a smaller number of libertarians to have the same effect. Montana has twice the population (approximately).
but the huuge tracts of land that Montana has…
Either Wyoming or Montana would have been better choices – although with fewer job opportunities, and longer moves, statistically speaking. Both states also had a lot more libertarians already here. I think Montana edges out Wyoming in percentage of existing libertarians, but Wyoming has just over half the population.
“What made them think that their libertarian utopia could actually function? ”
This is the problem with every single critique of libertarianism. It’s easy to dismiss a “utopia”, because it’s an absurd an unrealistic achievement. But the thing is, libertarianism isn’t about achieving some utopia. It’s about “You do you, I’ll do me. If we can help each other mutually, great. If he have conflict, we will strive to resolve it peacefully.”
It’s simple. It’s not a grand scheme to create a utopia. It’s the exact opposite. It’s the founding principle of this country.
The fuckyness we are experiencing now is because progressive busybodies are literally using violence to try to impose their utopia. Which is absurd and unrealistic. Here’s an idea, you do you and I’ll do me.
^Great minds and all that 😉
Well what good is a political philosophy anyway if you’re not trying to bring about utopia, duh.
Well, I mean.. Atlas Shrugged is kind of 100% pure unadulterated utopian, and I don’t think thinkers like Rothbart or Freedman the Younger are anything but utopian either.
Its not the only form of libertarianism, but its a strong strain. I think its older and dying off, but don’t really know for sure.
I like where ANCAP’s heads are 99% of the time but it does start to sound utopian after a while…..’Militaries will be unnecessary because insurance companies will provide defense protection,’ ‘Private courts will be corruption proof’……it’s an interesting mental exercise but I’m a bit skeptical.
Let’s go 80% down their road first and see where we get.
I forget his name, but there was some chairman of a state or local libertarian party on the Tom Woods Show not too long ago. I agree with how he described it: “Anarcho-capitalism is sort of like a North Star that you use as your theoretical goal, even if you never actually get there.”
Tom Woods’s politics are weird and unsettling but what I have seen so far I like his guests and him as an interviewer. (One guest I listened to would have been as antithetical as can be to his own views within general libertarianism, but you wouldn’t know it.)
Respectfully, I think you’re applying more Utopian thinking on the part of Ancaps. Private insurance is one of many different strategies that may be applied. It isn’t the “solution”. Also private courts will be as corrupt as any other, but the difference is that they won’t have a monopoly on force, nor will they have any rights- meaning there must be a victim claim.
Another thing about private courts/arbitrators is that their judgments will only, in theory :), describe a situation, they won’t enforce anything. Outcomes will vary from decreased credit scores to severe, voluntary, ostracism from business interactions and I’m sure social as well.
I think many people apply centralization methodologies to ancap ideas. But Bob in Connecticut won’t have any say or interest in how Mary and Joe in Arizona resolve their disputes- unless in the future he decides to trade with them. Then he’ll look at credit, reputation, etc scores.
I get that, and I have no interest in fighting the minarchist/ANCAP war. The larger point I’m making is that find debating things like private courts and insurance militaries to be rather pointless. I have no interest in describing what every little detail of libertopia would look like to a person like to the author in the article because I don’t believe libertopia can or will ever exist. I’d rather just focus on what’s possible in my lifetime; checking state power, decentralizing, and defending individual rights.
Agreed. One reason that “progressives” are so successful is that they gain ground incrementally. Take whatever they can get right now, secure it, and come back for the rest later. Libertarians need to learn from that strategy if they ever want to go beyond Internet comment sections.
Take whatever they can get right now, secure it, and
come back for the rest latercontinuously bitch for every single nanosecond that things still aren’t the way they want.Not a “total tool” but still manages to make all the same shitty arguments leftists always default to. It’s too simplistic, EVUL KKKORPORATIONS will take over, blah, blah, blah. People like him just can’t let go of the idea of Utopia which he repeatedly alludes to throughout the article. Even after he’s corrected he still brings up “libertarian utopia.” Sometimes I wonder if what people need to do before they can come around to libertarianism is first understand human nature; people are not perfectible, that no amount of force can change human nature…..that existence is messy and often unjust…….then maybe they can wake up to the fact that liberty isn’t an end state, it’s just the best and most natural we can hope for in this life. I applaud the guy for not being a cunt about the whole thing but he’s definitely unwilling to challenge some of his presuppositions.
Cheers, bro!
““What made them think that their libertarian utopia could actually function? ”
What made them think that their progressive utopia could actually function?
Between Jesse and Gilmore, it is SHAMEFUL that I had to be the one to post this:
Looks quite interesting tentatively, but I don’t know how much I trust the research of a source that refers to Village People as “the.” It’s not like with Sweet, where it’s there officially but no fan actually uses it; it’s simply not there in any capacity.
Fun fact: There is no group called “Hall and Oates,” and hallandoates.com is the only official property that has ever borne any such name. (Check your T-Shirts and album covers; go ahead.) All music commonly attributed to such an entity are actually collaborations between the individual artists Daryl Hall and John Oates.
Either way, they are still terrible.
Sorry, RPM but I can’t go for that. No can do.
You’re out of touch on this one, Matt.
Are you guys defending THE Village People? Or The Sweet? Or Hall & Oates?
Wait. Nevermind. It doesn’t matter. All of them suck.
an hour late but still , Fuck You Buddy
Yusef- do you have any recommendations for a multi-meter that actually has real input protections? I’m currently using a Fluke 73 III, but want something that measures RMS AC voltages.
The amount of Chinese made junk is staggering. Some of which is actually quite accurate and fine for electronics use, but not what want to use on mains.
I’m afraid I might just give up and pony up for a more modern Fluke…
Hall got a lot better once he surgically removed Oates and started having people come hang at his house.
Wait, Trump has empowered Shaun King to say whatever he feels like saying? Never seemed all that repressed under Obama, I thought, but hey I’ll take his word for it.
Why is Shaun King so antiSemetic?
Is King out of his mind with this witch hunt? What’s it to him? He’s an evil prick.
And by the way, this shit happens in Quebec a lot. ‘Parle moi en francais’ is the usual phrase used. Heaven forbid you say ‘hello’ to someone who happens to be a nationalist they will demand you speak to them in French. I’ve been on the wrong end of that shit numerous times.
“2 replies 1 retweet 5 likes
Reply 2 Retweet 1 Like 5
Deuce Dime
May 16
Aaron Morris Schlossberg is his name.
NY Bar Registration #: 4157012
Admitted to Practice: 2013.
Just an FYI: I just learned his office is located in the same building as the Mexican Consulate. His firm advertises consulting in other languages, including Spanish.
6 replies 19 retweets 51 likes
Reply 6 Retweet 19 Like 51
Nancy Levine ?
May 16
Racist NYC attorney Aaron M. Schlossberg website says he’s a member of the New York State Bar Association. @NYSBA: False”
I hope they all die drowning in a pool of their own faux-righteous blood. Miserable fucks.
I don’t speak Frog.
Francais est tres simple.
Three Simple Franks in the East? What?
They don’t speak it in Quebec, either.
Back in the 80s, when there was a bunch of terrorism in Europe, France instituted a visa system and included the US so the law wouldn’t be racist.
When my parents went to Europe the first time, he called the French consulate and asked them to speak English when they answered the phone in French. The lady on the other end bitched that Dad should know more than one language. So Dad responded — in German — that he does speak a second language; it’s just that French isn’t that second language.
If you’re working at an embassy/consulate in a foreign country answering phones, you should do so in the local language.
I guess Twitter is totes cool with public witch hunts and doxxing?
If it’s the Good Kind.
Fleury in game 3 was even better than Vas last night. But boy did he stymy the Caps.
Roy: 1993. Montreal won 10 straight OT games. He also pulled a similar stunt in 1986. He stoned everyone.
Hasek = GOAT.
Come to think of it, and this is particularly for Rangers fans, Roy’s performance in 1986 in the Campbell Conference (as it will always be) final against the NYR is still one of the greatest I’ve seen from a goalie in the playoffs. He outright stoned them.
I don’t say this kind of thing very lightly, but the Forward deserves its own Disqus commenters.
They’re such fucking lying cunts it’s unbelievable.
It’s like ENB saying the ‘IDW crowd’ claim to be ‘victims’. That’s not what they say at all. But she tried to put them on par with the left-wing identity politics of SJW.
The hit jobs are beyond pathetic
I was surprised and disappointed Welch jumped on it.
You can tell they just have a cursory grasp of JP.
you’re an empowered woman
Empowered women need to be coddled from cradle to grave.
It takes a village to coddle a woman from cradle to grave.
Their kids, however, can skip the cradle part.
Vas has looked as good this series as the rest of his team has looked awful. Inverse for the Caps. Holtby has not raised his level to match his skaters who have swamped Tampa 3 out of the 4 games so far.
Anthony Bourdain’s insurance company will cover him on trips to Afghanistan. And Libya. And Myanmar. And presumably Syria and Yemen. But…
And I was thinking Detroit.
I would have just assumed he’d never asked.
Who doesn’t want to buy Korean BBQ through a slot in bulletproof glass?
State Capitalism strikes again.
It’s just that the capitalist pigs at the insurance company are jealous of the glorious Peoples state of Venezuela and they don’t want the people of the US seeing how great the country really is under is communist regime.
You know, that’s why they kept us out of Cuba all of that time, best healthcare system in the world. Then after they finally let some Americans go there, the capitalists had already been down to Cuba to hide the glorious best healthcare system in the world so no one could find it! Capitalists, they’re the worst!
Nice… I’m adding that to my list of quotes to remember.
Cuba is a shithole.
The idiot Canadians who think it’s soooo fucken great and who flock there are visiting a manufactured version of Cuba. An alt-reality.
I befriend a chap when I visited in the 90s. You can just feel the ‘save me’ aura behind the kindness and politeness. He was an engineer educated in Russia. He was always looking over his shoulder because spies were everywhere. I even managed to escape the stupid fake hotel crawling with pampered Europeans and Canadians and head off into the outskirts.
Wonderful people. But their piece of shit totalitarian murderous twat Castro turned it into a shithole.
What I always recall whenever the topic of Cuba comes up, is the days leading up to Obama lifting the travel restrictions. There were articles everywhere, the NYT, WaPo, CNN, proclaiming the glories of Cuba’s best in the world healthcare system, best results on the planet, they had actually cured cancer and the West were not allowed to have this cure because capitalists won’t let us! Then just a few days after Americans started heading down, the articles stopped and the ones that were already there just mysteriously vanished.
I will admit, in this likely hostile crowd, that I am a hardline Cuba hawk. But you don’t have to be one to be as puzzled as I have long been about something that is constantly said about the place. You saw it constantly in every story as Obama was loosening things up; it’s almost taken for granted by now.
That is, the suggestion that the embargo is the source of Cuba’s isolation. What the fuck is this shit? There are 194 countries on Earth. You know how many would officially love to trade with Cuba just as much as they possibly could? One hundred ninety-three. How in the everloving fuck does every story go around saying, oh, Cuba is a land isolated and frozen in time; because of the embargo all the cars there are old Fords and Chevys from the 1950s? Why isn’t Cuba filled with Hyundais and Toyotas? Why isn’t it filled with glittery towers from investors all over the fucking planet? They’ve been able to make it so this whole time, just as soon as they want it! It’s not so because of them–because they don’t want it to be so, because they are serious about being Communists (not just being oligarchs who call themselves such) and it would go against the principles of their revolution. I can’t even.
Preach. I hate that dishonest BS.
Exactly. The EU and Canada were huge partners. FFS, former Habs great Serge Savard invested in a hotel there.
Havana was filled with Montreal city buses from the 70s with the names of the street directions sometimes still on them:
“Why isn’t Cuba filled with Hyundais and Toyotas?”
The sanctions applied to companies doing business in Cuba. You could at least wonder where the Skodas and Ladas are – but even in a commit shithole the market is still supreme because the Cubans didn’t want that garbage when better, old US stuff was still functioning.
Those are not U.S. based companies. It would certainly be something if the U.S. prohibited other countries’ companies from doing business with Cuba!
Party bigwigs and government officials do have Mercedes and the like. Plus what Rufus said.
…Come to think of it, it probably doesn’t sound farfetched that the U.S. would have had the balls to command every country on Earth to embargo Cuba along with itself. But no, that is not what they did. Its own companies only, like a normal embargo.
Wow, what the fuck is wrong with people?
Fluoride in the water?
The writer of the story loses points for dishonest reporting in trying to tie guns to the killings as more than just a tool the killer used.
To be expected.
From that dog/bear article:
That just raises so many questions. Who buys a pet while on vacation? What kind of pet seller decides it’s a good idea to pass off a bear for a dog? Who doesn’t recognize their dog is a bear before it reaches 250 lbs? Is this story all made up as a cover for a family who knew they were raising a bear but didn’t want to get in trouble when it became too big to handle?
Come on, there’s nothing odd at all about feeding a dog a bucket of fruit every day. Totally serious article.
‘We’re gonna need a bigger dog cage’.
/bear rips bars with hands.
Well, a male Tibetan Mastiff can easily hit 200.
If that was in the U.S., the amazing part would be – they never took their pet to the Veterinarian for shots? I assume the Vet would have recognized that these morons were walking in with a bear.
Depends. I give my dogs all of their shots myself except rabies because that one is prohibited by state law. Other states allow owners to give rabies themselves, and if I lived there, my dogs would never see a vet except if something was actually wrong with them.
Heartworm meds for dogs are prescription only, but you can buy the active ingredients over the counter at any farm store and administer yourself at ~1/50th the cost.
I bought some insecticide to spray around the house, and it turns out to have the same active ingredient as is in flea and tick drops for the dog. After reading the instructions (which include instructions for treating dogs), I decided to spritz the dog while spraying around the house. It costs maybe 2 or 3 cents to treat the dog for a month.
What do you use? I give Advantix 2, but something cheaper yet effective would be great.
This is the kind of legislation that really, it’s more for headlines than it really is to keep the people of Illinois safe.
Most legislation is impotent at best and destructive at worst.
What the story doesn’t make clear is that Rauner wants to INCREASE the burden on gun owners and purchasers. He favors banning of bump stocks (no word on belt loops) and extending the waiting period for purchase to ALL firearms, not just assault style (that’s the new phraseology) weapons.
I should also mention that he supports the ban on civilian possession of armor. Cops need to be able to kill you at will without having to shoot well enough or get in close enough to guarantee a head shot.
You are never going to get John back with that attitude, mister.
assault style (that’s the new phraseology) weapons.
Amazing that they actually admit the only difference from any other semi-auto guns is purely stylistic, yet still think it makes sense to ban them based on this.
Because they want to get their foot in the door. Once they get an assault weapon ban, they’ll then start saying these other weapons over here are still perfectly legal and functionally identical to the banned weapons, so we should ban them as well.
All you have to do is look at the New York “SAFE” Act. It banned many common lever-actions and pump-actions, yet we were always told that “nobody wants to ban your hunting rifles”.
“Assault weapon” is a media-political buzzword. Fuck anyone who uses it seriously.
Exploitation of the Worker, ch 6,902
For his work as a production manager at Falling Sky overseeing a team of brewers and working up to 65 hours a week, Timms made what came out to a little over $40,000 a year. Frustrated, he quit his brewing job in early 2018, convinced that craft brewers were getting shorted across the U.S. beer industry. “There are people making money here,” he says, “but it’s not us.”
But even as sales of craft-culture products steadily rise, the conditions for workers that make and serve those products vary widely. The labor is often physically demanding. Specialized workers are asked to “wear different hats” to make up for understaffing, and gladly answer calls for extra hours because they genuinely care about the products they’re making. Owners, either unwilling or unable to spend on quality executives, take on management responsibilities for which they have no training. The workforces are often small, giving rise to a much-touted familial intimacy that in turn can bring a distinctly familial dysfunction of favoritism and manipulation. Wages and benefits are inconsistent across industries and even within individual companies.
Cast off your chains. Workers of the World, unite!
They need to unionize and put their beer in red cans with a hammer and sickle. Because $7 a bottle is not enough for the same old shitty IPA. Everyone needs to drink the same old shitty IPA and the workers paid $15 an hour because equality! … wait, the guy was already making $20 an hour? For making shitty IPA I could make in my closet in a mop bucket? Well, equality! WORKER’S PARTY IPA, BEER OF THE PEOPLE!
Specialized workers are asked to “wear different hats” to make up for understaffing, and gladly answer calls for extra hours
because they genuinely care about the products they’re making.Doesn’t this describe just about every company? This is literally the exact recipe for a steep career path.
I just put this here stuff in his bucket and the other guy, it’s his job to dump it in that vat over there, duh. I don’t know what that stuff is and I don’t need to know cause putting the stuff in this bucket here, this is my job, duh, learnin is slavery!
There are people who approach their employment that way.
*glares at coworkers*
A good friend was the bookkeeper at dear departed Tremont Brewery. She was also emergency deliverer of kegs (in her own car, no less!), bottle-line worker, scrubber of vats… That’s how it goes at a small business.
(The Tremont founder went on to found Notch Brewing, which is now my go-to purveyor of session beers – it was the beer option at my wedding, even).
This is literally every small business owner I know. In fact, I don’t know a single one – from attorneys to CPA’s to architects to coffee shop owners, who haven’t cleaned the bathrooms at their place of business at some point, or done remodeling work in the office.
Sounds like just about every other small business. I guess we can’t all retire early with a $100,000 a year pension after being completely terrible at our jobs.
Hey! I’m only mostly terrible.
This was ghostwritten by an Anheuser-Busch flack, wasn’t it?
Start your own brewery. Utopia Brewing Company.
Owners take on management responsibilities because they started the business to actually be in the business and work for themselves.
This is fantastic. I live in Eugene, and the owner of this brewery was in a pretentious commercial last voting cycle talking about how we needed to vote for a 3% tax on gross sales over $25m for businesses in the state. He was going on about how big businesses need to pay their ‘fair share’. Really he wanted his larger, superior neighborhood craft brewing competition (Ninkasi) to be subject to a tax that his business wouldn’t have been.
I hope all his employees strike or quit for fair living wages. Live by the progressive sword, die by the progressive sword.
Were you disappointed when the new scooters vanished last week from Charlotte’s sidewalks after a brief debut? They will be back next week — and there will be more of them.
*Ominous music*
Charlotte has reached an agreement with Lime and two other companies to bring as many as 300 scooters back to the city, starting Monday.
The Spartan Calvary will be elated.
What they need then is a scooter lane about 10 feet wide, across from the 10 feet wide bike lane on the other side, both of which no one will ever use and the cars will not longer be able to pass without getting over into either the bike or scooter lane. But it feelz good!
You are mixing faiths heretic! The Spartan Calvary would be Mt Olympus and they might defend it with cavalry
Batmobile lost it’s wheel. No word on if the Joker got away.
Since this took place in Buffalo, I can say from personal experience that alcohol was probably involved.
If it was Baltimore, we’d just know that the wheel was the victim of a wheel breaking pothole.
Oh good, it was only a replica.
I’m fairly certain that all physical batmobiles are replicas.
Not Adahn
Still, beyond these individual concerns lies an existential one: To rationalize the higher prices their beer commands at market, craft breweries across the country actively claim the moral high ground. This claim is two-pronged: that craft beer tastes better than its counterparts because it’s made with higher-quality ingredients and more care, and that craft breweries are innately “better”—more wholesome, more ethical, more socially responsible—than corporate ones.
This is the pitch across craft culture, and it tends to work. Customers like to feel as though their purchases of food and drink products they enjoy are doing good, too. Craft, artisanal, local: “There are just these terms that resonate with the consumer in this feel-good way,” says Margaret Gray, an associate professor of political science at Adelphi University who authored Labor and the Locavore, a 2014 book on worker conditions in the local food economy of New York’s Hudson Valley. “There are all sorts of great reasons why we should feel good about craft beer production,” she says, pointing to the premise of quality and the promise of community building. “But to celebrate it while neglecting labor conditions is highly problematic.”
Simon Legree, Brewmeister.
I think people just like the beer.
that craft breweries are innately “better”—more wholesome, more ethical, more socially responsible—than corporate ones.
Is this a real thing? I’ve never heard a craft brewery hype anything except “taste this awesome beer!”
I would say that many of the brewers I know are dedicated to building and improving their communities. Usually because the only place you can afford to rent after you buy all that fancy stainless steel equipment is dodgy at best. And its easier to sell your beer when there are places for people to eat that aren’t shitholes.
Pfft. Those workers should see how things are at Elsinore.
Take out any mention of beer or brewing, replace with equivalent terms like stocking and merchandising, and let’s talk about how Walmart is the moral superior to any runamill local or regional shopping chain because it standardizes service and workplace safety and remuneration.
Progs; is there anything they can’t moralize?
highly problematic
Prog magic words. Their Puritan forefathers would have called it a “deadly sin”.
Prog: Here, try this beer, comrade, it’s green, socially responsible, and cares about the rights of non-binary transqueer LGBTRLZXYTQFJD!
Not batshit crazy person: ??? Is it any good? What’s it like, I mean the taste?
Prog: Man, you’re the problem! Patriarchy, capitalism, you’re racist!
‘Stop worrying about your stupid agency, just relax and let us tell you what you want!’
“What’s it like, I mean the taste”
On par with Meritocracy Anti-freeze.
They forgot the part about “It’s my product, I can charge whatever I like and people can agree to pay it or not.”
I’m not a fan of IPA’s, but I think Central Planning IPA would make me stop drinking completely.
What if it were ironically named?
Florida woman smiles in mugshot
Wood…before the DUI, manslaughter and the crazy.
The impending jail time would help break-contact safely – or limit it to conjugal visits.
Yeah, I felt (feel) guilty for my first response being “she looks good for 44; wood.” Penises get the better of moral compasses; who knew ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I have no idea how I didn’t know about this story. It just gets crazier and crazier.
Kidnapped man forced to rob a bank….with a bomb fixed around his neck and a fucking goddamn cane-shotgun to incentivize the bank tellers. Caught by police and sitting on the pavement, dies instantly when the bomb goes off. (Rough, rough fucking shit to watch.)
And then….things get interesting.
Just had to include this here. Fucking story is way too nuts.
They even made a movie about it – a comedy… I’m sure it was hi-larious.
A young Zac Efron–I actually have only seen shit he was in before the Disney Channel days–once did a guest spot with a story like that. Here he is!
Also, the collar thing was in the movie adaptation (at least) of history’s holiest work of wisdom literature, Battlefield Earth.
Prior art: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fbvX3elSaaY
Ah Jesus how did I forget that one? Well, did it show the man-animals eating a breakfast rat? I doubt it.
I watched a movie about this recently. I don’t get it either. Seemed more like a movie plot than real life.
I just watched the Netflix documentary. Absolutely bizarre case. Stranger than fiction.
I remember when that happened. It was fucked up. like some idiot was trolling Blockbuster’s discount bin looking for ideas for their big heist. It would be hilarious if it wasn’t so fucking traumatizing and terrible for the guy that was killed.
Possible school shooting going down in Texas. Shotgun?
Must be one of them assault shotguns. If it’s black and has something that goes up, that’s why it decided to attack people.
Hopefully there is a resource officer onsite. Someone needs to wait patiently outside for the local reporters.
National roving school shooting expert David Hogg is on the case.
Did they forget to put up the “Gun-Free Zone” sign?
Compulsory education really makes people angry
That’s right around the corner from me. Latest is they found bombs as well. Much Facebook derp flowing. I made the mistake of offering a solution (ending compulsory public education) that is getting me a lot of hate.
This was ghostwritten by an Anheuser-Busch flack, wasn’t it?
Worse than that. I think it came from something which scuttled away from the rotting carcass of Gawker.
I just put this here stuff in his bucket and the other guy, it’s his job to dump it in that vat over there, duh.
And, if you get tired of waiting for him to come back from his mid-morning mandated
breaknap and just dump the goddam bucket in the vat yourself, you’ll get written up by the shop steward, and be treated like a scab.Didn’t the Free State numbers on the ground hit the trigger quite some time ago for all who had pledged to move there to do so? What the fuck has happened to it? See, this is why when you are working with libertarians you make them sign a binding covenant.
People be cray-cray
Early Friday morning, police officers shot and wounded a man after he fired multiple shots inside the lobby of the Trump National Doral resort. According to police, the man was carrying an American flag and “yelling and spewing some information about President Trump.”
The incident occurred around 1:30 a.m. at Trump National Doral golf and spa resort. A few hours later, Miami-Dade Police Director Juan Perez revealed details of the incident in a press conference outside the resort.
“These officers did not hesitate for one second to engage this individual who was actively shooting in the lobby of the hotel,” said Perez, the Sun Sentinel reports.
“He had an American flag that he did drape over the counter, that all will be part of the investigation. We’re going to take it from there and see what his real motives are,” he said. Authorities have not yet determined if it was an act of terrorism, he added.
I have a theory. It involves a mental syndrome.
Islamophobia? Wait, wait, I’ve got this. He thinks immigrants are all animals? Somehow Trump’s at fault.
Help me out, Glibs.
I’m looking for the Soviet-era quote about how true believers can’t be shown enough information to ever disassociate themselves with the Communist ideology. Something at the end that “They will only change their minds when the boot is on their neck.”
I thought it was aleksandr solzhenitsyn and maybe it was, but I can’t remember enough specifics for my google-fu to find it.
KGB defector Yuri Bezmenov said that. Here’s the video:
it’s around the 7 min mark
my bad, the quote is at the 9:50 mark.
“When the military boot crushes his balls, then he will understand, but not before.”
Evan, dont you already have a visual aid?
vanka Trump’s answer: “So clearly Laurel.”
Sarah Sanders answer: “Clearly, you’re getting your information from CNN, because that’s fake news. All I hear is Yanny.”
Kellyanne Conway’s answer: “It’s Laurel, but I could deflect and divert to Yanny if you need me to.”
Trump had the best answer, saying, “I hear covfefe.”
Someone needs their own Limp Bizkit song. ///KeepOnTrollingBaby
Your Friday double feature!
re: link #2 – #18, obvs.
She appears to be above treetop level, so I’m guessing that’s on a hillside?
Few months old, but always timely: Google’s autocomplete micromanagement still not blocking absolutely every bad thought conceivable, even after all these years!
The pinnacle of absurdity since it’s hard to come up with a company more SJW than Google.
Some decent points here.
^That’s a really good way of putting it
It’s more than that… There’s a grievance industry that exists with a huge profit motive. Social “science” professors, groups like the SPLC, “diversity” specialists in both the private sector and government, fake news rags like TheRoot and Everyday Feminism, and Leftist politicians are the ones who profit from this. They have an incentive to fabricate as much oppression as possible in order to boost their bottom lines. They stir up hatred between races, genders, and sexual orientations.
They may be an industry that produces no useful product whatsoever, but they’re an industry nonetheless.
The big bucks are to be made in consultancy.
And then he goes full retard:
Citation fucking needed. Maybe, ya know, it’s immoral to kill people who have never been, even in the remotest of fucking ways possible, a threat to you in any way.
Parkland school cop Scot Peterson gets $8,702 a month in pension
How the fuck does he rack up huge overtime as a school resource officer?
Security at football games, graduation, prom, county events, college game security, all of it on that sweet sweet sweet 1.5X
Probably double or triple time for working holidays, too. Even though most schools are closed on holidays, I wouldn’t be surprised if he came in on Labor Day to “catch up on paperwork”.
Plenty of basketball games, etc. on “holidays”. I’m pretty sure there are some Illinois High School Football championship games on Thanksgiving or the day after.
His performance was viewed as great right up until the moment that it actually mattered.
I wouldn’t tarnish a man’s entire life because of a single slip-up
Had me going for a half second there i.f.
As the Democrats keep moving left, a trend which no one could have predicted and no one saw coming, here’s an interesting paragraph from the following article:
“Will Democrats who embrace the socialist label have appeal outside party primaries? One clue comes from a 2016 study by Vox and polling firm Morning Consult that asked Sanders’ supporters how much they were willing to pay in taxes to enact his “free” health care-and-college proposals. More than half were not willing to pay more than $1,000 annually for his health care plan or $1,500 for his college plan — or less than what most people currently pay to receive employee-sponsored health care.”
I hate to break the news to them, but that’s not going to cut it. Just ask anyone in Europe. What that ‘free’ healthcare is going to cost you is half your income, and they will still have to heavily ration it and deny treatment in many cases. Dummies.
“A Pittsburgh DSA-backed candidate has even won election as a district judge.”
This is scarier to me than any socialist pol. A politician (at least theoretically) can be constrained by opposition and responsibility to constituents. A judge has nearly unlimited power, as we’ve seen with rogue judicial activism against Trump.
Will Democrats who embrace the socialist label
I thought they already did. (TW: DWS)
More than half were not willing to pay more than $1,000 annually
Well, duh. The RICH (whoever that is) are going to pay for it!
Yes, the rich are going to pay for it. So are the poor. The difference is, the rich are not going to use it. They’ll have quality private care, while the peasants who pay half their income for it, are going to use it. I mean use it in the sense, they’re going to use it when their betters say they can. Social healthcare is about thinning down the peasants hordes.
Not more than $1,000 annually ?!?! LOLOLOLOLOL
There’s going to be some massive sticker shock when they get the bill.
Yeah, that’s pretty great – “$38 a paycheck, but not a penny more!”
Well it’ll work perfectly as soon as we tax the Evil KKKorporations and Treasonous Rich.
A couple of them are smart enough to do the math and realize that eating the rich is not how it works long term. Or at least to look at their European models and notice the high tax rates across the board. But the masses have been sold a beautiful lie and there’s little incentive to show that it’s wrong.
It is a bit telling that they’re willing to pay more for college than health care. Sure, as a healthy young adult in a first-world country, you’re going to need the latter more than the former, on average, in the present. But that’s not how insurance works and it’s certainly not how “socialized medicine” works. If price was strictly determined by individualized factors then you’d be totally fucked if you got a chronic condition. You have to pay more now, both to cover your own potential future health needs and also to cover the needs of other people today.
People have been raised to conceptualize healthcare as an afterthought. Their stated preference is that it’s extremely important but their revealed preference is that it’s not worth much. It is unsurprising then that “socialized medicine” often results in some very perverse incentives.
Funny coincidence that I’m in the process of writing a piece on this.
Wait… I thought that social engineering is the bestest neatest idea ever?
HBO adapted Fahrenheit 451, and it’s about as timely and relevant as an HBO adaptation of Fahrenheit 451. Of course, it’s aimed squarely at Trump, but the premise alone sounds unforgivably cringey.
Remind me, who desperately wants the FCC to treat the internet like a public utility, and who appointed a liberal to keep internet out of the hands of federal censors? And do progs recall how that hellscape libertarian wasteland of consumerist tech ambition called Amazon took root? Who is it Facebook and Google censor, progressive lefties or “alt-right” voices?
Projection, projection, projection uber alles.
Besides, book burning is ok as long as you’re burning the right ones.
You have to burn some books because those books lead to burning all books. But you better go through the bibliographies first so you know which other books might lead to burning all books, and burn those books, too.
It makes sense if you don’t think about it.
And who is it who is flirting with the idea that the government can and should outlaw certain kinds of political speech?
This is about as moronic as people insisting that The Handmaid’s Tale is depicting the United States in the near future when it’s barely an exaggeration of the Muslim world right now.
I remember when sci-fi movies started with a short blurb written out in dot-matrix text explaining the stupid, stupid premise.
One of the more interesting reading experiences for me was contrasting Fahrenheit 451 itself with Bradbury’s afterword. Although my recollection is a little fuzzy, I remember that he railed on about minority opinions dominating and ultimately poisoning discourse. At the time, I found it a jarring juxtaposition with 451’s seemingly individualistic message. But with all that’s happened in the past few years, it seems more cohesive and poignant today.
We just need to take from the rich, and give to the poor. Justice demands it.
Kirk McClure, a professor of urban planning at the University of Kansas, states that “these last-hope lotteries are a manifestation of the tragic reality … (that) we have never in America made affordable housing a right.”
A country as wealthy as the United States should make affordable housing a right. (Just as health insurance for everyone should be.) I know, that smacks of socialism. Call it what you want. But I make no apologies for wanting to live in a country where having a roof over your head and health insurance is a right, and funding it is a priority.
Some things can rightly be labeled as necessities. Why is it too much to ask the U.S. Congress and this president to face up to the fact that far too many individuals and families are consumed with worry and anxiety about how they are to pay next month’s rent.
Rent subsidies and vouchers must be vastly expanded and increased.
To fund this program, institute the Tobin tax, in which every stock transaction is taxed, and put those billions of dollars into a true housing program for the non-well-off, so they can have housing.
It’s time that this essential necessity be brought up and discussed, and plans made to rectify it. The unmentionable subject is too important to be relegated to academic journals and local campaigns. It needs to be an integral part of the political life of this nation.
Far too many people are hurting because elected officeholders refuse to pay attention and come up with remedies. The issue of housing cannot be ignored.
Stop trying to pretend it’s complicated. It’s not. America is rich. Society owes it to those people to put a roof over their heads.
Let’s knock down a bunch of sub-par real estate and bring back brutalism. High-rise, low-income apartments with pissy, broken elevators and needle-strewn stairwells, roving gangs of unemployable teenagers and twenty-somethings mugging and terrorizing their neighborhoods. It’ll be a spectacle to watch those brand-new concrete monoliths get dynamited after a couple years.
their neighbor
hoods“bring back brutalism”
ZARDOZ approves.
“never in America made affordable housing a right”
Correct. Because it’s not and any attempt to make it so will require such an outrageous abuse of property rights that it’s sickening.
What’s more frightening is this: “we have never in America made affordable housing a right.”
The author thinks that rights are something that “we” – which I’m sure means the government – create out of thin air. And if the government creates all the rights, that would mean it can take them away at will. This mentality is why “progressivism” leads to tyranny.
“What’s more frightening is this: “we have never in America made affordable housing a right.”
Don’t blame these people for being so stupid. It’s their parents fault for sending them to overpriced dens of leftist indoctrination disguised as institutions of higher learning, to get shitty worthless degrees in some useless social sciences programs. I hate the break the news, but a horde of angry dumb downed social activists are being released on the public as we speak. You are already seeing the results of it in these Democratic primaries. We’d better be praying to the invisible sky gods that there are still enough sane people left to stop these people, because if not, things are going to get very very ugly. But rest assured in the ruins of society that are left after these idiots have burned it down, they will be the first to meet their untimely and savage end.
Proglodyte Mad Libs!
A country as wealthy as the United States should make__________________ a right.
F1 cars
Free sour cream with every burrito
(people say money can’t buy happiness…but it can.)
Sure can.
It’s an even more ostentatiously stupid rendering of “If we can put a man on the moon…”
Your parents scrimp, save, and invest wisely enough to send you to a posh academy, with the intention of turning you into a doctor or lawyer so that you won’t need to work backbreaking hours baling newspaper or changing bed pans in an old folks’ home. Instead, the lesson you take is “If you can afford to put me through private schooling, why can’t you buy me a car?” The ostensible compassion of advocating for low-income housing is not more selfless than wanting a car for yourself: it’s not your money, and in any event, you’re missing the point. Deferred gratification and investment bring about the wholesale social change you want. Not segregating the poor in government apartments bought with money not your own so you can pat yourself on the back for having “solved” unaffordable housing.
We had it coming once we decided to put a man on the moon.
The answer is obviously Tig Ole’ Bitties.
This guy always gets it.
(*) (*)
) . (
( v )
Think that lady needs to see a chiropractor stat
Hall & Oates
we have never in America made affordable housing a right.”
A country as wealthy as the United States should make affordable housing a right.
“Rights” do not require coercion to exercise. Additionally, they are not contingent on level of wealth.
Why is it too much to ask the U.S. Congress and this president to face up
Because the federal government is literally not authorized to do most of what it currently does, let alone this authoritarian, destructive shit that you are pushing.
But I make no apologies for wanting to live in a country where having a roof over your head and health insurance is a right, and funding it is a priority.
I eagerly await Prof McClure’s announcement of his move to Caracas.
I wonder if this dipshit has ever looked at how much the federal government alone spends on healthcare. It’s so much that it’s literally driving the country to bankruptcy.
“We just need to take from the rich, and give to the poor. ”
Except when Trump does it.
You have to admit there’s something absurdly retarded about Urban Planning being taught at Kansas.
With careful planning, you can fit as many as 10 buildings into 25 square miles of territory.
Let’s knock down a bunch of sub-par real estate and bring back brutalism.
Bring back Pruitt-Igoe.
That wasn’t real socialism. We’ll get it right this time.
The only reason Rand wasn’t prescient is because not even she realized how much wealth we’d have to paper over the failures of our socialist experiments.
“Spread your legs and they will cum”
OT: On the housework thread from yesterday, you asked me how I put up with going without a water heater for so long… By far, the worst part was the dishes. That just required a lot of willpower and occasionally staying up late to get them done because I wouldn’t be able to cook breakfast without them. You actually get used to the cold showers after a month or so, and I still haven’t gone back to hot showers. I do it for health benefits (better for your skin and hair, improved energy levels) and as kind of a willpower exercise. It also saves money, I guess. Cold showers are great – I’d recommend them to anyone.
Get the hell out of here with that commie nonsense.
Akira yells THIS… IS… SPARTA when he pulls the shower valve.
Agree on the cold showers thing. Back when I was younger and heartier (and cheaper, not wanting to pay for hot water…), I only did cold showers. Your heart’s just like your computer – you need to occasionally turn it off and then back on.
I’m sure this same person would have no problem doing a dishonest propaganda film for the left.
If the moron wants to forfeit a paying gig because of his moronic proggy politics he can be my guest. I’m sure there’s a line of struggling actors around the block to replace him.
Not recent, but never too late. “Pulitzer Prize winning historian” on Woodrow Wilson:
Take it away, weird-ass New Left historian. (Yeah, ignore the part about Bryan being the heir to traditional Jeffersonianism and the National Democratic Party being the proto- big government Progressives. I said this guy was weird, and that ain’t the half of it trust me. Hey, Kolko’s dead and this is the best we have left.)
I think he remained as modest as any Presbyterian minister’s son could remain
Woodrow Wilson was Lizzie Warren with balls (both literally and figuratively). He was the stereotypical ivory tower smug professor.
Also, again, he was a megalomaniac who, very near literally and most definitely religiously, thought he was the fucking messiah of modern humanity, and that no one and nothing had the right to get between him and the power to fulfill his mission. His unsettling pronouncements go way back; I can scarcely believe he actually was originally a hardline Gold Democrat, unless it was solely because he thought the Populists and Republicans were a bunch of nigger lovers.
He was also a racist who rolled back some modest gains for blacks and praised “Birth of a Nation.”
That asshole got us into WW1. Without U.S. intervention, who knows how that would turned out. WW2 may have never happened if it wasn’t for him.
Agree on the ETO. I think the PTO’s various causes would still have rolled around.
Cold showers are great – I’d recommend them to anyone.
my kids kindergarten class is having a day in the park today. My wife and I were tasked with bringing soda and water. I don’t have an ice check big enough to carry drinks for 65 kids, so lick tubs it is.
It’ll help with building up immunity, good work.
Eight dead in Texas school shooting: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2018/05/18/texas-high-school-shooting-leaves-at-least-8-dead-suspect-in-custody-report.html
Is CNN already lionizing the kid?
The contagion effect continues unabated.
Get ready for more local “assault weapons” bans and lobbying for the same at the state and federal levels.
I wonder how many people died yesterday from motor vehicle accidents.
Why is the shooter still alive?
He used a shotgun. They’ve also found explosives at the school and around the school. It also looks like he might have had an accomplice. Once again my bet is they’re going to find a trail of evidence that was ignored.
Latest reports saying looks like he had a shotgun and a pistol.
So now we just need to ban everything.
Latest reports saying looks like he had a shotgun and a pistol.
Why is he still alive?
Some of you might remember Dr Peter Ridd, a physicist in Australia, who essentially called out the green scientactivists infesting the Australian govt’s agency monitoring the great barrier reef for exaggerating the environmental risks confronting the reef.
For his crime of advancing scientific arguments that undermined the Australian government’s state religion, he was censured by the university that employed him for uncollegial behavior. He refused to apologize, and they sacked him.
Naturally, their sacking of him violates the contract of his employment. And naturally, like all members of the green religion, the university seems quite happy to bear false witness (i.e. make shit up) to justify the sacking.
I’ve kicked in a few bucks for his legal fees, I urge you all to do the same. You can do that here: https://www.gofundme.com/peter-ridd-legal-action-fund
Maybe that xenophobic ranting lawyer from Manhattan can take the Australian bar after the NY pols succeed in their efforts to disbar him here.
I insist upon driving both of our kids to school because I hated the bus as a wee lad and I don’t trust how they drive. This morning we narrowly missed being T-boned by a school bus completely disregarding a red light (not even slowing down) and then I read the story about the field trip crash. I’m feeling a bit nauseated and angry by the incompetence of hired drivers.
How dare you speak ill of these unionized heroes. They’re delivering precious cargo to the indoctrination camps.
In Jr high, my bus T-boned a girl on a highway. Thankfully she wasn’t seriously hurt. The accident was her fault (she ran a red right into our green left turn arrow), but it illustrated to me in vivid colors how easy it would be to die because the bus driver wasn’t paying attention.
About three weeks ago an acquaintance of mine, a policeman, was called about a loon running around in the street waving a rifle around and randomly shooting it. He pulled his patrol car up near the guy, jumped out, charged the guy and wrestled the rifle away from him before arresting him. That is how it is done but it takes serious balls and a clear head.
Fuck Scot Peterson. Coward.
Cato Guy Declares Deep Insight Into Why Libertarians Don’t Get More Black Supporters:
Because Libertarians Are Mostly Racists
*this conclusion derived from statement made by LP vice something or other.
And the replies are a chorus of “yerps!” from the scribbling DC policy-wonk types. Because, you see, these people have their fingers on the pulse of the great unwashed masses of Americans though…. their intimacy with various other think-tank people. Because everyone knows that the LP and Cato are perfect representations of a cross section of American politics. Even tho you never voted for any of them, and its a given that almost everyone who intentionally gets into politics is a bizarre sociopath who wants affirmation and self-esteem through being connected to bureaucratic organs of power.
anyway, i’m pretty sure (too bored to check) this guy is also the author of Cato’s “OMG LIBERTARIANS NEED TO BE ANTI-RACIST” article from 2014 which they’ve been flogging.
Rarely does anyone bother to collect any data on what the population of people they’re calling “Racists” actually thinks – and if they do, they play games with data-collection and definitions to ensure the answers seem to support their prior views. It seems the only purpose of this “Racism” term for white people is herding people into partisan camps where they’ll be protected from the smear.
Some further reading:
*scott alexander in his “You Are Still Crying Wolf” piece did a wonderful job, using mostly proxy-data, showing that there are fewer and fewer people who admit to explicitly racist beliefs, and fewer orgs for them to join.
Niskanen themselves (fuck WW) published a very interesting piece about the contemporary research claiming that “racial resentment” was a key driver of the 2016 election, and shows some of the flaws in the way that data is commonly used or understood
which showed that most of the recent data being used by media, claiming that “white resentment” fueled votes in 2016, has a host of fundamental flaws/errors in its conception. It can be a bit dense but worth reading in detail to grok how much of this sorts of research puts a fat thumb on the scale before it even begins.
** niskanen piece<a
Trump voters are white. Trump voters are resentful (of the corrupt political establishment). Trump voters are fearful (of what Hillary will do to the country). Therefore, Trump won because of white resentment and fear.
QED, mothafucka!
Obviously a white-lash because TRUMP even though everybody running for president was white.
Well, Ben Carson ran in the primaries, but Lefties were of course happy to trash him every chance they got because he expresses unapproved views for a black person.
HIllary did worse among blacks than Obama because of racism, and worse among women because of sexism. Everybody knows that.
As for wypipo, this is of course just one of the many crucial roles the Trump mythology plays for various people. For Hillary supporters, it’s important to ascribe to him near-supernatural powers of creating racism out of thin air like some sort of alchemist or wizard–for how else would you explain how racism was a decisive factor this time–that millions of whites were perfectly willing to vote for the black guy to be President but refused to vote for her out of racism?
Didn’t Trump get the largest percentage of any R since ever? I suspect in 2020 it will be substantially larger.
This is the most libertarian site on the internet, hands down. TOS doesnt even come close.
We are also probably one of the most diverse groups around. Every race, age, creed, ethnicity, gender and sexual orientation is well represented. The problem with the Libertarian party is that it doesnt have very many Libertarians in it. The problem with people who hate libertarians is that the people they hate mostly exist only in their heads.
I am resigned to this site being about as good as it is gonna get for us.
*Mises.org sheds single tear*
They are good. We are better.
We are better if only because you don’t have to wade through pages of comments about how Jews relate to the topic at hand.
(((They))) don’t?
“Every race, age, creed, ethnicity, gender, species and sexual orientation is well represented.”
Don’t get sucked in by the headline. Duct tape your head before reading.
“We too easily forget that the biggest accomplishment of Trump’s term in office so far — a massive increase in debt in a time of robust economic growth — is the inverse of Obama’s studied sense of fiscal responsibility.
*blinks repeatedly*
*can’t decide if English*
*Looks English but makes no sense*
*shoots self in head*
There was a time when Glibs would only *desk* selves in head but now violence is increasing. I blame the toxic masculine environment that is nurtured by spaces like this.
So…two terms it is then.