All right! Glib-fit is back. I love a chance to practice my creative fiction! I hope everyone has a wonderful Friday. I took a nap with a sick kid because you really expect me to work when I’m tired and my pathetic little snot angel says, “Daddy. Way down!”? Yeah. No go.
I know this was probably linked in the earlier articles, but I’m gonna lead with it. The shooting in Santa Fe, down south of Houston sucks. Go find somewhere else to be a murderous asshole. I am glad they took him alive. Its an encouraging trend and I hope it continues so the next generation of fanbois can watch documentaries of Cruz and this guy saying, “I hate prison. I hate it. I wish I’d died.”
On the opposite side, here’s a great effort by people to bring functional prostheses to young children. I love that they call them “bionic kids”.
I’m not sure who the bad guys are in all of this, but I don’t see many good ones.
Oh noes, does this mean the Dave Matthews Band can never play again? (fingers crossed)
Might want headphones from this one — its a little profanely grumpy.
F…. First?
On topic: $9 million? From the DMB guy? GTFO.
re: “school shooting”
Because the internet is an excellent “instant-conclusion-drawing machine”… based on an analysis of the shooters jacket, it is clear he was motivated either by:
– communism
– nazism
– chtulhu
– or the band Rush
(checks earpiece)
*there is a minority view now being offered which suggests, “he may have just been a loser”, but no one seems convinced of that yet
His mother says he was bullied and beaten. That seems to be something all of these crazy bastards have in common.
What did his dad say?
Let me guess. “The father was not available for comment.”
Government schools = hate factories.
That’s pretty much it. Public schools are a total failure and need shut down, now.
White cis boys can’t be bullied. /prog
Huh, thought that was Hydra, not Cthulhu. Where’s SMOD?
The soliloquy in 2112 could have that effect. *listens again, that and Black Sabbath ‘We Sold our Soul for Rock and Roll’ were my first cassette tapes I bought*
Amazingly, the idiot kid had some unifying theory which explains all these various pins
Looks like he missed on at least two: bravery and kamikaze tactics.
Obviously an alt-right Trump supporter.
CNN told me that they are the only violent people in the nation.
Gee, another kid with numerous warning signs shoots up a school. Color me surprised.
Second! I know the first loser…
Never been a fan of Dave Matthews Band.
The good news is, you’re not the first loser.
Bronze medal. Is there anything more pathetic than a bronze medal?
Which is third! In the world!
I’ve never understood the DMB hate. There is a lot worse music being made out there.
Hall & Oates for starters.
Ok, you’re on the list now, buddy. And not the good one.
I’ll give them a listen this weekend, and then get back to you. Sometimes the troll in me gets unleashed.
Francis might have been wound a little too tight, but I am sympathetic to his views on touching my stuff.
Outstanding. Matt is a little out of touch.
Some things are better left unsaid
*drops gloves*
Say it isn’t so.
You did this once, let’s not let it happen again,
/OMM sees all………………..
While H&O are terrible, they still aren’t as bad as DMB
Hall and Oates were great!
I never listened to DMB. I couldn’t even tell you the name of one of their songs.
Consider yourself lucky.
Say something nice or nothing at all:
DMB sucked less than Blues Traveler.
Instant station change for both.
Wow, if you threw “spin doctors” in there, you’d have some holy-trinity of suck that would require a holy see of Jam Band pontiffs to get together and debate the relative metaphysical suckitude to determine the proper order
*i confess I used to go see them all perform quite often in the early 1990s; along with many other types of music.
If i had to pick some “unrecognized superior act” that came out of that whole 1990s* scene …
…I would probably pick Aquarium Rescue Unit: Colonel Bruce Hampton, backed by Jimmy Herring + Oteil Burbridge …and a badass drummer whose name i can’t recall. They had a more country-blues + psychadelic bluegrass+funk niche which was always technically jawdropping, and rarely corny.
(*Phish doesn’t count because they were a separate thing unto themselves)
My dislike (hate is too strong) comes from being in undergrad in Charlottesville when DMB formed. Far too many of my contemporaries had a worshipful adoration of DMB. Provincial pride I guess.
* I also saw them in C-ville around that time
My brother snuck me into a bar where they were playing through the backdoor. Which turned out to be right behind the band. I ended up walking across the stage right past them. maybe ~1990 or so.
I enjoyed them that night. After that, between the wheedle-falsetto of the singer, and the twee-ness of their soft-jazz meets folk-rock sound, they caused instant headache
Are we not doing phrasing?
Same here, although I’m a bit younger than you. In their pre-national fame days, they were very big with the kind of people I hated – even played my school’s homecoming dance in 1993. Then in 1995 I went to C’ville and it was all Dave, all the time. I used to like going to Miller’s on the Downtown Mall, except for the fact that every time I went I would overhear someone excitedly telling someone “DAVE USED TO TEND BAR HERE!”
Yep. I left in ’95 as the Dave Wave was hitting its mammoth peak in C’Ville. Not my type of music, but I begrudgingly give them credit for constantly touring and letting people record shows. They created a reallt loyal fan base.
Well, if your music is bland tripe, then you’ve got to go to particular lengths to build that audience.
Kinda makes it even more impressive then.
Maybe you didn’t have to listen to worshipful airheads go on about his “world sound” and awesomeness. Also, the high-pitched part never did much for me.
Seems to be the recurring them. I didn’t come across DMB until way after their popularity had crested (reverse-hipster?), and I enjoy them.
“Maybe you didn’t have to listen to worshipful airheads go on about his “world sound” and awesomeness”
No one can beat Radiohead fans for the level of pretentious cult-like devotion they display.
There is also no band with a larger gap between how good their fans think they are and how good they actually are.
Fuck Radiohead.
There is also no band with a larger gap between how good their fans think they are and how good they actually are.
Grateful Dead???
Pink Floyd? Nickelback?
Pink Floyd? I ain’t got no good taste in music but that is just bullshit right there.
Like Radiohead, Pink Floyd (post Syd Barrett) is a decent English band who did a couple of things that were “edgy” for pop. If someone thinks PInk Floyd is the greatest band in the world based solely off the album Piper at the Gates of Dawn, I respect that.
You sir, have never taken a trip I take it. Pink Floyd rocks.
I like Careful With That Axe, Eugene. Best thing is to get some unsuspecting person and play it nice and loud for them. They are almost lulled into a trance, and then the scream comes…watching them jump three feet in the air is priceless.
Try that on sid…jump 3′ feet out of your body.
The Division Bell is Pink Floyd’s best album.
Coldplay, Green Day, Insane Clown Posse
Maybe Phish.
Q: What does a sober Phish fan say?
A: This music sucks!
Doors. It is known.
The argument that they’re over-rated is defensible, but Roadhouse Blues alone keeps them off the list.
I disagree.
Instrumentally, they were a trio with no bass player.
Manzarek and Krieger (didn’t use a pick!) were extremely underrated if anything, imo.
I only really like Peace Frog.
Yeah, I’m going to have to go with Grateful Dead on that one.
I see you’ve met my wife and also know my best friend.
The Beach Boys.
I liked them early in their career because at the time they were a totally different sound. But then they got self-indulgent and quit writing interesting music.
They aren’t a band, they are a rhythm section, which explains why their biggest song features John Popper – who provides melody and vocals to accompany the Dave Matthews Rhythm Section.
DMB triggers my “annoying Irish music” anger. Much like Mumford & Sons, Cranberries, and even Dropkick Murphys (even though I don’t hate Dropkick Murphys, they are completely annoying after 10 minutes).
U2 never triggered that until Rattle & Hum, and it’s probably just because Bono is a sanctimonious asshole more than the music itself.
Beautiful busty brunettes.
27 wins the used to be a dude award. 32 wins the vavavoom award.
7, please
These lists set me to wondering… what would it be like to be a piping hot 20 something like those women? It is like they have a superpower. Being in south Florida, I see them a lot. And around here they aren’t shy about using that superpower. They’ll get some guy to pay their rent. Buy them a vacation. A car. Give them an overpaid, no-work job… whatever.
But even if they don’t go full sugar-daddy, the really hot ones still have super powers. They get free stuff everywhere they go. Guys going out of their way to be nice to them… It really distorts their reality. But it must be a lot of fun.
See, that’s the one advantage to being a fugly bastard – since I’d never have a chance anyway, their wiles are useless against me!
I’m automatically turned off by the sense of entitlement you are describing. It reminds me of a previous fling so much that it causes an irrational rage, I turn into a huge asshole, and then get credit for being “honest” and “open”.
Bitches be crazy.
Read Sexual Personae by Paglia.
Because of exactly what you’re describing, women have always had more power than men. Men’s consolidation of political power was a (futile) effort to take back some of their autonomy.
The principal limitation these women have is that their power has a rather short shelf-life whereas a man can accumulate power and wealth throughout his life, a woman has 15, maybe 20 years to exercise her powers.
Yeah, it’s definitely gotta lead to an interesting perspective. I don’t know if I’d want that much attention, though.
Stern used to say “There’s nothing more important than being a pretty girl.”, only half-jokingly.
That said, it’s a trap – sure, it’s awesome now, but have you met anyone who was piping-hot when younger and now is now early middle-age? My buddy’s ex was one such – it was clear that she was confused, at some level, why dudes weren’t just doing things for her now, why they weren’t taking her ridiculous ideas seriously as they once did…
She basically had no social immune system – having suddenly to deal with even the smallest obstacles, when doors used to just magically open, was slowly driving her insane.
(still, would have)
No idea what it’s like, but I bet a shit-ton of intense hate from their less physically attractive female peers is part of that package, and I bet it eats away at them more than they let on. Girls can’t keep away from that shit even when they know it’s poison.
Related: cute > hot – cute lasts far longer, and I suspect you don’t get the hate from other females.
Think Holly Hunter
Sally Field
Well observed.
And then they turn 30.
I am very close friends with a women who was her high school’s homecoming queen. I met her when she came to work as an intern. She was 22 at the time. Unbelievably hot (smart to, went on to earn an MBA). But being hot has it pros and cons. Yes, guys go out of the way for hotties, but they also have to deal with creepy old guys hitting on them. They tend to be despised by other women and if they get a good job, people will say they only got it cause they’re hot.
I’ve k own a few in professional settings and it’s been interesting. One was excellent at her job. There was plenty of admiration for her work.
Two were mediocre to poor at their jobs. Guys still wanted to bang them but concensus was they were useless. Neither got very far.
Well today has turned into yet another “National Buy a Gun Day”.
What is everyone getting?
10.5 inch Pistol upper
If you’re gonna get something un-PC, get the most un-PC thing possible.
I’d like an HK45. Can’t afford one, though.
I’d like the Mark 23. Just to have in case I need to use a pistol as a sniper rifle or something.
Probably nothing right now. I spent a bunch of money earlier this year. I’m gonna sit this one out.
Plus I still need a scope for my new AR.
I think I’m going to press ahead with my AK DIY sojourn. It may turn out badly, but if I fuck it up (as long as I don’t fuck it up *too* badly) I can always have a gunsmith fix it up for me.
I am guessing you are familiar with AK-Builder then? I have built a few fixed stock AKMs. They are actually very easy to do. The worst part is making the rivets pretty in my opinion.
Yeah, that website + youtube videos was gonna be my guide.
Their jigs are very good. If you splurge and get them all you don’t even have to do the bucking bar air-hammer dance. Makes all your rivets look factory Soviet.
I should add that I have also built a Polish underfolder and a Bulgy AK-74S Triangle side folder. Those kinda sucked to get right.
I’m planning on doing the fixed stock with wood furniture; I’m going for the traditional look.
Best kind. Romanian donkey dick for the win.
Just saving money for a new sight and more ammo right now.
Savage 16 eventually.
I want a fucking bazooka. I hear that every libertarian has one. Except for me, I don’t have one. And a tank, I want a tank.
These are low aspirations, Hyp. Every libertarian I know has nuclear missiles. For snakes and such.
100 Shares of AOBC.
He used a shotgun and a .38. This story will be gone in a couple of days.
I want something I need a tow hitch for.
I forget who this reminds me of.
I just dont get the school shooter thing. How evil and crazy can a person get?
The school ‘resource officer’ was shot. I will be very interested in details about that.
These little monsters study what went before. Arming only one highly visible person just changes the order of murder. Fuck the media for making these shitheads clebrities.
Since Columbine it’s just been a succession of copycats. Harris and Kliebold retain hero-like status among these shooters because of all the notoriety.
If it bleeds, it leads + anti-gun agenda = massive media fapitude over school shootings
Nailed it. Stop posting their pictures and names.
Stop talking about it and they would happen a lot less often – but that might hurt the media’s agenda.
I can’t remember the Parkland shooter’s name; it’s the Hoggie dude that gets the notoriety with me.
I blame that song Jeremy by Pearl Jam. Every school shooter must listen to that song for weeks before finally losing it. We need common sense Pearl Jam control.
The article at NR includes a pretty good summary of Gladwell’s “slow motion riot” thing (which he of course got from somebody else). Not in agreement with French’s restraining order advocacy, but the jist of the article is pretty good.
Thanks, I was too lazy to link to that.
The key to a slow-motion riot is the igon value.
That’s kinda Gladwell’s shtick, but he can be fun to read (sometimes).
I was just going to try and find this to link to it.
TL/DR this shit happens because it happens.
What Tundra said. Look up Malcolm Gladwell’s essay on this. They are inspiring each other, and it all started with Columbine. But as we go forward the kids are getting less and less crazy.
Less crazy? I dont know how that works. Going to a school and murdering children simultaneously throwing your own life away for no good reason seems like maximum crazy/evil to me. I cant imagine just how dark and twisted these people’s minds are.
How dare you call them crazy! You might hurt their precious self-esteem!
Read that Gladwell article. The more it happens, the more acceptable it seem so the less crazy the kids are. Very much like suicide has a contagion effect.
From what I’ve heard, he took a B.B. to the wrist.
Not as bad as an arrow to the knee.
You end up wounded.
Well, if you mod up the tavern wenches, it’s not so bad.
The story about the prosthetic arms almost made up for the rest. The video is fantastic.
I think it’s dusty in here, and some got in my eye while I watched that video.
Prosthetic technology is getting better and better. I’m around a lot of disabled vets, and fortunately/unfortunately they are driving a lot of this innovation.
Sappy boy-with-prosthetic-arm awesomeness linked in the article.
Just went down a good news rabbit hole with other videos from that one.
Some anarchist have been doing it with medical trials for a while. Not that I would know anything about it.
On the bit…. they are calling it extortion because they publish mugshots and will only remove them if you pay up.
But the state lists those mugshots and won’t remove them, no matter what you offer to pay.
The article uses a sob-story case where a guy who was never charged with anything cannot find work and his girlfriend dumped him, all because of a mugshot.
But is it really difficult to search up the actual mugshots? In Europe they have a “right to be forgotten” that says you have to take down factual but embarrassing information if requested. Unless you are the government, I suppose. Or maybe also a news organization.
I’m interested in the extortion angle. I don’t know if they have a case or not. If they NEVER took anything down, it would be just reposting public information.
From doing background investigations, dealt with these mugshots guys once and the characterization in the article is accurate. Mugshots are published by municipalities typically, and they just scraped them.
“The suspect had a shotgun and a .38-caliber revolver…….The suspect’s father owned the weapons legally”
I, for one, blame the NRA. We need to ban assault revolvers. /s
But seriously, fuck that kid. What a piece of human garbage
Must be fake news – we all know school shootings are done using full auto AK-15’s with high capacity magazines and bump stocks.
“The suspect had a shotgun and a .38-caliber revolver…….The suspect’s father owned the weapons legally””
Well, the it’s obvious, we need to ban AR-15s. Or better yet, can we add kids to the list of people who can’t own guns?
INB4 BAN ALL GUNS! call-to-arms. I’m sure this will be a winning cause.
What I’m listening to
Stuck at the airport waiting to go home. G&T’s are flowing and trying to stay as far away from tv’s, particularly CNN, as I can. So far it’s working pretty good.
And the wifey is picking me up on the other end.
Get hammered.
Not so hammered that the EMT’s have to escort you off at your destination, not a good look.
Hope your flight is on time and uneventful.
So you saw me arriving here?
Flight attendant finally got around to serving my last G&T shortly before we began the descent. She apparently decided to make up for her slow service by making it a double. Thankfully I only had to steer my bag up the ramp, but I didn’t make it without banging my bag on one of the corners. I totally rocked the mid-afternoon all day drinking look.
(I think that’s how the kids these days describe things.)
You were caught on video.
Wow, there’s a scary number of shared details. Well other than things like different names. Or my lack of an 8 year old girlfriend. That’s more OMWC’s (grass-free) turf.
Whoops. I meant to link to the one with the video.
He stumbles out of the terminal, throws a tantrum, and starts kicking his own car.
Ok, I’m enacting your labor, because you teased it too well:
Last “hit” was 14 years ago? Not sure about the gf though. Point in her favor is she turns on hazards while stopped there. Total turn off. Most chicks wouldn’t bother. Points against her are she’s with that loser and gets her car towed at the end of the video. WTF?
The car got towed???? He didn’t kick it THAT hard.
Maybe he took off with the keys.
Fuck it. Too nice to stay inside any longer.
Have a great weekend, bitches!
Lucky you. It’s a monsoon around here today.
You said it! Going to the TWINS/BREWERS game tonight!
Nice? What even in the fuck is that? There used to be this glowing ball in the sky occasionally that caused ‘nice’. But we haven’t seen that in so long, we can’t remember. Also, someone please turn down the monsoon before all my veggies drown?
6th day in a row
Well, to be fair, he does have all the connections with the slutty porn girls.
“Really doing Buckley proud here.”
And how!
Too nice to stay inside any longer.
That must be the weather we had a few days ago. Rainy foggy low 50s today. Waiting for the bar to open.
There are definitely aspects of Freud’s theory that animate Lefty thought, but calling him a charlatan is a bit harsh.
True, many of his theories could nowadays be considered crackpot. However, his ideas of id, ego and superego, along with sexual repression and sublimation I think are pretty relevant.
Freud has been thoroughly discredited. “Charlatan” seems about right.
One of our senior psychology faculty referred to Freud as “superstitious mumbo-jumbo”. And less charitable things.
I thought the concepts of id, ego, and superego had long been present in Greek philosophy, in that one’s reason governed the appetites, and it’s just that Freud gave them fancy weird-sounding names.
Kevin Williamson did a good comparison to Freudian pop-scientism and the “Vox Mentality”
as actual representations of psychological processes, they’re simply ‘wrong’.
as a symbolic analytical framework? … probably failed there as well. its worth considering that most of his ideas, even while being rejected, were the basis of much of modern Feminism.
The biggest problem w/ freud was not just that he was wrong, but that many of his worst ideas spawned entire sub-disciplines.
his best works, like “Civilization and its discontents”, are the best mainly because they offer insights that remain valid even when divorced from his underlying psychoanalytical theories.
Thanks. That’s a great article.
I remember talking on here a while back about how surprising it is that none of these murderous creeps have used a shotgun yet, since it’s pretty much the deadliest thing available at close range in enclosed spaces like schools.
Now that one of them has figured it out, expect a shotgun to be the weapon of choice next time.
common sense shotgun control debate, on deck!
Look, no one needs anything more advanced than a flintlock musket.
What’s really stupidly on parade is the list of “features” that make something an assault weapon. My O/U shotgun qualifies because it “technically” has a pistol grip.
“Stupidity” on parade.
Certainly that’s all the Second Amendment meant by ‘arms’.
Thats why I dont talk about such things. I dont want to give any of these creeps any ideas.
Good thing they haven’t figured out yet that out of mass murdery weaponry a gun is low on the list.
The Tsarnaevs did. The death toll would have been way higher at any other time or place (huge medical contingent on hand for the marathon & one of the best hospitals in the country just blocks away).
And if they had access to better explosives. That thing was made out of fireworks.
True, but I assume that would apply to douchbags like the school shooter too.
Or if they had just placed the bomb at about four feet above the ground instead of on the ground.
Also true. The point remains that that would have been far deadlier if they had been a little more knowledgeable and had chosen another crowd (e.g., the Fourth on the Charles – not nearly as many medical folks just standing there, ready, as during the Marathon).
“The suspect had a shotgun and a .38-caliber revolver…….The suspect’s father owned the weapons legally”
No one is safe as long as the private ownership of firearms is legal!
A: “My son was killed by a police officer!”
P: “He deserved it.”
A: “I meant nearby – he was gunned down by someone while the police officer was inside the donut shop across the street.”
P: “We must ban private ownership of guns!”
“sweet, slightly musky, vanilla fragrance, with slight overtones of cherry, combined with the smell of a salted, wheat-based dough.”
“Musky”….yes, that’s the adjective you want to snap up to describe your product for children.
OMWC is head of marketing.
Sex Panther?
They can’t trademark the way my balls smell.
Ladies and feral cats come running from miles away to get a whiff.
Time to dismantle the United States Patent and Trademark Office.
Freud has been thoroughly discredited.
I’m not sure speculative rumination can be “thoroughly discredited”. It seems mostly immune from “proof”.
That’s not to say there are no useful observations, but it’s not like you can establish the Speed of Id with certainty.
“It’s not even wrong” seems acceptable. It’s hardly better than “scientifically falsified”, though.
“Speed of Id”
Somewhere a death metal band has just found its name
Now I want a streetsweeper.
nah, Saiga
The fact that we now know everything about that feral hatchling earlier today indicates that the proggies probably won’t be able to do much with it
I think he means(ssss) that they usually hold back info if juicy. A “trump card”.
*flicks tail, hisssssssssses*
Actually I was referring to the fact that they usually hide info long enough to get their stories sssssssstraight….damnit now you’ve got me doing it.
nah, Saiga
Streetsweeper, purely for the “thing that goes up” factor.
“those who hate you don’t win unless you hate them, and then you destroy yourself”
Ironic that this was said by Nixon upon his resignation, referring to the cabal that ousted him (for crimes far less serious than the ones Obama committed). This is utterly appropriate to today’s media with their blind, crippling hatred of Trump. They are destroying themselves before our eyes.
Which sucks because an honest press is actually a pretty useful tool against tyranny.
Why, its almost like severe regulation of markets has forseeable side effects
or, you know, you could just legalize it nationally by Federal writ, and all that “overproduction” would be instantly in demand
There is no such thing as overproduction
And certainly not when the black market for marijuana is thriving in Oregon.
If they were actually overproducing, the black market would be drowned out by the legal market. Prices are down, but not down nearly enough then.
And forgot the scare quotes around ‘actually “overproducing”‘.
High tax rates on the legal sales also may have some effect on the price floor…
Yeah, although talking with a couple of guys connected with the biz, pot prices have fallen dramatically post semi-legalization.
Look, we had a war on these drug cartels, because the children. Now that we have our own cartel, we must fight this war even harder… um, for the children!
I’m shocked that a US Attorney is a dick.
woodchippering intensifies
I count 5 actual school shootings filtering out typical crime so 1 a month, not 1 a week. Still 5 too many.
April 9: Gloversville, New York
A student shot another student with a BB gun in Gloversville Middle School.
When I was picking my kids up from school last month, I farted. The margins were not clean. Does that count as a school shooting?
Are we talking change underwear level or just a little crusty?
This is a guy who eats beef like it’s going to be banned by PETA next month. What do you think?
Best chuckle all week.
Today I learned that there are times when Q gambles and loses, but still doesn’t change his underwear.
“April 9: Gloversville, New York
A student shot another student with a BB gun in Gloversville Middle School.”
In other news, one student chewed a pop-tart into the shape of a gun, while another made a gun like gesture with his fingers. +2 to the tally.
Speaking of sick kids, I just got the Influenza B exposure notice for my 4th grader. A great way to start the weekend.
I’m going to stock up on barf buckets.
*invests in Stanley Steamer*
Rug Doctor. If you REALLY lean into it, it does a great job.
Rug Doctor is GARBAGE. Call a pro or get a high-end Bissell-type carpet cleaner. Actually, just call a pro.
It made my carpet look brand new, and I have 3 savages under the age of 10.
Better than the pros. Just use REALLY hot water, spray twice, and let the detergent sit for a minute or 2.
I have a Bissell, and it’s OK for the couches.
But once a year, I really go after the carpet with the doctor. Hopefully for the last time; we’re switching to tile that looks like wood.
Double up on the ice packs. Tile is slippery and unyielding.
As Reynolds himself would say: heh.
So Trump has a spark of divinity then? I think back at all the misogynistic slurs they used against Palin. Much worse than animal. Guess she should have decapitated some people.
I’m gonna take this a step further:
Forget common sense gun control, we need common sense gamete control.
Humans running around willy nilly flinging DNA at each other, creating more and more potential violent murderapists. We can really nip this problem in the bud with universal sterilization. For the children.
Zardoz would approve!
We need to talk about your technique.
Those naked twister games can get out of control.
OT: Cuban plane crash.
Looks like I was off by 3 in the last thread.
For now.
Why do still allow air travel? If it saves just one life it should be banned.
…common sense jet plane control etc. etc…
I’d rather fly Air Koryo. You might be kidnapped and not seen for thirty years or never again, but the safety record seems to be better than Cuba’s Potemkin Airlines.
Lighter news – medieval bee laws:
One text focuses on the strict rules of medieval beekeeping. It says that if a stray swarm is found, the finder can claim it as their own but a ninth portion of the honey must go to the head of the finder’s clan or church.
Other rules applied if the stray bees were discovered on a “lawful green”, defined as any land around a village or town from where you could no longer hear the sound of a church bell or the crowing of a cockerel. In this instance, it said, the owner of the property could keep the bees, but must give one quarter of the produce for a year to the person who found the bees.
One of the Glibs keeps having cattle wander into his yard, and he won’t take my advice.
Misogyny strikes again!
Denise M. Morrison, the chief executive of Campbell Soup Co., retired abruptly on Friday after nearly seven years in the job, further shrinking the thin ranks of top female executives at major United State companies.
With Ms. Morrison’s departure, there are now 23 women leading Fortune 500 companies, or 4.6 percent of the total. They include Mary Barra at General Motors, Indra Nooyi at PepsiCo and Marillyn Hewson at Lockheed Martin.
Several women left chief executive positions at major companies last year: Sheri McCoy stepped down from Avon, Irene Rosenfeld retired from Oreo cookie maker Mondelez International, Marissa Mayer resigned from Yahoo and Meg Whitman retired from Hewlett-Packard.
The news of Ms. Morrison’s retirement accompanied Campbell’s third-quarter earnings report, in which the company said it had recorded a $393 million loss compared with a $176 million profit in the same period a year earlier.
Oh, wait.
But she managed to strike a blow against Trump, by resigning from some business advisory panel. So she’s got that on her resume.
“$393 million loss compared with a $176 million profit in the same period a year earlier”
Which clearly, *CLEARLY* had nothing at all to do with her exit. Nothing. at. all.
Fucking men, so misogynistic they refuse to buy soup from a woman led company just to sabotage their executive.
I admit, every time I buy a product, I first think long and hard about who founded the company, what gender they are, what their politics are, etc, etc, etc. Only then can I decide, quality be damned. Doesn’t everyone do that? What? I’m weird or something?
Just how many Fortune 500 companies were founded by women? Serious question.
If this is correct, 2 were co-founded by women.
Gender gap identified! More proof that business is misogynist. Need regulators to step in and help women out.
On a related subject, quite a few “women” owned small businesses I’ve known have the wife at the “top” with the husband doing most or all of the work.
I just want more women, minorities, or whatever special victims, to build more bridges and commercial aircraft, whether qualified in any way or not, I just worry about equality.
Women start a lot of businesses, but they seldom try to make them into industrial giants. They’re a lot more likely to keep them as small “lifestyle” businesses. Nothing wrong with that, of course, but it’s part and parcel as to why they’re “under”represented at the top of Fortune 500 firms.
I like that the third one was an example of state capitalism.
Yeah, and I’m guessing QE I wasn’t exactly getting her hands dirty.
Meh, wiminz is still very useful in the kitchen and bedroom. There’s hope.
Only if she swallows.
Well, I’m always willing to compromise. *adds swallows to reasons to keep women around*
I’m too lazy to do the quick-math, but i’m going to assume its probably more like “25% by market cap”
and that companies that hire them are often quasi-monopolized sectors and market-leaders that worry more about regulators and investor-expectations than competition or growth
im not saying there aren’t aggressive female executives; its actually probably more a comment on the sexism of *executive boards* than of female managers
Aw yeah. New Clutch.
Sweet. I haven’t seen this one yet.
Just came out yesterday.
Finding the Lost Generation of Sperm Donors
An interesting article about privacy, regulations, and the search for relationships in the sperm game. Most notable, however, was a link to another article about the first successful artificial insemination, way back in 1884:
Scientific progress is sometimes achieved through less than ideal means.
Scientists found evidence to suggest someone is pumping ozone-depleting CFCs into the atmosphere, but nobody is sure who or why.
Mr. Lizard, a word if you would.
I confess, I really like the CFC based deodorant.
Is there anyone besides China at the top of the guess list?
Bigfoot? Space aliens? I say we put Mueller on it.
He would be more useful searching for aliens than what he’s doing now.
All of Asia and South America are suspects. Africa too.
OK, everyone is a suspect.
I was going to say India, but AFAIK, they still aren’t churning out pollution like China
*checks legit books*
*checks second set of books*
Ya, we’ve been smuggling it down. It’s a win win
NYT runs a dishonest hatchet job. In other news, water is wet.
“Jordan Peterson: Custodian Of The Patriarchy.”
Man, I mean, Peterson must be beaming with pride at the moment. If NYT ran that piece on me, I think I could now die happily with my accomplishments in life.
Jordan Peterson is happily married, has an job with cushy benefits and retirement from which he cannot be fired, and is monetizing his infamy as an entrepreneur to the tune of 100 Gs a month in Patreon alone. I suspect few people are in a position to be similarly delighted when the mass media decides to brand them a Nazi.
“Her evidence of this is that lots of young men listen to Peterson, and that Peterson believes in innate differences between men and women.”
Really, is there any more evidence of the Marxist authoritarian nature of the entire feminist/SJW movement? How can you create the new Soviet man, after all, if there is differences between comrades? Every comrade must wear the uniform, must totally worship the god of state and none other. Fuck that twat, she deserves to live in the hell she so adores.
“Peterson believes in innate differences between men and women”
Like penises and vaginas?
Women can have penises too, shitlord
That’s just beautiful.
We’re all alt-right Nazis now. Seriously, we,are, go over to Democratic Underground or Huffpo and see what they say about libertarians.
Just wait until the next war. (The next war not started by someone they like, of course. The others don’t count.) Upon realizing that shit does, indeed, get realer than the struggle over a white girl’s prom dress, they will come to cheer Justin Raimondo or whatever when he addresses one of their rallies. Then those who have yet again failed to learn the Rothbard crowd’s lesson after Vietnam will once again cream their pants and declare the dawn of the permanent progtarian alliance that will take over the nation at the hands of our young.
These guys are real scum. Google “baked penguin” (say) and your first result will be a huge pic of him on his worst day, when the incompetent or malicious local yokels decided to get little more than a hunch, “PENGUIN, BAKED, SEXUAL ASSAULT OF A MINOR.” It will be up forever until the innocent BP (never even charged) decides to pay’s “reputation management company” and even then they can put it up again anytime and ask for more. It’s much the same extortion racket as, whose similarly reptilian owner profits from inviting the personal enemies of a firm (or person; many of the “ripoffs” do not even own companies and are just shit like “robc is a cocaine addict with syphilis”) to libel them in anonymity.
But these are legal extortion rackets, and I just don’t see what a free society can do to change that. It’s the price we pay of holding to that ideal even as the progress of technology (now proceeding at a dizzying pace) continues to chip away on all fronts at the “privacy through obscurity” that has historically formed the bulk of the privacy we have come to expect.
Our only hope, like I’ve said before, is a (distant, but it’s all we’ve got) cultural one. Maybe someday when there is so much shit out there about everyone we will have no choice but to drop the “if there’s smoke” mentality that nearly everyone has (when the chips are down), and realize that a single determined vindictive idiot (Ripoff Report) or vindictive idiot with a badge ( hardly suggests anything about one’s character.
And meanwhile the supposed “good guys” in society are hardly doing their part to promote a culture that helps the innocent. The lazy and stupid people who call themselves “journalists” continue to call the utterly transparent Ripoff Report extortionists a “consumer protection site,” cite material on their website in their stories, and even ask them for their expert opinion on consumer issues. Local law enforcement in many counties continue to release mugshots in bulk (as opposed to on request, as is proper) to be scraped by extortion-site bots–often proudly displaying them on their own website as a thinly disguised “comics section” (as a public service, of course) to be larfed at; or those oh-so-sadly vanishing local newspapers, those pillars of bygone hometown American values, do the same. And don’t even get me started on their coverage of “gun violence prevention.” Oh, this guy was arrested repeatedly for such and such, and yet allowed to keep his guns. What fucking country is this?
Time and time again, we see that these “free-speech-abusing” scumbags would not be what they are if “respectable” America fought them with what they can do instead of aiding and abetting (and that includes each of us and our own private attitudes). We do no one any good if we spend our energy clucking our tongues at their depravity and fantasizing about “solutions” that are impossible for a free people.
It should be up to the arrestee whether the mugshot and mention of the arrest is made public.
Always exceedingly rare (and pleasant) to encounter a libertarian with a passion for privacy outside (like I mentioned on that thread back when) the narrowly constrained matter of what information government collects on you; once said information is collected as a matter of fact (and thus available to the party libertarians normally trust less than any other, the government), they tend to shift entirely to “transparency mode” and favor an open book.
This proposal is going far beyond anything I ever assumed was possible. As a preliminary thought, it seems likely that for so long as the suspect is actually in custody, it is important that the public have full information about his processing; and we should not “trust” a “suspect’s request” that such information be kept from the public, for so long as he is in government custody; the potential for evil seems clearly to outweigh the good here. Maybe afterwards he could make such a request for privacy of information–which, again, if the info is made available only on a by-request basis instead of being on the Net for bots to scrape, might be enough to put the genie back in the bottle in many cases. But again, I think making sure arrest info (and police reports) are only available by request seems like a central issue for most people’s cases–a good balance of transparency and privacy. Not a happy solution, but i can’t see how we can do better.
The thing is, we know that the police release the mug shots partly in an attempt to embarrass the arrestee and make the process part of the punishment: note how when the arrestee is one of their own we’re much less likely to get the mug shot. (Or, note how they wouldn’t let Aaron Hernandez get dressed when they dragged him out of his house, and how they tipped off the authorities.)
In some European countries, they’ll announce an arrestee as, say, “Diego F.” or “Ted S.”, not giving the full name. The arrestee clearly has the right, as an outgrowth of habeas corpus, to have further information released if he so desires.
Seriously, what could possibly go wrong?
That’s not any different from what they’re going to get here once they’ve helped the progs usher in Utopia. Sort of has one rooting for the Islamists. Or anyone else who also gets the bullet also, despite it being their own fault for being so fucking stupid.
If I go to China and declare myself a Muslim, could I get free beer and stir fried pork too?
They SAID it was pork, but we know what it really was.
You get the silver medal.
Yeah, but it was stir fried.
It could show up on college campuses in the next decade?
Wait til the Chinese authorities move on to Phase 2 and just take it over as they’re doing with the Chinese Catholic church.
They’ll do what they did to Tibet. Build a railroad and ship in the Han until the natives are a minority who can’t find a job. They either leave, end up in jail or dead, or in indentured servitude.
Yeah, the different ethnicity would be the Tibetan path.
Also, Dilraba Dilmurat. Totally wood.
She looks like Roaming Millennial.
The Chinese are not taking over the Catholic Church. They already have a fake puppet church in China that they completely control; the real church is illegal and underground and not controlled by them at all and dwarfs the “Chinese Patriotic Catholic Association” in size. The only way they have been or will take over shit is to the extent that the Vatican explicitly invites them in. They are about to go all in on this because they think it will help them keep ahead of the increasingly faster growing Protestants (who are growing faster everywhere, but are especially willing to play ball with Chinese authorities). Eventually they will recognize China and reject Taiwan, where they have always been flourishing and welcome.
Ok, by taking over, I mean getting the Vatican to switch recognition from the in pectore bishops to the Chinese appointed ones.
Note that the underground Catholics have shown exceeding character and bravery for the better part of a century, that if anything Xi has been openly declaring his moves toward turning religious bodies more into arms of the Party state, and that the arrangement will ensure that every bishop approved for the newly Vatican-recognized church is a full-on, active agent of Beijing and the Communist Party.
Despite GlibFit restarting, I am making pizza and will later drink a glass of wine. I will pay for eating that much cheese tomorrow. I think it will be worth it.
Dry red is pretty low calorie. You have my blessing.
The problem is, it’s rosé weather.
Though some googling around shows I’m in luck, as the bone-dry rosés I like are probably lower-carb than red.
Chianti tonight
The problem is rosé.
You are wrong and should feel bad.
(I’m talking actual, dry rosé, not “blush” (white zinfandel), which is indeed garbage)
When my niece graduated college, her parents (my sister and BIL) threw a party, a casual backyard cookout affair with lots of red meat. My sister had three bottles of wine on offer: Chardonnay, Moscato, and white zin.
Way to perpetuate stereotypes about lady drinking.
That’s a hilarious wine selection; “white zin with your steak, sir?”
It’s only rose’ weather if you don’t have air conditioning.
The wife and I just put down a 12 cut fried Sicilian. Dam it is good.
You should cut it up into fewer slices to avoid the extra calories.
The slices were super tiny 2” x 4”. Healthy it is not.
We’ve been eating lean teriyaki pork loin and soba noodle salad all week, so we’re over compensating a bit.
Sounds like remake of an old movie, this time titled “Eating Cristòfuru”.
I have two sump pumps and both have been working this evening. Enough rain.
I need an ark at this point.
Are you also in the DC area (DMV)?
Central Florida’s been getting poured on, too.
Whenever I have problems with mine, I always have a little bump and get to work.
*checks outside*
Slightly overcast, and… bone dry.
The scourge of racism against the Muslim race continues. (Meanwhile why is no one getting on Meyers’s case? Are there no black contributors he could have hired who are not embarrassing buffoons?)
Great vid by D&C today. Highly recommended.
“If Lando Calrissian is pansexual does it mean he’d fuck a Kowakian monkey-lizard?”
Colt 45. Works every time.
I’d fuck a porg if my dick was big enough to satisfy it. Those things are hella cute.
“We just finalized this comprehensive list of every NRA member who has ever carried out a mass shooting. Please let us know if there is anyone we missed.”
Poor baby.
I’d decorate her eggs.
“that makes Canada great!”
[citation needed]
☩ Faith J Goldy ☩ ??Verified account
Catholic Nationalist for Christ the King & Country • Isaiah 6:8 • ENTJ • faithgoldy
That’s some bio.
It’s really only a combination of her eccentric declaration of political alignment, which is like something out of interwar Europe, and her decision to declare her Myers-Briggs type on her Twitter profile. The latter looks weird only because she has chosen the wrong social media platform. Instagram is the usual place to indulge in that kind of rather extreme narcissism; a Twitter profile actually has a particular discernible purpose–of providing information that someone reading an isolated tweet of yours would want to know. (“Catholic Nationalist” yes; ENTJ unlikely.)
Dumbass progs! Don’t they know that their hero Franklin Roosevelt established not only the NRA, but the far more sinister AAA?
Didn’t know that. I thought the NRA was a private organization?
Diego is referring to the National Recovery Act. If you watch Hollywood movies from about 1933-34, you’ll see quite a few opening credits that have the NRA Eagle logo and “We do our part”.
National Recovery Act
It is. I was making a stupid pun.
The NRA and AAA of today are, respectively, our national sports federation (akin to USA Gymnastics or whatever, minus the USOC governing body status which had to be given up in 1996 because of new IOC rules–USA Shooting was spun off for that narrow purpose) for shooting sports and the largest automobile-owners benefit club. (I think you have a CAA north of the border.) They date to 1871 and 1902 respectively. But they share their names with two of the more than 100 “alphabet agencies” created during our New Deal. The National Recovery Administration (soon abolished by SCOTUS, after which Roosevelt openly threatened to sabotage it) aimed to set prices nationwide on a command-economy basis because capitalism was making them too low; the Agricultural Adjustment Administration destroyed food, slaughtering and burying animals and burning crops at a time when millions of Americans were going hungry.
Here is the transcript of the press conference after SCOTUS abolished the NRA. Roosevelt is reading letters he has received from around America begging him to find some way to thwart the courts and re-establish central control of the economy. Then he explains himself in his own words. I highly recommend a full read because it was not easy choosing these selections:
“Are we going to take the hands of the Federal Government completely off any effort to adjust the growing of national crops, and go right straight back to the old principle that every farmer is a lord of his own farm and can do anything he wants, raise anything, any old time, in any quantity, and sell any time he wants? ”
The scary thing is not just how many people want to be the ones wielding that power, but how many want to be subject to it.
Recall hearing something about this a few years ago – guess it took a while to wrap up. NSFW. Might actually be good, but the ending gag for the trailer looks a little stupid.