People often say to me, “SP, you are the queen of my heart.”

Well, what’s the percentage in that?!

You have no doubt noticed that with the run-up to this weekend’s Royal wedding, my family, although not inbred, has been doing its best to emulate the British Royal Family these past 36 hours:

1. We have purely ceremonial powers
2. We expect to be idolized and feted simply for being born
3. We meddle and make pronouncements about all manner of things
4. Webdominatrix and I rock tiaras
5. We’re a Royal PITA and you can’t get rid of us

However, in yet another gracious act of Queenly benevolence, I will bestow upon my loyal subjects…the links.

Way to smash the patriarchy!

And this just in. More women smashing patriarchies and glass ceilings…or lungs, kneecaps, whatever.

Suuuurrrrre, it’s healthier to quit smoking cigarettes. Older story but amused me.

Hey, I can’t prove it wasn’t.


Answer: SugarFree stories.

Well, I wasn’t going there anyway.

Never apologize. And… Laurel.

Have a terrific rest of your day, Glibs. And don’t forget to bow down before me!