I know, I know.

You all have orphans to do all your mundane or nasty tasks. But sometimes orphans get sick. And nobody has an inexhaustible supply, even Glibs.

So, air your dirty laundry. What household chore(s) do you loathe doing? And I realize this will be a mostly first-world-problem kind of list. Still.

I’ll start. I absolutely detest unloading the dishwasher. I don’t mind loading it, or even washing dishes or pots and pans by hand. But I will procrastinate on unloading that blasted machine as long as I possibly can.

Oh, and I hate folding laundry and putting it away.

But maybe you’re a glass half full kind of person. What household chore(s) do you love doing?

I love gardening for edibles. No, silly, like vegetables, fruits, and herbs.


OK, maybe that’s it.

How about you?

Tomato seeds from SP's stash

Tomato seeds from SP’s stash