I know, I know.
You all have orphans to do all your mundane or nasty tasks. But sometimes orphans get sick. And nobody has an inexhaustible supply, even Glibs.
So, air your dirty laundry. What household chore(s) do you loathe doing? And I realize this will be a mostly first-world-problem kind of list. Still.
I’ll start. I absolutely detest unloading the dishwasher. I don’t mind loading it, or even washing dishes or pots and pans by hand. But I will procrastinate on unloading that blasted machine as long as I possibly can.
Oh, and I hate folding laundry and putting it away.
But maybe you’re a glass half full kind of person. What household chore(s) do you love doing?
I love gardening for edibles. No, silly, like vegetables, fruits, and herbs.
OK, maybe that’s it.
How about you?

Tomato seeds from SP’s stash
I enjoy vacuuming. Who knows why.
/resists making the easy joke
something about the V in HVAC?
^ this guy gets it ^
C’mon, I lobbed that one right over the plate!
You are great at sucking.
Just because someone enjoys doing something, doesn’t mean they’re great at it.
Grocery Shopping, I freak out on the Prices and even though I look for new things for meals, I usually buy the same 7-8 dinners combos I prepare anyway.
^^^YES. I hate grocery shopping so much. I just buy the same things over and over anyway; can’t I just preprogram some delivery drone to send me the same stuff every Sunday? Don’t answer that; you probably already can but my lazy Luddite ass won’t go looking for it.
Grocery shopping isn’t a big deal for me. So long as I can do it at odd hours when there aren’t crowds of people cluttering the aisles and clogging the registers.
So much this…
The Walmart Neighborhood Market at 0100 is a thing of beauty unless they start restocking ops early.
My wife hates grocery shopping. So, that’s my job.
I’m not keen on cleaning toilets, even though I know it must be done periodically. Otherwise, I don’t really mind chores, and actually enjoy some housework (provided I choose the music we’re listening to while working).
Many of the grocery stores in my area now have an online ordering option. Place the order, store puts it together, and you can either pick it up or have it delivered.
The ones near me have a $10 surcharge for the service. It’s easier to go personally, plus I don’t have to rely on their judgement about produce or meat.
“I don’t have to rely on their judgement about produce or meat.”
Yeah, that’s always been my reservation.
I love grocery delivery, as I have noted here before. We have two services in my area. I’ve had great experiences, and use them semi-regularly.
I used to hate until I got the coupon/app program – I end up trying new meals because I bought the ingredients essential for free. A lot of them stack, so your Save $5 on $50 and Save 25 on $100 BOTH get applied… Long story short, it makes shopping like gambling, except you always win, and the prize is food.
I like the way you frame things.
I hate picking up random non-trash items laying around and trying to figure out where they’re supposed to be stored. So my house ends up organized by “itrms are stored where they are used” which looks cluttered to people, but makes perfect sense to me.
On the I have to do it, but would rather have someone else handle it – washing dishes. that’s just depressing.
It’s your house and you are the one who spends the most time there. I will defend to the death your right to organize it (or not) anyway you like.
When I was “between marriages” I got rid of all my living room furniture and turned the entire house into my art studio. People were a little surprised when they came by. I didn’t care.
This is our house now, if you replace “art studio” with “cat playground”. We have one chair in the living room, and it is shredded.
I’d like to come over sometime.
By definition, isn’t a ‘chore’ something you dislike?
Chores are a Fancy way of saying Maintenance,
Off to do PMs Cheers!
I thought about saying “tasks” instead, but that is neutral. Even for household stuff people like to do, I think most people wouldn’t mind having someone take it off their hands at least part of the time.
For example, I say I love gardening, but if I could get OMWC to do the un-fun parts, like weeding, I’d love it even more.
I’m pretty much the Maid/Butler around my house, all chores belong to me with one exception, my Bum of a Son takes out the trash, I still recycle though.
My SIL bought my daughter an aquatic turtle, and somehow it became my job to clean its filthy tank. My daughter helps, but we don’t trust her to not crack the glass or spill shit-filled water everywhere. So it’s up to me to do most of the job. Pro tip: You do not want to buy an aquatic turtle.
I don’t mind laundry, because loading the washer and dryer only take a few minutes, and you can watch TV while you fold.
Laundry became a non-issue when I moved into a house with a washer and dryer.
When I had to haul it all to a laundromat, I did not like the prospect one bit.
Hear, hear – laundry ain’t no big thing when it’s just downstairs. Laundromats are teh suck.
I love ’em I have a washer/dryer and still use the laundromat 80% of the time. 3,4,5,10 loads? It doesn’t matter I’m done in 90 mins.
Ah, but you treat laundry as a discrete event – it’s more of an ongoing process here. I suspect there’s something in the dryer right now…
As the sole occupant of my house, laundry is a discrete event. I have two loads of wash once a week, typically sunday. Since my attention is only required when transferring clothes between stages, I need only make four trips to the machines. (load 1, transfer 1/load2, unload 1/transfer 2, unload 2)
Same here, although I do laundry every other week.
Mrs. Dean’s laundry and my laundry never, ever share the laundry room, much less a load of laundry.
I think we may end up there – she has so many special handling demands for her stuff (that aren’t even called for on the label) I may need to just just give up. e.g., I’m perfectly happy to toss my Dri-Fit shirts in the dryer, but nooooo, hers need to be hung up because $REASONS.
Agreed. I hated going to the laundromat. So much wasted time. Our laundry room is on the main level, about 10 feet from the living room/TV.
When I was in college, we had a local laundromat that was attached to a pub.
Great way to do laundry, if you’re not picky about the results.
My GF has an aquatic turtle that lives with us. They are not clean critters.
Everyone, pay close attention to this pro tip.
Someone told my SIL to put goldfish in with it, and it would self-regulate its eating. 24 hours later a dozen goldfish were gone. Then I talked to someone at a pet store, and she asked how big the turtle’s stomach would be. About as big as a quarter. So that’s how much to feed him, about 2-3 times a week. If they have access to more food they’ll eat it all and then shit it out immediately. After that I went from cleaning once every few days to once every 2-3 weeks. He’s been around for years so I guess that’s the right amount of food.
There is a Hugh Jackman movie that you should sit down and watch with your daughter, so that the turtle can go on a big adventure.
Our laundry is on the bedroom level. When we moved in, I thought that was stupid. Now I love it.
Make sure your hoses are in good condition and/or there is a floor drain in there. I’ve seen the aftermath of a burst upper-floor hose and it ain’t pretty.
A dude I know has the laundry machines in the master bath. Which sounds odd. But then you realize you can throw your towels and bathrobe in the dryer when you get into the shower and let them get toasty warm and fluffy.
How about a heated towel bar?
I hate dusting. As in removing dust from things.
Love the robot vacuum! Cuts down vacuuming by 90% and dusting by at least half.
I keep looking at robo vacuums. We have a very large, very long-haired, very shedding-prone dog. So, while I’d love the floors being clean all the time with no real effort, I haven’t been convinced any of them will do a good job on our particular kind of mess, and it would be expensive to find out it won’t.
My roomba does a better job than my dyson upright. We have two dogs.
Also, the roomba is over 5 years old and is still going strong.
Understand that our dog is the size of three normal dogs and sheds like ten normal dogs.
It does have a small collection trap, but if you empty it after every use it should be fine. I’m impressed with the longevity and thoroughness of my roomba.
I shed as much as a dog.
I kinda hate grocery shopping.
While I don’t love it, I get a certain satisfaction from doing the dishes – it’s a discrete task with a clear measure of success. Not enough of those in my life…
But I will procrastinate on unloading that blasted machine as long as I possibly can.
“Eventually, OMWC will do it.”
That is my wife’s (successful) strategy. For any number of things, come to think of it…
Initiating snoo-snoo?
The spirit is willing but the flesh is spongy and bruised.
The brother with whom I am closest has his [REDACTED FIRST NAME] Theory of Housework: the person who is bugged most by the un-done state of a task will eventually do it.
I think there’s a corollary to that: do something bad enough the first time and you won’t be asked to do it again.
My Dad did that with the brother mentioned above, who is the oldest child. First time he had to change a dirty diaper, Dad vomited all over the brand new baby. 8 kids and 15 grandkids later, Dad has yet to change another one.
Your dad was truly playing the long con. I’m impressed.
My grand-daughter made sure I wouldn’t be changing her diapers anymore.
I was holding her and I hear a little fart noise.
“Oh how cute, did Gracie make a poopie? Let grampa look…”
“OH MY GOD! How did it get it all the way up your back and in your hair?” *breaths*…*nearly dies*
*much retching and crying*
“What the fuck are feeding her, Mommy?”
I had a quicker release than Alex Smith after that.
Humans are wretched creatures.
I was in the fire service when my kids were little. We had different hazmat level response codes for the various diaper situations.
My wife has asked me not to do her laundry. Asked is probably the wrong word. More like threatened with pain of death. All because one time I accidentally threw a red shop towel in with some of her clothes and everything came out pink. I thought girls liked pink?
I’m convinced my wife and stepson are following this theory when it comes to washing dishes. My teenage stepson can pound his drums with plenty of energy. But, he’s like a delicate flower when it comes to cleaning dishes. “Put a little elbow grease into it, kid!”
We have a dishwashing machine. But, even with only three of us, it’s sometimes full and we have to hand wash dishes. I’d just assume do it myself so I know it gets done correctly. *sigh*
Revealed preference – if you actually care about X, you have a lower tolerance threshold for it being not done.
Cleaning out the cat box. Bleah.
Mopping. Feh.
Everything else is fine.
These euphemisms…..
I hate mopping because you become a prisoner in the last room while the floor dries.
I do laundry because my wife doesn’t fold things correctly.
Mop with the last room being one with an exterior door and leave the house as the last step in the process.
I got no place to go!
Then don’t mop the whole house at once!
Places I go: Publix, gun club, gym, liquor store. That’s about it.
Just like Florida Man to not work!
Reminds me – like shooting guns.
I find cleaning them to be an unpleasant chore.
Meth dealer’s house?
What makes you think he’s not the supplier, Q?
What makes you think he’s not the supplier, Q?
Answers SP & Q’s question in one shot.
I won’t fold anything.
It goes on a hanger or gets balled up in one of clean laundry baskets, unless my wife folds it.
I like to see how exact I can get each class of clothes item. A perfectly square stack of shirts is a thing of beauty.
The years I spent working in retail afforded me the invaluable skill of the folding shirts with a magazine.
Oh, life hack. Will YouTube.
So then, if we don’t mop next time you’re coming over, you’re good with that. Check!
Love taking care of the cars, mowing the lawn and cleaning the kitchen.
I like routine house maintenance honey-do projects and Costco runs.
Hate vacuuming and laundry.
Will you marry me?
You any good at laundry?
Do you like pink?
Only relevant to pussy enthusiasts like myself, but I hate cleaning the cat box; especially since my cat is a typical male and flings kitty litter everywhere when he’s burying his bizznasty.
Washing dishes and cleaning the bathroom. I will be investing in orphans very soon for these labors.
With sufficiently impermiable gloves, I have no issue cleaning the bathroom – with sufficiently harsh chemicals that if those were perople instead of microbes, I’d be guilty of war crimes.
We have a cleaning service every other week. Worth every dime.
My organized clutter system of keeping my stuff precludes having someone else clean. They’d try to “put away” things that are already where they blong.
I miss those days – we used to have a cleaning lady come in once or twice a month back before we had kids. Since the kids suck up all our money now, we no longer have the cleaning lady. Fortunately, the kids are getting close to the ages at which they can be expected to help clean effectively.
We’re trying to find a good cleaning lady but it’s proving difficult. I had to let the last one go because she did a horrible job. I might try someone from care.com.
Can we go OT yet? Here goes nothin’:
Perhaps because porn attracts people that aren’t particularly mentally healthy? Perhaps porn exacerbates underlying insecurity and depression? A combination?
I’m thinking it more of “broken people are more liable to be engaged in the field”.
I have been in strip clubs all over the world. They are all the same. I hate them. One look at the girls and I get very sad. Porn is the same way. I never liked it. It is immediately obvious that they are sad, broken people in relatively desperate circumstances. Call me crazy but I dont find that a turn on at all.
I like looking at naked women but, especially as I get older, I find strip clubs depressing for the same reason you do. I haven’t been to one in a number of years, really. I did have a surprisingly nice conversation with a fetching Asian girl who was putting herself through Johnson & Wales culinary program – she didn’t seem particularly broken, but she was likely in the minority.
Me too. I find them depressing and the opposite of stimulating.
Used to be women IRL were always uniformly hotter than the tatted up pincushion pierced pornstars. Now the tatts and piercing and other body mutilations are everywhere. Amazing how many 40/50 year olds with crappy ass visible tattoos there are these days.
Same, I’ve been to strip clubs maybe a half dozen times in my life and in all of them have seen just 1 dancer who did not have that vacant glassy eyed stare as they were dancing and actually seemed like she was genuinely enjoying herself. Frankly I’d rather oggle a real doll than someone who looks like that.
A Lap Dance Is So Much Better When The Stripper Is Crying
Was waiting for this.
High-risk lifestyles, prone to substance abuse, prone to depression and mental instability.
Life is a chore. Yesterday it was frying up a seafood dinner and mixing dough for pizza to be rolled out today. This morning it is washing two cars and running the vacuum cleaner. In a few minutes meeting with some guys who want a hunting lease. Life is high maintenance business.
I will post photos of my cracker crust pizza later today. I think we are gonna go with plain pepperoni.
Mmmmm pizza! #notvegan
*starts cutting up the pineapple*
*loses mind*
Would have
I somewhat enjoy washing the dishes, but hate putting them away after they dry. Part of that is that the roles in the house are that the GF cooks and I clean. Which means that in a lot of cases I don’t know where she would prefer that the pots and pans be put back after they are cleaned. This causes her to get pissed off and induces anxiety in me.
I’m in the same situation when doing dishes at my MIL’s – Kosher household, and after many years I still have no idea which are the meat and which are the dairy dishes, where they go, etc.
There should just be a picture of a chicken or cow on one and a picture of a bottle of milk on the other. Problemo solved.
Aye, in an ideal world there would be. In practice, not so much. Same deal with the knives and utensils.
It’s like Garanimals, but (((religious))).
The irony is that my MIL wasn’t even raised in a Kosher household, she just took it up for her husband, who passed away a decade ago. She doesn’t keep Kosher outside the house, either – it’s off for lobsters and/or oysters every time we’re down.
I should start a betting pool with her daughters to see how long it lasts (no way she’ll keep it up if she moves).
I dont get the kosher thing. I could never be Jewish. The world’s most delicious and perfect food is the bacon double cheeseburger.
How someone hasn’t yet marketed kitchen cabinets with a built-in dishwasher is beyond me.
All you have to do is put the dishes on the floor. The dogs will lick them squeaky clean. Then just put them away. For a good time, name your dogs “Soap” and “Water.”
Note to self – never eat at Mad Scientist’s house.
Hillbilly Dishwasher.
MIL has one, I installed her Cabinets about 5 years ago
Personally, I hate fixing stuff that I’ve fixed three times before.
It’s hard to make forward progress on the house when the people you live with seem intent on destroying it.
I don’t mind laundry because, as Kevin said, it’s just a mindless task accomplished while I’m watching TV. I don’t mind ironing but it just takes so damned long. I’m the one who does the ironing because the Marine Corps beat proper ironing into me and my wife does a half-assed job in my view. I hate vacuuming because I absolutely despise the sound vacuums make. They’re like nails on a chalkboard for me. I never saw the point of making a bed unless it’s in a spare room where company is expected. No one but me and the wife has any reason to be in our bedroom, and thus no one but us and occasionally the kids ever goes in there…..so why are we bothering with making the bed? I hate washing dishes in the sink – if I can fit it into the dishwasher, I will.
I like cleanliness but am apathetic about neatness, if that makes any sense to you.
Duvet covers FTW. Just flip it up after getting out of bed and the bed is made.
More effort than not bothering.
I second on duvet covers. They are the bomb!
It makes perfect sense.
“I never saw the point of making a bed”
Ugh. I can’t stand an unmade bed. This probably stems from my childhood in which the only time I was allowed to not make my bed was when I was really sick. Consequently, an unmade bed always seems diseased and dirty somehow to me.
Part of it to me is that our dogs often jump on the bed, rendering attempts to make it look tidy pointless as they roll around on the bed and muss it up.
Again, I’ll plug a duvet cover – it may be entirely covered in dog hair, but at least it keeps the hair (mostly) off the fitted sheet.
I suck at throwing things away. “I might need that again.” I am not a “hoarder”. I do not actively acquire things for no good purpose, but there is a lot of stuff which could disappear in the middle of the night and I wouldn’t even know. But I keep it around, just in case. This is one of the drawbacks to having lots of room.
It actually became a source of friction between the former girlfriend and me. I could hear the little gears in her head whirring and gnashing. “We need to just clear all this crap out of here, and make this place all about me.” She asked me about something one day, and, idjit as I am, I said, “It’s not like it’s hurting anything. It’s just not a priority.”
This, of course, decodes in her female brain as, “You’re not a priority.” I somehow or other dug myself out of that particular hole, but…
Yup. Whenever I throw away something that isn’t hopelessly broken beyond all utility, I have pangs of fear that I’ll need it again sometime and will wish I hadn’t gotten rid of it. The fears are even more pronounced when it’s not a useful item but a sentimental one.
It took a great deal of effort to dispose of my broken computers, even though there was no way to revive the components (and I tried). They had both previous utility value and sentimental value.
I could never afford to buy a premade box, so I alsways incrementally built up my machines from parts, and it created more of a connection with them.
I’m in the process of redoing the garage (painting, cabinets, etc). I threw away a ton (probably literally) of stuff that I ‘might need again’. It was a strangely cathartic.
Your stuff is crap. Hers isn’t.
You’re not a hoarder as long as there’s a path to walk through.
I suck at throwing things away.
I’m getting better at it. This weekend I’m planning to make another pass through the garage and my closet. I get more annoyed by clutter the older I get, because the clutter gets in the way of me finding what I want, and just because its in a closet or a drawer doesn’t mean its not clutter.
Oddly, I cannot bring myself to get rid of nearly anything that was a gift from someone (unless it was obviously intended to be temporary/disposable).
Every few years we do a “deep clean” of the hospital, getting rid of shit that we don’t need, is busted, whatever. Last time, we calculated that we got rid of around 60 tons, which happens to be about what an Abrams tank weighs. And I personally know of a couple of outbuildings and rooms in the basement that we could empty that could easily match that.
OT: Keep beating that dead horse and it’ll die even more!
*gasp* A known adulterer had extramarital affairs? Who would have thought.
These morons think these sort of revelations, true or not, will somehow do what? I don’t get it. After they spend 2 decades telling us this shit never matters more than the pursuit of the political end goal, why do they think there are people that support Orange man that will suddenly change their minds? If anything, shit like this makes me feel more confident about the guy just being a regular horndog, and less likely to take the assholes that defend some of the most corrupt and evil shitbags out there but want to make a stink about this nonsense..
I am getting really really tired of people who voted for the Clintons in three separate elections lecture me about the sexual propriety of the Presidency.
“After they spend 2 decades telling us this shit never matters more than the pursuit of the political end goal, why do they think there are people that support Orange man that will suddenly change their minds?”
My theory on this is that it’s an attempt to persuade values/Christian voters from supporting Trump in 2020 and/or trying to detach more Republicans in Congress from supporting Trump’s initiatives. I don’t think either of those will work, but I suspect that’s the plan.
They won’t. Trump was a known quantity, warts and all, when he won. This doesn’t move the needle at all, IMO, other than as yet another example of the rabid partisan hypocrisy of his enemies. And I don’t think that moves the needle in the direction they want.
all i ask is that they be “i’m a billionaire and leader of the free world” hot. but likely they’ll just be 7s or low 8s.
As a bachelor I do it all myself, and kind of like it that way. I cook what I want, when I want, how I want. Same for laundry, cleaning, odd jobs, and whatever needs to happen. My son, whom lives with me and pays me rent (no free shit in this world) is responsible for his own stuff and the garbage.
Women, whom I inform up front what they are getting into, have a hard time with me, because I always remind them when they get testy that I only need them for one thing, and even that can be outsourced….
“I always remind them when they get testy that I only need them for one thing, and even that can be outsourced”
I was a longtime bachelor before this relationship (just married); I’m long used to taking care of things myself, to the point it annoys my wife that I “won’t ask for help”. Girl, I don’t _need_ help…
The “helpless male needs a female” trope annoys me to no end (as does the reverse – specialization is for insects).
You get it. Even when I was married (and I was for 23 years) this pissed my ex off. I basically could do it all myself and never really felt compelled to ask for help when I could do it myself. She on the other hand was always asking for help….
+1, divorced after only 2.5 years
I’m almost 50 and have literally never lived on my own. I went from living with mom and dad, to the barracks in the military, back home with mom and dad for a few years, moved in with wife #1, Wife #2 moved in with the two of us (along with a couple other people), moved out to live with wife #2.
That said in both marriages I have done the majority of the housework
moved in with wife #1, Wife #2 moved in with the two of us
What was it like living with wife #1 and wife #2 under the same roof? O.O Also, how did you end up with 2 wives?
Was not 2 wives at the same time. I have discussed this before I am polyamorous by nature and have always been in relationships that were to varying degrees open. When we were all living together wife 2 was my girlfriend and wife 1 was fully aware of our relationship before it even began and she also had several on again and off again lovers on the side. In addition to the 3 of us and the 2 kids we had between us there were also 2 friends living in the household with us at the same time. It started out as wife 1 and I helping friends who needed places to stay and later on became an economic necessity as it was the 2000 – 2001 timeframe and we all worked in IT.
As far as how it worked, it worked quite well at first, or so I thought. Turns out that even though eventual wife 2 was the first person outside of the marriage I had been involved with and wife 1 had had around a half a dozen lovers over the years she was more ok with my being with other people in theory than she was in practice. It wasn’t the sex she had a problem with but rather my devoting any attention or time to someone else (including myself). Then the dot com crash hit, we all lost our jobs and things fell apart rather quickly. Issues which had been minor annoyances became major problems and wife 1 essentially blamed my inability to find a job in preventing her from following through on her plan to quit work and become a full time harper (as in the musical instrument which she played semi professionally) .
My relationship with wife 2 then became a convenient scapegoat for wife 1 to use against me
Oh forgot to mention. We split up for good when wife 2 got pregnant with twins and so we moved out of the shared home into our own apartment that would have been in March 2002 and we got married 2 years later in March of 04
Holy shit, wow that seems like a huge mess. I was half-joking in my reply, I figured you had just worded your post weird. I had no idea you were for real.
I hope everything is well with you and wife #2 these days.
As good as can be expected for any other couple that has essentially been married for 16 years and struggled through the trials and tribulations of raising 4, occasionally very difficult kids together.
probably the biggest issue we deal with are constant medical issues (nobody is sick in a major way but somehow we manage to spend around 10k+ a year on out of pocket medical expenses pretty much every year) , financial stress from the above, and worst of all her showing early signs of social justice disease
specialization is for insects
…and advanced capitalist economies.
I wasn’t referring to comparative advantage, just the RAH quote.
The big difference is the Heinlein quote is referring to what you are capable of doing not what you actually do to earn a living
Correct – I am fully capable of ironing my own shirts but I have judged that having someone else do it is well worth the money.
Something that occurred to me the other day – I’ve never truly lived alone in my life. I always had roommates in college. After college, I had a roommate. Then I lived in the barracks when I was on active duty, again with roommates. Got married and have lived with my wife ever since.
I think that’s why I routinely stay up way too late – it’s the only time I get that is gloriously alone. Peaceful and quiet, and no demands put on me by anyone. If we had a basement I would totally be one of those guys that turns it into his personal retreat with a couch, a desk, TV, fridge, etc. I know that makes it sound like I don’t want to spend time with the wife and kids, and nothing could be further from the truth, but I DO like a respite from them every now and then.
Everybody needs alone time; it’s unhealthy not to.
what is this alone time you speak of? I am not familiar with the concept.
Is it maybe the time when you are in the car by yourself because you are commuting or running errands? That counts right?
This is why I don’t mind running errands.
Plus, the last time Mrs. S was in charge of groceries, it didn’t work out well. Her strategy is to wait until the only thing left in the house is a can of hominy corn and a sleeve of saltines, and then go out and spend $400 at the grocery store, much of it on crazy shit like cans of hominy corn.
Hominy is only useful for making Posole.
That said I gotta laugh, I got 4 kids 3 of whom are teenagers. My weekly grocery budget is just shy of $400 and it is not at all rare for us to drop $600 – $700 on food in a trip to Costco
I’d go a step further and say you NEED a respite every now and then. And I don’t mean them personally. Everyone needs there “me” time. Some people -like me (introvert)- need it more than others.
In my case it helps to be so personally repellant that no one can stand to be around me anyway. Either that or don’t shower for a couple of weeks.
1000x this. I’m happy to spend time with my wife, but the blessed hours between her hitting the rack and, say, midnight are necessary for my mental health.
My ideal would be what Robert B. Parker (the Spenser For Hire guy) ended up with:
Basically: almost divorced, ended up buying a two-family house and lived connected but semi-independent lives. Not sure the wife would go for it, but give it time, she’ll get sick of me 🙂
Hah, it’s funny you mention this – fairly early in our marriage, my wife read an article about women who maintain a separate apartment from their husbands and split the time between living alone and living with their husbands. She thought that sounded like a swell idea at the time, while I was all hurt that she didn’t want to spend all of her time with me. Fast forward 10+ years and now I think it would be a terrific idea if we could afford it.
There was a couple in my the neck of the woods that did this. They had houses next door to each other. They crazy part was she still cooked meals for him. She’d walk his plate over to him and he’d bring back the dirty plate. I guess they went on like that for many years.
A friend of mine did this in high school. His parents divorced and the mother ended up getting two townhouses that had an entrance installed connecting them. She lived in one with her new lover and he stayed in the other one. The father lived alone in their beach house.
I miss em dearly but enjoy when my wife takes the kids to spend a weekend at her parents every so often. It gives me a chance to get things done without anyone underfoot or just relax without feeling guilty.
At least flip the cushions over on the couch if your gonna sit your naked ass on em.
In many ways, I miss living alone, but it depends on your personality. Some weekends I could got a day without speaking a word.
(A great line in a slow movie)
I highly recommend living alone.
Um…. unless, of course, you’re married to the perfect person, as am I.
/looks nervously around for a lurking OMWC
You and every other concerned parent in town.
hateHATE washing dishes by hand. Work around: combination of dishwasher and wife who doesn’t mind doing dishes by hand.I also HATE folding laundry. Work around: All shirts go on hangers. Socks get tossed in sock drawer, drawers get thrown in their drawer. That leaves jeans; I grit my teeth and fold those.
Even though I start bitching about it by the time September rolls around, I like mowing the lawn. I bought a pair of these and that helps to make it more pleasant.
I hate hanging shirts, much easier to fold them. Socks get paired up and folded once to keep the two together. Everyone has its place on the shelves with freshly laundered getting stacked under the older stuff so nothing gets left out of rotation.
I’m just not seeing how that can be true. Slip the hanger in the neck hole and done. Bonus of not having to worry about an errant crease if I did a shoddy job of folding.
Futzing about with an extra piece of hardware trying to get the damn thing lined up with the shoulders, returning them to a spot disconnected from the rest of the laundry, having to walk each shirt over there because you don’t want the hangers poking holes in the other clothes… or just fold it into a square while processing the pile of assorted laundry, then stacking it and moving the whole stack at once to the shelves.
Oh, I left oout the worst part – buttoning the thing so keep it on the hanger then having to unbotton it again to put it on before rebuttoning it. Much easier to just fold it.
I was wondering about that…I wear t-shirts and the occasional polo nearly exclusively. I put on a button-up shirt maybe a couple times a year. If I wore nothing but button-ups, I could possible be swayed to fold. (except that I fucking hate folding with the burning passion of a thousand suns)
And to your point about logistics; I bring the basket to the closet and set it on a chair and slide the hangers down between the basket wall and the clothes. No wasted motion. (muda bad)
My everyday shirts are all button-down. I only wear t-shirts to exercise. The handful I do keep on hangers are to go with my suit jackets on special occassions. But the dry cleaners hung them, and they still have plastic to keep the dust off.
Wait… Errant crease? what sort of hyper starch are you using that they retain simple folds after you put them on?
I may be reaching for reasons to declare my method superior
I’ve found that thestorage condition lasts maybe two hours after donning the shirt before the contact with the human brings them all to the same degree of wrinkliness. (ie, smooths out the well wrinkled, wrinkles up the neatly ironed)
We are witnessing the end game of Russia fever dreams. The Senate report has found no validity to the Russia fever dreams and now the NYT came out with a cover your ass story yesterday trying to put a polite spin on the fact that (1) yes, the previous administration was spying on the Trump campaign and (2) yes, there is no evidence to support any of the wacky conspiracy theories. This according to Kim Strassel who breaks down the NYT piece.
Also, I don’t mind vacuuming and mopping. Yard work is tiresome, though, but the most rewarding of housework. I recently had to fire three of my orphans, so I’ve had to do a lot more labor.
And this is why the Stormy nonsense has been ramping up, because they know that RussiaRussiaRussia is on its last legs and they’ll have to find something else to breathlessly speculate as the downfall of Drumpf.
the rebuttal has been that Carter Page is a Russian agent and the judicial system approved a warrant based on something other than the DNC/Hillary-funded Steele Dossier. and even if it was based on the Steele Dossier (which it totes wasn’t!), portions of the Steele Dossier have been corroborated.
portions of the Steele Dossier have been corroborated
Namely, that there is a city named Moscow in Russia, and it has hotels. And hookers.
but does it have piss hookers, and if so who verified it?
My money is on Schumer but it could just as easily have been McConnell
Windows. I rarely, as in years, wash windows. Mrs Fourscore and I have sort of a division of responsibilities. She does everything upstairs (no windows washing), I do everything downstairs (no window washing) and outside. Grass, garden, cars, snow removal are included in outside stuff. Kitchen is upstairs so cooking is hers, laundry downstairs so that’s mine, minus the lady things. She doesn’t trust me.
On the plus side, no one can peep in through your windows
Wait. One is supposed to *wash* windows?
The outside of my windows get rained on. The inside is covered by curtains. What purpose would there be to wash them?
Good answer!
Chores that aren’t fun, but satisfying: vacuuming, cleaning the bathroom sink and toilet
chores that are loathsome: mopping, folding clothes
I just bought a mopping robot today (braava 240) that should help with one of those tasks
It can fold clothes?
A 240 bravo does a good job of mopping too. ?
Good to know. I’ll talk to the wife about it tonight.
Oh, I forgot my least-favorite chore – raking leaves. We have so many damned trees. Either I do that shit every weekend for months and keep it at a reasonable level, or I wait until winter when they’ve all come down so I only have do it once BUT now it’s like a three day job because they’re ankle deep. Getting them out of the fucking gutters sucks too.
There is only one tree near my house. It sheds on paved sidewalk. I sweep the leaves into the snowbank zone before winter sets in, then come spring I shovel the compost into a yard bag and toss it to the curb.
I have somewhere between 15-20 and it’s not even a big lot or anything, just a standard quarter-acre.
Yeah, I don’t have a lawn…
/City dweller
What do you yell at people to stay off of then?
I don’t. I barricade myself inside my house like it’s the zombie apocalypse, and ignore my neighbors.
But that damned ice cream truck needs to be crushed flat. I can’t stand that stupid music!
Raking leaves is god’s job. I let nature help. I have a lot of pine trees and now the grass doesn’t grow under the trees. Win-win.
I’ve said it before, but Aldo Vandermolen is an American hero who has saved countless hours of make work.
I use a tow behind yard sweeper and the zero-turn mower.
Almost fun chore.
Pecan tree leaves are fun to rake. Oak tree leaves, not so much.
Something that occurred to me the other day – I’ve never truly lived alone in my life.
Wow. I have spent a major portion of my life living alone. Too much, some people might say. At this point, I don’t know if I could share a home full time with somebody.
Just follow Warty’s example and keep them in the basement when you don’t want them around.
*Not that there’s anybody clamoring for a chance to move in with me.
I enjoy grocery shopping and cooking. I also don’t mind/prefer/need to handle the finances. I also like doing various projects around the homestead… carpentry, electric, etc. Trying to learn plumbing now.
I hate laundry, dishes, housecleaning, and mowing.
I hate cleaning kegs and beer lines (I’ve got three empty kegs I need to clean right now, with one beer waiting to be kegged).
I enjoy cooking, brewing, and grocery shopping.
Hate: putting laundry away, dishes, and bathrooms
Don’t mind: vacuuming, sweeping, mopping, wiping down counters and tables, picking up toys and what not
Weirdly enjoy: yard work and home improvement projects, I’m repainting our house and enjoying it almost too much
Immediate gratification. So much that we do has a distant payoff, it’s nice to be able to enjoy quick results sometimes.
File under: WTF?
Totally worth it he was heard saying to the arresting officers.
Rand Paul Goes Off On Epic Rant Against Wasteful Spending
I like that guy.
/real american
Don’t forget that by advocating a balanced budget, he’s literally taking food out of starving children’s mouths.
/not giving is taking
OK. This is sort of like a chore, so marginally on topic:
I have built an AR both from a premilled lower and from an 80% lower. I’m now looking to build an AK using a prestamped lower, however the online videos make it appear quite a bit more complicated than building an AR; requiring spot welding, hydraulic presses etc.
1. Has anyone does this?
2. Do you really need the fancy machining equipment?
3. How difficult is it in relation to an AR?
If you do it, document it and post an article.
Just go ahead and buy all the fancy equipment that you think you might possibly need. You know you want those things anyways:).
2. Do you really need the fancy machining equipment?
If you’re just drilling holes for pins or screws, you could probably get away with using a drill press, if you do meticulous setup. I have considered doing an 80% 1911 frame, but you have to cut the slide rails. That requires a mill, as far as I’m concerned.
I do the yard work and car stuff, but don’t really do anything in the house.
I know I’m a cave man who oppresses my wife.
I have a suggestion. When we remodel the kitchen this fall, I plan to add a 2nd dishwasher. I got the idea from an orthodox jewish home I was in when house hunting that had two dishwashers for kosher reasons I don’t understand. My idea is that if you have two dishwashers, you never have to unload one, except via the process of using the dishes. And yes, you lose 1 cabinet, but not needing as many cabinets for the dishes because of the dishwashers means it is a net space gain. I’ve wanted to implement this for years and can’t wait to have it done. Kaizen, motherfuckers.
That is brilliant! Why didn’t you suggest this before my house was built last year?
Lawn stuff. More the time spent than the actual task itself. As soon as it starts to warm up in the spring it rains 6 out 7 days. Guess what I have to do the one f’n nice day I should be enjoying. Then in the fall once the oppressive heat and humidity start subsiding again it interferes with enjoying the nice fall weather and worse yet football. Then there are the weeds and the moss. They never stop. You can kill them, but they will be back again and again forever to eternity.
Does a pre-stamped AK need to be folded up into its final box section and then welded? You can make accurate sheet metal bends without a brake, if you’re brave and do meticulous setup.
You can do either way, but I was planning on buying a “pre-bent” one. There are several options, you can get a receiver “flat” which is the one that has to be bent, or a receiver “blank” which is bent but needs the holes drilled. If you don’t mind doing the FFL thing, you can get one that’s bent and drilled both, but the drilling is the easy part.
The hard parts are the welding, driving the rivets into the front and rear trunnions and fitting/headspacing the barrel.
Another funny thing I found in the midst of my initial research into this; you can buy AK full auto FCGs online and it’s perfectly legal as long as you don’t install them.
Why would you fold a beer?
Does AK stand for something else?
(I read two website that regularly use the abbreviation AK and I am always confused – its a good think I don’t live in Alaska).
Hate: Bookkeeping. Not because I actually dislike doing it, I generally prefer doing it over leaving it to my wife. However in my experience (across 2 wives) when they are not responsible for the budget they don’t pay attention to the budget and will constantly ask to be spending money whether or not you can afford it and I get tired of always having to be the bad guy who says no, or having to deal with the ramifications of spending money we really didn’t have because I said yes when I shouldn’t have because I felt guilty about always being the bad guy who says no to everything. So you do the books and don’t worry I will essentially never ask to spend any money because I pretty much always assume we are broke.
Enjoy: Dishes but only if I am hand washing them, don’t really like using a dishwasher
“don’t really like using a dishwasher”
I recognize the words as English, but arranged in this manner they make no sense.
I’m in your exact spot with bookkeeping. My wife refers to me as the CFO, but what that really means is that rather than check our joint account balance or look at the online budget app we use for which she has a login, she just asks me out of the blue if she can spend money on X. And it’s just like you say. She’ll think “We’ve got tons of money and this one thing is only $25, so it’s probably fine,” which is true, except that she’ll think it fourteen times a day. She absolutely hates being involved in any way with our finances because it stresses her out, so she just either spends money on the fly or asks me in the moment. It’s frustrating.
Hey you ever play Role playing games? My D&D campaign is down to just Mrs Ras and 1 other guy and we are trying to find people to keep it going and you are just across the bridge from us so I figure it doesn’t ask.
Not so much, no, but thanks for the invite. I used to back in the day but I kind of lost interest, and now my free time is limited and sporadic at best.
I also hate repairs. Again, I don’t necessarily hate doing that kind of work but it always seems like it can never be as easy as it should. You either uncover some other problem worse than the original or the “simple” repair always has a snag like a f’n joist in the way or the last person just put a band-aid on a nightmare issue that turns a half- hour fix into a whole weekend.
or the one tool you absolutely need to accomplish the job has gone mysteriously missing and after 2 hours of looking for it you give up and run down tot he hardware store to just buy another but they are sold out so you go to another one and by the time you get back home you’ve wasted another 2 hours and have yet to even start on a repair job that should have taken less than 20 minutes
or the one tool you absolutely need to accomplish the job has gone mysteriously missing and after 2 hours of looking for it you give up and run down tot he hardware store to just buy another and when you get back with the new tool the one you see the one you already had.
^^^This will drive me into a homicidal rage.
Usually I can’t find the tool I just had in my hand 15 minutes ago. After a few minutes not finding it, I’m ready to murder the next living thing I see.
I’m usually under a vehicle when that happens. HOW CAN IT JUST FUCKING DISAPPEAR!?!?
I have literally had them just disappear, gone forever never to be seen again with no fucking clue where they could have gone
This is why I own 3 phone connector/ethernet connector crimping tools. Total time I have used said tools 3
Yeah, you know exactly.
I don’t mind doing most household chores, although I’m glad we’ve got somebody who does the dust/vacuum/mop thing to the house. That’s about a half a day a week that I’d rather spend doing something else, and I’m willing to pay to free up the time. I do our dishes, because Mrs. Dean cooks. For some reason, I never unload the dishwasher in the morning. I put away the clean dishes on the counter, but just . . . don’t empty the dishwasher.
What I cannot stand is being micro-managed while I do chores, or especially having someone come behind me after I do something and redo it. My attitude is, if you want me to do it, let me do it. If you don’t like the way I do it, or want to do it yourself, then I’m not going to waste my time.
Holy Mother of God, THIS
Then you better go gay…
Women can’t help themselves but try to micro manage..
And any time they see a happy guy, they feel it is their obligation to wreck his mood too…
Preach, brother!
Lol, I should’ve read this before posting.
My wife and I have very different design philosophies when it comes to laying thing out in a room, especially a kitchen. My philosophy is that things should be easily accessible in order of most commonly used. For example, I leave the cast iron pan I use every day for breakfast on the burner so that I don’t have to get it out of the cabinet 24 hours later. My wife is all about getting clutter out of site, oftentimes at the expense of convenience. You can see the tension.
More seriously, I’m the kind of person who needs control or I won’t do it. It’s a common refrain for me to say “you can tell me to do it or you can tell me how to do it, but you don’t get to do both.”
It’s a common refrain for me to say “you can tell me to do it or you can tell me how to do it, but you don’t get to do both.”
Yeah, I have been known to say, “If you want it done your way, do it yourself.”
This. Unfortunately, my wife is the same way.
Where we differ is our response. I would let dishes set in the sink until I got sick of them and unload the dishwasher. My wife would just load more in the dishwasher on top of the clean dishes. Well past the point of a reasonable load.
This is making me get all twitchy. I’m sure you’re wife is great and lovely, but what kind of person does this?
I cannot explain it. It drives me crazy. She can’t stand dirty dishes being out, so if she is in a hurry, she loads in more and washes again.
I hate loading the dishwasher, due to things not fitting in an orderly fashion.
What is with everyone hating on the dishwasher?! The invention of the dishwasher is rivaled only by the polio vaccine!
My Bosch is so quiet my wife and I have to yell out when we’re starting it or the other will open it mid wash.
Just put a Bosch in. Same thing but it does have a red light on the floor when running.
Only annoying thing is the pound multiple beeps when done that repeats if not turned off.
I love the concept, I just think I need to buy a set of dishes designed specifically to fit my dishwasher. So the glasses/mugs fit the prongs, my spatulas/knives/lids/etc can stand vertical, and so on. I waste so much time re-arranging shit.
Unloading the dishwasher is a breeze, because my drawers and cabinets aren’t assholes about holding things.
i like doing the laundry. i’ve done it a few times. once when the blower fan cracked. once when the thermostat failed. and another time when the drum’s rear roller disintegrated.
I think there is a Voodoo priestess in New Orleans that can get that curse lifted from ya….
“Gardening for edibles”
Garden is being planted during the evenings. Kale, snow peas, spinach, cauliflower, broccoli, carrots, radishes, tomatoes (grape), peppers (spicy only), cucumbers, onions, beans, and just for you guys edamame (soy beans).
Asparagus is already up, raspberries are starting to growing, rhubard is already getting obnoxious.
I’m behind, day of last frost was almost 2wks ago, I still need to put up the rabbit wire before I start sowing.
I hate every chore that involves lots of bending down.
This is why yard work sucks.
Lemme guess. You’re a shoe salesman?
He refuses to bow to anyone, even himself.
While hiking in the woods once he stopped and bent over to tie his shoes just before Steve Smith stopped by to say hi (AND BY SAY HI MEAN RAPE), Now everytime he bends over he has a flashback
I got perfect at doing the dishes, and here’s how: I went a little over two years without a water heater. My first step was to wash all the dishes as much as I could in cold water to get the majority of the gunk off. While I was doing this, I would be boiling as many pots of hot water on the stove as possible (sometimes the pots were dirty, so I’d have to start with just one until I could wash the others). Once the dishes had been cold-washed, I would pour the hot water into the sink and add dishsoap. I would then wash them again and be sure to get everything off. Once that was done, I would boil MORE water, drain the soapy water, and pour the fresh boiled water into the sink with no soap. I then had to rinse the dishes in this water, place them on a drying mat, and dry them off. This water would get a bit murky, so I may have changed it a time or two to ensure that the dishes were rinsed in clean water. In case you’re wondering, the reason I didn’t just rinse them in cold water from the faucet is because they’re very difficult to dry; I tried it the first couple times and it used up 3 or 4 dishtowels. This entire process would take at least an hour for a typical sink full of dishes.
I finally got a water heater last March, and doing the dishes seems like a fucking breeze. I immediately rinse every dish in hot water and place it in the dishwasher, and any large items get hand-washed at the end of the day.
On another note, I enjoy doing yardwork. I like to go around with my push-reel mower, then get the edges with this Fiskars brand scissors-on-a-stick thing. Back when I was in a really miserable job, I used to come home every day and just do stuff with the lawn until it was immaculate. I found it to be a great way to decompress from that nightmare of a position. Of course, now I have a better job, so the lawn looks a little sloppier.
“I went a little over two years without a water heater”
I know you have said this before, but I don’t know how you put up with this for so long.
Yardwork is very therapeutic. Maybe it’s the combo of manual labor and creativity.
physical exercise and mental play, bathed in leafy green, and punctuated with sunkiss’d dewdrops.
anybody want some awesome shots of one of my daisies from last week?
Speaking of cleaning, I have a couple of guns to clean.
Also- re the dishwasher discussion: I put in a dishwasher for a friend a few years ago. It had two drawers, which could be run separately or simultaneously. It looked like a very handy way to go. I think the upper drawer was for regular dishes and glassware and the bottom drawer was for bigger stuff and pots n pans. Especially good for a singular person who doesn’t use lots of dishes.
I don’t have one. I wash my dishes by hand.
Used to note have one installed. Never would go back to doing without one now.
On topic:
Go forth and sign.
I’ve got a better idea.
Outside of the functions of the DOE that deal with power generation and distribution and the associated national security issues, just get rid of the entire thing and its regs.
And downsize the whole thing to a small agency, not a cabinet department.
I’ve lived alone for about 4 years now, and its got its perks…. no one bothers me, I clean what I want, when I want, as thoroughly as I want to. Dusting is the only chore I truly despise. Everything else gets done every Sunday. The downside of living alone is that… well, no one bothers me. Sometimes 2 or 3 weeks goes by and I realize that I haven’t gone anywhere except for work, home and the grocery store. There’s no one at home to get me out of that routine.
After about 3 weeks, I’ll start hitting up friends and forcing myself out of the house. This has a snowball effect and suddenly I have plans every single weekday afternoon and weekend for 2 weeks straight. I can’t stand all the interactions/plans/coming-and-going from the house so I become recluse again and the cycle starts over. I’ve decided that I need a roommate so I can have a balance between the interaction and being able to just stay at home most of the time. My brother is moving in with me at the end of the year.
I thought there was a law somewhere that no one older than 25 was allowed to have friends?
If I wasn’t married with kids I am pretty sure I would eventually end up one of those people whose dessicated body is discovered 2 years after I died.
That’s what a local bar is for.
On that topic, this is a pretty great book
Except for the part where I do not drink and being a massive nerd don’t really fit in with the crowd at pretty much any bar in existance
My local has the Dice and Pints Society meet there once a month…gaming nerds, unite!
I take comfort in the fact that if I die in my apartment and no one finds me, my cat will eat my eyes first.
I suspect the Clintons were involved.
I went a little over two years without a water heater.
Hot showers or GTFO
In the winter, I can’t even stand washing my hands in cold water, it’s a Polar Bear Challenge as far as my nerves are concerned.
People keep sticking tankie twitter in my face.
I’m assuming this is satire, because nobody could be this dumb.
“nobody could be this dumb”
Humanity’s capacity for stupidity is infinite.
I have learned that you should never automatically think “They can’t be THAT stupid.”
Far too often it’s “Yes, yes they can.”
The fuckwit is on Twitch. I wonder if he gets subs/donations, and how he reconciles that with his delusions.
I hate being the bearer of bad news, “your shit’s all fucked up, and it will cost 5000$ to fix it, no I’m not kidding”
I’d rather do dishes…….
– Cleaning the cat box. It’s the worst combo of having to kneel to do something and because my cat isn’t a fan of burying things it usually smells pretty terrible.
– Either end of the dishwashing spectrum. Both loading and unloading the dishwasher suck, just in different ways.
– Cleaning out the refrigerator.
– Raking and bagging leaves. I actually just bought a mulching lawn mower because I couldn’t be bothered to bag the piles of leaves from last autumn sitting in the yard.
– Folding my wife’s clothing. She lives in H&M and all her clothing is sort of swishy and flimsy, so it doesn’t fold well.
– Mowing the lawn.
– Yardwork of nearly any kind, barring leaves.
– Folding/hanging my clothes. I like warm laundry, and I am extremely particular about the way clothes get folded or hung. Plus, all my stuff is easy to fold well, like jeans and chinos, or hangs well, like dress shirts and polos.
– Is cooking a chore? If it is, I love cooking.
Yes very much so
Sometimes I like cooking, sometimes I don’t mind cooking, sometimes I’d rather just tell everyone to eat a bowl of cereal than bother with the effort but I absolutely despise meal planning and figuring out what to cook
I love planning out a menu, the more complicated the better, but my wife isn’t particularly adventurous when it comes to dining and my daughter isn’t interested in anything beyond mac and cheese, toast, and the occasional chicken nugget. Oh, and ketchup. For instance, I had four dinners planned out this week, and managed to get two of them done (grilled split chicken, and a red curry), most of which I ate, while the wife picked up Chic-Fil-A on the way home from a meeting and my daughter ate Pirate’s Booty and Triscuits. I have piles of cookbooks sitting forlornly while we bake Red Baron thin crust cheese pizzas with frozen spinach on top.
My solution to cleaning out the refrigerator is to leave a couple of plastic bags in there and continuously fill them with crap until full.
I hate cleaning the bath tub. So my latest apartment has a stand up shower yay.
Two bathrooms back, I had separate tub and stall shower, and I don’t see the maintenance difference. They both need to be scrubbed, and as long as you got a detachable showerhead the rinsing is easy. Reaching the showerhead from the stall to the tub wasn’t so easy, but I had sufficient water pressure to reach.
I enjoy mopping for some reason. I had a Navy man teach me how to mop the floors “the right way” in the grocery store bakery and meat market. He made up a song that I still sing in my head every time I mop. Cutting the grass in not a chore.
I hate folding laundry, making the bed, and cleaning things when they are not dirty (it’s Sat. so we clean the whole house).
Oh, I forgot making the bed. I hate it. It involves bending down and wrestling with fitted sheets. Before I got married I had a fitted sheet that I’d put on if I was expecting female company, but mostly I just slept in sleeping bag on a mattress.
RE: sheets
Yours got tags that identifity the long/short sides? Once I got those the fitted sheets stopped annoying me.
King-sized bed. It’s just a square, more or less.
I got my first queen last year, after the twin-sized tempurpedic that supported my unconscious self from c.2000. Twin is easy to tell the difference, so it was the switch to the not-quite-square of queen-sized that really threw me off.
I recently broke in my new libman cotton mop. The wringer took a lil getting used to, but I dig it. It was the inaugural mopping of my kitchen since moving in in Oct, as I only recently finished unpacking the pile of bins that have been sitting in the middle of the floor all winter. Wooo!
I only fold towels as my collection of sweat pants and t-shirts live in laundry baskets, but I find folding and stacking all the little hand towels and barmops soothing. My towel stacks are immaculate, Yo.
When we say “making the bed”, does that mean, like, a daily re-wrapping thing, or “changing the sheets”? I only do the latter, that’s why I ask.
I wanted to buy a commercial map, wringer, and bucket with wheels as well as put in floor drains in the kitchen. My wife thinks I’m insane.
The daily re-wrapping and neatly folding the sheets and blankets. It never made sense to me. Changing the sheets I’m ok with.
Thinking back, i’m not sure Ive seen a cotton mop with a self-wringer before, just the sponge-based mops.
Google: libman tornado
Boulder just criminalized a shitload of its residents.
Feature, not bug.
Fuck them. I hope RMGO holds more rallies in front of city hall like this:
Colorado doesn’t have state pre-emption?
Get you some nano towels. I discovered these sometime last summer and they’re fucking awesome.
Can confirm.
Absolutely hate: taxes (makes me angry!), painting, school conferences, throwing things away, spending money, cleaning up puke (i start gagging at the first whiff)
Hate: Putting away laundry. Even though my daughters wear wildly different clothing, I still can’t tell who owns what, so I fold each individual piece and arrange it on our bed. They have to take care of it from there.
Meh: refinishing wood floors, blowing snow, mowing the lawn, picking up dog poop in the yard, sewing – I hemmed one daughter’s prom dress last week, helping the kids with homework
Enjoy: gardening, grocery shopping, cooking
All of them.