On three….Liiiiiinks!
Your Links are courtesy of me, this afternoon. That means all will be in order; there will be exactly 5 links over four bullet points, there will be a featured image, and no sidebar on the post. In the comments – witty banter, inside jokes and possibly a reference to monocles, orphans or roadz.

So. In order to avoid a post longer than a new regulation from the Eidgenössische Finanzmarkt Aussicht, I present your links;
- If you listen carefully, I think you can still hear Erdogan’s laughter. “Oh yes, I will be ever so respectful…” *orders new attack on Kurds*
- Things are NOT orderly around here. Unacceptable! Someone get on this, soon.
- Think things are goofy in the US legal system? How about in Merry Olde England?
- Tesla is a hazard everywhere.
There. Now to the comments. You know your duty!
And this has what to do with ….?
It has swiss cheese?
It has to do with my father’s brother’s nephew’s cousin’s former roommate making $9000 a month by only working 200 hours on the internet. Go to http://www.glibertarians.com/givememoney for more details.
Did bought new Fiat and cash cheque?
What does that make us?
…& Swiss Cheese?
*wrings hands, narrows gaze and stalks off*
Links of Swiss…
He’s trying to give you a stroke.
He doesn’t get it cuz he didn’t click on the link. Oh, the irony.
I got it…I refuse to acknowledge it! Damn, I think I just did…. gah!
I guess that means no first gif for me.
*skulks off*
I have been wursted, by a visual pun.
A narrowed gaze and a gif. My life is complete.
No need to be brat-ty, Swiss.
Yes, those Aidells are about the lousiest sausages in the supermarket. I don’t know how they can be so flavorless and have such an unsatisfying texture.
Ich habe lieber rechts als links.
Following a lengthy and expensive legal battle, three judges at the Court of Appeal today backed the teacher and ordered the council pay him £646,663 in damages.
I hope Lyndsey Shepherd is lawyering up.
A mother in Texas became an unexpected sideshow at a school play after she was kicked out for allegedly being drunk
Vodka doesn’t make you a better fighter, just dumber at picking your fights.
She looks like she has FAS, so.., I guess keep on trucking?
Hey now.
Sorry Gordi
That’s a rough looking 35.
Would not.
You just need a little of her vodka.
I’m sure she’d share.
White girls, please stop drinking vodka after age 22. Optimally, never start unless you are 60%+ Finn, Slav or Scandinavian.
Why, that’s positively . . . Floridian.
I can vouch for this.
Vodka doesn’t make you a better fighter, just dumber at picking your fights.
1st and 2nd Belorussian Fronts would have a word about that.
Eastern Europeans have a totally different body chemistry. Like Mexicans and tequila.
“Once outside the auditorium, Churchwell allegedly “balled up her fists” and charged the officer aggressively. She was then placed under arrest for public intoxication. Eight 75-milliliter bottles of vodka were found inside Churchwell’s purse, seven of which were empty, police said.”
Sounds like she knows how to party.
Go big or go home.
Think things are goofy in the US legal system? How about in Merry Olde England?
Da Fuck having CF got to do with showing kids inappropriate material?
“Mr Grosset then won an employment tribunal after arguing he was under huge pressure at the time and the school did not do enough to accommodate his condition.”
I’m no lawyer, but that sounds like bullshit.
For those interested in buying a Tesla, now’s the time. I hear they are having a fire sale. Lots of hot deals.
Someone’s poking the cheesy one with a stick.
I’ve seen car-be-ques before, but that’s nuts!
*narrows gaze*
My co-worker put down $1K on a model 3…. 1.5 years ago. Seeing as how they have yet to materialize, she’s starting to want her money back.
Seeing as how we’re both lenders, I sarcastically congratulated her on making an unsecured, interest-free loan to a multi-billion company.
I’m curious how long it takes to get a refund these days. I remember reading about significant delays last year.
Does she drive a Leaf or Prius now?
What about the Volt?
The only people I know who drive the Bolt leased them because Chevy was giving them away. Bolts don’t have the proggie cachet of the others. Anyone who puts a grand down on vaporware is most likely a proggie.
She’s not a proggie, she’s more of the left-leaning classical liberal type. She grew up in Soviet Russia. She fuckin’ HATES communism.
No. She drives a 15 year old Honda Pilot. The thing is basically falling apart and she’s had to get several expensive repairs over the past 6 months. When she originally ordered the Tesla, she figured she had about 1 year left in the Pilot and that would be enough time for Tesla to build and get her the model 3 (she’s one of the first 50,000 to sign up).
She was wrong, and now she’s incurred several expenses on a car she’s just going to get rid of soon anyway. It is partially her fault, I informed her that Tesla always misses its production targets by miles before she put the money down.
She should just buy a new Pilot. Al the body panels will fit right and all the systems will work. Most importantly she could have it in the driveway this weekend!
I put $500 down on 2 power walls. Haven’t heard shit since.
20 more days, and American Express and Telsa are going to have a conversation about my $500.
Am I paying for that in addition to your solar panels?
CA is. The state program is ridiculous.
I might actually get more in subsidies than the system costs.
That won’t surprise me at all. After all, CA is the state so smartlyu run, they’re requiring solar panels on all newly constructed homes. Gee, that won’t affect housing costs or population flight to saner states at all!
With this round of funding, they’re subsidizing at $.35 per watt hour of storage. I’m getting 2 Powerwalls at 27KWHR.
Thanks, jerks.
No shit. $6600 for a Powerwall, how much for the subsidy?
Yeah, good luck with that, Terry.
It saddens me that she’s the best possible PM out there for Jolly Old England.
I mean, the only alternative is Corbyn, and … yeah, let’s just say he wouldn’t like (((me))) much for some reason.
While he might be a racist asshole, he’s also a commie, and wouldn’t like any of us.
That game was lost the minute they let Turkey join NATO. A truly face palming moment.
Re: Road
Just another day hauling logs in New Zealand …. or BC …. or Chile …. is there any logging going on in Switzerland?
Certainly, but only strictly legal logging…
Someone spotted Swiss pretending to be me in his adoptive country.
Jesus. Even with something as mundane as watching a truck drive by, the Alps still look amazingly beautiful
Re: the Horror movie professor. The real crime is that western society thinks 15 year olds can’t handle the film “Halloween.”
That’s just stupid.
But can they handle the classic Misfits tune “Halloween”
Ha. I’m going to see the Misfits and Suicidal Tendencies in Newark this weekend.
Of the classic horror films, I think it’s the worst. Except Rosemary’s Baby. That’s just a bad movie.
Put down the pipe.
There is no way you can look me in the eye and tell me you enjoyed Rosemary’s baby.
OMWC enjoyed her.
We watched Clockwork Orange and Requiem for a Dream at my high school film class. Nobody complained.
“Stay out of this, ‘Mom’!” Golfer’s wife attacks her MiL during altercation with him (over missing cut?).
Glover must be one of the Florida “Golfing Rednecks” contingent.
For the record, their leader, Bubba Watson, is an asshole.
“danger zone” on the crazy/hot spectrum:
Giant forehead. Pass.
She’s icky. The high school sweetheart looks better.
Totally. The new wife looks like a fuckin’ alien. The high school sweetheart was cute.
Agreed. She’s a cutie. And, she actually looks human.
Seriously, she’s cute as a button. I wonder if she’s also crazy.
“The report said Glover told the deputy his wife often starts arguments with him after he plays poorly.”
Sounds like a keeper.
With a wife like that, I can’t imagine why he’s playing poorly.
The url in 3rd link is misleading.
But the article says
Also, I thought this was everyday behavior in Alaska.
Isn’t it too cold for naked?
I don’t know if this was posted earlier, but anyway….
I’m sure it was to cheers.
So damnably stupid.
My investment fees would be 30% less?
What if the Koch brothers identified as women like the Wachowskis?
Did she pronounce it Lemon Sisters? Anti-semite…
Lehman Sisters?
They can’t have careers AND get married?
They made their husbands be the ones who changed their surnames.
Not even in Mexico!
OK, well maybe in Mexico.
Someone retweeted it, pointing out not only how stupid a remark that is, but that Gillibrand stole it from someone else.
Ich wundere mich was für sältsami
LüütCars uf de andere Siite vom Röschtigrabe läed…“Frage mich”, unless you’re admiring yourself.
(I made the same mistake on a German Usenet group ages ago.)
“Mistakes Made on German Usenet Groups” sounds like the title for an interesting tell-all.
I know very little German, and even less Swiss German. Just trying to brighten Switzy’s day a bit. Pam na allwch chi adael i ni fod yn hapus, Ted?
“I know a little German”
God “Top Secret” is a lost classic!
“Is this the potato farm?”
“Yes. I am Albert Potato.”
“How do we know he’s not Mel Torme?”
Was on this past weekend. Absolute joy.
You can’t fool me. All Welsh is just English pronounced backwards.
With added phlegm to throw the limeys off.
It’s just their feeble attempt at rebellion
You, too, Fortune?
Seattle is introducing a new tax on large employers that will help fund homelessness and affordable housing programs—despite opposition from companies such as Amazon.
Seattle has a serious homelessness problem that has been exacerbated by the growth in high-paying jobs there, thanks to big employers such as Amazon, Microsoft and Boeing.
So, at the end of April, the Seattle City Council released draft legislation that would force companies with revenues of over $20 million in the city to pay 26 cents for each hour worked by a Seattle-based employee, or roughly $540 per head per year. This “head tax” was to apply over 2019 and 2020, generating $86 million a year for social programs, before turning into a 0.7% payroll tax. (The annual proceeds of the tax were originally calculated at $75 million before the council revised its estimates.)
The tax will fund homelessness. Is unintentionally correct the worst form of correct?
I’m just an old timey deadbeat, but how can it possibly be legal to expressly tax one thing to fund a completely different thing? I sort of get the idea of funding things I disapprove of out of a general fund raised by taxing everyone (more or less) equally, but this is just goofy, even before you consider the likelihood of anything remotely describable as success.
Fortune sucks, like Inc and the rest of the yuppie wanna-be stroke mags.
Seattle has a serious homelessness problem that has been exacerbated by the growth in high-paying jobs there,
How does anyone with even half a brain write shit like this?
Most communities offer obscene tax incentives to pull in employers with high payrolls.
And the majority of the homeless are mentally ill and on the streets because we no longer commit them into institutions against their will.
How does anyone with even half a brain write shit like this?
My understanding of the… logic… goes like this –
High paying employer moves in -> People qualified for high paying jobs move in, bringing their expensive tastes with them -> old neighborhoods that used to be affordable suddenly get redeveloped due to the demands of the highly paid workers -> the original community gets priced out of the market (for renters this makes sense… for people that already owned their home for a generation… well, no one mentions that property taxes are evil) -> instead of moving to a more affordable area, the people priced out become homeless, or something.
There are so many things wrong with this, but you already know that. Anyway, that’s my understanding of how these people think it works.
Yes, it’s just the same old complaints about gentrification ruining poor peoples lives by turning shitholes into desirable neighborhoods.
No, no. You’re completely over-thinking it. Imagine, if you will…a pie.
They also ignore how zoning regulations are used by gentrifiers to force out people. I don’t have a problem with highly paid people moving in and fixing up the neighborhood. I do have a problem with those same people calling code enforcement for every little thing against their neighbors.
This is a classic for trolling progressives in arguments. I like to see how close I can get them to basically admitting that they’re unreformed petty tyrants that would prefer that the homeless be involuntarily locked up in mental hospitals.
The tax will fund homelessness. Is unintentionally correct the worst form of correct?
I’d say “in vino veritas”, but I have a horrifying feeling that the man who wrote that was stone cold sober.
“Seattle has a serious homelessness problem that has been exacerbated by the growth in high-paying jobs there, thanks to big employers such as Amazon, Microsoft and Boeing.”
Boeing tried to move to South Carolina, but you wouldn’t let them.
Do you remember? I remember.
I wish Boeing would try it again. Trump would just sit back and grin.
Obviously, the solution is for everyone to be poor, and Seattle is working hard to make that dream a reality.
Fucking tags. last paragraph is mine.
Boom goes the narrative
This whole thing is starting to crumble like a house of cards. The revelations that have been coming out in the last few weeks are stunning in their scope. Not even in fever dreams did Nixon think up something like this.
Does the Eidgenössische Finanzmarkt Aussicht require the alt-text or is that your way of sneaking in a little anarchy?
.@SenGillibrand talking up importance of women in power at CAP conference: “If it wasn’t Lehman Brothers but Lehman Sisters we might not have had the financial collapse.”
Your next Democrat candidate for President of the United States, ladies and gentlemen.
Fortune sucks, like Inc and the rest of the yuppie wanna-be stroke mags.
I haven’t read anything from Fortune for years. I was actually surprised I didn’t get some sort of adblocker cock block. Their website does not appear to be as monumentally awful as Forbes’ so they’ve got that going for them.
In the end, the version that passed—unanimously—will see large employers pay 14 cents per head per hour, or $275 per head per year. The tax will now generate $47 million a year
Of course it will.
And there is no way it will find its way into a slush fund used for pet projects, or to pay off someone’s lavish retirement account. The end.
Attention aviation buffs, here is some local news that might be of interest –
Manufactured in Ithaca during WWI, the Thomas-Morse S-4B Scout aircraft is one of the few remaining “Tommy” planes in the world. The restored century-old, single-pilot plane will be flown on Saturday, September 29 during an event open to the public.
Tommy planes were originally commissioned by the U.S. Army during the latter years of WWI as advanced training planes for pilots preparing to deploy to Europe. The original small single-seat scout, the S-4, was designed by Thomas Aeroplane Company in Ithaca, which then merged with the Morse Chain Corporation.
Very cool! I’m a big airplane buff, particularly military aircraft.
The B-17 Memphis Belle is going on exhibition at the National Museum of the United States Air Force tomorrow. After being neglected for years, it has undergone a full restoration.
They are expecting a lot of visitors. Getting to and from work may be an issue for the next couple of days.
I was wondering why it was in transit
There was a B-17 fly-in over the weekend near here. Some of my friends went but I didn’t get the chance. You probably saw one of those.
I haven’t seen a b-17 in person in some time. I saw a picture of the Memphis Belle on the tarmac on instagram
It was probably being towed from the restoration facility to the actual museum. They are about a half a mile apart.
Several of my fondest memories from a youth in AZ involve WWII aircraft. A local furniture dealer flew a P-51 that was buffed with gold lettering “Precious Metal”. Several times I was climbing and watched him scream above our heads. There is nothing like that Rolls engine going flat out. Another collector flew a P-38 and a B-25 from an airfield just west of Tucson I saw numerous times in the 60’s and 70’s. But my favorite was from Boy Scout camp where a V of three B-17’s flew over to drop slurry on a forest fire.
My scoutmaster had been a ball turret gunner on a B-17 during the war. He was so overcome by emotion when they flew over that he had to excuse himself and sit quietly for awhile away from us. I still wonder about his thoughts when he saw those birds.
Here you go, here’s some neat stuff from my work. Sopwith 1.5 Strutter stuff. I’m still trying to find my Curtiss OXX-6 photos.
Plane parts
Damn, and you actually used “cuck” correctly and not how people use it in dimwitted political conversation. How can Tom Brady work for such a puss
Meaning somebody else impregnated his girlfriend?
That’s what I took away from the story
She did not carry the baby.
Well you’re just full of piss and vinegar today with all your “facts”, man. *Inhales* You got to take it easy, brah
What I’m saying, I think, is that they both got cucked.
Is that smoldering pile of Tesla ash biodegradable?
Feel good story of the day?
She owes money to planned parenthood?
She owes money to Grey Goose? I can only aspire to become such an alcoholic deadbeat that someday I’m in hock to Buffalo Trace
That has definitely got to be a joke.
She can be funny, when she isn’t being stupid.
A picture on twitter has to be true.
*inhales* Why you got to harsh the buzz, man?
All parody aside, Handler should be used as a cautionary tale for any young women that are coming of age and flirting with left wing politics. I swear that progressivism commits some as-yet-unidentified atrocity to the faces of otherwise gorgeous women.
“It would be like Hitler saying Auschwitz is all about HELPING the Jews stay warm.”
Luckily you cheated in advance?
What language is that?
Feel good story of the day?
Millions in unpaid bills to drug rehab centers. MILLIONS.
* poorly stifled chortle*
Evidence supporting my earlier claim that Kansas girls are the hottest (alternate headline: Not everything is flat in Kansas).
I don’t need to see #4’s face to know she’s the one for me.
What’s that clapping noise? I don’t see your heels moving.
*Me thinking about glib tagline for this link*
“Is it more insulting or funny to say that I’m responsible for this or not responsible for this?”
You’re in CO Q? The wife and I are weighing a move to Fort Collins soon. Any info/advice on that area?
It’s really nice. What specific information are you looking for? And why FoCo vs. elsewhere in the state? The Glib overlords can give you my email if you want to get in touch that way.
Wife got offered a prof gig at CSU. She’s probably going to take it, but we’re curious about all kinds of shit that would be helpful to know. Like good/bad neighborhoods. Where to live to avoid horrible traffic. Good places to eat. You know general stuff about the area.
Ft. Collins doesn’t really have any bad neighborhoods or traffic; you’ll only run into that if you are going to live in Denver (or to much less of an extent, Colorado Springs). It’s very much a college town, kind of like Boulder or Madison but with 85% less proggy insanity and pretention. The good places to eat are all in and around College Ave.
Places to live… it depends a lot on what you’re looking for. If you want land and privacy, you can move a few miles out of town to the East and get a big plot on the prairie. If you want to be the typical prof academic type, live close to campus. If you want suburbs, there are tons to choose from. If you want mountains (and are prepared to pay more) you can move to the West up Poudre Canyon (pronounced “pooter” hehehehehe) and go that route. OR, if your wife doesn’t mind commuting and you want to save a shitload of money, you can live in Cheyenne.
Overall, excluding mountain towns, Ft. Collins would be my second choice of places in CO to live (after C. Springs/Monument, where I live now).
Cool. My family are all recent transplants to the Springs (my parents live in Monument, my sister lives further south in the city proper), but they don’t know anything about Ft. Collins.
Thanks Q.
If this goes through I’m 100% percent positive I’ll be in your area fairly frequently if you wanna grab a beer sometime.
Wurd. Tundra’s gonna be here semi-often since his spawn is going to Mines. We can have a little party. By then I should have a pool table. We could also play ookie cookie. Y’know, normal party stuff.
If Spawn 2 ends up out there I will probably say fuck it and move to Laramie or something.
Monument, no shit. I’m in Aurora. The good part, not up north in Saudi Aurora.
Nice. I have family in Woodland Park and Cripple Creek and try to get my bike out there at least once per year. My long term goal is Summer in CO, Winter in FL.
You just asked the STD guy for advice. Let that sink in…
Q is good people. I mean I probably wouldn’t want to shake his hand or anything icky like that…. but otherwise he’s good people.
My body will incubate the cure to all panresistant STDs.
But not c. Diff?
I have this nagging feeling that suddenly the world will be hit with some really vicious antibiotic-resistant STD and a lot of people are going to die. I suppose we’re overdue for another plague, might as well be fucking while its all going down.
Incel fanfic?
Spreading their disease,
With some help from Captain Trips,
Bring the world down to its knees
“Nicola Sturgeon vows to curb junk food promotions by banning two-for-one pizzas
The First Minister pledged to tackle multi-buy promos as she announced a target of halving child obesity by 2030.
She said Nats’ plans — which could axe cheap deals on foods high in fat, salt or sugar — will be published this summer.
It comes as stats show nearly one in three kids in Scotland are in danger of being overweight — with one in seven risking obesity.”
Maybe they could cut them into smaller pieces if they had knives?
Why do the Brits hate poor people?
So the idea is to fight obesity by making food more expensive? Seriously? And I’d wager the supporters of this are also supporters of every new initiative to combat hunger among the poor. Hunger they claim results from the poor being unable to afford food…
Progs really do not do logic at all do they?
“halving child obesity by 2030”
One child rule. Problem solved.
They have to eat fat, salt, and sugar because the other stuff requires good teeth. But fixing the dental problem in the country is a non-starter I guess.
RIP Mr. Wolfe.
I know it’s already been mentioned, but this link gives a nice rundown of how prescient his gimlet eye was.
“White women are becoming the new white men.”
So…. progress?
Why don’t people like this just do the moral thing and off themselves so the rest of us can go about our business?
There is no us. Just you and me.
I’m OK with women being called on their collective bullshit, too.
Sure…..but what we consider their bullshit is unlikely to be what she considers to be their bullshit.
or don’t use Twitter?
they’re not wrong. white women are terrible people.
Read the reply thread from “@longstorylong” for some serious derp.
She gets called out on collectivizing women, responds with a quote that doesn’t really apply to the situation, and when she’s asked who women are oppressing, she appeals to individualism (“that would depend on the woman, wouldn’t it?”)
I wouldn’t say Trump is killing humor (many of his tweets are unintentionally hilarious), I’d say the unimaginative “comedians” who have decided that being political operatives is more important than being funny are killing humor.
Need I remind you that Dean Obiedallah is a fucking mendacious prick?
Since I don’t think I ever heard of him and for a moment I thought he founded Springfield, yes, you do.
Have we all forgotten so quickly?
Christ, what an asshole.
Yes. My apologies, but the man has some kind of mind-erasing power. I’ll forget his name by this time tomorrow.
Which isn’t a bad ability to have if one has to say stupid things, in retrospect.
That has definitely got to be a joke.
She can be funny, when she isn’t being stupid.
I don’t now enough about her to judge whether that’s a spoof.
That’s why I put PP. why in the world would she owe PP. I think the joke is she is a junkie that needs tons of abortions.
Her comedic shtick is ‘drunken slut’. My wife has one of her books and I found it fairly entertaining.
Her political posturings are vapid and offensive. The worst kind of progressive posturing.
She’s one of those Hollywood types who’d be a lot better off not bringing up politics.
Her brother was outed as one of the “Top Commenters” on the NYT website, which is roughly equivalent to being adjudicated as mentally defective.
I wouldn’t say Trump is killing humor (many of his tweets are unintentionally hilarious), I’d say the unimaginative “comedians” who have decided that being political operatives is more important than being funny are killing humor.
Parody has been rendered moot.
game 3 in DC tonight.
how relaxed Ovi and Kuzy look on this breakaway from game 2 is unnatural:
It’s like a fucking pickup game. Good for them – I hope they keep rolling.
I’m torn. I really, really hate Jon Cooper’s smug face……but I have so much invested in the Caps never winning anything.
Go ‘Peg.
they run a drill in practice where all 5 chase a puck into their corner and then all have to one-touch up to the blue line. it’s a short-pass breakout drill that they’ve executed live in games very well. i’m convinced that if there was one single aspect of their game making the difference this playoffs, then that’s it.
But trying to do mayurasana in a corner is dangerous.
Huh. That wan’t a typo.
She looks like she’s fifteen, Roy Moore
She’s 26.
Way to ruin it for us!
OMWC hardest hit.
She’s totally adorable, regardless.
Rent control expansion in CA – landlords dumping property:
In late April, a coalition of housing advocates said they submitted some 595,000 signatures, more than enough to get a measure on the ballot in November to repeal Costa Hawkins, state legislation that prevents cities and towns from imposing rent control on buildings constructed after 1995 and on single-family rentals.
Both sides are gearing up for a fight and are expected to spend tens of millions of dollars on campaigning.
In Santa Monica, the number of properties on the market is at the highest level in 20 years, according to Tony Solomon, a first vice president at Marcus & Millichap based in southern California. Mr. Solomon said there are 90 properties on the market, about 80% more than normal.
My sister just bought her first house in SaMo. It wasn’t move in ready; they’re redoing the kitchen and the rest of the downstairs first.
First thing every morning, the contractor has to chase out the squatters and campers.
Ew. Hope she doesn’t have plans to go on any vacations once they take possession?
Having walls and doors should help the situation. They should be installed by now, so no more bum orgies in the living room.
Gah. To each their own of course, I personally wouldn’t want to live somewhere where maintaining the perimeter was a serious concern.
Guess you’re rethinking boncentration bamps then?
They’re a fine idea, I just don’t want to … reside … in one. For myself, I like something with a nice view, maybe some mountains.
It’s because the place was under construction. Won’t be an issue once it’s occupied. The homeless people will just be on the sidewalk now.
Hey, maybe the rent control assholes are on to something! Push rent control to collapse real estate prices to allow more home ownership. Ok, so it also drastically reduces rental stock which will sky rocket rents.
I can’t believe how much this country is sliding backwards. It seemed just a short while ago that nearly everyone had come to there senses and rent control was on the ropes even in places like NY. Now Seattle and CA and elsewhere are seriously proposing expanding this idiotic and failed idea.
That’s how you know that things are getting bad for them.
They’re doing the only thing they know how to do, only more quickly.
If only. I wish these deadenders would just off themselves rather than trying to take everyone else and society with them. Being dumb enough to forget to breathe hasn’t worked like it should.
What makes you think rent control has failed? I suspect it’s done exactly what it was intended to do.
Does Theresa May smoke crack?
And fuck Ergodan.
By the way, I’ve come to the conclusion this is par for the course for Britain and other European powers cozying up to totalitarians. It’s easy to ask ‘where did the UK go wrong?’ but it’s a pattern of behaviour that’s been around in the post-war era – if not earlier.
You see Erdogen can be reasoned with, but Poland’s government and Orban in Hungary are tyrants or something
/EU ‘logic’
“Science news: Octopuses came to Earth from space as frozen eggs millions of years ago
OCTOPUSES are “aliens” which evolved on another planet before arriving on Earth hundreds of millions of years ago as “cryopreserved” eggs via a process known as panspermia, radical new research has suggested.
“Thus the possibility that cryopreserved Squid and/or Octopus eggs, arrived in icy bolides several hundred million years ago should not be discounted as that would be a parsimonious cosmic explanation for the Octopus’ sudden emergence on Earth circa 270 million years ago.”
Cthulu? Paging Cthulu……
Octopi emerged because of the events that caused the P–T boundary, and did many other species.
We get to make shit up and call it science?
Science news: Sleeping with Me Key to Happiness for Beautiful Women; Men can reap benefits as well by sending me $14,000 gifts each year.
It isn’t science, but I like the idea. I don’t see any reason not to believe that things which can survive cryo couldn’t be naturally transported throughout space trapped in ice. Tardigrades.
What utter horseshit.
In Santa Monica, the number of properties on the market is at the highest level in 20 years, according to Tony Solomon, a first vice president at Marcus & Millichap based in southern California. Mr. Solomon said there are 90 properties on the market, about 80% more than normal.
Sounds like more people are cashing in their chips. Unfortunately, some of them are going to say, “Look, Honey! Montana’s beautiful. And look how cheap these places are.”
Look, Honey! Montana’s beautiful. And look how cheap these places are.”
The good news is that no one says “Hey look, Iowa is cheap. Let’s move there.”
“Hey look, Iowa is cheap. Let’s move there”
– pretty much everyone in western Illinois
We looked at that. Income taxes are significantly higher in Iowa, and since we aren’t homeowners, it’s a net loss for us.
Iowa is fully-loaded from a tax perspective. There is a considerable Federal tax deduction which may be worth exploring. I file business so apologies for not having clear numbers – reach-out privately if you would like me to request specifics from our accountant.
Next time we see you guys, I’ll give you the deets.
Oh, I do have one useful bit of knowledge about cyclic voltammetry vendors:
ECI: compact, black-boxy, not very customizable, but works well for routine analyses
Metrohm: much larger, adaptable, vastly more preventative maintenance required. Also back in 2011-12 they had an issue with contaminants in their platinum that had their electrodes failing at ridiculous rates.
My understanding is the new tax law reduces the number of tax bracket and lower rates overall; however, it kills the federal tax deduction.
Oh, yeah. Montana is REALLY nice.
Her brother was outed as one of the “Top Commenters” on the NYT website, which is roughly equivalent to being adjudicated as mentally defective.
I hope it was “Socrates”. That guy is unquestionably, literally, retarded.
Musk develops a victim complex in 3….2….
no one says “Hey look, Iowa is cheap. Let’s move there.”
I know some people (native Iowians) who keep telling me how wonderful Iowa is. But they live in Montana. Funny how that works.
A lot of people say that about Iowa in the Midwest. Iowa is good people
You want to go down this road? I not only get to hear how awesome other states are, but other countries.
I live here by choice.
I’m an engineer. I could work anywhere in the country. I moved to Phoenix after college, then came back to Iowa seven years later.
The summers can be miserable (but not as bad as Missouri). The winters can be terrible (but not as bad as Minnesota). But the summers and winters help to drive the homeless to the coasts.
The joke has always been that Iowa is a great place to be from.
My beef is with common decency. If I moved to another state, I wouldn’t tell everyone who would listen that the state sucked compared to where I left.
Upper Iowa is real pretty and Iowa, in general, is a pretty good state. People trashing Iowa are usually not from the Midwest
Somebody is not familiar a certain type of humor in Minnesoda.
Q: What do you call a bunch of tractors parked in front of a McDonald’s on Friday night in Iowa? A: Prom.
Why do the trees in Minnesota lean south?
Because Iowa sucks.
Why do birds fly upside down over Iowa?
Because Iowa isn’t worth a crap.
What’s the best thing to come out of Iowa?
If you find out you only have 2 weeks to live, why should you move to
Because in Iowa 2 weeks will feel like 2 years.
What’s the difference between an Iowa girl and a police car?
It takes TWO police cars to block an intersection.
What’s the difference between an Iowa man and an inch worm?
What are the first 3 words in the Iowa constitution?
Attention K-Mart shoppers.
What’s the difference between VD and a condominium in Iowa?
You can get rid of VD.
Why do Iowa State graduates put their diplomas on the dashboard?
So they can park in the handicapped zone.
What do women do when a man from Iowa exposes himself?
Understand people in Iowa are pretty upset. Seems the lady who had the
formula for ice died.
Next you’ll be dusting off the Oly & Lena jokes.
Q: What is the definition of safe sex down in Minnesota?
A: Placing signs on the animals that kick.
Know the definition of “virgin” in Minnesoda?
Any girl who can run faster than her brother.
I’m having a feeling of deja vu??
Isn’t Iowa pretty heavily Dem? I mean, even in the rural areas?
No. Iowa is the purplest of purple states. To the best of my recollection, went for Gore over Bush, went for Bush over whoever it was; went twice for Obama (I think); went for Trump.
The republicans just took control of both houses and the governor’s mansion. They loosened up gun laws dramatically, just rolled back taxes, and just passed the strictest abortion law in the country (for fuck sake; apparently the republicans to like being in charge).
Two republican senators (thanks Tom Harkin for getting out of the fucking senate in time for the Trump wave). Three of four congressmen are republicans.
The economy is fairly well balanced between agriculture; manufacturing; and technology. I think Amazon or Facebook opened a massive server farm near Des Moines in the last couple of years.
IOWA= Idiots Out Wandering Around
IOWA= I Otta Went Around
IOWA = I Owe the World an Apology
Chicago-area Glib Alert:
I will be in Chicago on business in September, and available for getting together on the evenings of 09/12 and 09/13. I’m staying downtown at the Loews Chicago Hotel
(455 North Park Dr.) and won’t be able to stray too far. I know its early, but let me know if you want to do the meatspace thing. I’ll buy the drinks.
This reminds me, I’ll be wandering around Boston on 6/22 while my wife is at the U2 concert. Anything I should do?
U2 concert.
^^^There’s a reason we call him “The Oracle”
Tundra gets it.
Fine. Haymarket and the Commons.
Is it a safe area to wander around?
Boston is very safe.
There’s zero chance you’re going to be staying somewhere you need to worry about.
Where’s the hotel?
Major tourist area so yeah, about as safe as you could get
I know it’s in central Boston. I texted my wife for the name.
Omni parker
You’re a block from the commons.
You’re also a block from…. Government Center.
Go to the Combat Zone and get a blowie from a transvestite hooker.
There is no Combat Zone in Boston anymore, they got rid of it, I think there is like 1 strip club and 1 adult book store there now and the hookers were all driven out of the area. Everything else was gentrified into the now very respectable Donwtown Crossing mall.
That’s a ways out on the calendar, but you can likely count me in.
I just booked my flights; I’ll put out another notice closer to the actual trip.
We should be in-town that week and are within walking distance of Loews.
FYI – The Art Institute is open late on Thursday’s and well worth a visit.
Meatups aren’t my thing, but if someone else is paying the outrageous Chicago taxes on the drinks it might be too good to pass up.
Hmm…. 5½ hour drive on the one hand free drinks on the other. How many free drinks?
As many Bud Lights as you can swallow.
Seriously, because you are all a trustworthy upstanding lot who would never abuse the hospitality of a fellow Glib, you understand that I will cover a bar tab of reasonably priced drinks for a reasonable number of people. If 40 people show up, everybody gets a beer on me. If 6 or 7 show up, I’ll stand a few rounds of good cocktails.
The Jew suddenly perks up his horns, errrr, ears.
Ontario continues to be the worst province in Canada, an achievement in a country that contains Quebec and BC.
Hamilton designates anarchy symbol as ‘hate material’
I hate everyone involved.
“social justice expert”
“very controversial interpretation of hate speech”
You’re so close to understanding what’s wrong with the whole “hate speech” category, but you just miss it. Numbskull
So, regarding this wave of public school teacher protests that’s burning across the United States, I don’t see this situation long-term going the way that the public school unions expect it to. People are going to remember these disruptions and discontinuity in government daycare, and resentment is going to breed because this is a segment of workers that have access to a pension, which is comparatively rare these days.
I bet this is going to add some fuel onto the fire of the school choice movement, and accelerate progress on vouchers and charter schools. So goes my windbag prognostication.
It happened in some places right before “teacher appreciation week”.
I doubt they were shown much appreciation.
I would love to see public school abolished and a straight voucher system.
You’re no woketarian, pomp
So, regarding this wave of public school teacher protests that’s burning across the United States,
Arizona gave them, I believe, a 20% raise over three years.
Within a day, the Tucson school district said they were going to use some of that money to give raises to non-teachers. A bait and switch, setting up the teachers to come crying back in a few years on how they are still underpaid, they didn’t get what they were promised, and the state needs to shovel more money down the rathole of public education.
I hate everyone involved. Especially including the children who are helping these people take money from me, but are so stupid they aren’t even getting anything out of it.
My advice to any members of the Stupid Party presently holding office would be to try as hard as humanly possible to drag it out into the midterms.
Maybe. I wouldn’t hold my breath. The % of people that are either public employees, work for contractors for government entities, or receive benefits greater than they pay/paid is growing ever larger. Few of those will vote to cut their own cheese.
Spoke too soon?
1. We got our citizens back.
2. This is gonna play into Trump’s negotiation mindset. Norks are bringing up issues that they ignored during their summit with the South two weeks ago. Unless they managed to swing some “behind the scenes” shit with China to loosen sanctions (not likely) – this is probably just cosmetic. Because the sanctions are the tightest they’ve ever been and they’re starting to hurt – rolling into summer agricultural season, the military is also pretty busy. Esp. with international cooperation for stopping and searching smuggling ships, illegal oil transfers, etc.
USA! USA! Nikki Haley is Hot..
Hell yes, she’s hot. I don’t care for her foreign policy, but I’m a big fan of hers. Also, her college age daughter is hot too
“Also, her college age daughter is hot too”
Two words: three way.
She’s a warmongering psycho.
so, a shoo-in for the Republican ticket?
Why, that was delightful.
“Kristen Stewart ditches high heels to go barefoot at Cannes
Now it seems Kristen Stewart, a member of this year’s jury at the film festival, has flouted the ban on flat shoes – by instead going barefoot on the red carpet.
The Twilight actress wore black Louboutin heels as she arrived at the BlacKkKlansman premiere.
But before entering the screening of the Spike Lee film, she slipped off her shoes to walk up the stairs.
She was apparently not sanctioned for taking off her heels.”
Brave woman, a true pioneer for the downtrodden.
It’s an improvement over the Chuck Taylor’s she used to wear.
I had to google her name to see who she was. Would.
Wouldn’t. She’d probably just lie there looking sullen.
It is bullshit to say women can’t wear flats. At least this protest was relevant.
There’s a systemic issue with traffic in the suburbs around this country. I dunno what the money is being spent on, but the infrastructure lags the traffic sinks by upwards of 5 years in most cities. For example, they’re building a private high school on a 2 lane road near my house. It’s plainly obvious that the road wasn’t built to hold the existing traffic, let alone increased traffic due to a school being there. Sounds like the perfect excuse to tack a lane or two on in each direction, right? Nah, they’re just putting in a turn lane and hoping for the best.
It’s amazing to me that people aren’t up in arms about their local taxes being spent anywhere but on infrastructure.
Bike lanes, dude. Bike lanes to the horizon.
And dedicated bus lanes. For bus “rapid” transit aka light rail on the somewhat cheaper substitute.
The most important infrastructure of all is the infrastructure which holds us together as a society — government pensions.
Diverging diamond or GTFO.
We have that set up at our main roads freeway exit. It works pretty well.
We don’t, because California sucks. Maybe Orange County does, but not here.
People are here. There is a ballot initiative for 2018 that is, for real, titled “FIX OUR DAMN ROADS”. The problem is that we have an insane amount of surplus from pot sales that the Pubs want to use on roads, but the motherfucking, asshole licking, pond scum, syphilitic, bottom feeding, biotrash Dems insist on a tax increase to do it.
How to commit suicide as a nation?
Here’s your free guide.
National Suicide Guide
Enjoy Europe as we know it while it lasts.
Unless they pull a draconian expulsion program and reform their welfare apparatus ‘bonjour la visite’ as they say in Quebec slang. Basically, have a good one!
Thoughts on Mancini?
Not sure. He wasn’t my first choice but he’s better than Ventura who single handily took down the Azzurri. I wasn’t overly crazy with the way he managed Inter in Champions League during the years he led them.
We’ll see in September when they take on Poland and Portugal during Euro qualifying.
What do you think?
Fun fact. Mancini was an outstanding striker – one of the best in the world – but no one got to see him because a) fans didn’t watch Serie A in the 1990s when it ruled and the league was filled with so many top strikers and defenders and b) he was a bad boy that was black balled. Italy had so many strikers they felt they didn’t need him. Personally, I think it cost them a title or two.
He was that good and was one of my favorites. His technique was incredible. In a league where defense was supreme and genius no less. None of this pussy shit we see today. You can’t touch a fricken striker anymore.
Don’t really have an opinion as all I know about him is pretty much is ManCity reign. Some reports suggest he was quite the asshole. I don’t know the truth of it, but getting fired a year after the first league title in 40+ years suggests something went badly wrong.
Sounds like Mancini. He’s a character. Hit or miss.
I think the new Euro qualifying system is screwed up.
Extremely versatile. He did both The Pink Panther and What’s Happening!!
Not to worry. Traditional Swedish social welfare will be replaced by zakat.
This should work well for Illinois. A 40% increase in property taxes that will only cover the unfunded pension mandates for FOUR pension funds for FIVE years.
Yep, those are the ONLY options. Those are literally the only way to fix the problem. No further questions.
That’s just infuriating. Allowing them to raise taxes just encourages them to under-fund the pensions. Again.
Fuck you. Cut spending.
Have to support the heroes! / union thugs.
Maybe they just need to start liquidating all the retirees.
/3rd Reich imagineer
Soylent Green? It’s made of people, you know.
In other words, the perfect amino acid profile for food.
Just need to hold out until the Dems take control of the WH and congress.
Wow. Sometimes I wonder why I continue to live in this gawd forsaken state.
Speaking of our heroes. TW notorious cop fellator Jazz Shaw.
Posted wrong article. Lol.
“But an attack on a police officer is more than the killing of one human being. The person in the uniform is no greater than any other citizen, but the uniform itself is a victim.”
I think the cops that use excessive force and shoot first “victimize” the uniform more than any civilian criminal. You know, the a-holes who are never punished at all for doing so.
In a lot of states, this stuff is enshrined into the constitution. The state can’t declare bankruptcy because they’re a sovereign taxing authority. They’re on the hook for the pensions no matter what.
What they can do, though, is impose an exit tax. Any public employee who moves out of the state will have their pension taxed at 50% (or some number).
I know several retired CalPERS employees drawing 6 figure pensions who have moved out of state to live like kings. Fuck that.
If you’re responsible for the high cost of living here, you have to fucking stay here and lie in the bed the you and your union have made.
Yep, they tried sneaking that pension protection bullshit into the MI constitution a couple years ago. Soundly defeated at the polls.
Unfortunately Illinois is one of those states that got it put into the state constitution. I’m not sure if they can even prevent double dipping which would be my first modest change. If a state employee works for one department and gets fully vested they can then move to another job and get fully vested into the pension system again for two pensions. That’s nuts IMHO. Don’t get me started on the various boards that don’t even meet for more than a year. Should be like clothes if you haven’t used it for a year get rid of it.
The story from a few years ago.
It’s well past the point where an outright taxpayer revolt is warranted.
I’m one of them. The difference being my situation when I retired resulted in an amount below six figures. I hate ex-wives. And seriously, I should stay there and lower my standard of living when I can can move somewhere else and improve my lot in life? How un-American of me.
Blame the politicians that agree to ridiculous pensions and contracts so that they can get elected. One of the founding principles of this country was the sanctity of the contract. Blame the ones that said “yes” instead of the ones that asked for something. I was actually a local union officer when Gray Davis signed “3% at 50” into law in 2003. It was a head on the desk moment. The local President and and I both agreed that it was going to end in disaster and we were right.
The state can’t tax people that don’t live there.
Under 6 figures? Do you even disability, bro?
He got terminal butt callouses from the easy chair.
So…. yes, presumptively
Yes, butt callouses are presumptive. As are cancer and heart disease.
It was a disability retirement. Honestly, I wouldn’t feel comfortable with the full pension I would have been entitled to had I not had to retire out. I feel appropriately compensated for my time and effort. Although I do wish my ex had taken the buy out offer and not taken a third of my pension.
You shouldn’t have used Old Man’s lawyer.
Oh, I ended up MUCH better than OMWC. He got shagged like a new pedophile released into the general population.
My vision must be blurry after 4 Sculpins.
I thought you said TWO thirds.
I raise my bourbon neat in your general direction.
“This should work well for Illinois. A 40% increase in property taxes”
I mean, the lovely climate alone is worth it, right?
How Twitter’s Policies Suck Ass #145,623
Cocaine is a helluva drug.
Cocaine? The only thing that man has up his nose is the Funk!
Fuck, they got me on video
He needed a dance partner.
Every time you guys bring up moving and/or property costs it’s depressing. I was hoping to settle down in Oregon, be close to family, have some reasonable gun laws, and a few car tracks to burn rubber at nearby. Then you guys come along and remind me how far off the deep end it’s gone and I’m stuck trying to figure out where to go that has all of the above. Both mine and my wife’s families live in the Northwest. I want to move to Texas (guns, cars, cheap, jobs) but then there’s no family and it’s hot.
Fuck you lefties for turning my home into a steaming pile of hobo shit.
I used to live in paradise. It gets worse every year.
Where was that?
Still live here, but it’s not paradise anymore.
Holy crap.
Geographically, I would move to California, but the government makes that a hard no.
Same here.
I mean, northern California would be even better than Oregon for me.
I just spent a weekend in northern California and it’s beautiful up there. If they ever get the state of Jefferson going, I’m outta here.
I’d be right beside you. Drove up the Pacific Crest Highway through there a few times, saw the flags for Jefferson state, and knew it could be home.
I admire the people of Josephine County for holding out for five years in the face of enormous pressure before voting for the (unnecessary) special levy to rehire sheriff’s deputies.(*)
(* the county, despite what the former state paper called an unreasonably low property tax rate, is awash with money but is saddled with high personnel costs thanks to state law regarding collective bargaining and the public pension system. The only way to “meet” costs is to cut positions rather than cut wages and benefits back to more normal levels. Goddam parasites.)
And Thunderhill is right there!
Also, separate stretches of I-5 (and that’s I-5 not “the Five” transplants) have the local county LP and the “State of Jefferson” as highway litter adoptees.
If I thought I could teeter them over the edge to statehood I’d put up with a few years if California bullshit but that won’t happen.
Mad Scientist, and Sonoma Raceway.
Having one track within two hours to home is mandatory. Multiple tracks within six to eight are even better. The wife and I are willing to forgo a lot of things for that, which is why Dallas is high on the list. I have multiple racing/gun buddies who moved there and keep showing it in my face.
No beach is worth that shit.
Over-regulatory shit.
I’m still trying to get the gist of which places is worse: Seattle, California or Quebec. And judging by what’s posted and discussed here and from what I discover elsewhere, I gotta say, Montreal ain’t that bat shit in its moon battery. We have our fair share of commies and bull shit laws but you don’t hear stuff like ‘head tax’ or attacking corporations or the ‘drive for 15’.
Mind you, maybe subsidized tuition and public health makes up for it or at least narrows the gap? Plus the weather could use a taking to.
I dunno.
And the public unions – les syndicate – are VERY powerful here.
Too much so.
les syndicats.
Stupid auto-spell.
We go back to the Bay Area every year to see the kids. And every year, nothing makes me happier than seeing the Sierras in the rear view mirror on the way home.
California is one of those states I would love to move to but the cost of living and politics are an instant turn off.
I’ve wondered whether it’s nicer outside of the bay area. There were some great places to visit in the extended area (Yosemite, Monterey, Napa, the beaches), but everything in between was brown, dead, and ugly.
I left my summer there with the impression that it’s a fun place to visit, but living there is a non-starter, even setting aside the financial and cultural issues. Maybe LA or San Diego would change my mind?
I lived in rural Monterey County and it had so much going for it. Great hunting and fishing, a large National Forest, multiple wine areas with some great wines, nice bicycling, the Pacific (tho cold) and several wilderness hot springs. But shit, I looked at the costs after I retired and had to pay in state vehicle registration, high taxes on my retirement and any new income, putting up with crazy politicians and I fled before the ink was dry on my retirement papers.
I have crazy politicians here, but the cost of living is better than CA, I pay no tax on my retirement income, I can sail and swim year round, I get sick and tired of my tomato plants producing 10 months a year and can catch my own ahi and am being swamped by my mango and banana trees. (anybody need any?) Hawaii ain’t Wyoming, Montana or the rural NW but it will do until I retire again.
You already worked out an exit strategy?
Yes. I own some property in a state with no income tax.
Ditto. I was thinking Idaho but it’s just at an early stage of prog conversion and I don’t hold out much hope that it will withstand the Uhaul hordes bringing their retardation.
Maybe NC, but again, proggies are taking hold there as well. Not sure if I can do the heat & humidity long term in TX. CO would be possibility for work except for the proggies there too. And the attitude and lack of oxygen seems to affect the thinking of people in the state (no offense to the fine glibs who reside/resided in CO and are an exception).
The only bad thing about TX was the heat and humidity (and the fact that everybody was moving there). We’d move back in an instant if Dallas were 200 miles further north.
I hope you know I love you guys (nh), but, after seeing this so many times in this thread, I’m struck by a certain genitalia vibe in some of the comments.
I mean, why do you think the Lord gave us air conditioning? I mean, other than giving Yusef a nice living…
Still have to go outside. My wife doesn’t tolerate it well but at the same time wouldn’t like to be trapped inside for months on end. Don’t want her to be a heat casualty again either.
I grew up in the Midwest, where summer was an outdoor season. I could never get used to not being able to play tennis in June. It blew my mind that it was possible to be too hot for swimming.
What’s the point of working night shift if you don’t necro a thread a little.
My wife and I lived grew up in NC. We have lived in Slovakia, Minnesota, California, and New Hampshire. We were happy to come back. There is no libertarian state. NC is nice but not perfect.
It is more red than purple. Obama winning the state in 2012 was an anomaly not a trend. The state legislature is still Republican after the 2010 Tea Party wave and its conservative-ish. The only “punishment” in 2016 was the ouster of gov McCrory (r). The legislature who remained intact and i think they cut income taxes again.
New Yorkers and Massholes make up the majority of intra-US transplants but there is a huge immigration of Asians too. Somehow we’re not NEw York lite yet
Come on down enjoy the beaches and mountains and college sports. Bring your AC though
Hear, hear!
I appreciate the necro, and the on the ground report. Legislatures cutting income taxes don’t exist in my world. They argue on what and how much to increase.
My only quibble with NC (other than worries about proggies moving southward) is that the food is too good like most southern states. I’ve got to hit the gym like a mofo when I’ve visited.
Ohio is my go to state when Illinois finally implodes. My wife’s family live there and the real estate is stupidly cheap in Cuyahoga County.
The worst combo is small town and proggy. I’m wondering were to retire myself. I’m thinking Thailand or Bali. We’ll see how the exchange rates and political situations are.
Fuckin’ NIMBYs on the left and right are terrible. They’re the frequent cause of tracks getting shut down or suffering noise ordinances. I want a place where I can hear the engines if I can.
There were a lot of tracks in New England with beautiful countryside but I never want to live through those winter’s again.
Timing. You never know where a pocket of freedom will open up or where one will snap shut. Staying somewhat liquid seems the best choice.
Here ya go: http://www.i-80speedway.com/i80/
Ben going low. Well played.
Straff, sent you an email. I’m in Alabama for training, not ignoring your text.
Thanks. Ignore that boiled rabbit I left on your stove.
Must be what got the wife sick.
BTW, I’ve noticed Tejicano has been posting here lately. Wonder if he’s still in Japan.
Just rolled around on my Spotify list: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xvaEJzoaYZk
The state office political campaigns are starting to run television ads and thus far the one I just watched for treasurer is my favorite. A brief paraphrase/rundown: Hello. Me care about state. Me care about you. Care most about children. Schools. Schools. More money schools. Me go to school too. Much education. No money for books in schools. Heartbreak. Me fix. Vote me for children….schools.
Not even a freshly shaven, recently captured and whisked away to a swanky party via time travel Steve Smith is photogenic enough for public office nowadays.
It’s the eyes, man. Too much life behind them.
Treasurer=the guy that shuffles IOUs around?
I’ve hesitated to answer this not because I thought it was not worth commenting on but because, well, fuck me if I know. After some thought and no Google cheating I guess I’ve always associated the job with the lady who runs payroll at a job. No control over the finances; just cut the checks and try not to fuck up the books in the process.
My current ‘favorite’ — a very low bar– is the Teacher’s union ad on the radio which is ,of course, “Out of state BILLIONAIRES want to suck all the money out of our beautiful perfect public schools for the benefit of evil FOR-PROFIT CORPORATE CHARTER SCHOOLS. The foul mechanisms of DONALD TRUMP AND SATAN, I mean, BETSY DESATAN, and KOCH BROTHERS ASSOCIATES are doing this because they want to destroy education! So vote for our preferred candidates or your kids will probably DIE.”
or words like that, anyway. It’s Tom Steyer levels of cringe.
Hey, it’s only thirty plus years of flat test scores and trillions of dollars. Much of which has been consumed by an ever growing administrative blob that has produced hardly any quantifiable improvement. Give it some time, you hysterical loon.
I had a great argument with the uber-proggie manager at my work when the Devos nomination circus was in full swing. A VP had the live feed playing in the company cafeteria, and the manager was spitting mad about Devos.
It was hilarious;
Our schools have too little money! she wailed. I pointed out that it was running 15-25K per student annually.
Our schools will be unable to teach well without DOE support! I pointed out that test scores, literacy and numeracy had declined since the inception of the DOE
It went on like that. Curriculum… bullying…. subsidized food…
She finally withdrew, decreeing that “we will have to agree to disagree”.
I enjoyed the sullen, desperate look on her face.
Schadenfreude(is that applicable? Fuck it, I’m running with it)is a helluva drug. Good stuff.
The latest one here is a “Doctors are committing insurance fraud to hook you to opioids!” campaign.
*quizzical gaze*
Do tell.
I saw a news report on the campaign the other day, and then the commercial in today’s news. I don’t get it either.
“Oh yeah!? Well take THAT you dirty Republicans, you’re not getting MY kids!” *votes for tax increases on self*
If you don’t want the Republicans to get your kids, home-school them.
Or at least a chastity belt.
I was in Illinois (Chicagoland area) a couple months back just before the primarys staying with my MIL.
She (foolishly) watches the local evening news and all the commercial blocks during the news were taken by political ads, all of which seemed to be candidates trying to out prog each other.
Listening to the ads reinforced that we made the right decision 3 years ago to quit Illinois.
Did no one post this yet? CNN getting called out for their ‘ poor unarmed saintly Palestinians’ narrative.
What, unarmed people can’t shoot down drones? That’s racist!
Confessions of an omnisexual porn star.
TL;DR – tedious soy boy tries (and fails) to use poetic language to describe his livelihood that consists of fucking anything and everything.
I can’t say that that summary is a very compelling pitch.
Or a catch.
his livelihood that consists of fucking anything and everything.
Easy job to get, but hard to keep up.
While I applaud the courage to be the first albino porn star, that’s not why I’ll come to his defense in saying it’s a bit unfair to call him a “soy boy” when he seems to have some pretty defined upper trap muscles. Dude obviously loves his shrugs.
Once we determine that his article (and therefore he) is worthy of ridicule, and they are, do we really need to bandy about what names we can call him?
Well, excuse me and my relentless pursuit of the truth!
I know you usually don’t like to loosen up and be informal.
How about a reverse nutpunch (nutmassage? nut-un-punch?) from the BBC?
How tech took the bite out of France’s rail strikes
Two in five days?! What are they striking for, an end to rail service altogether?
I was shocked they worked 5 days to start with.
I pretty much subscribe to the Mises Institute/ Rithbard view on foreign policy, so I’m not a big fan of the Nikki Haley/ John Bolton view on American interests. But, I got to hand it to the Trump administration for trolling the media into spouting antisemitic talking points, because Drumpf or something.
There is no better way to show your moral superiority than pretending as if Hamas and Islamic Jihad are totally reasonable and not at all just murderers.
Media has been doing that forever though. As long as I can remember anyways.
The last time I remember it being this bad was during the last conflict in southern Lebanon. Before that, I’d say that the bulk of the media was at least moderately pro-Israel. I think the Obama administration and the shift by the Left into a more pro-palestinian position has changed the media’s coverage.
I think the Palistinians do have some legitimate grievances but no one is ever going to give a damn as long as they continue doing what they do. The media probably hurts them more than they help them because their propaganda is such obvious lies and it only encourages the rock throwers to stay on their self-defeating path.
Oh those wacky Icelanders: Candidate in upcoming local elections accused of DWI, driving… an excavator
Iceland Man?
Elect this man
In celebration of the royal wedding which I care nothing about.
Seriously. Kate and this new girl as Royalty is pretty comical.
Royalty = Wizards and magical unicorns.
That’s one thing Quebec gets right in Canada. They don’t give a shit about the Monarch.
So we’re not going to talk about the discovery that Anne Frank devoted an entire page in her diary to recording dirty jokes she overheard?
I’m more interested in whether she ever wrote about self-pleasuring. Wait, she was legal right?
You might go to Hell for that one JB.
Oh I’m sure there has been a special cubicle set aside for me there for a long time.
Yes, and depends on what county you live in.
Well I’m interested only if she was legal in whatever country any cops that might be reading this thread are from.
“All men, if they are normal, go with women, women like that accost them on the street and then they go together. In Paris they have big houses for that. Papa has been there,” she wrote.
“Jokes, even ‘dirty’ jokes, were not unusual in Anne’s diary and in the secret annexe,” said the museum. She often recorded jokes that she heard from her father, others in hiding or on the radio. “Jokes were an effective means of breaking the tension.”
One of her jokes said: “Do you know why the German Wehrmacht girls are in Holland? As mattresses for the soldiers.” Another said: “A man had a very ugly wife and he didn’t want to have relations with her. One evening he came home and then he saw his friend in bed with his wife, then the man said: ‘He gets to and I have to!!!’ ”
Another describes a husband finding a naked man in the wardrobe in his marital bedroom. “Believe it or not, I’m waiting for a tram,” says the naked man.
I have a feeling that it loses something in translation.
I got it.
Yeah, but he had to.
Orrin Hatch trying to keep dogs and cats from living together.
Fuck that guy.
Oh, oh, muh authoritarianism, it hurtz, it hurtz.
Yeah, sure, Whorin Snatch, you’re gonna punch some libertarians in the mouth. Sure, old man.
War, children, it’s just a shot away…
Shit. Shoulda been a link to AJB’s comment.
I’m a fleabit peanut monkey
And all my friends are junkies
Early Stones is the best Stones.
I don’t disagree with your basic idea, although I did click on Heartbreaker after your link. It’s a better song.
“The police in New York City chased a boy right through the park. In a case of mistaken identity,they put a bullet right through his heart.”
Sounds like modern day.
Hmmm. Perhaps it is, but Sympathy for the Devil smokes them both.
I thought we were restricted to Let it Bleed!
Mmmm… Sympathy
Though I must cop to liking the Who Killed The Kennedys Mix best
Yeah, it does.
I’m going out to play, so I am going to Play, Red eye color, with help from Wifey, We are going for a Suit thing,The full Bowie thing…..
So, some play music and fall short, but one person makes the difference, and good music is good, I play all over the world, do you ?
Beyond Flowers are Weeds and things, nateure is ugly and i can’t think f another field in which to follow, oh Fuck/…………………….
Sanity is an illusion, We all smoke E cigs and drink. We live in an illusory promise of Sanity that we sadly lack, we Suck!
One of my instructors is a dead ringer for Peter Page from World’s End. Looks the part, he’s quiet and unassuming, I sometimes have to strain to hear him speak. All he’s missing is the English accent. And he mentioned lintels today. Heh.
Do you want them rabbeted?
Rodney Dangerfield is the greatest human being who ever lived.
That…is hard to argue. As it happens I was watching one of his appearances on the Tonight Show the other night; Twinkies will go stale before his humor does.
That reminds me that it has been too long since I’ve seen a Rodney Dangerfield bit.
Yusef is working the Agile Cyborg angle. It’s happening.
If someone were to ask, “What is the greatest artistic export of Canada?” The correct answer is the triumvirate of Gordon Lightfoot, Stompin’ Tom Connors, and these two boys from Glace Bay, Nova Scotia.