Re: Eurovision, having a bunch of foreigners in Jerusalem for a contest involving pop music and female uncoveredness. This cannot possibly go wrong!
I think they’ve hosted it three times in the past.
Well… good on the IDF then.
It says Lisbon in the article.
Israel won, so they host next year.
If it’s anything like anything other international event that countries “get” to host, the smart nation will send its spooks in to rig the vote against their contestant.
When I read it, I wondered if STEVE misspelled “INCEST”.
Glad (?) I’m not the only one who read that.
“We are happy to be flexible if the British government comes forward with some new thinking, but what we are not flexible on is the outcome,” Coveney said.
We’re are completely open to you giving us what we want.
That’s the most flexible of all!
I’m glad to see my running mate tuning in to foreign affairs.
Vote Animal/STEVE SMITH for President in 2020!
Bah. I’m supporting Zombie ALAMANIAN! He probably won’t make it worse.™
I’m missing something.
sigh….your mother didn’t miss STEVE SMITH
Now that is just uncivilized
5000 years of Chinese disagree
So much for saying at least Indonesia doesn’t have the wack job jihadis. wtf
Indonesia has had wack job jihadis forever. It just rarely makes the news.
This is true.
officials at St. Paul’s School failed to report the sexual assault of a freshman during the 2012-13 school year.
Hopefully, they’ll have a conversion.
On the road to dumb ass kicked.
They were blinded by the light.
file under: if ain’t broke, don’t fix it
NYT: More than 2 dozen people killed by carbon monoxide after leaving on their keyless cars
Since 2006 at least 28 people have died and 45 others have suffered injuries from the gas after they thought they had turned off their vehicles, the Times found.
The report highlights the efforts by some groups to push for new regulations from automakers to combat the problem.
[head desk]
More thanas few as….…after they foolishly thought..
efforts by some pantshitting groups for new
regulationsbarriers to entry…I can does de editing!
Dual exhaust with straight pipe cat deletes would have saved every one of those mammals
People are stupid. News at 11.
Neither. They will stammer befuddledly, shuffle their papers about in an amusing fashion, fiddle comically with their necktie, ask for more time to examine these highly reasonable requests, excuse themselves with their papers sticking out of their briefcase, don their bowler hat and walk directly into a wall. Then they will call a press conference to announce that Conservatives are proud to take Britain into the 21st century by banning butterknives, butter itself, butterball turkeys (for Islamophobic cultural name appropriation), and the term butterface (punishable by 3 years in prison).
adventures in poor judgment
Single, childless and nearing 40, I saw one real option
I was looking for someone who I would be attracted to if we were procreating in the traditional way.
I know this must sound incredibly superficial. But, let’s be frank, it’s impossible to gauge true intellect or a kind heart by virtue of an online donor search.
And so I began my search with a focus on the physical attributes that I have always been attracted to — namely height and athleticism. Six-foot-2 and toned was my baseline.
And now I see why she had trouble finding a husband.
Those poor kids.
I think they’ll manage once they’re six-foot-2 and toned.
regression to the mean: it’s a thing
I asked if they spoke-a my language.
I groan larfed.
I provide a valuable service: putting horrible earworms in all your ears.
If you set the edges of the continents to piano keys.
LOL wonderful
I wonder if Australians find that song painfully corny.
Well, it was written by a couple of Australians.
It belongs to them, let’s give it back.
Well, yeah. I meant the other two.
She just smiled made me a sammich.
ENB could use some Vegemite.
Yeah, but it was vegemite
my wife used to think that lyric was “and gave me a bit of my sandwich”
worked as a lead researcher for Mitt Romney’s 2010 book, “No Apology: The Case for American Greatness.”
Yep, I think I see part of the problem.
I was a lead researcher for Romney’s 2012 Binders Full of Women
I bet this poor sad sack lady had to endure her share of “We’ve got binders full of men for you” chortles every time she visited the banks.
LOL you sure about that assessment lady?
Not particularly, no.
Yeah can’t knock you there lady. You’re right; IVF is definitely the way to go. Your realism is commendable.
For many Glibs this would be the single least relatable aspect of this woman.
The problem with the “toxic masculinity” line is of course not that men are not far more violent (because far more physical generally); it’s of course that the feminists ungratefully benefit from the advantages of that to society while only bitching about the disadvantages–like the men who do not appreciate what they owe to the work that mothers do every day. I think with this woman we really are seeing the female version of the high-functioning incel.
Another way it really is remarkable to a man, really is hard for us to get into that frame of mind, is how–though of course we all want attractive kids–this woman is practically lusting over the man she will only know as a turkey baster, as hard as she would if she was running her hands over his muscles right there and then. Like for us, our horniness for a fit-looking woman is totally about the blood in our nether regions, and our thoughts about how a particular woman will affect the outcome of our kids is an entirely cerebral matter that feels completely separate and only incidentally aligned in goals. But for women they’re both this weird in-between thing, their lust for the future they envision all mashed up together with their lust for a chiseled hunk’s hair, pecs, and butt. It’s like she’s lusting after her own sons’ six-pack abs or something. This particular woman is of course a rather ridiculous specimen overall, but she’s ridiculous in a recognizably feminine way just as the incels are in a recognizably masculine.
Would it help if the attraction part were more of a gambol?
I’ve posted this relevant link before.
The last time the French gave an ultimatum was in 1939.
Hitler sat immobile, gazing before him. He was not at a loss, as was afterwards stated, nor did he rage as others allege. He sat completely silent and unmoving.
After an interval which seemed an age, he turned to Ribbentrop, who had remained standing by the window. ‘What now?’ asked Hitler with a savage look, as though implying that his Foreign Minister had misled him about England’s probable reaction. Ribbentrop answered quietly: ‘I assume that the French will hand in a similar ultimatum within the hour.’
As my duty was now performed, I withdrew. To those in the anteroom pressing round me I said: ‘The English have just handed us an ultimatum. In two hours a state of war will exist between England and Germany.’ In the anteroom, too, this news was followed by complete silence.
Goering turned to me and said: ‘If we lose this war, then God have mercy on us!’ Goebbels stood in a corner, downcast and self-absorbed. Everywhere in the room I saw looks of grave concern, even amongst the lesser Party people.”
And we all know how that worked out.
They were on the winning side that eventually defeated Germany.
And now they are standing up to the modern-day Adolf Hitler, Brexit. Hopefully they will learn from their subsequent lack of fortitude last time, and stand up and save Europe for democracy.
‘If we lose this war, then God have mercy on us!’
So let’s not doing anything stupid – like attack the USSR before we take out the UK, go on adventures in the Mediterranean without seizing Gibraltar first, or declare war on the U.S, just because.
I mean come on
neither his fingers nor his forearms are sufficiently big for me to believe that he can stop those strings.
Has this made the rounds yet?
Steyer’s latest anti-Republican ad: This Mother’s Day, talk to your child about the Republican Party.
[Kiff goan]
Guy is challenging Bloomberg to waste more money on lost causes than anyone ever. Carry on!
Yes. This is why they can no longer be parodied. And why they are about to get their asses handed to them yet again. Then they will scratch their heads and decide it is because they didn’t hit it hard enough. They really are unhinged.
Yes it has. I hope Steyer spends a ton of money on it. It will piss off anyone not a proggie.
Even when they sort of of get it, they refuse to get it.
Liberals not as smart as they think?>
No, please let me help you out, dummies. For starts, they are NOT fucking liberals, they’re leftists. Those are not the same things and until you get that, you will never understand the situation.
This guy sounds pretty reasonable. A quick check in the comments indicates zero leftists got the message and will adjust their behavior.
youtube comment gold:
This video makes me want to litter.
LOL. Good thing there were no environmentalists (or rather, that environmentalists of the day were doing things like trying to clean up the disease-causing filth that had been clogging the streets of every city since the dawn of man) back to thwart petroleum’s emergence, like there are now to thwart nuclear’s. There wouldn’t be a whale left in the ocean. And, of course, we’d all be living near the places of our birth in the kind of desperate, miserable poverty that is now rare even in the Third World. Fossil fuels are practically concentrated…good itself; there’s no better way of saying it. It is practically a holy substance. This simple, humble muck has done so much good for humanity it’s hard even to get your mind around it. There has been nothing like it in human history.
Preach it brother.
We have national heroes. List ’em all out and the guys at the top of the list are the ones go to practically super human lengths to supply us with that concentrated good.
Not too long ago, I asked a woman I met and was interested in for her phone number. Instead, she gave me information to find her on facebook. Hmm.. OK.
I looked her up on facebook. Much of her profile is public. In there is a picture of her with a bunch of plastic bags attached to her. Her comment on the picture? “Did you know these are made with oil?!? That’s SO SCARY!”
I made no attempt to contact her.
Huh. FB does have a use.
During my first stint on facebook, I was much more active on facebook and actively going to swing dances. I quickly lost count of how many times I said, after looking at a woman’s profile on facebook, “It’s a good thing you never asked her out.” Maybe I could have pulled off a hook-up instead of dating those women, but I doubt it, and it’s probably better that I didn’t try either.
I rejoined facebook after a friend talked me into joining a group he set up on facebook. The only things I do with facebook now-a-days is occassionally check that group, keep an eye on some restaurants and bars that I like, and the account is useful for dating apps. I am connected to a few old friends on facebook but that doesn’t matter as I’d keep in touch anyways with them via e-mail and visits when I’m in Pennsylvania.
CNN anchor agrees Pompeo is an appeaser.
This is how it’s done.
Pompeo’s quote does sound as dumb as GWB’s quote about having looked Putin in the eyes, or “You didn’t build that.”
“Shares the objectives”. Rather vague stuff. The US has been saber rattling for so long that something this tame sounds crazy. If the objective is to avoid war, I think it’s a fair thing to say.
Do you think actual-diplomacy with a batshit crazy dictator is possible without shamelessly buttering him up?
A few months ago the president was calling him “Rocket man” and making fun of his haircut.
Silly, bullshit praise? Or antagonistic mockery? – choose one. but please don’t complain about both. People think diplomacy is supposed to involve 2 perfectly-rational boring-diplomats engaged in pure-Brussels-esque rhetoric. its more like WWF shit-talking or silly-teen-girls pretending to be BFF forevah
If Pompeo said the Norks are fundamentally hostile to the American people and we share nothing in common, Soledad O’Moron and her fart sniffing circle jerk would be saying the same thing.
I read that initially as “Sinéad O’Moron” and I was sad you were picking on her. Fight the real enemy.
Also, Soledad is a big fat fucking would (or at least was last time I checked 20 years ago) so you leave her alone.
Yeah, she may have been a wood twenty years ago or today, but if she wants to be left alone, she can keep her mouth shut.
That reminds me, what the hell ever happened to Secret Nazi President? We are terribly overdue.
BP apologized a couple weeks ago that he had some personal stuff (which I can’t recall the details) going on.
Thx, GL. Mom had cancer. She passed away last month.
Sorry for your loss.
sorry to hear man
straff, Gilmore, thx. She was able to stay at home until a couple days before passing, so no long stay in a hospice.
My Condolences.
Sorry for your loss.
Hyp and WI: thank you.
My condolences BP.
Oh, well, shit. My condolences.
I do appreciate that people still give a shit, though. I’l try to get something out soon.
And if Obama had said the exact same thing Soledad would have been saying how profound it was.
Here in California we have a prison named Soledad.
It’s empty and vague diplomatic ass kissing, nothing unusual. What is interesting is seeing the left drooling over the prospect of Trump and the US getting rolled by L’il Kim.
Soledad O’Brien?
Nextgen is Steyer’s astroturf group. Its leading export is bathos.
Our generation didn’t break politics — but we’re going to fix it. Join Ar-Rian and the biggest group of eligible voters in the country.
Ar-Rian?! Jeebus, who greenlit that name?
youtube comment gold:
Hello fellow kids, please make sure to vote Democrat like this cool cartoon black women we made up named deidra. Don’t you want to be cool too? Vote democrat we’re the good guys. Just ask any celebrity in Hollywood, we’re the good guys and reTHUGlicans are the bad guys
Excellent. Moar ads like this please.
Just sent you a message with my cell number.
This lacks the nuance that we libertarians normally bring to the table. For instance, here are we talking about the Bushtard or Christfag wings of the national ReTHUGlican Party? They are quite distinct.
Now that you say that I think we just discovered the real identity of shreek. It’s Steyer, isnt it? It is.
That would explain how Shreek could afford those weeks-long cocaine benders.
Also, this Deidra ain’t even shit. For my political advice, I will stick to Deirdre. Beat that, motherfuckers!
I’ll see your Deirdre and raise you another.
I see your token cartoon black woman named Deidra and raise you one better.
That is comedy gold.
That linked to another Steyrer video, about how bail bonds companies are the real enemy. Kind of a stretch, don’t you think?
Jeezus. It’s police week in DC. FML.
Above’s got me thinking: Is there a deli in DC that’s famous for being frequented by Beltway journalists where they name plates after them, like they name them after actors at actors’ delis in LA and New York and so forth? Because someone has got to do an Elizabeth Nolan Brown sandwich. They just have to.
It should come deconstructed.
And a hooker on the side.
Against my better judgement, I listened to the CBC this morning. They were playing an interview with Ali Velshi. What a smug asshole. I was angry before even starting my day. Lesson learned.
Because someone has got to do an Elizabeth Nolan Brown sandwich. They just have to.
One leaf of arugula between two saltine crackers?
You may have hit upon the rather obvious source of her anti-sandwich bigotry in the first place. Everyone had to go and make a big thing about it.
She does look like she needs a cheeseburger.
Please Republicans, do not try to do a “rebuttal” to the Steyer ad. It will only look as pathetic and cluelessly offputting as the original. The Democrats have destroyed their talent for comedy by making humor illegal, but you are as unfunny as you always have been. Please leave it to the Internet shitposters to mock this ad. Leave it to the real professionals.
Excellent advice.
You know, I will actually have a grudging respect for Steyer if it turns out he actually shelled out the cash for two more versions of that ad. Like you know how McDonald’s casts a Latino version of every ad for airing on the Spanish station, and a black version for airing during Soul Train and Judge Judy? Please let there be those for this one.
Soul Train? Is that really still on? And if so, is it still hosted by Yukon Cornelius’ brother Don?
OT: Went over to my mom’s house for mother’s day (they’re pretty hardcore “progressives”; I’m the political black sheep of the family).
I never want to talk about politics at family gatherings. It’s a disgusting subject that makes me fucking sick, and I would withdraw from it completely if it didn’t fuck up peoples’ lives in so many ways. Right off the bat, I see a copy of James Comey’s book “A Higher Loyalty” or some shit sitting on the coffee table, which made me want to puke. I thought I might make it through the entire evening with nobody bringing up politics, but then they started talking about how people just believe things on Facebook without Fact Checking™, the Russians used super-dee-duper advanced algorithms to target “vulnerable” people and brainwash them into voting for Drumpf, and basically implying that Democrat voters are incredibly intelligent people who carefully research all sides of every issue before making a decision.
I had a lot of things I wanted to say, but last time I countered their political talk, my mom almost started crying (and in fact left the room for a few minutes and may have actually been crying). I decided to let them have a nice mother’s day, so I just said I wasn’t feeling well and left. I kinda-sorta regret that now since it has allowed them to survive in a bubble. I’m really not sure what the best thing to do was; I just did what seemed best at the time.
It just makes me so fucking mad that “progressives” talk so passionately about “fact checking” and science, yet they’ll happily kick these things to the curb when they don’t serve the ideology. The media picks apart every single statement that Trump makes, and while I’m not denying that he says things that aren’t true, they also use the most tortuous logic to argue that some statement was a lie. So where the fuck was this passion for fact checking when Obama said that a full-auto was used at Sandy Hook, that 1 in 5 women will be raped on campus, that we don’t have a domestic spying program, or that you can keep your doctor? This irritates me, but what irritates me more is that I can’t just spend time with my family without my mood being polluted with this shit (I’ll admit that some of it is my fault for having such a negative reaction to it, but still, it seems a bit inconsiderate to talk about how dumb the “other voters” are when you know that one of them is sitting in the room. If I invited one of them to come to my house and eat dinner with my libertarian/conservative friends, I wouldn’t talk about politics.)
Oh well, the temperature is great, so I’m going to blow off this steam by going outside and doing some sprints. Happy mother’s day to any nonexistent female libertarians here who have produced children.
Dude you need some better family coping skills. What I mean to say is, I’m sure you get along fine, so you just need it for this particular narrow topic. Doesn’t really matter too much in the grand scheme of the future for this country whether these particular Americans are enlightened, just because they happen to be your family. You just need to keep that in mind, don’t bring up politics, keep telling yourself that you are simply not in the project of trying to convince them of a particular political opinion and it will not be hard at all to manage and keep the peace both outside and inside your head. Bit easier said than done I know. But when I advise chilling, it’s not a good sign!
If my family members bring up politics, I’ll discuss the topic with them. If we can’t convince those around us who we know best, what are the odds we’ll be able to convince strangers? If the atmosphere is so poisonous that they won’t even give you a fair hearing, well, fuck them. I don’t interact with two siblings because they are repeatedly cunts despite me bending over backwards to accommodate them. People who can’t even muster a modicum of decency don’t deserve a hearing and, if that’s the case, why even bother spending time with them at all?
I’m the same way with family or friends. I don’t usually bring politics up, but if the subject is broached I will be pretty straightforward about my beliefs and positions. I try to be respectful while being pretty blunt, and if they don’t like it, tough shit. I don’t get offended by their beliefs, fuck them if they’re offended by mine. And it’s usually the ones that bring politics up and are most disrespectful of opposing viewpoints that are most easily offended.
I feel your pain. I have something similar with my parents concerning health and nutrition. They whole heartedly believe in a lot of quack science. Asking them, repeatedly, not to discuss it hasn’t worked.
FWIW, I do my best to tune it out, try not to engage what I hear, and stay silent as long as possible. Sometimes I leave when I’ve had enough and other times I debate them. Nothing ever changes. Sigh. Just do your best. It’s all you can do.
Health woo is another family battle that needs to be not chosen. No more important health than your sanity, people!
Yes, which is why I wish they would shut up.
I have the opposite problem where my entire family is diehard Republican.
But also highly educated.
Parents both have phds. Sister is a doctor, Brother has mba from Stanford.
Extended family not that different.
They are just massive Republicans.
I understand that education is a progressive magnet though. I went to an Ivy League school as a young’un. It was very interesting the different values there I was exposed to. But there were quite a few there too.
The stereotype of the dumb Republican never resonates me because my own experience has exposed me to both brilliant conservatives and leftists.
Let them have their bubble, let that be their world. In the end, it’s not up to you or me or anyone we know what prevails. We hope, for their sake as well as ours, that their politics never prevail, that they can maintain the happy ignorance and gleeful indignation, spiteful busybodies who nonetheless benefit from a world that rejects their asinine beliefs in favor of prosperity.
Problem is they often win. Look at the minimum wage law. We’ll be stuck with that obviously ridiculous and harmful shit forever.
You can take some satisfaction in being on the wrong side of history: history goes one way, toward the degradation of the human spirit, toward serfdom, toward slavery. We enjoy a singular respite in our current juncture, in which liberty and the sanctity of the human soul reins above would-be fascists and envious communists, above the little-minded cynical partisans, the nationalists who would trade all liberty for a bit of bread crust. We’re on the wrong side of history. Beneath us, the grinding gears of poverty and immiseration. We stood athwart destiny, we dug out this cavity of prosperity.
reigns, fuck me
You’re bringing me down, man. Put down Candide and step away from the ledge.
My mom was a very intelligent lady and on top of that – or because of that! – she was practically apolitical. I know she voted Carter and Reagan, and that’s about all I remember before I moved out on my own. There was never any political talk when I visited.
80 and 84, or primary and general? Or general and general, like an exceptionally unintelligent Illinoisan?
I feel your pain. My In-laws are die-hard ‘Democratic Socialists’ and Bernie Supporters, and after years of listening to them carry on, my best strategy is to just tune out during family gatherings. There’s nothing else you can do with true believers, other than maybe stick to the areas where there is some crossover agreement. My in-laws hate the warfare state/warboner interventionists just as much as I do, so I can contribute to that common ground … other than that, check out.
Watch this video, it might make you feel better – Bret Weinstein disassembles the ideas which underpin the SJW movement.
Yeah, tune out, focus on your drink, if there’s kids around go see what they’e up to, and maybe try to remember some of the crazier shit they say so you can post it here for our amusement.
Remember, since they’re all generally in agreement, unless they’re specifically asking your opinion or directing their jabs at you, they’re not really looking for debate, they’re just having fun ranting. Even if they “know” that you disagree, they’ve forgotten that fact for the moment because it’s not about you. When they’re going on about how Putin used Facebook to hack the election, butting in to say “ACKCHYUALLY” is just spoiling their fun.
Sometimes a Socratic approach will work, or at least suddenly paint them into a corner where they admit something they are ashamed to admit.
After last nights article talking about sexual “consent” I’m glad to see STEVE here restoring sanity.
Mani needed these links. Thanks Steve Smith. I spent the afternoon with my parents. The first two hours were fine. After that I wanted to run screaming from the restaurant.
FYI: BBC America is currently showing The Princess Bride.
Clearly Grandpa was a Glib.
Do any of us really need BBC America tho? All of us and all our friends have had it on VHS for 30 years now. Fuck, even I somehow had it, and we didn’t even have a VCR.
I just saw it for the first time a couple months ago, so… yes?
I probably never would have seen it otherwise.
They play Star Trek reruns 4 days a week, so I’m okay with it. Plus, Princess Bride.
Yes, and probably (I haven’t watched since they were on Spike and USA) Voyager about six times as much as DS9. Voyager was by far the more popular series then (DS9 the biggest bust by far until Enterprise), and has been ever since.
Yeah the Voyager:DS9 ratio is about 7 out of 9.
It was originally about Kes, but they switched it up after three years.
Also, would.
For all the shit they got sometimes Star Trek I think had reasonably, quietly attractive-looking casts as far as Sci-Fi TV went–until Enterprise of course, when they basically decided to cast a ship of underwear models. And Seven was a good character too damn it!
Heh I once came across one of the dudes from Enterprise in a Skinemax flick.
On the one hand, the black dude seems like he’d have to resort to that given his career quality. On the other, the Brit just seems by style to be more likely to have been in something like that. Best would be if Bakula had appeared in its frame story, like some poor man’s David Duchovny.
I forgot to add the fact that, having done so, they proceeded to add a special room on the ship for them to strip to their underwear and rub each other down with lube. You have to admire the total dispensing with all pretense.
Also, this.
Always remember though, without the lady who played 7 of 9, we never would have had President Obama. She was single-handedly responsible for him becoming a successful politician.
I’m not sure why but the fact that the guy who wrote The Princess Bride also wrote Marathon Man pleases me to no end. They seem like such disparate books on the surface, but the underlying craft is telltale. Everyone seems to be stuck in niches these days, fewer and fewer writers seem to cross genres anymore, and that’s a shame.
Butch Cassidy and Papillion, too.
I think TV writers are as eclectic as ever though, for what it’s worth.
The book of Princess Bride is even more meta though – it’s a real piece of work. About 5x better than the movie if you can believe it.
BBC America went off the rails about ten years ago when they changed their programming to the current dreck. Used to be quite a showcase of shows that weren’t available on VHS/DVD/streaming here in the US.
I guess it is on BBC because Cary Elwes is British.
Bret Weinstein does a pretty good job here disassmbling the ideas beneath the SJW movement.
This is very, very good.
Giving it a listen now. Bret certainly is valuable to understanding the mind of these people at Evergreen. Dividing them into people who want equality and those who simply want to turn the tables and become the oppressor is a wonderful observation. However, that he can’t see the progressive agenda he advocates necessarily results in absurd situations like the one in Evergreen. Public Choice theory is a real thing, Bret.
Bret is like a really good surgeon that can identify cancerous growths and give a skillful attempt at excising it, but doesn’t realize it’s the cigarettes that caused it in the first place.
His conclusion at the end might leave some folks around here a little unimpressed, but in his conclusion he does make a good point about authoritarians.
I’ll make it through to the end. It’s really interesting so far.
He’s a prog like nearly all of the anti-SJWers or IDWers or whatever you call them now (he doesn’t even adopt the “centrist” or “classical liberal” labels that moderate progs like Sommers or Dave Rubin have found it fashionable to do lately, much to the amusement of anyone who doesn’t favor e.g. gun bans and single-payer health care)–a prog who would be completely unremarked upon as such in saner times–so I doubt we’d expect to find anything else.
Not to say I don’t like the guy of course!
Yeah, he’s similar to Jonathan Haidt. They are old school liberals that are now edgelords.
If he was a surgeon that sold smokes on the side, your analogy would be better. Also if the smokes not only caused cancer, but caused them to attack Bret.
Well CBSoundcraft scored again, Well received and scored a few new Gigs, My Partner Chuck has a Glorious Head of Dark Hair, So I thought I would add my 2 Cents,
2″ flop Mohawk, Beware the Psycho eyes!
Found this interesting tidbit over at Slate Star Codex regards Pope Leo XIII; seems today’s Commie Pope could learn some things from his predecessor of ~127 years.
It seems Leo XIII must have been reading some Bastiat –
Socialists, therefore, by endeavoring to transfer the possessions of individuals to the community at large, strike at the interests of every wage-earner, since they would deprive him of the liberty of disposing of his wages, and thereby of all hope and possibility of increasing his resources and of bettering his condition in life.
What a travesty that the Vatican reply to socialism would not only lose to Marxism in half of Europe for seven decades but end up as today’s “Christian Democracy.” They should have thrown their weight behind Georgism when they had the chance if they were feeling all kumbaya; the world would have been a far, far, far better place for it.
Yikes! Pea sized hail.
Hope you don’t have a vegetable garden planted already.
Tom Steyer forgot to include in his ad a cut to a photo of the Mom’s son giving David Hogg a wedgie, to really drive home the message that he is a cruel bully and make 100% sure he is loathed by America.
David who?
Have they realized that kid is optical cancer yet?
That’s Dr. Who to you!
I seem to play this song a lot at work, because it’s short and can fill out an hour; also about drinking.
I listened carefully to the entire Bret Weinstein talk linked to in last night’s thread. A very good description on what happened at Evergreen college and describing the actors and dynamics. I cant help but think the guy gets lost in describing and classifying the weeds he is lost in. If I had his address I would send him a copy of ‘The True Believer’ and a link to Yuri Bezmenov’s videos. Bezmenov has a scythe and cuts right through the weeds. Weinstein fails to ask the question “What would the end result of the SJW movement look like?”
The culture war the SJWs are waging is really no different than what we have seen before. Marx divided people by class and set them against each other. Following that blueprint the Ruskies divided people by class. Following that blueprint the Nazis divided people by ethnicity. Following that blueprint the Cubans divided people by race and sexual orientation and class. Following that blueprint…well, you get the idea. It is about dividing society and putting those groups into a hierarchy of deservedness thus setting them against each other. It is about destroying the values and institutions that make society stable and the individual empowered. Then the boot comes down. The end result in all of those places looks very much the same.
Don’t think it cant happen here.