My apologies for my rather slender participation the last few days- I was at a technical conference, and I spent far too much of it getting explosively angry. The focus was talk about new regulations, new compliance requirements, new paperwork burdens, new needs for expensive consultants to navigate the legal minefields, and rapidly increasing uncertainty as to what it’s going to take to stay out of jail if you want to improve people’s lives with new technologies and products. No value-added to any of this, just government burdens. If there’s significant deregulation going on, it sure wan’t evident. I felt like an outcast presenting a paper that actually dealt with science…
And thus my extreme case of shpilkies. It would not be a good career move to start yelling, “WHO DO WE HAVE TO KILL TO END THIS BULLSHIT????” during the presentations.
Feh, enough about me. Let’s start with history. Many significant birthdays, most notably George Carlin, Stevie Winwood, and Katherine Hepburn. But there was something else… SP and I were planning on a day trip to Postville, Iowa, a town that at one time had the distinction of having the highest per capita concentration of rabbis in the world. I figured to take some photos and talk with some people there for a Jewsday feature. But we found out that today is the tenth anniversary of the Postville Raids and that there were planned events that would not be particularly Jew-friendly. So another day, perhaps.
History aside, let’s see what’s happening in the world today.
Dozens of Palestinian youths set fire to the Kerem Shalom border crossing, the only point where goods enter Gaza from Israel. Gas pipelines at the crossing, bringing fuel into the coastal enclave, were damaged, the army said.
Well, that’ll teach them damn Zionists! And on that subject, kudos to the Iranians for doing more to advance peace between the Israelis and Arabs than all UN, EU, and American politicians put together.
And also on a related (((theme))), every time a politician goes to jail, an angel gets his wings. Too bad it’s not likely to be the pound-your-ass prison where the proles get sent, but still, we’ll take these small victories. (h/t Chafed)
OK, I’ll admit that linking to Maxine Waters stories is a cheap and lazy way to get a laugh, but I’m a cheap and lazy guy.
Here’s a sign of progress. No-one got shot or beaten, just yelled at.
This is the greatest dog story ever. EVER. If this doesn’t put you in a great mood, you’re dead inside.
Old Man music, this time another song my band used to cover. The lyrics are trite, but it’s a good tune and the chords lay out beautifully. I don’t think these guys ever got the musical respect they deserved. Ah well.
It would not be a good career move to start yelling, “WHO DO WE HAVE TO KILL TO END THIS BULLSHIT????” during the presentations.
That’s because it should be “WHOM”, not “WHO”. 😉
The Guess Whom appreciate your continued scrutiny.
Music for guys who aren’t as old as OMWC
Music for guys not as old as Ted S.
That was pretty funny.
You kids and your giant asses.
Music to get that shit out of my head
More death metal for you
Lucky Me
“I did what was necessary to complete the arrest by raising my voice and using verbal commands using heavy control talk with profanity,”
Translation: We’re trained to be asshole overlords.
More likely he’s just making it up.
It’s always Nazis and Hitlers.
Is that a real ad? It would make a great parody ad and is funnier than similar things done by SNL. But if that’s real that’s hilarious seems like a great way to pick up people in the middle.
It appears to be. Funny how the ad starts out talking about stealing which is the entire platform of the DNC.
The bubble living progs really do believe that nonsense thus all of the talk of deplorables. I heartily urge them to continue down that road.
Please let Steyer keep it up. I have no love for Republicans but watching the Democrats self-immolate is wonderful.
Auntie Maxine: ““Don’t you dare talk to me like that and think that somehow women don’t understand what goes on on the floor of automobile dealers.”
The floors of most automobile dealers have a lot less lying than Congress
Maxine: What’s that?
Dealer: That’s the steering wheel.
Maxine: Oooh. I always called it the magic turner. What’s that?
Dealer: Gear shift.
Maxine: Ooooh. What’s that?
Dealer: The….steering wheel?
Interesting how the (((bigshots))) got off the hook. Not that wiki is the Torah. This could be a movie.
Yeah, that was absolutely my feeling. Lacking that, at least one Tuesday article. And it will be, just not this week.
A prog friend on facebook who often reports stuff from occupy democrats posted this.
The UN can just fuck off. Housing, healthcare and food are not basic rights.
I saw this awhile back, maybe in the linx?
Its been 5 months since then, is their vacation over yet?
“can Americans enjoy fundamental human rights if they’re unable to meet basic living standards?”
Seeing as every ‘socialist’ state seems to eschew basic fundamental rights for substandard living conditions, I’ll take my chances.
It’s rich when the UN starts going on about the US. We pay their bills. No foreigner understands this country. Even our closest relatives, the English, dont have a clue what we are about.
UN, go blow it out of your ass.
Our closest relatives are the Canadians, but your point still stands.
And quotes some asshole professor saying gentrification is what causes the homeless camps in San Francisco. Have people like this ever done more than drive past one of these places, or are they so in love with Marxism that they will blatantly lie about our “poverty” and “inequality” just so they can punish anyone with a decent income?
True poverty that is found in the rest of the world, especially in Marxist states, is nonexistent here. Our biggest problem with our poor is obesity, for crying out loud. But no doubt Mr UN will report what his pals want to hear, that the US is a handful of stunningly rich people, and everyone else wears rags, lives under decrepit, abandoned freeways, and has to beg for gruel.
It’s like having a known failed, corrupted, jerk off with a low IQ coming into your house to tell you what you’re doing wrong.
Ah, so you’re familiar with consultants.
lol. When I was a broker years ago my sr. associate boss inexplicably hired a consultant who charged him $5000. Our assistant (who I couldn’t stand and was one of the reasons why I left) nor I could understand why he would take a stable and successful book of business of over 25 years to be consulted over. All we needed to do to increase revenues was to turn it over more or more to a managed account. Anyway….my boos took him to his house in the Laurentians, among other things, which started to look more like a good time than anything. Then he came to interview us and by that point we weren’t all that impressed but played along. I hung out with another broker in the office and I asked him if he would hire a consultant. He replied, ‘why would I take advice from a failed broker?’
Which is what the guy was.
The only ‘unofficial’ consultant I ever knew was my FIL (may he rest in peace). He was a renowned and respected grocery guru. Everyone called ‘Johnny’ to find out what was wrong with their places. He was an honorary member of the Order of Engineeers for his techniques on shelf management and having given lectures (in Canada and the U.S.) on the ‘bar codes’ when it was introduced in the 1970s and how to efficiently manage them.
A real, super, humble, smart guy. Big loss for the family and friends.
Time for the UN to move to Venezuela.
“Hey, you’re not in charge! Shut up and get the [expletive] out of the car!”
The media does this on George Carlin’s birthday. Shame.
Woman who murdered husband gets out of prison after only 15 years.
Anyone want to take a guess as to what the sentence would’ve been if it had been the husband running over and killing his cheating wife? Want to take bets that he’d be released from prison before serving the full sentence? The Pussy Pass is damned disgusting. This murderer should either still be rotting or she should have been executed by now.
Obviously he was a vile abuser and really she had no other way out. She should be lionized for smashing the patriarchy. /Prog logic
Holy crap and she’s smiling?!
You have to hope karma exists.
“If there’s significant deregulation going on, it sure wan’t evident.”
What are the chances that the regulatory agencies are ignoring the deregulation?
100%. Except that there really isn’t much in the way of actual deregulation as opposed to scare news stories.
My brother has to go to those conferences. He comes back spitting and cussing and grinding his teeth every time. I offered to lend him my Saiga-12 and a few 10 round mags the next time he had to go to one.
#Metoo, meet Lysander Spooner.
Where is she at? I just want to check on her and make sure she is ok.
She’s in the hospital from lugging that couch around campus on her back.
We have Mattress Girl and we have Couch Girl.
And which one a are you? I don’t see you carrying anything.
‘I’m carrying white guilt. Duh.’
I want to meet sex swing girl.
I know it’s been said before but it’s really too bad these fools can’t take their ‘consent culture’ a few steps furthering apply it universally rather than to preferred victim groups. They may even decide that being human gives you a right to life, liberty and property. I know, I say crazy things sometimes.
Wow. This turned out to be a mess.
MLW has probably seen this kinda thing before in her publishing industry. Still got some good books coming out from Antarctic Press though – the Rags Zombie comic that got picked up by them for distro later this year is definitely worth it, and their “My Hero Magademia: Wall Might” book by Timothy “Donald Thump” Lim is the best parody comic this side of late-80s Mad Magazine. Definitely worth ordering from their online store.
Seriously though…they’re closing in on 300k right now.
“Nothing good is gonna happen in this video, you guys should all just quit watching and do something else…”
55 minutes to say “nothing will come out”?
It’s a livestream with superchat, not a normal video. He does a review first then reads comments and responds. But yeah, there’ll be more videos with more info.
Basically Antarctic Press dropped them after massive harassment from SJW comics “professionals”, etc. So they’re just gonna start their own company and self-publish.
What happened? I haven’t been following this. What was his book?
This book: Still available (got the #s mixed up from hearing something else).
We see Wayne driving a race car. He shouldn’t do that it is very unsafe. He should be taking public transportation.
I dont get it. Is that supposed to be parody?
Yes, it’s a parody of (DICK & Comics) – who of course is a parody of Diversity & Comics.
The progs have gone so far down the rabbit hole these days it is hard to tell.
So I am at a wine fair and i saw the first romanian 100% petit verdot wine. Did not expect that. Also stirbey girl in a barrel feteasca alba is not bad.
Romanian Wine Fair is a weird band name
Did you taste it? I’ve been unconvinced so far that petit verdot is suitable for varietals, it’s more of a blending grape. But I am open to new evidence…
It is weird. Different i give it that but… does not work for me
I can’t imagine how that would taste good on it’s own.
Are we going to see some pics of this fair? Preferably with hot Romanian women.
No. But there is a spanish chick next to me with large boobs in a very tiny tank top
Pics are it didn’t happen.
Do you want a particular angle? The light is pretty good. I can ask them for various poses
Sounds like your having fun.
I had 4 pinot noirs only 2 of which looked and tasted like pinot. But with recent nre vineyards in transilvania with cooler weather pinot us improving. Also there are a record 4 100% cab franc wines. I will taste a hot weather syrah just for OMWC
He loves those fruitbomb Syrahs over 14%.
The Trump White House crossed a new threshold for political debasement this week! Oh no! How dare anyone have said something mean about the Great War Hero who is suffering from brain cancer! Who would do such a thing!?
Oh no! Worse than when Trump refused to show the proper respect and awe for McCain’s “War Hero” status?! This is such a low, even for Literally Hitler! I’m sure this columnist never had any mean or nasty words for McCain when he was running against The Chosen One back in ’08. He probably showed McCain the proper respect and reverence that a War Hero deserves.
Worse than destroying other nations on a whim and extrajudicial killings of Americans?
By Aaron Blake, Giant Pussy.
Oh, okay someone made it up or leaked it. Its not like she went on TV or told him to his face.
But yeah, definitely worse than the holocaust or the ‘fourth estate’s’ complete dereliction of duty for the past 8 years.
I can’t imagine why Trump wouldn’t want to give one inch to you jackals. And yes, those things *can* be more important than publicly punishing someone over a faux pas.
“I’m sure this columnist never had any mean or nasty words for McCain when he was running against The Chosen One back in ’08. ”
This. McCain was an evil warmonger (valid point) to all these people when he insanely said that we would be in Afghanistan for 100 years if needs be. But that is forgotten.
We’ve become a nation of thin skinned hand wringers, looking for reasons to be offended. I wouldn’t wish brain cancer on anybody but McCain is one of the the worst politicians I’ve had the misfortune of watching in my lifetime. He and Biden are bookends.
The dog story brought back fond memories of my childhood dog, Chester, an Australian shepherd who always greeting me when I got off the school bus with a stick, leaf, or random piece of street debris to welcome me home. He did this in exchange for several minutes of scratching behind the ears and belly rubs.
Capitalism dogs are the best dogs.
Capitalism dogs? Or Glibertarian Dogs?
Good boy!
I larfed
Dog knew it was a fake. Kid got what he deserved.
“Committee chairman Tom McClintock reminded lawmakers to direct comments to him, rather than each other, before yielding to “the gentlelady from California.” ”
I want to punch Tom McClintock. Lady is the female equivalent of gentleman. I understand that it might be archaic, but don’t mangle bullshit because you’re uneducated in the proper customs and courtesies. He could have said Congress woman or even better Representative, but ‘gentlelady’ is fucking retarded.
I’m surprised they’re using gendered referents at all. How shitlord of him to presume hers.
Good morning, Campers.
I have a Public Service Announcement for you.
The Duellists is currently available on Amazon Prime. Watch. Enjoy.
You’re welcome.
Thanks for the heads up. Haven’t seen that movie in forever. Starting it now.
Incredible as it is, the clever dog has been doing this for years now. Staff have made sure he’s only getting treats safe for dogs to eat, and they do limit his purchases to just a couple a day (to stave off inflation in both the leafy currency and his waistline).-
I was happy until I learned to dog was a Keynesian.
Better than the last bitch in charge of The Fed.
If dogs could run for office, I would only vote for dogs.
Except dog catcher, obviously.
Just name it Soros.
Sick burn, bro
“I did what was necessary to complete the arrest by raising my voice and using verbal commands using heavy control talk with profanity,”
Ah, that “alpha dog command voice” shit. The closest I have come to punching somebody’s lights out since high school was when some moron pulled that crap on me twenty five years ago. I thought about it, then I paid my bar tab and walked out. I should have pounded him flat.
“I’m a dog shit whos inability to handle tough situations has been validated by the police establishment.”
How about this quote:
“The encounter had been going on with multiple officers responding with emergency equipment leaving the general public unprotected while the encounter continued,” he wrote in his resignation letter.
WTF is wrong with people?
Romanian Wine Fair is a weird band name
“Romanian Wine Bender” on the other hand…
Romanian Wine Fair is a weird band name
That’s because it’s clearly an album name.
If dogs could run for office, I would only vote for dogs.
Except dog catcher, obviously.
“They’re in cahoots!”
Awesome, after they ordered a retrial, I was sure he’d get off.
Hopefully they give him the max this time.
You want some music to cheer you up?
My music links above weren’t good enough for you?
I’m beginning to see why Swiss gets ticked.
Ted, you can’t complain that your links went unappreciated when you linked to a Duran Duran video.
My links are notorious.
Notorious T.E.D.
I am reading from the bottom up. Thanks for the TW.
For Ted S
From The Hill via the Waters article: “President Trump is expected to sign the resolution. If he does, it would be the first time Congress used its powers under the Congressional Review Act (CRA) to repeal an informal federal policy.”
I am truly starting to like Trump. How many Obama-era onerous rules has he overturned? Paris, Iran pledge and now a rule on auto-lending in the the CFPB.
More Ian Dury, just because.
“President Trump is expected to sign the resolution. If he does, it would be the first time Congress used its powers under the Congressional Review Act (CRA) to repeal an informal federal policy.”
Surprising take, from WaPo
Kerry’s meetings with Iran’s leaders were not isolated incidents, but part of a formal lobbying campaign that included phone calls with European Union leaders and meetings with the presidents of Germany and France in which, the Globe reports, he discussed “the details of sanctions and regional nuclear threats in both French and English.”
Kerry is a private citizen. He has a constitutional role in nothing.
Kerry’s defenders compare him to Henry Kissinger and other former secretaries of state who regularly meet with world leaders. “Secretary Kerry stays in touch with his former counterparts around the world, just like every previous Secretary of State,” a Kerry spokesman said. But Kissinger does not conduct rogue diplomacy. When he meets with foreign leaders, he usually coordinates with the White House, often carrying messages for the president, and then briefs administration officials afterward. Kerry did none of this.
John Kerry, Man About Town, freelance diplomat and defender of Obama’s Legacy. A true American patriot.
Technically, a Logan Act violator too.
“Logan Act violator”
Silly Ted, those laws only apply to shitlords and racists, not valiant defenders of justice and freedom.
Yeah, like an incoming elected President.
Oh my God.
Oh, Colombia. Carry on…
More race related police brutality.
I am outraged and appalled. Only two swats??
It was clever how he pointed behind the secretary so she turns around when he pops the kid.
“Miami-Dade police said he has been “relieved of duty with pay””
Seriously? I know,I know it’s due to Union contacts. Police (and other public sector) unions are the best evidence against unions
Mad Scientist-
Have you seen this?
(I assume you have, but it’s pretty cool.)
Rotary engine with picture window.
Thanks! I hadn’t seen it yet, but my teammates have been telling me to watch it. Amazing little engines!
The best part of waking up, is two filled up bra cups.
15, 22, 30, 33, 35, 36, 42, 47*, 51, 67, 74**, 77, 80***.
*For the cultural appropriation
I go to Publix every week. How come #3 is never there when I’m there?
Looks like #95 went to Publix and shoplifted some watermelons.
Hello 24
Red touch black, safe for Jack; red touch yellow, kill a fellow.
Snake, don’t touch, it’s a snake. Snake rhymes with snake, right
Girlfriend is quite milfy.
Foolish man. Even nonvenomous snakes can inflict a nasty bite and the resulting infection is nothing to sneeze at. He made a simple but expensive mistake.
Yeah. Don’t touch wild animals. Important safety tip.
After listening to NPR’s Weekend Edition Saturday I can only surmise Scott Simon is a true defender and pleader for the worlds terrorists.
Christ, what an asshole.
The lefties are all oikophobes. That’s why they are lefties.
Damn. I was about to mix one up but Mrs. Suthenboy scolded me. “Cant you at least wait until noon!?”
I have to wait an hour and a half.
I was about to make a lengthy comment about the nature of government and culture but I think I will try to turn it into an article for submission.
Or maybe not. Or both. Not that many on this morning and the ones that are aren’t that busy. besides, any comments could help make a better article
OK how about this. I listen to KUSC classical radio, a lot, and being a “public” station they have pledge drives 4 times a year.
Now, if I am true to my Glibertarian principles, I should and did subscribe to the Station. Why should You foot the bill for my Radio?
i don’t think you should so I do my part
/end ramble
That is kind of tangentially related to what I was thinking. I’ll post below
It doesn’t matter if you do your part or not, we all unwillingly do our part anyways. Here, CPR has moved to the constant pledge drive model of Public Radio. If it is not a news story or other program, the person talking is asking for money. I used to pledge until the Obama years when all suggestion of unbiased reporting evaporated. That and I refuse to give money to people who have to say any ethnic name/place with what they perceive to be an authentic accent. Annoying as fuck. I can say Puerto Rico (pronounced Porta Reeco) without rolling my R’s because I speak fucking english with an American accent and we don’t roll our R’s.
-1 Eleanor Beardsley, NPR’s more pretentious correspondent
Yea, that’s annoying and pompous as fuck. If French people are talking about the USA, they don’t abruptly break accent and say “United States of America”, they say “Etats-Unis d’Amerique” (yes, I’m too lazy to type the E with the grave marks).
It’s particularly irritating with country names. Every country has a name that it calls itself, but every language also has a name for that country, which may or may not be the same name.
If these reporters are going to call Mexico “MEH-hee-co”, why don’t they refer to Finland as “Suomi” or Japan as “Nippon”?
Let’s give Karl Marx a birthday present.
Seattle’s divisive plan to impose an employee head tax to pay for affordable housing and homeless services cleared a council committee on Friday, sending it to the full council for a vote on Monday.
The Finance and Neighborhoods Committee voted 5-4 to move the original bill forward after deliberating for three hours on a series of amendments, including a plan from Mayor Jenny Durkan that would have cut the tax in half.
“We want to respect people and treat them with dignity,” said Councilwoman Teresa Mosqueda, who supported the proposal. “Well, the best way to do that is to create housing and shelter now. Our neighbors, they are quite literally dying on the doorstep of prosperity.”
We, again. “We should steal a bunch of money, and piss it away on pointless theatrical muppetry, to demonstrate our commitment to JUSTICE!”
We, we, we, all the way home, says the little piggy.
Goodbye, Amazon, I hope.
Someone posted an article about that the other day. The most remarkable thing about it was the surprise the pinko shitweasels suffered when Google said they would locate elsewhere if this went through.
“We dont understand! Why wouldn’t you want to stand still and get fucked? It makes no sense!”
Their brains really are that scrambled.
Not google, amazon. I think
I think it’s gotta be a city-only thing. They try something similar every few years, but if they try and get outside the city limits they get instantly smacked down because any state-wide taxes must be approved by referendum (hence no state income tax, etc).
Is Seattle somehow different from other cities where the shelters, etc. have plenty of room because the homeless refuse to use them? Is Seattle proposing to round up people against their will and put them in the shelters…and keep them there?
impose an employee head tax
*Whoosh* That’s the sound of companies relocating employees out of the city of Seattle.
But it only impacts especially big and therefore especially evil companies! You do want to stick it to especially big and therefore especially evil companies, don’t you?
I have asked many times about our warsin the ME – What does winning look like? What does winning get us? The only rational answer I have gotten, when I even got an answer, was a middle east full of peaceful democracies or something to that effect. This, in my opinion is a fool’s errand. Governments are a function of culture. The culture there doesnt allow for peaceful democracies. Dictatorships are the only kind of government that you can have in a place like that. Overthrowing the secular dictators that were there has proved to be a huge, huge mistake. The awfulness of the secular dictators has been replaced by either exponentially worse fanatical religious totalitarianism or pure chaos where the people run wild and it became the proverbial wasteland roamed by cannibal rape gangs. The western leaders who installed puppet secular dictators knew what they were doing. That is the least awful we can hope for in those places. Undoing that has been an unmitigated disaster.
There is a flip side to that. In the same way that dictatorship is the only kind of government those cultures can have, dictators can only rule cultures of that nature. That is why we dont have a dictatorship in the enlightened west. A dictator cant rule a population of individualists who believe in unalienable rights. A dictator cant rule a country that has free speech. A dictator cant rule a country that has self-checkout lines in grocery stores. A dictator cant rule a country where radio listeners volunteer support money because they feel responsibility to support a service they enjoy.
I have to take a break. More in a minute.
That last, the donations, gets to one of the things that makes America work, or use to and that is social trust. The West use to be, and especially the US, a place with an unusual amount of social trust. If the guy in the house next door asks to borrow my power tool I’d hand it over to him without qualm or much thought, confident that he’d return it in as good a shape or better as when he borrowed it.
The combination of too much unassimilated immigration and identity politics is destroying that though. It is pushing us toward the global norm of having no social trust. You let your neighbor borrow your chop saw, and it’s probably coming back ruined because he thinks you’re a sucker for lending it to him, esp. if you aren’t part of his identity group. It’s all part of the prog agenda you talk about in the subsequent post.
Yes. It is deliberate and calculated. That is exactly the purpose of it, to destroy our cultural norms.
I just cant understand how anyone could have such contempt for what to me is the greatest and most successful society that has ever existed. Look what they have done to England.
1. Break down social trust and societal norms that make it successful
2. Point to this as a reason we need more government
3. Unionize all the new government employees
4. Have the pubsec unions donate more to the Democrat Party
5. Have the Democrat Party promote more government
6. Repeat steps 3 through 5 forever
7. PROFIT!!!
“Progressives” always claim to be against profit motives, but they’re actually ruled by that very thing. It’s all about money for them. Unfortunately, they’ve been very successful in marketing and advertising themselves as well-intentioned intellectuals who just want to help society without a single selfish thought.
It’s absolutely crucial for libertarians to shatter this illusion.
But they can rule a country where the people have been disarmed.
Yes, that is key. Thus the non-stop hammering on gun control. The crescendo of screeching about it recently shows their frustration at not being able to implement it despite all of their efforts. As I said, totalitarianism cant exist in this country because of the culture here. People here wont tolerate it and we have the means to back that up.
This is why the left is waging war on our culture. They are trying to change the culture to one where only dictatorship can thrive. They are actively attacking every cultural aspect and institution that makes us who we are. Youth sports, cheerleading, the boy scouts, secular education, propriety, property rights, free speech, self-defense, comics, movies, family values, work ethic etc, etc.
They want a dictatorship because they imagine they will be the ones in charge.
Looking at the first two sentences here reminds me. Eric Holder explicitly said he wanted to brainwash the culture against guns. Clinton and The Wookie explicitly said they want to change the culture and our history.
As I’ve said before I’m skeptical of the “Burn it down so we can stand on top of the ash pile” theory. If you write the article, I’d be interested in who exactly the players are. It’s often just The Left or Liberals or SJWs, it reminds me of the uproar over The Patriarchy or Toxic Masculinity or White Privilege. I lean towards a Harlon’s razor explanation than ubervillians plotting world domination. Specific’s might go a ways to convincing me otherwise.
Of course there are no super villains, Soros aside, but a prevailing mentality on the left. A hatred of western civilization. I see it a lot. I am not entirely sure where that oikophobia comes from but it is there.
I’d say there is a whole coalition of interests. You have large groups who are losers and they think that it’s those dirty capitalist old white cis-het shitlords that are the reason they’ve failed. You have outsiders who have never fit in and never will, and don’t want to so they want to punish those who do. You have genuine nihilists. You have genuine utopians who are thinking with their emotions and not their head, they have a juvenile view of what’s “fair” and what is “kind”. You have the theoreticians, who are basically postulating, ‘assume a spherical cow’ without realizing it. You have cynics who see it all as a way to get laid or get paid. And atop it all you have the real pyschopaths who think they can exploit those groups for power. Some of which really are Ayn Rand villains that want to make the world suffer. And others of which are just too short sighted or apathetic about where it all leads.
Oh, and one other group, the people who really are privileged and have success through no real effort on their own part and feel guilty about it.
I just realized my article would just be a very poor re-write of The True Believer. That saves some time. I will just drink instead.
Hah hah! Even the NSSF is expelling Dick’s.
Expect a major announcement form Dick’s touting a decision to get completely out of the gun sales business.
Winnipeg band. Appropriate choice for today.
Chemicals are evil. Plastics are the spawn of the devil.
What’s the over/under on how many Palestinians meet their virgins on Monday?
The black lab’s name is Negro? Racists.
I think Trump is already working towards a NPP based on what he’s doing in the Middle East, much less the Korean Peninsula. I’m seriously conflicted about this guy.
It has only been a year and a half. He is going to be in for 8. conflicted how?
His personal behavior versus his policy decisions. I want to shove his iPhone up his ass and kick him in the balls, but then he makes policy decisions that have me cheering. And some of the people he has put in place are better than I could have hoped for. Obama was dramatically worse than I had initially thought and Trump is so far doing much better.
If he continues in this vein, I think history will view the two the exact opposite of how they’re currently seen.
When is the last time he was at your house for dinner? At one of your children’s BD parties? When did you and he last go fishing together?
Conversation I had a couple of years ago –
“You gonna vote for Vitter?”
Me – “Yes”
“Why? He cheats on his wife! He cant stay out of the whorehouse!”
Me – “I dont care. He can fuck a german shepherd for all I care. That is none of my business. We aren’t going to be friends. I am hiring the man to vote and I like the way he votes.”
Too many Louisiana voters thought the way that lunkhead did and we ended up with a commie shitweasel for governor. Taxes are up, state fees are up, spending is up…..
Trump has been a public figure for forty years. There are many things throughout that time that have turned me off to him.
Like I said, I’m conflicted. I didn’t vote for him(nor McCain, or Bush on round two) but if he continues to deliver, I’m locked in for 2020.
Holy crap! After barely making the cut, Tiger Woods is currently eight under.
That asshole’s gonna tie or beat Webb Simpson’s score yesterday and screw me out of Fantasy golf money.
Expect a major announcement form Dick’s touting a decision to get completely out of the gun sales business.
I still wouldn’t buy so much as a pair of shoelaces from them, much less a lacrosse stick or pair of skis, after they announced their new lobbying campaign. “Hey, we’re putting artificial limits on your 2A rights, but since we know we’re going to suffer in the marketplace because of it, we think all our competitors should be forced to do the same. PS- Fuck you, customers.”
Stick it up your ass, Dick’s.
Yep. I’m in the market for a new kettlebell, but I’ll probably get it from a different sporting goods store or Amazon along with all my future athletic clothing (and I wear out a lot of athletic clothing with running 20 miles a week, so they can kiss that business goodbye, too).
The Amazon Basics dri-fit clothing and athletic gear is good quality and great prices.
The garments I wear out the most are running pants. They always wear a hole between the thighs. So, I buy cheapo running pants anyway. I once bought an $80 pair of Under Armour sweatpants, but they got a hole just as fast as the $10 no-name brand Chinese sweatpants from Amazon.
Dumb-bells, kettlebells, etc are always a great deal at Play-it-again Sports. Who needs a brand new weight.
If he continues in this vein, I think history will view the two the exact opposite of how they’re currently seen.
There are some other people who might secretly agree with you. That’s why they’re beating the “RACISM” gong so hard.