Easter weekend is also the weekend of KinkFest. KinkFest is one of the largest west coast gatherings of people into Kink, BDSM, and related sadomasochistic pursuits. In some ways, KinkFest is like any other convention. A large group of people in a giant hall, attending lectures, perusing vendor booths, and socializing. Where it departs, obviously, is the subject matter. The classes usually involve demonstrations that can get you arrested in some places or are interactive and intended to teach a new skill. And the socializing involves leather and latex and cross-dressers and rope and beatings and all kinds of fun, fucked-up shit. Well, not literal shit. The dungeon doesn’t allow scat, thankfully, nor piss play or Roman play.
This year was KinkFest XX. The Portland Leather Alliance has been putting on the event for 20 years. It’s grown to 1500 people attending and takes up the largest space at the Expo Center in Portland, OR. It’s an all-volunteer run effort. And we bring in presenters from around the country and even internationally. It’s 3 days of debauchery, education, and friendship, and I kind of look forward to it every year. Sorry, no actual pictures as cameras aren’t allowed during the event, and the official photos haven’t been posted yet. I’ve included a few shots I’ve taken that are relevant but hopefully SFW.
One of the fun things about KinkFest is that you have attendees who are new and jumping feet first into the deep end and old heads like myself who’ve been involved for decades. The classes cover a wide range. From the relatively vanilla-like classes on anal sex, giving head, or having multiple partners, to basic kink-related things like flogging and how to process pain, to more advanced topics like full-time total power exchange, medical play, and other types of edge play. Here’s the worskshop list from this year.
Edge play is usually play that carries with it higher risks or is pushing close to the limits of the players involved. What that entails varies by kinkster, and it is like Justice Stewart’s definition of porn: you know it when you see it. Some of the more common types are play using knives, needles, and increasingly race and misogyny play.

Backside of a takate kote chest harness. Jute rope
The Kink scene has always fetishized consent for a couple-few reasons. The first is that knowing that all parties directly involved are consenting is the difference between play time and abuse. It may also be the only difference between getting your rocks off and going to prison. In some jurisdictions, even that wouldn’t help, so trust is paramount when you’re doing some of the things we do. Having trust in your partner to stop when you use your safe word, to not push too far, or not take advantage when you are helpless means that negotiations and consent are important. Third, because we are playing with things that are dangerous and carries physical, emotional, and psychological risks, having some security by emphasizing discussion and agreement is important to people in the scene. There is a focus from the older crowd on autonomy, and the idea that you can’t exchange power if you don’t have power to start with, where negotiations are the means for doing so.
This does lead to some entryism by SJW types. But most people aren’t much impressed by them. Part of the point of kink is risk and ambiguity and playing with those things. People do need to learn etiquette around a dungeon. The rules are different. In some ways they are looser than in a nightclub or normal situation. You’re going to see people doing and wearing (or not wearing) things you’d never see in public. In other ways they are more stringent. The biggest one is don’t touch other people or their things (which may mean other people) without asking or being invited to do so. There are other protocols like not talking to people at a play station who are having a scene or standing too close. Generally speaking, people into kink recognize individual autonomy and have developed etiquette around supporting it.

Violet wand for shockingly good times.
Like any other con, there are vendors at KinkFest. Vendors selling leather vests and outfits and cuffs and collars. Toys for impact from wooden paddles to acrylic canes. Electro play toys like violet wands and tasers. And of course, rope, rope, rope for bondage and suspensions. There are floggers and whips and latex outfits. Oh, and dildos. Every shape, size and description you can think of. There’s even one vendor called InHerTube that makes special dildos and harnesses that attach to the thigh, or the end of your boot. The vendor hall makes a good spot to wander around, people watch, and socialize with friends. Or to arrange a scene that night in the dungeon, featuring the toys one just purchased. Some of the vendors are truly talented at the things they make.
The dungeon at KinkFest may be the best in the country. To start off with, it is 36,000 sq ft. That space is divided into individual 10′ by 10′ play stations. Each station has some sort of furniture in it: St. Andrews Cross, spanking benches, bondage chairs, massage tables, pagodas, cages, medical tables or simply thick floor mats. The center piece this year was a giant truss structure laid out in four squares with hard points for doing rope bondage. It covered, by my estimation, about 2500 sq ft of space. The whole dungeon has a professional sound and light setup to help set the mood. And it honestly looks like something out of a movie. Some of the extras maybe weren’t as telegenic.
There were some amazing scenes that took place. My favorite was probably an alien probing scene. At least from a spectator’s perspective. There was also the car wash. A couple of nubile young ladies in transparent latex with sponges and water who would wriggle all over their subject and give them a washing. Whip alley is always fun. It’s a 40′ by 20′ section closed off by chain link that has space for two whip scenes. Hearing the bullwhips crack and pop over the sounds of the crowd and music can be startling to some, but it’s part of the atmosphere to me. It goes nicely with the screams, and surprisingly the more common laughter.
And that’s what brings me to the libertarian bit in this piece. It isn’t all just titty-lation (hi Q!). The Kink scene can be a microcosm of spontaneous order, self-policing, private property, and self-ownership. The entire KinkFest phenomenon refutes the ideas people have about why small government couldn’t work. It absolutely works.
The entire affair is organized by volunteers. The core staff put in 20+ hour weeks for 9 months and don’t get paid a dime. They perceive a need and they do it because they want to see it happen. It is a direct counter-argument to the idea that feeding the hungry and sheltering the homeless wouldn’t happen without government. People donate so that shit gets done. This includes people spending hours to build dungeon furniture then giving it to the organization. Or specialized skills like professional riggers who donate their time to get things done. Same for the promotion and lining up vendors.

Impact toys, Rope bondage, and the beginnings of some bruises on a bottom.
The volunteers, usually younger members of the community, who help carry it all off give up part of their time enjoying the convention in exchange for free admission. This is a fair exchange of value for those who couldn’t pay the entry fees that are used to pay for the bits that aren’t done by volunteers. Nonetheless, the volunteers earn their keep. It’s also interesting in that if someone volunteers, gets in free, but doesn’t keep up their end of the bargain, they get banned from next year. This deals effectively with the freeloader problem.
Risky things happen in the dungeon. People wear their bruises and welts and even lacerations with pride. Yet the policing is done by a volunteer crew whose focus is on making sure the rules are followed and people are having a good time. The Dungeon Monitors are a model for private police. They are mostly focused on facilitating play in a way that reduces risk as much as possible. They only interfere when called on, or when there is a genuine threat to life and limb. And even then, they are trained in de-escalation and using their words instead of violence. Despite 1500 people all doing fucked-up shit, they rarely must intervene. They wind up offering council or telling people where supplies are like cleaning stuff, first aid, etc. They occasionally must do some dispute resolution over who has dibs on a piece of equipment. But even that’s rare. Because people police themselves.
People and their property are also sacrosanct. Despite all the degeneracy on display, asking first is ingrained and important. Yes, there are yahoos that are new that don’t understand and make mistakes. They are usually quickly identified and corrected. And yes, there are predatory types that look for vulnerable victims to assault, but by and large, those people stay away from the organized group events. Because, again, they get identified. I’d wager one is less likely to be made uncomfortable by a stranger groping you or trying to corner you or to wind up having unwanted violence done to you at a kink event than at a normal bar or concert. It isn’t perfect, but it puts the lie to the idea that without government you can’t have people getting along peacefully or that corporate action requires coercion.

Rope and knife
Another note on property. Most players who have been at it a while have large toy bags. This can be anything from a backpack to rolling suitcases stuffed with stuff. To keep from turning the dungeon into an airport, large shelves are setup near the entrance. People leave their stuff unattended for long stretches of time while playing voyeur or looking for just the right playmate. And return to find their toys unmolested. Some of those toy bags have thousands of dollars in equipment in them. My rope kit alone is probably close to a thousand bucks worth of jute and hardware. Toys rarely go missing. And on the few occasions where they have, it’s usually a case of someone picking up what they thought was their own toy but was someone else’s and it is promptly returned.
That’s not to say there aren’t problems with SJWs, as mentioned. There are, especially online, a contingent of the usual intersectional feminists who want to make any accusation of violating someone’s consent an automatic blackballing of the accused. They use all the language SJWs use in campus kangaroo courts and make big posts on Fetlife, the kink equivalent of Facebook. But fortunately, they don’t have much power in the flesh and blood world. Even more interesting, the vocal ones are learning a hard lesson that the #metoo movement is learning: experienced tops with the more exotic and in demand skills are being much more selective in who they play with for the simple expedient of wanting to guard their reputations. The gender and pronoun thing is something of a big deal. But my experience is that most of those folks are polite in requesting you use their name and pronouns. Those that would like to be able to force you, power is so decentralized, it is hard to coerce people.
One of the saddest things to me is that so many kinksters don’t see that. In their private lives they live and play by libertarian ideas. But they can’t make the leap to seeing it as a strong basis for politics. The left politics are almost reflexive and without thought. I think because many people into kink have negative experience with religious and political conservatives they lean the opposite direction in politics. And there’s a larger contingent than the general population of people who are dysfunctional and therefore want their gimmedats. I try to talk to people about it, and I’ve made some inroads with a few. But cutting through all the accumulated derp is slow going. There are some things you can’t beat out of people.

Impact toys: Carbon fiber cain, hawaiian hardwood hairbrush paddle, rope fist baton, rubber paddle (for vegan play partners), tigerwood paddle, riding crop, small acrylic cane, three floggers.

My dungeon/playspace. Instead of typical furniture I have hardpoints for suspension.

Diamond Pattern chest harness in jute.

One of my first suspensions. Four point side suspension with hemp rope.
Backside of a takate kote chest harness. Jute rope.
Knot my cup of tea, but whatever blows your skirt up is good with me.
Also, being a sailor at heart, those are some cool knots. I didn’t know such talent and fancy rope work went into tying up a partner.
There are quite a few folks in the rope community (which is almost it’s on sub-sub-culture [I said sub]) who started out from the nautical end of things.
And yeah, most riggers / rope tops are kind of nerds. You have to be. It takes hours of practice. I mean, you can tie someone up just to fuck with some straight forward knots, but the fancier stuff allows for suspensions like the last picture. Honestly, I picked it up because it’s intricate, creative, and there are few quicker ways to pick up a hot young thing (or hot older thing) then being able to tie them up in the air.
My only bondage training was gained in my youth from stuff like……https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PhC_JJwlep0
Western style is how it is referred to, sometimes. Like lots of the Bettie Page stuff. No surprise there is fetishize the Japanese way of doing things and take it Way To Damn Serious in comparison. You even get some folks that are snobs about the kind of rope.
Frankly it looks painful to me, but I suppose that’s part of the point of the kink.
It can be, yes, depending on the tie, the rope used, and the position. The last picture is a relatively comfortable tie that’s sustainable (The bottom can hang there like that for a long time), where as others like a single leg inverted suspension can only be tolerated for a few minutes or so before you need to add more rope or get them down.
Emphasis on “relatively”.
Yeah, I always thought the rope stuff required a certain geekdom fanaticism that I just didn’t possess. On the other hand, as someone into medical fetish play, I could go on and on over the minutiae of specula. *shrugs*
Do you keep those in the silverware drawer next to the forks and spoons?
Of course!
What sort of fetish *isn’t* HM into?
I once had lunch with a group of people that included a gynecologist. He was kind of a jokester. When I was introduced he said “I am a gynecologist. People think I have a glamorous job. I dont.”
I always thought the rope stuff required a certain geekdom fanaticism that I just didn’t possess.
In my sailboat days and when in the CG I was always interested in rope work. I would spend my free time on watch in port tying Turks Heads and lanyards for marlinespike knives and such. I never thought of it as geekdom, but rather nautical tradition of pirates and salty folk. I just never knew it could get me laid.
I meant ropes in this specific context.
When you tell a girl you are an Eagle Scout, you get one of two reactions:
a) a smirk at what a goody, goody nerd you must have been 80%
b) a faintly raised eyebrow as she contemplates your rope skills 20%
One of the saddest things to me is that so many kinksters don’t see that. In their private lives they live and play by libertarian ideas. But they can’t make the leap to seeing it as a strong basis for politics.
Same with the illegal drug scene. At least the hippies back in the day would tune in and drop out. Now it’s all about grabbing the gun in the room.
Exactly. I know a number of folks who are pretty leftist and don’t like the cops, but are all for more regulations and laws. They can’t seem to make the simple connection that more laws = more cops. I try to beat some sense into them…
I try to beat some sense into them…
Edge player.
Riven, thanks for the edits on the pictures. I esp. love the Glib logo nipple covers!
Hah! It was a team effort–the beautiful censorship was all SugarFree. 🙂 Thank you for writing it; I found this so interesting!
I want to go. Maybe.
You’re welcome.
If y’all decide you want to attend, I’ll be happy to play tourguide.
I wonder about the psychology of all this. How much of this stuff is a reaction to past experiences and how much is basic genetics? Is, say, bondage fetishism more likely to have an environmental root than cross-dressing?
I’ve tried to figure this out, to be honest for a long time and I don’t have a good answer. I think it is probably some of both. There is certainly a contingent of people who have a background of abuse and that’s colored things. And there is another group who are the type to experiment and then discovered some of this stuff is fun/will get them laid/make the sex hotter. And there’s some that are a mixture of both. I do know lots of people from both groups who will say they liked bondage from even a young age (IE: playing cowboys and Indians and tying someone up/doing the tying) and later connected it to their sexuality.
“they live and play by libertarian ideas. But they can’t make the leap to seeing it as a strong basis for politics”
Few have ever generalized their way into libertarianism from their personal interest. I don’t think that’s the way it happens. I’m a Southerner, Scots-Irish, a hillbilly, and was raised Primitive Baptist; every fiber of my being has therefore always been independent, self-reliant, clannish, and even suspicious of others in the default condition. It has never occurred to me to care what the governor thinks much less a president or a pope. But I don’t know how to teach or promote or even husband libertarianism. Most people are not independent or motivated or self-reliant; rather, most presume that powers should take care of them, and they naturally expect those powers be strong enough to mold a safe and generous world in which for them to prosper: safety, and money are presumed to be necessary and provided by others.
Lots of 2A guys think that burning a flag should be criminal; lots of 1A guys think they can have dissent without self-defense; sexual libertines still shake their fist in traffic at people who drive too fast; guys rolling dirty and thumping through the hood think that companies should be coerced into hiring inferior talent, think that no proprietor should ever eject them for wearing their pants down around their thighs; tradesmen think their colleagues should be compelled to pay union dues; ownership thinks their profits are sovereign and justly earned, but their necessary inputs are overpriced and exploitive, the result of unfair rackets; cops are sure they deserve complete latitude but will kill you for the least furtive of gestures.
The shame is that wide, general freedom is nearing extinction as an American impulse. I am constantly nauseated by this predicament.
Once again Don brings levity to the conversation to make us all feel better.
I guess I don’t glib right yet. I’ll link moar boobs to my next rant. mea culpa
I am being a smart ass. The problem is you are right and it is frightening. Who knows what this country will look like in 20 years.
Trends seem to be speeding up thanks to the net. I just hope my philosophy gets it’s 15 minutes at some point.
Oh, you’re good; no worries. I should close on some high point, but I usually forget.
I guess I’m so very pessimistic because I’ve seen my world’s self-reliance collapse. My people were nearly self sufficient when I was born three generations ago: farmers, traders, and craftsmen; now fully half of us are on some sort of federal program all the while watching Faux News and voting neo-Republican with not one iota of irony.
The corollary to my rant is that everyone thinks their rights come from elections, from winning: when my guy gets in, we’ll regulate all the bad guys suitably. God I hope their guy doesn’t regulate me unsuitably. No one believes in generally fucking off and minding his own business; no one believes that we are born free and that only perverse interpretations of our constitution prevent us from reaching our potential, no matter who is in government.
We give government enormous power to Fuck up people’s lives. It’s eminently logical that people would spend a lot of money to make certain government is fucking up *someone else’s* life.
And yet lots of people think the solution to this is to give the government *more* power to Fuck up people’s lives.
My fetish is: Leave me and my family alone. Been quite a dry spell.
yeah, baby: right there….keep doing it….faster, harder…..oh, oh
I think taking the opportunity to politely point out these trends and illogical arguments in casual conversation at work, etc goes a long way to slowly letting people see the big picture.
I’ve had similar experiences at work the last year or so talking with a liberal coworker frustrated over the Designation of her neighborhood as a “historic district” without input from the locals and how that takes away her freedom to do what she wants to with her property.
Yeah, the flipside of being in the kink community is that it gets up front in my face that there are lots of people that want to be ruled and controlled. We share lots of background characteristics. But your’e right as rain about this; that freedom seems to be teetering on the brink.
Don – wide, general freedom never existed. As far back as you care to go people have been mockingly saying “Freedom for me but not for thee”.
It’s always been this way.
I won’t argue that.
Funny, I was thinking about you when I wrote above: we both grew up in a time and place that was orders of magnitude closer to the mark for most people….or was an option for anyone: if you wanted to stay on your own section and milk your own cows and shoe your own horses, it was no one’s business.
They use all the language SJWs use in campus kangaroo courts and make big posts on Fetlife, the kink equivalent of Facebook. But fortunately, they don’t have much power in the flesh and blood world.
Maybe I should have tried out a local Munch.
A friend of mine from the old days and his wife suggested I give FetLife a try. They don’t live near me, but noted there was some activity on FetLife near me. I joined Fetlife and lurked a bit. I saw some stuff I liked but too much SJW/Progressive nonsense for my tastes. I closed the FetLife account and never tried a Munch.
I’d really encourage you to go to a munch, if you have interest in all this. Portland is a bit of special case in that there are multiple munches, one every night of the week (or more), so you can find the right groups, but by and large, the in person stuff has way less of the SJW/Prog nonsense than Fetlife. Every city is different, of course, but the RL scene and the Fetlife scene are quite different animals.
I’m in southern NH. I remember there being one near me, at a bar I don’t like, but I don’t remember how often they meet. Based on a quick Google search, all the links for southern NH munches lead to FetLife.
Yeah, about the only thing Fetlife is useful for is determining where the munches are located and when events are happening.
I recently visited an art exhibit featuring quilts.
…Go on.
He’s got a quilted Northern toilet paper fetish.
I’m more of a Charmin Strong guy.
You get off on squeezing Mr. Whipple, don’t you?
I’m the guy who has his hand in his pants whenever he’s home relaxing so yeah.
We are even wilder. I let the wife go without me. Friday she and her buddies went to St. Francisville and toured two old plantations and ate in their attached restaurants. I think she had fried green tomatoes and crawfish roumalade.
I’ve heard that is how you get AIDS.
My mom used to keep those around the house. I would sneak one every now and then.
It’s funny. Those were immensely popular at one time and then sometime in the early ’80s they just disappeared overnight. I wonder what happened?
In fairness diet potions are fads that have very definite cycles and Ayds probably ran a natural course. Still, how unlucky can you get?
Yeah, I used to sneak them too.
Happy Mother’s day to all you glibs out there that are your kid’s primary care giver. Not going to point that out to the wife today (sore spot), but I’m secretly going have a couple of fingers of nice whiskey tonight and congratulate myself.
I hear you Straff. I’m walking the same path.
Some guy I was dating tried to pull me into this stuff (he wanted to be my slave…) and I just couldn’t. It has no appeal to me whatsoever but God bless America for making it easy/safe for people who are into it.
How’d he bring that up? Series of hints or just straight out with it?
Second or third date, five seconds after passing through my front door. Straight out with it. “I want to be your slave.”
Probably not *straight* out….
I’m like you Rhywun. Long ago I had a girlfriend (with daddy issues) who wanted me to spank her, and I couldn’t even do that. But I love that there’s a consensus-based community like Creosote Achilles describes, and wish them all the freedom possible to follow their desires.
I will second that. Rhywun is one of the good ones alright.
This is a natural extrapolation from two notions, I’d speculate:
a) the desire to please and be desired pursues the other’s preferences to a fault
b) the urge to pursue taboo but remain innocent requires a suspension of responsibility; someone else needs to be in charge; ergo: rape, bondage, extortion fantasies, i.e.: “power exchange”
*crawls into late night mammal acrobatic sex post, nods appreciatively, crawls back for another beer*
Look at you guys go
So your fetish is watching other species mate?
Have you ever seen lizards mate? If I were a lizard I too would want to watch other species mate.
Geez, Suthen. HM is active on this board and you go and set him up like that?
Grosse Pointe Blank is in the top five of best movies ever made. Discuss.
Can’t be cuz Godfather, Lawrence of Arabia, A Bridge Too Far, Doctor Zhivago, Cool Hand Luke.
but GPB is cool enough
Doctor Zhivago is terrible. Lawrence of Arabia is overrated.
I wasn’t impressed with “Doctor Zhivago” the movie. I remember the book being a bit of a slog but I liked the book.
The movie starts off with the book’s epilogue, and ends with social realist propaganda.
Okie dokie, then. You do need to offer two better to bump mine off the bubble, right?
Some Like it Hot
The Best Years of Our Lives
Singing in the Rain
Day for Night
Ask me tomorrow, and I might come up with five different movies.
I’ll see your Day for Night and raise you a Belle du Jour.
But not because I’m in love with Deneuve: Bisset is awesome.
I have to admit to not being the biggest fan of Buñuel’s work. But yeah, Deneuve was smoking hot in that and The Umbrellas of Cherbourg. Huge shame about her sister Françoise.
I can’t decide if Psycho is even Hitchcock’s best. My top
56 Hitch (at this moment):1. North by Northwest
2. Rear Window
3. To Catch a Thief
4. The Man Who Knew Too Much (1956)
5. Strangers on a Train
6. Rope
Oh my goodness. I can’t believe I forgot Dial M for Murder. Insert that in between 3 and 4 in my top
567 list“2. Rear Window”
Grace Kelly FTW…..yum.
Martin Landau died last year 🙁
She’s arguable hotter in To Catch a Thief. This is the image burned into my mind.
I have a very hard time arguing with your list Mike S. And NxNw is my all time favorite movie.
Notorious should be there, and Lifeboat is the movie that should have won Hitchcock an Oscar.
Fuck “Going My Way”.
And thankfully, nobody’s picked Vertigo.
Zhivago captures the imposing fact of Russia (my notion of Russia?), a place and its peoples. Lawrence does the same thing in sand instead of snow, camels instead of horses, Bedouins in place of revolutionaries. I’m sticking to my guns: these are arguably good flicks.
“Giant” I love because Hollywood got rich west Texas ranchers, underclass hands, and lucky rednecks with mineral rights spot on, but I don’t expect anyone else to care, especially if you haven’t walked or lived it; it’s top 100 but that’s all.
The history geek in me can’t accept the dearth of sodomy in the film.
Never seen it.
Same here. I’d out “The Outlaw Josey Wales”, “Das Boot”, “Das Leben der Anderen”, “The Life of Brian”, and “Raiders of the Lost Ark” as my top five.
I’m not even going to attempt such a list but I just saw “Die Leben der Anderen” recently and loved it.
Never heard of it.
Minnie Driver?
I could be.
GrossePointeBlank isinthetop five ofbest movies ever made. Discuss.Eminently watchable. Top five, maybe not. Unforgiven, probably so. Outlaw Jesse Wales, probably so. Saving Private Ryan, pretty hard to beat. Blade Runner. the Maltese Falcon. Citizen Kane. Life of Bryan. The Lover.
I can see Private Ryan….certainly rivals my Bridge Too Far. I’m a classic, so I certainly respect Maltese Falcon.
But Citizen Kane never grabs me; not for one instant do I sympathize with the protagonist; Kane’s not tragic because he was never meant for greatness, he’s just a bully. His business successes are vague things hinted at, not masterful constructions we can follow. OT: is Mar a Lago Xanadu (I’m not necessarily taking a shot at Trump, but I’m sure someone’s writing a doctoral thesis on this subject now somewhere).
The beauty of citizen Kane was that the vain struggles and intrigues he spent his life on and what he sought thinking it would make him happy were all illusory. True happiness was in his basement going up in smoke. He was not sympathetic deliberately.
Hey fatty, I’ve got a movie for you…”A Fridge Too Far”.
I don’t know about top five but I do like that movie. It puts a goofy yet good spin of a story and nostalgic value for the worst decade.
Brazil, Pulp Fiction, dr Strangelove, 2001, Alien. Too many
Strangelove trumps Life of Bryan. 2001 is an inarguable contender.
I must confess I have never seen 2001, but 2010 was the first movie I saw really, really stoned and all I remember was it was a religious experience. But then again so was every other movie I saw in that state.
That was the first movie I saw by myself because none of my friends and family wanted to see it with me. I walked home in the dark looking at the stars afterwards filled with wonder.
It is fun. I love The Princess Bride. Great for teaching undergrads game theory as well.
I dunno about that but how appropriate that this awesomeness is on the soundtrack.
From the side bar and also appropriate……A Dominatrix can lead to a Situation
barely related >
movie most like the book: Catch-22; every scene and every actor cast is just like I saw it in my head as I read; it is simply the most aptly cast movie I can think of
Thanks Creosote. This is a view into a different world for me.
Yeah, thanks CA. I enjoy all these peeks at the diverse worlds that Glibs inhabit.
It would be cool it if Suthen did a piece on the Zen, tech and economics of growing trees.
I am planning to. Already screeching it out.
Great! I look forward to it.
We moved around a lot and I’d always plant a tree or two. Seldom got to see them grow.
We now live in town with a small back yard. But it’s dominated by this huge-ass cottonwood that we are now the custodians of. We call it “The Venerable Tree”.
Can it reach your house if it were to have a mishap?
“when” it has its mishap
I live on a sand bar in the Mississippi: hating cottonwoods is a fulltime job here
They do need some care. Nothing in range of the house (anymore) but I do need to do something about the limbs overhanging the garage. Besides the crows and magpies sit in the branches and hit all over my truck.
I can’t wait to read this when you get it done, Suthen.
Headlines from November 4, 2020: Trump sweeps electoral vote; Democrats clueless as to how it happened
wow. Ya, run Imo Peach in 2020. That would be awesome.
Interesting article!
Fuck it, we’re all friends here. I must confess I’ve always had an interest in talking a lady into something more than light bondage(as long as she’s enthused with the act of course. If she isn’t getting off then it kind of defeats the point in my opinion)but always felt too awkward to actually join in an organized community that caters to the subject, much less really feel the desire to. Plus, while I’m not comfortable with being bound myself, I do seem to enjoy it when on occasion a women gives me a punch to the face. Probably something to do with my boxing background, da fuck if I know. So I’m unclear where I’d land on the kink scale.
This post is a result of the lowered inhibitions caused by Xanax and several screwdrivers. I’m sure I’ll regret posting it in the future and screw you all for the comments I’m sure to endure.
*burp,gargle,stumbles to bed*
What the hell kind of women you hang out with that punch you in the face? I have only had things thrown at me.
Skip “the community.” There’s no reason to think there’s someone at the local munch who is meaningfully compatible with you, and it’s the most unnatural reason to commune with folk. You wouldn’t have brunch every month with every guy in town who has the same Harley belt-on-a-chain thingy and listen to his crap, and this isn’t much different.
The girls are out there, and, depending on how you carry yourself, you’ll find them. My estimates are that a third of chicks have zero problem with being spanked or tied up, and you’ll find them one of two ways: a) the super sweetheart might like it or at least go along on your birthday or b) the power chick at work who’s sick of being in control.
If you’re the kind of guy who asks a girl where she wants to go to dinner instead of telling her what you planned, you’re gonna have a hard time finding them. Good news, though: I’m bald and flabby and owned north Texas for years, so this isn’t hard; if you have a job, a jacket, no addictions, and don’t live in your mom’s basement, you are a unicorn for any chick over 35 these days.
Don’s correct, you don’t have to join the community, and the number of women who aren’t in the community but like getting spanked or restrained is a fairly high one. But if you’re interested in the sort of rope stuff I have pictures of you need training in how to do that while lowering risk as it has a high potential for injury.
I just like vaginas. Well, one in particular for the last 20 years
Does Playa know?
It’s Winston’s mom isn’t it?
Thanks for the peek behind the dungeon door, Creosote. Very interesting.
You’re welcome.
CA thanks for writing this. I knew some of this existed but I learned some things too. The diversity of experience on this site is awesome. Much of this is well past anything I want to try but it obviously works for some people so go forth and enjoy.
P. S. You must have blown Q’s mind. If any article called for tit pics this is the one.
That’s one of the reasons I felt comfortable enough to write and submit it; the wide array of experiences that get shared and the positive responses. It’s almost like we’ve created a safe space here.
And I know, right? I was expecting a Q link.
Always interesting to see a mature, thoughtful article from the community rather than the ignorant tripe posted on most mainstream sites (or *shudder* Tumblr).
Thanks. When I see some of those articles on mainstream sites, I often find myself muttering, “That’s not how that works. That’s not how any of that works.”