Two weeks ago I was presented with a challenge.
I’m not one to back down so easily so I went ahead and sent the Old Man a bottle of beer that would suit his, shall we say, more refined palate. This is my review of New Belgium Le Terrior 2016, from their Lips of Faith Series.
The term “Beer Drinker” often brings up a different mental image than when one says, “Wine Drinker.” I’m not going to speculate as to why those connotations exist, but I will discuss what they are. I don’t blame the Old Man for wanting to be associated with the beer people, after all we’re a bit more fun. Its what you drink when you go to a festival, or a ball game. You toss a few back with your friends and then challenge each other to a drag race or a boxing match.
In short, beer drinkers are often just fun to be around. Case in point:
This is not to say that wine drinkers can’t be good people. I assume some of them are, its just that their parties have a tendency to be a lot more…tame:

“The hormones are really helping my beard come it.” “You know, I am standing right here, Jacob.” “I told you to stay focused, we need him to invest in our lesbian co-op grocery.” “Sorry about that.”
I’m not trying to offend people here–I’m just explaining what we associate with the terms. The Old Man has the unique ability to mingle with both crowds, but when it comes right down to it, he probably has a preference to the people he associates himself with.
MS: You’re doing to now? I’m at Lowe’s man…
OMWC: I can wait until you’re home, there’s plenty of lawn left. I know it’s early there, but Cinco de Mayo, achaver!
MS: Alright. Serve at 55 in a wide bodied glass. I’ll have a few queries later
MS: So…what did you think?
OMWC: Haven’t opened it yet. I’m going to do some migas later this afternoon and crack it with them, I think. Unless you have yours open now and we can compare notes…
MS: I’m doing a little work at the moment. I’ll have it for lunch. In an hour or so. I need to take a pic of it.
MS: Its, um….sour and woody.
OMWC: It’s sour for sure. SP thinks it’s a lot more like a cider than a beer.
MS: What glass did you use?
OMWC: Widemouth. I may try a wine glass to see if that changes it.
MS: A balloon-shaped glass will probably change it a bit. Partly why I went for a chalice. The reason I picked this one, was an article I’ll link next week that said a sour ale should mimic the tartness of many wines. Plus its barrel aged, like nearly all wines.
MS: Pepper and Peaches…?
OMWC: This beer is not pepper and peaches. In a wine glass, I get more of the woodiness.
OMWC: This beer is actively hostile.
MS: Yes. I hate it. I’m sure of it
OMWC: OK, it’s not just me.
This is Sour Ale. This one in particular was aged in oak barrels–like many wines. I sent this to the Old Man because sour ales are of course, sour, but many have a subtle fruitiness that counteracts the tartness. Something that you often fine in sweeter varieties of wine. IF you happen to like sour ales, this one is well done. It was made in 2016 though, so finding it will not only be difficult, it will cost you. I’m sure of it; I hate it. New Belgium Le Terrior 2016: 1.5/5

“Confess, don’t be boring! Confess, don’t be dull!”
Ultimately, the Old Man is set in his ways, and as a another wise man once said, you just can’t Torquemada anything.
Finally, I want to plug the Glibertarians Spring Beer it Forward once more! The beer I promised one lucky Glib is still up for grabs, so if you think you might want a well-made bock made in the mountains of Northern Arizona sent to your house, you only need to apply. To apply, send an email to its proprietor, Nephilium, at his handle name at google mail and tell him you want to sign up.
I’m glad I have the good sense not to drink beer.
I’m relieved to see you agree with me. I was afraid somebody would try to cat-butt me.
(I’ve actually stated a lot that I don’t like carbonated beverages at all.)
I love carbonated beverages, but my beer aversion is partly psychological due to childhood associations.
I want to try that REAL BAD, I love Sours, I wonder, did you let it warm up a bit before drinking? They Change flavor drastically IME
Good Article again MS
It too, me an hour to drink it. Yes.
I’ll take that Arizona Bock if you would, I have an Indio Bock going out for BIF amongst others…
Its the luck of the draw, cowboy. Its goes to the Glib I am assigned.
I see, that’s even better, we don’t know who til it happens,
I’m just not a fan of sours. They’re…sour.
I have started developing a taste for stouts and porters, with some superb local brews being marketed. I still tend to stay on the lighter side of beer with a local lager being my favorite.
One beer I truly miss is Checkvar. Budweiser is the cheap ripoff of this delightful Pilsner that is sold in Europe by it’s real name, Budvar. It was bought by a conglomerate and they stopped importing it to the US.
I lol at the damage you inflicted on Old Man. He’s done that to me a number of times and it’s satisfying to see a little payback.
I thought of you while attempting to drink this. I remember the look on your face when we tried to choke down a Coturri.
That’s a bad beer if you’re comparing it to Coturri.
He’s done that to me a number of times
One thinks you would have learned by now to stop getting in his van.
When the guy drives up, rolls down the window and says if I get in, we’ll compare the merits of the ‘68 and ‘70 Vegas Sicilia “Unico”, I’m hopping in every time.
I’m with you Spud. Not really into Sours although Victorys Sour Monkey I did not find to be overly tart. I’m a fan of their Golden Monkey and the sour was based on that so Thats probably why I’m cool with it although I still wouldnt want more than 1 at a time. I went to The Cider House in Athens a couple weekends ago and found most of the Ciders samples just too tart. There was one semi that was not bad. While there, I sampled a Brothers Drake PB&J Mead. I had not had a Mead before. While that flavor was a little weird as expected (better than it sounds though) I saw some potential in the Meads and had one when I got back in Columbus. It was a Blackberry flavor. I liked it. Definitely not beer. Similar to a Cider but a little sweeter and carbonated both of which I thought the Ciders needed for me taste. Brothers Drake is here in Columbus so I definately plan on visiting and sampling more Meads. Not going to replace my beer but could be a nice refreshing beverage for summer.
Beer for wine guy:
I would probably recommend an actual Belgian rather than a new one.
And go for sweet rather than sour/tart because….well, wine guy.
And something absurdly pretentious and complex-sounding, expensive and hard-to-find
my vote: Brouwerij Dilewyns Vicaris Tripel Gueuze
I’m going to Bev mo now, I’ll look for it
My absolute favorite of all time isn’t too far away from your description: Het Anker Golden Carolus.
I again recommend Burp Castle in NYC if people ever find themselves near there.
you can order the above sorts of things by the bottle. their bottled-beer menu is like 8 pages long and its pretty much all small-batch European stuff
This is not to say that wine drinkers can’t be good people. I assume some of them are, its just that their parties have a tendency to be a lot more…tame:
Scenes from the world’s largest wine festival.
I like New Belgium beers. If I can find Le Terroir I’ll give it a try.
I’m a huge sour beer fan. There’s a place here in Portland called the Cascade Brewing Barrel House that does exclusively sour beers. The menu is a set of standbys, and a constantly rotating set of experiments. Tuesdays are Tappin’ It on Tuesday where they tap a new barrel, at least during the summer. I haven’t tired the New Belgium La Terrior, but there is a huge amount of variety in sours. It probably is the best beer for a wine person though.
You should have just sent him a Bud Light Lime.
Oh yeah? What’s a pallette?
I’m on my way to the high end Japanese market to get stuff for ramen.
Any beers I should look out for?
Japanese ones.
Brewed in Canada or Wisconsin.
Suntory The Premium Malt’s, but it’s not imported into the US.
Hitachino Nest is a growing microbrew, but not sure if they’re brewing stateside now.
If you see any good umeshu, pick me up some. I’m just about finished with my last bottle of King and pretty much all I can get around here is Choya.
Curveball. I went to the store and it changed ownership from “Marukai” to “Tokyo Central”. Really annoying, because I had to re-learn where everything is. Didn’t have time for beer.
I did get what I was looking for, though: Tonkatsu broth base, fresh noodles, and cooked, rolled pork belly.
Really? I knew Marukai was expanding eastward so thought they were doing ok. Did they sell the location or change the name of the chain. Speaking of Japanese, JCB is closing their US business including the cobranded Marukai card.
Same company, sort of. Marukai got bought out by Don Quijote, and they’re turning the stores into Tokyo Central. I just wasn’t expecting it to happen to their flagship store in Gardena so soon.
As far as I can tell, they still carry all of the stuff I usually buy. I love the Gardena store. All of the Honda NA executives’ wives shop there, so there’s a great selection of toro and Kobe beef, but then they also have all of the usual stuff like giant bags of frozen karaage and potstickers.
They had giant trays of Hamachi collar on sale, but I don’t know how to prepare that. Yet.
When you do, please send some my way.
Grilled or broiled.
I was way off.
I was thinking ponzu, and eating it right off the bone.
Not very far off. She makes a ponzu for dipping at the end.
Also, heartily recommend JOC for any number of recipes or getting a sense of how to start a dish. I’ve made a number of her recipes and enjoyed almost all, though with some tweaking at times.
Plus, wood.
I meant that I would make it crudo. No cooking at all.
I got a very small portion of tuna belly, and I’m serving it sashimi style. And when I say small portion, I mean small. TC is charging 50 bucks a pound.
My liver is going to hurt tomorrow after digesting all go this fat and alcohol. Totally worth it.
Browsing JOC now. Thanks to both of you.
You were very helpful.
Hitachino Nest is a growing microbrew, but not sure if they’re brewing stateside now.
Hitachino Nest is available in Massachusetts. I’m not sure if it is imported or brewed in the US.
Pretty sure it’s an import. It was when I bought it in VA a year or so back. Had a few varieties at a brewpub in Singapore 2016 and they were all imports too.
Yes, the only reason I asterisked it was they were opening/opened a restaurant in California and wasn’t sure if it was just a restaurant or a brewpub and brewing here as well.
If an actual brewpub in CA…potentially could be brewing on the spot – easy enough to tell from a quick visit. I thought they were a little bigger than a microbrew though, given the wide distribution.
Horin sake
Also, there’s just enough testosterone in that picture to edge out my local pre-school.
I actually said it tasted like non alcoholic apple cider that had begun to turn to vinegar. Not delicious.
For a wine fan, why not a classic Belgian like Chimay or Gulden Draak or something else? I’d think that’d resonate a lot more in flavor, etc – esp with 10-12% ABV.
Granted, not a wine fan – need to develop a taste, but with bottle sizes being what they are, I don’t like taking 3-4 glasses to finish vs a single bottle/glass with beer. Last one I tried was [I think] Radius Merlot or Eclipse or something similar back in Dec 2015.
I do not care for wine. I do not drink it.
The world wobbles along anyway.
Same here. I make it. I cook with it. I dont drink it. I dont like beer anymore either.
This is what I imagine when folks discuss wine drinkers.
Weak sauce indeed compared to the real life adventures that Spud and I have had, fueled by fermented grape juice.
I wish I could remember some of them.
Dis ma hood LOL
“This is what I imagine when folks discuss wine drinkers.“
Man walks into a barber shop and the barber motions him to the chair.
Barber: What would you like to do today?
Man: Make me look like an asshole.
I larfed
I’m off to play some music at a party, got some Old Rasputin Imperial Stouts, and a Lobotomy Bock, gonna be fun, gonna stay the night,
Old Rasputin is good. Have fun tonight!
Wang Chung tonight!
I enjoy beer but wine is for the civilized. Who are we kidding? /adjusts beanie.
Also. I always suspected Chris Froome was a bit of an over rated rider and seeing ride in a real, unpredictable, wild race like the Giro (or the Vuelta for that matter) confirms it. What’s with that clunky riding style? He won three TDF that way? Hmmm.
The other riders are giving him no space or the ‘royal’ treatment here and he looks primed to probably abandon.
I enjoy beer but wine is for the civilized.
All alcoholic beverages are civilized and for civilized people, even the ones I don’t like.
Including Colt .45?
Especially Colt 45
People who don’t consume alcohol without a good reason make me suspicious of them.
It’s 1pm. Time for a cocktail.
Smirnoff, lemon juice, Perrier
I only have 1 liver, so I have to watch out.
I only drink beer to celebrate a major event such as the fall of communism or the fact that my refrigerator is still working.
Stolen from Dave Barry.
Fact: Dave Barry was our old friend Sheldon Richman’s co-worker and picked up a good bit of his libertarianism from Shel.
Been dry for 35 years. Not a drop. I don’t miss the hangovers. I believe everyone has a quota and mine was used up. Turns out my family is actually pretty nice.
My brother died from cirrhosis, he’d been dry for 30 years too. It’s not a pleasant way to go. Very similar symptoms to Alzheimer’s.
I was expecting a more angered response.
Sad to say, but I’m more of beer guy. And this is coming from a career in a past life where I was treated to many bottles of expensive wine. Although in the past 10 years or so I’ve started to really enjoy sake which seems to split the difference between beer and wine.
OT and for everyone’s amusement:
On Thursday, Spotify announced that it would begin to refrain from promoting artists it deemed performing “hate content” or “demonstrate hateful conduct personally” on its company-curated playlists. This includes artist R. Kelly, who has been accused over the years of sexual misconduct. Pandora and Apple Music have now taken similar steps to deemphasize artists.
Reason #432 streaming is for suckers.
So no Ray Charles, Ike and Tina, Beatles, etc.
Great, you can listen to all the Hanson you can handle.
I go in spurts too. For a while it was only wine. Then beer. And back. Now it’s both – more or less.
Yeh, I linked to that story the other day. Not good. Not food at all.
And the coloured girls go doo doo doo….and you’re banned!
It’s worse than that. They are now relying on the SPLC to flag content. SPLC has hooked their necrotic, culture killing fangs into our society in much more dangerous ways than ever before.
The story is being made about race rather than a busy bodied cunt, but this statement from an Oakland mayoral candidate caught my eye:
I’m still willing to bet that if I as a libertarian approached this guy and made the argument that we need to reduce the number of frivolous laws and regulations (or, the scope of government) for just this very reason, he’d probably call me racist.
I’m going to need to know what they were BBQing before I can gauge my outrage appropriately.
TW: your link crashed my browser
Speaking of making everything about race… I can’t find it on their website but NY1 was asking us to believe this morning that a “vintage clothing shop” in Williamsburg was racially targeting two women for shoplifting. Complete with grandstanding politicians and lecturing.
Were they actually shoplifting?
I didn’t see that little detail mentioned. Probably off topic.
Here’s one take. Looks like no they weren’t but the store is being dragged through the media-fuelled struggle session anyway all because of those ladies’ feelz.
Having recently been in a similar situation myself, if what that report says is true, she has my sympathy. I am a little skeptical though. There is some information missing. I am not sure what it is but that isnt the whole story.
I think what’s missing is that race had nothing to do with what happened. It certainly wouldn’t be “newsworthy” otherwise.
But sure, nobody who’s innocent deserves that treatment. Assuming it went down as described. I’m guessing though that the situation deteriorated from the get-go.
Agreed. Who started the downhill run is anyone’s guess.
National Propaganda Radio
In a rare blow to the National Rifle Association, Fallin vetoed a bill that would have loosened gun laws in the conservative state. Had it passed, SB 1212 would have allowed gun owners to carry a firearm — either open or concealed, loaded or unloaded — without a state license or permit. About a dozen states have passed similar so-called “constitutional carry” laws.
Instead, Fallin sided with law enforcement officials, who opposed the bill because of its loosening of training requirements, officer safety concerns, and a reduced level of background checks.
Ooh, a devastating blow to the NRA. Like those weak kneed fucks aren’t slavishly devoted to the copocracy. It would not surprise me to hear the NRA come out officially against Constitutional carry.
“reduced level of background checks”
How do these motherfuckers get away with the background check lie so often?
I hate to say it, but both Goebbels and Alinski were right. Far too many people want to be lied to because the truth makes them uncomfortable. It is a failing of our species.
You are right. Untruth makes me uncomfortable and I keep forgetting that everyone is not like that.
And notice the term ‘constitutional carry’. It is constitutional as in legal. The constitution is the supreme law of the land. No law may supersede it. Every state has constitutional carry but in many states you will be beaten, kidnapped, shot or thrown in a cage for it.
And it’s a big “Fuck you, I’ll do as I please, because why not?” to the voters.
Fallin is in the final months of her second term as governor. She will not seek reelection because of term limits.
I was trapped in OK for years part of which she was Lt Gov. I never trusted her. She seemed the typical say what will get me elected conservative but really did not care about personal liberty. In short, a typical Republican.
I went to have a look. Worth pointing out again: All of the pinko sites have removed their comments section. Got tired of being called out on their bullshit, I guess.
More from NPR
Blah blah blah astonishingly, gun research is being conducted *in spite of* lack of federal funding. Studies show suicide by gun is more effective than many alternatives(!), especially if the person in question is truly intent on getting the job done.
Of course, correlation doesn’t imply causation, and Alban and his co-authors identify a need for research that pinpoints which particular laws have the greatest effect on reducing suicide attempts. But in the meantime, in light of these findings, they conclude that, “Efforts aimed at nationwide standardization of firearm state laws are warranted.”
We cannot conclusively prove causation, but fuck it, let’s just establish a national standard, anyway; California, or New Jersey would make a good baseline.
They really, really, really want to take our guns away. I wonder why that could be?
Some commenter around here, I cant remember who – “Nobody ever wanted to make you defenseless for your own good.”
There’s already a fucking standard: “Shall Not Be Infringed“.
“Studies show suicide by gun is more effective than many alternatives(!), especially if the person in question is truly intent on getting the job done.”
Color me shocked. I’m glad they studied it.
If they are truly intent they are going to succeed by whatever method. No gun needed. Start picking at that article and like all gun grabber bullshit it is fallacy, lie and misdirection all the way through.
That is laugh out loud funny alt text.
There was some discussion about the man purse, but it didn’t make the final cut.
Am I the only one here who drinks everything? Beer, wine, whiskey, whisky, gin, rum, vodka, absinthe, tequila… I like them all, usually many of them in the same night.
I’ll drink anything that I don’t have a well-earned aversion to, but I prefer beer.
Save the wine, me of old. For beer, which I really loved, it started making me feel too full too fast and I had to give it up. Wine always gave me terrible hangovers so it didn’t take much for me to give it up. I am just down to the hard stuff now.
While I drink beer more often than other alcoholic beverages, I drink others and I have wide tastes.
I don’t like absinthe though… I don’t like anise.
They say that absinthe doesn’t have enough thujone to have any kind of noticeable effect, but I swear there’s something different about being drunk on absinthe vs. being drunk on any other type of alcohol. Maybe it’s just the placebo effect, but it’s fun nonetheless. It makes me feel very creative.
I couldn’t drink enough to get drunk.
One thing I noticed is that if I didn’t water the absinthe down and add sugar, I tasted less anise.
They also say that absinthe maketh the heart grow fonder.
I’ll drink most anything, not a big fan of vodka and have to stay away from whiskey because I like it too much.
I’m not a big fan of vodka when it’s used as a replacement for some other liquor. People replace the gin in a martini with vodka – you’re taking flavor out and replacing it with nothing. Why??
I do like a White Russian or a screwdriver from time to time, though.
Because the flavor taken out is that of industrial chemicals? Seriously, I can understand (if not agree with) the vast majority of liquor preferences, but to me, gin tastes like it’s already been thrown up.
weapons grade derp
Anti-Gun Protesters Show How Little They Know at March For Our Lives SF | FLECCAS TALKS
I’d need 100 arms to face palm sufficiently.
I love the ‘kittens not guns’ guy.
The media often times feigns confusion and heaps scorn on supporters of the second amendment who talk about their guns being taken away. They cry no one wants that (ignore the fact that they themselves talk out of the other side of their mouth). Anyone who has actually had conversations with real people about this topic knows full well what the other side wants because they proudly espouse it. People in the media, like those in government, think they shape culture and the conversations people have when most of the time its the opposite.
I know what the gun grabbers want. I know that most of them are actually gun grabbers. I know this because I get the privilege of interacting with crazy Aunt Sally enough.
My “three proofs” against the “nobody wants to take your guns away” line:
1) They have passed bans on new purchases of “assault weapons”, and what is this but passive confiscation? If the government shut down voter registration but allowed all registered voters to continue voting, that is tantamount to shutting down voting. Same thing with banning all new gay marriages but allowing all current gay couples to stay married. They’d immediately call out this bullshit if that were proposed, but they use completely different logic when it comes to guns.
2. They idolize countries where guns were confiscated. Yes, it actually happened in England, Australia, and many other countries – it’s not just some wackjob conspiracy theory that Alex Jones made up. “Progressive” politicians heap praise upon these countries for their gun policy, so you have to assume that they favor what they did. What if I went around saying that Saudi Arabia does a great job with gender relations? Would it be totally insane to suggest that I’m not in favor of equal rights for women? Absolutely not.
3. Many politicians have openly stated that they support the idea of outright gun confiscation. NY governor Andrew Cuomo said “confiscation could be an option”. Many other politicians constantly talk about “getting guns off the streets” and how “nobody needs to own these weapons”. What does that mean, then?
“Progressives” act like pro-2A people are sooooo crazy for believing that anyone would ever dream of taking away a single firearm from anyone. Yet, every time someone makes a totally benign comment about tightening up border security so that people can’t bypass the vetting process for immigrants, “progressives” treat this as basically calling for Hispanics to be rounded up and herded into death camps.
“I dont care about crime, I just want to get the guns.” – Sen. Howard Metzenbaum
There are a zillion quotes from gun grabbers to that effect.
Yes, they want to take all guns.
“To conquer a country first you must confiscate all guns.” – Adolf Hitler <—In case anyone wonders why they want this
What I notice first about those people is that not only are they ignorant of the subject they dont care to be otherwise. They aren’t interested in facts or policy or practical outcomes. They are there to be seen, to make a spectacle. It’s all about them.
“They aren’t interested in facts or policy or practical outcomes. They are there to be seen, to make a spectacle. It’s all about them.”
virtue signalling: the action or practice of publicly expressing opinions or sentiments intended to demonstrate one’s good character or the moral correctness of one’s position on a particular issue.
“And when you fast, don’t make it obvious, as the hypocrites do, for they try to look miserable and disheveled so people will admire them for their fasting. I tell you the truth, that is the only reward they will ever get.”
-Some guy whose name rhymes with Cheez Whiz
They are there to be seen, to make a spectacle. It’s all about them.
There is also a bit of sticking it to the “other”.
Meh, you could (and people do) go to any rally, pro/con 2A, conservative or liberal, and find a handful of idiots to interview. While entertaining on a certain level, I take this kind of bit with a massive amount of salt.
Sure is slow around here today
It’s like some of these people have lives or something. Like they’re out there…looking down on us.
Those smug sons a bitches.
It will be cold again before you know it and then they’ll come crawling back.
I blame you personally.
Saturday should be my day to get caught up on housework and such, but rarely is. Instead, today I’ve been watching Italian language videos and thinking about how to adapt sourdough English muffins to be entirely plant-based and whole grain.
I just tried my hand at some green chili bread machine bread by adding green chilis to the basic white bread recipe. It is not nearly as green chiliiey as I hoped. I almost used the english muffin loaf recipe.
I love English muffin bread. I use the America’s Test Kitchen recipe.
Green chile needs to be more of topping to really get that flavor and heat.
Some of us had to make a ham and swiss quesadilla and take a nap.
I’ve been posting all day. And I put the last touches on the vegetable garden, killed bugs with chemical weapons, went on a ride out in the country for a nice lunch with the wife, bought a full Packer brisket which has been trimmed and parted out for several different uses, made a killer risotto for dinner and am now once again posting while sipping a glass Old Forester 1897 bourbon, neat.
Baby Back ribs. Mesquite, Hickory, Apple. Mustard and lots of spices. Sweet Baby Rays. Was quite yummy.
I’m throwing a brisket point cut in the smoker in the morning on hickory. Baked sweet potatoes and salad from the garden.
France next for knife ban?
England will have a spoon ban first. I swear they are turning that island into a prison. We make hyperbolic jokes about that but I swear the Limeys take it seriously.
Odds on how long until Merry Olde England had trouble feeding itself?
It wont be long. They complain about an obesity problem there. Their slide into totalitarian socialism will solve that problem.
OT question – are you familiar with Panola brand marinades/sauces?
Not especially. I know of it but not about it. We make all of our own. Why do you ask?
We are working with their ingredients on behalf of another client – pepper mash is excellent. Co-man is a potential so I thought you may have some insight into their product quality.
Their quality is great.
OOOOh yeah. Those guys. I knew it sounded familiar.
There used to be a lawyer in Elton, La who hated law and wanted to be the next pepper sauce king. He grew his own peppers and made his own sauce. He made the best hot sauce I have ever tasted and I dont mean by a little bit. I may have an empty bottle in the kitchen, lemme go see. Maybe it has an address on it.
Damn. I do not. A couple of years ago I called him up to get an address. Wife and I wanted to drive down, have a look at his operation and buy a couple of cases of his sauce. He had just sold out his pepper variety and recipe to…Panola. I kept hoping they would start making it but alas, they did not. Still I tried all of their sauces in search of that taste again so I know all of their stuff is good. Real good. But not as good as what I was looking for.
Scrolling through their sauces now. The closest I found to the one I was looking for was their original Cajun hot sauce. Almost, but not quite it. I do have some of that in the kitchen.
May I say how much I miss Ortego?
All sour beers are abominations, that is all.
Also, I plan to sign up, if not too late… shooting an email off to Nephilium now.
You just signed up to receive sour beer.
Speaking of sauces…my God my muscadine vines are loaded. By late September I am going to be drowning in them. Wife is already talking about making Muscadine/Habenero bbq sauce by the gallon and giving it away to everyone we know. I will probably make 10-12 gallons of wine – some red, some white, some rose. We will make some jelly but we dont eat that much jelly. I dont know what we are going to do with the other 300 lbs. I guess the redbirds and raccoons will be happy and fat for the winter.
I hadn’t thought of that. I made some a few years back…good idea.
I’ll take some of that bbq sauce off your hands. And wine. And…
I’ll just rent a U-Haul and come down to visit.
When we get it made I will be happy to send you some. It is pretty spicy stuff, I warn you, but once you start eating it you cant stop. The cooking on the pit kills some of the hot and cooks it down to a sweet sticky glaze but it still has a bite.
I am a chilehead from way back. My freezer is mostly full of super hot NM green chile I buy by the bushel every autumn and have shipped up here, where I roast it etc.
I’ve only ever had one dish I couldn’t eat (no, not a Thai hot dish). It was a recipe put together by my close friend from Albuquerque who now lives in Austin. And I’m lying. I ate quite a bit of it before I just had to stop.
I love the heat.
Then you will love this stuff.
It’s Louisiana. You guys don’t get winter. 🙂
Correctish. The vines sprout where I trimmed them grow a few inches and flower. Then the vine grows out past the flowers at an amazing rate. I wait a couple of weeks and then I trim again 4-6 inches past the flowers. The vine then sprouts again and grows a few inches and flowers again. Our growing season is long enough that I do that three times. The amount of grapes I get is just phenomenal.
A couple weeks ago someone here said plastics was the new global warming and npr, facebook and my wife’s favorite skeptics podcast all did their part like clockwork.
Pretty sure that was OMWC.
I’m always so disappointed when a friend/acquaintance I previously thought rational and intelligent jumps on one of these things.
In the last thread The Hyperbole said that there is no evil genius behind all of the lefty bullshit and I agree but sometimes…they are just too coordinated. I having trouble not believing they dont have some kind of central control and command. The useful idiots are like ants that receive a chemical cue and all turn in the same direction.
The internet makes coordination easier.
I don’t know if there is a central command but I do think all the prog groups interact on a regular basis. DU, Think Progress… etc. and they are all staffed by a group of like minded evil assholes who do know that they know best for us and we need them to save us from ourselves. The people who populate those groups move back and forth and all know each other as well as rub elbows with media types. Nancy Pelosi’s daughter comes to mind. I have heard her interviewed several times and she seems a very intelligent woman who has chosen to not use her talents to contribute to society in a meaningful way, but rather to glob onto whatever the latest #outrage is, start a grassroots group and profit. I think that is a lot of it too. There is big money in keeping people pissed off enough to send you their money. Ask the Clinton’s and Obama’s about that.
And if there is a central command, it is the DNC.
I think on average, Democrat voters are far more herd-like than others. The level of phrase repetition is just creepy. Basically every “progressive” in my life would regular spout off verbatim quotes from Obama’s latest speech as if it were common knowledge.
And given that the DNC was caught colluding behind the scenes with major media outlets, I don’t think it’s unreasonable at all to think that they’re probably handing out marching orders to other “progressive” ancillary groups like pubsec unions, universities, and the various “community organizing” groups out there.
Say what you will about Ayn Rand’s writting, she damn straight knew her villians
Another called a member of the City Council a communist (she’s actually a socialist)
Not a dime’s worth of difference between the two.
Let’s do some simple math with the numbers in the article. The city has a $200M budget per year for homelessness and 12K homeless.
That leaves them ~$1,300 per month for rent per homeless person.
How is there a still problem?
Amazon is still making beau coup bucks?
Timeloose is a comedian.
Silly. You’re assuming they’ll spend the money on actual homeless people.
I would use the money to bus them to SanFran and LA with a one time stipend of a few grand.
I fucking hate the niggling that goes on over the two terms. They’re just trying to hide the bloodstains on their hands.
I’ve thought about starting a satirical neo-Nazi website that would try to rehabilitate the reputation of Nazism using the same cliches that communists trot out:
– Nazi Germany wasn’t real Nazism; it was actually state fascism.
– Nazism is merely the idea that the country should be safe, the population should be healthy, and there should be full employment.
– Nazi Germany was doing great at first, but then the wrong people took charge and started doing bad things. That doesn’t mean the entire system is bad, though.
– For all its faults, Nazi Germany was way ahead of the US on arts, culture, science, and women’s rights!
– Hitler had good intentions, but there were so many saboteurs inside the country that he had to take drastic action.
– Nazi Germany wasn’t that bad… After all, black people were getting lynched in the United States, so nobody’s perfect!
“This isn’t about Amazon,” said Lisa Herbold, a Seattle City Council member and a co-sponsor of the tax. “It’s about the humanitarian crisis in our city.”
Hmm…. I only skimmed over the Seattle city government’s list of “Codes We Enforce” and Land Use Code, but I suspect that if Herbold was really serious about affordable housing and such that there are things in those codes that can be repealed of changed to make building cheap housing easier.
Don’t forget, SF, Seattle, and some other left coast cities invited the homeless and offered them incentives. This is a problem of their own making. They just figured how to price out all of the deplorables and turn the homeless into an industry where all the right people get their beaks wet.
I love the article’s title. Amazon is holding the city hostage. The crisis is Bezos’ doing.
I am looking…I dont see comments. Even HuffPuff took down their comment section? Or am I missing something?
Naa, it is there:
how do I find that?
top page left speak balloon at the bottom under FB, Twit etc right under the mail icon.
Wow that is cleverly concealed. All that shit is turned off by my ad-blocker. Oh well, my loss.
Oh, I see it now.
Muh ROADZ!!!
Mine doesn’t show any comments either.
But LOLOLOL anyway.
HuffPo accidentally tells the truth.
That is true. Significantly increasing is not significantly reducing.
Actually, I believe it will have zero effect because there is no chance at all that that money will actually be dumped into some imaginary “homeless lockbox”.
But on the off chance that they were sincere about that (LOL), yeah it would probably increase the number of homeless.
The extra money wouldn’t make it to the homeless, of course not. But they would use the increase in an PR effort to bring more in, and they would come. Voila – we need more money again.
Who says no good deed goes unpunished? I throw all my Strohs can in a garbage can next to the garage and let a rag and bone man haul’em away, I also put any old light and plumbing fixtures or other metal I pull out of remodeling jobs out there for him. Today he left me a twelve pack of Honey Brown Lager. Free (sorta) beer is the best beer!
Oh noez!. Shitheal Mccain’s fluffer white knights for him
Fucking resign already. You are mentally incompetent and have been for years. Do everyone a favor (including my death pool list) by suckstarting a shotgun. Maybe the last time you get someone killed.
Pay wall, man.
Sorry man, I guess I’m under the Wapo limit at the moment. The URL pretty gives it all away. Graham whines that any negativity toward Saint John is disgusting.
Wow. comments there are spectacular. By spectacular I mean run of the mill, insubstantial ad hominems aimed at Trump. There are a few in there aimed at Trump voters but mostly it is boilerplate insults to Trump. It could have been copied and pasted from nearly anywhere.
Sorry I missed this thread, but I was busy pouring mead, cider, and beer and the local beer festival today.
I got to try the New Belgium Felix and Oscar — both whiskey barrel aged sour ales. The Felix was fucking awesome.
Unfortunately, the local distributor only got three cases, and he has no idea when it will hit the shelves or which stores will get it. So, no real chance that I will get out and buy it.
“Grosse Point Blank” is on.
“You’re a psychopath.”
“A psychopath kills for no reason. I kill for money.”
Late to the party, but how about J.W. Lees Harvest Ale matured in Lagavulin Whisky Casks?