Kansas girls are the hottest in the Nation. I dare you prove me wrong.
South Orange County.
I was gonna say, maybe if you’ve only been to Kansas, Nebraska, and Iowa.
I might be biased.
Let me guess, you make a cos play Dorothy call you the Wiz and say there’s no place like Q’s Home.
The East Coast girls are hip. I really dig the clothes they wear.
I really dig the clothes they don’t wear.
The Northern girls with the way they kiss. They keep their boyfriends warm at night.
It is known.
And Moscow girls make me sing and shout
I don’t watch porno, but I’ve been told Sheri Vi is attractive.
I don’t get it. Why are you guys all quoting a David Lee Roth song?
Oh my God.
Yeah, but they’re all little old ladies from Pasadena now.
I went from Phoenix, Arizona all the way to Tacoma, Philadelphia, Atlanta, L.A….Northern California where the girls are warm.
But Montreal women make a man go really bonkers.
OTOH, the mid-west farmers daughters really make you feel alright…
White girls, they’re pretty funny sometimes they drive me mad.
What no pics?
I love that the hazing was exposed by KUs in-state rival school newspaper.
I see what you did there, but no one is posting pic links to prove you wrong!!
“Fort Riley, KS”
Eileen Hickey, 72 — whose artwork has appeared in “Eat Pray Love” and other films — was first sued by the owner of 460 Greenwich St. in 2014 over illegal sublets in her rent-stabilized home of 43 years.
Eh. The government giveth rent controlled apartments, the government taketh away.
She deserves whatever punishment is doled out simply for being involved with Eat, Pray, Love.
I emailed the CMP because I can’t find a club in Orlando
Doesn’t a CCW count?
It counts for proficiency, but I think you still need to be a club member. Hopefully I’m wrong and just need the ccw.
I’m a member of the No Homers Club.
An ancient and mystic club, to be sure.
Club Pulse? Oh wait, no, it’s closed.
Too soon?
*narrows gaze*
She owns a condo. I’d love to see it taken away from her and leased to a rent controlled tenant for the next 43 years.
Maybe then she’ll understand that it’s wrong.
I’ve said before that I think a sports bra and yoga pants are the perfect lingerie, but sometimes you gotta be a bit fancier.
42, the answer to life, the Universe and everything.
Nice, but I do wish there was a way to filter silicone vs. non-silicone. And #14 is Dita Von Teese, no?
Are they still doing silicone? I thought I heard saline was the way to go. And, swear to Zardoz, I’ve fondled both real and saline and damned if I could tell the difference without being told.
I read that as silicon and saline and thought, same chick?!
“Which do you prefer…Left or Right”
“Then led into another room, they said they were asked a number of questions, and for each question they answered incorrectly, they were required to remove an article of clothing. Eventually standing there naked, the six cheerleaders allegedly were taken into another room, while one of them said she remembered being separated from the group.”
Go on….
Saw the porno.
Well, part of it…
I never can make it to the end.
…of the opening credits.
The hazing videos at PornHub are TRUE!!
*nods sagely*
I wonder what these tough questions were. I might have to do some investigating.
Our old friend Barton Hinkleheimer Schmidt strikes again. The delicious irony of BLM and Antifa shouting down the ACLU.
“Ingraham wrote a tweet mocking Parkland shooting survivor and gun-control activist David Hogg”
Sigh. He wasn’t in the fucking building. He wasn’t shot at. If he’s a “survivor”, so am I.
Which was a dumb move on her part. Agreed that he’s trying to claim victim status to which he’s only marginally entitled to at best. But he’s their little darling and they will not tolerate anyone speaking ill of him. Best to ignore him as a person and push back against his ideas.
Plus, it’s kind of creepy how lefty soccer moms swoon over him.
He looks like Uncool Morrissey.
Or “Bore-issey”
With less energy. Relevant.
“Fuck it, give me a hamburger. Anything!”
Which Glib said he looked like a less ripped version of 13 year old Ben Shapiro? Way better than any of my jokes about him.
He looks like a South Park character.
Except he’s not funny.
Man Allegedly Used Change Of Address Form To Move UPS Headquarters To His Apartment
Government at its finest.
You gotta love the bank teller, “Um, Sir, do you have any documentation you’re DBA UPS?”
OMG California, just secede already.
Why? What the hell did they do this time?
See Link the First.
I don’t get it…Its a map of Decatur.
*runs away laughing*
“Hickey has engaged in outrageous behavior using her rent-stabilized apartment as an illegal hotel,” Moskowitz fumes in court papers.
“She has engaged in rent profiteering and commercial exploitation . . . Her actions are in violation of the [state] Rent Stabilization Code and a number of other laws.”
The guy’s just pissed because he can’t turf her out, and put that money in his own pocket.
Hoarders, wreckers and kulaks. The song remains the same.
It’s his fucking apartment.
Hence my “eh”. She enjoyed paying a government depressed price, she can’t cry when government rules screw her instead of the owner.
Apologies if discussed previously, but has anyone read this?
Short version: WSJ editor, Kim Strassel, extrapolates that the FBI has been refusing to produce info the House Intel committee because the FBI planted a agent (or “spy”) inside the Trump campaign. That person was connected to both the FBI and CIA and Strassel thinks she knows who it is, but won’t say.
Damn paywalls
DuckDuckGo the headline. Click on the first result
The first result I got was the paywalled WSJ link. Eventually I got it.
Sorry for Wall ‘o Text below.
The Department of Justice lost its latest battle with Congress Thursday when it agreed to brief House Intelligence Committee members about a top-secret intelligence source that was part of the FBI’s investigation of the Trump campaign. Even without official confirmation of that source’s name, the news so far holds some stunning implications.
Among them is that the Justice Department and Federal Bureau of Investigation outright hid critical information from a congressional investigation. In a Thursday press conference, Speaker Paul Ryan bluntly noted that Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes’s request for details on this secret source was “wholly appropriate,” “completely within the scope” of the committee’s long-running FBI investigation, and “something that probably should have been answered a while ago.” Translation: The department knew full well it should have turned this material over to congressional investigators last year, but instead deliberately concealed it.
House investigators nonetheless sniffed out a name, and Mr. Nunes in recent weeks issued a letter and a subpoena demanding more details. Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein’s response was to double down—accusing the House of “extortion” and delivering a speech in which he claimed that “declining to open the FBI’s files to review” is a constitutional “duty.” Justice asked the White House to back its stonewall. And it even began spinning that daddy of all superspook arguments—that revealing any detail about this particular asset could result in “loss of human lives.”
This is desperation, and it strongly suggests that whatever is in these files is going to prove very uncomfortable to the FBI.
The bureau already has some explaining to do. Thanks to the Washington Post’s unnamed law-enforcement leakers, we know Mr. Nunes’s request deals with a “top secret intelligence source” of the FBI and CIA, who is a U.S. citizen and who was involved in the Russia collusion probe. When government agencies refer to sources, they mean people who appear to be average citizens but use their profession or contacts to spy for the agency. Ergo, we might take this to mean that the FBI secretly had a person on the payroll who used his or her non-FBI credentials to interact in some capacity with the Trump campaign.
This would amount to spying, and it is hugely disconcerting. It would also be a major escalation from the electronic surveillance we already knew about, which was bad enough. Obama political appointees rampantly “unmasked” Trump campaign officials to monitor their conversations, while the FBI played dirty with its surveillance warrant against Carter Page, failing to tell the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court that its supporting information came from the Hillary Clinton campaign. Now we find it may have also been rolling out human intelligence, John Le Carré style, to infiltrate the Trump campaign.
hich would lead to another big question for the FBI: When? The bureau has been doggedly sticking with its story that a tip in July 2016 about the drunken ramblings of George Papadopoulos launched its counterintelligence probe. Still, the players in this affair—the FBI, former Director Jim Comey, the Steele dossier authors—have been suspiciously vague on the key moments leading up to that launch date. When precisely was the Steele dossier delivered to the FBI? When precisely did the Papadopoulos information come in?
And to the point, when precisely was this human source operating? Because if it was prior to that infamous Papadopoulos tip, then the FBI isn’t being straight. It would mean the bureau was spying on the Trump campaign prior to that moment. And that in turn would mean that the FBI had been spurred to act on the basis of something other than a junior campaign aide’s loose lips.
We also know that among the Justice Department’s stated reasons for not complying with the Nunes subpoena was its worry that to do so might damage international relationships. This suggests the “source” may be overseas, have ties to foreign intelligence, or both. That’s notable, given the highly suspicious role foreigners have played in this escapade. It was an Australian diplomat who reported the Papadopoulos conversation. Dossier author Christopher Steele is British, used to work for MI6, and retains ties to that spy agency as well as to a network of former spooks. It was a former British diplomat who tipped off Sen. John McCain to the dossier. How this “top secret” source fits into this puzzle could matter deeply.
Good luck smashing the permanent state. Which is what should happen if Congress had any balls left.
So in addition to the known KGB agent, there is the hidden KGB agent.
Well, good to know they are following proper procedure.
Wheels within wheels…
Sundance from the conservative treehouse thinks that the spy name is Stefan Halper. But I wouldn’t be surprised if the truth is even more embarrassing for the Deep State and the “spy” was Carter Page, both the plant and the patsy.
Page was my first thought. Speaks/reads Russian, was part of the FBI case against Evgeny Buryakov, single, has a vague “consulting business”, and most importantly has never been charged by Mueller, etc.
The Halper write up is pretty interesting.
How can anyone give a damn about this when, next weekend, one of the Royal Spawn is going to get married to a half Negroid, half Caucasian American woman?
If I were righting a spy novel, it would be Papadopoulos. They have him spout off, and use that as a reason to launch the whole thing. If this were a spy novel.
Please say it was Hope Hicks. Then we get 10 more months of weekly stories featuring pictures of Hope Hicks.
The incident has left the two cheerleaders emotionally traumatized, they said, leading one to leave the school permanently.
“The reason why I’m leaving KU is solely because the university and the athletic department decided to treat me and my other teammates like we didn’t matter and were instead just pretty faces for the media,” she said.
I never would have guessed.
I would have guessed it was more because Lawrence,KS is a shit hole.
It’s not your faces I’m watching.
“The ACLU worries about the potential misuse of the technology”
Ummmm…. ya think?
I know. What if someone used it against something other than hate speech? That would be terrible.
Via our old friend Radley Balko, who still has his occasional moment in between the TDS, this is some fucked up shit.
tl;dr: Dude goes to protest, FBI starts watching him, dude posts the functional equivalent of woodchipper jokes on his Facebook account, government turns around and arrests him for terroristic threats.
Gun ownership advocate too.
Stuff worse than that gets posted nearly every day here.
Fuck the police. Fuck them hard.
If what’s pointed out in the linked article is all there is to it I’d think he has a case against the…
Ah, who the hell am I kidding?
Heck, gun is right there in his name. Guilty.
It’s his fucking apartment.
So we would like to believe. But he does not effectively exert control over selection of renters, amount of rent, or other terms of the contract most of us would expect. So, it’s “his” apartment, but the city manages it for him.
Which gun do you recommend to deal with petty thieves that are stealing your
grainconstruction equipment?Do you want to pick them off at long range?
Or you prefer to hear their dying gasps as they expire?
I’m feeling kind of personal
Claymores, then.
Water hose clean up, I like this idea.
Remotely triggered stun gun?
If it’s personal you want. Be a real man.
I was going to post this guy gets it, but he do better than that.
How personal?
Crisscross, Scruffy! Crisscross!
I used to fence so loved the rapier option….until, this…can I have one PLEEEEEAAASE!
Very personal and the same cleanup as a Claymore.
He wasn’t in the fucking building. He wasn’t shot at. If he’s a “survivor”, so am I.
We’re all “survivors” now.
I was in the country at the time. #survivor
My parents own a couple buildings here in SF and they are under rent control. Just last year they finally got rid of one guy that had been paying about 1500 under the market rate for his apartment. He died. He used it as a pied a terre for when he was in the city or he had guests. He owned two houses in which he spent most of his time. I love that that bitch got fined 185 grand.
I think Lemmy lived in an SF rent controlled apartment and paid like $300/month
Yes, but in LA, a little apartment down the block from the Rainbow that he lived in for like 25 years.
Me too.
I don’t care if it’s legal. It’s still stealing.
Legalized theft. And rent control is not even the worst thing here about tenancy laws. There are a number of other worse laws. I found out about one a few years ago when I bought a house to fix and flip. Because of tax reasons we wanted to hold it for at least a year. So after we fixed it up in a couple months I wanted to rent it for a year or so. I was told in no uncertain terms that I could not enter into a binding one year agreement with a tenant to rent. Well, I could write it up but the tenant could decide they wanted to stay in the house when the year was up. The value of a tenant occupied house in SF was about 50 grand less than an empty one. So it sat empty for almost a year. Wonder why SF has a high cost of housing? What a fricking mystery.
I’ve run out of intellectual charity for the rent control movement. I don’t believe they do it out of ignorance and stupidity.
It’s pure malice. 4 years at Berkeley made that pretty clear.
I’m with you there. Twenty years ago Kamala Harris’ old boyfriend, Willie Brown tried to means test rent control. He even suggested to have it really high ( I believe it was 100k a year in income and above wouldn’t get it). The proggier proggies shut him down.
Well the answer to the housing shortage is simple: you should have been forced to lease it out. The fact that you cared more about that $50,000 than about the needs of society, as determined by a fair and democratic election process, shows you to be an evil selfish piece of shit who should frankly have that property stripped from him at gunpoint and redistributed to a queer gender-fluid disabled POC.
Make it illegal to own an empty home.
I have a modest proposal to solve the homeless in LA problem. Anyone that has an extra bedroom or couch in their living room has to let a homeless sleep there for free. Boom, problem solved.
Most city homeless still wouldn’t even take your extra bedroom, because you’d have rules. They couldn’t shoot up there, they couldn’t bring in friends at any hour, they would have to be quiet at certain times, no building bonfires in the house, no drinking cheap rotgut and spilling it everywhere, no mangy dogs allowed, no pissing/shitting/vomiting wherever they like.
The biggest myth out there is that the homeless are only there due to high housing prices, or even a lack of housing. I guarantee you the vast majority of those guys in the tents under the underpass have been offered all kinds of housing and programs on a nearly daily basis, and the mobile social worker teams all know them on a first-name basis — who have been told ‘no’ by the polite homeless, ‘go fuck yourself’ by the rest. Cities spend fortunes trying to do what they can for them, it’s not for lack of money or programs — San Francisco spends $280 million per year on the homeless ‘industry’, for about 5,000 homeless at an given time. And they are still everywhere you walk in the city.
Why, despite all that cash and available services? Many are too addled, paranoid or confused to accept help. Many others just want the freedom or want to be left alone. Having worked in urban ERs for over 30 years, we see people every day who are voluntarily homeless, who don’t want our help with housing or services, say they are fine where they are, and just want to be let go with a sandwich and a bus ticket now that we’ve detoxed them from yesterday’s bender.
Well my proposal was modest…
My dad had a cousin who chose to be homeless. He had family that would take him in, but yeah they’d have rules so he stayed homeless and drank himself to death.
You can’t spell “underpass” without derp!
Slab People FTW
One of my contracts is in a high “street-people” area. We’ve got one guy that wanders about, stopping at every lamp post cocking his head and glaring at anything that meets his eye. Last Sunday I was taking my break and the dude was coming closer and closer to me. It was really unsettling. You look up and the dudes a block away, the next time he’s somewhat closer and next thing you know he’s standing 20 feet from you, glaring. I’m able to take care of myself but I can’t imagine what a woman would feel. The Downtown Business Association is nothing but a merkin over a shaved twat when we have Jack Nicholson jr. wandering the alleys and thoroughfares.
Don’t give them any ideas.
Rent control is theft but the thief is the state not the beneficiaries. If you run a business that benefits from licensure, regulations, protectionism, etc. or you are a worker employed for minimum wage or you need a license to work or whatever, I think you might incur a bit of special moral obligation to fight the system that benefits you. But I wouldn’t call you a thief per se, even though the theft is occurring in those circumstances as surely as it is in rent control.
I would generally agree but I’m this case she is also a thief. My only feeling towards her is extreme schadenfreude.
I love that that bitch got fined 185 grand.
“Rent profiteering” is such a Marxist turn of phrase, and it completely obscures the completely foreseeable effect of the government having its fat greasy thumb on the scale.
The market yearns to be free. Stop helping.
I don’t like the phrase much either. But, I think one could point to this as an actual case of profiteering. The only reason she was able to make this transaction profitable is that she has the state’s gun pointed at the landlord making him charge her less than he should have. She is literally profiting by exploiting him.
Exactly right.
Among them is that the Justice Department and Federal Bureau of Investigation outright hid critical information from a congressional investigation.
Pointless grammar peeve trigger warning:
The use of “critical” in a sentence such as this annoys me. “Crucial” would be, in my estimation a much better word to use.
You may now return, et c.
The information was Code Blue in the ICU. Very touch and go until it was stabilized.
I saw a homosexual eating at Chic-Fil-A earlier today when I stopped there for breakfast.
And nothing else happened.
How did you know?
Gojira met Jesse for breakfast?
He was humming a showtune.
He was by himself, so I must admit, I didn’t see him fucking another dude, which is the dead giveaway.
However, it is given to me to understand that most straight dudes don’t wear tight pink spandex bike shirts with tight spandex short-shorts, diamond stud earrings, and slicked-back hair short on the sides & long on top in that haircut that two years ago or so was denounced as being the haircut du jour of white supremacists. So all in all, I feel confident in my assumption, though of course I could be wrong.
Or did you mean how did I know that nothing else happened? Because in that case, I don’t. They might have beat him senseless with a lead bible as soon as I walked out.
I assumed he meant how did you know he was actually eating the Chick Fil A. Chicken sandwiches are very fattening, and you know those gays like to purge to keep their figures.
He’s refunding!
Stop by my neighborhood, You might be wrong….
Could have just stopped in to use the rest room. Sandwich was an after thought.
I saw two, what I assume to be lesbians, on a scooter with chick fil a on my way into work today. I guess they need to train their counter people how to tune the gaydar better.
That’s the point I was trying to get at – not, “haha gays!” The point that people of all stripes can eat at a restaurant without 1) being discriminated against, or 2) necessarily giving a shit about the personal politics of the owners. That whole debacle just really rubbed me the wrong way, and I’d largely put it out of my mind until this morning, due to seeing that person.
My office shares a parking lot with a chik-fil-a, I know most of the workers there. The franchise holder was mostly confused by the brouhaha and just wants to rake money in hand-over-fist at a busy fast food place. I don’t eat there often (no more than 2-3x months) because a bunch of my coworkers got crazy fat eating there 7+ times per 5 day work week, and I avoided it around the time counter protesters were standing outside talking about how eating chicken was going to stick it to the uppity gays…mostly because they had lines around the block.
Sometime when I’m not at work I’ll go digging for pictures of the guy who drives the truck with big fake missiles on it, and schizophrenic Christian screeds hand written on boards tied around the back frame who was right outside the windows of my office with a bullhorn encouraging the rabble to please Jesus by shoveling fried chicken down their gullets.
This guy.
His signs change periodically. He’s been a fixture for our area for probably as long as I’ve had my driver’s license.
I like that the title of the article says he blast dems, but the first pic is “repub or dem doesn’t matter”. Lol
Eh, he loved him some GWB. If he’s critical of the Republicans at any point it’s because they’re failing to live up to his expectations, not because he dislikes their stated politics.
Mr. Bleed Red White and Blue Patriot has a Toyota?!! And it’s a full-sized pickup; it’s not like it’s a category where of course that’s what you’d get.
iswas hyper local until recently. Although he acknowledges he should have a ‘murrican car.Good…lord.
I remember him from like 20 years ago or more, JTFC!
The best part is what that stuffed dog (?) is doing to Grumpy!
Is that like seeing a werewolf drinking a pina colada at Trader Vic’s?
Was his hair….perfect?
Time to send the lawyers, guns and money.
Let’s not get excitable, boys.
After ten long years they let him out of the home,
Excitable boy they all said,
And he dug up her grave, and built a cage with her bones,
Well he’s just an excitable boy.
They just don’t write lyrics like that anymore.
You beat me to that, TC. Well done.
Which gun do you recommend to deal with petty thieves that are stealing your grain construction equipment?
A trench gun, loaded with beanbag rounds. Once they’re on the ground writhing in pain, you can bayonet them.
Me want
I have an SKS with a bayonet. Which is better?
inhumane weapon
/Germany http://lawofwar.org/Parks_Combat_Shotguns.htm
Letter to the editor in today’s WSJ:
May 10, 2018 2:07 p.m. ET
Regarding Jillian Kay Melchior’s “The Bias Response Team Is Watching” (op-ed, May 9): The University of Michigan’s “bias incident and prevention and response coordinator” is charged with enacting cultural appropriation initiatives, but it is deeply offensive to descen//dants of Romans to see the Latin-derived words “cultural” and “appropriation” appropriated by people who may have no roots in Rome. In fact, most of the English language was appropriated from other cultures. It is high time for America to come up with its own alphabet (a word originally stolen from Greek) and vocabulary (Latin) that doesn’t piggyback on and insult those from whom the words and sounds were appropriated.
Ten years ago Michelle Obama told us that “we’re going to have to change our traditions, our history.” Three years ago, Hillary Clinton added that, “deep seated cultural codes, religious beliefs and structural biases have to be changed.” The Journal’s same-day “‘Fahrenheit 451’ Reimagined for the Digital Age” (Life & Arts) describes a new HBO film based on Ray Bradbury’s 1953 novel about a dystopian future in which government seeks to homogenize thought. With government in control of all information, history and culture are whatever government wants them to be. The fact that universities now are leading the way to a future of inoffensive, homogenized expression and thought is as unexpected as it is frightening. Before Bias (French) Response (Latin) Teams (Old English) plow ahead with homogenization, universities need to reboot language and come up with original written and verbal communications. Let’s hope that Speech First can hold the BRT at bay until it has unappropriated words to condemn those that it deems inappropriate.
Matt Blake
Harrisonburg, Va.
That’s different. White people arent an ethnicity and don’t have a culture, so you can’t appropriate from them. Things I’ve heard in person.
More correct than not, I think, but rarely relevant for the purposes it’s invoked. Whites, blacks, yellows, etc. are biological races but not really ethnicities or cultures. Black Americans clearly are a rather coherent ethnocultural group; and I would say “white Americans” are not; they don’t have much in common with each other in terms of cultural heritage to the exclusion of other ethnic groups the way blacks do. Black Americans (actually a mixed-race group of varying degrees of West African, Irish, English, etc. descent) are really a closer analog to Italian Americans, Polish Americans, etc., and regional groups like Appalachian Americans, except they have kept their cultural coherence better over the years.
I would argue there are white American ethnic cultures. It may not be as cohesive, but if other cultures can be accused of acting white and not being true to their own ethnic identity that to me is evidence of a white ethnic culture.
Proto-Indo-European it is then.
You know, God help me, I’m with the nosy pols on this one. The rapid falling away of practical technological barriers is indeed destroying what remains of our “privacy through obscurity” that we have grown accustomed to. There are a lot of “gray areas” that are about surveillance of stuff that is technically public but troubling. Like setting up cameras and parabolics to track you every moment you are outdoors–something that is surely only a matter of time. (Or free commercial email accounts, of which your provider reads every single word and which consequently are legally more like a postcard than a letter for Fourth Amendment purposes.)
This, however, is not one of them. The mode of expression is so obviously public, and the technology for collating (not monitoring) so basic and so obviously widely available and used, that it truly is ridiculous to expect government or anyone else not to be doing this. It’s even sillier than people clutching their pearls over Obama or Trump scraping their Facebook data to sell them ads. The real change to society needed is that people get smart for once and drop these ridiculous fantasies about what they do on the Internet instead of thinking they can have particular expectations about exactly which other parties (public and private) will do exactly what with that information. This isn’t like a government setting up parabolics in the park; it’s like a government sending a permanent observer to the park soapbox to take notes on what citizens are sounding off on that day.
Look, if I was a legislator, I’d probably set up one of these bots to collate what my constituents were saying about my performance, and about what they were saying about problems in my district. Does it creep you out what I might do with that information, how I might abuse it? Sorry, but somehow trying to ban me from scraping the data would be ridiculous, and barking up the wrong tree. The real solution, the only one, would be to promote a political culture of government limited enough to strip me of as much power as possible to wreak any kind of revenge against those who badmouth me. Sort of an anti-Chicago, if you will–where aldermen rule their wards as tyrants and openly declare that they are using their office to avenge slights from their enemies.
So, shocking as it seems, I think the ACLU may have concocted a fictitious “civil liberty concern” and should perhaps be focusing on others that it is ignoring.
For all my ranting, I probably really could be convinced otherwise. But that’s just my present intuition.
Alas, poor Rudy. I knew him well.
Yet somewhere along the road to critical acclaim, the legendary lawman known as America’s mayor — a man who exemplified leadership in time of crisis — lost his way.
During the 2016 presidential campaign, Giuliani recklessly teased of a “revolution” going on at the FBI’s New York office in regard to the Clinton private email server investigation. This certainly ingratiated him to Trump. Yet, even if this were true, what former lawman would irresponsibly make that public pronouncement?
His imbecilic public statement — rooted in fact or not — leaves all of us associated with the FBI’s New York office suspect and guilty by association. It makes me angry now just to revisit it.
He has become a caricature of the articulate, stolid, immutable visionary he once was. He’s become a paradox. We want to believe he’s still the wickedly intelligent conservative crusader he once appeared to be, but are we to believe our lying eyes?
“America’s Mayor has jumped the shark. Gone over to the dark side.
Some whiny bitch ex-FBI agent, moaning about Rudy’s lack of love for the FBI, as far as I can tell. Also, TRUMPITLER!
How dare he make those (true) accusations against us!
So he wasn’t concerned about Comey overstepping his bounds to take the heat off Lynch and running interference for Clinton with a laughably thin, legally absurd recommendation not to prosecute. Good to know.
Make it illegal to own an empty home.
I believe the good burghers of Vancouver, BC, Canusistan, are at least one jump ahead of you.
I seriously was thinking of looking up that article & posting it as a reply to him when I saw you post this. They’ve instituted the “vacant home” tax penalty, and to have read the comments on websites about it, there was a healthy dose of good old-fashioned anti-Chinese feeling among its proponents, as well. Apparently a bunch of people who live in B.C. are convinced that rich Chinese are buying up all their houses.
Rich Chinese are buying up all the houses. And it’s nobody’s goddam business what they do with the houses.
Just wait until they start plying nice white girls with opium and then sex trafficking them. What will you say then, huh.
I like opium and white girls. Let’s party!
Correct response!
You know, a land value tax would solve this and every other problem the world faces.
So would deep dish pizza.
Woman who injected husband with lethal dose of heroin may have killed 9 others, served lover’s remains at BBQ
Somebody watched “Fried Green Tomatoes” one too many times.
Her favorite musical is Sweeney Todd.
Texas, KC, or Carolina?
I love all barbecue, even Cannibarbecue!
last week I learned
For ton of ammo the commies used in Vietnam, the US used 600 tons.
Case in point: self-propelled anti-aircraft guns shoot at lone VC sniper
Astonishing Vietnam War photos reveal the moment U.S. troops unleashed hell on Viet Cong sniper in hills above an Army camp
The US burned through 71,000 tons of ammo each month during the height of the war.
I wouldn’t call mag dumping in a general area “sniping”.
Which, of course, is why they removed full auto from the M16A2.
Did they get him? Wasted ammo is age-old problem. It has been estimated that the 15th Ala. and 20th Maine fired about 20,000 rounds at each other on Little Round Top – mostly when they were in sight of each other – and casualties were less than 400.
Dem candidate compels TV station to run ‘F— the NRA’ ad
In the ad, Davis says: “F— the NRA. Their pro-gun policies have resulted in dead children, dead mothers and dead fathers. I’m Pat Davis and I approve this message because if Congress won’t change our gun laws, we need to change Congress.”
According to the FCC website, “Profane language includes those words that are so highly offensive that their mere utterance in the context presented may, in legal terms, amount to a nuisance.”
But Anderson told Fox News the station is “complying” with FCC rules.
“A federal candidate certified to be on the ballot by the secretary of state is a bona fide candidate, and if they have opponents on the air then we are legally obligated to give them access to purchase air time on our station, and legally prohibited from censoring their commercials,” the station’s general manager said.
That’s a loophole I didn’t know about.
“legally prohibited from censoring their commercials”
So someone could put hardcore porn in a campaign commercial.
Just wait.
Sugarfree should run for office. His campaign ads would be very entertaining.
If SF somehow managed to depict on film what he portrays in his prose everybody who sees it would go blind. Then he would sweep the election running on a visual disability accommodation issues platform. Is this the hero America needs right now? Probably, but I’m not looking forward to it.
It would be like Day of the Triffids, but with more dick jokes.
That’s what I would do if mandatory public funding ever became the order of the day.
I’m unsurprised, and glad it exists. The very tight regulation of commercial speech has (who would’ve thunk?) had the effect of lulling American consumers into a sort of helpless stupor and making them more vulnerable as a result. We think the Benevolent Government is out there monitoring advertisements, looking out for us For Our Own Good, and from this coddling we have developed this sort of babe-in-the-woods attitude towards the claims we see. If they let them say it, it must be true!
People are often surprised to know that, for good reason, the government maintains a much lighter hand on political ads. If Congressman Blowhard says, “My opponent aborted ten babies with his bare hands while their mothers were sleeping,” that claim did not clear some sort of regulatory agency for content. He is allowed to make that claim, with the voter on his own to assess its truth. Political speech is core free speech, and thank God for now we still remember it more than most countries. And it would appear our commitment to it is still strong enough even to block the FCC’s usual pearl-clutching, and let the voters judge at the booth if this fellow is too vulgar. (In any case it really should comply with their rules themselves; they permit uncensored profanity for news and public information purposes. For them to not consider this to qualify would be outrageous.)
I get what you are saying, but it grates on my nerves that politicians get a pass on speech, but a business couldn’t advertise Fuckios cereal. It stinks of another division of plebes vs elites.
Their pro-gun policies have resulted in dead children
Weird, I didn’t know the NRA was responsible for gun-free zones.
“little willy”
Now that’s just a low blow.
You had to know it was coming. So to speak.
Time to knock of some doors and confront some bitches. Worked for my pain in the ass neighbor.
Looks like they’re chill enough about it to voluntarily publicize their situation to the world tho. Good for them; it shows confidence and humor.
I prefer confrontation and intimidation.
I want to hear more about these big boobs, especially after seeing the airplane photo.
I wanted to find this hilarious video for Animal’s Tacticool article today, but I could not for the life of me remember the guy’s name.
He was on Mr. Riven’s squad at USPSA Nationals in Pasa last summer, and he was such a hoot. Oh my lord, constantly cutting up and carrying on and generally keeping everyone chuckling.
Anyway, if you want to improve the time of your reload.
John is awesome. I’m a little jealous of Mr. Riven.
It’s funny how whenever I watch these walking robot videos at some point I kind of forget that they’re robots.
Case in point: self-propelled anti-aircraft guns shoot at lone VC sniper
See, also: Puff the Magic Dragon
‘Puff’ being confused with Cargo Cults ….
New album “Foreign Affairs” released today by Connections. Punky power pop from Columbus, OH (I think).
The label is Trouble In Mind. If you want to discover some good new music, check out the catalog http://www.troubleinmindrecs.com/
Just put that song on “repeat”. It never gets old.
The problem is, Trump’s idiosyncratic intelligence, while enough to propel him to the White House, does not serve him well for the job of President. He lacks, by most accounts, the broad curiosity, the policy depth, the healthy skepticism of his own positions, the attention span, the appreciation of nuance, and most of all, the intellectual humility that successful presidents must have.
Serving President Clinton in the West Wing was the highlight of my professional life. He is the smartest person I have ever known — and he never, ever acted like (or felt like) the smartest person in the room. He paired his astonishing intellect with an immeasurable empathy, and the combination brought out the best in everyone around him.
He didn’t merely want to know; he wanted to understand. Then he would integrate, cross-pollinating new information about farm prices with the latest briefing on the French military budget, and seeing the world in subtle hues. It is impossible to imagine any of his top aides speaking as contemptuously of him as President Trump’s do of him.
Finally, a word of caution for the Democrats: Don’t attack Donald Trump’s intelligence. Liberals already suffer from the conceit that they are more intelligent, and it can make them insufferable. Plus, in a weird way, calling President Trump stupid excuses his intentional acts of malice.
So, don’t call him “moron” or “idiot;” call him what he is: a conniving, corrupt con man, a dangerous, divisive demagogue — and, most sobering of all, the man who carried 30 states in the last election, and may well do it again if Democrats don’t focus their fire more effectively.
Trump Trump Trump Trump Trumpetty Truuuuuump!
*to tune of Monty Python “Spam” song*
Goddammit, whycome them voters so stoopid?
Behold Bill Clinton’s “astonishing intellect”
“Huh, why can’t I see anything?”
And this makes him different from every politician currently in office, how?
Lions of Liberty (a libertarian podcast) had Juanita Broaddrick on today. If what she says is true, old Bill is a Class A scumbag.
So someone could put hardcore porn in a campaign commercial.
The “donkey buttfuck ad” will go straight into the Political Ad Hall of Fame.
“When we say Candidate X will fuck your grandparents, we mean it literally.”
In one of the articles Thompson makes a poignant comparison to a campaign that happened in Texas in which Lyndon Johnson attempted to create a rumour to denounce his competitor.
It reads: “This is one of the oldest and most effective tricks in politics. Every hack in the business has used it in times of trouble, and it has even been elevated to the level of political mythology in a story about one of Lyndon Johnson’s early campaigns in Texas.
“The race was close and Johnson was getting worried. Finally he told his campaign manager to start a massive rumour campaign about his opponent’s life-long habit of enjoying carnal knowledge of his barnyard sows.
“Christ, we can’t get away with calling him a pig-f****r,” the campaign manager protested. “Nobody’s going to believe a thing like that.”
“I know,” Johnson replied. “But let’s make the sonofab****h deny it.”
The Grain Producing Brutals of Saskatchewan are in need of your critical assistance!
Well this is a first for me: a music video with a child soldier
Before you click, see if you can guess where the little tyke hails from and what his religion is. Go on, guess.
It sure is fascinating that youtube leaves this stuff up and tries to stifle guys like Steven Crowder and Dennis Prager.
Nigeria, Islam.
Did I win?
You’re half right unless the kid’s adopted.
Holy shit, it wasn’t even restricted (I wasn’t signed in and it played no problem).
You know what is restricted? Dixieland and other songs associated with the Confederacy.
This used to be restricted, which makes me laugh and laugh.
Yipe, that guy had to have a headache after that.
And they probably make him play catcher on the company softball team. Sad.
You know, I actually like that? Definitely going on my lifting playlist. I know liking Middle Eastern music is somewhere just shy of liking Indian music as an indictment of having horrendous taste, but it’s always been a guilty pleasure. Must be my Moorish blood from back in the day.
Indian raga is beautiful music. Bollywood films and the pop songs in them are great fun and catchy. Nothing wrong with Indian music.
Not Indian music, but from New Jersey it’s Forth Wanderers new album! https://youtu.be/6Vr9NgZ5u_o
Haven’t clicked yet. Is he singing a cover of this?
He wants to push the Jews into the sea, so unless that is a link to a Pink Floyd song I doubt it.
What is the song about? Some sort of summer camp?
If that’s a real child soldier he’s definitely got a cushy job as far as child soldiers go; he seems to be the star of all their videos. I think he is the Hamas version of those Hollywood stars who were drafted into the “Motion Picture Unit” in WW2.
Fair point. He’s not the Liberian variety.
Oddly enough the top comment from a white non-Muslim non-Middle Easterner (and top overall) is from an American who just seems to be a Serb enthusiast (a politically eccentric but unpredictable bunch) rather than someone endlessly obsessed with the Israelis or other globally weird or racist shit.
Your Graininess, I suggest these Brutal Trailers for your grain hauling needs.
The last few days have been rife with people trying to give the hottest-take on the “Intellectual Dark Web”
The dumbest reactions from the left have followed a typical pattern; there are basically 3 versions (often, all 3 used at once)
1 “Ugh, these people are just Alt-Right lite; they’re normalizing radicalism!”
2 “Ugh, these people are just saying boring shit everyone already knows is true; omg, so “Radical” (groan) (read: they’re insulting them now for not being radical enough)”
3 “Wow, yeah, these people with MILLIONS OF YOUTUBE FOLLOWERS sure are ‘silenced’! lol, like whatever. They want to act like they’re being oppressed. Snowflakes!”
#1 is just stupid ‘guilt by association’ and laziness – “omg, Ben Shapiro? so they’re all just closet conservatives”. Somehow i doubt you can convince people that Haidt, Pinker, Weinstein, Harris, are anything but liberals. It works as a criticism only with idiots who don’t read. The problem is that the IDW actually appeals mainly to people who DO read.
#2 and #3 – i find more mandacious: because it should be obvious to anyone w/ half a brain that what they’re complaining about is not THEIR OWN inability to be heard, but the fact that their respective fields – mostly academia – is effectively a political monoculture where you can lose your job for deviation from dogma. And that results in people simply *not even doing research, or talking about topics which might be critical of left-assumptions*. Haidt goes on at length about this @ Heterodox Academy
iow, its not that they’re worried about “Themselves” being silenced; its their audience! Its the 100s of people other than them who don’t get invited to conferences, or who don’t publish X paper because they’re terrified of professional consequences.
You could say, “Well that’s just academia” But then…. media? And isnt the corporate world riddled with some of this as well? (Damore, the Mozilla CEO?)
And the claim that ‘they’re just saying stuff everyone knows’ is misleading, because its not about ‘Conclusions’ but the process they defend.
An interesting defense of these characters in the Weekly Standard, which i think highlights just how refreshing these people are from the POV of a student.
“Intellectual Dark Web” is that like where you buy slaves who can tutor you in astrophysics?
Its where you buy illegal intellectual-enhancing drugs
Oh, so that’s how I can buy NZT.
I didn’t know you could buy UTC+12.
Many of the people they’re tarring with the intellectual dark web/closet Nazi nonsense are libertarianish in their beliefs, at least when it comes to freedom of speech. Maybe, just maybe, we can finally be important enough to be hated by the left.
NJR did all 3 and turned it up to 11, Judge Napolitano style.
What if the USSR was never actually socialist?
[head desk]
Haidt, Pinker, Weinstein, Harris, are anything but liberals
Maybe, maybe not. They strike me as academics who at the very least stuck their heads outside their bubble and are honest about what is out there.
That’s a good way to look at it.
Peterson is another.
They respect people.
The biggest problem I see here for the screeching harpies in the bourgeois media is that the IDW, for *years* now, has been the place where people like me have gone for the content not available in the MSM. And when I say people like me, I mean, working class folks who are not necessarily FOX people, and not necessarily *anyone’s* people; we reject most of the garbage piled on us by the MSM, and the IDW fills that void, which makes the MSM Bourgeois camp shit their pants.
I’ve been listening to podcasts now for almost 8 years. Many of them have lead me to better reading, and better understanding, of the world around me, than the MSM could ever hope to provide. THAT is what scares them most.
The MSM death rattle.
I’ve never heard it called the Intellectual Dark Web before this. Just thought of it as new media, indy media, whatever. Bari Weiss did a pretty damn decent piece by MSM standards, but if there’s anything it should be dismissed as it’s the fact that it is a very late report and not really say much on a topic that there is really not that much to say about.
IDW is a silly term because it has nothing to do with the Dark Web. It just feeds into the narrative, mostly made up out of wholecloth, that these people are obsessed with casting themselves as persecuted and marginalized. (When in fact as we know they and their alt-right fellow travelers hold all the power.) Actually they have done quite well for themselves by taking their message more directly to the public, and no one really supposes otherwise.
And, hilariously, her critics now want Weiss banished to the intellectual dark web they claim doesn’t exist/is just a refuge for the alt-right.
The bullshit that the media is running with is, “If THESE PEOPLE aren’t persecuted and marginalized, then obviously no one is”.
I saw an interesting example of it the other day. Shit happens constantly
basically, guy getting locked out of his own industry because conference organizers were like, “OMG a potential speaker is also a christian???” The standard for what is considered “unacceptable” keeps getting lowered by the left
But if it said ‘transgendered black Muslim’ they’d be all ‘whatev’, right?
He’s *gasp* a conservative partisan.
Like this retweet.
For the avgeeks
Oh, I thought you meant A/V. I was hoping for something more like this.
For shame. Not even in C check.
So, Alex Jones says we’re turning the friggin frogs gay; does that mean Pepe is a gay? The 4channers should start that; then if Pepe comes up again they can say people are attacking a gay icon…the thoughts that run through my mind; I’m not well.
Miss Piggy is a beard. Come on, you really think that’s a real relationship?
Blue states rally to upend Electoral College, with addition of Connecticut
Connecticut is joining a growing alliance of liberal states in a “pact” that would supposedly allow them to change the way presidents are picked — by allocating each state’s electoral votes to the winner of the national popular vote.
The pact is meant to be a work-around to the constitutional requirements that created the Electoral College system, which awards each state’s electors to the winner of that state.
“The vote of every American citizen should count equally, yet under the current system, voters from sparsely populated states are awarded significantly more power than those from states like Connecticut,” Malloy said. “This is fundamentally unfair.”
But critics say the pact would actually hurt smaller states like Connecticut, given that candidates would be likely to only focus on large population centers and neglect rural areas.
[head desk]
They must long for the day they can effectively cut their own citizens out of the national political process, admittedly a small price to pay to ensure Democratic victories.
They’re happy to toss constitutional restrictions in the trash so long as they think they’ll benefit. It’d be hilarious if they pulled this, and lost because of it.
They are Roperites wishing to cut down every law and custom to get at their “devil”.
How does this resemble what Roper did? I know he was More’s son in law, a zealous Protestant when Henry VIII was zealously Catholic, and Catholic when the regime was Prod. I also know he allowed himself to be manipulated by Jack’s obviously false admissions of sodomy into overlooking his sinful living arrangements. But I don’t know much else about him.
Very late, but hopefully you’ll see this.
Roper: So now you’d give the Devil benefit of law!
More: Yes. What would you do? Cut a great road through the law to get after the Devil?
Roper: I’d cut down every law in England to do that!
More: Oh? And when the last law was down, and the Devil turned round on you — where would you hide, Roper, the laws all being flat? This country’s planted thick with laws from coast to coast — man’s laws, not God’s — and if you cut them down — and you’re just the man to do it — d’you really think you could stand upright in the winds that would blow then? Yes, I’d give the Devil benefit of law, for my own safety’s sake.
From A Man for All Seasons
Though national popular vote–especially in the current “compact” form–took on momentum because of Bush v. Gore, it’s long been a surprisingly nonpartisan aligned issue. That said, it’s all been deep blue states that happened to have passed it. (In New York, for example, ever the contrarian, it was Republicans who pushed it and Democrats who were reluctant.)
Now the one hope is that it seems to have become a partisan issue so that will impede its progress. As I mentioned in a previous thread, this ad hoc national election would be a particularly perverse and abominable form for one to take, and I can hardly believe people are so dumb and so set on the idea of a national popular vote that they are willing to do this; if we do one we should do it right.
On the other hand, if they do get this done I don’t know if the courts can block it. God help us.
I can hardly believe people are so dumb and so set on the idea of a national popular vote that they are willing to do this
Ironically, due to the way this works, it’s quite possible to get NPV enacted with something like only 20% support. You need a majority in the legislatures of enough states to add up to 270 electoral votes, but that’s it.
If these states ever pulled this off, the court cases would make Bush/Gore look like a 15 minute break.
What happens when and if a D loses the pop. vote? Will they switch back?
‘Ok. We change our minds! EC is better!’
“The vote of every American citizen should count equally, yet under the current system, voters from sparsely populated states are awarded significantly more power than those from states like Connecticut,” Malloy said. “This is fundamentally unfair.”
You know what would lessen the “tyranny” of sparsely populated states like Wyoming and Montana over the enlightened paradise of Connecticut?
That wouldn’t allow them to jam their preferred policies down your throat though so fuck that.
“This is not about Hillary, it is about fairness. One Person, One Vote, All Equal. That, and only that, is fair. The Compact will make no difference at all to 2016. But it can in 2020, and 2024, and 2028….
Once people understand what a fair election is, there will be no going back. Once every red voter in the blue state and blue voter in a red state knows what it feels like to know that you vote counts as much as every other vote, there will be no going back. The People will decide. And once you give rights to the People, the guard them jealously.
This is coming. And there is nothing you can do to stop it. The arc of history bends towards justice.”
Cool story brah.
So, not having my vote count because I don’t live near enough people is having my vote count?
“One Person, One Vote, All Equal. That, and only that, is fair.”
Which is why they’re also campaigning to keep non-voters from being counted for representation, right?
The more rational case and the one they should be making is NPV lets millions of voters who are in the minority in large states have a say in the Presidential election when they otherwise wouldn’t. Instead they spend all their time whining about fucking Wyoming which has a whopping 3 electoral votes next to California’s 55.
IDW is a silly term because it has nothing to do with the Dark Web. It just feeds into the narrative, mostly made up out of wholecloth, that these people are obsessed with casting themselves as persecuted and marginalized.
I have no idea if she invented that term or just picked it up and ran with it, but I assume it has to do with how far outside the realm of legitimate mainstream consensus thinking those guys are.
Black conservatives? Honestly?
They are, of course, tokens. Just another of the many ways in which it’s rather obvious that, while people blame the lazy and low-aptitude whiny “oppressed” people for SJW, it’s quite clear that it’s at least as much about serving the “oppressor class” progs. In this case they get to have fun insulting and degrading minorities as long as they do so “from the left.” (I’ve even heard plenty of “yes massa”s and the like throughout the years.)
The progs have overreached, of course, by closing the Overton window too fast on the right. A little more patient, you do it gently so you’re always just a bit ahead of society and they will follow. Instead they have left most of America on the outside, and now to their horror they are internalizing the normality of being outside it, of living a life outside it and having “forbidden” beliefs. They are probably correct to think that actual extremist beliefs have an increased danger of proliferating this way. But even now they just shriek at everything outside their window, at things that five years ago they themselves believed far “worse” than, and call it all hatred that they will not tolerate. They are nearly as stupid as the Republican Party, and that is the only hope I have left for this country.
To be clear, the “yes massa”s are just things I hear whites using to mock “Uncle Tom” blacks from the left as they apparently feel free to do; they’re not things I’ve heard them direct at me. First of all, because all races seem to feel free for some reason confiding in me their opinions of all others, since I am a generic brown mutt looking type I guess. Second of all because nobody says that shit to me I punch Whitey in the fuckin face if he step to me with that shit
You know what is restricted? Dixieland and other songs associated with the Confederacy.
Wut? No more Dixieland Droopy?
I haz a sad.
Crazy. I remember the phony “sodomy” charges that conveniently put that opposition dude in jail like 10 years ago. I’m sure the new government will be just as corrupt as the old but… who knows. Stranger things have happened in that shithole (I can say that because I have friends there).
there was a litany of problems with the electoral roll, including dead people appearing on the list
Only in some third-world shithole, eh.
But enough about Chicago.
But…why male models?
I think that movie was banned there. Because it’s just that kind of shithole.
Honey baked Ham has a Restaurant nearby, and Grubhub makes it easy, I’m having the sampler plate with Parmesan Fries, the Wife a Sammich, and some fried Pickles
God I love the 21st Century,
/ PB Milk Stout MMMmmmm……
Fried pickles are the jam!
F1 practice coverage from Barcelona just went off course for ten minutes, and it was delicious:
* there was zero commentary feed….no opinions, no space-filling, nada
* there seems to have been a small child or an orangutan in charge of the board as the (Sky?) feed randomly switched between shoulder cams around the course and paddock
* coverage included drivers walking around reading their cell phones while engine noise dopplered up and down in the background; random garage shots of wrench-work, trade craft, and basic fucking off; a Haas entry completely losing it and sliding off to the tune of you-are-there gravel splash-crunching under the pointless scrambling of the quite hopeless Michelins.
I vote that all races be covered like this forever.
Stoner vision! I love the F1
None of you bitch ass mammals better be rooting for the capitals!!!!
True Domineering Species support the Tampa Bay Lightning
“Rangers South” – heh
Go Caps, I guess. “Florida hockey” GTFO
I know nothing about hockey. Why have so many teams abandoned Canada to move to the American South? I think the NHL is mostly American now. It’s their national sport up there and Southerners don’t even like hockey. Didn’t the Expos leave Montreal in part supposedly because the Frenchies didn’t like baseball?
Because America is richer than Canada.
Btw, I take massive exception to the idea that southerners don’t even like hockey. Bullshit.
I was just going to drop a couple dollar signs.
Same reason a lot of the northeast’s AHL teams have moved west and south. Gotta wonder what the audiences are like in Stockton and Bakersfield.
Admittedly the Tampa Bay Lightning fans as a whole are rather clueless about the nuances of the game (myself included…it is quite confounding from a reptile standpoint). However we mindlessly chant through all the playoff games and shout “REF YOU SUCK” at every bad call.
That’s all that matters. BTW I love the fact that the Canadians have a whole government propaganda program reminding them not to be loud, rude, violent assholes at hockey games. It’s like they have no dimmer switch.
Knowledgeable or not you are definitely as hardcore as they come. Braving the ice like that? I can’t imagine how many hours of sunning you require before going in there, and I shudder to think how you might fare in double OT.
Thank you but I suffer little. My agents in the organization arrange for me to have a heated rock on my seat.
They’re loud, rude, violent assholes the rest of the time; why wouldn’t they be at hockey games too?
Easy now, they’re not eagles fans
The Caps have to win so there can be a dramatic Caps – Golden Knights showdown, according to local sports radio.
The other day, I was listening to NPRavda and they were talking about Team Blue’s proposal of a federal job guarantee: $15/hr plus bennies.
$15/hr is $30k/yr. That’s more than most people in the military make.
You want this? Fine. I’ll go along with it so long as the employees have to get up at 4 AM 5 days a week, maintain strict physical fitness standards, and work unlimited unpaid overtime.
LOL you know they’ll be pubsec unionized with time and a half and retire at 50.
Make that offer and they’ll probably take it gladly. I’ll check in with you five years after that to ask how your new physical fitness standards are going.
You can’t live in my town on $30k a year unless you’re in public housing, already own your home, or are renting with roommates. There isn’t anywhere like a working class part of town anymore; it’s all either public housing, gentrifying ex-shitholes (like my ‘hood), or $700k+ historic townhouses. It’s all yuppies, hipsters, and retirees from DC and NYC these days.
Gooooood morning, Glibertnam! Long time no smell!
Thought for today: I’m very surprised by how short Hihn’s enemy list is.
Did he make up a formal one, and publicize it? At least that part’s hardly surprising.
Sadly, I did not make his list of known fascists back in the day.
Morning, DJ.
Where you been?
home router still won’t access this site, and phone data is slow slow slow at home.
French 911 call
Funeral Parade of Roses is on now on TCM.
Transvestites and a reverse version of Oedipus Rex in 1968 Tokyo.