May 10th is a tough day in history for some (((people))).
- 1267: Vienna’s church orders all Jews to wear horned hats.
- 1278: Jews in England imprisoned and many were hanged for charges of deprecating coins.
- 1427: All Jews are expelled from Berne, Switzerland, setting up the long-running animosity between OMWC and Swiss Servator.
But other stuff happened on May 10th, too.

Victoria Woodhull
- 1865: Jefferson Davis was captured by Union troops.
- 1869: The Golden Spike was driven in, uniting the country by rail; at least that’s what the government wants you to believe.
- 1872: Victoria Woodhull becomes the first woman nominated for President of the United States.
- 1899: Fred Astaire made an appearance in Omaha.
- 1908: The first Mother’s Day service was held. (PSA: This Sunday is Mother’s Day, Glibs.)
- 1924: J Edgar Hoover appointed as Director of the FBI.
- 1940: Actual Nazis attacked Netherlands, Belgium & Luxembourg; TW: website possibly from 1998.
- 1957: Sid Vicious was born.
- 1970: Bobby Orr scores an overtime goal to enable the Boston Bruins to take home the Stanley Cup.
- 2002: Angels post a 19-0 shutout victory over Chicago White Sox.
- 2018: President Trump and Veep Pence say welcome home.
- 2018: China warns citizens… about gingers.
- 2018: Oil prices continue their journey upward.
- 2018: Just another night in Chicago. (We can’t wait to get out of here.)
- 2018: China Tech Trumped
- 2018: Expect price increases for peaches among other canned goods.
Have a great day, Glibsters!
Today’s music is from one of our favorite world-class musicians who happens to live in Milwaukee, Willy Porter. We typically see Willy in tiny venues with 50 people in the audience, often from seats about 5 feet away from him. So much fun up close and personal. (And, he’s a total sweetie, on top of it.)
You know who else wanted a way out of here?
How the hell did you know I wanted to hear that? *Drinks wine and digs herbs*
The Animals?
Leave me out of this.
Bonus: The worst plot device in the history of science fiction
I loved it. I loved everything about BSG, except the Tom Zarek/Balthar/Lee Adama political stuff. Snooze fest.
Go watch the Expanse on SCIFI. Great space opera like show. BSG was a good show with great character development, but the actual Sci in the Fi was too mystical (fantasy)for me. I also hated the last season along with the ending.
Just finished bingeing on S02. I’m hoping my cable operator has it on demand so I can start watching S03 tonight.
The mystical stuff made BSG for me.
Some really cool details on the TV show. Either the book author James S. A. Corey or the TV show creators read the known space stories by Niven. They captured the belter haircuts, independence bordering on Anarchy, and the change in body type and language.
I’m a little baffled that the language seems to be some sort of Haitian creole but I guess they had to go with something.
H8ters gonna h8
I’m at work with the headphones. I don’t think I’ve ever listened to his on headphones. Typical early “stereo” recording. Half the drum set is on the right channel and half on the left. Going for that “trippy” effect.
The other day I was listening to Sgt. Pepper’s. Lord, the original stereo mix is awful. I’ll take George Martin’s mono mix any day of the week.
I understand the fairly recently remixed Sgt Pepper is actually really good.
I have the new mix. I love the hell out of it. Although I haven’t listened through headphones.
Cool. Thx for the heads up!
Correct. It’s substantially better than the original stereo mix. They finally re-did the whole catalog, with proper remastering. Sounds great!
The Final 5 Cylons?
See my link above
Conspiracy Theory Thursday: You Know Who Else Controls The Media Edition
repubs control the media (tv & radio) and the government.
How isolated and deluded must you be to believe such obvious insanity?
That really is flat earth level insanity
1278: Jews in England imprisoned and many hung
Like, Milton Berle hung?
Being hung = good
Being hanged = bad
“They said you was hung!”
“And they was right!”
If only (he says jealously)
You forgot 10 May 1881 Carol I, born Prince Karl of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen was crowned first king of Romania.
very regal.
Look at all those medals. What an important person.
Medals make the man
Why, yes.
He hardly looks inbred at all!
I would’t be able to carry all that garb and accessories. With my ADD I’d constantly playing with them. Especially flicking those shoulder pads – whatever they’re called.
No thanks. I just had polpettes.
1924: J Edgar Hoover appointed as Director of the FBI.
And it has been all down hill at the FBI ever since.
Stop smearing the reputation of the FBI, it’s an attack on one of our Democratic Institutions. Comey is a good man.
Ever tried to walk down hill in six inch heels?
Just once
Yes, ~3 days a week.
Posted early, 23 links for people to not click on, a musical selection, and alt-text. SP is kicking serious ass this morning!
And you weren’t kidding about that Belgium WWII link. The website itself looks like a piece of history.
“1267: Vienna’s church orders all Jews to wear horned hats.”
That’s cuz they were CUCKS.
“In Western traditions, cuckolds have sometimes been described as ‘wearing the horns of a cuckold’ or just ‘wearing the horns’. ”
Actually it’s because of old, old, old weird Jewish stereotypes that Jews had horns and we wore kippot to hide them.
Huh. I actually did not know that.
Tsunokakushi. Bride’s cover their horns for the wedding. This is traditionally worn to veil the bride’s horns of jealousy, ego and selfishness. It also symbolizes the bride’s resolve to become a gentle and obedient wife.
+ 1 大和撫子
I had no idea that was “caressable child”. That just sounds wrong.
OMWC begs to differ.
Neither did I until you brought it up. Makes you do a double take about Japan’s women’s national soccer team!
Horizontal vaginas.
IIRC, it has to do with a mistranslation of Moses having beams of light coming out of his head.
Halos look like horns in old art.
*checks to make sure his horns are retracted
Yep it was all a misunderstanding (((we)) have halos.
What, a single horn sticking straight up like a runty pickelhaube? Not sure what else you’d be able to hide under a kippah.
My (((mother-in-law))) said that when she went away to college she met some girl who had never met anyone Jewish and asked if she could feel her horns.
Hotties, just add water.
19 is THICC. 23 and me plz.
There’s really no reason to go past 2, but 4, 7, and 38 work too.
Some Clinton flunky named Reines is talking shit on Twitter about Trump Jr. Stuff like: “Hurr durr, your wife cheated on you.” I decided to do some research. Turns out Reines was involved in a famous incident:
The trip was marked by tussles over information and access, but it became known for a high-profile blunder in Geneva on March 6. There, Clinton met Sergei Lavrov, the dour Russian Foreign Minister, and cheerily presented him with a large red button in a yellow case, with the words “Reset” and “Peregruzka” written on it.
“We worked hard to get the right Russian word. Do you think we got it?” Clinton asked.
“You got it wrong,” said Lavrov.
The error appalled some in the State Department, because the button – which was inscribed in Latin script, not Cyrillic – hadn’t been assembled with the help of State’s cadre of Russian speakers and professional translators, but rather by Clinton’s small political team. The day of the event, people involved said, Reines showed the finished product to officials who spoke Russian, but who weren’t native, or up-to-date enough to catch the error in a word out of computer terminology.
They didn’t even bother to use Cyrillic? Pathetic.
Christ, what an asshole.
It was a juvenile gift in any case. Even if they had gotten it right, he probably would have been insulted by it.
Idiots in charge.
They just assumed that the juvenile and moronic talking points that appeal to their mindless supporters also applied to other people. Because they really do live in a bubble.
Exactly. First rule of diplomacy is to understand your counterpart. She allowed, probably encouraged, some goddamn political hack millenial to put together a diplomatic gift that was designed to provide imagery for a political ad in the USA, targeted at some particular focus group.
It signaled from the beginning that the “reset” was not about actual relations with Russia, but Clinton’s own political posturing in the US. No wonder they hate her.
Jesus, he’s 48.
Jesus is 48? He looks younger in his pictures.
“hadn’t been assembled with the help of State’s cadre of Russian speakers and professional translators, but rather by Clinton’s small political team.”
It’s funny that Clinton was positioned as this professional, who always worked with experts, when it seems that more often then not, she was dependent on making sure she controlled everything by having her own political team do things. Like setting up a private email server that didn’t meet strict standards of the state department.
Most qualified EVAR!!!11!!!!
Hell, the icing on the cake for me was the fact that Hilary’s immediate predecessor was fluent in Russian (as well as French) and could have done the translation properly herself.
“Look, we all want to protect U.S. steelworkers,” Vincent said while touring a tomato farm in Woodland, California. “But we don’t want to be an unintended consequence of this.”
What’s with all this “we” stuff going around these days?
Foreseeable consequences are not unintended.
“Who in the world is going to be too bothered by six tenths of a cent?” Ross said.
This from your Commerce secretary. We’re fucked.
No way that could end up being a lot of money over scale, nor a huge cut into profit margins.
Pound me in the ass prison follows…
1970: Bobby Orr scores an overtime goal to enable the Boston Bruins to take home the Stanley Cup.
Probably the most famous goal in NHL history. Great video, too. Orr was always the best one on the ice.
Oh, and note that the Stanley Cup finals finished in early May. Just as God intended.
That what I was thinking. Now we’re only in round 15 of 20 of the NHL playoffs.
^ This ^ Hockey in June is stupid
This. By mid-May I lose interest.
As a Sabres fan, I never have to worry about hockey happening throughout May.
What’s the scoop, what’s the feeling with Eichel out there?
I hear that.
Is there any sport right now that couldn’t be improved by shortening the season and shutting down a couple teams?
Hockey is just off the charts too many games IMHO. I don’t watch baseball but I would say the same there. The various forms of football that are typically one game a week have it about right.
The last NHL lockout cut the season in half. Like the second half of the normal season, every game mattered so you were assured of seeing a decent game every night.
40 game regular season. Finish by mid April.
I’d settle for 60. 82 is just retarded.
NFL could still benefit from ending Every Day of the Week Football and shrinking the league. And snipping the idiotic London expansion crap.
You forgot the Siege of Jerusalem in 70 AD. When the Judean People’s Front rose up against the Romans. It didn’t end well. The Jews all got kicked out of Jerusalem and had to go to all those other places so they could get kicked out some more.
I thought it was the Peoples Front of Judea who did that?
God gets Mad
That’s only because the Popular Front for the Liberation of the Judean People’s crack suicide squad did not arrive in time
Did it happen on May 10?
You mean restricting people’s use of effective and legal medications drives them to use dangerous alternatives and increases overdoses? UNPOSSIBLE.
TW: Cato.
That just means we have to prohibition HARDER!
IAs if it’s a mystery where fentanyl came from…
What’s triggering about the Pink Panther?
“If you confess with regret, you will not be charged for your wrongs … Your families will never abandon you. Your country will always have your back.”
Try again. This time with feewing.
+1 Fistful of Yen
“Your country will always have your back-side.”
– That’s how it always sounds to me.
Scientist, 104, ends life at assisted-suicide clinic in Switzerland
A renowned 104-year-old Australian scientist died Thursday, ending his life in a medically assisted suicide at a Swiss clinic.
David Goodall, who is not terminally ill, happily sang a few bars of Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony at a news conference Wednesday on the eve of his assisted suicide in Basel. He told reporters that he was “happy to have the chance tomorrow to end it.”
“At my age, and even at rather less than my age, one wants to be free to choose the death and when the death is the appropriate time,” Goodall said. “My abilities have been declining over the past year or two, and my eyesight for the past five or six years, and I no longer want to continue life.”
You make it that long might was well go on to the bitter end. At least that’s I think I’d do.
David Goodall, who is not terminally ill,
I guess not technically but I find it kind of splitting hairs at 104. It’s a lot different than a healthy 20 year old.
There’s a great picture showing him meeting with his grandson the day before he committed suicide. I love pictures like this. It’s like he’s passing the baton.
Goddamit this room is dusty, something is in my eyes. (thanks)
No problem 🙂 I wonder what kind of sage advice he was giving his grandson when this picture was taken…
“Listen kid, never stick it in crazy. I don’t care how hot she is.”
No way.
“Kid, I never regretted a single one of the hot crazy ones I banged. I only regret the ones I passed on. Carpe Catellus”
LOL, okay yeah
Are we sure that is his grandson and not his great grandson? The “kid” looked about 25, for a 25 year old to have a 104 yeah old grandpa would have required his parent to have him when they were 40 and his parent would have had to have been born when grandpa was 40. Certainly not impossible but unlikely
Every article I’ve seen has called the young man his grandson, not his great grandson.
Men continue to be fertile for so long, it’d be more likely to be a great grandkid to great grandparent relationship if it were a 104 year old woman seeing her grandson for the last time. Besides, I look younger than that guy, and I’m almost 30, so its hard to tell.
I was 16 or 17 when my 89 year old grandfather passed away.
My father was a mere 21 years of age when I was born (1950s).
My grandfather was in his 40s when my father was born (1930s).
My great grandfather was in his 40s when my grandfather was born (1890s).
My great great grandfather was in his 40s when my great grandfather was born (1850s).
I have a nine-year-old son. My mother is 94.
Yeah, I have a weird timeline.
Great picture. Made me smile. Thanks.
I say this with a staunch history of heterosexuality….but that’s a good lookin’ boy right there.
Keep him away from me.
Confirmed: Even is into Grandpas, big time.
Yup. When you see that a kid like that has been charged with spreading your seed you can pretty much rest (forever) assured that your line will continue. May have already.
May as well hang up the spurs.
25% more comments?
I was told there would be no math involved!?!
Quantity is it’s own quality.
Well, it’s SP, so we damn well better comment more if we know what’s good for us!
Ay caramba!
Main point: “an aging audience”. I’ve thought for a long time that the big US-based Spanish language networks, while probably never going away, have an expiration date. Despite popular panic, immigration from Hispanic countries is lower than it has been for 2 decades (a trend that started before Trump) and as those recent immigrants get older and die off, their English-speaking children are not going to care much about Univision and Telemundo.
We’ll always have memories of descontrol and Caliente!
The Jordan Peterson criticism is getting real serious now.
Still better that Welch’s criticism I’m guessing.
“Whaaa! Millennials like him better! Whaaa, I’ve been kissing their asses for a decade and they prefer a Canadian!
It was pretty whiny.
Welch’s criticism came off to me as pure petty jealousy.
It’s length made me rethink the whole “quantity is better than quality” thing.
Are we not doing euphemisms anymore?
Oh yeah, I think I have a couple of new Archer episodes recorded.
Welch missed the mark and I made my points in the comments.
For a mag called Reason, the idea that people see Peterson as a ‘second coming’ as if there are no valid qualities to Peterson’s opinions was a cheap lousy and lazy thing. No one claims he’s Jesus. Elites living in a bubble think people think that.
Welchois has gone to one too many cocktail parties.
It was VERY disappointing coming from him. And Hinkle was not better.
Yeah, I was pretty annoyed by Welch’s article. I love the Fifth Column, and generally like Welch. But, he’s gotten very whiny since Nov. 2016. It’s particularly tiresome, since we know, based on numerous articles and media appearance, he knows better.
Ahem, That’s “alt-right leader Jordan Peterson”
Nazi leader you mean.
When he raises the flag of jihad and begins the long march on DC, we are all obligated to grab our black rifles and follow.
What the fuck was that? I watched for maybe a minute and found the entire thing so far beyond stupid that I had to stop. Do these people think they’re convincing anyone?
They’re convincing themselves they’re real smart.
The WaPo take is just as good.
“Why don’t young men just STFU and let their betters run things.”
I think one of the things that pisses off his hardcore detractors so much is that he’s unabashedly a “better’s better”. And that’s something to try to emulate.
…about an America dividing into social haves and have-nots. There are those lucky few for whom these rules to an orderly, productive life are inculcated from youth. And there are the rest, left to scavenge meaning for themselves, who will have to rely on Jordan Peterson.
Do these guys even read what they write? What Peterson is doing is runs exactly counter to such a phenomenon by their own admission.
Fuck, I never thought I’d live to see the day where concepts like taking personal responsibility for your life is somehow or another controversial.
Those poor white boys are simultaneously privileged and downtrodden.
I don’t expect anything intellectually consistent from the left because they hold multiply contradictory viewpoints simultaneously. When someone like Peterson comes along and attempts to apply a logical framework to behavior based on principles (whether utilitarian or not), they can only react with wonder and befuddlement. Anything else openly betrays the shallowness of their worldview.
As I said above, what I think drives these guys so incredibly nuts about Peterson is that he’s unabashedly intellectual. In his arguments, he calls on history, literature, psychology and science. And he does so with considerable fluency. For a lot of progressives, their entire sense of self is defined by their presumption that they’re more educated and intelligent than the riff-raff “deplorables”. Without really even trying, Peterson put lie to that presumption.
That’s what I’m enjoying about his book 12 Rules For Life. I’m on rule #5, I think, and I’ve already had numerous “can’t put it down” moments with that book.
And although Peterson is attracting the young, white contingent. His materials are not specifically directed at whites. The left wants it to be that way, but it isn’t.
I remember when “self help” was a popular thing. I guess the wrong sorts got into it.
Except, in Peterson’s case, it isn’t the BS that was shoveled out in countless books filled with fluff pop psychology. He actually backs up his ideas with decades of learned study, is fully aware of the dangers of people putting him on a pedestal, but doesn’t let that hold him back from calling it like he sees it.
I’ve yet to see a podcast, interview, or one of his YouTube videos, and come away thinking he isn’t impressive. And, this is after first hearing about him on Tom Woods’ podcast, well over a year ago.
“or something” = I didn’t bother to actually figure out what he was trying to say or make the slightest attempt to follow along with his logic.
Let’s just ignore his pointing to how this kept happening over and over again in the 20th century.
He’s making boys not eat soy!
So. Instead of manning up and challenging Peterson like men, they do it under handed via mockery.
This is why they lost the plot.
So…instead of leaving and facing no practical consequences, you commit a Class 1 Felony, a Class 2 Felony and probably some Class 4 Felony stuff mixed in. People, don’t rob angry.
Never grocery shop while hungry, Don’t make financial decisions while drunk, and for God’s sake don’t go around robbing people in a bad mood.
Was this on April 18th?
Good Morning Glibs.
If any of y’all missed the announcement on Saturday night’s SEA SMITH thread –
Friday May the 4th at 1430 hours, after 42 hours of labour and a c-section, Mrs Gordilocks delivered unto the universe a beautiful baby girl.
Welcome to the world, Vivian Saoirse Magill Hallas!
Vivian is a pretty elegant name, and is a derivative of the Latin Vivus, which means ‘alive’; Saoirse is Gaelic for ‘freedom’. If you do the math, I managed to name my kid after the classically liberal idea that your freedom is a function of your existence, not granted to you by man nor state.
I’m also very happy that little Vivian missed International Commie Day (May 1) and the 200th anniversary of the birth of the one of the worst human beings to ever disgrace this planet with his bad ideas, Karl Marx (May 5).
Things have been pretty busy around our house, and Mrs Gordilocks is even more desirous of my time, so I haven’t been able to say to much, and may not for a little while. That said, new fatherhood has inspired a few more ideas for contributions, so hopefully in the coming months I might send some posts your way.
Carry on.
A hearty congrats Gordi!
Congratulations! Excellent name!
Congratulations, I hope you enjoy your new role as poop collector.
Congratulations Gordi! I hope the Mrs. is doing well. I’m sure 42 hours of labor was hard on her.
The recovery from all of this, especially the c-section, has meant waiting on her hand and foot.
Not that I mind that much.
Congrats. When you have time you’ll have to give the background on how you came up with “Saorise”. Last name I’m guessing.
Dammit. I’m a dolt.
Awesome! Congrats! Many blessings
Congrats! Years of lack of sleep, not enough time for sex, not enough money for fun, and ulcers await!
That being said, there isn’t anything better.
Congratulations! And, yes, awesome name!
Congrats, Gordi. Strong name for the kid, best of luck to her and your family.
10+ comments and no May The Fourth Be with You jokes yet?
I am ….. disappoint.
Number #4! Congratulations
I’ve met many an eloquent stripper named Vivian. And a lot of Destiny’s.
All the class we have come to expect from you.
All in good fun around here. No sweat.
When you die, how many people will be sad? Consider carefully.
My favorite prostitute and the taco stand guy who I always over tip. Maybe my dog. Maybe.
Why do you tip over the taco stand guy?
Congrats, Gordi.
Woohoo! Libertarian baby! Congrats! RIP your sleep.
Congrats again, Gordo!
I love the name, although it’s not gonna fit on a drivers license!
Glibs don’t believe in drivers licenses.
*Opens window on DeLorean*
Where we’re going we don’t need ….
*drops sunglasses*
Congrats! Love to hear good news from our fellow Glibs.
Congratulations to all involved! Is this your first?
It is a first for both of us.
I’m 39 …. getting off to a late start. Mind you, my lifestyle, up until recently, has not been conducive to family life.
Although, I came off the road and worked local 10 years ago to help babysit my mom and my grandparents (cancer, myatonic dystrophy, dementia) and I guess that was training for parenthood.
39 when my kid was born. 9 years of lower back pain ever since. Worth every minute of pain. “Children are such a blessing. You gotta…” “You can shaddap. I got one now.”
Congratulations, brozhnev.
Congratulations. Welcome to the world little one; we’ll try not to break it too badly before you grow up.
Older family friend that is a nurse gave me this advice. “You can never spoil a baby.”
Glad to hear it. Best thing that ever happened to me, I’m sure you’ll feel the same.
Semi-related, I enjoyed your podcast appearance a while back.
Awesome! Congrats. And a beautiful name as well.
Congratulations!! She shares a birthday with baby trshmnstr!
Congratulations! The world needs more good kids (which you and Mrs. Gordilocks will no doubt raise). *raises glass*
People convicted of hate crimes could get harsher sentences if they have large number of social media followers
Of course it’s the prison island formerly known as Britain.
Will they serve those sentences in reeducation camps in
SiberiaScotland?Someday people will be shocked to hear that England and the UK were principle founts in starting the breif period of freedom enjoyed by humanity.
No kidding.
Like how taxes and over regulation is socialism by other means, so is censoring or imprisoning people on the basis of speech.
It’s an abomination.
I’m safe. My mom and that hooker from Osaka take my social media follower count to two.
So your hate crime sentence will be doubled!
Really? Sorry, but… *Deletes Mom*
Priorities brah… I would do the same…
The weirdest thing about Osaka was the open child prostitution.
I’m on the main tourist drag with my ex (no idea what it’s called) and there were about a dozen clearly underage girls looking for Johns. One was maybe 17-18 and leading around a girl that couldn’t have been more than 14 by the wrist and approaching the randos.
It was like 9pm and just incredibly blatant. Looked very much like the elder was trying to groom the new youngin’ into the lifestyle and was doing the negotiating for her. We and many others were just having a smoke and watching. Really was crazy.
Osaka is the place where all the mentally messed up kids from the sticks (Shikoku etc ) go to runaway. I’ve only been there a couple times, but it certainly has a sleezy feel to it.
Funny, I had a great time there. But that may be because one of my good friends lives in Amagasaki and we hung out in Osaka. I found it much more relaxing compared to Tokyo.
Naturally I’m picturing you with a Osaka obasan in tiger stripes!
You had a good time in Osaka because you’re sleazy, right?
If you only knew…
Britain: where they police everything but actual crime (repeat, I know)
It always amazes me how creative stupid, evil people can be. This is calculated to silence the smarter and most effective critics.
Because fuck the rule of law.
That’s one way to shut down Twitter and Facebook.
Aren’t email and a telephone social media?
My God, look at how many people are in his contacts list!
Found in SP’s Chicago link….
Reminds of hearing a parole officer tell a lawyer “Yeah, South Side is rough…they kill ya. But the West Side….they kill ya and then do shit to your body after.”
SP had like 20 links, and you still think it’s appropriate to post OT links?
Found in SP’s Chicago link
Under review!
*grabs headset to consult with Toronto*
Canada?! NO FAIR!!!!!
After review, the subject crossed the on-topic line. We have a good comment!
*crowd cheers*
At least give him a couple minutes for instigating.
The penalty is 3 OT comments in a row next time Swiss does links. Leonadasiv’s penalty for an overturned review is mandatory reading off all links next week. Including any Sloopy Sportzball and Music links!
I like this bit.
With no mention of who the perpetrators are.
no doubt it’s Klan Members
Obviously white racists coming in from the suburbs.
“I hate Illinois Nazi’s”
Illinois Nazi’s what?
“And he’s Catholic.” I love that movie.
I had hockey practice last night in Chicago. On those nights I usually bring a trunk full of Indiana guns to distribute, and shoot a few people while I’m up there.
It’s the libertarian thing to do.
Way to go OT, SS!
Read much?
Found in SP’s Chicago link
You’re lucky he didn’t OT post on your post.
Dude, lay off the caffeine and recalibrate your humor sensor.
Totes worth the $50K in tuition.
I’m sure eating a human, no matter their color, would be bad for you.
*raises finger*
Michael Douglas shushes you.
So, teaching that people are toxic solely because of their skin color. Totes not racist or bigoted, though.
Poison Dart frogs hardest hit.
My brain read Poison Fart Dogs. That sounds way cooler than what you typed.
I always enjoy the left’s overwrought verbiage. This is basically a course on storytelling.
Definitely will not be much reliance on anything factual or provable going on..
Cool links, SP.
Yep. Fun and accessible.
The best links, beautiful links, really classy!
Yes, love the format change up and humorous tone. Not bad for little girl your age!
Yeah these here are some quality links. Good shit. It’ll go for twice the value on the street.
That’s why I laugh whenever Muslims claim to be discriminated against. There’s no way in hell they ever get remotely close to the Jewish treatment throughout the centuries.
Oh poor babies. Someone made a joke about their hijab or called their prophet a bad name.
And half of those reported turn out to be fabricated anyway.
But if you ask people on either side of the horseshoe, there *must* be a reason we suffered all that over the years, so it’s really our own fault.
No shit:
“I told him! Julie don’t go.”
That they made JC’s wife Jewish and the scheming uber-conservative Cicero a joke-telling bartender is pure genius.
I didn’t think there were any Jewish libertarians until I watched the LP convention and there was one on stage. Now it’s like (((you))) guys are…everywhere.
Well, duh. Controlling the world is a big job. You need (((feet))) on the ground everywhere.
I didn’t think there were any Jewish libertarians
You mean a movement where three of the most respected thinkers are Milton Friedman, Murray Rothbard and Alisa Rosenbaum?
Both Friedman and Rand rejected religion.
Don’t forget Ludwig von Mises.
Smooth sailing after building the pyramids…
Yet somehow they (I’m collectivizing I know) are at the tippy-top of the grievance pyramid, despite being fairly open about being anti-semetic, homophobic, anti-atheist, and generally intolerant of anything non-them…..
Progressiveness, particularly cultural progressiveness, is based entirely in irrationality.
Progressiveness is based on deep-seated self-loathing.
Envy, it is all about envy. Progs envy anyone who has more, or is more happy, than them. The solution envy calls for is leveling not liberating. Liberating increases happiness but does not equally disburse it; leveling decreases happiness but increases equality of disbursement.
A school in New Jersey has passed a new rule when it comes to the cheerleading squad. Either everyone makes the squad, or no one does.
It all started after tryouts at Hanover Park High School in East Hanover, where some cuts were made.
When a parent complained a child was not allowed on the team, the athletic director changed the policy. Now, anyone who wants to cheer can be on the squad.
How will this affect the porn industry I wonder
Let’s add to the entitlement mindset even more so when these kids get to the real world they’re hit by surprise.
What we need are Jeerleading squads.
I saw that on the local news. Quite a few of the girls who actually worked hard to make the team are understandably upset.
I work with a guy who’s son plays football there. I’ll have to give him some shit today.
“Is that the cheer squad or the O-line?”
Are they going to similarly allow anyone who wants to play football onto the team? Seriously curious question.
Football is dangerous and should be banned
It’s also the work of the debbil.
I haven’t seen anyone cut from football since my son has been in High School. On the other hand, if you stink, you’ll be used as a tackling and blocking dummy in practice, play JV for 3 years, and stand on the sidelines your entire senior year.
Yeah, there are various levels of participation. I don’t have any problem with that as long as everyone’s on board with how it’s gonna shake out.
I bet the same will happen with these cheerleaders. The good ones will feature, the rest won’t but will participate in the practices and other socially-type events. It’s all good as long as the high-and-mighty types like the girl quoted don’t ruin it.
Ostracised and fetishised: The perils of travelling as a young black woman
Sheltered woman realizes other countries have different cultural views towards people of other skin color. Hate to break it to you but people in these countries have certain attitudes towards white people too.
The US is the least racist country on the planet.
Yes. And other places may not be so welcoming when you dress and arrange your hair to look like a hobo who just woke up from a sidewalk nap.
So she’s one of those people who goes around fucking up the development of poor countries.
I think there was a young lady who wrote an article once about hiking the Appalachian Trail while female and black.
As if the forests give a fuck what you look like.
You’d think the message she’d get out of the experience would be, “Huh, maybe America and Americans aren’t as bad as I thought.”. Nope.
“Whoa, I’d better get back home where I can complain about this shit and be taken seriously.”
^ This. She’s probably heard the equivalent of “sod-off bitch” in 30 languages.
A woman is accused of breaking into a Paradise Valley home, bathing in the victim’s bathtub and sending tens of thousands of disturbing text messages to the man’s phone after the pair went on one date.
In July 2017, 31-year-old Jacqueline Ades was found parked outside of the victim’s home, police said. The man also accused her of repeatedly texting him, despite him saying he no longer wanted to talk to her.
Not even a would
That’s some top shelf crazy eyes right there.
She is WAY on the wrong side of the hot/crazy line.
Oh my.
Sounds hawt….
Sounds like that crazy bitch Jim Goad had to get a restraining order against.
Actual Nazis went back in time?
I’m not going to comment on the substance of that, but why in the fuck is Giuliani revealing privileged communications with a client?
multi dimensional chess?
He couldn’t even spell his name right. Must be legit.
Given the type of people we are dealing with here, I don’t think spelling errors really say much.
Political theater?
Is Rudy a Trojan Horse?
Giuliani was the hot presidential candidate for team red for about ten minutes back in the day. Then he kept talking.
Anyone who hires an incompetent publicity-hound like Giuliani deserves whatever he gets.
Correction, if I were in Trump’s shoes, and the sort of person who got off on 31 dimensional chess, I could see myself hiring the imbecille in order to spread disinformation and to distract my opponents.
2019: Glibocalypse!
Something positive news for a change.
Some guy posted a video on the interwebs, not too long ago, mocking a young hasidic boy because of his haircut. The guy who posted the video realized the error of his ways and posted an apology, in addition to going back to the hasidic community where he first shot the video and attempting to apologize to the people there in person. His gesture was well received.
Nicely done, random dude.
Was the joke really that bad/offensive? Honestly, I haven’t watched it.
I’m really wary of pushing comedians to apologize for their jokes. I don’t care whose sensibilities are offended – right or left. I think jokes can be in bad taste, or hardly a joke at all, which might call for an apology.
I felt the same way about that lady at the WH correspondents dinner. People on the right got all offended by it in the exact same way that people on the left get all offended because someone made a joke at a black person/woman’s expense.
It wasn’t a joke. It was just the dude mocking the Hasidic kid for his haircut.
Ah, okay that explains it.
So what?
The people complaining about the WHCD, at least as far as I heard, fell into a couple camps: those who complained that the roast is typically softball and her jokes were out of keeping with the normal climate of the dinner (I don’t know if that’s true, I never watch ’em), those complaining that the left would never have accepted hardball aimed at Obama, let alone one of his female subordinates, those who complained about the incivility period (Mona Charon and Jay Nordlinger are likely culprits), and Twitter ‘tards who’d laugh at much worse as long as it’s directed at the right people. Only the last is internally inconsistent, although you have some (Ace of Spades, for example) who argue that if you want to fight the left, you have to punch back twice as hard.
Well, I definitely won’t be making a Yellowknife drive this summer after all. Just a small roadtrip – flying out to CO and driving back to VA with some furniture.
That said, anyone have tips/suggestions for a dash camera or go-pro that has remote control or something – so you can tilt it/aim it without touching it directly – if you want to aim at nice landscape while driving (or have your navigator do it). May not have time/resources to get one before the trip at the end of this month, but still need to start the research process.
The Gold Range Hotel has a sad.
Next time.
Limited resources – need to refocus. Next year may still be viable.
And congrats again!
The spike was only 73% gold?! It’s too phallic to make that little gold.
The reproducibility crisis in stats based fields is worse than previously known
Calling for reproducible science erases the lived experience of the original scientist by casting doubt upon their labor. It is white supremacy at its worse.
You’re trash, you monster.
Golf clap.
All kidding aside, this is a major problem in science today. I’m glad its getting at least a little attention – because this is something I had been pondering over the past few years. One of the values of the west over the past several hundred years is its reliance on facts gained through the scientific method. We’re doing our best to destroy that value now. As much as some groups are actively trying to destroy the idea of objective truth – I don’t think those groups are succeeding. Rather, I think this has resulted from our current incentive system that rewards clicks and sensationalism while punishing “boring” results.
Journalists are also to blame, since most of the time they either willfully bend what studies say to gain national attention, or simply don’t understand the literature and so they do a bad job relaying the information to the public.
Science hierarchy:
Physical sciences- measure stuff, learn stuff, make stuff
Life Sciences- measure some, guess at some, learn some, sometimes stuff works
Social Sciences- feel stuff, make stuff up, break stuff that used to work
You gotta wonder how in the world this line snuck in there
The city of Fort Lauderdale finally decided that the streetcar project they were going to build was a terrible idea and scrapped it. They spent $34 million on it before that, but hey, still cheaper than it was going to be if they built it and ran it for a while.
Stop rewarding the most outrageous studies with grants.
Oh wait, that’s not going to happen, is it?
Actually, stop the grants altogether. Not that it will ever happen, of course.
Politicians and political activists buy studies that confirm their preferred narrative. No one gives less of a shit about the truth than Pols. Foreseeable consequences are not unintended. Shitcan the government grants.
That’s a Stella waste of money.
Here we go, the thread is gonna jump the tracks…
You’re usually a pretty good gauge for these things.
I have a desire to see how far this goes.
The Albuquerque Rapid Transit program I’ve been bitching about for a couple years is finally coming to an end, our new mayor announced, six months after the outgoing mayor announced the same thing. This is the project that implemented bus-only lanes on the our stretch of Route 66, reducing some of the most congested portions to a single lane and eliminating most left-hand turns along the entire stretch. In exchange for majorly constricting traffic flow and fucking over every business along the line, we get: dedicated bus lanes for an underutilized service that was already served by buses, and brand new bus stops in the median. So in addition to this absurd design which effectively bisects the city by providing too few opportunities to turn, even if passenger share ticks up an appreciable amount to make it worthwhile, now you have big gaggles of disembarkers flooding into the street to get to the sidewalks.
And to top it off, the electric buses the city bought haven’t been delivered, with no delivery date promised, and the $75 million Obama’s DoT promised hasn’t materialized.
Oh, and the city spent a million bucks laying down fiber optic cable, since they already had the road torn up and all, so maybe in ten or twenty years, if we ever work out how to make fiber a profitable investment for very low-income neighborhoods, Google or its successor can tap into what will likely be obsolete media. But it’s okay, as part of the initiative they dropped another nearly three-quarter million wiring up city-owned properties.
Um, I was promised boobs, not some lame-o discussion of the law.
It does actually bring up a somewhat interesting question though; is someone who makes a living by having her face ejaculated on “libel proof”?
No. Why the fuck would they be?
It’s a more honest way to make a living than some jobs.
FWIW, and in case you didn’t see my response.
No. No I don’t attend Impact games….anymore.
My buddy had season tickets and we’d go but after he chose to not renew there was no reason to go. My daughter is iffy with soccer. She prefers baseball and hockey….and tennis.
And for some strange reason boxing.
For the record, I agree with JB and Lach. I was never aware there was such a thing as “libel proof” for anyone. Even if you’re the world’s biggest scumbag, you still have a right to defend yourself from being defamed.
Nice link-style, SP. I have a strange day ahead of me. Some woman is running around Minneapolis with my house keys. (Not “some woman”– I know her.) Ugh, I’m 44, not 24. What the hell am I doing? Since I’m moving out of here everyone wants to recreate my misspent youth with me.
Long story, Swiss. She’s coming over at 11 to return my keys and treat my ever-more-fragile frame like an amusement park. If I survive I’ll fill you in.
Good luck.
Snoo snoo!
Get laid!
So she’s the keymaster?
I thought she was supposed to be the gatekeeper while you were the keymaster?
Remember the Miami cop who was fired for taking a running start and kicking a handcuffed suspect in the head like a football kickoff?
I know you’ll be stunned at this revelation, but the union says the cop did nothing wrong.
What’s that got to do with me getting my keys back, JB? (I kid)
if I were in Trump’s shoes, and the sort of person who got off on 31 dimensional chess, I could see myself hiring the imbecille in order to spread disinformation and to distract my opponents.
That’s the only rational explanation, as far as I can tell. Send the drunk clown riding the tiny bicycle on stage to distract the crowd while you make the elephant disappear.
Black Achilles
The Greeks didn’t have modern ideas of race. Did they see themselves as white, black – or as something else altogether?
To be fair I don’t care about the color of an actors skin, but this whole pushing this crap all the time makes stuff like this more visible. I remember seeing Kenneth Branagh’s Much Ado About Nothing and hardly noticed Denzel Washington and Keanu Reeves were brothers and spanish nobility. Also I got my 23andme and am 90% Balkan (mostly Romanian with some Bulgarian and some Serbian) with a touch of Italian and a bit of Polish. H5a or something.
and a bit of Polish
Shoe polish, racist?
To be fair I don’t care about the color of an actors skin, but this whole pushing this crap all the time makes stuff like this more visible.
Yes, exactly. I started watching the BBC’s new television series Troy: Fall of a City, and the obvious SJW propagandizing by making multiple Greek Heroes and Gods black just so irritated me it turned me off to the series.
You’ll really enjoy this piece where over educated dolts try to explain that it’s totally possible Achilles was black.
If having a black actor play Achilles is a good thing, does that mean having a white actor play Shaka is a good idea?
“It was a world without borders, without national states”
Um, Achilles is famous for his part in the siege of a walled city-state.
Yep. That’s a steaming load alright.
Actually not a completely moronic argument, in the sense that it doesn’t go for full on Afrocentrism (though pretending Mark Zuckerberg’s sister is a proper academic is a bit much). Mostly what the article does, though, is point out that the modern American obsession with race is not the only way people have ever looked at humanity.
Except that the Greeks’ attitude toward race was not to ignore it as unimportant. It was that the various Greek Polities were civilized human beings and everyone else was a barbarian, animal who made animal noises when they tried to talk. It wasn’t less obsessed with race.
“bar bar bar…..”
Yeah, ok, though we’re both generalising a bit. All I really meant is that a lot of the racial certainties flogged by American progs and taken up by lefties in every other country are the product of the Transatlantic Slave Trade, as opposed to being permanent historical truths.
Not wrong but technically, it was the Romans:
“The Greeks didn’t have modern ideas of race. ”
Neither do I.
Nor did they have modern ideas about pedophilia or womens rights
is someone who makes a living by having her face ejaculated on “libel proof”?
Are we talking perpetrator, or victim?
She’s coming over at 11 to return my keys and treat my ever-more-fragile frame like an amusement park.
At least she didn’t handcuff you to the toilet, when she left.
Or did she?
She left one hand free to type.
To type.
Yeah sure. That’s what she left it free for.
Dammit, lach!
+1 carriage return
2018: Expect price increases for peaches among other canned goods.
Not many peaches, peaches for me. Not many peaches, peaches aren’t free.
Brain worm!
Now with more ninjas!
I prefer this.
Peach Fuzz
I don’t care if they are free. Canned peaches taste like trucker armpit sweat. (No offense to the new papa upthread).
What’s your mailing address? I’ll put together a ‘care’ package.
6969 Comet Ping Pong drive. Have it delivered downstairs.
You mention Sid Vicious, but you don’t link to this?
Disappoint, I be.
Mandatory solar panels is Greenie cronyism in its finest form.
There’s got to be some huge kickbacks involved in this one.
Wayne Rooney: Everton forward agrees ‘deal in principle’ to join MLS side DC United
Oh fuck no. I thought the league wanted to move away from being a retirement home.
I have seen no signs of that.
Maybe, but I’ve also seen a noticeable rise in the hiring of younger talent – guys in their prime – usually from south of the border.
Something, something, jobs americans wont do.
Ha no kidding. And have you seen what they pay new recruits? That is not a job you take for the money.
Good, he has been mediocre at best at Everton this year.
I like that he wanted to come home to his dream club, but he gave his quality years to ManU. He has little left.
Be still, my beating heart…
NY Post: Trump administration wants to roll back child labor laws.
I always felt my orphans weren’t dying off fast enough. Damn, labor laws were preventing me from making them do real work.
Speaking of which…..
Do any of you….aw fuck it.
Back when it was often necessary for children to work in order to keep the family from starving, government swept in and outlawed child labor.
Child labor laws were a bad idea from the start and I’d be happy to see them gone.
Trump is going to slice, grind, and crush our children!
“When you find 16-year-olds running a meat slicer or a mini grinder or a trash compactor, we know kids are severely injured in those circumstances”
Every 20 seconds a teenager dies at Arby’s.
Oh wait, not every 20 seconds. More like, never.
I ran a meat slicer at aged 16. It wasn’t hard or particularly dangerous. Just keep your booger pickers away from the spinning blade, you know, the one that slices meat. And onions. I used to slice 100 lbs of onions on French Onion soup day. Man that old cook made good soup.
Union protection rackets hardest hit.
Sex expert says parents should ask babies for consent before changing diapers.
And if they say no?
This is hilarious, because much like everything else taught to young children about consent, especially the kindergarten basics of don’t hit and don’t steal , are thrown out the window when kids turn 18 and we ask them to vote.
The progs obsession with consent is amazing to me, because they absolutely will not extend the concept to the political arena.
Progressives don’t give a shit about consent when it comes to taking money from me.
I hope she doesn’t have kids.
Update –
Just changed my daughters diaper without asking permission.
How long til the mob arrives with pitchforks and torches?
CPS already on it’s way.
Wrap that diaper around your head. It’ll buy you some time.
Oh. England. Carry on.
I want this sex expert to ask my consent before raping my mind with this nonsense.
Sex. Expert.
A little digging and I see my guess is correct. More like batshit insane self-proclaimed expert who makes up sensational shit to draw attention to herself.
The canning industry has made economic fairness part of its public argument for canceling the tariffs. According to 2012 research commissioned by the Can Manufacturers Institute, Americans on food stamps and other food assistance programs consumed 7.1 cans of fruit and vegetables every week, compared with the national weekly average of 5.5 cans.
Retailers and companies like PCP work to keep the cost of canned fruit and vegetables under 99 cents, which is what Vincent calls the “magic number,” a psychological threshold over which poorer U.S. consumers in particular have historically walked away.
“I’m afraid the tariffs are going to push us over that 99 cent threshold,” Vincent said.
I realize you pretty much have to play with the cards on the table, but Jumping on the “economic justice for the poor” bandwagon seems pretty sleazy, to me.
*Campbell’s Soup is apparently unaware of that magic $.99 threshold.
I don’t know if Campbell’s is, but my local grocery store sure is.
A sexuality expert has said parents should ask babies for their permission before changing their nappies in order to set up a culture of consent from birth.
Parody is as dead as the Dodo.
It’s not dead, it’s pining for the fjords.
Stop it! This is just silly!
Projecting. He likes the bad boys evidently.
I don’t know, reading Rienes’ tweet, the only person I think was having sexual fantasies about a Latin King was Philippe Rienes.
That’s what I was saying.
Drink in the salty ham tears of the regressive left.
Yesssss, give into your hate. Force your luminaries to abandon the left for sanity.
Bari Weiss. Is that the guy from STORAGE WARS?
He’s an authority on racist lunatics.
Keith Ellison. That’s MY congresscritter!
So sorry
Almost all of us have shitty congresscritters. I have Tom Cotton.
No idea who mine is. The last one went to jail for paying his restaurant workers under the table, which totally would have also happened if he had had a D next to his name.
I’ve said it before.
Mine is DWS.
All of you should stop complaining about your congresscritters and feel bad for me.
That’s pretty much worst case scenario; aside from Pelosi.
Eh. Mike Coffman isn’t so bad.
You have to at least thank heaven for Twitter – the loony left was always on the intertubes but could never force their insanity on you, you had to go looking for it. Twitter enables them to push their stupidity to the unwilling.
This Pierce guy is something else.
“it has to be terrifying to consider the prospect that a dam might break and inundate the country with free thinking.”
Lol. Nice:).
Gonna need some music if SP is going to hit 25% more.
Good morning, Glibs! Even chained to the toilet I can give you some morning music. Here’s ROCKPILE live on Danish television. Billy Bremner, Dave Edmunds. That’s how you play the guitar!
…and the lamentations of the public health experts
How much does Mr. Bezos plan to spend on this gonzo space adventure? He said he would start with $1 billion a year. He has every right to do that. I fear that he will go further and shoot much of his fortune into space. That would squander a staggering opportunity to serve humanity.
How big is this opportunity? Ignoring inflation, let’s assume that the annual investment returns to his fortune are about 5 percent. He can spend more than $6 billion every year, pretty much indefinitely. Consider a few obvious ways this money could help people here on Planet Earth:
[insert random list of socially acceptable good deeds]
There’s no doubt that Amazon’s customers and employees have benefited from Mr. Bezos’s entrepreneurial success. But other than his admirable stewardship of The Washington Post, he has done conspicuously less to aid humanity than have many other tycoons, even those who command far less wealth. Mr. Bezos’s comments and record regarding philanthropy reflect a surprising lack of creativity and strategic vision regarding what his fortune could accomplish.
Over the last generation, globalization, technological advancements and regulatory policies have allowed the richest Americans to accumulate unprecedented wealth. Hey, it’s a free country. As long as they follow the law, billionaires have the right to do what they want with their wealth. Certainly Mr. Bezos is entitled to follow whatever personal quest catches his fancy. But if he’s talking about investing in the future of civilization, he and every other fabulously wealthy person has an accompanying obligation to be methodical and evidence-based — to do better at doing good.
That’s Society’s money! How dare Bezos decide how to spend it without putting me on the payroll as a consultant?
“his admirable stewardship of The Washington Post” Wow. Talk about tipping your hand. I’m surprised the guy didn’t suggest Bezos establish an anti-gun pac to be administered under the Bloomberg puppet umbrella. Or start putting up “Impeach Trump” billboards, like Steyer.
Keeping the money out of the hands of international NGOs and their government counterparts, which is where such a staggering fortune would be funneled however good his intentions, better serves humanity. So it’s a twofer.
Oh, my.
“He has every right to do that.”
Much to the author’s dismay
“I fear that he will go further and shoot much of his fortune into space.”
The economic illiteracy is staggering. Bezos is creating jobs, most of which are highly paid. And those jobs in turn create more jobs. Because even aerospace engineers need their cars fixed and their hair did, right KK?
He’s literally begrudging Bezos his charity. The only “charity” I’d advise Bezos fund is buy a full page ad next to Pollack’s next article saying “Fuck off, Slaver!”
Fuckit, buy the Times and fire him.
Is it down to a Newsweek-level asking price?
WTF? Musk does it with tax money and he’s a saint, Bezos does it with his own money and he’s evil.
It is really amazing how stupid this writer is.
Imagine a future where Solar Power Satellites generate all our electricity, and it is 50X as much as we generate now so cars are all electric too. Imagine a future where there are no mines producing hundreds of tons of pollution a day on earth, rather all of our mineral wealth comes from mining asteroids. Imagine a future where all chemical and electronic manufacturing is carried out in space so none of that pollution is dumped into our atmosphere. Imagine a future where all industrial areas today are allowed to revert to green space because the operations have been moved to orbit. Imagine a future where excess human population can leave the earth and go somewhere else so that the population here remains sustainable…
Investing in space basically offers the promise of solving like 80% of the shit progressives complain about
I thought space travel was a triumph of civilization that proves the supremacy of government over private industry?
Is space travel bad now that a private entrepreneur is doing it with his own money? Is space travel only good when money is forcibly confiscated by the government?
The Jewish persecution links made me think of an interesting question: how, with all the persecution the Europeans dished out – topped off with the holocaust, did the European Jews become the dominant portion of Jewry? Something like 70% of all Jews are descended from European Jews, despite all the persecution and murder against this group, while only 30% are descended from the rest of the diaspora. Did a lot of the Jews who originally settled in Egypt or who were moved to Mesopotamia later move on to Europe? Did the Roman reprisals following the series of revolts result in massive depopulation that was never recovered? Were there additional persecutions in the East that just aren’t mentioned frequently? Or was there just more assimilation in the east than in the west? Or is it simply down to the massive wealth generated in Europe following the enlightenment lead to a population boom? I’d be interested if anyone knows the answer, or if it was some combination of factors.
New York City. They have the largest population of jews outside of Israel, and most of those are descended from European Jews.
Something I saw recently, which I wonder how close it is to right:
50% of Jews are in NYC
50% are in Israel
All the rest are rounding error.
I think 50% America/50% Israel is right, but I don’t think the Jews are that concentrated in America as to be all in NYC.
Yeah, CA has a large enough population to throw that off.
From wikipedia:
World 14.5MM
1. Israel 6.6MM
2. USA 5.7MM
3. France 465k
So 50% Israel, 50% USA isnt far off.
By state (different year so total doesn’t add up exactly):
1. NY 1.76 MM
2. CA 1.23 MM
3. FL 652 k
4. NJ 524 k
5. IL 297k
I am counting 1, 3, and 4 as New York City.
The Ashkenazi Jews, who are now the vast majority of American Jews, settled first in and around New York City; in recent decades many have moved to Miami, Los Angeles and other large metropolitan areas in the South and West. The metropolitan areas of New York City, Los Angeles, and Miami contain nearly one quarter of the world’s Jews — wikipedia
Jesse Jackson disagrees.
It’s a combination of factors. Good explanation here.
Combination of factors makes the most sense, and from skimming that wiki article it seems the single biggest factor is that Poland for a very long time was a haven for Jews fleeing both Christian and Islamic persecution and so assimilated a large number of Jews from all over into being Ashkenazi.
The comments on that NYT article are, as I expected, a swamp of delusion, envy and hatred. I especially like the ones which say billionaires should not be allowed to fund charitable works of their own choosing; the money should be confiscated from them and administered by the pure of heart (you know… government bureaucrats). I think we had that discussion yesterday.
Well Diversity & Comic’s indiegogo hit $200k despite receiving 0 comics press (although he did do a Federalist radio podcast call-in a few days back). It’s also been picked up for publication by Antarctic Press this Sep. This has had some interesting feedback on twitter. Apparently aside from the Portland comics mafia SJWs there are also some stores pledging to blacklist the publisher as well – ie. they openly say they won’t even special order the book if their customers ask them to….it’s like these folks are actively trying to go out of business.
*insert wails of localists complaining that online retailers are putting locally-owned shops out of business*
No wonder there’s so much hatred for Amazon and the internet Wild West. The people get what they want and we don’t get a say in it!
A couple weeks ago I listened to an interview with some academic, I forget who. He talked about his wife, another conservative in academia, visiting small book shops in Manhattan in the 80s and inquiring whether they stocked her recently published book. They had no idea who she was and the responses she got ranged from contemptuous to vile: of course they wouldn’t traffic in that garbage. These people didn’t own stores to serve the community or edify the stinging masses, the shop was an excuse to control the flow of information.
Yeah, two local shops here in Cville. I’ve had some luck ordering back issues, but with Diamond the way it is these days, if you miss something for more than a couple of months it can be easier to just find it on amazon (or more likely ebay) than trying to dig through a long box. It’s hit or miss but I ain’t going digital for comics. A lot of folks let you order their self-published stuff directly from them – and you can get them signed, etc for free, so why the heck not.
Just bought my first Lady Death comic ever via Jason Pulido/Coffin Comics Kickstarter. I paid a little extra for an extra TPB, but I think the total was well under $50 for a couple signed volumes and a stack of extra coins, pins, collector cards, etc with a perfect shipping package, etc. Not even a big fan of the Lady Death comic or concept – even though I’ve seen the art dating back to Wizard magazine in the 90s, but just to support an indie creator with amazing customer service – why the heck not.
stinging masses
The masses are revolving.
did he just punch out King Kong’s eyeball? and why is Kong wearing a codpiece?
Looks pretty cool. What exactly is the SJW objection?
It’s a scam. They sketch out an idea, collect investment money, sketch out another idea. It wont be long and they will turn into a puff of smoke along with all of the investment money.
Diversity & Comics is a spoof name to piss off the SocJus assholes infesting the medium. He has a long history criticizing the social justice madness running rampant through the industry.
Are you saying I should find out what I am talking about before I pop off?
I thought it was that outfit putting out the fat girl hero and the…whatever group of misfits saving monsters from the evil white patri….oh never mind. Let me go back to nursing my hangover.
I’ve heard about that with other folks, but I’ve never run into that with any project I’ve backed. Antarctic Press is going to be publishing it in the future. John Malin has drawn nearly the entire book, the other 2 books included in the package are being remastered – just about complete (all in one TPB), with cover by Ethan Van Sciver, etc.
Not worried about this one going the way of the “comic pro” version. But yeah, Brian Pulido/Coffin Comics edition was the smoothest I’ve ever seen – delivered less than a month after the kickstarter finished (or thereabouts) – pretty much gets it in the can before he even starts the campaign that way it’s all add-on features, etc.
Here’s ROCKPILE live on Danish television. Billy Bremner, Dave Edmunds. That’s how you play the guitar!
Playing in the background, now. I love Rockpile.
Lowe’s bass is cool.
Yep. I’m in charge of the musical selections at my shop today. Incoming is 8.5 hours of Brinsley Schwarz, Rockpile, Nick Lowe, Ducks Deluxe, etc.
Do you think the Guinness Book will cover this?
Also, I love the term “sex enthusiast”. I suppose it’s technically true, but it just sounds funny.
Will there be sex critics critiquing performance?
I’m sex ambivalent, I’ll stay in and wait for it to come out on DVD.
OT: I don’t entirely understand the fallacy status of the “slippery slope fallacy”. It’s always seemed to me that certain premises lead to certain conclusions. If you hold certain premises that lead to a terrible conclusion, it doesn’t seem irrational or illogical to say note that conclusion absent any additional premises that might detract from that conclusion. Anyone have any suggestions?
I don’t think it’s a fallacy at all. Acknowledging that one step inevitably leads to another is legitimate.
The fallacy is in arguing that all change is one directional and always leads to the disaster that you are afraid of.
The fallacy in claiming the slippery slope fallacy is that world really does have some slippery slopes.
Perhaps. But, too often, it seems like it’s used as a dodge to evade the consequences of one’s arguments.
It is a logical fallacy, not an actual fallacy.
Just like the appeal to authority is a logical fallacy, but if Einstein and me disagree on physics, the safe bet is to go with Albert.
But, how is it a logical fallacy. If you hold arguments that lead to some conclusion, even if unintentional, how is it a fallacy to acknowledge that conclusion?
The example that occurs to me was the “people should be able to marry anyone consenting to marry them”. Now, that fully supports same sex marriage. But, it also supports multiple marriage or adult incest. You can call that a slippery slope fallacy, But, how is it fallacious to say that that premise doesn’t equally lead to those conclusions? That “hump” more than same sex marriage was what made me reluctant to change my mind on the topic.
Keep going and you have incels marrying their dogs.
Oh, sure, incel chicks get to marry their cats, marry themselves, marry bridges or the ocean, but an incel dude wants to marry his dog and now it’s a problem.
It’s better that way. The dog will just end up divorcing him for no reason, taking the kids away and owning half his stuff.
Sounds like a Louie and Wilfred crossover. I’d watch that.
The example I would use is something like a targeted tax to pay for project X that will then go away. The slippery slope argument is that if we pass it, it was expand its uses, it will get larger over time, and we will still be paying it 100 years from now even though the original problem went away in 10.
And this is a legitimate argument, as we all can point to examples of this happening.
However, it is a logical fallacy as it doesn’t logically have to happen, and there are examples of taxes expiring just like originally stated. If the person can point to one counter-example, then the slippery slope argument fails as a logical argument.
Sometimes we don’t slide down the slippery slope, but its still a valid argument.
It sounds like more of a statistical argument than a logical one in that case.
Yep. Even the literal slippery slope argument is statistical. What are the odds I slide down the slope vs my shoes grip and I hold my ground?
The slippery slope fallacy is one of the most misunderstood and misused. It is indeed frequently used by those who do not really understand rhetoric to dodge having to deal with any obvious consequences of their position, the thing is they are incorrectly claiming the fallacy.
To be a valid fallacy the premise must assert that some undesirable outcome is the inevitable end result of a particular proposition and be wrong about the end state being inevitble.
For example, this is a slippery slope fallacy
If we legalize drugs more people will do drugs and therefore more people will die of overdoses
This is not
If we outlaw guns, all you will do is create a black market in guns which will require an aggressive police response to combat and ultimately result in more people being killed by guns
The first proposition is obviously false as there are example of drugs being legalized and overdose deaths falling as a result. Drug usage may increase in an environment where they are legal but it also tends to get much safer as quality and content of the drugs is standardized and users shift to the safest alternatives because they can get them. The second is not a slippery slope because it is in fact an inevitable consequence of actually trying to eliminate guns by outlawing them.
Then you get into the real problem however. While it is true that most people who try to use the slippery slope fallacy do so incorrectly there are also cases where one side will believe it is correct and the other does not because they disagree about the likely sequence of events. While he would be wrong a gunphobe may legitimately believe that second statement to be a slippery slope fallacy because he does not believe that enforcement of the ban will have that outcome. Whether something is a legitimate slippery slope in effect becomes nothing more than a proxy for the original argument.
This reminds me of one of my favorite Chick Tracts. I believe it was; smoke a joint, die from AIDS in prison.
Apparently aside from the Portland comics mafia SJWs there are also some stores pledging to blacklist the publisher as well – ie. they openly say they won’t even special order the book if their customers ask them to….it’s like these folks are actively trying to go out of business.
Huh. Another life-or-death struggle for the Soul of America of which I am blissfully ignorant.
Yeah. I’m guessing there’s some wrongthinking involved.
Right? Sayre’s law springs to mind. It’s why I’m still fairly optimistic about the state of things: while progs and SJWs clamp down on academia and trivial shit like comic books, the economy is chugging along and people can mostly avoid progressive pratfalls. It might take a generation, but SJWs will someday have all the cache and relevance of Carrie Nation.
Carrie Nation managed to cause a hell of a lot of damage though.
I don’t entirely understand the fallacy status of the “slippery slope fallacy”.
The road to Hell is paved with good intentions. The notion of the slippery slope is not fallacious.
Actual slippery slopes are very prevalent in politics, especially considering:
1) The courts operate on precedent, so something being done once will be used as justification for it being done forever after
2) Most voters will fall for the line, “we already to A, so why not do B as well?” See: The ObamaCare debate where people kept saying, “we already have socialized schools, libraries, garbage collection, and ROADZZ, so why not socialized healthcare too?”
I dunno.
i think the term might be a reference to people pretending an “either/or” question (a categorical difference) is merely a question of “degree”
e.g. i think “free speech” debates often have this character to them
the people arguing for regulation of speech often point to “exceptions” (libel, slander) and say these are proof that there is no pure “free” speech principle. “If ANY regulation of speech is reasonable, EVERY possible regulation of speech is reasonable”
(^this being the slippery slope fallacy)
a defender of free speech has to point out that there is a hard line where “harm” exists, and that the principle of free speech is actually still inviolable = no one creates laws preventing the utterance of libel or slander – just means of legal restitution in the event harm is caused.
Speaking (for no good reason) of “voting with your pocketbook”- I did my part to prop up Vista Outdoors by buying a couple boxes of CCI minimags, yesterday. The .45 acp came from Remington. No Mossberg shotgun, unfortunately; I’m not exactly made of money.
Incoming is 8.5 hours of Brinsley Schwarz, Rockpile, Nick Lowe, Ducks Deluxe, etc.
I recently became aware of the Rocketz and the Go Getters.
The Go Getters do a truly bitchin version of “Am I Blue” but I can’t find a link.
Trump announces June 12 summit in Singapore with North Korean leader
The Summit Anthem
The minimags are a present for the gopher who stands on the big rock by where I park my pickup truck, giving me the finger.
Which gives me an excuse to link to this.
Well, we didn’t get to a 25% increase but you did top OMWC. So you have that going for you.
i think the term might be a reference to people pretending an “either/or” question (a categorical difference) is merely a question of “degree”
Just in case…
The impetus behind my claim (“The notion of the slippery slope is not fallacious.”) has to do with what my colloquial perception of the “slippery slope fallacy” is. My impression is that the people who call it a fallacy impute a presumption of inevitability to it. “If A, then (unstoppably) B.” A universal assumption of inevitability makes it false. The implication of an inevitable progression is not always right, but neither is it always wrong.
Example: If we accept the theoretically inoffensive notion of “mental impairment” as a reason to restrict gun ownership, the slippery slope argument leads us to postulate an ever-more-expansive definition of “mental impairment” until the very desire to own a gun would be deemed prima facie evidence of mental impairment. This is not, strictly speaking, inescapable, but I know how I’d bet.
Gilmored it.