Good afternoon. Here is the news for people that don’t speak American.
CNN discussed policy details with candidates for President of Colombia. Evidently one of the recurring themes was….environmental stewardship? I’m only showing the first one they interviewed because they didn’t appear to be in any kind of logical order, so I assume this guy is who they are trying to turn into the winner:
Les preguntamos a nuestros usuarios en Colombia qué temas son su mayor preocupación de cara a las próximas elecciones. Los temas más recurrentes fueron corrupción y transparencia, desarrollo agrícola, cuidado del medio ambiente y emprendimiento.
La primera vuelta presidencial en Colombia será el 28 de mayo. Esto es lo que proponen los cinco candidatos a la presidencia de Colombia.
Gustavo Petro
– Los corruptos que hayan robado dinero al Estado irán a la cárcel y deberán devolver los dineros.
– Elegir por concurso público de méritos a los representantes de los órganos de control para que no actúen bajo la influencia de los poderes Ejecutivo y Legislativo.
– Crear la Procuraduría delegada para la protección de los derechos políticos y de la oposición
– Sancionar a quienes infrinjan las normas electorales y coarten, manipulen o constriñan el derecho al elegir y ser elegido.
We asked our users in Colombia what issues are their biggest concern in the upcoming elections. The most recurrent themes were corruption and transparency, agricultural development, care for the environment and entrepreneurship.
The first presidential round in Colombia will be on May 28. This is what the five candidates for the presidency of Colombia propose.
Gustavo Petro
– The corrupt who have stolen money from the State will go to jail and must return the money.
– To elect by public contest of merits the representatives of the control bodies so that they do not act under the influence of the Executive and Legislative powers.
– Create the Delegate Attorney for the protection of political and opposition rights
– Punish those who violate the electoral norms and restrict, manipulate or constrain the right to elect and be elected.
Jeff Sessions finds a new way to be a Richard.
Él te llamó una polla
“Ya no habrá clases o grupos de personas exentos”, dejó claro la secretaria del Departamento de Seguridad Nacional, Kirstjen Nielsen, el martes ante el Senado. “Si cruzas la frontera ilegalmente, quebrantas la ley y tenemos que procesarte”, añadió, admitiendo eso sí que es una cuestión “difícil”. Y lo es porque, con esta política de “tolerancia cero” anunciada el 6 de abril por el fiscal general, Jeff Sessions, los agentes de inmigración entregarán tanto a las mujeres embarazadas como a los padres que intenten cruzar la frontera ilegalmente con sus hijos a la justicia para que sean procesados. En este último caso, supone separarlos de sus niños por un tiempo indeterminado.
“There will no longer be classes or groups of exempt people,” the Secretary of the Department of National Security, Kirstjen Nielsen, made clear on Tuesday before the Senate. “If you cross the border illegally, you break the law and we have to prosecute you,” he added, admitting that it is a “difficult” issue. And it is because, with this policy of “zero tolerance” announced on April 6 by Attorney General Jeff Sessions, immigration agents will give both pregnant women and parents who try to cross the border illegally with their children to justice for them to be prosecuted. In the latter case, it means separating them from their children for an indeterminate time.
I’m sure this will work wonders towards lowering California’s already ridiculous housing prices.
Cualquier nueva vivienda o edificio de pocos pisos que sea construido a partir del año 2020 en California deberá tener paneles solares como parte de las nuevas reglas aprobadas este viernes por la Comisión de Energía del estado para ahorrar energía producida por fuentes tradicionales.
La medida, que ahora pasa a la Comisión sobre Estándares de Edificación -donde se espera una ratificación del plan- no solo busca ahorrar energía y bajar el costo de la factura eléctrica de los californianos, sino que además mantendrá con temperatura estable los hogares de millones de personas en medio de olas de calor y reducirá considerablemente la contaminación atmosférica que producen las viviendas de alto consumo energético al multiplicar la actividad de las centrales termoeléctricas en todo el estado.
California, que hace pocos días convirtió en la quinta economía del mundo, desplazando de ese lugar a Reino Unido, proyecta que durante el año 2020 se construirán 100,000 viviendas unifamiliares y 50,000 multifamiliares con esos nuevos estándares.
Sin embargo, la inclusión de paneles solares elevará el costo de cada unidad familiar unos 10,000 dólares, pero la Comisión de Energía de California estima que los ahorros sobrepasarán ese costo inicial durante la vida útil del sistema de paneles antes de tener que ser reemplazado en el largo plazo.
Any new housing or low-rise building that will be built as of 2020 in California should have solar panels as part of the new rules approved this Friday by the State Energy Commission to save energy produced by traditional sources.
The measure, which now passes to the Commission on Building Standards – where a plan’s ratification is expected – not only seeks to save energy and lower the cost of the electricity bill for Californians, but will also keep the homes of millions at a stable temperature. of people in the midst of heat waves and will significantly reduce the air pollution produced by high energy consumption homes by multiplying the activity of thermoelectric plants throughout the state.
California, which a few days ago became the fifth largest economy in the world, displacing the United Kingdom from that location, projects that by 2020, 100,000 single-family homes and 50,000 multifamily homes will be built with these new standards.
However, the inclusion of solar panels will raise the cost of each family unit by about $ 10,000, but the California Energy Commission estimates that the savings will exceed that initial cost over the life of the panel system before it has to be replaced in the future.
I like how they think it matters how large of an economy California is by itself.
Translation services one again are available by the Alpha Beta Corporation. Who question whether you ought to be channeling your rage at this particular boogeyman. After all, Starbucks probably just did something else to piss you off.
Bikini season is just around the corner.
5, 14 and 38 individually or as a group for me.
“I’m sure this will work wonders towards lowering California’s already ridiculous housing prices.”
Just when you think California has reached its limit of stupidity…
Apparently, it’s an infinite resource.
Yes, we’ve repeatedly proven that over the last 30 years. It’s a shame. This used to be a freewheeling state. Now it’s prog central.
Premature baby was decapitated ‘when top NHS doc detached body from head during botched birth
Lawyer for the General Medical Council Charles Garside QC said: “Dr. Laxman allegedly delivered the legs, torso and arms successfully but while trying to deliver the head, it got stuck in the cervix.”
But other than that Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play?
It’s interesting that in the US, C-Section are encouraged because they lower liability risks for the hospital (and increase billings), while in the UK, C-Sections are discouraged because of cost.
But they have the machine that goes “bing”. They saved a ton of money by leasing it back from the company they sold it to.
How do Med Mal cases work in the UK? Is it even possible to sue NHS?
Sovereign immunity FTW!
I was afraid that was the answer. Afraid, but not surprised.
That immunuty thing is a feature, not a big, for hardcore statists.
And another reason to oppose socialized healthcare.
Does this one count against their infant mortality stats or nah?
Fetus =/= baby so it’s like stepping on an ant.
Right, I missed the fact that it was a preemie, obviously those don’t count.
Many of us have a far more nuanced view on that, Q.
I know, I’m just being glib (drink!) toward the likely opinion of the typical NHS bureaucrat.
Everything is black or white Tonio. Either you agree with me or you’re wrong.
What about black and white cookies?
Hydrox or GTFO!
Yes, but eat too many and you’ll get Hydrox Faecalis.
You might. The NHS statisticians won’t.
It’s was 75% successful. So it only counts for a 1/4 infant.
My understanding is the rest of the world besides the US, don’t count the first 24 hours, so if a baby dies during that time, it doesn’t count toward infant mortality. That is why the US is ranked so high because even if a baby dies right at birth, it counts.
You are correct. Many developing countries don’t even count deaths in the first year. (although that may have changed in the 15 years since I took a Population Geography class.
Not clicking the link during lunch.
Yeah, sorry. I’ll be 3 years out from my daughter’s birth this June and the wife and I are lining another one up, so the depressing baby stories are a little more poignant than I’m interested in right now.
Another job lost to a Mexican.
I’m hoping this was said in glibness…
If not, could you elaborate? Not sure what you’re trying to say.
Yes. Yes it was a joke.
I blame my female sensitivity. Is it that time of the month or something?
Golf clap.
**Lewd curtsy**
Are you bleeding from your whatever?
*Mansplains, sends unwanted dick pic*
Good point! Like I’m not always haranguing Warty for pics 😉
I clicked the submit article button. Do you want me to email the article to you?
I got it! Work has just been worky, so I haven’t had a chance to reply yet. 🙂
Got it. I shoot it over when I get home from work. Thanks.
Oh, look at Mr. Anxious Boy there. “Don’t call them, they’ll call you.” And you’d better not have so much as a misplaced comma or there will be tears. Your tears.
I kid. They are easy to work with, but give them time.
I could use the criticism. I’m not a strong writer.
That’s what the Glibertariat are here for.
Publish it as is for some real fun!
Let’s see what an infinite number of monkeys can do!
+1 The blurst of times.
Infinite Monkeys would be a good blog name.
Infinite Monkeys would be a good blog name.
It probably already is.
Here’s what I do. I finish a piece then print it out. I let it sit for a day or so then I go through it and mark it up. I make the corrections and repeat the process until I’m happy with it.
For my fiction I read it out loud to make sure it flows naturally. I don’t do that for nonfiction.
Good luck.
…anything for us to, you know, post?
“‘There will no longer be classes or groups of exempt people,’ the Secretary of the Department of National Security, Kirstjen Nielsen, made clear on Tuesday before the Senate.”
I’m ok with this, not becuz I hate teh childrunz and teh immigrantz, but because I’m sick of this selective enforcement based on group exemption (not just in immigration, but across the board). If people don’t like it, lobby congress to change the damn law (which it should be if congress weren’t so useless).
Selective enforcement based on….voting preference. Face it, the Dems are trying to import Dem voters, plain and simple.
If derp was cocaine, reading this made me feel like Tony Montana at the end of Scarface.
Norman Borlaug: humanitarian hero or menace to society?
According to the critics, the green revolution varieties undoubtedly had averted food shortages temporarily, but, said his obituarist Christopher Reed, they had not averted poverty. In fact, they might have added to it.
Not only did Borlaug’s ‘high-yielding’ seeds demand expensive fertilisers, they also needed more water. Both were in short supply, and the revolution in plant breeding was said to have led to rural impoverishment, increased debt, social inequality and the displacement of vast numbers of peasant farmers,” he wrote.
Hey jackass- if the alternative is *starvation* I’d be OK with pretty much any solution.
Borlaug prevented mass starvation and in doing so, prevented the Malthusians from being correct. They’ll never forgive him for that.
Meanwhile, Paul Erlich still gets interviewed on major media.
I say again: watermelon environmentalism is a death cult. Anything that preserves/prolongs human life is the enemy.
These people are beyond stupid and beyond crazy. They are outright fucking dangerous.
The author is getting savaged in the comments. Even Guardian readers know better.
PFFFTTTT!!! What’s an Indian farmer know about farming in India??
You can’t savage that author enough! The proggies scream about how much they care for the poor, but all they offer is socialist planned famines. Borlaug created seeds that let the hungry feed themselves forever.
They’re not poor if they’re dead.
/this is how they really think
Man offers imperfect solution that only worked for decades thereby saving about a billion people. That monster.
Progressivism: the current system produces more wealth than the world could have imagined 100 years ago, but isn’t perfect so tear it all down and do something entirely different.
Preferably something that will impoverished the masses while killing large numbers of people.
that only worked for decades
I don’t think it’s going anywhere…
Um sure.
Hold up. Just to calibrate my sensors, what’s the author’s opinion vis a vis gun control and whether or not it would be worth it if it saves the life of a single child?
The Guardian – “How are we ever going to murder 4/5 of humanity if you fuckers keep fixing these problems?”
Fuck. After that I’m done with the internet for the night. If saving a billion people isn’t your criteria for being a good person than fuck you.
Wish that bastard has to watch their family starve to death, slowly.
I like Dennis Miller.
“Miller’s second piece of advice to Trump would be to take a billion of his own fortune “and come in with a forklift one day and a hardhat on and I have it all in currency and I’d just drop it in front of Congress and I’d say, ‘Here, here’s my billion — start the wall.”
I think the wall is stupid, but that would be awesome.
Here’s a billion in $1 bills.
If you used $20s, he could do it on one pallet.
Just have the Fed mint a $1 billion coin.
Those are hundos in that picture
So they are! I’d try to claim it was a typo, but the fact is I was lazy.
So just imagine 100x of those pallets, going straight to terrori- I mean Iran moderates.
Those are hundreds.
*beats head against a wall yelling “scroll down first”
I agree. And Trump will never take that great advice because he is a politician at heart. He expects to spend other people’s money for his own benefit.
I like this one even better:
What Columbia and Mexico both need to do is legalize drugs.
….and be good environmental stewards.*
*meh. Not really.
Hemp is one of the best crops for the environment.
“What the United States needs to do is legalize drugs.”
Yeah. I believe that it is the huge black market in the U.S. That is enabling the criminals south of the border.
COLOMBIA. How does everyone keep spelling it wrong? I’m sure MIZZOU would enjoy legal weed, but that’s not the point.
Perhaps he was referring to Columbia University and the town of Mexico, NY.
You guys were right. Reason is going off the rails.
Suderman just penned a variation of TDS and I have no idea what’s up with Welchois.
I thought you guys made this place because Reason has been off the rails for several years now and has been chasing Leslie Neilson around the forest ever since.
“Suderman just penned a variation of TDS”
So it is a day ending with Y
Wow, you mean another situation trumped up by the media caused an unnecessary and expensive panic? Whodathunkit! (see: Ebola)
Several of the commentariat participated in the Ebola freakout. Fun times.
I don’t think PapayaSF’s pants ever recovered.
First thing I do is google the disease. When you see it’s a known pathogen since the 1920’s, it’s safe to assume it’s fear mongering.
Yeah, but I learned from it, at least.
The one where they kept flying people into the US from places with Ebola outbreaks? That was clearly just sound foreign policy.
I’m surprised I hadn’t heard this term before – Health Justice:
But how would we pay for that?
But wouldn’t that put too much power in the hands of government?
Oh okay then, looks like this guy’s got it all figured out.
They should put “sick” in quotes, because I guarantee you their definition of “sick” is far more expansive than mine.
Guy’s name is FAUST? You gotta be kidding me
Just doing Mephistopheles bidding.
Tim Faust looks exactly like the kind of guy I want in charge of my healthcare.
“Are people malnourished because they live in food deserts where fresh vegetables are hard to come by?”
No, it’s largely because of bad advice, corn subsidies, and crippling regulations, from the government.
Bonus: food deserts are bullshit to begin with.
Apparently anything other than a super-walmart doesnt count.
(slight exaggeration above)
No, progs hate Walmart. And the urban poor can’t get to those anyway.
What they really want is for anyplace that sells food of any sort to be forced to carry fresh produce.
“Whole Bodega”
“EarthFresh and Liquor”
That was part of the joke. Seriously, apparently small corner stores/bodegas don’t count for preventing a “food desert”. it has to be a full blown grocery store…hence my Walmart joke.
Yes, I’m pretty sure I live in a food desert. There is a small general store nearby that sells fresh produce, fruit, and meat. All three comes from local farmers and the store cuts steaks and grinds the beef onsite. You can also buy fresh eggs, vegetables, or USDA inspected chicken, pork, or beef from countless farmers in a short drive.
Despite this availability… Food Desert.
If you can’t roll out of your downtown condo by foot and in five minutes be at a local organic produce shop run by exotic minority then you’re in a food desert.
What about when KFC stopped offering parfaits?
Dessert desert.
So. Dairy Queen. In their commercials they show you can buy a combo that includes an ice cream cone along with your lunch. Do you have to take the cone right away? Do you then have to eat it first before it melts? Can you defer the cone until you leave? What if you’re done and suddenly there’s a long line and you have to get back to office?
you can get a coupon to redeem later.
I miss those parfaits.
They are, but the government (federal, state, and local) makes it much more difficult to run a market in a poor neighborhood.
Add in a concerted effort to stamp out any attempts at urban self sufficiency
Hand churned, roof-raised, artisanal vegan mayo?
Why would anyone stamp that out?
Do you want to smoke cigarettes, cops will bust down your door and arrest you.
Don’t want to eat broccoli, a state appointed nanny will shove it down your throat.
“He argues that it’s better to give that power to democratically elected officials than to CEOs immune from public feedback.”
These “elected officials” will become uncountable bureaucrats faster than you can say “death panels”, and the idea that CEOs are immune from feedback is laughable.
*unaccountable bureaucrats
Both work.
There will be a lot of them.
Wait… that wasn’t sarcasm?!? It was serious?!?!?
How did this man survive to adulthood? I can’t believe someone that stupid is capable of feeding themselves, let alone walking in a rainstorm without drowning.
I’m glad I’m not the only one with that reaction.
Wow… the comments are actually pretty encouraging.
With all those hippies in one room that library must have smelled worse than usual. Even the bums were offended by the smell
Q: You know how you hide money from a hippy?
A: Put it under the soap.
Wait I thought libertarians were just hippie republicans?
“The event is a town hall sponsored by the Cleveland chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) to explain Medicare for All, the proposed expansion to the rest of the population of the half-century-old system that pays for health care for people over 65.”
I just learned all I need to know.
I don’t know, sounds like a Faustian bargain to me
Whenever commies talk about how much money we could save if healthcare were nationalized, there’s a major point that gets left out: all the employees would then unionize and drive costs through the fucking roof. You think doctors get paid a lot now? Wait till they’re members of the AFSCME and have no competition whatsoever.
Also, accountability would go down the toilet just like it has with cops. Cases like Charlie Gard and Alfie would just be the New normal. It’s horrifying to think about. Bernie is a dumbass – there’s no less accountable person than a unionized government employee.
RE: Kalifornia retardation.
Lowers emissions by 0.32% while increasing average home cost by $12,000. Seems legit.
Man, if only that story was covered above in the links…
My condolences Swiss.
That’s Hall Monitor to you, pal.
I know, I know; just adding some stats to the story.
/looks at shoes and shuffles away
There were Mexican stats in my story….
*kicks pebble*
Shouldn’t that be: Kicks guijarro?
You should be thanking him for posting something on-topic. 😉
Or if someone posted it in the comments earlier…
So he was on topic?
*beats head against wall again cause he just won’t learn to scroll down far enough
Hey, now… solar panels recoup their costs in about 20 years, and their replacement life is about 12 years,…
so the California government figures they’ll make up the difference in volume.
Numbers check out!
Not to mention upkeep, upgrades and dwindling production as the cells age.
Norman Borlaug: humanitarian hero or menace to society?
According to the critics, the green revolution varieties undoubtedly had averted food shortages temporarily, but, said his obituarist Christopher Reed, they had not averted poverty. In fact, they might have added to it.
Holy shit.
Nothing says making people poorer like reducing the cost of their food!
And nothing says classy like attacking a guy in his obit.
John McCain doesn’t deserve to have people treat him with class, since he spent his whole life working to subjugate people.
Amazon is raising Prime by $20 again. Here’s how to avoid it for one more year:
My account says my next payment will be $99 next April, so am I supposed to buy a gift and hold it until April 2020, yeah I’m not going to remember to do that.
It will change that $99 to $119 in a couple months. They are hitting new subscribers first before raising it for renewers.
Health justice would provide for the construction of housing.
So- full bore communism. Points for honesty.
When will they go all-in Pol Pot? We could just kill the sick and infirm. That would reduce health care costs to a manageable level.
If we define “infirm” as “those with wrongthink” I think we’ve got a winner!
Think of all the skulls we’ll be able to use as building material.
I think we have a winner.
+1 Liverpool Care Pathway
Only after a public outcry did they get rid of it.
Wow. Garden variety euthanasia isn’t good enough, we have to starve them to death. Is the NHS completely staffed by serial killers or is it only half?
I doubt they’re fully staffed.
It was horrible. There were stories of hale and hearty people going in with a broken bone and being denied food and water.
Patients’ relatives smuggling food and water in. Kidnapping their parents from the hospital.
It was like something out of the third reich.
I have to bite my tongue when I hear an Englishman praise the NHS or their government services. “Why the fuck did you guys even resist Hitler, when you ended up adopting his policies” I feel like spitting out. Which would be… utterly impolite.
Look. I know everything I need to know about the NHS from the Olympics opening ceremony.
See! If there were CEOs in charge they would be immune to public feedback and it would still be going on!
Exactly! It’s not like customers would choose to go to different hospitals! Not when these unaccountable CEO’s use killbots to force them to go to their hospital for substandard care!
Remember that stupid Palin chick and her “death panels?” Hahaha…what a dumb bimbo!
This is why we have guns in the United States. They can’t get away with shit like this here.
Who’s up for Norm as Pigeon. I’m LOLing all over my under wear.
That show is surprisingly good.
That is fucking fantastic! Why have I not been made aware of this, I feel like you have all failed me.
Shit, the jig is up everyone, he found out about the thing.
MTM is a surreal treasure.
Was it the salad?
Aw great. My wife just called to tell me about this. That’s the school my boy goes to. She is worried about letting my boy go to school tomorrow because of it.
First, I’m guessing that this is nothing but a huge over reaction to something someone said. Second, the kid has already been removed from the school. Third, my wife can be a worry wart and I don’t want to get into an arguement about thus probably being a big nothingburger.
Happy wife, happy life
Perfect opportunity to pull him out and homeschool him.
Yeah, pull him out and go to a shooting range for the day.
I like it.
Police said the boy’s father did have guns at home and all of the weapons were temporarily removed.
i bet the dad’s having an interesting conversation with the wife right about now over how many he told her he had bought versus how many the police inventoried.
The article didn’t say if the confiscation was voluntary or not. That’s very troubling if not voluntary.
Actually I find this troubling either way. If he doesn’t have a safe his kid can’t access then he should buy one before voluntarily handing his guns over. If he can’t afford one then sell a gun or two to pay for it.
I had the same thought.
i’m guessing it was “voluntary” in the sense that if you don’t pop the trunk, then the traffic cop will detain you for four hours until K9 arrives to fabricate suspicion.
I don’t know how that went. personally, since I have a little kid in my house, the guns stay locked up. I agree that the police shouldn’t have any authority to confiscate any firearms though, regardless of the condition of storage in the house. The father has committed no crimes.
My greatest fear is that one day I will die and my wife will sell all my guns for what I told her I paid for them.
Leave them to me. I promise to be a better steward!
I cataloged all of mine with current values. She can see it when I croak.
I own more in total, but my girlfriend owns some more expensive guns than I do.
Merkel: “We can’t depend on the US to defend us anymore”
Me: “Awesome. Now can we close the bases?”
Merkel: “Well, let’s hold on a minute. I mean metaphorically we can’t depend on the US”
Me: “That makes no sense. Why don’t you go waddle on over to the Bundestag and tell them that it’s time for you guys to act like big kids and defend yourselves?”
Merkel: “Not right now. I’m full of chocolate.”
It is a scientific fact that men in Germany pee sitting down, while their women stand to pee
You just got science’d
You fucken asshole. You made me lol in front of people.
10h10 hours ago
Replying to @AFP @AVD911
When Trump goes to war with Iran, there will be no coalition forces, no support forces, no refueling stations, no operating bases in European countries, and hopefully only MAGA and NRA people and their kids fighting the war
/face palm.
For the love of God. These people vote?
Woman Voter
10h10 hours ago
Replying to @AFP
Dear #Merrell/#Europe, The United States ?? is under a hostile take over by a foreign government who w/the help of the Electoral College installed Putin’s Puppet Trump as president. In any other country @HillaryClinton would be president with the popular vote. #Brexit was First
Damn muppets and their lightning fast copy/pasting!
Woman Voter
10h10 hours ago
Replying to @AFP
Dear #Merrell/#Europe, The United States ?? is under a hostile take over by a foreign government who w/the help of the Electoral College installed Putin’s Puppet Trump as president. In any other country @HillaryClinton would be president with the popular vote. #Brexit was First
We’ve got a live one Hilary!
Wow, that is an ignorant tweet. First, the coalition forces were already like 90% American, so it would be no great loss (not to mention nearly the entirety of the remaining 10% were the UK, so they are pretty much the only foreign nation whose opinion would matter). Second, the US already has strategic bases in the UK, Germany, Italy, and Turkey, and the idea that those nations would decide to shut those down if we went to war is laughable…not only would it needlessly damage relations with their security umbrella, we pay good money for those bases. Not to mention that in the event of war with Iran the various Arab states would be more than willing to provide bases and refueling. None of this is to advocate for war with Iran, just saying that the Euros’ opinion on the matter doesn’t matter.
Cool. We’ll just use the ones in Qa’Tar, Kyrzigstan, Djibouti, UAE, Bahrian, Diego Garcia…..
So a war with no window dressing? It will probably be cheaper and more successful.
*apologies to the Poles, I know they pulled their own weight
Germany has literally defunded their entire military. They can barely pay their troops much less keep their gear operational. They’re an embarrassment.
Not outrageous; certainly not Florida Man worthy until I read this:
“Winchester helped him write a $1 million insurance policy six months before he disappeared, and later married his widow.”
Ummmm…. you married the woman that you conspired with to murder her husband? Stick it in crazy much?
Please tell me the woman looks like Barbara Stanwyck.
Well, it does look like a bad wig…
She looks like a cross between Kyra Sedgwick and Peyton Manning.
And she’s got doll’s eyes.
That’s some best friend.
Since the now-dead homebuilding post had an off-topic thread in the comments on interrogation, I feel I should mention this:
Resisting Enemy Interrogation, 1944.
Made by the First Motion Picture Unit and featuring a bunch of B-list Hollywood players doing their military service.
Since the now-dead homebuilding post
Sad! and to think you guys missed the stretch goal threshold by just 17 comments, I guess the red sauce recipe remains a secret.
The pathway has come under much scrutiny recently.
You don’t say.
Reports suggest that doctors are establishing “death lists” of patients to put on the pathway. Articles also claim that hospitals may be employing the method to cut costs and save on bed spaces.
State capitalism.
Jeremy Corbin will probably put Harold Shipman on the honours list.
Neil deGrasse Tyson needs a hobby.
I think it’s a pretty cowardly attempt to excuse Kennedy and attack the film’s credibility without having to directly do either in a more controversial way.
I don’t think it’s even that because he’s done this before.
He’s just a putz.
Whatever happened with Rationalia anyway?
Yeah, if his aim is to draw attention away from the subject of the film he could start with not addressing the film. Not saying he isn’t so full of himself that he thinks he’s helping shield Kennedy’s legacy, but if he is, it’s a pretty boneheaded way to go about it.
Didn’t he mess up the math behind air pressure during Deflategate?
He’s the Krugman of science.
Canyou Manyou
10m10 minutes ago
Replying to @notwokieleaks
Why would the movie producers want to make the moon visible in a movie about the moon? Idiots.
He must have a LOT of time on his hands.
“Sometimes I remember that Hawking has passed and people consider Tyson one of the greatest living minds, and it physically hurts me.”
Hawking was not nearly as brilliant as people give him credit for, but Tyson makes him look like Isaac Newton.
They just felt bad that he was a cripple.
What if Tyson is just an automaton controlled by Hawking’s computer, but the wiring just isn’t very good yet?
Tyson has a long history of pointing out these kinds of errors. Apparently the constellations were wrong in the final scenes of Titanic, for example. He was on the Daily Show once and remarked that they have their opening credits globe spinning backwards. Some people despise misplaced apostrophes, some people have issues with incorrect astronomy.
For the record, when a movie talks about a date in the past, I start trying to figure out if they got the day of the week correct.
And during westerns, I’ll try to figure out if they have the right number of stars on the flag.
/obsessive movie blogger
I’m guessing they get that one wrong fairly often?
None come to mind. Which ones have a flag?
Any movie in which the cavalry rides into war? Don’t they all carry the regimental flag and the US flag?
There are more than you’d think.
You’d be surprised how difficult it is to figure out how many stars they’ve got on the flag. It’s not like they’re making a point of prominently showing the flag in such a way that one can determine how many stars it has.
Yeah, I suppose. Well, keep fighting the good fight, Ted.
The 6 guns shoot 10 times without a reload and you are worried about the number of stars on the flag?
I’m more irked that Western movies almost always show every single male wearing cowboy hats when photographs show that bowlers and top hats were far more common.
Or you know maybe the middle of a full moon was the only time that the shooting schedule allowed for and spending a few grand digitally altering the image to match the moon on the original night just didn’t make any sense
Rufus approved musical selection
/fist to chest.
My muppets.
And in climate, I mean weather news.
With the Internet, any moron can post his or her ideas and get global reach for those ideas. I can live with that.
But when paid journalist write shit like “Norm Borlaug is a menace to society” I feel a certain empathy with the fucktards that want to ban “hate speech”.
It make me feel unclean.
Someone is in denial. Can you guess who?
Swiss is in denial of his enjoyment of off-topic comments?
Wow. That is going to make the rounds of my proggies.
Grazie, Rufus!
More good news from Broward county!
“Fentanyl, cocaine, Xanax and ecstasy were discovered in her system”
Damn. Helluva night.
That is a rough-looking 18-year-old.
I think I contracted chlamydia just by looking at her photo
Aspiring model?
And working party girl?
I should have been a doctor.
“Langille’s body was discovered at Dr. Naval Parikh’s Fort Lauderdale apartment. Parikh, 41, who works at Broward Health’s emergency room, told investigators he met the woman at Blondies, a sports bar, where they had a few drinks and went back to his place. The two then proceeded to “snort cocaine, smoke marijuana and had consensual sex” at Parikh’s apartment before falling asleep.
nvestigators found “several small zip-lock bags containing suspect cocaine and/or heroin, and a suspected drug pipe” in a nightstand of the doctor’s master bedroom where Langille was found deceased and nude in the bed.
Fort Lauderdale police said they do not suspect foul play was involved in Langille’s death. However, her family and friends believe the sex between Langille and Parikh was not consensual.”
However, her family and friends believe the sex between Langille and Parikh was not consensual.”
Prostitution? I mean sex trafficking?
You can’t make this up: I just heard an NPR piece about a knife maker, and the radio journalist pronounced Swedish steel as “Sveedish steel”
Bork! Bork! Bork!
Meep, meep, meep!
Is that one of those things like we’re supposed to say “Gutter” instead of “Qatar”? Except the Swedish word for Sweden is not “Sveeden”?
I think it’s like when lilly-white reporters suddenly sound like born-and-raised Mexican’s when pronouncing Mey-hee-co
Pet peeve of mine.
I thought they said ‘Cutter’?
Either way, it’s stupid they got the World Cup.
Either way, there’s about a 100% chance there are multiple sounds in the word that don’t exist in English so trying to flatter them by approximating it is a fool’s game.
On the one hand, I can see why people insist on that, since it’s proper names and all. On the other hand, most people aren’t equipped to properly pronounce things in every other language, which is why we have English translations/pronunciations of many proper names. Personally, I use the English versions whenever I’m speaking English. And I think the people who go out of their way to pronounce names like Iran, Qatar, or even Mexico with foreign flair should be consistent and say Moskva, Roma, “Paree”, and “Bearlin”.
+1 Budapesht
+1 München, Köln, und Braunschweig*
I do make an exception for Chinese cities because that ship sailed decades ago. Nobody except old fuddy-duddies like John Derbyshire says “Peking” anymore.
*Look it up
Where it gets tricky is with smaller cities and towns that don’t have widely used English versions. Mixing them together gets awkward. But for capitals and major cities I agree.
“Report: Bike Lock Attack by Antifa Thug After Free Speech Event
The Metropolitan Police have confirmed an incident following the Day for Freedom free speech event in London on Sunday which left an attendee bloodied after he was attacked by Antifa with a bike lock.”
TW: Breitbart
Another bike lock attack?
Common sense bike lock control!
Outlaw bikes.
For the children!
“The Day for Freedom was not a far-right rally
But it did show what happens when the left abandons free speech.
If you want to know why the left keeps losing, look no further than the fallout from last Sunday’s ‘Day for Freedom’ march in London. The event was publicised as a protest against the ongoing erosion of free speech in the UK, most notably through the increasingly draconian application of hate-speech laws. The man behind the march was Tommy Robinson, former leader of the EDL, who took umbrage at being permanently banned from Twitter for his incendiary remarks about Islam. Before long, a number of prominent right-wing activists offered their support, and even without mainstream media coverage the attendance figures were in the thousands.
How is it that the principle of free speech, the bedrock of any democratic society, has been claimed by the right? Inevitably, right-wing media outlets such as Breitbart have declared the ‘Day for Freedom’ to be their victory. To an extent, they have a point. In recent years, the left has not only failed to defend freedom of expression, but has been actively hostile to it. Moreover, prominent left-wing voices have continually sought to broaden the scope of terms such as ‘far right’ and ‘alt-right’ to incorporate as many of their ideological opponents as possible. I can think of no strategy less likely to persuade and more likely to engender widespread resentment.”
“Social media users who share or comment on racist or anti-gay postings will face jail under rules proposed yesterday.
Advice for judges and magistrates recommends harsh punishments for those found guilty of stirring up hatred against racial, religious or sexual minority groups.
Among those jailed should be people who post comments or share online hate speech because they have been reckless as to whether they stir up hatred, say the proposals from the Sentencing Council.”
Isn’t someone on here living in the UK?
Eh, they’re probably already in jail from posting on this site
New York lawmaker wants to ban archery in schools, claiming it promotes gun culture
Christ what an asshole.
Manhattan Democrat Assemblywoman Linda Rosenthal says they promote “gun culture.”
what a cunt. obviously this would hit rural school districts. is there even a single Manhattan school with an archery club?
One of my co-workers is in Louisville today with her son’s archery team:
2018 US Eastern National Tournament
In a related story, a Massachusetts Senator wants to ban Archery on grounds of cultural appropriation.
*whoops while patting hand on mouth*
No love for the Mongols?
So whose culture is being appropriated? English? Chinese?
Is that for real?
Like do they not remember the famous association between England and the Long Bow?
C’mon Fellas!
Senator Fauxchahantas has a deep abiding understanding of her culture!
Who are you shitlords to question it!
Then this story will give her a coronary!
Slavers are being made to fuck off. It’s a beautiful thing.
Trapshooting and other shotgun games are having a resurgence of popularity lately. Probably because folks are finding out how much fun they are.
This is, of course, unacceptable to the joyless scolds that we call progressives…
My local public school has trap shooting.
That reminds me of this.
Norm Macdonald as Pigeon, LOL
Aw, hell. Norm Macdonald, LOL
“Miami Police Union Says Head-Kicking Cop “Used Great Restraint,” Shouldn’t Be Charged
Hours after Miami Police Officer Mario Figueroa was charged with misdemeanor assault today after film surfaced of the cop trying to kick a handcuffed man in the head, the city’s police union released a doozy of a statement defending Figueroa and insisting he hadn’t broken the law or department policy.
According to the police union, Figueroa’s attempted face-punting was, in fact, a “de-escalation technique” that proved Figueroa “showed great restraint.” You read that right.
In a statement from the Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 20 so divorced from reality it can only be described as performance art, Lugo wrote that the assault was something Figueroa was trained to do to de-escalate the situation. According to the union, the viral clip is what good policing looks like.”
People working for the government shouldn’t be allowed to have unions.
So many problems solved.
If I were governor I’d pardon all the cop-killers.
“Used Great Restraint,”
Union rep: “Kicking someone in the head to the point of unconsciousness is a great way to restrain ’em.”
“The greatest trick the patriarchy ever pulled was convincing women it was feminist to get naked”
“To Fight Patriarchy, Female Cornell Student Presents Thesis in Her Underwear
Does this really not violate Title IX?
A female student at Cornell University stripped down to her underwear—twice—before presenting her senior thesis to professors and other students.
The student was attempting to strike a blow against the patriarchy, repudiating her media arts professor’s advice to dress up for the presentation. Yet I can’t help but wonder: On what planet is this not a violation of Title IX, the federal anti-harassment statute that so many college administrators cite when cracking down on problematic, sexually charged behavior?”
“Cornell student strips during thesis presentation to protest professor”
She’s paying $52,853 a year to enjoy such a weighty education. I say let her dress however the fuck she wants.
I have no idea what her beef is, but it’s always struck me as funny when women complain about restrictive workplace dress requirements, as if women aren’t capable of contriving an outfit of basically any cut, length, color, and style, even if they have to abide by a few restrictions on boobage and leggage. “Don’t look like a streetwalking whore” isn’t much of a constraint. And I know this because I grew up with a schoolteacher mom who made it a point to look as fashionable as possible on a budget, many articles of which she sewed herself. But in my time as a teller, men had one, exactly one style: slacks, button-down shirt, and a tie. Nothing too festive, this is a workplace. Sometimes we’ll let you wear a polo, but it’s the polo with the bank’s name on it. And you have to buy it.
Would not.
Haha! Apologies to Just Sayin and the rest of the Papists. That’s funny, right there.
I was promised Twitter trolls are only Russians and the alt-right. But I repeat myself.
That has to be the best transition surgery job, ever…
Because wood.
She’s legally a man in Canada.
“Woman accused of stalking Paradise Valley man she met online; sent him 65,000 text messages
PARADISE VALLEY, Ariz. – A woman is accused of breaking into a Paradise Valley home, bathing in the victim’s bathtub and sending tens of thousands of disturbing text messages to the man’s phone after the pair went on one date.
When officers arrived at the home, the woman was taking a bath, police said.
A large butcher knife was discovered on the passenger’s seat of her car, court paperwork said. She was taken into custody and charged with trespassing.
After Ades was released from jail, she allegedly started sending more threatening text messages to the victim — some of the messages alluded that “harm may come to him,” authorities said.
Ades allegedly sent about 65,000 text messages to the man’s phone. The victim said that she sent about 500 text messages to him a day, court documents said.
In one of Ades’ messages, she allegedly stated, “…Don’t ever try to leave me…I’ll kill you…I don’t wanna be a murderer.” She also said that she wanted to wear his body parts and bathe in his blood, court paperwork said.”
The woman is also accused of admitting that she threatened him because she didn’t want him to leave and because she loved him, court paperwork said. She allegedly admitted to knowing her statements were “crazy” and plans to return to Florida once she’s released.”
Ah ha!
She allegedly admitted to knowing her statements were “crazy” and plans to return to Florida once she’s released…where her behavior will be seen as normal.
I bet she makes an awesome rabbit stew.
Move over, food deserts. Say hello to newspaper deserts
The Village Voice’s decision to end print publication is just the latest in an epidemic of free alternative newspaper closures in the US, which have left many cities with no local journalism at all. Is there hope for alt-weeklies?
Scott Murdock – who works by day in a health clinic – is about halfway into becoming his drag alter ego, Shaunda Leer. With Billie Jean playing on an iPhone, Shaunda applies exaggerated fake eyelashes as co-host Abbi Kadabra, wearing a white knit gown, adjusts a Jane Fonda-style wig in the mirror.
“It’s really disappointing,” Shaunda says, perfecting a cheek contour. “Not just for us, but for the other fringe artists out there who don’t have mainstream exposure in the city.”
She is referring to the impending closure of the Baltimore City Paper, the local alt-weekly. Shaunda Leer and Abbi Kadabra are fixtures in a renaissance of LGBT bars in Baltimore, many of which are popping up after years of closures. Every step of the way, they say, the City Paper has covered their scene, while the mainstream media largely ignored it. “We’d invite them,” says Abbi with a shrug. “But they never came.”
Won’t somebody *please* think of the drag queens?
I just want to punch people who use that word.
Run your own fucking newspaper, John Oliver. Asshole.
+1 sneer
Ack, this was supposed to be in reply to Mad Scientist just above.
Whew, I thought I was being dense
Don’t you like music from your high school days? 🙂
Sure do. I was commenting on that guy’s face.
That’s sure to attract ants
There’s a leak on the Hershey highway.
A Northeastern Illinois University philosophy professor argues that Americans would have no need for sex robots if they were to embrace “wealth redistribution.”
Tyler Zimmer also suggests “radically” shortening the workday without reducing workers’ wages, asserting that the additional leisure time would “give more people a chance at sexual fulfillment.”
According to Zimmer, “these social ills could be easily remedied” by “laying hold of a few days’ worth of Jeff Bezos’ ‘earnings.’”
Zimmer suggests that a reduced workday would allow more time for leisure, and in turn, allow Americans to cultivate romantic relationships that they otherwise may not have had.
“Stress, not technology or ‘immorality,’ is the main enemy of romance and libidos,” he states. “So if we want to give more people a chance at sexual fulfillment, what could be more effective than extra leisure time and a little bit of security?”
Zimmer concludes by arguing that Americans should “simply tax the rich, redistribute their wealth to everyone else, and eliminate many of the unsexy economic obstacles to sexual flourishing” instead of trying to turn back the clock or fussing “over the logistical difficulties or ‘creepiness’ of subsidizing sex robots.”
[head desk]
You have something I want and I’m taking it. Why bother with the money, just go straight to rape. Zimmer approves.
Bezos entire net worth distributed is about 400 dollars per american.
Just because you have a job that anyone off the street could do in a few hours a day doesn’t mean we all do.
I assume “Professor” is an honorary title in this case.
Islam logic bomb (pun intended)
I wish more normie Muslims would speak out like thtis.
Mind. Blown.
NDT has got to just be trolling at this point. I might start to respect him more if he actually is running with his pedantic reputation and amplifying it.
Your link needs assistance.
Your post appears to be lacking glucose
Now that is subtle!
Now on to really ruining your day….scroll up.
I’ve been behind the 8 ball all fucking day.
Know the feeling.
Neil deCliff Claven.
That reminds me, it’s almost time to pour a drink.
+13 hours
Nice song
SpaceX launch tonite. It’s not Iridium, so I hope it goes well.
2+2=22. Duh.
Jordan Peterson approves.
OMG love the twist/punchline!
Yeah, that was good. Nitpicking, but the way all the science denying pundits are implied conservatives is bullshit. How about 2 balls doesn’t equal vagina? Take the piss out of conservatives. I don’t mind at all, but I’m pretty sure they won’t take on the loony left.
I saw a mixture. There was a clear CNN parody in there. And the Principal was clearly some kind of cuck soyboy.
True. I just wish it would’ve ended with my 2 balls joke.
Reminds me of the elementary school in our town. The new principal said his job was “To make all students happy with their place on the learning continuum.”
Re the pronunciation of foreign names. It also fun with how locals pronounce American cities named after cities in the old country
Callais, Maine = Callus
Berlin, Mass = Burr’ Lin
Havre, Montana = Hav’ er
Norfolk, Nebraska is pronounced Nor-fork
Charlotte, VT = Shar-LOT
Chili, NY = CHAI-lye
A few Australian towns: Kyogle, Goondiwindi, Coraki,
Yokel not local. It’s like you’ve never heard Obama say “Pah key stahn”.
Of all of the cringe worthy things that fuckstick did that pretentious bullshit was among the worst for me, and he did it a lot. And he often got it wrong.
Same with New Burr’lin WI.
Thames River, CT = errrr…Thames. Not Tems.
Havre de Grace, MD = Have duh Grace (rhymes with calve the trace)
Lebanon, Or= Lebbihnin
Madrid, Iowa = Mad-rid
Buena Vista, Iowa + Bu-na Vis-ta
Nevada, IA = Ne- Va (long a) – duh
But not Ne-vawww-duh
Tooele, UT = Two-ill-uh
Madrid, NM = MAA-drud
Lima, NY = LYE-muh
Skaneateles. Whatever.
Rhymes with Etobicoke so the k is silent?
Skinny atlas.
I only know this because Hilary ran for senate.
Did her “listening tour” make a whistle stop there?
No. All I know is that I read in the paper is that her ascendency to political supremacy would be derailed if she couldn’t pronounce that dinky village’s name right.
Her highness deigning to mingle with Finger Lakes yokels that she never needed to vote for her – my God that must have been delightfully painful for her.
Aren’t you Finger Lakes yokels kinda responsible for female suffrage? There’s a museum in the vicinity.
Yup. Hotbed of abolitionists, too. Plus, we gave the world Mormons.
I think Seneca Falls is the epicenter of female suffrage though Susie B lived in Rochester where I’m from.
To blame for everything from Feminism to Mitt Romney. Good job, fellow residents!
El DoRAYdo, TX.
My grandparents & half my aunts & uncles live in Eldorado. How the fuck do you know of it’s existence? They don’t even have 5,000 people.
Lived in San Angelo.
Cairo, IL = KAY-row
Also, Milan, IL is “MY-lan”
It’s a miracle.
Never mind, wrong state.
And near Cairo is Vienna, pronounced VI-anna, long “I”.
Also, Versailles, IL is “ver-SALES”. That one really bothers me
Is lewis vil in IL
and Lou ah vuhl in KY
Schaghticoke. Go for it.
It looks like some Dutchified Indian name and therefore doubly impossible to pronounce.
Isn’t the different pronunciation at least a little *logical*? To distinguish your home from some frog or kraut’s version?
tho i think some are genuinely stupid no matter how you pronounce them. Whose idea was it to put a Wyoming in Delaware? or a Manhattan in Kansas? I mean you went to all this trouble to murder all your local native americans, and then to add insult to injury, you use SOMEONE ELSE’s murdered-indians words to re-name their locations? It doesn’t even make sense.
An Irish girl i worked with, who had worked forever to develop a very-English RP accent while in college, was an utter failure when it came to any American place-names which had indian origins.
Massachusetts and Michegan and Connecticut etc. were always a mess of accented-failure. Forget “Schenectady” or “Poughkeepsie”. She wouldn’t even try.
Americans don’t realize that there are really very few languages anywhere that are similar to Native American words, so many people just look at them and find them impossible to say out loud. Some of them made her mad, “WHAT RULE MAKES ARKANSAS SOUND LIKE “AW”??? THERE IS NO RULE”
England is a minefield of place names for Americans, too.
I don’t see how/why, since most of new england is filled with towns with the exact same names, and same prefixes and suffixes (‘dale’, ‘chester’, ‘shire’, ‘brough’, ‘ich’, ‘ton’, ‘mouth’, ‘frith’, ‘ford’, ‘ham’, etc.) which mean exactly the same things they do in america.
If you said Wales or Ireland, i’d agree.
There are lots of more exotic examples. If I wasn’t half drunk I’d come up with more that I’ve come across. Here’s one:
Hartlepool = HART-lee-pool
DarbyDerby, man.I was told Missourah was old money. Missouri was new money. I don’t know how that applies to anything.
I’m going to be in Misery next week.
Some friends bought some Cupcake wine one year and a friend of theirs from Columbia pronounced it “Koop-kak-a”
How about Verr-sales, Missouri? (Versailles)
We also have a “ver-sales” in Ohio, as well as:
– Houston (HOW-ston)
– Russia (ROO-shee)
– Bellefontaine (bell-FOUNTain)
Oregon= Orygyn, Not Or-ray-gone
I had a roommate in college who was from WooSTAH.
Worchester Mass.
C’mon, you’re at the World Cup, fuck a real prostitute!
For an extra £5 she’ll call you “Donald”.
Linking to the S*n should be punishable by having to watch a Nancy Pelosi striptease routine.
No crime deserves a punishment that heinous.
John McAfee just appeared in my Youtube feed.
He’s a funny dude
McAfee is a bona fide bad ass. He should have been the nominee, because he would have frightened people into voting Libertarian and would have left everyone else unsettled
I particularly like the comments from people who were sent to the video by searching for how to uninstall MacAfee
Wow, what a pass by Johansen.
I swear if any of you ever pronounce it ‘Brushetta’ in my presence….slap!
Or worse.
The Americanized pronunciation of “mortadella” should offend you more. Eh, what would you know, mangia cake
Just kidding, Rufus
Fun fact: Mangia cake is an Ontario pejorative.
Another band for Rufus:
“You ain’t gonna see me cry
A tear don’t fall from a glued on eye”
I saw them live in Austin
Too depressing man. I’m more of a humorist-bitter type with a sharp eye for the absurd and calling out bull shit.
Worst! I bet she says Pank-etta
Still worse, she uses heavy cream and calls it ‘classic carbonara!’
It bothers me that Steve Buscemi pronounces his own name wrong.
/4 semesters of college Italian
Lol. True. But he’s still hilarious.
He’s at or near the top of my favorite-actors list.
He made a movie where he played a failed photographer trying to make it. Does anyone know the name?
I looked up his wiki entry. Seems his mom his of Irish-Dutch background. Which is the reverse of Springsteen. His mother was Italian and his father of Irish-Dutch heritage.
He played a struggling screenwriter in In the Soup. He played a struggling filmmaker in Living in Oblivion. Both are personal cult classics for me.
Found it. Delirious.
Oh wow, same director who did Living in Oblivion. Never heard of this but it’s going on my list!
Stephen Tobolowsky, only beats out Harry Dean Staton because HDS is too fucking cool to be one’s favorite actor, it’d be like saying The Kinks are one’s favorite rock band. They should be but because it’s so obvious you have to pick The Sonics or Gary U.S. Bonds to be just off enough to be cool.
Both are great, I’ll give you that.
Japanese people don’t understand the way my husband and his family have Americanized their last name. It was hilarious when we were in Japan — we all had to learn a new way of pronouncing it or they wouldn’t even hear it.
I’m beginning to wonder if you aren’t related to my neighbors.
The indispensible John Lott
Recently the NBC show “Taken” (Season 2, Episode 11) tried to convey to viewers that gun-free zones work because the criminals won’t disobey the bans.
Santana (Jessica Camacho) asks Bryan Mills (Clive Standen), if he is “OK with this whole no-guns thing.” Mills replies that it is OK because the gun-free zone means that “bad guys won’t have them either.”
Do people really think that a group of paid, professional killers couldn’t find some way to get guns into a hospital, a school or some other place just because a sign is posted saying guns are not allowed? There’s no mention that over 98 percent of mass public shootings since 1950 have occurred in places where guns are banned. This is precisely because criminals prefer unarmed victims.
[anguished Kiff groans]
“couldn’t find some way to get guns into a hospital,”
What’s to figure out? If professional killers were going to shoot up a hospital, wouldn’t they just walk in the front door brandishing their weapons?
What’s to figure out? If
professional killersanyone were going to shoot up a hospital, wouldn’t they just walk in the front door brandishing their weapons?agree but fify
Sadly, my best option is to take the blade off the paper cutter, which is a brutal melee weapon, but . . . knife to a gunfight.
That’s hilarious. Now, I’m not a paid, professional killer, but I carried a switchblade, a trolling sinker with the ends pounded flat, and probably an average of $50 of illegal drugs for most of my high school career, and I’m pretty sure none of those were permitted. I never saw a sign, though, so maybe that’s why…
I finally figured out all the intricacies to playing Hearts of Iron IV and beat the fucking thing. I took the United States fascist, conquered all of North America and the Carribbean (except for the DR which went fascist on it’s own & joined the Axis, so I couldn’t touch them), and once the krauts had the limeys on the ropes, I seized the Canary Islands & set multiple carrier task forces to patrol the entire coast from there to the Bay of Biscay & interdicted convoys carrying much needed supplies to Britain. From there, it was just a matter of time as the British were starved of war-making material and eventually succumbed to their own internal fascist coup.
I also had 55 atomic bombs built up that I never got to use on anyone >: (
Lindbergh for president! And Ford has some of the most awesome stats of any minister. What of the great red enemy? Should have used strategic missiles or bombers to lay waste to his people.
The Alt-Right is not all Right: On the ideology of Kekistan
guy does some analysis of who the people in the meme-posting Kekistan (often suggested as the troll-brigade which has made the ‘alt right’ a thing)….
…discovers they’re not very right-wing at all.
I think Sargon did a poll of Gamergate people at one point (and then later, of his own audience), and similarly discovered that the bulk of these “anti feminist, anti PC, meme-propagating shitlords” were actually… all across the political spectrum. and more women among them than you’d have guessed.
(i think – tho could be wrong – it was notable because it was higher than youtube’s overall male-female split, which tends to skew very male)
anyway, this guy does a more-detailed analysis, but based on (what seems to me) a narrower slice of that sort of population.
“because Trump is seen as a unifier of white racism”
By who? Other than hard left conspiracy theorists that is.
2 interesting examples from the “Daily Annals of Shitty Journalism”
1) Journalist claims dude was a rapist. Then issues a correction: “Did you think i said ‘rapist’? You misunderstood”
2) Jeet Heer – super sexy marxist hack – says
The thought that occurred to me: If these opponents of yours are such social and cultural inferiors, comprised of a narrow band of the American population, its remarkable how democrats been losing to them non-stop for the last ~8 years or so
Hillary has a 98% chance of winning. Obama has unemployment under control. There is going to be a blue wave in 2018. we are going to take back the whitehouse in 2020. trumps high approval ratings are a polling mistake. Trump fails at everything he does. Our opponents are incompetent reprobates comprising a narrow band of the population – the deplorable yokels. And on and on. These are post modernists who truly believe the world is what they wish it was, not the one made up of reality that exists outside of their heads. They should stick to their delusions. I highly recommend it.
They still don’t understand why yelling at people and calling them stupid, evil racists hasn’t convinced them to vote their way. And I’m only half joking.
I meant therapist not the rapist
Damn you
Most proggie propaganda is intended to keep progressives from being exposed to non-proggie ideas. It appears to me that they indoctrinate them young via their control of the education system, and then fight a rear-guard action to limit how many leak off the reservation.
It’s not necessarily a losing strategy, considering the fact that 75% of my high-school classmates are dyed-in-the-wool progressives that think Hillary was a wonderful, honest, competent statesman.
So what if they did make a porno you stupid fuck?
“Like old Donald Trump says..”
“the children need a voice.”
Fuck you
They got one. “Son”.
“Their dialogue, they apparently were doing some role playing and that is where the use of the word son came into play.”
That’s exactly the sort of thing you should videotape. Genius on all accounts.
Christ, what an asshole!
I’d be like, ‘You’re damn right we made a porno. You want to see it? i’ll show it to you. But on your own head be it if you need brain bleach.” Then I’d /give/ them some porno. Not sure what it would cost to get SugarFree to write the script, but I’m sure I’d have some spare souls to pay in after showing it.
Archery promotes gun culture.
Why does she hate Native Americans?
Never stick it in…well you know.
I mean, she’d be cute if she didn’t threaten to skin people alive. The blonde from the network wasn’t bad, either.
Holy moly those are some crazy eyes!
So we’ve got the primary coming up soon for California governor and all of the ads are, naturally, awful. But tonight there was an amusing run of Gabby Giffords and Mark Kelley shilling for Gavin Newsom and how his awesome gun control legislation is awesome and he’ll continue to do even more of that, and then an Antonio ad where he talked about how crime skyrocketed in SF while it went down in LA during his tenure. LOL SO GUN CONTROL DOESN’T WORK IS THAT WHAT YOU’RE SAYING ANTONIO? lolol
I am so mad I’m probably going to have to pick between those two (and Feinstein vs Kevin De Leon who is a fucking marxist). WHY ARE YOU SO BAD CALIORNIA WHYYYY?
2 glibs have gotten texts from Newsom.
“He took on the NRA and won!!!”
Oh fucking really????
Just write in Murray Rothbard if you feel compelled to vote. There’s not much else you can do. 🙁
Don’t be mad. Remember, who you vote for has 0 impact on your life whatsoever.
Go have a beer on election day. Cook a nice meal. Go for a bike ride. Have a romantic evening with your sweetie and make wild, passionate love that makes teenagers jealous.
Read a book. The opportunities are endless.
You have no more control of who wins the election and what horrible things they will do than a janitor in a soviet factory. So don’t trouble yourself about it.
rational ignorance of politics is rational
Spotify gets in on the ‘hate content’ bull shit.
That’s not good.
“we have partnered with rights advocacy groups, including The Southern Poverty Law Center…”
Wonder what the SPLC charges for this “partnering”.
It’s insane the credibility given to SPLC.
So, no more gangsta rap?
I just want to point out that this is dumb not just for the typical reasons people post. That you alienate potential customers, but because as a company you are now taking on a responsibility that you are woefully unprepared to handle and have no need to handle. These assholes implement vague policies meant to address problems that don’t exist that they can’t and won’t enforce evenly. It just leads to more demands in the future, complaints, and cries of hypocrisy. In other words, controversy.
This is true sometimes even when there is some minor problem. People in authority positions, as libertarians know, often times overreact to said problem (often times out of self-interest and/or self-aggrandizement) creating a bigger problem. I use the NFL and that moron Goodell as a pretty good example of someone who has been doing this for 12 or so years now.
Yup. Current law says they’re not required to do this but they saw Zuck bending the knee to Congress and who wants to go through that. Hopefully some other company with a pair will supersede these idiots.
Haven’t sites been protected from suis about posted content by the claim they just provide the platform – they have no control over what gets posted.
Seems they’re giving up that protection.
Yes. There was an article at TOS going into detail about this. I honestly have no idea why platforms are willingly going down this road other than that management is infected by SJW bullshit.
I had this waiting for me when I got home today. No way I get past the initial screening process.
Don’t call.
You’re gonna pull your pants down?
I know I have a good one should I ever get called (which is remote given I’m Anglo-speaking). I have less than normal hearing.
What did he say? What did she say? What?
The other jurors would strangle me by the end of the day.
They think I’m a little slow, eh?
How hard can it be to convince them? I can do it with my eyes close.
The only time I got close to a courtroom was for a civil case – some sort of construction accident/liability issue. The second they found out I work in IT for an insurance company I got to go home.
So is it the court or the sheriff demanding your presence? Seems to be a mixed message in that letter.
Was it sent by registered mail? If not, how do they know that it arrived?
Like they care.
They actually do care. The people who enthusiastically show up are the ones they want on juries in the first place.
If they start dragging in reluctant people and empaneling them, they’re going to start losing cases.
In CA, they don’t even start the confirmation process until you’ve entered the PIN number on the letter. So don’t.
Last year my wife got one and dutifully filled out and sent in the exemption form because she was caring for our two year old. They sent her a notice a month later that due to her non response she could face fines or jail. She now sees the wisdom in my tossing them in the trash.
I consulted for the company that designed the system in CA. AFAIK, it’s the same system 16 years later. Don’t respond. Ever.
Right on, good to know. That has been my preferred method going on two decades now. If you show up at all they have already stolen your time.
Sure. Deprive the accused of a chance at having a rational Libertarian on the panel. Voting doesn’t change shit, convincing 8~12 of your peers that the accused is innocent, the prosecutor over charged, or the law is morally wrong does. It is an objective and measurable good for liberty one case at a time and worth every cent of lost income. Of all the people that need to be on a jury it is the people who post here.
Yeah, I got one last week saying I have to call in, and that I’ll be “on call” for five days and have to be ready to report with one hour’s notice that week. Or, if there’s a problem with that – like the fact that I’ll be on vacation for two of those five days – then I can go online and schedule another time.
In other words, I didn’t receive a notice.
As someone here or at TOS noted, just turn up and start handing out literature promoting jury nullification.
I’m prejudiced against everybody that’s not me.
For the love of God go and pretend to be the ultimate juror. Be completely normal and get on the fucking panel – the U.S. court system NEEDS rational jury members who can carry principles into the jury room and not be swayed by bullshit. It is literally the last place where you as an individual can influence the law.
Economist who doesn’t like recent election results suggests a test to for prospective voters to make sure they’re smart enough to be casting a ballot. The proposal is even dumber and more likely to be abused (as in, it definitely will be abused) than you might imagine!
The bolded part is my favorite as it baffles me how that would reduce the number of career politicians…the stated goal and all.
And whoever could have come up with the novel idea of public schools teaching children basic civic values? If only…oh, wait…
But I’m sure that if this test was implemented, the same schools failing to teach these things now would succeed.
Imagine if progressives would fail this test. That would be awesome.
I’m glad the commenters are having none of it. TG seem a tad better than WaPo and NYT commenters.
This moron has obviously failed the history portion of the test.
“Southern state legislatures employed literacy tests as part of the voter registration process starting in the late 19th century. Literacy tests, along with poll taxes, residency and property restrictions and extra-legal activities (violence, intimidation) were all used to deny suffrage to African Americans.
Literacy test – Wikipedia”
The results of this, if implemented, would be obvious. No matter how the people making the test try to weed out wrong think, the ultimate result would be a whiter and more conservative electorate.
Should also add that you can say this about nearly everything proposed by progressives. None of it is new despite the attempt to make it appear as such. These are people who haven’t been able to grasp why limits were placed on the powers of governments in the first place. And I’m talking about basic ones that schools, at least when I was still in one, still taught like we don’t give government the power to restrict speech because it’s always been abused, you dumb fucks. But there is the modern progressive who thinks that they’re different and marching forward because they want to ban speech based on their special wokeness criteria.
What’s next, a poll tax?
Voter ID? No, that’s racist.
Democracy= When I get what I want
The only result of a test would be weeding out dumb people. Even if it becomes ideological. But knowing the three branches of government and their functions doesn’t stop someone from voting Trump. Progressives, like always and stated above, are just as convinced as always that their side is smarter than the mouth breathers across the aisle who dare not agree with them.
So, what the south did for a few decades after Reconstruction to keep black people from voting? The dude wants that?
Which person would make a better President?
a) Someone intelligent, competent, and qualified for the office who maybe possibly may have had a teeny tiny little issue with an email server once, or
b) Literally the next Hitler but just tweets stupid shit instead of writing a whole book, with an assist from the Russians
Nashville Predators.
Subban’s dive was bush league. I can’t believe the refs bought it.
Hockey in Tennessee ain’t right. Go Winnipeg.
They need to suffer a little more like Winnipeg has.
Same with Vegas.
I don’t think people appreciate just how dumb Russigate has gotten:
Stormy’s lawyer, the guy the media is trumpeting as a star, is a likely political operative.
The dumb, slimy fuck Cohen is the sort of guy who invests is taxi medallions.
And people who believe they are intelligent think Trump needed Russian money to payoff a porn star.
its actually not as odd as you think. it may have been ‘paid’ to him by a client with the expectation that it would appreciate in value. they aren’t, afaik, subject to any capital gains taxes because they’re technically not a security under SEC regulations.
they’re sort of like a bearer-bond for NY scumbags. a handy thing to have in your safe if you need something to raise some quick cash with.
Is anyone actually able to “use” those medallions while Cohen has them in the safe? Are they leased out or just contributing to the shortage as they appreciate?
People are starting to ask who is paying Avenatti. Storm Daniels isn’t. Avenatti has a partisan, democratic background.
Either way, there’s gonna be blood on the floor when you tell her you don’t dig girls anymore.