No, I will not “meow” for you.
*Sighs, takes long drag off a Gauloise* I suppose you will all be wanting links this morning. Or not. Does it really matter? *Taps ash, sips espresso* Oh, very well…not like I had anything meaningful to do otherwise.
If I could muster up the energy, I would be suspicious of the use of the short term DL by the Dodgers and the Cubs. But it is the National League…so who cares? In the sort of important league, allegedly a no hitter was thrown…but it was only against a Canadian team, so I am not sure it counts. More NBA was supposedly played, with some more to come. I am doubtful of this, but you may wish to pretend. I would say the same for hockey, but even thinking of it sends me to new lows. Which will probably happen to fans in a certain imperial capital city soon enough.
So we “celebrate” the beginning of the inevitable slide toward death of the following: John Brown (1800 – Harper’s Ferry anyone?) Henry Kaiser (1882 – adjust your monocles) Mike Wallace (1918 – TV liverspot) Candice Bergen (1946) Billy Joel (1949) Tony Gwynn (1960) and some younger acting types I care nothing to learn about…Rosario Dawson (1979) Chris Zylka (1985)

Michael Caine says “Hi Candice”
- Robert Conquest…his Second Law in action. [h/t OMWC who was suspiciously aware of the story, right away] This should help speed the demise of “Scouts BSA” – I wonder what the LDS equivalent will be? Or I would care if I were not so bored and world weary.
- Indonesia – land of the peaceful and tolerant Islam? If I could muster up the energy to be dismayed, this would do it. Indonesia has much potential. To see it wasted on pointless strife with Islamists would darken an already bleak mood.
- Maybe they just need John Kerry to address the Iranian Parliament, he could calm things down. His face is even longer than mine at this point. I am too weary to imagine what the world would think if the US Congress chanted “Death to Iran” and burned an Iranian flag while they were in session. Maybe C-Span would get more viewers? Not that it matters anyway.
- Chicago Public Schools – they would make STEVE SMITH gag. Remember, your silly choice and charter schools and home schooling are somehow to blame. Oh, and CPS teachers deserve moar munny.
- I found a job for our Glib “Q Continuum”…
Enough…I cannot muster the energy for any more links…*wanders off*
SJWednesday: Proceed to Aisle 7 to Receive Your Official “Talkin’ About Dragon Blood” Passport Edition
OT from Jump Street…sigh.
I got you on #2, that’s gotta count for something.
Scruffy must have been lying in wait all morning just for the opportunity to trigger Swissy.
Trump and his administration are hateful trashmonsters working diligently to make marginalized populations (and like, half of the global population) more unsafe
I was promised Klan robes. Where are muy Klan robes?
Amazon has everything
“Here is what Whitey is allowed to say about a Darkie who forgot his place.”
These people are disgusting.
They are racist as shit.
“here’s what you need to be aware of when dealing with poor little pickaninnies…because they’re not quite human”
“here’s what you need to be aware of when dealing with poor little pickaninnies…because they’re not quite human”
Exactly this. Once you understand that this is how they think, their commentary about West makes complete sense.
“Blackness” has quickly become one of those signal words, like “privilege”, that tell me the person talking or writing is a blithering idiot and can be safely ignored.
^This. So much this.
Maybe you are a decent human…
Maybe your definition of decent is different than mine?
Kanye’s done triggered some snowflakes.
working diligently to make marginalized populations (and like, half of the global population) more unsafe
I’m going to assume this person does not cite a single reputable example suggesting this.
My first experience with the local news in Baltimore in ’88 concerned a 12 year old who was sodomized with a broomstick in the boy’s bathroom at school by other students.
Robert Conquest…his Second Law in action. [h/t OMWC who was suspiciously aware of the story, right away] This should help speed the demise of “Scouts BSA” – I wonder what the LDS equivalent will be? Or I would care if I were not so bored and world weary. – LDS are on the wrong side of history it seems
They will be around, when the “Scouts BSA” are gone.
An admirer of Lenin I see
In 1919, Lenin had all of Moscow’s Boy Scouts shot. (From John Gray’s ‘Seven types of atheism’).
And the members of the lawn tennis club.
Well, in his defense, grass courts are for pussies.
The LDS outlasted Lenin and his ilk too.
Considering the % of the BSA population that is Mormon, this is going to speed the demise something considerable…
Unless they ditch the social conservatism that was required by the LDS and can get the non-religious parents of kids interested in sending their children. I’d say this is unlikely.
OTOH, if things haven’t changed too much from when I was involved, not having them around is going to make things a lot more fun.
“not having them around is going to make things a lot more fun”
Well, that and having girls sharing your tent with you too.
“sharing your tent” is both a literal good and also a good euphemism.
Until your daughter asks to join the scouts.
“Tick check!”
“Can’t be too careful. You don’t want to get Lyme disease or Rocky Mountain spotted fever do you?”
The pandering to the LDS was never discussed, but was always lurking just under the surface – alienating many secular families.
LDS doctrine forbids masturbation and they take that much more seriously than all but the most doctrinaire Catholics. Good riddance, says I.
It’s a shame it took BSA going full prog to shake the Mormons, but that’s what you get when you ignore the problem for decades.
I always just thought the BS was preachy on its own. Never knew about the LDS connection. My mom sent me to “day camp” one summer for my regular submission to bullying needs instead.
I was a Boy Scout and the masturbation thing never came up (pun intended).
The only thing I remember was that in order to get your Eagle Scout, you had to profess a belief in a higher being. Our council was highly tolerant of alternative religions, so much so that one of my buddies told them that he worshiped cattle and made it through the process.
I was kicked out of the Cub Scouts (Miami, FL early 1970s) for using the Lord’s name in vain at a troop cookout. American scouting has fallen so far from Baden-Powell’s dream that it can’t disappear quickly enough.
That’s hardly an appropriate reaction by a Scout leader. Scouts break the Scout Oath and Law all the time – they are kids, and they are human. It’s up to an adult to provide correction and guidance, not boot out anybody that fucks up.
Speaking of masturbation…shake the Mormons?
Also a good euph.
As someone who has worked in the LDS Young Men’s program for the past 6 years, the only way I could be happier is if the cut off date was today and not December 31, 2019. I don’t think the relationship has been beneficial to either party over the long term. The BSA got a lot of money since each ward (congregation) of the LDS Church in the US had a chartered troop and paid for each young man on the roles, regardless of their attendance at church or Scouts. Conversely, the LDS Church relied far too much on BSA to provide a stock program for young men but didn’t follow that program. Mostly by staffing it with people who weren’t interested in being there or following the program to a T. Scouting also hasn’t been meeting the needs of the young men for a long time, either. Few are interested in the merit badges and fewer still are interested in sticking it out until they get their eagle scout.
Not interested in advancement? That’s not what I’m seeing in my district, but individual experiences will vary.
My experience in the LDS troops has been that there is a split in the boys between those that are all about scouts and getting to the point of Eagle and those who are there only because their parents require them to be. Granted, I’ve worked mainly with the boys who were 14 and up, where it was already hard to focus on those things before Venturing was dropped by the Church.
I’m a committee chair of a non-LDS pack that never-the-less has a couple LDS families involved, and some of my best friends are LDS (really!). I 100% agree.
I don’t know how it was years ago, but for the last 10 years my perception is that it hasn’t been a good fit for either organization. BSA’s dependence on LDS cash caused the BSA to make a number of bone-headed blunders. LDSs commitment to universal participation watered down the reputation of LDS troops, negatively affecting the LDS troops doing things the right way.
And like you say, Scouting isn’t for everyone. A different program would serve the needs of LDS youth better, I think.
I have yet to meet a person with a wrinkled tan shirt (ie someone actually involved in BSA activities) that thinks this is a bad move. Sad, for some, because its a change. But a needed one.
This should have happened 20 years ago. They got so much power that they were making rules like “no dressing up as girls for campfire skits” and other ridiculous nonsense.
Those kinds of rules are good. Useful for teaching kids how to properly defy arbitrary authority when it conflicts with first principals (which are conveniently spelled out in the Oath and Law).
SJWednesday: Ten Warning Signs On Your First Date Edition
ie, why am I a lonely hag?
Do you want an apartment full of cats and no visitors? Because that’s how you get an apartment full of cats and no visitors.
Couldn’t imagine how terrible it would be not date people with different beliefs. How the hell can you learn as a person? How can you get along in the world?
Good Marxists only surround themselves with like minded individuals.
Having your idiotic beliefs challenged and your belief in how intellectually superior and smart you are shattered is soul crushing, so no way will these tools put themselves in any position where someone could pull the rug out from under them and shatter their delusions.
What an exhausting and empty way to live.
“1. Do you believe that Black Lives Matter?”
Wow, that’s not a loaded question at all. “No, of course not. They should be ground up and fed to livestock.”
“5. Are you a supporter of the BDS movement?”
I concur that this list of questions identifies significant warning signs.
As a queer femme of color
*rolls eyes*
fight against white supremacy
If you want to know who has any form of “supremacy” over another, consider who it is socially acceptable to criticize.
I don’t know anyone or of anyone who is “afraid” (phobia…) of queers.
The personal is political.
That about says it all, doesn’t it? Sorry toots, I don’t have to endorse your lifestyle in order to tolerate it.
I loved scouting except for the boy scout part.
Camping? Hiking? Learning useful skills? Playing with knives? All excellent!
The merit badges, the assholes scrambling for rank, the civic aspects…that all sucked.
Now it seems the scouts have split into two…with both sides taking the sucky parts of scouting for their own.
We need to start the Glib Scouts. Find somebody with outdoor experience who can really teach kids what it takes to survive in the wilderness. Like that STEVE SMITH fellow.
Glibmaster OMWC reporting for duty!
I’m more of a Campfire Girls sort of dude. #not gay #NTTAWWT #penisallergy
I mean, that van could probably carry camping goods as well as the free candy and chained orphans.
Same here. Reading the Boy Scout’s Handbook was like flipping through the AD&D Player’s Handbook, picking out skills to acquire to make a character, except you could actually go and really do them! And get a badge for it! And the badges could be arranged on a scarf-thing! It was everything I loved about learning how to do cool things outside like building lean-tos combined with my love for making and then checking off lists.
Then some little shit tried to tell me to clean out a pot because he outranked me and I punched him in the face, and it turned out he was the Scoutmaster’s son, so the rest of my outdoor survival tutelage happened under my father.
my love for making and then checking off lists
you’re in the same club as my wife. She has been known to add things to the list that are already done, so that she can then check them off.
Is she Chris Jericho?
Oh good. I thought I was the only person who did this.
Then some little shit tried to tell me to clean out a pot because he outranked me and I punched him in the face
One of the soft-skills you’re supposed to learn in Boy Scouts is how to hangout/fuckover/prank your “boss” in totally deniable ways. Boys Life used to sell all sorts of fun prank things basically encouraging that. It also taught boys learning to “lead” that you could develop a reputation for fairness and a willingness to do a worker’s share or sleep with one eye open and always be worried about your dress uniform or sleeping bag or gear was damp and smelled like piss or getting pranked.
Damn it was great when we were kids!
Way to follow the non-aggression principle.
I think he might have shoved me or something, although I might be recalling it in a more favorable light. He was in my face enough that as a somewhat shy, conflict-averse kid I felt like I was backed into a corner. To this day, in common with most of the men in my family, I’m one of those people who tends to avoid conflict if at all possible, and when that isn’t possible tend to go straight to DEFCON-1.
As usually happens, after we scrapped around for a bit and had some time to cool down we got along pretty well for the brief remainder of my time in the BSA.
So, pretty much like the army.
Scouting is explicitly modeled after the military. It is a paramilitary organization is the truest sense of the word.
Ron Swanson?
You don’t need Scouts to go camping. The thing that makes it unique and special, is the blend of outdoor skills and appreciation, community service, citizenship, and focusing your attention outward at something besides yourself.
Camping is a useful tool to have fun and teach many of the scouting principles, but it is still only one aspect of scouts.
Swanson Scouts assemble
Had you thought about switching handles to “George Sanders”?
The selfish George Sanders of “The Moon and Sixpence”, or the one who offed himself because he was bored with life?
I was thinking Swiss Sartre until he wandered off at the end. Obviously not Sartre if he made an exit.
That’s why Sanders.
Oooh…I like Swiss Sarte!
Huh, I see Swiss Browns…
I hope you flushed.
Indonesia – land of the peaceful and tolerant Islam? – the Islamist are still sort of few there lets hope they don’t grow.
Is my sarc-meter broke? the Islamist are still sort of few there lets hope they don’t grow.
According to the wiki –
Muslim does not mean pro isis
I’m nursing a bad hangover and hating life, but it seems like I wasn’t the only Glib acting badly.
STEVE SMITH takes a vacation in New Jersey. And by vacation I mean…well, you get the idea.
Then again, friends and family of our Mr. Lizard were also up to something.
Bigfoot? I thought they had the Jersey Devil in those parts.
Moooooooooo oon River….
There can be more than one cryptid species in a habitat.
“I felt like it was a dragon in here!” Barnard told KMPH-TV.“
STEVE SMITH is on an early campaign assignment. We’re gonna carry NJ, just you wait.
SJWednesday: Trans-Erasure, Oh Baby Please Give A Little Respect To Me Edition
Includes bonus Zizek reference points
What do scales of colonization and racial slavery look like? White on top, colored underneath? Do you get a nacreous effect? I presume that scales worn by the transgendered are probably sequiny?
Oh fuck off. It’s like social justice Madlibs.
I did have to look up “imbricate”, so in that sense I do learn something from them.
No one does gibberish like EF. It is masterful.
It is “a gelatinous load of masturbatory blather”.
As a queer femme of color, I keep close relationships with people who go beyond allyship; they’re true accomplices in the fight against white supremacy, queerphobia, and misogyny. If you’re not going to support marginalized folks, then we can’t be friends, let alone date. The personal is political.
More fun than a barrel of drunken knife-wielding monkeys.
Apparently burning flags and jumping on the ashes is the height of political intellectualism.
I think pissing off the mullahs this badly shows Trump has the mental capacity required.
Their leaders throw tantrums like this and then they wonder why nobody wants to trust them with nukes.
So, every day that ends in “Y”, in other words. There was an Anthony Bourdain show where he goes to Iran, and it was pretty well done. For one thing, he talks to Jason Rezaian, shortly before he got picked up by the Iranian authorities for “spying on nuclear programs”, but the other thing that I though was interesting was that, especially in the younger generation, most of the burning of American flags and so forth was kind of an obligatory “two minutes hate” type of thing. Almost like saying the pledge of allegiance every morning in school. At least that’s what the people being interviewed said, but I actually find that pretty easy to believe.
I saw something similar on a doc on Netflix about an American who went to play basketball in Iran, not quite being good enough for the NBA.
It portrayed the younger generation as being disdainful and fearful of the older guard, especially the religious police. The women would rip their hijabs and the full face covering one off whenever they thought it was safe to do so.
“What can we do to absolutely convince the Trump base that his decision was completely correct?”
That’s some impressive zero-d political chess.
“I found a job for our Glib “Q Continuum”…”
The big question, of course, being why does the UK use E cup and the US uses DD cup? In spite of DD entering the vernacular, I dare say that this is one of the few instances in which what the UK did makes more logical sense.
Sounds like the basis for a nonfiction Glibs article.
Metric cup sizes.
That explains it. I was just thinking Euro men were like John, getting excited about 96.52 C cups.
A new youth program, set to be launched January 2020, will be “designed to support families as they seek to develop faith in Jesus Christ and build character and capacity,” the church officials wrote in a statement.
“This approach is intended to help children and youth discover their eternal identity, build character and resilience, develop life skills, participate in outdoor activities and service opportunities, and strengthen their ability to fulfill their divine roles as daughters and sons of God,” the church wrote.
To all the Wisconsin residents without children…
Ha, ha
That’s some quality vote buying there Scott.
That is Jimmy Carteresque.
Imma still take the $300 though, make no mistake.
2 or 3 hunnert dollars is a small price to pay to not have kids.
On Topic- sports section missed the only real story – Yankees beat some Boston ass
RE: Momos dumping BSA.
They’re just a bunch of religious nuts anyway right? So fuck ’em. They have no place in our Brave New World and will either submit or be liquidated.
Enjoy that skin suit Lefties, it won’t last long.
The comments in the Wapo article are what you would expect.
I’ve decided it’s time to perhaps start trolling those arrogant pricks.
Muppets unite!
Well-reasoned, thoughtful, and attempting to take multiple perspectives into account without demonizing everyone on the Other side?
I wish.
And unicorns.
You’ll get banned after the first comment. Dissent will not be tolerated.
From WaPo? Not a chance, if you could get banned, I would have a long time ago.
Couldn’t imagine how terrible it would be not date people with different beliefs. How the hell can you learn as a person?
If you already know everything worth knowing, that’s not a problem. You just sit together on the couch, nodding smugly in unison.
You just sit together on the couch
How do you sit together with yourself?
Is that some kind of Tao/Zen thing?
One solution to ill fitting bras is to take a hint from these gals and just wear a bikini all the time.
I would definitely help 24 and 38 with all their boob related needs.
6… 11… 20… 24…
* falls into hottie induced coma *
Laika Promises ‘Missing Link’ Will Be Unlike Any Movie Ever Seen
SJWednesday: Nebulous Language Is Our Favorite Rhetorical Weapon Edition
“Words mean what I want them to mean, nothing more and nothing less.”
There is a point to be made that a dictionary cannot capture the full scope of meaning associated with a word.
However, the social justice movement has worked overtime to destroy any and all fixed meaning to words in service of bamboozling their philosophical opposition. How can you debate someone if you cannot pin down the meaning of anything?
I’ll take this analogy further and posit that the ethnic and gender studies adherents are positioning themselves as the new priest caste. Much like the early Church, which would not translate the Bible into any language other than Latin, they alone hold the keys to higher understanding. If you want enlightenment, you have to go thru them. All other religions can not and will not be tolerated.
It didn’t turn out so well for Trotsky
How can you debate someone if you cannot pin down the meaning of anything?
Feature, not bug.
But an example of manipulating the language is how the regressives took the word “liberal” from meaning “belief in personal liberty” to meaning “belief in total subservience to the state”. Idk about you, but I want my word back.
These douchebags are not interested in debating squat, but simply want you to shut up and let them rule you and tell you what to think and do.
Fuck off slaver is the right response here
Words change meaning over time, sure. But it’s typically an organic process that happens over many, many years, not something that happens virtually overnight because some postmodernist twit decided that if meaning is constructed then, by God, xe will construct one that’s more inline with xis (xer?) preferences and that will be the meaning moving forward.
It exposes the problems with that line of thinking in general. For one thing, if you make the claim that a word doesn’t mean what it used to, you haven’t eliminated the concept it represented to begin with, you’ve just changed the label. So, fine, “racism” doesn’t mean what it says in the dictionary; the concept expressed by the dictionary definition still exists, and now we’re just quibbling about the name of it. For another, by arguing that the dictionary meaning of a word is irrelevant because the concept of dictionaries “privileges” one culture over another, all you’re really saying is that either it’s an ineffective dictionary because it’s not covering the majority usage of the word, or your usage is slang, not the standard usage of the word. And I’m not arguing the prescriptive vs. descriptive bit, I’m just saying that a dictionary is supposed to catalog the commonly-accepted definitions of the words in a given language, and if it fails to do so it just means that it’s a bad dictionary, not that the concept of dictionaries is totally irrelevant.
It’s a question of who’s to be master, that’s all.
Wasn’t the term ‘racist’ coined by the Trotskyist wing of the Communist International as a pejorative referring to the Stalinist wing because the Stalinists wanted to consolidate Socialism in Russia first while the Trotskyists wanted worldwide revolution?
a more useful approach to language.
“Words mean what I want them to mean when I want them to mean it.”
“When I use a word,’ Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, ‘it means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less.’
’The question is,’ said Alice, ‘whether you can make words mean so many different things.’
’The question is,’ said Humpty Dumpty, ‘which is to be master — that’s all.”
I think my favorite thing about that defense when called on their racist bullshit, is that they only focus on the power part. They readily admit that they have prejudice against whites, that they pre-judge whites and that they treat whites differently. Their claim is it doesn’t matter because they don’t have power. Then you get into the absurdity of saying a racist white homeless man is still racist even though he clearly has no power. Sure that guy sleeping on the street in his own filth has more power than you…that make sense.
It’s all about power. The fundamental requirement to achieve perfect Marxism was power, because power is necessary to silence all dissent, and dissent is intolerable in Marxist society. Marx was explicit about this.
This is why Peterson calls them cultural Marxists. They may not put the economics first and foremost, but they fully ascribe to Marx’s methods for revolution. Everything is permissible if it is service of the higher goal, there are no restraints on methods.
CoruscantAlbany has an NHL team?Yomiuri fans are the worst.
“His face is even longer than mine”
That was rad.
Iranian lawmakers shouted “death to America” and set fire to a paper U.S. flag during angry scenes at the country’s parliament in Tehran, a day after President Trump pulled out of the nuclear deal.
1) I never pull out.
2) I do not think Pelosi, Schmoobs, Waters and gang are far from acting the same way.
“1) I never pull out.”
You’ve got to every now and again just to see if you can shoot it over her head.
Show her that you’re in charge and ruin her drapes?
Just to be clear, by “acting the same way” I mean acting like the Iranian legislators.
They’re not far from it, for sure. Just wait until their blue wave doesn’t happen and it starts to sink in that they are stuck with Trump for at least 2 more years and if they keep it up, 6 more years.
Dating after #MeToo: he secretly took off his condom during sex – it’s a thing
howabbout that’s the price you pay for fucking a douchebag?
“I am a single woman and trying to be sexually liberal and conscious but to do it in a safe (mentally and physically) way, and then this happens!”
Also, perhaps being non-selective in your choice of penetrators carries additional risk?
I doubt it is because of being non-selective, but actually because of bad selection criteria.
Everyone I’ve talked to about it has said that it has happened to them at least once.
Oh sure, I knew LOADS of guys who were anxious to take on an 18+ year financial commitment because condoms are uncomfortable and hard to get off in.
You forgot the “heh heh heh” part.
howabbout that’s the price you pay for fucking a douchebag? – meh sometimes you can’t tell who’s a douchebag.
That’s exactly what a douchebag would say! j/k
Ever fucked a Trojan horse?
Too many splinters
Fuck it, I’m lazy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QJoIdrLqxLU
one more try…
Now I’m really curious.
If only there was birth control available that a female could control herself instead of being dependent on some rando that she met at the bar 4 hours ago. Oh well, I guess it is just the price you pay to play.
Mrs. Animal’s grandmother used to describe a sure-fire means of birth control: “Take two aspirin, and hold them between your knees.”
There are several positions in which she could hold 2 aspirin between her knees and still have sex.
Grandmom was a peppery old lady, self-described as a “tough old broad.” She would have had some kind of reply to that, and it would have been colorful.
I mean, as shitty as it might be, the unfortunate truth is biology dictates that if a man and a woman have a romantic tryst, ships passing in the night type of thing, the woman is the one stuck with the natal consequences, such as they are, and so it behooves her to be more cautious about the situation than the man, who could cruise on through the rest of his life with no idea that he has a son in Poughkeepsie by some random woman he hit it off with during a sales conference. Allegedly the sexual revolution began with the birth control pill, which gave women the ability to control their own reproduction. Well, I mean, I’m not sure what else you need on that side of the aisle to handle your own situation. The answer just might be that if you’re bangin’ randos some of them might do fucked up shit, and you can either have your cake or eat it.
The answer just might be that if you’re bangin’ randos some of them might do fucked up shit, and you can either have your cake or eat it.
Pretty much sums it up for me, and that advice applies equally to both/all genders.
It’s not just her. All of her slutty friends too.
Here’s a thought, quit having sex with strangers, and don’t give it up unless you are in a committed relationship with someone you know and trust. I guess that is slutshaming.
I mean, I guess this is the white cishetero shitlord in me, but I just consider that being responsible for yourself. Do whatever you want, but be prepared to accept the natural and predictable outcomes.
Swiss seems to be kind of depressed lately.
Maybe we need to set up a GoFundMe to get him a hooker or something?
No…no point in that.
*sips espresso*
Well in that case they can do a GoFundMe to get me 3 hookers (assuming price difference between Chicago and here)
My grandfather said you could get a woman there for a bar of chocolate and some stockings.
There is a mile-long stretch in New Delhi that has 60,000 prostitutes. Intercourse costs about a dollar.
My coworkers refused to take me there. I still haven’t forgiven them.
I think your coworkers like you and don’t want you to die from terminal scabies.
Mile long stretch mark, amirite?
You probably need a hazmat suit just to walk through there.
Wow. You’re further gone than we thought.
I see, we can kick in some viagra as well
Maybe a sing-a-long?
I think he’d like people to stay on topic for more than five seconds.
Hah! You are funny!
Well, that’s never going to happen.
Envy’s hidden hand
Namibian hunter-gatherers deride those who stand out. What does this tell us about why, and how, we care about fairness?
I don’t know why people keep giving examples of small bands of hunter gatherers for solutions for modern societies. VBut apparently we need more envy to impose egalitarianism or something…
Also “some of the luminaries of contemporary economics, from Thomas Piketty to Joseph Stiglitz.” yeah …
Egalitarianism is always all about envy. The question I have is how have we gotten to a place where we regard envy as a positive?
The entire thing is just a bunch of losers who have found a voice on the internet and want to bring everyone else down to their level.
And of course, there are plenty of shit-heel politicians like Obama and Liz Warren who are more than happy to promote bullshit terms like “income inequality” to stir up peoples’ anger in order to benefit electorally.
Divide and conquer.
In part, because we stopped going to church. Places like that not only bring together people of diverse economic backgrounds (thus breaking down some barriers between tribes), but they also preach against the sin of envy.
I must be a racist monster to note that the article is written about a people who are not descended from Neanderthal and Cro-Magnon man. Who never left Africa, never had to develop the planning skills required to survive an Ice Age winter. And (maybe therefore) never invented the wheel. Good for them that they like living as jealous cave men. But this Anthropology Socialism bullshit doesn’t apply to me.
Well, I’ve just been waiting for some advice from people who are still living in the stone age, and what do you know, there it is. This noble savage non-sense is way past it’s expiration date.
Thunderstorms suck when one has 100+ pounds of frightened, panting, crying, quivering dog hysterically insisting on occupying one’s molecular space.
That is all.
Aww. good pupper
Used to have one of those. Worse, the field where our annual firework show is held was less than a mile from our house.
My GSD was a complete wimp about fireworks. On the Fourth, we would often go to the cabin because it was so traumatic for her.
Current dog couldn’t give a shit about thunderstorms or fireworks. UPS trucks, postmen, squirrels and garbage trucks, on the other hand…
My current dog is like that.
Little dog, wants to lay directly on my face during a thunderstorm.
I bought a ‘thundershirt’ for him, and it helps immensely.
+1000 for the Thundershirt. Would recommend.
Odd how this is happening so frequently in the UK lately. What could possibly be the cause?
Lack of common sense acid regulations?
They have those already.
The answer to Q’s question is the first word in the title.
What could possibly be the cause? – I blame loose hydrogen ions
Chemistry is a bitch.
Certainly appears to be your average English yob in the picture.
Potato peelers?
All parties involved have the same last name, which I think is a coincidence and a half.
Soccer hooligans again? Because I know there are no Amish in Britain.
West Virginia voter who says he lost three cousins in mine disaster tied to Don Blankenship tells @TomLlamasABC he’s voting for the coal baron anyway. “I want an honest crook, and that’s Blankenship.”
I think a book called What is the matter with West Virginia could be written … the guy lost. I mean I found this guy so bad and his adds so ridiculous that I was surprised he was even in it.
Here is the answer.
Top quality pussy. Classy. The best.
‘Ood kittah!
Hawaii residents could face acid rain after earthquakes and molten lava. When I was a kid, “acid rain” scared me more than anything else, except for killer bees, which were going to take over and kill us all.
This is one of the few reasons living in Florida is better than other places. We can see our natural disasters coming and get the fuck out of the way. Earthquakes? Tornadoes? Volcanoes? You’re probably SOL.
Except sinkholes, bro. Go to bed, wake up dead.
South Florida doesn’t have the same giant sinkhole issue that central Florida does.
But what about your giant asshole problems?
Unfortunately, nobody’s found an adequate defense for the disaster caused by New York transplants and Quebecois snowbirds.
Maybe a Sharknado or two?
Over on the west coast, we don’t have as many New Yorkers. We get Michiganders in Town Cars and Minnesodans who drive giant trucks and cannot steer or park them. And apparently it NEVER rains up north, because every time a few drops hit the windshield, they all slow to 25 mph.
“And apparently it NEVER rains up north, because every time a few drops hit the windshield, they all slow to 25 mph.”
I guess it never rains in Maryland either, because that same thing happens here. If you have a 20 minute commute home from work and it rains, you’re talking at least an hour. And if it snows, don’t even think about getting on the roads.
Florida sinkholes are weak. What is the max number of corvettes eaten by a Florida sinkhole.
Ours are more likely to eat Trans Ams.
For those unfamiliar:
You can get out of the way of a volcano by not living on it. Or at least if it’s a shield volcano, not living in Lava Zone 1 (the most dangerous Lava Zone), which is the location of Leilani Estates and the current eruption.
Meek Mill (rapper) and Michael Rubin (Sixers owner) are on Squawk Box talking about the Justice System, criminalization of minor crimes, Judge and po-po misconduct, over-sentencing, and mass incarceration. Excellent discussion and hopefully eye-opening for their viewers.
Maybe it would be better if the sixers were not two games down
We’re gonna make the comeback!
Also, Meek got fucked over bad by the justice system. Especially the arresting officer and the judge. Even the prosecutor was on his side, but the judge had her own agenda.
Ah, horseshoe theory. Every time somebody tries to tell me you don’t exist, there’s more proof that you do.
“You are a shit raciest. What about black woman or other.? RACIEST. RACIEST. RACIEST.”
Is he trying to say that he’s fast? Or competitive? Or both?
I’m lost.
Re tears. I’m a beast at call that bull shit out. Be it my daughter or my employees.
When they do it, I may as well be licking ice-cream I’m so aloof.
Believe you me, it works because they slowly shift out of it. The coy ones shift and try a different manipulation tactic.
I’m the absolute wrong guy to try that shit with.
I’m basically autistic when it comes to fake emotions.
My daughter started trying that shit about six months ago. My wife’s immediate response: “That’s the fakest crying I’ve ever heard.” My response: “Dude, having waffles on a plate in front of you makes you sad? Seriously?” Neither my wife nor I suffer fools gladly, nor do we have much tolerance for manipulation.
I HATE YOU!!! *slams bedroom door*
*Removes door and lays it down in the hallway*
I’m basically autistic
when it comes to fake emotions.Let me fix that for ya…
I’m the opposite. I spot fakery everywhere and avoid it like the plague. There may be some false positives in there. But yeah, people probably think I’m “aloof”.
<a href="
good point
That’s a new record for a broken link.
I know it’s a probably one of the deepest, most meaningful links ever posted.
Fits perfectly with the existential angst theme.
“Life numbed, unceasing, interminable, from zero begins to zero it ends”
Agile Cyborg, is that you?
Waiting for Go Doh!
Shutup, Tulpa!
I don’t think I could post that if I tried.
Stay tuned for the exciting conclusion in the PM links!
‘Google go home’: the Berlin neighbourhood fighting off a tech giant
You know who else tried to the change the character of a neighborhood using advanced technology?…
That guy with the car carousel/infinity pool in his London basement?
Omni Consumer Products?
I immediately knew this would be Kreuzberg without looking. They could not have picked an area in almost all of Europe that is more full of preening Antifa idiots.
Trump’s attorney Michael Cohen was hired by U.S. affiliate of Russian company
What happened with this story? Last night the media was all over it like it was finally proof!
Also sorry about the misfire above phone is acting wonky.
I don’t know why these asshats have to keep being reminded that doing business with Russians is actually not illegal. They just keep grasping at straws.
NBC news was on the case this morning. They had an interview with a “legal expert”. When put to the question “how do we know this company is associated with the russian oligarch?” he answered: “If this was a movie, this would be the closing scene. The Russian shell company with ties to Putin paid for the Stormy Daniels hush money. Case closed!”
Literally, that was the jump. How do we know oligarch is involved? –> Proof that Trump is a Russian puppet.
I have a question from this…. why is Stormy Daniels attorney privy to these documents, and why is he publicly releasing him? Who retained this guy? Who is paying his bills? How did Stormy Daniels come to be “outed”?
I’ve heard that last question posited a bit, but the rest seems to be unaddressed. Since she has clearly blown through a good chunk of the $150k she theoretically got paid (and now wants to repay?? ) what is his end game? How does he get paid?
Church officials did not cite specific Scouts policy changes that spurred the split
I’d wager that turning a boys club into not-a-boys club had something to do with it. Additionally it could be that the ratio is all off. If they are to mix boys and girls it needs to be 7 to 1 girls to boys for Mormons.
Sister Scouts?
You have your chronology backward. The LDS pull back started a few years ago, and predates the move to go mixed-gender.
After spending a few minutes perusing EF, I’m convinced that it’s an elaborate troll, satire site. It’s even better than the Onion.
Now if you’ll excuse me I need to mop up the brain matter that leaked out my ear.
That can cause infections, you know.
Also “some of the luminaries of contemporary economics, from Thomas Piketty to Joseph Stiglitz.” yeah
The gamut of economic opinion, from A to B. They’ll teach you everything you need to know.
You have the leagues backwards.
I don’t know why anyone pays attention to the junior circuit. I suppose if we had promotion/relegation* like in Europe, the AL teams could hope to play in a real league one day.
*Actually, I guess we do, the Brewers got promoted and the Astros relegated.
And they beat the best the “senior” league had to offer. That must be uncomfortable.
eh, I hate almost everyone but the Reds in the NL, so I like to see them lose.
If you like to see them lose, then the Reds are the team to cheer for.
I have a theme for Q link: Babes with bagpipes
They sure know how to blow.
I would like to know if she’s a True Scotswoman
Toss her a caber and find out.
Yesterday, as I was driving through downtown Bozeman, I saw on a theater marquee the words, “Death of Stalin”. Apparently, this is a movie of some sort. Anybody seen it?
I really liked it. Seemed like it did a good job of being historically accurate, while at the same time a comedic romp. The guy who played Zhukov reminded me of a funny version of a young Robert De Niro.
anon is claiming to have discovered the Allison Mack sex-cult brand on Stormy Daniels, hidden in a tattoo. I love the internet.
Weaponized autism
So…. uh… How does one go about starting a sex cult with hot actresses and heiresses? I’m, uh…. asking for a friend…
At least we know “be an attractive male” is not a requirement.
How’d the election go yesterday?
I don’t care, but npr was salivating yesterday.
Assholes won.
Non-informative answer
True every time though
I figured.
I figure if I don’t see headlines in the NY Times on the coming blue wave, it must mean that team stupid did better than team evil.
Blankenship lost so Team Blue lost their erections.
Care nothing for Rosario Dawson? I highly recommend her all too brief topless scene in Alexander.
I care deeply for Rosario Dawson, and have since her stint in 25th Hour.
Somebody definitely needs to see Trance.
You know who else tried to the change the character of a neighborhood using advanced technology?…
Mister Rogers?
That was a cool little trolley.
Roman Polanski says the #MeToo movement is “total hypocrisy”
While that’s true, I’m not quite sure that CONVICTED CHILD RAPIST ROMAN POLANSKI is really the correct person to be making this point.
“Hey, I deserve it, but these other guys…”
Drugged and raped minors?
What a set of balls on that guy.
Piece of shit.
Yesterday I heard what may very well be the most retarded segment ever aired on NPR. The topic at hand was the differences in price charged by white Airbnb hosts versus what is charged by Hispanic or other minority hosts. The “expert” that was featured was a female professor of some sort hailing from UCSF. After ruling out the possibility that the lower prices charged by Hispanics were the result of differences in amenities, property type, etc, this “expert” arrived at the conclusion that it is the result of TEH SYSTEMIC RACISMZ. Are you following me here? THE PRICES PEOPLE CHOOSE TO CHARGE GUESTS THAT ARE STAYING IN THEIR PROPERTIES ARE DICTATED SOLELY BY BIGOTRY.
I want one of these jobs where I blame everything on racism using nonsensical terms and still get paid.
Everyone is losing their minds.
One of my wife’s second graders said to her, ‘that’s because you’re racist’. My wife was stunned. She told me she had no idea how to unpack that it was so out of the blue. Here’s a chick who is as humanist and introspective as they come (her grandfather was friends with Khalil Gibran to the point the guy was living with the family) and wouldn’t hurt a fly. No woman aren’t safe from the accusation.
I suggested she not let it slide and have a chat with the parent. Help that child. See what’s up, you know?
What on Earth did she do to get that as a response
Without knowing, I would guess the kid felt threatened (in a broke a rule and didn’t want to take responsibility way), and has seen others close to him/her use that defense. The simple fact is that it takes one second to say “racist”, but it takes way more time to refute the claim. Even more since the rules are that saying you have black friends or not caring about race are proof of racism. It derails the entire conversation and takes the pressure off the accuser and puts it onto the accused. Because it’s so effective its used constantly and little kids can easily pick that up.
Living on the front lines of the Great Race War, aka the DC-metro area, I will tell you that in my experience over the past, say, 20 years, if a black person is in a conflict of some kind with a white person in authority, and I mean everything from stopped for shoplifting to not having a check comped after eating all the food and declaring it unsatisfactory, dropping a “you wouldn’t pull this shit if I was a white man” is a strong play. My aunt managed a chain restaurant some years ago and I worked there part-time. I can’t count how many times people played the race card on her, a short, blue-eyed blonde, to try to a.) skip the line and get seated ahead of other people, b.) get food comped, or c.) get drinks comped. She shares the familial propensity for not taking shit, so it never worked, but that never stopped people from trying. Her nickname may as well have been “white bitch” for as often as I heard the phrase. Similar shit happened with my wife teaching in Montgomery County (the dodgy end) but being in the school system meant her hands were pretty well tied.
Well, it worked at Starbucks.
The irony is that the reason it works is because the people being accused are not racist. 99% of the population know being racist is an awful thing and will often bend of backwards to avoid anyone thinking that they are. Like, a no shit Nazi would just say “yes I am” and move on. It’s the fact that so many people are repulsed by being a racist that makes calling them one work so well.
The question how to refute it? When someone accuses you of that, it’s serious shit.
Fuck off is a good start.
Like I mean, a menacing fuck off.
Laughter stops them cold
Well, the reason it works is that there’s the vague, looming threat of some associated legal action. Like if I’m walking down the street and someone calls me a racist, it doesn’t matter. If on the other hand I, say, tell someone they can’t use the bathroom in my restaurant unless they order something, and I’m white while the other person is anything but a straight, white male, they can accuse me of racism and as flimsy as the accusation may be there is at least something that could be taken to court.
My niece worked at an upscale restaurant. Two Indian women came in, ordered, and then complained about their food. Server apologized and had the meals re-done. The two women complained again. Meals were re-done. The women complained AGAIN and called the server a racist. The manager comes to the table with the bill – “You will pay this bill, you will leave, and you will never return. If you try to leave without paying this bill, you will be detained and the police will come and arrest you and we will happily pursue the theft of services case.”
Some of the lowest points in my life were working in restaurants and other “service” jobs. I am just not made out for dealing with assholes they way the need to be dealt with.
That is winning, right there.
It works at an upscale place because they pay enough taxes and server enough of the elite. Most other places don’t have that luxury, so the best you can do is spit in their food.
the best you can do is spit in their food.
Somebody lacks imagination.
She mentioned it last night and I didn’t get details. Will report back!
Jesus Herbert Christ, that is nuts. My only guess is that the kid picked that up somewhere and doesn’t even know what it means. I’m really hoping that the kid isn’t being raised by SJW lunatics.
Have a chat with the parent? Where the fuck do you think the kid got that shit?
The best comeback for being called a racist is laughter.
Hispanic run AirBNB’s sound great. You get to share the bed with 2 of their cousins.
And HuevosHrancheros for breakfast
Hell yeah!
As long as the cousins are rated in the customer reviews.
Do women property owners charge 78%?
^We have a winner!
*prolonged ovation*
What a great society we live in with such tremendous prosperity that people can spew drivel like this and get paid for it. Decadence is an unavoidable side effect of success.
“Systemic” means decoupling cause from effect and finding some other, politically expedient cause. Replace systemic with phlogistic and it makes much more sense.
Lefties are stuck in a rut of thinking about everything in “systemic” terms. They see humans as just marionettes having their strings yanked by some puppetmaster.
Women choose different careers and retire earlier and cause an apparent wage gap? No, that’s the result of systemic discrimination!
Inner-city ghetto kids fall into a crab bucket mentality and end up living paycheck-to-paycheck if not in prison? Society forces them to do that!
People use guns to commit crimes? The guns made them do it!
Another “expert professor uses science”
Because =
“toothless-peasants huddling in candle-lit huts through the winter months, unable to labor in the fields for 1/3 of the year,”
= “Vacation”
Holy dumb that’s shit.
Alternatively: Idiotic fuck contributes to the watering down of terminal degrees.
I’m fairly confident that I commute further (farther?) Than people would be able to go for vacation then.
Hayek made a similar point. If I recall, he wrote serfs had more free time due to Sundays and religious holidays.
I’m just waiting for Trump to defund PBS and publicly execute Big Bird and Cookie Monster.
The joke is on you. Sesame Street moved to HBO several years ago.
Sounds like a drone strike is in order then.
What? They’re a bunch of shitbird capitalist now? Nuke it from space!
It’s easy to make that mistake, but that was Lena Dunham, not Big Bird.
If Hayek made that point he was in error and had not studied the lives of Feudal serfs in any detail.
See the work requirements that a Serf owed their lord were in effect the TAXES they owed. They received no benefit for time they spent toiling in the fields for the Lord and had to spend their “off” time toiling in the small plots of land granted to them so that they could actually eat and then performing other odd jobs around the villiage so they could have something extra to barter for other needs. The labor they are counting does not include any of that, only the portion owed their lord.
Iran reacts predictably. And by that, like a bunch of children.
The clerics rely heavily on Iranian national pride. It’s the one thing that most of the populace can agree on.
The NYT are having a meltdown over it also, along with Obama. Muh legacy, muh legacy!
Should have ratified it through congress…
of course, they wanted to precisely avoid having the details of this sordid bullshit deal come out, so…
Dude standing over me as I sit on the train just coughed all over me and lady next to me. His hands are covered in some awful, angry rash. To quote The Matrix, “Not like this. Not like this.”
Let us know if you develop a hankering for human brains.
Seriously, nasty sonovabitch, that guy.
Maybe ride the “women only” car? My understanding is that they can’t make this an actual requirement.
As a result there a few men that ride the cars to both annoy and prove a point. I looked for it, but couldn’t find the video of the woman absolutely freaking out when a man did just that. The poor woman must have had some real psychological fear of men. She had a complete hysterical meltdown. It was actually painful to watch.
I may have seen that one. There aren’t women only cars at this time of the month anymore. They were always late and couldn’t handle the heavy flow of rush hour.
I may apologize for this when/if I sober up.
Never apologize. Just keep writing hilarious comments. ????????
Does Swiss have a gaze narrow enough to overcome that?
What you did there, I see it.
*strongly narrows gaze*
Best cultural observation was despite the absolute freak out, she still kept the polite form Japanese for her request for him to go to another train car. I’m trying to picture something similar happening here in NYC and utterly failing.
“The poor woman must have had some real psychological fear of men.”
Well, I mean you know, since all men are rapey rape monsters and 10 out of 5 women are raped at least once a day, how do you blame her?
Island nation rife with tentacle porn, panty vending machines, and sex robots?
I don’t really blame her.
The only scene in that movie with real emotional depth. Still makes me sick.
For you, Swissy:
I am like a pendulum that does not swing.
Very nice, Tundra.
Keanu Reeves and Alex Winter Reteaming for ‘Bill & Ted 3’
Bill & Ted’s Excellent Orthopedics?
Alex Winter. Trivia answer, right there.
They could probably actually get Eddie Van Halen this time around.
Does Keanu kill everyone?
“Fair Share” Has Limits, Even in Seattle
Tax, tax, tax, tax!
It’s like their playbook is only a single page.
If you can’t have a command economy, pull the string via onerous taxes and regulations.
Communism and socialism by other means without direct control!
Never estimate the evil of the parasite class. They need their nourishment and dammit they will get it and you will comply comrade. capisce?
That’s why I find the traditional, “Public ownership of the means of production” definition wanting. If you make the list of things you cannot do with your property long enough, and take through taxes a large enough amount of the profits, then there is no functional difference between socialism and a heavy tax and regulate scheme.
Officially that is called fascism. The fascists and the communists make a big deal out of distinguishing each from thee other but you are correct. Functionally they are so much alike that it is a distinction without a difference.
The ones that hate each other the most are the ones with shit like that separating them…
Every collectivist idea is bound to not only fail, but to cause more harm than good, when it happens outside the family unit where bonds make the sacrifices more palatable for the ones being fleeced.
That’s why I fly off the handle whenever I hear someone complain that healthcare is completely unregulated (ditto for banking and finance). American healthcare is best described as a hodge-podge of socialism and Mussolini-style corporatism with little pockets of free market here and there (which is why anything gets done at all).
Any dunce who thinks healthcare is “completely unregulated” can job-shadow me someday… I work in the paperwork/financial sector of healthcare. I’ll show you what an “unregulated” industry looks like.
I always thought that brand of socialism was called fascism.
“let’s see here, granola salt shaker outside, quinoa cut strawberry hot.”
“And it looks like they’re blaming the rich, again, Matt”
“avocado toast! avocado toast!”
“What’s that? An audible for a living wage and banning hate speech. You can see the kid lining up with his Molotov on the outside.”
What could possibly go wrong.
lol. Wtf?
They’re just kicking “affordable housing” mandates up a notch. Look for sharing your home and/or workplace with a bum coming to a city near you!
“It’s like their playbook is only a single page.”
You forgot page 2:
Spend, spend, spend, spend!
It’s not called tax & spend for nothing Q…
Also, you’d think that perhaps they’d learn from the history of Detroit so as not to repeat it.
…hahahahahahaha! Nevermind…
The lesson progressives learned from Detroit is that big companies will move all their jobs out of country if you don’t regulate them properly.
Remember, they’ve actually floated the idea of repopulating Detroit with refugees.
Dropping a ton of people (many of whom are already radicalized) into an urban wasteland with little to no job prospects… What could possibly go wrong???
Paging Snake Pliskin…
Deputy shoots groundhog blocking traffic in Carroll County
When there are no dogs around it is time for desperate measures
Maybe he forgot his lunch. Groundhog makes a damn fine stew.
Suthen, I’m sure, has recipes.
Unfortunately, the groundhog didn’t go home safely to her children.
In the cop’s defense, that groundhog looked like he wanted to throw down. But three rounds to put down a groundhog? The Carroll County meth problem must be worse than we’ve been told…
40’s and 9’s with fmj bullets are what most PD’s use. Least effective bullet possible.
Wait, what?
I thought LEOs always went with JHP for duty ammo.
That was my impression.
My carry ammo is Speer Gold Dot — purchased in “Law Enforcement” packages of 50 rounds for basically the the same price as the 20 round “Personal Defense” package. Exactly the same ammo, just not as polished in appearance.
As much as I hate a dog-shooting video, I love watching groundhogs get shot.
I had one snarl and charge me in my backyard. Had to kill the bastard with a bat before it bit me. It probably had rabies, and definitely wanted to eat everything in the vegetable garden.
Don’t forget it also wanted to hate fuck your Chia pet…
I was just reading a “story” on the BBC website written by some self-obsessed American woman, about what it’s like to be a black woman travelling abroad. It was so stupid and pointless it would be immoral to link it. Apparently, people have preconceived notions about the world around them. Also, ignorance.
If only we could all be enlightened young denizens of the NGO parasite ecosystem.
I self identify as a POC while traveling abroad.
Piece of crap?
How dare you erase her lived experiences.
I assume it’s awesome, because America is the home of racism and we need to strive to be more like our enlightened superiors in “Europe” (defined as everywhere except China and Russia).
Has she played soccer in Europe and had bananas thrown at her?
Steve Hayward has taken to signing off his podcast with the line “Remember to milk the soft power dividend,” I guess a reference to Samantha Power’s Politico interview about her election-night Dewey Defeats Truman party. The exchange goes like this:
It’s taken on the meaning of something tedious and silly to say when you’ve made an ass of yourself, but I can’t work out what she meant by it.
It sounds like an inside joke between administration officials, because Ben Rhodes attended her party and took part in the interview, and I can only imagine what the “soft-power dividend” would mean to Obama’s agenda fluffer.
That’s so incredibly rich coming from Obama’s bullshitter in chief.
Shorter: Failed novelist laments that international geopolitics is totes complicated.
I like his shallow sigh of relief that Trump hasn’t reversed the Iran deal.
It’s in reference to setting the standard for liberal democracies as a shining beacon for backwards societies everywhere as a type of diplomacy.
Power thought electing a vagina to the Presidency would be an inspiration for women everywhere, even if that vagina was surrounded by a wholly corrupt and criminal shell of a human.
My response to her would be to celebrate Margaret Thatcher’s birthday instead.
Ahh… that makes sense in a tediously silly way.
I wish these people would worry less about trying to make liberal democracy a thing in illiberal societies and try to better understand what makes it work here, and why we’re forever edging back toward the illiberal barbarism.
It’s also a fundamentally hollow way of looking at the election. It reveals Power not as someone who believes in principles, but as someone for whom the symbols are more important.
At least Rhodes was more pissed that his agenda was well and truly fucked with the election of Trump.
What’s infuriating about that line of thinking is that it confuses the causes and effects of liberal democracies.
Wait, what’s this about HBO being there with cameras? Is that still available, because I have a temporary subscription while Westworld S2 airs. Anyone seen it?
“milk the soft power dividend of this moment”
If she’s milking it properly it shouldn’t be soft.
Try a firmer grip Sami. Friction is your friend.
Seriously, is this what you want with a firm grip on you knob?
I think she might have a knob.
I bet she has a kung-fu grip. Maybe she’s actually cutting off blood flow.
I’m reminded of a certain Seinfeld episode.
Give her The Precious.
She’s just udderly bad at it.
She needs more practice to squeeze out better results.
The lady’s not for churning.
I would tell you to cheer up SS but what would be the point. It doesn’t matter.
Ah, the AlmightyJB…he understands.
How to get an extended paid vacation in Boston.
I found a job for our Glib “Q Continuum”…
He’d befitting.
I test what size is needed by motorboating.
Even the fat girls? Do they get to top the pyramid too?
Judging by kid’s High School games, I would have guessed that was already a thing.
It’s one thing to get “included”, it’s another to put on a skimpy outfit and dance in front of a crowd when you’re out of shape and can’t dance.
John nods.
Fine, put the skinniest kids on the football offensive line too.
And the morons should get to participate on the Knowledge Bowl teams
End high school cheerleading: it objectifies young girls.
End high school football: it breeds violence toward women.
Students will sit in fields making daisy chains and crying therapeutically.
They’ll have more time to learn about intersectional queer POC ableism and its effect on social revolution with nonbinary LGBTQIA++ fat shaming inclusiveness.
Last year I went to our hometown HS football game – and the other team bussed in their cheerleaders, many of them on the chunkier side. Needless to say there weren’t many pyramids being built with those thicc gals.
Mopeds need to remain in the background until needed.
Don’t really have a problem with this policy. And for that matter, I don’t have a problem with applying the same policy to the sports teams, especially if they’re run by the school instead of an outside organization.
Really? I have a huge problem with it. By the time a kid is in high school, they need to get used to being rewarded for performance, not attendance. The tough lesson of being cut from a team is extremely valuable for kids who either need a kick in the ass or have been coasting on God-given talent and need a wakeup call that it’s time to get to work.
It’s also an introduction to the way real life works and the harsh reality that not everyone has equal abilities and skills and, furthermore, sometimes things just plain don’t go the way you want no matter how hard you work.
Abilities and skills, in cheerleading?
You don’t want a bunch of Samantha Powers servicing the football team.
Good point. https://despair.com/products/failure
That’s why I’m irritated that the Left promotes this “everyone is equal in everything” mindset. It encourages people to just whine to the authorities about a “lack of inclusiveness” instead of either improving their abilities or finding something they’re good at.
It’s the same thing with the minimum wage debate: Instead of improving the value of their skills, people just scream for the government to force their mean old employer to give them more money.
Cutting them for lack of effort is different than excluding them from participating.
Isn’t that what tryouts are for? There are only so many positions on the field.
This. 20 roster spots and 30 kids trying out means 10 disappointed kids. A couple of those 10 will bust their asses for the next season. The rest will move on with their lives.
As far as participation, there are club teams for nearly every varsity activity. If they love it, but can’t compete at the highest level, there are still options.
I was about to compare the way cheerleading and sports teams are handled to the way HS band is handled. The band is sorted into different tiers based on ability to play. You try out, and you get slotted into the appropriate band for your skill level, but everyone who wants to be in band can be in (a) band, and you might, or might not, be motivated to work your way up. If you qualify for a band but can’t be bothered to put in the effort, you can get kicked out. I personally think this offers a slightly less cut-throat version of the same lessons about “performance matters” and trying to improve, while not cutting off 90% of the kids who are interested and motivated but not in the top 10%.
I think that your point about club teams is basically the same point and if so, it’s one I wasn’t aware of.
Agreeing with Hitler here. From the one or two times I saw high school cheerleading while the stepkid went to high school, it seems like the cheerleading was done with a full squad 25% of the time, and with a smaller “good” ‘squad” 75% of the time. Choir was done the same way.
The worst is musical theater. My niece teaches that and she is stuck finding parts for EVERYBODY, including the kids with major developmental problems. It isn’t even THAT so much – they can sort of be hidden in ensemble pieces – it’s the asshole parents that insist their retarded kid be in EVERY play for all EIGHT years of high school.
If tax payer money is funding it, I get Badolph’s point. That ship has sailed long ago, however. Net taxpayers always get screwed.
High School is where the crap ends. My son had to ride the bench in youth football so the coach’s kid could play every down. In some ways that might have been a good thing – it made my son work really hard in practice and the weight room.
Coach’s kid quit football altogether as a freshman because it was hard work he wasn’t really interested in. My kid still loves it and is scheduling recruiting visits to colleges.
I think there’s a middle ground here. I was on the HS soccer and tennis teams. Granted, I sucked at tennis and I only played in one real soccer game (and I scored!) but I was otherwise terrible at it. I was not under any delusions about my abilities but I was still part of the teams and enjoyed the hell out of that experience. OTOH I bet football was a lot more competitive.
Yesterday I shared that I kicked my 21 year old out of the house because she refuses to take responsibility for herself and act like an adult. That’s what these all-inclusive policies are breeding. You get “adult children” who don’t see the value in working hard, and think that that someone else should take care of them for their entire life.
I was on the receiving end of my father’s “My house, my rules” and “Work, college, or GTFO” policies on my 18th birthday, and while I’m not going to say that it magically made me a responsible, hard-working, sensible young man, it kept me from thinking that I could just coast along mooching on family and just doing what I felt like doing at any given time. I have a cousin who was not subject to that policy and the amount of developmental retardation that caused is just unbelievable. A responsible kid will be a responsible adult, but an irresponsible kid won’t grow into a responsible adult without some help, usually in the form of a swift kick in the ass.
I’m sure it’s giving you considerable agita but I think you are doing the right thing. I was a shiftless, recently graduated, even more recently unemployed 17 year old sponging gas money off of mom and dad. I was hemming, hawing, and dragging my feet about enlisting in the military until the weekend my father explained, in no uncertain terms, that I had until the end of the week to show him either a signed enlistment contract or a signed lease for my own apartment. 3 months in DEP then it was off to lovely Ft. Sill for boot camp. It was the best thing that could have happened to me at that time in my life.
The Frogs and Limeys have their panties all in a twist over Trump’s NRA speech. Their media outlets were careful to air their outrage, while making sure to omit Trump’s actual statement.
Ah, a Galouise and an espresso. How very Eurotrash of you.
I’m currently watching the hearing for Gina Haspel. Regardless of what you think about the CIA, this is one formidible woman wrapped up like a kindly grandmother. The gravitas of her presence says to the Senators, “I’m better than you”, without ever needing to say it.
They’re going to continue their silly shit and she’ll barely make it out of committee but she’s already won regardless of the outcome.
“The gravitas of her presence says to the Senators, ‘I’m better than you'”
Admittedly, not a high bar to clear.
Dick Durbin hardest hit.
He wouldn’t know if he was hit – he was never particularly bright – just had a certain low cunning and knew retail politics. His increasing age has dulled and already none too sharp intellect.
Maybe this will be a change of pace. Brennan struck me as a sneaky dumb thug. Clapper’s simply retarded.
Nicely put. Those are the exact words I would use for Brennan.
She just quietly and politely completely dismantled DiFi.
Ron Wyden is a douche among douches.
“In the sort of important league, allegedly a no hitter was thrown…but it was only against a Canadian team, so I am not sure it counts.”
Paxton is Canadian.
No whammies, no whammies….WHAMMY!
[H]ardliners rejoiced at the US exit, The Guardian crows. Well, no shit? They mugged Obama and by extension the US over it, and then Trump tells them No, we’re not going consent to trading sanctions for your illusory inspection regime, so it’s not as if they’ve lost anything in the withdrawal. They’re up, what, a hundred billion dollars? Not bad for a couple years’ work glad-handing Obama’s advisors. I’d be cheering on America’s humiliation, too.
Besides that, as I understand it, the mullahs are not well-liked by the Iranian people… and they fear internal dissention more than Israel or even the United States. Of course they’re going to spin it as a magnificent victory, dummies. Does The Guardian think Khamenei would issue a tearful statement begging to get us back?
Hard, to port, Helmsman!
In less than a year, beginning around when Republican efforts to tear down Obamacare and scale back Medicaid were ramping up, members of the Senate Democratic caucus have crafted no fewer than five pieces of legislation that would expand Medicare to cover more — or all — Americans. A new bill this week from New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker would create a pilot program for a federal jobs guarantee. Democratic Sens. Elizabeth Warren, Jeff Merkley, Kamala Harris and Kirsten Gillibrand are all cosponsors. Sanders’ more comprehensive version is on the way. Gillibrand also introduced legislation this week that would require the US post office to offer bank services, effectively creating a public option for personal banking. The list goes on.
To varying degrees, these bills have one crucial thing in common: they take steps toward removing private industry — and with it, profit motives — from critical aspects of public life. Unlike Obamacare, which required Americans to obtain health coverage, offered subsidies or increased access to Medicaid to those who couldn’t afford it, the new crop of Democratic policy pitches largely remove the middle man. Implicit is the argument that government should protect citizens from destitution, but that it should take an affirmative role in seeking to improve their lives.
This marks a return, in large part, to the Democrats’ “New Deal” ethos. It’s not a coincidence progressives have been citing President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s “Second Bill of Rights” in some recent messaging. Nor that the party named its official policy slate, introduced last summer, the “Better Deal.” Though snarked upon by some at the time, and largely drowned out initially by, of all things, the unusual public exhibition of Jared Kushner’s voice, it represented yet another sign of the Democratic establishment’s shifting ideological moorings.
Push that progressive agenda harder, Demos. The politics of envy and undeserved merit are the way back to power, Shirley.
Democrats in hard-left districts facing pushback from no-shit socialists push bills that have little chance of being tabled, much less passed. You’re a sucker, Greg.
I applaud their efforts. It won’t change a thing in the whack job parts of the country but in the more sane areas of the country, it’s campaign fodder against the Democrats. Most Republicans are too stupid to exploit it properly, though.
I think that’s possible. I think this also might be pushback from the progressives against the remaining Blue Dogs in the party. The evidence of recent election results was abundantly clear – Democrats can win running moderates. If the party were in any way rational, the conclusion would be to shift as much of the party into Blue Dog territory as they possibly could. But, if you’re a progressive, that puts you in a pretty damned tight spot. Basically it means that the party’s best chance is to tell you to shut the hell up and pay attention to the people you’ve spent the last decade trying to kick out of the party. If that’s the case, from you’re perspective, your best option is to try to go full tilt commie. It’s not like you’re going to lose re-election. So, you might as well get whatever you can in before you don’t have much of a say. Moreover, if you can win on one or two of them, you stand a decent chance of having something to respond to the moderates with.
It’s also why their success continues to be limited to shrinking and increasingly insular, mostly urban, locales.
Well, yeah. But, for the individual progressive politician, succeeding in that insular, urban, locale takes precedence over some theoretical national win. After all, it’s his or her district.
Free shit punches above its weight, unfortunately.
Can’t win an election against Santa Claus.
“they take steps toward removing private industry — and with it, profit motives — from critical aspects of public life”
Nothing could possibly go wrong.
Those horrible, HORRIBLE profit motives.
Service to the Government is the only pure and trustworthy motive. Just look at all those selfless government employees. Judge them by their actions. You know it to be true.
Their benefits far outstripping their private counterparts’ is merely reflective of the essential work they do, a just reward for being so selfless. And when they strike, it’s in defense of their important mission.
I’m starting to suspect that these bills that they know have no chance of passing are being pushed solely in order to get votes.
“Implicit is the argument that government should protect citizens from destitution, but that it should take an affirmative role in seeking to improve their lives.”
That’s not it. That’s not it at all. In fact, that has nothing whatsoever to do with it.
Government does that already. Citizens have the option to go to court and tell their creditors Get lost, I can’t pay. Yes, you’re penalized, else what would be the point of lending money?
These are plans for immiserating everyone. Christ, can you imagine the sort of makework government would find for the sort of lazy, unskilled ass who needs it? Oh, wait, we can: they’re the timeout rooms that indefensibly shitty teachers get sent to.
As always, follow the money.
“government should protect citizens from destitution, but that it should take an affirmative role in seeking to improve their lives.”
Oh boy, that sure sounds swell!
Something something pod bay door
The nation’s largest home builder is betting voice-activated digital assistants and smart devices will become as expected in a new home as garages now are.
Lennar announced Wednesday that standard features in its new homes will include built-in Wi-Fi, smart locks, doorbells, thermostats and lights — all controlled by Alexa, Amazon’s voice-activated digital assistant.
Each house will come with two Alexa-enabled smart speakers, an Echo Show and an Echo Dot. New homeowners will also get a free visit from an Amazon technician to help set everything up and teach them how to use it.
“This will be the hallmark of why we buy a new home,” said David Kaiserman,president of Lennar Ventures. “It’s an important step in the mass adoption of all these technologies.”
Lennar began rolling out the baked-in capability last summer, working with Amazon to get the technology right. Beginning this month, all its new homes will be Alexa-enabled.It already has integrated Wi-Fi into its homes, which it says guarantee “no dead spots.”
Because of Lennar’s everything included pricing policy, all its homes will come with the system installed. Customers have the choice of turning the system on but cannot buy a home that doesn’t include it.
That means this year every one of the close to 35,000 homes in 23 states Lennar will build will be a smart home, no retrofitting necessary. All the new homeowner will need to do is choose an Internet service provider and turn on the account, Kaiserman said.
Then, an Amazon Smart Home Services technician trained to set up customers’ smart home systems visits the home, for free.
Learn to love Big Sister. Relax in her warm embrace.
“Learn to love Big Sister. Relax in her warm embrace.”
Is she hot?
“Lennar announced Wednesday that standard features in its new homes will include built-in Wi-Fi, smart locks, doorbells, thermostats and lights — all controlled by Alexa, Amazon’s voice-activated digital assistant.”
And no way to keep it secure.
Smart locks: the most ironic name of any product ever.
Nothing says critical thought, intellectual growth and enrichment like strict enforcement of orthodoxy and suppression of dissent.
On a personal note, I know a few DU grads and it is an absurdly overpriced, underperforming place for the children of country club, limousine liberals to piss away 4+ years of their life virtue signaling, trashing their liver and contracting STDs.
NB: Tuition is ~$50K/year.
It does make me wonder how a student with a conservative bent would choose to go there to begin with. I would think they would most often come from conservative families (successful businesspeople or whatnot) who would be disinclined to sent their kids to some liberal hell-hole college, especially at those prices.
Were they expecting something different? Did they have some awareness but just underestimate how bad it would really be?
I don’t know why anyone would go there simply because of the price tag, socialist politics aside. If you’re from Colorado, even if you’re a prog, you can get a superior education for 1/5 the cost by going to CU. You can find your comfortable little bubble of socialism there just as easily, but maybe it’s not good enough if you don’t have the administration actively driving conservatives off campus (CU has a conservative thought program! Where is my fainting couch!?). Also, you’re not near downtown Denver so you can’t take your stupid train downtown to get drunk and have casual sex as easily maybe?
Social signalling?
These kids are learning valuable lessons at college.
Man, that is shit.
Yep, vote with your feet, let the market do its job.
How’s the enrollment at Mizzou this year, anyway?
On the other end of the spectrum, my kid would like to go to Hillsdale but that place is getting tough to get into.
I bet it is. I would think demand is growing every day.
Enrollment at Mizzou is lower than at Missouri State University (used to be Southwest Missour State) in Springfield this year.
They guy I mentioned above, Steve Hayward, is a professor at Berkeley. Here’s his lecture on the suicide of universities.
The left, always and everywhere the same. That shit is straight out of the history of the most oppressive regimes in modern history.
Hey, it’s not Godwinning if it is true.
That toxic climate was exemplified on April 10, when the Federalist Society hosted Ryan Anderson to speak about his book When Harry Became Sally: Responding to the Transgender Moment.
Prior to the event, the university’s Office of Title IX and Committee on Free Expression each released a statement responding to complaints it had received from students, and encouraged them to respond by hosting “counter protests, teach-ins, debates, as well as other creative responses.”
Nothing says “free and open exchange of ideas” like an administration actively encouraging students to shut down uncomfortable ideas.
What can’t last, won’t.
No way this continues much longer.
College Republicans event at UC-Irvine featuring IDF reservists protested.
One of the protesters called a speaker “Christ-killer”
It’s only anti-Zionism though. Definitely not anti-Semitism.
The left have been anti-Semitic for as long as I can remember. Jews are like the white people of religion or something. I’ve always taken it as the victim embracing thing. A lot of Jewish people are successful, Israel is strong and the poor Palestinians are weak and victims, therefore Israel = bad = Jews are bad. The left are one giant drooling imbecile.
I quit going to Temple when the Rabbi made a sideways comparison between Israel and Nazi Germany. There was some “to be sure” bullshit about how, of course, Israel isn’t as bad as the Third Reich, but their policies are shaped by the same ideology. It was sickening and embarrassing.
Since Othodox/Hasidic Judaism doesn’t appeal to me, I just do my own thing.
I just do my own thing.
And how.
Q’s building his own synagogue, has 2 large round domes on top. It’s symbolic of … something.
Looks like two mosques, wrestling under a blanket?
The congregation (or whatever a group of Jews calls itself) didn’t jump up and shout the Rabbi down?
They don’t dare. Having your Leftist credentials called into question is far worse than having your “Jewishness” called into question in the Reform movement.
Us Protestants will walk the fuck out of a church and find a new one over far less than that. I guess that’s how we got the name.
I quit going to Temple when the Rabbi made a sideways comparison between Israel and Nazi Germany.
What the hell does anybody say to something that utterly and embarrassingly stupid?
Did he happen to mention which ideology?
Certainly not. That would open the door to all kinds of awkward questions.
I thought the Italians killed Him?
The Romans killed Jesus and then blamed (((us))), which has worked for two millennia and will continue to work.
“‘I did not want my rape spoken about over breakfast cereal’: Rose McGowan reveals she refused to let NBC run her story because she’d heard about Matt Lauer, and sent Ronan Farrow cease and desist letters to kill the report”
Still would.
You say that like there was any question.
Hell yeah.
She’s got a weird face. Not my favorite.
“Drag queen Vanity von Glow faces anger after appearing at ‘far right propaganda’ rally
Drag artist Vanity von Glow has responded to criticism after appearing alongside far-right activists at a ‘free speech’ rally.
The London drag act, real name Thom Glow, performed at the ‘Day of Freedom’ protest on Sunday (May 6) where she was introduced by Tommy Robinson, the former leader of the leader of the English Defence League.
Many other speakers at the rally were prominent ‘heroes’ of the far-right, including InfoWars pundit Milo Yiannopoulos, Gavin McInnes of the ‘Proud Boys’ movement, and Carl Benjamin – who is known on YouTube as ‘Sargon of Akkad.’
The drag queen has faced criticism from the LGBT community in the wake of the performance, and several gay clubs have threatened to cut ties in protest.
London cabaret bar Her Upstairs announced that it had cancelled a performance by Glow, condemning the event she appeared at as “far right propaganda masquerading as the promotion of freedom of speech.””
“far right propaganda masquerading as the promotion of freedom of speech.””
I keep hearing that. Why dont they just come right out and say that any advocation for free speech is far right propaganda? Why keep on with the dog whistle excuse? They wont win anyone over with it but It’s not like their useful idiots aren’t brainwashed to the point where they will gladly chime in condemning freedom of speech so they dont really have anything to lose.