“Wait, isn’t Brett supposed to do afternoon links?”
“Yeah, where is he?”
“Did he say he was busy?”
“I think he’s in his wack-off room.”
“Shit, guess I’d better do some links, and fast, before the villagers get their pitchforks.”
Florida Woman, she never fails me.
It’s the Jews. it’s always the Jews.
Every once in a while, someone says, “Fuck you!” instead of groveling. I approve.
Wait, didn’t we go through this a few months ago? Oh, never mind, it’s fundraising season again.
Team Blue, please never, never change.
“Well, we’ve been entirely unable to demonstrate health hazards from second hand smoke? What are we going to do now?” “Hold my beer.”
Instead of Old Guy Music, because it’s that time of year, something with a baseball theme. Earl Weaver was the greatest manager in the history of the game and certainly the most fun. He had a weekly radio show in Baltimore called “Manager’s Corner,” and one episode of it went a bit differently than usual…
*stows pitch fork back in the shed*
The links must be posted on time to they can be ignored.
/puts away riot juice.
I like Jews they are God’s chosen people, but I think sometimes He get’s mad at them…….
I hope God gets mad at you for apostrophe abuse.
I did for YOU Ted 😉
Not to mention the ellipses abuse…
I fear no G-D but I do Fear God……..
Not to mention plural usage abuse.
Traitor! Mikes/Michaels should stick together!!!11!!1
“but I think sometimes He get’s mad at them”
And sends them wandering in the desert for 40 years.
Milhouse: Well, Lisa, we’re out of Egypt. So, what’s next for the Israelites? Land of milk and honey?
Lisa: [consulting a scroll] Hmm, well, actually it looks like we’re in for forty years of wandering the desert.
Milhouse: Forty years? But after that, it’s clear sailing for the Jews, right?
Lisa: [nervously] Uh-huh-hum, more or less — hey, is that manna?
Well (((we))) do end up controlling the world…
It’s sunny and 70°F. So thanks! (((You)))’re doing a great job!
We seem to be stuck in a hot or hotter phase. Today was about 84, tomorrow 86, but 96 on Saturday, ouch black steering wheels really suck when it’s almost 100.
We didn’t get spring until the beginning of the month, so I’m not complaining.
A whole week of proper spring here in NYC. It’s delightful.
And that’s when he’s in a good mood. When he’s in a not so good mood, he drowns everyone and puts the few remaining on a cramped ark with smelly animals for 40 days. There’s something to this 40 number…
You know who else spent a lot of time in the desert to punish the Jews?
An antisemitic un-named horse?
Get up in the morning, slaving for bread, sir
So that every mouth can be fed
Poor me Israelites
Isn’t that the recurring plot of the Old Testament?
I can be properly outraged now that I have links to never be clicked through or read.
Bless the folks a Mossberg
I need to buy myself a shockwave, I guess.
Dad just bought the 20ga. I’ll try it out this summer before I splurge.
.410 just came out. May want to give that a look.
I’m interested in the 12ga with the minishell adapter. Lower kick with ten shells to pump.
Yeah, a .410 is really handy if you’re attacked by a sparrow, a mouse or an overly aggressive cockroach.
I bought two of their youth model shotguns when the altar boys were young. They were nice little 20ga guns. I’m happy Mossberg got some of my money.
Personally, I was looking at upgrading to a new kayak this summer and noticed that the one I wanted was doing a lot of selling through DIck’s. I actually took the time to call their customer service # (didn’t have an email form on their contact us page) to tell them that I would be buying a different brand because of Dick’s dickishness on guns. The cust svc person was confused about what to do. But I felt better.
Altar boys are haunting you, Pope J? Though I agree, 20 gauge should be fine for them.
G-ddamned phone.
Clearly, the tag failure is your fault.
I already blamed my phone, Ted. Have some apostrophes”’.
I blame Russian incels hacking the server with twitter bots.
Fine fuck with Ted, but could you at least put an even number of apostrophes to keep all the software guys on here calm?
Fuck grammar, but that unclosed apostrophe is gnawing at me.
Think of it as apostrophes-prime-prime-prime.
No mention of the grant money
“And in recent years, California has created a new consortium of scientists funded by the state’s cigarette taxes to research the mechanics and possible dangers of thirdhand smoke.”
“One study published this year showed thirdhand smoke increased risk of lung cancer in mice. Another study published last year showed an increased risk of liver damage and diabetes in mice.”
So it’s settled then. Mice shouldn’t buy cigarettes.
There’s already an ad in CA where cig smoke goes crawling through some building and then out an air duct into a nursery where some precious baby inhales it like it’s a freaking facehugger. I hate that ad, almost as much as I hate all the Democrat primary ads.
Because of the late lynx, I have something special for everyone!
Underboob: http://archive.is/o1ccO
Tight Sweaters: http://archive.is/GSVce
Heaven help me with #6 sweater girl.
Sweaters 1,6,9,10
I wanna play Peek-A-Boo with #13 from Underboob
RIP: ‘A bear’s best friend’: Alberta naturalist Charlie Russell who lived with ‘peace-loving’ grizzlies dies at 76
Peace loving? You mean would love of piece of that human over there? What’s the electric fence for?
Piece loving. He had Russian hoors flown in twice a month.
Did they pee on the cave floor saying Barack Obama had slept there?
Best friend? Personally I never liked the guy.
But supporters of net neutrality regulations, including online activists and large technology companies such as Amazon, Facebook, Google and Netflix, are making a push to secure one more vote from some undecided Republicans to ensure passage even if McCain returns.
– Call me cynical, but when big businesses support regulations, I tend to think those regulations would benefit the big businesses and not regular people like me.
You’d be thinking right. In the case of those particular big businesses and their cronies in DC, it’s all about shutting down opposing viewpoints under the guise of hate speech. Republicans not going to pass that, the Democrats are dreaming again.
The big businesses in question will benefit mightily from net neutrality.
And they like to play savior to the reddit infotards of the world. So this fits right in with that.
The big businesses in question will benefit mightily from net neutrality.
That seems to be my impression. This largely strikes me as the Internet Content Providers demanding the Internet Service Providers meet their bandwidth demands precisely on the terms most favorable to the former. Sorry, but I’m not all that interested in enriching Jeff, Mark, Larry, Sergei, and whoever it is at Netflix versus my local phone or cable company.
You forgot Irving P. Fuckface, owner of Reason.com.
Of the Pacoima Fuckfaces?
Just because you’re cynical, that doesn’t mean you’re wrong.TM
Who do people think are writing these rules?
Goddamn people are stupid
Team Blue, please never, never change.
And one of the first replies is from a self-righteous Canadian seemingly agreeing with Team Blue.
Replying to @MonicaLewinsky
A former friend uninvited me to his housewarming while I was en route.
My EX had unexpectantly showed up & the tactless host said if I attended, EX would leave…and he would rather have EX there because EX is more fun. Not gonna lie – I cried.
bullying prevention activist • speaker •@vanityfair contributor • ambassador @bystanderrev + @antibullyingpro • board member @resiliencefnd
Most activists are bullies, so they should know about bullying.
Flarn Filth Flarn Flarn Marklar
You can’t put on a curse show
But would?
today I learned
…trained cormorants were used to help catch fish: The cormorants’ necks were tied so that they could not swallow the bigger fish, which they would then bring back to the fisherman.
Neat. But did they rub linseed oil on them?
other random thought
The other day, someone here was talking about how Europe developed more advanced civilization because Europe has winters. But for most of history, southern Europe with its milder climate was more advanced than northern Europe. Also, winters on the Great Plains are harsh, but the tribes who lived there never became farmers.
I think the main stumbling block was the lack of draft animals. The Aztecs and Mayans used slaves as a substitute. In other places, slash and burn agriculture or rice farming eliminated the need for plowing.
+1 Monty Python’s The Meaning of Life
I think the main stumbling block was the lack of draft animals.
Interesting point. I would say the domestication of animals is a sign of a more advanced civilization.
They did have llamas, but they will only carry about forty pounds. And I don’t believe those people discovered the wheel on their own.
It turns out that the wheel is not a caveman invention. Making something a simple as a cart requires the ability to drill precise holes and make shafts and axles that are very close to being circular.
The word for wheel/circle in Indo-European languages has a common ancestor in a language spoken thousands of years ago in eastern Europe.
The wheel spread so fast that it’s hard for archaeologists to figure out where it was invented. Linguistic evidence was needed to trace it.
The wheel spread so fast that it’s hard for archaeologists to figure out where it was invented.
It really got on a roll.
These puns are just going to go round and round.
You’re right, forgot about the llamas.
Never Forget about the Llamas, they bite.
Como se llama?
Inca developed the wheel but had little use for it without draft animals.
Yes, unfortunately they never developed another use beyond “wheel of fortune “.
Can I get the Giorgio Tsoukalos meme up in here?
Culture enters into this as well
More primitive people are bound by tradition, ceremony and superstition
That doesn’t allow for innovation
Being bound by by tradition, ceremony, and superstition, seems fairly universal.
It is but some a lot more than others
Animism is a dead-end for innovation.
When man is able to command and bend nature to his will, as it is in a being-based belief system (monotheism, polytheism) versus being beholden to nature (animism), he can blow holes in mountains and cut down forests. This allows for progress.
It’s amazing also how little people attribute cultural development and progress to geography.
That was one of the points in Germs, guns, and Steel.
Also, this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wOmjnioNulo
There is a book titled “Guns, Germs, and Steel”, and documentary based on it, that attributes a large part of advanced civilization to the availability of domesticated animals, such as horses.
Navigable rivers.
The main difference is likely just intelligence.
I’m so happy right now that I own a Mossberg.
Maybe I’ll go out any buy another one.
Springfield gave me warm fuzzy feelings when I got the email saying they told Dick’s to fuck off.
Mossberg is next on my list.
told Dick’s to fuck
I really think we should bring back “phrasing”.
I was aware of what I was typing.
Works blocks that website. Anyone able to quote it extensively?
Mossberg CEO says: “Fuck off slavery, we won’t sell anything to you” to Dicks sporting goods beta male CEO, because Dicks hired a gun control lobbiest.
It’s at this point that vigilant stock holders might jump ship from Dick’s.
Then the Mossberg CEO fucked Dick’s CEO’s wife.
And the Dick’s CEO watched cause he’s a total CUCK!!!1
You know who else was called Dick and really regretted trying to get rid of certain items?
Dick Tuck?
Like I said a few weeks ago Q we share the same thoughts. I too have a Mossberg 500 and also thought about buying a new one. Wait…is this Fight Club? Are you Tyler Durden? Am I Tyler Durden?
We’re both Tulpa.
i’m not. I’m Poppy.
Yes you are. And that is the reason you have to be self-employed. You can’t work for a big corporation because you can’t pass the drug tests.
I’ve been debating lately whether to spring for their Mag-Fed 590. Might just have to pull the trigger on that one now.
I’ve had my beloved 500 for over 20 years now and I picked up a 20 gauge Shockwave last month (HOLY MACKEREL, it’s fun) but I’m with ya. I’ve been coveting the mag-fed 590 for a spell now and the letter to Dick’s may be enough for wifey to allow me to splurge.
Well, my work is done. /gets up stretches, shreds paper, grabs empty brief case, walks out.
The new woman we hired just told us in 13 years of being a childcare worker in three cities around us, our daycare by far care stands above all others. She buzzes on the food we serve.
Not bad for a libertarian-muppet who owns orphans and lacks compassion, eh?
Just because the only viewing window into your mines shows the best-and-brightest orphans slaving away on building the bazookas you sell to your libertarian neighbors does not mean that the rest of your orphans live lives of luxury.
I’m sure she’ll uncover the rest of your operation soon enough.
And? It always fools the dopes. Works for the Middle-East with the West, no?
Potemkin Orphan Mines. Love it.
Potemkin Orphans?
Up yours, Hero!1111111111!!!!
/points and Rufus and screams “RACIST!”
Did you tell her the part about secretly working the children in your diamond mines? I bet you didn’t tell her that part.
She did ask about the secret door leading to the dungeon….
Dude, that’s where you missed your chance to push her in there and lock the door. I mean she’s already eating your magic brownies and buzzing all day, you have to stop this now.
It’s an underground sandbox and play area. How dare you call it a mine!
Did you ever figure out why your wife is a racist?
In typical fashion, she’s downplaying it. The kid asked her a question about a movie and responded that way. She doesn’t think it’s more than that. But she didn’t seem to feel that way last night. I’m not going to push it. It’s an inner-city school with bigger problems than that so she know how to pick and choose which incidences are worth investigating/exploring.
I offered my orphan whip but she declined.
I’m a take a wild guess here. Kids hear stuff and they just wait for the chance to say it. They don’t really have fully developed filters to stop them from doing that. One time my wife and I were on an elevator with about 6 other people, one of them being a kid maybe 5 years old. One lady said something to another about how she should be taking the stairs more often. The kid just blurts out ‘Stairs are for gay people!’. Lol, I had a hard time not just bursting out laughing. When we got off, one older lady that was the last to get off the elevator with my wife and I just looked aghast and says ‘OMG! What, where did that kid get that from?’. I just sort of laughed and said ‘Who knows, he’s a little kid, kids hear stuff and they say it, that’s one thing I love about little kids’. I think she found it shocking that I was not morally outraged or something and just looked at me like I was a monster.
My 7 year old just called her 11 year old sister a bitch the other day.
She may have just been trying out the word, but I think she meant it.
Kids hear words, what are they supposed to to, but try them? This isn’t meant to be racist or anything, but I swear a lot of black women in this city have the foulest mouths I have ever heard. It’s a damn wonder if their kids first word is not motherfucker.
How would you even tell?
/doubling down on the racism
My daily subway commute is like a living laboratory where one can observe the differences that we’re not allowed to talk about between the way various, uh, groups raise their kids.
Is she a bitch?
Yeah, pretty much
That’s pretty much what she’s going with.
So what do you serve?
I hope there are a lot of nuts to make kids allergy-resistant.
Pot brownies, didn’t you read he said she’s buzzing on the food. They have the happiest kids ever, and the help too.
It sure makes nap time easier.
The Moldovan Insect Goulash is a hit.
True story.
Rufus: I’m not myself when I’m hungry.
Wtf is third-hand smoke? Is that just furniture that smells like smoke? (I’m at my limit of free post articles)
Yep. And it gets in the walls, too. And it jumps out at night to kill your children while they sleep.
One of my ex gfs from long ago, her dad was a habitual chain smoker and would just sit in their living room all afternoon in his recliner and smoke one cigarette after another. They had one of those fake flimsy lowered ceiling that were all the rage back then with some sort of shit styrofoam type material tiles held up by a flimsy metal framework. If you’re old enough and have been around poor people, you know exactly what I’m talking about. Anyway, I assume that at one time those were white, but after a shit ton of nicotine filtering through them, they were actually this nasty orange like color.
Similar story; My sister-in-law had some health problems a while back and spent some time away from home. While she was gone we cleaned her house for her and fixed up a few things. This involved washing and painting everything. When we took down anything hanging on the walls, you could plainly see the nicotine outline from where they had hung. Disgusting, but I didn’t fear for my life like these 3rd hand smoke idiots.
Yeah, it’s gross, but like a slimey stagnant pond you walk by, probably isn’t going to jump out and kill you, you know if you don’t try to drink it.
Residue. See my accidentally too large pull quote above.
Wow. I made my comment as a joke. Life has become a joke. I want to die.
“The Police found a new drug on my son, it’s called Residue”
It’s when a person exposed to second-hand smoke farts.
And leaves nicotine stains on the underwear.
If I
neededfelt like buying a shotgun, it would be a Mossberg.OK. This is very local, but most of his points apply to the majority of cities, I would think.
TThe Dirty Little Secrets of Special Assessments
Wtf is third-hand smoke? Is that just furniture that smells like smoke?
Maybe you get it from licking accumulated nicotine off the windows.
One of the most delicious treats for little kids after the lead paint chips.
Mossberg. FUCKEN-A. Finally someone steps up and takes the lead!
“It has come to our attention that Dick’s Sporting Goods recently hired lobbyists on Capitol Hill to promote additional gun control.” said Iver Mossberg, Chief Executive Officer of O.F. Mossberg & Sons. “Make no mistake, Mossberg is a staunch supporter of the U.S. Constitution and our Second Amendment rights, and we fully disagree with Dick’s Sporting Goods’ recent anti-Second Amendment actions.”
Fuck you Dick.
From the link:
First Springfield Armory. Then, when MKS Supply announced the termination of their business relationship with Dick’s Sporting Goods, we wondered which gun maker would be next. The answer, only one day later, is O.F. Mossberg & Sons
Mossberg is a follower, not a leader. 😉
In the comments, someone mentioned Beretta could be another.
That’s what they need to do. Band together and push back.
What the heck is Dick’s thinking hiring gun-control lobbyists?
Trying to buy themselves a new clientele by selling out their old clientele.
Trying to corner the “urban mom buying sports apparel/gear for their kids” market.
That worked so well for Sports Authority.
I’ve never heard of a company undertaking such a path; let alone succeeding. Then again, I’m not expert on business/corporate history.
Seems a little dicey to get rid of a set of clients for this. It’s a strange hill to die on.
But hey, they must have internal studies, right?
“It’s a strange hill to die on”
But the self-righteousness is soooooooo delicious.
It pumps up the stock price by activist pension funds like CalPers etc. The CEO will bail in less than 24 months, guaranteed.
Not sure. NSSF bounced them yesterday, as well.
What the heck is Dick’s thinking hiring gun-control lobbyists?
I’ve been trying to figure out this one too. Dick’s already earned the support of the gun control crowd with their new purchase restrictions. It doesn’t make any sense for them to hire lobbyists for this issue.
My best guess is the company shot callers are rabid progs and are using the company’s money to advance their own agenda.
“What the heck is Dick’s thinking hiring gun-control lobbyists?
They let the progs in. Once you’ve let the progs in, it’s pretty much over, everything they touch turns to shit. Looking what they’re doing to sports.
Progressives are the rag weed of ideologies.
They’re the fire ants of ideologies.
Good for Springfield and Mossberg!
*admires stash of Mossberg guns*
*continues hunting for a left handed M1A*
amusing bible verses
Proverbs 23:29-35
Who has woe? Who has sorrow?
Who has strife? Who has complaints?
Who has needless bruises? Who has bloodshot eyes?
30Those who linger over wine,
who go to sample bowls of mixed wine.
31Do not gaze at wine when it is red,
when it sparkles in the cup,
when it goes down smoothly!
32In the end it bites like a snake
and poisons like a viper.
33Your eyes will see strange sights,
and your mind will imagine confusing things.
34You will be like one sleeping on the high seas,
lying on top of the rigging.
35“They hit me,” you will say, “but I’m not hurt!
They beat me, but I don’t feel it!
When will I wake up
so I can find another drink?”
♪ Please tell me whyyyyyyy…my chariot is on the front lawn…and I’mmmm sleepin’ with my robe on!
Strangest Burma Shave series ever.
At times it sounds like a TV-commercial jingle, and at other times it sounds like bad Emo-Rock-Lyrics
Hail, hail.. frogs, frogs..oh what a plague it is!
did someone say emo-rock?
Is it possible to “soak up all of the air conditioning”?
If your name is Kirby, yes.
Jizz Hornkamp makes his debut for SC Heerenveen. For some reason they didn’t include his given name in the tweet.
I only speak American…….What?
old news, but new for me
Bernie Sanders Is Threatened by a T-Shirt
The Vermont senator is trying to shut down a small business that makes satirical political T-shirts after it poked fun at his campaign.
Late last week, a Seattle lawyer representing Sanders’s campaign demanded that LibertyManiacs, a three-employee online merchandising shop, immediately take down T-shirts that humorously portrayed the Vermont senator alongside a pantheon of communist figures, with the caption: “Bernie is my comrade.” (A red star replaced the dot over the ‘i’ in Bernie for emphasis.)
Using high-priced lawyers to bully a small business that is making fun your campaign is an odd move for a politician who has built a grassroots movement on protecting average Americans from the whims of the rich and powerful.
Nonetheless, the Sanders campaign lawyer apparently didn’t see the irony.
“We encourage you to be creative in designing and using your own logos or trademarks to clearly identify you as the source of the efforts,” the legal notice lectured. “Hopefully you see this as an opportunity to creatively and distinctively come up with something new and clever on your own.”
The similarity between the Bernie Sanders campaign logo and the T-shirt’s design, the Sanders campaign lawyer wrote (PDF), was “likely to cause… confusion”
[raucous, wheezing laughter]
“likely to cause… confusion”
He ain’t wrong in this case.
Now that’s a great way to increase your business! – Piss off your target, and they’ll do all your advertising for you.
God bless Pai, but I wish Republicans would restrict the FCC permanently.
I love the Lewinski thing. … she doesn’t specify who was the invite, or what the subject was – but the implication is that it was probably some “#METOO” type event, “Raising attention” (and funds) for some Women’s related cause.
– On one hand, “We support victims!!’
metal bible verses
Psalm 18
37 I pursued my enemies and overtook them;
I did not turn back till they were destroyed.
38 I crushed them so that they could not rise;
they fell beneath my feet.
41 They cried for help, but there was no one to save them—
to the Lord, but he did not answer.
42 I beat them as fine as windblown dust;
I trampled them like mud in the streets.
Coffee is for closers! Winners go home and fuck the prom queen! Crush your enemies!
file under: hate birds that hate
Alligator chased across golf course by flock of geese
“Did not! I was totally going that way!”
/chicken gator
But what will they release to deal with the geese?
Rabid honey badgers
Chinese needle snakes?
Playa Manhattan?
Minnesoda nice?
Lol. Rob and Laura!
If you have trouble sleeping with your partner, the simplest solution is to just buy a ridiculously expensive mattress. Or get a CPAP. Or just drink enough to pass out.
Some music to go with the story.
She was so hot.
Pour me another, please.
Well in one bed you had a dick and a dyke. How much more racy could old TV be?
Blue. Wave.
“34% say it doesn’t matter who is in control of Congress”
Libertarian moment?
you think *you* had a bad day?
Firefighters fish poop-covered dog out of sewage pond
old news, but new to me
Clinton Goes after Laugh Factory Comedians for Making Fun of Her
In what appears to be a first for a serious presidential contender, Hillary Clinton’s campaign is going after five comedians who made fun of the former Secretary of State in standup skits at a popular Hollywood comedy club.
A video of the short performance, which is less than three minutes, is posted on the website of the renowned club, Laugh Factory, and the Clinton campaign has tried to censor it. Besides demanding that the video be taken down, the Clinton campaign has demanded the personal contact information of the performers that appear in the recording. This is no laughing matter for club owner Jamie Masada, a comedy guru who opened Laugh Factory more than three decades ago and has been instrumental in launching the careers of many famous comics. “They threatened me,” Masada told Judicial Watch. “I have received complains before but never a call like this, threatening to put me out of business if I don’t cut the video.”
I remember the comedy club acts from when Bush Jr was in office, they were profane to say the least. But I don’t recall anyone (of importance) demanding they quit.
Footage of the incident.
Average voters there…
When these people have to live in the environment they helped to create, I just cannot feel sorry for them.
Dear Denver Post,
Hurry up and die.
Just to be clear they were protesting the owner shelving an editorial explaining why the Denver post should be sold.
Not really related, but I glanced at a edition Chicago Tribune sports section today for the first time in years. There were no ads. How in the fuck can you not sell ads in a sports section unless your circulation is under 500??
print edition
someone here may have pointed out that the Mueller investigation may hit an iceberg?
or maybe not; i think i might have picked this up on Lawyer-twitter…
Well here’s the thing
Russian firm pleads not guilty to election meddling charge
The Russian companies charged by Mueller responded last week and said they plan to plead Not Guilty, and challenge the case. they also demanded rapid discovery-process and speedy trial.
This seemed to have taken Mueller by surprise. They expected foreign companies to simply ignore the charges, since there is no jurisdiction in the first place. By stepping in and pleading, they’re committing the Special Prosecutor to “Put up or shut up” on whatever evidence he has.
And its likely that in forcing him to expose this evidence sooner rather than later, it will potentially muck up many of his other related investigation efforts.
That politico writer, Gerstein, has covered this in a few stories going back to mid-april. He expected that Mueller’s team would try and game procedure to prevent having to recognize the Russian lawyers. A judge told them Nuh Uh to that last friday.
The likelihood now is that, either Mueller drops charges against the Russian hackers (or at least these defendants), or ends up having very public-outing of his case against them.
I am hoping for the latter, because it will be a circus
Leave it to the Russians to play the US legal game better than we do.
Its literally cost-free in many senses (well, aside from $$ lawyers fees)
even if they lose, its unlikely anyone’s going to respond to any extradition requests. Its basically a very shrewd bluff-calling
I’d love to had overhead the conversations among the special prosecutor’s office personnel after the Russians entered their plea.
Mueller is a fifth column subversive.
The Russians should charge mueller and Trump should sign the extradition order.
“Some lawyers believe prosecutors could drop the case against that firm and two other companies in order to avoid disclosing sensitive information about how the investigation unfolded.”
Ah the spin already begins. It’s being dropped not because it’s a crap case (they are literally claiming people posting online is a crime), but to protect their case against the big fish. The question no one will ask: why bring the case that would require disclosure of the stuff you don’t want to disclose if you knew you’d have to disclose it? Maybe because it’s an admission that no trial was ever to happen?
“”It’s being dropped not because it’s a crap case (they are literally claiming people posting online is a crime), but to protect their case against the big fish.””
But i think people fail to appreciate that the case against the Big Fish (presumably, the people who ‘colluded’ to make said hacking happen)… relies in many ways on PROVING that the ‘hacking’-stuff was both against the law, and that it was done w/ surrepticious govt support, etc.
If they can’t prove the most basic facts of a criminal act – if they can’t establish in court that anyone actually did anything illegal…. how are they supposed to convict people for *conspiring* to fund said act?
The entire superstructure of his investigation sort of relies on the premise that these “Russian dudes were doing seriously bad shit”. If they decide that they don’t even have a case against THAT – that they don’t have enough evidence to prove it…. how are they supposed to convince anyone that any ‘collusion’ mattered at all?
I bet they can’t find anyone who changed their vote
The prosecutors know plea bargaining: not much experience with facing a defendant with competent lawyers who is not afraid of them.
Trump’s Approval Rises as Study Shows 91% Negative Coverage
New York Times slams AWOL Pompeo, then learns he was rescuing Americans
In an apparent jab at the administration, The Times’ headline said, “At a Key Moment, Trump’s Top Diplomat Is Again Thousands of Miles Away.”
In addition to rescuing three Americans, Pompeo also helped arrange a date and location for Trump’s meeting with Kim Jong Un, according to Trump.
That’s a tortured use of the term ‘rescuing’
Keep it classy, NYT.
“”91% Negative Coverage””
this is a pretty stupid claim.
all coverage is, in one way or another, adversarial. No one writes stories “President: Still Awesome Today”. Its not news unless there’s some critical angle.
if it were op-ed material solely, i suppose that might be different, but the idea that there’s supposed to be any inherent ‘balance’ in news coverage is silly.
i think the real problem isn’t that media is ‘too negative’; its that they’re too *silly*, and choose to write stories about the most trivial and inconsequential details, like how many scoops of ice cream he eats, or how much TV he watches. Its ultimately a qualitative criticism rather than something you can quantify.
It’s like 2008 to 2016 never happened for Gilmore.
Well, I mean it pretty much doesn’t happen unless the president happens to be Obama, in which case it happens every minute until you throw up.
As far as I know, Stormy Daniels lawyer was on CNN 60 times in one week.
I’m not sure that I could have sex with Monica Lewinski without laughing.
She looks pretty good in her twitter avatar.
pretty sure she’s a bag of awful in real life, but hey.
Yeah, that’s what made me think of that.
MySpace angles, man.
Something something chrome off a trailer ball.
World of Warcraft money is now worth 7x more than Venezuela’s currency.
Socialism marches on!
I wonder if there are any Venezuelan gold farming operations. China is famous for it, but Venezuelans stand to benefit from being paid in a valuable currency.
There would be, except there’s no gold in the ground. Maybe emeralds though. Is it time to move in some of our orphans?
I mean World of Warcraft gold. It’s demanded by players across the globe, many in rich capitalist countries, who would willingly pay more than a Venezuelan’s annual salary for it.
Of course they would have to ban it because you can’t have global capitalism undermining the march to socialism.
Shit, that flew right past my head. Got it.
I remember Venezuelans were ostensibly big into crypto-currency mining due to the subsidized electricity.
Any alternative currency is advantageous to them. Bitcoin mining has diminishing returns though. World of Warcraft currency generation is mostly about spending time with your butt in a computer chair, since they tend to aggressively ban bots. Venezuelans have a huge comparative advantage here – low opportunity cost for the time spent.
Because I know the Glibs can’t get enough of “health care in Europe stories”…Outrage over death of young French mother after ambulance call mocked.
Nutpunch warning: proceed only if you don’t value your beanbag.
However, there is a wonderful piece of dry understatement in the article
Yeah, emergency dispatch probably isn’t the best place to be practicing your sub-par comedy routine.
Playa informed us a while ago that LA 911 puts people on hold.
Most large cities do. And, “large” can be quite a span.
More training and budget increases will solve the problem.
All they need is more training and more 3rd world peasants, that will totes fix it.
What could possibly go wrong?
Amazon Web Services CEO Andy Jassy said on Wednesday it’s “super dangerous” for Seattle to consider taxing large companies — and risk dampening job creation — to offset the effects of gentrification and homelessness.
In particular, Jassy was critical of the proposed “head tax,” which would apply to 585 businesses with $20 million or more in yearly revenue, according to The Seattle Times. Those companies would pay a tax of 26 cents per full-time employee per hour for 2019 and 2020, which would convert to a 0.7 percent payroll tax after that.
In 2015, Seattle and King County declared a state of emergency over the rising number of homeless people in the area, calling it “just as devastating to thousands as flood or fire.” Proponents of the so-called head tax say that the businesses who have benefited from Seattle’s economic boom can afford to contribute to programs that mitigate rising rents.
And, of course, there’s our old friend “They can afford it!”.
Sure, just take it from them. They won’t mind.
It’s an art – they need to just skim enough so it’s not worth the hassle to Amazon and others to move.
Optimally, they can find a sweet spot where it’s not worth moving, but it’s worth giving some serious contributions to key electoral campaigns.
BTW, I saw your question in AM Links, but too late to answer – Death of Stalin is really good, script is darkly funny and has great atmosphere, the cast was spectacular, and Jason Isaacs steal the show as uber-Alpha Marshal Zhukov.
“In 2015, Seattle and King County declared a state of emergency ”
Damn the fool who can’t up with the idea of a state of emergency.
Then stop subsidizing them.
Seattle is in a full sprint to become the next Detroit. I live a bit outside of the city, and wonder how it will affect me. Will there be a migrant crisis of productive people? Is that a good thing or a bad thing?
The new voice of the anti-Trump #resistance
brought to you by the people from ClickHole, America’s best Buzzfeed parody
They try, but it’s just not as over-the-top hilarious as the real thing….
2h2 hours ago
If this gets 1,000,000 RTs @RealDonaldTrump is required by the Constitution to resign!”
This is parody, right?
ClickHole is The Onion.
They started a right-wing parody site called “PatriotHole” a while back, now they’re doing a left-wing one too.
That was just so over the top stupid, I assumed it. I mean I know progs are dumber than this, but…
Pretty funny.
Huh, where are all those tweets coming from? Inside the hollow moon? Can those people dress themselves in the morning?
It’s parody. But Poe’s law and all.
Yeah, I pretty much figured that out already. But sometimes it’s really hard to tell, progs are pretty fucking stupid and cannot wait to let everyone know in public.
The Russian companies charged by Mueller responded last week and said they plan to plead Not Guilty, and challenge the case. they also demanded rapid discovery-process and speedy trial.
This seemed to have taken Mueller by surprise.
I linked to that the other day. It’s pretty obvious the absolute last thing Mueller expected to hear was, “See you in court, Dummy. And bring some evidence.”
Best and brightest.
But did you read how his lawyers tried to delay? They argued that the Bureau couldn’t be certain that process service had been rendered, because Russia had refused to cooperate, and so needed “a couple weeks” to determine whether the businessman presenting himself in court for arraignment had been properly served. Beyond parody.
Suthenboy made a comment in the previous thread that sent the crusty cogs in my head spinning. There’s no denying that Trump’s list of accomplishments thus far is rather incredible, especially for such a short period of time. Much of it can be traced right back to his original campaign promises – lower taxes on the middle class, progress toward peace on the Korean peninsula, etc. This got me thinking about one claim in particular that hasn’t had much mention since. Trump said that he could have Chicago’s crime under control within something like thirty days (I can’t remember the specifics of the claim) and was emphatically ridiculed in the media for it. Major cities – places that happen to be solid blue strongholds – are viewed with the lamentably conventional “wisdom” that crime is a natural part of urban life and can never be fully rectified. Viewed in hindsight though, Trump now has the credibility to make real urban renewal a viable thing. I think the prospect of this actually terrifies progressives. High crime rates have long been a powerful bargaining tool used to obtain funding for various city government programs and a convenient scapegoat for when those programs spectacularly, miserably fail. Can you imagine what would happen if crime nearly vanished over the course of, say, a year? I’m not sure that I’d want to see whatever a Trumpian prescription for such might entail, but it would absolutely fuck Democrats and the left at the ballot box once all was said and done.
If I was trying to control crime, I’d put police substations in the highest crime areas and have officers walk beats in pairs. Engage the community. Get to know who the decent hardworking poor vs gangbangers. When your cops know the good guys from the bad you want have as many issues with misidentifying aggressors and what not. Encourage civic pride with clean up days and support your local business stuff.
You forgot that the yuppies demand that you stock their neighborhood with ten times the amount of police than is necessary. And so help you if they ever hear about anything more severe than jaywalking in their community they’ll end their political donations.
This is how most modern cities operate now
Orlando has been reclaiming downtown area. They put in a police substation, which lowered crime, which brought in private investment. It’s not perfect, but it’s getting better.
Well then what I described is how Chicago operates.
Also, Chicago is practically bankrupt and its police department is understaffed and refuses to do its job in high crime areas, because they don’t want the bad press.
Your idea is probably correct and would be effective. But, it’s too logical and makes too much sense for Chicago to copy it.
The thing is it would probably save money. No fancy cruisers, no select fire M4, no shotgun. They get a sidearm and a partner.
And now your arguing fiscal responsibility. That definitely doesn’t fly in Chicago anymore.
Who’s going to pay off the alderman, the public employee unions, and the street gang’s?
Yes, it’s like that. Where I live, if you even dare piss on the sidewalk, there will be 10 patrol cars, both private and the city cops all over your ass in 3 minutes. In inner city west Baltimore, you may as well not even call the police if someone’s shooting at you through your windows, they aren’t coming, ever, unless maybe after you’re dead and they need to do a report.
-1 Officer Noor
If he goes down, it will be because he gunned down a rich white woman in a very safe part of town. Even after searching her house, the cops couldn’t find a way to smear her. Jeronimo Yanez was able to walk because he thought Philando Castile was such a monster for smoking in a car with his kid, he was capable of anything.
I have to doubt that claim. 30 days? No. I live in Baltimore and is this pathetic inner city situation solvable? Yes, it is, but it would require getting rid of the Democrats who have controlled the city for 50+ years? How exactly can you do that? It’s not possible, they have their damn plantation in place and have the votes to keep themselves in power until they run out of money and then those dependent on their monthly payments will burn down the city. IOW, no, Trump cannot get Chicago crime problem solved in 30 days. To his credit, neither can anyone else.
One misplaced nuke solves it in femtoseconds.
So, the Violent Femtos?
Blister everywhere.
Cut their funding and then take over when they declare bankruptcy.
Yep, chicago is going to beg for pension bailouts from the feds, and if Trump is in office he’d be willing to make a deal that would work for everyone except the entrenched corrupt Democrats.
I was just thinking about Alfie. Would the government had prevented politicians or the Royal family from leaving to go abroad if they had an Alfie dilemma?
Obviously not. And they certainly wouldn’t have starved him to death
What, you think equality under the law is a thing? Stupid Canadians.
Do they face the same issues with NHS as the common folk? Do they even see NHS?
They let Prince Charles wander around internationally don’t they? That inbred imbecile is about as brain dead as Alfie.
Lol. These things about ‘Trump can’t win’ are still gold.
Someone really should have just punched that punchable face to stop that idiot from making such a fool of himself.
Seriously, I’ve watched the CNN live coverage of election might 2016 like 50 times and it never gets old, ever, never will.
“Don’t sanction Russia. The Europeans should take care of their own problems. Sanction Iran to death. We need to defend our allies in the region”
– Trumpism 2.0
This literally makes no sense. Here I was naively thinking conservatives had gotten better on foreign policy. I guess inside every Mike Lee is Dick Cheney just itching to break free
Israel and the Saudis can take care of themselves.
If I was trying to control crime, I’d put police substations in the highest crime areas and have officers walk beats in pairs. Engage the community. Get to know who the decent hardworking poor vs gangbangers.
I agree, but the only way to make that work is if the cops can be convinced that their job is not necessarily to arrest everybody they possibly can. You’re going to have to either get rid of or decline to enforce a lot of bullshit laws before you can establish rapport with the people in the neighborhood.
Yep, wanna simple foolproof way to decrease crime? Make a lot less shit illegal.
Also, this.
Trump could do a 180 on drug policy and that would make a dent. But I don’t count on that happening.
I’ve been saying this for a while. But if Trump would de-schedule cannabis, the left would suffer a meltdown the likes of which we have never seen in this lifetime. It would be fucking epic, we’d get to see the Democrats turn into raging drug warriors overnight. Putin is trying to put drugs on our playgrounds!
It’s definitely an unseized opportunity that wouldn’t even upset his base. He just doesn’t realize it. Stranger things have happened, though, so you never know.
Oh, they’re already drug warriors on the opioid “epidemic”.
Could easily stop opioid abuse by de-scheduling cannabis.
People take fentanyl because heroin is illegal. People take heroin because opium is illegal.
This is fantasyland where I can control policy. Go after violent crime, give warnings to petty crime, take kids acting the fool home by the scruff of their neck. It would take a complete change in police culture and years to build trust, but I bet you would see a big drop in crime.
When I was a teenager was in the car with a friend of mine. As he, like me, was a 16 year old boy, he was driving like an idiot. He got pulled over. Cop looked at my friend’s driver’s license, saw that we were only a few blocks from the house, and told my friend to drive home, and that he would follow.
Stayed in the car and didn’t hear what the officer said to his parents, but judging from his reaction he’d definitely much rather have taken the ticket.
And if the kid has good parents hopefully that will be the last problem you have. If not, next time he gets booked, but at least you give them a chance before throwing them in the system.
There’s no money in a drop in crime. Crime pays.
take kids acting the fool home by the scruff of their neck
I need to transcribe some of my dad’s stories, 1950’s central Ohio, him and his friends got dragged home by the cops on more than one occasion. Blew shit up, stole signs, drank, fought, you name it. No arrests (almost), no courts, no permanent records, and they, for the most part, turned out all right.
You know the breaking news yesterday about all the payments Michael Cohen (Trump’s lawyer) got from supposedly shady sources? From Stormy Daniels lawyer (who has plenty of Democratic ties). Well not all of them were to Trump’s lawyer some were to other people named Michael Cohen.
Some of the transactions should have been next to impossible for Avenatti to get a hold of especially before any discovery is done. Makes me wonder if some people might be going to jail over this.
Mueller is a known major league fuckup. Dirty and underhanded as they come of course, which is why the Clinton’s had Comey and his crummy little toadies to put him on the job to take down Trump. He’s just fucked up again, big time by letting the ho and her low talent lawyer get involved.
Supposedly the documents came from the Treasury Department.
There’s no money in a drop in crime. Crime pays.
“You can’t end the War on Drugs. There’s too much money in it.”
-Hillary Clinton
And it keeps the super predators at bay, right?
Apparently she was tweeting about this:
“Town & Country ‘UNINVITED’ Monica Lewinsky from its annual philanthropy summit because Bill Clinton attended”
He will haunt her forever.
The Clintons are pure scum of the earth. Why is this guy and his loathsome wife still highly regarded? Town & Country is a bit of a joke.
Yes, still would.
She still looka lika Man, have fun!
I thought she looked pretty spectacular as Donatella Versace in that murder miniseries.
If Trump really wants to impress me, he can start reining in this bullshit.
Asset forfeiture is evil. Good on her for not taking the government deal.
I doubt that’ll happen, Trump’s not really a deep thinker. He thinks it works great against those horrible heroin dealers.
No doubt it does. Plus little old ladies whose car keys were swiped by her drunkard grandson, and all kinds in between.
“This, despite the fact that the U.S. attorney’s office in the Southern District of Texas did not bring a civil asset forfeiture case against her or charge her with any crime. The infraction she committed was failing to declare the money to Customs before traveling. According to the agency’s website, “there is no limit on the amount of money that can be taken out” of the country, but if a traveler is carrying more than $10,000 in currency they must fill out a declaration, a rule she said she did not know existed.
The agency told her in April it would give back her money under one condition: that she give up her right to sue the federal government. It’s called a “hold-harmless agreement.” The condition, her attorney says, violates Nwaorie’s basic First Amendment rights to petition the government for grievances.”
I’m stuck in a parking lot
Anyone catching the news?
I heard a blip that implied Iran has attached Israel directly
Last I heard was 20 rockets so far.
These mullah are just crazy enough to commit suicide
Thanks jimmy
I don’t know. They’re further away than the Arabs and can use proxies in Syria and Lebanon. Israel is going to have to be a bit creative here.
To my, admittedly limited, understanding the Limeys might get the non-Islamic lion’s share of the credit for turning Persia into a basket case. Did they not
trickhelp the (dumbshit Ivy League nitwits) CIA get the lay of the land by ousting a lousy, but kinda/sorta elected, Mossadegh?I believe they did
It seems almost like ousting secular strongmen pieces of shit allows the rise of religious fanatics that make those strongmen look like boy scouts
I’m sure carter stands by it today but it was a huge mistake
Basically. It’s, as always, complicated but when Mossaddegh moved to nationalize the Anglo-Iranian Oil Co., the British decided this needed to be dealt with. There was a legal contract between the state & the company but the company had been violating some of the terms of the contract.
A barrage of 20 rockets was fired Wednesday night from Syria towards Israeli military outposts in the Golan Heights. No injuries were reported. Several rockets were intercepted by the Iron Dome missile defense system.
The Israeli army is attributing the attack to members of the Quds force of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard.
This attack comes on the heels of a Syrian report Tuesday accusing Israel of carrying out an attack on a military base south of Damascus, which was used by Iranian forces. According to reports, Israeli fighter jets entered Syrian airspace and struck Iranian missiles aimed at Israel.
Sounds like SOP, for the Middle East.
“The IDF sees this Iranian attack on Israel with severity,” said IDF spokesperson Lt. Col. Jonathan Conricus.
“This event is not over,” he said.
It’s just that the butthurt leftist media are in a meltdown over Trump killing their sweet Iran Nukalar deal. Right now, Bruni and Friedman are holed up in their bunker jerking each other off every time someone makes a mean gesture towards them evil Joos.
something hit the golan heights and now the Israelis are like, “Shit is on” – but attacking targets in Syria.
Keep in mind the Golan has been disputed for like 40 years, and, depending on what part of it you talk about, has involved places where the shooting has basically never stopped.
its not “attacking Israel-proper”; but its clearly a sign of someone TRYING to provoke the Israelis into more direct conflict
These folk be cray-cray. How does anyone find time to devote so much energy to such musings.
Welfare auto generates activists, I ain’t got nothing to do, now gimme more your stuff.
(looks at that)
makes sense.
Links or not, OMWC deserves the pitchfork and no doubt will receive it in the not too distant future. He’s old. And evil.
I’m proud to be the former owner of Mossberg and Springfield firearms that now reside at the bottom of a local reservoir. I haven’t set foot in a Dick’s since they’re douchery after Sandy Hook.
Not doubt Israel is also to blame for the retaliatory strikes by the Iranians this afternoon.
The lol is that Monica was kicked to the curb so Bill could introduce the Communist Lesbian Sinead O’Connor.
Does Israel have equivalent of the 2nd? Just curious.
I think it’s mandatory from 18-62 yrs or something,
God isn’t the only one that hates(((them)))
/did I do it right?
Sounds like they are doing it right.
Maybe Q can set up some hot IDF girls?
They’re all hot
No, they don’t. It’s a mixed bag.
From Wiki:
Gun laws in Israel are comprehensive despite soldiers being allowed to carry their service weapons on or off duty. Civilians must obtain a firearms licence to lawfully acquire, possess, sell or transfer firearms and ammunition.
Only a small group of people are eligible for firearms licenses: certain retired military personnel, police officers or prison guards; residents of settlements (in the West Bank and the Golan Heights) or those who often work in such towns; and licensed hunters and animal-control officers. Age requirements vary: 20 or 21 for those who completed military service or civil service equivalent, 27 otherwise, and 45 for non-citizens. Firearm license applicants must have been a resident of Israel for at least three consecutive years, pass a background check (criminal, health, and mental history), establish a genuine reason for possessing a firearm (such as self-defense, hunting, or sport), and pass a weapons-training course.[52] Around 40% of applications for firearms permits are rejected.[53]
Those holding firearms licenses must renew them and pass a shooting course every three years, and undergo psychological assessment at least once every six years. Security guards must pass these tests to renew their license to carry firearms belonging to their employers.[54] Applicants must demonstrate that they have a safe at their residence in which to keep the firearm. Permits are given only for personal use, and holders for self-defense purposes may own only one handgun and purchase an annual supply of 50 cartridges (although more may be purchased to replace rounds used at a firing range).[55]
In addition to private licenses of firearms, organizations can issue carry-licenses to their members or employees for activity related to that organization (e.g. security companies, shooting clubs, other workplaces). Members of officially recognized shooting clubs (e.g.: practical shooting, Olympic shooting) are eligible for personal licenses allowing them to possess additional firearms (small bore rifles, handguns, air rifles and air pistols) and ammunition after demonstrating a need and fulfilling minimum membership time and activity requirements. Unlicensed individuals who want to engage in practice shooting are allowed supervised use of handguns at firing ranges.
Most individuals who are licensed to possess handguns may carry them loaded in public, concealed or openly.[52]
In 2005, there were 237,000 private citizens and 154,000 security guards licensed to carry firearms. Another 34,000 Israelis own guns illegally due to their failure to renew their firearms license.[56][57] In 2007, there were estimated to be 500,000 licensed small arms held by civilians, in addition to 1,757,500 by the military, and 26,040 by the police.
Well don’t You just know how to spoil all the fun, look at Q’s link, it’s like a Snickers Bar……
Mossberg and Springfield firearms that now reside at the bottom of a local reservoir.
You keep telling that story. No-one’s buying it.
The big metal box in the garage doesn’t help much either.
An actual cosmologist unironically talking about our “quadrant of the galaxy”
What does makeup have to do with the galaxy?
By request from Yusef: hot IDF girls.
10, the Arab Girl is Way hot, that smile…..
+ Foxholes
There you go. Hot chicks with real weapons of war and they know how to use them.
Weapons of war.
Weapons of loooove.
Dee Snider’s extra dramatic version of “We’re Not Gonna Take It” for child cancer awareness
sad footage, great song
Bachelor BBQ, Colby Jack Double Awesome Burgers with fresh French fries, and Beer!
Wife comes home tomorrow, Yippee!
Oops! pics,
The paper plate is a nice touch.
Wife loves what I cook, we would have had it were She here or in the hospital, Paper plates=fewer dishes,same as the BBQ
I’m salivating! I’ve had a stomach bug the past few days, and that’s the first food I’ve actually wanted.
Disgusting but funny story. As soon as I started puking, I heard baby trshmnstr running as fast as she could toward the bathroom. She thought I was playing in the toilet water and leaving her out of all of the fun. Thankfully Mrs trshmnstr caught her in the nick of time.
Best wishes for the Missus
Khalid Sheikh Mohamed is not happy about the new CIA director at all:
9/11 alleged mastermind comes out against Haspel’s nomination as next CIA chief
Didn’t like the swimming lessons you got, didya? Boo hoo, fuckhead.
That piece of shit is still living? I might have to withdraw my support for her too.
That was torture which is counterproductive and morally indefensible.
I agree mostly*. Just the same, it’s hard for me to have any sympathy for him.
*Water boarding has been used on US military members to toughen them up as part of SERE (Survive, Evade, Resist, Escape) training. If we do it to our own guys, how bad can it be?
My view is that enemies captured on the battlefield should be treated according to the Geneva Convention. It’s simpler that way.
You have no idea what goes on in SERE, so just don’t.
My brother went through it and told me about it. There are different levels. SF guys get waterboarded.
No, they don’t.
Look, if somebody molests your kid, torture the fuck out of him. You have my blessing.
As a matter of national policy; don’t.
“No, they don’t.”
Waterboarding: A SERE-ing Experience for Tens of Thousands of US Military Personnel
More recent – looks like we’ve stopped it.
OK. Then we’re both half right. Thanks for clearing that up.
There’s wiki page on this. It’s not top secret stuff.
I know a lot of Air Force guys who had to do it because they are air crew.
Hitchens did a great column on it: https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2008/08/hitchens200808
KSM and the Democrats on the same side. Great optics! ?
I’m not much of an Orioles fan, or much of a sports fan in general, but one of my favorite t-shirts is a custom made Orioles one with “Weaver 4” on the back.
I feel dirty for liking this:
good tune for yokeltarians
today I learned
USSR rejected the Marshall Plan
wiki sez
The Molotov Plan was the system created by the Soviet Union in 1947 in order to provide aid to rebuild the countries in Eastern Europe that were politically and economically aligned to the Soviet Union. It can be seen to be the USSR’s version of the Marshall Plan, which for political reasons the Eastern European countries would not be able to join without leaving the Soviet sphere of influence. Soviet foreign minister Vyacheslav Molotov rejected the Marshall Plan (1947), proposing the Molotov Plan – the Soviet-sponsored economic grouping which was eventually expanded to become the COMECON.[1] The Molotov plan was symbolic of the Soviet Union’s refusal to accept aid from the Marshall Plan, or allow any of their satellite states to do so, because of their belief that the Plan was an attempt to weaken Soviet interest in their satellite states, through the conditions imposed, and by making beneficiary countries economically dependent on the United States.
So I land in Japan and the links start showing up to match my new time zone?
Tell me again why I should stop believing that I am the only real person in the universe and that the rest of you are figments of my imagination and are only here to amuse me?
*whispers panickedly*
we don’t knowhat at you’re talking about your eminence!, o
If we’re what your imagination comes up with then you are one sick puppy.
If I was really in charge of reality, a lot off these hot japanese women walking by the coffee shop window would be decoying in to rip my clothes off and welcome me to Japan properly.
Pope Jimbo arriving.
Is he the one in the background pulling on his eyelids to make them “slanty”?
from wiki
At the time it was released, Red Dawn was considered the most violent film by the Guinness Book of Records and The National Coalition on Television Violence, with a rate of 134 acts of violence per hour, or 2.23 per minute.[15] The DVD Special Edition (2007) includes an on-screen “Carnage Counter” in a nod to this.[16]
A few days after the NCTV survey came out, 35 protestors picketed the MGM/UA building in opposition to the film.[17] John Milius said:
What these people really don’t like is that the movie shows violence being perpetrated against Russian and Cuban invaders, which is what the demonstration was all about. My question is, where were all these demonstrators when the Russians shot down that airliner? Were they cheering? And what about the people being gassed and yellow-rained in Afghanistan?… There’s really no pleasure in outraging these people. I suppose next some extreme right wing organisation will give me an award, which is equally ridiculous.[14]
Soon after the Gun Owners of America announced that they were honoring Milius for “dramatically depicting the importance in our time of the Second Amendment.”[18]
+1 Joe Bob Briggs nodding sagely
Loved that movie.
great moments in communism
Systemic Soviet corruption started affecting Chornobyl long before that April day in 1986. The RBMK reactor had many known design flaws, including fundamental problems associated with the Soviets’ insistence on having civilian power plants also capable of making weapons-level plutonium. Due to these design flaws, the reactors were susceptible to lurching out of control, a susceptibility that was widely known — and ignored. Two additional points are worth noting here: (a) As part of the Kremlin’s intense Russification program designed to destroy Ukraine’s unique culture and history, the Ukrainian language was marginalized, pushed mostly into the shadows; and (b) because of this marginalization, in February 1986, an article in a Ukrainian-language literary magazine published in Kyiv just a few months before the disaster specifically pointed to all of the problems at Chornobyl, but because this clear warning was in Ukrainian, it was not noted at the time either in Russian-speaking Moscow or by any of the operators of the power plant, who were all ethnic Russians and Russian-speaking Ukrainians. Even in the repressive Soviet society of the time, there were brave souls who warned that Chornobyl was a disaster waiting to happen — but because the warnings appeared in forbidden Ukrainian, they were denigrated and ignored.
I going to take a guess that all the official propaganda was full of “celebrating our diverse ethnic regions and languages” horseshit just like China did/does.
I had a map from an old National Geographic that shamelessly parroted the line about the USSR being a “family of nations” where the rights of minorities and their cultures and languages got the utmost respect.
I wonder how many KGB agents helped NG with that map.
I dunno… the text does seem to indicate all those people were brought into the fold via conquest.
To the south, just 90 miles from where the fires of Chornobyl were still burning out of control, the Soviets staged another massive parade in Kyiv that included children dancing down Kyiv’s broad central avenue, Khreshchatyk. Perhaps the only noticeable difference from previous May Day celebrations in Kyiv was the fact that as the marchers and dancers reached the reviewing stands where Communist Party bosses traditionally watched the festivities, they found the stands empty. Some members of the “classless” Soviet society had been given enough information to know to evacuate the republic’s capital. There was also a May Day bicycle race. Exercise and deep breathing — all the better to inhale radiation.
Have I mentioned lately how much I hate communism?
Yeah, but they’re now finding earthworms six inches long and as wide as your pinkie. Just think of the two headed trout you could pull in with that!
Again – the target is not “Israel”, but Israeli positions in part of the Golan Heights, which no one in the region recognizes as Israel except themselves.
And I would be very skeptical of the term “Iran” – because they’re talking about forces in Syria. the precision with which people can be identified by Journalists is near Zero. They’re basically taking claims at the word of govt PR.
I don’t doubt there are iranian forces in Syria. I doubt they’d be ordered by Iran to attack Israelis. Syrian-Hezbollah militias, however… could have enough plausible deniability to do it.
At this point, I’m starting to get mad at the conservatives. Transfer or shut up. Whining to some website isn’t gonna fix the problem. Withholding your sweet sweet federally backed student loan dollars will.
Transfer to where though?
This is a start
No. Why should anyone have to shop around the US to practice their basic fucking rights?
Because whining and bitching about it while paying these worthless-assed admins 6 figures isn’t accomplishing anything but padding the admins’ bank accounts. If shaming these commies doesn’t work, you have to hit them where every commie is the most sensitive… the pocketbook.
Maybe that’s the only school in town and they have to attend in order to stay close to family for some reason…. there are all kinds of reasons to stand and fight rather than give up and look somewhere else.
I’m sure they could come up with a thousand reasons to stay on campus. Of course, nothing is ever going to change. Colleges couldn’t care less how flamboyantly you spit in their face as long as your check clears next semester. Where you hear righteous indignation, they hear a cash register opening.
You know what would also be nice? If businesses stopped demanding that applicants have a college degree.
If kids knew they could get a decent job without having to get a degree first, I bet enrollment would plummet. I’ve started to see more and more software shops accept candidates who went to a coding bootcamp or just have an AA from a community college, so I think there is hope.
My old Swiss neighbors were telling us how their kids are signing up for apprenticeships (while in high school). That might be a good model of US companies to adopt as well. Why not set something up with local high schools and hire kids with an aptitude for BS to come intern/apprentice as a PR worker? What would stop any bright kid from learning how to do the job just by interning there?
Back when I was a j-school student, I would laugh at how all the giants of journalism just started working at a paper. Some editor taught them how to write stories. None of them ever went to college.
student: “I feel like conservatives are treated unfairly here”
administrator: “That’s hate speech: you have been officially reprimanded. submit yourself to the re-education center”
I think it a bit much to label a C-tier student affairs officer a college “administrator”. The woman is a glorified guidance counselor.
The problem is that there is a c-tier administrator. No wonder college costs so much.
When my kids were college shopping, I was stunned at how many more levels of administration there was at the schools. THE U of M was one of the worst. Student housing had enough administrative posts to give a Byzantium bureaucrat a woody.
The fact that anybody sends letters on college letterhead with these vague-authoritarian claims referring to ‘unwritten rules’ which have very specific forms of social-enforcement is bizarre and retarded, regardless.
Its a fucking college coffee house open-mic. its like the idea of ANY unregulated behavior is inconceivable to these people.
But, she runs the “Lifestyle Center”.
Current Affairs flails away:
When I wrote about Charles Murray, explaining in 7,000 words why I think his work is bigoted, Murray dismissed it with a tweet. When I wrote 10,000 words meticulously dissecting Jordan Peterson’s laughable body of work, Peterson responded with about three tweets, one misunderstanding a joke and another using fallacious reasoning. (See if you can spot it!) The wonderful ContraPoints recorded a highly intelligent 30-minute explanation of why Peterson is wrong. Peterson’s only reply: “No comment.” So much for wanting a debate with the left.
Nathan, you’re an imbecile and your asinine arguments got as much a response as they deserved.
in another article:
It’s strange that people fear a collectivist communism in which people in gray toil at the whim of some absent chairman. That is the reality of today’s capitalism. Collectivism is retail workers wearing matching polo shirts, and executives spending their lives maximizing company growth. Collectivism is the Google campus. Company towns, with absolute power given to unaccountable, unelected leaders, total submission to managerial hierarchies and every action serving the good of the institution, look a lot more like the dystopian vision of communism than a “free society.” It’s ironic, even ingenious, that propagandists could use the terrifying specter of “collectivism” to entrap people into a clearly collectivist system.
[head desk]
Yeah, you really can’t argue with anyone that stupid.
Shut up! Working at Wal-Mart is totally the same thing as slaving away at a gulag in Siberia!
“. When I wrote 10,000 words meticulously dissecting Jordan Peterson’s laughable body of work”
I read his Peterson piece. It’s a word salad of ad homs and empty assertions. No actual ideas were discussed nvermind refuted. Proggies loved it claiming it “desroyed” Peterson. They really are intellectually berift.
NRA – I realize this ground has been covered, but this is an example of why I am lifetime NRA member (also lifetime GOA, but receive ZERO legislative updates from them – NRA allows me to click and send emails to legislators:
On May 10th at 9:30AM, the Iowa state Natural Resource Commission will be voting on potential rule changes to Chapter 94, including Item 10 on the proposal to change subrule 106.7(2) in order to arbitrarily restrict handguns that may be used for hunting and set an arbitrary limit on the number of cartridges that may be loaded in a firearm. The Commission previously heard the proposal on May 1st. Please click the “Take Action” button below or email Tyler Harms directly at tyler.harms@dnr.iowa.gov to submit a comment to the Natural Resource Commission opposing these changes. In addition, supporters of our hunting heritage are invited to attend this meeting. Details may be found here and below.
Good luck, RH.
Whip it good.
I just added ayatollah khameni to my tweet-follows
You should add Mohamed Javad Sharif as well. His account is not a parody.
who is he?
Mohammad Javad Zarif Khonsari is an Iranian career diplomat, academic and current Minister of Foreign Affairs.
UK educated, speaks English fluently, lead Iranian negotiator for the current nuclear deal
yeah, looking over his twitter feed,…. he’s not really hysterical and “AIAAIAIAIAIAIAIA DEATH TO THE GREAT SATAN” in the way that i’m looking for. He’s more like Iranian John Kerry.
No blue check.
pretty sure if you pretended to be the ayatollah on twitter, the real one would blow up your home
Did the Ayatollah of Rock’n’Rolla get such treatment?
I think he licenses the rights from them
And last one of the night.
Rant about an old news story :
I read some lady’s diatribe about how Boy scouts should let girls in and everybody should be happy about it, and her condescending, smug ass pissed me off. Not because I care much about BSA’s self immolation, but because of the large and fully intentional damage people like her are doing to kids.
Boys need a place where they can be boys, without the social pressure of a coed environment. Girls need a place where they can be girls, without the social pressure of a coed environment. By eliminating all single gender activities, these pubescent kids are kept in a 24/7 hormone stew for years at a time. They’re constantly under the constraints of a social system they don’t fully understand.
Feature, not bug for the proggies who wish to destroy civil society.
You’d think rape culture! would mean they’d want more segregation of sexes.
You made a basic mistake Trash. No single sex spots for males since they are oppressive. Female single sex spots for females since they are empowering. There is no intent to remove female only spaces.
Females can still have female-only spaces; it’s male-only spaces that are under constant attack these days.
On a conspiracy theory level, I’m inclined to think that this is a deliberate ploy to destroy traditional manhood – a nation of Pajama Boys is easier to control than a nation of men who see themselves as the protector/provider for their families.
WHCA Slams Trump Over Credentials Threat: ‘Unconscionable Assault on the First Amendment’
Hey dipshits, credentials for “White House correspondents” are already an assault on the First Amendment. Go fuck yourself and your fart sniffing hive mind.
The WHCA’s tweet is a response to Trump’s fake news tweet? Doesn’t make sense at all.
Piss and vinegar boys.
My plant is running again. We started at 5 oclock this morning. Myself and my compadres have been chasing bugs and fixing them all day long. We got the place running and the improvements we instituted have been working.
Hell yeah. A job well done.
*insert Leo dicaprio toasting here*
I’m full of piss and vinegar. Before, I was just full of vinegar.
I’m doing a Simpsons marathon with the kids on FXnow.
Someone is calling out Sarwark. Don’t know much about him, but can’t be worse than Sarwark.
What I find crazy; is that for the first time I can think of, a conspiracy theory will be right. Either Trump is a Russian Stooge or the entire Democratic party is colluding to unseat a president. I don’t really see a third way here. It’s a crazy scenario.
California Takes Big Step to Require Solar on New Homes because the cost of a house in CA isn’t high enough already.
(WSJ paywall, not sure what’s behind it. Headline is enough)
Yeah; never bother to take into account how a property owner wishes to use their land, nor how increased costs will effect them; because we’re building a utopia!
Music time! Love that mock turtleneck.
(Cathy Dennis penned a bunch of S Club’s songs, and for other artists)
Do you own S Club Seeing Double?
I do not. But I’ll be dreaming tonight about Tina, Rachel, & Hannah showering together.
OK, now i just need to find someone who still has a contact for good LSD
To make money in college Francis Ford Coppola shot porn. He was known as Fat Francis.
Porn was terrible in the 60s and 70s. everyone was hairy and out of shape and had bad posture.
You must be a connoisseur; I’ve never worried about posture in porn.
“I’ve never worried about posture in porn.”
(gives speech from FAME)
actually its super boring after like 5 mins. the original is far more interesting.
Someone also posted the entire film in reverse. which works surprisingly better than the above split screen version. Because Philip Glass music is so repetitive that “backwards” has little real change… and the film’s inverse flow communicates “urban degradation backwards towards a natural primitivism” which still has a coherent narrative sense.
still, the lack of any forward rhythm is annoying.
Just like Ozzie is smart enough to know how he’ll sound backwards.
I played a Sesame Street record backwards once and it told me “Meet Colonel Mustard at the bus stop”. Jim Hesno was part of the Satanic Panic!
Be sure to bring a candlestick.
Damn, that’s funny, C.
STEVE SMITH’s real name?
I spend the last 3 hours fixing up my Bed so my Wife is Comfy and i come back to, no links? Jeez I thought no one worked here…..
I count 5 links in the last 7 posts. My you’re greedy.
I want fudge Brownies and Ice cream! no link required
I’m not a sweets guy. I want a cheeseburger.mmmmmmm, beef.
See above, double Colby Cheeseburgers for dinner , oh Yea!
I can’t believe nobody gave OMWC any love for the High Anxiety angle.
My favorite part