Links, because you, the Glibertariat, deserve them. No theme to my post, however, because I got absolutely nothing today. I can at least throw a little entertainment toward all of you before links…
Allegedly some hockey series finished, and another one didn’t. I still find the whole thing make-believe….but, whatever. Basketball is supposedly grinding on, but I don’t believe that either. I do know baseball continues to occur, despite my strenuous objections – they need to skip this year and get to the next one, plz.
Wonderful Swiss guy Jean-Henri Dunant (1828 – Red Cross founder, YMCA co-founder) Harry Truman, meh (1884) ALL HAIL Friedrich Hayek! (1899) Nature film guy David Attenborough (1926) Don Rickles (1926, you hockey puck!) Peter Benchley (1940 – Jaws author. Hi OMWC!) Music peoples…Toni Tennille (1940) Gary Glitter (ouch, 1944) Alex Van Halen (1953) Enrique Iglesias (wait, not Julio?! 1975)
- OK, this one is soooo schadenfreudelicious, I know it was batted around yesterday…but this a$$hat turning out to be what you just knew he was behind closed doors…is bringing a smile to my face. Politicians in my benighted state of Illinois are merely criminal, and simply go to prison. So what is it with these NY pols? “Client Number 9”, “Brown Slave Master”…. HA!
- Good Luck, Armenians. Note buried in the story…”under economic blockade from Turkey”. Guess the Turks are mad they didn’t get to finish the job in 1918?
- When can a sneeze cost you IQ points? OK, not really, but I had to try to come up with some sort of joke for this story. I expect all of you to come up with similarly bad ones, in the comments. (“So that is why Krugnuts is always waving around a hanky!”)
- GASP! People were actually granted permission to have basements?!?!?! OUTRAGEOUS! The intrepid authors are on the case!!!
The study concluded that the sharp rise in basement construction over the past decade is ’emblematic of the profound plutocratisation of London’.
The authors, led by professor of cities Roger Burrows, added: ‘The global excesses of wealth, focused upon such a small fragment of the global population, now find spatial expression in many of the neighbourhoods of central London.
‘At a time when so many households face a crisis in their housing circumstances, the new subterranean geography of London is deeply symbolic of the realities of the intensification of global inequalities and their spatial expression.’
All I can say is, F$%& off, Professor Slavers.
“OK, this one is soooo schadenfreudelicious, I know it was batted around yesterday…but this a$$hat turning out to be what you just knew he was behind closed doors…is bringing a smile to my face. Politicians in my benighted state of Illinois are merely criminal, and simply go to prison. So what is it with these NY pols? “Client Number 9”, “Brown Slave Master”…. HA!”
Yeah, the harder they protest and prog, the freakier I know they are…
What do you think Cuomo is up to?
Some freaky shit, knowing what an insane self-centered asshole he is.
As a tax payer in New York, I know he’s really into sodomy without lube.
Firing his AG?
“Drink your bourbon,
TurnipTulpa,’’Samantha Bee having a delicious sad that her hero turns out to be a perv.
Oh my God, that really is schadenfreudey. 11 hours ago:
Take this the fuck down.
People letting that idiot have it.
This is what usually gets me. I am absolutely not buying the shit that these fucking lib cunts don’t tell each other about the freaky assholes on their side and then give them passes until they have to pretend not to know about it. I still remember these sort of harpies telling me every man accused of this shit deserved to be drawn and quartered – evidence be damned – up until they started telling me Bill Clinton couldn’t have done what he as was accused of by the trailer trash, and when it was inevitable, they said he was getting a pass because of good-think.
They are all hypocritical scumbags. That is why watching them die by their own rules is the best.
She really isn’t funny. That’s the sad part.
It’s not just her. I realized that most of these leftists just can’t be funny. Brutal comedy is funny when it comes from a real place, not when it is motivated by overwhelming hatred and anger, and these leftists are only motivated by anger and hatred. Can you see any of the truly funny people from one or two decades ago making it today when good-group-think is mandatory and more important than being actually, you know, funny?
They’re not funny because it’s didactic.
Hatred and anger are great sources of comedy, but that’s not what leftist comedy is from. Their comedy is from arrogance and elitism which are horrible sources of comedy. As Rufus said, it’s didactic. Also whiny and preachy.
But, it’s so deliciously smug! Who doesn’t like that!?
“Hatred and anger are great sources of comedy,”
The best roasts I have seen, the funniest, have actually been by people that were close & friendly with the people they were roasting. It was honest, not angry.
I feel I must push back a wee bit here. While her late-night comedy talk show is a visual abortion, she (along with her husband Jason Jones) created, produces, and writes The Detour, one of the funniest shows on television today.
Some comediennes, like Tina Fey, can be funny despite their politics. Liz Lemon was a genuinely funny caricature of a cynical stock progressive have-it-all Manhattanite woman, just like Baldwin, who is an ass and an idiot, played a charismatic over-the-top conservative alpha male. It just works.
Then you have Bees who think they’re funny because of their politics, and the best thing for them is to stick to the writers room where they can bounce around ideas with other nerds who help temper them a little bit.
Doesn’t work so well for avowedly political shows like SNL, but you’re right about The Detour. Natalie Zea is unmistakably Bee’s stand-in, except either Bee or Jones had the good sense to make her character shrewish and intolerant while Jones is, yes, bumbling and naive in typical American sitcom fashion, but also idealistic and well-intentioned.
So she’s a writer who can’t tell a joke? Nothing she has ever said in person has even made me consider smiling.
Very much so, yes and I don’t think that is an uncommon thing as the skillsets are related but still rather different. Also, the first season of The Detour was loosely based on family vacations that Bee and Jones undertook. Viewed in that light, she comes off as insufferable to the point of wanting to leave her by the roadside.
More like a writer who is good at writing what she knows and terrible at writing what she doesn’t know. Which is almost every writer. But she should be skewered for being too arrogant to figure that out by now.
*sad trombone*
Goodbye Schneiderman, hello Preet. Enjoy yourself, New York State.
Schneiderman just looks like a nutjob.
Here’s what pisses me off. One of his ex-girlfriends, who is an avowed feminist, spent two years with him after he started beating her. She was not dependent on him financially, but she subjected herself to that abuse willingly.
They’re projecting their personal hangups onto the rest of us.
That’s a tell.
Starfuckers Inc.
+1 Goats Head Soup
“Here’s what pisses me off. One of his ex-girlfriends, who is an avowed feminist, spent two years with him after he started beating her.”
What you have to understand about these self avowed feminist is that they don’t really oppose to this shit, but oppose the wrong guy doing it to them. If it is someone with power, fame, wealth, the right kind of good-think, or a combination of any of those, and they like the guy, then this sort of shit is OK to them, if not outright awesome. That 50 shades of grey shit didn’t sell like it did because women wanted to do research into this bad stuff, I tell ya (date some of those freaky mommy porn readers). But when some yucky creep they look down upon even hints at it, or more importantly, some guy pumps them and dumps them, well, then that is a personal attack by a misogynist freak and they want vengeance.
These people are scumbags.
date some of those freaky mommy porn readers
Sounds like someone has some stories to tell.
Beneath the surface the progosphere is teeming with emotionally stunted women with daddy issues and sleazy, opportunistic men eager to take advantage. This is a known fact.
Progressive ideas ARE the dark side. Societal beatings taken to a personal level is all.
From the story in the New Yorker
“The woman even said, according to the transcript of her interview with Portland, Ore., police made public on the Internet, that her ‘Birkenstock Tribe’ friends told her to ‘suck it up’ and not tell anyone or the ‘world’s going to be destroyed from global warming.”
What the fuck is wrong with you when you think it’s even fucking remotely acceptable to tell your ostensible friend that they should submit to victimhood for the good of the cause?
Good lord. This episode is certainly shining a light on the awfulness of all of the left.
What the fuck is wrong with you when you think it’s even fucking remotely acceptable to tell your ostensible friend that they should submit to victimhood for the good of the cause?
“From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs”
Mr. Schneiderman had the ability to advance the progressive cause. He had the need for violent sex. She had the ability to satiate his urges and the need to see the cause advanced. It all balances out in the end. Lie back and think of progtopia.
Do you have a link, because i can’t find that quote anywhere in the Ronan Farrow piece ?
My bet is he is into fucking immigrants while screaming he is an undocumented Steve Smith fan, but I am being tame and guarded in my prediction.
If I were a less trusty individual I would say power hungry assholes say anything that sounds good enough to get them power. One would think it may be a tad silly to admire someone just cause they talk pretty. Some would say that talk is cheap …
Their political beliefs make much more sense in the context of them being psychopaths.
Hilariously, it was only yesterday that some sanctimonious progressive dumbass was going off on Twitter about how Democrats just didn’t have scumbags like Roy Moore in their ranks, because they got so darn good at cleaning them out.
so many households face a crisis in their housing circumstances
Oceania had always been at war with
Eurasiaincome inequality.Big words, me impressed. Smash patriarchy.
Sooo, some people have bigger, nicer houses than some other people? And this is a problem because, why exactly?
A return to the Russian Revolution days where the workers will take over the housing, cramming together in little contained ghettos.
Why it isn’t fair that my folks live in 4000sq foot house. They could have another family or two or three in there, all playing accordions and doing folk dancing.
Scenes from the last Glibs meetup?
only we had more squatting.
I wouldn’t be caught dead in that dress.
I was going to suggest that the author could move to Haiti and live a happy existence well away from wealth and greed.
“Rich people have cool basements, I live in a #$%&ing council house”
The envy is way off that scale with that one
Yes, and what I enjoy is the implication that the rich people don’t deserve their wealth. Progthink is a weird affliction.
Now that’s some false equivalence.
Just because there’s inequality (real or fabricated) means people can’t have basements.
Fucken dummies.
Here’s the thing I don’t get. Nothing in that article suggested for even a moment that this basement building does a damned thing to stop housing for the poor. Hell, it obviously creates jobs for the middle class. And the only inconveniences of the construction are tiffs between toffs. Why should anyone give a fuck?
For all you anarchists wanting to end the drug war, what about the REAL victims? Will no one think about the puppies?
8 minutes to go off topic… better than normal, I guess.
In the future we’ll all be off topic before we’re even on topic.
What’s a topic?
Well, that about wraps today up… go home, Slammer already won.
You know who else thought they had already won…
1) Bullshit, German Shepherds are incredibly trainable. It wouldn’t be any harder to teach them not to alert to pot than it was to teach them to alert to it.
2) The cops are shit handlers anyway and get the dogs to alert to nothing in any case so they can search any car at will without probable cause.
The dogs are responding to their handlers, not the fucking drugs.
And I’m happy to adopt one of the retired dogs.
Me too. I can use him to help me find weed.
I think the cops would be harder to retrain.
They just don’t want to lose their mobile “probable cause” generators so they can conduct warrantless searches.
4A violations will always find a way, with or without the dogs.
Yeah, the 4th is just about dead.
McCain had 3 older brothers?
WTF gets it. Mobile Leashed search warrants is what I call them.
Of course. Germans are easy to herd.
I keed, I keed.
If pot use becomes legal, the dogs would likely either have to be retrained
Or just adopt them out and let them lead normal lives. No one ever got those dogs’ consent to do that work.
To be fair, these German Shepherds are working dogs, and are happier when they are engaged and have some kind of job to do. But they also make great pets for owners and families who know what they need.
Agreed. There are all these positive things these breeds could be doing instead of being tools in the drug war. I understand dogs have a skill set that is very useful to humans, and dogs love participating in that.
dog sex trade trafficking!
/prog off
If anyone needs me, I’ll be laughing uncontrollably for the next hour or so.
Howard Buffett believes in sunk costs.
Goddamn morons are in charge.
” “So to me, it’s a giant step forward for drug dealers, and it’s a giant step backwards for law enforcements”
Good. FUCK YOU, Howard.
Why would you need to retrain an animal that’s been trained to “signal” on the cop’s command?
What’s worse for your daughter, meth use or feminism? Think of these pictures as being some kind of Anti Q type pictures.
i did not know that site existed anymore
Fine. He’s some man money. Go buy a razor. *sigh* Um, that wasn’t for your head.
I wonder how many of them were raised by single moms?
Some of them you can kind of see the future weirdo lurking within. Others make me go, “Whyyyyyyy?”.
There’s a lot of dads crying themselves to sleep
I would bet there’s a lot of dads absent from their lives.
“Daddy must not have loved me cos he left”
As much as I dislike Maddow, I think she doesn’t belong in that grouping. Most of those girls are just self-loathing and crying for attention. Maddow is a true believer.
I think she is both.
My sister is your typical 60’s old liberal with some feminist qualities. She listens to girls to today talk about feminism, and she’s all like with a scrunched look, ‘that’s not feminism. That’s retarded’.
Do you tell her that face will give her wrinkles and no man will want her?
14. Wait are we not playing the game with these pics?
#17 Looks like Ms. Swan
The future isn’t female enough: the problematic feminism of The Handmaid’s Tale
saw that but I was going to link to this instead
How white women use strategic tears to avoid accountability
whitewomen use strategic tears to avoid accountability “I do think some white chicks feel bad to be on the oppressor side of the Intersectional barrier when they are used to claiming victimhood.
I have seen chicks try to do this in court. . . it doesn’t work there.
Statistically, women tend to get much lighter sentences in general for the same crimes as men, so it kind of does work in court.
^This. Women are handled with kiddy gloves in court.
Never mention that to the hard core ones telling you about the patriarchy and its evil though. Fucking with their delusion and bringing in reality kind of pisses them off.
OK, I stand corrected. But I also have seen judges go upside the heads of defendants, figuratively, for display of emotions.
“Throughout the first six episodes of the second season we see female characters hit, punched, beaten, branded, raped, kidnapped, psychologically tortured and physically and emotionally scarred”
There are shows that have similar things happen to men. Why is that never portrayed as a tale about violence against men and how terrible that is? Why is violence only horrible when committed against women?
because patriarchy
Sounds like the first 10 minutes of High Plains Drifter.
+1 whip crack
+1 Theon Greyjoy
But, isn’t she post-op now?
Yea, that always cracked me up. Men get slaughtered by the dozens just for kicks, but OH NO, they showed a woman in a bikini!! That’s objectifying her!!!
Women riding dragons while torching wagon trains and setting men ablaze is good violence
Lets see, which of Ramsay’s victims would you rather be, Theon or Sansa?
That show is feminist perfection. The “protagonist” does absolutely nothing. She is merely a puppet, propelled along by forces other than herself. Her great rebellious act involves her scrunching down in the corner of a closet and scratching some graffiti where nobody else can see it. When her sister-in-bondage gets control of a car, does she make a mad dash to escape? Does she go on a righteous-rage-fuelled vengeance spree of auto carnage? Does she even show enough agency to go all Thelma (without Louise?) LOL no. She just toodles around in a square, rejoicing in her “splendor and bravery.” When she accidentally kills someone she is horrified — making real changes on one’s own impetus is anathema.
If femmies weren’t enjoying it with such sincerity, I’d believe the show was a parody.
*rubs hands together menacingly* Yes, yes, its your fellow women keeping you down. Now get ’em!
Shnotterhead. Is that the asshole going after the oil companies?
Once again: Projection from progressives.
But hey, progs will say just because they do it doesn’t mean it’s not a bad idea because this ‘x’ policy is needed!
Not anymore, he isn’t, Rufus…. heh heh heh.
“Guess the Turks are mad they didn’t get to finish the job in 1918?” Cenk Uyger and The Young Turks hardest hit.
Trudeau speaking at a Liberal convention. After rambling on about his SJW record he said, ‘we do this because we’re feminists!’ And the crowd applauses like a bunch of walruses. ‘Woooo, feminism! Wooo, Justin!’
I think I’m going to stop paying attention to this moron. He’s not good for my health.
Justin is the best. He’s so dreamy!
He’s the leader Canada deserves!
Keep quiet you. You had me looking at Bruins-Habs clips last night. I’ve forgotten how much I enjoyed beating the Bruins all those years.
And then watching them led by Sinden complain and whine on the CBC.
/stares stoically back at Drake while elegantly takes sip of coffee.
I humbly beg forgiveness.
So is that Don Blankenship guy winning? Because I thought it was a parody when I saw an add on youtube…
Apparently he is.
I’m trying to figure out how a coal magnate whose negligence killed 29 coal miners is winning in West Virginia, but politics makes no sense right now.
Vote for the craziest asshole available as a fuck you to the establishment?
The greatest part for me of his primary run was learning his current girlfriend, Meiling, is actually from China. No chance Manchin isn’t funding this guys campaign.
yeah right… it will be trotted out until the sun withers and dies.
Malkin: The ‘Uncle Tom’ card is dead
They’re making enemies of Diamond & Silk for fuck sakes. If you’re black I can’t understand how you can’t see what’s going on here.
Stop voting Liberal/Democrat/NDP or anything that leans left. They’re poison at the moment.
Meh they are all starting to look like poison. I am a bit fed up with choosing the one that kills you slower.
“Lt. Col. Allen West”
sure I hate calling people an Uncle Tom, but gosh I hate this guy, and he is not a Lt. Col anymore. Any former member of the military does not keep their rank and this should doubly apply to any who made a foray into politics.
If you go into the Retired Reserve, you keep your rank, as you are subject to recall. If he just up and up quit/retired straight up, then he gave it up.
/Lt Col Ollie North/
“Everywhere I went I always had a box of Puffs, always stuffed in my pocket,” she said. “[It was] like a waterfall, continuously, and then it would run to the back of my throat,” Jackson said.
Well, that sucks.
Advantages of Dating Psychos
TW: you will have a weird pickup artist site in your history.
That was surprisingly coherent for a pickup artist article.
Apparently it’s perfectly OK to Culturally Appropriate Catholicism
Never did get Rhianna. Not that hot and not that good of a singer.
But she got beat up by Chris Brown. That takes talent!
I’ve never listened to her or been interested in her music, but I ran across some videos yesterday of Ariana Grande doing impressions of other singers and I’m astounded.
The girl has pretty much perfect control over her voice. (But she appears to be functionally blind)
I would like to have lots of sex with her.
Like. A lot. She needs me desperately. I must flee, in order to save the city from ruin!
i await when Rhianna claims cultural appropriation. Her struggle is real. /sombrely lowers head.
Someone should troll-tweet about that though. Iowahawk missed one.
Scroll through the pictures of celebrities, and you will eventually come to a red carpet glamour shot of……Huma Abedin. Seriously.
Tard Tuesday: Silicone Enhanced Justice Edition
” be silenced by powerful men trying to intimidate her.”
Or you know whom she had collected a nice payout to stay quiet, and now wants to collect again. If she had done Bill Clinton, she’d be called a blackmailer and whore. And that’s not hypothetical.
That’st just it. She agreed to shut her cock-gobbler for a fee. Now, she’s angling for for more money. That’s all this is.
…then again she could be (read: is) a slut that fucked the future president more than a decade ago and is trying to cash in and revive her career at a time when she’s aging out of it (and being pretty successful I’d say).
How about some food news? Dairy Queen is bringing in three new blizzard flavors and two old favorites. They all look really good, but I think S’Mores and Twix look the best. I’ll give them all a try at some point.
Out of all the queersucking chocolates in the world you like the two I dislike the most. Talk about being incompatible!
God how I hate marshmallows. It sticks to my muppet skin.
What’s so terrible about those two? (I have to say, Jurassic Chomp looks really good too)
One has marshmallow, the other caramel and wafer. Yuk.
Rufus bites tip off liquor filled chocolates.
Mother (staring at assorted broken chocolate scattered across the table): What the….what is this?
Rufus (burps. Wipes lips): Oh that. You need more chocolate. I like the brandy ones.
How the hell can you not like caramel!? Go back to fawning all over your precious Justin. You clearly have no sense of taste.
So you guys are just gonna keep it casual then?
I totally am a sucker for Reese’s blizzards…. drool*
Maryland to Other States: Stop Sending Us Your Dirty Air
I wonder how much those wind turbines, airplanes, balloons, lasers, and automated air-monitoring stations cost. It’s a pretty nice racket.
“We are literally in a position where we can’t control ozone in our own state,”
I wish Bucharest could control those waves of Sahara dust that mess everything up.
Borders already are tenuous concepts where liberty is concerned but a necessity to some extent. And using airspace as a wedge to fight that sort of thing is especially dubious I reckon.
Sorta like a neighbour complaining about that cloud over his deck that rains on him.
I could be wrong on this one.
I remember the yellow dust outta China when I lived in S. Korea. Haven’t heard Evan from Evansville mention it lately, so may not be as bad the last few years….or is it?
Some days you were lucky to be able to see to the end of the block in downtown Seoul the middle of the day. That stuff was nasty.
It wasn’t as bad this year as it has been, but you do wake up after a rain with yellow dust draping the curbs and layering cars around where I live.
All of my friends complain about it, but since I smoke it’s hard to tell what coughs are from smoking or from the dust.
It has definitely been worse in prior years, but it is certainly a Thing. It’s not that bad here, per my opinion, but I don’t live in Seoul or anything near as big as Daejeon is. I find much more problems with the smell of dead rats/cats in my little alley than I find with the dust.
I also think that most people are bitches that don’t know how to deal. I used to butcher cows, horses, goats and deer to feed to the Big Cat zoo that I worked at for a summer. I also eat food off the floor and have no regard for germs. I might not be the best judge.
I saw much , much worse in Singapore from the fires in Indonesia.
A 20 story building a hundred yards away was literally invisible for three+ months because of the smoke and smog.
That was a legitimate gripe the SP gov’t had with neighboring countries, a serious example of externalities. A cloud of smoke covering an entire city-state at length. Much worse than anything I’ve had happen here.
Disclaimer: I’ve been to about 35 countries. I refuse to go to China. Fuck the visa cost. Fuck the government. Fuck supporting that shit with my money.
“Maryland has analyzed the emissions of every coal-fired power plant east of the Mississippi River ”
I wonder how much energy Maryland uses from other states. Also did these power plants just let these inspector’s in, or did they use the guise of government force (illegitimate outside their jurisdiction)?
“We cant control ozone in our own state.”
Of course. Your state is the size of a medium sized county.
“A vagina is an uneducated woman’s diploma.”
― Mokokoma Mokhonoana
7 is THICC. 30 looks nice.
Calling Mr. Lizard.
I think we’ve found you a mate.
I have the weirdest boner right now.
Ya me too
In our out of the cloaca?
Seems like she should worry about titty warts.
Maybe that’ll become a new category of body modification, tactical wart placement via frog.
Women with high olfactory sensitivity reported a higher frequency of orgasms during sexual intercourse. These findings were exclusively present for sexual experience; no significant correlations were detected for sexual desire or sexual performance.
The pens are out, and ovi broke a curse.
Yes he did. The Caps wanted it more. Good for Ovechkin. He gets way too much grief for nothing.
And the Pens simply looked spent. Listless.
Did Sullivan seriously break up Guentzel-Crosby? File under ‘Over coaching’.
Ovi was on a mission. I’m glad to see them move on.
Although it really just reinforces how far the Wild are away from real run. NHL playoffs is a different animal.
And the Habs still further off. Not that I care. They deserve to wallow in sub-mediocrity for their hiring practices.
They’re doubling down on making sure they hire mostly only French-Canadians. It’s nuts. Just plain myopic.
Dude I’m so hyped, I honestly feel like they are playing with house money at this point. It’s sad but this was DC’s Stanley. Easily the biggest sports win for the city since the 1991 superbowl.
Proposed California solar mandate could add $10,500 to cost of a house
Keep up the good work California.
Solar doesn’t make sense for everyone too. My house has to many trees shading the roof to make sense for solar. Does this law take that into account? I doubt it because ‘religion’ of the progs.
You don’t need trees, citizen.
Sure, let’s add a significant cost in a state where housing prices are already out of control thanks to the fact that the state won’t allow enough housing to be built to meet demand. Brilliant!
Can’t wait for the government response when housing in CA becomes even more unaffordable.
Given that progs always prog harder, maybe they’ll come up with a maximum ft² price for housing, which will result in an almost complete stoppage in new construction since it’s no longer profitable, homelessness will spike, then the government will blame all of this on “unfettered caplitalism and radical laissez-faire” and use it as justification to take over the entire housing industry. Housing will become one of those things that they say “can’t be left to the free market”.
Considering the property tax limitations in CA, it seems like they’re going to have no choice but to open up to more housing development since they’re broke-ass motherfuckers.
It’s only 1.5% of the current cost of a new house in CA! Although, seriously, as soon as they get the battery shit really figured out so I don’t have an explosion/fire when, not if, scenario, I’ll do it. When the guy came around last year, it was just about break even to finance it zero out of pocket for 20 years. But then at the end of 20 years, you’ve got to replace them. So the net value over time is only the assumed cost of electrical service inflation.
The net present value of which, given the energy density of a powerplant vs solar, is almost always less than the solar outlay. Unless of course your State has regulated the cost of energy to be artificially high.
This is pure tabloid trash.
They’re not even trying anymore.
Tard Tuesday: Progress is Bad Edition
“‘Discontented’ is a nice way of saying incredibly depressed. Rampant consumerism is killing us.”
So… What alternative do you want? This claim boils down to: I don’t like the way people spend their own money. So what. Don’t follow crazed consumerism yourself, but don’t try to force it on others.
Most of those reddit comments posted from their iPhones.
I love the guarantees by communists that their idiotic system will elevate humans to a higher plane of self-actualization when really, it just sends them back to bare subsistence so that life becomes a gritty, depressing struggle.
When you eat your family members to survive, you gain their strength and intelligence, comrade.
Projection. This person is depressed for whatever reason. They’re so shallow and unthinking that they believe that everyone else must feel the same way too. If they don’t, they’re clearly just tricking themselves by buying things produced by the market.
Projection all the way.
Also, was there some magical time in history when humans were not discontented with anything?
I mean, there has always been a dichotomy between society and nature in Western thought. What’s funniest about leftist intellectuals is how poorly read they are. They reveal it every time they pontificate these bullshit theories.
I was stuck in one class called the History of Philosophy where one of the main course texts was basically a bunch of short articles on deconolonizing philosophy. My favorite was one on how colonialism created a divided in East and West. One of the pieces of “evidence” provided was how heavily the ancient Greeks borrowed from Eastern cultures like Egypt. It was hard to even discuss any of these notions seriously. I mean, Herodotus sets up history as a tale of the East vs. the West. The ancient Greeks did not consider Egypt part of that East. But this asshole academic who is actually paid to teach others is just completely oblivious to any of that as he tells you about the horrors wrought by capitalism.
I didn’t make it past the intro. “You aren’t allowed to say anything that we disagree with because socialism is so inclusive.”
the profound plutocratisation of London
So when will progs like Bee go after the woman for outing their less than hero Schneidermann?
If they were white, they would already be throwing around the “trailer trash” phrase. Kinda hard when they are bona fide brown liberals.
She really has them in a pickle, eh? Condi Rice was another dilemma for those tarts.
Combined depth of all basements approved in London since 2008 is 50,000ft – 50 times height of Shard
*voice of Michael J Caboose*
How the chicken nugget became the true symbol of our era
Chicken is already the most popular meat in the US, and is projected to be the planet’s favourite flesh by 2020. Future civilisations will find traces of humankind’s 50 billion bird-a-year habit in the fossil record, a marker for what we now call the Anthropocene. And yet responsibility for the dramatic change in our consumption lies not so much in general human activity, but capitalism. – yeah more people can afford to eat meat and they choose to do so
Although we’re taught to understand it as an economic system, capitalism doesn’t just organise hierarchies of human work. Capitalism is what happens when power and money combine to turn the natural world into a profit-making machine. – sounds positively awful
Every civilisation has had some rendering of the difference between “us” and “them”, but only under capitalism is there a boundary between “society” and “nature” – a violent and tightly policed border with deep roots in colonialism. – off course colonialism is to blame
First taking shape in the era of Chistopher Columbus, capitalism created a peculiar binary order. “Nature” became the antonym of “society” in the minds of philosophers, in the policies of European empires, and the calculations of global financial centres. “Nature” was a place of profit, a vast frontier of free gifts waiting to be accepted by conquerors and capitalists. – no natural resource was used before Columbus
In the centuries between Columbus and the industrial revolution, enslaved and indentured Africans, Asians, indigenous peoples and virtually all women became part of “nature” – and treated cheaply as a result. – it was paradise before the 15th century till capitalism and colonialism ruined everything
Besides being stupid, it is generally very poorly written. Or so it seems to my not native English speaking view.
That’s the dumbest thing I’m going to read this week. The author of that should be taken out back and shot for the good of humanity.
Yea, I’m sure the activities of the USSR were in true harmony with Mother Nature.
**cough** Chernobyl **cough**
That part was state capitalism.
Avoiding even more lefty judges alone was worth the clown show that is Trump.
I didn’t vote for him because I live in a non-competitive state, California, which freed me to vote for Johnson. But judicial appointments would have been the #1 reason to vote for Trump if I lived in a competitive state.
Fairly accurate description of where we are. Funny, true and depressing.
Pretty accurate. The left hates Trump because he has no qualms about using their own tactics against them, when they were used to the Republicans just taking it.
I can see where he’s coming from especially when he writes
I mean, fair enough. But yeah, Kulturkampf Forever isn’t exactly an uplifting idea to rally around. It is depressing. I’m sympathetic to the line of thinking that it’s time for us to just part ways.
“it’s time for us to just part ways”
I get more sympathetic to this idea all the time. The way I see it there are three options here:
1) Peaceful dissolution of the USA
2) Hot Civil War
3) Total Kulturkampf until one side or the other is utterly destroyed; which probably ends up leading to #2 anyway
The Left has made it abundantly clear that they have no intention of finding “common ground” despite their weak platitudes. Their goal is total victory and domination. Slightly altering the old saying; you might not be interested in Kulturkampf, but Kulturkampf is interested in you. It’s either acquiesce and give up your liberty, or fight back.
Did anyone watch “No Man’s Land” last night? PBS documentary on the occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge by the Bundy family and various supporters?
I was ironing while trying to keep my kitten from jumping on the ironing board. SOME OF US HAVE A HOUSEHOLD TO RUN.
Speaking of which…DON’T ANY OF YOU WORK?
Ironing and minding cats isn’t real work.
I don’t think local Tv carries PBS. Not that I watch TV.
Well-played, lads.
I was too busy rewiring an industrial Herman Miller floor lamp, converting it from a Sodium bulb (and a huge base) with ballast to a standard bulb. And it worked!
And then watched an episode of Mission Impossible. Barbara Bain – yummy – in a MILF-y sort of way.
We’ve been watching those as well. “Barney is going to drill holes. Willy is going to lift things. Rollie is going to do some shitty disguise and fake accent. If Cinnamon is so famous, why don’t the bad guys recognize her?”
The Avengers (which we’re also binging) is much more fun, IMO. And Emma Peel.
Emma. Peel.
I’ll check out the Avengers next – library free DVDs are the best DVDs. /cheapskate
If you want some good MCM tv, stream Peter Gunn on Amazon Prime. Also, Mr. Lucky. Classic Blake Edwards themes and style. Decoy starrting Beverly Garland is a little melodramatic, but the insert shots and photography really show off life around NYC circa 1957. Also, The Saint.
Best spy show – bar none – albeit more on the realism side – “The Sandbaggers” (also UK). All 3 seasons are fantastic. Early 80s cold war setting. Plan to review eventually.
Thanks for the heads up. Will look for the Sandbaggers. And your review.
Those are called Mogul bases, LH. Cool.
Yeah – took me a while to track down the original base for the HID Sodium, trying to find an adapter to use standard bulbs. But then I thought the ballast would have some odd effects – ??? – so I rewired it with a new ceramic E26 base, bypassing the hefty ballast transformer/capacitor.
You can get Mogul to Standard screw-in adapters, but I don’t think they support the extra connectors for three-way bulbs.
Late to the party, as usual. I tried to watch it on Amazon (at least I think it’s the same doc). I eventually gave up, it was so heavily slanted against the Bundies and seemed to portray any of their supporters as Tim McVeigh types. Admittedly I didn’t follow that story as closely as I should have but it the film appeared to be a smear-piece so I quit.
Links, because you, the Glibertariat, deserve them.
I feel… unworthy.
PBS documentary on the occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge by the Bundy family and various supporters?
A tragic display of disrespect for the noble men and women who serve this nation by controlling access to public lands.
For cycling fans, Giro d’italia started in Israel in honour of Gino Bartali who saved Jews during the war. He would have won a couple more TDF and Giro if not for the war.
Anyway, pretty cool to see a ‘Jerusalem’ banner.
Most expensive sporting event in Israel sports history.
I was tempted to go check out stage 2, but wasn’t able to in the end.
Jerusalemites in particular were bitching about the road closures. On one hand, I can kinda sympathize that your pre-Sabbath errands got disrupted, but on the other, maybe try planning ahead a bit.
Hmmm, I think I will re-read Jaws. Just in time for summer!
Ugh. Gloating is so not cool when the other side does it.
It took three hours for New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman to step down Monday night after he was accused by four women of physical abuse in a New Yorker article.
Equally swift was the response from allies of President Trump, a longtime nemesis of the attorney general. While the president himself had not weighed in on the news as of early Tuesday morning, numerous Trump supporters from within and outside the White House reveled in Schneiderman’s resignation.
Conservative commentators and vocal Trump supporters gleefully pointed out social media posts in which Schneiderman advocated for victims of sexual abuse or accusers of disgraced film mogul Harvey Weinstein — tweets they described as hypocritical.
Meanwhile, critics of Trump fired back at those who were quick to condemn Schneiderman while defending a president accused by more than a dozen women of improper conduct or sexual assault. While Trump has chided Democrats accused of misconduct, such as former senator Al Franken (D-Minn.), he has given a pass to accused Republicans and allies, including former Senate candidate Roy Moore of Alabama and former Fox News host Bill O’Reilly.
Kellyanne Conway, counselor to the president, and one of the president’s sons, Donald Trump Jr., both shared a tweet posted by Schneiderman in October of last year. “No one is above the law, and I’ll continue to remind President Trump and his administration of that fact everyday,” Schneiderman wrote in the tweet.
“Gotcha,” Kellyanne Conway wrote in response.
Leave the poor man alone. He’s hurting. Can’t you see how sorry he is?
also, there’s this gleaming nugget:
Four women accused Schneiderman of choking and repeatedly slapping them during romantic relationships
I don’t think “romantic relationships” is the term you’re looking for.
Oh, let’s not jump to the conclusion that those tweets were actually hypocritical! That’s just an allegation made by meanie Republicans.
God I hate this kind of mendacious bullshit.
OK. Do this 100 more times while putting the whole surplus into the debt and maybe we’ll have something.
LOL. I thought we were probably on the wrong side of the laffer curve before. Looks like I was right.
Such an odd coincidence that boys become “toxic” as soon as they hit puberty and start getting adult hormones.
It’s almost as if feminists’ daddy issues, enabled by their white knight allies, are playing out against all of male humanity.
GASP! People were actually granted permission to have basements?!?!?! OUTRAGEOUS! The intrepid authors are on the case!!!
At first I was just ambivalent about this, but looking at the pictures in the article changed my mind – to enthusiastic endorsement of the idea. The basements are apparently often used to provide more space (for more creativity/flexibility of floor plans) while also preserving the old school aesthetic of the property – a win/win in my book!
I enjoyed the pics in that article. The car carousel is just bad ass.
It was. It looked like that guy’s garage was going to be three times the size of his living quarters and double as an oversized trophy case for cars. Not a choice I would personally make, but one I can respect.
From the basement construction hysteria article:
There’s that old “we” mentality again.
It’s quite a tell isn’t it. It’s so deeply buried into their thinking that they don’t even notice it.
An interesting perspective.
“You have to wonder with that kind of disproportionate retirement number whether what happened in June played a factor,” he added.
Steve Scalise, the number three Republican in the House of Representatives, was severely injured and five others shot when the gunman opened fire on GOP lawmakers playing baseball in a field in Alexandria, Virginia, outside Washington.
The gunman had posted angry messages against President Donald Trump and other Republicans on social media.
Brooks pointed out that among those retiring were Senator Jeff Flake of Arizona, and Representatives Tom Rooney and Dennis Ross of Florida, all of whom had been at the baseball game. Flake has cited opposition to President Donald Trump as his reason for quitting, while Ross cited polarization in Washington as one of the reasons for his decision.
This Congress has seen 43 House Republicans announcing they are quitting, with some taking up private sector positions and others forced out due to scandals. House Speaker Paul Ryan is among those set to step down.
Brooks acknowledged that colleagues retiring may not have cited fear of violence as among their reasons for stepping down.
“I don’t think any of these people who are retiring would say that, but just looking at the numbers,” he said. “That’s out of whack.”
Brooks’ remarks come days after Republican lawmakers held their first practise session in the field since the shooting.
Threats of violence coming from the left? Inconceivable.
Shrug, Atlas, shrug!
The basements are apparently often used to provide more space (for more creativity/flexibility of floor plans) while also preserving the old school aesthetic of the property – a win/win in my book!
No kidding. Just imagine the level of outrage if somebody said, “This drafty old pile of rocks is unsuitable for my needs. I’m going to knock it down and build something nicer.”
It’s almost as if preservationism has created this phenomenon.
Ye gods, the last thing builders want is tons of investment in major home renovations. The wealthy are like a plague of locusts taking over the countryside and putting money in the pockets of blue collar workers. MONSTERS.
Though maybe they’re all building Scrooge McDuck vaults. HOARDERS.
Speaking of cycling, like the old Top Gear, I love these guys:
Britain may be jumping the shark with their stupidity, but they sure know how to program stuff!
The Avengers (which we’re also binging) is much more fun, IMO. And Emma Peel.
Emma. Peel.
Seriously. How can you not swoon over a woman who drives a Lotus Elan?
The study concluded that the sharp rise in basement construction over the past decade is ’emblematic of the profound plutocratisation of London’.
Caves of Steel
Holy smokes.
Vlad Guerreo Jr. homers the other way. Off of a tee.
Pedro Martinez (Vlad Jrs. godfather), said the Guerreros are not normal humans.
I can do that but I don’t wanna.
Vladimir Guerrero. That’s an….interesting name.
You should check out his cannon of an arm.
That’s an accurate throw of roughly 300 feet on the fly with the ball in his hand for maybe a half second before he releases it, only to nail the runner at home.
He truly was a freak, in the best way possible. (The AL sucks donkey balls.)
I have less than no interest in baseball (unless someone wants to take me to the ballpark and buy me beers and burgers).
His name is way more fascinating to me than his game. I would have thought he was Cuban with that name.
A great outfield throw might be my favorite thing in baseball. Some of the classics: Dave Parker, Bo Jackson (there are more famous Bo throws, but this one’s my favorite), Jesse Barfield (lousy video quality but jaw-dropping stuff), Jose Guillen, Ichiro, Greg Golson – pretty much the only thing Golson ever did in MLB, but it was an incredible throw.
Yasiel Puig is absolutely nuts from right field. That arm. But that brain tho.
(The AL sucks donkey balls.)
Does anyone in the NL have 27 World Series championships?
Why no, not even close.
London truly is a shithole. Murder capital of the world, and now they have shootings and stabbings!
Give them a break, they’re confiscating potato peelers and croquet mallets as fast as they can.
Finns are weird.
Finns? that was every Caps fan last night.
i like how you can see all the other jerseys and banners in the reflection of the sliding glass door. kid had a real fan cave going.
The Manhattan Da has opened an investigation in the Schneiderman accusations, who had opened an investigation into the Manhattan DA over Harvey Weinstein. The delicious irony of the left eating it’s own.
Here’s an interesting read, in the NYT no less.
I haven’t read up to much on the details of these “accusations,” but do any of these women even claim that they said no at any point in time? Because it seems like a sexual sadist who engaged in consensual behavior to me.
I’m sure the excuse they’d give is that they were “intimidated” and unable to put a stop to the relationship.
Feminists conveniently flip and flop between saying that women are A) weak little damsels in distress, and B) steely-eyed hardasses who can do anything a man can do and more. It’s all about whichever portrayal serves their needs at any given moment.
Young chicks can revoke consent after they sober up.
Well-educated liberal women can revoke consent years or decades later when they realize the patriarchy forced them to do it.
The best thing about the West-Coates contretemp is the fact that West casts a wide net and draws up support from across class and race. Coates, on the other hand, speaks for a boutique audience of affluent progressives who embrace him as their black Jesus, dispensing grace and forgiveness for the sins of whiteness. Or maybe black Pope is the better comparison, since Coates seems to think it in his power to excommunicate West. Either way, who has the more credible and immediate claim on black culture, the trendsetting artist who made his fortunes appealing to the aesthetic preferences of his fans, many of whom are black, or the hopelessly niche obscurantist who appeals to the hair shirt aesthetic of upper-crust white Atlantic readers?
Maybe neither of them. Or both. Who cares? Racialism as a proxy for class consciousness is a stupid, corrosive thing. The fact that Coates can’t lay out the specific heresies West committed, and resorts instead to his usual overwrought shtick of airy hand-waving racial animism, is pretty telling, especially when he labels West a collaborator. That’s pretty odious and cheap, and characteristically uninformative, but if West is Uncle Tom, what is Coates’ role? One of those vicious anti-colonial revolutionaries who depose and butcher white farmers, then proceed to starve? I doubt it; like Krugman, he bankrolled a career feeding pretentious horseshit to self-indulgent lefties. I think it’s worse than wannabe revolutionary: he’s a cilice for the comfortably well-off to help sublimate their guilt.
Well-said, CS. Ever thought of submitting articles to Glibs?
Do you like gladiator movies?
Wait, what? oh, you mean West article in Atlantic…
did kanye even acknowledge it existed?
He doesn’t give a shit. He’s in Wyoming living it up.
Did you read the section about Michael Jackson in that thing? I’m starting to think Coates is actually mentally ill.
I saw it referenced in this funny tweet:
Dustup is probably the better word. Maybe not even that, though Coates kicked up a lot of dust over it, several thousand words’ worth. And that’s what drives me nuts about the whole thing, the overwrought nontroversy of it. How did West express kinship with Trump? With reference to their shared dragon blood. If ever there’s a dime-store philosopher you can afford to ignore, it’s the guy spouting off about dragon blood. But Coates took the bait–or, rather, took the bit, since he is a workhorse for this stuff–and now West has the rough imprimatur of so-called serious thinkers who are a) not much more serious than he, b) promoting a much, much more hateful and damaging theory of race relations than either West or Trump, and c) giving West more air time. Fellowship of all God’s creatures is a fine message, but West is no King.
To be sure, West stirred up a hornet’s nest with more than simply expressing fidelity to Trump. His reference to individualism and free thought probably stung even more, since it challenges the grand theory of racial consciousness that Coates spins out paragraph after tortuous paragraph. But that’s all the more reason to ignore the guy or write him of as a crank, not to publish an overlong, exasperated, mournful dirge for his lost blackness.
This comment is so glorious I want to grab it by the pussy.
Only a fellow Burquean could write something so poignant.
There’s something very pernicious in Coates’ response to West. He’s not saying “Kanye is wrong.” or even “Kanye is an idiot”. He’s saying “Kanye isn’t allowed to think that.”. It’s saying that black people (but, the schtick could just as easily be applied to women or gays or hispanics or any other identity) are only legitimate if they think the approved messages. Yes, this has been a subtext of leftist attacks on dissenting views within the minority communities for more than a generation, but it’s never been this utterly explicit. And, to my thinking, it’s an argument that denies minorities their basic humanity. If black people or women or gay people or hispanics aren’t free to arrive at whatever conclusions their minds and reason take them to, they’re less than fundamentally human. They’re creatures stuck in a state of permanent pre-adolescence, where every thought that enters their mind has to be checked with Mommy and Daddy to see if it’s alright to think that. And, whether he realizes it or not, Coates is as much saying this about himself, as he is about West. And the white leftists who support him doing so are okay with that.
“He’s saying ‘Kanye isn’t allowed to think that'”
Of course that’s what he’s saying. The Left (and by extension the Dems) are petrified that a significant percentage of black people will begin to think like Kanye is. Kanye is offering an extremely tepid endorsement of Trump; if it can be called an endorsement at all. His primary and unforgiveable sin is imploring black people to think for themselves and not be afraid to depart from orthodoxy. The Dems have become hopelessly dependent on blacks (and to less of an extent all minorities) automatically and unthinkingly going Team Blue. If they take time to reconsider that decision and some double digit percentage decide to vote a different way (or even just stay home) the Dems will be in serious trouble. So they have to sic their goons on him to get him back in line. That they’re throwing everything but the kitchen sink at him shows how desperate they are to delegitimize him.
“All within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state.”
There it is, all you need to know about the willful, profitable unseriousness of Coates. This is not something you write in an earnest attempt to engage with prevailing political currents. It’s a strident partisan screed, which, to be sure, has a place in political commentary. When you want to stoke the flames, rally your base, make opposition to the goodness of your side seem incomprehensible and backward, this is the sort of thing you write. And it’s the one paragraph in the entire essay that lays out in more or less exact terms Coates’ opposition to Trump and Trumpian whiteness. Here you have a borderline hacky rendering of Trump’s agenda in an essay putatively about black identity. He casts blackness as the resistance to whiteness, and resisting whiteness means embracing the progressive left. Your most prominent luminary just boiled down the essence of your race to voting for Democrats. Empowering stuff, for sure.
“It’s a strident partisan screed, which, to be sure, has a place in political commentary.”
Therein lies the rub. Coates (and his affluent white liberal bootlickers) fancies himself a towering intellectual delivering nuggets of absolute Truth from on high. In reality, he’s a DNC-approved political operative who delivers hatchet jobs using a thesaurus. He’s a pseudointellectual mouthpiece.
Additionally, I think the strategy of attacking and delegitimizing West is going to backfire. They’d be much better off saying, “Kanye has a great point; you should think for yourselves. If you do, you’re sure to see how much our agenda has to offer.” Instead they’re panicking and going into full Uncle Tom mode against a cultural icon looked up to by many blacks; not smart.
West is also enough of a iconoclast and contrarian crank that I’d bet dollars to doughnuts their attacks will not work at getting him back in line. If anything they’ll drive him further away and make him more vocal.
Damn CS, you are taking Coates to the cleaners.
Golf clap.
Your most prominent luminary just boiled down the essence of your race to voting for Democrats.
But, that’s just it. I’d like to think that, if I were a black guy, I’d be utterly horrified by this. To have a major part of who I am turned into a straitjacket to force my mind into a pre-ordained agenda is telling me that I, as a human being, have at best limited worth. He’s effectively telling everyone in his race that they aren’t independent existences in their own right, that they’re worth as a human being comes down to nothing more than a checkmark on a ballot.
And all the white people in his audience are nodding their heads in utter and complete agreement. I’m not so sure I’d be inclined to see my existence as a resistance to whiteness, but after that, opposition to any whiteness that that would embrace Coates would have earned by undying enmity.
‘He’s saying “Kanye isn’t allowed to think that.”’
Rep. Maxine Waters approved.
As recommended in the Hat/Hair post, this whole critique by commodious needs to be reprinted as an article. It’s fucking brilliant.
Ehh, I’m popping off with some pretty unserious criticism of the guy. I could try doing a more thorough or charitable fisking, but I’m not an essayist and I don’t know that I’m constitutionally capable of giving the guy his due. It’s one thing when, say, Kmele raps the guy’s knuckles. As much as I hate collectivism, especially racialism, there’s no way to get around the fact that black culture exists as a thing distinct unto itself–though I very much doubt it’s as monolithic or seamless as Coates seems to want to make it. Trying to take on Coates over the substance of what reads to me as ludicrous stream-of-consciousness mastabatory fantasies is unfair. (You know who he reminds me of? An even more plodding and self-involved Ignatius J. Reilly.)
“I’m not an essayist…”
I think you have it in you, Commodius. Please do give it a shot. Do it for me. For Rufus For the orphans.
feeding pretentious horseshit to self-indulgent lefties.
Eh, it’s a living.
STEVE SMITH has a day job with the KC board of tourism! Who knew?
I saw that last night and am still laughing about it.
I don’t think i’ve ever seen a more-journalist-tarded use of numbers to make a meaningless point
500 new basements a year over 10 years, average of 10ft depth. Whoop de doo. No sane person would read these things and think, “wow, that’s clearly concerning in a city of 8.7 million people”
Matt Welch pulled this trick back when there was a “Big Fire” in California that made people in the rest of the country go ‘ho hum’.
He was like, “But its really big. how big? Why, its like 1/4 the size of Rhode Island!”
I suggested to him that the ‘rhode island’ was not likely the frightening unit-of-measurement he thought it might be. You can fit 173 Rhode Islands into Texas, for instance.
The fire has 2 senators, bro. Deal with it.
Thanks for ruining the Grand Canyon for me, Gilmore.
old Dragon Magazine joke for failed board games: Nuclear War in Rhode Island
“Why, its like 1/4 the size of Rhode Island!”
I can throw a rock across that. My back yard is bigger.
Is that all? There are at least 3 metroplexes in Houston that are larger than RI, and I would have thought you could put more than 170 more of those in the other areas.
I was doing the laundry and I found a Rhode Island in the pocket of my jeans.
I was doing the laundry
Do you even shitlord bro?
Well, it’s hard to find a good housekeeper since Trump put all the Latinos in death camps, ya know…
I’m starting to think Coates is actually mentally ill.
Fuck the IAU.
I knew a guy who was at that meeting in 2006. He was a smug, self-satisfied doosh with a drastic overestimation of his own skills. Of course he voted to demote Pluto.
Forbes ran an interesting and informative piece on this topic:
Maybe it’s because I’m dumb, not a planetary ethnologist, but what’s the problem with having the list of modifiers he gives? It seems like even if you wanted to expand the list to include all possible variants, you’d still have to distinguish between them… and if you wanted the definition constrained to fewer variants, you’ll have to call everything else something else.
No. Just, no.
Jacobite‘s sex robot beat is better staffed than TOS’s:
I dated a girl with an uncanny vulva once. Didn’t last long.
There’s just not enough sensitivity for a 3D penis when you’re dealing with a (n+1 where N>2)D vag.
37 dimension vaginal chess!
Also: Jacobite is displaying some serious dissonance in that piece talking about the sexual marketplace. They can admit that a market exists when discussing one of the Left’s pet obsessions (sex), but are incapable of admitting such an entity exists economically.
The market is just a political contrivance whereby big, girthy actors pound the little ones.
That whole “invisible hand” thing can result in some… surprises.
The Invisible Shocker
Go on…
The Daily Beast is still tilting at windmills:
They paint this guy as an insider with inside knowledge, yet every aspect of his central argument is based on no more than his own reading of tea leaves. The story pivots seamlessly from Wikileaks supposed support of white supremacy to Putinism (via rejection of Western interference in the Ukraine). As if these two things being connected or the same is self-evident.
Also enjoyed this bit:
The headline doesn’t include any evidence that Wikileaks actually lied about anything, and then the article desperately attempts to connect things that are entirely unrelated based on the opinion of one guy who was vaguely connected to Wikileaks/Assange in the form of having met him once and having access to Wikileaks private chat room.
Fuck me, two hours of sleep followed by too much coffee. I jittered a freshly poured cup all over my fingers.
This is a rhetorical question right?
They’re anti-male because third/fourth wave feminism has no other purpose but to hate men. The worthy goals of first and second wave feminism (the franchise and sexual freedom respectively) have been realized for decades so the “movement” has nothing left but to lobby not for equality, but supremacy. To achieve this goal, they have to convince their followers that men are an enemy to be defeated. It’s no wonder that the percentage of women explicitly identifying as feminists is rapidly approaching single digits.
My wife hates young feminists.
The Dems have become hopelessly dependent on blacks (and to less of an extent all minorities) automatically and unthinkingly going Team Blue. If they take time to reconsider that decision and some double digit percentage decide to vote a different way (or even just stay home) the Dems will be in serious trouble.
It’s one thing if black voters stay home. That’s bad. But if they go to the polls and actually vote for conservatives (Republikkkinz), that’s catastrophic.
The problem with this strategy is that once you’ve got 90-95% of a voting bloc, like Democrats got with blacks for Obama, there’s nowhere left to go but down. The Republicans will probably never return to pre-JFK (never mind pre-FDR) levels of support among black voters, but they don’t have to. Getting 15-20% of the black vote, or at least having that many more stay home from the last election, would be a game-changer nationally. The Democrats’ failure to deliver meaningful results and their increasing(ly open) use of shaming rather than selling leaves them vulnerable.
This unintentional repeat of Q’s post brought to you by not reading the OP.
I’m popping off with some pretty unserious criticism of the guy. I could try doing a more thorough or charitable fisking
That’s the sort of talk that leads to getting your Legion de Glibertaria epaulets ripped off and ground into the dirt. Is that what you want? . Do you want your epaulets ripped off and ground into the dirt?
Ok, now I’m curious what a Glibs cashiering looks like.