

Links, because you, the Glibertariat, deserve them. No theme to my post, however, because I got absolutely nothing today. I can at least throw a little entertainment toward all of you before links…


Allegedly some hockey series finished, and another one didn’t. I still find the whole thing make-believe….but, whatever. Basketball is supposedly grinding on, but I don’t believe that either. I do know baseball continues to occur, despite my strenuous objections – they need to skip this year and get to the next one, plz.


Wonderful Swiss guy Jean-Henri Dunant (1828 – Red Cross founder, YMCA co-founder) Harry Truman, meh (1884) ALL HAIL Friedrich Hayek! (1899) Nature film guy David Attenborough (1926) Don Rickles (1926, you hockey puck!) Peter Benchley (1940 – Jaws author. Hi OMWC!) Music peoples…Toni Tennille (1940) Gary Glitter (ouch, 1944) Alex Van Halen (1953) Enrique Iglesias (wait, not Julio?! 1975)


  • OK, this one is soooo schadenfreudelicious, I know it was batted around yesterday…but this a$$hat turning out to be what you just knew he was behind closed doors…is bringing a smile to my face. Politicians in my benighted state of Illinois are merely criminal, and simply go to prison. So what is it with these NY pols? “Client Number 9”, “Brown Slave Master”…. HA!
  • Good Luck, Armenians. Note buried in the story…”under economic blockade from Turkey”. Guess the Turks are mad they didn’t get to finish the job in 1918?
  • When can a sneeze cost you IQ points? OK, not really, but I had to try to come up with some sort of joke for this story. I expect all of you to come up with similarly bad ones, in the comments. (“So that is why Krugnuts is always waving around a hanky!”)
  • GASP! People were actually granted permission to have basements?!?!?! OUTRAGEOUS! The intrepid authors are on the case!!!

    The study concluded that the sharp rise in basement construction over the past decade is ’emblematic of the profound plutocratisation of London’.

    The authors, led by professor of cities Roger Burrows, added: ‘The global excesses of wealth, focused upon such a small fragment of the global population, now find spatial expression in many of the neighbourhoods of central London.

    ‘At a time when so many households face a crisis in their housing circumstances, the new subterranean geography of London is deeply symbolic of the realities of the intensification of global inequalities and their spatial expression.’

    All I can say is, F$%& off, Professor Slavers.