Happy Tuesday afternoon, y’all. I am pretty darn tired already. I also missed a meeting today. Whoops. Two fucking calendars. I should probably get the other one on my phone. I’m not heart-broken. My littlest, two-and-a-half is home sick from school. He, my wife, and I went out for a walk. He was cute, except that he thought I was going to carry him another mile once he wanted to be “up”. Way better than meetings.
Well, now we know where the weapons grade stupid has been coming from.
Labor Force Participation rates are out. I took a deep-dive into the actual CBO report. Crazily, the leading non-participating demographic among the pre-Social Security group is women without HS diplomas. If only there were more dangerous jobs for women, right?
I would not have guessed that Mitch McConnell was capable of developing a sense of humor. I wouldn’t have thought he had a bone in his body, but apparently he just lacks a spine.
Great shooting there, Lou. Maryland deputy shoots jaywalking groundhog.
Florida Woman and family killed dodging alligator in SC. No matter what Mr. Lizard threatens, the path of least resistance for your vehicle is usually the animal.*
*May not apply to moose, bison, or persons of Walmart
SF sent me this link to the continued adventures of female-created, “ethical” pornography. OTOH, I found this looking for a music video today. (Should be SFW)
Hot big titty broads say: I CAN HAZ BIKINI?
I started to list them but then noticed I was just counting up from the beginning. #1 though… va va voom.
Musical accompaniment.
They put on a great live show.
More musical accompaniment.
Best comment.
“My wife hates this song, but it’s why I married her.”
Lost my job; lost my house; lost my wife — cocaine.
Cocaine: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aKaM_FIAnNU
You did it backwards. First you get the yayo, then you get the house, then you get the women.
I lost everything but my precious cocaine.
It’s got a catchy beat you can really tap your feet to. Guitar solo.
Well, now we know where the weapons grade stupid has been coming from.
That’s THE Idaho State University, thank you very much.
Even they are not that stupid.
“SF sent me this link to the continued adventures of female-created, “ethical” pornography”
More feminist pornography?
You’re filming people fucking, not making Citizen Kane. People watch your product in 4 minute increments. Stop with the smug self-righteousness.
Q is intermittently anhedonic.
Sometimes you gotta take your time and savor it.
Additionally: Chapter 2,309,769,154 of Feminism Ruins Everything ©
Including actual feminism.
And smack-dab in the middle of that discussion about “ethical” pornography, what is the link?
Get Paid for Treating Men Like Shit Through the High Art of FinDom
It’s like they don’t even try.
What is FinDom? Some Nordic chick hits you with smoked fish?
Nigerian prince scam turned into a sexual fetish.
You do have a way with words, SugarFree.
^^^This. Financial Domination. Welcome to the universe where handing over your bank PIN is submission and you tell someone your Facebook pw so they can say humiliating things about you.
I…uh… wow.
2018 is so fucking weird.
Right? So weird. It’s hard to keep up.
FinDom is basically like going to a strip club and paying the girls to keep their clothes.
If you need it that bad, burn your money in the backyard and say something stupid online to get abused for free.
Some of this has been going on for a while. I remember reading about some HSers a few years back where sharing passwords for key accounts was an act of deep intimacy. I was delighted that at least some youth are growing up with a sense of account security.
My ex wife and I shared all our passwords with each other, When we split I changed all mine but for whatever reason she did not change hers and it damn near landed her in jail when 1 years later she conspired with a friend on LiveJournal to anonymous report child neglect falsely against current Mrs Ras and I for having the gall to actually file for divorce (which she was supposed to have already handled).
I was able to log into her account and show the nice social worker all of the details of their plan.
Oh yeah, I saw that in some British hooker documentary. The guy was all like “I want you to rape my wallet”. I’m pretty much okay with anything, but that shit is dumb.
Didn’t they call that being married back in the day?
No when you are married they at least occasionally put out and treat you like a human being. With Fin Dom it is kind of like being a Cuck (in the bdsm sense of the term) , you never get laid and she always treats you like shit because you get off on the abuse and humiliation.
That’s wild, Raston. Most people are bad at being evil. Glad it turned out well for you.
I must be out of touch. That’s bizarre.
I sampled some of Ms. Lust’s product a few years ago. I found it quite pleasant. Frankly, my last brief perusal of the hub for porn seems to indicate that all the cool kids are into their sisters. Not my thing.
Note that Lust is not the producer of that fattie porn that was linked last week. That’s just weird.
Kenny Loggins couldn’t be reached for comment.
Because your Mama don’t dance, and your Daddy don’t rock & roll.
Kenny couldn’t? Geez, I hope he’s alright….
I love Maggie McNeill, part a lot
Damn that’s awesome.
All she’s gonna do is break your heart.
I think that costs extra.
You have to go to her friend Mistress Matisse for that.
Micheal Moore, Bernie Sanders et al hardest hit.
Moore tweeted praising Karl Marx on his birthday. He got absolutely destroyed.
“If everyone is supposed to get a slice of the pie, then why did you eat it all?”
That’s beautiful.
Florida Woman and family killed dodging alligator in SC. No matter what Mr. Lizard threatens, the path of least resistance for your vehicle is usually the animal.*
FTA: it says she hit it, then crashed. Do you even read the links you post?!?
That’s why you accelerate before you hit it.
That’s why you drive a big goddamn vehicle.
I just got a new set of KO2 tires today. I figure that they’re not fully broken in until I clean animal out of the tread.
Nobody reads the links. You sound like a n00b.
Huh, my co-worker called me muttering something about some crazy bitch driving an SUV with no concept of who the dominant species was.
I didn’t know Florida Man could read.
It has pictures…
As if this were even a question anymore.
Alyssa Milano is the perfect spokesperson. She’s the Al Gore of gun control.
She showed up to an anti-gun rally this weekend with ARMED security. Please please please keep a microphone in front of her face for as long as possible.
Reading her Twitter breaks my heart.
By heart, you mean brain?
“A scene from the @NRA annual meeting in Dallas. 5,790 American children receive medical treatment each year for a gun-related injury; 21% of those injuries are unintentional. About 1,300 children die annually from a gun-related injury in the US. #NRAAM”
So 79% of them were intentional? People purposely shoot 4,574 kids each year? They must really care about their lawns.
I’m thinking that statistic is bullshit. Like the one that included “children” up to 26-years-old.
Well anything’s possible when 5 out of 4 women are violently gang raped on college campuses.
Gang violence. Children shooting children — all eligible to be tried as adults of course — and we want to give them the vote to boot.
On average, 427 gun deaths each year in the United States were of people under the age of 15.
Best I could find at short notice.
Children aside, those numbers come close to describing the shooting incidents and murder rate for just Chicago. If “children” includes through 20 years old, then very possible but completely misleading. Would be interested in seeing the percentage of “children” victims >15 y. o. or with priors.
should have refreshed, helpful stat pull Ted
It’s amazing how difficult it is to find anything more than that link. Like how many 15-17-year-olds are shot to death each year.
We’re all somebody’s children – prog thinking.
What is that tweet even supposed to mean? Who is being racist?
I was just thinking how wrong it is that none of the garbage collectors in my neighborhood are women. Why aren’t they fighting to bust the glass ceiling?
How do you know some of them don’t identify as women?
That’s icky man work. What are you sexist?
What you did there..
In all my years of home dwelling, I recall exactly one woman sanitation expert. She lasted about a month.
The women get all the no-show jobs.
So the woman who sits next to me (in a very close-quarters office) gave her notice.
She’s nice and all, but dammit she’s a loud chewer! I won’t miss having to put on my noise cancelling headphones every time she eats or chews gum!
Do this in response:
Goddammit Blizzard take more of my money for Mercy waifu. https://playoverwatch.com/en-us/blog/21758132
You want to research her breasts don’t you
“Crazily, the leading non-participating demographic among the pre-Social Security group is women without HS diplomas.”
Maybe they are raising kids?
Ya but do strippers get counted in that number?
Yes, a stripper pole is a vertical column that supports single mothers.
John Kasich is flapping his gums about Iran. I guess we’re going to have him inflicted on us until at least 2020.
Oh, and here’s Kasich pulling a 180 from what he said three years ago.
RE: Feminist porn specifically and every article on Jezebel and HuffPo more generally.
This may sound hypocritical from someone who posts cheesecake pics multiple times a day, but what the fuck is the deal with the Left and sex? They are absolutely *obsessed* with it. It seems as every issue they talk about nowadays intersects in some way with what people are doing with their genitals. I find it supremely ironic that even the SoCons seem to be more live-and-let-live when it comes to bedroom activity than Progs. WTH?
“They are absolutely *obsessed*”
This coming from the creature with the timely b00b pix…speaking of
*taps claw impatiently*
How the fuck could he be more timely than the first post? Is your hot rock working?
See comment #1.
Excellent group today too.
You’ll never conquer Earth with those reading comprehension skills.
“It seems as every issue they talk about nowadays intersects…”
Well, duh, Q. With intersectionality all things are connected.
I guess all intersectionality must return to the beginning.
Probably NSFW.
Disregard, you are actually quite timely as usual
*slinks off*
This may sound hypocritical from someone who posts cheesecake pics multiple times a day, but what the fuck is the deal with the Left and sex?
Not really hypocritical. Your cheesecake pics are, I’m assuming, all in good fun. They aren’t intended to be some sort of serious statement on politics, culture or philosophy. They’re just pictures of pretty, scantily dressed, women. Odds are the girls enjoy the attention and we enjoy paying it. For the proglodytes, sex amounts to some sort of defining aspect of existence. I suspect it’s related to the fact that progressives are, for the most part, not terribly interesting people.
^^^This guy gets it.
Furthermore, those ladies wouldn’t be taking pics like that if they didn’t want people to gawk at them.
Member how in the late 80’s and early 90’s, all the religious scolds got on the tee vee and told all the other religious scolds how awful sex was and it was the root of all sin. And then it came out that all those religious scolds on the tee vee where compensating for the shame and guilt of doing lines of coke off the ass-crack of low rent hookers or whatever. And every right-thinking, left-leaning, young free thinker said “See, its the religion that makes you a hypocrite, lets not have religion” but they accidentally forgot that you can’t change human nature over night.
What I’m saying is.. Who could have seen this coming?!?!?!?!
No, I don’t remember that and I am old enough to have remembered it.
Progressives are control freaks. and feminist progressives suffer from some very deep, internal-contradictions between their ideas of sex as a locus of liberation or victimization.
You can find conflicting postures on “porn” sometimes coming from the very same feminists.
On one hand, the freedom to use sex as a means of personal empowerment is liberating! ;
They were always like that. The 60’s hippies saying “why can’t we just have orgy’s on the sidewalks with no relationships” was an obsession with sex.
People pointing out that probably wasn’t a good idea, and will lead to unwanted babies with no financial support outside the state were socons obsessed with sex though. At least according to boomer history.
They think talking about sex all the time will annoy the SoCons.
Elsewhere in Iran deal hackery, Jennifer Rubin has completely reversed herself because #RESIST. How shocking.
That link contains saccharine.
Cool link, bro.
here, you big babies
We weren’t going to read it, anyway.
Me: Jennifer Rubin can’t get any more idiotic and pointless.
Jennifer Rubin: My beer, could you hold it please?
The movie Screamers is 23 years old?
Get off my lawn.
For some of us, most of our movie viewing is of stuff from before we were born.
Jennifer Rubin’s lips remind me of a baboon’s butt. Oddly enough, so does her “intellect”.
I love how there are two interpretations of this statement, and that as such it is rendered 100% useless as a warning.
Mr Hutz would be proud
A different version of Gatur Bait
My 21 year old daughter moved out yesterday, not by choice. She was one of those “failure to launch” people. Didn’t have a full time job, gave us all kinds of grief when we asked her to contribute, and did nothing to improve her situation. We gave her until the end of June to find a new place, but yesterday she left in a huff and moved in with some in-laws, who are now posting passive aggressive jabs at my wife on Facebook.
I did some Googling, and found that it’s become common for “adult children” to hang out at home without any motivation to do anything besides sponge off mom and dad. We’ve probably discussed this here, but seeing it up close makes it pretty fucking scary to know there are a lot of them out there. Our country is really fucked.
Sorry to hear that.
I hate this so much.
Good job. Parenting it hard, and it always finds new and interesting ways to make you feel like shit for doing the right thing.
I found a fantastic article about it and shared it with my wife. There was a great quote in there, something about your obligation to your kids ends at age 18, and after that being in your house is a privilege not a right. You also have a right to be treated with respect in your house, and to spend your money any way you want to.
My parents told me that at least twice a year from age six onwards. (The first time was when I asked why I had to go to school.)
My parents kept a $20 bill in the top of the drawer by the front door. If me or my brothers had a problem with the way they were doing things, they encouraged us to take that 20 bucks and move out. First dinner is on them.
Of course, 20 bucks seems like a lot of money to a 6 year old.
I simply cannot fathom humans who choose to stay with mom and dad after high school. The day I turned 18 I was already out of boot camp and in my first USMC infantry platoon. We were doing a field day (intensive cleaning) of the barracks that evening so I didn’t even do anything to celebrate. Hell, I had an allotment sending a bit more than half of my pay to my mom – I didn’t need it as much as she did.
It seems to me to be a feature of people wanting to be friends with their kids. Which, actually, is a very sweet thing. I find young people–in general–to be very nice people with–to me–a bewildering lack of cynicism.
In contrast, I was ready to move out when I was 9.
Good for you. I know it sucks, but you have to force some into adulthood.
My father laid down the law early. College, military, job, pick one.
That was my dad too, except that if I wasn’t going to school, I’d have to pay rent. I figured as long as I was paying rent, I might as well have my own place with my own rules instead of his.
So did my parents and it really annoyed me. I was a good kid, good grades, went to Uni on scholarship and majored in a field that would have me a job the day I graduated and they still wanted to take that hard line.
In my day, we couldn’t wait to leave home. WTF happened?!
Yeah, I moved back home for a few months between living in DC and starting law school. I could not wait to get out and pretty much only slept there (sometimes).
(If you know what I mean, and I think you do)
“WTF happened?!”
The self-esteem movement in schools is what happened.
You did the right thing. Either she’ll get it together and be thanking you in five years, or she’ll slip further and further away. I fervently hope it’s the former.
I sincerely hope she does well, but if she does keep sliding, I’m happy she’ll be away from the 4 of us still in my house.
I’m sorry to hear that, TOK.
Agree with you on the second paragraph.
It’s easy to be popular. It’s hard to do the right thing.
Sorry, Kevin. That’s brutal, but necessary. I watch my neighbor foot the bill for his grown children (one of whom is a tweaker) and it infuriates me.
You did the right thing.
It really is a toxic situation, it’s not good for anyone involved. Kind of like an abusive spouse, it’s often easier in the short term to just live with it, than to make that big, difficult leap.
Sorry to hear you had to do that. Take some solace in that it was the right thing to do.
My younger brother did that until his mid-twenties. I left the day I turned 18.(*) I did wait until around 8am to load up though.
(* full disclosure, I moved back in for a couple months total before/after basic & mobilization)
In the bad old days, people married when they were younger and thus moved out earlier.
Marriage: the greatest anti-poverty program ever devised AND it gets your damn kids the hell out of your house.
Sorry to hear it, Other Kevin. And I’m sorry also that your in-laws are being right cunts about it, too. Maybe when they get sick of her sponging off them, they’ll shut their yaps.
I’m hoping your daughter turns her life around and figures it out. … Hopefully that happens before she turns 30.*
*My cousin is still working on it.
Thanks for the support everyone. I feel like I’m posting my dirty laundry here too often. But I think this is part of a bigger issue. With all the helicopter parenting, and the safe spaces, and the blah blah blah, we’re creating an entire generation of this.
Not only do I support you, I suggest you change the locks on your house.
I think you are doing the right thing I moved out of my parents at 19 to live with my girlfriend. Getting married at 20 and having kids at 23 forced me to grow up and face many of the things my parents didn’t make me face. My brother on the other hand is 24 and lives at home when he isn’t in jail and has a 4 year old with a girl who is only 20. He doesn’t have a bank account, he hasn’t done his own taxes, he has never had to pay any bills and my parents have helped pay for all his cars. My mom is sick of it and would have cut him off years ago if not for my dad. They did all this knowing where it leads them. my dads younger sister is 38 and lives with her mother and hasn’t kept a job or lived away from her parents for longer than a two year stretch ever.
Sorry Kevin, that’s a hard choice to make. The in laws shouldn’t be giving you shit about it.
To your point about it being common, my two sisters each live with their soon to be husbands, but all 4 of them still have cell phones, credit cards, and things like Amazon Prime paid for by the 3 respective sets of parents. The guys each make six figures so it’s just a generational sponge mindset. My wife and I find it bewildering despite being just a few years older.
We practiced benign neglect with our kids starting in their pre-teen years. If they wanted something, they needed to work for it.
They both moved out right after turning 18. Each came home once or twice for short periods of time. But both were gone for good by 21 or so.
Yeah my parents did the same thing.
I graduated HS in 2007, and I got my first cell phone for Christmas my junior year. The phone was a gift, the added cost of the bill was due to my dad every month. He paid half the increase in the car insurance when I started driving, and he paid for 800 dollars of my 1200 dollar 1993 Buick. I put 4.00 a gallon in gas in it my own self.
A lot of kids my age thought that was BS, and some of the other parents thought my dad was a cheapskate. Which he was. But it’s never too early to learn that if you want A, B, and C it costs X, Y, and Z.
21, you say?
At the company I work at, the owners had to serve their own son (also 21 years old) with eviction papers because he refused to leave. Another toxic scenario.
I did that last week, it’s the LAW
Sorry dude.
I can’t imagine getting to that point.
The day I graduated from high school, my Mom asked me to give back my key to “her house.” She wasn’t kicking me out, but it was a brilliant tactic for drawing that line between childhood and adulthood.
You did absolutely the right thing. And while you’re at it, get your wife off Facebook.
Your life will be much more peaceful for both actions.
Doing the right thing isn’t always easy.
I booted my 21 year old daughter out on a Dec 23rd about 30 years ago, for the same reasons you stated. It was with many tears (on her part) and a lot of anxiety on my part. She asked if she could come back the following night for Xmas gifts that were marked for her. I agreed. She moved in with her cousin, a couple months later the cousin booted her out. That went on for a year or two, she moved from TX to MA to move i with a friend. Friend helped her find a job and my daughter finally started to figure things out. She’s 52 now, still hasn’t quite got life figured out. I have cried a lot of tears over the years.
For a long time she blamed me, today she is the sweetest daughter one can imagine, only now her own three daughters are creating tears for her. Life….
I’m so sorry, but this was mandatory.
I may be late but I have the same problem Kevin, I feel for ya
Ok, but is she thicc?
Asking for me.
I’ve got an 18 year old who graduates in 2 weeks that I have a very real feeling is going to be in this situation,
the worst part is he is technically my stepson and while he has never held that against me my wife has gotten very defensive anytime I tried to hardcore parent him. Either way though he gets a couple weeks post graduation to find a job or he discovers that his “rent” will be paid by being the entire families maid service. If he actually gets off his ass and finds a job I’ll go a bit easier on him but this is a kid who easily could have pilled straight A’s and gotten pretty close to a free ride to more than a few colleges in scholarships, instead he’ll be graduating with a GPA well under 2.5 and no hope of getting accepted into anything more than a community college which he couldn’t even get off his ass and apply to in time for the fall semester.
Can we all agree the moral of all this is “don’t have kids”?
Reason #9,276,412 to never have kids.
That sucks, man. I hope she gets her motivation. Whoever she’s living with now doesn’t sound like a very good influence, but they’ll probably get sick off her soon enough.
My parents raised me in the Huxtable way – they ingrained in us from birth that we were either in college or on our own at 18. College would be paid for, but the gravy train ended at graduation. Grad school (which I never did) would be on my own dime.
This is pretty much how it was for us, too. I moved back in for a time during college, but that was because I worked an internship at my dad’s company. We were raised with a goal in mind, and that goal was to be independent adults by age 18. Sure, our parents were there to help the first few years after high school, but the expectation was that the training wheels were completely off after college graduation.
@TOK: trust me, from a guy whose 55 year old mother still lives at home with her parents, making your daughter face the harsh reality of living on her own will reap benefits.
Sorry you are going through this. You did the right thing. Hopefully this forces her to confront reality. With a little luck she’ll be thanking you in a few years.
You know what they say about a guy with big feet right? He has a hard time finding socks.
Specifically, I want to get one pair of really high quality hiking socks. Anyone have any good suggestions? I wear a size 15 or 16 shoe, 4xW.
I would recommend SmartWool, but I’m not sure they make ’em that big.
I was thinking the same thing and went to track their sizing chart down. It looks like their XL are rated to size 14.5
Lol. I did the same thing. I also found this:
I hope you appreciate our shopping services, Leap! 😉
I’ve got a few long flights coming up and picked up some of SmartWool’s compression socks on sale. I’m very curious to try them out. They’re so fucking comfortable.
Take an aspirin before you board.
For its blood thinning properties?
Yeah. Help avoid DVTs.
Good to know.
Aspirin makes my ears ring.
They hold up great, as well.
Yeah. I’ve been very happy with their stuff in the past, but am always a bit put off by their price. I’ve started keeping an eye out for sales and padding my collection a bit when they go low.
I’ll file that away. Thanks.
I don’t know why, but I think that website is hilarious.
People pay damn near 20 dollars for a pair of socks? that’s two days worth of Strohs!
I had no idea that you could measure alcohol in units of time.
I buy nice socks and they last for years…I went in to replace some white crew socks (hahaha, you thought all gays were fashionable. shame on you!) and after a lengthy discussion with a clerk who had worked there for quite a while found out that I’d had the socks I had for at least 8 years because the store had changed sourcing for their house brand twice since Id’ gotten the ones I liked.
They are on Amazon with Prime aka free returns. I’m used to having to stuff an oversized part of my body into a slightly constricted tube, so I might see if they work.
Yeah; they don’t make condoms big enough for my dick.
Jesse sez: pics?
It’s tawdry if I have to ask, Q.
“I’m used to having to stuff an oversized part of my body into a slightly constricted tube”
Spanx are for women.
The tube isn’t textile, its anatomical.
Can’t really help on the socks, but, you have email. Possibly in your spam folder.
Dickies Work Socks are the best cushioned socks i ever Bought
I like Wigwam socks.
Darn Tough socks. They’re the most comfortable, durable socks I’ve ever worn, and they come with a legit lifetime guarantee.
Try this site:
Who told Lou Dobbs to put brown shoe polish on his hair?
NJR, asking the tough questions:
Maybe for the same reason they are not allowed to have guns?
That’s how you implement gun control. You have the President declare via Executive Order that all US citizens are felons.
They told me that if Trump were elected there would be fanatical anti-immigrant sentiment and they were right!
Then Barrack Obama wasn’t culturally black.
I don’t think Obama was culturally American, either. Certainly his wookie wasn’t.
I am blacker than Barack Obama is.
I took this test and their best guess for my English dialect was “US Black Vernacular/Ebonics.” That’s how culturally black I am.
Its best guess for me was Australian.
What the fuck?
Interesting, mate.
I got “American (Standard)”.
I got American standard, Canadian then black. Native language guess was English, Norwegian and Sweden.
My full results for the dialect:
American (Standard)
Native language:
In other words, LOL.
What is your native language?
I would have guessed bear…
1. American (Standard)
2. US Black Vernacular / Ebonics
3. Singaporean
People made that argument.
One of my best friends used to say “I have to go bathroom” from when I first knew him at age 3 until I stopped being friends with him at age 30. It always bugged me. Glad we’re no longer friends. Sad. MAGA.
“Dallas restaurant targeted by NRA writes fat check for gun reform group
A Dallas restaurant that made international news after a run-in with the NRA is putting its money where its mouth is, by making a sizable donation to an organization dedicated to reducing gun violence.
Ellen’s, the popular Southern restaurant in Dallas’ West End, put a message on the bottom of its checks calling for “reasonable and effective gun regulations” to mark the arrival of the National Rifle Association convention, which was in Dallas May 4-6.
In response, the NRA posted a tweet urging its followers to “steer clear of Ellen’s in downtown Dallas!” with a photo of the receipt.
The restaurant and its owner Joe Groves were besieged by a campaign that included hundreds of bad reviews on Yelp (maybe not such a problem) and more alarmingly, threats of physical violence.
Groves clarified his support for the Constitution, including the 2nd Amendment. “We believe our position is anything but controversial,” he said. “And like the NRA, we also support finding solutions to the senseless killings that happen much too frequently. We believe those two things are completely compatible.”
Part of Groves’ original intent was always to raise funds for an organization that advocated for gun reform, and he settled on Moms Demand Action, the group founded by stay-at-home mom Shannon Watts in 2012, in response to the devastating shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School.
He’ll present the group with a check for $15,000.”
“and more alarmingly, threats of physical violence.”
Police reports or get the fuck out.
Yeah, I’m sick of this shit. Every time a public figure (mostly, but not exclusively on the left) gets criticized in public, they start claiming death threats. I got into it with the national AAUP head in e-mail when they sent out an e-mail about the guy in Connecticut who cheered on the GOP shooting in VA. AAUP informed me that the context of his comments was irrelevant and OMG, he’s getting death threats. Parsing through news stories, it turned out he claimed to have received death threats via e-mail, reported them to the police, but apparently deleted the e-mails.
I mean…. it’s a felony….
If somebody threatened you with death, wouldn’t you want them charged with a felony?
As far as I’m concerned, anyone who claims that they’ve received death threats but doesn’t have police reports to back it up is a transparent liar.
In their world “Well, I can imagine they would send me death threats” is exactly equivalent to receiving a bona fide death threat – so, whatever…
So he reported a crime and then destroyed evidence.
“And those 15,000 dollars made all the bad guns go far, far away forever.”
Groves clarified his support for the Constitution, including the 2nd Amendment.
Another lying liar.
He totally supports the 2nd Amendment! You know, the version that says that state National Guard units can carry muskets, not the icky version that NRA-owned politicians keep inflicting upon us.
“Let me be clear: I support the Constitution, and all the Amendments, so long as they don’t permit anything I don’t like. Otherwise, there need to be reasonable limits to what people are allowed to do. As determined by me.”
Plus…”Richard Glock”? Seriously? Why not “Dick Lugar”? Troll better, dammit!
To be fair, the stuff Bloomberg proposes is both unreasonable and ineffective.
That name, Moms Demand Action, always cracks me up. They must be totally clueless about how their very name loses them credibility before people even get to the substance of their arguments – such as they are.
And the “moms” would probably get more action if they weren’t such shrill harpies. And they’d be less shrill if they were getting some, amirite?
And they’d be less shrill if they were getting some, amirite?
Hence the reason they’re demanding action?
“Moms Demand Action”
I guess “Won’t Somebody Please Think of the Children?” was taken already.
“Moms Demand Action”
Erika Lust’s new project.
Jerry Lewis isn’t around to sue them now.
Noam Chomsky told students at St. Olaf College on Friday that the Republican Party is engaged in a “unique insanity which is dedicated to destroying organized human life.”
This comment and more came in the context of Dr. Chomsky’s 90-minute talk, which was intended to serve as this year’s keynote event for the college’s Political Awareness Committee (PAC).
“On the basis of Christian ideals they’re saying let’s proceed to destroy the world. I don’t know anybody in the Islamic world that’s doing that.”
The survival of humanity was a theme throughout the lecture, which opened with a call to the young adults of today, which Chomsky calls the “Europe generation.”
Chomsky, a world-renowned New Left academic who is harshly critical of conservative public policy positions, asserted that this generation “is facing the most awesome question that has ever arisen in human history: the question is will organized human life survive.”
[head desk]
Peak Derp, has it been reached? Or is the human race engaged in devolution of intelligence.
Peak Derp is like Planck Temperature. In theory, there is a limit, but is so impossibly high that there will always be something dumber until the heat death of the universe.
Has Chomsky’s dementia been diagnosed yet?
Yes, he is infected with communism. It is usually fatal.
You know who else was dedicated to destroying organized human life?
Pol Pot?
The first one gets it.
Organized? WTF?
Disorganized human life is safe…for now.
Brilliant when it comes to linguistics, dumb as a post on everything else.
Yet he spent a relatively small part of his professional life actually discussing linguistics.
His linguistic theories have taken a hit in recent years as well. There was even some science last year that questioned the universal grammar idea.
I propose the United States make Chomsky the U.S. Ambassador to Saudi Arabia. And refuse to allow him to return until he’s attended 60 executions for blasphemy, apostasy, sorcery or witchcraft. The U.S. should also ask that the Saudis have him stand in the front row so he gets a good fucking look.
I don’t think it would phase him.
It took him over a decade to walk back any of his support for Pol Pot. And even then he didn’t really walk it back.
A student at South Pasadena High School was brought before administrators for questioning when he tried to wear a “Come and Take It” flag to a pro-Second Amendment walkout.
The administrators insisted that the depiction of an AR-15 on the flag constituted “promoting violence,” calling the student a “provocateur” when he insisted that he was just wearing it to show his support for the Constitution.
Li was wearing a more contemporary iteration depicting an AR-15 in place of the cannon barrel.
“Yeah…it’s not an actual gun,” Li tells the administrators shortly after being confronted.
“So it is a gun,” a female administrator interjects triumphantly, to which Li replies that, “if it is a gun, I have a right to wear it, in support of the Second Amendment,” pointing out that “the whole point of the protest is going against a semi-automatic weapons ban.”
The administrator counters that he had “more of a right to wear it off-campus on your walk” than inside the school, “because our dress code says people cannot promote drug use, violence, and so forth.”
“Well, I’m not promoting violence,” Li responds. “How am I promoting any violence? I don’t get how this is promoting violence, just by supporting the Constitution.”
“I don’t really see how it’s supporting the Constitution by wearing a gun on your back,” the official counters, after which a male administrator adds that “I don’t remember there being semi-automatic rifles in the Constitution.”
[Kiff sigh]
Lost. cause.
The proper response is
I don’t remember there being Miranda rights in the Constitution.
If he really wanted to trigger them he would have brought up abortion.
The list is long.
I also can’t find compulsory education in the Constitution.
My response would have been:
The 2nd Amendment made all the other ones possible.
And these are the retards responsible for
teaching history & civicsindoctrinating children into leftist thinking.The sad thing is humans are communal by nature. You don’t have to be clever or competent to brainwash kids, you just need to create an environment where everyone agrees on right think.
“What was your major in college?”
“Oh… that explains your ignorance.”
/My fantasy response to an educrat
Please do this, and wear a GoPro when you do.
You’re all out of order!
OMG. Noooooooooo!
“At least Obama gets to keep his legacy — just like everyone got to keep their doctor
I don’t really care about the Iran deal, and the sanctions we are returning to are incredibly stupid.
But it’s definitely a pleasure to see leftists trolled.
Is always amazing, I have to admire Trump’s balls. Many Republicans talked a big game, but in the face of enormous pressure he stuck to his guns again.
It’s because he hasn’t been in public office for decades, so he’s the least corrupt person in Washington. And boy does it piss off the career bureaucrats.
Fuck you Sally, you wanted total Kulturkampf now I don’t believe a damn thing that you or your ilk say.
You can’t fool me. That’s a man.
Eh, I give her some credit for realizing her own prejudices.
Speaking of just one night
It’s the
Cmon, man! This is a $3,000 suit!
“Illinois police claim if marijuana is legalized, they’ll have to kill their police dogs”
Play to your strengths I always say.
I’m fine with killing bureaucrats no matter how many legs they have.
Taking them home and keeping them as family pets would be unthinkable for cops?
They need a PR consultant.
Someone tell them that National Lampoon was a parody.
I don’t give a shit. Using dogs to manufacture probable cause out of whole cloth should have declared unconstitutional and the dogs should have been put to another use decades ago. The dogs sniff is bullshit. The cops tell the dogs when to hit and when not to hit. I’d link my damn video again, but I have done it here too many times already.
Straying even slightly from hard left philosophy = iconoclastically circumventing mainstream thinking. Never change NYT.
Though I do give them credit for publishing this at all. I’m guessing it caused at least a dozen strokes amongst their Upper West Side readership.
But they all share three distinct qualities. First, they are willing to disagree ferociously, but talk civilly, about nearly every meaningful subject: religion, abortion, immigration, the nature of consciousness.
I seem to remember a term for this sort of person, before they became Nazis… I think they used to be called public intellectuals.
At least Trump has a measured diplomacy centered national security adviser like John Bolton advising him on Iran.
That gives me comfort
Nobody tell JS anything
It can’t be that bad. It’s not like he wrote an article titled “Bomb Iran” just a couple months ago or anything.
” How white women use strategic tears to avoid accountability
The legitimate grievances of brown and black women are no match for the accusations of a white damsel in distress
That the voices of “women of colour” are getting louder and more influential is a testament less to the accommodations made by the dominant white culture and more to their own grit in a society that implicitly – and sometimes explicitly – wants them to fail.
At the Sydney writers’ festival on Sunday, editor of Djed Press, Hella Ibrahim, relayed the final minutes of a panel on diversity featuring writers from the western Sydney Sweatshop collective. One of the panellists, Winnie Dunn, in answering a question about the harm caused by good intentions, had used the words “white people” and “shit” in the same sentence. This raised the ire of a self-identified white woman in the audience who interrogated the panellists as to “what they think they have to gain” by insulting people who “want to read their stories.”
Trauma assails brown and black women from all directions. There is the initial pain of being subjected to gendered racism and discrimination, there is the additional distress of not being believed or supported, and of having your words and your bravery seemingly credited to others.
And then there is a type of trauma inflicted on women of colour that many of us find among the hardest to disclose, the one that few seem willing to admit really happens because it is so thoroughly normalised most people refuse to see it.
It is what that writers’ festival audience member was demonstrating, and what blogger and author Luvvie Ajayi called the “weary weaponising of white women’s tears”.
To put it less poetically, it is the trauma caused by the tactic many white women employ to muster sympathy and avoid accountability, by turning the tables and accusing their accuser.”
“We talk about toxic masculinity,” Ajayi warns, “but there is (also) toxicity in wielding femininity in this way.” Brown and black women know we are, as musician Miss Blanks writes, “imperfect victims”. That doesn’t mean we are always in the right but it does mean we know that against a white woman’s accusations, our perspectives will almost always go unheard either way.
Whether angry or calm, shouting or pleading, we are still perceived as the aggressors.
Likewise, white women are equally aware their race privileges them as surely as ours condemns us. In this context, their tearful displays are a form of emotional and psychological violence that reinforce the very system of white dominance that many white women claim to oppose.”
Tears doesn’t start with a W, you alliteration-breaking twunt.
Hey, if the shoe fits…
of color
“Sins against style! Shailene Woodley leads the list of worst dressed fashion nightmares at the Met Gala in a Tin Man-esque dress, as Zoe Kravitz rebels against the religious theme by wearing NO underwear”
Miley looks beautiful in a simple black gown. But most of those outfits are just ridiculous.
Now do Islam, Katy
That would be cultural appropriation, you silly goose.
Muslims are brown bodies. Don’t you know that?
To be fair, as far as I know, the theme was “Heavenly Bodies: Fashion and the Catholic Imagination”.
All she would have to do is add another pair of wings.
At least the tin dress can be taken off when it’s over, unlike the godawful tattoos.
Also, TW: Lena Dunham.
I love that Shailene Whoever’s outfit. She’s obviously going for Joan of Arc.
Wearing no underwear is rebellious? I guess in a whorish kind of way
“Stormy Daniels says Trump’s hair is real and that it ‘fluffed’ around ‘like a drunken cockatoo’ as they had sex”
I’m surprised CNN didn’t syndicate this and run it as top story.
What a world when you can’t count on a porn star to show any class.
Trump’s hair is real and that it ‘fluffed’ around ‘like a drunken cockatoo’ as they had sex
*moves H&H from fiction to biography section*
Man, The Hair is gonna be pissed when he hears he was compared to a drunken cockatoo. And I don’t think he’s ever ‘Fluffed’ around, I don’t believe a word of it.
Remember when GWB wouldn’t shut up during the Obama administration? I don’t either.
“*May not apply to moose, bison, or persons of Walmart”
Or bears.
Brand new furnace shell, about to melt the first heat in two weeks. Damn I’m tired
Jeeze. That looks like a nukular reactor!
Its not far off. When the steel is molten enough to pour is about 50 degrees above 3000 °F. The electric arc that we use to melt the steel is about 30,000 °F. That furnace shell is made out of welded pipe lined with refractory brick that we circulate 3000 GPM of cooled water through.
Do you do “ride-alongs”? LOL
I love molten stuff of all kinds!
So long as you are at least 12 years old. I can take any glib except SP.
I love seeing stuff from your work. Thanks!
This is where we put the Alien away
I think I’ve mentioned this movie before here, but if you’re in the market for a good ol’ romp through the USSR’s idea of investigating serial killers, with a strong libertarian (or, at least, principled) aroma, check out Citizen X
Burakov: “A man is what he fights for”
Col. Fetisov, proudly: “Well, I don’t fight for anything”
Burakov: “I know”
*Fetisov’s face crumples*
Such a great movie.
And Max Von Sydow as the shrink. Amazing.
Thx. On my watch list
Is that based on a real story? ( possible spoiler warning if so) I read a book decades ago about a Russian serial killer who got away with it for years because the Soviets wouldn’t admit that a serial killer could exist in the communist utopia. Also when they did finally catch him the trial took a few days and ended with marching him across the hall into a stainless steel room with a drain in the middle of the floor, no repeals, no thirty years on death row. SLD I’m against the state killing people but if our gonna do it do it.
Yeah it was based on a real story, and like you said, the Party Line was that were no serial killers in Glorious Soviet Union.
Four books written about him:
Conradi, The Red Ripper: Inside the Mind of Russia’s Most Brutal Serial Killer
Cullen, The Killer Department: Detective Viktor Burakov’s Eight-Year Hunt for the Most Savage Serial Killer of Our Times.
Krivich, Comrade Chikatilo: The Psychopathology of Russia’s Notorious Serial Killer.
Lourie, Hunting The Devil: The Pursuit, Capture and Confession of the Most Savage Serial Killer in History.
The movie was based on The Killer Department.
yep, The Killer Department, that was it, really good book.
Recognizing that free speech is paramount, I’d still like to feed whoever put these flyers up their own testicles.
And it’ll be blamed on #MAGA people, when, in reality, the biggest anti-semites right now are leftists.
Those people must be real pissed about all three of the Jewish people who live in Nebraska. Ridiculous
Sounds like a false flag operation to me. If those three get forced out, the slaughterhouses will have to close.
PETA is behind it. That’s not that crazy, because they have tried to shutdown kosher and halal slaughterhouses
You can’t feed something that doesn’t exist to someone.
I think my favorite JOOOOOOZZZZZ people are the ones who acknowledge the Holocaust as an actual event. Because then you have people who simultaneously believe that:
1. The Jews control the world, and they do so for the benefit of the Jews.
2. The Jews thus orchestrated the murder of over a third of their population for……reasons.
“The Jews control the world”
Which is obviously not true since the Catholic Church controlled the Third Reich: https://www.chick.com/reading/tracts/0054/0054_01.asp
On your second point, a large number of Jewish conspiracy “theorists” subscribe to one of two views:
a) Holocaust Denial
b) The Holocaust was engineered by the Rothschilds to generate sympathy for the creation of the state of Israel.
How can Jewish families that certainly have family members who were victims of the holocaust be holocaust deniers?
Yeah, that was less than coherent. I was referring to non-Jewish people who believe in the “Jews run the world” conspiracy theory.
Ladies and gentleman, I now present the hottest of hot takes:
“Hey, I’ll break my rule just for you – Me Too is, and has always been, Russian propaganda; took @AlFranken out of the Senate on the word of a Roger Stone Putinist liar; Democrats swallowed it whole, like idiots; now brought out with a flourish to attack America. Due Process.”
In some strange way, I admire that chick. She makes bank off of being crazier than Alex Jones.
“Our government isn’t turn the frogs gay. It’s the Russians!”
That woman is actually insane.
Ah, Louise Mensch. One day, she watched Alex Jones on YouTube and thought “That man is far too sane”, and then went onto Twitter. The rest is history.
It’s got to be a put on. I mean, I can’t imagine who’d pay her for it, but Bannon was pulling paychecks from the Mercers, so there’s a market for political provocateurs, and “the Brit transplant who makes Piers Morgan seem charming and sane” isn’t what I’d call a great freelancing career bet.
That’s my take, it’s 100% an act. No one is that nutty who is not a Democrat member of the US congress.
How does she manage to get elected?
That’s parody, right?
A man identified as the son of Denver Mayor Michael Hancock is heard telling a police officer “my dad’s the mayor, you f—–g f—-t” in a video that surfaced following a traffic stop in late March.
The 20-second clip, sent by an anonymous source to The Denver Channel and published Tuesday, was reportedly recorded while Jordan Hancock was being ticketed for driving 65 miles per hour in a 40-mph zone.
“Guess what? I’m about to get you fired you f—–g b—h,” the 22-year-old is heard saying to an Aurora cop. “My dad’s the mayor, you f—–g f—-t.”
The officer responds: “Of Denver? Well you’re in Aurora.”
On Hancock’s ticket, the officer wrote “Attitude very poor-see video,” according to The Denver Channel.
Reason #9,276,411 to never have kids.
But it’s perfectly OK when cops treat citizens like that.
For Gordilocks (TW: TOS relative): https://reason.org/transportation-news/surface-transportation-news-169/
(won’t let me link to the actual article but see “Addressing the Truck Driver Shortage”).
“Great shooting there, Lou. Maryland deputy shoots jaywalking groundhog.”
Man, that image… that is just fucking sad. I mean really, what’s a matter ocifer, all the dogs already dead? No grannies to taze? WTF?
Goundhogs are as bad as hate birds. They were meant by nature to be blasted to oblivion.
In other news, the First Lady’s native language is “pornstar”.
I’m old enough to remember when it was the Trumpistas who were bitching about “snowflakes” who can’t take a joke.
I was googling some gun stuff and ended up on a forum from 2016. Man were those some sad sacks. Trumps done, get ready for her, but all the guns you can. Good times.
You have to admit, “buy all the guns you can” isn’t wrong.
You don’t have to sell me brother. I was researching AR-47 uppers.
You’re right and they are still petty.
But drinking is when I have all my best ideas… I granted, they’re usually “go make another drink.”
I don’t get you guys with this making a drink stuff. Sounds almost like slavery to me. I’m mad that I had to take the cork out of this bourbon myself, but after that I just pour it in a glass, drink made.
Did you get a chance to try sagamore spirit?
“STDs in L.A. County are skyrocketing. Officials think racism and stigma may be to blame
Researchers increasingly view public health problems as shaped by the environments in which people live. Neighborhoods where people of color reside, for example, are more likely to be pollution-ridden and have fewer parks and doctors — factors that directly affect people’s health.
But the picture is more complicated when it comes to the high STD rates among minorities. Gay and bisexual men make up the vast majority of new syphilis cases. In L.A. County, syphilis rates among African American women are six times higher than white women and three times higher than Latina women.
Northover said that officials need to evaluate what’s called structural or systemic racism, the way housing or education policies may negatively impact people and their health. Studies have found, for example, that people with HIV who had low levels of literacy were less likely to follow their treatment, and that poorer Americans were more likely to engage in risky sexual behavior, increasing their risk of STDs.
Poverty or a lack of opportunity may be forcing women to exchange sex for resources, leading to the spread of STDs, Northover said. There also tends to be a mistrust of the medical system among African Americans, making them reluctant to seek care. Certain neighborhoods may be excluded from access to healthcare because of geography or finances, she said.”
That, or more people are using apps like Tinder these days.
Poor people make poor decisions? How has no one ever noticed that before!?
I’m glad I was sitting when I read that.
Maybe the same way it took me a year to realize your avatar is a rotary engine and not a Super Bowl ring? You don’t give much thought to things you think you already know.
You know what’s really disgusting?
Parks, and the crusty bum semen that comes with them.
I feel like an 8th grader wrote that.
Maybe it’s because I’m tired after a 50km bike ride but I don’t get the origin of ‘Cocaine Mitch’ after reading that story.
/takes sip of Peroni.
Peroni Rufus? I’m drinking Balvenie. On my third and just now taking the edge off the day.
Third? Man, I’d be out cold.
Contemplating a fourth, but not sure I want to be that obnoxious.
Man, I’m sitting right here.
After running/cycling I like light pilsners or the like. It doesn’t matter. Coors, local…today it’s Peroni. I happen to think it’s decent enough.
You happen to be wrong.
Needless to say I did not cycle 50km today. Instead, I sat through an endless meeting that was the full embodiment of the futility of the military industrial complex. Next time I’ll be more than happy to trade places.
I got lucky as I didn’t need to go in today. It’s a rare occurrence.
I haven’t really had a ‘real’ vacation outside the standard 5-10 days for seven years. I simply have to be around.
I’m having my first, almost completely detached, vacation in about 22 months.
22 months?
Yep. I had five days completely off around our wedding in July 2016.
I stocked up Sunday on some really nice bottles and I’m stuck here at work.
*le sigh*
Hahaaaaaaaah, my C:\ drive doesn’t have room for the latest MS patch. SUCK IT, AGGRESSIVE WINDOWS UPDATES.
Did you partition it such that the C:\ was artificially small. Or did you load it up with live footage from Warty’s basement?
Even better: I have no idea.
Do not despair. MS will helpfully delete only the files you want to keep in order to make room.
I use Linux.
Between going to bed and waking up, CNN has managed to pump out multiple segments praising Cuomo and the NY dems for their bravery in acting so quickly and decisively in response to the pervy and violent AG. The spin cycle works fast.
Anything in the news about Netanyahu and Abe and the diplomatic crisis of the year?
I must have five articles in my feed about it…
Speculative news is the Nick Gillespie of news.
One of my Japanese friends who hates Abe thought it was awesome.
But if a US ambassador went to Japan and said “Gross, raw fish” he would be mocked for his lack of decorum and having no sense of adventure.
Or barfing in his lap.
I was doing the news shift at my college radio station that morning.
As if Chris Cuomo will say something nice about Andrew Cuo… wait, I see how this works.
Except for the pre-release buginess and what seems like horrible latency issues, this looks fun.
Okay, even with the awful latency this looks like so much fun.
Is Oracle trying to kill Java off entirely?
On topic – Once, driving home after dark from shreveport in a Honda Del Sol I nearly hit an alligator. Fortunately I was driving slowly because there was a blinding rain storm even though I was on I-49 just south of the city limits. Because of the limited visibility I didn’t see the critter until I was nearly on him. He was big enough that he lay all the way across the lane…how wide is a lane on the interstate? It was a big fucker and would have destroyed my car. They are solid as a brick wall.
Off topic – This morning I stopped the car to shoo a snake out of the road. After I got close to it I realized it was a Louisiana Pine snake. That makes three times in my life I have seen one. The only constrictor in North America and the rarest snake in the Americas. This one was about 7 feet long. They get up to ten feet. If I hadn’t been late already I would have put it in a sack and taken it home. They eat gophers. My yard is eaten up with gophers.
Except for Burmese Pythons, thanks to man.
I keep hearing that we expect them to start showing up here. That is one critter I will kill on sight.
I’m kinda surprised you don’t get more gators on the roads. Cold blooded lizards, warm blacktops, seems like a natural fit.
Whenever dad goes down to Louisiana he’s always hoping to poke a gator with a stick, or worse. Dude is an unrepentant thrill-seeker who never got his chance, I guess. He always talks about wanting to bait sharks when he paddleboards in California. And he plays with snakes whenever he finds them here in New Mexico.
I-49 goes through a lot of hills but also through a lot of river basin. In the basin areas the roadway was built up and so there are dozens of borrow pits along either side. They have all filled up with water and it is fairly common to sight gators either swimming in them or sunning on the banks. I am surprised there aren’t more in the road too. I certainly would not want to hit one. Like I said, solid as a rock and big.
If you ever get your hands on one, even a small one, you wont believe how strong they are. It is like putting your hands on a machine. You simply have no power to stop them from doing what they decide to do.
Dad’s a lunatic, or at least I think he fancies himself one. I wouldn’t go anywhere near an alligator unless with a chainsaw, and even then.
They aren’t aggressive normally but it is always wise to give meat eating lizards that are bigger than you are plenty of space. Keep in mind – you are made out of meat.
Keep in mind – you are made out of meat.
Bastards thought of everything…
There are hills in Louisiana? 😉
Honda Del-Sol’s were always more money than I could afford as a teen. Seem so expensive.
That was a really fun car but completely impractical. Wife and I had some fun road trips in that thing.
Hero in blue.
Still not quite to Florida Woman standards, but Colorado Woman makes a valiant attempt.
Hon, if you’re that concerned about getting tested, there are plenty of jobs out there that don’t.
I’m not sure why they call it a “sample”
They should call it “roundtine”.
About 4 years ago, I was at work. A guy named Jamie and I had gone to the warehouse to get an electric motor to replace one that had burned up. When re entering the building through an over head door, Jamie hit the bottom of the door with the mast of the fork lift because the door wasn’t all the way up. His first reaction was, Oh Fuck.
Jamie has worked out there for 18 years and is a damn good electrician. He also likes to smoke a bit of pot from time to time. Company policy is that of you destroy more than 1000 dollars in property, then you have to piss in a cup. If you fail, you’re fired. Period.
He asked if I would piss for him. I told him, “nah, we will never get the temp of the urine right. I’ll tell them I bent the door.”
Anyway, boss never sent anybody out for a test as the kind of thing that happened with us is pretty minor and boss didn’t want to lose either of us. It’s a pretty good story I tell on Jamie anyway.
A good story.
But, the very strange part about this story:
There was no urine test involved. She just microwaved her piss at 7-11 for some reason.
This happened about 20 miles from my house last night. I have no idea what prompted the incident, but I know the area. It’s a poor redneck community where most people don’t take kindly to the law. The reason for this incident not withstanding-
This is what will happen ×1,000 if disarmament of is attempted
Blankenship getting his ass kicked in the WV primaries, proving that GOP voters might be slightly sane.
Young Lachowsky was sent to boot camp when he was about 14 years old. It was a nine week juvenile discipline program. Pretty much the same as regular army boot camp except no weapons and extra physical discipline. The D.I. who tormented us teenagers stuck in that place was named Blankemship. I hated that sadistic motherfucker. I assume all Blankenships are bad people.
Can I ask a favor to anyone who’s drinking?
Raise a glass to tonight to my daughter Claire and wish her happy birthday. If she had lived, she would have been 19 today.
Fuck. Doesn’t matter how many years. Today never gets any easier.
God bless Gbob. Melancholy are our memories.
I can’t imagine, and I drink a swill of Coors light to yours daughter’s memory.
Here’s to your daughter and to you & yours. My stepson is gone at too early of an age, but older than your Claire. I know how it affects my wife.
My First wife was born today, in 1965, I still cry
I don’t think I’ve heard that story.
I wasn’t drinking, but I am now.
To Claire.
“Absent friends and loved ones.”
As I age, it’s fast becoming my most-used toast. Dammit.
To Claire.
Happy birthday, Claire!
Cheers for Claire.
My condolences. I hope it will eventually be less painful.
Glass raised, sir.
I was trying to explain different dimensions of “Horseshoe Theory” to a friend, and decided to make a slide-illustration of what i was talking about
Am interested in soliciting comments in how i could refine it.
e.g. i’m not sure what the “line separating the top half from bottom half” should be called, if anything. Or what it really hinges on. the whole thing might be better with a 4 quadrant matrix (a la nolan chart) overlapping it, rather than these ‘bubbles’. any ideas like that.
I like it. Top to bottom on the left goes from freedom/liberty to totalitarian. On right from freedom/liberty to authoritarian.
“”Top to bottom on the left goes from freedom/liberty to totalitarian””
Wouldn’t that just be a Nolan chart, but upside down?
I think the point of horseshoe theory is to represent a variable other than just “ideological axes”; its more about the *severity* of views held rather than the ideological content;
iow, where you have
(on top) the “majority” – people may lie on a variety of places on a left-right divide, but none of whom hold extreme positions, and are at least mostly comfortable with the shared underlying principles that apply to everyone – e.g. basic Western institutions, enlightenment ideas (free speech, separation of church/state, open markets, pluralism, etc)
(on bottom) “the fringe” people, who see both the majority AND the ideological opponents as ‘failures of orthodoxy’; but who may actually share views with their opponents – particular in rejecting liberal tolerance, or (in the SJW/Alt-right examples) a bizarre fixation on an Enemy Outgroup (be it race, or class)
By this same token – there really is no distinction which puts “Libertarians” in any distinguishingrole at all (there can be libertarian moderates, or libertarian extremists; identifying them isn’t the point, really)
I prefer an almost complete circle only missing a notch where ‘true anarchy’ exists (when we know it can’t) at the 6 o’clock. To the left of that notch is anarcho communism, to the right is anarcho capitalism. As you travel clockwise (to the right) from anarcho communism the power of politics wains.
If intensity of belief and extremism trend together, then I’d stick to just a simple normal (ie, bell or Gausian) distribution. This guy seems to have it laid out already:
I think the handy thing that the “Horseshoe” does (graphically( is put the tail-ends pointing back at one another, showing that there’s a narrowing of ideological perspective.
its not just about quantifying the # (the 80/20 type split i suggested.) the #s really arent’ that important (could be 90/10) – its not a statistical point, its a qualitative one;
its more about illustrating the difference between a) Many = “wide ranging views but moderately held” vs. b) Few = “narrow sets of views, held as rigid dogma”
How about “narrow sets of views, moderately held”? I’m thinking along the lines of crazy shit shared/reposted on FB by people who – if you were to actually sit down and talk to them – are fairly moderate, but who tend to share more extremist versions of their views as a somewhat lazy way of social signaling.
And of course the Wife is back in the Hospital with high Sugar/ Diabetes stuff, it gets hard trying to keep up,
good luck Yusef.
twice in 2 weeks, i’m getting scared, thanks though Lach,
Stop dosing her with pixie sticks.
Her blood sugar should be low, and it’s out of control, no one can figure it it out
I’ll stop with the jokes now. It’s a scary thought, but have they looked for pancreatic cancer?
It’s tricky to manage. There are so many variables. (My Mom was diabetic.) Hope the docs figure it out, Yusef.
I hope everyone enjoyed this weeks episode. I don’t know yet what the next one is about. But I have a fun idea for that bit at the end where youtubers encourage to like, share and subscribe. You bastards ain’t been doing that.
That’s the problem with embedding it. Besides putting something in the video itself next time, add links and verbiage under the video.
Then, threaten the Glibertariat: no more episodes until you get to x number of likes or subscribers. Ultimatums are always a good idea.
Especially when hastily thought up while drunk. It’s gotten me this far in life…
Hey, you can’t argue with results!
I’m a Glib, I can argue with anything!
Fuck off, Tulpa!
I think that was my first fuck off tulpa. I’m glad it was with you. You made me feel safe and secure in my manhood.
BTDUBS; this must be around my first anniversary here when I came bearing the gift of my Warty Hugeman and the Girl with the Nazi-Ray Eyes artwork I had made at TOS.
As if you know about internet marketing 😉
Flying Death Penguin!
Just Sayin’ should love this tweet.
The Nick Gillespie of tweets. Nicely done
So you’re saying it’s the twittertarian moment?
For anyone who missed the Donald Trump Diet Coke ad bonus video.
Too much! I’m taking a break, see you soon!