Donald has a new best friend.

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I lol’d. At work. Got a lot of weird looks.
Hey Riven, I actually followed through and started writing another coffee article this morning. I’ll post it to submissions when it’s through.
Nice! I’ll keep an eye out for it.
I said it was Good, so i guess I get to live a while longer……
You’re a funny guy Yusef. I’ll kill you last.
A god can recognize a god.
And crazy can recognize crazy, right?
Not so much recognize as be drawn to each other.
LOL good stuff.
Awesome. These are really terrific. And the hat with the drawn on eyes and mouth/mustache in the later portion was terrific.
That ain’t no mouth!
My bad. I should have known that was the God Emperor’s signature.
That is the signature of an old grandpa from the Vaterland.
It’s funny because it’s true, all of it.
I had to listen to it a few times to figure out the Hair is saying Macron. Sounded lilke Lebron.
OT: Calling all Glib overlords.
I strongly recommend that you harvest Commodious’ takedown of TN Coates from the morning lynx comments and reprint it as an article. It’s brutal and entirely correct.
Carry on.
He’s so smart when he’s sober.
So… morning articles?
When would that be? :-p
I love the nonfiction articles on this website. They are the best.
So I’m a Fiction Writer now? I don’t have a Dog, or a Kia? is that what your Say’n?
OT: Breaking – Iran deal dead.
It’s crazy to think just 40 years ago the US was close allies with Iran.
Speaking of history, thanks to whomever recommended H. G. Wells A short history of the world. Almost finished with it.
Meh, we (and the Brits) overthrew their democratic(-ish) government and installed a puppet king. That kinda helped.
Sure, not to sanction interventions, but Iran was rapidly becoming modern and women were gaining freedom. It was nice to have a friendly nation next to the USSR as well during the cold war and it all fell apart so easily.
Let’s be honest- this was after Mossadegh basically took dictatorial control of the government, nationalized (i.e., stole) the oil industry that others had paid to build, then cancelled elections when the opposition party was clearly going to win.
It’s the Middle East. So more ish than democratic.
He was an asshole, but the Shah tried really hard to be more of an asshole.
Yet another one of the CIA’s glorious success stories.
Also to add, the CIA/MI6 didn’t install the Shah in 1953 – he was already in power, the westerners merely aided his coup to oust the Prime Minister and install a PM that would be subservient to the Shah. This event is often conflated with the coup of 1941, when a joint British-Soviet invasion deposed the previous Shah (his father, who was friendly towards the Germans) and installed him so that the Iranian railroads could be used by the British to supply the Soviets so they could resist the Nazi invasion.
I don’t think that is correct; the coup initially failed, and the Rezah Shah actaully fled the country in a panic thinking that he was a dead man, and had to be dragged back to his palace.
Those aren’t the actions of someone “in power”.
Fair point. I had forgot he fled, so it’s probably fairer to say that his faction was in power rather than he himself. I still think it wrong to claim that the US/UK installed him in ’53, as he was king before the coup and king afterward, and most of the coup was accomplished by his own supporters, albeit prompted in part by foreign cash.
according to a person briefed on the conversation
If there ever is a reckoning for modern journalism, it’s shit like this that will be the cause for judgment.
Yes! This new convention seems to have permeated all major news sources.
I see “according to a person with knowledge of the matter” everywhere now.
Don’t worry. Obama’s legacy is still in tact with that whole health care thing.
Without the individual mandate, it’s definitely not as strong as it was.
All the flaws can be squarely blamed on Republicans now, though.
^ And this is better for them than if there were no flaws.
They really don’t like to be responsible for anything other than getting bribed and pretending to be the opposition.
Fetch me my fainting couch! A politician actually followed through on a campaign promise.
Trump is the first politician in my life that has actually done a lot of what he said he’d do. Its weird.
So when does John Kerry get indicted for subverting US foreign policy?
Herman Muenster is Diplomat For Life
I wonder if the Democrats will create a donation fund to save the mullahs, who obviously cannot do without their truckloads of dollars, because reasons.
It’s crazy to think just 40 years ago the US was close allies with Iran.
And then we sicced our close friend and ally, Saddam Hussein, on them, like scorpions in a jar.
Pax Americana, motherfuckers!
What’s point of being a hyperpower if we can’t play god?
Has anyone tried Monkey 47 gin? Also, what’s with using “monkey” with booze related stuff? When did monkeys become the spokespersons for drunks?
If I had to guess, it’s some hipster bullshit.
It’s from the Black Forest of Germany. The hipsters are advancing!!!
Hmm… A magical forest, with magical animals.
At what point do you start flinging your shit at others?
It definitely takes a copious amount of social lubrication.
Not as good as Horny Otis tequila, I know that.
It’s sad that I can’t tell if this is real or not.
It came up in a thread last week as an auto-correct of Hornitos.
Ah, would drink either
Without trying it, I promise its better than St. Pete Distillery.
I went to whiskey fest. St Pete easily had the worst lineup.
It is really, really good gin.
I was planning on picking it up, but wanted an unbiased opinion.
It is nice and dry, not overpowering.
Thanks buddy.
Looking forward to watching this later, CPRM.
Are you into yoga and how much brain do you have?
And “antiquing” is a euphemism for…..
Leaving an unflushed toliet?
AKA – Making Tea.
If that’s not in Urban Dictionary, it damn well should be.
That was my #2 guess.
Great minds…
Maybe we could send Special Envoy Hillary Clinton to Teheran, as a gesture of friendship and goodwill.
No backsies!
+1 reset button
Hmmm. She is good at flying to places, we know that.
Brilliant! The sharpied hat was awesome, particularly the 2X!
OT: OK, which one of you is doing this?
I just assumed all of you were.
Whatever, Tulpa.
Whatever, Tulpa.
In this corner, John Delancy, in this Corner some guy named Schicklegruber…….
Fighting the Tulpa Title!
Okay. I actually tried to read that Coates article about Kanye West. I made it two paragraphs. Two fucking paragraphs.
It’s not just painful, it’s embarrassing. Who taught that guy to write? What a gelatinous load of masturbatory blather.
Not a good band name, but a delightful turn of phrase nonetheless.
Decent album name though.
It’s both lousy writing AND lousy thinking.
Hat and Hair cartoon needs more dead bodies.
Your tax dollars at work.
Well done, CPRM
Same page, “are the Russians arming the Taliban?” oh the Irony…….
It’s assholes, all the way down>
Three black people plan to sue a Southern California police department over what they say was an excessive response to a racially motivated 911 call, but police say their officers’ response was polite, brief and nothing out of the ordinary.
The Rialto Police Department said Monday it had received notice of legal action by the three, who were leaving an Airbnb rental with their luggage when a neighbor called police on April 30 to report a burglary in progress.
Georgetown University law professor and former prosecutor Paul Butler, who wrote the book “Chokehold: Policing Black Men,” says African-Americans bear the brunt of proving their innocence no matter how mundane the activity.
“The standard for an extreme law enforcement response to black people is very low,” he said. “All you have to do is be waiting in a Starbucks or playing golf in Pennsylvania, or now, moving your luggage out of an Airbnb rental. That’s literally all you have to do.”
See something, say something! Busybody neighbor calls cops, probably because she’s pissed about having AirBnB for a neighbor; ooh, established pattern of police calls and disturbances means we can shut them down.
Cops show up and act like assholes, because cops. Cops’ statement says they very graciously neither handcuffed nor threatened to shoot the renters.
Self-promoting professional race baiter jumps into the fray.
I hate everybody.
My next door neighbor runs an air Bnb for CSU Fullerton kids on the weekends, they party a lot, but shut down at 10pm, unlike the owners who get wasted and start fights with the people that actually live here full time, then the Cops show up.
Oh, Rialto is a Shithole BTW, it’s about 15 miles East of me, and the Cops are Dicks
If having dick cops makes a place a shitholes, there are a whole lotta shitholes in this country.
It’s been a shithole for 40 years, Before the Tract houses were ever built, then all the “persons” from South L.A. got low down loans, and moved their children to a “better” neighborhood. Turns out they just imported the Gangs out to the I.E.
Brilliant. The Hat proves he’s superior because choosing between West and Macron should be a no-brainer. But the bit at the end, with Kanye’s own attempt at The Hat – that was where you crossed from mere art into the transcendent.
^This. So. Much. This.
“are the Russians arming the Taliban?” oh the Irony…….
Another lap on the clanking steam-powered carousel of history. Cue the calliope.
We’ve always been at war with . . . . . . . .
Not really sure how this is a crime. Quite inventive of him.
fraud yes; rape no.
bad decision from the court.
Michael Kelso-Christy, 23, had argued that Iowa law doesn’t outlaw sex by fraud or deception, but he was eventually convicted of burglary, a charge that also can include entering a home with intent to commit sexual abuseOops. Forgot the details.
Michael Kelso-Christy, 23, had argued that Iowa law doesn’t outlaw sex by fraud or deception, but he was eventually convicted of burglary, a charge that also can include entering a home with intent to commit sexual abuse
Oops, number 2
He might be a dirt bag, but how dumb is the woman?
I’ll be restrained and blindfolded so you can have sex with me, even though I’ve never seen your face.
What could possibly go wrong?
^^^Agreed. This is the ultimate case of ex post facto regret.
I’m going to have to go against the consensus here. I think consent includes consenting to the specific individual and this should be prosecutable as rape. The woman was foolish, but she, and this scumbag’s other victims, never consented to have sex with him. He posed as a man she was interested in, convinced her to tie herself up and blindfold herself to wait for that man.
Betsy Devos speaks to Stossel,
From his YTchannel, not TOS
HuffPo shits itself over the Iran Deal.
Thanks for the amusement, CPRM!
Just watched this, CPRM. Sublime. You’ve taken the H&H franchise to new and wonderful places.
Moar, pleez!!1!