If you need to snooze
And you can’t do links
Who ya gonna call?
Call SP!
If you want some news
With no HM kinks
Who ya gonna call?
Call SP!
She ain’t afraid of no Glibs.
Good morning, my Glib friends. And the rest of you, too.
First, let me address a nasty rumor you may have heard floating around the Tubes. Sloopy has NOT, I repeat NOT, abdicated. He told me he was going out for a pack of smokes and he’d be right back.
Now that I’ve cleared that up….
It was a beautiful weekend here at Chez SP/OMWC, except for the #CincoDeDrinko attempt on OMWC’s life by a certain Señor Sharpshooter.
Truthfully, I don’t think it was Mexican’s largesse that almost did in OMWC, but, rather, the fact that he is actually, truly OLD and yet insists on mowing the acreage with a push lawnmower as if he were a teenager. If only the Glib I know with a landscaping business were closer, I’d get OMWC off his own damn lawn.
Oh, right, sports. Sadly, OMWC is not having a good time this MLB season. My beloved Cubbies are currently 4th in the NL Central, but they are still doing better than the Orioles.
Our hometown-ish independent league baseball team, the Boomers, plays an exhibition game tonight at home against the Joliet Slammers (what a great name). We have a great love of minor and independent league baseball. There is just something charming about the small stadiums, enthusiasm of the players (who are usually making about $500/month), and camaraderie of the fans. And, hey, gotta love the prices! We’ll be there for a few games this season, hopefully joined by Swiss.
In Albuquerque, the 33rd Annual Run for the Zoo took place. At least one Glib lurker was among the 12,000 participants. Here are the race results. When I lived in New Mexico, the BioPark was one of my favorite places to go.
In other sports, some other stuff happened, but, eh.
Scary stuff intensifying with Kilauea, the volcano currently causing problems in Hawaii. I hope any Glibs close to the situation are safe and sound, and their properties, too. TW: autoplay; WaPo
While I was staffing the Editorial Desk, Chafed sent in this gem. I guess someone whose doctoral dissertation was titled, “The Other Side: the Secret Relationship Between Nazism and Zionism” might, in fact, be harboring some antisemitic ideas. Yes, that’s H/T Chafed.
This is my philosophy, as well.
You know public employees in the great state of California are really suffering, and this planned strike shakedown is going to fix everything. “The union cites growing income disparity, higher healthcare premiums, outsourcing of low-paying service worker jobs and an internal union research document that they say proves that women and minorities at the university are regularly paid less than white men.” (If it’s an internal union document, it must be true and unbiased!)
Ready to book your summer vacation travel? I’ll get the sign-up ready for the Glib Tour.
And, speaking of coffee.
OK, I’m outta here. Hope all of your day is fun, kids!
Meanwhile, I am having a great time this MLB season.
Because Yankees.
Like a freight-train right now. I need a day off, I’m not sure the team wants one with Boston coming. Gleyber might make a strong case for ROY if this keeps up.
And they’ve been doing it against top tier teams. They’re not getting fat off of basement dwellers.
The Yankees are pure evil. I’m thinking a plane crash might rebalance the universe.
They are a very easy team to hate with a burning passion.
That’s why they are great for baseball. They are loved and hated with a passion. When the yankees are good every owner loves seeing the Yankees come to town.
Because people are always jealous of success.
Bill Burr describes them perfectly.
Any team that lionizes idiots like Jeffrey Maier deserves to die in a fire.
You sound bitter.
Tarasco wasn’t going to catch that ball anyway.
“I make absolutely no apology for the verticality of power,” he told literary journal La Nouvelle Revue Française.
I’d expect that type of vulgarity from Trump.
It is obviously white heteropatriarchy at work.
The Other Side: the Secret Relationship Between Nazism and Zionism”
Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas on Monday said that the Holocaust was not caused by anti-Semitism, but by the “social behavior” of the Jews, including money-lending.
Sounds like Roald Dahl: There is a trait in the Jewish character that does provoke animosity; maybe it’s a kind of lack of generosity towards non-Jews.
Well, I can attest that often OMWC provokes animosity.
Those Polish Jews thought they were going to Palestine when they boarded the train.
Hmmm. It appears that not every Swiss business decision is a wise one. But, they are a really big and successful company, and I am a fondue pit slave…
Nestle’s going to corner the international market on bottled burnt coffee water.
This guy gets it!
That’s a big hill o’ beans.
A venti hill of beans.
I read this often. But I make my coffee in the Turkish method (have for about 40 years) and Starbucks Guatemalan makes it the best. I’ve tried many other brands and regions and that’s just the way it is.
Another Brooks that won’t follow the thread.
That’s the better David Brooks.
Maybe I shouldn’t, but I’m rooting for him.
. “The union cites growing income disparity, higher healthcare premiums, outsourcing of low-paying service worker jobs and an internal union research document that they say proves that women and minorities at the university are regularly paid less than white men.” – they need a new dean of disparity to fix the issue. And a disparity commission. Also more money.
For a second I thought dean of disparity was inside the quotes, it sounded like a something they would demand.
Every Dara set I’ve seen shows that single white women are paid the most. But the matriarchy doesn’t want us to know about that.
Actually married men might do better, but single guys definitely don’t make as much as single women
This has to be intentional.
The military is by far the worst polluter historically. No accountability tends to lead to lack of concern.
Agreed, but “the Defense Environmental Restoration Program ” ?
Seems apropos to me.
The one in my backyard.
Moobs is back to his usual self after his pro marijuana stance.
Vaping and vaping technology comes along and is showing tremendous success in helping people stop doing the very thing they bitched about for decades…smoking.
I’m calling bullshit on formaldehyde.
“high amounts” notice that this is not a real quantity. The stuff is toxic, so any “high amounts” would kill someone (under colloquial understanding).
Everyone knows that (((cigarettes))) contain the blood of goy children.
Vaping and vaping technology comes along and is showing tremendous success in helping people stop doing the very thing they bitched about for decades…smoking.
That’s not they way they were supposed to quit! They were supposed to do it our way through therapy groups and government programs.
But- but- but- what about all them tax dollars we already spent?
You can’t quit!
They don’t seem so concerned about the formaldehyde present in nearly every vaccine they push on newborn kids.
Not that the state is known for consistency.
Formaldehyde is a very common precursor when creating chemicals. I wouldn’t be surprised if formaldehyde shows up in the process in quantity and some is left in trace amounts in the finished product.
It’s just a ridiculous thing to be concerned about.
Obviously there is at least one Glib with a lawn service.
Why do you call the sheriff on someone who’s cutting your grass for free?
Euphemism, dude.
“It’s not the grass I care about it’s the dog tied up in the yard he cut up that made me upset.”
CNN: Stelter: How Trump’s false claim about African American support happened. My favorite quote: “Normally you wouldn’t be reading about the poll here, because the Reuters/Ipsos tracking poll does not meet CNN’s standards for reporting.” Like CNN has standards! You won’t hear about a poll that says Trump approval increased among blacks here at CNN. But you will hear about how Trump had two scoops of ice cream while everyone else only had one! This, is CNN!
“because the Reuters/Ipsos tracking poll does not meet CNN’s standards for reporting.”
Ahhhh, the polls don’t skew the right way enough.
Ask pertinent questions and have a balanced and more realistic take on the plebes that respond? Yeah, that’s not good polling. It is also why these people all believed Hillary couldn’t be beaten….
CNN is the Abbas of news reporting. They live in an alt-reality.
CNN’s standards for reporting
I just assumed they did not have any. ///NarrativeFirst
Some quick observations on my trip to Asheville, NC:
Beauty factor for da women there: 4 out of 10 – lots of hippie chicks who don’t care about makeup or taking care of themselves. Mrs. Humungus was crueler in her assessment of men, giving them an average of 2.5/10.
Crusty / Hippie factor: 9/10 – saw lots of “homeless” teenagers hanging out, spare-changing, and trying to get money by “playing” music.
Hills! Being a mountain town, everything is uphill. One day, according to my iphone, I climbed the equivalent of 50 flights of stairs. Mega thighs and calves for everyone!
Subbies and old Toyota trucks everywhere… but with continuing gentrification (?) or rich people moving in and gobbling up the real estate, I saw a lot of Teslas and BMWs.
Beer! Plenty of brew pubs. I mostly hung out at a place called The Wicked Weed, which sounds more like a headshop than a place to drink beer. I would rate NC beer, at least the stuff I drank, slightly lower than Michigan craft swill.
On our side trips: Lots of great scenery, beautiful waterfalls, and plenty of places for STEVE SMITH to hide out. I didn’t see the furry beast, thank god, but I felt his presence.
Also Ohio sucks.
Only half the stuff is uphill. The other half is downhill.
Sez you. I used to walk to school 5 miles barefoot in the snow uphill both ways!
My grandfather went to school with MC Escher. For Grandpa, the walk really was uphill both ways.
Also, upside down.
Also got 35mpg in the Countryman on the return trip – not bad for a 1.6L turbo in a ~3000 pound CUV, plus the extra weight of three people and too much luggage.
…too much luggage
Mrs. Tundra is the coolest, but needs a steamer trunk for every trip we take.
Swear to god, Mrs. L goes through more wardrobe changes than a big budget Broadway musical each day on vacation.
Wicked Weed was purchased by ABInbev in 2017.
That is my fun beer industry factoid for the day.
I’ve had several sour ales from Wicked Weed. I enjoyed them thoroughly.
Many of my beer brewing friends were outraged when Wicked Weed “sold out”.
STEVE SMITH is busy helping to plan the 2020 campaign. Expect sightings to be sparse until the Presidential campaign season starts.
Campaign slogan:
Boris Johnson: dumping Iran nuclear “deal” would be a mistake. Maybe he’ll convince Trump to send another pallet filled with money?
Anytime I see someone named Boris, I can’t help but think “boring!”
“Shut up your mouth!”
I think “I blame Moose and Squirrel!”
Dreamworks has a new Rocky and Bullwinkle
That looks
Some things should just be left alone.
I’ve become inured to Hollywood raping my childhood memories.
Well they rape everything else…
Fabulous females with fantastic fronts.
Not really a fair contest since 42 is a repeat who happened to win Glib rack of the year 2017. Disqualifying her, I’ll go with 38.
Not so fast. Let her defend the belt.
The winner by unanimous decision. And still. Intercontinental Mammillary Champion. Nuuuummmbberrrrrrr 42.
I read that as Toilet Jammers.
Now that’s a band name.
So what set off the burglar alarm?
Someone jamming the toilet, obviously!
Russians hacked my alarm system.
But were they Russian incels?
Exercise should be prescribed to all cancer patients, and not to do so would be harmful, some of Australia’s leading experts on cancer have warned.
The Clinical Oncology Society of Australia has launched its position statement on the role of exercise alongside surgery, chemotherapy or radiation in cancer care.
Endorsed by a group of 25 influential health and cancer organisations, including Cancer Council Australia, it is the first researcher-led push anywhere in the world for exercise to be an essential component of treatment.
I’ll admit I can see the Republicans screwing it up and losing the Senate, but to be fielding it as a grave possiblity given the seats for election, seems delusional.
More NPR wishcasting.
“Hillary’s odds of being elected President are 98%!!!!”
To be fair, Republicans probably are fearful about continuing to have a senate majority.
People may expect them to do something with a majority.
STD’s are on the rise in LA county. What’s the cause? Racism of course!
It can’t possibly be cultural norms.
“Poverty or a lack of opportunity”
Last I checked, they give out condoms for free at a lot of health clinics. And “lack of opportunity”? WTF?
There are no guarantees, but there are pretty easy ways to drastically reduce your chances of getting an STD:
1. Don’t be uber promiscuous
2. Use a condom
But I guess personal responsibility is also bigoted, so silly me for suggesting it.
“excluded from access to healthcare because of geography”
Maybe the industry is different here in Utah, but you can’t seem to go a block without running into some clinic. I don’t see how you could be limited by geography.
This “access to healthcare” bullshit is just another buzzword/lie progs have latched onto to brainwash people. If there’s no “access to healthcare” then that’s because of the evil, racist private health system that exists solely to kill its patients. Only glorious socialized medicine can save these poor black and brown people from certain death!
If only we had a government controlled “national healthcare service” nobody would ever die. Why hasn’t anyone thought of this?
Per the CDC, 48% of African American women have herpes.
I participated in the very first Run for the Zoo.
Not that anyone cares.
See any good bouncin’ tittays?
I was 5 so my tastes weren’t quite as refined. But like anywhere you go, there are tits to be found, you just have to know where to look.
When I used to race, I quickly discovered that getting faster meant fewer hotties. Slow pace, FTW!
Ventral side, above the waist and below the neck?
Absent massive ptosis, yes.
You ain’t going to fool me twice. Last time I visited a Korean province close to the DMZ things didn’t go well.
The extended family and I went to Seoraksan National Park. I ate some pandaegi (roasted silk worm larva) and discovered I do have a food allergy*. The youngest altar boy and I also discovered the filthiest bathroom in existence and he immediately decided it was a perfect place for him to take a crap. So I spent the day covered in hives and men’s room effluvia. Forgive me if I don’t want to go back there.
The only cool thing is to take the cable cars way up a mountain and walk up the slope to where there is a several hundred foot cliff with absolutely no guard rail whatsoever. Fuck your Yankee ideas of basic crowd safety is what that taught me.
*When I demanded that my kids’ school treat my allergy to worms as seriously as peanut allergies, I was not met with any support.
Hey, speaking of Asia…..
I’m going to pull a MikeS and do the sudden drop in. I will be in the Kobe area from 5/9 to 5/13. Any Glibs in the area? I have no idea what my schedule is, so no promises.
Kobe would be quite a trip for me. Going through Tokyo?
I go through Narita on the way home, but that is the closest I will be to Tokyo.
Definitely don’t plan a trip to Kobe either. I’m there for my niece’s wedding. Who knows what fun my wife has planned for me.
Maybe next time I hit Japan, I will have to figure out how to do a trip up your way.
Awesome!Uffda! Thanks for volunteering to be the Glib Tour’s Guide.My theory on being a tourist is to eat like a dog.
Eat anything that is offered to you, if it is really bad you can barf it up.
I tried the silk worms in China just north of Korea. I wasn’t allergic, but they were tasted awful. The deep-fried crickets with a light dusting of confectioner’s sugar, however, were actually tasty.
And being gone for a week means I need to spend the day cleaning up a few work emergencies.
Wondering about the “glib lurker” SP met. Is there some secret handshake?
You have to shake without using your hands.
That never quite works out for me at the urinal.
Well that’s because you have to yell “En garde!” before making a move.
Oh, right, sports.
Grand links this morning, SP, but you forgot one:
Vegas, baby, VEGAS!!
Fleury was a beast. Great team and even better story.
What is the true cost of eating meat?
What next?
Some argue that veganism is the only sane way forward. A study last year showed, for example, that if all Americans substituted beans for beef, the country would be close to meeting the greenhouse gas goals agreed by Barack Obama. – there’s a joke in there somewhere
Beans, beans the magical fruit…
I dunno, I’d say the true cost is 4-5 dollars per pound, but I guess it depends on your location.
Ray Cronise is an
interestingnutty guy on this subject. He is the guru who got Penn Jillette to drop all that weight. I am interested in his ideas because he is a crazy guy who does shit tons of testing.One of his “findings” is that animal products probably aren’t good for you. He qualifies that by saying that your diet is fine up until you are 50. After that is when removal of animal products will have an impact. The problem is that evolution never cared about diet stuff that doesn’t kill you before you are done reproducing.
Interesting guy. I hate the idea that all that tasty meat might not be good for me.
How could you even suggest that people vote for a party that LITERALLY wants to round them up into concentration camps, gas them and them use their corpses to feed rich people’s pet tigers?
The university denies the allegations, stating said that it “cannot justify to taxpayers such an excessive raise” as the one that AFSCME is demanding. The two parties have been negotiating for more than a year, and last month the school chose to give workers a 2 percent raise without the consent of the union.
The unions say the raise is not enough, as it does not change the growing inequality between service workers at the bottom and the school’s top administrators, and they still plan to walk off the job on Monday.
The obvious s0olution is to cut the pay of doctors and administrators, and distribute the savings amongst the union representatives.
This just in! DC is a smelly cesspool.
Turn out there were actual words under those black lines…
Doesn’t he write for The Federalist? Pffft. *Rolls eyes, walks away*
Children raised in a rural environment, surrounded by animals and bacteria-laden dust, grow up to have more stress-resilient immune systems and might be at lower risk of mental illness than pet-free city dwellers, according to new research published this week in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS).
The study, co-authored by researchers from the University of Ulm in Germany and CU Boulder, adds to mounting evidence supporting the “hygiene hypothesis,” which posits that overly sterile environments can breed health problems.
So if you have kids trow a bucked of dirt on them once in a while.
Betrayed by her own corporal: Foul-mouthed Army instructor faces court martial after his video of female recruit being reduced to tears is viewed 250,000 times
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5695311/Foul-mouthed-Army-instructor-faces-court-martial-reducing-female-recruit-tears.html#ixzz5EowRmOh7
There’s no crying in war. Just wait until ISIS gets ahold of her.
Good lord, what would the Brits think of this?
I saw a male Marine recruit start crying his eyes out 5 minutes after getting off the bus on Parris Island.
Drill Instructor Staff Sergeant Strawberry was many times scarier than this douche – and he wasn’t just recycling Full Metal Jacket lines.
I had a large and dumb roommate one time. If he started crying, everyone better run. The next thing he was gonna do was punch the fuck out of somebody. You did not want to scare or embarrass that lunkhead.
This was a suburban punk with long hang who didn’t follow instructions from the most horrifying man I’ve ever laid eyes on. The drill Instructor simply corrected him at a volume I didn’t think was possible for a human to achieve.
You know how most of the DIs get the froggy voice? My senior didn’t. He just got louder and louder, in a very clear voice. I fucked up in drill once and he screamed in my ear from about an inch away, and to this day I can remember exactly how much that hurt.
“Pain has a name, boys, and it’s GySgt. Wood!”
I’m terrible at remembering names. I don’t remember the names of nearly everyone in basic, but I do remember the platoon drill sergeants. I still remember DS Conrad screaming, after some typical privates fuckup, that we made him so mad he was going to have to go home and beat his wife & kids and it was our fault.
McNair, McKnight, and Woods.
I was McKinght’s voice that started chewing me out when I started to panic when we were under fire and the gas alert went out in ’91. After he yelled out me without being there somehow, I was fine.
Strawberry was a receiving DI and had the loudest natural vioce I ever heard. Not froggy at all. In one of those little cinder-block rooms, it was like a grenade going off.
I know that guy
One of the biggest crybabies in our platoon happened to be one of the biggest, strongest kids – go figure. Anyway, this kid freaked the hell out in the gas chamber and tried to run out. Our series commander was in there and tried to stop him. Kid knocked him down – bigggggg mistake. One of the DIs basically choke-slammed this kid and knocked the wind out of him, which meant he was trying desperately to get air in his lungs……while he was in the gas chamber full of CS. Sucked to be him.
my stupid ass came out of the chamber and gave the NBC hand and arm signal and said “More Gas, Drill Sergeant, More Gas!”
Because the Junior Drill Sergeant (SGT Villegas) said that would be a great way to show how motivated we were.
The Senior Drill Sergeant, SFC Cockrell, said, “OK get your ass back around there”.
My “motivation” took a sudden decrease.
When I came back out, Cockrell asked me if I wanted another go.
I did not.
I had snot dangling all the way to my knees.
But after that, I actually had a tolerance to CS.
When the time is ripe, I’m gonna gather a few Canucks and invade that island. It is lost and it needs saving.
For its own good.
“Guess you were wrong, Sergeant.”
She dunked her rifle in the water.
Poverty or a lack of opportunity may be forcing women to exchange sex for resources
I believe this is what once was commonly referred to as a “date”. It’s truly impressive how thoroughly our SJW friends have contrived to remake language and cast common behavior in a sinister light.
Just include a condom in that exchange
So if you have kids trow a bucked of dirt on them once in a while.
Knock them down. That’s what I do.
If I learn asl is that appropriation of deaf culture?
Giving someone the finger is not asl.
The more you know
Look up the ASL sign for bull shit.
Not stir up any controversy, but two spaces after each sentence is better, because SCIENCE!
I just realized the idea of white privilege itself may be projection. The origin of progressive ideas tend to be rooted in projection so why not WP? I think it arose from the fact these people who claim it are actually OVER-PRIVILEGED.
Probably. I got an email from uvm this morning about an a Capella group being in trouble for appropriation of Mexican culture for a Cinco de Mayo event. They had a poster of a mariachi band with their faces on it.
The racists.
Hyphenated North Americans (Joo-American, Mick-American, Gook-American, Chink-American, Coon-American, Wop-American, Spick-American etc.) born here who act like cultural appropriation cops are ignorant retards.
You left out Injun-American.
I did say etc. no?
And now there’s a new one: Glib-Americans.
Or Muppet-Glib-Canadian.
/does vaudeville dance.
Olson Johnson: All right, we’ll give some land to the
niggersAfrican-Americans and thechinksChinese-Americans, but we don’t want theIRISHCanadian-Americans.You know, I’ve often thought of that too. The only person that ever told me to check my privilege was a grad student at Virginia Tech who was attending on a full scholarship plus a stipend.
The irony of her saying this is that she said it when I was mere days into my sobriety, when I was waking up to the realization that my entire fucking world was collapsing around me and I was setting out on a path to fix everything I had fucked up, a very overwhelming task at the time.
We have a great love of minor and independent league baseball. There is just something charming about the small stadiums, enthusiasm of the players (who are usually making about $500/month), and camaraderie of the fans. And, hey, gotta love the prices!
I never went, but I had some friends who liked to go to Indianapolis Indians games when the weather was good. For all the same reasons.
Yeah. Only baseball games I’ve ever been to were my hometown Rochester Red Wings when I was kid and I remember enjoying the hell out of it.
The American Association and the International League were stepping stones to the majors and a cooling off place on the way down. Saw a few Knot Hole games of the Mpls Millers during WW2 and right after. Some of the kids did go to the Giants and Dodgers. I saw Willie Mays play his first game with the Millers, Ray Dandridge was there the same day from the Negro Leagues. Too bad Ray was old, like 34 or so at the time. He put on a real fielding show that day for us aspiring kids.
I haven’t been to see the St. Paul Saints since they moved into their publicly funded stadium (OF COURSE WE BUILT THEM A STADIUM) over in St. Paul. When they still played over in the Midway neighborhood, I went to a bunch of games and they were super fun. They have real tailgating. Their owner is Mike Veek (son of Bill). He really is a cool guy.
One year a bunch of us from work camped out the night before single game tickets went on sale (along with several hundred other dummies). Veek made several trips through the crowd to thank everyone for their enthusiasm. Then spent the next day talking to everyone who was buying tickets. Very cool to have an owner who is downright grateful to the fans (unlike Carl Pohlad who was Monty Burns personified).
Uffda. Those mean old GOP politicians are once again trying to kill off a bunch of people with their tricknology.
How? By allowing people to “gamble” on short-term health insurance. By allowing short-term health insurance to last for up to a year, instead of just 3 months, many of the idiots will use that instead of getting “good” insurance. Those dastardly short-term plans don’t cover many medical needs!
The hoi polloi are too dumb to read the fine print! We need to force them to buy good insurance that covers maternity car, mental health treatment and substance abuse treatment.
IIRC from way back, MN had some of the dumbest coverage mandates in the nation.
How are you gonna subsidize all those special offerings and make it cheap for your usual vote-for-a-living bunch of maroons, if you are not mandating the coverage, huh?
AIDS Runs Rampant in Venezuela, Putting an Ancient Culture at Risk
The disease threatens an entire indigenous population, the Warao people of the Orinoco Delta, as government programs collapse.
Asshole Induced Destructive Socialism?
The only cure is to die.
What is this Cinco de Mayo people keep talking about? Saturday was Derby Day, which is a drinkingest enough holiday.
I was at a huge party on Saturday ( ~150 people, and due to the rain, everyone was mostly confined to the house and barn), and it was all about bourbon not tequila.
I went to a cinco de mayo party. I drank some wine. I hate corona and dislike tequila.
Sometimes I think Corona smells like pot.
Yeah, the clear bottles mean Corona often goes skunky when not stored in the dark.
The fact that they’re putting Corona in the bottles to start with is bad enough.
I made tacos and margaritas w/ the gf. I had a mexican beer, myself. Then I took a few sips of a margarita and, strangely, was suddenly tired and had to nap for a couple hours in the afternoon. Idk why that happened but I hadn’t had tequila since I had a bad experience in college.
Did she roofy you and then take advantage? Was your anus sore when you woke up?
Okay, maybe not THAT bad. I went to the beach with some friends for spring break. I got hammered on tequila on the last night. In the morning I woke up still drunk, collected my things into my suitcase and nearly walked out the door with no pants on.
Mueller’s witch hunt hit a bit of a snag when a federal judge asked to see his hunting license.
‘Bout time
[Ellis] directed Mueller’s office to take two weeks to consult with U.S. intelligence agencies to see if they will sign off so that he can personally review a sealed, unredacted version of the memo.
Dreeben told him the redacted portions did not pertain to the Manafort case.
“I’ll be the judge,” Ellis said.
Joke if you must, but I would not be surprised that they keep shopping judges until they find one sympathetic to the cause.
Dismiss the case with prejudice as being brought in bad faith.
You can read the transcript here: Manafort Full Text Transcript Hearing Motion May 4, 2018
It is, in the word chosen by of Judge Ellis, entertaining.
Celebrities Endorse Lowering Voting Age to 16
“I do. I haven’t given it a lot of thought except that it’s obviously in all of our minds since the Parkland incident and seeing how involved and how socially conscious those kids are. And in campaigning around the country in the last election, a lot of young people under the voting age were out working for their candidates, whoever they were,” said actor Richard Schiff from The West Wing and Ballers during an interview with PJM at the Creative Coalition’s “#RightToBearArts Gala” on April 27.
“The age doesn’t matter to me. I’ve met 16-year-olds that are much smarter than me and yeah, they should vote, you know,” he added.
That says more about you than it does them.
Shadow Sen. Paul Strauss (D-D.C.) supported the idea, citing the “bright and articulate” Parkland survivors who are under 18 and have been advocating for gun control.
“They’re informed. They’re affected by the issues and they have, in some ways, more at stake – so why not add some voters to rolls that are focused on the future? They have access to information in ways that perhaps when I was 16, without the Internet, I didn’t have, so right now I’m for it. I think it’s a great idea,” he said. “We already let people younger than 18 vote in primaries leading up to the general if you’re going to be 18 years old on the date of the general, so I think it makes sense.”
I don’t think these words mean what you think they mean. And no, it does not make sense. Those two things are not the same.
Leftists want the voting age lowered because they believe that younger people will vote in a manner to the liking of leftists. I see this as a tacit admission that leftists are basically children.
Well they definately pander to children.
bright and articulate
They read the pamphlets real good.
They’re informed
They agree with me.
Smart enough to vote. Too dumb to drink, smoke, gamble or buy a gun.
This is the crew that will scream about how important it is to keep booze out of the kidz hands because “their brains are still developing.” To anyone who has a developed brain, shouldn’t this desire to add all these undeveloped-brain-voters be an indictment of the progressive policies you are pushing?
Exactly – these very same people argue that adults in the first half of their twenties are still essentially children, yet they should have the right to vote.
“shouldn’t this desire to add all these undeveloped-brain-voters be an indictment of the progressive policies you are pushing?”
They have no shame. Doesn’t matter how illogical, transparently hypocritical or embarrassingly stupid, they’ll support anything they think will give them more power.
And then promptly turn on it when they are not in charge or benefiting from it?
Now imagine that heartache compounded by a financial nightmare: finding out that the fine print in a loved one’s health insurance plan excludes their injuries from coverage simply because of the activity he or she was engaged in.
Risk-based insurance? That’s not fair!
*head desk*
Yes, I should be forced to buy insurance that covers me for all ATV, snowmobile and motorcycle injuries. Even though I own none of those toys. Fuck, if the people who did roar around on those accident makers were forced to pay their own way, it would cost a shit load of money.
I don’t know about the other 2, but motorcycle insurance is insanely cheap.
Because if you have an accident, the likelihood of you surviving to collect anything is insanely small?
Isn’t that the whole point of insurance?
These people are goofs.
Imagine if you go apply for a mortgage and the bank turns you down because you’re a deadbeat with bad credit!
You must have missed all the legislating that demanded lenders give out loans to deadbeats – or face a government beatdown of epic proportions – that resulted in the passage of even more laws that allowed these banks to create those horrible short term securities, filled with these dead beats loans, and trade them as if they were of value. You know, the thing that finally imploded the whole housing market and we were told required close to a trillion dollars in bailouts to these lending institutions because they were too big to fail?
Same shit we are getting more of again, in the name of social justice…
I for one will not be surprised when this new round costs the tax payer $2 or $3 trillion this time around…
Why cultural appropriation is for splendid retards. I can’t even believe it’s a thing. Like I was telling my wife yesterday, Italy (like America today) is BUT a nation that borrowed and imported stuff from all over the world. Italian merchants were the most active traders in Europe as early as the 11th century on the Volga river and then later into the Orient. What do you think they fucken did? They brought shit back. They stared at it and went all ‘ooo and aw’ put an Italianesque spin on it and sold it at a mark up (because Jews) to the rest of the gullible Europeans. Duh. Venice is cultural appropriation personified. Literally architectural designs shift from Arabesque to Gothic to Baroque not from black to block but building to building. Same with those mini bridges. And same with its food. Yet here we are, people flock to Venice to marvel at this bizarre, unique gem of a place. It’s the city stinky, over-caffeinated Beatnicks could only dream of. If Venice had a voice, maybe it would be Tom Waits? Anyhoooo…..
History isn’t that hard folks. Guns, bread, inflation, taxes and trading. That’s all it is.
Where would Africa be without cultural appropriation?
Is that a ‘if a tree in the forest’ question?
OF COURSE IT MAKES A FUCKEN SOUND! How arrogant of me to think it doesn’t just because little old farty me is not present?
What were you saying?
I imagine the continent would be in the same place.
Japan is suffering from a ninja shortage amid huge demand from foreign tourists
Is it time to panic?
Well it is extremely difficult to count ninjas, so this might not be as bad as it seems.
Even if it is as bad as they say, I’m sure some inspired community organizer can solve things:
“Some folks ask me if I can solve the ninja shortage. I have a one word answer: shuriken”
Wow. I can’t believe you would tanto us like that.
Your puns are Ronin this thread.
Obi quiet!
Damn you smartphones! DAMN YOU!
Narcissists plugged into 24/7 dopamine-trigger boxes fail to connect with live people. Shocking!
Most live people aren’t worth connecting with.
Most aren’t. Some are.
Growing up means learning how to tell the difference.
Lack of people skills is why we have this….
Each and every one of them is a potential incel terrorist too. I think the only solution is to put them in camps.
I think the problem most
peoplenarcisists have is that the people around them are enjoying their own thing instead of paying attention to them. “These dummies around here are all looking at their phones instead of acknowledging how awesome my hipster outfit is!”I’m always reminded of this rant Penn made about walkmans . Basically, don’t bitch about someone doing their own thing unless you can guarantee that you are more entertaining.
It is amazing how much calmer I am now that I can listen to podcasts. If I get stuck somewhere waiting, I don’t feel like I’m wasting time. I can plug in and learn something.
Barnes & Noble is in trouble. You’ll never guess who’s to blame.
At first glance, this seems like a classic story of business disruption. Barnes & Noble and Borders were once so imposing that they served as the model for the evil corporation trying to crush independent bookstores in the 1998 movie “You’ve Got Mail.” Then the world changed. The old leaders couldn’t keep up. Such is capitalism.
Except that’s not anywhere near the full story.
The full story revolves around government policy — in particular, Washington’s leniency, under both parties, toward technology giants that have come to resemble monopolies. These giants are popular, because they provide good products and service. But they have also become mighty enough to vanquish their competitors and create problems for society.
Society is circling the drain! It’s all because of Amazon- is there no limit to their destructive power?
Also- price stability is bad, because absent consistent long term price inflation, there is no wage inflation. And without wage inflation (completely offset by ever-rising prices) there is no economic progress, however illusory it may be. I guess Paul Volcker was worse than Hitler.
We’ll want to put a stop to that right away.
You could go to a library and get some books for free. Libraries would also have a larger variety books to offer as well.
Rooting for is not that same as shopping there.
“You’ll never guess who’s to blame.”
Russian incels?
And yet online sales are still less than 10% of all retail. Monopoly!
Ah, taking a cue from the gun-grabbers, Amazon is now a monopoly-style company.
They have the thing that goes up.
Monopoly-style company complete with rapid delivery assault packages.
“rapid delivery assault package”
That’s why the ladies love me.
they’ve got Boardwalk AND Park Place, too!
We used to think Borders and B&N were the bad guys who needed to be crushed, now we realize they are the good guys who need to be saved from competition! Conclusion: not enough government control!
I’m too lazy to read, but any mention of ebooks?
My product is a heavy dense object that needs to be shipped, unloaded and arrayed in the store by human labor. My competitor has a product of equal utility that doesn’t weigh anything, can be delivered over the air and can be bought without requiring any human intervention. Hmmm….
They are absolutely right, they are losing to Amazon due to unfair competition. Unfair in the idea that ebooks are way better than real books (at least from a retailer’s perspective, although as a reader I’d argue that it is also better for the consumer).
Of course buggy manufacturers were also undone by unfair competition.
And, of course-
Once the country emerges from the Trump presidency, I hope we will have a government that takes monopolies seriously. Until then, I’ll be rooting for Barnes & Noble. So, it turns out, are some people who once viewed it as the enemy. “It’s in the interest of the book business,” Teicher says, “for Barnes & Noble not just to survive but to thrive.”
Public Enemy Number One emerges from the shadows to leer malevolently at the audience.
The unindicted co-conspirator, as it were, because what *isn’t* Trump’s fault?
This is too precious – the same people who are terribly enthused about the Fusion GPS Trump dossier don’t like it when the other side plays that game.
One set of rules for thee, and none for me.
STEVE SMITH goes millenial
Using one of the best-known tools for measuring loneliness — the UCLA Loneliness Scale — Cigna surveyed 20,000 adults online across the country. The University of California, Los Angeles tool uses a series of statements and a formula to calculate a loneliness score based on responses.
Sounds legit.
Totally scientist
Michael Moore: Garbage Human
Happy 200th Birthday Karl Marx! You believed that everyone should have a seat at the table & that the greed of the rich would eventually bring us all down. You believed that everyone deserves a slice of the pie. You knew that the super wealthy were out to grab whatever they could…
Over the years there were ruthless men who tried to use your name (much as the alt right haters use Jesus’ name) to pull the wool over people’s eyes. Yet much of Europe now practices much of your philosophy & people are taken care of. And we have Bernie! Democratic socialism!…
Every poll shows the majority of American youth & young adults prefer socialism over capitalism. Although capitalism is brutally alive & well, the next generations will not tolerate its cruelty & greed. A democratic socialist won nearly half of 2016’s Dem Pres primaries&caucuses!
The last time I checked, Micheal Moore is worth at least 50 million dollars. By “much of Europe” I can only assume he means, in part, Scandinavian countries that, while operating significant welfare states, have freer economies than the US. “Welfare” =/= “Socialism”. Capitalism is not brutal or greedy. It is merely the free exchange of goods and services, and it is freedom, more broadly. It is neither cruel or greedy. In fact, I can’t think of anything more greedy than thinking you are entitled to the product of someone else’s labor like socialists do. Also, putting “democratic” in front of something does not make it moral. Christ, what an deplorable asshole.
*a* deplorable asshole.
…need moar coffee. //IHateMondays
Rich = However much money Michael Moore has + $1
Dear majority of American youth & young adults: Venezuela calls! Book your flights now!
So, apparently Conoco is seizeing PDVSA (Venezuelan national oil company) assets in the Caribbean to pay off the $2B lawsuit they won against PDVSA.
Guess the Dutch might need to send a warship down there to make Maduro doesn’t go all military adventurist and finally carries through with the invasion of those ex-Dutch protectorate islands that they have been promising since back in the Chavez days.
Pretty light on comments. Is everyone still hungover from Saturday?
Only 75% of the usual comment volume, because the post was written by a woman!
It could be that the links are better and everyone is reading them.
You were not (currently) in danger of banning. No need to suck up!
I forgot to add the *giggles *.
More lefty hypocrisy.
They’ve made their law. Now let them enforce it.
“I don’t think you can say, ‘I don’t agree with the law so I won’t enforce it,’” she said. “I think it sends the wrong message.”
State and local authorities do not have to enforce federal law, but also cannot impede the enforcement of said federal law by federal agents. I’m inclined to think that the relationship is the same between state and local authorities.
This is rather damning. The Friday night release of un-redacted FBI transcripts show that the redactions had nothing to do with national security and everything to do with covering up failings of the DOJ and FBI.
Woe to those who sided with the FBI, against their better instincts, because of their debilitating TDS. A lot of people should not be viewed as credible anymore.
“A lot of people should not be viewed as credible anymore.”
– 99+% of elected officials
– The entire FBI
– The entire DOJ
– The entire MSM (NYT, WaPo, the alphabet soup networks, CNN etc.)
– Most of the judiciary
– Most of the IC
– Most of the permanent bureaucracy
Did I miss anyone?
Richard Simmons?
Related – House Intel Will Move to Hold Attorney General Jeff Sessions in Contempt.
If Trump could pull himself together and compose a literate response to this entire fiasco, the Democrats would be in real trouble. As it is, his addiction to tweeting is not helping him.
The DOJ/FBI need to be gutted at the top.
Trump is too stupid to use any of this information to his advantage, but I’m not sure it matters anymore. I think we’re beginning to see the collapse of this farce. Watching all of the “right thinking people” transition into only the Stormy Daniels controversy and pretend like they weren’t pimping a batshit crazy conspiracy theory for the past two years.
I think he’s waiting for the IG to indict some of these clowns. Then he can drop the hammer with justification. Or just do it either way right after the elections in November.
Additionally, it boggles my mind that Rice et al have not been indicted yet.
It’s disgraceful, but I suspect it won’t change a single mind. Maybe it might give Trump some twitter fodder he can use to publically undermine the investigation.
If you’re looking for a place to get arrested HM.
Damn. Would, would, would.
Yeah, she can have her way with me for sure.
Deluded deplorable dopes
College-educated Americans speak about the economic problems of the working class in terms of trends that can be seen in tables and graphs. Those on the left criticize the federal minimum wage as being too low, while those on the right bemoan the erosion of work incentives. But the people who are experiencing these adverse economic trends express themselves differently, using a moral language that is often rooted in attitudes about work and race.
This was first noted by the sociologist Michèle Lamont in her book “The Dignity of Working Men.” She found that white working-class men often define their self-worth through their ability to lead disciplined, responsible lives. They take pride in going to work every day to support their families. Many of them view African-Americans as not wanting to work hard. They rarely consider that their own advantages rest on the privileged position of whites in the labor market.
In this way, they construct a positive sense of self despite the limits of their economic class. Perched precariously above the poor, they talk not about their modest incomes but rather about their superior work discipline. In prosperous times, they can take pride in their success compared with minorities.
But when that prosperity is threatened, they complain about blacks or immigrants who are, in their minds, usurping their place in the economy. In a 2017 survey, 24 percent of whites without college degrees responded that they had been personally discriminated against in applying for jobs because they were white — although strong evidence exists that it is actually blacks who are discriminated against.
“Dignity and satisfaction of work? Puh-leeze! Scratch a honkey, reveal a racist. Even the people who voted for Obama (twice) were secretly just waiting for an opportunity to vote for a big racist meanie like Trump. And they leapt at the chance. Und so weiter. And then, the coup de grace:
People with unstable or insufficient incomes may express their fears by talking about race because that is the way they have learned to interpret the world. People who are frustrated by their lack of progress may still try to defend the dignity of their work. It is a mistake to see economics and culture as distinct forces. Both propelled Mr. Trump to victory.
“People with unstable or insufficient incomes may express their fears by talking about race because that is the way they have learned to interpret the world.” Who are we talking about, again?
white working-class men often define their self-worth through their ability to lead disciplined, responsible lives
I worked two jobs for nearly two years after my daughter was born so that my wife did not need to work outside the house.
I was a monster — still am I guess.
I was the first person on either my Mom’s or Dad’s side of the family to graduate from college. I did it by commuting to a state school to minimize costs while working part time and summers and taking out student loans to make up the difference, because my parents couldn’t really afford to pay the tuition.
But I guess that’s just my white privilege.
It took me 14 years to get a bachelor’s, going to night classes before I could enroll full time. I was 41 when I graduated.
My maternal grandfather had nine children – freaking Irish Catholics, man! Blue collar guy, never went to college, was orphaned at age 8. Lied about his age to join the Navy at age 16 in WWII. For much of his adult life, he had to work two jobs to support all those kids – days at the Grumman factory, nights and Saturdays at a liquor store. When his health dictated that he move to warmer climes than New York (he had emphysema from his time in the Navy – his LST was hit by a kamikaze off the coast of Okinawa during the invasion and he was trapped for a while in a gear locker inhaling burning paint fumes), he and my grandmother opened their own liquor store in south Florida. She was the daughter of a milkman, which meant they did better through the Depression than most, but were hardly rich.
On dad’s side, that grandfather was the child of Italian immigrants who grew up in a cold-water tenement in Manhattan. They shared a toilet with the rest of the floor and took baths in a wash tub in the kitchen of their 2 room apartment – the water had to be heated on the stove. His dad worked at the Plaza Hotel for almost 40 years in various roles, mostly as a cook and a handyman. His mother was a cleaning lady in an office building. Grandpa trained as a mechanic on P-47s during the war. After the war, he started out as a mechanic. When he retired in 1989, he was a vice-president at Avis Car Rental despite having only a high school diploma because he is the hardest working man I have ever known. After he retired, he got bored after a few years and got a job in Sears selling power tools because carpentry was his hobby. He only left that job when he was in his mid-80s and physically couldn’t stand up for hours on end anymore. He met my grandmother while he was in Georgia for training during the war. She was the daughter of a poor sharecropper (I love telling people that since they generally have the idea that only blacks were sharecroppers), from a long line of dirt-poor farmers in rural Georgia (and North Carolina before that).
Can’t you just smell the privilege?
My paternal grandfather was crippled with a bad back (hump/hunch) and arthritis. He worked at GM, fixing tool and die machinery. Because of his extremely bad back and mobility problems, he designed his own machinery/equipment to handle the heavier parts. Grandmother had a family of eight kids to feed and keep track of, all in a house with no running water. You had to use a pump in the kitchen, the waste water just spilling out in the back yard. Every once in awhile, the leather bellows/whatever needed to be replaced so the pump would continue to work. They came into the world as second generation Dutch immigrants – poor and they left the world poor. But their kids – my dad included – did very well for themselves. My old man started his first job at eleven, doing ice cream sales out of a bicycle. He went to college for a year before dropping out, starting a job as shoe clerk, and ending up being one level below a VP in Michigan’s biggest retail chain. His eldest brother had to drop out of high school (got his GF pregnant) but earned his GED. He started his own tool ‘n’ die business, which he ended up selling for a few million $$$.
My maternal grandfather was a general handyman, odd job kind of guy. Needless to say money was tight, even after he started his own landscaping business. He was a POW guard during WW2, died age 55 from his second heart attack. Grandmother did ironing for the neighborhood to earn extra income. She eventually died at age 68 – lung issues, caused by the asbestos (??) in the ironing board. That latter part is just a guess. I have a uncle on that side who is a teaching professor of physics, while the other is just a janitor at a Chicago hospital. Odd how things work out.
Yeah, they benefit for institutionalized racism like the White Business Enterprise set-asides and Affirmative Action.
Oh, I guess the writer is blissfully unaware of Affirmative Action.
Question: How did Democrats become a regional party instead of a national party?
Answer: Because they tell white coal miners that they are “privileged” because of the color of their skin.
“white working-class men often define their self-worth through their ability to lead disciplined”
“disciplined, responsible lives”
Copy-paste fail.
The need to lead disciplined, responsible lives is an artifact of White Privilege, and it’s wrong to impose such standards on POCs, you shitlord!
Being responsible and disciplined is racist. You can’t expect non-whites to do those things. And that’s not in any way a racist position for me to have. //prog
Pretty much
Which is kind of funny, because when I think of what group tends to work harder than others, I think of Latin and Asian immigrants.
24 percent of whites without college degrees responded that they had been personally discriminated against in applying for jobs because they were white — although strong evidence exists that it is actually blacks who are discriminated against.
Two words: Affirmative Action. That is all.
Every poll shows the majority of American youth & young adults prefer socialism over capitalism.
What makes a guy like Michael Moore think he won’t end up on the pointy end of the dictatorship of the proletariat?
He does present an awfully large target.
If you’re looking for a place to get arrested
She could clap me in irons…
Just took my annual gubmint ethics training. Did you know that all sex workers are slaves who have not consented to their work? The assumption is, if you find yourself in the presence of sex workers, that they are all trafficking victims.
Cause women are badasses able to do whatever they want, except decide to be sex workers, for example, because that is the only way they can make good money lacking skillz, and they are being forced to give it up by evul menz…
My body my choice!!!
3rd judge smacks Mueller in head
DAMN! It’s really true what they say about Putin, now he’s hacked the judges!
Looks like Mueller and his crew will keep shopping till they find a woke judge that gives them what they want..
He must be serving up some seriously weak sauce for these judges to keep thumping him like this. They usually kiss prosecutor ass in a shameless fashion.
You know how every LLC is registered in Delaware? Maybe Hawaii could become a destination for lawyers looking to shop their lawsuits against the govt.
I think Mississippi is already a favored state for class action lawsuits. So you have to concentrate on SJW cases.
I worked two jobs for nearly two years after my daughter was born so that my wife did not need to work outside the house.
You stole one of those jobs from some deserving person. It’s not fair for you to have two jobs when some people have none!
You’re a job hoarder.
This was in the early 80s in Iowa. The rest of the nation was waking up from recession. Iowa was in a depression. They opened a brand new McDs two blocks from my house. They got three hundred applicants the first day they starting taking applications.
Only 75% of the usual comment volume, because the post was written by a woman!
*outright, prolonged laughter*
You know how we say the po-po are no different than the crips or Bloods?
It’s Don Blankenship’s turn for the Two Minutes Hate
Just think what this looks like if you’re another Republican primary candidate. Here is the man who less than a decade ago was regarded as the most hated man in West Virginia — a guy who was convicted of a misdemeanor related to the deaths of more than two dozen people. If Blankenship somehow emerges victorious from his primary with state Attorney General Patrick Morrisey and Rep. Evan Jenkins, it will sure look like the “Cocaine Mitch,” “China person” and “Negro” comments got him there. Blankenship has run arguably the most thinly veiled dog-whistle campaign in many years, and it will have been vindicated.
I say “arguably” because there’s one man who might lay claim to that title as well: Trump. Trump in many ways paved the way for what Blankenship is doing right now. Whether you feel Trump’s campaign was racist, he certainly talked about racial issues in a way we haven’t seen in a long time on the presidential stage and often pitted his supporters against the worst elements of other demographics — first and foremost being criminal, rapist Mexican immigrants and dangerous, extremist Muslims. Trump also embraced conspiracy theories about voter fraud and President Barack Obama’s birth place that played to the idea that the political establishment was evil, nefarious and constantly breaking the rules.
I just had a flash of the pointing-and-screaming people in The Body Snatchers. The Establishment Media are tirelessly on the lookout for a new bogeyman.
“that played to the idea that the political establishment was evil, nefarious and constantly breaking the rules.”
OK, how is this not prima facie correct?
That was a very….interesting trip. Trigger warning: TMI.
Weather did not cooperate and we couldn’t take the ferry to explore the surrounding islands of of Geoje.
This lead to an incredibly risque weekend in which new frontiers were explored. Lady, who by her own admission is in it just for the sex, is wrapped around my finger and being very cute. I apparently “broke [her]” and witnessed/caused by far the most powerful sexual moment in my life.
Finally back at home, at 1am after 13 hours of travel…..and am going to have a very rough Tuesday. Phew.
Lili Von Shtupp: Would you like another schnitzengruben?
Bart: No, thank you. Fifteen is my limit on schnitzengruben.
Lili Von Shtupp: Well, then how about a little…
[whispers in his ear]
Bart: Baby, please! I am not from Havana.
Lili Von Shtupp: Will I… see you again?
Bart: Well, it all depends on how much vitamin E I can get my hands on.
Had to involve female ejaculation.
NPR speaks truth, unintentionally
resident Trump’s newly aggressive stance toward special counsel Robert Mueller will be the biggest test yet of the work he and allies have carried on for months to shape the political landscape among their supporters.
There is no such thing as objective reality. There is only perception, shaped by political necessity.
Pay no attention to the Deep State behind the curtain.
Trump probably has little to fear from his own Republicans. House Judiciary and Intelligence committee members have been complaining for months about what they call the “bias” in the FBI and Justice Department and the abuses of power they say have been uncovered.
Ellis asked prosecutors to give him a confidential copy of the full order from Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein that appointed Mueller and set out the scope of his investigation. The copy that has been made public is heavily redacted since it includes secret foreign intelligence information.
Nunes and House Republicans want that document too as part of their campaign to prove that Mueller’s office has overstepped its authority. The Justice Department has resisted, as it also is resisting giving Nunes other materials in the Russia case, including documents related to its use of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act.
They’re playing politics with the investigation! It’s not a fishing expedition. It’s just a noble quest for Truth.
Justice Department #resisting oversight from congress. Seems legit.
Grandpa trained as a mechanic on P-47s during the war. After the war, he started out as a mechanic. When he retired in 1989, he was a vice-president at Avis Car Rental despite having only a high school diploma because he is the hardest working man I have ever known.
That is awesome.