Its always fun to follow the Hat & Hair. When they write the political history of the 20-teens, I think that is going to get a ton of ink, or pixels, or whatever. Its just so compellingly grotesque and yet tender. Like a fawn mangled by a big dog. In local sports news, Boston Man will lick no one else in this year’s quest for Lord Stanley’s cup. Never try to out-crazy Florida Man.

The University of Florida — a class university all the way around. They’re all Gators, so obviously, fuck everyone in this story.

Nothing says innocent like Oliver North. I am sincerely puzzled by the NRA here, and will continue to not give them money, because they’ve always seemed dodgy when it came to people like me owning guns.

Oil makes a huge recover to settle at… $71? Jesus. Its like 2013 all over again! Get the jalopey ready, Ma! We’s just about ready to move back to Beverley Hills!

I would tie this to the Patriots, but nobody is worried about beating the Bears next season.

Huh, never heard this before. Probably the right band to cover that one.