The Warriors and Pelicans started their Western Conference Semifinals series yesterday (I’m sticking to that story) with a doubleheader and the Warriors now lead the series 2-0. In the East, the fighting LeBrons came back from a first half grave and downed the Raptors to take a 1-0 series lead.

Here’s hoping for a repeat of this.
Across the pond, Real Madrid played Bayern to a 2-2 draw at the Bernabeu and advanced to their third Champions League final in a row. They will play the winner of the Liverpool-Roma tie, which concludes today. Liverpool has a 5-2 lead but I will once again be reminded that Barcelona had a 4-1 lead going into the second leg two weeks ago. I’ll definitely be watching. YNWA.
And then we come to hockey. All I can say is: wow. No wait, I mean HOLYFUCKINGSHIIIIIIIT, were those games last night insane or what?. The Caps topped the Pens in what could only be considered a bloodbath of a game. Nobody ever had control of it. The intensity level was just nuts. The hits savage, including a broken jaw to the Pens Aston-Reese. And now the Caps are up 2-1 in the series…which is probably right where the Pens want them (although I’m starting to believe the Caps will win this matchup finally, only to get swept by the Lightning). There’s gonna be a lot of ice baths taken today in Yinzerville.
Then we come to the Nashville-Winnepeg game. A game Winnipeg must have thought was starting an hour later than it did. No bother, they just rung up 7 goals over the last two periods to take a 2-1 series lead. Remember when I said recently that they’re fast? I mean they are really, really, really fast. And their ability to stay poised under pressure makes me think they might be able to win this series and beat Army as well. Let’s see if the weight of an entire nation, and the seemingly endless Stanley Cup drought our flappy-headed friends are enduring, is too much for them. But I’m thinking this team is a legit threat to at least win their conference.
Oh yeah, and the (4) Arkansas Razorbacks swept Alabama in college baseball over the weekend.
Whew, what a lot of things in the sports world going on right now. Fun, fun things.
If today’s your birthday, you share it with such luminaries at Catherine the Great, Baron Manfred von Richtofen of WWI fame, Dr Benjamin Spock, Engelbert Humperdink, Donatella Versace, The Rock, and NASCAR crybaby/heel Hole Busch. Its also the day Barack Hussein Obama personally flew to Pakistan and shot Osama bin Laden while dodging bullets and carrying two babies to safety. At least that’s what they told me on DailyKOS.

Oversight? Don’t make me laugh.
Did you get all that? I sure hope so, because I don’t want to have to repeat it. But either way, I’m moving on to…the links!
Rod Rosenstein says “The Department of Justice is not going to be extorted.” Fine by me, fucko. But tell me what would happen if a regular person refused to answer a subpoena from the DOJ? You know, which is what your department has been threatened with well before you’ll face impeachment. Congress has oversight on your department. And your non-cooperation with their legitimate right to ensure you’re acting in an ethical and consistent manner should make anyone in America who is under investigation worried. So my advice: Fuck you, comply or resign.
Speaking of “firing” someone, here’s an interesting story. And by “firing,” I mean not renewing a contract. Which is leading to a shitstorm of publicity for both the “fired” coach/teacher and the school. But I can tell you this: if that guy doesn’t have some solid proof, he can kiss any career he has as either a coach or an educator goodbye. Oh yeah, also Protip: when terminating someone or not renewing their contract, never give a reason. Always do it “without cause”. Giving a reason only opens you up to scrutiny that “without cause” doesn’t.

I’m no anti-Semite. I just give them money!
If you thought the federal government in DC was a shitshow, then take a look at what the local government there has going on. I long for the days when DC politics was defined by Marion Barry smoking crack in a hotel room. But this anti-semitism is a little too much to take.
Amazon plans for major expansion in Boston. Huh, I guess they like high taxes after all, even if its for their employees rather than their customers.
Why would anyone running for the County Assessor’s job ever need to raise millions of dollars for a re-election campaign in the first place? It has to be because he’s just so honest and has so much integrity that people are that willing to give him money to ensure the taxes are assessed fairly and without corruption. That’s probably why the overwhelming majority of the donations came from property tax attorneys too, right? Oh well, that’s Chicago for you.

You know who else had youth groups salute like this?
Goodbye Boy Scouts, hello Soy Scouts! Just kidding, its changing to Scouts BSA.
And this isn’t really a link, per se. But there’s a lot of comedy in this tweet. Even more in the comments to the original. Please enjoy as much as I did.
That’s it for me. I’m gone daddy gone.
Give em hell today, fellow Glibs!
And the Yankees beat the Astros, and Giles beat himself
Welcome back, sloop
Why thank you. It’s good to be back.
His teammates need to beat him with soap Gomer Pyle style. He hits as poorly as he pitched.
I love the Femmes
+2 xylophone solos
But do you love violence?
I assume you are talking about the link to Fuit Sushi’s tweet, not the music, correct?
Actually, scratch that. If something happened to my daughter, my wife would give me the come-back-with-your-shield-or-on-it look.
I remember that sort of non-firing. In my case it was to avoid having to explain that they were kowtowing to a cunty professor who, instead of asking me to move or otherwise indicating that they wanted to use the space just expected me to psychically divine that he wanted to use the table I was at in an otherwise empty lab. Of course, tenured waste of space on one end, student worker on the other, the student worker gets the boot.
I’ve fired plenty of people. They always said “you’re firing me because of (enter Reason), aren’t you? My response was always “in releasing you without cause and terminating our at-will relationship. I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors.”
I’ve had a few people complain to one government agency or another and they never once got a dime out of the complaints.
Wrongful termination is (thankfully) really difficult to prove absent the employer being colossally stupid and putting their (illegal) reason in writing.
Sorry, honey. I’m canning you because of your lack of cans
Even after I offered to pay for her boob job. What an ungrateful wench!
The goal isn’t to prove it, it’s to cost the employer enough that they’ll just pay go-away money.
“Loser pays” is not an American concept.
Our HR counsel are in house. We do not pay to go away. You’ll get nothing and like it!
“We do not negotiate with terrorists!”
Yes but your HR mammals also carry pikes which seems a bit absurd yet intimidating
My last experience as a plaintiff dealing with an insurance company for wrongful termination, they caved after my lawyer tied them up in endless deps.
Ours are as well, but even if we were to run a frivolous employment lawsuit entirely in house (we wouldn’t), it would still cost more than cutting a check for $50k.
If you’re paying the lawyers anyway, then stick to the principle.
I’m the sort of irrational, spiteful bastard who’d eat the expense just to not pay the litigant a dime, even if it costs me more.
I am mostly annoyed that I didn’t even get a rude “could you move?” I hold nothing against my supervisor, who was at most an associate professor in the same department, and not in the best of positions. Academia is toxic.
On the employment front, I don’t get the mindset of whining to big daddy government. My actual reaction to end of employment has always been “Okay, lets clean up the resume, and how do I best cut down my cost of living?”
Huh. Where I work, we have a faculty committee to oversee research space. The criteria are (1) productivity, especially external funding, and (2) number of students you are mentoring/training. Not necessarily in that order–people who aren’t working with students are usually at the bottom of the list, regardless. Of course, that’s one of our hiring criteria as well. We just don’t hire faculty who don’t want to work with students.
Even in an “at will” state like Penna., you can avoid aggravation by maintaining a really good trail of the “to be fired” employee’s shortcomings, errors, prior warnings, suspensions, and the like. If her (and I don’t use the gender loosely) HR file has nothing but “attaboys” and superior reviews, and you suddenly fire “without cause,” the employer is looking at potentially costly legal costs to defend against charges of sexual discrimination, age discrimination, etc. It costs the fired employee nothing to have the feds start demanding records, holding hearings, and the like. So tread carefully and build a solid case against anyone being fired.
Who puts attaboy letters in an employee’s file? That’s the dumbest thing imaginable.
People who think they’re a helluva lot cheaper than giving actual raises.
But putting it in writing? Can’t you deliver the positive reinforcement verbally?
“Nice cans, sugartits.”
For some odd reason, I’ve been envisioning this entire subthread as taking place in a cannery…
-1 pickle slicer
I didn’t think there were any white kids in Camden. As a NJ resident, it’s on my no-go list.
My employer refused to accept contract work in Camden. It was the only city to make that list. This was due to crime rate, not demographics.
Boston makes no sense for Amazon. If they want an Atlantic coast presence, a location near one of the major ports/airports like Savannah, Charleston or Atlanta would make a LOT more sense to me from a business/financial standpoint in addition to year-round weather and tax benefits. (and ease of access to employees)
That city should look like the fields of Detroit, yet somehow hasn’t gotten there yet.
Yet is the key word.
As the founder of Strong Towns likes to say, Detroit is the canary in the coal mine. It isn’t unusual, it just got there first.
The big reason that Detroit is leading the way is in addition to the problems it has in common with cities like Boston, it was also a monoculture, relying on a single industry.
I think Boston has avoided that.
I was recently listening to someone arguing tariffs and free trade. When they mentioned ‘Comparative advantage’ and all but encouraged specialization, my reaction was “specialized economies become highly sensitive to shocks in their specialty. You want a diversified economy, and not become reliant on any one sector”
I wonder if Boston has partly escaped it (besides being a fairly preppy, academic, tech and financial city) because it doesn’t have the same kind of gang trouble as other Democrat-dominated cities that fell or are falling?
All I hear about Boston is how racist it is and still is somewhat ‘ghetorrized’ (if that’s an appropriate example) by the North-end and Southie.
No, they just have more of other people’s money to burn through, Like New York and San Fran.
Having a bunch of colleges that turn out smart engineers and scientists in the city is a huge deal. I know MIT and Harvard, but IIRC there are about 5 pretty high performing universities in Boston.
Whatever science goes on at Harvard, their law school produces the likes of Ruth Ginsberg and Chuck Schumer.
Scalia as well.
Even Hahvahd can’t ruin everybody they touch.
Harvard, MIT, Boston University, Boston College, Northeastern, Brandeis, Suffolk University, Tufts, and you can throw in Berkely College of Music as one of the best Music schools in the country. UMass also has a Campus in Boston but it is the academic dregs of that University, all the smart kids go to Amherst or Lowell.
So that is 8 world class colleges within 10 miles of Boston Common
So what you’re saying is we should nuke Boston?
They have a warehouse here in MD.
Wouldn’t Amazon be looking for cities with direct flights to most major cities? Savannah and Charleston usually don’t, while Atlanta certainly does.
Depends if your’e talking air shipping or cargo transhipments for larger restocking/etc. Either way, somewhere between Savannah/Atlanta would probably give you the best of both worlds while avoiding the gridlock.
Massachusetts is a bad place – I know because I grew up there. But it’s far better than New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, and Maryland. While MA is a very Blue state, they seem to recognize the limits of their stupidity there and often elect moderate Republican Governors to make sure things don’t get out of hand like those other places.
So, if you want a fancy East Coast office near Ivy League schools and snobby people, but also some sweet tax incentives and reasonable (bribable) politicians, it’s the place to go.
“Ivy League” is a net negative.
(debates finding video of Yale girl whining about making a home there)
The cloud people making that decision don’t agree.
It’s going to be in the DC metro area.
Access to human capitol >>> taxes, financial, and business standpoints. Most important lesson of the last 10 or 15 years for top flight employers.
Human capital is mobile.
Yes, but it also wants less and less to live in NYC or Chicago and more and more to live in cities where you can afford a house and a yard nearby — broadly. The fun, city part of those big cities is mostly available in any of the larger American cities. I’m not one who hates NYC or Chicago, but I’d rather visit than live there. I think many people are that way.
Hense the reason there’s no point to locating your important offices or facilities in such toxic cities.
That would rule out both Boston and DC as well.
frankly a place like Charlotte would probably be the optimal for Amazon to locate their new East Coast HQ. The downtown area is great but not overbuilt yet, cost of living is manageable, the city has plenty of amenities to attract top flight employees and there is already a moderate and growing tech sector. They’d never do it however because Charlotte is icky and doesn’t like Trans people, plus they have the NASCAR museum
Objectively, its easier to hire it if you go to the places where it graduates from college. I’m not making a normative point, but a positive one.
This attributes a higher value to university indoctrination than is warranted.
HM approved THICC girls.
2 and 17 both have the big tits I require, while still being proportional.
Meh, I would grudgingly allow #2 on my hot rock
I am in luuuuuuuuuurve.
Just stop after 11. Wow. I don’t think I could design a body that’s more stimulating. I honestly would let her stab me if it guaranteed that I could *cough*….stab her back.
We have similar (and excellent) tastes.
There you go. She’s ex Israeli military so she might stab you for real though.
*Falls out of chair. Bolts up and bangs head on table. Staggers back wide-eyed. Starts shaking finger vigorously at screen.*
This guy. This guy right here. He just fucking gets—-I mean…..WE’VE GOT DODSON HERE! DODSON!
And everybody cares.
#11 is very nice. Some of these women are grotesque, but there’s no accounting for taste.
#22. Hometown girl.
Word has reached us in Glorious People’s Republic of shaming words regarding Best Communist Musical Grouping.
Clash? Bah! They are not fit to clean my cat’s incisors. Every right-thinking citizen knows Laika and der Cosmonauts best band from Correct Side of Socialism:
Clash nyet! Cosmonauts da!
I’ll see your Cosmonauts, and raise you The Soviettes.
I thought that was the Canadian word for napkin.
Of course, there is much to be said for two loving beskirted schoolgirls:
If you thought the federal government in DC was a shitshow, then take a look at what the local government there has going on.
Just remember, this was the guy who referred to the Warsaw Ghetto as “a gated community.”
You mammals and your tribbling semantics
Actually, he’s the guy who said the Jews control the weather. It was one of his staff who called the Warsaw Ghetto a “gated community”. Which is actually worse, IMO, for it means that it’s not just peripheral foolishness but a significant enough attitude that he and his staff share it.
Any sport that has a team named The Pelicans isn’t really a sport.
So you’re a Pelican’t?
How about you go tell the Sydney Swans they don’t play a real sport? 🙂
*readies trauma kit*
Sydney Swans? Who named that team? Clearly someone who didn’t think much of the sport.
Or somebody that knows there are a lot of swans in the Sydney area that are constantly landing at the old cricket ground where they used to play Aussie rules football.
“This place has gone to the birds.”
Well, TBF, it’s kind of an aggressive looking swan:
There were originally often referred to as the Bloods or the Bloodstained Angels.
The “Bloodstained Angels” is a much better name. Beats the feathers off of the oversized pidgeons that infested the pitch.
That wiki article also says their original motto was “Aut vincere aut mori” – “Conquer or Die”.
They think they’re geese, the Hate Birds That Hate.
I dunno after SF posted that video of the Pelican eating a live pigeon I think they’re kind of savage.
They should have begged Utah to give their nickname up. New Orleans Jazz would be tight. Utah has plenty of things they could name their team after, like … uhh … hmm … well, they’ll think of something!
You do know that the Utah Jazz were originally in NOLA?
I was always fun to watch them at the Salt Palace, where I was easily the darkest human in the stands.
That is his point – they need to send the name back to NOLA…and become the Utah Bees.
The Utah Hoodoos.
The Bees would be good. Although we already have one stinging-insect nickname in the NBA. I don’t know if the hornets would be ok with that.
How about the Salt Lakers? That would be some good trolling.
When Charlotte was the Bobcats, after the Hornets moved to NOLA and before they changed to the Pelicans, there was serious discussion of a name swap between NOLA and SLC.
Not to mention, it’s already being used by the local minor league baseball team.
Utah Sons of Ham
The Utah Uncaffinated
Their favorite move is the Postum up.
Utah Holy Underwear
The Utah Jello
Salt Lake Plygs? I’ve always liked the notion of updating mascots laid out in Mascot Mania.
“We bring’em young”
Actually, the Utah Hammers could be a clever play on the Sons of Ham thing.
Indianapolis needs to send the Colts name back to Baltimore.
Only if the Ravens agree to drop the silly colors and go back to the Colts green and white.
Ooooh, 1951. You must have seen Diner.
Maryland tried to take the team by eminent domain. They don’t deserve jack shit.
Utah “We don’t do polygamy anymore, honest!”
Maybe that wouldn’t fit on the jersey.
Utah Hot Mormon Chicks that Seduce you into Converting?
They put out for at least 5 kids.
Choose any mascot from this list and everyone will be happy.
The best part is that they removed on “offensive” mascot because… Well read for yourself.
The original name of the Los Alamos (home of the Manhattan Project) team was the “Atomic City Bombers”. I wish they would have stuck with that (over “The Hilltoppers”).
… Hobbit
Utah has plenty of things they could name their team after, like … uhh … hmm … well, they’ll think of something!
“Stormin’ Mormons”.
So also not a fan of the Hiroshima Carp? (I was so disappointed to find out that their logo is a ripoff of Cincy’s).
Or how about the Butte Pirates?
Or how about the Butte Pirates?
Shut it down folks, thread over.
If I lived in Butte County, ID I would be pissed if I had to pay any property taxes for the school. I would demand that the school self fund itself through sales of t-shirts, hats and other merchandise.
+ tickets to their annual performance of Butte Pirates of the Caribbean
+Harvard level endowment from merch sales for that play.
How long before escapees from CA force them to change their mascot? If not the name of the county?
We should judge artists not by the content f their creations, but by the color of their skin.
On the other hand, we’re talking modern art, so does it really matter?
I’m fully in favor of cultural institutions continuing to double down on prog identity politics and shark jumping. The more they delegitimize themselves, the closer we are to public funding being cut off from all of them.
Given that most of that art was popular because of the public personas of the artists, especially Warhol, I don’t see how this is functionally different than it has been. They’re just gauging the worth of the art based on a different popularity metric, which is still not the quality of the art.
Also, I would imagine that the Baltimore Museum of Art probably doesn’t see very many patrons from the city’s native population. I doubt this will do much for ticket sales, but I applaud their effort.
Au contraire! The local progressives will now HAVE to go see the new exhibit or risk peer stigmatization.
In the future everyone will be an artist of color for 15 minutes. Especially if there’s money in it.
Hrmm… I wonder how well a GoPro works for recording the process of painting.
Probably better than a cell phone camera. Depending on how long you’re doing it, you might want to look into external live backups and then when you edit the clips, you can speed it up for portions, etc.
I was thinking of doing a voiceless time lapse of the process of painting at least some of the kitbash pieces. (I ordered the camera for something else, but so long as I own it…)
They have time-lapse mode. You can then import the still photos and convert them to a video. I love my GoPro, but even simple editing is time consuming.
I’ve been reading the manual. There were two different time-lapse modes, one for video and one for photographs. The model I ordered was from this year, so I don’t know if they’ve improved the feature set versus earlier versions. It hasn’t arrived yet, so I haven’t run my tests to see what everything does.
As an alternative, there are plenty of hyperlapse apps available for smartphones provided yours has a decent camera and ample storage capacity.
Windows Phone:
But be careful with the prolapse mode.
+1 episode of overly boisterous anal sex
Why is Turkey part of the EU again?
I used to view the crusades as being part of a bad legacy.
The crusades were a bad legacy – they didn’t finish the job and set a precedent for half-hearted mideast intervention for centuries to come.
That’s because the Crusades are misunderstood. The first objective was to clear Europe of Muslim rule. While it took centuries, they were cleared out of Spain and Portugal. Beating down the Turks in the East and the Sea Jihad in the Med took a lot longer but was eventually accomplished. Then in a century later, the idiot Euros invited them back in.
The idea of Europe didn’t exist until many hundreds of years after the Crusades. You’re projecting your sinister narrative of grand ethnic struggle onto the past. Of course.
The idea of Christians living in their native lands and being ruled by Christians existed long before the Muslims showed up with other ideas.
Native lands is a bit strong given that much of Eastern and Northern Europe was still pagan when the First Crusade began. And the Crusaders sacked Constantinople, a city that had been Christian for 900 years and was the heart of Eastern Christianity, which played no small part in Syria and Anatolia being taken for good by the Muslims. Not to mention the Northern Crusade, which was directed entirely against the aforementioned pagans, who have a bit more of a claim to being native than the Christians.
History is for fags, kbolino. Sean Hannity knows better.
Hence the Northern Crusades and the Order of Teutonic Knights.
Yes, well, that’s why I mentioned it.
The idea of Europe didn’t exist until many hundreds of years after the Crusades.
What? The idea of there being three separate continents in the “old world” has been around since the Classical era. It predates the Crusades by a thousand years, at least.
And the idea was long dead and replaced by the idea Christendom before it was kinda sorta replaced by something like our modern idea of Europe. Things are complicated and nothing is static.
What Drake means is that our white Christian ancestors in the before times, when men were men and women were pure, DEUS VULTed and assumed the white man’s rightful place over the brown hordes. But alas, and now the white men’s degenerate and miscegentated offspring are surrendering the purity of Our White Women to the very same filthy brown hordes. Which is one way of looking at the world, I’ll give him that.
John Q. Publius knows what he knows, Warty.
And the idea was long dead and replaced by the idea Christendom before it was kinda sorta replaced by something like our modern idea of Europe.
I guess it depends on what sense you are using “Europe” as. Europe as a geographical idea was ancient never died, and that was the sense I was taking it as in the conversation. “Christendom” is more of a cultural idea, and from that perspective I can see how your comment made sense, as “Europe” in a cultural sense postdates “Christendom” while the pre-“Christendom” divides were more along the lines of east vs. west and “civilized” vs. “barbarian”.
Things are complicated and nothing is static.
The mistake people make is assuming classical Mediterranean civilization collapsed with the Western Roman Empire. The Goths didn’t want to destroy that civilization, they wanted to join it and rule it. Classical Christian civilization continued on for several centuries after Rome fell and the Vandals took over.
In the 7th century, Muslims invaded North Africa AND sponsored a level of piracy in the Med that destroyed the Europeans’ ability to effectively trade. The resulting collapse and depression was called the Dark Ages. The Crusades were part of their disjointed efforts to stabilize security on their southern borders.
Classical Christian civilization continued on for several centuries after Rome fell and the Vandals took over.
That really depends on where and when you’re looking at. And calling it “Classical Christian” implies a sort of harmony between older classical ideas and the newer Christian religion that often wasn’t there (e.g., iconoclasm). Not to mention that, from the perspective of the East, the civilization continued on for much longer. Indeed, the Byzantines competed with the Goths for rule of Italy for over 200 years after the the fall of Rome but were eventually driven out by the Italians and Franks, who were definitely Christian but definitely not Classical.
There is a lot snark in your framing here, and not a lot of consistency. You bounce back and forth between pointing out that the cultural identity experienced by Europeans had shifted from a geographical concept to a religious concept, then springboard from that to accusations that it was a racial war between ethnicities.
The Crusades were motivated by a desire to continue the rollback of Islamic invaders and reclaim the Holy Land. This was both a religious movement, and a result of the deep seated undercurrent of Christendom as successor to Rome desiring to restore the Empire. I’m not sold on it being particularly racial, as at the time concepts of ethnicity drew dividing lines much finer than the modern concepts of race, and concepts of ‘nation’ were very different from the modern as well. Add in the fact that soldiers are prone to loot and rape, that armies of the time were largely disorganized, not particularly unified groups, many of whom were along for the adventure and a chance to plunder, and you get events like the sack of Constantinople.
The Crusades are not, as a whole, a particularly egregious, unjustified, or brutal set of wars.
Classical civilization = is the long period of cultural history centered on the Mediterranean Sea, comprising the interlocking civilizations of ancient Greece and ancient Rome, collectively known as the Greco-Roman world. It is the period in which Greek and Roman society flourished and wielded great influence throughout Europe, North Africa and Western Asia.
In the 2 centuries after the fall of Rome, trade in Med continued, the aqueducts, irrigation works, and Roman roads in North Africa were used and maintained. Christianity became the predominant religion but little else changed.
And most sources date the end of Classical antiquity as not that long after the fall of Rome. If nothing else, the reign of Charlemagne marks a distinct point (768) at which the Classical period in the West can be said to have definitively ended. The laws were different (Salic law), the culture was different (Carolingian renaissance), the language of civil administration was different (Old French), and the locus of power was different (Central/Western Europe). You see the birth of a Europe that looks more like the following 500+ years than the preceding. The Muslims didn’t do that, even if they did drive some of the factors that contributed to it.
Reading over your posts again, Drake, I think we’re more in agreement than not about the history here.
Yes – the Muslims smashed apart classical civilization. Charlemagne laid the foundation for the Europe that would at hold it’s southwestern frontier and muddle it’s way into the High Middle Ages.
It ended when the Mediterranean Sea and North Africa was lost to the Muslims.
There’s our new motto: The Crusades Redux: We’ve got some unfinished business. /cranks shot gun.
And the EU will comply. Rather than have a backbone and say, ‘Know what? You people are trouble. First things first, outta UEFA!’ they’ll just say, ‘give them what they want and keep them quiet because trade deals and diversity.’
Turkey is actually not part of the EU. They’ve been on the application list for a long time, but never accepted.
Also, that’s quite the chutzpah for a Turk of all people to go pointing fingers on the subject of genocide. When your nation was an inspiration to Hitler, yet still officially denies the past, you don’t get to lecture people on this topic.
Also, also, the Turkish government has made it plain that they don’t want Turks who move to Europe to assimilate, they want them to remain Turks, so the Euros listen to the Turks at their own peril.
My terms for Turkish membership in the EU – Return Constantanople and grecian territories of Asia Minor to the Orthodox Greeks and pay reparations for the crimes of the Ottomans against Europeans.
I’d like to see a Jets/Army conference final. It sucks that the playoffs go into June, but at least it’s amazing hockey.
Playoff hockey (if it was occurring) beats all baseball.
Poor Swiss. In denial.
I remember when people would say Toews was greater than Crosby. The debate was if he should captain Team Canada.
Toews is very good but cooler, saner heads prevailed.
Crosby is by far the best player in professional hockey.
And yet is still a massive cunt.
They said the same crap about 99 and 66.
Off the ice, he’s a close to being a role model as any athlete on earf.
The guy is pure class. Like 99.
Outside of butthurt Flames fans (and Leafs fans after 1993), who said that about Gretzky? He was probably the most widely beloved player of my lifetime in any sport. He wasn’t a cheap-shotting sneaky piece of shit like 66 and 87.
People said that about Pepe LePew because it was absolutely true, and Crosby is his perfect little protege. There’s a reason the two of them are widely hated when Gretzky wasn’t.
And don’t misconstrue what I’m saying – they are both phenomenally gifted players. I would never deny their talent. Can’t stand either one of them or the disgusting franchise they represent.
I just remember the criticism.
And the ‘he had Semenko’ stuff.
I enjoy hating on Crosby – it’s fun! But stories like this make me like him a little.
It’s also reason number 20 gagillion why hockey is the best of all sports.
I also hate him but it’s mostly because of stuff like this-– also he’s such a fake tough guy.
I think we will see a Jets-Knights conference final. I’m hoping we do actually, the Knights should be able to beat Winnipeg easier than Nashville, but should be a tough series either way.
I’m also hoping for the Caps to keep winning cuz they haven’t won a game against the Golden Knights this year. If we get a Caps v Knights stanley cup finals, Vegas definitely wins.
But yeah, Go Knights Go!
Two lessons. First, the English language can be tricky. Next, you should go out and look at a dog. You don’t want to go through life not smiling.
‘Please be mindful of the donor and their family. Thank you!’
They’re being mindful.
From the SFgate anti semitic DC article:
“The Nation of Islam also does significant social and charitable work in black communities and retains some respect among those who don’t share their views.”
They wish all the Jews were dead. But they do really great charity work for African Americans so it’s ok.
You know who else did a lot of charity work?
The Clinton Foundation?
-Kanye West
Sorry about this response, but rules are rules.
Scrooge, in the end?
Cosa Nostra?
Kraft durch Freude!
Keith Ellison?
The Avengers?
The Nation of Islam?
A big LOL from the replies in that twitter link (one of many):
17h17 hours ago
Replying to @JesseKellyDC
Bears can smell when Robby’s period starts.
That is true. And it’s of a particularly acrid character.
A bag of pennies soaked in apple cider vinegar.
The Winnipeg Jets are incredible. The way they throw the puck around especially on the PP is Oilersesque from the 80s. Or at least like the Red Wings of the 90s. They’re so good they have really, really good team stunned.
I can understand why the Caps-Pens is intense. The Caps want to exorcise the demons baaaaaadddd. Ovechkin is a demon as is Crosby.
Roma-Liverpool. Lightning doesn’t strike twice. Liverpool will hang on. But what the heck were they thinking in the first leg allowing them all that space? I don’t get the tactics there.
Juve had Real in their palms. Damn fucken referee. Now we have to see them in a final again. Dammit.
The Caps-Pens series has delivered, Tom Wilson is such a villain and I love it as a Caps fan.
That looked a little dirty the hit though.
The Caps had to show backbone against a team like the Pens. It’s only going to get better.
If Wilson would cut down on the meathead stuff, he’d be a pretty good player.
yeah, but he’s a very entertaining troll. Don’t get me wrong I would fucking hate him if he played for the bruins or flyers.
Price Pump to leave Sonoma for Idaho
Terrific story about a company bailing on California after 70+ years.
I wonder when the commies are gonna start trying to prevent these companies from bailing out. The same thing is happening here, albeit on a smaller scale. The pols don’t seem to grasp that moving is a relatively simple thing for people with money.
Sounds like he was never a supporter of proggy governance so no worries about him taking his cancerous ideology with him. If only all Cali refugees were the same way.
See: New Hampshire and Massholes, Or NV/AZ and Californicators.
Piazza was a deep dish wrecker anyhow. We don’t need him /California
That Laffer / Moore article really had Minnesoda in its sights. I didn’t know MN was trying to compete with the Left coast to drive out the middle class.
Nikki got to Robby!
Just the worst.
Froot Sooshi. Never a more appropriate moniker.
The REALLY fucking stupid part about that statement from Robbie is that there likely isn’t a single one of those dads who thinks of his daughter as his property or her virginity as something that belongs to him. The near universal message of the dad with the shotgun is not “don’t touch my property” but rather “don’t you dare hurt my little girl by pushing her into doing things she isn’t ready for yet”.
Now, he may be wrong about how ready she is but in a very real sense the dads who do the whole “I have a shotgun and an alibi” thing to their daughters dates are fighting against the “rape culture” that progressives claim exist not making a claim on her virtue
I think, if I recall, anti-semitism is higher in the black community than any other outside of course you know who…Eskimos.
Add to this mix progressives tend to be anti-semitics as well and well, you get that story which shouldn’t surprised anyone.
So you have this projection going on. The people who scream for ‘unity’ and ‘diversity’ the most are actually the bigots. I don’t see what’s so hard to miss here.
Also, Muslims who claim to face discrimination of various kinds….they got nothing on the Jews. Nothing.
Also, Muslims who claim to face discrimination of various kinds….they got nothing on the Jews. Nothing.
While this may be true, it is also smacks of an argument from the BS intersectional greater grievance comparison games.
This whole mindless focus on race and racism is ruining us. Injustice is ALWAYS individual. Group identity is a red herring, the Nazi crime was not one count of killing six million Jews, it was six million counts of murder. In other words the crime is not that the victims were Jewish, it is that they were killed without any justification.
Don’t hit people and don’t take their stuff. Call it the NAP, the Golden Rule, The Categorical Imperative, call it whatever you want, but if we don’t eventually learn to actually follow it even when we are acting as “government”, we will always end up with atrocities.
Boy Scouts. I don’t see what they had to do this. Why not just improve what the Girl Guides (what they call them here in Canada) do and just match what the Boy Scouts do? Why go in and mess up the BSA?
Is nothing sacred anymore? It was BOY scouts. Mixing boys and girls for its own sake is not necessarily good thing.
Boys want to be with boys. My daughter is 13 and generally likes to be in girl groups not mixed ones.
They did it because the Girl Scouts don’t do anything of interest. Girls wanted to participate in an organization that actually did some scouting, so instead of changing the Girl Scouts, which is run by feminists who are more interested in a political agenda than scouting, they came after the Boy Scouts.
As a result, the Boy Scouts will become irrelevant as well.
I seriously doubt that teenage girls were sitting around wishing they could go camping and hiking.
Angry feminist sniffed out a place were young men were escaping their supervision and destroyed it. And yes, the BS Scouts are now done.
Exactly. They’re going to dumb down the standards….for the girls….for the equality.
“Is nothing sacred anymore?”
That is the point. Sacred things are sacred for a reason. They are the foundations of society. Smashing the stones that make up the foundation is the goal of progressives.
The thing about revolutions is that they almost never turn out how the revolutionaries think they will. After they get done destroying Western Civilization, these affluent, mostly white, progs are not going to like the world they created very much.
See: Sweden.
The Campfire Girls quietly integrated decades ago and are now just Campfire.
“Mixing boys and girls for its own sake is not necessarily good thing.”
I’d argue that it’s not just not necessarily good, but necessary to let the genders have their own space from time to time. But I’m one of those super bigots that thinks the genders have some inherent differences so just ignore me.
“Teenage boys, goaded by their surging hormones run in packs like the primal horde. They have only a brief season of exhilarating liberty between control by their mothers and control by their wives.”
-Camille Paglia once again
*snort* that is really funny.
I have two teenage boys that are in that phase. It is amusing to watch their mother fume that she can no longer control their every move.
I don’t think integrating Cub Scouts is a bad idea. I’ve mentioned it before here, but my son’s pack is already basically coed – the sisters of many of the boys come to the meetings and the campouts and do the activities. They just don’t wear uniforms or get badges. Supposedly when girls are officially accepted next year, each level will have a boys den and a girls den that are separate, but we’ll see how that goes.
Integrating girls into Boy Scouts, however, is asking for trouble. They go camping a lot more (once a month in the local troop, as opposed to twice a year for Cubs) and have much less adult supervision.
Integrating girls into Boy Scouts, however, is asking for trouble. They go camping a lot more (once a month in the local troop, as opposed to twice a year for Cubs) and have much less adult supervision.
That may be, but it is the inevitable result of integrating the Cub Scouts. You can’t have an organization open to both sexes that only allows one sex to advance.
What? I thought all of corporate America was exactly that?
You’re not supposed to bring up the “women in leadership”, “affirmative action” and “diversity” programs.
Hate to admit it, but this Boy Scout shit is a complete yawner for me.
I never had any interest in scouting. If I wanted to go hunting, fishing or camping I just did it. I didn’t need any fucking group of dweebs to bring me. I also had a good supply of grumpy old men who would teach you whatever you wanted to know about outdoor stuff. (and as a bonus you could learn some really good new words).
I’ve also put them on the list of places I don’t want my kids to join because they don’t like the unreligious, they don’t really teach hunting/shooting anymore and they wanted to be able to discriminate about who joins (fine by me) AND still get govt perks when it comes to using parks (not cool).
I will say this – for a kid not from an outdoorsy family (which many of the boys in my son’s pack are not), it’s a worthwhile program. It’s also nice to get him interested in something besides video games. I don’t mind him playing Playstation, but holy shit he would play 10 hours straight if we let him.
I’m right there with ya. I was thrown out of the Cub Scouts for taking the Lord’s name in vain at a den cookout so I really don’t care how they want to run their organization. Regardless, everyone knows The Galactic Girl Guides are far better at preparing young women for the future.
Sweden criminalizes criticism of Islam and starts fining people for “crimes of opinion”
Welcome to dhimmitude, just declare it an Islamic Republic already.
It’s too late for a new Charles Martel, it will take a new Vlad the Impaler.
Eastern Europe might produce the next Jan Sobieski who clears them out with Winged Hussars.
Or Nikola Šubić Zrinski’ who won’t submit.
If you call the Zrinski an “East” European, Croats are gonna go have a real huff, you know! They are Mitteleuropa!
Impaled heads along the highway system should about do it.
Europe is done. Time to cast them adrift and shore up our ties with Australia and Canada and try to keep them from going down the rabbit hole.
Most unfortunately, there’s going to be a major upswing in Far-Right nativist political support in all these countries. I would not be surprised at all to see this smoldering mess combust into another world war in our lifetimes.
I’m surprised that it hasn’t already done so.
Whatever one might think of Mark Steyn (I’m generally a fan, but I know not everyone is), he called that shit at least a decade ago. Not just the Islamization of Europe, but the backlash that will fuel a resurgence of actual no-shit Nazi movements that will make things even worse.
There’s too much green. People can say, it’s just 5% but that’s enough. When you get to 10% – forget it. You’re done. And they ain’t coming to marvel at the Mona Lisa if you get my drift.
That was Steyn’s point – that there is a critical mass of Muslims in a society that constitutes a tipping point.
I think the Muslim migrant population in Germany is already at around 8%, I read that somewhere not too long ago. and more than 80% of them don’t speak German and are on welfare.
They better know how to play soccer.
Steyn has the best sense of humor of any of the political bloviators out there.
See also Bruce Bawer – a gay man living in Norway – this book was 2007 (can’t remember Steyn’s book from the same period).
Exactly. If I’m America, I pour efforts in countries that still really are conservative at its core in Australia and Canada. I refuse to believe my country will fall.
Time to take the garbage out.
I gotta tell ya, as an outsider I don’t see Canada as particularly reliable on that front. Now, that may be because, like most Americans, my impressions of Canadian society are pretty much exclusively derived from Toronto and Montreal, and not from Canada as a whole.
Neither do I, Canada seems to be more infected than California. I think it’s already become terminal.
Inner Canada is like interior California.
Canada is not as bad as California. We get our cues from them on some stupid issues.
‘In California…’ as if they’re the fucken standard.
Other than that, I agree. Canada isn’t reliable and certainly not under Trudeau. My fear is his bull shit does find inroads. His father started us on this very bad path and he’s looking to further it.
We just have to hope the conservatives don’t become like the GOP infested with Rinos.
“In California they do it that way!”
“Exactly, that’s why we must not.”
I pour efforts in countries
Sadly, what we have are Soroses doing precisely the opposite.
Canada is right now, going through it’s Obama years with Zoolander. Hopefully, they elect someone more like Trump after that experience. In Europe, probably only the eastern countries like Poland and Hungary are salvageable. The UK and Sweden are done, with Germany right behind them.
I’ve been accused of a slippery slope fallacy for saying that hate speech laws would lead to criminalizing opinions. I hate being right.
How long before some of these countries try to criminalize the speech of deplorables like me who operate outside of their jurisdiction?
Act of War?
Well that is fair. It isn’t like the US hasn’t passed all sorts of banking laws that boss other countries around.
Jurisdiction is such an old fashioned concept anyhow. just because you live in a backwards place doesn’t mean that your betters living in more enlightened places shouldn’t be able to pass laws to control you.
What, you mean like our special prosecutor (or was it the DOJ) who just charged Russian citizens that have never been to the United States with election tampering?
And this isn’t really a link, per se. But there’s a lot of comedy in this tweet. Even more in the comments to the original. Please enjoy as much as I did.
Wow. Now there’s a soy boy. If a man can’t even understand the impulse of men to protect the women in their life, especially their daughters, he’s no man at all. That impulse is basically hard-wired into most men.
I can just sense the toxic masculinity oozing out of you. Report to tonight’s struggle session, tovarisch!
Related to Tundra’s link above; this is what happens when Kommiefornia refugees take over.
Texas, Arizona and Idaho should be very afraid.
Hopefully gets smacked down as contradicting state law, which is supreme.
I’m guessing that Idaho will be deep blue within another 5 years as hordes of mind hive people flee CA.
Boulder has always been full of progressive idiots. No California migration necessary.
Letters to the Local Rag: Property Taxes Only Hurt the Rich Edition
Who pays my property taxes? You do every time you go to Lowes and buy lumber.
Not to mention that property tax is passed through to renters as part of the rent. Everyone pays property tax, either directly or indirectly.
“Who pays rent?”
/Section 8er
Presentation by noted gay libertarian Jewish neoNazi YouTuber Dave Rubin at the University of New Hampshire moved at the last minute due to threats of violence (for those of you not familiar with him, he’s just about as middle of the road as you can get):
I wonder how many of the threateners will be investigated and expelled. My guess is somewhere less than one.
Former lefty who saw the light. Apostates are most hated in any fanatical cult.
The students who tried to shut him down would have a fucking heart attack if they came to this website and had a gander at the comments section if they couldn’t handle that guy.
Dave Rubin is so moderate, it’s almost as if the screeching lefties are trying to find the mildest, least offensive person they can as a hate symbol to push the Overton Window as far to the left as possible.
Note: I like Rubin (seriously, how do you hate Dave Rubin? It seems like that would require a lot of effort.)
New York finance firm moving HQ to Nashville
On Fox Business this morning Dagen McDowell talked about this and went on an epic rant about how much NYC sucks.
It’s may be my personal bias, but I don’t mind the Boy Scouts allowing in girls solely because they actually teach useful skills unlike the Girls Scouts which is a total waste of time and kicked me out for political reasons, by political I mean for fighting with other girls.
I dont have a problem with integrating the BS as long as their curriculum is unchanged. Hell, I am teaching my grand daughter how to handle a gun.
As it was explained to us as Cub Scout parents, the girls will come in officially next year, but there will be a separate den. IOW, there will be a boys Weblos den and a girls Weblos den, a boys Bear den and a girls Bear den, and so on. I highly doubt that will last very long – once you cave in the first place, you will inevitably cave when the lefty mob starts braying about “THAT’S NOT REAL INTEGRATION” – but that’s the way they’re selling it now.
There’s no reason the program has to change though. Hell, my daughter’s Y Princesses (aka Indian Princesses) nation did actual rifle shooting while my son’s Cub Scout pack only does air rifles.
“I’ve got an idea, how about we make them separate, but equal!”
Indian Princesses is far superior to GS. GS has gone fully down the SJW rabbit hole too, so fuck them.
Too young. Do I look like OMWC to you?
Absolutely, which is why my daughter is in Princesses, not the Girl Scouts. There’s no way in hell I’d send her to that Young Pioneers wannabe outfit.
Mixing teen girls and boys changes the dynamic entirely. It changes how they both behave and dramatically increases the need for supervision.
Now you get to fight with Sloopy.
Curious: do you set up a little ring for your girls, then take wagers? First one with a knockdown or who flings shit out of the ring wins?
Surely it had to look just like this.
Let’s compromise. The Bi Scouts.
It’s been 30 years since my kids were involved, but the Girl Scouting organization sucked back then. My wife (a leader) and daughter both hated that they couldn’t do the stuff my son and I were allowed to do. We basically quit the Girl Scouting organization and ran more “family” events in our boy scout troop.
I seriously want the Boy Scouts to open up and let my daughter participate back then. But I fear that the dynamics of SJWs may be a corrupting influence at this time.
Okay, but if you threaten another scout with a knife, you probably lose your Totin’ Chip (knife-carrying privilege) for a long time, not just the one campout. Tell the girls to just stick to pissing in their enemies’ sleeping bags.
That’s discrimination Brett, you know they don’t have the precision aim.
Isn’t Girl Scouts just an operations in which you pay them to enslave your kids as slave labor to sell their cookies.
Wow that’s a fucked up sentence. I’m just gonna go back to working now.
You should have made it sell their slave cookies. Flows better.
pretty much
Uffda. I wish I would have known about Tom Friedman giving a talk in Minnesoda. I would have bought Tundra a ticket.
Local pinko columnist gushes about Friedman although he does admit that after the talk he still had no idea what he was talking about.
Let me put my synergy hat on first.
Wow, that’s a total paradigm shift. Let’s go leverage some knowledge.
“Never think in the box. Never think out of the box. Today you must think without a box.”
You know, I’ve heard Jordan Peterson described as what a dumb person thinks a smart person sounds like. No reason I’m bringing that up while quoting Friedman.
We should’ve gone just to ask stupid questions.
“Mr. Fried-man, what if the box in question is a Three-Lock Box?”
I’d be too worried that Friedman would mistake our mockery for actual deep thoughts.
Even worse, he’d accurately attribute that quote to you in his next book. How would you feel about that?
Shit, I’d probably end up being elected Governor. The progs do love themselves some pseudo-intellectual blather.
Drudge has red print and even a little siren for big, breaking news. What’s this place gonna do to indicate big news?
A strobing mushroom cloud?
I’m thinking a flashing Doomcock and Sasquatch roar.
A gif of boobs bouncing back and forth?
What’s this place gonna do to indicate big news?
An HM emoji-fest.
Surbaugh predicted that both boys and girls in Scouts BSA would refer to themselves simply as scouts, rather than adding “boy” or “girl” as a modifier.
So…what does the “BSA” in “Scouts: BSA” stand for then?
Bull Shit Army?
Both sexes allowed?
just tweeted…
NHL Player Safety
Verified account @NHLPlayerSafety
14m14 minutes ago
Washington’s Tom Wilson will have a hearing today for an illegal check to the head on Pittsburgh’s Zach Aston-Reese.
It was a head shot. Gotta bounce him.
Maybe I’m jaded b/c I’m old and have seen way too many flagrant head shots… but it sure looks like initial contact was chest to shoulder and Wilson just plowed through ZAR’s shoulder from the side to make contact with his head.
So how many games do you think?
At least two, if the league has any balls. The big mistake was leaving his feet. It looks like had he just skated through him, it would have been fine. ZAR saw him the whole way.
This shit and the incessant cross checking can’t exit the game fast enough.
I don’t really recall all the relentless annoying-as-fuck cross checking prior to a few years back. I must’ve missed a rule change.
At the heart of the debacle is City Councilman Trayon White, who ignited a firestorm on March 16 by posting a short video on his Facebook page claiming that an unexpected snowfall was because of “the Rothschilds controlling the climate to create natural disasters.”
Leftists can’t stop calling everyone with whom they disagree a ‘fascist’ while engaging in actual fascist behavior.
Gosh I hate some of my co-workers. This one got a lot of pushback yesterday because she was doing something to ‘help the customer’ but really was just commandeering our time for something to get the customer off her back. Today I get an email from her informing us that she is going to do something against our basic policy ‘at the risk of getting her hand slapped’. Look, jerk, don’t try to get sympathy points because people pushed back against you admit you did wrong and then move on. (And try to learn something on the way). But this refusal to admit they were wing and trying to get people to feel bad about pushing back is so passive aggressive and part if why society is so messed up.
What? Are you knocking passive aggressiveness?
*A million Minnesoda voices shout Uffda in unison, then smile and say that is “quite the deal”*
Passive aggressiveness is worse than active aggressiveness.
FDR: Friend of the Jews
There have been numerous questions about why Franklin Delano Roosevelt didn’t do more to help the endangered Jews of Europe escape the inferno of the Nazi Holocaust and help them flee to the United States, but now evidence has arisen with one salient answer: Roosevelt wanted the Jews to go anywhere but the United States.
Roosevelt had written in 1925, “No sensible American wants this country to be made a dumping ground for foreigners of any nation, but it is equally true that there are a great many foreigners who, if they came here, would make exceedingly desirable citizens. It becomes, therefore, in the first place, a question of selection … a little new European blood of the right sort does a lot of good in every community.”
Examples of “the right sort” included immigrants from Southern Germany and Northern Italy.
Roosevelt’s goals for the committee were to find “the vacant places of the earth suitable for post-war settlement” and the “type of people who could live in those places.” The first places to be examined were South America and Central Africa. FDR wrote, “Is the South Italian stock—say, Sicilian—as good as the North Italian stock—say, Milanese—if given equal economic and social opportunity? Thus, in a given case, where 10,000 Italians were to be offer[ed] settlement facilities, what proportion of the 10,000 should be Northern Italians and what Southern Italian?”
Do you know who else? (albeit with a different population of people)
Yet another reason to loathe good old FDR.
Hrdlička couldn’t get Roosevelt to give him total control, so he left the project, leaving it to Isaiah Bowman, president of Johns Hopkins University and a geographer, who held anti-Semitic views. Roosevelt had written Bowman in 1938, “Frankly, what I am rather looking for is the possibility of uninhabited or sparsely inhabited good agricultural lands to which Jewish colonies might be sent … such colonies need not be large but, in all probability, should be large enough for mutual cooperation and assistance—say fifty to one hundred thousand people in a given area.”
In May 1943, Roosevelt told Winston Churchill that the M Project was about “the problem of working out the best way to settle the Jewish question,” Vice President Henry Wallace, who attended the meeting, recorded that Roosevelt endorsed that the idea “essentially is to spread the Jews thin all over the world.”
Do you know who else? (ok that may be a bit harsh, but FDR was an ass. then again, wasn’t he kind of butt-buddies w/ Joseph Stalin? Nvmd. Fuck him.)
Who knew that Roosevelt and Adolf Eichmann had so much in common?
/deliberately missing the point
Social engineering-obsessed progressives? Who’da guessed.
OK, so Trump should say these exact words next time he talks about immigration (just replace the Italian stuff with Central America and Middle East), and when the prog outrage machine is just about to reach orgasm, drop the source on their head.
Meh, in today’s culture, they’ll just unperson FDR. Even orthodox Marxism is outre today because it denies any struggle except along class lines.
Gov Mumbles is back in the news demanding that the GOP give educators a one time bump in emergency funding. Dayton says that schools are facing horrible layoffs and program cuts.
Even liberal MPR says the reason for the troubles are:
So the people who run our schools should be given more money because they have less students, signed overpriced contracts with teachers and haven’t budgeted correctly for special kids? Well all right then.
Costs of special education programs have soared.
Hmmm. I wonder if that’s due to the ever-expanding definition of ‘special needs’ and the nearly 1-1 staff student ratio.
Nah, couldn’t be.
Well those problems certainly sound like they’d be fixed with a one-time “emergency” bump.
Oh, with the right sort of ‘bump’ you reduce overhead by eliminating administrative and directorial staff, and you even save on their pensions.
Well, she is 60, so right in Macron’s sweet spot.
But…but…these are “POC” saying this! It’s an integral part of their culture! RACISTS!!!!!!!
Meh, let me know when they start throwing bananas at black players.
In the grand European tradition.
Must have been some Americans snuck into that game. Everyone knows that Americans are the only racists on the planet.
Much like Thomas Jefferson invented slavery, then co-opted the British empire into retroactively practicing the evil trade for centuries.
There’s a reason FIFA has to make such a big deal about their “say no to racism” campaign…because Americans are so rabid about their soccer. Sorry futball.
We have the bad form of cheering on the American team, regardless of which players take the field. Makes Europeans look a little insular and bigoted.
Oh, and we don’t give a fuck about their home clubs or leagues or whatever, which makes us even worse.
throwing bananas at black players.
I may have laughed too hard at the prospect of Hispanic fans doing this.
Team officials pledged to enforce a zero-tolerance policy towards “the use of offensive language and inappropriate chants” at the new stadium.
What’s the point of even going to the game then?
“What’s the point of even going to the game then?”
No kidding.
“Mr. Referee, I do believe you were incorrect about that call! Oh well, I’m sure you’ll get it next time. Cheerio!”
What’s this place gonna do to indicate big news?
How about this?
Attention anyone that will be unfortunate to be near Philadelphia this Friday: we’re having a meetup! We’ll be at the Yard House in King of Prussia. I’ll be there around 8.
Any interest, email me at gwynapnaud @ gmail. 4 confirmed so far.
Anyone who uses Facebook as their primary source of news deserves what they get.
If The Onion isn’t ranked at the top of the heap, their rating system is broken.
The stories that they have printed over the years have been prescient. All the stupidity that goes on now, I saw it first in The Onion.
– Pope Jimbo, Systems Analyst
Eliminating any and all male-only organizations is just going to drive boys and young men underground even faster. Hey progs cheering integration of BSA, you want more 4chan, MGTOW and GamerGate? This is how you get more 4chan, MGTOW and GamerGate.
There’s no reason women should be excluded from MGTOW, sexist shitlord.
No shit.
Libertarian professional wrestler and demon from hell Kane, aka Glenn Jacobs, won his primary to be Republican mayor candidate of Knox County, Tennessee. He’s expected to win the general election now.
LIBERTARIAN MOMENT!!!!!111 *Ron Paul it’s happening gif* !!!!
I’ll take a libertarian professional wrestler over a professional Libertarian wrestler any day.
He won by 17 votes and there are 43 provisional ballots being possibly counted on Thursday.
So it isn’t quite official yet.
He should be okay, looks like at most 5 legit ballots.
I’ve always been a fan of Kane, even before I knew he was a libertarian. Good for him!
There have been numerous questions about why Franklin Delano Roosevelt didn’t do more to help the endangered Jews of Europe escape the inferno of the Nazi Holocaust and help them flee to the United States, but now evidence has arisen with one salient answer: Roosevelt wanted the Jews to go anywhere but the United States.
I thought we knew that, already.
Hyperion, any thoughts on the new Oculus Go? $200 and wireless seems like a step in the right direction to me, although I assume the limited processing power will put some limits on the content. I read a couple reviews last night that were pretty complimentary.
I’m not yet sold on the VR myself, but as someone who just enjoys following the industry it seemed like an interesting development.
I’m going to wait until the teledildonics catches up.
Holodeck or GTFO.
Ok, but they better work off USB3, I am *not* upgrading my laptop to get new ports.
::starts saving for laptop upgrade::
Pfft, I had that years ago.
Did I post this already?
The gains look pretty marginal, but that’s still interesting.
Gonna guess that before much yeoman’s work can be done, it’ll be bogged down in complaints about ethnic representation. Research groups will need to bring on experts in ethnonasal simulation. And don’t you dare think a white man can hit the fill tool unless it’s filling a pinkish-white hue. You’ll need persons of color to craft schnozes with the cultural respect and accuracy they deserve.
You are wise in the ways of the world.
Maybe the researches can test whether an image of a clown-nose is equally effective.
I have PSVR and I’m very happy with it. I think the price just dropped down to $300 for the full setup.
“Hyperion, any thoughts on the new Oculus Go? $200 and wireless”
I haven’t really looked into it because my initial impression when I heard about it was that it’s lower spec than the Rift. I think it’s just aimed at getting more people into VR and not really for hardcore gamers and VR fans. The only headsets out now that I would consider is either the VIVE Pro of the Samsung Odyssey, both of which have higher resolution that the Rift or VIVE. And the VIVE Pro is going to get wireless later on. There’s also that Chinese headset that’s supposed to be 4K and a much wider FOV. Thing is, I’ll be surprised if the thing is ever released in the US, the Chinese are not too keen on safety standards and strapping a piece of Chinese hardware onto my head for hours is not something I’m even thinking about.
Has this been discussed yet? Because it’s pretty fucking awesome.
Caputo to Senate Intel Committee: “Goddamn you to hell!”
Hopefully that is the “have you no sense of decency, sir?” moment of this whole charade. For the young who might miss the reference.
Evidence shows we didn’t do a good enough job at rooting out the reds.
I’m sure it was cathartic for him to write that.
Unfortunately destroying anyone even tangentially associated with Trump is a feature not a bug. Mueller probably fapped to this letter.
Self-appointed “paleo-libertarian activist” goes on tweetstorm rant about teh Bitcoinz.
No worky.
Remember that time the Trump administration spied on journalists and threatened, through investigation, to prosecute them for espionage because of what they reported about the administration? Me neither.
If Donald J. Trump decides as president to throw a whistle-blower in jail for trying to talk to a reporter, or gets the F.B.I. to spy on a journalist, he will have one man to thank for bequeathing him such expansive power: Barack Obama.
Mr. Trump made his animus toward the news media clear during the presidential campaign, often expressing his disgust with coverage through Twitter or in diatribes at rallies. So if his campaign is any guide, Mr. Trump seems likely to enthusiastically embrace the aggressive crackdown on journalists and whistle-blowers that is an important yet little understood component of Mr. Obama’s presidential legacy.
Criticism of Mr. Obama’s stance on press freedom, government transparency and secrecy is hotly disputed by the White House, but many journalism groups say the record is clear. Over the past eight years, the administration has prosecuted nine cases involving whistle-blowers and leakers, compared with only three by all previous administrations combined. It has repeatedly used the Espionage Act, a relic of World War I-era red-baiting, not to prosecute spies but to go after government officials who talked to journalists.
Under Mr. Obama, the Justice Department and the F.B.I. have spied on reporters by monitoring their phone records, labeled one journalist an unindicted co-conspirator in a criminal case for simply doing reporting and issued subpoenas to other reporters to try to force them to reveal their sources and testify in criminal cases.
I experienced this pressure firsthand when the administration tried to compel me to testify to reveal my confidential sources in a criminal leak investigation. The Justice Department finally relented — even though it had already won a seven-year court battle that went all the way to the Supreme Court to force me to testify — most likely because they feared the negative publicity that would come from sending a New York Times reporter to jail.
“”Mr. Trump made his animus toward the news media clear””
I love how this is always cast as some irrational, one-sided feeling. he spent the previous 30 years of his life *courting* and desperately seeking out the attention of the news media. It seems he only developed this bizarre resentment after being rebranded as “Rapist Hitler” by the brave public-interest-defending folks @ WaPo and CNN.
I’m sensing a pattern here.
We notice you’re running an ad-blocker–”
*pause adblock*
*hit “stop” before ads can load*
I am increasingly disappointed that the adblocker blocker blockers are falling behind.
No, I won’t jump through hops for a random site. They have declared that they do not want me there, so I leave.
No, I won’t jump through hops for a random site. They have declared that they do not want me there, so I leave.
We get it, we get it,you don’t like beer.
Interesting comments about the insane levels of ideological intolerance.
Coming soon to a city near you, to destroy it also.
Denver’s already there; part of why I left.
Not anything someone who doesn’t live under a rock wouldn’t know, but it’s worth the click just to see the picture.
Liver disease is a hell of a way to go.
I truly love Trudeau. This ‘woke’ pretty boy is so hilarious in his stupidity.
“We love immigrants, but there are too many coming to Canada. We want to stop them from coming here in a ‘woke’ af kind of way. Anyways, it’s Drumpf’s fault. He’s anti-immigrant. Not me, Fidel Castro’s son.”
The US is racist for enforcing its borders but the US needs to enforce its borders to prevent brown people from getting to Canada. Got it.
I’ve been saying that it’s much cheaper to charter some busses, load the immigrants on them and ship them up to Vancouver than it is to go through the immigration court process.
Vancouver? Yellowknife. Make it difficult to get back.
Brilliant minds think alike, they say.
What illegal immigration problem? Didn’t queen Zoolander say xe wants all of them? Maybe that’s the problem, let’s send xe the ‘caravan’. From now on, anyone crosses the Mexican/US border illegally, we bus them to Canada. Problem solved.
Castro was so anti-immigrant, he didn’t even want his own people becoming immigrants to other countries.
That’s what I find so hilarious about ostensibly “liberal” commentators. They rail against Trump’s anti-immigrant policies (regardless of the fact that still, even under Trump, the US takes in more immigrants than ever country in the world combined), but they shrug as the British refuse to allow a family to leave their borders to seek treatment for their dying son.
Seems a little more authoritarian to stop people from leaving your borders than restricting who can enter your borders.
But, again, the “liberal order” is neither “liberal” nor worth preserving
I like how they are shifting blame instead of considering the massive “pull” factor: free money. You can’t complain that immigrants are costing you too much if your policy is to give free money to anyone who crosses your border.
I have mentioned this before: my resume is practically tailor-made for a high-paying position at Google. I would not be caught dead there no matter how much they wanted to pay me.
Wait, you’re actually a disabled black lesbian?
Disabled black otherkin. Bitch please.
for people who have WSJ paywall problems =
try pasting the link into Google, clicking on first search result
Or this:
‘“Sex Positive at Google” group members are concerned that explicit content is being unfairly removed from Google Drive file-sharing software.’
I’m here for the gangbang.
Ms. Newkirk had been invited by some employees to discuss her view that animals can be subject to prejudice just as people can, as part of the company’s “Talks at Google” series. Another group of employees said the topic was offensive to humans who face racism, and they protested.
Is love of boobs the qualification for Google? Huh.
Ever turn safe search off?
Reviewing all that content is a tough job, but someone’s gotta do it.
If they truly are having “nonstop political arguments” at their workplace, then they don’t have enough actual work going around to occupy their time and should probably downsize. But I guess if you have insane profit margins you can afford the luxury of turning your workplace into a cesspool of factionalism. Why you would choose that luxury, instead of literally any other, is beyond me, but it takes all sorts, I guess.
In case anyone was wondering where this might eventually lead:
“We’re not antisemites. We just hate Jews….I mean…Israelis…..I mean….Zionists. Yeah, that’s the ticket. We hate ‘Zionists’. And Jews.”
– Women’s March
More blue-on-blue. I can’t get enough.
As an aside: fuck the ADL almost as much as the ALCU. Just another useless lefty pressure group/satellite of the Dems.
Yet (((reform-types))) will continue to vote D in lockstep. (((They))) no longer even deserve the parentheses since they’ve replaced Judaism with Leftist politics.
Meanwhile, the (((orthodox-types))) are voting R while making more babies and apostatizing less. The face of the American Jewish community is changing.
If you drive around my neighborhood, this is abundantly clear. I swear every orthodox Jewish couple around here have at least 6 kids by the time they’re 30ish.
Well, it gets harder after they turn 40.
That hasn’t been my experience.
Oh, you mean harder to have babies. Sure, no argument there.
Well, “Be fruitful and multiply” was one of the earliest commandments.
“‘on the one hand, they’re crazy assholes; on the other hand, they are seen as having a positive impact within the Crazy Asshole community”
I feel like you don’t see this qualified criticism very often in the media
(particularly that last line – that, “even tho some don’t share their views, they are treated with respect regardless”)
You rarely see this sort of qualification provided for anyone else who rubs the left the wrong way – even when, in many cases, they might be 100X more credible and respected than the fucking Nation of Islam.
e.g. people will be described as “far right” and “controversial” and whose supporters are “trolls”… for having opinions like “there are only 2 genders”.
Meanwhile, you can have NOI denying the holocaust and insist the CIA caused AIDS, and they’ll get this, “Well, they do sometimes do literacy work w/ convicts” backhanded praise.
Hitler’s policies benefitted some people so I guess that outweighs all the terrible stuff he did.
George Soros?
They aren’t exactly unique in doing community social work. The KKK did it. The Medellin Cartel did it, which is why Escobar retained so much support among all the locals despite all the murders/assassinations/blowing up a plane. The mafia did it. Terrorist groups in the Middle East do it.
“The KKK also does significant social and charitable work in white communities and retain some respect among those who don’t share their views”
What kind of nonsense is this? Where are the Klan soup kitchens? It was the Klan that would bomb and burn churches that actually provided charity. This is such a stupid take
I was being a bit glib (ha!), but the second Klan did a good deal of social work. Most of the overt violence was after their membership collapsed in the mid 1920s.
I screwed up. I didn’t catch what you were doing there. Well played, sir
Witch Hunt
Good grief is this out of control. Who would have ever seen that coming? Have you ever lived in Russia? Have you even known a Russian? Have you ever talked to a Russian? Ever seen one? What about driven past one on the highway? Expect a subpoena soon then. We may never get Trump, but we’re going to get someone, somehow, for something, or nothing for that matter.
Can you see Russia from your house? Sure, now it’s important.
These people are absolute pricks:
“A Warner spokeswoman told CNN after the closed-door interview that the senator wouldn’t comment on any witnesses, ‘regardless of how outlandish or attention-seeking they might be.'”
Assholes. Fuck the swamp: every single person who works as an apparatchik needs to be treated like the Chinese Empire did their bureaucrats: no more than 3 years in any one place. After that time, we move you somewhere else. DC right now? Congratulations congressional aide, your new posting is in Barrow, AK.
I’ve become a very big believer in decentralizing the federal government. Scatter Cabinet-level departments around the country.
“It’s your friendly neighborhood taxman!”
No thanks. Not unless it’s at the end of a noose.
Look at the cancerous spread into Northern VA.
Trump actually mentioned that.
That’s the real objective – destroy as many people associated with Trump as possible and make sure nobody ever stands up to the Deep State again. It has nothing to do with justice or the integrity of our elections. It’s simply a bully using the legal process to crush wrong-thinking people.
Fellow Glibs, we all need to donate more so we can hire Lucy as a Glib writer.
If she’ll accept payment in titty pics I’ll be happy to contribute.
Don’t talk about Lucy!
Eh- throw in Raimondo too. They can balance each other out and still both hold the same positions on foreign policy
Lucy Steigerwald Retweeted
Bootniks, lol, I am sooo stealing that.
Le sigh.
Annual Mandatory “Training”.
On one hand the material doesn’t change from year to year and is boring as hell.
On the other hand, the system doesn’t even care if you give it wrong answers in most of the modules.
Are they going to teach ya’ll to confess your toxic masculinity and not to rape? Does free soy lattes come with the class?
No, it’s HIPAA, Cybersecurity, and materials safety disclosure training. That sort of stuff.
We don’t even work with hazardous materials with material safety data sheets.
Ooo. The next ones are “Sexual Harassment” “Ethics” and “Workplace Violence.”
*sighs in relief* So you shitlords are finally going to learn to not rape.
I’m always disappointed at those training sessions that they didn’t teach me how to more effectively sexually harass my coworkers.
Who says this is prevention training?
I first read that as “Ethnics” and had a chuckle.
“How to not be mean to the coloreds and chinamen in the workplace.”
HIPAA, heh, there’s something I know a little about. At least I know how to create the right check boxes.
We’ve got the same crap due by the end of the month. Why the fucking legal staff has to go through annual training on cardiac response and how to handle obese patients, I have no fucking idea. If you’re looking at your lawyer to rescue cardiac patients or lift hippos in and out of wheelchairs, your problem isn’t whether your lawyer is trained to do it.
Buzzfeed: going that extra yard for the stories that matter
worth it simply for the line “the hunt is on for the poopetrator”
They can deconstruct the poop to determine that at the end of the day they too are pieces of shit
“When Sally Haslanger, a prominent feminist philosophy professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, returned to her Cambridge office in August after a summer abroad, she found a padded envelope with no return address waiting for her.
She opened the package while sorting through her other junk mail and stuck her hand inside to feel what was there.
“Then I thought, ‘Oh shit,’” Haslanger said. “‘This is shit. I’m one of the other people who got the shit!’””
Because if there is one thing engineering needs, it’s feminist philosophy.
MIT has a liberal arts school
Also – i think the qualifier “feminist” is probably meaningless; either they’re a philosophy prof, or they’re not. And do engineers need to take philosophy classes? Many degrees do have requirements for theory.
I took a “Theory Of Science” class which was in the engineering department of my uni, where we read Popper and Kuhn and others.
i also had some engineering and computer science students in a “Theory of Mind” course which involved a large amount of clinical research on how the brain functions, various historical models of cognition, how memory functions, etc..
I’d probably agree that it would be silly if engineering students were required to write papers about Shakespeare… but for engineers to have some limited Philosophy requirements? Sure.
As an Engineering student I had to write papers about shakespeare.
I got a B when I realized the English professor was a twat and just wanted something that catered to her biases.
“”As an Engineering student I had to write papers about shakespeare.””
Was it because of a general requirement for a certain # of Arts+Science credits, and that’s how you fulfilled it?
Or was it, “every undergrad has to take a specific class (e.g. English 101 + 201)”?
iow, did you end up taking a shakespeare-specific class by choice to fulfill a general requirement? or was it a mandatory ‘survey of english lit’ class which happened to have some shakespeare in it?
It was the mandatory English 100 class, which was almost entirely shakespeare. I didn’t get to pick the course to fit that requirement.
One of the things that keeps me at least somewhat optimistic is the knowledge that all movements eventually suffer pushback, then fall apart. Ideas become passe, then repulsive over time. And, sure, it’s terribly saddening to see ideas like the rule of law, uncompromising freedom of expression, the right to self-defense, self-reliance, religion as a bulwark against the all-encompassing State, meritocracy, innovation and enterprise–all of the ideals which have made our civilization prosperous and liberal–fall out of fashion. But so, too, will the neo-Marxist victimhood culture gaining so much ground, and the pendulum will, I expect, swing against it. I think it’s a matter of effectiveness and tenaciousness. Authentically liberal ideas have staying power because they are effective and tenacious in spades, despite being difficult to explain simply or defend against the pat, Kiplingesque tales spun out of grievance ideology. But when victim culture yields no material improvements, yields nothing but backsliding and further dissolution for the victim groups it’s meant to empower, what then? Time and reality are working against the progressive left. They’re not butting heads with conservatives, or the “alt-right,” or white supremacists: they’re grappling with their own failed policies and titanic debts. They’ve built their castle on patronage politics and pension promises they cannot keep. When that foundation washes away, the whole edifice collapses.
Abandon all hope you silly silly man
I agree that mass-movements eventually collapse under their own weight, but I’m less optimistic about what comes after. History has shown that freedom, individual liberty and free markets are the exception, not the rule. By undermining the founding principles of Enlightenment ideals I think we end up with life returning to its nasty, brutish and short roots.
“When that foundation washes away, the whole edifice collapses.”
It can’t some fast enough, but they’ve already done extensive damage to society.
Well, like I said, I’m only somewhat optimistic. The Marxist left isn’t monolithic in their desires or ambitions. They’re not the Zerg. They have much more to fear from internal pressures than they do from a couple dozen khaki-wearing Nazi LARPers. So at the very least, I can look forward to watching the travesty of anti-intellectual anti-liberal progressivism tear itself apart. It’s gonna be vicious.
After they’ve tainted the word progressive, I wonder what they refer to themselves afterward? Wokeists?
Something anodyne which in application means precisely the opposite of what they preach. They gave up on “socialists” and “communists” because those terms were too accurate, and tipped their hand. They ran liberalism into the ground due to their policies, but they are certainly not liberals. Progressivism is a retrograde ideology that seeks to reverse the prosperity of emergent capitalism by imposing technocratic poverty.
Maybe “resistors”? They’re not “resisting” anything: they control every major institution of social and economic control. So the lie is baked into the term. And their tactics isn’t to “resist” incursions: they are the incursion, a virulent strain of cultural militants.
But so, too, will the neo-Marxist victimhood culture gaining so much ground, and the pendulum will, I expect, swing against it.
Sure. Nothing lasts forever. The question is, how much damage will they do before they finally ride off into the sunset?
From that Google article:
Many companies have struggled to strike a balance between employees’ right to share their opinions and the maintenance of a cordial and equal workplace. In the run-up to the 2016 presidential election, Facebook dismantled an internal discussion board for political debate after it degenerated into racist and sexist comments, The Wall Street Journal reported.
Once upon a time, the rule was, “Leave your politics at the door.” They didn’t even have to write it sown.
When government schools are more concerned with churning out agitators and activists than teaching, this is the result.
I won’t even bring up politics with anyone I work with. But you know who will? Anyone who considers themselves liberal and woke. They’ll tell you about it in one way or the other within minutes of meeting you. Typically something like ‘OMG, did you hear what Trump said now’? I just ignore it.
Enough people have seen me getting in my car with the “MOLON LABE” and Gadsden Flag bumper stickers that they don’t bother anymore.
One of my peeps is a ex-Marine who is an enthusiastic hunter, does a couple of hours of martial arts training almost every day, and is pretty much an old-fashioned guy’s guy. I make it a point in pre or post meeting chatter to talk with him about guy stuff, like hunting, guns, knives, martial arts, etc. I know it makes the more effeminate (of both sexes) uncomfortable, which is exactly why I do it. And I think it helps reduce the amount of casual proggy/lib bullshit that people casually spout off in my presence.
In the run-up to the 2016 presidential election, Facebook dismantled an internal discussion board for political debate after it degenerated into racist and sexist comments
Yeah, I doubt it.
“I disagree with Affirmative Action” = racist
“There are only 2 genders” = sexist
See? Easy.
2 sexes, 3 genders. Most gendered languages have a neuter gender as well.
Many companies have struggled to strike a balance between employees’ right to share their opinions and the maintenance of a cordial and equal workplace.
Odd. I’ve worked in a lot of places, and I’ve never run into this. Its like companies that maintain a focus on their business don’t have this problem.
You probably promote based on productivity and merit, don’t you?
Well, that, and looks.
Needs photoshop.
The tranny on the left is passable, the tranny on the right is… ugh.
Speaking of the schools, the local high school gave everybody the day off so they and the cops could have an “active shooter”
drillcircle jerk, the other day. They probably got a grant from some bullshit dept of ed slush fund. For fuck’s sake. A kid around here is more likely to be stomped flat by a moose at the dog park than shot by a classmate.Those morons should be teaching their students how to add and subtract, instead of playing shoot ’em up games.
“Okay class we’re going to move on to division. Sammy bought a case of a thousand rounds to fill his thirty round standard capacity magazines. After he loads them, how many magazines can he fill, and how many more rounds will he need to fill the last magazine when the case is empty?”
Those morons should be teaching their
studentspolice recruits how to add and subtract, instead of playing shoot ’em up games.“Those morons should be teaching their students how to add and subtract, instead of playing shoot ’em up games.”
Bah! Adding and subtracting is racist. They need to learn about how it’s their right to have that sex change operation for free.
So… add or subtract a dick?
Vaginas aren’t just the absence of a penis, shitlord! See, what you do is you slice the penis up the middle, reverse it, and stuff it into the abdomen… so a vagina is a penis.
the local high school gave everybody the day off so they and the cops could have an “active shooter” drill circle jerk, the other day.
The cops couldn’t do it on the weekend, when it wouldn’t interfere with school?
Don’t be silly, weekend exercies impinge on their time off. Besides, OT isn’t for ‘regular’ duties.
What is even the point if there are no students there? I get that having them in the place has its own set of risks, especially with how trigger happy the cops are, but an “active shooter” is not going to be rampaging through an empty school. They might as well train offsite.
Dude you don’t want to mix cops and “civilians” in active shooter drills.
Too many cops forget to use blanks and kill others during the drill.
Google’s employee intranet is filled with tools enabling its 80,000 employees to broadcast their opinions. A software tool lets anyone nominate a question for a “TGIF” meeting each Thursday and vote on which questions are asked of top executives.
“If you were Hitler, whom would you exterminate first, the gypsies, or the Jews?”
Are those my only choices?
Trick question: the answer is Communists.
“a “TGIF” meeting each Thursday”
Well, I already see one problem…
“Thursday Google Intranet Fight”. What did you think it meant?
Well played
I found this interesting.
If we weren’t the first industrial civilization on Earth, would we ever know?
You would need a lot of geologic upheaval in between in order to have the volume of alloidal mineral resources that fuelled the human technological development in the modern age.
Does Doctor Who ever give a reason for why he’s obsessed with humans? Doesn’t he always take a human to be his assistant?
I mean, granted, a show about some extraterrestrial’s hiring policy vis-a-vis some other extraterrestrial species wouldn’t be as interesting to a human audience, but I’m curious whether it’s ever addressed canonically.
You can make some inferrances based upon the character interactions during the canon era (Doctors 1-8)
Occurred to me that maybe we only ever see the intervals when he’s assisted by human companions.
He did have time lord companion too – Romana.
If there were an industrial civilization that predated us it would have consumed vast quantities and likely all of the Coal laid down in the Carboniferous Period. Since the Carboniferous coal is still here we can conclude that there has not been a prior industrial civilization
How do we know that the carboniferous didn’t lay down an even more vast amount of coal and the old mines didn’t just collapse in the intervening periods?
Maybe they had beautiful black bodies and a source of limitless, clean energy. Do you even Wakanda, bro?
Clean coal bodies?
How dare you. Coal is an evil substance invented by white men to power the machinery of oppression. If only Hillary had won *longing sigh* We’d finally have banned that evil stuff back underground, where it belongs.
So what you’re saying is, the carboniferous layers are actually the necropoli of these pre-human industrialists?
/Cathy Newman.
What if the civilization pre-dated the Carboniferous Period?
So in your theory, they destroyed themselves through global warming, then the plants of the carboniferous period sequestered all that eeevuul CO2 underground so we could arise and release it again?
Of course global warming. Nothing else makes sense.
In case you still shop at Dick’s: don’t.
I guess we gotta go to Mo’s.
Employees can choose from thousands of email discussion groups, on topics including juggling and polygamy.
Overlapping interests, I’d say.
“Man in court for having potato peeler in public place
A MAN ended up behind bars after being found in a Dunfermline street with an offensive weapon, a potato peeler.
Scott Walker, 39, of the James Bank Hostel, James Street, appeared from custody at Dunfermline Sheriff Court.
He admitted that on Saturday in Appin Crescent, a public place, he was in possession of an object that which had a blade or was sharply pointed, namely a potato peeler.
Defence solicitor Selina McKay said her client “suffers from significant learning difficulties which have been lifelong”.
Sheriff Pino di Emidio called for reports and Walker will return to court on May 16 for sentencing.”
I’d think you’d find that terrifying.
A day at the spa? Some exfoliation? A nice dip in the baths? Nothing to worry about for a potato.
*readies pot of boiling water*
I’m trying to come up with a suitable response but find it impossible.
The only thing I can think of is “a hail of gunfire directed at the Dunfermline Sheriff Court”.
TBF, some idiots on the city council probably passed the law.
I can only assume it was a scary black potato peeler with a pistol grip and that thing that goes up.
Was it also fully-semi-automatic with a high-capacity hopper and silencer?
Of course a potato peeler is going to get you into a bunch of trouble when you live in a country ruled by a dick tater.
These guys have a name for the idea that an industrial civilization may have predated humanity: the Silurian hypothesis.
I’d call it “nonsense”.
You might find this interesting:
New Yorkers, interviewed on the street in 1979
the interesting parts
1 – they seem to be being asked a series of questions that have some libertarian angles; opinions about govt, commerce, privacy, …something about the ‘information age’, which seems silly from current perspective, but i do recall that there was a sense of the emerging “Computer Age” simply because things like “Pong” were signs of incipient consumer-computing….as well as other recent innovations w/ credit-cards, cash machines, digitization of some business processes, etc.
2 – it seems 80-90% of them are Actual New Yorker-New-Yorkers. as in, ‘natives’. If you pulled a random dozen people off the sidewalk today, half would be born outside the US, and the other half would still be mostly relatively-recent migrants from elsewhere in US.
3 – something else i find appealing is a more-apparent lack of self-consciousness. i think theres a sort of frankness, candor, self-assurance you don’t see as much from people anymore. Partly, i’d guess, because now people are so more sensitive to the idea that anything they say could be zapped out to millions of people in a split second, whereas then, it was more like, “Who are you? some local news? Yeah, ok guy, whatever.” There was no fear of the potential consequences of a pointed camera.
In a similar vein, it can be striking to watch television and movies from the 1970s (also including the late 1960s and early 1980s). There is a definite sense of the culture being vastly less inhibited than today. Of course, the economics of the time period were total crap and the crime rate was still an order of magnitude higher than today.
I was struck by how everyone begins their answers by first repeating the question asked.
It serves two purposes. A: it makes sure you heard the question correctly, and B: it stalls while your brain composes a response.
Well, I mean, I don’t know that, um, that I’d necessarily call it stalling, per se…
I know what it does, I just seldom ever hear people do that while being interviewed anymore.
They point out in the comments that the interviewers asked them to do that.
You expect me to read YouTube comments? What kind of sadistic monster are you?
“”everyone begins their answers by first repeating the question asked.””
They were instructed by the interviewer to state the question before answering.
(his instructions are audible at one point in the video)