I’ve been busy at work. Some kind of legal discovery. Not that I didn’t want to skip the other, less Mexican links and skip directly to the comments. Honest.

Not Gabriella
Up first! The caravan we have all been waiting for has arrived. The best part is, CNN went out of their way to put out a sympathetic story.
Todos ellos viajaron cientos de kilómetros en bus, tren o a pie. Todos ellos dejaron sus casas y buscaron comida y desafiaron a la lluvia y el frío para llegar a la frontera con Estados Unidos en Tijuana, México. Y todos ellos planean pedir asilo en Estados Unidos.
Sin embargo, alguien tenía que estar al frente de la línea de batalla. Y al final, la eligieron a ella. Gabriela Hernández, una mujer embarazada madre de dos hijos, cuyo viaje ha seguido CNN, está entre las ocho personas elegidas este lunes por sus compañeros migrantes para empezar el proceso de buscar asilo en Estados Unidos. […]
Docenas de inmigrantes prometieron acampar a las afueras del centro, a un paso de San Diego, hasta que “el último de ellos sea admitido en Estados Unidos”, dijo un organizador.
They all traveled hundreds of kilometers by bus, train or on foot. They all left their homes and looked for food and braved the rain and cold to reach the US border in Tijuana, Mexico. And they all plan to seek asylum in the United States.However, someone had to be in front of the battle line. And in the end, they chose her. Gabriela Hernandez, a pregnant mother with two children, whose trip has followed CNN, is among the eight people chosen on Monday by their fellow migrants to begin the process of seeking asylum in the United States. […]
Dozens of immigrants promised to camp outside downtown, one step from San Diego, until “the last of them is admitted to the United States,” said one organizer.
It just hits you right in the feels.
Its a toothless threat, given the number of homeless in border towns, so they’ll be waiting a while.
Meanwhile, Lil Marco, fresh off saying that tax cuts have no impact on the American economy, has a few things to say about Venezuela:
El régimen del dictador venezolano, Nicolás Maduro, amenaza los intereses estadounidenses. Si bien el régimen de Maduro rechazó dichas acusaciones, se trata de un Estado patrocinador del narcotráfico. Estados Unidos ha sancionado al vicepresidente, llamándolo “líder del narcotráfico”, y los sobrinos de la primera dama fueron sentenciados el año pasado a 18 años de prisión por cargos de narcotráfico en EE.UU. El régimen brinda refugio a organizaciones que Estados Unidos ha designado como organizaciones terroristas extranjeras, como las FARC (Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia) y el ELN (Ejército de Liberación Nacional). Ha atacado el orden democrático regional, y se asocia activamente con los enemigos de Estados Unidos, incluidos la dictadura cubana, Rusia, así como también con Irán y Hezbollah.
Los efectos indirectos de las acciones autoritarias del régimen de Maduro menoscaban los esfuerzos de Estados Unidos y sus socios regionales por promover la democracia, los derechos humanos y la estabilidad en el hemisferio occidental. La gestión corrupta, el mal manejo económico y la supresión violenta del disentimiento popular por parte de la dictadura venezolana, han producido una grave crisis humanitaria de proporciones históricas. A su vez, el flujo desestabilizador de millones de migrantes venezolanos ha saturado los recursos de países adyacentes como Colombia y Brasil.
The regime of the Venezuelan dictator, Nicolás Maduro, threatens US interests. Although the Maduro regime rejected these accusations, it is a state sponsor of drug trafficking. The United States has sanctioned the vice president, calling him a “drug trafficking leader,” and the first lady’s nephews were sentenced last year to 18 years in prison on drug trafficking charges in the United States. The regime provides refuge to organizations that the United States has designated as foreign terrorist organizations, such as the FARC (Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia) and the ELN (National Liberation Army). It has attacked the regional democratic order, and is actively associated with the enemies of the United States, including the Cuban dictatorship, Russia, as well as Iran and Hezbollah.The indirect effects of the authoritarian actions of the Maduro regime undermine the efforts of the United States and its regional partners to promote democracy, human rights and stability in the Western Hemisphere. Corrupt management, poor economic management and the violent suppression of popular dissent by the Venezuelan dictatorship have produced a serious humanitarian crisis of historic proportions. In turn, the destabilizing flux of millions of Venezuelan migrants has saturated the resources of adjacent countries such as Colombia and Brazil.

¡qué jodido payaso!
“Look at me! I’m Marco Rubio, I’m a duplicitous jerk.”
Speaking of jerks. Puerto Ricans demand more of your money.
Yariela Montes, de 41 años, estuvo entre los miles de puertorriqueños que salieron a las calles el martes a protestar.
“No sé qué le dejaremos a nuestra pequeña hija”, dijo, refiriéndose a la situación actual en la isla. “Es un panorama tan feo en este momento”.[…]
Un plan fiscal recientemente aprobado establece una serie de recortes presupuestarios y consolidaciones de agencias con el fin de establecer un camino para que la isla reestructure su agobiante deuda pública de $ 72 mil millones, mientras se recupera de los daños del huracán María.
Yariela Montes, 41, was among the thousands of Puerto Ricans who took to the streets on Tuesday to protest.“I do not know what we will leave our little daughter,” he said, referring to the current situation on the island. “It’s such an ugly picture at this time.”[…]
A recently approved fiscal plan establishes a series of budget cuts and consolidations of agencies in order to establish a way for the island to restructure its overwhelming public debt of $ 72 billion, while recovering from the damages of Hurricane Maria.
Speaking of jerks wanting more of my money.
Educadores de Arizona y simpatizantes de #RedForEd se reunieron en el Capitolio de Arizona el martes para un cuarto día de paro laboral de maestros.
Los organizadores han anunciado que continuarán el miércoles, mientras la Legislatura sigue debatiendo el presupuesto.
Los participantes están luchando por más fondos para la educación y aumentos de maestros.
Arizona educators and #RedForEd supporters gathered at the Arizona Capitol on Tuesday for a fourth day of teacher work stoppages.The organizers have announced that they will continue on Wednesday, while the Legislature is still debating the budget.
The participants are fighting for more funds for education and teacher increases.
Since everyone wants to believe this is some kind of grass roots movement, I leave you with this:
Desde las 10 a.m. más de 170 simpatizantes de #RedforEd y #MarchforOurLives llenaron la galería del capitolio estatal mientras los legisladores debatían el plan del gobernador Doug Ducey para evitar tiroteos en las escuelas.
From 10 a.m. More than 170 supporters of #RedforEd and #MarchforOurLives filled the gallery at the state capitol as lawmakers debated Gov. Doug Ducey’s plan to prevent school shootings.
I hate everyone involved.
Translation services provided by the Alpha Beta corporation. Who ask you to go forth and leave a flaming bag of shit on a teacher’s doorstep!
Today we have a double feature.
Buns: http://archive.is/p8XKa
Boobs: http://archive.is/VJw9k
Never say I don’t love you guys.
Given up on fat anime titties already?
Q, boosting our google ranking one improbably busty cartoon woman at a time.
He needs the blessing of HM, the Pontiff of Fat Anime Titties.
HM, the thotfather.
Double feature, for Swiss.
I was just thinking “Wouldn’t it be great to be the guy putting the tatoos on these babes?”
Fucking Rubio. At least he isn’t Charlie Crist.
“The regime of the Venezuelan dictator, Nicolás Maduro, threatens US interests. Although the Maduro regime rejected these accusations, it is a state sponsor of drug trafficking.”
The asshole is trying to “Panama” Maduro for lolz
I’ll say this for the warmongers, it was pretty neat when the US blasted this song all night at the monastery where Noreiga was holed-up until the priests threw him out
That song? Third play, I’ll cop to whatever they put in front of me, as long as I don’t have to hear it a 4th.
You always follow “Panama” with “Jump”. Don’t come at me with any VanHaggar trash. I’m not in the mood
To my understanding, they played AC/DC to get him out of his rathole.
Shit. I thought it was “Panama”. Would have been a lot cooler if they did
The Kenny G Christmas album would have been most effective.
Don’t worry, in the TV movie version of events it will be.
The Kenny G Christmas album would be banned by the Geneva conventions as an international war-crime.
Fun Fact – Your’s truly had the honor of deploying to Operation Just Cause about a week after graduating AIT. I spent my 18th birthday down by the Gatun Locks, near Colón, weathering sullen, desultory RPG fire while our Vulcan sank a PT boat. Upon returning to Ft. Ord, that damnable song was used in every single presentation, briefing, announcement, despatch, ceremony, recruiting film, etc.. I’ve harbored a burning hatred for it ever since.
Agreed. I feel for the people of Venezuela. But the United States needs to stay out of the coup business.
When Charlie Crist was reduced to doing TV ads for the ambulance chaser firm he hooked up with after losing the Senate race, that was the single greatest moment in American political history.
He’s my fucking Congressman now.
My deepest sympathies.
I misread that as “he’s fucking my Congressman now”.
Crist, what an asshole.
“They all traveled hundreds of kilometers by bus, train or on foot. They all left their homes and looked for food and braved the rain and cold to reach the US border in Tijuana, Mexico. And they all plan to seek asylum in the United States.”
How is this not “geographical privilege”? Why should they receive preferential treatment because they happen to have been born near the US?
Are there not people in Venezuela or China who would want asylum in the US?
It’s easier for Soros-funded groups to bring people overland from Central America than places people would actually have an argument for claiming asylum (like North Korea for example).
“And in the end, they chose her. Gabriela Hernandez, a pregnant mother with two children”
I’m sorry, but how is it somehow less selfish and more altruistic to undertake such a journey while pregnant?
Journey? Soros’s private jet serves prenatal vitamins.
So does Jeffrey Epstein’s
Didn’t anyone tell her that the US is a shithole country with a horrifically high infant mortality rate due to our uncaring for-profit healthcare system?
The only humane thing to do is to escort her into Canada at once.
So this means we have to go to war with Venezuela to save it?
It’s for the children that we refuse to teach the children. Fuck em until we get a raise!
This is a tactical error.
Holding a gun to your boss’ head until you get a raise is not a sound strategy.
This has been a sad affair for me. One of my best friends from the Marines married a local when we were stationed in Yuma, and remained there with her after his discharge. She’s an elementary school teacher, so lately his Facebook has been plastered with pictures from this little extortion festival of theirs.
It’s too bad none of the legislatures being blackmailed like this have a spine. The proper response to this would be to use it as an excuse to enact a universal voucher program under the guise of an emergency measure to get the kids some education while the public school teachers take an unauthorized vacation. Then, like most government programs, it would be hard to stop once it got rolling.
Just declare it an illegal strike, void the union contract, give the teachers the rest of the day to return to school or they’re all fired. Easy enough.
Obligatory: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FTlVRUkwYRI
Ronald Reagan’s ghost approves.
Fuck that. Send them their dismissal papers already for job abadonment. And no unemployment for voluntary abadonment. You want your job back? Apply like anyone else. Seniority resets and you’ll be treated like a brand new hire. Btw, all new hires will be at reduced pay, benefits, and job rules.
Actions have consequences.
But who am I kidding.
During last teacher strike up here in Canada’s
CaliforniaWashington State (2014), that’s what the government did – $40 a day.But, looking up the amount I found this: B.C. teachers’ strike: Government asks some parents for money back (from two years ago)
Alas, I can’t find out how the story resolved.
Hey Pan, I read an article in the G/M that B.C.’s carbon tax has been a total success as the Fed Liberals claim. I notice the B.C. economy is one of the better performing ones in Canada but the Canadian economy as a whole is so-so.
Has it been a success for B.C.?
I guess? Maybe? Government got money out of it, and it was initially balanced by tax cuts, so…fuck me if I can tell.
Well, that’s reasonable to accompany it with tax cuts.
The money could not be used for independent school education? Missed it by that much.
Flipside was, Teacher’s Union banned the teachers from doing private tutoring during the strike. Non-teaching jobs were fine, of course, since it’s not like they were getting paid.
So somehow I got signed up for the “Medium Daily Digest”, which curates and gives me the best of that wonderful website called Medium.
Today: I was a Men’s Rights Activist, Now I’m a Feminist. I guess that’s the even more woke version of “I used to be a libertarian but now I saw the light and am progressive”.
“I used to be a libertarian but now I saw the light and am progressive”.
Is that “newly woke” Matt Welch and Fonzie’s new book title?
Could be, but for like 4 years it was a bi-weekly column at Slate. Or maybe Salon. Those two always run together in my mind.
I love medium as a source of derp
It was Salon. But I think they stopped doing it.
Proving once again that Wilde was right when he said “there’s only one thing worse than being talked about, and it’s not being talked about”.
Former Feinstein Staffer Raised $50 Million, Hired Fusion GPS And Christopher Steele After 2016 Election
Has Matt Welch got at least something out of the $50 million? Or is he doing RUSSIAMEDDLEDWITHTHEUSELECTIONS for free?
Welch is “woke af” now. He doesn’t peddle the fever dreams too much. Sullum, Shackford, and ENB do that. But, ENB had the most ridiculous of the fever dreams about a prostitute that was holed-up in Thailand and totally had information about Trump and Putin or something. The article was dumber than she looks
Somebody posted this over on the Reasonoids mailing list.
Damn, dawg…
Destroying Trump allies’ lives: feature not bug. Mueller probably fapped to this.
So they made you cut your own balls off and eat them?
He got off light for an MRA. I figured they were treated like francs-tireurs and executed on the spot.
I was an emotionally unstable person prone to swallowing extremist ideas with weak evidence and then I became a feminist.
Me: uh, I’m not sure you’re painting the picture you think you are.
Dude, you gotta try harder than that to make your bullshit believable. No chicks taking gender studies classes shave their legs, let alone every day.
I was really hoping this would morph into a Penthouse Forum letter.
‘”Where else do you shave baby?”
“Nowhere. Everywhere else I wax…”
Then she lifted up her skirt a little more and I saw how dripping wet she was…’
I’m totally sure your gender studies classmate lifted up her skirt too.
Good point – skirts are a tool of the patriarchy.
Hey, speaking of Arizona teachers — did we cover this one? That sixth grader had a longer relationship than I had until high school, and got waaay more sex than I did for most of that.
She is achieving legendary status.
Florida Man. I’m not really sure how this guy expected showing a short porn clip to a bunch of teenagers to go, but I don’t think going to jail for 30 years was on his list.
“The content of the video is redacted from the warrant, but it showed a person wearing a blue and purple top, according to the warrant. The video played for about 20 seconds.”
Well it can’t have been that bad. It didn’t say it showed a person wearing a unicorn furry suit or a dress made of meat while fellating a Great Dane.
Also, 30 years?!? That seems a bit excessive.
3 counts at a dime a piece for sexual assault of a minor.
Showing a teen porn (that they’ve likely been watching for years anyway) is “sexual assault”? SMH.
but it showed a person wearing a blue and purple top
“The defense will call into dispute whether the top was blue and purple or black and gold.”
Oh no! He show people something they can find for free online at anytime? 30 years is light!
Moe Szylak voice/ oh dear god no!
I always dreamed of having a statist Republican from a leftist state as an LP candidate
Satan, what an a-hole
“At the same time, if a growing party is going to continue to grow, and to position itself as the beneficiary of the Democratic and Republican parties’ ongoing nervous breakdowns, it is going to need to absorb major-party defectors with less libertarian cred than Bill Weld.”
First of all that’s retarded. Second, the LP doesn’t want to expand the tent, it’s doing everything it can to expell the “undesirable” parts. Parts that happen to be from one side of the libertarian tent.
Of course if the LP wants to absorb defectors then how does “vouching for Hillary” do that? Disgruntled Republicans can just join the Dems while Dems who don’t hate Hillary that much aren’t very disgruntled after all.
defectors with less libertarian cred than Bill Weld
You know who else had less libertarian cred than Bill Weld?
Not Adolf Hitler /progs
Michael Hihn?
Absorbing “big tent” allies as voters makes sense; bringing in failed, unprincipled swamp dwellers as candidates not so much.
“Sarwark, who is up for re-election as party chair this summer in New Orleans, encouraged his fellow Libertarians to put down their internecine squabbling”
Like claiming Tom Woods is a Nazi…?
Shorter Sarwark: Shut up and agree with me!
Sarwark of Akkad?
Nick Sarwark is a living breathing human embodiment of shit.
Amazon pauses plans for Seattle office towers while City Council considers business tax
“Pending the outcome of the head tax vote by City Council, Amazon has paused all construction planning on our Block 18 project in downtown Seattle and is evaluating options to sub-lease all space in our recently leased Rainer Square building,” Herdener said.
Councilmember Lisa Herbold, a sponsor of the tax measure, said at City Hall Wednesday, “This was an unfortunate reaction from Amazon and not at all what I would have expected.”
Councilmember Lisa Herbold, a sponsor of the tax measure, said at City Hall Wednesday, “This was an unfortunate reaction from Amazon and not at all what I would have expected.”
“I love you, you bitch! Come back so I can hit you again!” yelled the abusive spouse.
If they know what’s “woke” for them they will bend over and take the tax. Lest they be denounced in a struggle session
“You mean they do Math? at Amazon?!?! “
“not at all what I would have expected”
I jumped out of that window and just started falling. Not at all what I would have expected.
“Seattle-area political leaders met with Amazon executives at the company’s campus in February, responding to the retailer’s surprise announcement it would build a second headquarters elsewhere in North America.”
My former employer is having some issues with the home team…
Missed it by *that* much.
Right? Well here’s another amazon story
So tardy.
How about some Canadian content from my corner of the woods? Amazon bringing 3,000 new tech jobs to Vancouver
Nice tag failure there, Pan… :'(
And did you see the question-and-answer bit where he actually sounded both lucid and intelligent when it came to reasons why the second pipeline should be built from Alberta to the Barnet? My wife and I were both dumbfounded; has someone found a way to remotely control The Hair That Walks Like A Man™? The only thing that was missing was a ventriloquist handler directly behind His Wokeness with a hand up the Dauphin’s ass.
A three mile long trolley is losing money in Detroit?
Where’s my shocked face.
I thought that was going to link to a SugarFree story.
They spent $102 million on a 2.2 mile streetcar here in KC. Their measure of success is ridership which is a terrible gauge. The line goes from one retail area to another and it’s “free”. It offers no logistical benefit to the area as it doesn’t bring people into the city.
Derp replace logistical with economic.
Damn you, close tag! Damn you to hell!
No, you need to look at your comment’s impact holistically.
What’s a little derp between friends, eh
I am disabled, and married, so I thought I might be able to relate to something in that article. Instead it’s just a bunch of anecdotes strung together with no coherent point. I think this person’s disability is not being able to communicate.
It’s every day feminism, read it for the lols but never mistake it for competent
You’re disabled: you’re not allowed to think for yourself. GET TO THE BACK OF THE BUS.
That would be a short trip, eh?
I shouldn’t have laughed at that.
Oh, for fuck’s sake. I had to read the first paragraph three times before I realized that “they” was referring to the subject. I stopped immediately after that.
From the linked article “People automatically assume you can’t do things…”
Umm… if that’s not true for at least something, in what sense, exactly,
are you “disabled”?
Also from the article:
single women and non-binary people, in particular, are often looked down upon for not having children
Those two groups of people, for some reason I think one is far more numerous than the other, so much so that you can’t really discuss them in the same sentence as if they were similar groups, can you?
I’d back more pay for teachers if it came from fewer administrators, less waste, and a crack down on fat pensions. Fix those problems and there’d be plenty of money for teacher raises. But I don’t think that’s what they have in mind.
Do you want radioactive Sea Smith, cause this is how you get radioactive sea smith
Yes, I do want radioactive Sea Smith.
The cause of and cure too prostate cancer?
Jack off more.
It can also prevent prostatitis.
And cause carpal tunnel?
Not if you use your feet.
You know, it ain’t what it used to be but good for Groening,
The fact that Groening hasn’t backed down makes me happy that this was my favorite show growing up (before it became lousy)
Truly. Of course he’s got fuck off money and time to kill so he can afford to stand up.
Like Jerry Seinfeld (my other favorite show growing up)
Interesting that 30 years ago the socons seemed to be the biggest threat to a show like Seinfeld and the Simpsons while these days the leftist SJWs are now the biggest threat.
Or how if Timberlake pulled Nipplegate this February then the SJWs would have killed him rather than defend him.
Also on the DVD the writer behind the AIDS walk episode admitted he wrote it because he was upset at how he was being told to wear a ribbon for a cause he supported.
SJWs are every bit as puritanical as SoCons, they just had a different route to the destination.
When you realize the SJWs are descendants of the Northeastern Protestant Moral Reformers while the Socons are from Catholics and Southern Baptists then the similarities are quite clear.
Or that the original Puritans were very critical of the English Monarchy, Aristocracy and State Religion…
Yep, he’s got “fuck-me money” – not only does he not have to give a fuck what people think, he could actively harm himself (financially) in order to prove a point.
Half a billion dollars, if you believe the celebrity net worth site.
Seriously, good for him. Also, they had about 12 good seasons, which isn’t easy. Fuck the SJW dick whining about Apu.
What-his-fuck Kondabulu sounds like he has serious sour grapes that Groening has managed to become a zillionaire with his creativity whereas all he’s managed to produce is some outrage porn about funny Indian accents.
I think that story has a link to a writing page where he’s collected scripts for an apu centered “deconstruction parody”. I honestly think he was hoping for a job offer out of this, a bias prevention thing on the creative team
Apparently being offended is hard to monetize.
Tell that to any late night show these days
That’s being offended by Republicans. Very different..
Nice of Groening to point out that the Simpsons was controversial back when it started so in theory they shouldn’t bow to the offended today either.
Did you see Hari Kondabolu’s reply?
He’s gonna go blind trying to thread that needle
Yep. He’s mad because just one of the many hardships of growing up as an upper-middle class Indian kid in Queens, NY was that one of the things the other boys teased him about was his race. And he blames The Simpsons because when they did it they mentioned Apu; they called him Apu.
Of course, the reason they called him Apu was that Apu was the only Indian character on American TV back then. It didn’t matter what the content was; it was the scarcity that caused him to be called that. Yet somehow this is held against the only people to put an Indian character on TV–even though, indeed, the content was that the character was one of the most admirable and least buffoonish on the whole show.
Kondabolu is a clown who wants in on the grievance train because he feels left out and wants attention. India never said boo against Apu, because they don’t deal in that horseshit. Let’s hope they have the sense to stay that way.
And Apu was one of the more sane and successful characters.
Fat Tony was a fricken mobster and the only Italian. Well, if you want to count Luigi.
Where’ Enrico Fermi god dammit?
I mean, this is sooooo dumb.
And he managed to get Azaria to ‘rethink’ his job.
It’s nuts.
Which of course is bullshit – Hank Azaria doesn’t actually give a shit about this. He’s just afraid of getting blackballed as a racist if he doesn’t toe the line.
Which makes him a cuck.
He certainly was a big enough Chad to know what he wanted back when that beta Herman was too busy listening to the voices in his Head to pick up on Yeardley Smith’s thirsty signals, but it was all downhill from there.
Walken alone made that scene.
I really had it rough because of Fat Tony.
Give it a rest Hari already you baby.
How long before Brian Stelter (aka “the human bag of dicks”) goes on an antisemitic rant over this report? I mean it is in one of their (((magazines)))
‘aka “the human bag of dicks”‘
You may be a little generous here; I’m thinking “piece of propagandist garbage who fucks roadkill while huffing paint and watching kiddie porn”.
You work for the NSA?
Who have you been talking to?
She said she was Polish. I didn’t know she was Russian. I was holding for a friend. I love Big Brother.
Well, you have a better way with words than I do
Am I the only one here who every time he sees the name “Brian Stelter” thinks “Brian Setzer” and starts hearing “Stray Cat Strut”?
Rumble in Brighton, but yeah.
me Too
That was quite an article.
Good to see there are at least a few (((outlets))) actually doing journalism.
Lee Smith has been consistently good on this issue. In one of his earlier articles he linked to Masha Gessen’s piece in the New Yorker. Two decades ago I used to read her column every week in Russia. I was mildly curious about her opinion on this:
Stelter: I’m going to go to you, Van. Why are Jews inherently anti-journalism?
Van: Because they did 9/11*
Stelter: That would make them allied with the Russians, right?
Van: It’s despicable. It’s a stab in the back. They’re helping the Russians
*No joke, Van Jones was not in the Obama cabinet because of his curious statements with regards to 9/11
Reform Jews: You’re right, (((we))) suck! TEEM BLOO 4EVAH!
Starbucks settle’s with arrested PHL men:
Starbucks said it would pay Rashon Nelson and Donte Robinson an unspecified sum. It said the agreement, reached earlier this week, will also include “continued listening and dialogue between the parties and specific action and opportunity.” The company said further details will come in “a mutually agreed public statement.”
Philadelphia, meanwhile, will pay each man $1 and fund a $200,000 grant aimed at helping local students who aspire to be entrepreneurs.
Those fuckers got a payday out of this from Starbucks?
Reparations through the backdoor.
Which also, coincidentally, sounds like an interracial porn movie.
You and Sugarfree can write the script.
It probably won’t have a lot of dialog.
Grunting is dialogue.
Is there a mule?
That’s not good.
Everyone’s a goof ball in this story.
Nice scam they ran, huh?
Jesus fuck. I’m glad the few times I get coffee now it’s from Dunkin; Donuts. Fuck you, Starbucks.
Dunkin’ Donuts.
Fuck you, keyboard.
Is it racist for me to automatically make certain assumptions about the upbringing of two men whose mothers named them Rashon and Dante?
That Mr. Robinson’s family rolls with the Guelphs?
Exactly. I was trying to remember if the guy in hell supported the Pope or the HRE, and musing on the ways in which that ancient conflict are still effecting the African-American community.
Give ME your money, pendejos. Not those lazy ass boricuas who will just waste it. And not to Ricky Martin because he is gay af, and not to Jennifer Lopez or that kid from Malcolm in the Middle because they have enough.
Frankie Muniz? He seems cool
He knows how to pick the hotties, too.
That is an underrated movie.
He essentially stopped acting at 22 to go race open-wheel. That’s damn cool. (granted, that may have been making lemonaide from
lack of job offerslemons).It’s a sad story. One too many hard crashes has really fucked him up.
Yes no, maybe…..I don’t know….can you repeat the question?
You’re not the boss of me!
Too late. I already gave it all to Prince Makoumbo of Nigeria. Don’t worry though, I’m gonna get back 10x as much once he transfers his inheritance to me.
With language like that you’re not going to be allowed to attend any Las Angeles soccer games, mister.
But if it’s any consolation, if I were giving out money to Puerto Ricans you’d be at the front of the line. I’m not, of course, as I only think we should be giving money to cripples and orphans, but as they say, it’s the thought that counts.
I thought Arizona was a red state. If I was the governor I’d tell the teachers to go back to work or I’ll get the legislature to pass a law making charter schools the only form of public education statewide.
Jeez do you want liberal heads to explode? You know how hard that is to clean
It is, but for some reason the state believes the local media’s blue wave theory since last month’s special election wasn’t a complete blowout by team red. So they may be treading lightly.
The team red candidate won by 6 points.
Jesus Fuck, Liverpool. Way to try to give me a heart attack at the end.
We’ve conquered all of Europe
We’re never gonna stop
From Paris down to Turkey
We’ve won the fucking lot
Bob Paisley and Bill Shankly
The Fields of Anfield Road
We are loyal supporters
And we come from Liverpool
Allez Allez Allez
Mel Brooks once said, “Tragedy is when I get a paper cut on my finger. Comedy is when you fall into an open sewer and die.”
With that in mind….
Would. While she was still alive that is.
While she was still alive that is.
Or if you washed her off right away.
The body doesn’t go cold for a while.
Is it bad I read that as “Indiana Times” initially?
Unfortunately, growing up in an Indian town was not good enough with those Indian boys on that Indian night.
This does seem like more than we got from Iran (for a lot fewer pallets of cash): https://www.ft.com/content/871bce30-4dd6-11e8-8a8e-22951a2d8493
Donald has a dossier on Kim where he got a golden shower from some prostitutes.
The classiest prostitutes. Top shelf.
I thought they were slaves in NK. They get paid?
Well not in NK, obviously. There they just pick and fuck as they please.
It’s good to be the
kingGlorious Leader.This one is a humdinger:
Guns alone don’t kill people, patriarchy kills people
In my own life, I was taught by patriarchy that real men don’t ask for help. And because of the ways that patriarchy is racialized I was taught that black men, like myself, were supposed to act in certain ways. Hardened. Shallow. Unaccountable. When I was 19, I followed this script and decided that committing robberies was an acceptable way to deal with the fact that I couldn’t pay my rent. Though my girlfriend offered to help me pay it, I saw accepting a woman’s help as weakness and decided to rob instead. That led to me being sentenced to 10 years in state prison.
[head desk]
Patriarchy, the foundation of capitalism, says we should steal!! Or something.
Wild ass guess — his daddy wasn’t around to teach him that stealing is bad.
There’s a reason guns are called the equalizer.
There’s nothing to [head desk] about. This is a good move on his part. I have a hell of a lot more respect for him than I do for the guys who play the “ally” game to see if it can get them some trim, by positioning themselves as the least soyish figure in that low-testosterone environment.
The “patriarchy” is what led to you becoming a robber, not your own decisions.
Damn it must be nice to outsource all your responsibility to unprovable, abstract concepts.
oh jesus fucking christ, now I’m gonna be lectured to by a fucking male feminist gangbanger? I don’t think so, scooter.
“It’s not my fault”
Never heard that from a criminal before
“Though my girlfriend offered to help me pay it, I saw accepting a woman’s help as weakness …”
Pimpin’ ain’t easy, unlike robbery.
Clearly, this guy is not a Glib:
Every day, Mitchell Burton orders and pays for an Italian B.M.T. sandwich on his Subway mobile app, so the sandwich is waiting at the counter. When he arrives, the 32-year-old Baton Rouge, La., parks and recreation worker frequently heads to the back of the line, to avoid seeming rude to less tech-savvy fellow customers.
Why Pre-Order Food Then Wait in Line: ‘I Generally Do Not Want to Seem Like an Ass’
Line skippers sometimes “get the stink eye,” he says, because fellow patrons don’t understand that there’s an app to order ahead. “I generally do not want to seem like an ass,” he says.
Cause he eats at Subway?
No silly, cause he’s out in public.
There is no greater pleasure than strolling right though the line of Jobbers waiting to get a Publix sub, and leisurely picking mine up from the pre-order shelf.
Chicken Tender Sub?
Fuck no, Boars Head Italian with the Submarine sauce.
BTW Publix subs are now intergalactically recognized. Expect more ‘UFO’ sightings in Florida with accompanying longer lines.
Lizard privilege.
Uffda! Turns out that the progressives were right. Trump is an absolute monster.
World Champion Minnesoda Linx complain that they have NOT been invited to the White House for a congratulatory appearance.
I’m sure what really frosts them is that without that invitation, how can they virtue signal by refusing to attend?
I’m sure all ten fans of the WNBA are really miffed
Maybe that was too dismissive. I respect female athletes, but the WNBA is so bad, I just can’t.
Also, I think you’re right that they’re just upset that they don’t get to virtue signal about not attending. It reminds me of when Eminem made a new studio album bashing Trump and Trump didn’t respond and then Eminem was upset because Trump was ignoring him.
Sorry, Eminem, it’s not 2000 any more. Maybe get back on the drugs. Your music sucks now
His first album was decent
There’s something about the sound of his voice that has a nails-on-a-chalkboard quality for me. To me, he’s always sounded like one of the Martians from Mars Attacks!.
If it was still 2000 he also wouldn’t have caught a felony case for assault with a firearm, so he wouldn’t have to be trying to ruin it for everyone else who can still carry legally with his concerned suburban dad shit.
C’mon Justy, there are a lot more than 10 lesbians in the country.
The Lynx pull about as well as any WNBA team because they are really good. But last time I was dragged to one, it was amazing how many of the fans were lesbians. Unfortunately they were all real life lesbians and not at all like the ones that I watch on the internet.
Have about 10 beers and they magically transform.
Please, please, please, please, please don’t let the fact that the WNBA’s fans are lesbians put you off to them. You know how you think there are two kinds of lesbians; there’s the ones on Cinemax that get it on and are hot, and there’s the mean kind? Well, the Lynx fans are neither of those.
Hey man, any port in a storm.
IOW, they all looked like Charlie Weis.
Yes it does seem like a wonderful setting until you get that stabby vibe, and find that you have an unnerving urge to run or attempt to go FaHMO
More like “muffed”, amirite?
Can we please do away with WH invitations to sports teams?! It has nothing to do with governing. It’s an outright waste of time and resources.
Does anyone know these invitations started?
*when these invitations started?*
Here’s the story. Andrew Jackson the first non pro team. Calvin Coolidge of all people the first pro team
Ulysses S. Grant played host to the first professional baseball team, the Cincinnati Red Stockings, in 1869.
He was just making sure of his voters in Porkopolis.
Ron Paul: “Mr. Speaker, the Constitution does not grant the President the power to meet with the WNBA World Champions.”
If Amash or Massie want to earn a vquick contribution from me….
This story has done more to restore my faith in the THE U of M than any other story for at least a decade.
I don’t think that was the intention of the writer though. I think I was supposed to be appalled by the following:
The only thing that upset me in that story was that one of the accusers was a “human rights data scientist”. Fuck me blue. WTF is that?
“human rights data scientist”. Fuck me blue. WTF is that?
It’s another progressive attempt to borrow the good-will of a field they have nothing to do with.
Probably consists of writing shrill white papers that boil down to STATISSTICKS IS RAYSISS!!@!@#!#!@!
“discussing[…]the world-record largest penis”
Only relevant if he was referencing himself.
That, or thanking dog you’re not this guy.
My brother once suggested picking up girls by telling them your penis is either huge or tiny. “One way or another, they’ll be curious.”
“If I ever got hugely rich, I would have a woman wash my balls.”
Man, too bad Yoshinko’s closed – you didn’t need big bucks, just a healthy immune system.
I was also reminded of this.
I like how the only thing he would cop to is that if he were rich he’d reenact the bath scene from Coming to America.
Attention anyone that will be unfortunate to be near Philadelphia this Friday: we’re having a meetup! We’ll be at the Yard House in King of Prussia. I’ll be there around 8.
Any interest, email me at gwynapnaud @ gmail. 4 confirmed so far.
Need 6 more for a Minyan.
I knew Glibs are lackies of
PRussiaDammit. Prussia is only one letter off from…Russia! KGB stooge status confirmed!
Me mum was born in KoP.
Every time I think the Russian fever dreams have hit their nadir, the bar gets lowered just a bit more.
These people are not well. They are so butt hurt from losing an election that their brains are leaking out of their asses.
I was just about to post that. Who is that asshole?
Dunno, but I’m surprised he’s survived to whatever age he is.
Mark Bowden wrote an excellent book about the Iranian hostage crisis called Guests of the Ayatollah. There’s one memorable sequence when it finally starts to dawn on Jimmy Carter what kind of people he’s dealing with, as the Iranians continue to reverse themselves in no small part because their negotiators keep getting fired for being insufficiently revolutionary. Carter find out yet another reversal in demands from the Iranians, turns to Hamilton Jordan in exasperation, and says plaintively “Ham, these people are crazy!!”
That’s exactly how I feel reading all of these RUSSIA!!1! stories – these people are legitimately crazy. They are no-shit deranged. The election broke them, probably permanently.
ah hell….well, you get the point.
It’s been a both interesting and disturbing mass hysteria and it ain’t over yet.
If there isn’t a book entitled Guests of the Ayatollah…The election broke them, probably permanently, I will write one myself for you. And include in the Collector’s Edition a limited-press LP cowritten with Fiona Apple.
He’s a left-wing nut who has become popular with progressives due to his conspiratorial Russia fever dreams. People are actually paying to access his blog
They’re paying? Oh well, there’s a sucker born every minute.
Gift vs Contract
The idea that American slaves failed, in any meaningful sense, to overthrow their masters is of course simply historically false. They fought when they could, which wasn’t often, but mostly got by as best they were able, by shirking, escaping, and so forth. They did as any self-respecting people would have, determined to survive and maintain what of their dignity could not be taken away.
That said, the notion of a “slave mentality” that the black race must cast off to reach its full potential has long been a common trope of modern black empowerment rhetoric, however disrespectful and ahistorical it may be in its attitude to actual slaves. Kanye’s heresy was further connecting this rhetoric to conventional American conservatism, which is perceived as being the implacable enemy of the black community.
Also he is batshit crazy.
I think it’s offensive and counterproductive for libertarians or conservatives to say shit like “plantation mentality” and stuff like that. It’s not going to persuade anyone to listen to you. And invoking slavery analogies is just bad form
People have said that being offensive and provocative is counterproductive and doesn’t work. That sweet reason, the National Review, and other such things would win out, in the end.
Then Donald Trump became President.
People aren’t motivated by reason. I can give you all kinds of reasons why freedom and capitalism are better from a utilitarian POV. I can pull up per capita GDP and talk through natural law.
But really, it’s because “Fuck you, I won’t do what you tell me.” it’s because “I earned it, it’s mine, you can’t have it.”. It’s because “I’m a free born man of the USA” Those are not purely rational responses, they are emotional ones.
The reason the Left goes apeshit over “plantation” is the same reason they went apeshit over “Crooked Hillary”. Because it strips away all the bullshit, all the lies, all the deceit and calls the thing exactly what it is.
The poor black dependent on government in the inner city is just a field hand, but instead of cotton, they produce votes. They get shitty schools, no jobs, the cops harassing them all the time, and they’re expected to vote Democrat for the privilege. Kanye said it straight up: “Obama was in office for eight years and nothing in Chicago changed”.
In times of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.
mental sandbox time
On a tank, the armor is thickest on the front and thinner everywhere else. This is because the front is the most likely place to be hit.
If the same logic is extended to protecting people, the armor should be placed on the front and only covering major veins and arteries. The ideal shape would be a thick T shape, with the top covering the heart and lungs and the vertical part covering the veins and arteries on the center line of the body. It is rare for a soldier to get shot in the back, yet the current vests have an identical plate for the chest and back. It would make more sense to have plates on the front of the thighs than on the back.
human circulatory system
Having a vulnerable area worked for Siegfried and Achilles.
Did Achilles know about his heel? If so, he should have ditched the normal armor.
Yeah I feel like Achilles’s mom didn’t tell him or something, because otherwise he’d have invested in better heel armor. Otherwise, unless it was as a decoy for his real weakness (and he could have just worn boots and it wouldn’t have looked weird), I don’t know why he walked around in full armor like he’s almost always depicted. Would seem to have too much offensive disadvantage, by compromising his mobility.
I think a few depictions show him fighting naked except for the helmet for the lulz, which is exactly how I’d have done things.
True his mother should have said something. Although the whole Achilles heel thing was a bit of a retcon by the Romans IIRC. In the Illiad he was normally vulnerable but just an incredible warrior.
Wow, way to other Fer Diad’s asshole, Doc.
I haven’t read any of Cuchulainn since college.
–The Tain p 151 (as translated by Ciaran Carson)
oddly I couldn’t find this by searching posts on reason for Fer Diad, but I did find it by searching for “rear portal“
Well you know ass sex, Mexicans, and weed. Not so much ancient literature.
Does the logic hold, though? I imagine foot soldiers spend a lot more time with their backs or flanks to the enemy than tanks.
This is a pretty good rundown for the current wars.
More than 50% of wounds are to an arm or leg and about 30% are to the neck, head, and face.
But isn’t that biased because the armor doesn’t protect the limbs
Putting armor on arms and legs would inhibit movement too much and would not offer much protection from an IED.
A friend of mine went on patrol, and was shot in the back of the knee. When the bullet brought him down, the sniper then to shoot through the groin multiple times. He came to several days later at Ramstein.
Why am I telling you this? It doesn’t matter where the armor is placed, a competent enemy will know where the weak point is and exploit it. Are you suggesting we simply make this weak point equivalent to half the surface area of the body?
There is no armor on the extremities anyway, which is odd in a way because that is where most of the injuries are.
I’m looking at it from the perspective of blood loss, which is the main reason guys die in battle. In that case, the smart thing to do is to protect the major blood vessels from the most likely direction of bullets and shrapnel.
Most of the wounds are to the extremities because they aren’t armored. If they took back armor off, back injuries would increase. If you can come up with a tough fiber, jumpsuits would be the best option. Dragon silk seems neat but isn’t there yet.
Here’s what we can do. Arrange the patrol into a tight formation. Only the outside of the formation will be heavily armored. Enough that it will armor all the extremities exposed to the elements. Some considerations for mobility will have to be made of course, but we can work around that by armoring the extremities and/or front/back to correspond to the position of the soldier with the formation. So if you’re on the left side and aft, all the armor will be on your left flank and back. The right and front will be protected by others in the formation.
It’ll suck for mobility.
And be a cherry mortar target.
Adjust your Sarcas-motron 5000
*adjust mortar tube instead*
Why bother, if you’re only shooting cherry bombs.
Phalanx, there I said it…….
Greek Much Florida ?
Roman tortoise?
It’s called a tortoise and it is 2000 years old lol
Durr scroll down when coming into really old threads
Do your commanding officers appreciate your genius?
Black Hawk Down says, US Rangers ditched the back plates in Somalia for that very reason. Too heavy, and gunfire comes from the front.
Until they got ambushed and took hits from behind. There’s a brief snippet of it in the movie when a guy asks “you plan to get shot in the back” or somesuch.
Obviously the armor designers have played Battletech and you haven’t.
Seriously, we’re gonna keep playing this game? It’s just as easy to bleed out from a leg shot or an arm shot as a gut shot (and probably faster if it hits your arteries). Currently doing some open source research reading a few Fallujah books, etc.
Our body armor is good and getting better and lighter – maybe slow to get issued, but we’re miles ahead of where we were 30 years ago.
Casualty analysis….it’s what we do.
The most recent Fifth Column interview with Bret and Heather Weinstein is well worth a listen. So far they’ve grappled the campus speech controversy, some very interesting pointers on IQ and race, and now Jordan Peterson. Welch was clearly baiting the Weinsteins for criticism of the guy, and while Bret suggested that he’s “a little bit messianic,” he also calls him “a top-flight intellectual” who avoids the replication crisis in psychology due to the care he takes in his analysis. Both Weinsteins, who admit to being left-of-center, agreed on what should be a petty obvious point: if his main appeal is to “alt-right” young men, and the crux of his message is to take responsibility and fly straight, how is that a problem?!
(I think it’s Welch and not Moynihan. White guys all sounds the same.)
Weinstein seems to be a good guy but he might be a bit too nice to fight effectively against the psychotic left. It’s too bad more lefties don’t follow his example.
That comes up in the podcast, so-called “dark-web” intellectuals who have been run out of the left or are cautious about sticking their necks out in this censorious atmosphere. It’s not mainly conservatives or right-wingers like they expected, but center-left moderates like themselves. Progressives are pruning off all but the most radical branches of leftism.
It’s a self-defeating purity spiral, thank God us libertarians don’t have that problem.
Can’t spiral down when you start at rock bottom. That’s my whole life philosophy.
I thought that’s your state motto.
The state motto is “hanc tenent fermento”
teneat dolor meus,
Well, not us libertarians, to be sure.
What do you mean by “us” libertarians? Everyone but me is a fauxtarian.
I’m a Gamboling Glib, and…. You’re a Towel!
Libertarians never have purity pissing matches. Nope. Nosiree.
Also, I’m the only real libertarian here, you bunch of idiots.
Welch is desperately trying to earn that woke af street cred. He should have just called Peterson a white supremacist
Looks like the Starbucks dudes have ended up with a significant cash settlement from Starbucks, including tuition money to finish getting their bachelors.
And the City of Phila. is putting them in a $200,000 young entrepreneurs program. Not bad rewards for refusing to leave private property when you are asked to.
If Starbucks wants people to refuse to leave, they’re off to a good start.
I’m tempted to go by and see how far I can push it, but a white guy getting arrested won’t make national headlines
Convert to Islam first.
Cultural Appropriation.
Make it interesting: demand to use the transgender bathroom.
Well in your case if you do it while not wearing a shirt, and screaming about Your Future Reptilian Overlords are coming to steal your flatware while swinging around a dead river otter then you probably will.
Great, now I’m aroused again.
Hmm, will a nutria do?
And to think, I’ve been dicking around working for a living. What a chump I’ve been.
OT: Watched Zardoz the other night. This is word for word the plot summary that came up before I hit the “Watch Now” button:
Exterminator (Sean Connery) of Brutals lands in Vortex, mates with Eternal (Charlotte Rampling).
I spent a few minutes re-reading it and trying to figure out which one of you hacked the streaming service and wrote this.
No need to hack it when it’s so glorious all on its own!
Come on, that is an accurate summary of what happens in the movie.
There’s other stuff, but fuck me if I know how to write it up in under a page.
Oh, sweet! Zardoz is on Amazon P…rime… with a STARZ subscription. wtf, guys.
Brussels centralizing more power:
Brussels will have powers to cut off cash to countries that fail a new “rule of law” budget test under the European Union’s controversial first post-Brexit spending plan.
The European Commission presented a €1.3 trillion budget plan today for 2021 through 2028 that attempts to fill the hole left in the EU’s coffers by Britain’s exit. However, disagreements over burden-sharing, refugee quotas and cash demands have set the stage for bitter clashes over “liberal values” between east and west that threatens to split the member nations for the decade to come.
Jean-Claude Juncker, the commission president, stressed the need for “solidarity” in the difficult months ahead. “The new budget is an opportunity to shape our future as a new, ambitious Union of 27,” he said.
Members in the eastern European bloc have strongly objected to a number of the commission’s plans, with Poland and Hungary condemning the demand to make funding conditional to passing a “rule of law” test.
Described as a “major innovation”, it will allow the EU to turn off the cash flow to countries that do not uphold member rules.
At this point, one is left to wonder why the countries east of Germany don’t just leave the EU and form their own pact.
So Kasich knows more about medicine than actual doctors.
Jesus, he’s annoying.
Why is that Mexican wearing a Chinese Fu Manchu ‘stash?
I used to think you had a sense of adventure, man.
I mean… if you’re having sex with a woman dressed as a clown who puts a pillowcase over your head and then stabs you in the middle of sex, well…
…you better know what Yandere means?
This is why I like my girls Tsundere.
That’s the least surprising revelation since HM said “I think Baby Got Back is a fine song.”
It’s not like I wanted to surprise you, b-baka…
To be fair, she was probably dressed like harley quinn. Also, would.
Angry work rant from trashy:
If the IT fiasco wasn’t enough today, I got to listen to a spittle flecked feminist screed from a coworker because the general counsel dared to write a different dress code for men than women. Pretty much everything that is wrong in her work life is because of sexism (despite many of the shortcomings of the department being universal) , she didn’t get that promotion because of sexism (not because she’s a condescending know-it-all who gets off on misstating other people and correcting their misstated positions), she didn’t get credit for that project because of sexism (not because she completely ignored the instructions from the department head and made the entire project a huge failure and pain in the ass ), and women are leaving because of it (despite the fact that it’s a 50/50 gender split that have left since I came on board).
We have a new office prog who moved here from fucking California. They just couldn’t make ends meet in SF, so they sold their house, reaping a cool 800k from it, and now they live here, and she was bitching and moaning about not liking it. There’s nothing I hate more then people who move to my fucking state and complain about it. Go back to where you came from Yankee bitch.
The First Klan killed a lot of black people, and that was a heinous crime. They also killed or ran off the carpetbagging scum, and that was a crime, and I don’t condone it.
But I understand it. I certainly understand it.
Get her fired or she’ll bring more. They never stay alone.
There was a lot of that shit in Indiana. Usually from chicagoans or new Yorkers. Boring people usually.
Been there. After getting tired of hearing about I finally responded with “ ya’ know, you are not a prisoner here.”
I never heard about it again
When I lived in NW Montana in the mid-90s, there were quite a few “Don’t Californicate Montana” bumper stickers.
You want Atlanta burned down again?
Calling someone from California a Yankee is how you get Atlanta burned to the ground again.
Don’t forget Hartsfield, yankee.
This one has a serious case of the cray cray. On the hot/crazy scale, this one is in the danger zone.
So, I bring you my final report from the season of futility. Fort William FC play in the Highland League: the fifth tier of Scottish football. They played their last game today which ended in a 3-3 draw. Fort William actually led late in the second half before conceding an equalizer. Thus, they finished the season winning zero games.
Full record:
Played 34
Won 0
Drew 5
Lost 29
Goals For 31
Goals Against 184
Goal Difference – 153
That said, they have a very picturesque ground: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fort_William_F.C.#/media/File:Clagganpark.jpg
Goal Difference – 153
Does the team have some religious objection to fielding a goalkeeper, or is that position on permanent loan to Make-A-Wish Foundation?
The best teams in the top 5 leagues in Europe have trouble finding keepers that are good enough.
Once you get to the 5th tier in Scotland you’re playing a guy who probably works at a butcher shop 5 days a week to stand between the posts and just see if he can scare some goals away.
Still, other tier 5 teams should have the same problem you have, and thus goal difference should equalize as the audience is treated to glorious 5:3 and 8:4 matches…
No; I think what’s more likely to happen is that you’re going to get a bigger disparity of talent than in the professional leagues. Well, a few big money teams at the top not included.
Well they couldn’t score either, 31 goals in 34 games and they scored 6 of those 31 in the last two days (one of which they lost 7-3). They also had a 12-0 loss in there as well.
The entire board of directors is resigning as of the end of the season (because they can’t afford the time or money to run the club). How will they choose replacements:
“Any individual or group wishing to take the club forward should, in the first instance, call 07836 608 089 or 07803 049 571”
With one exception, the entire playing squad is Scottish. The odd man out is a defender from Hungary.
Well, looks like Roma could have pulled it off if not for more shocking poor ref decisions.
Bring in VAR.
It was a bloody travesty and disgrace what I saw.
Liverpool would have likely exited too.
Tier 6 next year?
Nope: there is no Tier 6. They considered resigning from the league and going back to the Scottish Junior Leagues (Junior is not an age measurement) but decided to persevere.
That looks like Team Blue’s record since 2014.
Golden Week and we’re off to mountains for dome camping. Weather is looking a bit ominous. Low hanging clouds.
Meh. https://m.imgur.com/a/k4snOQR
Fucking glamping has ruined the idea of getting a cabin, however.
I’d always wanted to visit Iceland, too, but then Game of Thrones came along and all the fucking fans overran Iceland’s tourism sector.
Great minds… I was in an argument over glamping last night. Just stay home or go to a hotel. Not my idea of what camping is all about.
I spent a few days in Iceland & enjoyed it, but that was pre-GoT.
At least they let their banks fail. Would’ve paid to seen the banksters cleaning out their desks.
Does that mean LotR craze has died off and NZ is affordable to visit?
It’s not just about affordability; it’s about avoiding a kajillion other tourists.
I remember when I visited my German relatives back in 1989 we spent an afternoon in Rothenburg. I and another pedestrian weren’t watching where we were going and nearly bumped into each other, so I said, “Bitte entschuldigen Sie mich.” “Excuse me,” she replied, with a very British accent. I prefer the less well-traveled places.
And so many people seemed amazed that this 17-year-old kid had a reasonable command of German.
I say entschuldigung and es tut mir leid around the office, and no one ever asks about it.
I blame State Capitalism.
I mean, it’s no Zimbabwe (I believe the top rate they had was something like 80 billion percent), but it’s getting pretty damn bad.
Well, Bush tried to stage that coup back in like 2003, allegedly, so clearly all the ills of Venezuelan socialism are attributable to that one alleged incident fifteen years ago.
Jeezus, Venezuela. Just tap out for god sake.
“17,968 percent figure. He keeps a daily record of inflation in Venezuela.”
Round it up to 18,000, fuckstick. Or 20,000. Five significant figures do not apply when children have machete fights over dumpsters.
Have ‘they’ scrubbed Michelle Wolf’s hateful comments or is everyone insane? I know that I am late to this party, I sually avoid this shit, but I keep hearing how crude and vulgar her bit was yet I haven’t seen a single example of said vulgarity, I didn’t really want to watch the thing so I asked my father you lives for this shit and he assured me that Wolf called Sarah H. Sanders a ‘Fat Slob’ and was very mean. So I decided to check and I can’t find the outrageous stuff, ever transcript and video I find shows a rather uninspired roast, Sarah gets like three tame jokes tossed her way and Wolf goes after CNN and MSNBC and FOX and liberals and yes Trump but nothing is over the line, I can’t wait for ‘Outrage’ culture to die. fucksake.
I couldn’t get past her voice long enough to listen to the whole roast.
She committed the same offense as most comedians in the Trump era- her comedy was lazy and not particularly funny.
But faux outrage is cool now, so whatever
Roasts aren’t funny when the roaster hates the roastee. The jokes come off as cheap shots. I wasn’t outraged. Just a big ol yawn.
I try and avoid the whole this asshole no one’s ever heard of said something assholy so now everyones has to talk about them things. It’s turned into a cottage industry where both sides maintain this ugly symbiotic relationship where one can’t exist without the other.
I agree, but this time I kept hearing how horrible she was and even liberals were demeaning her act and I never saw a single example that bore any of that criticism out, so I went against my better judgment and checked it out for myself. At least now I know what being gaslighted feels like. There is nothing worth whingeing about in her entire spiel, as I said before the sooner this current episode of grievance porn dies the better.
Ya know, I like my Coor’s Light and/or Keystone Light. I know Yufus is a fan of the higher gravity libations in a malt-flavor. However, any of you snobs that actually worry about taste have a thought on THIS?
Id try it
I’d hit Martha.
That’s mean Ted
I’ll try it once, like Cobra, it’s inbev/AB, kinda like Chevy vs. Ford
Sup Tres!
Hey Yusef!
I prefer this.
Oh. I thought they were bringing Zima back.
Well played Sir!
Seems skunky….
I’ll give that a try.
I don’t like bananas. They smell bad.
Well You’re a Towel, so….
I should wring myself out and get tossed the laundry hamper?
Wanna get High?
This would make a good anti-drug commercial.
I also hate the smell of frying eggs.
What smells do you like?
The actress in the “drugs is bad, let’s smash things” ad, probably smells quite nice, if she wasn’t busy smashing things. Or frying eggs.
Also, Stuffing.
Don’t try to eat after you put the condom on it.
Woman finds out what it’s like to be a man. Do they not have sex toys in England because they look too much like guns? Give yourself a hand girl.
Bilingual links are Un Merican!
Try a third language.
And you thought NHL playoff hockey was tough….
That’s quite a nonsense language those Russians have.
I don’t know what the fuck any of that gibberish says. What a waste of time looking at it.
On an unrelated note, does anyone else have any heads-up about any second or third jobs I can take on to earn more money to donate to the re-election committee of the greatest leader our country has ever known, TRUMP 2020? I can’t be the only one here who now understands the incredible importance of devoting myself to doing this.
My phone keeps offering to translate the page.
Man, every couple months I load up FO4 and remember how fun it is exploring the commonwealth.
Then I die after nearly an hour since I last slept, and remember how shitty that is.
We owe you an apology for this one, guys.
That’s got to be a parody
Left without commentary:
He reminds me of some B actor from 70s maybe that always played some evil henchman. I’d know him if I saw him.
My snarky comments about the kid’s looks have always gone unremarked upon here, proving that–whether you want to admit it or not–even Glibs have standards. I do think the trope about him looking like some sort of cable series budding psychopath are spot on; and I don’t feel like I’m purely picking on his weird looks because part of it is that creepy self-serious intensity he carries himself with at all times.
I will say this on his behalf: His hair is outstanding.
He looks like Ben Shapiro at twelve, but without the muscle mass.
2 out of the 6 moms on in our camping party are MIRFs.
Moms I’d rike to fuck?
You joke, but I’d never heard that term before. (Because who would actually run from a mom just because she ain’t doin’ it for you visually? Be nice to moms!) So I did assume on hearing it that it was an awesome term for Asian MILFs.
One of them is from Sapporo. Guess that makes her a SMIRF.
The beer?
By the way, the little sister from the single greatest television series in the history of the medium, Blue Mountain State, is now doing a Showtime show called SMILF, which I assume means “Stepmother I’d like to fuck,” about some poverty chick in Southie raising a little kid. Don’t know how good it is–probably derivative and mediocre since it’s Showtime–but in case you wanted to see Mary Jo “all grown up” (i.e. further into her 30s now, like every other “college kid” on that show; I feel like the casting had to have been itself a deliberate running joke), this one is for you.
I presume SMIRF, though undeniably catchy, was a concept too awful even to get greenlit by Showtime.
Rike! as in Riker?! Ever notice William Frakes and Al Gore are never in the same Room? coincidence? I think not….
*Jonathan* Frakes! /neeerrrrrrrrd
So? What are you waiting for? Describe the other four!
I’m not gonna describe my wife to you.
*straffin after two beers *
straff’s night out after a few more beers
I have been inundated with work the last week, and stand to have another week more of it. I got a brief reprieve today. 24 hours of not having to work.
What a crappie day.
The Lure is as big as the fish is as big as the Boy! you grow em big down there don’t ya!
That’s an all American home grown boy. Sharp as a tack, and more adventurous than most. I’m proud of him.
I got one, but he done growed up, now I have A 26 year old nut job, But he is a great HVAC mechanic, makes around 200$ a day,
You look like you’re having fun, don’t stop
Leach, just a piece of friendly advice. Go buy a slip bobber for that kid.
But congrats on the slab.
Tornado sirens are blaring! Oh yeah, it’s one of those nights!
I know I haven’t commented in a while. I have a friend who has been disappeared. It is going to be hard to explain the whole situation but it appears he had unacceptable things on his computer. I live in a small community, less than a thousand people on an island. If he had done something he is accused of the Fed’s would have never got him or we would know about it. I am wondering is there anywhere someone can go t o for help in that situation . He seems to be effed.
Uh,….fuck off, Tulpa?
But seriously, what are we talking about here? Do you believe he’s been subject to an unofficial/unlawful execution or imprisonment by the local powers that be?
I smell a troll
Maybe, maybe not. I do recognize the handle though. He/she comments very sporadically but I do remember that a few of those occurrences were contentious at times.
I think I may have been one of those instances. However, I’m in a jovial mood and am willing to hear this person out. Fuck it, I have nothing better to do.
P.S. I’ve read your last couple of articles but have yet to comment. That looks like a very interesting place to visit. I definitely get a Mad Max World vibe from your pictures. Would love to visit it one of these years.
From a cursory google search, it’s been about a year. He seems to know something about firearms.
I read slowly and am normally about two days behind so commenting is pointless. I highly recommend rug e r for for carry.
I am a lurker at tos since 2005.
Maybe that is yer upper lip.
Not local. They apparently flew him off.
Details are very vague. But have you asked Popehat? If he can’t help himself (this is probably outside his wheelhouse) he may be able to give you some brief further advice on searching for liberty-minded attorneys willing to help.
Others here may know of similar organizations dedicated to fighting for proper legal procedure in Constitutional cases, but I don’t know any off the top of my head. Not a good thing, come to think of it.
If your buddy got black-bagged I really couldn’t even begin to tell you how to go about finding his whereabouts. If that’s the case, he probably got flagged for his internet history at some point.
Be mindful, frequenting this site doesn’t keep you in good standing with people capable of doing things to you that may have happened to you friend. Or at least it wouldn’t if we were anything more than an *ineffectual, fringe backwater blog.
*love you guys!
It seems to be his internet history. Like I said, if he had done something IRL in this small, isolated community they would be arresting his murderer and had trouble doing that.
What are we talking about here? Pictures of Hillary and Huma doing the scissor tango? Missile defense system blueprints? Battle plans for a revolution? Kiddie porn?
I’m guessing something about doing something to the man that holds the office of the president.
This comment is in no way meant as a threat in case preet is listening.
Also have you tried asking the lawyers subreddit or other legal advice sites? Seems to me your first order of business is to try to find out where the guy is in custody. That is normally going to be a highly procedural matter that a working lawyer is going to have some expertise about. The extra detail that it’s about threats to the President is no doubt an extremely important distinction, but having some idea about the basics of finding a person in Federal custody is probably going to be a good first step.
Another idea to throw out there–if you google search news stories to see if there’s anything about someone being arrested or questioned in the past from your state about threats to the President, you can call up the attorney mentioned in that news report.
Thank you. Yes you are right. That is where you start. Funny thing about this place this is the third secret service action, if it is, on this place In a dozen years.
Wait, wait…your assumption is that your friend from an undisclosed island community of 1k people got black-bagged by covert ops either by the orders of the President, military or another organization in order to protect Trump?
Okay then. Fuck off, Tulpa it is.
Ah, I’m an asshole. I completely misread that comment.
Why would the orders to investigate a threat to the President originate from either the President or the military? This is a person who has been taken into Federal custody for such a (highly national-security sensitive) reason–presumably by the Secret Service–and is proving difficult (esp. for an ordinary citizen with no legal expertise) to locate. Doesn’t seem that remarkable to me.
I agree with Diego. There’s a huge chasm between discreetly taking somebody into custody and disappearing them. I’m leaning towards the former.
Another guy I know said something in a bar one night like 15 years ago and the SS were here the next day to drag him off for questioning. Sounds strange I know. Island life.
Like I said, I misread the comment. I think I’ve been conditioned over the last two years to immediately interpret such a scenario as “Man has dirt on Trump, Trump or somebody close to him catches wind of it, man disappears forever. For whatever reason, my mind went straight to that and thus my knee-jerk take on the comment.
Stupid, I know. Like I said, I’m an asshole.
Really? Scissor-tango? You beast….
Down down to hell, and say I sent thee thither!
I am thinking he made certain threats and got picked up for something indefensible on his computer.
Straff lives on an Island, maybe he can help, or maybe you hang with the wrong crowd,
and… Fuck Off!
Curious link from the handle…
Lol, I forgot about that video. Good times!
It always gives me a good laugh.
Fuck you. Fuck you all. Fuck you Trashy for making that stupid video. I hadnt seen it in ages, and I hold you personally responsible for my sore ribs, and the fine mist/particles of Coor’s light I spewed all over my display from laughing.
The wrong crowd is the only crowd I know. That’s why I’m here.
Thank you all for your input. This is one crazy situation. I will try to keep you updated but you have given me I put to consider and a place to vent a bit of just the crazy about it. Oh, and I AM TULPA BOW DOWN AND SUBMIT.
Ok. Let me start by saying I AM THE TULPA. Enough already. It is kind of a effed upped situation. If he has do e what seems to be the story he would be crab bait and nobody would say a thing.
Re: the stereotypes photo on the main page
I’d feel guilty if a) Mexico didn’t live up to a bunch of stereotypes every time I go there, b) lots of businesses and people in MX are trying to make bucks by selling many of those same stereotypes, c) https://imgur.com/6TUY00o
(Technically, I guess you could blame the Swiss for c), but the namesake is quite interesting as well. Holy Roman Emperor and a bunch of other titles, who was Dutch/Belgian, now a Mexican candy bar. Also, very good milk chocolate)
Stereotypes wouldn’t exist if there wasn’t a kernel of truth to them.
I know *I* certainly can’t jump.
Yes. For example, Jews only use the plasma of Christian children for their matzo dough, not the whole blood product. (Really, do they look hemoglobin-colored to you? Such exaggeration and paranoia.)
Well, they put the red cells back. Not kosher. Duh.
There’s nothing more soul crushing than going to a job that you absolutely don’t like.
I started working at this small family financial firm in Chicago last June and when I first took the job, I was excited because I finally got to do some accounting and other stuff involving finance but slowly have come to the realization that the firm is not a great fit for me. The pay is lower than my counterparts (and they basically told me that I won’t have an increase in pay for a while), I do not have any benefits, along with the owner not having a vision for the future. I stayed because of the experience I get along with not having a gap in my resume history. For example, I get done with my accounting assignments fairly fast but yet I’m stuck here sometimes until 9PM or 10PM with my boss watching him do some financial modeling which is fine but we’re here late because he wears 20 different hats and he’s not good at managing his time which makes us stay later than we ought to. I don’t mind staying late because I have some projects due, but it’s another thing when it’s because someone can’t manage their time well.
The issue is that for one thing, my boss who gave me the job is also one of my good friends and he asked me to come work for the firm. I’ve learned a lot from him but his reality of what the firm is suppose to be is warped because he is extremely loyal to the owner to a fault. I mean the guy hasn’t gotten paid in a couple of months and the owner just makes him do all of this work and he hasn’t really seen the fruits of his labor along with him not investing a damn thing in this job. Part of me feel incredibly disloyal for wanting to leave but another is like…fuck this shit. But I’m at the point where I just hate going into the office everyday because it’s not productive and I don’t see myself having a future here.
Sorry to rant and thanks for reading.
Hey, it’s you! I was wondering where you went. I’d have thought you’d have changed your avatar to Kanye by now.
Sounds like it’s time to go. In a different context, my wife has an analogous issue. Guilt is a very bad reason to stay somewhere you don’t belong anymore.
Guilt is a very bad reason to stay somewhere you don’t belong anymore.
That’s what I’ve said about my last couple relationships, but somehow *I’m* the asshole for ending it.
Well, “relationship” is a rather fanciful way to describe your interactions with the C.O.s who do your cavity searches. I can’t really blame them for being off-put if you are screaming this at them all the time.
Jeez, guy, I said I wanted to split up, not split me up the middle.
/Rodney Dangerfield voice
And when I said separation, I didn’t mean my shoulder!
/Rodney’s follow-up line
I have to say, if it’s not your friend’s actual firm but just a place he works I’m not really feeling a lot of awkwardness here. Sure it was a bit of a favor he did for you, getting you the kind of work you had passion for. But if conditions there are as poor as they are, and in particular your future prospects and current pay as poor as they are, then it would seem quite understandable (especially in this day and age) for you to leave if a better opportunity comes up and you can explain it to your friend. If his loyalty is so intense and blinkered that he expects you to share it, or cannot see the working conditions you face for what they are, then his irrationale could indeed prove a bit awkward in practice. But there’s only so much you can do in life to accommodate others’ warped perspectives like that. It’s unpleasant, I don’t want to be glib about the difficulty of it, but you can’t pay them much deference as a policy.
Don’t want to sound like a dick, but loyalty only goes so far with any employer. Your loyalty extends no further than showing up and doing your best as long a you’re getting paid. They *will* fire you if times get tough enough. Hell, your friend is working for free. Stay cool with everyone and start looking. Give good notice and say “thanks for everything, but I’ve found another opportunity I can’t turn down.” You’ll leave on good terms (if they’re not assholes) which is important. You will not regret doing this.
Good Luck.
I remember at one of the firms I once interned at, they always talked about loyalty and all that other bullshit but when times got tough they had no problem laying people off. In short, fuck loyalty.
Of course! Man I do hate that creepy sort of fiction, and I think most people do too. One good thing I think about our changing times is that I think accurate–as opposed to weird mythical paternalistic–beliefs about capitalism are becoming more widespread at least in how people think about their everyday lives in things like their relationship to their employer.
One caveat I would give to what I earlier wrote is that I hope you were honest with your friend about why you wanted the job in the first place, what you intended to get out of it. If he had reason (real, “reasonable person” reason) to think you were committed to staying for a longer term, then that might get awkward. But as it stands, it certainly looks like a reasonable person would hardly be surprised to see you jump at an outside opportunity for your career if it becomes available to you–let alone when your current conditions are as substandard as they are.
“Loyalty is lack of a better alternative.” A very wise, much older d00d told me that back at the very first position I had after graduating from the MBA program. I pulled the plug on that position a few days after he told me that, and I never regretted it.
You guys are absolutely right. It’s goofy and counter productive to stay at a place where you’re not happy at.
Is anyone disturbed by the idea that a breakthrough in the Korean conflict may be due to the fact that Kim thinks President Trump is unstable? Is it still considered the “madman theory” if the adversary doesn’t think it’s a theory?
Not sure it’s any apparent instability with Trump. Rather, the uncertainty. Kim was certain (and rightfully so) that neither Bush or Barry would do anything rash. Trump….. Instability or brashness doesn’t matter – he just can’t be sure and he knows NK stands no chance.
I think one of Trump’s greatest lines has been “My button’s bigger, and it works”. Folks laughed at what they thought was just a juvenile penis joke but I’m sure it was the “it works” part that really made rocket man think. He’s not stupid he’ll never be sure his stuff will actually work.
I think he, like many leaders, including Xi Jinping and, to a degree, Putin, know how to play to Trump’s weakness for flattery. And it might not be the worst tactic, sadly.
Exactly. Kim has been on a flattery binge with Trump and the South Koreans for a few months now. It will last till the summit and maybe after for some more months to try and get as much as he can. If they take serious steps towards denuking the peninsula that would be amazing and a shock. So far Trump has pulled it off, but I could see him mucking it up. He could also just maybe pull something off.
If this is legit, let me add to be careful to get an attorney who specializes. I’m not an attorney, but have occasionally written some pleas to the court for a friend. It is extremely easy for the court to decide that someone who is neither relative nor lawyer has no standing, even for, ironically, habeas corpus.
Totes wrong place. Still can’t get hear on wifi so using dumb phone
Your threading makes you seem as unhinged as Hign.
Not as unhinged as P Brooks?
Nuke the Moon a plan for world peace.
God, I love benadryl. I wish it didn’t make me so twitchy. And it’s going to give my Alzheimer’s, according to some very vocal critics of my sleep habits. But it’s very, very sweet, the way it eases me into sleepiness.
I’m predicting bullshit on that Benadryl-Alzheimer’s link when the jury gets in. What you really have to watch out for–apart from the chemtrails, of course–is the aluminum salts in your underarm deodorant. No one needs 23 kinds of underarm deodorant!
…Especially when they all cause Alzheimer’s!
By the way, people focused on the deodorant part of the comment because deodorant is an inherently funny thing. (Underarms are such an unimaginably silly body part that they prove God exists and has a sense of humor.) But so much so that they ignored the much weirder part. You might get someone to reluctantly (if rather ridiculously in its premises) agree that, if a reduction in child poverty is somehow the tradeoff for a less robust capitalism and consumer culture, then knocking a few deodorant varieties off the market would be a small price to pay. It perhaps to some really might seem like a perk of market abundance that can be curtailed a bit if necessary. (What do all those deodorants do differently, anyway?)
But Bernie also said that we don’t need a choice of “eighteen different pairs of sneakers.” Eighteen! That is some straight-up Soviet visioning right there. This is creepy as fuck. How the fuck can any American relate to this kind of mentality in 2018?
Switch to dimenhydrinate (generic Gravol) for a while; makes you sleepy without the twitchiness. Cheaper than Benadryl, too.
Being an uncle is a thankless job. Somebody else gets to have the sex to make the kid, and no matter what wisdom you impart their parents always fuck them up more. Reminds me a bit of government…
Being an uncle is a thankless job.
Except, perhaps, for Uncle Buckle, the Safety Buffalo.
The sequel to Uncle Buck would have revealed the tragedy.
Not a dead link, but this!
That is one sad photo.