I’ve been busy at work. Some kind of legal discovery. Not that I didn’t want to skip the other, less Mexican links and skip directly to the comments. Honest.

Not Gabriella

Up first! The caravan we have all been waiting for has arrived. The best part is, CNN went out of their way to put out a sympathetic story.

Todos ellos viajaron cientos de kilómetros en bus, tren o a pie. Todos ellos dejaron sus casas y buscaron comida y desafiaron a la lluvia y el frío para llegar a la frontera con Estados Unidos en Tijuana, México. Y todos ellos planean pedir asilo en Estados Unidos.

Sin embargo, alguien tenía que estar al frente de la línea de batalla. Y al final, la eligieron a ella. Gabriela Hernández, una mujer embarazada madre de dos hijos, cuyo viaje ha seguido CNN, está entre las ocho personas elegidas este lunes por sus compañeros migrantes para empezar el proceso de buscar asilo en Estados Unidos. […]
Docenas de inmigrantes prometieron acampar a las afueras del centro, a un paso de San Diego, hasta que “el último de ellos sea admitido en Estados Unidos”, dijo un organizador.
They all traveled hundreds of kilometers by bus, train or on foot. They all left their homes and looked for food and braved the rain and cold to reach the US border in Tijuana, Mexico. And they all plan to seek asylum in the United States.

However, someone had to be in front of the battle line. And in the end, they chose her. Gabriela Hernandez, a pregnant mother with two children, whose trip has followed CNN, is among the eight people chosen on Monday by their fellow migrants to begin the process of seeking asylum in the United States. […]
Dozens of immigrants promised to camp outside downtown, one step from San Diego, until “the last of them is admitted to the United States,” said one organizer.

It just hits you right in the feels.

Its a toothless threat, given the number of homeless in border towns, so they’ll be waiting a while.

Meanwhile, Lil Marco, fresh off saying that tax cuts have no impact on the American economy, has a few things to say about Venezuela: 

El régimen del dictador venezolano, Nicolás Maduro, amenaza los intereses estadounidenses. Si bien el régimen de Maduro rechazó dichas acusaciones, se trata de un Estado patrocinador del narcotráfico. Estados Unidos ha sancionado al vicepresidente, llamándolo “líder del narcotráfico”, y los sobrinos de la primera dama fueron sentenciados el año pasado a 18 años de prisión por cargos de narcotráfico en EE.UU. El régimen brinda refugio a organizaciones que Estados Unidos ha designado como organizaciones terroristas extranjeras, como las FARC (Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia) y el ELN (Ejército de Liberación Nacional). Ha atacado el orden democrático regional, y se asocia activamente con los enemigos de Estados Unidos, incluidos la dictadura cubana, Rusia, así como también con Irán y Hezbollah.

Los efectos indirectos de las acciones autoritarias del régimen de Maduro menoscaban los esfuerzos de Estados Unidos y sus socios regionales por promover la democracia, los derechos humanos y la estabilidad en el hemisferio occidental. La gestión corrupta, el mal manejo económico y la supresión violenta del disentimiento popular por parte de la dictadura venezolana, han producido una grave crisis humanitaria de proporciones históricas. A su vez, el flujo desestabilizador de millones de migrantes venezolanos ha saturado los recursos de países adyacentes como Colombia y Brasil.
The regime of the Venezuelan dictator, Nicolás Maduro, threatens US interests. Although the Maduro regime rejected these accusations, it is a state sponsor of drug trafficking. The United States has sanctioned the vice president, calling him a “drug trafficking leader,” and the first lady’s nephews were sentenced last year to 18 years in prison on drug trafficking charges in the United States. The regime provides refuge to organizations that the United States has designated as foreign terrorist organizations, such as the FARC (Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia) and the ELN (National Liberation Army). It has attacked the regional democratic order, and is actively associated with the enemies of the United States, including the Cuban dictatorship, Russia, as well as Iran and Hezbollah.

The indirect effects of the authoritarian actions of the Maduro regime undermine the efforts of the United States and its regional partners to promote democracy, human rights and stability in the Western Hemisphere. Corrupt management, poor economic management and the violent suppression of popular dissent by the Venezuelan dictatorship have produced a serious humanitarian crisis of historic proportions. In turn, the destabilizing flux of millions of Venezuelan migrants has saturated the resources of adjacent countries such as Colombia and Brazil.

¡qué jodido payaso!

“Look at me! I’m Marco Rubio, I’m a duplicitous jerk.”

Speaking of jerks. Puerto Ricans demand more of your money.

Yariela Montes, de 41 años, estuvo entre los miles de puertorriqueños que salieron a las calles el martes a protestar.

“No sé qué le dejaremos a nuestra pequeña hija”, dijo, refiriéndose a la situación actual en la isla. “Es un panorama tan feo en este momento”.[…]
Un plan fiscal recientemente aprobado establece una serie de recortes presupuestarios y consolidaciones de agencias con el fin de establecer un camino para que la isla reestructure su agobiante deuda pública de $ 72 mil millones, mientras se recupera de los daños del huracán María.
Yariela Montes, 41, was among the thousands of Puerto Ricans who took to the streets on Tuesday to protest.

“I do not know what we will leave our little daughter,” he said, referring to the current situation on the island. “It’s such an ugly picture at this time.”[…]
A recently approved fiscal plan establishes a series of budget cuts and consolidations of agencies in order to establish a way for the island to restructure its overwhelming public debt of $ 72 billion, while recovering from the damages of Hurricane Maria.

Speaking of jerks wanting more of my money.

Educadores de Arizona y simpatizantes de #RedForEd se reunieron en el Capitolio de Arizona el martes para un cuarto día de paro laboral de maestros.

Los organizadores han anunciado que continuarán el miércoles, mientras la Legislatura sigue debatiendo el presupuesto.

Los participantes están luchando por más fondos para la educación y aumentos de maestros.
Arizona educators and #RedForEd supporters gathered at the Arizona Capitol on Tuesday for a fourth day of teacher work stoppages.

The organizers have announced that they will continue on Wednesday, while the Legislature is still debating the budget.

The participants are fighting for more funds for education and teacher increases.

Since everyone wants to believe this is some kind of grass roots movement, I leave you with this:

Desde las 10 a.m. más de 170 simpatizantes de #RedforEd y #MarchforOurLives llenaron la galería del capitolio estatal mientras los legisladores debatían el plan del gobernador Doug Ducey para evitar tiroteos en las escuelas.
From 10 a.m. More than 170 supporters of #RedforEd and #MarchforOurLives filled the gallery at the state capitol as lawmakers debated Gov. Doug Ducey’s plan to prevent school shootings.

I hate everyone involved.

Translation services provided by the Alpha Beta corporation. Who ask you to go forth and leave a flaming bag of shit on a teacher’s doorstep!