I’m amazed at the speed involved in hockey now. Yeah, they’ve watered down some of the physicality, but I’m starting to think that might have actually been for the better. Watching (most of) the playoff games last night made me realize how much fun it is watching this style of hockey. Tampa Bay took care of Boston, with the help of a couple horrible missed calls and evened that series 1-1. And Vegas just cranked it up in the second period and took what I assumed was total control of the game so I turned it off…only to find out San Jose had a hell of a third period and forced overtime, where they were then beaten anyway. The other two series play tonight, and I can only assume the games will be entertaining as hell.
In baseball, the Astros cooled off the Yankees. The D-backs dumped the hapless Dodgers. The Rex Sox topped Kansas City. The Cubs and Nationals won. And the Twins fell again.
On the hardcourt, Boston dumped Philly in game 1 of their Conference semifinals. Cleveland-Toronto and Nawlins-Golden State start their series tonight.
And lastly, the UCS semifinal second leg games start today, when Bayern Munich travel to The Bernabeu to take on Real Madrid. The first match was 1-1 in Munich, so the Krauts will need to come out firing. Liverpool-Roma tomorrow after the Reds cruised at home, until the last 10 minutes, and won 5-2. But they will keep in mind that Roma overcame a 3-goal deficit in the quarterfinals.
Yay sports!!!!
Today we celebrate the birthday of King Kamehameha. Let’s all celebrate by wearing Hawaiian shirts, to the dismay of assholes on Twitter. Also born on this date were sharpshooter Calamity Jane, director John Woo, who subjected the world to Broken Arrow and Face/Off. May God have mercy on his soul.

Thanks John Woo…you bastard!
I could go into the fact that its Global Commie Day but I won’t. I will instead note the Cy Young pitched the first game in Cleveland’s stadium. Babe Ruth hit his first Home Run for the Yankees, as did Mickey Mantle. Take that, communism!
OK, now that the juices are flowing, I think its time to transition to…the links!
You want to know the difference in how the Kings Men are treated relative to real people? I just so happen to have a link at the ready that shows one of the more egregious examples. I mean, is there any possible way to square this with the equal protection clause?
Whether you’re pro-abortion or pro-life, you gotta admit that this is one seriously cold-blooded zinger. And from a Catholic, no less! I thought Commiepope Francis had declared comedy unseemly.
Israel burns every intel asset it has in Iran and dumps a trove of information outlining their nuclear plans. I cannot help but think this is genuine. No way would they publicize this and essentially out every intel officer involved unless they believed it to be genuine and its release necessary. I just hope we don’t get sucked into the ensuing shitshow.

San Francisco: Come for the great food, stay for the bums shitting on the sidewalk!
San Francisco finds the end of their tolerance for something.
In the last few weeks, Mayor Mark Farrell has promised $750,000 to hire more people just to pick up discarded needles and $13 million over the next two years for more heavy duty steam cleaners and pit stop toilets. He also had workers dismantle sprawling homeless tent camps in the city’s Mission District.
The city famed for its picture-perfect views of the San Francisco Bay has long tolerated overflowing trash bins and homeless people camped out on sidewalks. Commuters routinely walk past people slumped over in transit stations, sometimes shooting up in public.
But Farrell and others say the squalor has gotten out of control, and that everyone should feel safe using city sidewalks. It is not humane to let the mentally ill or houseless fester outdoors, he said.
This is what happens when you let public sector unions establish their own separate justice system: You get cops who are above the law and innocent people in jail for decades. Fuck you, Chicago for allowing this. And fuck you, Rey Guevara for being a piece of human garbage that’s inexplicably not been thrown in jail or been the “victim” of some vigilante justice being carried out. Well, one can hope that one of those statuses changes.

I no ronery anymore!
In baseball, the Astros cooled off the Yankees
Is Morton on PEDS or something? Or are the Astros’ pitching coaches magicians/devil worshipers? Or is he just an anomaly?
He’s a really good 3-4 guy to have on your depth chart, isn’t he?
The Astros staff is cheating their asses off. Verlander is suddenly throwing harder than he has in years and pitching as well as he ever has at 35 after declining for a while. Charlie Morton magically gained 3-4 mph in his mid-30s. Gerrit Cole magically gained 200 rpm on his fastball spin rate. Combination of PEDs and pine tar at work here.
Kate Upton has something to do with this renaissance. But the Astros made some kind of deal, hella stacked.
Yes, I imagine some of this has rejuvenating properties (minus creepy uncle terry).
Oh, that link is possibly NSFW, depending on how uncool your office is.
Or are the Astros’ pitching coaches magicians/devil worshipers?
If they had really sold their souls, McCullers and Keuchal wouldn’t be so hot/cold. The REALLY crazy thing is their five pitcher, Gerrit Cole, is really 2 in terms of quality starts, strikeouts, and ERA.
Keuchel’s a finesse pitcher – PEDs aren’t really going to help him. McCullers is just a head case, I’m guessing.
I think McCullers is one of those guys who needs a game to mean something to bring his “A” game, although his B game ain’t bad. I’m hoping another year around Verlander will teach him how to bring his best to the park every outing. But goddam its nice to have a TEAM ERA of 2.54.
Im loving watching this young yankee team this year, but christ o’mighty are the Astros scary.
Yanks have the talent to win 95 games this year, but still might be the 4th best team in the American league. Crazy.
An inquiry into Guevara’s cases conducted at the city’s request by former U.S. Attorney Scott Lassar concluded that Bouto was likely innocent
Likely innocent, beyond a reasonable doubt. Potato, potahto.
Hey, what is a little standard of guilt between
friendsframed people?I’m teaching high school kids about patent law today. I can’t wait to bore them to tears!
Are you going to teach them that it is a racket? That people are granted insane patents all the time for trivial things. That those people then go sue the shit out of other companies and poor slobs like me get pulled into meetings with business types and lawyers to try to explain to them what the patent covers and why it is stupid? That the end result is that companies settle just to make the shit go away?
Or, if you are a small company, your patent gets ass raped by a larger one and, as it turns out, your patent isn’t worth shit if you don’t have 7 figures to defend it.
This after spending a small fortune just getting the patent through the prosecution process to begin with.
Nah, they were more interested in bitching about not having single payer than hearing about such things. David Hogg 2.0 was crusading for profit caps for big pharma
SF should take their cue from LA. Metro might put showers in some train stations for LA’s homeless: ‘It’s a humanitarian issue’
Ah government, always there with shower when lithium is required
Alternatively: what’s with the government always trying to put the undesirables in showers?
Alt-Alt: Janice is just the douche to give you that confident feeling.
You know who else built showers for undesirables?
The people who built my office building and had an obvious disdain for people who use the office gym?
Old testament God?
I concur.
Ray J?
Winner ^
Sure… “If only I didn’t have to shit on the platform and sleep in a stairwell…I could be Office Manager at that sky scraper over there!”
Sky scrapper?
So he’s going to work for Southwest?
*Grumbles and fixes word*
No retconning!
There are different rules for the
king’sGlib’s men.Hey, I was quite open about it…I didn’t even get a visit from the Edit Fairy!
Like this?
one of our principals is a multi-billion dollar international company who came out with this new product line a few years ago (a ball valve) – it had an optional seal type called a “scraper seal” for fibrous/dirty service, the seal literally scrapes the crud off of the ball.
every piece of marketing literature for the first six months said “scrapper seal”, I watched countless launch webexes where the error was repeated. It blew our minds as a rep that this kept getting missed
“We have shocking video.”
Or, you know, not shocking at all.
Foreseeable consequences are not unintended.
The injustice that dares not speak its name.
To avoid a Ken-like WoT, one more quote:
See? Public shitters (and showers) are just as valuable as utility lines, trucking routs and infrastructure.
To compare public restrooms in Japan to the United States is beyond belief. The Japanese have a monoculture that does not tolerate public littering or defacement. In the US, we put up with constant vandalism and disregard for the commons. And frankly, it’s worst in the impoverished areas.
I don’t believe the author has ever set foot in one of those foreign toilets.
Yes, Japanese toilets are usually nice except if you end up with one without Western stalls, which usually happen to be located in railway stations.
My wife has seen Japanese girls walk in, see the squat stalls, and walk out. Also, have been the victim of traveler diarrhea and not every station in every city has a bathroom.
And let’s not mention than you can be put in prison in Singapore for spitting your gum on the sidewalk.
For that offense, Singapore is too lenient.
No. Shit.
No gum either.
They didn’t shit in the same Chinese restrooms that I did then!
First it is not a western style commode, it is a squat toilet (search for images – I dare you).
Second, there are usually no doors (pretty hard to align the bomb bay with the bomb target when a dozen Chinese men are staring at you) .
Third there is usually no toilet paper or soap (those things get stolen in China).
I am not going to read. Do they mention who is responsible for the Jim Crow laws? I bet they dont dare speak that name either.
It was not until 2011, we should recall, that U.S. congresswomen gained access to a restroom without having to pick their way through hallways and lobbies of tourist onlookers.
How dare they have to interact with the hoi polloi!
How many innocent school children were scarred for life while on a field trip to the capitol when they watch Pelosi hike her skirts up and squat to take a piss in one of the hallways because there were no facilities for women in Congress?
*Don’t even try to speculate about the damage Hilary did – because she pisses standing up.
Access to the white commode, even for people working as domestics in private homes, was granted only to clean it. They had their own toilets, usually in the basement or out back.
Not seeing a racial component here. I would assume most people with domestics have a designated bathroom for ‘the help’ to use, regardless of race.
Regarding this and the SF story I think Victor Davis Hanson makes a very good point. Almost all of the people making this kind of policy for California don’t have to live with the consequences of their policies.
None of those people take the train in LA of SF, nor do the walk around downtown and shop at small delis there.
Those showers are going to be jerk off central station. It’s like the cry closets. If you wanted to rape someone, those would be perfect. Next guy in line: “The guy in there right now sounds really sad.”
Isn’t that the case for most politicians in many places?
Let others deal with the consequences. Imma gonna git me some votes and name in the history books.
“Lawana Tillman, 55, camps out in a wheelchair with friends on a corner they’ve claimed near Market Street. Most of them have been homeless for years. The women say they welcome help, but haven’t seen any offers.
“They should first interview us and give us housing,” she said. “It would take most of us off the street.”
“Give us”?
Well they’ve “claimed” the corner. Of course they expect free shit.
Also, homelessness isn’t a choice…but these hags have been homeless for years.
What a fucking joke.
I actually sort of respect a certain class of bums. The ones I am talking about are the addicts/drunks who have decided that they are going to spend their life fucked up. They have stripped out everything that they don’t need and focus on getting just enough money to get that next jug/hit.
Some days as I am slogging through the cube farms, I wonder if they don’t have the right idea.
I hate San Francisco. It’s gross and sucks.
I love the fact that the progs that make it the shithole it is now have to deal with this crap. I hope they actually waste more tax payer money giving homeless people spiffy bathrooms. That will serve to attract more homeless people, and encourage those with no ownership costs to deface and destroy this property with even more speed, costing the tax payer’s even more money to try and keep it working.
The best way to make stupid people see their stupidity is to rub their faces in their shit just like you do with a dog when training it.
“rub their faces in their shit just like you do with a dog when training it.”
Um, you’re doing it wrong.
Go hang out in the Financial District. It’s actually very nice.
I have, but it’s not worth the total experience.
Who are all these homeless people heading off to job interviews? I don’t think I’ve ever seen any.
One of the most irritating things in the Metro stations in DC is no restrooms available (public or otherwise). They have “hidden” ones you can ask a manager to unlock if necessary, but overall a great inconvenience if you’re making a long multi-train trip.
Damn you!
Several Proggies I know think I am crazy for calling the NYT a commie rag.
They’re woke. You’re not.
But they’re woke like a zombie is awake.
Don’t read the comments.
He’s correct, most of them were started by cynics.
Forget cynics. They were started by charismatic and evil people praying on moronic jealous/envious douchebags that just wanted to be the top men in a system they knew they would never actually have any kind of legitimate way of taking over. At least Hitler and his cadre of evil monsters managed to win elections peddling the collectivist evil they believed in before actually going full woke and killing the millions they did. Communists still hold the record for most murdered and most forced to live in misery and slavery bar none for a reason.
Most, or probably all, of them were started by selfless and dedicated people who believed in what they were doing and worked hard to make the world a better place. Of course they ended up with piles of corpses. That’s how it works.
I see what you did there Warty, and I applaud you.
Motions to Suthenboy about the NYT being a commie rag.
I would give the finger if I saw Marx’s grave.
I jof by this Soviet submarine a couple times a week. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soviet_submarine_B-427
I always give it the finger. Sometimes I’ll go double eagles. Fuck commies.
You want to know the difference in how the Kings Men are treated relative to real people?
The White House in general? Or just Orange Hitler’s White House?
Whatcha wanna bet Porkchop ends up with the Nobel PP and not Trump?
I’m not holding out too much hope, especially for the Nork people. Unless we’re seeing a Gorby style fall of an evil regime, my guess is that whatever Kim Jong Un negotiates is going to strengthen his grip over his own people. Totalitarian regimes don’t usually just ease up on the boot stomping. We may get a denuclearized peninsula, but that regime is too evil to clean up it’s act.
Here is how I think this plays out:
Kim and Moon get a joint Nobel Peace Prize. 15 years after the peace treaty is signed, Kim is running a unified Korea, but it’s not bug-shit crazy like North Korea was. The former NK TOP MEN have taken over the government from the SK pussies, but they govern mostly like modern progressives, which is what they are at heart.
Pyscho Effer: One vote for the status quo.
Pretty sure it is not the fall of North Korea.
You will note this peace thing came pretty much out of nowhere and started right after Kim had a secret meeting with Xi Jinping.
Given where China is right now and what it is doing in the South China Sea and modernizing it’s navy it is pretty clear Xi gave lil Kim his marching orders of make peace so the US leaves Korea or else we will remove you from power.
China wants to be the Eastern Pacific’s Hegemonic power and it doesn’t want to start a world war to get there, that means removing as many US interests from the region as possible and step 1 for that is ending the Korean War. That said I can’t honestly see either Korea itching to merge with it’s neighbor. The South probably does not want to take on the cost of absorbing the North and won’t give up it’s freedoms to join them. The North can’t invade the South without bringing in US forces and triggering a Chinese take over (and even if they could they completely lack the capability to defeat South Korea even without help from the US) and wouldn’t want to give up power to join the South.
So my guess is we see a peaceful 2 Koreas for at least the next couple of decades but within 5 years we start seeing a lot of calls from all over to get the US troops out of Korea and Japan because they are no longer needed to defend against the Norks
In fairness, he probably just had the porn to use as bait in his hunt for STEVE SMITH.
During the criminal impersonation investigation, the sheriff’s office received an anonymous tip that Barnes had possession of child pornography.
This just in – James Clapper is a piece of shit.
I hate politicians. Goddamn weasels who won’t call a spade a spade.
Those cocktail parties would become very awkward if they did.
Holy shit, Sloopy! You brought the ‘A’ game today!
Yeah, they’ve watered down some of the physicality, but I’m starting to think that might have actually been for the better.
It’s still really physical, but the board-rattling-hits-for-no-reason tend to disappear in the playoffs. You can’t afford to take yourself out of the play, because you will be destroyed by odd man rushes.
I thought Commiepope Francis had declared comedy unseemly.
Really? I assumed his whole schtick was some sort of comedic performance art.
So I’ll play a song from the best commie band ever.
I knew it was gonna be them! Mick Jones said once that Spanish Bombs was his favorite Clash tune.
It’s probably my favorite tune of theirs. I love “Radio Clash” but it’s not nearly as playable if that makes any sense.
I get it. Rudie Can’t Fail for me.
Stay Free https://youtu.be/kl5u7z_hNUA
Oh, hell yeah!
Here’s one for all you young punks:
Brilliant. The Clash were a favorite topic of Clash songs. They were probably the most self-referential band in history. Their songs promoted their brand more than any band I can think of, except maybe the Beastie Boys.
Boston sang a lot of songs about themselves too.
Solid brand. They built their own amplifiers too!
Tom Scholz is a genius. I’m not a huge Boston fan, but the guy is the real-life Buckaroo Banzai.
Deniz Tek from Radio Birdman is also Buckaroo Banzai https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deniz_Tek
John Spenser Blues Explosion. They have “Blues Explosion” in nearly every song in the catalog.
Gates of the West https://youtu.be/gdkuYVsJ7nM
Safe European Home https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i_6UTZb-_vI
My personal fave Clash song.
You probably already know this, but they recorded it after going to Jamaica to record an album. The Rolling Stones had been down there, and were handing out $100 bills so they wouldn’t get mugged. This set the expectations of the locals really high as to what European rock stars could afford for personal safety, and the Clash couldn’t meet them, so they spent their time in hiding, and recording at weird hours.
Yeah, the lyrics are hilarious. They never out Jamaica directly, but it’s very clear where they are singing about.
I love the production bit about the guitar playing a single high note, and then a fifth lower. It works on its own, but also sounds like a police siren, which I don’t think was coincidental.
Complete Control https://youtu.be/JeTw_p_WglY
One More Time ft. Mikey Dread https://youtu.be/RNAzIdli0ig
I like Career Opportunities.
I’m amazed at the speed involved in hockey now. Yeah, they’ve watered down some of the physicality, but I’m starting to think that might have actually been for the better.
So- kind of like the difference between pros and the olympics back in the olden days? I hardly ever watch hockey, anymore.
A lot of the lack of physicality in the Olympics has to do with the size of the rink. This is different because it’s the same guys thatbwere banging the shit outnof each other a couple years ago before the rule changes and interpretations (that I lamented at the time) changed the complexion of some components of the game as they relate to checking.
Still, how the fuck did they miss that cross-check that would have given Boston a power play with 2 minutes left last night?
I thought the NHL should have increased rink size a long while back.
Should but won’t. They’d have to refit all the old arenas and lose a fair amount of seats. Lot of lost money and probably no benefit.
Ugh, no. Just get rid of the crosschecking bullshit and watch these guys go. The back and forth intensity is waaaay better on the smaller ice.
How about the missed slash on Marchand on a clear goal scoring opportunity?
I already called this, Boston is a big market and the NHL has a big financial interest in seeing them go at least 6 games in every series. Don’t worry Bruins fans you’ll get an absurd number of calls in the 3rd period of game seven
OT: Leaving my house this morning I noticed a 5ish inch tall mud tower with a hole in it about an inch in diameter in my yard. It seems like a crawfish hole. But the nearest water feature is a creek that is about 600 ft away. That said, the front corner of the yard where it was has been relatively saturated since I moved in last October and there is somewhat stagnant water in the curb which feeds an inlet at the other front corner of my yard. Does anyone have any thoughts? I already have a carpenter bee issue so I am hoping this is not another insect problem.
Crawfish. My dad used to pour bleach down the holes to drive them out/kill them.
Im sure there are ways of getting ahold of them that doesnt ruin their edibility
That far from a water source? (well from a creek anyway…)
Why would he do that? They dont hurt anything.
It’s the aliens letting you know they’ll meet you at Devil’s Tower.
This is important. This….means something.
I would recommend curtailing your apparent dogshit-fucking fetish….
“I would recommend curtailing your apparent dogshit-fucking fetish….”
Why you got to kink shame him, you bigot?
Gotta be a crawfish hole unless it’s a snake.
That or Andy Duphrene.
If he could fit into the warden’s suit and shoes, he could probably fit in a crawdad hole.
You are cracking me up Rebel. It’s a crawfish. They spend a portion of the year underground and they dont have to be that close to water as long as the ground is damp. This state is riddled with them. I have seen them pop up a mile from water. I have seen yards with thousands of them. The only problem they present is for your lawnmower.
Interesting. I have only ever seen them around water (creeks/streams/ponds) prior to today.
I’d be getting some water boiling with some Old Bay or Tony Cachere’s and try to figure out how to get that crawfish into that pot of boiling water.
Gonna be a disappointing meal if it is just one crawfish though. isn’t it?
They’re gonna kick me outta Maryland for saying this (and Mrs Ras might divorce me if she hears about it) but Tony Cacheres >>> Old Bay
Holy shit, he’s actually going to do it. Roy Moore is suing some of the women that lied about him. The main name I didn’t see in there was Gloria Allred. But anyway, I say good luck to him. They already got what they wanted in stealing the election from him, but hopefully he can make that theft hurt with this.
It’s a shit complaint that will be thrown out on summary judgment as soon as the judge stops laughing long enough to make a ruling.
It looks like a drunk pre-law student wrote it.
Drunk pre-law students gotta work, too.
Hey! I’m 2L!
Farrell and others say the squalor has gotten out of control
Squalor, like value, is subjective. Where’s my study grant?
The Governors of New Jersey and Texas got into a op-ed debate on cost of living and quality of life. An NJ columnist mocks our idiot Governor for even going there.
I have to say, I miss Princeton. We have an NJ Exit 10 here in Ames – he stopped by the other day which prompted me to look at real estate. A short-lived exercise.
From the article: “Murphy cited a lot of numbers in his defense, But he left out one number that would have shocked the Texans reading his piece: $204,361.
That’s the annual property-tax bill on Murphy’s riverfront estate in Middletown Township.”
I can’t conceive of paying so much every fucking year just to retain property that I’ve already paid for. Property tax is truly evil.
This, and the discussion of the public toilets and showers, is really making me think about how evil the premises are for taxes. Taxes fundamentally punish the virtuous in order to provide benefits to the vicious. Someone doesn’t want to follow the rules that are required to live in society like a human? Take money from someone who does the right thing – at gunpoint – so that they can have all the benefits anyway. Fuck that shit!
McCain writes a book to attack Trump before his cancer gets him. Not really a shock. The surprising bit is this: “McCain, 81, also writes that this will be his last term in the Senate, a fact he said a brain cancer diagnosis forced him to admit last year.” We’re actually going to be rid of McCain?! Oh, there’s also this little gem.
Humble and Honest People do not run for political office.
Also, “How about you give me half of everything I want and get nothing” is not a valid form of “compromise”
But you see it’s not nothing. It’s half of what McCain wants. He just pretends to want something different from the Democrats.
And? How odes that even remotely change what I said?
Because he’s giving up half of what he wants to get half he does. See, compromise!
I thought the UK would be the last, not the first country in Europe to get transformed into a crazy Orwellian diaspora. That damn brat kid finally died, and this guy got 8 months in prison for flipping off a traffic camera. That’s like double the penalty for raping underage white girls. The local Stasi are bragging about it.
Last night’s movie at the Candy/SP command center: Strange Powers. See it.
Does the hero die?
Have I mentioned how much I hate Face/Off?
What you don’t believe that attaching the soft tissues of the face will give someone an entirely different build and bone structure?
Not just the face. The wife didn’t notice. At least she didn’t say anything in the morning.
And someone else’s voice
Tard Tuesday: Wind Beneath My Wings Edition
Too stupid to copypasta.
Not clicking that link…
I am not willing to lose 20 IQ points for hours from that level of derp.
Time for everyone’s favorite modified sweat glands on display.
#5 is anatomically unlikely, and not in the way you’d expect. None of that matters as long as 12 shows up.
Lots of hand bras in that group!
Captain Trips starts in NW Minnesoda at an Indian casino? Or is this just Karl Marx’s ghost trying to teach a dirty capitalist the true meaning of May Day?
Seven people treated at Mahnomen hospital after cash used at store burns clerk
The Indian cops have a pretty sweet RV!
It is starting?
What’s “The White Earth Police”?
White Earth is the big Ojibwe reservation. It is just north of where I grew up.
The gas station in that story is right next door to the casino (I still do some hunting in the area and drive by it several times each fall). I’m sure if that money had gotten a clerk in the casino sick, they wouldn’t have closed the casino.
It’s native americans? I would’ve bet they were talking about Victorian England.
A Richard Spencer wet dream?
“divulged law enforcement sensitive information to unauthorized individuals; misused his government issued electronic devices; provided misleading testimony during a related civil deposition; mishandled classified information; misused his position during contacts with local law enforcement officers; and provided false information to the OIG.”
I assume he used the Hillary defense.
Is that the one where all the witnesses suddenly commit suicide?
No, some of them die while being “mugged”.
He committed suicide your honor. He shot himself in the back of the head… twice.
Old, but relevant:
“The secret backstory of how Obama let Hezbollah off the hook
An ambitious U.S. task force targeting Hezbollah’s billion-dollar criminal enterprise ran headlong into the White House’s desire for a nuclear deal with Iran.”
In order to claim they got a deal from Iran, the Obama admin was willing to do anything and everything, including things they knew would result in the deal being worthless paper, as we again were reminded yesterday, and that was all so they could grandstand and pretend Obama was a great statesman. In the mean time the orange asshole cowboy has so far actually managed to force Fat Kim to the negotiating table, where their priority will be to make sure a deal is only made if they can make sure Rocketman’s regime will be compliant and they can verify that. Of course, Obama is the asshole they gave a preemptive Nobel Peace prize to, which should tell you that the priority of our global elite cadre isn’t actual accomplishments, but grandstanding so they can keep fleecing us.
Speaking of Movies Starring an Angry Rubber Fish- I managed to slog my way to the thrilling conclusion of the Jean Luc Picard holodeck version of Moby Dick. I’ll cut to the chase. Gregory Peck did it better. Save your nickel.
Actually, if you want to see what’s his name striving to escape the shadow of the Enterprise, watch his stab at Macbeth.
A whale is a mammal.
Does that mean they got big tits?
Wow that was some zinger from Catholic Vote.
Is it me or are attitudes starting to shift about abortion?
I think they’ve been shifting for some time. Part of it is based on advances in medicine pushing back the week when an unborn child is viable outside the womb with medical care. And some of it is based on the prevalence of technology/advancement of cameras that capture what’s actually going on during an abortion.
It is you.
Well that is not quite true. Overall the attitude in America on Abortion is pretty thoroughly shifting to viewing activists on both sides as lying slimeballs with no logical or ideological consistancy and rejecting both extremes (banning or completely unrestricted abortion) and more and more people are becoming comfortable with a compromise of abortion being legal through ~20 – 24 weeks and then heavily restricted to outlawed beyond that.
There are a handful of red states who keep trying to tilt at that windmill and drive that restriction point down or enact stealth bans (sure abortion is legal we just don’t have any medical facilities that have been licensed to do it because we refused to license any or made the cost of the license/complying with the law onerously large) but they generally get smacked down by both the courts and public opinion when they do it,
i’ve seen anecdotal evidence that it’s shifting. my wife is a militant vegan and had a come to jesus moment wrt abortion when lecturing me about animal welfare.
Cleveland-Toronto and Nawlins-Golden State start their series tonight.
The Warriors already lead the series against Nawlins 1-0. That’s just how good they are.
Somebody tell Swiss – the commie Pope wants him to turn in his Halberd.
Rufus: Imma gonna storm the Vatican and steal some prices treasures.
Rufus’s “friend”: Whaddya gonna do about the Swiss Guards?
Rufus: Who?
Rufus’s friend shows picture.
Rufus: I thought they were clowns!
Fancy European clowns are called “harlequins “.
Why’d you take that handle, out of curiosity? Gaius Musonius Rufus has come up a couple times in my reading.
As is usually the case in world history, the reason is usually banal.
I had just watched Duck Soup the day I decided to join Reason. Soooo, I couldn’t come up with a handle (Eat a bag of fucken diseased dicks you lousy commies was too long) and didn’t care sooooo….yaddee, yaaddoo, yadda….Rufus J. Firefly was born.
Then I became monocled.
Now you can tell your boss.
Gentlemen, Chicolini here may talk like an idiot, and look like an idiot. But don’t let that fool you. He really is an idiot.
Now you can tell your boss.
“Idiot, it’s not the Canadian we’re after!”
If it’s The Clash you want…
I like this one.
Obama – Desperate for some kind of foreign policy legacy sells out to Iran with a terrible deal that’s likely to be dismantled
Trump – On the path to finally ending the Korean war 65 years after fighting stopped
The Nobel Peace Prize is a joke so Trump should be happy he probably won’t get it. Honest history books will tell the true story.
Give Trump credit where it’s due. Things couldn’t continue forever this way with the Norks, but I never would have thought Trump would be the guy to end it.
Would he get a million dollars? That would be hilarious. He could buy an evil rifle with it and donate the rest to the NRA.
I am not so sure about that Iran deal not being dismantled. Trump may be the guy to get that done as well.
Why does the EU and anti-German Merkel want to keep it in place?
Cui bono?
I know Western European democracies have a bit of bizarre fetish for giving into nasty regimes but still.
It’s virtue signaling taken to a global scale. That’s the only explanation I can come up with.
“We’re so tolerant and un-Islamophobic that we’ll give a genocidal regime nuclear weapons! We’re the wokest!”
I think it is more denialism than anything else. They want to imagine that soft words can deter any threat, so deliberately ignore facts to the contrary. They want to maintain the deal because they don’t want to admit failure.
” At what point is your clothing not really clothing anymore?
It’s possible we have now reached that point.
A Los Angeles fashion brand has just launched what it calls “extreme cut out” jeans, retailing for a mere NZ$239 a pair.
The brand, Carmar, describes itself as “a premium denim brand catered to the free-spirited generation of today”.”
But compared to other places around the world, our whole country is a disgrace; cities such as Tokyo, Singapore and some in rising China have public bathrooms at everyone’s convenience, and they are clean, even sparkling. American city officials, responding to demands for remediation, so often declare in helpless intonation that “it would take hundreds of millions” to do it right. But far more was involved in laying utility lines, trucking routes and industrial infrastructures. What’s wrong with recognizing bodies?
I think I see an opportunity for Bernie’s new federalized job placement service.
“Clean toilets? Fuck that, man. I’ll just stay on this corner and panhandle.”
NYT headline: Bernie Creates Shovel Ready Jobs.
Someone around here a while back described the mentality of social engineers as that of a child playing with game pieces on a board. Their habitual referring to people as ‘bodies’ is pretty solid evidence that that analogy is spot on. It kinda creeps me out.
They view the world as a giant game of Civilization, all possible improvements, political philosophies, technologies and units are already programmed in, you just need the Top Men to select what their Civilization will work toward. People doing the unexpected pisses them off, just like I get pissed off when I’m playing Civilization and I lose a Knight to a barbarian camp that decides to spawn a second unit right before I kill it.
That’s not how Civ Games go. You left out the fact that the AI cheats so much that by turn Five, Ghandi is dropping Nukes on you.
Has there ever been a version of Civ where Ghandi was NOT the most bloodthirsty asshole of an opponent?
If I recall correctly, the origin of this was a bug — some peacefulness counter value that rolled over to a negative number or something, and people found it so humorous that it was purposefully preserved in all future versions.
referring to people as ‘bodies’
I have found this to be rather dehumanizing ever since I first heard them using it. I think it is indicative of the leftist world view. They see people a pawns, nothing more.
Don’t any of you people work?!?
I’ve been asking this for a long time and still I get but ridicule for answers.
If only The Clash were less left-wing!
But then they’d have to change their name to The Truce or The Calm or something, eh?
Gibson Guitars files for bankruptcy.
How much of this is due to all new music being made with crappy synthesizers? And kindly get off my lawn.
Stick to your knitting.
Ugh, I can practically hear the business school case about them being written right now. What a terrible decision.
It happens all the time. Companies can’t eke out the kind of growth they need organically, so they jump right to acquisitions.
What do we do with all this cash?
I know, let’s buy a failing business in a completely different industry that has razor-thin margins. We can definitely do a better job than they did.
That decision reeks of the next generation taking over and wanting to put their stamp on the business.
wanting to stamp out their business.
They didn’t pay cash for the acquisitions. They financed it through some private equity firm.
Even dumber, that’s government level dumb
My favorite acquisition is the one where you buy the company that is eating your lunch in a certain area because you can’t compete with them.
During the acquisition you assure the other company that nothing will change. Maybe consolidate a few things like HR and Accounting, but the rest of the company will work just like it does today.
After the company sells, all your ambitious fucks will storm over to the new company because they think that it will be a huge success and they want in. However, they also start demanding that the new company start working the way the parent company does. All the smart people leave and you are left with a husk of a company. The ambitious people then drop out like ticks from the scrotum of a dead cape buffalo.
The end result is you still end up not being competitive in the market you were trying to enter. You’ve wasted tons of money and alienated a good chunk of your employee base.
* Can you tell I’ve been through this process several times? The only company I’ve ever seen do a good job of this is EcoLab. They truly do leave their acquisitions alone and let them keep succeeding.
I remember the heady dotcom days well.
I just bailed on one of those (from the smaller company) in February. I wish the new company nothing but the best, but damned if I’m gonna be part of it.
My company does a fair number of acquisitions, usually cash (we’ve got lots), sometimes stock. The smaller ones were absorbed and their tech integrated, some have been failures (one was spun back off after about 3 years, I’m sure we lost money) and at least one has been a homerun (new $600MM/yr business, and growing? yes please).
We haven’t bought a straight-up competitor since I’ve been there, but I there there were a couple in the early days.
Issuing debt to acquire a competitor does indeed seem like a terrible idea.
This is the business world’s version of TOP MEN. Doesn’t involve force, but still really, really dumb.
Growth through acquisitions = future cash flow problems.
Debt service is a bitch. And who came up with the idea to buy some home stereo bullshit? Sounds like a couple private equity consultants hatched a plan and sprung it on Gibson. Hope the CFO got a decent kickback.
Idiots decided to get into consumer electronics, which is a cutthroat business.
Seriously. That was a bizarre move. Onkyo though came out with a sweet retro turn table but I decided to go with the minimalist styling of Project.
The Pro-Ject/Music Hall stuff has much better quality standards than the stuff Hanpin/Onkyo tables. Hanpin makes stuff for Music Hall, too, but the brand is the one responsible for the quality control.
That’s what I was told by people who know.
What the hell? The demand for fine, hand made instruments will never disappear. They should have stuck to what they do best, downsize if necessary, but stick to what they know.
Didn’t the government sue them over importing wood?
Much worse than that. It’s infuriating, whatever you think of the company. Banana republic-style shakedown.
Goddammit. I play Fenders, but I never wanted to see this. The Les Paul and the SG are great guitars (and basses, for the SG). Shit.
Congratulations! Fender will soon own Gibson.
Some is due to their diversification. But let’s not overlook the amount of money they were forced to pay in extortion/diminished customer base when the Obama admin went after them for their political views (by way of some bullshit treaties on wood importation).
If Trump gets the Peace Prize, he should Obama to pick it up for him.
On a leash with a note that says ‘This is how it’s done losers.’
I’m outside the consensus tonight. I don’t see the Norks giving up anything substantial at all and I’m no fan of The Clash (even politics aside).
I’m with you Straffin on both counts.
This is Kim’s way of backing away from the cliff and saving face. Korea will be a bit calmer, but there won’t be any real changes. Kim still has a shit ton of artillery that can hit Seoul.
And I like a few Clash songs, but mostly blah on them.
They are overrated and recorded a lot of mediocre to terrible songs, but the best of the Clash is excellent.
Same opinion as Pope Jimbo.
But I don’t mind The Clash!
I heard a bit of that Michelle Wolf chick’s spiel. Jesus, what a boner killer. She has the voice I imagine her boyfriend would use to mock her. Grating doesn’t touch it.
She has a boyfriend? Who? Pajama boy?
Roasts are funny when the comedian actually kind of likes the person they’re roasting. Otherwise, it’s just them being an asshole. Being an asshole is fine, but the roast format is not the place to do it.
i was a tentative would until she started making noise. now a hard pass.
This whole Korean thing is starting to look like it may be real. Nobel Peace Prizes all around!
I will be truly shocked if Trump is given a Nobel Peace Prize. Can you imagine the faces of everyone at CNN if they are forced to report something like that? Much like their election night reaction, It would be priceless.
Though, they may just contort themselves to attribute Korean peace to former President Light-bringer because Supreme Leader Spray-tan couldn’t possibly achieve anything of positive consequence to the world.
NK only became denuclearized and the Korean war ended because Obama Iran deal paved the way, or something.
Not to worry, Bolton’s on the case.
“You drive a hard bargain, John. But listen, I have a counter proposal: I’ll keep my arsenal and not get bayoneted in the ass, and you can fuck right off.”
The Libya model from 2003-4 was a great plan. Col Quadaffi (whatever the spelling is) gave up a chemical and biological weapons plan in exchange for open trade, expanded access to cash for development and an opportunity to rejoin the civilized world. And it was working out for everyone involved…
…until a new admin came in and needed a pipeline with which to funnel arms to Syrian rebels (who would later from ISIS) because he drew a red line on Assad and congress told him to fuck right off.
The Libya model was a great template. Obama completely fucked it up.
Obama fucked up bigly? Pull the other one, buddy.
The Nashville-based maker of Gibson Les Paul guitars has been struggling with debt it took on to finance acquisitions of home-entertainment and audio-equipment makers years ago.
That Lacey Act bullshit a few years ago didn’t help. You know, when the feds raided Gibson and confiscated a bunch of “prohibited” material based on a bullshit tip which may or may not have come from Martin.
“You want to know the difference in how the Kings Men are treated relative to real people? I just so happen to have a link at the ready that shows one of the more egregious examples. I mean, is there any possible way to square this with the equal protection clause?”
The first thing top men need to do to completely erode a people’s confidence in their leaders and their legal system is shit like this. One set of rules for you to follow, and another for me as a top man, is a recipe for a banana republic. This shit used to happen, very infrequently, and often with consequences when these top men were caught doing it, until Obama weaponized government. Now we have the leadership of some of the most critical government agencies – ranging from law enforcement to intelligence – that are not just totally corrupt, but get pissed when people point that out, and have no shame complaining and whining about how someone doing that is undermining their ability to do their job.
Fuck these crooks and the banana republic they have left us with.
“director John Woo, who subjected the world to Broken Arrow and Face/Off. May God have mercy on his soul.”
This same man gave us The Killer and Hard Boiled before Hollywood ruined him.
yeah, just forget his later work. It’s not good.
“Instagram model claims wealthy dog owner urged his terrier to have sex with her during photoshoot, then sued her for ‘sexually arousing the animal'”
“Instagram model”
This always makes me laugh. Can’t tell you how many friends I had in college that were “models.” i.e. they let photographers pay $50 to take pictures of them naked. I’m fairly certain there’s another name for that profession…
I had a gig like that for awhile, except I wasn’t paid, and there wasn’t any photography.
Okay, fine. I had a trenchcoat.
I think I could have guessed all that just based on his picture.
I didn’t even get that far. I clicked to open the link and my phone started reeking of Drakkar Noir so I assumed a Persian nightclub owner from SoCal was involved and closed the tab.
Dolphin owners hardest hit.
She hits a bunch of checks on my list. Damn.
Happy May Day comrades!
(how some wag would greet fellow soldiers when drill weekend fell on 01MAY)
…director John Woo, who subjected the world to Broken Arrow and Face/Off
Subjected? Face/Off is awesome. You have Nicholas Cage at his most Cage-ist and John Travolta pretending to be Nicholas Cage at his most Cage-ist. It’s ridiculous, over-the-top schlock that’s completely enjoyable.
John Woo also gave us A Better Tomorrow, A Bullet to the Head, Once a Thief, Hard Boiled, and so many more Hong Kong classics. Top five director in my book. Kubrick, Scorcese, Woo, Ridley Scott, Blake Edwards. Boom!
Don’t forget Cleaver.
Leftist thought summed up succinctly:
Eric Spencer
“Would you be interested in forming an educated opinion?”
“I’ll pass.”
The Left in a nutshell. https://twitter.com/JYSexton/status/991008793004859392 …
8:39 PM – Apr 30, 2018
I love how by opening up so many lines of connection between humans, we’ve somehow managed to make meaningful communication more difficult than ever.
Facilitating meaningful communication also means facilitating gibberish. Gibberish has always been in the majority. No doubt there is more of both now.
No, I think there is a major difference between talking to someone face-to-face vs. over the internet. The social consequence for spouting gibberish/just being plain rude has gone way, way down – which has caused the volume to gibberish to go way, way up. (all relative to the amount of communication in general)
“I recognize capitalizing on insecure masculinity when I see it.”
I have no difficulty whatsoever believing that is is intimately acquainted enough with insecure masculinity, however my bet is that he is so closely tied to it that his definition of it may be a but skewed
” know its commie day. So I’ll play a song from the best commie band ever. What a shame their politics sucked, but they were still phenomenal.” The Clash is a good call but I thought it was going to be Rage Against The Machine.
Honestly, there are a ton of bands you could say that about. The Minutemen are among my very favorites (just listened to Double Nickels on the Dime this morning) and their politics were stupid.
Midnight Oil tosses a hat into the ring.
I’m not allowed to listen to RATM while drinking anymore
Fuck you, I won’t link what you told me!
True story-
Back in my wilder days, my little brother and I discovered a direct causation between listening to RATM and the likely hood of us getting into a fight on a night out drinking.
It’s enjoyably angry music, but JFC are their politics stupid. Multi-millionaires against capitalism!
“Fuck you, got mine.”
Communists who work for Sony and charge lots of money to buy their albums and see them play live – totally checks out.
I had just watched Duck Soup the day I decided to join Reason. Soooo, I couldn’t come up with a handle (Eat a bag of fucken diseased dicks you lousy commies was too long) and didn’t care sooooo….yaddee, yaaddoo, yadda….Rufus J. Firefly was born.
“You… upstart!”
Why, I could dance with you until the cows come home. On second thought, I’d rather dance with the cows until you come home.
Will you marry me? Did he leave you any money? Answer the second question first.
Good day for sports get to watch Scherzer start against Pittsburgh(who he usually murders) and watch the Caps play the Penguins(who usually murder the Caps). I can’t believe I’m in on the caps again.
I’ve decided not to go near New Orleans. In looking at possibilities I discovered the fact that its high crime rate is made up of exactly the sorts of incidents that bug me the most. (Pickpocket made up far too many of the theft category, plus the undescribed simple theft instances were absurdly high)
Anyway, I now have another gap of several days in my schedule between checkout in Dothan Alabama and check-in in Texarkana. there’s give or take six states in range, but only time to stop in one. Suggestions?
Booo. New Orleans is fun, smelly disgusting fun but fun none the less.
Over the course of the last week it has as many crimes as Louisville and Fort Worth combined with less than hlf the population of either.
Plus, I really fucking hate pickpockets.
how many of those pick pockets can be attributed to people getting drunk losing their wallets and reporting it as a crime?
After the warnings about I-10, it tipped to the point of “not worth the bother”.
Nit pick, because I hate basing things like city population on arbitrary boundaries (not that MSA boundaries arent somewhat arbitrary), but Louisville is only marginally bigger than NO.
They are the #45 and #46 sized MSAs respectively. Less than 20k difference in 2017 estimated population.
Fort Worth, of course, is part of the #4 sized MSA.
Louisville is particularly tricky. For most of my life, I lived in Jefferson County but outside Louisville. Then the city and county merged. From 2007-14 I lived in the city of Middletown, BUT ALSO in the city of Louisville. Which is just particularly crazy. Did I live in a city of 7k or 700k? Or 1.3MM?
I think the 1.3MM (MSA population) is the most accurate for comparisons, to avoid stupid stuff like Louisville being larger than Boston (680k or 4.6MM?).
The crime map I was working from covered a larger area for Kentucky and Fort Worth, so it may have had even more people. There was a parish in the New Orleans map that did not report, so their numbers were not factored in. So if we dragged in their numbers (it’s a case of “looks like the same town except for the line on the map”) I don’t think it would improve NOLA’s numbers unless the residents in that area are angelic beings of zero criminality.
Dothan??? Who goes to Dothan?
New Orleans is generally fine as long as you stay in the very touristy, heavily policed areas.
Dothan was almost an order of magnitude cheaper than the panhandle, and still within reasonable driving distance of the caverns in Marianna and the shoreline.
I’ll try to get the name of that really trashy strip club in Dothan where my buddies couldn’t figure out if the stripper’s scar was from a bad c-section or a lost knife fight.
My plans do not actually involve visiting that city, as it was instead close to the stuff in Florida I was going to see.
My college roommate was from Enterprise, so I have been thru Dothan.
I’ve driven through Dothan many times. The traffic is always brutal on the bypass and on 231. I think everyone within 100 miles gets on the bypass at 5:00.
So, you’re saying “Don’t drive at rush hour”? I thought that was a given. But then again, I’ve been a city dweller my entire life.
It’s bizarre because Dothan is not a big city. I think it’s just because there are no interstate highways in that region and if you want to get from Montgomery to the Florida panhandle coast (aka Redneck Riviera) you pretty much have to go through there.
I am consulting with my wife on giving you advice. She knows south LA better than I do. I will get back to you.
Go to Oxford, Mississippi. It’s a beautiful college town. Tons of great architecture.
It’s an outlier in that state to be sure. Worth the trip.
I’ll say this for Mississippi – I’ve driven through most of this country at one time or another, including coast to coast several times, and they have by far the nicest rest stops.
Best thing about Oxford is all the young ladies at Ole Miss with questionable morals who made my time at NAS Memphis much more bearable.
Worst thing so far is that it appears that all the nice restaurants are closed on Mondays. (Guess which day of the week I’d be looking for a nice place)
Ignoring everything else you might say about this dude, this is actually illegal, right?
(Dem candidate for Congress from Virginia goes to gun show, buys AR-15 on spot without background check. Uses it to blame opponent for taking NRA $)
I’ve never had a lawyer ask me if something was illegal before.
I do securities and corporate transactional law. I haven’t studied any other type of law since the bar exam. I’m as clueless on that stuff as anyone else is.
Fair nuff. That being said, I don’t see how that transaction proved he wasn’t a felon that lost his right to own a firearm. Looks very fishy to my IANAL of any sort eyes.
Yeah but you get to fake it and most of us will probably just nod and say “interesting.”
Terrifying? What a fucking pussy.
Was it an FFL? Or a private seller?
Who pushes the hardest against the Sate Governments, or the Federal Government, passing any form of firearm legislation? Oh yeah, that is right, the NRA.
If only. And lets conveniently forget about the current (mostly ((98%)) unconstitutional) gun control regime comprised of 20+ thousand laws and reg’s across the country. Because there’s not already sufficient (and illegal) regulation in this country.
It may be good for them to treat the NRA as the primary boogieman. More effective and hardcore groups like GOA and SAF can operate right under the gun-grabbers noses.
I realize there is great deal of anti-NRA sentiment among Glibs, but no other 2A organization provides the same level of legislation/legal insight, member updates, and calls to action. That said, I prefer GOA for their “give no quarter” stance (we are members of both GOA and NRA).
Except they’re assholes about it.
Plus they ridiculed Heller.
The NRA is the shield. The SAF is the sword.
As a fundamentally conservative org, the NRA doesn’t have the mindset of pushing them back, of going on the offensive. I also believe there are entrenched interests that move and shake quite a bit too keep the status quo.
Repealing NFA, for example, would absolutely crater the value of anyone who has a legal machine gun. That registered Sten you paid 10k for? Thing is worth about 100 bucks in terms of actual parts and labor costs. But your magic NFA stamp makes it cost as much as a car. I can see how a guy who’s sunk a million into his legal machine gun collection might not want that asset to be rendered 10% as valuable, if that.
Silencer companies would be totally fucked if NFA repealed. Since they have to be registered, there’s a market for big metal machined cans. Repeal NFA, and most people are gonna go to cheap disposable solutions for their plinking needs. No need for a 500 dollar Silencer Co when someone makes an adapter that turns any oil filter into a plinking can.
Just like with any industry, entrenched interests have adjusted their business model and practices to the regulatory environment. They’re not gonna want to upset certain applecarts.
i got into a little debate with a leftist writer over private sales (among other suggested gun control reforms). it got to the point where he was asking me to cite studies that proved that typical prohibitionist laws disproportionately impact politically unprotected minorities. i get that evidence to support assertions is important but this was coming from someone who writes about no-knock raids, police misconduct, stop-and-frisk. the left has completely flipped their lids on the gun issue.
There was a relatively recent study that showed Chicago’s gun laws had a disproportionate impact on minorities. The authors found that blacks with a clean record (thus eligible for a license) were rejected at a significantly higher rate than whites. I don’t remember exactly what the license was for (CCW, Handgun, etc), but it demonstrated that racism still plays a strong role in gun control.
The “OMG Racist!” card is overplayed, but does apply to gun control. If the NRA and Repubs had the slightest shred of intelligence, they would make this one of their core positions and bring it up constantly.
that *if* is pretty big but even if they did drive that point in their PR, it would be “debunked” by some SJW and then the left would ignore it and hope the hell their minority voting bloc didn’t discover it.
Either a liar or a felon. The only way he could do that is person to person, not from a dealer.
Trump is going to end up Nixon-ing himself out of office.
It’s never the crime, it’s always the cover-up.
I must admit I’m impressed by how many people have maintained high levels of outrage for over a year.
The gold comment is:
“Nick Pezdek
Replying to @realDonaldTrump
Are you really this dumb? You’re an embarrassment to the position of POTUS. You can obstruct justice for a crime that never happened… by obstructing the investigation into the crime that never happened. That’s… literally what Obstruction is”
And this guy appears happy that such a thing can happen.
“Being prosecuted for obstructing an investigation into a non-existent crime is the basis of a free society or something”
They’ll find something, or they’ll keep digging till they find something.
You can obstruct justice for a crime that never happened
If there was no crime, how exactly is justice obstructed? Isn’t justice what happens when nobody goes to jail because no crime was committed?
Obstruction of Justice is the ultimate FYTW crime.
We don’t need to prove you committed an actual crime, we can just keep investigating you till you accidentally make a false statement or lash out at the injustice of it to create new crime to charge you with.
IMO Obstruction of Justice should not be a stand alone crime, one of the elements of an Obstruction charge HAS to be demonstrating that some other law was actually broken. The same is true of resisting arrest, they should not be able to charge you with resisting arrest unless they can demonstrate that the arrest was actually legally justified
Perjury is supposed to be a lie under oath about something material or relevant. If there is no underlying crime, then it seems to me that there is nothing for the lie to be relevant to or material to. Of course, Martha Stewart was imprisoned solely for perjury without any charges brought for insider trading, so we know they aren’t applying it that way. Rather, they say that it is perjury if it is relevant to material to the investigation.
The guys is so dumb that he thinks there needs to be an underlying crime in order to obstruct justice. Ummmm….is he not familiar with what happened to Michael Flynn?
Trump’s lawyers every time he Tweets: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_GP5_NQ_LEs
It’s never the crime, it’s always the cover-up.
Nonsense. Do people really believe this? Not even the most ardent Trump supporters seriously expect Hillary Clinton to go to prison. And she had both the crimes and the cover-ups.
Hillary’s accomplishment was getting the FBI and the DOJ to run the coverup for her.
Well, he’s not wrong.
He’s really pointing out that federal prosecutors are able to manufacture crimes and convictions out of thin air. Its the old “show me the man, I’ll find you a crime” thing.
I really believe that if the prosecutor can’t charge for the underlying crime, there should be no “process” charges coming out of the investigation of the primary crime. Sure, this will mean some people who are really good at covering their tracks will walk (which already happens, right, Hillary?), but I think the tradeoff is easily worth it.
Pretty sure you already know this, RC, but Hillary isn’t good at covering her tracks, she’s just good at getting political cover.
…as you mentioned in the response right above this one, which I neglected to read. *sigh,,, never mind*
“The city…has long tolerated overflowing trash bins”
So the city government has tolerated not doing its job? How liberal of them.
Chris Cuomo: Real quick- if Israel has nuclear weapons why can’t Iran have nuclear weapons?
Is this guy for real with this nonsense? The media is so desperate to protect Obama’s legacy that now they’re playing the “well, how come they can have it, but not the other guy” game with nuclear weapons?
There are really strong arguments for not scrapping the Iran nuclear deal. Preserving Obama’s legacy at all costs (which is all the media is concerned with doing at this point) is not one of those strong arguments.
The Cuomo siblings fight for the coveted title of “dumbest cuomo”, and it makes it difficult to decide which is the dumber. In any case, the big difference is simple – Iran will use them. Either directly or by handing them off to one of the many terrorist organizations they bankroll. How shocked will Chris Cuomo be between the time the flash comes and when the firestorm incinerates his New York offices that the people who routinely chant “Death to America Death to Israel” decided to bomb the “Great Satan”?
Uh, because Iran is a theocracy and sponsors terrorism around the world?
Wasn’t the purpose of the deal to vouchsafe Iran’s nuclear ambitions on the theory that robbing Israel of its unilateral nuclear advantage would help stabilize the region?
robbing Israel of its unilateral nuclear advantage would help stabilize the region
Not sure how making it easier for Israel’s enemies to mount a full-scale attack on it stabilizes the region, but whatever.
Balance of Power: because it worked so well in Europe.
When you start from the premise that TEH JOOZ are to blame for all the world’s ills, it makes sense.
Once everything from the Bosphorus to the Hindu Kush is a glass parking lot, it will finally be at peace.
Don’t forget Britain
We were talking about regional stability.
But My Parking Lot! I WANT IT….
There are really strong arguments for not scrapping the Iran nuclear deal
There are? None come immediately to mind, other than it provides some kind of cover for not doing anything about Iran nuking up, and Iran nuking up is preferable to imposing sanctions on it.
Off the top of my head there are two glaring reasons that immediately come to mind:
– If the US scraps the Iran deal, then what? We would need all signatory countries to agree to scrap the deal in order for such an act to be effective. China and the Russians will not do this. What if our European allies (who do not want to end the deal) decide to side with the Russian and Chinese position?
– What message does this send to North Korea? The overthrow of Gaddaffi convinced countries that acquiescing to American demands will not ensure that the Americans will be satisfied. Gaddaffi gave up his WMDs, but he was still overthrown. If the US reneges on a deal that the Iranians are still in compliance with (even if those requirements are laughable) why would the North Koreans ever actually follow through with ending their nuclear program?
We would need all signatory countries to agree to scrap the deal in order for such an act to be effective.
I think this is a variation on the justification I proposed above.
What message does this send to North Korea?
That we’re not going to do stupid deals?
If the US reneges on a deal that the Iranians are still in compliance with
They’re not, you know. And never really have been.
“They’re not, you know. And never really have been.”
That seems to be disputed. The IAEA says they are in compliance and Israel says they aren’t.
The same IAEA that lets Iran self-inspect its nuclear facilities for compliance and never forces the issue when blocked from a site?
Because the North Koreans are more worried about China than the US and China told Kim in no uncertain terms to put away his toys and make peace with his brother so the US will go home and leave the eastern Pacific to China
Guten morgen. Too many mint juleps last night.
You misspelled “Just the right number of”.
1 per year is just the right number.
I will have that this Saturday and then realize, once again, that Bourbon is better without the mixins.
A colleague told me about one of the higher-ups here that doesn’t even use a computer. His “people” print out everything for him, he marks it up by hand, then his people enter the changes on their computers.
Your tax $$ at work.
One of the guys who was here when I first started (since retired) used to print out my e-mails, write his response on them, and then put them in my analog mailbox.
My first gf out of college, this was her job.
she worked for the CEO of Warnaco, Linda Wachner. she printed up her email, read them to her, then scrawled responses in the margins.
half the time she never sent LW’s crazy replies, and was praised for her ability to distinguish ‘stuff that needed reply’ from ‘batshit ranting’
my gf had a job that consisted of this. Another thing her boss would do is draw up powerpoint slides on paper and have her input her “slides” into the computer.
I do that with PowerPoint. Why not? She’s better at PowerPoint than I am.
I do something similar with patent drawings on occasion. I don’t have the time to become proficient with all of the drafting tools, so if it takes more than a few minutes in visio, I sketch it out on paper and hire a guy at $100/drawing to make a computer generated drawing out of it.
The head of the department at my first law firm still used his dictaphone. I’m not sure whether he or the secretary was in charge of scrivening.
Were any of the people y’all knew who did this kind of job doing on the taxpayer dime?
State university, so yep.
Back in the mid 90’s we had a university research director who had all of his emails automatically printed, and the secretary (PA) would highlight the From, and Subject: in yellow.
Then we had color laser printing… the first unit did go for general research activities, but printer #2 was bought and placed in his office, and the printing software changed to automatically color those fields yellow. (only seemed to use black and yellow toner)..
Now I have a long and convoluted story about his PA’s return emails… that they swore they always sent at 4:30 on Friday… and nobody received…
At the prison mental health department, there was a long-standing instruction from the state to “go electronic”. The problem was that one of the administrators (an older woman who thought computers were silly) was actually telling the staff to go back to doing things on paper. The majority of my job was just shuffling papers around and sticking them in a huge library of binders.
Crap News Network
Like a matador waving a red cape, someone is torturing President Donald Trump by leaking the questions that could be posed to him by special counsel Robert Mueller:
And yet, given the disciplined behavior of the special counsel’s team, which has been the very model of integrity, it seems almost certain that the list of questions was leaked by someone who is supposed to be on the President’s side. Why would someone who works for Trump do such a thing?
Holy shit that’s bold. They’re like the Deep State’s PR team.
the disciplined behavior of the special counsel’s team, which has been the very model of integrity
You mean the team that leaks like a sieve, and has had several member quietly shuffled off?
The team that is riddled with conflicts of interest, to the point where no ethical attorney would have either appointed them, or accepted the appointment if offered?
That team?
“the very model of integrity”
I don’t really WANT to be on Trump’s side, but christ, they keep pushing me over there.
Was it an FFL? Or a private seller?
Wait- there’s more.
In this vein, one might expect a man in the predicament Trump faces to be alarmed by the breadth of the Mueller inquiry and treat it with the proper, sober concern. Indeed the subjects Mueller wants to address point to a host of crimes and offenses that could warrant impeachment.
The trouble with this shock-and-awe tactic is that President Trump is not a sober-minded man. He is so impetuous, grandiose, and most importantly convinced of his own superiority that he is unlikely to be scared straight.
Mueller is on a wide ranging fishing expedition, because he’s desperate to find something, anything, with which to justify his existence. And that’s Trump’s fault.
Trump is not a sober-minded man. He’s impetuous, grandiose, and convinced of his own superiority. He won’t be scared straight.
And yet he still looks like the adult in the room next to the sieve-like bureau and its high school drama level of intrigue.
Christ, I hope snoozy Sessions is gearing up for a very public series of prosecution against the principle leakers and obstructors.
the subjects Mueller wants to address point to a host of crimes and offenses that could warrant impeachment.
Shame there is absolutely no reason to believe that any of those crimes or offenses actually occurred.
Where there’s smoke, there’s Mueller vigorously rubbing sticks together hoping to start a fire.
I’m stealing that one.
But enough about Obama…
Studies from the Obvious Department of the Obvious
By the Economist’s recent standards that’s refreshingly sober.
Reply to The Economist’s tweet
I’d have expected the Economist’s take to be basically: “A fifteen minute search on Google revealed that a well-remunerated and international committee of Top Men has taken the agricultural situation in hand, resulting in productivity gains that will be seen any day now. Liberal opinion must fight back against the populism that rejects this analysis.”
Ooh, good one. Now do land use and property rights.
If only there were some theory that described how capital and investment happened to explain that.
Per Piketty, the gains from investment redound to the benefit of the capitalist class to a greater degree than the wage-earning class, and that disparity will only accelerate, resulting in a permanently stratified society.
And that makes a lot of sense if you close your eyes and ignore the prodigious material gains of the past century.
And ignore the number of highly capitalized firms that rested on their laurels and collapsed because the market left them behind.
I realize there is great deal of anti-NRA sentiment among Glibs
Perhaps if they would loosen their lamprey-like attachment to the balls of the Law-n-Order establishment….
They do some respectable things like gun safety and they fight for at least some 2nd amendment freedom. But like you said “Perhaps if they would loosen their lamprey-like attachment to the balls of the Law-n-Order establishment….
btw, is that a fennec? Those things are concentrated cute.
Ah, /r/legaladvice. So many dumb people in one place.
1. How do you “accidentally” discharge your gun into your own bed?
2. Why would you call the police and ADMIT TO THEM YOU COMMITTED A CRIME?
3. You’re too dumb to own a gun.
It’s called an Idiot Tax.
That guy’s father was negligently discharging when he was fucking his mother.
Yeah, it’s your own damn fault. After a Negligent discharge, you verify what got hit, then shut up about it.
“I’m sorry, Officers, I didn’t hear anything.” is the only response you give if anyone comes asking about the noise. Hint – they won’t.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA what a fucking dumbass
Seriously. I have the biggest grin on my face.
No competent Lawyer ever.
SP, how does this site process HTML? standard B and I tags don’t work.
em for italics, strong for bold.
a felony discharging firearm within city limits
Which may just bootstrap into him not being allowed to have any guns anymore.
Which may not be the wrong result. He sounds stupid enough that maybe he shouldn’t have any guns.
I don’t wish ill on the guy for making a terrible mistake. It happens, and it could have been a whole lot worse.
But calling the police to report himself, that’s inexcusable. The police are not your friends.
I know someone who did exactly this. He was a dumbass.
I don’t think they cited him though. It’s been more than 10 years since it happened and the details are mostly forgotten.
Marxism totes cool
Kill a commie for your mommie..
Combined that asshole Marx’s birthday with mother’s day..
I gotta think that the NYT’s absurd opinion piece about how Marx was such a groovy dude has got to be at least a little bit clickbait for them; their reporters/correspondents are that stupid, but I have a hard time believing, hard Left they may be, that their senior editors are that stupid. I could be wrong though.
What’s not speculation, though, is the response on Twatter and elsewhere agreeing with his grooviness. It can and does make me angry and scared, but above anything it makes me depressed. It makes me depressed for the state of American education and the public’s ability to assimilate information and think critically. People who still believe in Marxist philosophy are, in my opinion, no different from the Flat Earthers; except that Marxists are much more numerous and their ideas are much more murderous. Liberty-minded people screwed the pooch big time ceding education to the Left. It’s not clear that the damage can be undone, but if it can it’s going to take a lot more than is being done right now.
I agree with the viewpoint that declaring victory when the Soviet Union fell was premature. There are huge numbers of commies out there. They’ve wormed their way into education, entertainment and public health and successfully pretend that they’re the good guys and that their ideas are scientific.
Most people are still in favour of the free market in their revealed preferences, but they just don’t have the revulsion they should for the authoritarian left.
NBC headline:
Mueller’s questions show just how far-reaching the Russia probe is
I am still somehow capable of being astonished by how utterly mendacious they are. Mueller is fishing around in business transactions from decades ago, as part of his “Russia hacked the election” fish hunt? Honestly?
That headline should read, “Palpable Desperation in Mueller’s Office.”
How about “Efforts to Stage a Bloodless Coup Running into Roadblocks”.
its an obvious negligent discharge situation, why would they be such assholes?
Here endeth the lesson.
i’m siked for some more Smith-Pelly/Hornqvist tonight. glad to see the young guys getting into the Pens hate.
Was in a TN grocery store on Sunday. Bought a couple of local 6 packs while there.
The Tennessee Brew Works Rye IPA is good, I am still deciding if it is a bit too hoppy or just right. Well let you know.
The Yazoo Spring Seasonal is surprisingly good, I have low expectations from Yazoo. It is a Belgian Pale Ale and I enjoyed it.
the most complex beer i’ve had in a while was Norway (Maine) Brewery’s Little Bear. Norway Brewery puts out some great stuff but i’ve never seen it outside their state.
Amber ale primary fermented w/ house mixed culture & secondary-fermented with Maine wild blueberries aged in Pinot noir barrels
somehow it worked. that was a delicious beer.
What kind of bizzaro parallel universe have I fallen into?? Kanye tweeting Tom Sowell quotes??
Kanye is the right’s new poster boy*
This is a grave threat to the Dems, which is why they are scrambling so desperately to frame him as mentally unstable. If you have a “cool”, “hip”, pop culture connected black person vocally repudiating lefty principles and, by extension, the Dems, you could have a domino effect that would be disastrous for their electoral chances.
I’ve been saying for a long time that the Dems are extremely vulnerable due to their extreme reliance on Soviet margin victories among minorities. When you’re already winning 90+% of the black vote, the only direction you have to go is down. Lose 20-30% of those voters and you will be devastated. They don’t even have to vote R, they just have to stay home and you’re going to be destroyed; especially if that flows from Blacks into other minority groups.
Therefore: desperate damage control. Kanye’s crazy. He’s been brainwashed by his Nazi wife. He’s a closet racist Uncle Tom who’s been flying under the radar all these years. Pull out all the stops. Throw anything you can think of against the wall and try to make something stick.
High risk strategy, though. By attacking him, they raise his profile even more, and risk alienating people who see them attacking a prominent black person. They have acculturated people into thinking that attacking black people’s views is racist, and here they are doing it themselves. Creating cognitive dissonance in their here-to-for loyal followers may not be the smart move.
“That uppity negro doesn’t know what he’s talking about” probably isn’t going to win over a lot of his fans.
Also, Maxine Waters called him an uppity black man who “talks out of turn”. Like, holy mask slippage!
Christ, I thought I was exaggerating.
I mean, I guess slave masters always had some black folks on hand to keep the uppity ones in line. Maxine is one of those.
I just learned a french expression.
“c’était du pipi de chat.” – it was cat piss.
which, what i gather from context, means = “frightened bluster” – fake-brave stuff you say when you’re utterly terrified. “Yeah, well why don’t you try it!”
Tell me that’s exactly what it looks like.
bien sur, mon ami
Conrad Black ate his Wheaties this morning.
So, too, Dennis Prager.
“The question then will be whether this hyper-combative president will temper justice with mercy and take the lead in deescalating this appalling state of conflict”
Why on Earth would he do that? The Left would never extend such a courtesy to him. They are engaged in Total War and part of the whole “cuck” stuff in relation to the Pubs is their unwillingness to fight fire with fire; which is why they’ve essentially surrendered huge swaths of the country and culture to the Left. Trump fights back. That’s a big reason why people voted for him and they expect to see his enemies driven before him to the lamentations of their women.
I’m with you, Q. The only good reason to be merciful is if there is some kind of deal to be made. But there isn’t – this isn’t just about a handful of bad actors, its about entire agencies that are rotten. Letting the bad actors off the hook isn’t part of any deal with the agencies; in fact, it will only encourage them.
What will change the rotten culture is the infliction of pain and the imposition of personal accountability.
On an ironic note, wouldn’t Trump’s intervention in the investigation or prosecution of these people to let them off the hook be exactly the kind of “obstruction of justice” they are trying to impeach him for?
an older lady in the office gave me a bag of habenero bbq flavored almonds. they are awesome. then she just walked by my cube and said out loud
“I give you good nuts.”
that’s what she said
Did you tell her no, you would give her some good nuts?
paging Barfman
Maxine Waters called him an uppity black man who “talks out of turn”.
“Git yo ass in the back ob dis bus, Boy.”
Quit causing a ruckus and go along to get along.
This afternoon I accidentally discharged my firearm into my bed, no excuse for it. I fucked up.
Was it, perchance, a GLOCK of some sort?
It was a major glock up for sure.
He put is his finger where it didn’t belong, because he had no intention of shooting.
I hate glocks, but he fucked up. No point in blaming the pistol.
On that Kanye stuff-
There was something the other day in which somebody was explicitly bemoaning the possibility that “impressionable young [black] people” might see his comments about Candace Owens and look at her websites. Their precious malleable minds might be warped, with disastrous effects on the fabric of society.
They could be induced to think for themselves, and no good can come of that!
It’s just like Scientology telling its members “don’t look at teh internet!! ZOMGZ!”. Cult.
Like Dean said, it could backfire. The more you try to make something taboo (ideas, substances, etc.) the more curious people (especially yutes) will get.
I hate glocks, but he fucked up. No point in blaming the pistol.
Pulling the trigger to get the slide free seems like a major design flaw, but yeah. Every time I pick up a pistol (especially INDOORS) I check the chamber, even if I just put it down. You never know when one of those self-aware bullets might try to sneak in there when you’re not looking.
“Pulling the trigger to get the slide free seems like a major design flaw”
Yes. One of the reasons I don’t like Glocks is their, IMO, inadequate safety features.
The only safety feature you should rely on is the one between your ears.
Pulling the trigger to get the slide free seems like a major design flaw
I wasn’t aware of that.
I used a couple or three glocks at the range during my early investigations. I guess that I didn’t encounter this problem.
It’s a little bit annoying, but even my m&p shield requires a trigger pull if I don’t feel like hunting down a small screwdriver to flip the retaining lever. If I don’t see daylight when I rack the slide, then I don’t pull the trigger.
Is this to remove the slide during cleaning?
YupLike Dean said, it could backfire. The more you try to make something taboo (ideas, substances, etc.) the more curious people (especially yutes) will get.
We can only hope.
I used a couple or three glocks at the range during my early investigations. I guess that I didn’t encounter this problem.
If you didn’t strip it to clean it, you’d have no reason to know.
As far as “sufficiency” of safety features go, when I took my brother shooting, he was surprised the Sig did not have a mechanical lockout for the trigger in “safe” mode (when you decock it, the trigger pull is much longer and heavier than in single action; you have to really mean it, to fire it when the hammer is down. My Beretta 92 is same way, but I looked at a much newer one that does have a mechanical trigger lock in the safety.).
Eye of the beholder, I guess.
If you didn’t strip it to clean it, you’d have no reason to know.
Rent’em; shoot’em. They don’t make you clean the rentals. 😉
Thanks for the information. The only things I know how to take apart and clean are my two Springfield 1911 EMPs.
The only things I know how to take apart and clean are my two Springfield 1911 EMPs.
1911 is the way to go. I have three; four, if you count the Star 9mm which is functionally pretty much the same.
I fired a pistol for the first time last September.
Last night, I had my personal best at league night. 466 out of 480. Six rounds at 25 yards with a 4 inch barrel. One in the eight ring, four in the nine ring, one in the ten ring. I love these pistols.
damn that’s some fine shooting.
I love these pistols.