It’s really great having Sloopy back. I guess I have to find something besides SPORTZBALL to banter about now at the top. I did find out that the Florida opossum does not swim well. I looked out my window and saw something floating in the pool. Poor little guy. I fished him out set him in the dirt in case he was just playing ‘possum, but I think I’ll be bagging him up and tossing him in the trash later. There’s no direct overhang of limbs to the pool, so I can only guess that he overextended going for a drink of water and his mama never taught him to swim.

sourdough Texas waffle by SP
In DFW is the worst Texas metroplex news (Houston raised me sez), patrons show up 10 hours early to see Stormy Daniels strip. Now I don’t have much experience in the strip clubs of DFW, but I’ve been to some nice ones and some trashy ones in Houston and Austin, and the only way I’d show up 10 hours early to see that is if my wife was so MAGA she let me take $1000 cash to the strip club and go 10 hours early. Even then, you can only hold your buzz so long if you chug a flask in the parking lot. I hear.
I didn’t know there were gay porn moguls, but is it stereotyping to say I’m not surprised one is Jewish?
Hey guys, I’ll bet you’ll be surprised to find out that the sex-trafficking panic is based on a (false) myth! TW: Buzzfeed, so there are some weasel words and cultural reassurances that the researchers are still woke.
I’m sure you’re as shocked as I am to find that a common pesticide, known to be safe to humans by everyone who bothers to study it, is in our agricultural food supply!
Your afternoon song is so old it laments $5 beers in strip clubs.
Better links!
Moar links
Better links with moar meat!
Where the ginger stick lady is!
Need bigur tits.
(not that I wouldn’t…)
Needs more everything, at least a little meat on them bones would help. I’m afraid I’d cut myself.
Totally Would, and then feed the poor dear
Skinny ginger isn’t that skinny. The picture is out of scale. I would still totally do skinny ginger.
Glyphosate in my beer! Who gives a shit.
Yeah – as discussed in the last thread, the booze is almost surely much worse for you.
Service was slow today so I went with the bucket of cerveza. Bad news is I have to get up and find a bathroom every so often. Call it Modelo’s Revenge.
Also, sunburns on feet suck.
Yes. I did that once about 12 years ago. I am militant about sunblock on feet when wearing sandals outside now.
Oh yes. I burned the bottom of my feet once. I never thought to put sunscreen on the bottom of my feet. Misery.
Yeah, I generally keep some Imodium in my truck. Even if you don’t drink, it’s a good thing to have on hand. Antacids, too.
Hope you fell better soon, Gus.
Just need to get rid of the excess fluid intake. Haven’t had it from the other side so far *knock on wood*
Back to rain & damp dreariness tomorrow night.
Oh, that’s not a bad thing, then (maybe annoying). Especially if you vape.
Once you break the seal, then you have to get up every 15 minutes.
That’s why you should never go the first time.
But…but …it has a scary chemicalish name!!!!
Fuck, glyphosphate? In my food??!!! Guess it’s time to end it all by eating a revolver!
Glyphosate is the new fluoridation for the this millennium’s Luddite pussies. Fuck ‘em.
Recent studies have shown glyphosate may cause autistic cancer, which contributes to GMOs accelerating climate change via panda celibacy.
*Eats revolver*
*inserts old smbc comic, the punchline of which is “Fine, I’ll marry you! Just stop eating my gun!”*
Autosomal recessive babes displaying their genetic gifts.
I’d be hard pressed to design a better specimen from scratch than number 5… make that 25… nevermind, make that 34…
I stopped at 1.
My understanding of Roundup is that it inhibits photosynthesis and is otherwise completely inactive. So unless you rely on Earth’s Yellow Sun for your nourishment, you should be ok (no matter what the retards in the California Department of Cancer say).
Watch out, Superman!
So what you’re saying is we can defeat Superman with it
Does it block Vitamin D? That’s about the only nutrient humans get directly from the sun.
I think it screws with chlorophyll; so no.
My understanding is that we don’t get vitamin D from the sun. Rather, exposure to the sun aids the process.
Monsanto shill!
So Breatharians are pretty much screwed then without the photosynthesis. Thanks a lot Monsanto.
So unless you rely on Earth’s Yellow Sun for your nourishment, you should be ok
Well, I took that perk when I leveled up, so I guess I wasted a skill point.
I like the wasteland better at night. So starry.
“(no matter what the retards in the California Department of Cancer say).”
Those wouldn’t be the same retards that forced CA to put cancer warning on coffee, would they?
The very same.
Or you are a Dog, Think I read something about that once…….
and the only way I’d show up 10 hours early to see that is if my wife was
At this point, I thought you were going to complete the sentence was “stripping there”. 😮
(Not that I’m suggesting your wife would do that, of course.)
She quit years ago…
How does she bathe?!
Those prostitutes need to up their game on what they’re wearing to attract clients. I mean, I wouldn’t even know they were selling pussy directly and not for a fancy dinner and flowers!
TW: Buzzfeed, so there are some weasel words
To be sure?
Is anyone actually surprised that another moral scare is a large nothing burger?
DDT II is kind of fizzing out
No better way to turn that one-way control ratchet a couple more notches than with moral panic and illogical appeals to emotion.
The clown moral panic of a month before the election was fake news. How quickly the journalists put it down the memory hole.
The clown panic was both extremely entertaining and foolish enough to fill one with complete despair for the future humanity.
“Jenny Heineman holds a PhD in sociology[…]Brooke Wagner holds a PhD in sociology”
Is this supposed to support or undermine their credibility?
I don’t think Golan and Globus ever produced a gay porn movie. They did almost everything else, though.
Ah so he’s a porn mogul who happens to be gay?
Dude, have you not seen the ending of The Delta Force?
Fat-era Shelley Winters hugging Martin Balsam at the airport? Wow that’s harsh on Winters.
I was think the Norris-Marvin glance.
Masters of the Universe?
In fact, everything they ever produced, except for Breakin’ II: Electric Boogaloo?
When I was 12, Golan/Globus at the beginning of a video meant some awesome shit.
I haven’t changed my mind in the interim.
Hoo boy…let’s count the conflations kids
27 years for killing an innocent kid. Sounds about right.
Ummmm…. so adults legally owning firearms for self-defense is equivalent to juvenile gangbangers shooting each other up…
Um… “Soon, I will walk out of prison for the first time in 27 years. … I’m hoping we’ll be done (at the DMV) in time to pick up my son from school.”
The fuck? Is your son doing post-doctoral study, or is he ‘your son’ is some metaphorical way?
Conjugal visits for the win.
Yeah, I only thought about that after I hit send.
It’s actually unusual for certain classes of felons (including murderers) to be eligible for conjugal visits. This guy should count himself lucky (unless he jacked off into a cup and gave it to his girlfriend during visiting hours or something).
See, I was taking that in more of an OMWC direction.
Is this supposed to support or undermine their credibility?
How long can they hold their breath under water? Inquiring minds, and all that…
I dunno. Hopefully longer that this little guy
Don’t feel too bad. They only live 1-2 years.
Really? That’s crazy. They must be one of the shortest-lived mammals.
It’s unusual for an animal of their size. They can live up to 4 years if taken care of in captivity.
I found one in my pool years back.
For a split moment, I thought it was a human head (Curled in a ball, hair on the back).
When I fished it out, I discovered it had gotten under the pool cover at the end of the season, as it disintegrated at the touch and the smell upon breaking the water surface was ungodly. After heaving and running into the house, the whole of my backyard was unapproachable without a respirator until I was able to bury the remains.
My pool had a soup ring that took a couple weeks and some special enzyme cleaner to remove.
It’s why I laugh right in my wife’s face when she talks about getting another pool.
The worst smell I’ve ever suffered was when mom tasked me with retrieving a dead skunk from the crawl space. I thought they smelled bad on the outside… till the fucking thing started coming apart in my hands as I tugged at it. I cried harder getting that thing buried than I did burying our puppy Othello, but only because I was choking and retching.
My mom is awesome for the shit she made me do.
Other pets mom named: Fleance, a fledgling sparrow we found in the yard. (Fly, good Fleance, fly, fly, fly!) Mom raised it on pureed oatmeal from an eyedropper, and it lived in a cage till one of the cats managed to snag it through the bars and decapitated it. Pretty nasty, but the nature of cats is in the catching and the nature of birds is not in the caging, so, lesson learned.
Macbeth, a curmudgeonly old shit of a cat who only gave ground around mom. I think it had something to do with her black toes.
Io and Callisto, two dogs (bitches, mom called them, to our delight), possibly of some husky mix. Io was found dead in the yard, no apparent cause. Callisto lived another several years, during which she blew up to the size of a moon.
Sappho, named after the famously lesbian poet, because she (the dog) distrusted men. My sister found her cowering under a car, neglected and abandoned. She (the dog) never got over her mistrust of men in hats, or men carrying brooms. Kinda speaks for itself, really.
From the sidebar at buzzfeed: Kanye thinks republicans helped blacks; goodthinkers correct him.
I’m thinking a riff on that Monty Python “What have the Romans ever done for us?” bit is in order.
Well, for starters, it was Repubs that passed the Civil Rights Acts.
Nice write up on the sex traffic. It amazes me people keep falling for government “data”.
Maximum LeL
Carrot muffin!
Apparently Kirsten Gillibrand has introduced a bill to allow the states to regulate MJ as they see fit. I’m afraid that the stupid party is going to reflexively oppose this and make it a campaign issue this fall.
Maybe John Boehner will save the day!
She should introduce a bill to allow people to buy it at the post office.
Golf clap.
Wait, which one’s the Stupid Party again?
All of them.
“Put drug dealers to death!”
Apparently Kirsten Gillibrand has introduced a bill to allow the states to regulate MJ as they see fit.
If that’s all it does, its meaningless. The states already can, and do, regulate MJ as they see fit,
What we need is to get off the federal schedules. I wonder if her bill does that.
Scotland nanny-state news – new minimum unit pricing for alcohol:
What is minimum unit pricing?
It sets a floor price for a unit of alcohol, meaning it cannot legally be sold for less. It is not a tax as the government does not get extra revenue. Any increased profit goes to the retailer. Ministers have set a floor price of 50p a unit.
Why is it being introduced?
SNP ministers believe it will help address Scotland’s “troubled” relationship with alcohol. Scotland consumes 40 per cent more than recommended levels. Alcohol misuse causes 700 hospital admissions and 22 deaths a week.
Which drinks will this affect?
Mostly cheap white ciders and value spirits with high alcohol content. The cheapest four-pack of beer increases from £1 to £1.78, the cheapest 70cl bottle of vodka goes up from £9.97 to £13.13 and a standard bottle of wine costs at least £4.88.
What about a potential cross-border trade in cheap booze?
Some people have warned that the changes will introduce a “bootleggers’ charter”, with people nipping over the border, stocking up on cheap alcohol in England and selling it on out of the back of a van in Scotland. While that might work with some cheap ciders, the price differentials are not expected to make such a practice cost-efficient or worth risking a criminal conviction for.
Some people have warned that the changes will introduce a “bootleggers’ charter”, with people nipping over the border, stocking up on cheap alcohol in England and selling it on out of the back of a van in Scotland. While that might work with some cheap ciders, the price differentials are not expected to make such a practice cost-efficient or worth risking a criminal conviction for.
I’m sure NYC said the same thing about loosie cigarettes.
Prohibition works!
If it’s not Scottish legislation it’s crap!
Gee, I wonder what’s going to happen between 6 PM and 8 PM now.
And of course the problem is always that the proposed legislation doesn’t go far enough.
Bossing other people around is far more addictive and damaging than alcohol.
I worked with people from England that talked about the rule changes to force pubs to close earlier. The net result was that people drank faster and then stumbled out into the streets with enough time left in the night to get into real trouble.
Good to hear they are stopping poor people from drinking. Remember folks, alcohol is for the rich!
England has had minimum-pricing alcohol laws since… probably the 1980s. They were a thing in the early 1990s when i first visited UK, and were taken for granted as normal.
The concept of the “happy hour”, or “Ladies drink free” is utterly unknown in UK.
The concept of the “happy hour”, or “Ladies drink free” is utterly unknown in UK.
So it’s just like Massachusetts.
The initial rate per unit is far less important than having a rate per unit in place. Once its there, it’ll be easy to raise.
And, of course, once there is a black market in alcohol, all the problems associated with the black market will be blamed on alcohol.
Something something walls
Too many of them?
Or made out of something odd?
Have you guys been checking out the livefeed from the caravan protest site? There’s some crazy shit happening.
Not gonna click not gonna click it! Fool me once… Damn it I clicked it.
Let them in! Let them in!
The guy in the peach top kicking and punching women especially.
Including brother Michael and Auntie Jean?
I love that fucking song. Just something about it.
Respect for the guy who delivers the flying kick.
I picked up my suppressor today. Only six month wait and $200 tacked on. Luckily none of this was an “infringement” otherwise the whole process would be unconstitutional. Hopefully can try it out tomorrow. Stupid work getting in the way.
So now you can shoot your gun and it’ll only make a tiny little “thwip” sound, right?
Nope. “Pew pew”.
I’m going to setup a gun range in my livingroom. No one will be the wiser.
Six months is pretty quick! Congrats on the new can.
Knew that one before I even clicked it. Haven’t seen Cory in ages – wonder if he still plays barefoot.
Sigh… of course, I also remember living in a town so desolate that the $5 pitchers were the only reason to go to the strip club. Singular.
Oh, C’mon, Not Adahn, having a heavily tattooed, 30-something, single mother – you were afraid would give you hookworm sit – on your lap wasn’t fun for you?
*starts to begin Four Yorkshiremen routine, grosses himself out. Stops.*
Finally, some good news
From May 1 through Aug. 5, visitors can receive two 7-ounce complimentary beers on each trip to Busch Gardens as part of admission. The brands will rotate every two weeks, beginning with Corona. Other beers in the lineup will include Bud Light, Founders All Day IPA, M.I.A 305, Miller Light, Shock Top and Yuengling.
The beverages will be available in the park’s Garden Gate Cafe, formerly known as Hospitality House.
Cue nannytarian outrage.
No Busch Light?
Well, no. They are giving people beer.
Are you sure about that? I’m not familiar with 2 of the listed ‘Beers’ but the rest are as much ‘Beer’ as Busch Light.
I see two drinkable beers amidst that swill.
This is a good article discussing the unlikely survival of The American Conservative that was once denounced in the pages of National Review (by David Frum) as being “unpatriotic conservatives” for taking the heterodox view that the Iraq War was morally wrong and endangered America’s security.
They also post “good Buchanan”* articles.
*”good Buchanan” is only when he discusses foreign policy. I define his other articles as “bad Buchanan”
Frum. Oof. Never trusted a man who at his roots is….dun-dun-dun….CANADIAN.
Buchanan has an encyclopedic knowledge of American history though.
Buchanan can run circles around his critics when it comes to history
Tell me about it. It’s impressive.
I used to love how he schooled Clift on the McLoughlin Group. Not that she noticed.
I use to love when John McLaughlin would quiz Buchanan on history. Buchanan always got the better of him. McLaughlin also use to quiz Buchanan on Byzantine Catholic Church rules and hierarchy. On that topic McLaughlin usually got the better of him (but, McLaughlin was a former Jesuit priest so it wasn’t a fair fight).
I knew I was misspelling his name! Wtf? D’Oh!
Never trusted a man who at his roots is….dun-dun-dun….CANADIAN.
One of the hospital execs is Canadian. I used to rib him about it, using mostly material lifted from you lot.
He got really pissed about it one day, so I quit. Although I do still refer to Canadia rather than Canada.
‘…Someone once joked that The Nation paid in “the high two figures” for pieces. We could do a little better than that.”
Lol. $85!
I remember reading somewhere soon after 9/11 someone saying, ‘9/11 was the worst thing that could happen to civil liberties in America.’ Thus began my travels on and to my awakening.
Ah, yes, TAC. I, too, think that SimCity was an instruction manual.
I take it you are mocking their “New Urbanism” stuff. You have to take the good with the bad with any publication
To be fair, though, they are more known for their realist foreign policy position than anything else
I’m just angry that they haven’t made an update to SimAnt.
I loved SimAnt!
That takes me back. It was a solid title.
I just sold a CIB big box copy of SimFarm in 3.5″ floppies last week. Which is to be expected as a yokeltarian.
I often “forget” about The American Conservative so appreciate the links/reminders.
Speaking of Iraq – not sure if this has been posted:
The U.S.-led coalition against Islamic State closed down the headquarters for its ground forces in Baghdad on Monday, signaling the end of major combat operations in Iraq ahead of next month’s election.
Iraq claimed victory over Islamic State in December after more than three years of war, but militants remain active in some parts of the country and have resorted to insurgent attacks elsewhere—exposing a persistent weakness of the local security forces.
The closure of the Combined Joint Forces Land Component Command reflects the changing role of the U.S.-led coalition, which helped Iraqi forces on the battlefield with airstrikes, advisors and intelligence gathering.
Now that Islamic State no longer controls any significant territory in Iraq, the U.S.-led coalition has switched its focus to training and building up the capabilities of local forces so they can prevent a resurgence of Islamic State or other extremist groups in future.
Brett McGurk, the U.S.’s special presidential envoy to the coalition, in a Tweet on Monday said the coalition would continue “supporting Iraqi forces to root out terrorist cells and protect Iraqi borders.”
EU goes after Poland and Hungary for not joining their suicide pact.
I’m surprised this shitbird doesn’t have a CK2 avatar. Walsh was the guy I pointed to a couple of weeks ago who thinks that accidents of birth and geography leave an indelible mark upon one’s soul.
Christ, what an asshole!
HM, what do you think of the so-called “Liberal Order”?
Define what you mean by “liberal order”.
Triple, Venti, Soy, No Foam Latte
As far as I can tell it is the post-WWII system created by the US and its allies: UN, WTO, IMF, World Bank, NAFTA, EU, etc.
Ah, not a fan. I loathe the UN, Bretton Woods 1 and 2, etc..
I do find interesting that these days the biggest defenders of trade and immigration are big warmongers. Conversely the anti-war types tend to be anti-free trade. Puts free-trade anti-war libertarians in a strange position.
Anyway there have been numerous articles about how Trump and populism are destroying this order…
Indeed, its three components – liberalism, universality, and the preservation of order itself – are being challenged as never before in its 70-year history.
And by people who like to call themselves “liberals”, no less.
Define what you mean by “liberal order”.
The bureaucratization of everything?
What do you also think of the fact that NAFTA, WTO and the EU only exist because of US interventionism?
I think NAFTA, the WTO, and the EU are parasitic entities, thus they are the perfect karmic retribution upon the US for its bumbling “interventions”.
What’s CK2?
Crusader Kings 2.
Awesome game. I thought it was a strategy game, and it kind of is, but it’s more of a royal family simulator. Intrigue abounds.
Don’t know why they won’t sign on for this.
If any of that article is accurate, its pretty terrifying.
Of course that moron writes under a pseudonym. Because one of his last articles was titled: “Genotypical Contortions and the Race to the Bottom.” You can imagine how that one goes.
Well then,,
Pexit and Hexit.
The “liberal order” is neither liberal nor worth preserving
Nothing says “liberal” then FDR and Truman…
The idea that France and Germany with their endless list of hate speech laws, their disregard for religious minorities and religious expression, and massive uncaring bureaucracies are “liberal” in any way is just such an offensive notion
That’s the thing: the so-called liberal world order has never been all that liberal. I also find it hilarious that this so-called order is “rules-based” and supports non-interference in other countries affairs considering all the things that the US, France and the UK (among others) did to defend this order. Or that this order was created with the help of that great liberal Joseph Stalin and that this lead to the Cold War.
Or that the “order” supports the Iran Deal considering it was the founders of the “liberal order” that installed the Shah in the first place.
To lazy and hyperbolic commentators- “liberal” merely means open borders and managed trade agreements. They’ve whittled down the ideas of the Enlightenment to mean nothing more than “unfettered commerce” (at least as related to trade and importing labor- extensive regulation of domestic industry is somehow still “liberal”).
And even based on that ridiculous definition of “liberal”, the US is still far far more liberal than Germany and France, even under President Trump
Whenever I hear the word ‘liberal’ these days, my brain just unconsciously translates it to ‘leftist’. I remember saying to one guy I knew, one day, started out with ‘You leftists…’, so he cuts me off ‘leftists? What are you talking about?, we’re liberal! So I paused a moment and said ‘Do you realize how many times I’ve heard you identify as ‘the left’, I think you used that term last time I talked to you’?. So the guy says ‘That doesn’t mean we’re leftists!’. Well, OK, then, I think we’re done here.
I don’t think in terms of liberals and conservatives any longer. There’s progressives, and there’s some sad remnant of conservatism, and there are those of us who could claim to be liberals in its old adjectival form, but for the most part, liberalism is a dead letter and leftism is all that remains. But I will never refer to the shitheel leftist statists as liberals.
Free Speech, Freedom of Association and Freedom of Religion are supposed to “liberal values” yet most “liberals” these days seem very hostile to all three.
The US had back in 1790s no monarchy, no nobility and no established church which made it far more liberal than Europe. This had led to some very unusual differences between liberal/conservative and right/left between US and Europe.
It seems in Europe “liberal” still means lowering government intervention into the economy. The only Liberal (as in actual name) party in the English-world that even resembles that is in Australia.
They’ve whittled down the ideas of the Enlightenment to mean nothing more than “unfettered commerce”
Not really. They’ve whittled it down to mean nothing more than “commerce managed by TOP MEN”.
You know which pother Germans wanted Poland and Hungary to do their bidding?
Poland and Hungary took the EU candy. Now they’re finding out what goes on in the van.
son of prominent parasite wants to continue the family business
I’d ask whether he’s worked a day in his life not counting NGOs or government, but I already know the answer to that, don’t I?
By all appearances, his son appears to be less of a parasite in his father. The verdict is out as to whether or not he’s as much of a dumbass as his father.
I don’t think Bernie is as much a dumbass as he is a con artist.
I think he’s almost certainly both, in heaping form. If you was less of a dumbass, he would be more successful, like Senator Menendez from New Jersey.
It’s hard to be more of a parasite than the guy who was kicked out of a hippie commune for his laziness.
In DFW is the worst Texas metroplex news (Houston raised me sez), patrons show up 10 hours early to see Stormy Daniels strip.
People line up early for the new iPhone and the new comic book movie, so I’m not surprised some people lined up early to see the President’s stripper.
I think they’ll probably be disappointed, as the answer to this inquiry is probably just “he was horny and she was willing”. The fact that the cheating happened around the birth of his child (a dick move in every sense of the phrase) makes me think that the reason was simply that Melania was temporarily out of commission and this Stormy Daniels was the pinch hitter, so to speak.
I didn’t believe it until she said it was only one time. He must have been hard up, she’s not his type. Now Karen McDougal…
For no reason, here’s some classical music.
You fooled me. I clicked expecting the MC5 or something.
Kick out the Nocturne!
Chopin preludes.
The really brutal part comes at about 4:15.
Wow. I should watch that, but my horrific memories from childhood about piano lessons take over.
(Note: I was molested or anything by a piano teacher, just rather unpleasant memories)
Yeah, the movie is brutal because of the fucked-up mother/daughter relationship. Perfect for Mothers’ Day in two weeks.
For more piano trauma, try The 5,000 Fingers of Dr. T
WAS NOT…. fuck
Please edit fairy, come and work your magic! I’ll buy you some drugs!
Denial’s not good for you BP, talking about it is the first step to recovery. Now tell us exactly what you’re piano teacher looked like, what she was wearing, and how she tickled your ivories.
I have a dog named “Chopin”.
Thanks, i like Chopin
OT — My neighbor ran a fucking leaf-blower for three fucking hours yesterday. Three fucking hours. Asshole.
Are you an ableist, bro? How do you know he doesn’t have OCD? Not saying he isn’t an asshole tho.
Seriously. Those things are loud. Some people are just too excessive.
My neighbour always starts up his toys right around I take one of my (fake) naps. I think he cuts his grass every four days while taking an hour and half to cut what could be done in 30. Perfectionist my ass.
He’s a good neighbour though. I like him.
And hour more and he would have had to call a doctor.
Do you have a small child you could work into a fit and then “comfort” outside his window at 12:30 in the morning? I have one. Little bastard wanted to sleep in my bed and then screamed for 20 minutes when I took him back upstairs. He really, really doesn’t like my strategy of just holding him until he surrenders and is willing to lay in his own bed again.
He really, really doesn’t like my strategy of just holding him until he surrenders
Maybe if you weren’t holding him by his neck?
Aldo Vandermolen is an American hero. I love my leaf blower. Greatest labor saving device since the riding mower.
Marco Randazza, awesome hero of free speech, takes on Stormy Daniels’ lawyer on this “defamation lawsuit” she filed against Trump
I hope that’s not any of the Glib’s daughters in the thumbnail… because damn!
Needs a sammich.
I need a sammich. She needs to make sure she doesn’t get any tan lines from that bikini.
I see that stormy daniels is suing Trump for “Defamation”, and so i decided to go look up some of the titles of her past porn-catalog
I couldn’t make up my mind which was a better indicator of the high-standards with which she protected her public reputation:
– “Say Aloha to My A-hola”
– “Toxxxic Cumloads #6”
Runners up:
– Silence of the Clams
– Splendor in the Ass
– Breast Side Story
– On Golden Blonde
– Operation: Desert Stormy
*these are all 100% real, btw.
Real or not, she’ll still sue you for defamation.
Seeking the truth is his job.
Consider the issue of criticizing Robert Mueller, the special counsel. Any criticism or even skepticism regarding Mueller’s history is seen as motivated by a desire to help Trump. Mueller was an assistant U.S. attorney in Boston, the head of its criminal division, the head of the criminal division in Main Justice, and the director of the FBI during the most scandalous miscarriage of justice in the modern history of the FBI. Four innocent people were framed by the FBI to protect mass murdering gangsters who were working as FBI informers while they were killing innocent people. An FBI agent, who is now in prison, was tipping off Whitey Bulger as to who might testify against him so that these individuals could be killed. He also tipped off Bulger, allowing him to escape and remain on the lam for 16 years.
What responsibility, if any, did Mueller, who was in key positions of authority and capable of preventing these horrible miscarriages, have in this sordid incident? A former member of the parole board — a liberal Democrat who also served as mayor of Springfield, Mass. — swears he saw a letter from Mueller urging the denial of release for at least one of these wrongfully convicted defendants. When he went back to retrieve the letter, it was not in the file.
Moreover, it is widely believed among Boston law enforcement observers the FBI was not really looking for Bulger during the years Mueller was its director. It is believed the FBI was fearful about what Bulger would disclose about his relationship with agents over the years. It took a member of the U.S. Marshall’s office to find Bulger, who was hiding in plain view in Santa Monica, Calif.
Recently, a former federal judge, who used to be a civil libertarian, rushed to Mueller’s defense, declaring “without equivocation” Mueller “had no involvement” in the massive miscarriage of justice. Her evidence is the lack of evidence in the files. But no civil libertarian should place such great trust in government files, especially in light of Wolf’s findings. They should join my call for an objective investigation by the inspector general of the Justice Department before they assure the public “without equivocation” Mueller had absolutely “no involvement.”
Dershowitz strikes again, reveals his Nazi roots.
I am a liberal who voted against Trump, but who insists that his civil liberties must be respected for all of our sake.
This gon be gud
That’s the kind of lawsuit you file when you have no clue what you’re doing but know a bunch of legal terms so you just throw them all in there.
Dude was a judge, too….hahahaha
He was a judge afterall…
You can sue for outrage?
It was the “wantonness” that caught my eye. Personally, I’m in favor of wanton women. Not sure why anyone would sue them for it.
Hating fun is the foundation of this country:
I really need to get bored enough one afternoon to call back one of these IRS scammers and play with them.
They called my wife. I told her, if they call back give me the phone. They did and she did. They never called back. I was pretty mean Can’t remember exactly what I said now, but something about not being able to make enough money whoring (was a woman with a heavy Indian accent) and her mom. I called them back like 6 times, asking for her and if her mom was there, until they stopped answering the phone.
there’s a guy who does this on twitch named kitboga, he’s got a few different characters and it’s a lot of fun to watch
My neighbor ran a fucking leaf-blower for three fucking hours yesterday. Three fucking hours. Asshole.
Why would you be running a leaf blower at this time of year, unless you live in the southern hemisphere?
Oak pollen?
Bada bing! After I was done with the lawn this weekend, I broke out the leaf blower to get all the pollen off of the deck and patio. Of course, it only took me about 5 minutes, not 3 hours.
Good fucking grief man, it’s so bad here, everything looks like it’s covered with yellow snow. It’s killing me, allergies. I sort of hate this time of year because of that.
Because it was gorgeous here and his neighbor probably ignored his fall cleanup. One of mine did the same fucking thing.
I always wait till spring and just mow all the leaves.
Missed the thread, but your latest was excellent. The Rodman pic on the wall was a terrific touch!
Thanks. I thought the teddy bear added a nice WTF element, but nobody has mentioned that.
Hah! Noticed the hydroelectric dams and missed the teddy bear!
I run mine every 4-5 days right after I spend an hour and a half riding my lawn mower around the yard, after running my gas powered trimmer for 30 minutes.
And my allergies are killing me. Most days it feels like someone punched me in the face.
Is Germany Capable of Protecting Its Jews? An interesting article on one of the issues Germany grapples with in the wake of the recent migrations.
Is Germany interested in protecting it’s Jews? Seems to me that not interested in protecting anyone except 3rd world migrants.
Antisemitism? I was informed that Germany was the ideal liberal society. How can this be?
Liberal society means we protect 3rd world barbarian invaders against our own racist citizenry. Our own folk, they don’t need protecting, they’re privileged. If they get raped, murdered, and killed by our new guests, it’ probably their own fault for being racists.
I wonder what impact the lack of religious liberty in Europe has on the inability for differing religious communities to live in peace with one another? Somehow, the US, with the most religiously diverse population in the world, has not witnessed pitched battles between religious groups.
I’m talking crazy now, obviously, because as Gay Jay so eloquently said “religious liberty is a black hole”.
I’m sure religious liberty definitely has an impact, as religious conflicts seem to surface most frequently when one group is trying to impose upon the other and liberty defuses that. But I’d say the US is not the most religiously diverse country in the world, as historically it’s been 90% Christian, which is about as diverse as Egypt is, and even today the US is only 6% religious non-Christian. Other countries are much more religiously diverse, such as Nigeria (50/50 Christian/Muslim), India (80/15 Hindu/Muslim), and even France (63/7/1 Christian/Muslim/Other). Once the US got over the whole Protestant-Catholic divide there really hasn’t been much cause for strife, as all the other groups have been too small to matter. It seems that religious strife generally intensifies in areas where there are sizeable competing groups.
The bulk of religious conflicts and throughout the West have been between Catholics and Protestants. Look at the Mormon experience in the US or the Catholic experience in the US originally (Blaine amendments are a holdover from that time).
I think it’s unfair to lump all Christian denominations into one category.
The Amish are only really allowed to survive in the US. Why is that?
All fair points. And the idea of religious liberty really only caught fire after the devastation of the wars of religion between Protestants and Catholics as well, so at least in a historic sense you are right that it’s wrong to lump all Christian denominations together. But in today’s America the real heated religious divides among the Christians seems to be less based on denomination and more based on theological conservatism/liberalism within denominations, so in the present time I do think it is fair to lump at least most of the denominations together. And the main point was that there are many other nations that have more diversity in beliefs than ours, which sets them up for greater potential for discord, something that religious liberty definitely ameliorates but doesn’t completely solve. I guess what I’m saying is that we should definitely hold the US as an example of how religious liberty is the way to go, but we shouldn’t go so far as to say that other societies would become as strife-free as ours if they followed suit (it’s the right medicine, but not a panacea).
Immigration appears to have helped it to return. Awkward…
This isn’t even a question of immigration, necessarily. At the heart of the matter is the fact that Europe is a backward continent that demands conformity before the God of the State and nothing less.
I continue to believe that if the US would have taken in every single refugee from Syria we still would not have seen the same problems that the Europeans are facing. I don’t recall riots in Dearborn, MI or assaults on Jews in that city.
I continue to believe that if the US would have taken in every single refugee from Syria we still would not have seen the same problems that the Europeans are facing.
There’s about a million “Syrian” “refugees” in Europe. I think we would have handled them better, but are still better off without them here at all.
/strokes chin.
…/and a hearty, “WTF?”
The FBI has launched an investigation after mysterious packages containing food and a letter were sent to children at an Alabama elementary school.
Warning of a “predator alert,” the Covington County district attorney’s office said in a Facebook statement that the FBI reported that the children were among 50 girls in the U.S. to be sent such packages, which included letters signed by a person identifying as “Atur Bhuck of Santa Fe, NM.”
“In the letters, Bhuck wrote that he was 14 years old, mentally disabled and a target of bullying,” the district attorney’s office said.
Be terrified, just in case.
This reminds me- this morning, for I know not why, I started wondering, do mothers send their kids out the door to school with the admonishment, “Don’t get murdered or raped” nowadays? Mine used to say, “Don’t forget your lunch money or your gym shoes.”
It is amazing that when anything sort of strange happens now, people jump to conclusions and call in the cops. I’m sure if they figure out that this is some prank, the cops will hold a press conference and angrily denounce the trouble maker for wasting their time. The busy bodies will want the person to repay everyone for all the time that was wasted.
Years ago a friend of mine found a picture from his vacation where there was a schlub walking down the beach in the background. He cropped the photo and sent it off to Vistaprints (or somewhere similar) and had several hundred xmas cards printed up with that pic.
Then he wrote a cryptic “Had a great time. We really need to see each other this year” message on them. No name was on them.
Then the next time he went on a business trip he mailed them from a strange city to all his friends.
My wife and I got one of the card and spent countless hours speculating on who it could be. It was one of the only times I enjoyed an xmas card. The pic was just fuzzy enough you couldn’t make out the face and the message was complete fluff.
We only figured out who the perp was when a few of us victims were at some random get together and started talking about it the next summer. We realized we had all gotten the same card. The guy who did it was there and after we spent an hour or so speculating on what the fuck that card was, he finally started laughing so hard that we figured it out.
In today’s climate of craziness, I’m sure someone would have called the cops and told them that they were being stalked.
Well, you can tell who future bride of STEVE SMITH takes it from. Look at the mum, she’s got lots of sasquatch blood she does.
Of course STEVE SMITH needs a woman with a 7 foot regina.
Named regina?
The City that rhymes with Fun!
Well, having STEVE SMITH settle into domestic bliss would help the Animal/STEVE SMITH 2020 campaign, at least among SoCon voters.
Drink Minnesota Mud Throat’s whiskey and sound just like him next time you sing.
If it’ll make you sound like Dylan it must contain shards of broken glass. I’ll pass.
This on the heels of Wild Turkey Longbranch brought to you by Matthew McConaughey.
Artificial Intelligence Is Cracking Open the Vatican’s Secret Archives
An article on the training of an optical-character-recognition program to read the archaic text styles of bygone eras so that the Vatican’s archive can be digitized. Cool stuff.
NoDaks are a bunch of shitlords.
Tons and tons of vacant retail space in the Fargo/Moorhead area. In the entire story, not one person even suggests turning the empty space into housing for the homeless. No, they just talk about renting it to some other evil capitalist who will give them rent.
On the plus side, no one suggested either that the landlords be bailed out.
“not one person even suggests turning the empty space into housing for the homeless. No, they just talk about renting it to some other evil capitalist who will give them rent.”
I’m just saying, in the name of fairness and balance, I would like to bring up the topic of ‘How’s uber liberal SanFran and Seattle doing with that homeless thing’? Maybe before talking about others, you need to examine your own issues.
NoDak capitalism FTW!
Did they have Herbergers as far north as you Mike? I know several people from Fargo who are very upset that they are closing. Now they have to shop at some “big box” store like a common rube.
There used to be a Herberger’s in Fargo
I can’t figure out which of this weekend’s twitter dramas made me hate humanity more: Chinese prom dress or vegan ice cream.
No more deal, what a deal
Looks like the angry mullahs better get ready to carry through on their threats, with no more US cash machine to fund them.
Pegging the irony meter.
But Zoolander said he wants them all. The caravan at our southern border, he can have them too. Gotta show up that asshat Donald, PM Zoolander, show em what you’re made of. When the Nigerians and the Hondurans get there, you can just dress up in a mix of traditional Nigerian/Honduran dress and bow, show em all how woke you are.
That would be funny, if we basically pulled a Mexico and passed the caravan through to Canada.
I want to be Trump’s closest adviser. Hilarity shall surely ensue and the day of the shitlords shall be upon us.
Cynically taking advantage of your northern neighbor is a Mexican tradition and your plan to ship these people to Canada is nothing except for cultural appropriation!
“You can’t stay here, but here is your complementary bus ride, complete with armed escort, to Vancouver!”
Plastic work boots and Dirty Jeans?
Sounds like some Canuck just figured out how to maximize revenue from the Swayze Train. Sending dope to the US and having Nigerians come back the other way just makes sense.
What took so long?
Probably paid for by the DNC. Guy had seriously better watch his back now.
Kanye’s body guards just demanded a raise.
Calabasas upscale? HAHAHAAHHHAHAA!!!
Imagine if the parties had been reversed? Seriously, if some conservative had put out a call for people to assault, say Snoop Dog or any of the plethora of Democratic partisans in the entertainment business, imagine the absolute outrage we’d be hearing about the conservatives engaging in fascism.
Wow, public documented slam dunk case of criminal threatening. Genius.
And nothing else happened.
Not about the money
“But it’s not about teachers being greedy. It’s not about our salaries,” she said of the strike. “Most teachers I know, they try to get by, they live paycheck to paycheck. My husband’s a teacher. He has three jobs just to try to make ends meet. But we both have a calling. We’re extremely passionate about it and we work ourselves to the bone trying to do it because it matters.”
Teachers across the nation say the chronic cuts to education spending over the past decade lies at the root of a growing revolt by educators who have reached the tipping point.
Arizona, Oklahoma, West Virginia, Kentucky and Colorado have all seen teacher uprisings this year. All of the states, with the exception of Colorado, are dominated by Republicans in the governors’ offices and legislatures. Three of the states — West Virginia, Oklahoma and now Arizona — have seen wildcat strikes by educators.
“It’s happening in our reddest states. It’s happening where for the last 10 to a dozen years there has been an ideology of cutting taxes on mostly big businesses and the expense, of course, comes at public services like a public school,” Lily Eskelsen Garcia, president of the National Education Association, told ABC News today.
Please provide concrete evidence of this alleged budget-slashing.
Those teachers in Oklahoma got a $6k raise, but that wasn’t enough to appease them.
Wildcat strikes? Job abandonment. Fire them yesterday. No unemployment either.
If only.
“But it’s not about teachers being greedy. It’s not about our salaries,” she said of the strike. “Most teachers I know, they try to get by, they live paycheck to paycheck. My husband’s a teacher. He has three jobs just to try to make ends meet. But we both have a calling. We’re extremely passionate about it and we work ourselves to the bone trying to do it because it matters.”
To be honest with you, I’m not trying to generalize anyone or be mean, but the majority of K12 teachers I’ve even known were dumber than a box of rocks. An intelligent 7 year old could learn nothing from them.
And that’s just fucking wrong. It’s outright lies.
Starting teacher salary in Denver and surrounding suburbs is approx. $45-50K. Yeah, it’s not a fortune, but consider that’s the starting salary for a 22 year old fresh out of school. After 10 years, you’re low 70s. I know because I went through a brief, extremely ill-advised period of considering teaching high school science. That’s *not* living paycheck to paycheck you mendacious fucks.
It is if you spend it all, duh.
I was offered a job as a compsci professor and it paid quite a bit more than I was making at the time. And I had no teaching experience or the requisite masters degree. I sometimes have regretted that, as I would have been tenured now and could probably go on year long sabbaticals to purify my soul with hookers, blow, and staying drunk all day. But now. I make more money than most university profs, so I probably made the right choice, plus I’m not in prison for throttling some smart mouth punk student.
They’re pissed because of Colorado’s TABOR law. I think this is going to backfire. I know an awful lot of people at my work who are mega-pissed off that they had to stay home last Thursday to take care of their kids when school was cancelled because these spoiled brats walked off the job.
Here in AZ, the Goldwater Institute is threatening to sue for an illegal strike that is being aided and abetted by school districts closing their doors and not docking teacher pay. Which they are doing because this is all about the state sending more money to the school districts.
Good. Fire the teachers and the administrators, prosecute the administrators for their illegal acts, cut teacher pay by 30% and put out want ads if needed.
The teachers in Minneapolis and St. Paul are both bitching about actual cuts. The problem they have is that both districts have had much higher declines in enrollment than the cuts. So if they bitch about a 5% cut, someone is going to point out that enrollment in Mpls has fallen by nearly 20% in the last 10 years.
Same thing happened in Chicago. Public schools have lost 20% of their enrollment in ten years (and is still declining), but the union went on strike because they refused any cuts.
Families don’t want to live in a lot of cities anymore (who would have thought that catering city services to accommodate affluent singles would have negative consequences, other than everyone not named Richard Florida). Public schools are more of a job bank than anything now.
But we both have a calling. We’re extremely passionate about it and we work ourselves to the bone trying to do it because it matters.
Wow, lady! That’s terrible. If only there were some sort of thing that could allow the parents who were the customers of teachers to have some sort of say in how they get compensated. Like, maybe they could compete by how much they were willing to pay for a teacher’s services. And really good teachers like you and your husband would have lots of parents competing to hire you and you could charge them a really high price. Or maybe if there were some way for schools to charge parents directly for their services, rather than get their funding funneled through property taxes. They’d have an incentive to go out and bid of the salaries of really talented teachers like you and your husband, rather than relying on how much you can get out of the budget. Gee, if there were only some way to do those things.
Durr hurr, hypocrites!
The NRA’s leadership forum at the gun group’s annual meeting this week in Dallas will feature Vice President Pence and possibly President Trump, but it won’t feature guns while they are in the house.
The gun ban has drawn the ire of gun-control advocates who scoff at the NRA’s support of open carry while guns are being banned as a safety measure at its own event. Some gun rights supporters also are complaining, offering that no forum is safer than one where the entire audience is armed.
The group bills Friday’s forum as “one of the most politically significant and popular events” in the nation, drawing Second Amendment leaders in government, the media and even entertainment.
That’s the rub. The NRA website notes that, because of the appearance of Pence, the Secret Service will be responsible for security at the forum. That means no guns or gun accessories, knives or “weapons of any kind.” Even selfie sticks and laser pointers are banned. No gun lockers, either.
The NRA notes that for most events, guns will be allowed into the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center. But what the Secret Service wants, the Secret Service gets.
“The NRA’s policy is to allow carry in accordance with local laws at (the annual meeting), including leadership forum,” the group said in a statement. After Trump and/or Pence have left the venue “NRA rules apply and people will be permitted to carry.”
Shit flinging howler monkeys do their thing, nonetheless.
They should have told Pence that if he couldn’t stand being around armed Americans, he can give his speech by videoconference.
Secret Service is almost entirely unnecessary and is mostly about protecting its own reputation and preventing another November 63. Which frankly, I don’t give a shit about. There’s 300+ million people that can do the same job with equal incompetence.
Why don’t they want more Kennedys to be killed?
“Why would you be running a leaf blower at this time of year, unless you live in the southern hemisphere?”
Depends on the kind of trees you have.
For example, a Norway Maple won’t lose all its leaves until January, and that’s only if you get a strong enough blizzard. My town stops picking up yard waste at Thanksgiving, and my maple still has half of its leaves then. I usually don’t mind cleaning the yard after thanksgiving and leaving the bags in the garage until spring, but I can’t clean the yard when there’s snow on the ground and not all the leaves have fallen yet; so that job doesn’t get finished until the spring.
Leaves from deciduous trees that drop their leaves in the spring instead of fall. Also there are some trees that leave one hell of a nasty mess in spring. There’s one in my neighbors yards that gets on my deck. I’m blowing off my deck every freaking day right now.
Bradford Pears in my yard are always the first to bloom and last to drop.
And the leaves are kind of a greasy mess when they do drop. A blower does not work very well.
I mow and then sweep them with a lawn sweeper.
We have a sweet gum tree in our front yard that drops spiky, nasty ball-shaped seed pods. All. Year. Round. Sloopy has his Canada geese; I have Hate Trees, the Trees That Hate.
The goddamn filthy pine trees alongside my driveway drop needles, bushels of them, all damn year.
That’s my Giant Cedar tree, constant rain of leaves everywhere on the side of my house, including the Sidewalk
Same with the firs. Maples drop leaves in the fall and seeds & pollen in the spring.
“Please provide concrete evidence of this alleged budget-slashing. ”
A 2% raise instead of the 8% raise you “deserved” is a cut of 6%. Don’t you newspeak, bro?
We continue to watch the subjugation of the British people from “citizen” to “subject” while they sing “God Save the Queen”. Vigilant Americans should pay attention to the creeping authoritarianism coming from Europe and say a silent prayer under hushed breathe: “God Save the Gun”
Saudi crown prince to Palestinians: either make a agreement or stop whining
Palestinians Should ‘Shut Up’ or Make Peace, Saudi Crown Prince Told Jewish Leaders
‘People literally fell off their chairs,’ said a source who was briefed on the meeting
The crown prince of Saudi Arabia reportedly harshly criticized Palestinian leadership during a meeting with American Jewish organizations in New York last month, slamming Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas for rejecting peace offers.
“In the last several decades the Palestinian leadership has missed one opportunity after the other and rejected all the peace proposals it was given,” Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman told the Jewish organizations, Barak Ravid of Israel’s Channel 10 reported Sunday for Axios. “It is about time the Palestinians take the proposals and agree to come to the negotiations table or shut up and stop complaining.”
When you’ve lost the Saudis…
Sounds like someone in Saudi Arabia has realized that fracking means that the good old days of sitting on a gold mine are over.
So Trump is bringing peace to the Korean Peninsula and evil Gaia raping oil shitlords are bringing peace to the Middle East. Somehow the Nobel Peace Prize will go to Osama bin Laden’s corpse.
People literally fell off their chairs
For Muslims, it sounds like they must be a hard-drinking bunch.
Sweet Jesus, reading that article about Sweden’s decline is absolutely insane. The things going on in Europe are terrifying and absurd. We are definitely looking at another large-scale European war if this continues.
Yeah it was written by Robert Spencer, he may be a dick in general, but he’s not wrong in this article.
Wisdom can come from the worst or dumbest person. I’ve seen this before on multiple occasions. You don’t need to be a saint or a genius to be right. This is where the left makes one of their greatest blunders, they equate wisdom and truth with identity. Doesn’t work like that.
It is a good thing to keep in mind. As well as the inverse, which is similarly neglected, that foolishness can come from the smartest or wisest person. As a matter of convenience it is fine to consider the messenger, but in the final reckoning it is the quality of the message that counts, not the quality of the messenger.
I would say that most of Europe are committing slow suicide. But it really doesn’t seem to be what I would consider slow.
a new moral panic:
The Reality of Digital Drug Addiction Among Teens
Digital drugs are essentially binaural beats that were originally discovered in 1839 by physicist Heinrich Wilhelm Dove. His research uncovered that signals of two varying frequencies when presented separately, one in each ear, allows the brain to register the difference between the frequencies and attempt to syncretize that difference.
Meanwhile, as the two frequencies connect in and out of phase, the brain generates its own third signal. This third signal is the binaural beat. This beat is equal to the variation between the two frequencies.
Research shows that the introduction of a binaural beat causes the brain to start resonating in tune with that particular beat.
Several controversial claims have been made regarding the addictive properties of binaural beats. Most of these surround excess production of dopamine and beta-endorphin, faster learning rates and several videos on the internet of kids claiming to experience highs comparative to drug-induced euphoria.
Several website selling these beats are marketing “Recreational Simulations” to alternate for marijuana, opium and cocaine as they synchronize brainwaves to a similar state as that induced by a recreational dose.
Regardless of whether these beats actually exert an affect of such magnitude, the mere advertising of such a product can initiate a disturbing trend that may appeal to teens for all the wrong reasons.
“I think it’s very dangerous,” said Karina Forrest-Perkins, chief operating officer of Gateway to Prevention and Recovery in Shawnee. “While there are no known neurological effects from digital drugs, they encourage kids to pursue mood-altering substances.”
Some digital drug websites have been noticed to feature advertisements tempting young people to buy dangerous pills and synthetic marijuana.
The usual suspects are calling for a ban.
[head desk]
Let’s say this were real. And non-addictive. Does anyone doubt for a moment that the usual suspects would be out demanding their ban? Yeah, even if it meant that there were a safe alternative to things like coke, or opiates. Maybe we should do something about these bastards’ addiction to bullying people “for their own good”?
They’re perverts who get their rocks off bossing other people around in non BDSM ways.
In the future, pretty much anything will be possible via VR, full body, full sensory perception. The only victims will be pixels.
I can already hear Congress critters new war cry ‘FOR THE PIXELS! WE HAVE TO DO IT FOR THE PIXELS!’. Sorry, chillins, you’re so last century.
Isn’t this an old one?
I’ve been listening to classical music today, and came across this. My god, this woman can play guitar.
Check out this one.
Not as good at guitar, but she wins.
Also a cute classical musician, only Korean classical
Not knocking the chick, but they really need to turn down the backing track on that.
Holy hell, that was excellent. Thanks for that.
If liberals want to forge an alliance with the left,
You mean they haven’t already?
Regardless of whether these beats actually exert an affect of such magnitude, the mere advertising of such a product can initiate a disturbing trend that may appeal to teens for all the wrong reasons.
Absent Playboy Magazine, 14 year old P Brooks would never even have known he had a penis.
I clearly haven’t run into poison ivy in a LOOOONG time. That’s the only reason I would have forgotten how much it sucks and how long it takes to go away….might just be because I’m a lot older now. Weedwhacked my grass and looking at it a few days later, there were some poison ivy vines in one of my planters – only idea I can think of is that I got it on my arms while clearing my clippings into a garbage bag (wearing gloves). Didn’t start showing up till a couple days later – so apparently I might have gotten the oil on a couple other spots on my body as well – or maybe just oil spray when I was cutting….what a friggin hassle.
Let’s say this were real. And non-addictive. Does anyone doubt for a moment that the usual suspects would be out demanding their ban?
The nagging fear that someone, somewhere, is having fun.
very interesting and lesser known history here:
50 Years Ago, a Secret U.S. Military Base Was Overrun By Elite Vietnamese Commandos
Because Laotian Prince Souvanna refused to accept U.S. military personnel in Laos, U.S. Air Force personnel deployed to Lima 85 had to sign papers temporarily discharging them from the U.S. military before deploying to Lima, a farcical process known as ‘sheep dipping.’
Ironically, both Washington and Hanoi collaborated in preserving the secrecy of their war in the Laos. North Vietnam needed to maintain and secure the Ho Chi Minh trail’s route through Laos, while the U.S. military was compelled to try to stop them there. That both were violating a treaty they had signed was merely something that had to be concealed from the public.
double larf! for sheep dipping
I’m leaving society and living as a hermit so I don’t have to know that this was published in the New York Times
(note: I’m not SURPRISED it was)
No need, NYT has been a commie sympathizer since before communism was even invented. Also, they are about the same intellectual level now as Salon.
Fun Fact: the New York Tribune hired Marx as a foreign correspondent. This was the same paper that helped create the GOP and was abolitionist and Radical Republican until Greeley broke with Grant that is…
You know Who else Had His own Newspaper to use as a platform?
J Jonah Jameson Jr.?
Is that the forerunner of NASDAQ?
Yes, with more Homo
Good old J^4.
I’m going out on a limb, but I’d say some of the responses are dumber than the original comment.
The best one may be (in response to a comment about people never fleeing from capitalist countries): “there’s a whole class of refugee called ‘economic migrants’ who are fleeing from colonial capitalist systems all over the world.” There is an impressive amount of stupidity/word in that statement.
And that’s a “NY Times Pick!”
(I’ll be fair and say most of the comments and most of the NY Times Pick comments are good)
The thing that is always the “Tell” of the marxist moron…
…is that they’re not content with merely saying, “Marx is misunderstood”; they ALWAYS have to insist that he’s misunderstood… .BECAUSE so many people that criticize him are *morally inferior*.
Critics can never simply be mistaken, or cynical, or “overly concerned” with material things like, you know, the hundred-million dead because of Marx….
…its that these critics are always, always, cast as intellectual AND moral inferiors. – intellectually incapable of appreciating Marx’s brilliance (and, not coincidentally, making marx’s defenders higher-level-intellects by default), and morally flawed for not recognizing the monumental crimes that their non-marxist alternatives foist upon humanity
Its the *preening* that always defines them.
They’re not satisfied with Marx being merely “another intellect”; he has to be treated as a touchstone which defines the moral-character of those who dare to comment on him.
Every communist that says “that wasn’t real communism” should be thrown from an autogyro, “which isn’t a real helicopter”.
It IS however A Rotary Winged Aircraft, it only lacks Collective/pitch control
I thought Pinochet was all about “pitch” control.
Best response:
“Behind a paywall, which is pretty funny.”
Communism Ain’t Free Chum, but you knew that,
Police on the lookout for man offering young boys money for sneezes
I hope they don’t catch you.
Bless you.
Sign in the bathroom at the coffee shop. I personally do a handstand.
Needs moar tentaclez.
Whats wrong with sitting Fonzie style? Your ass is still over the target.
Wow, first time, i didn’t get a thrill Q,
Thanks! you know What I like
Redheads are Yusef’s kryptonite.
At least you spelled my Avatar right, and Boobies!!!
Awww, a sweet little Christian girl.
Neither here nor there, but the urban Paleo Diet guy? He was profiled (or at least mentioned – twice, even ) @ TOS a while back and received a bevy of mockery…
here’s the main thing – which was Tierney’s profile
Anyway, i noticed this guy on twitter a few months back. And then he got retweeted by… Kanye. i think yesterday.
He’s actually kind of interesting. He’s said 2-3 things over the past few months i found, if not groundbreaking, at least insightful, and appealing to libertarian thinking.
Anyway, thought it was worth mentioning. I thought he was a dirty-hippy-huckster and instinctively disliked him back when i first heard his steez 4 years ago.
Anyway, i kind of can’t hate a guy who says exactly the same shit i often find myself thinking.
I read his book maybe three years ago. I remember thinking good arguments were made and ya, maybe some hippy huckstering going on, but I think it is pretty much common knowledge high carb diets are going to send you to diabetesville by everyone except the food pyramid folks. I never got a religious push vibe from paleoites that you see in some other diet followers like militant vegans. I think it was in the Paleo Manifesto where I first learned of paleochoholics and their love for tequila lime and soda which is my go to drink most evenings. Good to know he is not a mind numbed prog. Thanks, added to follow. That makes two from you as I also follow Mr T now.
“”I also follow Mr T now.””
Mr T acting like a star-struck little girl for shaking hand of…. Macron’s wife… was humorous and sort of cute.
DS9: The best Star Trek series?
a) True.
b) False.
c) Get a life you nerd failure.
#1 DS9
#2 Enterprise, (T’pal, and sketchy Transporters)
WRONG, the answer is a) not A.
/smartass Bob
You’re a Towel!
But Ok is not OK
B – It is a decent Babylon 5 fanfic though.
Babylon 5 I liked quite a bit. RIP Jerry Doyle.
DS9 was horrific. Only slightly less intolerable that ST-Voyager.
NBC is gleefully broadcasting “exclusive rumors” that Kelly is in trouble. Anonymous sources claim he referred to Trump as an idiot. Also, he is alleged to have said women are more emotional than men.
The second one is not false….
(This is why there are no female libertarians….)
KK, Hayek? oh that’s right, they are Glibertarians, never mind……
Hey, Glibertarians are people too.
Or are we?
/Mr. Lizard?
Yes you all are insufferable whiny bitch mammals…except Warty and Sugar Free. They are likely intergalactic fugitives of some sort. But I’m too polite to inquire.
But anyways we have not skin-suited any of the commentariat. Although one of these years I may coerce Florida Man into joining me on a proper rampage.
You do realize my Freon Bottles shoot High Pressure Refrigerant at -47 degrees Fahrenheit?
I can knock you out of a tree at 50 feet, you Cold blooded Overlord wanna be!
One of yours?
Crossbreeding FTW!
I can’t imagine there’s anything the lizard people find so peculiar to Earth that they’re willing to overlook our eccentric polar wobbliness, unless it’s something akin to Frank Herbert’s Enemy, and they’re looking to make our planet a refuge. So what is it, M. Lizard, is it our strategic reserve of derpiness here on earth, or did you delve too deep into the cosmos, too greedily?
Inquiring Humans want to know….
That part of the Dune lore is easily my favorite bit of mystery… that there’s something so fearsome, so terrifying, that the most badass of cosmic psychopaths, the people to match the Bene Gesserit, fear it enough to go conquering the known cosmos like so many Germanic or Gallic tribes pushing up against the Roman borders to escape their tormentors.
Coerce? I think you mean “invite”.
Ugh can’t respond. Too much threading on my phone
And from what i have read here over the last 18 months or so, Glibs aren’t Pure, but a lot more Consistent than the old Crowd.
We tend toward Kindness and humanity for it’s inherent worth, otherwise, FUCK OFF!
My 2cents
I’m a fucking imbecile so my two cents are devalued to two tenths of a cent, but reading Marcus Aurelius, my impressions are: a) abject humility, and b) service to his people.
And also sobriety and temperance and self-denial and all kinds of awful meditative qualities like that.
The problem with Marcus Aurelius is that you then get Commodus. Philosopher Kings sound wonderful, strong leader when you need strength but temperate and willing to leave well enough alone the rest of the time. Then you look at the history of Rome as Empire and realize you have Philosopher Kings ruling about 1 year in 20 and absolute despots ruling about two thirds the time and civil war the rest…
We need many more Silent Cals, it seems. No Twitter spats, no apology tours, just men who keep to themselves and let the business of Americans be business.
Female NBC anchor sez:
“They are NOT! Women are NOT more emotional! We’re rational like men!!!!” *begins crying*
The erstwhile squeeze purported to be extremely rational. Logic was literallt his hobby.
I’m way more fucking rational than him. Like, by a country mile.
He also just gave NBC the finger.
It’s not gay if it’s the TSA
The ticker at the bottom of the screen on our local news (Albany, NY) had this story from your neck of the woods.
They’d never run such a story about a non-cop being killed. The the guy was off-duty.
Infuriating how much the media suck up to cops.
True, if Ted S. was shot dead by a stray bullet, it would be a total non story.
I’m sure this death will counted in the statistics of police officers killed, so that the rhetoric about a “war on cops” can have another talking point.
It’d have to be pretty stray to kill me. My nearest neighbor is 1000 feet downhill.
I met a pretty Stray once, She Killed me………….
The little death?
Petit morte
Fear is the little death that brings total obliteration…
Fear is the orgasm that finally kills you?
Now they’re breathlessly reporting the insane danger of “absurdly high” speed limits. Death and dismemberment lurk behind the wheel.
NBC News = fart in a stiff wind.
Saw that and was surprised they didn’t have some “expert” telling Lester Holt that “we could save 35,000 needless deaths a year if only we cared enough to drop the maximum speed limit to 25 mph.”
Let it Be Known! STEVE SMITH, Mr. Lizard, and ZardoZ! i have the Freon, and Ozone Layer be Damned, I will find you, I will Freeze you, and in Mr. Lizards case, I hear He tastes like Chicken.
Think before striking the Almighty Yusef! God of Freon!
Doing a Treat Yo Self night at the Willard. I like their bar menu
There’s a passage in Paul Johnson’s Modern Times that has stuck with me, which, given the depth and breadth of that tome, must mean something. He very briefly discusses Harding’s sad or pathetic relationship (I forget how he describes it, but that’s the tone) with a shopkeeper’s wife, with whom Harding may have been in love, or perhaps had a platonic relationship, but in any event kept up a correspondence of some note. I’ve yet to figure out who this woman was or what was the nature of their dalliance, but isn’t it sad the only thing widely known about Harding, to the extent he’s widely known at all, are the relatively minor scandals on his watch, while tidbits of history like his epistolary affair with some unknown woman are forgotten to all but some British historian? Because, I imagine, it’s easier to write him off as a scoundrel if you ignore everything about his personal life.
Here we go. After cataloging the grave innuendo and calumny directed at the man, Johnson finishes off with this slight exoneration:
And what follows is a very telling paragraph on the legacy of Harding and Coolidge, at least as told by, then, as now, our incessantly dishonest press. It’s worth reading for yourselves. (Search for “very little dissent,” you should find it quickly.)
Thanks. The section on Harding and Coolidge is great. Cal was really one of us – well, maybe not the sex and drugs and booze.
The whole thing is now on my reading list.
Modern Times is probably a modern-day classic. Most libertarians won’t agree with Johnson on everything and he tends to make errors of omission. But his critique of collectivism from 1920s USSR to 1970s USA is brilliant.
Prepare to be wasted by the intense descriptions of Muslim atrocities in the 60s onward. You think Islamic terrorism is new (at least for someone who came of age after 9-11), the fact that this shit has been a relentless factor of our culture for more than half a century now… and the brutality and barbarism of it… the carnage and the butchery… it’s fucking depressing.
I came of age in the era of the Iranian revolution/hostage crisis, and a few years later, TWA 847 and the Achille Lauro. So, yeah.
Yes, there are superior cultures, it’s the cultures that don’t butcher babies in bassinets, the cultures that don’t rape and murder pregnant women, the cultures that afford their enemies a measures of self-respect, even in death. Those are unequivocally better cultures. The fact that brutes and beasts still batter at our gates, still raise such a ruckus in their slaughter of the innocent and importunate, doesn’t mean we need flinch at condemning their horrid ways, nor should we ever cease blowing their brains out when we get the opportunity.
I feel so much reflected glory in my stupid outrage that I may as well be a moon myself.
Kristen: It’s outrageous, yo.
Some less measured than myself have said it would be easier to just turn the Middle East into an ocean of glass.
His whole section on terrorism – from the Middle East to middle Europe – was brilliant. I know include a section in my lectures covering that topic.
Also, I was in Athens airport, and flying TWA, a month before flight 847. There but for the grace of dog go I.
Is it Jonah Goldberg’s dogs? I’ve been told his dogs are the only dogs worth considering.
Well that is some fucked up threading.
LOL. He has some cute-ass dogs.
It’s a deliberate misspelling. Since I’m am atheist, I find it inappropriate to use “God” in these contexts.
“braised beef cheeks with blue-cheese gnocchi”
yeah, i’ll do that.
AFAIC, Cal was was the only Prez I’d give a “good” rating to.
I give a good rating to Washington. He stepped down. Imagine if FDR had been the first president. We’d be a shithole like Africa.
I wonder about that. Our founding bunch was a crusty class of curmudgeons. I think they’d have jumped all over Washington for wanting another term. Not to devalue his Cincinnatus moment (again, this virtue of humility?), but he had something to fear of being bitched to death by our intolerably bitchy founders.
Washington was also getting irritated because of the criticism that was beginning to be directed at him.
Whisky Rebellion kind of colors my view of Washington.
Who is the ginger?
ThinGer, I want one, Fuck and feed for best results…….
She offsets her weight with her big hair. Hawt!
Evidently Antifa not getting job done, DNC getting new thugs.
Most of those gang members are subsistence drug dealers on probation who basically moonlight as police informants whenever the cops need dirt on someone.
Stoner Jazz for the Groovy Hep Cats…. Brubeck
Billionaire wants to spend his fortune on space exploration. News at 11.
(I’m very much in favor of private space exploration, but Bezos isn’t blazing any trails that haven’t been established by Branson and Musk.)
Gonna go have a cig and see what downtown DC looks like at 11pm on a Monday*
I’ve never been a smoker, but I love a drag when I’m drinking. When I have cash I’m going to explore that dynamic vis-a-vis cigars and good scotch.
I kinda worry that my current drinking habits probably preclude ever having the kind of money that affords me the good stuff. Like Tantalus, kinda. I get the grapes, but they taste of Marlboro and terrible, awful hangovers.
The sweetest moments I’ve had in my romantic life recently have been sharing a girl’s awful habit. It’s intimate and seductive. I hate the smell and taste of tobacco, but somehow the combination is lovely. I like the way you can feel the sheaf burn down while you’re drawing in a breath. And the dizziness and momentary panic as your stomach settles. I’m thrilled not to be an addict, but I love an occasional pull.
There’s a firing squad element to it, I think. When you’re out on the porch with her, you’re both sauced, both out of your minds, but you’re the last couple awake, and it’s clear now that, whatever your many failings, she’s selected you to spend the night, and you, at that moment, have to think about the intimacy, the damned intimacy, and how did you end up here? and the many failings of your character cascade down about your ears, and you wonder, how did I end up here? But, of course, it’s impossible to know, impossible to guess why she chose you, of all villains, to desecrate her evening. So you suck in that bit of cigarette, that intimate kiss, before you pass it back to her, and you wonder, Why? and you answer, Why not? but that’s no more satisfying an answer than if you left, walked off the porch, fumbled your keys out of your pocket, start your car, left for home; but why not? What satisfaction is this in the having that wasn’t possible in the hoping? In the morning, she’ll be drunk awake and you’ll be hungover and alone.
Oh, the firing squad element: you either take the drag and you die, or you die. Sexuality for a man.
If a cop tells you to put it out…