So you want to be a fortuneteller. Congratulations! You’re a moron!
There are a very few limited instances when putting up a crystal ball shingle is a good less than catastrophically bad idea:
- It’s a front for your illegal business
- It’s a money-laundering operation
- You are otherwise unemployed, and/or bored AND you have no expenses involved with obtaining your venue.
In the same vein as giving a junkie some chlorox with which to sterilize their shared needles, here’s a little advice about succeeding in the X-mancy business.

This is the look you’re going for
First off, be a woman. You might get away with being an astrologer with a Y chromosome, but for palmisty, cartomancy, scrying or psychic reading ain’t nobody gonna pay you for your opinion. Once you are a woman, invest in chunky jewelry and scarves. Consider dying your hair, but for the love of Gaia, do not have it professionally done. You need to do it yourself. The look you are cultivating is “sketchy.” Respectable people make crappy fortunetellers. There needs to be something… off about your appearance — the difference between “underbridge dweller” and “reclusive gypsy” is in the attitude and how you set up your surroundings.

Nice try
Do you think you’re psychic? Great! This is going to help lot. It’s like they say, “sincerity is important, once you can fake that, you’ve got it made.” The most successful psychic I know acts exactly as if they believe their own bullshit completely. She has never dropped the facade in front of me. Remember, you’re mostly a salesperson at this point, so have confidence in your product! What if you can’t actually believe that you have the power to foretell the future? Well, there is a solution to that.
Remember the oracle at Delphi? Paint huffer. Not from a spray can, but all natural organic hydrocarbons straight from Mother Earth’s crack. If you want to go with the classics, you can choose ether, but what with the usual accouterments of candles and incense, I wouldn’t recommend it if you don’t want to go all Richard Prior. But be careful that you don’t overdo it. “Not entirely safe, not entirely sane” will draw the attention of the mark; “Crackhead” will have them scurrying for the door without paying. The point of the drugs is to take the edge off your internal censor and *ahem* “open your mind to” the possible connections between the real world and your divinatory tools. The only difference between “psychic” and “psychotic” is “cot,” which is what you’re probably going to be sleeping on if you choose to ply this trade.
There is one skill that is pretty much mandatory if you’re going to make this business a sole/unaugmented source of income: cold reading. This is a skill that can be learned, so do it. Prestidigitation is also extremely useful, both for forcing cards and well… we’ll get to that

Notice that the mark must ALWAYS be wealthier than you
Last thing: if you want to make real money, you’re going to need a permanent premises so that you can build a clientele of suckers. And if you want to really take them for what you can get, you’re going to need to commit some felony-level fraud. This is going to end badly, if for no other reason that former marks, even ones that you that you didn’t even rip off will eventually be upset with your advice and having a fixed place of business means they know where to find you to make their displeasure known, or to send the local constabulary. If you are satisfied by the rewards of one-off clients and the occasional petty larceny (this is where prestidigitation comes in: if you keep your workspace cluttered, claustophobic, and filled with garish colors and patterns, this can make the mark more distracted and less likely to remember that he set down something small and salable, particularly if he didn’t notice you palming it.) then it’s safer to adopt the M.O. of grifters everywhere and keep mobile. Carney life here we come! Actually, renaissance fairs are a pretty good deal for an aspiring fortuneteller: the one-person tent is the cheapest premises you can have and is perfect for the kind of work you need to do, you have a constant flow of new clients pushed right in front of your flap, and those clients are in a pretty good mood and won’t actually take your advice too seriously. Plus lots of them are drunk. Blessings to Eris and Dionysus for drunken marks!
I should probably also mention that dial-a-psychic is a thing that exists and my closest fortuneteller friend makes her living doing this, but I’ve never seen it in operation first-hand. so not only do I not know anything about it, I don’t even know enough to be entertainingly ignorant about it.

Renfair. Pros: lots of one-off clients, steady income. Cons: herpes.
Now, on to this week’s chart!
This week has a couple of strong markers, and an oddly large number of tension/uncertainty indicators. The more definite signs are for good fishing, and an extraordinary alignment (Sol-Mercury-Venus-Saturn retrograde) for relationships. This is an excellent week to meet new partners, but a terrible week for breakups. If the squeeze hasn’t gotten his crap out of the house KK, maybe it would be better to put it off until next week. On the tension front, we have TWO different cross-alignments of opposition influencts; we have change and stability signs on top of each other (Mercury in Capricorn) as well as balance/flux juxtaposition (Luna in Libra). If you are having difficulty figuring out WTF is going on in your life, this probably is why.* The positioning last week that encourages sports betting (Mars-Saturn retrograde in Capricorn) and masturbation (Jupiter retrograde in Scorpio) remain this week, so have fun with that .
*no, this is not why at all.
I’m still the Fool, I predict Fun for all!
Be a woman? What about John Edwards?
The phony TV psychic, or the evil presidential candidate?
Are you sure they are two different people?
The former is Edward IIRC.
Is he still around?
Renfair. Pros: lots of one-off clients, steady income. Cons: herpes.
Meeting Hayeksplosives is probably a pro.
I think she was only a MRF goer, not a circuit rider.
Ah, but I was a season ticket holder and thus present every weekend. In costume, naturally.
Fairs with season passes are very different than those without .
Anyone who has ever worked a Renfair knows this is the God’s honest truth.
Are you certain that’s how you contracted herpes?
Is one ever certain when it comes to herpes?
I certainly haven’t got it.
We took my 19 yo nephew to the one in Conroe, Tx. He was smitten. At one point my brother and I were sitting at a cafe with him and he mentioned that he was young and needed to experience the kind of debauchery that he was certain took place after dark. I was a bit drunk as was his father. Pretty soon a scantily clad maiden strode by leading a miniature horse. I casually said “Look there nephew. I bet that poor guy has his work cut out for him. He wont be able to walk in the morning.” He nearly pissed his pants laughing. A few minutes later some dude about 7 feet tall and bulging with muscles walked by. His body was waxed and his head shaven. He was wearing very little in the way of black leather bondage stuff. Again I casually quipped “If you stick around here after dark that is going to be your bunk mate.”
His eyes got wide as saucers and I didn’t hear any more about debauchery.
That guy was “Sholo the Nubian.”
TRF >> all.
I think I know who you are talking about. The wife loves that Renfair and we have been several times. The black guy is always there. No, not him. This was a white guy.
When I say 7 feet tall I dont mean he looked it kinda like the black dude. I mean he was 7 feet tall.
*DDG’s Sholo the Nubian*
Yeah, I know about that guy. He’s always there. No this was a dude I haven’t seen before. He looked like he could pick Sholo up like a child and his costume wasn’t Renfairish, it was a straight-up gimp getup.
Huh. Might have been a patron, not a rennie then. Or not, I haven’t worked one since 2010.
it was a straight-up gimp getup.
He was just a Raiders fan.
+silver and black
OT – I’m getting frustrated to the point of violence with this new build of Windows 10 (version 1803, OS build 17655.1000, just pushed out yesterday). When opening any files in File Explorer, they will all open as tabs in the same window despite changing the settings that are meant to force folders to open in separate windows. Is anyone else having this issue? Does anyone know a fix? I really, really, really hate dealing with these tabs.
Easy fix: 2 lbs of tannerite and a high speed projectile.
+1 PC load letter
That’s your solution to everything.
Sounds legit.
install Windows Shell
Set to Windows 7 or XP
Enjoy your PC again
Have you tried turning it off and on again?
Tried multiple reboots to no avail and can not find this problem online as the build was only pushed yesterday… I’m leaning towards Sean’s fix. Oh well, I’m on my second triple l0b0t’s folly (Bourbon, fresh black cherry juice, ginger ale – today it’s 3 shots of Old Granddad Bottled In Bond), wifey and kids are out at her parent’s for the day, I’m making a sous vide corned beef, weather is nice so the house is open with all fans on, and I think I’ll try slogging through some more of Far Cry 5.
I updated windows myself yesterday, and am also experiencing weird bugs.
i think it no longer likes my network drivers,because it randomly just shuts the wifi off every 30 mins or so. yet the manufacturer still says this is recommended driver. (shrug) not what, if anything, i can do
(as i was typing this, it basically removed and reinstalled the wifi adapter, again. twice)
annoying as hell.
Apparently the solution was to uninstall any/all network hardware/software in the PC, reboot and let Win10 reinstall everything from its own catalog of plug+play default-drivers.
I never update anything. I just buy a new PC every other month.
+1 oil sheik
Alcohol update: service seems to be better so far today. Mojito ordered within twenty minutes of setting up.
Drink it Dry
For Diversity and Comics fans –
The indiegogo now includes the graphic novel and two additional books, art by Ethan Van Sciver, etc. Over $100,000 now, which puts it equivalent to the top 6 selling graphic novels in March.
“A team of ex-superheroes attempt to save a “monster” from a vicious warlord who wants to exploit it!”
They really are useful idiots to the point where they sympathize with evil. My favorite was the “Gandalf and the west were evil exploiting drug dealers. Never mind Mordor’s attempts to enslave the world.” It is pretty clear where their sympathy lies.
It looks like it has a very 90’s Image Comics feel.
I’m not sure what I think about that.
He’s said that he wants to make it as a throwback to 90s comics/movies/etc – in contrast to most of what’s on the market right now. What the fans want to buy.
Unfortunately for me, I view the 90s as comics’ shittiest decade. So much schlock, cheap throwaway titles, and shitty Rob Liefeld-a-like art. If it were say, a throwback to the “bronze age” of the 70’s and 80’s, I’d be a lot more excited.
^^This, that artwork isn’t doing a thing for me, then again I haven’t bought a comic book since Frank Miller was drawing Daredevil, so I may not be the target audience.
Thou speaketh heresy. Remember thou the Age of Apocalypse?
This was directed at Heroic Mulatto, don’t know why it posted here
Very Cool video, Bezos does good here,
First off, be a woman. You might get away with being an astrologer with a Y chromosome, but for palmisty, cartomancy, scrying or psychic reading ain’t nobody gonna pay you for your opinion.
At least one profession overcame the patriarchy.
When opening any files in File Explorer, they will all open as tabs in the same window despite changing the settings that are meant to force folders to open in separate windows.
“That button, there- doesn’t do anything.”
Heading out to Phantom Carriage in a few minutes for a light lunch, couple of brews, and horror movies.
That place looks like fun and the pictured pulled-pork sliders are right up my alley. Have a great time.
I have been told multiple times -by people who know me and the industry both- that I should become a cold reader, and I would become rich in pretty short order.
It sucks to have a conscience. Thanks a lot, Mom & Dad!
A very odd instance of cold reading that I witnessed was back in college when I was waiting tables. One of the other waiters would, on occasion, look at a 4-top when the hostess sat it, place their order in the system, then go and greet the table.
Consciences ruin a lot of thinks. Damn little voice in my head
Cold reader, just put on a jacket or sompin
Off topic: I will never forgive Donald Trump for ruining comedy. Literally no one is funny anymore. A couple years ago I thought there was no way that Saturday Night Live could get any less funny, but it has. Now it’s like watching an Any Schumer comedy special. That’s how unfunny SNL and every comedy show has become.
I’ve been reduced to watching the Joel McHale Show for comedy now.
I downloaded all of the kids in the hall first3 seasons and am re-watching. it has been a long time since i’ve seen them.
i also dl’d some other british sketch stuff, like Bruiser, but have not watched yet.
KITH Some of the Best comedy of all time
/Chicken Lady, Buddy Cole
I find it hard to understand what they’re saying with British comedies
Canadian, eh, right?
I spent a decade working for/with brits, and frequently visited UK for extended periords. i suspect i still miss 20-30% of the pop-culture references, but i never have problems with accent
*or – probably more importantly – what accent variations tend to imply; its sort of like, if an american started talking w/ a thick boston or chicago or alabama accent, there would be all sorts of cultural associations that Americans would instantly pick up on – whereas if you’re a yank watching brit shows, you miss a lot of the humor if you don’t know what the popular british perception of, say, Mancunians, or Welsh, or Geordies, is *supposed* to be.
that first sketch in the above link is pretty much all about ‘character displacement’; its an australian chav talking about upper-class Lawn Bowling like its an extreme sport that gets him tons of pussy.
MTV seems to be trying something which plays on this dual misperception (American AND brit) of character-tropes: “Geordie Shore“.
where geordies (newcastlers) are presented as cultural parallels to NJ Guidos. which… i’m not sure if that’s right at all or not. i don’t think it matters. Its very stupid even by MTV/and UK reality-TV standards.
Did you see (and if you did, did you enjoy) The Kids In The Hall: Death Comes To Town? I loved it, my wife hated it.
I’m going to find it, thanks for the tip!
A.P. Bio, The Detour, and The Mick are, in my opinion, some of the funniest things on television in quite a spell. If you haven’t seen them, you should check them out.
Aren’t those all shows headed by an Always Sunny cast member? So what you’re saying is watch It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia
Two of the shows are helmed by Always Sunny actors but The Detour is, shockingly to me, created, written, and produced by Samantha Bee and her husband Jason Jones (Jones is also the male lead). Given the utter atrocity of Bee’s comedy talk show, the fact that The Detour is so damn good is really throwing me for a loop.
I’d add the Good Place to that list as well.
Of course, I’ve only seen S1 so far.
“Vote for us or if we lose every comedian in the country will just revert to being an insufferable bore. The only people that will still be telling jokes is Jeff Foxworthy and Larry the Cable Guy.”
Is this the new strategy that progressives are employing now when they lose elections? It’s inhumane.
Do you really think they would be less insufferable if Hillary won? Half their jokes would be about the bullet we dodged when Trump or whatever Republican lost.
It’s just that the loci of the counter-culture, which bears most good comedy, have changed. One doesn’t know where to look yet, and the novices of the new loci are very raw and haphazard, but people will catch onto the shift eventually.
Dave Allen at Large
I loved that show. Another great Brit comedy hour was The Two Ronnies.
I’m glad I’m not the only one who remembers it.
I need a remastered blu-ray of “The Young Ones”. My UK DVD complete pack is nice, but the AV is awful.
All hope is not lost. We still have the likes of Dave Chappelle and Jim Gaffigan. If a remnant of a remnant survives, comedy can rebuild.
Just like sourdough starter.
Sadly after ten years, my starter died of neglect. We should not let that happen to comedy.
If you want some, let me know and I’ll mail it out.
There’s no twist to the jokes anymore. They go exactly where you think they’ll go and you get to feel smart for knowing the punchline before the dumb people. Creepy, middle aged ladies talking about giving blowing should be somewhat funny, but Schumer and the lot have managed to make even that sound predictable.
*blow JOBS*
Used to work for a psychic / phone sex company, analyzing Google Adwords campaigns.
It occurs to me that both jobs have similar skillsets. As long as you didn’t mix up which one you were supposed to be on any given call.
Very true, IMO. I don’t think it was coincidental the company did both.
That said, the ‘psychics’ worked from home lines, and the sexy talkers worked from the building.
It was one of my favorite jobs until they discovered I’d created an Excel script so I could do what had previously been an 8-hour work day in about 20 minutes. They weren’t happy i didn’t share that info with them. Oops.
Diego is the brown Ken Schultz
I miss Ken. And Diego can’t be Ken. I don’t remember Diego hating on Rand Paul constantly
Ken had a consistent argument, right or wrong, Diego is all over the map, IMO
Stupid HTML.
Just pretend I said “This is where Ken writes 15 paragraphs as to why that’s Rand Paul’s fault”.
People have a problem with Diego? I could kind of understand why people had a problem with Ken, but if I was sick of him, I’d just scroll past. He had good arguments,from time to time. I’ve also never seen Diego leave walls of text.
No, Diego is great. I just found my eyes glazing over while reading his posts from yesterday, lol
Fair enough. We all have off days.
Diego can get verbose occasionally, he’s no Ken, and as you say that’s why God put that little wheel on mouses.
“This is going to end badly, if for no other reason that former marks, even ones that you that you didn’t even rip off will eventually be upset with your advice and having a fixed place of business means they know where to find you to make their displeasure known, or to send the local constabulary.”
Hence the popularity of working from a caravan. The dogs of the law may be barking, but the caravan has moved on.
4×25 oz. Cobra
Bomber of Torpedo
Laundry Done
Groceries Done
next step
Clean Kitchen
Make Lemon Herb Chicken with Pasta Salad
Write new Material
Pass out in corner after ranting to Glibs
Yusuf, completely OT question: Do you have any “Campus Radio” recommendations? 88.7 FM in Claremont Ca.The Best College radio in the Country, and has been for 50 years or so. Every thing is there, and it changes as time goes by, I love it and have for 38 years, since I was 16.
I forgot, i use an App called tunein radio, and they stream KSPC on Android devices,
and they stream from their website as well
Thanks – much appreciated!
Also, Dave Smith is funnier than Doug Stanhope
I just shot my new gun. I have had a 1911 frame and box of parts sitting on the shelf for literally(!) years. I put the plunger tube on yesterday, and finished it a little while ago. Put the .22 conversion top end on it, and blam blam blam. Needs a little fine tuning, but it runs.
*GSG 1911 .22 conversion magazines SUCK. Extremely poor fit in the mag well.
Getting down to the end of this Talladega race. I guess I’ll start paying attention. Don’t want to miss the Big One.
I admit it, I lol’d.
And Yeti coolers is taking a beating.
Infinity Wars looks like it’s doing well.
Y’all heard the Westworld remake of Heart Shaped Box? Pretty badass
User name checks out
It was supposed to be sunny and warm today, but it is cloudy and windy. I blame Not Adahn’s horoscopes.
That only happens with Mercury-Jupiter or Mercury-Saturn conjunctions.
TOS just posted this: “The Only Way to Get Money Out of Politics Is to Get Politics Out of Money”
I’ve been using that line for years. Good to see it getting some kind of traction.
Note: I don’t think it was stolen or anything.
I was just thinking about something like that today…
In a lot of countries like Thailand and Russia, bribery is just the order of the day. You cannot go about your business without paying off some cops now and then. If you don’t play the game, you’ll get screwed over by the cops because someone else will bribe them. You can hardly blame these people for bribing public officials – it’s what they have to do to survive.
It’s sort of like that here. Big corporations catch a lot of flak for lobbying and trying to get on the good side of the government, but that’s the only way for them to survive. They could be principled and refrain from any lobbying, but their competitors probably wouldn’t have such moral scruples. The blame should rest with the government that created this unfair situation, not necessarily the companies that are just trying to get by.
Of course, 99% of the time people talk about “getting money out of politics”, what they actually mean is “getting money out of the hands of non-Democrat politicians”. I sure don’t see any Democrats tearing up those AFSCME and SEIU checks, so that kind of “big money in politics” is perfectly fine with them.
China is the same way too. I taught english to a guy who was complaining about the government coming down on him because he tried it with some Japanese company and they complained to the bureaucrats. I felt genuine sympathy for him.
The government has enormous power to fuck up people’s lives. It’s therefore eminently logical that people will go to great lengths to make sure government is fucking up somebody else’s life instead of theirs. And yet so many people think the solution to this is to give the government more power to fuck up people’s lives.
One thing I always wanted to ask Lefties who were angry about the Citizens United decision: Do you really think the First Amendment only applies to individuals? Well, that’s also where freedom of the press is laid out, so corporations don’t have freedom of the press? That means that Trump would be permitted to censor the New York Times and Mother Jones – after all, they’re corporations, corporations aren’t people, so they don’t have any rights.
Big corporations catch a lot of flak for lobbying and trying to get on the good side of the government, but that’s the only way for them to survive. They could be principled and refrain from any lobbying,
Also keep in mind that most government relations VPs are lobbyists first and foremost and have personal career incentives, beyond and sometimes at odds with their employer’s best interests, to perpetuate the current system. The government relations types are often ex-regulators and maybe future political appointees associated with the industry and move between company to company. Few, if any, are longtime hires.
Simple bribery might be a better system than a bureaucratic nightmare run by ideologues.
True. And people were far more resistant to taxation under a monarchy because there was no pretense that this is “for the common good” or anything.
One of the dangers of representative democracy is the illusion that the government IS the same as The People.
I totally agree. I think of Microsoft. Whatever you think of them and Bill Gates, they were essentially “brought to bear” by government extortion. They were either going to pay up or be crushed. Government thugs at the highest level (I mean, Senators, Reps) made that obvious with clear threats. I remember seeing some of them on the news basically bragging how they were going to bring the company down if they didn’t knuckle under. It was sickening.