I badly wanted to see the documentary, The Rainbow Man, which covered the life of Rollen Stewart, a fascinatingly obsessed character. But that was not to be, it seems to be unavailable for streaming. Ditto one of my favorite movies ever, Dadetown, which doesn’t seem to be available any more in any format. But nonetheless, SP and I persisted, and we saw two movies this weekend which were individually and in aggregate MUCH better than Jaws. Both were black-ish comedies, a genre we love, being dark-hearted cynics. Quick Change was a Bill Murray vehicle that somehow we had missed before. Totally non-profound, just light and well-crafted entertainment. And young Geena Davis. Like Adam Sandler, I always find Randy Quaid annoying and not at all funny or likeable, but I was mostly able to ignore that and enjoy the rest. You’ve seen it all before, but its rehashed well. And we had both seen Dirty Rotten Scoundrels before, but in the deep, deep past, so we gave it a re-watch. And it was even better the second time around. It’s apparently difficult for Michael Caine to make a bad movie. Liberal application of a pretty awesome bottle of wine did not hurt the humor for us.
But you didn’t come here to survey what light entertainment we’ve been viewing, you want NEWS, you want LINKS.
Today is the birthday of Henri Poincare (who anticipated chaos theory by nearly a century and relativity by a few decades, oh, and did I mention group theory in physics? Smartest person in modern history? Very likely.), Duke Ellington (arguably the greatest American composer), and Luis Aparacio, the slickest-fielding shortstop I ever saw.
The annual White House Press Corps Circle Jerk went as expected, and managed to confirm every stereotype of the media. When you’ve lost NPR, you know you’ve succeeded.
In the meantime, the reduction in tensions in Korea seems to be going far better than anyone expected. I’m sure there’s a dark cloud somewhere in the silver lining because Trump.
Privacy? PRIVACY? Hahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!
This story has STEVE SMITH written all over it. But the question unanswered in the story was, “What ever happened to the potato chips?”
As year 20 of Abbas’s four year term as head of the PA kleptocracy rolls around, Palestinian Arabs get to have a say over which of his closest associates gets to grab the graft when Mo finally snuffs it. And the American news media seems to think that shooting violent attackers in the legs is far worse than shoot-to-kill.
An example of the headline writers’ art. Yes, we’re all going to die in a huge astronomical fireball. Those wacky scientists!
And in Old Guy Music, another tune my band used to cover from a band that is not well-remembered these days. Pity, they should be. Enjoy the delightful guitar playing, we sure as hell did.
So, IDF takes a page from IRA?
In other news, Burning Man founder Larry Harvey passed away.
And first!
Keep on Burnin’ in the Free World, Larry, you beautiful freak.
As I recall it, the IRA kneecapped their own people who were suspected of collaborating with the British or some other “crime.” The IDF is employing less lethal tactics against people rioting, threatening to kill Israelis, and trying to cross Israel’s border. I don’t see the equivalence.
It’s apparently difficult for Michael Caine to make a bad movie.
Difficult, but not impossible. Deadly Ground.
“I have never seen it [Jaws: The Revenge] but by all accounts it is terrible. However, I have seen the house that it built and it is terrific.”
— Michael Caine
And apparently OMWC hasn’t seen X, Y, & Zee (aka Zee & Co.). Gotta love the 70s hairdos, though. And Liz’s eye make-up… 😮
Thank Yahweh this didn’t show up in our Recommended For You list.
It’s one of those movies you can laugh at how bad it is, if you’re in the right mood.
“Democrats are harder to make fun of because you guys don’t do anything. People think you might flip the House and Senate this November, but you guys always find a way to mess it up. You’re somehow going to lose by 12 points to a guy named Jeff Pedophile Nazi Doctor.”
Humor is dead. She put it in a shower room and turned on the gas.
“Fox News is here. So you know what that means, ladies. Cover your drinks. Seriously. People want me to make fun of Sean Hannity tonight, but I cannot do that. This dinner is for journalists.”
“I’m not going to go after print media tonight because it’s illegal to attack an endangered species.”
I’ll spare you the rest. These are jokes?
Those are pretty bad. Never heard of that comedian before and now I’m glad.
Her voice will give you ear cancer.
What are you people talking about? Kathy Griffin loved it so you know it was really funny.
A brave, strong woman speaking truth to power.
Have you seen any of the late night comics stuff lately? It is just foaming at the mouth ranting about Trump. None of the basis’ for these so called jokes are true, they are all based on fabricated smears. It’s pathetic.
True, but they’ve got an audience that can’t get enough of that.
I always thought that late night TV was where unfunny comedians went to die. Now we can add the WHCD dinner.
Seems like run of the mill roast material to me. Not Funny low hanging fruit, being crass for the sake of being crass, not seeing anything out of line in any of these.
Nothing out of line is the problem. We have been spoiled with Norm’s roast of Clinton.
I remember some complaints about this performance about 25 years ago – but I haven’t heard too much lately – definitely nothing from 2009-2016.
hmmm…apparently no recording of that performance on youtube. maybe somewhere else.
Now one time, someone should get up there and take the whole show to task a la The Aristocrats.
I’m not getting why there is all this pearl clutching and sanctimonious outrage. If humor is dead, it is because the populace has turned into a brood of humorless self-important clucking hens.
Give me a fucking break!
Has Hannity claimed to be a journalist at any point? Has Fox News claimed he was?
*rolls eyes*
It just spontaneously erupted!
And why drop the al- and start writing his name as Daly?
“…friends, who had assured him that the demonstration would be peaceful.”
Bull. Shit.
Jews are targeting Palestinian athletes.
Maybe stop sending the pole vault team to the border might help?
Just when I thought the American press has problems, I read this. Maybe, just maybe, attending violent protests leads to bad outcomes. The way this is written you’d think the IDF was roaming through Gaza selectively shooting athletes. You know, just for yuks.
The Turkish media is just mad that around 14 million Jews are, you know, still breathing.
I used to think civil war was fun. Then I took a bullet to the knee.
Excellent links.
I’m hopelessly optimistic about Korea.
How about some tech news? 3-D electronics printed directly onto skin.
So, who’s ready to become a cyborg?
Ron Bailey. Though I have to admit the way way this tech is improving is quite interesting. If I was injured, diseased,or frail from old age there are some trades that may be worth making.
If you like crazy blondes who love guns and have skilled vaginas, I have somebody for you.
Meh. Still would.
“Would?” Did you see that face? What exactly is attractive about it?
She has that “bad decision when it gets to be last call” vibe to her. Perhaps it’s a sense of nostalgia for my younger days that makes me like her.
I’ve seen worse.
Maybe something’s wrong with me, but that’s a definite would as well.
A quick image search shows that to be a VERY flattering pic, the others ain’t that good.
That’s a hard 27.
Also,I imagine having lead dust in your hooha isn’t the best from a health standpoint.
I’ll give the gun grabbers “assault weapon” in this case.
A Kimber? That just kicked her over in would territory.
This guy gets it.
That was the laugh I needed this morning.
As much as I love the city, I think it’s time to wall off Austin.
I’m so glad I’m not going to college in 2018
Normalizing losers is the new trend.
Advancing the cause of incompetence is a prime tool of the progressives. You cant have total power and control over people who can kick your ass. Making them unable to defend themselves or their institutions is key.
Also a pretty effective way to create a reverse pay gap.
Who was it who said here that gay conversion therapy is somehow evil and must be made illegal, but masculine conversion therapy is A-OK.
You just said it, Ted.
Are you kidding? With all the pajama boys running around, a guy taking an actual major and acting like an actual man probably has chicks lining up outside his dorm room.
You’d be like Sean Connery in Zardoz, when his awesome sweat starts waking up the apathetics.
Lady Longhorns are perfectly safe, let me assure you; the male study body there is all hat and no cattle, already “literally” castrated. In my professional life I’ve met exactly one Texas alumni who could ride, shoot, or even start a fire.
Texas women have access to binders full of men at Tech, A&M, Houston, and UNT.
Author Brad Thor might try to run against Trump in 2020?
What exactly has been so uniquely wrong with Trump’s leadership that couldn’t have been said about the last dozen presidents?
“Not uniquely wrong” is still wrong.
Such as?
All the earlier presidents were wrong; they were just wrong in the same way.
Right off of the top of my head the only thing that stands out is the WOD. Still, I haven’t heard much about the kind of smash and grab operations on pot shops that took place under Chocolate Jesus who was going to work to legalize pot.
I just looked through a list of US Attorneys and I cant find the name of the silver haired middle aged woman who was such a fiend for prosecuting pot shop owners and state approved growers out west. Hopefully she is spending time with her family these days. She was one evil bitch.
Continuation of undeclared wars, continued extension of federal power (and spending) well beyond constitutional limits, warrantless domestic spying, TSA, warrantless stops and searches in the completely made up 100 mile border zone, support of eminent domain, militarization of police, mandated racial discrimination, asset forfeiture… how many more do you need? It’s wrong for Team Blue and it’s wrong for Team Red.
“But I didn’t start it!” seems to have worked for Obama so well ….
Worked for Billy joel
It got Katie Lee for him.
I agree with every word of that. Still, that is one hell of a big mountain to level. He has started knocking the top off of it with deregulation of everything, lowering taxes, shitcanning incompetents and putting in place some agency heads that will further change the outlook of those agencies, painting the norms into a corner, the economy is looking up, illegal immigration down, NATO members paying their bills, unemployment down, shooting climate change initiatives in the face, on and on. There is as much good to be said as there is bad. In my estimation that is really the best we could hope for…better really. Look at the last four shitbirds we had and at the nightmare we could have been stuck with.
Oh, I forgot to list a hiring freeze on federal employees. That’s kind of a biggie.
fucking autocorrect. Norks, not norms.
Has Thor given any indication that he doesn’t feel that way about the last dozen presidents also?
He wasn’t a career politician before getting elected. Plenty about him is wrong, but as you pointed out, none of it is unique.
Democratic view: McCain 2008: HITLER! – 2009: Statesman. Romney 2012: HITLER! – 2013: Statesman. I’d predict Trump won’t get quite the same post-White House treatment because of his non-political career, and because he won the election.
Note: as per usual with denizens of this site, I am not a fan of Romney, or McCain, but neither of them is Hitler. Though McCain sometimes seems to try.
He tweets whatever random shit comes into his brain.
The asteroid link is apropos for me this morning. I am reading “Everything Matters” by Ron Currie Jr. It has a future asteroid strike as part of the set up.
Funny, I’m reading an asteroid strike book too.
Is it any good? I’m not sure how I feel about Everything Matters.
Bill Cosby? Just like Mandella. Just ask him!
In today’s oppression of women, female firefighters! I know when I get knocked out in a burning building, I want that female firefighter to be the one to break the door down and not be able to pick me up. Ha, just kidding, she wouldn’t even be able to break the door down. Because she’s not physically capable of doing so. Fuck your desire for “equality.” People’s lives are at stake with this shit. I don’t want a female firefighter coming to fail to rescue me just so you fools can go on about how great it is to have female firefighters.
Stossel confronted some feminist with a story about a female firefighter who dragged someone down a flight of stairs during a rescue because she couldn’t carry him. The feminist said something like “well, that’s better, because the air is cleaner down there”.
In NYC, a woman became a firefighter despite failing several physical fitness tests. She got injured 10 days into the job and is now on disability.
What about a female firefighter who passes the same physical test (e.g., pick up and carry a 200 pound person) as a male firefighter?
A competent firefighter is a competent firefighter. Gender doesnt enter into it. The complaint is that incompetents are being admitted on the basis of their gender.
Interestingly, the two people I know who are most incensed about changing the standards to get a predetermined gender ratio are a male retired fire captain and a female former firefighter.
Not surprising. A competent female who wants to kick the door down so women can enter the profession would not be happy about incompetents supplying apparent legitimacy to the arguments of the anti-female crowd.
If you can do the job, do the job. I could care less about the race or gender of the person who saves my life when it needs saving, I just want them to be able to do it.
Of the half dozen female firefighters I’ve worked with, ONE could physically do the job. She’s a rockstar who’s also smarter than most of her male counterparts . Four of the other five retired out on disability within five years. The last one promoted to Captain, did everything she could to stay away from training drills, finally went into an Administrative position and retired out as soon as she could.
In the navy, everyone goes through firefighting training. Everyone has to train on donning all the gear, going through the drills, etc. Once you get to the ship, depending on your rate/job, you may be assigned direct firefighting tasks or other jobs, but you better know the basics if something actually happens.
Of course, on the ship, it’s scarier to see a fat chief try to fit through a scuttle (without any FF gear on), then any 120 lb female sailor.
She would still be surrounded by a dozen more competent males willing to take the job. Jobs are hired on the “are you the best available” not “are you minimally competent.”
I don’t care about gender as long as xe believes in intersectionalism.
You get more of what you measure, and diversity is all they measure these days.
In all honesty, I suspect there are more than a few in the Glib community that even Fireman Warty couldn’t carry out of a burning building. He would probably say, “Let the fat fuck burn!” That being said, changing standards because one group of people can’t pass the physical requirements test is bullshit. I couldn’t pass the test right now and I don’t feel oppressed, I feel older and weaker than I once was. Some people are physically weaker than other people and sometimes, those people happen to be women. I am not seeing that as discrimination. I am seeing that as reality.
Didn’t one of Trump’s nominees recently get bashed when the left went apeshit over him saying he would hire based on the most competent person for the job?
That is the left giving away their agenda – the promotion of incompetence. That is what diversity is all about.
This is almost as bad as the issue a few years ago of simplifying the written test (NYFD I think) because so few minorities were passing it – much less the physical portion. If you’ve seen the test
See, this is bullshit. This is a refusal to accept the undeniable biological fact that women are, on average, physically smaller and weaker than men. The “women’s advocates” in this case are putting out this totally unsupported premise that every occupation is supposed to be equal. Yet, by asking that they change the physical standards, they’re admitting that women cannot meet the standards. They’re essentially saying, “Women can do anything that men can do, but you have to lower the standards because women can’t meet them.“
“Mentally I might be the stronger person.”
If I need someone to play chess with I’ll give you a call.
Per the White House Correspondents Dinner link. Why does Michelle Wolf look exactly like Carrot Top pretending to be a woman? I’m just glad they guy has found work
She is so brave for trashing someone from an administration that it has become so fashionable to trash. Way to rage in favor of the machine! You go, shemale!
And the brave, brave, totally woke comedienne attacks Sarah Sanders eye makeup. Because the left isn’t sexist you see, they never go after women for their looks.
/sarcasm off.
I mean, really, all the things to criticize her for, and they pick looks.
Our brave firefighters
After Carney and Earnest you can’t actually go after a Press Secretary for being a thoroughly disingenuous hack. So looks it is.
Remember between 2008 and 2016 when the WHCD was all about attacking the president’s enemies?
Carney and Earnest. King Zero was trolling us by choosing those guys based solely on their names.
I never thought I would care who the WH Press Secretary was until Ari Fleischer came along. I hated that arrogant, lying sack of shit. I figured he was the worst of the worse. Then Jay Carney came along and proved me wrong.
There’s a special ring of “progressive” hell for women, minorities, and gays who don’t fall in line and vote like they’re supposed to.
Today is International Dance Day.
This is my contribution
It’s always a good time for C+C Music Factory
(I don’t see Lachowsky, however.)
The Nicholas Brothers
And Harold Nicholas again at age 70
Here’s my contribution
I’m late to the party ’cause Sunday. But here’s my contribution, just cause Gene Kelly makes it metal AF.
Gene Kelly and roller skates
Just because you’ve never seen legs quite like these (or a body)
Altruism doesn’t exist. It’s a facade.
Do people volunteer at soup kitchens just because it makes them feel good?
So then wouldn’t that need to help the poor be altruism by definition?
Does it matter?
They do it for the free soup.
“And I’m never really sure what to call Sarah Huckabee Sanders, you know? Is it Sarah Sanders, is it Sarah Huckabee Sanders, is it Cousin Huckabee, is it Auntie Huckabee Sanders? What’s Uncle Tom but for white women who disappoint other white women? Oh, I know. Aunt Coulter.”
Come up with original spin on an overplayed trope at least.
What’s interesting is how hate passes off as comedy now with progressive comedians. ‘Ha, ha! She’s a stupid conservative cunt! Yuk! Yuk! She must fuck cows! Yuk, yuk, look at me strolling down NYC in all my advanced existence yuk, yuk, yuk!’
Didactics, moroever, doesn’t make for good humour.
“Tragedy is when I get a paper cut on my finger. Comedy is when you fall into an open sewer and die.”
— Mel Brooks
It’s puzzling when people from NYC dump on other places. There’s a reason why there are no air fresheners with a “Manhattan at rush hour” scent.
Someone linked to a ‘person on the street’ interview the other day. It was priceless.
Q – “Do you have any Republican friends”
A – *crinkle nose look of disgust* Noooooo!
Q – “Why not?”
A – “Because I am open minded.”
Some of the least worldly, live in a bubble, ignorant, bigoted people I have ever met were urbanites.
Here in Ohio, there is a small handful of New Yorkers who can never shut the fuck up about how wonderful New York is. They’re constantly comparing everything to New York. “Nah, this ain’t pizza… Ya gotta come to New Yawk for real pizza! What, you call this Chinese food? Nah, we got real Chinese food in New Yawk!” They’ll even boast about the bad things in New York: “You think this is bad traffic? Nah, you ain’t never seen traffic! It was ten times worse than this in New Yawk!”
It makes me wonder why it is that they ever left this utopia on Earth and came to the deplorable, middle-of-nowhere Ohio. I’ll stick with my affordable house with a lawn, clean air, almost never having to sit in traffic or hunt for a parking spot, tolerable gun laws, and practically non-existent crime.
Note: I’m not trashing New York or all people from New York – I’m trashing people who have left New York for some reason but constantly lecture the residents of other places about how every place on Earth sucks except New York.
When I moved to NYC in 2005, one of my early jobs was bartender at a wee mobbed up dive bar in Brooklyn. My day shift customers were almost exclusively very old fellows (many of whom were quite dangerous, hard men back in the ’60s – ’70s) who spent their time between my counter and the Off Track Betting parlor across the street. Most of these men had, apart from a brief stint in the armed forces, never been outside of NYC. Hell, I had two octogenarian day-drinkers who were quite proud of the fact that they had never set foot outside of their neighborhood. All of these men would gleefully pontificate on the ignorance, provincialism, and boorish behavior of the entirety of flyover country. The evenings got much better; the place soon filled with DSNY guys and gals from the garbage truck depot down the block. Loud, stinky, rowdy heavy drinkers who always tipped very, very well. I will always have a love and respect for the ground troops of the New York City Department of Sanitation.
Reminds me a lot of the expat Texans I’ve come across. Perhaps a certain fondness for one’s hometown is just human nature?
That’s probably true. After all, there are people from even more rural places (population ~100) around here who talk like their little town is the best place on Earth. But I haven’t encountered many of these people who talk shit on every place that isn’t their hometown, yet live outside their hometown for some unspecified reason.
It doesn’t even seem to be an issue with people from other major metro areas. I’ve never heard a Chicagoan insult every other place in the world. Even my family is from Los Angeles; we moved here when I was 3. Their position is that there are a lot of nice things about LA, but a lot of other things really fucking suck, so they left for a place that is a better fit for their desires.
I still don’t understand how this administration is uniquely bad for women.
I don’t get it either. The preferred candidate is a woman who protected her rapist husband by smearing his victims, but they’re upset because this jerk said “grab them by the pussy”.
Don’t forget her covering for a MeToo molester that worked for her campaign.
I’m still trying to figure out the logic of how Trump is evil and unfit to be president because of his sexual philandering, but Bill Clinton is one of the greatest presidents ever and Lefties would gladly vote for him again were it possible.
South Park covered this
Palestinians/UN: We asked Jews to respond with proportional force.
Jews: And we did! We think shooting the legs is a good compromise.
UN: And we agree and thank you but it’s not enough.
Jews: What do you mean? They keep provoking us.
UN: Yeh well, you have to understand. You did steal from them and are committing genocide.
Jews: We are? Trust us, if we’d commit genocide we’d be far more efficient about it. It’s not hard to wipe out this population.
UN: And you think this is appropriate talk?
Jews: You’re the ones making accusations. Palestinian Arabs are welcomed in Israel and even have representation in the Knesset.
UN: Window dressing!
Jews: What do you want? We’re busy developing our land into a first-rate nation.
UN: And we’ll stop you, Zionists. Anyway. Can you please shoot in the legs but avoid leading to amputation?
Jews: Are you people on crack?
The same people who insist Palestinian Arabs have a right to go back to Israel would go nuts if you suggested the Sudeten Germans have a right of return.
All of the electricity and water that the Palastinians use is supplied by Israel. Under Arafat, if I remember correctly, they were given a chance to form their own state but they were unable to provide even the most basic services such as police, water and power. So Israel supplies it. Now they bitch that Israel is using water and power as a tool of control. They are completely insufferable.
OMG! They’re teenagers!
“All the territorial possessions of all the political establishments in the earth–including America, of course–consist of pilferings from other people’s wash. No tribe, howsoever insignificant, and no nation, howsoever mighty occupies a foot of land that was not stolen.”
-Mark Twain
I’d really like to come up with something funny to say about that potato chip trucker who got lost in STEVE SMITH country, but what is their to say?
Nothing beats a good collection of maps, calling ahead to your customer for directions, or consulting other road warriors.
Live by GPS, get raped by GPS. I hope STEVE showed no mercy.
The trucker told his wife he was “hurting real bad” and was “real cold,” so she drove him to a hospital.
Sound track to The Crying Game played in the background.
During my short driving career, the company I worked for sent us routes. Sometimes those got you good and fucked too. I had to turn around a few times. Sometimes computers send you in a not very practical direction. Like where it is snowing with ice packed roads but if you stay in a valley bottom and take the long way around you can drive 65 mph and arrive sooner and not in a smoldering pile of metal at the bottom of some pass with signage for no heavy trucks.
The guy is a hero.
“Why didn’t you eat the potato chips?”
“Because they didn’t belong to me. They are someone else’s property.”
Someone buy that guy a beer.
Maybe STEVE bought him one before the rape. The part they left out of the story is what was hurting when he said he, “was hurting real bad”.
Random OT – I saw a Tesla yesterday with a custom license plate “PLUG LFE”.
Would be better
Best license plate I ever saw: it was a ducks unlimited plate that read CONFIT.
best bumper sticker ever:
“I was asked to leave Graceland”
“I ride with Forrest” was surprisingly subtle for a klansman.
Chappaquiddick 1
Three Mile Island 0
I still have, in my toolbox, a sticker that reads “I BRAKE FOR BEER”.
It was acquired at the Beer Barn Drive-Thru in Harker Heights, TX when I was stationed at Ft. Hood.
I was never one to call unnecessary attention to myself, which it why it never went on a vehicle.
I know the Beer Barn. Used to go there back in 76/77 when I was but a wee lad.
100% agree:
I’m not asking a Bama trooper to ignore a Vols sticker on my truck as I hurtle through his state.
… Hobbit
There’s a car in the parking lot of the new job that has a 5.56 round sticker on the back, and a personalized plate that says “GLOCK9”. I’m willing to bet that he’s a gun owner…
I’ve seen a “SIGP229” plate around here. Too much advertising for my tastes.
On Larry Harvey dying –
If not for Burning Man, I would have never met Mrs Gordilocks, not would we be waiting on our child to arrive.
Thanks, Larry. Harveywood was always a blast, and you contributed mightily to the lives of millions of people through your party, and through Burning Man’s place in the wider transcendental festival culture.
He probably offed himself when he realized Burning Man was a Coachella annex for rich celebrities now.
I got dragged to Coachella almost 20 years ago by a friend when it was still a little known EDM festival. It was ok. I find it hilarious that it’s turned into a celebrity circle jerk. It’s hard to imagine all those celebrities wandering around those filthy polo fields in stifling heat.
I was watching some YouTube videos of performances from this year. Saw alot of boring looking suburban yuppie soccer moms and douchebag brohams in the audience.
Second hand info from a security guard who worked this year indicated it was a bunch of middle aged white suburban creeps re-living their Lollapalooza fantasies while their teenage offspring got blitzed on drugs.
Sounds awful.
I’d never heard of Coachella until this year when I was scuba diving in Twitter sewer. Ugh.
“met Mrs Gordilocks”
Orgy tent?
Isn’t that where all true Glibs meet their life partners? Oh God, don’t tell me that *I’m* the freak around here! [screams, runs off flapping arms wildly]
Not all. OMWC met his at school.
Actually, I think it was in front of a school. Speaking of that, I watched part of that pedo movie with Kevin Bacon the other night. (too lazy to look up the title) Strange I don’t mind joking about pedophiles but found a movie about one to be disturbing. Totally creepy the way he thought about 12 year old girls and was trying to overcome it. I am not sure I will finish it it was that disturbing.
Sunday morning, coffee, sunshine and Wishbone Ash!
Nice selection, OMWC. Those guys should have been at least as famous as the Allman Brothers or Skynard.
It’s interesting the Southern harmonic sounds they have despite being British.
Yep. Dig this one.
My wife was listening to the song and I asked where do you think they’re from?
When I told her England she said, ‘I would never had said that. They sound like a southern band!’
She loves all that sound. Marshall Tucker Band and all that. She’s all red, white blue that chick.
As I put up songs we covered, I’m definitely seeing a pattern: riff-heavy guitar rock with extended solos. Likely because we had a superb lead guitarist who could make up for my deficiencies on the instrument. He was an underachiever- played guitar and piano, both self-taught, then managed to get a physics PhD from Stanford.
I remember back as a teenager in the 70s trying to remember the names of Wishbone Ash and Uriah Heep, which always seemed to get confused in my mind.
My friend still likes to tell me how my memory conflated them into the name of one never-existed band: “Argus Mopp”.
A Hillary Clinton link praising her fashion sense? Yep, it’s a cult.
(Link pinched from AOSHQ)
She looks like she takes pointers from The Joker and Riddler.
“Why Hillary Clinton is my fashion icon”
Because Mao suit?
She’s dressing like one of their heroes!
I think shooting Palestinians in the leg is a viable tactic on the part of the IDF.
1. You’re going with non-lethal force
2. It’s an excellent demoralization strategy
3. Especially with an enemy that considers martyrdom to be so noble, stealing them of that reward while at the same time crippling them will make them think twice
If that independent lesbian sex film featured these girls I’d be anticipating an Academy Award.
Any. All. Picking one is impossible.
‘”The brain has only two jobs: the survival of its owner and procreation,” Wenk said. “Neither of these are possible without eating.”‘
Well damn have I ever been doing things wrong.
Let the Soviet-style psychiatry begin!
People wonder why progressives haven’t heeded the warnings of dystopian novels or the behavior of totalitarian states of the past as if they are ignorant of them (Obama’s ‘we had a run of bad luck’ comment stands out to me). I say they have. They are literally using them as instruction manuals.
Might want to scroll up. You can make it up to me by posting redheads tomorrow.
He’s not wrong…
Mission accomplished.
Clinton nonprofit won’t let donor cancel $10.48 monthly contribution: report
A Seattle man who recently sought to end his monthly donation to a Hillary Clinton nonprofit group ran into a small roadblock: There was no way to cancel his contribution, according to a report.
Corey Koscielniak, 29, wanted to stop his $10.48 recurring tithe to Onward Together, the politican action organization Clinton formed after her 2016 election defeat, because the group disclosed little information on how it spent the money, he told the Seattle Times.
Koscielniak, with help from state Attorney General Bob Ferguson, was able to use a newly implemented cancel button on the group’s website. But when the next month came, another $10.48 was withdrawn from his account, the Seattle Times said.
While he didn’t take issue with Clinton personally, he told the paper that “what surprised me is, the Democratic Party is supposed to stand for other people and not be part of this larger industrial complex.”
lol. Democrat stand for other people. Cute. The brand power of the DNC as fighting for the little guy persists, eh?
Why waste time with a lawyer? An option is to cancel his card and get a new card number.
That puzzled me too.
It appears Team Blue has still not learned how to make a decent website.
Exclusive: Obamacare’s Mystery Woman Says She Fell Victim to Cyberbullies
The smiling woman who was once the face of the Affordable Care Act’s website has come out of the shadows to stand up to the “cyberbullying” she says she suffered after the law’s flawed kickoff.
Speaking exclusively to ABC News, Adriana, who asked that only her first name be used, said she was speaking out now to defend herself after weeks of enduring online lampooning.
If only there was a magical device that could be purchased for less than $400 that could give provide a sizable amount of security to your home…
So she’s intentionally seeking the limelight because….? Streisand effect, how the fuck does it work?
Another aspect that pisses me off is this endless need to encumber websites with stock artwork or similar. Does the website functionality increase by putting her smug mug on there? No? Leave it off.
Work does the same with these horrific stock images. It just speaks to laziness of not using actual employee event photos.
Also interesting is they used a non-citizen permanent resident. Almost like an intentional fuck you if they were so incompetent.
I always figured that photo was a stock photo.
It maybe Manti Te’o’s girlfriend..
Democrats sure know how to exploit people, eh?
Lampooning. Bullying. One of these is not like the other.
Welcome to the Hotel California.
World’s oldest spider has died after wasp attack
The world’s oldest spider has died at the age of 43 after being subdued by a parasitic wasp in the Australian outback, according to the Independent.
Number 16, as researchers knew the female Giaus Villosus trapdoor spider, outlived the previous Guiness world record holder—a pet tarantula in Mexico—by 15 years, thanks in large part to living her life in a single burrow, the paper reported Saturday.
Researchers said the sedentary spider died in October after the wasp attack in Western Australia. The death was reported this month in the scientific journal, Pacific Conservation Biology.
The black spider was killed by a wasp. Even the insect world has been infected by White Supremacy.
*checks Sunday morning schedule, mumbles something about lazy Swiss employees*
*narrow steely reptile gaze*
So how’s that “step into my parlour” bit workin’ out for ya?
Quick Change was a Bill Murray vehicle that somehow we had missed before. Totally non-profound, just light and well-crafted entertainment.
I liked that movie.
Another gem is Dabney Coleman in Short Time.
A rather good piece about Larry and Burning Man.
Also, for those into podcasts, Cato held a panel discussion about Burning Man vis a vis Libertarianism, which featured Grover Nordquist, who has now participated with Burning Man four times.
Some interesting tidbits include where Grover describes how he helped Burning Man from being further shaken down by Uncle Sam, and another where one of the panelists met some of Larry’s co-organizers, who basically described themselves as Eisenhower Republicans who “didn’t care what you did, as long as you didn’t upset the horses.”
It’s a good listen regardless of your views on any of it.
Thanks for posting
From Q’s link, above:
According to Card, the administration replied that “misalignment between [his] values and those of the college” disqualified him from “continuing to teach SU students.”
Card said he was neither surprised nor upset, writing that he does not “feel wronged” or want his position back.
“SU is a private institution, free to choose its own beliefs, values, policies, procedures, and personnel,” he wrote. “I am likewise a private citizen and economic free agent, able and eager to make my own choices, based upon my own observations and analysis.”
He explained that because teaching was not his primary job, he was able to take a stand and face the consequences, but cautioned that other academics do not enjoy the same luxury.
What a Nazi.
And a privileged one, at that.
WOOD Chippers for every one, slowly………..
You do enjoy that, don’t you?
but….Suthen started it!
I did?
Suthenboy on April 21, 2018 at 8:39 pm
Serious question for Yufus. Where do the residents of the slabs get their water?
Suthenboy on April 21, 2018 at 8:40 pm
Ugh. Yusef. I’m drunk
Ted S.
Ted S. on April 21, 2018 at 8:43 pm
You say that as if it were a bad thing.
straffinrun on April 21, 2018 at 8:45 pm
Too late. That one might stick.
Yep I ‘member now,
Ted S.
If Trump is successful in killing off the WHCD, it will be a major step towards draining the swamp. Just another bit of progressive douchery brought to you by that racist fuck, Woodrow Wilson.
So long Texas, it was nice knowin’ ya.
Shouldn’t that be Oregon?
Oregon went down that road many years ago. Have you been to Portland?
It was a reference to the guy in Oregon who was told just before he died that Trump was impeached.
It is very unlikely that will spread very far in TX.
I was sitting in a courthouse in a relatively rural TX town waiting to see the Clerk of Court when some old dude came in and sat next to me. Turns out he was the Sheriff. He started telling me about his new .45 he just bought. You can imagine the conversation that came after that. He was jealous that I have a bucket full of single action pistols in 7 different calibers. I think that banter went on for an hour.
Edit ferry, I summon thee so that you might repair this misspelling. It is “Aparicio”.
Source: Likely the only Glib with the same last name.
F. Stupidity is a wop? Who knew. Or do you prefer goomba? I am on the preferred pronoun train because I am woke. Or is that preferred adjective train. Whatever.
Sounds Italian, but it’s Spanish. Dad’s dad was from Barruelo, Spain.
Aaah, the things I learn here.
Did that truck driver not have a CB? Got lost and blames it on GPS. Sad. Fire him!
Clearly that guy didn’t have the requisite 40 acres to turn that rig around.
10-4 that’s a negative good buddy
Only Soy Boys use GPS.
Yup. “Jugsy” the girlfriend lives by her GPS when trying to find anything. Give me a map, or heaven forbid, some printed/written directions, and Im pretty confident.
Or even better, the vague verbal instructions like, “so you go down there, turn on ______ Rd, go through a couple stops until you see _________ Rd. Make a left, and its about a mile down. You cant miss it, its right next to the _________ .”
Drive past Old Mand Flanders’ house, turn by the big oak, if you see the split ash you’ve gone too far.
First time my sister gave me directions to her house, she said take the 10th ave exit. You can’t miss it, it’s right after Menard’s. So I did. Problem was, I took the the 10th ave north exit, not 10th ave south exit. Both had a Menard’s. She didn’t say anything about north or south and this was before cell phones. Sigh. That was a long day. (4 1/2 hour drive if you got the directions right) I’ll take the GPS, just use common sense.
Head two miles south of town and take a left at the black cow. When you see the fence post leaning more than the others the driveway is on the right just past a tire in the ditch. If you hear barking dogs you have gone too far.
Oh, and don’t get out of your car if you hear the dogs.
Not that I don’t trust former CIA, but wait it is that I don’t:
<a href="http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/pompeo-kim-jong-nuclear-talks/story?id=54788645" title="
” target=”_blank” >
He said, ” target=”_blank” >
I heard at least three times last week NPR speculating Kim is giving up his nuke program because they blew the shit out of their test facility and caused massive earthquakes that collapsed it. I am still deciding if there is truth to that, or if it is an attempt to play down any successes Trump has or both.
or maybe a bit of Sabotage thrown in? I read that somewhere this morning,
No matter why; the fact that NK was a problem long before they had nukes would still give der Drumft a win if NK ends the war and opens up. But the dems are already positioning it as a win for Obama. “I remember well when President Obama had his first meeting with President-elect Trump,” Karl said, “and he said that the biggest challenge in the new president’s agenda was going to be North Korea, and it looked — I mean it looked very dark, and now there is — there is an opportunity.”
The guy could cure cancer and he would still be worse than Hitler.
The mountain in which they did there testing probably did NORTH KOREA NUCLEAR TEST SITE COLLAPSE KILLED 200 PEOPLE: REPORT. But the Trump administration also put pressure on China which probably helped a lot. North Korea probably would collapse without China’s help. So China probably cracked down on the “smuggling” which put pressure on Kim. If China told Kim to jump he probably would, just not immediately.
Enjoy a little break from your mind. Put on your headphones, close your eyes, and relax. Listen to this. Heaters: Matterhorn https://youtu.be/wbs6G_n_GuI
OK, Michelle Wolf is definitely Carrot Top in drag and Donald Trump, I’m convinced, is really two little people with one on the other’s shoulders in an overgrown suit.
Prove me wrong
Also, Russia fever dreams are totally true and the people pushing them are definitely not insane. And Bush did 9/11
I had a co-worker go on about 9/11 was a planned demolition this morning. Hillary Clinton called some Twin Towers guy to tell him to change his insurance to include acts of terrorism days before.
Yokels in the Mist, ch 612
I’ve observed that gun-owning YouTubers have a lot of fun filming themselves and their friends shooting all kinds of things – targets, zombies and computers.
I‘ve come to view firearms as part of the fabric of their owners’ lives, complementing other lifestyles such as rural living, hunting and camping.
Previously, I had thought about guns mostly as something dangerous, unnecessary and likely to lead to a homicide or suicide in someone’s home.
Not any more.
Self-described “criminal justice researcher” stumbles into the strange world of youtube gun nuttery, is surprised by what she encounters. Maybe they’re not all monsters? She’ll never get a grant from Bloomberg that way.
She just hasn’t found the ones of guys vaporizing prairie dogs at 1000 feet with a .17; the loathing will return, worry not.
You don’t shoot them, you explode them.
As much as I absolutely love the Red Letter Media guys, this sort of bothered me. After one has to put down a beloved horse because she broke a leg in a prairie dog burrow, the varmints tend to lose their cuteness. Also, nutria; I think I would rather shoot those damn nutria than any other thing on Earth (except perhaps yummy, yummy wild hog).
Woodchucks deserve to be blowed up.
Points for changing her mind.
Yes. It is rare for a proggie to have enough self-awareness and intellectual honesty to admit when they are wrong even when the evidence is right in front of their nose. Kudos to her.
I heard at least three times last week NPR speculating Kim is giving up his nuke program because they blew the shit out of their test facility and caused massive earthquakes that collapsed it.
More comforting to them than the notion of Trump being successful at something.
The indignity of living in Trump’s America, cont’d
Whole Foods is facing backlash for featuring a California-based restaurant called “Yellow Fever” in its new Whole Foods Market 365 Long Beach location, which opened on Wednesday.
Yellow Fever was founded by Korean-American chef Kelly Kim and serves Asian-style rice bowls. Critics took issue after news broke of the restaurant’s partnership with Whole Foods, highlighting that the restaurant’s name is a term that has a problematic history. Kim told both CBS Los Angeles and The New York Daily News that no one took offense to the name prior to working with the grocery chain.
“I think it’s been silly, and I think it’s a bit funny that it’s all of a sudden a big deal,” Kim told the Daily News. “There’s nothing offensive about our restaurants.”
The term “yellow fever” refers to a mosquito-borne illness that produces jaundice, or yellowing effect, in its patients. But yellow fever has also been used to describe the fetishization of Asian women by men.
In Japan, there is a kind of fast food called chicken namban, which is basically fried chicken served with tartar sauce. The word namban means “southern barbarian” and refers to the Portuguese who sailed to Japan from the south and introduced the recipe.
So the name of the dish is basically “barbarian style chicken”.
I’m pretty sure the Japanese would be amused if an American opened up restaurant offering “Nip noodles” or “Jap rice”.
This reminds me of the flap over the word niggardly. The proggies don’t know what they are talking about but know a word or term sounds like a word or term they demonize. Ergo, it’s evil.
Oh, you’re going to address that tar baby now, are you?
Toss me in the briar patch.
It’s like that time a sports reporter was fired because the nitwits thought he said Venus Williams was playing “gorilla” tennis instead of “guerrilla” tennis.
He should have threatened to shove a fucking ball down the boss’ fucking throat, the way Serena did to a line judge.
It’s the Slants all over again.
Slant 6: Double Edge Knife https://youtu.be/g9TcBThAgX8
So if I’ Attracted to Asians, I”fetishize”them and I am a racist.
If I’m not, I’m still a racist.
Basically, yes.
Busy bodies every where pushing their outrage agendas.
Head two miles south of town and take a left at the black cow. When you see the fence post leaning more than the others the driveway is on the right just past a tire in the ditch. If you hear barking dogs you have gone too far.
“Go down 10 to where that big barn used to be…”
An Asian “bowl” resto called YELLOW FEVER in the middle of whitest Whole Foods–is this taking back of a racist image or colonized mind?
“Colonized Mind” would be a great band name.
“I saw Colonized Mind live in 1997. They were awesome.”
That was the Indian Reggae band out of Hong Kong, correct? they were great….
“Colonized Mind” is one of Prince’s more funky tunes. One of the best examples of Christian funk, actually!
This right here is why I love this website.
Glad some one appreciates tha funk around here!
I shop at that Whole Foods. It is actually a very racially diverse crowd shopping and employed there.
The latest hot take from the Pope:
Pope Francis
Do we really want peace? Then let’s ban all weapons so we don’t have to live in fear of war.
[head desk]
Speaking of movies-
I watched this last night: The Conspirator.
It’s about the aftermath of Lincoln’s assassination, and in particular the trial of Mary Surratt, who owned the boarding house where the conspirators plotted. I thought it was pretty good.
Have you seen The Prisoner of Shark Island?
CNN was on the TV at the gym this morning and there was some guy from The New Yorker being interviewed. Fortunately I had earphones in so couldn’t hear but I gathered from the graphic at the bottom that he’d just published a book on the decline in crime rates and then accused Trump of using fear to gain support. I think there’s some truth to that but, hasn’t pretty much every prog policy for the last 30 years or so been based on scaring people?
“The world is going to incinerate itself if we don’t give shitloads of taxpayer money to green energy corporations like Solyndra while shutting down coal companies and limiting hydraulic fracturing!”
“Guns are everywhere and every child is going to get murdered in school if we don’t do something!”
“There are rape gangs roaming every college campus in America!”
“Drumpf is going to put gays, Mexicans, and Muslims in death camps!”
“Income inequality is going to destroy the country if we don’t take action!”
Yea, I can tell that fear is totally a Republicans-only thing.
Oh, you’re going to address that tar baby now, are you?
Let’s not allow ourselves to be demeaned as a bunch of nigglers.
Your draft stock just fell; you’re going to Buffalo.
Guns will be barred during Vice President Mike Pence’s appearance at an upcoming National Rifle Association convention to protect his safety — prompting survivors of the Parkland school shooting in Florida to wonder why the gun group won’t agree to gun restrictions elsewhere to protect children.
Those attending the NRA Leadership Conference in Dallas are on notice that no firearms or “weapons of any kind,” or ammunition, will be allowed in the Kay Bailey Hutchinson Convention Center “prior to and during” Pence’s appearance on May 4. The NRA posted the restrictions ― a requirement of the Secret Service ― on a website announcing the conference.
Teens who survived the Feb. 14 mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, where 17 people were killed, are wondering why the NRA fiercely resists extending the same safety considerations to other areas to safeguard children. The NRA wants “guns everywhere” when it comes to kids, tweeted Matt Deitsch, a Parkland student who helped organize the March for Our Lives rally for stricter gun laws in Washington.
Game, set, and match!
I proudly quit the NRA over 20 years ago over their inconsistent and unprincipled policies and decisions.
Slightly related: I recently heard (barely…wasn’t watching) some news interview on some foreign policy negotiation, where the diplomat or expert was opining that it was hard to get anywhere on a tough bi-lateral disarming treaty. The prog-toned journalist running the interview, with no hint of irony or metaphor, observed that it made no sense for party A (US? ROK?) to agree to disarm since party B (PDRK, Iran, whomever) would simply renege and, at best, always maintain/hide weapons, so the treaty and the negotiations were pointless at first blush. Zero irony….zero cognitive dissonance.
Gun for me but not for thee, a popular sentiment of supposed elites of any stripe.
“a requirement of the Secret Service”
Well, at least they got the truth in there: buried and after a misleading headline.