Jefferson: He liked France, but he didn’t LOVE France like Franklin.
Back in March, my wife and I took a trip to England. We saw the sites, did the tourist thing, watched a soccer football local sporting event. Something odd came up a week prior—a friend of mine just happened to be in Paris that weekend. Side trip! One thing I learned from the people I sat next to on the Eurostar to Paris, it doesn’t matter what country you are in, people bitch about the same stuff at work. Also, since it was snowing, no matter what country you are in people will irritate me by bitching about the cold. I’m from Arizona, if I can handle a little snow without complaining, what does that say about you?
This is my review of Kronenbourg 1664.
This is also my review of Kronenbourg 1664.
I thought I would find out if a beer was different here vs. across the pond. So I bought three cans on the train with the intent of smuggling one of them back home. Cost for three 500mL cans: about €11. But why Kronenbourg? Honestly, it was the only one available at the time I thought of it that was sold on both continents. Once I got home I picked up a six pack from a local Kroger. Cost: about $8.
Here’s the problem, when I decided to finally drink it I found out what was available at my local grocer was imported directly from France, rather than a contract brewer located somewhere in North America.

Edinburg, that’s in still in Scotland, right?
To make matters worse, the can I stuffed in my checked bag at Heathrow was actually brewed by a contract brewer in Scotland. Which gives me the further impression that not only does the Auld Alliance still live[!], the modern Scottish economy is mostly booze, and [fucking] sheep related.
Incidentally this 500mL can is 2.5 out if the 4 daily units of alcohol recommended by the British government. Which is a shame, given the amount of alcohol available over there. Not as shameful as the beer; this is rather forgettable. Neither is one I would recommend when others are available, but for purposes of consistency: Kronenbourg 1664 2.5/5.
Due to this disappointment I went and found another to feature. This one is from Grand Canyon Brewery in Williams, AZ which for the observant among you will recall the last time I raised awareness for the Glibertarian Beer it Forward.
This one uses the same schtick as the bock with the bag of wood chips in the bottle to add notes of fresh cut oak but also raw coffee beans. I was much happier with this one. Grand Canyon Coffee Bean Stout: 3.5/5.
The UK “Conservatives” have already made their mark by making soft drinks taste like chemical piss. Now they have already declared that the famous British candy will be the next to fall. Is their any doubt that there, where “binge-drinking” overreactions are far worse than here and Secondhand Smoke quackery has already destroyed half of pub culture, alcohol content is next? Perhaps they can be inspired by our very own “libertarian” FDA chief Scott Gottlieb’s world-first, constantly trumpeted plans to phase out all the nicotine from cigarettes.
Vape, the Answer is Vape, Nicotine from Sugar Beets, You live in a Weird Place Diego, it’s like you lost all your freedom or something and don’t really mind…
I don’t know. I remember reading news stories regularly about 10 years ago (DM and others) about binge drinking in the UK being out of control. Ie. very large percentage of college age kids getting blasted 5 nights a week. Stories every day about some guy getting his head caved in by drunks, beaten to death in the street, etc. Haven’t looked recently to see if it’s been different, but the numbers were really bad then – males and females. Much higher percentage than in the US.
Here’s one article from 2008: https://www.theguardian.com/society/2008/jan/23/youngdrinkers
Count Dankula (who periodically shows up with facial bruises without comment) said something about the Scottish national pastimes being punching strangers for no reason and teen pregnancy.
What’s the difference between a Scottish teen boy and a Scottish teen girl?
The teen girl has a higher sperm count.
Well of course that guy was going to punch you after you got his 18 year old girlfriend pregnant.
So they are turning into the USSR in every way except language.
Congratulations England.
Oswald Mosley will be rehabilitated as a great patriot and visionary soon.
very large percentage of college age kids getting blasted 5 nights a week.
Wait, is that wrong? Because I did not know that. In my college, this was pretty much standard operating procedure (and it wasn’t just booze, either).
That the supposed students pay next to nothing or nothing for their studies just might have a little to do with how much they fuck off.
Granted teens aren’t fully grown, but MS mentions 4 units a day, which is 28 a week, and these people are whining about 20 a week being unsafe.
I suppose I should ask how much is in a “unit” before I start laughing at this.
10 mL of alcohol, which means that a British pint of 5% ABT is about 2.8 units.
500mL can is 2.5 units. So about a pint and a half is the limit.
Then I am proud to announce that I get in many, many more units per week than the British nannies deem safe.
Somewhat OT: I had to listen to a female pharmacist at work complaining that, according to government guidelines, “men can have 5 drinks a day, but women can only have 3” and that it’s “not fair” (no, she was not being facetious).
No, it can’t be because women are physically smaller or that women have lower amounts of stomach enzymes that start to break down alcohol before it passes into the bloodstream. It’s just mean ol’ government agencies discriminating against women.
It boggles my mind that this statement came from someone with extensive education in how chemicals affect human physiology.
This is a more profound question than it might seem.
We certainly didn’t help things with the ADA, with its Orwellian use of terms like “discrimination.” But we really have not sat down and explicitly and honestly expressed what exactly we expect out of a “fair” society between the sexes. Do we merely wish to eradicate actual discrimination, or do we want to eradicate even Nature’s unfairness, a kind of Rawlsian equality between the sexes? Much of our talk about tampons, wage gaps, maternal leave, the military, pay in sports, etc. would seem to suggest we are indeed in the business of remedying God’s (rather appalling) sexism. We might observe that the level of “natural” inequality (i.e. even with a somehow perfectly objectively nonsexist population) decreases with the technological advances, as physical prowess (in drudgery and violence alike) becomes a less and less prominent part of our social, political, and economic lives. But that may not be enough for some tastes.
Most people don’t want to think they’ve gone full Vonnegut, but there are all sorts of symptoms creeping in more and more of us attempting to remedy God’s unwokeness. For example, He was homophobic enough to prevent two men or two women from making a child together, and now we see all sorts of people advocating all sorts of fantasies to try to pretend that this is not so. Given that God seems rather unmoved, the best they will be able to accomplish is in the world of Man–to continue to undermine the heretofore sacred legal and moral normativity of biological parenthood as hopelessly reactionary and sexist. The SoCons were not wrong to see in the advance of the gay rights movement, especially in the particular way in which it did advance, the undermining of cherished principles of the family. They were wrong (among so many ways) in not seeing it as effect as well as cause of the changing times, but that doesn’t change what they were right about.
To me, it’s absurd to insist that men and women should be equal when there’s a biological difference that creates the alleged inequality.
We’re told that the military along with some police and fire departments should have two different physical standards for men and women because having one standard would cause a higher percentage of women to flunk out of the qualification process. But that’s not the men’s fault, is it? That’s nature’s doing. If a soldier is trying to heft a wounded comrade onto her back, the Taliban is not going to shoot slower because they see that she’s a woman, nor will criminals go easy on a female cop, nor will a fire burn slower because it doesn’t want to create a disparate impact on women.
And there will also be inequalities that result from the undeniable psychological differences between men and women. I’m not saying that women are incapable of being engineers, scientists, or CEOs – just that they will enter these occupations at a lower rate than men, and that’s not the result of some evil sexist conspiracy (if women are so oppressed in the job market, why do they report higher job satisfaction rates than men?)
This is why the notion of “disparate impact” is so absurd. The moment that phrase was invented, the whole anti-discrimination movement went off the rails.
They can have equal human rights and equality before the law. But it’s nonsense to act like at least 50% of every desirable occupation must be women (I say “desirable” because I don’t hear anyone complaining that there “aren’t enough women” in factory work, construction, cab driving, garbage collection, farming, lumberjacking, or commercial fishing).
*hopelessly reactionary and homophobic
See #8 here for update!
Only half? It’s completely destroyed bar culture in my city if you ask me.
So blame availability rather than your declining culture*. That’ll work.
*The drunken British – not, say, German – tourist on the Mediterranean is a well-worn cliche for a reason.
If you’ve seen Germans on Mediterranean beaches, you’d want to drink too.
I have. And I did.
You want more cancer deaths and fatter state treasuries? This is how you get more cancer deaths and fatter state treasuries.
Grand Canyon Coffee Bean Stout
By the look of what is in that glass, I’d say you haven’t changed your oil in about 20K miles, and that your head gasket is bad.
Looks like a 10 am Tuesday kind of beer.
My next article is posting at 9 on Tuesday, but since I’ll be on a rooftop changing a unit, I wont be drinking any Stouts,
Seriously…. might need to bring a fork to
eatdrink that!When it gets that dark, I start sipping it like Brandy or some such, it’s quite good, thick and creamy…..
Not all beers that dark are thick. Some can be very light bodied.
a properly made Schwarzbier for example.
Lobotomy bock is a black lager at 12% abv that drinks very light, so yea, you have a point
That Coffee Bean Looks Mighty Tasty! and Probably cheaper than the Canned “stuff” they call beer over there,
Good Work Messy!
AZ or England?
Be honest, did the French imported beer make you want to eat cheese and surrender to the first person you encountered?
Oh la vache!
Holy cow!
Yes. Unfortunately for me the first person I saw was my Trumpeñero neighbor, who called immigration on me. Incidentally, I am writing this from one of Trump’s Camps (they have free WiFI) on my 15 minute break. My new job is breaking big rocks into smaller rocks!
My new job is breaking big rocks into smaller rocks!
Which, thanks to Bernie, pays $15 an hour.
With bennies.
Wait a minute – I thought Drumpf killed the Internet when he slaughtered Net Neutrality?
Now, I enjoy slagging on the French as much as anyone, but I feel compelled to point out that the French fought like demons in WWI, and fought quite creditably in WWII. Their problems in WWII were at the top of the chain of command, where bad decisions were made on static defense and military equipment and doctrine.
They pulled out of Indochina in the 50s/60s, but that was the smart move.
Some of their decisions in WW2 were based on lack of options. They took the brunt of WW1, leaving a much smaller population to conscript an army from 30 years later.
From some of the stories floating around from Afghanistan, they did a lot more than most NATO partners and actually, you know, went on patrol and got into a few firefights. There’s plenty to about France to rip on, this isn’t one of them.
Yeah I don’t know how this “French as yellow-bellied pussies” thing got started. Far as I can tell, it’s a legend that arose out of the collapse of the Napoleonic Empire (which, yeah those weaklings couldn’t even beat an alliance of every other country in Europe), the utter humiliation of the Franco-Prussian War, and the Vichy condominium during WWII. Which, those are pretty fucking huge, but it’s hardly enough to justify the business we give them. A WWI grit to rival any Britain showed in WWII, a colonial empire to rival Britain’s, a respected military with a very strong sphere of influence in its former colonies, a strong and independent postwar policy, a Revolution that influenced history nearly as much as ours, an army that took over Europe and changed it forever, centuries upon centuries before that as one of the most powerful and feared powers in the civilized world…
Obviously not all of these things are to be admired, but they’re there.
I suspect a lot of this came out of the British (& American anglophile) myths/exaggerations over early WWII. France collapsed in 6 weeks in WWII which, as RCD points out above, may not have said anything about French fighting ability but was easy to paint in broad brushstrokes. Coupled with Vichy & the lack of any senior politician standing up to appeasement like Churchill.
Then you take the British long-standing hatred of/rivalry with France. So this enables the creation of weak France rescued by Britain & America.
People always say the French “surrendered” in WWII, and while the government may have done that, the people did not actually stop fighting. A lot of them fled to England and joined the Free French Forces, and others stayed behind and became resistance fighters (who faced the threat of torture followed by the firing squad, unlike most regular armed forces).
I think the biggest issues the French had in WWI were their going all-in on the concept of elan and their failure to account for Germany’s disregard for Belgium’s and Luxembourg’s neutrality. I think the reason the French fared so poorly in WWII is that they prepared themselves to win a do-over of WWI. In neither case was there a lack of courage on the part of French forces.
You’re all francophiles like our president. You Trumpists probably support an American Bastille Day type parade. SAD
I really look forward to these reviews, señor. Another excellent submission!
We were in England last year and I thought the beers were boooooring. A bartender told me they sold way more Lagunitas product than domestic.
Brewdog in Scotland was really good, though.
Brewdog was good. I liked their Czech Black Lager.
That’s weird. Might be that local/domestic distribution is more complicated than international. I can find LOTS of good UK imports – favorites are still “Samuel Smith” – in Total Wine or almost any brewpub around in VA. But then I don’t know that I’ve ever heard a beer called out by name in a UK movie other than Guinness. Most times it’s just “pint of bitter” – whatever the hell that’s supposed to be.
The best UK beers are better known here than over there. A few people knew about Sam Smith last time I visited, and I met absolutely nobody that had heard of St. Peter’s (my favorite UK brewer)
Incidentally this 500mL can is 2.5 out if the 4 daily units of alcohol recommended by the British government.
Fuck the British system of “units” of alcohol. Exceedingly statist, and reminds me of the totally failed food pyramid in the US.
Exactly! I can drink 10 of these things.
Your machismo is 3 times that of an Englishman!
But 3 times 0 is still 0
Is that 2.5 by volume or %ABV? That seems like a more important qualifier.
Its 5%. ABV. I dont know how they quantify a single unit. Frankly, I’m American so I had little interest in finding out.
“Units” are some specific amount of alcohol, the way that “one drink” is a different amount of liquid from beer to wine to spirits. But they’ve made the British pint of beer well over one “unit” of alcohol.
I probably should have made the comparison instead of how BMI (a bogus measurement anyway) has been defined downward to make more people “obese”.
Oh yea… I lift weights 3 days a week, run 5 miles on the other 4 days, but I’m 6 feet tall and weight 230, so I’m “obese” according to the BMI.
Ditto. I went into my then-regular doctor’s office for a check-up last winter after a little over a year of regular weightlifting. I’m 6’2″, 235 lbs., and I’m at around 18% body fat. My doctor didn’t even look up at me when he goes over my chart and says, “I’m going to want to do a blood test because you’re probably pre-diabetic. You’ve gained a hell of a lot of weight!” Meanwhile, I’m sitting there in a men’s L shirt and 36W 34L jeans, with veins all the way up to my biceps and defined quads, looking at this dude’s jowls and pot belly thinking to myself, “This is bordering on the surreal.” I was a fat little kid and got fucked with about it pretty hard, so it’s a sore spot for me.
Jeez and I was worried about the shit I been saying being taken as humblebrags. No more holding back baby!
Humble, hell! I spent 15 years letting my body go to shit, and a good two years of clawing my way to a 6.5, maybe 7 on a good day. Some days I think about renting a billboard, dammit!
Congratulations! Always great to hear about things like this!
That beer looks like it would pair well with some of Bill Cosby’s BBQ sauce.
I remember that shit!
Notice he took the mind-altering sauce away from Kenny rather than from his own daughter. I think it was rather conscientious of him to be looking out for him like that.
RE: Mass Pre-Columbian Child Sacrifice in Peru.
I thought that before evil white people came, Amerind culture was one giant kumbaya orgy of peace and happiness?
It’s just proof that some white man discovered America before Columbus.
Actually I suspect that to be true. There were already people in the NA Arctic long before the Eskimos migrated in. From their description there is a good chance that they came from Europe, not Asia.
There are a bunch of Japs living on the coast of Central America that were already there forever when the Spanish showed up.
The Arawak indians in Hispaniola had iron spear heads. When Columbus asked where they came from the injuns said “Some black dudes come over here in canoes and trade with them. The name the indians had for iron was the same as the name of a tribe in west Africa that has been making iron since time immemorial. I remember reading that and two things struck me:
1. My God, who would paddle across the Atlantic in a canoe? That takes some serious balls.
2. What would motivate them to take such a risk to trade? Hmmmm…oh yeah, some of the Egyptian mummies have cocaine in their systems. Thaaat would explain it.
The smallest boats to cross the Atlantic so far:
By 1968 Hugo Vilhen had made the smallest ocean crossing yet, sailing his 6ft April Fool from Casablanca to Miami. Vilhen went on to cross the Atlantic in his 5ft 4in Father’s Day, while in 2002, Tom McNally attempted, but failed, to cross the Atlantic in the absurdly tiny 3ft 11in Vera Hugh II.
I said balls but it seems there is a dash of foolish in there too.
Screw you Netflix. I downloaded stuff to watch for a reason before I left home. Don’t give this ‘Not authorized to watch in your current country’ crap. I’m not trying to stream it live.
Been on the beach for 45 minutes and a server hasn’t made an appearance once. I’m thirsty, and now cranky because I’m thirsty. My BAC is dangerously low this morning.
Somebody get this man a Mai Tai!
Get a VPN that lets you change countries.
Any recommendations?
I’m enjoying a Maduro brown ale from the great state of Flo ree duh. I fasted from noon yesterday to noon today, so I figured I’d treat myself. It felt surprisingly good to fast. I slept very well, my stomach wasn’t growling, and when I ate again, the food tasted really good.
This is old news, but I just heard about it today:
On Jan. 17, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, school was closed and a science teacher offered to take 70 high school students to see the Holocaust movie “Schindler’s List,” although they begged to see “House Party 3.” When a trip to the ice-skating rink was thrown in to sweeten the deal, they accepted.
But the field trip ended abruptly when theater patrons complained that some of the Castlemont High School students, most of whom are black, had laughed at a scene in which a Nazi soldier casually shoots a Jewish woman. The theater owner stopped the projector, turned on the lights and told the students to leave.
From there, it just spiraled into the oppression Olympics. It didn’t help when one of the African history day presenters pointed out that many slave ships were owned by Jews.
Long story short, many people are collectivist twits who can gain strength from resentment.
Bygones might have been accepted as bygones if the Jews who control Snapple didn’t have to rub it in their faces by putting a picture of a slave ship on their iced tea bottle, alongside their circle-K symbol, signifying their solidarity with the KKK. Then Spielberg made a movie celebrating it, entitled Amistad which is Spanish for “Matt McConaughey you put those niggers back on that boat.”
Alright, I made that last sentence up. But the rest will be familiar to anyone who remembers the ’90s.
If the school is closed, WTF is a science teacher doing taking children on a field trip? And why would the science teacher take them to a movie about the Holocaust? Wouldn’t that be a history teacher’s domain? And needing to sweeten it? WTF?
My guess: the teacher thought that a movie about the horrific consequences of bigotry was an appropriate lesson for MLK day.
If I was running the schools, things like the Holocaust, the gulags, the Trail of Tears, etc would be combined into one lesson about the danger of centralized authority and being unarmed.
It is, but absolutely everything about the execution was inadvisable. I like your lesson plan too. Try getting it past the brass!
My wife thinks I have a talent for teaching. She tried to get me to teach at one time. I assured her that I wouldn’t last a week and it wouldn’t be because of the kids. She had no idea what I was talking about.
A man would have to have rocks in his head to be a HS teacher these days.
I thought about it for awhile. My decision not to do it was all about the kids. But I can see there are a lot of other reasons not to do it too.
I was actually going to add, “This is why when your students who volunteer to spend time with you want to see House Party 3 on their day off, you let them. Lesson learned.
If not that, then at least wait for the video if you want to see Schindler’s List; don’t take a bunch of rowdy young kids–especially those with unstable home situations, and (let’s face it) a culture of yelling things at the screen–to a movie that requires reverence. Additionally, I hear you that you want to generalize and genericize MLK to include all forms of racism–just like that Freedom Writers lady wanted to generalize Anne Frank in reverse–but please. These are fucking black ghetto kids. Surely you can find some black way to commemorate fucking Martin Luther King day with them. I wouldn’t take a bunch of at-risk Jewish poor teenagers to see a lesson about the oppression of African-Americans on Holocaust Memorial Day.
That probably seemed a bit too excited. I’m certainly not angry or even passionate about it; I actually don’t care very much at all. I think I just went on wall-of-text autopilot there.
They should have made out during the movie instead like Jerry Seinfeld.
My next article is posting at 9 on Tuesday, but since I’ll be on a rooftop changing a unit, I wont be drinking any Stouts,
Come on, show a little backbone.
If things go well I can finish by 9 am, and then I can have a stout or 6, using a 165′ Crane to lift Commercial AC machines and drinking stouts don’t mix
C’mon Yusef. We all know a good crane operator is sloshed operator.
Foreman: Why can’t you operate the crane today?
Operator: Too much wind.
Foreman: What’d you mean too much wind?
Operator: *burp*
Foreman: Okay, too much wind.
Operator: Wha?
Foreman: *Burp*
We’re going up at 6am, it’s still the night before so I guess it’s OK to be Drunk?
Long story short, many people are
collectivist twits who can gain strength from resentmentstupid.Well this story can’t be good for the victims of shitlords.
A judge has said that “sexual violence support coordinator” at Ohio State can be help personally responsible for her actions in a college rape disciplinary trial. The gal knew that the “victim” was lying during the trial and didn’t say anything. Now she can be sued.
What do you expect from tOSU?
I was led to believe that it’s totally alright to expel a few innocent men if it meant solving the CAMPUS RAPE PROBLEM.
“sexual violence support coordinator”
This should be its own dating profile category. Are you now, or have you ever been, a “sexual violence support coordinator”?
Sounds like someone who organizes gang bangs.
You know… morons.
A driver who moved into the passenger seat after putting his electric car into autopilot while at 40mph on a motorway has been banned from driving.
Bhavesh Patel, 39, of Alfreton Road, Nottingham, pleaded guilty to dangerous driving at St Albans Crown Court.
A witness in another car filmed him sitting in the passenger seat of his Tesla S 60 on the M1 between junctions 8 and 9 near Hemel Hempstead.
Patel said he was the “unlucky one who got caught”, the court was told.
The footage was posted on social media before it was reported to the police.
Patel was disqualified for 18 months and must do 100 hours of unpaid work.
He was also told to pay the Crown Prosecution Service costs of £1,800.
What a dumbass.
Hey, let’s not be so hard on the chap. In the UK surrounding pedestrians are substantially safer with the brown guy in the passenger seat than the driver’s.
Comment of the day.
Here. Have some porn.
Warty, you’re the man now, Dog. Thanks again for turning me on to C&Rsenal. I’m working my way through the Guns of WWI series while I stack shelves on the overnight shift. It’s great, great stuff and I will always make way for May.
She is just the darlinest.
So this morning, while perusing the lynx and getting my USRDA of malcontent commentary, and waiting on the girlfriend (aka “Jugsy”) to get herself together, what happens?
I click on Q’s link for “straight guys for gay eyes” and the moment the page loads, she magically appears behind me. “Tres? Are you ready to OHMYGODWHATTHEFUCKISTHAT!!!”
I still havent heard the end of it.
Sounds like some tension has entered this relationship that only a handsome but sensitive third party can relieve. Just throwing that out there, random thought. Y’all near New York?
“Hey, I wanted to look at tits and you weren’t around.”
Slogging my way through the beginning of Far Cry 5. Holy Mackerel, this game is huge and mapping the controls to my Nostromo is a chore. I must endeavor to persevere.
I still havent heard the end of it.
The NYT editorial board contemplates the hellish nightmare which will inevitably follow Justice Kennedy’s rumored retirement
Justice Gorsuch replaced Antonin Scalia, a move that didn’t disrupt the balance of the court. Replacing you with a hard-line conservative, in contrast, would have enormous consequences for the nation’s laws and Constitution for decades to come. Just ask Sandra Day O’Connor, your onetime fellow swing justice who left the court in 2006 and now watches helplessly as her replacement, the arch-conservative Samuel Alito Jr., votes to tear down her legacy.
As Justice O’Connor would tell you, legacy isn’t only what you do when you’re on the court; it’s also the circumstances in which you leave it. To put it bluntly, did you spend a lifetime honoring and upholding the Constitution and the values of civility and decency in American public life only to have your replacement chosen by Donald Trump?
Do you want to give your seat to a president whose campaign and administration are under criminal investigation, whose closest aides have been indicted or have pleaded guilty to federal crimes? A president with so little regard for or understanding of the role of the judiciary, the separation of powers and the rule of law? A president who nominated to the federal bench someone who called you a “judicial prostitute”?
A Supreme Court weaponized by the wrong political party; too awful to contemplate.
Ugh, I don’t have enough barf available in my stomach.
For what it’s worth, I think he’ll stay put to try to wait out Trump and Gorsuch will be the last justice appointed this term. (The Republicans will gain Senate seats in 2018 so it doesn’t matter what happens this summer versus the next or next.) If a Democrat wins in 2020, President Harris (let’s just call her that) will get to fill Kennedy’s, Ginsburg’s, and Breyer’s seats in the next term–they won’t make the same mistake twice–and roll back everything; their takeover will be complete.
Extremely unlikely.
arch-conservative Samuel Alito Jr
In other words, Sammy doesn’t make up law out of whole cloth to cover the government’s bare ass like Little Johnny Roberts does, so he sucks.
And for fuck’s sake, Alito holds up the 4th Amendment, unlike his predecessor who conveniently found ways to nullify it when it didn’t agree with his sensibilities.
If I ever see your grave, Scalia, I’m going to tag it with “Inventor of The New Professionalism”
a president whose campaign and administration are under criminal investigation, whose closest aides have been indicted or have pleaded guilty to federal crimes? A president with so little regard for or understanding of the role of the judiciary, the separation of powers and the rule of law
Huh. Describes Clinton’s presidency pretty well.
I was thinking they were describing the Hillary Clinton presidency.
It’s worth remembering that Mr. McConnell wouldn’t have been in a position to pull off such a harmful stunt if more people had turned up to vote in the 2014 midterm elections. As it was, 64 percent of eligible voters stayed home — the worst showing in more than 70 years. A higher turnout could well have preserved the Democrats’ Senate majority, meaning Judge Garland would now be Justice Garland, and your retirement would pose less of a danger to the legitimacy of the court.
The great unwashed, disobedient masses. How we hates ’em.
I remember watching the reaction to the 2014 midterms from some slimeball on the Young Turks. It was all argle blargle about how the dumb sheeple in flyover country voted against their own interests. Oh, how I laughed.
Yeah, it’s totally inexplicably that culturally conservative gun owners would vote against Team Blue.
oopsy- inexplicable
“Progressives” seem to have two viewpoints towards the “flyover country” yokels:
1) “They’re privileged and must atone for it, so their interests don’t matter. They need to just shut up and accept the new social order that we will force on them.”
2) “We just want to help them! We have their best interests in mind. Why would they vote against their own interest?? I don’t understand!”
You calling people evil, inbred losers won’t convince them to vote the way you want them to?
Sharpie, I don’t drink much beer- more of a wine guy- but reviews like this don’t encourage me to drink more of it.
Tell me about something delicious I need to run right out and try. And I don’t mean that hot little 10 year old down the street.
Game on Old Man. Game on.
It’s a waste of your time.
Why Trump won, exhibit 25L
Why the poorest county in West Virginia has faith in Donald Trump
Team Blue claims to love poor people, but they don’t.
Linus clarifies: https://sacompassion.net/its-people-i-cant-stand/
But did your beer turn itself inside out into a grotesque and fleshy creature with hands for feet and feet for hands???
A Doyers Sighting? and Warty in the same post? what are the odds?
Next up, the Agile One?
Why am I asking?
No…but UK customs gave me the third degree.
God dammit Morty!
What a great day to smoke some ribs and brats, drink beer and relax in beautiful weather.
“smoke some brats”
You can get in trouble saying stuff like that.