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I dont know about “Peter Rabbit”, but to this day I refuse to watch “The Wizard of Oz” cause it creeps me out.
When I was like three years old a friend of my mother took me to a stage version of the Wizard of Oz in Montreal and I wound up sobbing into her skirt because I was terrified by it. If only I could go back in time, smack my child self in the face and say “harden up kid. Stage witches are going to be the least of your problems.”
In related news I have yet to knock anyone up, though I think I would make a great father. Some co-workers spotted me with a young woman I was having a clandestine business lunch with recently and have decided that I should knock her up, and won’t shut up about it.
And I mean that literally- I literally work with people who think I should knock someone up because they saw me on the street with her once and they think she was kind of cute.
maybe You are the Strange one, and they are all normal………..
I’m beginning to think that might be the case, and it scares me.
I mean…what else would you do with an attractive and fecund human female?
2 words re: Wizard of Oz. Only two.
Flying. Monkies.
That is all.
I saw King Kong when I was four years old.
My sister tried to crawl behind mom sitting in the theater during the raptor kitchen scene in Jurassic Park. She was maybe seven.
My dad took me to see Tommy in the theater when I was four. Seriously what the fuck dad.
-1 Uncle Ernie
-100 the acid queen. (needs a proxy to work in the US).
I mean, I don’t know for sure if that’s why I have a phobia around needles, but it definitely didn’t help.
My mom’s friend told her about this really funny movie she saw, so my mom took my brother and I (I was 11 and he was 14).
That movie was Half Baked. My mom said she had no idea what the movie was about and wouldn’t have brought us if she had known, but it was one of the best experiences of my childhood.
I’m way too late to the party. But if anyone is hanging around . . . . .
The people I worked with a long time ago got me drunk out of my mind on my 30th birthday. We started at lunch and finished up at happy hour. They drove me home and dumped me at my apartment complex.
I picked up the kids from the sitter; ordered delivery pizza; and turned on the tube.
You ain’t seen flying monkeys until you’ve seen flying monkeys with a belly full of tequila.
I always wondered how one got to be an admiral having a) no administrative experience and b) “being the worst officer ever served with.”
But hey, if there’s smoke, there must be fire. Or occasionally a smoke machine. Or an overcooked turkey. or….
I was wondering that last night. I think he just got promoted while staying in the same place. And he was, or is, up for a second star. Ridiculous grade inflation. Such a post warrants an O-4 or 5 at most. If you’re not moving up, you defiantely shouldn’t get a promotion.
Personally, I don’t see the need for a full time Physician to the President(tm). If he’s that sickly, he shouldn’t be in the office. I haven’t see a doctor for years and a PA for a year or two. Let Trump go use the TMC at Ft Belvoir.
Brung over from SP’s post,
Sup Tres! I got a new Old Thing, check it out
OMCW and LH To the White Courtesy phone….
That looks like something you see on screen briefly, just before something goes awry and Doctor Whatever becomes a super villain
I’m getting an idea of the circuitry, but other than the basics, i have no idea of how it Should work, it’s an old Medical device I got From My landlord/Dr.
This could be the birth of Professor Kia! When you break Cali off at the San Andreas can you give me a heads up so I can warn my little brother to escape?
Have him subscribe to my Newsletter, He’ll get 24 hours notice, and only if he has the secret Decoder ring, Which i offer for a the small sum of ONE MILLION DOLLARS!
Sup Tres? I’m spankin some Sour Monkey, and gonna BBQ some awesome burgers before I blow up the World, how ’bout you?
Shots of Crown from my freezer, 24 oz Keystone Lights, and an Aldi Take & Bake pizza
Fuck Yeah!
I fished in WOW, Hell they Had Tournaments! hidden Fishing holes, Idiots….
I have to think it’s a strategy. They could spotlight any number of bits of animal cruelty from the game, but bitching about fish is sure to get some spread.
PETA bitches about setting wild turkeys on fire in a video game: of course they did.
PETA bitches about simulated fishing: nutty bunch of digital puritans.
I can’t believe anyone takes PETA seriously any more.
I’ve been WoW free for almost 3 years. I keep wondering if I should go back…
(Shadowsong FTW)
I’ve kept a sub for most of a decade and dip my toe back in now and again. Unless you’ve got an active guild or some friends who still play, it’s nowhere near as fun as it used to be.
Nubile, neotenous and nearly nude.
Number 6… girl not Glib.
Neotonous? Really?
Euphemisms are Ubiquitous, ‘Round here Junior….
Every one of them is 75
there is no 75, But 60, oh hell yes 60
well you know I aspire to neoteny myself in some regards, and am generally pretty successful at being a neonate where it matters, but… it’s a term I’d be careful with when it comes to sexy pictures. Not that I care much- say what you want.
I just want to…………SING!
/Stop Stop none of that…
#8: engineering a nip slip?
#10: DQ’d for navel hair.
I dont think that’s her hirsuteness, just a bad light on some skin. Besides, I hear that there’s people that, uh….well…..don’t necessarily mind the, I mean, some hair is….what Im trying to say is that SOME guys, and I mean “some” guys, maybe they don’t see a problem with some…..uh…..
*looks around*
+Nikki Haley
A lot of good ones in that lineup but the pose on 12 calls to me…
From Bloop.
‘Perhaps players who have set out to track down Bigfoot in the game should be wary of drawing the group’s ire as well.’
I love dolphins, though not for the obvious reasons. Dolphins are fucking assholes. My sister spent a couple summers observing them in Tampa Bay and in fact, even though it was pretty hot out there in the sun, she had to be careful about getting in the water, because dolphins are assholes. The first rule of watching dolphins is that you don’t get in the water when dolphins are around. Dolphins will rape you for the fuck of it if you give them the chance. Just like people, but without a legal system to restrain them.
When I lived in Florida I lived about a block from the water, and there was a dolphin who would come every day to converse with people. I went down there a lot and I came to love that Dolphin. I think he knew and liked me as well. But I never got in the water with him because he was clearly a fucking psychopath/dolphin, and he might have liked me a little too much.
Tell me that’s not deliberate.
Awesome!, like , Hey we are busy here GTFO! Man
Oh, that’s deliberate. And that’s what I mean- dolphins don’t quite get how fragile we are compared to them so even when they mean no harm and are playing they can be dangerous. And if they decide to fuck with you…
And I basically like whales. I was raised with them. I know that’s a weird thing to say but… you know how Greenpeace likes to use children in their ads? I think I was probably the first child ever used in a television advertisement for an environmental group, so I’m the poster-child for poster-children.
Back in 74 or so Greenpeace filmed their first commercial and because my mother was involved with Greenpeace and I was both precocious and photogenic I wound up the child. I had one line: “please help stop the mass murder of whales.” I was three or four (and indeed I was chosen partially because I could say that line at three or four,) so I didn’t entirely understand the issues involved.
But I did have a lot of whale posters in my room as a child, and we listened to whale song in place of music. I suppose you could say that I had not just an odd upbringing, but a rather whale-oriented one .
Crimony, that seems awfully young for a child to say such a horrid thing. When I was four I’d just say things like “I’m going to mass murder these fries.”
Oh, it got worse. I got dragged around to a variety of demonstrations in the early 70s. It was kind of hard for the pigs to really crack heads when there were children in tow, so we got brought to them as a tactic.
I’m not saying I agree or disagree with any of them. The demonstration I remember best was one in 76 or so, in DC, arguing that draft dodgers should be forgiven. Without taking a position on that question I will say that I resent having been used as a prop when I was a child.
Now that is some cool shit! I was whale-obsessed too, wildlife-obsessed in general but whales especially, and constantly concerned about protecting the environment. I still consider the primary difference between Diego then and now that now I actually know a little bit about what the fuck I am talking about! (Always was highly suspicious of animal rights, though, which is foundationally incompatible with environmentalism.)
Seeing what other kids went through around me my more sensible side was always grateful as hell for my solid, “boring” upbringing. But in my more fantasizing moments I always was a little jealous of those who grew up with truly “weird” and interesting (but benign) family backgrounds. Can’t imagine what it would have been like to be a real green-diaper baby!
In 5th grade we had to make up some conservation oriented projects – right around the Gulf War – my big thing was “Adopt a Dugong”. (aka – the persian gulf manatee). No idea if there are any of those left or what – you don’t hear about anything now that people aren’t dumping oil in the gulf. Who knows.
Well, the grass is always greener. I always envied people who came from normal families.
My family is not normal- in fact it is so not normal that people tend to think I am lying when I describe even a bit of how not normal it is. For instance, my great-aunt Edith was a CIA agent, and likely a double or triple agent. You don’t have to believe that, but what if I told you that she later became a follower of Jim Jones and died at Jonestown? We still don’t know, and will never know, if she was really a follower of Jones, or if she was working for the CIA. Don’t believe me? Her journals are avaliable here:
The fact is that everyone in my family is a lunatic. But we’re smart interesting lunatics, I suppose.
I should note that by my family’s standards Edith was kind of a normie 😉 The rest of us are far weirder.
Oh, and since someone else brought up So Long, your story kinda… very loosely, mind you… reminded me of the anecdote Fenchurch tells Arthur in the park.
I’m convinced, you are the Strange one, And because of that I won’t tell you to FUCK OFF!
Ok then.
Dolphins are the only other mammal that has sex for fun. It only lasts a few seconds but they do it as much as 20 times a day.
Maybe you look like a dolphin?
The threading is off, so NO you’re a Towel!!
Tuna Melts are the Hot Dish of Seafood, and Yes Fucking tasty,
Tuna Helper FTW
I kicked it with some tuna helper Thursday night, in fact. ‘Cept I use heavy cream instead of the recommend low-fat milk, and add mushrooms.
My mom always threw Italian green beans in there. I haven’t made it in years but damn it sounds yummy right about now…
any nice Veggie Works, we add cheese and a toasted bun, yum..
My mom used to make stove top hot dish. Packaged Mac-n-cheese with tuna and some veggie; frozen broccoli or green beans or peas. It was what she made when she was tired.
Something about heated tuna puts me off. Sushi, great. Out of the can, mixed with mayo, great. Tuna melt, um. Tuna casserole, oh God. Tuna Helper, there is no God.
I am with you 100% except I hate mayo. I’ll inhale it right out of the can with lemon juice. The new pouches are even more awesome. Albacore only; fuck that other nasty ass poverty shit.
I feel like fresh and canned tuna have almost nothing in common; can’t even be considered the same food. I do love me some sashimi of damn near every kind, and I could stuff myself with a whole meal of just different kinds of tuna alone. Mmmm tuna! I can’t even look at that Charlie cartoon without my mouth watering.
I’ll be honest, I don’t know that I could tell Albacore from whatever else is sold. I drown it in mayo anyway, so my taste in fish is probably not above reproach.
In grad school, I would sometimes buy chunky salsa and mix it with tuna to make tuna salad instead of making a mayo tuna salad. It was a nice change. I ate a lot of tuna salad.
Sounds delicious! Sounds good for pasta salad too.
It was also perfect for the sleep deprived- I bought chunky salsa so there was no chopping.
Is there a non-chunky salsa, other than the tomatillo? I don’t know from this canned salsa stuff.
Some are chunkier than others
I’ve been pondering this idea for awhile now and I’m still not decided if it sounds appetizing or not.
You’d love Hawaii for the food. There is plenty of really fresh tuna and local fish available here for reasonable prices. Poke (raw seasoned tuna) is the state dish it seems. I love it.
Amishi Getting raped by a dolphin leads to a discussion of the disgusting food known as canned tuna. Yep, weekend on the Glibs.
You were afraid he was going to rape you? That’s awfully presumptuous, maybe he just wanted a hand job.
I hate to think that Ariel had brought a Title IX case before Posiedon….
So long and thanks for all the fish.
She’s cute enough, but something about this story just doesn’s smell right.
I blame Canuckian blended spirits
That’s a pretty cruel joke to play on someone their entire life.
I always felt bad for those chicks (I believe it’s only chicks) that smell sharply and intensely (fill-up-the-room like she says) like very sweaty fishes. I believe it is the worst coming out of their armpits and vaginas.
It does not seem to be remotely understandable parenting to keep this from the poor girl as she went through life until she was 19. I don’t even know where to start.
I am also intrigued by the idea that those health woo potions are actually good for something, even if largely by accident. I’d be surprised if they made effective hamster bedding.
The trick is steaming. Does she even Gwen?
Dolphins’ mating strategy, like those of many species especially whales, involves a lot of what would be “rape” and “gang rape” in human society. Haven’t heard of them raping any humans though.
Like I mentioned a few weeks back, dolphins also include the only two species other than humans in the entire tree of life–orcas and short-finned pilot whales–whose females normally become infertile at some point in their lives.
You telling me those 100-year-old wrinkly tortoise bitches are still fertile? Gross.
Fertile and horny decagenarian bitches in your area want to meet you
I had a vague text wall a couple threads ago (#1) that, now that I read it again, might have looked like I opposed same-sex marriage recognition. Actually I am staunchly anti-Obergefell as jurisprudence but admit that extending government “solemnization” of sexual partnerships to gay couples is good public policy–even though it essentially ruins all hope of removing this ridiculous practice from the realm of public policy altogether, which was my only true desire.
What I am talking about instead is this:
In Germany upon passage of gay marriage the state LGBT affairs office spokeswoman declared that this would help gay couples assert rights over children “produced by the marriage.”
In California a gay-married couple is suing the Federal government for its homophobic failure to treat gay marriages equally. Their twins, recently born to the same woman in Canada using sperm from each and mutually adopted by each from birth, will soon with quite no fuss be dual citizens of the U.S. and Canada; but for now, the biological son of Dad, American, is whereas the biological son of Dad, Israeli, is not.
Despite Dad’s loudly professed distress that his son cannot dream of becoming President, one suspects from this rather convoluted scenario that these children were deliberately brought into being as instruments to make a political point. And it’s one that should be rejected. Israeli kid’s biological father is not American; American Dad’s relationship to Israeli kid is one of adoptive father like any other nonbiological parent; adoption does not create a natural-born citizen through some sort of Orwellian revisionist process; and two men cannot make a baby. If you find this circumstance homophobic please file your appeal in God’s court, not my country’s.
…And so forth. The gays told many, many baldfaced lies in the home stretch of their long fight for basic human dignity; these were a brilliant tactic in winning recognition of (a reasonable approximation of, as with us all) their natural rights from a culture that, even in its most libertarian manifestation (the USA), would never accept the simple truth that their sex lives were simply none of their goddamn business. Worth it though it was, many of these lies have proven to be socially corrosive, as those dinosaurs on the Religious Right are now ridiculed for warning us.
And just one of these many socially corrosive lies is that marriage has not been, from the dawn of human history until the year 2001, a central institution of every single society, composed of one man and one woman, with biological reproduction at its conceptual core. Only one man and one woman can make a baby–again, take it up with God if you find it unfair–and biological Mom, biological Dad, and biological children remain universally across human societies the normative family. All other family forms (including mine–and I will put Ma against any two-parent family out there) are in some sense simulacra. Now human progress means innovating new social structures, as much as new technology, to enhance the quality of our lives–no one would suggest, for example, that adoption is not an enormously beneficial mechanism–but these shouldn’t make us lose sight of our core principles. Biological reproduction is not a social act; it is a natural one; and the simple, straightforward prima facie right of a man and a woman to their biological offspring is a natural one, and perhaps the most viscerally indispensable core principles of a free society. I wish to raise the alarm for the slightest raising of the chisel against it, plenty though the chips already are.
“…the state LGBT affairs office…”
I already see the problem.
Uh…. I dunno about that one man and one woman bit. I’d say a fair number of societies had that more of a one man, several women kind of arrangement. Probably a plurality of known societies, in fact. Certainly our Judaeo-Christian heritage includes quite a bit of polygamy, as is documented right there in the Bible.
But yeah…. guys and gals, making babies and staying together to raise them is kinda the focus of the whole thing.
I thought someone might say that. Every single one of those marriages are also between one man and one woman. The taboo against a man being in multiple such individual arrangements simultaneously is indeed far from universal. But each arrangement is an individual, mutual arrangement between man and wife. This is not a trivial distinction, getting this matter clear. Even the taboo against marrying your sister has not quite been universal. The idea of a homosexual partnership on the other hand was outside of the very concept of marriage, in the most fundamental way, for all of human history.
Marriage, this universal of human society, this central institution to human life, has been for all its interesting and colorful variation strikingly narrow in basic form and uniform in conceptual purpose.
Yea, marriage is pretty important.
In most other species, the highest status males mate with many females, and the rest of the males never get laid at all. I think the one-man one-woman marriage emerged as sort of an improvement to ensure that males of lesser status can still get married and thus have an incentive to participate in society and contribute to its defense. The men are more likely to band together for common defense if they all have something to protect – e.g. a woman. None of them want their women to get raped by the invaders; they all agree on that, so they have an incentive to work together and defend their territory. In some other village where a small number of men “owned” all the women, the other men really have no incentive to join up and fight. What’s the point in fighting so that some other guys can continue to get laid? Yes, marriage is a social construct. That’s what human do – we invent new social systems that allow our species to be more prosperous than it would if we just lived like the rest of the animals. Marriages, religions, nation-states, and corporations – these are how humans organize themselves so that they can subordinate the animal urges.
I don’t think the small percentage of gay people is a threat to the institution of marriage. I think the far greater threat is from feminists, who want marriage to be an arrangement that exist solely for the benefit of women. In recent decades, they have made marriage into something that is highly unappealing for men. As I said in a previous post in this thread, a young man today has little to gain and a great deal to lose by “tying the knot”.
The left have been doing their part in trying to destroy the value of marriage, too. Why get married when the state will pay you to raise a child yourself?
Or, pay you and your significant other to each be single parents of the two kids you’re raising together.
Certainly not, and I hope I didn’t create that impression; that was what this subthread’s purpose was after all!
Homosexuals, homosexual activity, acceptance of homosexuality, homosexual rights–none of these are threats to the institution of marriage. The intense Abrahamic taboo against homosexuality is a cultural peculiarity, not a universal, after all; the traditional absence of gay marriage even in societies completely free of anything of the kind only emphasizes the fact that homosexual relationships lie entirely outside the traditional concept–a cultural universal having nothing to do with “homophobia.” (Even gays were not on board with it until the 1990s (USA) and even later (UK).)
Like I said, the development of novel social institutions to improve human life is as much a part of human progress as is the development of new technology, so it would be insane to take all of this as making the case that we should not concoct an extension of the marriage concept to gay sexual partnerships. In any case it should not be a decision of state social engineers. We should take seriously one of the vapid propaganda points of the prog/gay-rights movement and genuinely “get government out of the bedroom” for real.
My issue, as I explained, is that while this propaganda point merely was a lie in that it was never genuinely a goal, others were denials of empirical truth whose propagation to public opinion endangers basic human rights. The SoCons were, in a sense that was not entirely coincidental stopped-clock stuff, right to accuse the “gay rights agenda” as it was pursued, with the rhetoric it employed, of having the power to endanger the traditional family with its claims. We see for example how it has endangered the very concept of man and woman (don’t accuse me of being histrionic; just ask the gay orgs themselves if this is the logical extension, part of “the same fight for rights”). And we see how it–like some of the pro-choice rhetoric before it–has undermined the consensus concerning the public role of biological reproduction. That is all I’m saying.
Of course, I don’t feel sorry for the SoCons because they were being dicks by persecuting the gays. They could have had a better result for all if they’d just embraced liberty instead of being so confident they were going to win this one. (Though I will say anecdotally there was a sweet spot in the ’00s where both SoCons and gays seemed very receptive to my privatization suggestion.) And the shoe is most certainly not all the way on the other foot now, any more than it is with the whites and blacks! But we are all paying for their sins now.
Right now I’m listening to Le Show, on KSPC Claremont 88.7 FM
College radio, 5-7 Saturdays, all French music, and it’s a pretty good show
The best College radio station in the world
I haven’t listened to Harry Shearer for a number of years, but when I used to, I enjoyed most of his shows.
WWOZ is running coverage from Jazzfest (day #2!!).
The other day I saw an advertisement on a passing bus reading “Alternative Music 92.3FM”. I thought I entered a time vortex back to 1988 or something.
We sniff at the weird and lameass ambiguities of “indie rock” and “SoundCloud rap” today, but we have no appreciation of the original!
Bono’s opening line at U2’s 1995 Grammy acceptance (“Best Alternative Act”)–“Yeah, alternative!” remains the best ever.
Well, second best, of course.
Good lord, like U2 were relevant by then. I’d have more respect for that giant turd if he didn’t show up at that stupid popularity contest.
Harsh! Doesn’t he get points for poking fun at it? Why such intense Bono-hate? Aren’t you Bono-neutral like everyone else on Earth at this point?
Well, second best, of course.
Sonny is gonna go home with a vengeance.
It’s a dog whistle, Rhywun. “Alternative” means Nazi-lovers.
I always thought alternative was failure music. The minute a band became successful, the original fans complained that they sold out.
I fit in my 32 jeans again. Not super comfortably—I still pudge over when I sit down. But it beats feeling like I’ll bust out the seams.
Awesome! Now I know where to send all of mine I cant fit into!
My office is going jeans-day every day starting next week. Too bad I can’t fit my fatbody into any store-bought jeans. I should complain to HR about this anti-middle-age policy.
You can’t wear off-the-rack pants? That does not sound like routine middle age travails!
I can but then they don’t fit right in other places.
Why am I reminded of Homer Simpson in a muumuu?
/humblebrag ?
Lands End Relaxed Fit men’s jeans.
I’m at the short end (around 5’7”) and everything that fits my girth is too long and baggy everywhere else. I’m not even like grotesquely fat or anything though I could certainly lose a couple inches around my waist. Store jeans just don’t seem to have a large range of “proportions”. If I lost maybe 5 inches around my waist I’d have no problem.
They’ll have appropriate lengths for 5’7″ (starting at 27″ inseam) and go up to 38″ waist.
Sigh 38″ ain’t enough at this point in time. But yeah, a shorter inseam would be useful.
You’re in made-to-measure territory, then (and jeans are right-out, AFAIK). Not to be a total dick, but it’d be cheaper to lose a couple inches off your waist (I’m not _that_ far from the top of the range, so I should hardly talk).
Enh…. workin’ on it. Lost around 10 pounds since New Year’s. I totally realize that is what’s in my best interest. It ain’t easy at 49, that is for sure.
I’m right there with you – same height, same age-ish; easy it is not, good for you on the 10 lbs. I’ve crept up about 6 or so since last August, need to drive that down again. Baby steps… I should really stop drinking this syrah – however, I did lettuce instead of a bun on the burger tonight, so… push? 🙂
I’m on the Saturday night sinner/Sunday morning saint diet. I cheat often, but I feel real bad about it the next day. If you keep track of the days, it works out in your favor.
Congrats! Feels good, I bet!
It doesn’t not feel good.
I’ll tell you what I like best, it’s when I stroll up to an attractive young thing and say with a measure of confidence, “I’ll have a Diet Coke, please.”
I’ve been lifting weights and running since 2009, and I’m now finding that pants don’t fit me right. I have a big ass and thick (thicc?) legs as a result of squats and deadlifts, so pants off the rack fit me weird. I wear a 36×29, and the legs and crotch are too tight, but a 38 waist would be too big and double over in some places. I’m considering the possibility of having custom-tailored pants.
Oh, and don’t even get me started on finding socks when you have giant calves…
Skinny fuck.
Perhaps I was wrong all along, and instead of hours of frustration, Q really wants us to live longer.
Hey, Aqualung!
How retarded are journalists? Let us count the ways…
Here is the lede:
“We don’t yet know why Alek Minassian allegedly chose to drive a rented van through dozens of people on Toronto’s Yonge Street, killing ten people, but a single Facebook post from the accused has driven a wave of coverage in one direction: “incels””
You’d probably guess the piece is a lighthearted examination of “what is this silly new internet thing, and aren’t people overblowing it, as usual?”…
LOL, no, of course not: its piece saying “WE SHOULD BAN “INCELS”, WHATEVER THAT IS”
Wired UK: After the Toronto attack don’t explain Incel ideology, ban it
Note the utter lack of interest in whether or not said “websites” actually DID incite any actions – she admits in the *very fucking first line she (and others) have no idea* – what matters is that “People are blaming X! – ERGO, Ban X!”
Because that makes fucking sense.
The only actual “reporting” i’ve seen about the guy (*and i do not include “trolling through facebook and jumping to conclusions based on random posts” as ‘reporting’) suggested he was developmentally disabled….
…or, for the slow-readers from boston: “he a facking reetaahd”.
Some say it was “Aspergers”, but that’s a catch all, nice-sounding-term for what in reality can cover up a range from “quirky and brilliant, albeit anti-social” to “drooling stupid cretin unable to tie own shoes”
Now, i never went to journalism-school, but it seems to me that if the guy was a ‘slow learner’, i find the idea of his being motivated by some “ideology he learned from Reddit” less than “the most plausible headline people should run with”, but hey that’s just silly old me.
You can’t ban thoughts.
You can TRY.
/lefties fucking everywhere
Who cares? See this is what happens when you get so drunk with power that you lose touch with reality. Those central Asian dictators who do shit like rename “bread” in their country’s language with their mother’s name (this actually happened) probably have a better shot at keeping both mental feet on planet Earth, because they don’t have to constantly lie to themselves that what they are doing is perfectly normal and natural and legitimate. Within 50 years Britain’s children will not know that Bastiat’s “ban the sun” petition was intended to be satire.
Muh Loopholez!
The danger is in banning “hate” speech.
And if you suggest banning Islamism and especially the importation of adherents of said ideology, the shrieking would be deafening.
Hey, banning incels is easy, just buy them whores, lots of whores.
That’s like feeding the mogwai after midnight…
They better be whores with social work degrees, because the johns will just squeal effeminately and hyperventilate and curl into the fetal position.
You say that as though a social work degree actually implies competence at interacting with people. So you apparently have never spoken to anyone with one?
They apparently have great competence in communicating with admissions committees and government bureaucrats, so there.
They engage in antisocial work.
“social work degree” is a euphemism for “strap-on”, I think.
*delicately refrains from calling incels low-key faggots*
A real Chad would not be bothered coming here to troll us; he’d be out pounding Stacys. Nice try haggiscel.
I’m making fun of myself from earlier this week. I know one incel, or at least a guy who could consider himself incel, though I doubt he does. He has the hallmarks, as best I can tell, plus some damaging episodes like having his one adult crush get scooped up by his best friend. Pretty dirty. I don’t blame him for raging at that. It’s not fair. But he’s also a quasi-Randian and doesn’t think in terms of cosmic fairness, so there you go. I sympathize, even if I can’t get behind making it a social statement.
OTOH this guy has a doppleganger, another friend of mine who suffers the same weight issues, the same premature balding, the same diffident attitude, many of the same hobbies, but he found himself a wife and they’ve got a kid now.
I’ll admit having a little bit of sympathy for the MGTOW crowd (although I don’t consider myself part of that community). Young men these days have a lot to lose and not much to gain by being married. Plus, a lot of young women today have been brought up to believe that men have countless duties to women but for men to expect anything whatsoever in return (even basic things like marital fidelity) is sexist and oppressive.
Divorce courts can absolutely destroy a man financially. Most domestic violence protocols mean that a man can basically be sent to jail on a woman’s say-so. A one-night stand can lead to rape accusations, as can merely being alone with a woman at work for any length of time. These risks are probably small, but they seem to be getting bigger lately with the re-definition of rape and the #MeToo bullshit.
But yea, this “incel” crowd sounds like a bunch of losers. You know those women who act like nagging harpies, don’t take care of themselves, then ruminate on why they’re not married to a man with supermodel looks and a 6-figure salary? “Incels” are the male equivalent.
They hate sex workers more than they hate women in general.
Post-Midnight double OT playoff hockey is awesome.
I clicked through and skimmed the linked news articles that the author was attacking for explaining or “recklessly normalizing” the attack and none of them seemed remotely sympathetic to ether the attacker or incels in general.
Again, compare this to the response to all the Muslim terror attacks.
María Rún Bjarnadóttir–well, at least that’s an Icelandic name and not a Swedish.
Saw the new Avengers movie. It was…
Well, not a movie as much as amusement ride. Never thought I would say this, but I could use some plott and character arcs.
Get a load of the faggot over here wanting context and shit.
Christ, which one is this? I loved the first, like I loved GotG, but I can’t keep up with this shit.
Must be something else if the last couple dozen superhero movies out of Hollywood didn’t cause that reaction.
It was well done, but I do have to agree with Sonny Bunch on this one: (Spoiler territory)
As a fan, it was great, but I know my folks (surprised they were interested to see it, but they have seen a number of the other ones and like the occasional spectacle too) had a lot more questions – esp since they missed most of the ones that came out in the last 2 years (although they had seen more of the early films.
Definitely a different sort of ending, but very brave way to break things out. Pretty sure “Ant-Man and Wasp” is the next one later this summer, not sure about the order after that.
Big props to the Russo brothers for juggling a LOT of different characters and only a couple slips – no major chainsaw accidents or anything. Not many directors could handle that many threads as adeptly.
Isn’t it the job of the screenwriters to handle those characters and keep continuity?
Not if the director decides to take liberties with the script. Or the producers decide there need to be cuts.
Related music link.
Some people accused Slayer of being sympathetic to Nazis because of this song. Kerry King’s response was, paraphrased, “dude, we just gave you a whole list of horrible atrocities, do we really need to tell you, ‘oh yeah btw we think this stuff is bad’ too?”
Good call on the link. Have seen them on their farewell tour?
Man, there’s some crazy shit going on in Salisbury.
Grandfather masturbated in front of podiatrist as she cut his toenails
More or less crazy than Salisbury, MD?
He’s probably a nephew, cousin, uncle, son, husband etc. Why only go with “grandfather”?
This happened when I worked at this factory:
An outside contractor was taking a break in the outdoor smoking area, and there were a lot of other people around. A young, shapely, 18-year old employee walks by, and he gets this dopey grin on his face while staring at her. He sticks his hand down his pants and starts stroking his ding-dong right then and there. Men are yelling at him, women are running away in terror… He just keeps strokin’ it like nobody was watching.
I once crashed at the house of a friend of a friend one night after drinking. I was trying to pass out on the couch when said friend of a friend popped in a porno and started working it right then and there. Some people have no shame at all, it’s weird.
I’m like a weirdo magnet, the mac daddy of weirdos. I’ve caught more than one person jerking off while interviewing me for a job, thinking I wouldn’t notice.
Not all are like that though. Happened to me quite recently too. I’m combing my hair in a large public bathroom in Manhattan when in the mirror I catch a dude at a urinal watching me and jerking off. Now I’ve seen plenty of this kind of thing, I just ignore it, but this dude actually seemed to be getting more and more pissed off that I was apparently not noticing him. Who says old New York is dead?
CCTV footage
Not gonna click. Wouldn’t be prudent.
Not at this juncture.
It’s almost hard to believe there used to be time when SNL was funny.
And they say the indie biopic is dead.
“Bobby chasing a masturbating grandpa out of the podiatrist” (I presume a busty young Asian woman) is just one of the things we are missing from a British culture left gray and colorless by the Big Man’s departure.
You gotta be careful about that sort of thing.
Bastion is discounted on Steam for like three bucks. Charming little action hack and slash game from a couple years ago.
Fun game. I play more of that kind of thing than big titles.
Three bucks is terrific value, even if you never touch it. It’s worth giving a paltry sum just to know that sort of thing is being rewarded. But it’s well worth playing if you do.
PeTA is an insane, evil organization that rejects basic ethical premises of human society (and of how man conceives of the planet around him and his relationship to it) so deeply rooted and elementary to human reason and existence that even Pol Pot did not question them. Its radicalism is so off the charts that I’d call it the most successful organization, relative to said level of radicalism, in existence. Its noxious, reactionary, and anti-humanist “animal rights” ideology has infiltrated and essentially destroyed the traditional animal welfare movement, which is now a merely “soft” version of PeTA rather than a distinct and qualitatively incompatible philosophy (you have to look to veterinary schools to get the truth about animal welfare these days). And in that form it’s scored a lot of small incremental victories and its influence on public opinion is growing. (Its reputation bottomed out, as with so much other prog insanity, in the P.C. low-water mark at the turn of the century; now it is back stronger than ever with all the other bad ideas.)
We need to fight the general cultural norm whereby various extremists for various causes develop the man-on-the-street reputation of “well, they’re a bit fanatical in their single-minded devotion to their cause, I’m not really there all the way to that degree myself, but it’s a commendable cause,” as though animal rights, environmental, etc. extremist activists were like especially fanatical Smile Train volunteers who were extreme in their singleminded narrow devotion to fix insane numbers of cleft palates. These are real public policies they seek to influence, with real social costs. They are not just “scarily” dedicated bit-too-zealous “good guys” because they are broadly “concerned” about the same things we are. And an extremist certainly doesn’t become a benign influence on public policy just out of finding “moderate,” partial success in his goals. That is not a thoughtful recipe.
omg why do you hate animals?
I have not watched it yet,
…but i am, how to say? – ‘excited, yet preparing for inevitable disappointment’ for a new PBS series “Soundbreaking“, which looks at the role of “Producers + Engineers” in the history of popular music.
on the plus side – there are millions of great stories, and dozens of incredible characters that deserve widespread recognition. Many of whom are already household names …
( e.g. Rudy Van Gelder + Blue Note; Jerry Wexler + Tom Dowd vis R&B, Soul music; Quincy Jones vis a vis Michael Jackson; Barry Gordy or Holland/Dozier vis a vis Motown; Phil Spector vis “girl groups”/wall of sound; Rick Rubin + Russell Simmons vis Hiphop; Clement Dodd / Lee Perry vis “reggae/dancehall”; … Malcolm McLaren vis the Sex Pistols/Punk, Chas Chandler vis Hendrix, and many many others)
on the negative side … it will almost certainly be superficial, shallow.. and whiz past interesting technical reasons certain styles of music / recordings happened when they did, and probably end up pandering to silly race/gender/sjw type stuff, and end up loaded with lots of “appeals to individual genius and inspired taste-making” rather than the venal, capitalist process of actually promoting and developing artists to serve specific emerging markets….
anyway, i’m the worst sort of ‘fan’ of this sort of thing because i’m doomed to nitpick, but still, very happy someone decided to do it.
The entire first episode is available for free on YT. They ran a full season of 8 episodes so far, i have no idea if they plan more.
My kid is playing this on max volume while I’m having an argument with my wife because I don’t want to spend all day at the mall shopping today. Throw in my hangover, and I’m ready to snap.
I’m like a little kid in that when I get into a joint or video I do often play it over and over again into the ground. Just be thankful kid’s not doing it with what all the other kids are listening to nowadays. (One of the better ones, actually.)
That’s not a parody? That’s something people take seriously?
Good lord that is horrible.
Lil Pump is a genius. People don’t understand that Gucci Gang is a retrospective of modern society. The youth of today are far too stricken with name brands, and are mindless drones to consumerism. Hence the repetitive use of “Gucci Gang” throughout the song. “I fuck a bitch, I forgot her name/I can’t buy a bitch a wedding ring” provides anecdotal evidence that Generation Z is growing up with a emotional disconnect thanks to dating apps like Tinder. Love is fleeting and people as people are only seeking immediate pleasure. “Me and my grandma take meds” is a metaphor for the opioid epidemic and how it’s affecting both the youth taking these drugs recreationally and the elderly, who are addicted to the same drugs prescribed to them by a doctor. The song is short and repetitive as if to say that is all the “Snapchat” generation can comprehend.
So… no.
Needz moar “problematic” and “systemic”.
+1 “we as a society”
So what is the deeper meaning of the affectless, too tired to care, vocals?
Sounds better than that Justin Bieber shit my niece listens to.
Is that…. greased lightning, from the Grease soundtrack?
Americans play “chopsticks”, Japanese play show tunes.
I’ve been trying to figure out what that sounded like. It’s Yamaha school’s main song and has been torturing parents across these islands for decades.
I was thinking the kid was scoring the arguement scene with your wife.
That would be great. My kid is a prodigy.
Its just a standard major blues, with a rhythmic flourish at the turnarond which is very ‘show tune-y’
every school has books full of instructional songs that “sound like” popular tunes. Everyone who plays them learns to loathe those sounds for the rest of their lives.
my own ‘pre-teen’ songbook was mostly beatles + folk-style chord progressions/melodies. It remains my least favored stuff.
The Beatles are used in elementary school music classes. I enjoy their singing. “Obradiobrada, rife goes ooon, rarara rife goes on.”
Baths there sure look fun though.
Also, fwiw:
When i was ~10, and my parents fought, i also played music loudly to spite them/distract them.
for whatever reason, my preferred stuff to bug them was “breakdancing-electro”. Which i still very much like
wow time warp
That wasn’t the Time Warp you dolt; it was Jam On It
I am suddenly driving a Honda Civic wagon around Long Island, a suitcase of Bud in the back seat with everyone else, heading to some alleged house party.
LOL I thought it was going to be some obscure art shit for some reason.
“obscure art shit”
I didn’t have any of that @ 10. but i did have a lot of electro/freestyle stuff. I blame Crazy Eddie and his INSANELY low prices on locally-produced Cassette EP’s
What happens when your mom tells you she put that magazine you have hidden under your bed on your desk. Hint. We use coffee.
How NASCAR looks to fans of rally racing.
That is terribly reductiyooooooom
Nascar would be more exciting if they let deer roam around the track.
This should’ve been the overnight post.
I’ve got an idea for a photoshop thing, a razor ad “The Original Occam’s razor” with the tag line “everything is possible, not much is probable” But I’m stalled on what kind of razor should be pictured…
A straight-razor – other razors don’t really cut through things, they just shave them.
+1 on the straight razor.
I have a shavette, which is basically a straight razor that uses disposable blades. My face hasn’t been this smooth since I was 9 years old. It takes a lot of practice, but I think it’s worth it. Just don’t rush it or you’ll cut yourself, and cuts on the face don’t have to be very deep to spew out a tremendous amount of blood.
Using a straight on yourself is no joke; I think even many of those who shave others don’t do themselves. Should definitely practice with an old-fashioned safety razor first. A lot more control than the modern cartridge razors–which, even when I was a kid they were advanced enough that I taught myself how to shave (at an extremely early age, hairy little bastard) easily while using the cheapest drugstore crap out there; nowadays these Gillettes are practically idiot proof; I bet you could give a precocious-puberty toddler one and he wouldn’t even cut himself.
So it’s striking how much more control you have, and how much more careful you have to be, with the old-fashioned safety razors. I liked the closeness and cheapness–you could buy a fresh blade for each use that’s how cheap they were–not to mention fun but eventually decided it wasn’t worth the bit of a hassle; the new technology is indeed a wonderment. (And now I rock the Don Johnson anyway.)
Yea, I’m thinking about getting one of the old-fashioned safety razors that use disposable blades. I’ve gotten pretty good with the shavette, but there are still some spots that would be much easier to get with the blade perpendicular to the handle.
I had a little cut on my finger from dragging it up a bit of concrete I had to take out. Sliced my ring finger on one hand. I don’t mind the bleeding. But now I’ve got this inconsequential tiny cut, and I’m obsessed with the idea that the entire knuckle of finger could be torn off from that small cut. It makes no sense. Absolutely no sense. But that’s the kind of thought that plagues my mind.
I’m thirty one and I’m pretty sure I could be taken apart with a couple strategic paper cuts.
If you want a principle of parsimony sort of razor go with this
I know old man Builder Bob is down with KMK, what’s bout the rest yall?
I like King Crimson better.
Bob the Builder is second only to Caillou in terms of “I’m glad my kid outgrew these things”.
Friggin building monopoly in his own town (it was named Bobsville for Pete’s sake!). gets to set his own standards, hire incompetent intelligent machines. Those things were more incompetent than the trains in Thomas.
Why would you let your kids watch that?
You have to be very careful about content these days.
I’ll admit to bumpin’ KMK back in the day, but I always viewed them as a poor man’s Cypress Hill.
I will not–and Cypress Hill has been one of my favorite musical acts since they first dropped–but I will admit to playing that silly song CPRM linked to several times now. Maybe it’s the presence of Cypress Hill. In any case I am embarrassment proof because God help me, I actually like this.
Hey at least I have some standards. The above may have peeked its head above the threshold, but this classic didn’t even come close.
Fred Durst was a piece of shit that ruined rock.
Under his direction, you can hear his influence between the original version of Staind’s Mudshovel
and the version he produced
and they became this.
Huh, Jack Links is based in Wisconsin. And they have those Steve Smithish ads. Maybe I have a destiny.
Bitten by a radioactive sasquatch? Fueled by jerky, fighting the forces of urban encroachment?
Not fighting so much as… well, you know.
Or getting paid to make STEVE SMITH jokes into commercials. Either sounds good.
Well, or that.
Never mind, Fuck STEVE SMITH, he’s a Vikings fan.
I lurked do to commitments, And I Must say, WE ARE Nuts!
PSA: that is all
Years ago I said some shit to chick that wasn’t true. To get a blow job, I told her my uncle was a contestant on Hollywood Squares. I need to own my past and all the violent words I used against homos and lesbos. It’s clear to me now that an anus is not a comedic prop nor is chicks scissoring something to snicker at. My reprehensible comments caused harm. As my mother says, “Don’t say such things! You’ll speak them into being!”
I’ll watch what I say about groups of people and be more aware of my implicit bias. When I hear a queef, I’ll ask her if she needs a wet wipe. No more asking her to, “Do it again!”. I want to take other people’s live experiences and share the pain. But first, I need to fix me.