Pittsburgh sent Philly packing. Nashville did the same to Colorado. Tampa dismissed New Jersey. The MINNESOOOOOOOOOODA WIIIIIIILD were tamed by Winnipeg. Vegas pounded the Kings. And the Sharks rolled the Ducks. That leaves Washington with a 3-2 series lead over Columbus and Boston sitting the same against Toronto. Enjoy those two wrapping as the winners get a chance to heal up before the second round. The NBA are also playing playoff games. Enjoy them as well, if you dare.
Across the pond, the FA Cup final is set. Man United will face Chelsea. UCL Semifinals play the first leg this week. And Mo Salah, the King Of Egypt, was named PFA Player Of The Year.
I’ll finish the sports beat with an ESPN prediction that’s even more retarded than the shit they usually write. At a minimum, they have wildly overestimated the WNBA’s ability to draw more than a few hundred people a game. I’ll let you read the rest.

Are we celebrating his birthday or death day?
William Shakespeare, English poet and playwright (according to some, thief of Marlowe according to others) was born on this date. He died on it as well. As was William Penn. They share it with luminaries such as Vladimir Nabokov, Shirley Temple, Lee Majors, Sandra Dee, lards Michael Moore, the unfunny John Oliver, the lovely Joanna Krupa and rassler John Cena. Happy Birthday to all of you.
That’s it, time for…the links!
So it turns out that the Waffle House shooter was obviously insane. And the feds know all of this and still let him go rather than have him committed when he decided to have an unscheduled meeting with Trump last year by scaling the White House fence. That’s some good police work there, Lou.

Mama got a brand new bag!
Only in Chicago can the Circuit Court Clerk who has been under investigation for years based on her corruption, run for Mayor. Has she even paid off the right people to get to that point in her career? I thought she was still in the doling-out-favors-for-campaign-cash stage. Heh, maybe she’s collected enough scratch to buy a favor or two herself. I don’t have my Chicago Political Calculator out yet, so I can’t do the math.
If you’ve got the money to pay for dog cancer surgery, I guess you won’t mind when you find out it wasn’t cancer after all. (On a slightly related note, we miss you Bernie.)
Christ, what an asshole. But don’t worry. She’ll still get her full pension.

Girls will be boys and boys will be girls. Its a mixed up world…
Posted without comment because I was never involved in Cub Scouts or Boy Scouts. But I know quite a few of you were, so I thought it might interest you.
Kanye West speaks out on the benefits of diversity in the political opinions of minority communities. And then promptly finds out how much the left really believes in diversity.
That’s all for me. I’m getting back on the road again for the rest of this week. But I did get two nights in my own bed. And I should be home for a few weeks straight after this trip. Yay!
Well anyway, it was good to be back for the links. Even if it was just this once. But I shall return…
“The family of the Nashville Waffle House gunman says the troubled man was ‘delusional’ and believed that Taylor Swift was stalking him.”
Does that mean she’s a lesbian like Jodie Foster?
^^^ I like the new .gif
Shania Twain said she would have voted for Trump. I thought that was okay for country stars, but she got beat up and had to grovel for forgiveness from right-thinking people.
NEVER APOLOGIZE! People have learned nothing over the past two years.
Everyone falls for the lie that the Left are nice. The Left are not nice. They are bullies – and just like in corny children’s books, you have to stand up to bullies.
They are about extortion. As soon as you try to show contrition, they will come in like sharks smelling blood. Ask that woke idiot running Starbucks how well all that wokeness helped him when the left saw an opportunity to extort Starbucks…
It was a “she.” No longer with the company, too.
That was messed up. Sure, fire your employee for abiding by company policy. That is a sure fire way to attract talent in the future.
And now both sides are pissed-way to go dummkopf.
I while back I saw part of an interview with Dolly Parton. The interviewer was pressuring her to “pick a side” in politics. Dolly refused saying that she does not want to piss off any of her fans. Dolly is worth $500 million so maybe she has the right idea.
Exactly. Just stay a-political and sell your music, movies, etc. Most people aren’t watching/listening to celebrities for their political opinions anyway. If you must tell people your opinion, be totally 100% unapologetic about it.
I’m not a fan of her particular style of music, but everything I hear about Dolly Parton makes me love her persona.
She does a pretty kick ass cover of Collective Soul’s Shine
I like her Seven Bridges Road
It’s too late to apologize.
Trump’s faults and political er “motives” are certainly open for criticism, but is thing going to be the Democratic playbook for every Republican president? I feel like it’s 2001 again with Chimp McHaliburton Bush. It gets a little transparent. But lefty die-hards and party people (hi mom!) fall for it every time.
Every Republican president is the devil himself and every Republican ex-president is the guy the up and coming Republican candidate should be emulating. Lather, rinse, repeat.
Which is why I was more than a little amused by Bill Maher recently lamenting how hard he had been on past Republican presidential candidates because they’re not the Cheeto Menace.
The left wants everyone to know they will not allow the country to be run by anyone but one of them…
“After the National Rifle Association was criticized over how it treats black gun owners compared with white ones, Owens defended the group, which helps sponsor Turning Point events. She said: “The NRA is the oldest civil rights organization in the country. In the 1960s, they helped to train black Americans to use guns to defend themselves against the Ku Klux Klan, a Democrat terrorist group.””
Doesn’t she mean 1860s?
No. The First Klan was around trying to overthrow Republican reconstruction efforts. But the NRA wasn’t founded until 1871.
Then 1870s?
Yeah, one of the interesting things about both the 19th and 20th century Klans was that both were at their peak quite briefly indeed, and dropped off precipitously as quickly as they had arisen. But damn did they make their mark in that short time, well enough to remain legend even as…well, as ghosts.
That first Klan was a big thing from the time Forrest got involved until the time rather shortly thereafter when he disbanded the whole thing in disgust because he managed to make them big but couldn’t make them into anything more than a big bunch of degenerate psychopaths. More “gentlemanly” organizations did the heavy lifting after that.
” In the 1960s, they helped to train black Americans to use guns to defend themselves against the Ku Klux Klan, a Democrat terrorist group.”
Citation needed. As far as I know the NRA never did this.
The Revolt happened in 1977, so yeah I’d be very surprised if the pre-Revolt NRA was doing this.
I found this
Full disclosure: I didn’t read the whole thing.
That article is pretty heavy on assertions and pretty light on any concrete examples or evidence. Could be true, but that article didn’t do a good job of making the case.
f conservatives want to win black votes, telling that bloc that racism does not exist and calling those voters childish when they object is probably not the best approach – even when endorsed by a hip-hop artist once celebrated by black thinkers.
Get yo black ass back here, niggah. You got cotton to pick.
I still say he should have rushed the stage at the DNC, grabbed the mic from Hillary and said the nomination belongs to Beyonce.
If we would have done that, I would have had to buy his album just out of respect.
Take the “h” off your comment. I’m assuming you’re not transcribing a Southern accent, but rather inserting the “nigga” into the historical “nigger” slavemaster trope, which is a move so witty I’m surprised no one has done it yet. Truly a work of art.
Is she trying to attract John?
What’s the John reference?
And you know damn well that whatever comes out of her mouth, the rest of her is speaking loud and clear that John is not the Glib she’s going for. But when you are thirsting for some chocolate you won’t always settle for dulce de leche, which is just as well by me because she has progressed decidedly beyond my comfort zone. LOVED her in her prime.
John is a former commenter. The joke about John is he likes Fat Chicks.
Winston’s mom is a slut.
Sevo likes scrawny women.
Eddie is an uptight filthy papist.
Warty wants you to SQUAT MOAR!
John Titor is a time traveller.
Epi is the gayest monster since gay came to gaytown.
Jesse cooks tortillas.
That should be a starter to the lesser-known glibmemes.
Thanks! What is Warty’s backstory, and what is Tulpa’s? I didn’t even know these were real people until recently.
Warty is a demi-god & time traveler who can squat whole planets, if need be. He has a biographer who chronicles his mighty feats.
And you’re Tulpa, Tulpa.
Yes, I understand. I assumed these characters were based on actual meatspace commenters, like STEVE SMITH. Is this wrong?
That’s exactly something Tulpa would say.
Tulpa, at ToS, was a troll of the worst sort. Multiple ids, who would end up arguing over the minutia. ie arguing for the sake of arguing with no intention other than trolling. He would even argue with himself.
He’s me, he’s you. We are just creations of his, small puppets in a universe filled with endless Tulpas.
Tulpa is/was a copsucker who would create socks to support his point of view.
He’d forget which handle was which and respond back to himself.
Warty is an actual commenter.
Says you.
Try as I might I just cant ruin my reputation.
*hangs head in shame*
You’re a scary white boi
I believe you mean sarcasmic likes scrawny women.
No mention of Sugarfree and his Cthulhu cult fetishes?
[a vertically-slitted eye a mile-wide slowly opens]
I just failed my sanity check…
*Opera Applause*
“lesser known.
You are correct. Sarcasmic, Sevo, Cyto, Cytotoxic — who can keep all of Tulpa’s sockpuppets straight?
That is exactly what Tulpa would say…
Speaking of glibmemes, did we ever find out who this “mystery person” was who had apparently done something really bad?
Way to narrow it down.
***Looks innocently skyward***
Lousy hippie director attacks Marvel for not making lousy smelly hippie movies
And apparently we can look forward to more Smurf hippie science fiction from the king of hippie sci-fi.
Always worth a laugh: http://redlettermedia.com/mr-plinketts-avatar-review/
Avatar was one of the most cynical and shitty movies ever made. It irritated the living hell out of me it was that retarded.
I wanted the *bad* guys to win.
Same here. Fuck those blue rats.
“Avatar was one of the most cynical and shitty movies ever made. It irritated the living hell out of me it was that retarded.”
It was beyond retarded. That a bunch of primitive douchebag commune hippy primitives could take on a real, heavily armed, and trained, military force armed with a bunch of arrows and spears in a full frontal assault, and not just win, but win big, all because of Deus ex Machina Gaia like intervention, was beyond dumb.
The whole noble savages and humanity should go back to living in caves nonsense – especially coming from super rich cunts like Cameron , whom have made a killing peddling this stupid fiction – is down right assholish.
Not to mention that it was an obvious ripoff of Dances With Wolves.
Am I the only one here that didn’t take it to this level? I see the theme of “humans are bad because violence/technology/destruction of nature” in the movie, but I just ignored that. I think there’s something to be said about human’s ability to be extremely violent, and to transform and dominate the landscape in front of us without regard to other species. I also think its fun to imagine humans going to other worlds and attempting to dominate them, only to find out that they don’t fully understand the evolution that has taken place on that world.
Once you look past the whole “gaia is good and humans turned their back on her” message and look at it as a story about another world, its own evolutionary path and its encounter with an expansionary & violent alien race… the movie was fun (and supremely beautiful). It’s nothing profound or consistent or realistic, but its fun.
There was zero character development. Everyone was a one-dimensional caricature. It’s not my job to reimagine the story; that’s fricken the director’s job to engage and take us into places not considered. That’s the point for me anyway.
It was a lazy movie relying on technology (and it did have some neat imagery but like good looks on a hot girl, it eventually dissipates) to gloss over the poor writing.
And those things were punchable.
Eh, I really don’t think it was that bad. I think the movie gets way too much hate.
The 2D characters in a 3D movie really annoyed me. Businessman bad, wreck planet. Need Unobtainium. Really, fucking Unobtainium?
Okay, maybe its been awhile since I’ve seen the movie. Unobtainium… is pretty bad.
Indeed. AVATAR was an abomination. First off, it looked like a bad Roger Dean Yes album cover. For THREE FUCKING HOURS.
Second, it was really, really stupid. We’re going to fly this explosive laden transport ship over a special tree and drop the explosives like a supply drop!? This, from the director who at least spent some intelligence on constructing action sequences in many of his other films? And, gave us the “nuke it from orbit, it’s the only way to be sure” line!?
Not to mention the latent racism in equating the two dimensional Navi (I always read that as naive) with Native Americans, and making it impossible for them to win without their human ally who “went native.”
Plus, it not only ripped off DANCES WITH WOLVES, but also POCAHONTAS and A MAN CALLED HORSE.
Fuck that movie.
Again, this was not a well trained well equipped military operation.
It was a relatively small group of Mercenaries who had plenty of combat training individually but little to no drill together and had access to limited supplies of military equipment because they were not an invasion force, they were a corporate security force whose operations and equipment were geared towards defensive and not offensive operations.
Had it actually been a company of Marines with their full supply kit fighting with proper military doctrine and discipline then yeah you’d have a point but they weren’t.
“It was a relatively small group of Mercenaries who had plenty of combat training individually but little to no drill together and had access to limited supplies of military equipment because they were not an invasion force, they were a corporate security force whose operations and equipment were geared towards defensive and not offensive operations.”
I got exactly the opposite from the movie: these were some hard core people that were the best at what they did Sure they were recruited to go do this job, but their equipment, even if it was not top of the line, should have let even the shittiest commander roll over the fucking asshat primitives. And I want to mention that according to the movie they got a ton of training before they shipped out (the main character was almost written off because unlike his dead brother he had not done the extensive training).
The only way that technologically advanced force should have lost was if half of them had turned on the other half. Douchebags flying lizards and chucking spears or shooting bows should all have been turned into fertilizer by that kind of force. Not to mention that these highly capable people kept making the dumbest of mistakes possible. Like every situation where there was a choice, they picked the one option sure to guarantee failure.
This movie was an assholes dream whack off job where somehow the noble collectivism and Gaia cock sucking savages defeats the evil corporatists and their capitalist ways by sheer magic. It was basically trying to sell the premise that a piss-poor excuse for a guerrilla force, outgunned and outmanned, somehow still could defeat a real military force with superior tech and a will to kill. It’s laughable.
I should have clarified in a downright fight. A guerrilla force can overcome a superior force by attrition and by causing fatigue, but no guerrilla force has ever won an outright fight against a superior and better equipped military force. Ever.
1) There were only about 100 combat operatives (if that) in the security force so they were outnumbered by about 100 to 1
2) They were in a hostile alien environment, all you have to do to kill one of those operatives is break the glass on his combat armor and he suffocates
3) Their enemy’s bodies made them roughly as capable as the combat armor. Sure guns beat bows but the difference in effectiveness is nowhere near as great as it looks on screen
4) The military leadership made absolutely no attempt to study the enemy’s capabilities dismissing them, just as you do as savages
5) Don’t discount the benefit of active intervention of Mega Fauna
Finally Yeah, Lang and his boys made just about every single stupid decision you could make but you know what there hasn’t been a single war here on earth where you can’t point to one side or the other and say the exact same thing. Just look at the laughable track record of Northern Generals prior to Grant in the Civil War.
Lets put it this way, take 100 marines and give them small arms only then put them up against 10,000 Cherokee warriors, drop both in the jungle somewhere but then make the marines mount an offensive into the jungle to attack the main Cherokee camp AND tell the Cherokees the Marines are coming who wins?
What’s that you say? I’m rigging the game? Right exactly had they played it out differently and went to war against the smurfs but played a defensive game the Humans would likely have won but then they would not have met their unobtanium timetable and if war was not going to get the timetable met then the corporate overlords would never have approved it and Lang wanted a war at all costs so this rigged game was the only game to play. Now Lang being supremely confident in his own superiority over the smurfs figured he could still win no matter what on account of his superior firepower and air superiority so he was willing to play it. he never accounted for the Smurfs having their own means of air power and he didn’t retreat to reasses the situation when it became clear that they did.
Hmmm… Battles of Morgarten and Sempach are the counter to that.
“1) There were only about 100 combat operatives (if that) in the security force so they were outnumbered by about 100 to 1”
Not that I agree with the above at all, but I ask: So what? How well do you think 1000 guys with bows & arrows will do against a squad of Apache helicopters armed with anti-personnel hardware manned by 10 guys? You saw the weapons systems the Mercs had right? Somehow magically all that technology was mowing down people at the beginning of the encounter suddenly stopped working. What? These smurfs suddenly developed stealth characteristics from Gaia? It wasn’t even as if the Merc leader decided it would be unfair to unleash the full power of his hardware and somehow held back to make the fight fair and lost. No, he went all out, but the smurfs still managed to defeat a combat capability that had thousands of times their effective firepower.
“Hmmm… Battles of Morgarten and Sempach are the counter to that.”
Totally disagree Juan. Neither battle involved a bunch primitives fighting a superior and superiorly armed force in a face to face fight like they did in that fantasy Cameron had about off world Gaia.
there were numerous colonial wars in Africa circa 1900 where this similar circumstance happened, and the Europeans with Maxim guns won all of them
4 Helicopters, maybe enough to kill 300 – 400 of the 1000 and then they are out of ammo but it is irrelevant because the Nav’i are not humans but an alien race stronger than a Silverback Gorilla and more damage resistant than a Rhino remember and they have the capability to engage those helicopters in the air as opposed to being picked off on the ground.
You keep acting like the Nav’i are no different than Mongols or Native Americans or some other ancient earth culture that fought with primitive weapons against guns but they are not. It was plainly stated in the movie that the arrows they fired were capable of penetrating armor so those helicopters (which were not even armored) would be easy to take down for the Nav’i. Physically they can arm wrestle one of those mech suits and win and again their bows will shoot straight through them.
And finally yes, an actual military operation against the Nav’i would be a lopsided victory and there should absolutely be no way that there could be more than one more sequel as the next response is a division of space marines going in on a mission to conquer the Nav’i and maybe even to eradicate them and frankly there won’t be much interesting about that movie but that has no bearing on the conflict in this movie where the outcome made sense within the parameters set up for it.
Plus they had this whole xenopological skin suit program funded to reach out to the natives, but when they found the unuggghhtanium under the most sacred living thing these people had, nobody in engineering or biology said, “Hey, can we just drill like, 10 miles away, and go in lateral without hurting the tree?”
They were technologically savvy enough to space travel to another planet, bringing so much equipment with them, but couldn’t think their way out of a paper box.
I wanted the *bad* guys to win.
Stephen Lang had the only likeable character.
Super late reply but… just wanted to say that Elysium is actually this movie for me. It makes me so mad I end up not being able to explain in conversation the depths of how stupid and bad it is… It’s clearly intended to be an EXTREMELY thinly-veiled metaphor of leftist viewpoints on a variety of modern political issues (immigration, healthcare, etc…), but is so self-unaware that it doesn’t realize 1) it’s internal political logic is complete faulty and not at all an accurate portrayal of the real-world issues it is lecturing the audience on; and 2) it’s fictional reality actually undermines its shallow leftist talking points in ways the creators are clearly hilariously ignorant of…
In a way… I guess it’s like your average ignorant, college-aged, indoctrinated leftist painstakingly converted into movie form…
LOVE Plinkett and can’t believe he’s allowed to exist in a world like the one we’re becoming. I remember (back when they still had a fraction of a ball still working) the AV Club commentariat always admitting to loving Plinkett’s analysis but expressing dismay at his disturbing and problematic side stories which they wished would just go away.
Ha! I cannot stand any other of the “characters” and ongoing “narratives” that other review sites insist on including because they are actually run by frustrated aspiring directors and writers who can’t come to terms with the fact that they can’t actually do either and are not funny and nobody actually watches any of their delusional efforts to expand beyond reviews. (Maybe I’m out of date and no new channels actually do this anymore.) RLM either wears its characters lightly and sarcastically half-assed–like the video store guys–or there is Plinkett, who is fucking HILARIOUS. I love that character damn near as much as I hate all the other sites’ ones. I don’t know how this one–and only this one–pulls it off.
I certainly enjoy Razorfist’s reviews.
Hollywood needs to get off of James Cameron’s lawn.
I for one, enjoyed the side-blueb. But the premise and execution were dumb.
Way to mansplain there, Chief. (ー_ー)
Count Dankula sentence: Scottish comedian Mark Meechan who taught his girlfriend’s pug to perform Nazi salute fined £800
I’m glad he didn’t get jail time.
He says he’s appealing. He still could get jail time, evidently, at re sentencing if he loses appeal.
Wait, how does that work?
If you appeal and lose, they can up your sentence out of spite?
That’s what Dankula said in his post sentencing interview.
The death sentence is still on the table, if he refuses to pay.
I knew this was going to happen. 800 pounds is a lot of cash for a blue-collar punk from Glasgow, especially one whom no one will hire (though I bet his Patreon will blow up enough to feed half of Scotland over this). But the Crown was going to minimize embarrassment over this. The Man (so to speak) knows just how far he can push at any given stage of “progress”; and the climate is such right now that “sending the message” that you will be prosecuted for something like this was something they very much wanted to publicly parade, but imprisoning the man is too far to push for now.
Yep. The Pastor Niemöller thing rarely applies to ‘liberal’ democracies. They have the low cunning to make life unpleasant only for people who won’t inspire enough sympathy amongst the chattering classes for proper opposition to build up.
There might be exceptions to this, but if you can’t punish everyone who breaks a given law without society collapsing then you shouldn’t pass that law at all. Creating situations where you need to prosecute people on a completely capricious basis to try and terrify the rest of society into obeying is repulsive.
Hey, that’s good news. Hopefully he wins on appeal.
The real culprit is still at large.
Aren’t they going to put the dog down? I mean, he is a LITERAL NAZI.
The girls have gotten an enthusiastic welcome from Scout leaders and the boys themselves, he said. Some of the new members are friends the boys recommended, while others are sisters of Scouts. BSA officials have said the changes are aimed, in part, at making things more convenient for busy families, though that notion doesn’t sit well with some leaders at the Girl Scouts of the USA.
“To me, a daughter is not a matter of convenience. You’ve made the choice for your son based on what you thought was best for him, and the daughter should be getting a similar decision. We know facts prove that the Girl Scout program is the better program for the girls and young women we serve,” said Patricia Mellor, CEO of the Girl Scouts of the Green and White Mountains, which serves Vermont and New Hampshire.
“I welcome opportunity for girls, but for years, I’ve been reading the cases and the information coming out from Boy Scouts that their program was specifically designed for boys, only for boys,” she said. “I see that they’re not changing their programming and wonder why they believe a program designed by men for boys is going to meet the needs of today’s girls.”
But… that would imply some sort of intrinsic difference between boys and girls. You’ll wind up on a different sort of campout, talking like that.
How long until we see stories of knocked up scouts returning from camp? Someone light the PedoBot signal
“On my honor, I will do my best
to help the Girl Scouts get undressed.”
-our troop pledge ca. 1966.
…carried on to this day by OMWC!
fleur-de-lis decorated condoms!
To go to bars, to smoke cigars, to push old ladies in front of cars.
This isn’t a new thing in the UK. The Scout Association’s “Venture Scout” units (Age 17-20) have been *optionally* co-ed since the 70’s. I was in such a unit and some of the activities we did put us in way closer proximity than many many parents realized. Way, way closer proximity.
Coed Venture Scouting is (or was, I haven’t kept up) in the US version too.
It still is. I was venturing for a short time with a girlfriend. Sea Scouts is also coed, which can happen on a boat.
I heard a lot about this from people with their daughters involved in BSA and those without. There were some troops where there was no interest from girls to be involved. A majority of the troops *did* have girls involved, to the point where the only difference was that the girls couldn’t actually earn merit badges/rank/etc.
The common thread for the combined-sex troops was that they had families with daughters and sons, the children were close in age, and the local Girl Scout programs sucked. They also seemed to be in suburban or semi-rural areas. Mothers had involvement in the troop as well, so it was very much a family thing across the board.
The main complaint with the local Girls Scout organizations was that they had little or no outdoor program, and were mainly focused on selling cookies. That last part was repeated over and over again un-ironically.
The segregation issue was already solved in these troops, and the parents who were positive about it were glad that the girls would be able to step up into the troop leadership roles.
I had thought that this was just another case of entryism, but the actual people involved had a pretty positive view of it.
My son has been a Cub Scout for four years. It’s been a very positive experience for him – most of his friends are also in his Scout pack, and they have a lot of fun. I’m of two minds on this. On the one hand, if the way his pack is run changes significantly, then I will not be happy about this. On the other hand, sisters of Scouts already participate in many of the activities the boys do. Just yesterday, his Weblos den did a 3 mile hike to clean up trash in a local park, and several sisters (including my daughter) went along. I really don’t think it has to be a negative thing so long as it’s handled correctly.
My daughter used to want to join the Cub Scouts, but has since gotten into Y-Princesses (formerly known as Indian Princesses) and loves it. Two weekends ago we had our spring camping trip, where she shot a rifle for the first time and had a blast.
I’ll add, it’s amazing to me that the Princesses were the ones to do a rifle range while the Cub Scouts will only do air rifles.
This is where we stand as well. I run my son’s Pack (I’m the Committee Chair), and we are going coed because our families with daughter *already* are putting their girls in the program. They just didn’t get uniforms, badges, etc.
This isn’t entryism. This is existing families opting to change. At least in my Pack.
Same here. And there is a difference between Cubs and Boy Scouts.
From girlscouts.org description of what Brownies do:
I had a great time in Cub Scouts, but Brownies sounds hella boring compared to what I got to do. Brownies could always let in effete little boys should they choose to do so. Wonder when that shoe will drop, I don’t think it’s a bad idea if they make the decision to change without lawsuit or much fanfare.
It won’t. The women that run Girl Scouts and run Girl Scout Troops tend towards the more traditional.
This here – I don’t see this as an issue of rampant feministing or – girls want to camp and learn useful outdoor and life skills too. I don’t think there would be as much demand for coed Boy Scouts if Girls Scouts didn’t suck.
At the Boy Scout level (coming winter 2019), the troops are supposed to be single gender. Same program/handbook/advancements.
Besides teens being teens, there is a second issue. Adolescent boys are lazy, the girls are more mature, and studies done by BSA of Explorers/Ventures/Sea Scouts and other co-ed youth orgs show the girls will take over if you mix the genders. There is strong motivation to keep them apart, at least for now.
At the Cub level, the program is adult run, so Dens will be segregated by gender.
When does a Cub Scout become a Boy Scout?
When he eats his first Brownie.
/old joke
Scouting teaches valuable skills.
“And the feds know all of this and still let him go rather than have him committed when he decided to have an unscheduled meeting with Trump last year by scaling the White House fence.”
Are we arguing for involuntary commitment of crazies? I don’t like the idea.
This guy and the Florida shooter are both obvious cases of nutters who should have been committed.
I disagree. The Florida shooter should have been charged with felonies that were related to his past actions, not his state of mind.
This guy maybe should have been on prison for jumping the white house fence. Maybe not, I’m not sure what kind of charges that action brings.
Locking people up for their state of mind is a bad road to go down.
They took his guns, I think they got it right. How much civil/criminal heat will his idiot father get for giving them back?
Ya I was surprised they gave the weapons of an adult male to someone else (even though it’s his father).
Taking someone’s guns is always a canard.
There is no such thing as disarming someone in the United States. The state can take his weapons and put him on a list, but that does no good. There are always guns available to anyone who wants one.
Are you saying that people that don’t care about a law will not be deterred if they want to get a gun?
All I’m saying is-
there are no tags on my mattresses.
The shooter didn’t have to try too hard to get guns in this case. Someone broke the law and/or knowingly showed extremely poor judgement in providing them. I’m not willing to run down that rabbit hole in every situation, but here the father is a numb nuts and deserves whatever legal repercussions are coming his way.
My theory is that they haven’t arrested the father yet because they are hoping the son will try to make contact . As soon as the shooter is caught the father will be hauled in.
He jumped the White House fence because imaginary Taylor Swift told him too. I’m pretty surprised that didn’t raise major flags with the Secret Service.
The secret service is there to protect the government. That’s it.
He sure sounds a lot like the last guy to shoot a President.
What’s the alternative? There are legit violent nutters out there and they are occasionally adults whose parents don’t care for them anymore. Are we always forced to wait until they shoot a place up before we get them the help they need?
If they’re crazy and potentially violent AND they take an action that confirms those traits, which this guy did, an involuntary commitment is warranted in my view.
How do you identify a legit violent nutter before he goes nuts. For every 1 mass shooter, there are a 1000 nutters who never harm a fly. I know some. You know some.
And who is to say locking up people in mass is going to solve the problem. How many nutters who would have never turned violent are turned violent after being involuntary committed because of the experience. How many non-nutters are locked up because of mistakes and have their 2nd amendment rights removed for life because of the incident.
Doing something may well be worse than not in more cases than not.
I’m pretty sure his actions, jumping the WH fence to meet with Trump, exhibit highly atypical behavior. So do his paranoid delusions. And while the latter is merely a thought, the former ACTION shows he’s willing to act on his irrational impulses..
I’m not saying throw him in prison. I’m saying get him committed to ensure he gets the opportunity to get treatment and to ensure the safety of general society, which he’d already shown the willingness to disregard..
I really question the idea that a person who is involuntarily committed to a State institution gets any worthwhile treatment. It’s incarceration pure and simple and should require the same due process as any other incarceration.
When I ended up in a psych hospital while I was in college (after a suicide attempt), one of the guys in there had been in a state hospital for a while. He said pretty much the same thing — it’s essentially jail in another setting, and there’s no real therapeutic work being done, except for meds.
I vote for not doing anything other than finding this one individual and locking him up/executing him after due process. We have the 2nd amendment, which means occasional tragedies involving guns will happen – the odds that you will encounter one of these tragedies is extremely low. Full stop. That’s it.
Isn’t that what the psychological evaluation is for?
Conducted by whom? The state?
A violent nutter was let go and then killed two people just down the road from where I grew up.
He was committed to a mental hospital for assaulting his mother. Then they let him go and he stopped taking his medication and bludgeoned two people to death with a pipe wrench.
I’m very worried about loosening the process for involuntary commitment, but it should be done some times. The schizophrenics seem to be troublesome because with meds you get them to a pretty solid place. The problem is that if you let them out and they stop taking their meds, they go crazy again and if they don’t have someone to help them get back on the meds they are in trouble.
That’s a shit story, but how could it have been prevented?
Permanent incarceration is the only way I know and I’m not willing to do that to people. Bad things happen in a free society. worse things happen in one that isnt.
Does anybody but a licensed plumber need an assault wrench?
Are we arguing for involuntary commitment of crazies? I don’t like the idea.
Yeah, that’s not something I’m comfortable with. You’d need a really fucking high burden of proof that the person is a danger TO OTHERS.
The media is way over doing it. Didn’t he only kill four people? That’s just another Saturday night in Chicago.
I think in this case, he would have met a fucking high burden of proof.
Sean Hannity Isn’t A Journalist And Fox News Isn’t News
Today’s challenge finish this article without dying from derp.
Fox News isn’t what? That headline was written by a ______________.
Huffpo writing about journalism is like Stevie Wonder singing about colors.
“After watching and listening to Donald Trump since he announced his candidacy for president, we have decided we won’t report on Trump’s campaign as part of The Huffington Post’s political coverage. Instead, we will cover his campaign as part of our Entertainment section. Our reason is simple: Trump’s campaign is a sideshow. We won’t take the bait. If you are interested in what The Donald has to say, you’ll find it next to our stories on the Kardashians and The Bachelorette.”
Hannity is as much a journalist as Rachel Maddow or Chris Cuomo.
Today’s challenge finish this article without dying from derp.
Challenge accepted.
**reads article**
“Here lies Rebel Scum. Son, friend, and resident internet shit-poster…”
But seriously, Jesus Christ. I wanted to quote something but it is nothing but absolute projection, distortion of reality and stupidity.
Manic Monday: PTSD Reparations Edition
military-style assault weapons
Literal Military Weapon
2nd Amendment fraud being perpetrated on our nation
But enough about leftist constitutional propaganda.
This Florida county voted for Trump. But it’s a lot like the sanctuary cities he loathes. “It’s a lot like the sanctuary cities he loathes.” Do you think maybe that’s the reason they voted Trump? Perhaps that county is sick of it and hoped Trump’s election would change things.
Suck it up snowflakes.
Has hell frozen over? This is the second time I’ve found myself agreeing with Maher in a couple weeks. Also apparently president Trump makes parenting hard?
Maher can be horrible, but he gets it right every now and then.
I think in this case, he would have met a fucking high burden of proof.
I have not read about this particular event, so I cannot say. I just harbor a deep, deep suspicion of the whole notion of “society” getting to lock people up for what they MIGHT do. The net will be cast ever-wider. The mission will creep.
Yea, the slew of stories in the media about how conservatives and libertarians have varying degrees of mental illness doesn’t make me eager to embrace the concept, either.
Yeah, I’m not comfortable with this whole Minority Report pre-crime stuff either. Sadly, sometimes shit happens and there’s nothing that can be done, or what could be done leads to something worse.
So you are saying Suthenboy is going to shoot up a Wendy’s?
Well, he is a “scary white boy”.
Apr 17
Replying to @Wendys
I don’t know where to go to, McDonald’s or Burger King?
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Verified account
Apr 17
Depends. How disappointed are you looking to be?
1 reply 2 retweets 39 likes
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Apr 17
0 replies 0 retweets 1 like
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That’s the best they can do with GIF technology?
I would say it requires due process, just like a criminal trial, with the burden of proof being on the state. You can trigger involuntary commitment at sentencing during a criminal trial, but it would be (and should be) really difficult to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that someone who hasn’t hurt anyone or committed a crime is a danger to society and needs to be locked away for “treatment”
Well, it was nice knowing you all. Guess sometime today we’re all going our Separate Ways (Worlds Apart).
::fills up N2O bottles:: Bring it on!
Someday, love will find you.
Do I have to listen to Blondie rap?
A story that, surprisingly isn’t from Florida.
A story so depressing even STEVE SMITH wouldn’t link it!
But should be noted that he only went on the killing spree once the government decided to arrest him for incest. Surr, that sort of thing is creepa AF, but you can’t even make a coercion argument here since the daughter was adopted out and she didn’t really meet him until she was an adult.
Genetically similar attraction is a real and powerful thing. One more reason to keep the State the fuck out of peoples bedrooms and marriages.
Because I am kindof a masochist, I continue to post and debate on derpbook. To celebrate Earth Day, I provided my normal, snarky pro-fossil fuels message (and I added pro-plastic bags to this years) with the intent of triggering an environazi. It worked. I got told plastic is evil, a short lecture about the efficiency of alternative energy sources (but not including nuclear, of course), and how even Exxon confessed and repented for their sins relatively recently.
Plastic: Meh
Alternative energy sources (but not nuclear, of course): If they were better we would use them (without subsidy…) because economics. The end.
Exxon: Excuse me if I do not believe a soviet style, extorted “confession”.
Any Glib input is welcomed.
Plastic in the oceans is not coming from North America or Europe.
I pointed that out. Also, linky no worky.
Shit. Try again.
Yeah, but we invented plastic, so it’s our fault. We corrupted the purity of Asia.
But it’s their fault you could write it down.
I was cleaning out the garage and recycled a copy of the book Fifty Things You Can Do to Save the Earth.
*opera applause*
Plastics represent an infinitesimally tiny amount in the oceans. And they are sequestered carbon.
The impact of their production on the environment is far smaller than alternatives such as plant fiber (the chemicals needed for conversion, use, and routine cleaning/disinfecting are really nasty- walk through a cloth or paper plant sometime), glass (very high energy cost for purifying, melting, and forming), or metal (ditto). Plastics require simple processing without corrosive chemicals, only need low energy inputs because of low heat capacity and melting points, and are comparatively chemically inert.
The comments…
“Bridget Losch
I have nothing better to do since my son was shot by someone jokingly pointing a gun at him. There’s nothing funny about guns to me anymore.”
“Jacob Erling
I don’t get backlash over an unfunny played-out joke, but this stupid comparison of cars and guns has to stop, they are nothing alike. Cars serve a vast array of purposes and benefits and were not designed to kill, guns are manufactured for being good at tearing through flesh.”
“Ally Maynard
Ally Maynard
Apr 22
Replying to @jayfeely
Cool to know if your daughter has any self agency you’ll shoot her boyfriend.”
What about the comments?
guns are manufactured for being good at tearing through flesh.”
I’m sorry but you may be using your gun wrong.
Maybe he’s a Glock owner. I’m pretty sure they were designed to rip through the web between thumb and finger first, and maybe shoot some bullet things as an afterthought.
Counterpoint: Browning Hi-Power. It’s torn through more flesh in a very sensitive place than STEVE SMITH.
Cars serve a vast array of purposes and benefits and were not designed to kill
Then is it not curious that 4-5 times as many people are killed through the use of automobiles as there are homicides (not accounting for those that are justifiable) by firearm?
I hate that argument and I’ve gotten from anti-gunners before. It’s entirely dishonest.
Holy ever-loving fuck is she hot.
a)It’s pathetic than anyone is crying about this
b)Fuck Jay Feely. I will never forgive him for blowing what should have been a Giants win in Seattle in 2005.
he’s doing it wrong.
you invite the boy into your home while your daughter is getting ready for prom. sit him down and discuss car mufflers; their genesis, purpose, applicability to other sectors. have this discussion while surreptitiously cleaning small baffles and assembling a tube. end the discussion by threading that tube onto your AR, seating a mag, and releasing the charging handle out of locked-back position.
“have fun, kids!”
wildly overestimated the WNBA’s ability to draw more than a few hundred people a game.
If they started wearing lingerie, I might be inclined to watch women’s basketball.
Ummm, nope.
Ya nope
^has never watched WNBA
“How the U.S. became Troll Nation: From Gamergate to the rise of Trump
Before “MAGA,” Gamergaters claimed harassing women online was “about ethics in video game journalism”
Amanda Marcotte
The national tragedy that was the election of 2016, in which a conspiracy theory-minded half-literate racist demagogue named Donald Trump managed to defeat the eminently qualified Hillary Clinton in the presidential race, created its own mini media industry asking the question why? How had this human troll, with his mugging face, orange coloring, and p**sy-grabbing ways, managed to beat someone who had a long career in public service and had clearly done her homework?
A number of theories were floated, including claims that white working class America was reacting to poor economic circumstances, even though the economy was far more stable than it had been when Barack Obama won in 2008 and job numbers were largely looking good. Some imagined it must have had something to do with Clinton herself, that she had somehow run a uniquely terrible campaign and was solely to blame for the loss. But the evidence for this is lean on the ground.”
TW; Salon, adblocker crap, severe cognitive impairment,
The left really has lost all contact with reality.
Keep progging harder, dumbasses!
“To most people who witnessed it at the time, Gamergate seemed like one of those incomprehensible internet wars that fades as quickly as it erupts, but in retrospect, it was an alarming portend of the rise of Trump, the alt-right and an America that now has torch-wielding white supremacists starting street fights in the name of fascism. It foretold a country where the American right has devolved into a nihilistic movement, prepared to tear down the country rather than share it fairly with women, LGBT people and people of color.”
Amanda hasn’t stopped crying in a year and a half.
Thanks for making me smile today.
Gey a grip honey.
a conspiracy theory-minded half-literate racist demagogue
But enough about Hillary.
Donald Trump managed to defeat the eminently qualified Hillary Clinton
I don’t think these words mean what she thinks they mean.
Holy shit. The entire next paragraph is the opposite of the truth. One of us is taking crazy pills and I’m pretty sure it is not me.
Some imagined it must have had something to do with Clinton herself, that she had somehow run a uniquely terrible campaign and was solely to blame for the loss. But the evidence for this is lean on the ground.”
The woman never set foot in Wisconsin once and barely had any campaign staff there.
We voted a lesbian in as a senator, it was sure thing!
“But the evidence for this is lean on the ground.”
Nothing about Hillary is lean. Except her Midwest travel schedule.
When the derp kills brain cells a few at a time, I can handle it.
Mandy is the Mao of brain cell deaths.
I maintain that Gamergate was in fact a significant watershed moment in the culture-wars…
….if for no other reason that the Left continues to desperately attempt to re-cast and spin it so that no memory of its reality can persist.
The superficial understanding of the thing is 100X more important to them than the facts of the matter. What it was, was an exposure of conspiratorial left-wing bias in media
And they got caught. What’s the solution to remedying that? MORE conspiratorial left wing spin.
This is why many of the GG people ended up drifting to an alt-light media fringe. Because quite literally everyone in the MSM chose to take this “its about harassment” thing and run with that.
Agreed on all points.
As GG was happening in real time, there was non-stop ridicule from outside the gaming community at the very idea that progressives would somehow try to hijack an entire medium and make sure that it was chained to their narratives. The gamers were assured that thinking there was any kind of coordinated political/cultural agenda was a paranoid delusion and the real problem was that they’re all a bunch of misogynist troglodytes. And, as you correctly point out, the MSM was all too happy to frame the whole thing as being about harassment because that was (a) easier to explain and (b) fit in with half of the country’s expectations that any male-dominated hobby would certainly be a toxic hell-hole.
Five years later, and it’s “hey, why do all my comic books suddenly suck?”
Ran out of time but I was going to add that following those events, the idea that the media might not be just “somewhat biased” but “completely, nakedly one-sided” really started to latch on in the public consciousness.
If they started wearing lingerie, I might be inclined to watch women’s basketball.
They’d need some better looking women.
I may have jumped the gun there. I’ll stick to women’s volleyball.
There is a sport where the women are often quite attractive. I would much rather watch that than womens’ basketball.
I would much rather watch women’s volleyball than men’s basketball ?any day of the week.
There are some attractive women’s basketball players. (Not nearly as many as volleyball, natch) The problem with women’s basketball isn’t the women, it’s the game. Women’s volleyball is quite good, eye candy aside. Women’s tennis is great. Women’s golf is really good and it’s gotten a lot better over the past 20 years.
Basketball? Not so much. One of the foundational problems with the women’s game is that they play with a smaller ball than the men but the rim is at the same height; that is 100% backwards.
The national tragedy that was the election of 2016
So, in Richmond the 4/20 school walkout to protest gun violence was supposed to be 10,000 strong. Police estimates of crowd size were 200-500.
What happened in everyone else’s towns?
No walkouts in our area that I’m aware of. Kansas City metro.
Not a ton here, at least not covered by the media. And I’m in Broward County.
Considering this, I hope they keep it up. People are getting bored of junior gun grabber tantrums getting 24/7 media attention.
Oh, the kids turned out in expected numbers. It’s just that the cops were only looking at the front of the school. The rest were out back “raising awareness” with Speaker Boehner. The Republican money machine has many tricks.
Bwahahahaha! Gold, Jerry!
Uvm students had a fun run, most smoked pot in the soccer field.
Yeah, but since the Three Stooges of Northam, Fairfax, and the revolting Herring were there, it was a Huge Success™!!
A few dozen whiney control freak choldren congregated in Concord, NH to demand that everyone totally stop killing them. A dozen other children counter-demonstrated with lots of Gadsden flags and were willing to concede a longer waiting period was a good idea.
My son’s school let all the kids “reflect” how they wished. He engaged in a pretty fun debate on how to actually make schools safer. Bans and confiscations were soundly mocked by the overwhelming majority of kids.
And in El Paso, some dumbass kid walked out and promptly got run over by an assault F150.
That’s a fucked up story. I’d like to see the teachers that organized these kids as political props get crucified.
In my town, ground zero for school walkout activism, over 1,000 kids requested permission to attend the walkout, and just under 1,000 kids phoned in sick, or had “good” reasons to not attend school – presumably for a variety of reasons.
Yet about 150 were on the ‘march’. The rest were either in a pro-2A counter protest (about 80) or seen scampering off thru’ the woods around Lake Mamanasco because it was a nice day and someone told them they didn’t have to be in class. Most of the pro-2A kids later rejoined the other 700+ kids that had turned up and were prepared to put in a normal school day.
Chortle. This anecdote makes me happy.
TSS (Teenage ShitLord Son) attended the pro-2A demonstration against my (strong) advice not to, but the film crew jumped thru’ hoops to ensure no footage was captured of those deplorables.
The sole NH ABC affiliate here gave the Gadsden gang very considerable mic and camera time to voice their position, close to 50 percent actually, and their representative handled himself with conviction.
My kid said a lot of people left class on Friday to attend the protest, but only about 10 – 15 kids actually made it to the protest. The others fucked off somewhere fun.
Maybe the kids will be alright.
Mo Salah, Mo Salah, Mo Salah
Running down the wing
Salah la la la la la la la
Egyptian king
Burma Shave.
“I believe that the citizens of Chicago now know that they made a mistake in 2007,” Brown said, acknowledging her failed campaign for mayor against Richard M. Daley.
Phrases that you can expect to hear from Her Shrillness should she have the audacity to run in 2020.
SEA SMITH has a younger brother?
Seems so much less rapey.
Speaking of the SMITH family, I suspect STEVE might like these folks.
This guy must be tasty
Or really stupid.
Firefighter called for stoned raccoon. Jeff Session begins to rub his nipples over an excuse to crack down on evil MJ.
Won’t someone please think of the fur babies!
This weekend I attended my kids’ high school/jr high drama performance. This time it was Grease. I saw the movie many times growing up (I first saw it at a drive in with my mom and dad). I never remember it being too racy. But there were a few gasps during the evening. They stuck pretty close to the script. In most of the play, the kids are pretending to drink and smoke. At one point Rizzo says “Get away from me. What do you think this is, a gang bang?”. In another scene someone asks if Marty’s boyfriend is a Jap, then they ask if he’s a Pollack. There is the scene where Rizzo thinks she’s pregnant. And there is the car scene where Danny tries to go “too far” with Sandy. (Me too anyone?)
I’m happy that my kids go to a school where they think it’s ok to push the envelope a little. We did Grease at my high school but that was 30 years ago. Things are way different in 2018. I’m wondering how long before plays like this get completely sanitized or eliminated all together.
Sounds like they did it justice (as much justice as can be done by aspiring middle school actors).
Awhile back I went to my then-gf’s little sister’s high school Romeo and Juliet performance. She pointed out that all of the black kids played servants in the play. Not going to lie, I also noticed this. Seeing as how she’s black, she wasn’t very happy about it. That being said, the play was well done and mostly un-edited.
It seems to be a common view amongst the more swivel-eyed progs that if a character says something problematic / non-woke, and isn’t instantly corrected and/or punished by good-thinkers, the statement itself the author’s view, and must be censored. Taken to its logical conclusion this means that if you’re writing any sort of historical fiction the ‘good’ characters have to have the sort of opinions that even left-wingers didn’t have a decade ago.
I’ve noticed that too. It’s a stupid and shallow way of thinking.
I thought the stereotype was that Lefties had a lot of unemployed English majors in their ranks? Don’t they know the difference between depicting and endorsing something?
They basically want everything to propagandize as subtly as a children’s morality play. One gets the impression that they fear the power of independent thinking.
Honestly shocked that school administrators let high school kids sing that song
“You need to make a lesbian sex tape.”
— J. R. R. Tolkien
I feel a stirring in my loins.
Evan want brunette badly.
I clicked thru just to figure out why you chose Tolkien.
Well done.
That judge thinks she’s Judge Judy.
How despicable and without an ounce of humanity.
believed Taylor Swift was stalking HIM’ by hacking his phone and Netflix account…he tried to scale a fence near the White House
Crazy is as crazy does.
His political beliefs are not publicly shared on Facebook.
I suspect he is more of a Jared Loughner and less of a James Hodgkinson.
Well there is something that will be inferred based on the victim lineup. And quite frankly I would sport them this softball.
Cub Scouts or Boy Scouts
If only there were alternatives available that catered to girls. We could call it the Girl Scouts, or Indian Princesses, or something.
Girl Scouts is a terrible organization, though
Tom Arnold has an awful lot to say for someone whose career, such that it is, was based entirely on marrying Roseanne Barr.
TW: Twitchy
He also starred in True Lies, which was the best action movie of the 90s and I’m still pissed it never got a sequel.
That movie is criminally underrated and it is indeed the only thing that I think Tom Arnold is funny in. He fucking dominates that movie.
And that movie has EVERYTHING. Great action comedy. And I would argue that Tia Carrere circa Wayne’ World 2 and True Lies is absolutely top tier goddess level. Maybe only Sin City-era Jessica Alba occupies that rarified air. (I was surprised and heartened by the fact that Alba is a business owner and has made a shit-ton of money from founding it.)
And although I’ve never found Jamie Lee Curtis particularly attractive, she’s fit and hot as fuck during her strip tease.
Also, the bad guy gets caught on a sidewinder missile by his clothes and then Arnold shoots the missile through a building to kill the other bad guys in a helicopter killing all of them. Fuck, yea.
It. Has. Everything.
I stated it multiple times on TOS, but it is still true:
The hottest SF babe of all time is Leeloo Dallas Multipass.
False. It is Cmdr. Susan Ivanova. Fight me.
Jessica Atreides, this is all
So close, but off the mark.
It’s Princess Aura
I agree with this.
Previously, someone suggested that Alice from Resident Evil was hotter than Leeloo. While it is a decent choice, they were clearly wrong.
Ivanova is a good choice if you are into Dominatrix style women but I’d rather have someone who can get inside my head like Lyta Alexander
Its not the dominatrix style. Its competence. Competence is sexy
“It. Has. Everything.”
Including Charlton Heston wearing an eye patch.
Everything about this post is correct.
Here fucking here. True Lies is very nearly the perfect action flick. I wouldn’t even sully it’s name by calling it an action-comedy; its an action flick that happens to be extremely funny.
Amen. Arnold was actually great in TRUE LIES. Let’s not forget Bill Paxton. It’s a fantastic movie. And a remake of a French film, I believe.
+ Jamie Lee Curtis striptease
She (sie?) hid her girlcock really well during that dance.
It was the best James Bond movie ever.
One of the responses:
God damn, that is hilarious.
Sun bunnies getting their “tempt you with the lust of the flesh” on.
I would happily allow 9 to ruin my life. Countless soldiers have fought and died so that 26 can display the flag in the proper way; emblazoned across a pair of huge knockers.
Q…uh….I don’t know how to tell you this.
But 26 is maaaaaan, baby.
Too busy to rank but I saw some excessive talent. 5 doesn’t look like she could possibly be a real person. It’s like hour-glass perfection. 11 reminds me of the girl that I spent Sat night with.
Sigh. Swoon.
“But 26 is maaaaaan, baby.”
As long as she’s post-op, still would.
26 is a cross fitter. I recognize the phenotype.
“Let’s “Ax the Pink Tax” (FOR THE LAST TIME)”
Who knew that the Church of Satan was controlled by such assholes?
If conservatives want to win black votes, telling that bloc that racism does not exist and calling those voters childish when they object is probably not the best approach
I don’t know any self-describe libertarians or conservatives that claim racism does not exist. This is the same trope leftists pull with climate change. Don’t think there is imminent, catastrophic, anthropogenic climate change? You’re a “climate-denier”. Don’t think racism is pervasive*, systematic*, and the greatest evil of evils? You don’t think racism exists.
* It kindof is, just not how leftists mean.
Plenty of conservatives say racism doesn’t exist.
I know a lot that say institutional racism doesn’t exist. And of course, they’d be wrong since affirmative action is still around.
It’s not that it doesn’t exist, it’s that it is constantly used as a cudgel to bash people back into their proper place. It’s also a much smaller cause of the pathologies of minority communities than simply making poor choices. Even if your school sucks and your neighborhood is a disaster and all your friends are gangbangers and drug slingers it’s still possible to resist temptation, make good choices and get out of the ghetto. It’s harder than it is for a white kid from the ‘burbs, but fully possible.
Saying racism doesn’t exist is like saying lying, cheating and stealing don’t exist; of course there will always be people with hate in their heart. But acting like that small minority of people is what’s keeping the black man down is ridiculous.
At least that’s how I interpret conservative complaints about racism in contemporary America.
I’ve literally never* heard a conservative say this.
*Except maybe in online comments (which are probably trolls anyway)
Or they are speaking figuratively and assuming the reader has an IQ over 80 and can reasonably infer from the context what they actually mean. It does get rather annoying after a while having to type 300 words worth of caveats and clarifications just to make a simple point
When I was trying to explain at a family dinner* how most “inequalities” between the sexes are actually the result of career choices that women are making, my own mother said to me, “so what you’re saying is that sexism doesn’t exist?”
* I didn’t bring up politics, but they were going on and on about how Trump was the worst human being in history and Obama was a perfect president and human being. When someone said “Trump is just a narcissist” without a hint of awareness about Obama’s egomaniacal tendencies, I couldn’t keep a fucking lid on it anymore.
I got into it with my wife along those lines. The Stormy Daniels thing came up, and she was basically like, “Between that and the Russian hookers” and I stopped her and said, “You mean the unverified claims made by anonymous sources in Russian intelligence to an ex-British intelligence guy with a credibility problem paid for by the Clinton campaign?” And she said, “Well, the thing is that it’s believable is all. And it’s disrespectful to the office and embarrassing to the country.” “Yeah, if you don’t like Trump it’s believable. Just like the Birther bit, which your girl Hillary supported, was believable if you already hated Obama. Oh, and if you’re upset about the office being disrespected you should take it up with the people pushing the story: MSNBC, the Democratic party, and, oh, you.”
Shit was a little lively, but I think I got close to a breakthrough.
The popular definition of racism has been watered down to the point of being meaningless. When “microaggressions” are treated as racist acts, we’re all racists. The point of doing this is to instill guilt which can then be used to create political leverage and remove resistance to the left’s agenda.
Plus there is no way to wash away “microaggressions,” as you will perpetually be guilty of offering slight. It’s the new original sin!
Last winter we visited Hawaii and it seemed like every local had some story about Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson (who was shooting Jumanji there) and it was positive. Everyone was gaga about him.
So I guess I shouldn’t be surprised by this story about him getting a prom proposal from a Minnesoda gal.
What is the opposite of a nut punch? A ray of light?
…and then she drugged and raped him.
Well, duh.
“Mass killings like this Waffle House shooting is NOT ABOUT GUNS. Its about white supremacy. The state can create all the gun laws they want, and these white supremacists have all types of alternative networks and loopholes (assisted with the help of the NRA) to obtain guns”
“Whenever you see people quickly label a white mass shooter as “mentally unstable”, thats a white supremacist code that says the shooting is somewhat justified and there should be leinient (or no) punishment”
Sweet, so gun control is pointless and only serves to disarm women and minorities? I agree, NO MORE GUN CONTROL!
And yet totally unaware he made the pro-2A argument for us.
Somewhat right in that gun control has it roots in a racism to keep blacks from being armed. But their solution is to embrace that racist idea even further.
Evidently, the problem with Jim Crow wasn’t that it degraded black people, but that it *only* degraded black people.
Is Tariq Nasheed an insatiable troll? How could anyone actually be that retarded?
RE: Boy/Cub Scouts.
Basically it’s part of a systematic attack on any male-only clubs and/or activities as being part of the patriarchy and societal sexism. It’s a shame because I’ve read that these kind of male-exclusive clubs and organizations form an important part of society giving men a place where they can talk and relate on a level that is normally disallowed in “polite” society. Absent these clubs being socially acceptable, the only options left are the Military (though not for long if the social engineers get their way) and underground like 4chan, video games and MGTOW (which are all of questionable social value)
Military is gone.
Nothing says bad ass Amazon Warrior like being vulnerable to Russian Bots bullying them on social media.
Meh. I’ll agree with the grunt here.
The big assumption is that the standard will be the standard. That’s what the gender nazis assure us, that the standards for combat arms will be the standards, and that women will have to meet the standards. What will actually happen is that sooner or later, they will adjust the standards to meet the women. People will get killed because of this, but not the gender nazis.
There’s a lot of things in the modern military that women can do as well as a man. Combat arms, and that includes things like artillery and armor that some people think is “just shooting a cannon” or “just driving a tank” require a level of physical strength and endurance that women simply do not possess, as a group.
Also, the typical male body gets the crap beat out of it operating at that level for the number of years that a military career usually ensues. That means staying in a significant level (60-80% of peak) of conditioning to just maintain.
For a woman to maintain that level she has to stay at +90% of peak for than same time.
They’ll be as broke as NFL players before retirement.
I, for one, toast the She-Woman Man-Haters Club in their quest to escape penis when things just get overwhelming.
Honestly, if I were a young girl nowadays, I would want to join the Boy Scouts. My Girl Scout troop had their meetings in the school library, where we did arts & crafts and homemaker shit. Luckily, back in the 80’s, there was Camp Fire Girls, and we did a lot more outdoor stuff. But Boy Scouts is where you really learn the good stuff.
I mean, I’d rather Girl Scouts focus more on outdoor skills than put girls into Boy Scouts, but if you had no option….
What’s wrong KK, mandatory fundraising via hawking mass produced delicious cookies isn’t cooler than playing with knives, campfires, and survival skills?
Bah, the cookies aren’t even that good anymore. They’ve changed the recipes to use cheaper ingredients and it shows in the quality
And the portions are smaller too.
I hear Indian Princesses gets to do more cool shit than GS. Jus say’n.
Become Senator in Mass.?
Male-only spaces are important for 1) letting men just chill the fuck out, and 2) providing a place where younger men can absorb values and wisdom from older men (yea yea I know, these euphemisms…)
Feminists basically want males to be docile, impotent children who are dependent on women for everything. Keep that in mind next time you hear some 20-something woman complaining about the lack of “real men”.
With respect to Cub Scouts, I don’t see the problem with packs that choose to let in girls, especially as long as the scope and rigor of scouting, and the standards, are not lowered.
It’s hugely dependent on the appetite of parents, of course. In our town, the Brownies & Girl Guides’ tend to be a lot more active in all spheres, and the Boy Scouts is *largely* neutered. Of a troop with a roster of about 25 kids, the leader approached our range to see if they could qualify for their Marksmanship Merit Badge. The leader told us there were about 18 of them without that badge, and if we allowed them to use the range, he’d send out letters etc.
We told him we had youth long gun instructors that he could have present, that we’d supply rifles and ammo, so the scouts could do the whole thing at zero cost, and with that, he sent out 20 invitations. He got 3 responses. The only good thing was that he knew for sure that well over a dozen kids *wanted* to do the course.
Some wag suggested we invite the Girl Guides. Maybe he wasn’t joking.
Isn’t it worth extending an invitation to the Girl Guides if they’re interested in Marksmanship? I know if I was an instructor, I would be inclined to do that sort of thing.
Well, I wouldn’t be opposed to the idea, but the club tries to keep a low profile in this ridiculously liberal town. Our hypocritical First Selectmen loves him some private range time, but doesn’t want to be seen as pro-gun, and our range is rented from the town.
My club is in a similar position: very old club with political environment changing around then. They started off with a 99 year lease from the town in which they are located. Due to the age of the club, that lease laps, but was ultimately renewed for a shorter-term thereafter. That being said, they weathered an attempt from the select board to eject the club from the property after the expiration of the lease in order to build another water treatment plant. They are very cognizant of nimbys, and as a result have gone above and beyond in terms of noise mitigation both from the physical suppression point of view, as well as strictly observing shooting hours that include noon as the beginning time on Sundays.
Remember kids: proofread your speech-to-text.
I tend to agree, although as the father of a daughter I would like to see girl scouts be a little less focused on cookies and a little more focused on learning how to dislocate someone’s fingers or skin wild game. More broadly, I think we lose something very valuable as a society when we try to eliminate anything that might hint at differences between the sexes and how those manifest as gender roles in our culture. There needs to be space for both men and women to interact with same-sex peers where the rules are relaxed. In youth, this is where a lot of education about your role in the wider world happens, and as you get older this is a place where you can safely blow off steam. Women and men have always had this, but lately what’s happened is that space has expanded for women into the common space while men’s has been steadily reduced into nothingness. Now there isn’t really a place for men to be men, so to speak, because women can be women pretty much anywhere. And that’s happening because typically female traits are being treated as morally superior as typically male traits are being treated as immoral, or dysfunctional, or just generally negative and undesirable.
“Women and men have always had this, but lately what’s happened is that space has expanded for women into the common space while men’s has been steadily reduced into nothingness.”
Exactly. There used to be mens spaces, womens spaces, and coed spaces. There is a steady push to turn all the mens spaces into coed spaces.
And as I said, it’s not going to eliminate men’s spaces, it’s just going to drive them underground into less healthy places (like 4chan, video games etc.).
This is the much pooh-pooh’ed “war on masculinity”. It really is a thing, and it’s been going on for decades. As a case in point, look at the normalization of tropes such as the “clueless dad” or the “lazy husband”. There is no female equivalent because there’d be outraged accusations of sexism, but it’s pretty much open season on men, particularly men in traditional male roles. It’s making maleness or masculinity about as socially acceptable as cigarette smoking.
There used to be a female equivalent. Peg Bundy was pretty much the last example of one
Well, MGTOW already has active and vocal female ‘allies’ and ‘apologists’. Helen Smith, Karen Straughan (and the rest of the Honeybadgers) are well embedded in the ‘movement’, such as it is.
I don’t know any self-describe libertarians or conservatives that claim racism does not exist.
And the actual point of what the woman said (as I read it) is not “racism does not exist” it’s that endlessly obsessing about it and using it as a crutch and an excuse is counterproductive.
Racism in individuals is and always will be present. As an institution with power, it’s largely dead.
I would have said it’s largely on the left.
The only openly racist institutions with the power of givernment behind them (affirmative action and the like) are lefty institutions. You have a point.
The Left view black people as slaves. Slaves are required to think and talk like their masters. When a slave goes rogue and starts getting mouthy, they must be slapped down.
(British plurals bug the shit out of me. I apologize profusely for using such language!!)
On the contrary, I’ve become a fan of the British convention of treating group/collective nouns as plurals. I had a brit manager for a few years and it really grew on me. I find myself slipping into it all the time, and not by design. It just makes sense.
Makes no sense to me. A group, talked about as a single entity, should use the singular. If you’re talking about the individual components of a group, use the plural.
Agreed. While I appreciate the grammatical reminder that Sony is a corporation, which is a group of people, when Sony the corporation does something it does it as a single entity. I forget the term, but it’s similar to how you might say, “Washington” to refer to the United States, or “Beijing” to refer to China; when the executive leadership of Exxon decides to embark on a particular policy, you refer to Exxon doing it, not the group of people who make the decision or the entire corporation who enacts it.
The Left view black people as slaves.
They view all people as slaves.
Ironic? Maybe. Hilarious? Definitely.
“The irony of enforcing masking laws to prosecute leftists is just incredible,”
I really wish righty opinionists would refer to them as “anti-“fascists.
They may be anti-fascist, but most of them wouldn’t know a no-shit fascist if Mussolini’s desiccated grundel was pressed directly against their lips, teeth, and gums.
The vast majority of anti-fa members fall into two political camps: anarcho-communists, and anarcho-syndicalists.
Mussolini started out as a commie, then became a syndicalist. Once he was in power he coined a word to describe the political system of nationalist syndicalism: fascism.
The reason why the anti-fa guys appear to be acting like fascist is that they agree with the fascists on about 95% of political questions, including a belief in violence to get their way, and a utter contempt at bourgeois liberal notions like private property and private enterprise.
I am not convinced that if you pressed many of these Antifa people on the ideological aspects of both anarcho communism and anarcho syndicalism, that they would stick to their guns. Generally speaking, there is a lot of sympathy amongst those types for state-sanctioned theft and redistribution, and institutionalized economic slavery. The belief in the sanctity of private property is verboten, but the violence is just fine with them as long as it’s an ends to a means.
The fact that these fuckwads call Trumpalos fascists is indicative of their weak intellectual position and lack of understanding of what they are supposed to stand for.
*means to an end.
Oh I agree; their anarchism is a faux sort. Give them access to positions in the state, and they are quite happy to use its violence towards their ends. Exhibit A: the mayor of Berkeley who is affiliated with anti-fa.
They obviously have no idea what fascism is, that’s for damn sure. Progressivism is Fascism’s ideological first cousin. All that’s missing is an element of nationalism and Nancy Pelosi is basically Mussolini. If Antifa really were against fascism they’d be attacking the Progressive elements in American politics. But really, Antifa is a cat’s paw of Progressivism’s attack on western culture.
They’re useful idiots who have no idea of anything beyond a few meaningless terms and slogans:
“Anti-racism!” – not counting affirmative action et. al., who, outside of a few fringe groups is pro-racism?
“Anti-fascist!” – Great. Define fascism and how you’re against it.
“No Nazis!” – Again, define “Nazi”.
It’s pablum prepackaged for morons who don’t want to think. It’s like a politician saying “I’m for America, apple pie and freedom! Chicken in every pot!” Meaningless bullshit designed as an appeal to emotion.
And of course it’s all funded and astroturfed by prog zillionaires who want to tear down society so they can rebuild it with themselves as rulers.
…Molly, a counterprotester from Charlottesville, Virginia, who traveled to Georgia to protest neo-Nazis. She asked that her last name not be published for fear of retribution. “Those are anti-Klan statutes.”
one of RC Dean’s Iron Laws comes to mind.
Right now I am watching a live tour of the A350 assembly line. Still cool, even though it’s Airbus and it’s in France. Zee Franche host ees very…how you say….know-lege-ble.
by “know-lege-ble” you mean big and hairy?
Also, really interesting to see how big equipment like that get made.
Possibly under her clothes?
If she’s French, it’s
possibleprobable.My cousin is coming home from Afghanistan this week, and is getting the fuck out of the Air Force this summer. He’s been deployed more times than I can count over the last decade.
Let someone else fight the idiotic wars our politicians get into.
Good for him!
One of my colleagues just left the Army, and he couldn’t be more thrilled!
Good deal. My little brother in Iraq until 2014. I was happy when he didn’t re enlist. He’s almost done with college now. In the fall he will has his BA in mechanical engineering. I’m proud of him.
You mean Afghanistan? I don’t think we had anyone in Iraq from 2011-14.
You’re right. He left Iraq, in 2011, got out of the army in 2014. I got my time line wrong. He would have gone to Afghanistan had he re upped his enlistment.
Was just reminded of this scene in a Tweeter exchange about unlicensed flower arrangements being donated to a veterans group. “Joo right to jail”.
Are you stalking Senator Soshanna again?
HA! She probably re-tweeted the original, and that’s where I saw it. I stalk her frequently!
Heads, we’re right; tails, you’re wrong
Girl Scouts, on the other hand, have been practicing their female-led programming for 106 years, said Bastiani Archibald, adding that co-ed spaces tend to pit girls against each other rather than teaching them to support and trust their peers.
With most schools and many extracurricular programs now co-ed, Girl Scouts of the USA is one of the few single-gender organizations available to young women. That, Girl Scouts of the USA maintains, puts the group in a unique position to change girls’ lives for the better. A study commissioned by the group found that members were more likely to have a stronger sense of self, positive values, healthy tendencies, and an interest in STEM learning when compared to non-member girls and boys.
The Girl Scouts have been addressing their shortcomings, too. While adults who made their way through the GSUSA program as kids might remember onerous safety rules (as former BACKPACKER editor Rachel Zurer wrote, she wasn’t even allowed to toast s’mores as a Brownie), the organization has worked to broaden its adventure program, loosening some restrictions on scouts, partnering with The North Face to create multiple new outdoor-themed merit badges, and improving training of adult volunteers.
“We want to change society and we know that girls are the best opportunity for doing so,” she said. ”A girl’s best opportunity to get engaged, to develop those leadership skills and, of course, the lasting relationships and friendships, is through Girl Scouts.”
And, once we have indoctrinated these young female-chromosomed persons in a safe and nondisruptive environment, we will battle to the death to keep you from behaving as if there is an innate difference between the sexes, you big bullies.
When I was at camp with Camp Fire Girls, I found a small pocket knife with a mother-of-pearl handle on the ground under some pine needles. I was allowed to keep it. Can you imagine that happening nowadays?
I also found an archery arrow that I was allowed to keep.
When I was 9, I bought a Bowie knife from a nice old lady at a yard sale. If memory serves it was a Ka-Bar with a leather handle, 7 inch blade, and a leather sheath. I would carry it on my belt on weekends and have adventures. I sharpened that thing to a razor edge and needle tip. One time I was playing Tarzan in a huge maple tree in my backyard. I slipped and stabbed the knife into my calf; then fell 20 feet out of the tree. My parents advice was to keep the knife in the sheath if I was climbing, running, etc.
“” co-ed spaces tend to pit girls against each other”‘
i can’t imagine why that would be
OT – I know a number of you fellow Glibs are very conversant on firearms. I finally dug my .303 Enfield out of the attic where it has been for 25yrs.
I purchased it maybe 40 years ago, along with a box of old ammo, and never fired it. It is marked on the receiver: “No.4 MkI* Long Branch 1942.”
I understand this was made in Canada? Is it worth cleaning up and getting some new ammo for it or is it a relic best turned in for cash the next time some local yokels want to pay for trash guns?
Clean it up and shoot it. As long as it’s not rusted out, it should be fine. Also, never sell a gun.
They can be great fun, they have stout recoil though. Ammo is available at somewhat better availability than for guns like Arisakas, but it’s not getting cheaper.
If it’s in reasonable condition and in good order, it’s currently worth a few hundred $ to a somewhat-collector like me, but they’re becoming more in-demand, and the value will appreciate.
Clean it up and keep it. It is a great rifle.
If you’re ever tempted to turn it in at a gun buyback, advertise here first.
+1 Mad Minute
I’ve been keeping my eyes open for a WW2 Lee Enfield that’s in good enough shape that I can put a few dozen rounds down it a few times a year but I’m part Scots so I’m also cheap as hell.
I’ve got an SMLE Mk III. Great fun, and readily available ammunition. Clean it and shoot it.
I din’t Even know the WNBA was still in existence.
Chicks in Scouts will make summer camp a lot more interesting(meaning lots of staff sex).
Get ready for the Boy Scouts to become women-only. Otherwise explain to me how volunteer adult men will be expected to spend weekends camping with female counselors and teenage girls.
Seriously. The #metoos, zealous prosecutions and lawsuits practically write themselves.
lots of staff sex
You say that like it’s something new.
“On to your struggle session rejectionist!”
How the fuck is Donald Trump not “inclusive”? As a candidate the man literally waved the LGBQT flag on stage at one of his rallies to hearty cheers from his supporters!
He is not pure of heart – meaning a democrat – so this is all fake.
Get woke, go broke!
I’m dying to see how far Starbucks will go with this.
If they’re smart, they can just bide their time for a couple weeks until this whole thing gets buried by the Next Existential Crisis Threatening Democracy. I’m not sure they’re that smart.