Mondays are for chumps. The part about doing the Mexican news though, is finding out in comparison, Monday isn’t so bad. Need an few examples?
10 people in Nicaragua (that’s south of Mexico…) killed when they found out for free stuff costs money! Or was it 25?
El presidente de Nicaragua, Daniel Ortega, anunció este domingo que revoca la resolución de aumento de pagos a la Seguridad Social que fue el detonante de las manifestaciones en el país.
Al menos 10 personas han muerto en las manifestaciones que empezaron esta semana, según dijo la vicepresidenta Rosario Murillo al medio estatal El 19 Digital.
No obstante, la organización sin fines de lucro Centro Nicaragüense de Defensores de Derechos Humanos (CENIDH) dijo en un comunicado que hasta la fecha se registran al menos 25 fallecidos y 67 personas heridas por las protestas.
The president of Nicaragua, Daniel Ortega, announced on Sunday that he revokes the resolution to increase payments to Social Security that was the trigger for the demonstrations in the country.At least 10 people have died in the demonstrations that began this week, said Vice President Rosario Murillo to state media El 19 Digital.
However, the non-profit organization Nicaraguan Center for Human Rights Defenders (CENIDH) said in a statement that to date at least 25 people have died and 67 people have been injured by the protests.
Sunday marked the beginning of the Mexican Presidential Debates. An item on the agenda: violence. Predictably, the answers had nothing to do with anything that might actually make the shithole parts of Mexico less of a shithole.
El Trumpeñero
Muy pronto, los candidatos empezaron a criticar una propuesta de López Obrador, realizada el 5 de diciembre pasado: “No descarto que se someta a discusión que se consulte al pueblo sobre la posibilidad de una amnistía”.
Anaya arguyó que la estrategia se había intentado en Colombia, y había fracasado. Meade sugirió que al promover la amnistía servía a los criminales. Por su parte, Zavala dijo que la rechazaba “por respeto a la ley”.
López Obrador respondió que “amnistía no quiere decir impunidad”, aunque agregó que “no se puede apagar el fuego con el fuego”.
Su propuesta contra la violencia fue combatir sus “raíces”, refiriéndose a la falta de desarrollo y a la economía. […]
Meade, por su parte, anunció que se enfocaría en la prevención, y sobre todo en la impunidad.Margarita Zavala dijo que el eje de su gobierno sería defender a los mexicanos, incluido defenderlos “de Donald Trump”. Y de López Obrador.
Very soon, the candidates began to criticize a proposal by López Obrador, made on December 5: “I do not rule out the possibility of an amnesty being submitted to discussion to ask the people.”Anaya argued that the strategy had been tried in Colombia, and had failed. Meade suggested that by promoting amnesty he served criminals. For his part, Zavala said he rejected it “out of respect for the law.”
López Obrador responded that “amnesty does not mean impunity,” although he added that “you can not put out the fire with fire.”
His proposal against violence was to combat his “roots”, referring to the lack of development and the economy.
“Violence broke out in the country because there has been no economic growth,” he said.[…]
Meade, on the other hand, announced that it would focus on prevention, and above all on impunity.Margarrita Zavala said that the axis of her government would be to defend the Mexicans, including defending them “from Donald Trump.” And of López Obrador.

Comò se what?
Ever wonder what immigration will ask to make sure your marriage with an illegal undocumented dreamer the nice lady Estéban isn’t a sham? Telémundo with the help of the NY Times has the answer.
Con la espalda contra la pared por la ofensiva del Gobierno de Donald Trump, muchos inmigrantes indocumentados confían en el matrimonio con un ciudadano estadounidense para salvarse de la deportación. Y mucho terminan en manos del Servicio de Inmigración y Control de Aduanas, que ya no perdona en tiempos de Barack Obama las órdenes de expulsión previas.
Los inmigrantes deben demostrar además que su matrimonio es legítimo, que no se trata de un truco para salvarse de ICE. ¿Qué va a solicitar el Servicio de Inmigración y Ciudadanía (USCIS) para comprobar que efectivamente son ustedes esposos, que se quieren y tienen un proyecto de vida en común?[…]
¿Cómo se conocieron?
¿Cuánto tardaron en empezar a salir juntos como pareja?
¿Cuándo conocieron a sus respectivas familias?
¿Cuándo decidieron casarse?
¿Dónde compró usted el anillo?
¿Cómo fue la boda, a quién invitaron?
¿Qué hicieron después?
¿Dónde comieron?Recuerde, si le pillan mintiendo, pueden multarle hasta con 250.000 dólares. Además, le pueden condenar a no conseguir nunca una green card a través del matrimonio.
With their backs against the wall because of the Donald Trump government offensive, many undocumented immigrants rely on marriage with a US citizen to save themselves from deportation. And many end up in the hands of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement Service, which no longer forgives in the time of Barack Obama the previous expulsion orders.Immigrants must also prove that their marriage is legitimate, that it is not a trick to save themselves from ICE. What will the Immigration and Citizenship Service (USCIS) request to verify that you are indeed spouses, that you love each other and have a common life project?[…]
How did you meet?
How long did it take to start dating together as a couple?
When did you meet your respective families?
When did you decide to get married?
Where did you buy the ring?
How was the wedding, who was invited?
What did you do after?
Where they ate?Remember, if you are caught lying, you can be fined up to $ 250,000. In addition, you can be condemned to never get a green card through marriage.
Translation services provided by the Alpha Beta corporation who won’t even bother to ask if any of you work. They already know.
A google search of “Why do men love breasts?” returns 2.82 million results. I can only think of two reasons and each of these ladies are displaying them proudly.
1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 14, 15, 20, 21, 23, 25, 27, 39, 42, 45.
#8 FTW, with the freckles
15, 28 and 47 ftw.
Maine Democrats bravely stand against Islamophobia – by killing a bill banning Female Genital Mutilation.
It’s amazing how far the left will go to coddle Muslims, it just doesn’t make sense.
Feminists for Patriarchy!
It doesn’t seem to have been much of a partisan issue in this case. Dems were both vocal supporters and detractors and Republicans were also split on it. The reason it died was because they couldn’t resolve discrepancies in who was the culpable party between the two houses. The folks who were vocally opposed to it indicated that it A) wasn’t happening in Maine and there didn’t need to be a law when health practitioners didn’t feel it was an issue and B) if it ever were an issue it could be easily prosecuted under existing law (both state and federal)
The roll call and salient positions taken are about half way down this page.
if it ever were an issue it could be easily prosecuted under existing law (both state and federal)
What law? I mean, I’m an actual lawyer in health care, and I’m not aware of a ban on FGM. But there’s a billion laws out there, so I could have missed it.
Felony child abuse? Maybe, if not done by a properly licensed practitioner. But if it is, assuming they don’t botch it, I’m not so sure at all. Here’s the Arizona definition, which is fairly typical:
I don’t think it would be caught by physical injury or disfigurement (maybe the latter, but “disfigurement” is usually applied to someone’s appearance and it would be a stretch to apply it to FGM). That leaves you with “impairment of bodily function”, which sounds plausible.
Bottom line: I don’t think its necessarily the case that child abuse lasws already prohibit FGM, other than the most extreme cases.
Maybe only the extreme cases need to be prosecuted
I could go with that. My vagueish understanding is that there is a symbolic nick, clitoral hood removal, and full clitoridectomies. The latter should be outlawed, IMO. The first two, eh. I suspect that having your parents fooling with your hoo-hah as a baby isn’t the worst part of growing up as a girl in a strict Muslim household.
The first version of FGM isn’t really all distinguishable from male circumcision with the same longer term consequences. There is a strong case to outlaw the other two practices, as religious liberty can be limited if the government has a compelling interest to prohibit practices (such as long-term health effects of children, in this case).
Unpopular take: there are three versions of FGM. The first (and most common one), which involves the partial removal of the clitoral hood is not much different from circumcision. Much like people must be allowed to get a circumcision (unlike parts of Europe where the practice is banned), due to religious liberty laws and the court’s interpretation of the First Amendment, maybe the first version of FGM should be treated the same way
That is along the lines I’m thinking as well.
What about female genital folding or spindling?
Hey Buddy! That’s a good way get your card punched!
Also, of note: the consequences of the first version of FGM and male circumcision are the same, when conducted by trained medical professionals. That being reduced sensitivity in the sex organ
South America has a One Chile Only policy.
I wouldn’t be surprised. The president of Nicaragua is named after a brand of salsa.
ACLU said it wasn’t worth expanding the criminal code by singling out FGM to minors when it falls under felony child abuse. apparently it’s a federal crime already.
When the ACLU takes a position on a matter now, I find myself looking at the opposing view with more consideration. The ACLU is right about 20% of the time nowadays. In this case, I agree with them, but for different reasons than theirs.
As a federal crime (assuming it is), it will be prosecuted less often than if it was a state crime.
As a federal crime, the ACLU will be there to defend the religious freedom of the clit-hacker.
I thought the ACLU didn’t do religious freedom anymore.
Not for Christians. They actually have joined with the Becket Fund (which defends the religious liberty of all denominations) before to protect the religious liberty of Muslims and some Native American tribes
And I’m not even joking or being factitious. The American (selective) Civil Liberties (for some) Union actually takes the position that civil rights are universal and should only be defended for some.
I may just become a Muslim. No matter what mysognistic thing I say could be covers by fear of not offending my beliefs. “Women shouldn’t vote, drive, or show their face in public”. I’m covered!
Ugh. Fuck it. When digging equal rights for everyone, and letting people choose their own paths is being a Nazi, while cutting off clits and throwing gays off a building is progressive, then I’ll tattoo a swastika on my forehead.
I miss being liberal on social
If you are a cishet male shitlord, Islam is almost the perfect religion.
However, as Prince Vladimir of Kiev (apocryphally) found out when he was religion-shopping, no booze is a deal-breaker.
When you’re such a loser, even whores won’t fuck you.
Guy: I’ll give you money
Whore: No. Not even for money.
Man, that guy’s life sucks.
Wow. That’s pathetic.
How is she still advertising? I thought the new law that lead to the prosecutions pretty well destroyed all the prostitution websites.
It did – it put the industry into chaos pretty much. But there are alternatives. It’s the internet.
Someone in Toronto pulled the copycat “Let’s drive a van into a crowded sidewalk.” schtick.
Up to 10 people suspected dead.
“insisting this is no time to assume anyone’ gender”
What is wrong with this man? He makes his commie loving father look measured and logical in comparison.
The guy’s a mimbo if I’ve ever seen one.
Still “would” his mom
You wouldn’t be the first.
My brother’s co-worker played pro hockey long ago and tells a tale of walking into a hotel room to see her twisted up like a pretzel, being serviced by a pair of his teammates. All hearsay, of course.
I heard that story. She later came out as bi-polar so that *could* explain part of the promiscuity.
I didn’t think “bi-polar” meant “likes being double-teamed”, but I learn something here every day.
Bi meaning two and polar meaning hockey players.
If that’s the definition than I once knew a girl in college who was renowned for being “bi-polar”
First hand experience?
The guys across the hall from my freshman dorm room had a bi polar girl by these standards, she freaked out and ran down the hall when she discovered that it was actually tripolar and that the third guy was in the closet with a camera. Hockey players are odd.
What even in the fuck is he talking about?
I’m thinking Fidel must have dropped him on his head when he was a baby.
Just as they rush to cover up certain perpertrators’ religious ideologies in the first 48 hours of these incidents, this feint is obviously covering up the fact that it was just an Asian woman driving.
“what may have triggered this individual”
So, is Trudeau holding out the possibility that there may have been a justifiable reason for the attack?
Sure. All the dead people triggered the otherkin driver.
600 MiliBurges at least! Well done.
He’s such an idiot.
Why don’t these people get into politics when activism is more suited for their idiocy?
You should be ashamed Rufus. very ashamed.
At least our idiot president is entertaining.
I never gave a shit about whether our leaders represented us in any way because most were just run of the mill and never really did anything to flat out embarrass the country or its people.
But this guy. This guy is a total national embarrassment. And his party a bunch of smug cunts in Parliament who never debate or argue in good faith.
I made that up, people.
come on. you should know better.
Yeah, but I still Fidel must have dropped him on his head.
Do you expect people to the read the links?
FWIW: I did read it and noticed that your quote wasn’t in it…
I was pretty suspicious, so I looked it up. It was pretty believable.
Canada still doesn’t have common sense van control? What a barbaric place.
Could be just a Vancouver* driver in a city where pedestrian don’t know the rules.
*I was gonna say a Richmond driver, but he wouldn’t stop at all.
We don’t need to ban all vehicles, just the ones that seat more than 5 people.
I hope they didn’t take any medical advice from him!
He blamed the fire on gluten.
Gluten inhalation can be quite deadly! It’s the silent killer.
Why is there a ghost in their logo?
It’s from Snapchat. Maybe their Twitter and their Snapchat accounts are connected? Not sure. I’ve seen several Twitter handles with that icon, though.
It’s a Fox affiliate. That’s not a ghost, it’s a hood!
What is the likelihood that President Obama addresses the stealing of land from Boers in South Africa during his speech? Zero or negative something?
Here’s what everyone’s favorite failed novelist had to say:
Is Ben Rhodes the one who wrote a novel with a ridiculous amount of alliteration, or was that somebody else?
Sean Penn.
I think you’re thinking of Sean Penn.
Sean Penn’s debut novel – repellent and stupid on so many levels
That’s a headline from the _Guardian_ – if you’ve lost the Guardian…
I remember reading an excerpt of that. That man exhausted his thesaurus. His writing was so unbelievably bad and forced that I thank God he shared such awful writing with everyone.
Even the title is unbelievably terrible.
Sean Penn’s writing is so bad, he makes Paul McCartney’s poems look good. Yeah, his writing his that bad
“Behind decorative gabion walls, an elderly neighbor sits centurion on his porch watching Bob with surreptitious soupçon”
I suspect Sean Penn does not know what “soupçon” means.
The sex scene someone linked to…far surpassed the horrid prose of Morrisey’s novel from years back.
He definitely has to be a contender
TW: it’s a list
Wiktionary says it’s a dated usage.
Well look at that. Still awful.
It seems using online synonym lists as mad libs to randomly replace words is not the same thing as actually having a large vocabulary. I think its pretty obvious that he found soupçon as a synonym for suspicion, plugged it in and away he went. Thesauruses are dangerous if you are really stupid.
Isn’t a rather significant challenge to Mandela’s legacy going on in South Africa right now?
Depends on which Mandela you’re talking about. Current events are right up Winnie’s alley.
Absolute zero.
“which no longer forgives in the time of Barack Obama”
Sure sounds like help from the NYT alright. Just ignore the fact that Obama deported more Mexicans than any POTUS before him.
I think you get a first for being the first person to comment on one of the links in the article.
Or at least, a Swiss first.
*narrows gaze…applauds*
Telemundo gives advice on how to commit immigration fraud.
Weren’t people prosecuted just for owning the Anarchist Cookbook under the auspices that it contributed to criminal behavior?
No, the NY Times did. Telemundo just translated it to Spanish.
It’s not like the typical questions for an K-1 or K-3 visa interview are a state secret. And they can ask other questions; for example, I was asked what my wife wears to bed.
Though, that could have just been the consular officer’s particular fetish.
“Go on…”
Right?! HM didn’t even give us a hint. How am I supposed to touch myself to images of his wife if he doesn’t give us answers!?
A Chuck E. Cheese costume, of course.
So if you punch the consular officer out does that:
1. Prove the relationship is legitimate, or
2. Autofail?
That was a conundrum I faced many times during the process.
“Does the carpet match the drapes?”
Trump’s plan to invade Mexico has been found out!
Precious. Like little old ladies down at the quilting bee.
Personalities on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” on Monday criticized President Trump for tweeting on Saturday during the funeral for former first lady Barbara Bush.
Co-host Mika Brzezinski called Trump’s tweets “especially insulting to the United States of America” on a day “the world said goodbye to Barbara Bush.”
Panelist Mike Barnicle referenced a photo that went viral after the funeral showing current first lady Melania Trump; former Presidents George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama; and former first ladies Hillary Clinton, Laura Bush and Michelle Obama.
“It’s a reminder of who we used to be as a government and as people who participated in politics,” Barnicle said.
“That’s the America that the president of the United States denigrated Saturday during a funeral service with his tweets, many of which are outright lies,” he added.
Trump did not attend Bush’s funeral on Saturday, and instead watched from his Mar-a-Lago property in Florida. While he did not tweet during the church service portion of the funeral, he sent multiple tweets in the hours that followed.
I think I took a shit during Barbara Bush’s funeral. I sure hope Mika Bfstplk doesn’t find out. I couldn’t bear the seething opprobrium.
“who we used to be”…..who the fuck is “we”?
BTW, how does noted plagiarist Mike Barnicle still have a career in the first place?
Obama did the same, just without twitter.
Also, the selfies during another funeral (was that Mandela’s?)
He should have taken selfies instead like Obama.
Trump didn’t attend the funeral. Was he supposed to sit in his office and do nothing until they threw the dirt on the casket?
Looks like a fan of Shania Twain got pissed at people.
Cool story, bro.
Hm. Maybe this is worth a try:
News is bad for you – and giving up reading it will make you happier
News is bad for your health. It leads to fear and aggression, and hinders your creativity and ability to think deeply. The solution? Stop consuming it altogether
Ignorance is bliss, as the old saying goes.
See, I find avoiding the news mostly means avoiding ignorance. I think I actually know more because I don’t get my information from the Democrat Party’s approved gatekeepers.
Colion Noir on Rogan
That one’s worth a watch, it was good.
I caught that today. Its pretty good, even for Rogan.
I blame asshole Prohibitionists in the U.S. for much of the violence in Mexico. I would like to hear one of the Mexican presidential candidates say that.
The Zapatistas blame NAFTA
America is blamed for everything in most foreign countries. But not for this somehow.
Prohibitionists in Mexico are also to blame.
Man, I love this Candace Owens. Why had I never heard of her til last week?
She used to be a leftist doxxer from my understanding. Then at some point she flipped. Some people think she’s a plant.
Doesn’t seem like a plant. Probably not a mineral, either.
Coal is a mineral made from plants.
She literally sounds “woke” to me – “woke” to the mental enslavement of POC by the lefties.
I guess time will tell, but I agree with everything she says that I’ve seen.
Kanye tweeted SEVEN WORDS.
Sadly, not the seven made famous(er) by George Carlin.
At the very least, she’s a natural born contrarian, and I like that.
She was on Dave Rubin, around the time of that appearance it seemed she had a lot of wind her in sails from the Rubin’s audience and the anti-PC crowd. But she indicated she was developing some sort of doxxing platform/website (how would that work anyway, unless you’re the NSA). Rubin didn’t really ask about it but other people caught on and starting questioning her motives. For some time later there was a bunch of drama surrounding her so I really stopped following her YT channel and such.
Not sure what all the drama was about honestly.
Still, happy to see Kayne & Candace causing a stir. Watching lefties squirm when confronted with hard truths is always entertaining and healthy for society.
And behold, I saw Derp riding a pale horse and Herp followed with him…
The national tragedy that was the election of 2016, in which a conspiracy theory-minded half-literate racist demagogue named Donald Trump managed to defeat the eminently qualified Hillary Clinton in the presidential race, created its own mini media industry asking the question why? How had this human troll, with his mugging face, orange coloring, and p**sy-grabbing ways, managed to beat someone who had a long career in public service and had clearly done her homework?
Excerpted with permission from “Troll Nation: How the Right Became Trump-Worshipping Monsters Set on Rat-F*cking Liberals, America, and Truth Itself” by Amanda Marcotte.
It’s impressive this lunatic managed to write a book. Did they take off her straight jacket or did she dictate it?
“Eminently qualified” means corrupt and self-dealing?
Yes. according to those who say who is and who isn’t qualified.
a conspiracy theory-minded half-literate racist demagogue named Donald Trump
That took an unexpected twist at the end, there.
Arrestos tras redada en club de striptease de Miami, interrumpen despedidas de solteros
(Roughly translates to “Arrests made after raid at strip club in Miami, interrupting bachelor parties”)
I like how “striptease” is the same word in English and Spanish.
I like how you pretended to not know that.
So is it a badge of honor or dishonor for the English speaking peoples that they apparently invented the term first and loaned it out to others?
So German loans out words like “uber” and “schadenfreude” while English loans out words like “computer” and “striptease”. That probably says something.
German cultural hegemony (such as it was) was in early 19th and American one in late 20th century?
That’s probably the correct answer. I was going for the more cheeky insinuation that it reflected on those cultures’ preferred pastimes.
And you leave out scheisseporn?
Whoops, there goes my theory!
If not for The Simpsons, how many English-speaking people would use that term?
Big Ideas wanted.
There has been no period since the Great Depression with this sort of stagnation. It is the defining problem of our age, the one that aggravates every other problem. It has made people anxious and angry. It has served as kindling for bigotry. It is undermining America’s vaunted optimism.
So what are we going to do about it?
The usual answers — technocratic changes to the tax code and safety net — are not good enough. They don’t measure up to the problem: an economy that no longer delivers a consistently rising standard of living. They also aren’t very inspiring. In 2016, Hillary Clinton offered many thoughtful proposals, precisely none of which she got to implement.
Fortunately, policy experts have begun working on those solutions. One possibility is a federal jobs program, putting people to work earning $15 an hour on vital projects like infrastructure and child care. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, who seems to be eyeing a presidential run, favors an ambitious version called a federal jobs guarantee.
Another option is a strong response to growing corporate power and consolidation. The Open Markets Institute and Roosevelt Institute have sketched out new antimonopoly policies. Other economists are talking about something called wage boards, where companies and workers would negotiate over industrywide pay. Such boards already exist in New York, California and Australia.
They don’t have to be *good* ideas, obviously. Wage and Price Controls? How… Nixonian. I can’t wait.
Certainly the stagnation cannot be caused by the exponential rise in government regulation the NYT has been calling for and supporting over the past 50 years. It simply MUST be something else.
Also, the sharp rise in health care costs due to, um someone’s policies had nothing to do with it. And Clinton doubling down on those policies would also have nothing to do with it.
Child care? You know how many damn
ruleslaws there are to follow to be a legal childcare provider?n 2016, Hillary Clinton offered many thoughtful proposals
She did?
Safety, Equality, Wealth.
Pick any two.
Remember when someone trolled a news show by reporting the names of pilots in a plane crash as “Wi Too Lo” and “Sum Ting Wong”? I think someone is trolling this person by feeding them pages of Atlas Shrugged.
+1 Ho Lee Fuk
Margarrita Zavala
Way to anglicize her name, shitlord.
I see what I did there. I’m not going to change it.
“Troll Nation: How the Right Became Trump-Worshipping Monsters Set on Rat-F*cking Liberals, America, and Truth Itself” by Amanda Marcotte.
That’s quite a title, for a cartoon history book.
I’m writing “Everyone At Salon Can Blow Me”.
It’s a pop-up book.
Do you really want this staring up at you?
I dunno, if it’s true that hate is mirror of love, the sex would be amazing.
We can dance around this all we want, but the fact remains that Amanda Marcotte has a face designed to make a man flaccid.
Is she the one who got famous for posting about her anal sex adventures in DC?
No, that was Ana Marie Cox.
I’d have no problem staring right into the back of her head.
Careful with that pop up you might take someone’s eye out.
What, no scratch-n-sniff?
Just go buy a bottle of patcholi at your nearest head shop
I can’t even decode what it is they’re complaining about. Its not that his choosing to sweep his office for listening devices was either wrong or misuse of funds… its that it was “non-compliant with standard EPA guidelines”… for *sweeping your office for bugs*?? WTF
$3000. they’re getting lawyered up over $3K
OK – but is the head of the EPA’s office designated as a sensitive facility? I suspect not.
They’ll probably find Obama ordered the bugging.
And it will be rated ‘untrue’ by ‘fact’ checkers because no actual bugs were used, just listening devices?
There may be a way to reduce the sensitivity of the EPA’s office head in posts above.
Interesting. Why would the EPA director feel the need to sweep his office for surveillance devices?
Why would anybody feel the need to ask about that?
“Why would anybody feel the need to ask about that?”
I assume their are prog apparatchiks all through the federal bureaucracy feeding information to Democrats.
Things are getting worse for them. Trump just appointed a denier to head NASA.
Apparently European referees also flop.
It was a riveting game that ended in a 35-35 draw.
Former soccer player?
The president of Nicaragua, Daniel Ortega, announced on Sunday that he revokes the resolution to increase payments to Social Security that was the trigger for the demonstrations in the country.
Guys, when an actual real-live Commie thinks your social program will go bust unless its set on better financial footing, instead of blaming kulaks? At least give it a second thought.
BBC article has a photo with a caption ” Some shop owners armed themselves to protect their shuttered businesses “. Bets on what business those guys are in?
Also, according to completely not an insane person Max Blumenthal, the US is behind those protests, like we’ve been undermining the rightful regime in Venezuela.
Also from BBC:
Sounds all reasonable, but when you’re on a tight margin as I’d imagine Nicaraguan pensioners are, 5% is gonna hurt.
As well he should. Fuck that dude.
Yeah. I’m OK with that.
Because you lose your enumerated rights by virtue of being crazy? Sure, why not. Let’s allow the State a legal cause of action and make it a criminal matter – no way that’ll ever get misused.
I’m with you. And as I said this morning, having the government confiscate weapons and put someone on a list is stupid. Thus is the U.S.A. There are guns available to anyone who wants one, prohibited person or no.
I dunno, I’m not a big believer in state-mandated second-class citizens.
If someone’s been deemed too dangerous to own a gun, then they should be behind bars or six feet under. Removing rights under the government’s tenuous designation of mental health is a very dangerous road to go down.
Not saying the father should have given the son his guns back. I’m saying the son shouldn’t have had them taken in the first place. If he’s that dangerous then he needs to be locked up or put down.
I agree. For reference, tort law is there to take care of this without demanding the State incarcerate the Father for some bullshit reason. Victims’ family and estates have a private cause of action against the Father for wrongful death.
What charges? I’m wondering what (federal?) law he broke.
I believe that you violate the Brady laws if you transfer a firearm to a prohibited person.
Was he still prohibited when he got the guns back?
Does that law apply to non-dealers?
18 USC § 922(d). Punishable by up to 10 years imprisonment.
Section 1 defines a prohibited person.
I think (not an expert) that the relevant provisions are these:
There’s more, (domestic violence, dishonorable discharge, etc.) but I don’t they could apply. As far as I can tell, he was arrested in DC for trying to climb the White House fence, which probably doesn’t trigger any of the prohibited categories except maybe the first one – no idea what the potential punishment for that is.
I’m assuming 3 is relevant. He did do the shooting mostly naked. Maybe that’s just the crazy, but I’d assume drugs too.
The question becomes “did his father know or have reason to believe” he was a druggie when he gave him back his guns. Which is typically resolved at trial.
Probably enough for an indictment.
In depth story. Fairly informative. I’m rethinking my position on it.
Nice rundown on state law. Didn’t see anything on federal law.
Shows he wasn’t “adjudicated” too crazy to have guns, but his father got them because Illinois revoked his gun ownership permit (I wonder about the legality/constitutionality of that).
Complicating everyone’s take is that the father “transferred the guns to a relative”, which is a pretty universal exception to laws restricting transfer.
Not a federal law but …
Sorry but giving his son unsupervised access to a gun which had been confiscated had just this sort of tragedy as a reasonable forseeable result. It would be one thing of the guy took the gun from his father without permission but voluntarily giving it to a person with known serious mental health issues makes you liable for whatever said psycho does with that gun
Interesting. Could, possibly, be caught under a broad enough negligent homicide statute. These are very occasionally brought against the parents of minor children who die in car accidents, on the grounds that it was criminally negligent for the parents to let the kid have the car. The standard is really more of a “gross” negligence standard. Applying it to the parent of an adult child would probably be a real stretch.
The issue is not the parent child relationship, the issue is giving unsupervised access to a gun to a person you know to have severe mental health issues. It would be the same if it were a friend and not a family member who gave him the gun. The key components I am focusing on are knowledge of his mental issues and instability and giving him the gun
Andale, andale! Arriba!
I miss the days when Speedy Gonzalez cartoons were funny and not racist and memory holed.
Speedy was awesome.
I prefer Slowpoke Rodriguez.
Even I liked Speedy.
How about Baba Looey?
Anyone remember the Frito Bandito? Could they even make that commercial now?
Chester Cheetah is clearly a racist caricature of a POC.
I’ve been watching In Living Color lately. They couldn’t make that show today either.
I’ll even include Bender Bending Rodriguez as a positive role model for young Mexicans.
I don’t know what was offensive about Speedy. He was outsmarting cats all the time and the fiestas that he and his friends threw looked awesome.
Slow Poke Rodriguez didn’t take no shit either.
Bender is the best robot ever. And futurama is a great show.
*waits for Sugar Free to appear and throw-down over Hedonismbot*
I do like hedonism bot. Bender is the best though.
No love for Beezlebot?
Because his thievery, gift, and genocidal plotting were cheeky and fun as opposed to cruel and tragic?
Yes, and also ended in failure.
Bioware did good when they ripped him off for HK-47.
I never did find a reason to not have HK-47 in my party at all times.
Yes. Eventually, you could satiate his greed. It was Hermes I was most worried about.
Hermes is, after all, a bureaucrat…
Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.
Wartime Merrie Melodies and Loony Tunes are still funny as hell IMO.
EPA’s Office of Homeland Security later consulted with a senior counter-surveillance expert in the federal intelligence community who was not identified in the letter Monday and who asked to review Steinmetz’s report. The EPA office determined the sweep was “very basic and cursory” and “did not employ the equipment, proper certification, or necessary processes” to be approved by the U.S. government for sensitive facilities.
Mutinous employees at the EPA sought out an “anonymous consultant” to hang some sort of bullshit procedural violation on the head of the agency, but the Deep State is a myth.
Wait, the EPA has its own Office of Homeland Security?
There’s deniers everywhere, man.
The only thing about this that bothers me is the crony contract. Funny how the EPA drones don’t call that out; I suspect it would be like fish suddenly noticing they are wet.
Do they do non crony contracts at that level of government? I’d be surprised if they did.
Apparently wanting to make the “opioid crisis” worse, The New York Times Editorial Board calls for opioid prescriptions to be restricted to the terminally ill.
Prohibition’s never worked before, but by golly, it’ll work this time!
Yeah, well the New York Times editorial page has never made sense before, but by golly you keep thinking that some day they might
Give up on that one a long time ago.
Fuck that it I’m dying I want to load up on every drug in the book, then drift off into a painless wonderland of non existence
Just go to Peru.
From “Little Miss Sunshine”
When the teenage boy catches his grandpa doing herion-
“Son, when you are your age, you would be crazy to do heroin. When you’re my age, you’re crazy not to.”
A lot of chronic pain patients who use those meds responsibly would disagree. It’s easy to advocate for something like this when you don’t stand to lose anything.
Plus, the people who would vote for such restrictions will still get all the opiates or whatever else they want, no problems.
Drugs are only for people who aren’t going to need them in a few days. Sounds brilliant.
This. For people that in short time are GOING.TO.DIE.
I, for one, would never wish degenerative disc disease on these people…
I would, but I’m a terrible human being.
Maybe just a really jagged kidney stone… or seven?
Glibertarian Church?
That would make for some interest confessions.
Interesting* damn autocorrectimization
“the new gauteng church where drinking alcohol is celebrated”
Them dudes be woke.
Seems lacking on all three pillars – I saw no pot, Mexicans, or ass sex.
Separation of church and state, you heathen.
This is gonna be a movie plot.
Um, so how does that work exactly?
That’s a weird conversation for doctors to have. So sorry for your loss, can we have his dick?
When you sign the usual consent to full organ and tissue donation in the US, there’s barely enough left to fill a sandwich bag.* They can literally take anything, and its amazing how much is actually useful.
*Exaggeration. But they do take just about everything that isn’t voluntary muscle mass. And I think the spinal cord, but I’m not sure about that.
^Exactly. I think it’s 78 different people that can benefit from just the tissue of a single donor. Orthopedics, spine, wound repair, even CV with cardiac patches.
How long until this starts getting done cosmetically?
People bidding on the chance to get a porn star’s dick once he croaks.
Not a porn star but getting a geezer dick isn’t going to be very useful except to pee through. I can assure you that’s the only use it might get.
On the other hand it beats Depends.
Doesn’t anyone have a motive for the driver of the van mowing people down? I mean it’s never been done. I think I’ll just wait to see what Justin has to say about this. Without his leadership we’d be nowhere.
does anyone know the motive…
I’m guessing homophobia, or a white male trying to compensate for a small penis.
We need common sense car control. Nobody needs one larger than a minivan.
You wait. The autonomous car bobos will use these incidents as another justification to take cars away.
Is that you John? 😛
I could go off on you and call you a fucking halfwit, but it’s too nice of a day.
*basks in the sun*
Sweden mulled a car ban in city centers after some guy went Grand Theft Auto: Aloha Snackbar over there:
Sweden’s Largest Newspaper Demands “Ban Men In Cars To Stop Terror”
Damnit I thought only nativist xenophobes thought that Sweden is having problems…
Ban Men In Cars To Stop Terror
Sweden has some serious hate going on for males, don’t they?
I mean at least if they would have said ban women in cars, I could start seeing how that might actually make sense.
The motive may never be known…
My wife has watched Gray’s Anatomy from the beginning. She was watching the most recent one while I was in the room (unfortunately for me). They had a story line where one of the medical students was a “dreamer” and ICE came in and was going to deport her. Apparently the concept of immigration lawyers did not occur to the writers. They ended up sneaking the medical student to Switzerland. I have hear the phrase “Ripped from today’s headlines” but now it’s “Ripped from today’s Democrat talking points.”
“Gray’s Anatomy”
And then everyone had sex at work just like in real life.
I can’t help but think of the Paddy Chayefsky movie The Hospital.
My daughter was in the hospital a few weeks ago. She loves that show. Every time she mentioned it the doctors and nurses just kind of snorted. Apparently the amount of sex between co-workers at a hospital is a little bit inflated.
Hospital employees (with a few exceptions) are so overworked they’d probably go for sleep in lieu of sex anytime.
Switzerland is widely known for its lax immigration laws, forsooth.
Seriously – I’m guessing the thought process, if you could call it thought, goes this way:
1)Drumpf is a Nazi!
2)People fleeing the Nazis tried to escape to Switzerland in WWII
3)Let’s write an episode where our illegal doctor flees to Switzerland and lives happily ever after!
Yes, the student was hid away in Switzerland, which is renowned for its liberal immigration policies. I’m sure he will be granted Swiss citizenship is swift order. Do these people know anything about the world?
Sure they do. They know only the racists in the world are redneck Americans.
And those rednecks are a giant, homogeneous mass comprising 50% of the population living in terrible, evil flyover. They have no education, intelligence or culture and prefer to have sex with blood relatives.
Its a show where the main character has died…and brought back to life…multiple times. No.
I thought that was Lost.
I thought about what you wrote here for a while. I can only conclude, that I don’t fucking know anymore. Both shows were/are terrible.
I binged Lost (never watched the original run) and I actually started to get into it. Then the ending happened, and I was like, “…wait, what? You’re really gonna do me like that? That’s BSG-level crap-ass ending.”
I still hold that BSG ending is absolutely perfect if you’re a Douglas Adams fan.
I bailed on the thing about 3 episodes into Season 2 when I decided Galactica was the Golgafrinchan Arc B, full of useless wastes of society fired off into space.
Then, the last episode rolls around and I find out from the outrage that yup, it literally was the same ending as Restaurant at the end of the Universe.
I’ve never thought of it that way before, but dammit, you’re absolutely right.
Grrrrrrr….. sure about that? I have relatives with a Starship you know……
We were told there was a plan. We’re still waiting for it.
Holy fucking shit – mind blown! And I usually see Douglas Adams everywhere!
Probably got the script from the Norman Mailer Foundation or whatever NGO he has to propagate lefty talking points through TV and movie scripts.
did you say Dio?
Weekend Sports Update: White Sox Get Their Brains Beat In At Game, Hospital
Solving the world’s important problems with statistical analysis.
In a very entertaining episode of Myth Busters, they found that both men AND women gave bigger tips to larger-breasted baristas.
There’s a reason that there are hot women on the cover of both men’s and women’s magazines.
That was a fun sketch on Chappelle Show.
That’s because people not looking for plump/chubby/bbw porn don’t ave to search for skinny, they can reliably search for ANYTHING else and trust they are going to get back 90% + skinny chicks. The only ones who specifically search skinny are the ones with fetishes for anorexically skinny chicks
Voice of Experience.
Preach on, Brother!
What’s funny to me about that statistic is that there’s a lot of other effects that aren’t accounted for in it. There’s a huge difference between chubby and BBW, for one thing. For another, most results (according to my one friend who looks at porn all the time who isn’t me) for other descriptors are going to turn up pros with a lot of aftermarket modifications. Those keywords tend to show results that are typically “girl next door” types (as well as Jabba the Hutt, but there you are).
Pro-tip: go straight to the Jabba porn, and then work your way back?
Now he’s just trolling.
“EXCLUSIVE: Joy Reid Claims Newly Discovered Homophobic Posts From Her Blog Were ‘Fabricated’
In an exclusive statement to Mediaite, the MSNBC host claims these posts from The Reid Report — which include defending homophobia, gay jokes, and the outright mocking of gay people and homosexuality — were somehow put in by an “external party” that “manipulated material from my now-defunct blog.”
While Reid apologized in December for writing homophobic content on a blog she ran long before her days as an icon of the #Resistance movement, she claims these new posts opposing gay marriage and cringing “at the sight of two men kissing” were part of a “fabricated” outside effort to paint her as “offensive and hateful.”
t is worth noting, however, that Reid does admit these posts came from her blog — rather than alleging they are doctored images posted to Twitter — with the caveat that they were added by nefarious hackers after she had the site shut down. It’s unclear when the nefarious hackers would have hacked her site and added the controversial content, since it has been defunct for years and still is. More importantly, NBC could or would not specify exactly which posts Reid is claiming were doctored.”
Anybody who expressed non controversial opinions about gays 10 years ago on the internet can be taken down at any time by the modern outrage mob.
Obama better look out!
I still don’t understand why an aversion to seeing dudes making out is such a horrible thing. I don’t care in the least that they do it, I just don’t want to watch. Y’know, being heterosexual and all.
When progressives say “tolerance” they really mean “affirmation”. Tolerance means being agreeable to people you disagree with, and it is a fine concept that should be widely promoted as essential to the amicable functioning of a free society. Socially enforced affirmation, on the other hand, is a tool of enforcing a dogma. Not everyone is going to like the same things, and that should be OK and not pilloried.
Tolerance means being agreeable to people you disagree with
My definition of tolerance is a little different – it means not being an asshole to people you disagree with. It encompasses apathy, which I regard as a species of tolerance.
RE: Female genital mutilation
Best ride at the amusement park.
I dunno. Mustache rides are probably pretty popular.
Another backbreaking day in America’s Idea Factory
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) will announce a plan for the federal government to guarantee a job paying $15 an hour and health-care benefits to every American worker “who wants or needs one,” embracing the kind of large-scale government works project that Democrats have shied away from in recent decades.
Sanders’s jobs guarantee would fund hundreds of projects throughout the United States aimed at addressing priorities such as infrastructure, care giving, the environment, education and other goals. Under the job guarantee, every American would be entitled to a job under one of these projects or receive job training to be able to do so, according to an early draft of the proposal.
A representative from Sanders’s office said they had not yet done a cost estimate for the plan or decided how it would be funded, saying they were still crafting the proposal.
“How is that supposed to work?”
“Shut up.”
lol. So first they decided what they wanted. Omg. So. Fucking. Dumb.
Magic money trees create wealth and happiness. Like DUH.
12 districts
Each with their own recommended projects
All reporting to the Capital.
We Hunger Games Now, boys!
LOL, good catch.
every American worker “who wants or needs one,”
Sounds like Bernie is proposing forced labor for people who don’t want a job.
That sounds like slavery with extra steps.
-1 Blooble Yank
Communism is the proposition that the ideal life is to be a slave owned by the government and managed by bureaucrats.
Two stories that will surprise nobody here, but other people seem to be surprised about them:
1. From March 1-31, the NRA raised more money than it had in a single month for 15 years.
“A representative from Sanders’s office said they had not yet done a cost estimate for the plan or decided how it would be funded”
And they’re not going to. Sanders never includes budget proposals in his dipshit plans. He knows it’s not happening, so there’s no need to talk money. But a lot of people are stupid enough to buy into this sort of lunacy.
I had never heard of Sanders before the 2016 election. Being an economically ignorant senator from VT has made him famous.
The more commie an idea is, the more the Democrats far left wing eats it up. Now the batshit crazy fuckers are talking about making reparations part of their official platform.
I hope they do.
Can’t someone just drive Sanders to a park so he can feed ducks or something?
Somehow, that would end with a convoluted bread-crumb distribution and sharing plan, and a lot of starved-to-death ducks.
Nah, most of them would die in the war vs. the Geese. Which Sanders would blame for the shortage of bread crumbs.
The ducks who refused to share would be sent to the duck gulag.
Only after the old people hoarding the bread crumbs had been properly dealt with.
If you don’t want the ducks eating the bread just crimp a ring around their neck like the chinese.
Sanders’s jobs guarantee would fund hundreds of projects throughout the United States aimed at addressing priorities such as infrastructure, care giving, the environment, education and other goals. Under the job guarantee, every American would be entitled to a job under one of these projects or receive job training to be able to do so, according to an early draft of the proposal.
“See, we give those people jobs. Then, they pay taxes on the money we pay them, and that tax money pays for them to work. It’s so simple. Genius. I wonder why nobody ever thought of this before.”
The perpetual
motionmoney machine?It’s even easier than that. Really simple actually. You just find all the people making $30 an hour and you take $17 an hour away from them ($2 an hour for administration fees you know) and use that $15 to pay the new workers. It’s all about fairness, what could possibly go wrong?
Then, they pay taxes on the money we pay them
On $30K a year? Many won’t pay anything, and the ones who do won’t pay much.
Well, then we just pay them enough for that they will have to pay taxes. That will fix it.
I make less than $15, and don’t tell me I don’t pay much.
I have no doubt that you pay too much, Ted.
Yeah, but due to the multiplying effect of government investment it actually works.
/This comment brought to you by the Porcine Aviation League
“value added government projects”
Mrs. Dean had never seen WestWorld, so we started watching it last week. A few thoughts:
(1) Fuck HBO for telling me I have to pay $2.99 to stream it when I am an HBO subscriber. (We didn’t pay, but recorded them during the Season 1 marathon yesterday).
(2) Holy crap, what a good show. So smart in the issues it tackles and how it tackles them. Definitely bears re-watching – I picked up a lot that I missed on the first go-around.
The second season premiere last night was a bit of a letdown. They’re getting a bit too enamored with multiple timelines.
I liked Westworld better when it was called Jurassic Park./ Jk
Except it’s the other way around.
That’s why I said jk…
Oh yeah? Well I didn’t see that!
Actually I dislike the message of the Crichton anti-science cautionary tales but I’m at a stage now where I prefer naked robot women to dinosaurs. Although I’d take both.
I really like the series a lot. I’m just worried that it’s going to lose some of the je ne sais quoi as it goes into further seasons. True Detective broke my heart.
(1) Fuck HBO for telling me I have to pay $2.99 to stream it when I am an HBO subscriber.
I’m pretty sure you can get HBO GO for free as a subscriber that allows you to stream anything HBO. I’m not a subscriber so pay $10/month for HBO Now which is about the same as far as I can tell.
I’m not watching WestWorld on my fucking phone, so that’s a no-go.
Based on the trailer (and NO SPOILERS, because we haven’t finished season 1 yet), it doesn’t look like there’s going to be a season 3.
True Detective broke my heart.
Season 1 was awesome, Season 2 was a little better than mediocre. I feel your pain.
HBO GO works on other devices as well – I know there’s an XBox One version (I use it). Possibly something for Roku/Amazon Fire Stick/etc.
Don’t got none o’ those – we’re on DirecTV.
Thinking seriously about cord-cutting. An excellent topic for an article here, if anyone has any insights on it.
We’ve cord-cut and get our TV via Sling and Playstation Vue using an Amazon Fire TV. We can get HBO et al through either Sling or Vue but we do HBO Go since the price is about the same and the interface is better. Now, if you have DirecTV they have a streaming service for people who don’t get a TV subscription, but you have to be a DirecTV subscriber. I don’t know how that works, but apparently it’s a thing.
I recommend it if you can get decent broadband service to your area. It’s harder if you’re in a rural area and don’t have Fios, say, or reliable high-speed Internet, but not impossible. In my case, I wound up saving easily $150 a month just doing Internet and streaming.
Step 1.) Stop watching TV.
I’m not watching WestWorld on my fucking phone, so that’s a no-go.
It’s for your tv. We watch HBO Now on a 65” using a Roku, but I think my sister accesses GO directly through her cable box.
It shows for us as an app for phones and tablets. It doesn’t show as an option anywhere else.
Doesn’t matter, for now.
Gotcha, you’ll need a Roku/Firestick/Samsung Smart TV then to run it. For some reason LG tvs do not support HBO which pissed me off after buying said tv above.
Cutting the cord is pretty simple but maybe I’ll write that article. We cut the cord from using DirecTV maybe 8 years ago and haven’t looked back. HBO/Netflix/Hulu have everything I could possibly watch. I have Amazon Prime too but use that primarily for shipping and music, would not recommend just for video.
We cut the cord from using DirecTV maybe 8 years ago and haven’t looked back.
We’re looking at a couple of issues:
(1) Hardware. We’d like a DVR and a decent, usable menu of what we can watch.
(2) Programming options. We are struggling mightily with sports, based on our cursory review of programming options. Main sports are college football, NFL (still, for now), and auto racing.
(3) Experience with broadcast antenna for local stations.
The sports aren’t quite there yet, but I think a massive shift is coming within the next few years since the traditional model of charging every cable subscriber $8 for ESPN will no longer be sustainable as more cut the cord. ESPN is launching a new streaming service that doesn’t currently offer the big sports, but I believe this is their test platform for doing so.
Sling and PS Vue both do live sports. NFL is tough because of market stuff. For instance, we’re in the Baltimore market even though we’re equidistant to DC and in about a 50-50 Redskins/Ravens area, so while we can get local Baltimore channels on Vue we don’t get the DC ones. That means unless a ‘Skins game is on MNF, TNF, or isn’t competing with a Ravens game we can’t get it. College football is all over both channels, as is racing.
The DVR options for those two aren’t as good as cable, but they’re feasible. Once you start kind of drifting away from the broadcast TV model of viewing and towards the streaming/subscription model, though, it matters less. You just stop worrying about recording stuff when it comes on and consider it available once it’s streamable, which happens faster and faster these days.
User interfaces for both of the services I mentioned frankly could be improved, but Sling gives the best approximation of a channel guide you’d be familiar with from DirecTV. Vue is godawful. It’s designed to be used with a controller, as you might expect, but that manifests in very annoying ways. For instance, Sling lets you just type in a search box, which you can do if you use your phone as a remote like we do. Vue forces you to cycle through a dial of numbers and letters until you spell out the thing you’re looking for, narrowing the search results letter by letter.
Like I say above, we’ve been doing it for two years now and love it. We saved a bunch of money and don’t really miss the things we can’t get any more. The sports bit is a little tough, but not impossible to work around. I mean, worst case scenario we go to a bar to watch the game. Twist my arm, why dontcha?
Best show since Breaking Bad. For anyone interested season one is on sale on iTunes for 15 bucks or at least it was the day before yesterday.
I’d put Mindhunter up there, and The Bosch series on Amazon Prime ain’t too shabby either.
I’ll check those out.
Can’t wait for more Mindhunter – great show!!
Yes, I really liked Mindhunter.
Is Bosch good? I had the first season on in the background and stopped because it struck me as something I’d want to pay attention to, but never got back to it. I’ve found the Amazon exclusives to be a little uneven, but I’ve been favorably impressed by The Expanse, and there are a few others that were pretty good.
I like it, but while I haven’t read the novels it is based on, they are in the same genre that I read a lot of, so I may be biased. And yes there are season spanning plotlines and arcs so you’d probably want to pay attention if you want to know whats going on, It’s not an episode by episode stand alone.
I generally dislike cop shows, but Bosch is very well done.
I was very pleased to find out that there are two more seasons of Bosch. Good, solid show.
I’m waiting on Fargo (which has gotten kinda weirder and weirder, but its still fun, especially since Mrs. Dean is from way up north), and Better Call Saul.
If you are a BCS fan, there is a great documentary (Badlands) on a murder in Terlingua Texas. The defense lawyer is a no-kidding, real-life Saul Goodman. It is fascinating.
OK, it’s “get your shit out of my house”, part deux on Thursday. He assured me he would even turn down work in order to get it done. I think he’s finally realizing how over this relationship is.
Tell him its gone one way or the other by your next scheduled trash pickup.
I guess I missed something.
Kristen has turned her key to break up but her now-ex has been dragging his feet on it.
^^ Good summary
I had made arrangements with him to pick up his shit 2 Fridays ago, and not only did he not show up, he didn’t even contact me until 4 days later. I pretty much told him he was required to show up this time.
How valuable is this shit?
All told, probably a few hunnert. Some of the game shit is worth quite a bit. I kind of hoping he forgets the Breaking Bad games on my bookshelf. Those might be worth something.
Then maybe just throw it all in a box and forget about it.
At least you weren’t dating John McAfee, or you would have to figure out a way to get rid of machine guns and suitcases full of cocaine.
Naw, he took his machine guns out a long time ago.
It’s not boxable – he’s got a few of those plastic shelving units and a printer and even a big ol’ office chair here. It’s way too much fuckin work for me, and why should I put myself out because he’s a shitheel? I want him to do all. the. work.
Tell him to call Tyrone…
…sorry, it just immediately sprung to mind.
“”the Breaking Bad games ”
what? is that like a board game, where you roll dice to see how many of your dealers Tuco’s boys take out?
or is it like Operation, where you try and cook meth, but if you do it wrong, it sounds a buzzer then explodes and sends burning chemicals all over your face.
“”probably a few hunnert”
Which reminds me:
i woke up in the middle of the night the other day and remembered that I lent a microphone, stand, and (joe meek) pre-amp to a friend.
i lent it to him 15 years ago. and just remembered.
I’ve been wondering whether i should contact him and be like, “hey, about that”.
LOL – not sure about the games. Haven’t played it. It’s a relatively small box, so I’m thinking maybe a card game? Not sure if it’s meth cooking recipes or legal/criminal strategy-based.
Gilmore, Both sound fun….
Kristen isn’t a dog person.
In the last month, I’ve heard both the House Liberty Caucus and Scott Adams called “far right”.
I hate the world.
FYI as far as pizza toppings go marinated artichoke hearts with anchovies isn’t as tasty as it sounds.
I get the artichoke (which I don’t like on pizza) but people LOVE anchovies (again not my thang).
I just had my brother in law’s mother’s pizza. I defy anyone to come up with a better tasting pizza. Hyperbolic (sorta) but that broad can make some pizza man.
“‘Here’s my number’: Fresno State professor’s post floods Arizona State crisis line with calls
Arizona State University’s phone number for students in crisis has received a massive number of calls in the past two days after a California professor ranted against Barbara Bush and posted the crisis hotline as her personal number.
Randa Jarrar, an English professor at California State University-Fresno, called Bush, who died on Tuesday, an “amazing racist” who “raised a war criminal,” a reference to former President George W. Bush, in a Twitter post.
She later said she was “happy the witch is dead” and couldn’t wait for the rest of the Bush family to meet their demise.”
“If you really wanna reach me, here’s my number ok?” Jarrar posted, listing the number for the ASU crisis line.
The 24-hour ASU crisis line, run by a company called Empact, was subsequently inundated with phone calls.
The hotline typically receives about 5 calls per week, according to ASU.
On Wednesday afternoon, about a day after Jarrar’s post, the line was still getting 50 to 70 calls per hour, ASU said.”
I’m no lawyer, but I don’t think a denial of service attack to a crisis hotline is protected by the First Amendment.
She’s also a serious, heavy-duty uggo.
Rufus linked to a video of her. She thrives on hate and (verbal) conflict. Ignoring her is the best thing one can do.
Oh for fuck’s sake.
All I can say is, from what I know about Kashuv, this will not go well for the school.
Please sue them for harassment.
The BCSO is looking to deflect attention from itself. I’m surprised that shitheel sheriff hasn’t been run out on a rail yet.
Call the lawyers now and tell them how much you want in the check.
Also cut your hair and get ready to go on Hannity
He may have already been on Hannity
Well he’s about to go back. I would like to see them re-ramp up the heat on those assholes
I wonder if the deputies were fat guys? They sound fat. With piggy eyes.
I think Hogg’s dad is a retired Fed; he technically has Hogg eyes.
KK has Bette Davis eyes….
He does! I didn’t notice that. I been actually trying to place him, thinking that weird-looking Egyptian kid from The War At Home and Mr. Robot. But no, Bette Davis utterly nails it. Exact same peepers.
For all people talk about how bad bullying is supposed to be, they always seem to be OK with certain types of bullying.
Oh holy shit. They fucked up. My God they are stupid.
Do not fuck with the Israeli kid. Ignore him as much as possible and hope everyone else does. Everyone else had the common sense to know that was the program and stick with it.
That’s some coward shit from the same department that stood by while the school got shot up.
“BREAKING: Anti-Gun Control Parkland Survivor Kyle Kashuv Questioned By School Security For Visiting Gun Range With His Father”
This reminds me of something…
This is so 7 minutes ago.
GHWB is in the ICU 🙁
Dang it,..
Someone alert that cunt from Fresno.
USA Today, the newest report, says he’s recovering. (And with a text story, not just an Infographic!)
It’s often hard for the husband to stick around much longer after the wife goes–some say it’s because the ladies tend to have more supportive social networks–but I certainly wasn’t expecting anything this quick. Be like Mel Brooks (Anne Bancroft September 17, 1931 – June 6, 2005), HW!
George Burns outlived Gracie Allen by 31 years.
My grandfather has outlived my grandmother by 27 years now. They had been married 44 years.
Forgot about one of the most famous examples! He really adored her too, and was devastated by the loss.
Two stories that will surprise nobody here, but other people seem to be surprised about them:
1. From March 1-31, the NRA raised more money than it had in a single month for 15 years.
2. In the two weeks after the Parkland shooting, gun sales (measured by background checks) surged 44% in Florida
I thought the NRA doesn’t reveal its fundraising. Or was that its membership numbers?
Way OT: Razorfist has a lisp, I noticed it in his latest rant, nothing wrong with it, Watsky has one and he’s as fast as they get, Spoken Word..
I keep seeing this Razorfist mentioned on here a lot. What is so great about him? I only know him from his Encyclopedia Dramatica article.
He’s got a fun, funny tone as he takes on latest political shitstorm and sums it up, then eviscerates it in five minutes with a broadly (but not always) libertarian perspective.
I prefer his culture stuff – his fanboy gushing over The Shadow is a pleasure to listen to, his taste in video games is usually impeccable (he’s wrong on The Witcher series, and Moorecock can suck it, Geralt is not Elric ripoff), but above all tower his Metal Mythos videos, which bounce between obscure and mainstream, but are always perceptive, well argued and filled with deep love of both the genre and the subject, even when he isn’t even a fan (see his Iron Maiden video for example, or Motorhead to see the man at his fanboyest).
his DS9 series is really well thought out as well
Yeah, his buddy Tarran Gell is a solid video editor too – some real good quality there.
Good news for the Glibertarian Moment, from the “Religious Left” (remember the ’00s?) Evangelical mag Sojourners that I mentioned a few days ago: Bay Area lefty-Prod churches getting with the program?
“The churches are training members of the congregation in alternate responses to threat, uncertainty, or needs for help.”
Good luck with that in San Francisco.
YAS! Lefties continue inevitable cannibalization
That’s hilarious!
Politics makes strange bedfellows indeed. Fortunately, at least they’ll know what to do if the one-night stand results in something…
Unions and abortionists make poor bedfellows indeed. Abortionists often have labor problems; and unions have been some of the most prominent, powerful, and influential opponents of abortionists’ attacks on free speech. Naturally, if each had their way, abortionists would erect a 100-mile “safe zone” around every abortion clinic, in which no one was allowed to speak a bad word about abortion, and was required to tattoo directions to the clinic upon their foreheads; whereas unions would like to ensure that any and all protesters do not have infringed their right to exercise a little “free speech” upon any scabs or line crossers with dis here picket baseball bat, know what I’m sayin’?
By the way Kibble, I did not notice your little tophat before. Your avatar is already adorable, and this makes it the adorablest!
Danke very much! I wanted to glue an actual mini top hat to my helmet when I went to CO this year, but they never shipped 🙁
Maybe next year…
“do not have infringed their right to exercise a little “free speech” upon any scabs or line crossers with dis here picket baseball bat, know what I’m sayin’?”
My uncle went all Kurt Russell in Tombstone “not before I make your head into a canoe” in the early 80s with some union guys in Baltimore. The client needed an install done, the union was being bitches about it, so he hired my uncle to do it at night low key. Apparently word leaked out though, and the Stalwart Knights of Labor confronted my uncle at 430 AM as he was leaving the place. He put his back to the wall and the muzzle of his old Ruger 357 on the lead thugs head and all of a sudden they wasn’t so tough on the scabs no more.
Soooo, for CPRM or other amateur/pro video editors out there – I think I need a new intro clip for my channel that looks a little better (and possibly a bit of a tune that won’t set off the copyright triggers). I can probably pay to commission (within reason) feel free to DM me on twitter or message me on youtube. Gracias. Not in a real hurry – later this summer might work better.