the Telford grooming scandal continues to spiral.
Makes them sound like monkeys picking ticks out of the kid’s hair. Racist.
How have the parents not rioted or lynched someone when the authorities seem unconcerned?
Afghans are having blast? I ask myself again and again, is it always Blowin’ in the Wind? Its way past time to come home.
disarmed him of the notorious assault rifle and tossed it over the counter
Yea! More silly adjectives!
Yeah, I caught that. It is notorious.
Is also BIG
*narrows west coast gaze*
And I thought Duran Duran was the obvious go-to.
I realize it’s the New York Post, but for real?
Also, I imagine that there are a fair number of people in that Waffle House who would’ve given their eye teeth for a loaded gun on hand.
I love a story with a happy ending.
Hey straff! I’ve seen apple cider vinegar in the food floors of a couple department stores at least. The wife came across a newspaper article or such and wanted a particularly brand (which I was unable to find) but did find others. Didn’t try a non-department grocery store so far.
You mean like Odakyu, right? You’re probably right. They really jack up the prices there. I bought a bottle of Leinkugel’s there once. 600 yen. That would’ve bought me a twelve pack when I was in Wisconsin.
Yeah. Look’s like Amazon.jp could be your friend: https://favy-jp.com/topics/1809
Virtually every supermarket is bound to have some.
I guess I just never noticed it. Kind of like homeless people.
“When he came in, I distinctively remember thinking that he is going to have to work for this kill,”
^^^^ this is the right attitude
The overhaul sought to shore up Nicaragua’s troubled social security system with a combination of reduced benefits and increased taxes.
Gee, that didn’t go over well? Shocking.
SS reform never happening here either.
Oh, don’t kid yourself. It’ll happen. Just not by choice.
おっぱい対バンズ! 誰が勝つ?
All, please.
I got to hear and see two somewhat curious things this weekend. The first was Stormy Daniels’ lawyer as a guest on Bill Maher’s show. I know almost nothing of the legal profession, but this seemed a little strange to me. He spoke with great confidence about how this case was going to blow the doors off all sorts of wrongdoing by Trump and how Cohen was a shitty lawyer. I would imagine that if someone had a trove of earth shattering evidence that could undo a sitting president, they would be trying to play their cards as close to their chest as possible instead of blabbing about it on a nationally syndicated TV show. Again, I know next to nothing about lawyering. Maher’s trained seals clapped enthusiastically throughout.
The second weird thing was heard while driving, and I’m surprised that I wasn’t overwhelmed by an urge to steer my car into a guardrail out of sheer rage. James Comey was a guest on the New Yorker Radio Hour (yes, it’s as hopelessly insufferable as the name implies) broadcast on NPR. Listening to him speak made me realize that there are very few people that I dislike more. He may very well have the most cloying personality in human history, so it should come as no surprise that progressives eat up every kibble of horseshit that drops from his attention seeking maw. He waxed poetic about how the law enforcement arms of the government operate under a pure, altruistic sense of good for the nation, and when asked if he had any regrets following his ignoble career end his reply was to the effect of, “I often feel as though we hadn’t done enough.”
Yet I thought the more discerning progs blame Comey for Hillary’s loss? Why isn’t he hated by both sides now (my guess is TDS is capable of rehabilitating anyone.)
Maybe we can get CPRM to edit Comey’s face onto Shindler’s head. Hillary as the Jew.
“I often feel as though we hadn’t done enough.”
Well, Hillary was not indicted, so that goes without saying. (Oh, that wasn’t what you meant?)
Are you ready for some
footballnutpunches?What started as “a welfare check,” the lawsuit says, became a fatal shooting though “no officers or civilians were ever in any danger.”
Yeah, but what the story doesn’t tell you is that the teen didn’t have s driver’s license. Just a learner’s permit. So he shouldn’t have been driving. What he was doing was illegal.
Procedures were followed.
Besides, that kid shouldn’t have been born if he didn’t want to get killed by a cop. He had it coming.
He also noted that the van had a notorious assault rear-view camera.
When do our heroes in blue start getting locked up for murder for this kind of stuff?
Look at the comedian over here!
Never. call. the. cops.
Can you even imagine a scenario involving any other profession where you’d see that little personal accountability? I mean, he killed a teenager in cold blood who he was called to check on because of fears that said teenager was suicidal. The closest analogy I can imagine is if a firefighter showed up to a call, found the house was fine, and then set it on fire with people inside.
And bear in mind these are the kind of people that gun grabbers say are the only people who can be trusted with firearms, and if you think it might not be a bad idea to have some of your own in case Officer Friendly goes apeshit and decides to shoot your kid while he’s moving your car, you’re a crazy racist gun-nut.
Can we at least get him sleeping under a bridge because he’s been sued out of house and home and has been rendered unemployable?
His twin daughters could get cancer…
God forbid. But I’m fine with their father going to prison for the rest of his natural life.
Q went there. *Slowly distances himself from the Continuum*
Totally justified shooting. Clearly the Officer feared for his life. I mean just watch the video, that kid recklessly lost control of the van and it slewed around wildly after he was shot the first time! Obviously at that point the officer had to empty the magazine into the kid to stop the van since it was out of control!
On a less sarcastic note, I probably qualify as a copsucker on this site since I actually have sympathy for the idea that split second decisions in violent confrontations should be judged with more deference than most situations. In other words when a cop blows away an unarmed felon for reaching for his phone, or grabbing at his pants, I tend to think “there but for the grace of God” not “scumball murdering pigs.”
But when you are called out for a ‘wellness check” or a pot possession bust, or some poor bastard holding an airsoft rifle next to the airsoft rifle display, or a drunk guy in a hotel, and there is literally NO violent confrontation, ambiguous grabbing toward the waistband, or threatening behavior it is murder to shoot someone. Driving a car at back out of the driveway speed, past you, not toward you, is not a threatening behavior and if you shoot this kid you need to do time for at minimum manslaughter.
This was an unarmed teen who was threatening suicide on Instagram and the cops came to check on him and (ostensibly) try to help him.
They ended up murdering him.
Read my final paragraph; I agree:
But when you are called out for a ‘wellness check” or a pot possession bust, or some poor bastard holding an airsoft rifle next to the airsoft rifle display, or a drunk guy in a hotel, and there is literally NO violent confrontation, ambiguous grabbing toward the waistband, or threatening behavior it is murder to shoot someone. Driving a car at back out of the driveway speed, past you, not toward you, is not a threatening behavior and if you shoot this kid you need to do time for at minimum manslaughter.
I gotcha, I think we’re all sick of seeing stories like this.
I hold cops to a simple standard. If I, or any other citizen, can walk away from a shooting without jail time- then, and only then, can a cop.
e.g 1 You are in a mall and some ass starts shooting it up. You take cover, see the assailant, shoot him-injuring zero other people. You are give your statement, corroborated by independent witnesses, are thanked for protecting the community and head home. Replace the word “you”
with “cop” and that is a good shoot.
e.g.2 You drive up and see a kid playing with a toy gun. Drive at a high rate of speed to feet away from said kid, jump out and shoot him within 2 seconds of stopping at close range, then prohibit others from rendering aid. You get “old sparky”, cop gets “old sparky”.
Cops are not in the infantry clearing houses in Stalingrad, Berlin, Hue or Baghdad. They are civilians, just like their fellow citizens, and should have zero legal courtesies that apply to the rest of the populace.
You may call me crazy, but I call me rational- if deluded that this will ever return to normal.
Read “that don’t apply” in penultimate paragraph.
I largely, but not quite entirely agree with this. I agree with both your examples, but ordinary citizens are not required to pursue felons and suspected felons down dark alleys and in those limited circumstances it makes sense to grant some deference to the cop’s perceptions.
e.g 1 You see a person, known to you to have a warrant out against him for armed robbery. You have no obligation to take him into custody, so if you chase him down an alley and he turns around and grabs for something at his waist, and you shoot him only to discover he was grabbing for a phone. You are not protected because you had no obligation to put yourself in the position. A cop is obligated to do so and under those circumstances I believe deserves protection. I fully recognize that this protection has now been expanded to cover example 2, and I disagree with that every bit as strongly as you, but I think the issue of the protection is more nuanced.
In your example said cop should get a jury trial. If he wins, great- if not, it serves as a wonderful warning to any other cop.
Jarflax I trust you are discussing in good faith, as am I. However the pendulum between SC cases including “new professionalism”, not needing to know the law combined with union contracts and Grossman’s revolting “training” have pushed me to wanting to grab that pendulum and swing it waaaay back.
I saw young troops in Iraq with a much broader expanse on when they could kill act time and time again with more restraint and maturity than a common cop. It is not just cops murdering fellow citizens, it is the entire “blue line against the world”, placing themselves above their fellow citizens and the cops certain knowledge that they can fuck with you and I in ways high and low because the punishment is the process. (See link about the $500 fruit.)
Cops have a simple decision with my paradigm. They can quit and find a another job just like you and I when the employer changes the terms of a job.
Oh absolutely, if there is an edge case put him on trial, but let him raise the defense! The whole thin blue line thing is crap, has been since we went all in on the war on drugs. But the BLM riots are crap also and swinging pendulums back too far the other way produces just as much injustice. Witness bakers forced to bake gay wedding cakes, etc. You do not fix injustice by being unjust in the opposite direction.
I suspect if you and I went down a list of police shootings we would agree on the appropriate outcome better than 90% of the time. I am only a copsucker by Glib’s standards. I’d have the killers of Tamir Rice, Eric Garner, Philando Castile, the kid above, Zachary Hammond, and Justine Damond, in prison. But the guy who killed Michael Brown would not be.
Enjoying the discussion! But who the fuck here thinks Michael Brown wasn’t justified?
I think it was on TOS where I mentioned: I tell progs I support BLM as far as police brutality is concerned, but I don’t support their overracialization of the issue. And the latter cuts closer to the core of their raison d’etre. They were founded by intersectional queer feminist activists, not salt-of-the-earth black types from the communities. And more importantly, it’s telling that–although one forgets it now, it was not founded to protest police brutality. It was founded to protest the Trayvon Martin case, and the remarkable integrity of the jury for resisting mob justice. Note that–though it took place in the same period when we saw an innocent unarmed black man brutally choked to death by cops in Staten Island–BLM paid relatively little attention to this case, and focused instead on two killings that were not even injustices at all: Trayvon Martin, who was not even killed by police; and a violent thug in Ferguson, Missouri who had it coming.
“I don’t support their overracialization of the issue”
This. It’s a shame that whatever (justified) points BLM may have had WRT police brutality have been papered over with bullshit, identity politics pablum. It’s become just another Marxist astroturf movement.
In other words when a cop blows away an unarmed felon for reaching for his phone, or grabbing at his pants, I tend to think “there but for the grace of God” not “scumball murdering pigs.”
I thought the rule used to be (in the ancient past, apparently) that a gun had to be seen (not just feared). If so, when did it change?
That was never the rule. The rule since the mid 80s (Constitutional Standard, localities can impose tougher standards) is An officer’s use of force “must be judged from the perspective of a reasonable officer on the scene, rather than with the 20/20 vision of hindsight,”
As I mention above I agree that in practice we deem some very unreasonable conduct reasonable, and we need to change this, I just don’t go as far as some in where I would draw the line. I know I am sounding equivocal here, but I’m not. I am just trying to point out that this is a more nuanced problem than many would like it to be.
I agree that in 90% of the cop shooting cases we would agree. Ferguson was a good shoot. If Holder wasn’t going to indict then there was no way the protesters were correct about the shooting. However (and there must be a however) the police actions during the protests were unwarranted. Protect life and property, got it. Black uniforms with functionally no identification, armored vehicles, snipers overlooking peaceful enough protesters, telling journalists they couldn’t film. Nope. That calls for indictments. Cops are just citizens not our overlords.
Cops intimidating jurors by flooding courtrooms and staring while taking notes of jurors. Nope. That is illegal for my family if I am on trial. It should be for cops. You want to attend the trial? Fine, it is an open court. Come without uniforms and follow the same rules as any other member of the audience.
Abolish their unions and the special union carve outs concerning possible police criminal activity. I don’t get waiting periods, the ability to recheck my statements and change them etc etc etc. Cops are citizens and not nazgul with their own rules.
The States and Congress should immediately tighten the rules concerning what is “reasonable officer judgement” That fucking Phoenix area cop repeatedly shot a man begging for his life, who was trying to follow officer commands, because “he feared for his life. Bullshit. He threw out the lines he was trained to use as his automatic get out of jail free card and murdered a man on camera in cold blood. He walked because of the SC approved lines. That is plain wrong and until that type of wrong is righted I have precious little patience for any cop.
Again, I saw better use of proportional force in Iraq time and time again from Soldiers with much more lenient rules of engagement. That is not to say there weren’t “ahh shit” moments; I had to deal with the aftermath of several of them. Leaders also came down hard people doing petty BS making life hard on the locals in a way that would piss off US cops and what they do everyday. Remember this was a society were the vast majority of houses had AK-series weapons and there were serious bad people trying to kill citizens, Iraqi security forces and US military. A truly scary place unlike a motel hallway.
I agree with you on BLM. There was a moment when US society could have addressed cop violence and the racists of BLM pissed it away.
I always pegged the English for being closeted homosexuals (NTTAWWT)- not paedophiles. If five years from now we find out Pizzagate was real all along, I’m going to be pissed
British Isles?
The land of Jimmy Saville, Gary Glitter, and Pakistani rape gangs.
Well, you all screeched at the Pakistanis to assimilate, and well, they did!
They smile in your face
All the time they want to take your place
The Pakistanis
They’re not closeted homosexuals; they’re all but open (they did long have some of the severest, most enforced, and longest-lasting antisodomy laws in the world) heteroflexibles. Even those who haven’t actually dabbled in buggery seem to clearly enjoy carrying an air of flamboyance and homoerotic ambiguity about them; this is true no matter how effeminate or masculine they are.
For a hilarious (and very NSFW) snapchat recording, google “Corey Glazier.” I like to think of that kid as Britain in human form, the consummate and most British of Brits, the most British man out there. In terms of links directly provided by me, we’ll have to settle in the meantime for the runners-up.
The Latest: Nicaragua cancels social security overhaul
Halfway to Managua https://youtu.be/K-VVWzHqI4w
+1 pretty, pretty boys
“Miss me, yet?”
I actually didn’t know that Ortega guy was still around. I thought I’d gone back in time or something.
Well yeah, he’s got some awesome salsa.
Yeah, been there.
But I never wrestled an AR-15 away from a pantsless man. Which… is a bit surprising considering my fraternity.
“” a pantsless man””
wait, what?
Was that the line about ‘wearing only a bomber jacket’? somehow that slipped past me.
then again the story didn’t mention anything else about the shooter either.
There was an earlier story that said the shooter also lost his jacket in the melee and fled naked.
When TDS is taken to its logical conclusion.
I have to think the NYT is just trolling its readers at this point.
In those carefree pre-Trump days, Mr. Hagerman would settle into the coffee shop with his newspaper and dig in.
That’s a great idea though and everybody should do it. When the political climate becomes intolerable to you just buy 45 acres with a lake on it. Problems solved.
I can’t imagine being insufferable enough to merit a fawning puff piece in the NYT, though.
If you did that when Obama got elected, you’d wind up on the SPLC’s hate list.
And the accompanying NYT piece would be a deep dive into the curious world of preppers.
I can’t look down my nose because a bit of that would do wonders for my mental health. Ever since I was little I’ve been constantly hobbled by worry and distress over the condition of my community, my city, my country, the world–the injustice and oppression out there on all those levels. Unlike the progs who irritated me even then, I have always known that this “concern” is certainly no virtue, this stressing about everything; it doesn’t do anything to solve the problem so it’s useless. I wish I could chill.
“Freedom comes from seeing the ignorance of your critics and discovering the emptiness of their virtue.”
-The Notorious AZR
Yeah, I do know that. The greatest struggle will always be the struggle within yourself. And in terms of freedom, there’s something to be said, something very powerful, for the man in the gulag who knows he is freer, in the most profound and important way, than his captors will ever be. That shit is real.
But it’s also true that freedom, a freedom that damn well counts for something too, comes from not having your rights violated by others. It bothers me that people are oppressed, and that my city and country–the former of which I simply love, the latter of which is simply humanity’s greatest accomplishment and greatest hope–are fated to head in the wrong direction. I do know that things have been getting enormously better–in city, country, and world–over the course of my life; but I am distressed at how much more it could be, and fear the tide will turn overall in the future.
My answer.
For real, I used to listen to that very joint as a little kid a lot to relax me. (This was back before the oldies station played Foo Fighters.) I probably should start doing it again.
I dunno what to tell you. I’ve never felt that way, and was long puzzled by the left telling me that I “must”. It was some relief when I realized that it is not human nature to “care” in that way about anyone not in your immediate friends and family. IOW, I was the normal one, not the phony lefties.
A fool and his money…
LOL what a moron
Better his money offered voluntarily than ours taken at gunpoint with threat of prison.
Yeah, for now. That is obviously what he wants, though.
“I am telling you if there is a God, when I get to heaven I’m not stopping to be interviewed. I am heading straight in. I have earned my place in heaven. It’s not even close.”
-Michael Bloomberg, thoroughly horrible person
LOL really?
It so much of that with the left. Everything they do is to make *them* feel better about themselves.
here ya go
Michael Bloomberg: I’ve ‘earned my place in heaven’ for anti-gun crusade
Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to unleash a torrent of rage vomit that’ll make Niagara Falls look like a leaky faucet.
Christ, what a fucking asshole.
“Excuse me Mr. Bloomberg, could you step back over here.” St Peter
“Nah, Pete, I saved millions of lives! I banned guns, taxed soda and made virtually all of Manhattan smoke free!” Mikey B
“I’m very sorry Mr. Bloomberg, but you just aren’t on the list. Please step this way.” St Peter
“Listen you! I am Mike Bloomberg and I do not have to take this from yoooooooooooooooooouuuuu!” Rapidly fading away as the speaker falls through trap door.
“OOOOOOH Mr Bloomberg, we have been waiting for you for some time now, we have you set up to share Adolf’s pineapple for starters” Satan
Best news I’ve heard all day. Mike Bloomberg’s money is one of the most powerful forces making the country and world a worse place right now. The more he throws down that pit the better off the world is. Less to pursue his other goals. This is a man who explicitly and openly (albeit without thinking he was being recorded) said his mission was to disarm young black men.
One of the most amusing, and telling, things I’ve seen from my bougie prog college friends on social media is that there’s a contingent of them that is superconscious about not being showed up in progginess, and these breathed fire at Hillary from the Left constantly about how she was a sellout, Wall Street stooge, whatever. #Occupy #BlackLivesMatter #FeelTheBurn etc. And most of these people, interspersed with these, are endless praises of Mike Bloomberg and wistful wishes of why he can’t be President. This was even back during the election.
On the Waffle House shooter: he got arrested at the White House over the summer.
His guns were taken but his dad gave them back.
In July 2017, Travis Reinking told a uniform Secret Service officer that he must get into the White House to speak with the President, according to an arrest report. The officer explained that he must get a tour to do that and told Reinking to move away from the pedestrian entrance, but the report states Reinking told the officer again that he had to speak with the President and that he was a “sovereign citizen” who had a right to inspect the grounds. After telling Reinking to move again, the report states that Reinking took his tie off, balled it into his fist, began approaching the officer and walked past the security barriers.
“Do what you need to do. Arrest me if you have to,” Reinking said, according to the report.
[head desk]
The list of guns the kid had implies that he had a little bit of cash, or his dad didn’t mind buying him some decent stuff. Kimber, CZ, Bushmaster…I mean, it’s not NBA money, but I couldn’t afford that shit when I was his age.
So, we’re looking at moving to VA. Anyone here live near Manassas?
Stonewall Jackson, Lorena Bobbitt, and now Hyperion. So rich with history and tradition.
Where are you working? You might get a better deal commuting from further down 29 (closer to Culpeper). (course that’s still 30-45 min North of where I am).
Am I the only one that LOL’d at the thought of the Communist lion Daniel Ortega getting stymied over trying to overhaul Social Security in Nicaragua? Oh how the mighty have fallen. Ollie North has to be chuckling.
I guess they ran out of other people’s money already. I can’t wait for this scene to play out in the US.
If you know the history of Daniel Ortega and the Sandanistas, this is comedy gold.
I couldn’t find the Ortega one but this is also timely once again.
Well, looks like I may have dodged a bullet. No NYT editorial, tweets from DeBlasio or Cynthia Nixon, statement from (or question to) Cuomo; only a brief tweet from Lander and some UES State Senate cunt hawking a bill that will die in committee. There’s still the first working day of the week, but after a few days we may be in the clear until the fall (though Cuomo may yet push it as a piece of prog performance art). So I may be moving on to stressing about November: the Independent Democratic caucus has dissolved, leaving the Republican majority down to (((one))) rogue Democrat; I don’t even want to think of what we are in for after the inevitable results of the election.
Earlier I said the USA produces less than 1% of all ocean plastics pollution. I misstated things a bit, and apologize. That figure is actually true of North America. (Note that North America is everything above the canal; it includes every Central American and Caribbean garbagehole on the map.) Europe (that would include the garbageholes of Eastern Europe including Russia) is less than one-quarter of one percent; you can imagine what ours is.
I also said earlier that Greenpeace itself admits plastic bags are not what is getting in the oceans. Similarly, where did I get this stat? Some Kochtopus denial outlet? Nope. Progs.
Note that final sentence:
The gist of the article is they know it’s theater. For the great bougie masses this is just another low-effort virtue signal to distinguish themselves as sophisticated and concerned about “justice” while they treat the poor with unalloyed contempt. But for the folks driving it, it’s an incrementalist strategy with a definite endgame–the fact that the steps do not actually do shit (i.e., after they’re normalized, “proved not to be enough”) is a feature, not a bug. Like smoking. Like junk food. Like guns. Like everything else. It’s there everywhere for you to read between the lines. We’re changing habits. Changing a throwaway culture. Raising awareness. It’s a first step. And sometimes, the most honest and principled of them cannot stand the deception, and shoot their honesty all over the page.
Even the Earth Day website features this frankness, to their credit. Their stated goal is “to eliminate single-use plastics.” Not reformulate. Not recycle. Eliminate. Think about what’s in your house. That shampoo bottle. That yogurt container. Go ahead, mentally go through the rest of your house. None are to be made out of plastics in the future. We are to remove this substance from the course of human progress.
Once again, I stress: Essentially all the plastics polluting our oceans are there because of the preconsumer pollution of Communist China, and the postconsumer waste of third-world countries where the government simply does not take out the trash. In our country we recycle our trash or put it in well-sealed landfills, which take up very little room, and build parks and golf courses over them.
I’m ending the rant here before it goes in a thousand different directions. Fuck that self-hating Jew Brad Lander, fuck Mike Bloomberg, fuck my bougie-ass elitist travesty of a political party, fuck the Red Chinese, fuck anyone else who treats this planet like their own personal trash can, fuck poverty, and fuck Earth Day.
many cultures have a very cavalier attitude towards trash:
Jeju airport battles garbage dumped by Chinese
Jeju airport is grappling with overflowing garbage from Chinese tourists.
Gates for international flights on the third floor of Jeju International Airport are teeming with rubbish from duty free goods purchased by Chinese tourists, according to Jeju newspaper Jemin Ilbo.
When tourists purchase duty free goods outside the airport, they have to pick them up from a designated area at the departure gate. The problem arises when the tourists rip the wrapping from the items at the gate before boarding, to reduce their size and weight. Then they leave the rubbish on the floor.
Staff from duty free shops and cleaners have asked Chinese tourists to use dumpsters, and even gave them garbage bags. The Korea Airports Corporation in Jeju has also taken action by increasing the number of cleaners at the gate from two to three.
The Land of 差不多
I wonder at the cause of this? Is it just tragedy of the commons writ large? In other words a result of living in a communist country. Or is it something else cultural?
I don’t think it’s the Chineseness.
I spent some time in Taiwan and one Monday told the Taiwanese I was working with that I’d seen the first rude, loud, obnoxious and littering Taiwanese since I’d arrived while I was visiting a touristy place. They both immediately spat out “MAINLANDERS!!!”
I observe similar behavior all the time (example: commuter on the subway eats their breakfast in my face and tosses the packaging on the floor) and shake my head in disbelief. It’s part tragedy of the commons and part cultural, I think.
These are, at least in some narrow sense (they may be wonderful in others) morally degenerate people. These are people who have not developed the appropriate values for a properly functioning civic society. These have taken time to develop and our ability to speed up the process may be limited.
Oh I don’t think its endemic to Chinese culture at all. Look at Taiwan, Singapore, any Chinatown in the US, and you find scrupulously tidy neighborhoods. That is why I find it so curious.
Here’s an article by the BBC lamenting that Sweden couldn’t pull off the social engineering required to switch traffic from driving on the left to the right today as Swedes are “too individualistic” nowadays.
Speaking as a whole that may technically be true, but the good news for Swedish societal engineers is that all of that individualism is concentrated in PewDiePie’s giant do-not-give-a-fuck testicles. I’m really starting to like that kid.
Just like all the pollution is generated in China. And the US is expected to ship trillions to the third world to “solve” their pollution issues while China continues building hundreds of coal plants.
What a world.
Gah, this world is full of sick f*cks.
My Splosives is practically having a multi-day panic attack about the move to San Diego. Problem is, the movers finished on Sat so the house is empty, so Mr Splosives went to a brand-new extended stay place nearby that allows pets (last weekend I attempted to get the 2 cats to MPLS with me but Minnesota gave us a giant fuck-off blizzard to thwart those plans).
Turns out new place has paper thin walls and is peopled by not the best sorts. At all. Fun fact: found out my youngest cat is racist. Cat never growled in her life and now growls at every man, woman, and child, and baby in the building, and they all (literally all except Mr Splosives) happen to be persons of color. I’ve heard of racist dogs, but never a racist cat.
(in reality, she’s likely just traumatized by the move, but the idea of a racist cat just cracks me up.)
Your cat is worse than Hitler or something
Like Hitler, it’s probably self-loathing, since as a calico, she is part black.
Have you thought of getting HM to mentor your cat? Some just need a positive role model.
Racist cats is a real thing. It’s a cat. What’re you gonba do?
Cats can’t be taught anything, with the exception of a happy few. This one was a rescue, so maybe she was abused by Jesse Jackson or something.
My cats must have gone thru some heavy shit before I got them because they are deathly afraid of all people. They are more or less used to me after 11 years but I can’t for example pick them up or God forbid try to trim their claws. Other people come over, they just run and hide for the duration.
My 8 yr old cat was a rescue from the humane society at 11 mos, although for the life of me I can’t imagine voluntarily giving up such a chill, affectionate, and intelligent creature. Not to mention beautiful. She loves people, and instead of running away when the doorbell rings, she actually comes to the door and sees what’s up. I’ve enjoyed watching the cable guys, phone guys, whatever perfect strangers working at the house over the years absentmindedly reach out and pat her while she supervises their work.
The 4 yr old racist cat is weird because she is interested in strangers and doesn’t hide, but she will NOT be picked up and still jumps at her own shadow.
I think with dogs, nurture is dominant over nature, but with cats, it is what it is.
Rhy, I sympathize.
Claw trimming is tough. I can brush their teeth since they know they get Temptations treats afterwards, but no Temptations are worth the dreaded claw trim!!
Bless you for being a good shepherd to your trauma kittehs.
My cats won’t eat treats.
I probably make it sound worse than it is. They are the sweetest things to me after all these years. They do have their quirks though.
My grandma had a cat that was a mean old biddy who would swipe me in the face when I got close. I consider myself lucky today.
You didn’t escape totally unfazed ’cause it looks like your mug is still frozen in the same expression, you made it so much while growing up.
She was carefully taught to hate https://youtu.be/OAZ8yOFFbAc
Wow, that movie is no longer on my “To View” list.
Show tunes are awesome, that one is awesome, and South Pacific is awesome.
Oh my god have you never seen South Pacific? Don’t let that clip sour you. It’s a beautiful story of love, honor, sacrifice. There is humor and melodrama. Bigotry and chauvinism get examined and debunked—through the power of song!!
Still not as good as Teahouse of the August Moon, though.
Alright, alright. I will get to it.
I love me some R&H. I’m from Oklahoma! after all.
I remember assuming every state had a kick-ass musical named after their state and then feeling awfully sorry for them when I learned it wasn’t true.
Oh, what a beautiful mornin’, oh what a beautiful day. I’ve got a beautiful feeling, everything’s going my way…
Naw, the Polynesians just get one for their entire region! At least Jemes Michener, I think, really did write a nice big thick boring book about damn near every state. And Space!
That is the best song, but this was always my favorite part. Weird but perhaps prophetic that some little kid’s favorite song should be the one about property rights.
Diego, “Territory Folks” is awfully good, I agree. I think I know every line, spoken and sung, from Oklahoma!.
I learned how to dance that kind of line dancing, a very American twist on the old formal and much slower Minuet. It’s much more fun than a treadmill. Might have to see if there’s a chapter out here in SD.
Can you believe I had that as one week of Physical Education in public school (elementary) as well?? Only one year though. It wasn’t well received apparently, though I thought it great fun.
When I was in Sweden in 1997, I met a Dutch girl at a student event. She was studying the arts, and asked where I was from. When I told her Oklahoma, she was super excited and talked about how many times she had performed that in Holland. WTF??! Would love to have seen it.
Struggle sessions?
today I learned
A spider with a tail was an actual animal that once lived
The species is being called Chimerarachne, a riff on Chimera, a fire-breathing hybrid creature found in Greek mythology. Paul Selden, Director of the Paleontological Institute at the University of Kansas, coined the name.
Like a Griffin or a Jackalope, the spider looks like it had a tail from another creature attached to it.
not quite a nut punch
Woman fined $500 for saving free Delta Air Lines snack
When questioned about the snack, Tadlock explained she received the apple from the airline and asked if she could throw it away or eat it, Fox 31 reported. The Customs agent allegedly told her no and fined her $500 for carrying the undeclared fruit.
“He had asked me if my trip to France was expensive and I said, ‘yeah.’ I didn’t really get why he was asking that question, and then he said ‘It’s about to get a lot more expensive after I charge you $500,'” said Tadlock to Fox 31.
Tadlock said the innocent mistake could end up costing her bigger than just the $500 fine – she could also lose her Global Entry Status, which allows pre-approved, low-risk travelers to have expedited clearance into the U.S.
Is there some special school where pubsec types learn how to belittle the common folk? Because a normal person might, I dunno, feel some shame for acting like a complete asshole?
“Distrust all in whom the impulse to punish is powerful.”–Friedrich Nietzsche
All I can do is imagine that asshat customs dude grinding his teeth after getting a speeding ticket.
Hey there fuckface- how do you like *them* apples?
That one just grazed nuts…still hurt though.
Customs does not fuck around about the fresh produce. Even travelling to and from different insular regions of a country (in the USA, territories and Hawaii vs. the mainland) you have to deal with the USDA last I remember. This is just an insane power trip though.
Lower level related (and must be read to be believed): Chewing is eating.
I wish there was a middle ground between that and NYC, where eating on the subway is perfectly A-OK and the inevitable result is disgusting pigs eating their shit in your face and throwing their garbage everywhere.
NYC cannot ever come remotely close to enforcing a ban on eating and drinking (or smoking, though thankfully people seem to have more of a conscience about the dangers of that) in our subway. It would be a monumental joke so I am glad they don’t try, because none of the real assholes would be affected. (Remember when they took the trash cans out of some stations–like 7th Ave F–as an experiment and expected everyone would just carry out like parks? That idea was so awful I was petrified they’d go through with it.) They can’t even enforce the “no defecation” policy on the train seats; how they gonna enforce “no eating”?
It’s a bit like gun free zones. If you have the personnel and the right geography for securing the area, you can enforce one like they do in airports, courts, where the President is going to speak, and so forth. Without it, you can’t–and in that case, there’s a very specific positive reason not to try, since when that rule is followed only by the law abiding there is a very specific disadvantage.
I feel that this should form the core of the much-ballyhooed but never specified “no freedom is absolute” limits on the 2A. It should be a rather tight analog to the “time place and manner” exceptions that limit freedom of speech. When there is a very compelling reason for a gun-free zone, where it clearly can be enforced (i.e. where the state is fully capable of managing the project of actively protecting the lives of the people in it, as they would a person in their custody, which is obviously not even legally the case normally), and when it is not of a scale where it would substantially hamper the natural ability of the people to resist the actions of the government should it turn tyrannical, you can restrict firearms. No other gun laws would be permitted for any reason.
They tried the same thing with the corner trash cans in my neighborhood – because what they were really being used for was neighboring businesses evading commercial garbage collection fees by dumping all their trash on the corner.
Obviously, it was a complete failure. So, the cans are back, and they’re still surrounded by mountains of commercial garbage. Yay.
Customs will also fuck you over if you’re on a cruise ship in Puerto Rico or the USVI and you carry off a banana from the breakfast buffet.
foxnews.com commenters are on point today, adding some witty spice to the usual “What the article said, and we allow Muslims and illegals into this country to rape and kill us” stew.
she could also lose her Global Entry Status
So she isn’t just someone waltzing through customs, she went through the whole GE application and interview appointment. Fucking idiot. It says right on the screen, do you have any food to declare yes/no, just like it does on a paper form.
Also, blaming everyone except herself for failing to declare the apple is very likely to never get her GE reinstated.
Only rich people can afford to travel abroad, most rich people are white; therefore white privilege. Checs mating.
What we have to look forward to in NY when the Democrats finally achieve undivided government this November. I’m surprised there aren’t court challenges or executive orders (NJ is using Federal money for this scheme) to be had.
Friendship ended with hockey.
Now basketball is my best friend.
Best friends https://youtu.be/3otkPd4j13Y
Life on mars,
ridiculously overanalysed
As someone who understands maybe 70% of the shit he blathers about, for those who only know 10% = he’s absurdly over-complicating it.
Every time there’s an “out” note he pretends some magical experiment has been conducted, when in reality, its just a boring passing-tone from one very bone-simple chord progression, being glommed onto a second bone-simple chord progression.
rock + pop music doesn’t stand up well to this sort of analysis, because he’s applying theory which basically assumed, “every composer starts with a classical education; if they deviate from it, why, it must be by some obscure intent”
you could use the same M.O. to turn home movies into great works of cinema by applying Tarkovskyesque analytics of Mise en Scene.
basically, the analysis is dumb
( he pretends a chromatic descending bass-note involves some super sophisticated chord-theory, when its like the most common convention most amateur players use so that one hand can play the same thing, and the other can do something simple. Stairway to heaven, wish you were here, cry baby cry, etc all use the same basic model; basically, he thinks these sorts of changes are a consequence of some chord-theory, when most of the time they’re just ‘convenient’ ways of moving from verse to chorus)
but… i still like hearing the dude geek out because its a great song, and there are some interesting ideas he talks about re: the vocal melody
I don’t think John Wick Chapter 2 was the best choice for tonight’s Insomnia Theater presentation.
Fuck it. Still love that movie. If in 30 years an octogenarian Keanu Reeves is making John Wick Chapter 25, I’m going to watch that.
That’s how you get Taken 3 and Deathwish 5….you do not want to be a part of that.
Just got a call to my IPhone 8 from a number I didn’t recognize. The phone record on my phone says “Maybe John”. Well, John indeed did call, but was using his kid’s phone. Creepy shit.
Doesn’t “Maybe John” mean you are just negotiating price at this point?
The phrase “roving sex chamber” amuses me.