The astroturf teens were at the State Capitol in Albany today saying both that “this is what democracy is” and an idiotic chant of “Hey hey, ho ho, the NRA has got to go”. So gun owners standing up for their rights is somehow not democracy?
Can’t argue with them there tho. Did they throw in the GOP too? I think these kids might be alright after all.
And of course, the local news twits said the teens were there looking for solutions to “gun violence”. As if murder weren’t already illegal.
Oh, Mighty ZARDOZ, I beseech thee! My best friend is forcing me to watch Two and a Half Men reruns while waiting for pizza to arrive. Is the gift of the gun an appropriate punishment?
WTF. Need better friends.
Shoot out his kneecaps first to make him suffer, though.
I saw on the previous thread that your institution doesn’t offer tenure. Are there any forms of long-term contract, or is everyone on a year-to-year?
Basically, as an assistant prof. you get a rolling 3 year, and after promotion you have a very protective rolling 10 year contract.
What an odd setup! Public school?
Private non-profit.
Thanks. That sounds pretty decent. Actually, the rolling 3 year is one more than assistants get where I am.
Belfast Sixpack FTW
A gift? No.
Cleansing? Yup.
I thought the “state that gave you Joe Biden” link was going to be PA and I was worried. Turns out Delaware’s Senate has actually been trending red this decade and my party’s majority is down to a single seat? I am pleasantly shocked. If anyone is a native of this quaint “state” please explain. Maybe there is even hope for NY’s Senate this year!
Well, Chuck Schumer’s turning into a hippie stoner and the other one is doing… well, I don’t know what, but there’s always hope.
Chuck becoming a hippie stoner would be a major improvement in his life.
Schumer and Boehner together again.
I forgot about Boehner! Weird shit. Someone must have pulled the ol’ Folgers Crystals switch on his faggies.
Not that useless body (which as I’ve always said, the GOP will retain with increased margin no matter what)!
I’m talking about the Senate that still controls most of our lives–the one where an ever-changing group of Brooklyn Jews, minorities seeking protection from their immanent prosecution, homophobic Dominican preachers, and opportunistic Staten Islanders are keeping alive the increasingly quaint decades-old tradition of split legislative control. Shameless pro-incumbent gamesmanship works wonders, as does schlerosis and voter uninterest; and the Clinton shitshow actually resulted in an outright GOP majority in 2016. But I fear we are on borrowed time. I’m no fan of Flanagan, but he has been singlehandedly standing between us and a whole goddamn ton of bad ideas. It is not going to be pretty if control shifts. Not pretty at all.
Wild down 0-4 after one. I was sad for a second, but after the winter we just had, a quick exit sounds pretty good!
*looks for sunscreen*
Yeah, the Devils are probably going to be out after tomorrow, too. 🙁
I’m more rooting against the Lightning than for the Devils.
Lightning are really good.
I’ll be rooting for Army from here on out.
Amazingly the Devils swept the regular season series.
Playoff hockey is an entirely different beast.
I’m free!
They can join the Flyers who will be on vacation by 11pm tonite.
“I’m not dead yet!”
Note to UnCivil!
I am braindead.
Go to a Round Rock Express baseball game and drink frozen margaritas. It is completely charming! We used to go many times each summer. Super fun and cheap.
Take dollar bills to put in the hat for any kid who gets a homerun.
Ok guys, we’ve just started to livestream the first virtual Glibertarians meet-up.
Tor Browser.
That won’t help me scrub my brain, now will it?
That’s what the booze is for!
Why? Riven just joined us.
Still better than Twilight.
Because it needed more anilingus?
Bi Diego would not be into anilingus any more than Straight Diego is, but would make an exception in this case. He’d rather make out with that mouth than the face one of any of those bad acting overrated uggos.
Actually, Twilight had a good cast.
The supporting cast, I will grant you. They were actually quite good. (They were also physically attractive, making this one of the all around oddest casting phenomena I’ve ever seen.) I’ve heard the chick was actually good in at least one other movie. But you really think she was on game here? That’s certainly a contrarian position so I’d be curious to hear more about it. The vampire dude was clearly the best of the three but I wouldn’t call that good acting; I know nothing of his further projects. The wolf boy, your opinion here is also quite contrarian so I’d be curious about it. No one says he was good in any other movie; he became the richest, hottest teen actor in Hollywood from those films and they tried hard to make him a thing but he got absolutely nowhere–and I don’t just think it’s because he looks like a chipmunk and no one can tell what race he is even though he’s actually just a plain old white guy.
If I made a pie chart of HM links, with one sector being “weird quasi porn” and the other being “everything else”, it would look like PacMan about to eat one of those little dots.
I’d like to attend one of the imaginary parties that exist in HMs brain. As long as there are no cops there.
Or cameras.
That makes me sad because HM is correct. We do talk like that.
The bar has been set for the Philly meetup.
Friend shared this on FB.
That’s awesome!
Bless his heart.
There is a herd of those things living in the grassy center of a cloverleaf interchange near my house that I see when I take the express bus home instead of the subway like I did today. Makes me smile.
Hunters! Why are these not considered varmints? Their legal status seems quite bizarre; I have never been able to make sense of it.
They are federally protected.
Indeed. Precisely what I’m inquiring about, baby! It’s like learning groundhogs were federally protected or something. Or NYC pigeons.
Migratory bird treaty, and the corresponding migratory bird treaty act. They cover any native migratory bird.
Years ago when operating a nightclub I found a baby robin which had fallen from a nest in front of the club and was 100% certain to die absent human intervention. I picked it up, fed it by hand for a couple days and finally called a local nature preserve because digging worms and hand feeding the bird was too much while running a business at night and going to school during the day. I was told that I was subject to 10 years in prison for having the bird in “captivity”, and directed to the only agency licensed to take it in Kentucky which was the Louisville zoo. I drove that bird half way across the State to the zoo and dropped it off at the only place it was legal to have it, who made it very clear they were going to feed it to a raptor…
1. Robins are not endangered you federal fuckwits
2. I would have kept it alive; they killed it; nice job federal fuckwits
That’s… insane.
So it’s illegal to keep a pet robin?
Yes, they are classified as migratory.
That’s just stupid.
Apparently I was misinformed at the time, the maximum penalty would have been 6 months in jail according to my reading of the act, unless I was found to have intent to sell the bird.
I can’t explain it, D. I’ve shot (and given away) a ton of those fucking sky-rats. Even New Zealand recognized that they are a menace.
Come to think of it – the protection of being a MIGRATORY WATERFOWL should only apply to the fuckers that actually migrate.
So you’re the kind of guy who thinks he can stay indefinitely at an all-you-can-eat buffet.
“Sir, it’s ‘all you can *eat*’ not ‘all you can *waste*’ “.
“Ah, but it’s ‘all you *can* eat’ not ‘all you *do* eat’. The defense rests.”
No more like:
Observes geese in vicinity.
Notes that calendar says it is June.
Loads shotgun to deal with NON-migratory fowl.
That explains it.
the six Democrats vying to replace retiring Congressman Charlie Dent gently jousted against each other when it came to a question on gun control.
1. “I’d make them illegal and then ban them.”
2. “Oh, yeah? Well, I’d make them illegal, ban them and then bury them.”
3. “So you hate children? I ban digging them up after burying, banning them and making them illegal.”
4. “Ban, make illegal, bury, ban digging and then shooting dissenters.”
5. “Do we really need to make them illegal and ban them? Same thing, right?”
6. “NRA Plant!”
Reposting from the last thread:
Attention Philadelphia glibertarians, and any others that will be unfortunate enough to be stuck in the vicinity of my renowned city in the first week of May: we’re having a meet up. Exact date and venue is undecided, though tentatively Friday May 4th somewhere in KoP. If you’re interested, send me an email at gwynapnaud @ gmail along with your time and place suggestions if you have any.
If you really feel like making the trip up, Baltimore glibs are also welcome, since Hyperion was worried about that. Currently have three glibertarians confirmed, plus my very patient girlfriend.
Ha, I can’t even get Hyp to trek up I-83 for good German style beer. Not much more than half an hour. Isn’t someone else in the central PA area – who is that?
Central PA? Not sure. Time Loose is up in northeastern PA, and there are a few out West by Pittsburg; if memory serves I believe Warty lives that way now. Four or five if us are in southeast PA between Philly and Allentown. I don’t remember anyone saying they were in central though.
Meet at Starbucks.
Maybe they will even let us bring in outside food?
And masturbate.
Why not? They have an open policy and none of their workers will dare call the cops now.
It’s lawless!
That would be perfect.
I had a friend tell me that the Philly Starbucks incident went down like this: Two well dressed black dudes were waiting for a client for a sit down meeting at the Starbucks; and, befitting their race, they were too damn cheap to order coffees while waiting for her. Barista thinks they’re loitering, so tells them they have to order something.
Fair enough so far on both ends. Some places will let you wait a bit for your whole party to arrive, but it’s hardly surprising to find a doffee shop, in particular, that might demand an order right off the bat. It’s fucking coffee. it’s cheap.
But here’s where it gets sticky. The blacks say, “Oh, we’re waiting for someone.” Then the white calls the cops and says two males are “refusing to leave,” the cops take the blacks away who spend the whole day in lockup!
Now, to me this is an utterly absurd escalation. The blacks could have thought, “Oh, these folks think we’re just loitering here without intent to order. Better clarify we’re here waiting for the rest of our party; that might make a difference.” Fuck, I’d have thought that if I was that cheap in the first place. It’s totally out of line to take this as a “refusal to leave.” But it’s exactly what I can see some Main Line rich kid who is scared of young black men doing! Then he calls the police to help him handle the situation.
Y’all feel me here? If no one actually tried to kick them out before calling the cops, I’d say that’s ridiculous. And more importantly, I can see it as being exactly the kind of thing that does call for extensive, well thought out retraining–despite the endless “Just serve the coffee. End of training” quips. Confronting customers is indeed an art in the service industry, especially for those with poor natural intuitions. And I can imagine Starbucks had some sort of training message, “Don’t confront uncooperative customers; call the police to handle such matters” message that was good for reining in those who were a little too “street” or downright foolish, but not those at the opposite extreme–those who are just dickless pussies and were going to take apparently common-sense guidance to an absurd extreme never anticipated by anyone sensible, let alone from the Brooklyn project rat who runs the company!
One drink minimum. That was the policy at the jazz bar I worked at. It was a small place but we had world famous musicians coming in all the time. The Marsalis brothers, hell, even Slick Willy Clinton played there. Someone taking a seat without ordering costs us money. You order coffee and then you can sit down. No exceptions. That should be the training. It’s not a community center FFS.
That’s the part I don’t get at all about Starbucks said policy of permitting loitering. In restaurants, turning over tables is desirable if not key. I would think it would be just as important – of not more so – to sell coffee. Keep it going.
Plus, personally, I would just feel stupid not ordering something. It’s déclassé. I remember when we were at our usual trendy spot in the 90s and a couple of (nerdy, buzz kill but super IQ girls) joined us. We all ordered and they asked for water. Er, you’re in a place you’re lucky to even come into (thanks to us) and you damn well better order something. And they did.
Starbucks is screwed now. They’re making a business decision to buckle to this nonsense, thinking it’ll earn them woke points. How many unwoke customers are they going to lose?
They lost me. There are plenty other options (like a real bar) and I make my own coffee anyway.
That would be indeed be a good idea. The bigger the enterprise, the more extensive its formal protocols need to be and the less deviation is going to be permitted. (One of the things that keeps smaller businesses more nimble!) If you say everyone needs to have a cup on the table, you make loitering less of a judgment call. And you emphasize no exceptions, because otherwise you open the door to unfairness. Minimize employee discretion. If that wasn’t already the Starbucks protocol, I have little doubt that is what’s going to be going down as changes. They are not going to get more chill to any customer. Never doubted that.
That said, the deeper problem of customer confrontation protocol remains, and it’s a bit less of a one-liner. Note that as I described the incident (which may or may not have been an accurate description of the real one) your “everyone orders; no exceptions” protocol might have indeed been in place; the staff just didn’t enforce it correctly. That’s the real issue as I addressed it, not the one you brought up.
Yes, calling the cops w/o asking them to leave is shitty. No argument. What’s infuriating people is the racial angle the story is unnecessarily taking. “Don’t be racist!” isn’t the point. “Don’t treat customers poorly.” is the point. I’ve managed restaurants and an employee did something racist against one of my customers, I’d fire him for treating a customer poorly. The race of the customer? I don’t care.
No argument. This is indeed my concern. Racist motivation is always much harder to read than the fact of shitty behavior anyway. I don’t know why so many people are still intent on casting knuckle bones to divine any deeper than that all the time. Just treat people decently; all else falls into place! Liberal humanism solves all problems!
If it escalated as quickly as you say, it’s definitely a bad employee. I know some Starbucks managers (who didn’t know any specific details of this incident outside of what’s been reported) and the impression I get is that you would have to be fucking around pretty hard to get kicked out – creating a disturbance that generates complaints from other customers, taking up a bunch of space with no signs of leaving soon, staying so long that it gets creepy, etc. … and even then there would be several warnings prior to shopping center security and/or police being called.
Of course, I also heard a couple stories about rude employees totally mishandling a situation like this and needing a talking-to from management, so it’s entirely possible it went down as you described, but that’s an issue with training rather than policy.
Thank you! I appreciate all the helpful answers I got from you and everyone else. This has been enjoyable as usual.
I don’t get this stuff. I’m not seeing a lot of responses to the issue I brought up. Not that y’all owe me any!
Dude, I’m always ignored. Because they’re all racist against Muppet-Canadians. Just roll with it.
Yes, well I’m curious, because I respect people’s opinions here, why everyone is doing the “Har har SJWs; fuck Starbucks for caving” thing about an incident that seems to be quite a bit more complicated. Did I get the actual details wrong?
I haven’t seen any video concerning the manager’s initial interaction with the guys. If she went pantshitting because of Black Dudes!, fine, fire her.
That sounds like a Seinfeld episode – except even George would have just fucking ordered something instead of making a scene.
OK, after making a scene.
Look dammit! They called the cops on some folks, saying they had refused to leave when they had not, in fact, done so! Of course they have to leave if you kick them out! But (at least on my story, whose details no one is correcting), they hadn’t kicked them out! You do have to actually fucking do that! You can’t just not have the balls to kick them out, because you’re scared or whatever, even if they do look scary! You still have to do your job!
Whether the blacks here should indeed have ordered something immediately (like I said, I certainly agree they should have) , or even whether it was idiotic of them to suppose that house rules might forbid loitering but permit waiting for the rest of your party to arrive, is nowhere near the matter of gravity at hand!
All I know is how is it racist if the Sargent apparently present was black and the commissioner is black? Unless they’re basically saying SB is inherently racist and the manager in particular. Which is beyond absurd.
Quite frankly, at the point, I don’t give a shit because everyone is retarded except that poor manager they all through under the bus.
The cops? Probably none too racist. And I don’t know what BLM have been saying; they’re a bunch of intersectionalist racist fucktards who blow everything out of proportion.
What I, Diego, am saying, is that if the situation went down as I described then fuck the manager, or whoever it was who called the cops and lied about a couple of customers “refusing to leave” if indeed he had not even made it properly clear that he was kicking them out. Don’t make others suffer because you’re too scared to do your job. And yes, if the staff was white I do not think it was particularly unlikely that they were scared because the customers were young black men.
I don’t know what part of this is so ridiculous. I love y’all, but I feel like I’m taking crazy pills here today.
The accounts I’ve heard, including the police video clips in the new Sargon video say that they asked for the code to the restroom first. When they were told that was only for paying customers, they refused to order anything then they refused to leave the store after being asked to leave by management.
Heck, if I need to piss at a gas station and I don’t need gas, I’ll at least buy a pack of gum or candy bar – it’s just good manners.
The police interview – also in Sargon’s vid – says they get a lot of calls like that and it’s fully within the rights of the store. Starbucks apparently leaves issues like that up to the local manager to deal with issues within the local municipal regulations.
I thought I heard that was the case, then I got corrected by some friends. Again, if the facts are as you said than fuck those customers. The way I said, fuck the manager.
I’ve never in my entire life, btw, used an establishment’s bathroom without buying something. Not even when that was practically all the money I had in my pocket! Just seems like common courtesy, like you say. Just one of the many ways I see in retrospect I had a conservative liberal’s intuitions even when I was a leftist!
Are people supposed to accept the initial story that is put forward? After hands up, don’t shoot, poop swastika, etc., only a fool would think some inconvenient details were left out of the SBs story.
*were not left out
I’ve been saying all along we’re never going to get the full story of what really happened.
Doesn’t every place have cameras in every possible angle nowadays? They’re like the size of a pill and even homeless people have phones with them, and the rest of the equipment is none too expensive either. I thought the facts weren’t in dispute.
Two young gentlemen settle into seats. “Excuse me ma’am, may I have the bathroom code. My friends will be here soon.”
Two guys plop down into booth of crowded coffee shop.
“Hey, gimme the bathroom code.”
“Are you gonna order anything?”
“Just gimme the code”.
The whole thing could be about attitude. Sorry, but I ain’t buying scenario number 1.
Gimme the code! Gimme the code!
Random musings from a seeming lifetime of dealing with this very problem – In New Orleans, it is quite universal that one must be a paying customer to use the restroom, there is even a song about it. In my decade plus journey as a French Quarter bouncer/barback/bartender/handyman, I have thrown people bodily out the doors, locked people in the bathrooms, turned the hose on folk, and cheerfully watched people wet their pants because they would rather argue with a busy bartender than spend a single US Dollar on a bag of Zapp’s Chips. If you wanted to use our facilities, you had to put money into our cash register. In return, I maintained some of the cleanest public restrooms you will ever see.
There’s a Starbucks stand next to baggage claim at the San Francisco airport; I was tired today after a long morning flight, so got some coffee while waiting for the suitcase to show up. And then I got a Lyft ride home. I noticed that the African American Lyft driver seemed miffed at my presence, and only when we were ending the drive did I consider he might have felt I was being insensitive by drinking Starbucks in front of him.
Or maybe I was just being paranoid.
Isn’t it great that those kind of thoughts are in our heads now? The SJWs are making the world a better place.
They are in the heads of people. That’s what makes them so incredibly effective – and evil.
‘Whats with the uppity attitude, sir?’
in other news regarding the gift of the gun
‘We’re Taking a Stand’: Illinois County Declares Itself a Sanctuary for Gun Owners
They say it’s mainly a symbolic gesture. Just the same, it’s nice to hear a govt say they are not going to enforce unconstitutional gun laws (which is damn near all of them).
/looks at her post in the afternoon links comments… yep, the same
Derp minds think alike.
alas, all is not well in the land of Lincoln
Illinois Dems push bill rewarding schools that replace armed officers with therapists
You see, they worry it could result in students going to prison. Which is where the Parkland shooter would have been if the admins there had done their damn jobs.
I’m not sure the school-to-therapy pipeline is much of an improvement over the school-to-prison one.
The rapist agrees
When you’ve lost The Onion…
DNC Files Lawsuit Alleging Nation Should Never, Ever Stop Focusing On 2016 Election
I can’t tell the difference any more.
Considering that they are part of the Gawker group, which has poisoned less proggy sites than they, they have remained shockingly evenhanded. (Faint praise, but they still put any MSM “news” site I know of to shame.) They’ve done their share of zinging progs through the present, and not just for not progging hard enough. This one though…this one cuts them in a place that’s ridiculously deep. Even one directly attacking, say, their gun alarmism would not impress me like this. Well done.
Shit, I forgot about that. *takes shower*
If I were the people at The Onion, I would be pissed. The “real” media outlets have stolen their shtick.
It’s a little scummy when a show jerks its fan base around to keep in the news, and if anyone is scummy enough to do it, it’s the cast of IASIP. I hope.
I haven’t followed since season 2 and I can’t believe it’s become one of the longest running shows ever. Time flies.
How good did it get? Did it stay good?
I can think of many excellent episodes from recent seasons but very few splats. The rest aren’t a waste of time, just not the absurd wickedness of the really good ones. It still punches well above its weight for its age.
It helps that it doesn’t do arcs, really. The background characters just decay over time while the gang achieves little and learns nothing. Like Cricket’s gradual disfigurement, or the waitress’s deterioration, or Pondy’s mania.
He’ll be back.
After he’s learned his lesson.
Attention IndyStar journalists:
That second thing is famous enough to have a name.
The Louisiana Flag, right? Or was it the Alaska Flag? I knew I remembered it!
The Godsdam Flag.
So…the people who argue that the 2nd Amendment only applies to organized militias, which would naturally need ahem, “weapons of war”, want to ban these very same “weapons of war”. Which in reality, no military in the world worth their salt would use.
Damn it, these people are going to force me to buy another AR, and I don’t even like the platform.
there is nothing new under the sun
Urukagina, Mesopotamian ruler from the 24th century BC
Urukagina’s code has been widely hailed as the first recorded example of government reform, seeking to achieve a higher level of freedom and equality.[2] It limited the power of the priesthood and large property owners, and took measures against usury, burdensome controls, hunger, theft, murder, and seizure (of people’s property and persons); as he states, “The widow and the orphan were no longer at the mercy of the powerful man”.
Despite these apparent attempts to curb the excesses of the elite class, it seems elite or royal women enjoyed even greater influence and prestige in his reign than previously. Urukagina greatly expanded the royal “Household of Women” from about 50 persons to about 1500 persons, renamed it the “Household of goddess Bau”, gave it ownership of vast amounts of land confiscated from the former priesthood, and placed it under the supervision of his wife, Shasha (or Shagshag).
The New Deal, bronze age style
Good thing the Sargon who started a political movement to overthrow that order didn’t think he was about ten times as smart as he actually was, lest he solely have accomplished embarrassing himself whilst not being aware of it.
His Wife, Shagshag. That gold, Jerry! Gold!
“Shagshag, make with the snu-snu already!”
Watched Get Out! and Murder on the Orient Express this week. Surprised that both of those movies diluted the RACIST! message so that the plot would make more sense. Kenneth Branagh was pretty good. Anyone see Chappabitchinditchitch?
I was amused that the ads for Murder on the Orient Express said “Everyone’s a suspect.”
I’ve only seen the Albert Finney version, though.
Nice. That’s like the ads for Sixth Sense saying, “Someone is seeing dead people”.
Honestly I am not sure spoilers for Murder on the Orient Express are a thing at this point. I mean it has to have been read or viewed by basically every human alive at this point.
Umm…I hadn’t seen it. Some of us have never been to Walmart’s, seen an episode of GoT or even eaten at Chipotle’s. You guys are my only lifeline to American decadence.
Walmart is great. I tried watching the first season of Game of Thrones, but had no idea what was going on.
I’ve never eaten at Chipotle’s.
Chipotle’s is certainly the most impressive fast food chain. Wal-Mart is decent for what it does but I still think Target is the strongest whatever-you-call-that-kind-of-store overall. Its clothes are more fashionable, for one thing. Rather as different as they can be within that sector, with K-mart in between (it would probably be my favorite of all if it were just not an absurdly shittily run store that has never even pretended to give a fuck. Shame.)
I understand GoT has lots of titties which is really all I need to know. I’ll get around to it someday.
I spent 1985-6 in Germany and I’m still coming across random pop-culture shit that I never heard of. Like this I learned about the other day. How have I never heard of this??
Rhywun gets it.
I never heard of The Last Precinct, either.
Well, I was a TV junkie back then. I knew pretty much every TV show that was on, which channel, and when. So to have these… gaps… in my memory was kind of disconcerting.
I know how you feel. There’s a chunk of my cultural knowledge missing where I was in Basic. No newspaper, no tv, nothing other than from letters or hearing second hand. To this day, Clinton admitting that he actually had an affair and Chris Farley dying both feel like things I discovered by reading a history book long after the fact.
Wait, Bill Clinton had affair with a dead Chris Farley? How did I miss this??
Gross! Chris Farley was a Republican!
Chris Farley’s death was so sad, apparently he was just about to go public with some information which would have led to the arrest of Hillary Clinton.
So: Super Troopers 2. Don’t tell me it didn’t live up to the first, because of course it didn’t. Just tell me it’s a decent flick that does credit to the original.
Do you want to know more?
No, you dunce! You’re thinking about Troop Beverly Hills.
Beverly Hills Ninja will forever be the greatest movie with the word “Beverly Hills” in the title:
Think that’s still Slums of Beverly Hills. https://youtu.be/0XPjoVH7ESo
You are both wrong–not only about the greatest, but about the top three.
Imma name any future Chihuahua that I own “DiegoF” just for that!
Yo quiero Taco Bell. Seriously, I had it for the first time in my life a little while back, and it’s actually quite tasty. Doesn’t taste a damn thing like Mexican food–in fact, it’s almost remarkable how they managed to make anything taste so little like Mexican food as that. Everything there has the same taste, in fact, and it’s remarkably distinct. Just one of modern technology’s delightful, wondrous semifoods; reminds me of my beloved White Castle–an inner city staple, now almost totally gone from NYC.
They are going away quite rapidly, aren’t they? There are still a few here in Queens and Lawnguy Land. Down South there is a very similar chain called Krystal.
My favorite NYC culinary quirk is the combo Chinese/Mexican joint. I’ve never seen it anywhere else but the logic is irrefutable – yes, yes I do want a shrimp soft taco, shrimp toast, a syncronizada, scallion pancakes, pork bun, and chicken on a stick.
Two left in Brooklyn. It’s just an unbelievably poorly run business, and that is especially killer in NYC. For instance, they did not buy their stores back in the day when land was cheap like absolutely everyone else did back then. They rented them, until the very end when they got kicked out by the landlord. And at that they are almost all “suburban-style” freestanding structures! Weird shit.
Until the 1990s there were no Mexicans in NYC, so Chinese ran Mexican takeout stands. Not even something you gave a second thought to, any more than you wondered why Chinese ran dry cleaners (it is not a traditional Chinese industry), Koreans nail salons, or Sri Lankans porn shops. They just did. It’s New York.
What you got more of back then was the Chinese-Cuban, or -“Spanish” (old-school NYC for “Latin American”) places. These were run by actual Chinese-Cubans (or -whatever), and were fucking sweet.
Have you ever had Trini-Chinese food?
Sounds delicious! Those your people?
Where can I get it in NYC?
Our favorite place of the genre in Milwaukee is an Indian/Chinese/Pizza joint.
I think there are actually more “part-Vietnamese” places in America than there are pure Vietnamese restaurants last I checked (though not in NYC, where there isn’t much of a Vietnamese community in the first place). Guess it’s a little like how purely Greek restaurants are not particularly popular but all the diners are Greek.
I’m not exactly banking on its being great, just good enough.
Did you see it or not?
I had a date with the wife. 11:10 showing this morning. We both got called away to do other things.
Maybe next week.
The first board I really hung out on regularly was the Broken Lizard board…but I will say, out of their three major releases (Super Troopers, Club Dread and Beerfest) Super Troopers is my least favorite. I’ll go see it, but no way was I going to see it on 4/20; those people are insufferable enough as it is.
Students discuss equality in Ireland in Seanad debate
Sophie Cummins, St Declan’s Community College, Co Waterford, said: “Currently in Irish society homelessness is affecting 10,000 people. The housing crisis is clearly a woman’s issue with our rate of female homelessness now that of other European countries.
“Women and children are forced to spend protracted periods in emergency accommodation.”
Clearly a woman’s issue if you ignore the homeless men.
If they listened, did what they were told and made their man a sammich, maybe they wouldn’t be homeless. Just a thought. Not being a misogynist, or anything.
Mmm… potato sandwich
If there is insufficient misogyny one must take actions to foment it. I sometimes think the red pillers are exactly what the more lunatic feminists want, after all you need a n enemy.
Don’t you?
I’m glad I live in a world where GWAR has their own line of vape juice.
They have names like Immortal Corrupter, Bloodbath, and Jizmoglobin.
Electric Bass Hockey Stick:
If Boulder wants to spend a lot of money in court trying to exempt themselves they can have fun with that. (Denver did and remains an exemption as a home rule municipality.) Of course the fall out would be other fun friendly areas exempting themselves from the mag ban and other restrictions. Or the AG ends up relitigating the Denver case past the district level and undoes the Denver and Boulder exemptions all in one go. Great plan Boulder.
fun fact: Boulder built speed bumps to slow down drivers. The result was a greater increase in heart attack deaths since the speed bumps slowed down ambulances.
One report from Boulder, Colorado, suggests that for every life saved by traffic calming, as many as 85 people may die because emergency vehicles are delayed. It found response times are typically extended by 14% due to speed-reduction measures. Another study conducted by the Austin, Texas, fire department showed an increase in the travel time of ambulances when transporting victims of up to 100%.
It’s fun to tell nanny staters about this and watch their faces turn purple.
<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nTrAtqaDuMA"You's a punk bitch if you don't know 'bout Boulder.
Damn it! Saw that missing GT staring me in the face while the browser refreshed like a deer watching a car.
Why can’t Joe Biden just expire in a “fell asleep in the the Trans-Am with the motor running” scenario? Oprah in a tragic tub of butter episode? Fucking Kamala Harris choking on some ultra Red-Staters dick? Nancy Pelosi turning to dust? John McCain pretending to fly and jumping off the skywalk at the Grand Canyon?
You’re looking at this all wrong. It’s much better if awful people disgrace themselves further before expiring. It’s like Ted Bundy railing against pornography before being electrocuted.
“It’s the porn what done it!”
“No Ted. You’re just a scumbag.”
Dear Zardoz,
I realize that this isn’t a “Dear Zardoz” post but fuck it, nobody else stays on target. The owners of the bar I frequent asked me about renovating their back patio, I told them what I would do, they liked my ideas but didn’t want to spend that much right then. “Could you do part now and part later?” they asked, “Sure” says I. As I’m finishing up the first part the bar owner tells me he’s going to have “Randy” (not his real name) do the rest because “Randy” owes him. No big deal I have work lined up and was only doing this job as a favor anyway. I go there tonight and “Randy” has completely screwed the pooch on his end. I have never been one to bad mouth my competition, in my book that reflects worse on the shit talker than the other guy. However, in this case, I’m worried people will think I did the entire job and fuck if I’m taking credit for the shit “Randy” did. Without seeming petty how do I let people know that I only did the work that isn’t shite?
Hmm. Is there a way you can unfuck what Randy did on the down low? Is there a way you can discreetly explain to Randy that what he did wrong and offer to help him fix it?
I think the best approach is to explain to the customer that you don’t want your name to be associated with shoddy work. Then the customer will pressure Randy to agree to your conditions.
Feel free to ignore my advice. There’s no sugarcoating it: I am not a people person.
Hear hear. I am still amazed at how many zero-skill jobs staffed by college kids are “people person” jobs, with no recognition that being a “people person” is actually a skill that should be worth paying for. I worked a shit-ton of those jobs, hated every minute of it, and treated the customers like crap most of the time, before finally figuring out that maybe that kind of work was not for me.
Oh, man. I just sigh with weary resignation whenever I see anyone wearing a suit. I’d have a modicum of respect for Zuckerberg if he stuck to his guns and showed up to the hearing in a sweatshirt.
So much of life revolves around lying and ass kissing and I have no patience for it, no aptitude for it, and no respect for the people who engage in it.
If no one will speak out against stupidity, it will march over the face of the earth.
I am reminded of an incident from Khrushchev’s speech where he denounced Stalin. As he cataloged Stalin’s crimes, a voice came from the crowd: and why didn’t you try to stop him?!
Khrushchev said: who said that?
Then he spoke again: well, you have your answer now- whoever you are. The position you are in now is the position I was in then.
Did that happen? Funny joke even if it didn’t.
As far as I know, that actually happened:
For me, the unkindest censorial cut of all had to do with one episode. During the speech, a delegate yelled out, “Comrade Khrushchev, where were you when Stalin was doing all these terrible things?” Khrushchev shouted, “Who is that? Stand up!” No one rose. Khrushchev said, “That comrade is where I was.”
I liked your Boulder story btw.
“I liked your Boulder story btw.”
I serve the people of the United States and live the Army values.
[Benny Hill salute]
Did you already start your work?
I had finished my work, under the impression that later I would come back and complete the project. Then they brought in Randy.
Thanks for clarifying. That makes it harder for you to distance yourself.
I’m going to go in a different direction here… Can you sabotage his work and then swoop in to save the day?
This is why you never let anyone finish your work unless it is another trade like a painter who is actually finishing your work. I have never been one to bad mouth my competition, in my book that reflects worse on the shit talker than the other guy. unless what they are doing is hammered dog shit and then fuck that. When someone says, “that looks fucked up”, say “ya it is. Randy did that. I think he’s Russian.”
Bingo. Don’t shit talk, but also make it clear you aren’t responsible for the bad work.
never let anyone finish your work agreed, I got caught here trying to help out some pals. Lesson learned. As to the badmouthing, the thing is people won’t often say “That looks fucked up” at least not to your face, especially if they think you did it, and If I point out that that fucked up shit was Randy’s fault without them bringing it up I look like an asshole.
Pointing out fucked up shit takes tact. I am for the most part a very humble person, but when I see a flaw in another carpenters (or person trying to be one) work at my job I can’t help myself. I am not perfect, nobody is, but I have been passed over for work and promotions due to age and reasons , and you are god damned right I am going to point out how I could have done it better but I am not an asshole about it. If the person talking to me thinks I am an asshole, well, maybe I am. Truth is, you are probably the only one who sees the flaws. I have that problem.
Truth is, you are probably the only one who sees the flaws.
In the case of my own work I’d agree with you, I am very hard on myself ( so to speak ) but some of this stuff is really bad, obviously piss poor work. This may actually be the solution to my problem, people who know me and my work would never believe that I would do such shoddy work. Tonight, I even had a few incredulous people ask me if I was really responsible for that mess.
I’m always more critical of anything I do than what other people do. Food I cook never tastes as good, my voice is never as good as other DJs, I only see flaws in my own work, never the positives. But, that’s what drives me. I’m always paranoid what I did isn’t good enough, even when I know it is objectively better than things other people do.
Yeah, that’s me in a nutshell. If it ain’t perfect it won’t get done.
The worst is when your work ethic is called into question. “I’ve been doing this job for you for X years and just now you think that I’ve changed my approach to the job? I actually had this discussion last week between me, my supervisor and a client. Festus was and is very displeased.
I’ve been butting heads with a cuntish manager for over five years. She is the type to never let anything go. A coupla years ago the word came down from on high that we weren’t allowed to replace bulbs over 10 feet high. She has been gunning for me since then. I’ll note that her most violent caterwauling is when she gets back from a vacation or, paradoxically when her desk is so adrift in paper that it can’t be cleaned. The worst is when she has things squared away and has the time to nit-pick. She bitches when she’s swamped and she really cries foul when she’s bored. I hate that fucking bitch.
Gaslight the cunt.
Start “Clarence Thomasing” her? A pube here, a fart there? I like your line of thinking, Straff! We may become great friends before all of this is done!
Jesus, the places your mind goes!
By the way, if I remember correctly the preponderance of evidence suggests the two were having an affair and neither was being honest. I don’t think Clarence Thomas was trying to create a hostile work environment because Anita was being a bitch. But you probably knew that. Your shit was funny.
I have an agile and untrained mind, Diego! It goes where it wants when it wants. Thanks for the compliment!
To add insult to injury I went to a memorial service for a coworker last Saturday and was snubbed by the entire managerial crew. Come on people, I know I’m the janitor but we’ve spoken literally dozens or hundreds of times. I’ve known the “Big Kahuna” since before she grew breasts. It was enlightening and all too depressing.
That’s a dick move. I can’t even imagine the type of working environment in a place that would snub anyone at a fucking funeral.
Ah, Fooking Canada Post! The rank and file have a pretty hateful relationship with the managers. I don’t choose sides, I justshow up everyday and do my job. The only reason that I donned suit and tie and went to the thing was because I respected the man. He didn’t treat me like shit on his shoe. Last week was sorta hard to get through without breaking someone’s nose.
Wouldn’t happen where I work. The CEO greets the janitors in the halls by name.
So… All of the bulbs are burnt out, and people are getting raped in the dark hallways?
Newt Gingrich continues to be a worthless and revolting person, film at 11.
Not mentioned: ending the failed War on Drugs; ending mandatory minimums
Newt: fuck you in the ass, mouth, and eye. You are the sum of everything I despise.
Nope! You may have noticed we’re going backwards on our so-called “End of the Drug War Mentality.” (Translation: “We like smoking weed now.”) The “opiate crisis” has supposedly put lie to the idea that legalization will make things better. Instead, even many of those who thought that before, have said they know now it will only make things worse.
I knew hundreds of kids that smoked dope when I was a fellow stoner. You know how many turned to opiates? That’s right folks, absolutely none. We’d dabble in other things but we were all put off by the very idea of injecting. Shit, we just wanted to have fun and amuse each other, not sit in some dank basement suite dying by degrees.
“Susan Wild, an attorney, said said the Second Amendment should not trump rights of Americans to be safe.”
False dichotomy. By repealing the second amendment it will make us all safer? Exactly the opposite will be true. Making people defenseless emboldens criminals and government thugs. safety goes down the drain. Also, there is no right to be safe but there is an inalienable right to defend yourself – that is what the second amendment is designed to empower you to do.
Gun grabber gibberish is calculated to deceive, to mislead. In a nutshell, lies.
It won’t make us safe, that’s not a right, and that talk is scary as fuck. My God I hate Obama. The intensity of my hatred actually scares me sometimes.
Well, we eliminated the use of drugs in this country in short order. We made them illegal. Now you rarely hear of anyone using drugs any more. All dangerous drugs are now almost impossible to find. We did it for cheap and we were able to empty our jails by enacting these common sense regulations. We can do the same for guns.
Where is your avatar from? Such a classy hat; puts the rest of them to shame.
It’s from Holy Mountain, a 1970’s Mexican masterpiece of a weird ass movie. I thought it fit nicely with the vibe here.
NSFW. (Although who the fuck is at work right now, really?)
This could have been the Dune we could have had.
Indeed HM. I recently heard something about a reboot with him at the helm. I don’t know if he has tamed down with the years. The 70’s were hard to beat.
If you are not already familiar with it, you might like Starstruck.
Thanks for this. I saw El Topo many, many years ago and would love to now see both. Dune just makes me wistful.
Cheers guys. Glad that this weird shit is appreciated by others. This place is great.
Please to enjoy some <a href="https://youtu.be/Oi3TKozz7EY" title="also known as Get Down And Boogie” target=”_blank” >Darktown Strutters.
Added to my Amazon video queue. Thanks.
If you enjoy that one, then check out El Topo as well.
Yeah. The whole Jodorowsky collection is getting added to my warchlist.
Present for ya! We had to take disco dancing in high school. We learned all of the greats – The Hustle, The Line Hustle, The Couple’s Hustle, The Bus Stop and The Car Wash. Imagine a hundred hormonal, pimply 14 year-old kids doing the very last thing that they’d want to do and then imagine the stench. https://youtu.be/5GTHNQT09wE
Uh, I think you mean The Bus Stop Hustle and The Car Wash Hustle.
I went to the NRA website and clicked on the lifetime membership info button.
$1500 and a custom leather jacket.
Eh, not yet. Maybe the 5 yr membership for $100.
Now all my youtube ads are for the NRA.
The gun range I hang out at it almost 100% current military and ex military,
Politics almost never comes up. From time to time, one of the middle-aged range safety guys will broach Trump and I hint that I am cautiously optimistic.
Man, those old timers are really thrilled to meet young guys who aren’t all in on “the US is an evil, imperialist warmonger and capitalism is the devil”.
I don’t like those NRA fuckers one bit but a jacket and gear with “NRA” splashed all over it is a damn good idea! Hmmm…
It makes me wonder: how many times in history have people joined a group because they were so thoroughly disgusted with the alternatives gaining power?
Why we’re here, amirite?
If you were in my presence, not only would I buy you a beer, but I would insist on paying your tab.
Make it a NyQuil. Cheers!
Unfun fact: We joke, but Nyquil contains acetaminophen. I like that Denis Leary monologue about the Q talking to you as much as the next guy, but if you have junior high kids, warn them of the dangers! Remind them to robotrip on Sucrets if they must, like God intended–unless they think Duff McKagan is so cool they want their liver to look like his.
Good point that can’t be repeated often enough:
Your liver is not the Incredible Hulk!
Fuck that.
We die like men.
“we die like men”
Yeah. There’s a song for that:
Not my god, chief.
I don’t wear Logos. It’s not just because I don’t want to be a walking billboard but fuck anyone getting into my mind. My opinions are my own.
In the past, the NRA would run half off $500 lifetime specials. I joined during one such offer.
Not that I’d ever contemplate, but do you get a lifetime magazine subscription with those? And which of the magazines is the best?
Yes. No idea.
For us poor people who have order off the dollar menu: I got a dollar.
You’re never too rich for the dollar menu. That shit is how you get rich and stay rich.
Fuck that. Million dollar menu.
More airhorns = more entertainment, and I don’t give a fuck what anyone says.
Literally nothing else by this YouTube comedian is the least bit funny; he’s like Dane Cook’s love child with Logan Paul. But this is decent enough.
HA! You think that fellow is not funny? I’ll show you some not funny – bow down before Demi Lardner
Listen, not every One Direction members was destined to go on to solo success. It’s just how things work. Don’t be catty.
Have a little saccharin. It won’t cause cancer (I think).https://youtu.be/VFONCfjewgM
In college when I went out to dinner with my wealthier friends I’d order a water with lemon and a sugar packet. Lemonaid yall!
You are worse than those freeloaders in the Starbucks!
I’m currently finishing my last can of Stone Enjoy By 04.20.18, so mission accomplished.
In other exciting news, 4 fire engines just rolled down my street because* there’s a gas leak in a currently unoccupied house.
*based on speculation with a neighbor when I wandered outside to see wtf was happening.
There’s like an arms race in the craft brew industry to make the stupidest names for the tastiest beers. You don’t really see anything remotely like it in any other industry. If I didn’t know the phenomenon there’s no fucking way I’d drink that beer.
It does make me proud to be an American that after a century of jokes about how shitty our beer is we are now clearly the best beer country in the world. Not that I don’t like a nice High Life with my barbecue. Or sushi.
+1 Champagne of Beers, second best beer in the world.
Love the stuff. The wee 6oz. pony bottles were always our Mardi Gras working the bar drink.
Stone in particular basically built a beer empire by naming a beer Arrogant Bastard.
Also, related.
Yeah, that is fucking hilarious. Only thing missing is “stout you won’t admit you can’t tell apart from Guinness” or whatever.
I freely admit to liking the overhopped IPAs. Nowadays admitting that is like saying your favorite Aussie beer is Foster’s or something, but I ain’t ashamed.
It’s the water.
You mean the floridated water that is turning every man into soyboys because of the soy they’re putting in the water? *drops tinfoil hat, sobs*
The Communists put it there? Don’t you read your Birch Society pamphlets? Apparently they do in Portland, because that’s the only city that’s still voting down fluoridation.
Mrs. Parnell: Oh my God, there’s a fire outside. That’s four fire trucks
Parnell: Shut-up woman. I’m drinking here
Mrs. Parnell: No, no, no, no- oh my God! I think a man just jumped out the window of that burning building
Parnell: God damn it, let me drink my beer in peace
Mrs. Parnell: The flames *sobs* are everywhere
Parnell: Ugh. Screw this, I’m loging on to Glibs.
I have it in the tall bottles. Just the one tonight.
I’m going to make the grocery store an offer tomorrow.
Costco had cans, therefore I had cans.
I’m heading for Minnesota over memorial day. Any glibs want to meet up? I’ll be in the Stillwater area.
I’ll have a car, so can drive to meet.
Don’t wear white before memorial day, or is that after labor day? No I think it’s father’s day. Maybe arbor day.
White shoes between Labor Day and Memorial Day (not Memorial Day observed). And doesn’t count for sneakers or bridal shoes.
Who the hell owns white shoes? You can’t get a decent steeltoe in white.
Spray paint is your friend. Anyways, Zappa already told us that brown shoes don’t make it.
It’s Minnesota. She’ll blend right in with the snow.
Of course.
I hope you’re not coming to fish…
It’s only about a 6 hour drive to our house.
So, my backyard is kind of steep and scary for mowing. I was walking the dog and talked to a neighbor. He has a steeper yard. I asked how he mowed the yard. He regaled me with a story about how his son in law lost HALF HIS FOOT in a mowing accident. After that I started using the weed wacker on the backyard.
Then I got a service. Coming home to a freshly mowed yard never gets old.
Greatest yoofamism ever.
My parents had a super steep back yard. I just tied a rope to the handle of the mower and let fly. Corners and edges would be dealt with later. Sheesh, you people!
Worth every penny, especially when you include in the calculation the time it frees for other pursuits.
*sniffs* Well some of us actually work for a living and don’t depend upon all of those sweet, sweet Glib-dollars for our daily bread!
Yes, I am just validating Tulip’s decision.
OMWC does our yardwork. I try every year to get him to let me hire someone, but no, it’s “too expensive.” Well, how expensive is it going to be when he drops dead from a heart attack because he is a (((very old man))) who shouldn’t be doing this stuff?!
/knows OMWC scrolls back through the last night’s comments when he arises at 0330.
We all know you have a big insurance policy on (((him))). That’s why you make (((him))) do the yardwork.
Oh I know. Old guys keep strange hours and curious habits. We grow into it.
“This website may be impersonating “Glibertarians.com” to steal your information…”
Message from Safari.
Da Commrade. This is being Glibertarians com. Much welcome. Help steal elction commrade?
Sure that it’s a problem on my end. Creepy.
Did they offer an Opel as their version of a luxurious ride? I had a buddy that owned an Opel. He daid.
Who would be stupid enough to do that?
Just finished editing episode 3. I think it is hi-larious, hopefully yall will to.
Don’t be Carl. ;)~
Incredible Hulk ‘Sad Walking Away’ song
OK…my reply became a separate comment.
Must be those impersonators straff was warned about.
Da commrade. For Donald Trump you did vote? Like other normal American man like me?
No. They paid me to stay away.
Now, to lay low and wait for the Ruble to overtake the Dollar…
What a freaking week. Awesome though. Exciting things are afoot at the new job.
I think I just need some rest at this point, since last weekend was totally fucked by the shit Minnesota weather.
On the other hand, I’m relearning how to cook on a gas stove. I love it.
I’m happy for you! Gas stove and cast iron cookery is something that grandma taught me. She also taught me the ins and outs of short-order cookery, deep fryers, pies, muffins and myriad other recipes. She wasn’t very nice and I don’t really miss her but damn straight she knew her way around a commercial kitchen. I still have a yen for an actual flat grill but haven’t the room or the appetites to make it worthwhile.
My paternal g’ma had her way around some fried chicken, man! Awesome stuff. I am the last child of a last child, so g’ma was up there in age when I knew her, but I have good memories.
I was ready to get business cards at work this week and asked my boss what my job title really was, and he said I should go with Sr Pulsed Power Engineer “for now, but we will continue our discussions next week when I am back in San Diego.” Scary, exciting, crazy.
Good for you! I still have some old business cards kicking around in a shoe box that say “Buyer”.
Sr Pulsed Power Engineer
“Hey, just what you see, pal!”
I knew someone that swore up and down that the guy saying that meant he actually had the phased plasma rifle. I guess he just wasn’t in the selling mood, then.
Hah! No, we mean electromagnetic assisted launch of all kinds of things.
Heap big power. For some reason, these certified geniuses want me to make them into their own group and manage them.
Are you working hard to make my dream of a linear accelerator handgun that fires monofiliament flechettes a reality? I don’t think I could love you more.
Can you recommend some good editing software for a complete novice? I want to give editing a go.
This question goes out to anyone else, but I don’t know any other glibs who do this kind of stuff except for Lt Fish, and his appearances seem kind of random.
Are you writing a technical manual with multi chapters ? (Adobe Framemaker). A novel?? A bunch of graphics heavy shit (Adobe Pagemaker)? Wazzzup?
I eventually want try my hand at fan-edits of movies.
Ah, video edit. I use Roxio NEXT but you can’t download protected stuff with it.
I smell slap-fighting!
I get that a lot.
+1 Axe Body Spray
Axe Body Spray? I thought slapping a girl was considered bad form.
“An assault (on the senses)!”
Vegas is pretty intuitive, and on the cheap side.
Ordered a bluetooth adapter so I could use wired headphones but not be tied down to my computer. Stupid POS has a bright bright LED that flashes every five seconds. Do I look like I’m wearing a survival suit in the water? Going back to Amazon.
What-you don’t want a visit by the USCG???
Fine. But, we’re all gonna remember this when your Learjet goes down in the Bering Sea.