Gooooood Morning, friends. I am bright-eyed and bushy tailed this morning. All the emo crap from yesterday is GONE. And man, isn’t the SRV style coffee AWESOME?!! In sportzball news, The Bruins and the Caps won. In beisbol, Seattle appears to be just what the Astros needed to get back on track, but holy moly are the Red Sox on a tear. Cubs beat the Cards, D-backs won, Orioles lose to Detroit… and now, the links!
[UPDATE: It appears that the powerful herb has crossed up some signals here at Glibs world headquarters. I am condensing the links together. Sorry if you commented on the wrong links and your wisdom is forever doomed to wander the Internet Tubes unread]
Trump hires Guiliani, two other lawyers he won’t be disciplined enough to listen to.
Goddam, Florida Man. BTW, CBS says they won’t release how the shooter died, but news sources last night say the guy shot the two deputies, then himself.
Two low-credibility businesses part ways, both breathe sighs of relief.
Happy 4/20, and remember, stoned driving is dangerous slow driving.
OK, Team Red…legalize. So sayeth Bloomberg (the news service, not the nanny).
In that same vein…If Session gets kicked in the nuts/shunted aside, TRUMP BOOM in weed?
So many good songs to choose from. I guess I’ll go here.

I do now!
Note to the world. I did not post this sexist pic. Muppets are more tastier than that. I mean, we have more taste than that.
IDK… Roosevelt Franklin does have some sketchy chums.
I guess I’ll just start talking to myself.
Hello, Rufus.
Fuck you.
I guess I’ll just…wait.
Is a muppet ever really alone when he’s got someone’s hand up his ass?
/silent muppet laugh.
Hey, I had a coveted First, just to have the entire links thread erased.

I read your posts, too. So I’m not crazy
Well…reading them or not. You still might be nuts. I mean, you read and comment here, right?
Yes, and I know that simply confirms I am nuts.
If you’re not first, you’re last bucko.
Untrue. If you’re not first, you’re more likely to be somewhere in between first and last. There is only one last.
Yeah, well, second place is just the first loser.
So you’re saying second is still first
I…I was vaporized!
Kick his ass, Swiss!
One minute too slow…I got what I deserved.
Don’t worry, I didn’t inhale.
Yeah, I already commented, then the links were memory Holed.
Your trophy. How apropos.
Oh, look, Rufus grousing again. 😛
Nothing? I’ve been waiting for an opportunity to use that. See if I ever enact labor for you people again. /pout
Just accuse yourself of being Tulpa.
Nice misdirection there, Tulpa.
Shhh, I was hoping nobody would notice…
WTF. Damn potheads!!!
…wha? Oh….the links. Yeah. About that…
I hope they keep going down that rabbit hole. Someone needs to bring up and examine every company their pensions are invested in.
“Hey honey, the pension fund offers two new portfolios, a Sharia-compliant one, or a Hoplophobic one. Which one should we pick, or should we hold out for a Sharia-compliant Hoplophobe one?”
I know, right?
For sure.
Stoner/Doom gods release surprise album. Technically it’s been 20 years.
I recommend headphones.
Favorite song Giza Butler
I’m in St. Louis on bizness and they’re advertising that tonight’s Cardinals game is “Grateful Dead night” in honor of 4-20.
Shitty music combined with baseball? I hope it’s not a low scoring game
At least it’s not Phish
Well this is good news.
Wut. I thought they were all dead or something.
My Greek buddies were always adamant about letting Turkey into the EU – for obvious reasons.
Turkey is not a European state. The territory it occupies on the European side of the Bosphorus and Dardanelles is insufficient to qualify.
Tell that to UEFA bucko.
Israel is in UEFA. They don’t have a bit of land in Europe.
It’s less of a joke than Australia being in Asia.
Turkey and Israel are within the US European Command and not US Central Command so they must be part of Europe.
I call for the SCOTUS to rezone that command!
So was that riddle solved already?
The answer was “Silence”.
With a side order of “you are all a bunch of middle-school girls for caring about such a thing>”
I’m doing it for you bucko.
You mean HM’s riddle of Wednesday night?
Scared HM is going to out you?
DC councilman who shared conspiracy theory that Jews control weather leaves Holocaust Museum tour early
I’m guessing he was upset because he couldn’t find any historical models of the Jewish HAARP.
According to theWaPo, after he left his aides stayed and finished the tour and asked if Warsaw ghettos were “like gated communities.”
I thought you were kidding about the gated communities line. Yeesh.
I wish I was. Even at my best I would never have come up with something as cringeworthy as that. It reads like brilliant trolling, but having experience with the graduates of DC Public Schools I know that this is all too real.
Do not delve into the WaPo comments.
Crivens, the articles are bad enough. Nothing will make you want to reduce the DC metro to a smoking pile of ash like the comments in the Washington Post.
Fallout 3 had a lot of failings, but wandering the post apocalypse D.C metro area made up for them.
Except for the fences were there to keep the people in, not the rabble out…
I can’t tell the difference between real life and 2000AD any more.
Best 4/20 ever was the dedication of the Willie Nelson statue in Austin. On 4/20. At 4:20 in the afternoon.
Sadly, I was not invited onto Willie’s tour bus.
The check is in the mail. All in unmarked bills.
Now can you please tell us? Pretty please with a cherry soaked in Amaretto?
Look what you’ve done. You’ve reduced a muppet to begging bucko.
At this point I hope no one actually ever reveals the answer.
I sure won’t until after the check clears.
My boss’s favorite Austin story was smoking up with Willie on the front porch of his country club clubhouse. Apparently Willie owned (owns) a country club.
Boss: What’s that smell?
Willie (smirks). That’s the finest B.C. has to offer, feller.
Boss: No. No, that’s not it.
/Willie takes a puff and begins to hum a song.. Boss smells bandana.
Boss: When was the last time you changed that thing?
Willie (wide, lazy grin): 19….69…
Anecdote from Shawn Phillips: “Willie once told me that his biggest regret was that he had outlived his dick.”
I think Willie had to sell that during his IRS troubles.
My brother made me swear to play this at his funeral
“Instead of a gateway drug, marijuana looks like it’s a substitute for more addictive, more toxic substances.”
In my experience. I never initially searched out harder drugs. However in the never ending quest for Mary Jane, the businessmen you were buying from enivitably would offer to let you party with them and then new products which you would be assured that you would LOVE cause they know you man would find their way into the mix. This scenario, one assumes, would not happen at a pot store in Colorado. You need pot, you know where to go, nothing else is for sale there. It’s the access and exposure to harder drugs the quest for pot provides. Never once did I think, man pot just isn’t doing it for me anymore, I need to go in search for something harder.
Pot is only a gateway drug in the sense that it introduces you to drug dealers.
But it was indeed a bit different for me. I bought into all the DARE shit until I was 17. Started smoking in the walk-in at Schlotzky’s Deli. And then I realized that if I had been being lied to about weed….what else where they lying about?
My university days were full of drugs. Other than designer shit, I can’t think of something I haven’t done. I was on coke for two years, some crazy acid a couple of times whenever we could get it, done mushrooms how many dozens of times. Meth once; pills of every type; XTC; pretty much anything that I could get my hands on.
I’m an adventurous person (yet oddly incredibly socially anxious) and I viewed it as an exploration of where I could take my mind, just like I’ve now made it my mission to see as many places as I possibly can. In 2016 I got to South America, finally checking off six continents off my list, a goal that I’ve had since I was 7 or so.
But you are absolutely correct Lachowsky—-Weed absolutely a gateway drug. Undeniably. A gateway into the black market. My brother has to get other people to buy pot for him because he doesn’t know how the culture works.
Sadly, if I were to partake in 420 celebrations, which I so badly want to do, I’d have to pay about $90-$120 for a gram of fucking mids. No thanks.
Fuck, I’d kill for a Schlotzky’s original right about now. That bread is fantastic.
And seeking pot automatically screens out all of the apple polishers and clean living-types who would never touch anything in the first place.
Totally. My experience was much different than Almighty’s. I knew a bunch of people who smoked, and among us we knew maybe three or four people who could reliably hook us up with at least a half. Most of them also could get a hold of acid pretty easily, although it came and went. Mushrooms were hard to come by around here. Hash, all the hippy drugs, no problem. In our case, though, mostly we were buying from people we hung out with anyway, so if someone asked you if you wanted to drop it was because they wanted to do it with you. And yeah, you could buy some later to eat whenever, but mostly there was the expectation that at least some of it you’d use together. They weren’t really business relationships.
Now, usually these folks would know someone if you wanted to get coke, but that was typically out of the price range for us in those days. Nobody had any interest in heroin, but we probably could’ve put the word out and eventually gotten an intro to someone who had it.
I saw a thing yesterday about the AFT “going after” Blackrock’s funds investing in teh gunz. Whose expertise do I value more? That’s a toughie.
Also, still pissed off at myself for not buying RGR a few weeks ago. It’s up at least 10%.
*that’s demonstrable expertise, not credentials on the wall
The most important news this morning: Arsene Wenger out at Arsenal.
Which means Arsenal might go back to being decent.
Which kind of sucks.
Wenger is a legend.
Most 3rd place finishes EVER!
/disgruntled Gooner fan
They won’t. Ownership, the great Stan Kronke, doesn’t give a shit about the team. When Wenger was ahead of the times they could win, when he was was on par with the times they were competitive but never won, when he was behind the times they sucked. Unless they pull a manager ahead of the times again, they won’t put enough money into the team to be good. They’ll be Everton basically.
Hey, Everton has a billionaire owner now!
It has made things worse, so far.
Damn potheads at twitter
Hey, looking at the Bears schedule terrifies me…I was glad of the warning.
Raiders got a bunch of Prime Time games. Marshawn Lynch said Gruden must have made side deals.
RIP Coach Bruce. Buckeye Nation shall miss you.
My favorite pothead…in Charikar, Afghanistan. Abdul Sattur, he was nicknamed “Snoopdog”.
Believe it or not, he was quite the fighter against the Taliban, back in the day.
The Demon Weed… has taken another great fighter from us, and left us, brothers and sisters… with a man who only wants to sit around and smoke MORE of the DEMON WEED!
I see Comey’s in the news, again. I wonder how many of those stories dwell on his duty to impartially obey and uphold the law, and his egregious failure to do so.
That’s irrelevant, because TRUUUMMPPP!!111!11one !!!
So have Hillary’s retards finally gotten over Comey’s having “sabotaged” their candidate in the week before the election? Or was that just “fake news” that never happened?
Morning Glibs! I have returned from orientation land. Hope everyone is having a great morning.
/narrows gaze.
What do you mean ‘orientation’?
/assumes skeptical self-defence posture.
So how did you do? Are you straight, gay, bi, pan, ace, demi or what?
Uhh… lemme check, the results just came in the mail.
Huh, says here “shitlord”.
They looked at your internet commenting habits to determine that, didn’t they?
Well that and general demeanor, it didn’t help that during it I kept telling them to “fuck off slaver!”
HR letter:
Rick C-137 has not been checking his white privilege with enough gusto. We recommend further ‘orientation’.
They’ll never take me alive! Whips out copies of Ayn Rand and Jordan Peterson.
People who fail the orienteering class never make it back. They are forever lost.
Imma need a swiss over here ??
*Narrows Gaze at Rick*
I have returned from orientation land.
I thought you got a temporary assignment in Asia
Heh. I did but ended up here by occident
*narrows gaze*
Some fun news for y’all…
I hate agreeing with Chucky on anything….but this one I can get behind.
6 in 10 say ban assault weapons, up sharply in Parkland’s aftermath (POLL)
“This ABC News/Washington Post poll was conducted by landline and cellular telephone April 8 to April 11, 2018, in English and Spanish, among a random national sample of 1,002 adults. Results have a margin of sampling error of 3.5 points, including the design effect. Partisan divisions are 32-25-35 percent, Democrats-Republicans-independents.”
Well, I guess they will be glad to learn that nobody actually sells assault weapons.
I doubt that will placate them.
I would wager I could poll the same idiots and come to the conclusion we wish to ban the very dangerous substance dihydrogen monoxide. Or at least get a Prop 65 style warning for it.
Why does everyone focus on dihydrogen monoxide? What about the equally dangerous Hydrogen Hydroxide, or worse, Oxidane?
what about Oxygen Dihydride?
It appears to only be Oxygen Hydride.
I think some kid actually got lots of signatures on a petition to ban dihydrogen monoxide by pointing out how as little as a teaspoon in your lungs could kill you, etc. etc. as a high school science project.
It was on Penn and Teller’s Bullshit as well.
WTF, I’m pretty sure it has also been done as a college level psychological, statistical, and science knowledge study. And by multiple people.
Hell let’s ban Oxygen. Do you know how dangerous that stuff is? It is incredibly reactive!
That’s absurdly reductive.
Fresh morning derp for my fellow writers
Sooooo retarded
There’s no such thing as “cultural appropriation”, you fucking morons! Cultures interact and learn from each other through the exchange of ideas and goods, always have, always will.
Oh WTF, so young, so naive. White culture along with all others needs to be hermetically sealed in a box so terrible wypipo culture doesn’t contaminate poc culture
I guess we should not allow anyone else to have things created by Western culture then.
No enlightenment, no fruits of the Industrial Revolution, nothing invented and developed by wypipo, etc. etc.
I somehow think the lefty “cultural appropriation” idiots wouldn’t really like that.
Ok, I had a legit LOL.
Hahaha….Well, kid. That explains quite a bit.
My kid is 4. He would immediately call bullshit on me if I spat out a story like that.
He’s a little *too* good at sniffing out bullshit.
Here’s what I find funnier—I remember being in 2nd grade (1995) and people were talking about this “Information Super Highway.” I didn’t really understand it but it sounded cool, dammit.
Flash forward to 2004, junior year in HS at 17 or so. Class is Socratically talking about transportation in some degree or another. I tell the class to take a time-out and was like “Yo, growing up I remember them talking about this ‘Information Super Highway.’ What ever came of that? I haven’t heard a thing.”
“That was the Internet you dumb shit.” Embarrassment ensued. That story now is one that I tell as a self-depreciating joke. Mocking myself to the last drop.
This kid gets ridiculed (surely he must’ve. Or maybe not because (s)he hangs out with people as vapid as themselves.) But then proudly and without irony tells the story as part of a “serious” piece.
It’s like a retarded puppy whose mistakes you can forgive and just want to pat them on the head. Awww, there there, boy. Ya tried.
In 6th grade, the teacher was asking if anyone’s parents or grandparents fought in a major war. A few people raised their hands and mentioned someone in their family who had fought in WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, etc. Some girl raises her hand and says, “My grandpa fought in World War 3!”
I have family members who are veterans of the WOD.
Which side did they fight on?
ITS FICTION! It’s all fucking stolen. All of it.
‘Research, research, research’.
Something tells me a) we have to different methods and understanding of what constitutes research and b) it will never be enough to please these retards.
I really enjoy pointing out to my lefty derpbook friends that this is the same progressive philosophy that brought us the Jim Crow laws – “separate, but equal”…
Fascinating perspective on Trump
Interesting take.
Trump should call everyone ‘Bucko’ from now on.
Very good.
You know who else has a birthday today?
Carmen Electra?
The most evil and reprehensible man ever born (and by that I mean George Takei)?
Ohhh myyyy
Ohh myyy
Oh, my!
Careful, or he will run you through with his “saber”….
Damn, I just noticed the accompanying photo above. I thought I was safe because I scanned the text. Oh well. Time to get high.
Why do I know his birthday, but can barely remember my mothers?
Because you hate the woodchippers, and the woodchipper gods have cursed you?
Are you threatening my mother with a woodchipper?
/readies subpoenas
Tito Puente.
Oye Como Va!
What is FIRE thinking on this? Students at a public school are a different animal. Still not seeing where the First Amendment guarantees your job after making an ass out of your employer. Must be that same clause that guarantees free health care.

Fresno State would get sued by the ACLU if they fired that individual, not to mention the union going after them as well, for breach of contract.
Still not seeing a 1st Amendment breach. Breach of contract is completely different.
Is Fresno state a public school? If so, the then dynamic of the government taking some punitive action against a citizen for expressing an unpopular belief is what they’re afraid of.
I see both sides of it. On the one hand, the govt would have a prog-leftist litmus test for employment within a year if such protection s went away. On the other hand, it shouldn’t be impossible to fire a lunatic.
The real answer is fuck you end public education.
The real answer is fuck you end public education.
This is the right answer.
It’s not just public education. An IRS worker who says conservatives are evil and need their returns to be more closely audited as punishment should be able to be fired.
The 1st Amendment protects citizens from being thrown in prison or fined for what might be perceived as lunatic views. The idea it guarantees a continued employment for government employees would turn this into a positive right. A right non-government employees do not enjoy.
blockquote fail.. a little help please edit fairy?
Thanks EF
If you are saying the 1st amendments shouldn’t cover that, maybe you are right. If you are saying the 1st amendment doesn’t cover that.. well, I have some bad news for you…
As for myself, I err on the side of an expansive first amendment so I’m not too shook up about an idiot self-identifying but keeping her job.
Philly police commissioner Ross threw the Starbucks manager under the bus yesterday. He, and his police force, now understand that Starbucks’ policy is to let people come into their stores and loiter, without buying anything, as long as they want. Manager didn’t explain this to his cops, so he apologizes – heartfully and groveling – for not knowing that she was violating Starbucks policy by demanding trespassers be removed.
Policy is merely what a company chooses to do as a rule.
Law says the property owner can declare you a tresspasser and demand you remove yourself or be removed. It doesn’t matter if the tresspassing charge is in conflict with normal policy, the law applies and the police should remove the tresspasser from the property.
That should be the way it works, but try having the cops toss a gay couple out of a cake shop.
I think the abomination of public accommodation laws has muddied the waters here. In this case, since they weren’t even buying anything, I think the trespass law is easier to enforce. But if they were trying to buy coffee, I think you wouldn’t have an easy time tossing them.
It shouldn’t be that way, but it is what it is.
I see the next course on the SJW’s menu is LA Fitness.
At the LA Fitness I sometimes attend, I’d love to see any employee who gave a shit about their job. I always see people walk into the club without scanning in. I suspect I could too, but I’m too lazy to steal. I forgive them for not watching the front because they are so busy not cleaning the lockers (or the bathrooms or the showers).
The only reason I have a card to LA Fitness is because it is free for me. I belong to some crazy club that lets me go to all the snap fitness and LA Fitness clubs I want for the same price. I’ve been to other LA Fitness clubs in Mpls and they all seem fine. It is just the one club near me that seems to be so dysfunctional.
Ignorance of the law is only an excuse for those who enforce it. Policy be damned, they were clearly trespassing once an authorized agent of the business asked them to transact business or leave and they refused.
Starbucks, in their attempt to score media brownie points over this incident, has royally screwed the pooch on this one.
Imagine how exciting it will be to walk into an urban Starbucks because you need to open up the laptop and find it entirely colonized by bums.
Years from now, assuming we’re not all wearing Mao suits, this will be a case study in how not to handle a PR crisis.
Please let hobos start staying at Starbucks. Pretty please.
I saw that, She Fucked up, and the Chief spoke fairly, IMO
No, it looked to me like the chief (who is black) groveled. Otherwise, why not say that his cops will support the manager’s request to remove trespassers per the law and that it is manager’s fault if she is violating some internal Starbucks policy?
The thing is, if the company has a policy allowing people to stay without purchasing, then they aren’t trespassing. The manager’s withdrawal of permission would make them trespassers as she is an agent of the company and theoretically has the authority to withdraw permission , but since the company then specifically repudiated the manager’s act they once again were not trespassing. I don’t blame the chief here. His officers backed up Starbucks in a touchy situation and got thrown under the bus in a frenzy of virtue signalling. I took his comments as basically saying “It will be a cold day in hell before we remove trespassers from another Starbucks.”
This makes me laugh with glee.
Starbucks is racist. Give me free stuff!+Give+me+stuff&&view=detail&mid=979461066C41044F1EB0979461066C41044F1EB0&&FORM=VRDGAR
start about 8:50 to see video and avoid most commentary
If it was Starbucks’ policy to let anyone use the bathroom / loiter, why did they authorize the keycoded bathrooms? If there are other Starbucks with other keycoded bathrooms, this would seem to be a clear indication that the corporate policy, at least for some stores, was to restrict bathroom access.
up to republicans to legalize marijuana
Interestingly enough, I heard on the news on the way in to work that our favorite moob model, Charles Schumer, is pushing for federal decriminalization. This is actually smart for Team Blue to run on, despite them being unprincipled hacks (I’m looking at YOU, Eric Holder).
Chuck, the evil fuck that he is, does posess some feral cunning. He’s trying to create a campaign issue that isn’t electoral poison for Team Blue.
Moobs and the Dems could have legalized any damn thing they wanted to between 2008 and 2010. Somehow they didn’t care to do so.
Like I said, it’s about creating an issue to campaign on, not about legalizing.
He sees that the race leftward isn’t going to fly and is draining the support needed for their hoped-for blue wave, and so is trying to sow the seeds of a different issue for the electoral season.
…the Dems could have legalized any damn thing they wanted to between 2008 and 2010
Yes, but they are politicians, and legalization wasn’t supported by the majority until 2011.
Fucking moobs. That guy has made an entire career over scare stories
This is the genius of our system – it incentivizes bad characters to do the right thing.
To appear to do the right thing. Actually doing it would run counter to their long-term goals, so they won’t.
UCS, if they regulate the system of distribution sufficiently, and tax the hell out of it, the War on Drugs can still continue, and the PubSec Unions can still fill the Democrat’s Campaign coffers, because the black market will still be enormous. Plus, then they can look at Cigarette smuggling, and weed smuggling between states.
The Democrats might even push for a “state store” system like many states do with alcohol so that the AF$CME or the $EIU can unionize a ton of new employees and rake in some sweet campaign cash.
If the war on drugs starts winding down, I’m scared of what all the state, federal, and local law enforcement is going to do with their free time.
Decriminalization should come with a mandatory firing of about a quarter to half of the law enforcement officers in this country.
When the original prohibition ended, all the revenuers got jobs at the newly formed ATF.
Since the Republicans are the Stupid Party, they’re too stupid to realize that they could entirely staunch the bleeding in the mid-terms by saying, “that’s a great idea!” And adopting it as their own, enthusiastically.
but news sources last night say the guy shot the two deputies, then himself.
So what you are saying is that he shot the deputies but he did not shoot the sheriff.
*narrows gaze*
“Jarrar’s tweets are unquestionably protected speech under the First Amendment and Fresno State has no power to censor, punish, or terminate Jarrar for them,” Adam Steinbaugh, senior program officer for FIRE (Foundation for Individual Rights in Education), said in a statement to Fox News.
I’m not sure about the First Amendment aspect. Nobody has claimed her comments are illegal, as far as I am aware. I have to assume there is some sort of clause in her employment contract which allows her to be terminated extraordinary circumstances; the ol’ moral turpitude clause comes to mind. I’m guessing there’s something about “harm to the institution” in there, whether she realizes it or not.
What I am sure of is that any backlash and loss of future revenue on the part of students, parents and donors are completely justifiable and okay with me. If somebody called the school and said, “Take my name off the library, and give me my ten million dollars back,” I’d be fine with that, too.
Even if there was, they can’t fire her for this, because they’re a state institution and have to comply with the First Amendment.
Your second paragraph is correct though.
That would turn the First Amendment into a positive right for government employees. I don’t think the Founders would have envisioned the Constitution demanding that gov employees be paid money regardless of performance.
Gov employees may be paid money regardless of performance anyway, but that’s not an enshrined constitutional right.
^This^ The first amendment doesn’t protect government employment. It doesn’t protect any employment. To think otherwise would be to think that it requires people to financially support speech they disagree with, which runs directly counter to the idea of free speech.
It strikes me as sad that 200+ years has caused “Congress shall pass no law…” to now mean, “You can’t fire public employees for saying things that are incredibly damaging to the institution that employs them.”
I think there needs to be an “extreme fuck-tard” exception.
Remember that if that’s true, colleges get to punish conservative students for “offensive” speech.
No, it means they get to fire them for offensive speech. Which they should be free to do: the students have no right to employment at the university. It’s all about whose hand is on top – when the student is the payer, they get to make the call on appropriate speech, when they are the payee they don’t.
There’s a practical and legal difference between school faculty and students. It’s why teachers can’t lead their class in prayer (because that would be an endorsement of religion since they are acting in their official capacity as a state employee), but students can pray on school grounds (despite perennial attempts to prevent it, all of which have been thoroughly curb stomped by every court in the country on 1A grounds). There are enforceable performance conditions in pretty much every government employment contract, including those restricting speech. Under your interpretation of the 1A you pretty much couldn’t have classified information, NDAs, non-competes, etc.
Well, there is probably something in the contract about respecting academic freedom. Academic freedom is usually poorly defined. However, the standard reference is to the AAUP’s Statement on Principles of Academic Freedom and Tenure. I think this excerpt is relevant:
“College and university teachers are citizens, members of a learned profession, and officers of an educational institution. When they speak or write as citizens, they should be free from institutional censorship or discipline, but their special position in the community imposes special obligations. As scholars and educational officers, they should remember that the public may judge their profession and their institution by their utterances. Hence they should at all times be accurate, should exercise appropriate restraint, should show respect for the opinions of others, and should make every effort to indicate that they are not speaking for the institution.”
There are a lot of shoulds in there so she may not have crossed a bright line, but it is certainly reprimand-worthy, and probably suspension-worthy.
So Guliani is representing Trump now, and he thinks things will be wrapped up soon:
I think we all know what he needs to wrap it up…. Trump’s resignation or an impeachment. That has been the goal since long before the inauguration. The Obama administration set up this whole Russia thing to derail Trump and even bragged about it in the New York Times.
Note that the Times article makes it pretty explicit that the Obama officials “know” that Trump worked with the Russians to steal the election. They are heroes because they leaked this truth.
Fast forward to more than a year later, and we now know that Comey already was relatively sure that there was no collusion with the Russians. We also know that Mueller hasn’t come up with any evidence either, as is evidenced by his focus on a non-disclosure contract was a candidate with a porn actress from years before Trump and raiding Trump’s personal attorney’s office.
The Russia probe was over a long while ago. Now they are on to “what else can we find on this guy”.
focus on a non-disclosure contract with a porn actress from years before Trump was a candidate and raiding Trump’s personal attorney’s office.
…..Preview button woulda been helpful. Maybe.
Call WordPress.
I prefer to just bitch about my own ineptness.
Good news everybody!
Local gadfly wins court case to force Hennepin county sheriff’s office to comply with freedom of info request on how they are using biometric technologies.
The county said his requests were too burdensome.
In an ideal world, the judge would have thrown the Sheriff and a few deputies in jail for that answer.
I think a “too burdensome” answer should trigger the relevant parties to be deposed under oath at county expense.
Fraudster Friday: Latent Semantic Analysis Edition
It’s science!
Shorter FiveThirtyEight: “Anything we disagree with is racist hate speech, because SCIENCE!!!”
Latent semantic analysis…sounds legit.
Sounds like Implicit Bias Testing. Absent proof, I’m going to assume it’s just as effective as well.
As a grad student I ran an implicit bias experiment for a post doc and it ruined psychology for me. Biggest crock of horseshit I’ve ever come across.
We know where this goes. Look across the pond. They throw people in prison there for having opinions or telling jokes.
Look, there were dog whistles. DOG WHISTLES!
I know your white privilege doesn’t let you understand this, but there is racist hate speech hidden in the most mundane topics. It takes a specially woke person to properly perceive all of this racism and gender bias and general hate. But if you are woke, it is totally clear .
“We are going to find it whether it’s there or not.”
The left would love that. All of the deplorables become felons, and can’t vote.
Britain…where they police everything but crime
Shorter version: while they don’t talk about hanging black folks, gassing Jews, bashing gays, and beating women you can just tell it’s what they are all thinking
Alright, I was bored until I got to “Chimpire”. Then I laughed.
Total bull shit.
Fuck. I did not mean to paste that whole thing. No idea how that happened. Please edit.
I’m surprised the comment field takes that much text.
OMWC, do you have any 2SJ74 jfets in stock? Looking to get two matched pairs for a DIY project. Being an obsolete part, all I see are a sea of fakes out there.
I have the LSJ versions, which should work fine for you. Drop me an email, let me know the Idss range you’re looking for, and I’ll be happy to send them your way.
*begins singing*
That would be most excellent – will send an email your way. Looking for 10ma Idss (Alpeh J project).
Fake ICs? Who would have thought it… Just kidding!
Trying to use Monocle to post a linke and failed!
One of the Comey Memo headlines was something about Trump making wishful thinking noises about “jailing reporters”. I’m not sure of the exact context (too lazy; didn’t read), but the government has, in the past, been known to throw reporters in jail for refusing to provide information.
I cannot help thinking if Obama did it, it would be in defense of Democracy and Our American Way of Life. If Trump did it, it would be Buchenwald times eleventy bazillion.
Uh… Obama actually wiretapped reporters. Straight-up.
And they still lick the boot.
*Lick the Jackboot, FTFY
Even if there was, they can’t fire her for this, because they’re a state institution and have to comply with the First Amendment.
Based on my childlike simpleton’s understanding of words, I don’t see how Congress shall make no Law impinges on the power of an institution (state owned or not) to defend itself and its reputation from the idiocy of and/or intentional harm caused to it by its employees. That’s not to say there are not reams of precedent to show me wrong.
Eric Holder For Prez.?
He’s got tons of baggage but he can always race-bait. He spent 4 years doing that. I foresee a Harris/Holder ticket and I find that concerning. But perhaps the identity politiking will fail again.
I will be president before Eric Holder will.
“Scary White Boy 2020”
I foresee a Harris/Holder ticket and I find that concerning.
In a just world, I would guffaw and cry merrily, “Bring it the fuck on!” Here in Trump’s America, I can merely quaver in dread.
Super Troopers 2 releases today.
It’s what the world needs right now
Awesome, I’m freakin’ out man.
I worry that, even if it’s good, it will be a letdown since I’ve been waiting for it for so long.
Toke up before going and won’t know the diff?
As much as I’ve been waiting for it, I’m going to wait a little longer for it to show up on streaming. I really dislike going to theaters.
Not my thing – the only drug I ever liked (other than alcohol) was codeine. Unless I get another hellacious case of bronchitis, don’t see more of that headed my way
OK, Team Red…legalize.
Rather, the smart move for Team Red would be to copy the federal policy on alcohol: allow each jurisdiction to decide and forbid importation into a dry (or in this case “smokeless” I guess) jurisdiction. That should make the most people happy, which is good politics.
In March 2017, FiveThirtyEight quantified this undercurrent of far-right extremism using latent semantic analysis, a technique developed to compare two works of literature.
Sounds legit.
A couple of the Starbucks near bum hangouts lock their bathrooms and require a code from an employee to use. Wonder how long before those are removed or employees will be instructed to allow anyone, including non customers, to use them.
This Florida Man story is better.
Home Invasion Victims Use AR–15 To Defend Themselves Against Five Armed Intruders
Huh, and they posed as a police raid. What a shock.
Yelling “police” before a home invasion just isn’t cricket.
That is how they knew it was fake, right? Real cops would have just “no knocked”…
And then the homeowners would be in jail for trying to defend themselves from the attackers.
Or, more likely, dead. You shoot a cop, even mistakenly, and the next cop to arrive will come in guns blazing.
The D.C. business community is full of a bunch of squares. My boss walked up to me yesterday evening and said “I’m taking tomorrow off.” I winked at him and said “yeah, I gotcha buddy, I’ll hold the fort down while you celebrate.” He gave me a funny look “celebrate?”
“4/20 man, I know what you’re up to”
“What are you talking about?”
“Just… google 420”
I’m surprised how many people around here over the age of 30 have no idea what 420 is.
Your numeric reference to drugs is actually a minority niche.
Is it? I feel like its permeated popular culture for years now. MJ is just looked down on heavily by the business community here. Its not so on the west coast, from what I’ve heard.
I’ve not heard a single reference to it offline. And online only in insular communities like this one.
Well, if UCS has nae heard of it – that sure settles it!
(oddly enough, I have been hearing about this since the early 1980s – it was a huge thing in the Big Ten, and I hear lots of radio DJs yukking it up about it).
I’d put it on par with April fools day.
Where was this? because I’m still trying to figure out the origins of this association, and if there’s a geographic component, that might help narrow things down.
First I heard it was in college in the late ’90s, and it’s not as if I run in stoner circles.
Pretty sure I heard of it first in college in the early 90’s. Was out with my boyfriend and he wanted to go down to Lafayette Square for the the 4/20 festivities.
UCS, I expect you to be living under a rock, but I know the people I work with live in real houses above ground.
I knew about 420 all the way back in middle school, before the internet had permeated every facet of life.
Likes thin crust pizza. Doesn’t get references to 4/20. Oh, I get it, UCS is a nerd
Lol. middle school aged me in the mid 90s in rural arkansas knew what 420 was.
So where did it come from?
I want to say it’s police code for weed. Or was police code. Seems like I remember hearing something along those lines.
The legend is that some high school students would meet up weekly at 4:20PM to smoke and set out on a search for a former National Guard member’s weed stash. The group of friends eventually met The Grateful Dead and told them of their routine — the band made 420 famous.
My first encounter with the expression was a bumper sticker that said “It’s 4:19, got a minute?”
I think this was in Tulsa during the Carter administration.
I tried looking it up, but the etymology of this was unknown.
Yeah, like you know all about Sadie Hawkins Day.
Hillary Clinton on Election Night : They Were Never Going to Let Me Be President
Who’s the elitist?
One candidate derides voters and brags about putting Americans out of work. One candidate said he would put America’s interest first and Americans back to work.
We wouldn’t let her be president. It is just mind boggling.
The Deplorables always got a laugh, over living-room chats in the Hamptons, at dinner parties under the stars on Martha’s Vineyard, over passed hors d’oeuvres in Beverly Hills, and during sunset cocktails in Silicon Valley,
These people are beyond parody. Seriously, if one of us were to try to mock them, we couldn’t possibly do as good a job as they do to themselves.
‘They’ = voters
Also “…let me be president.”
Let you. Because it was your turn we were supposed to ‘let you’.
She isnt just a sociopath, she is also an unselfaware moron.
And the self-pity is nauseating.
“Help me help you be less deplorable.”
“Just walk into the de-deplorization chamber…”
“But my extremely wealthy friends liked it, why wouldn’t everybody?”
The damaged caused by two families, the Clintons and the Bushes, over the course of the past 30 years is immeasurable.
Oh, it is fairly measurable.
*frowns over US Treasury numbers*
Well, yes, when you put it that way……
It’s just amazing when you consider how much just a few people in two families are to blame for much of what’s wrong with America 2018.
They had 300 million enablers.
Measurable, but not really conceivable at this point.
The deplorables gaff looks no better in context. Listen, lady, it stuck because it rung true. The left has done a bang-up job convincing themselves that all white middle-Americans are deplorable, whatever their “basket.” So those deplorables recognize that, whatever they do or say, they’re hated by the left. What profit is there in voting for the lefty candidate, then? More abuse and neglect and condescension and derision? Maybe you should have addressed that canard rather than indulge in it.
To be fair, they’ve been openly derisive of black people and Jews for 50 years and still pull 90+% of their respective votes.
Exactly. Which party’s tent holds the kind of people who talk about things like “toxic masculinity” and “white privilege”? And you’re telling me that the idea of “deplorables” isn’t something that’s held by more than Hillary?
Wifey is chaperoning a field trip. 35 NYC 7th graders are down in Hotlanta to visit Morehouse, Spellman, and Clark. Setting aside the utter absurdity (and evil) of pushing 7th graders towards expensive, out-of-state universities, the planners had scheduled a Friday morning visit to the Coca-Cola museum followed by an afternoon of fun at Centennial Olympic Park for these kids. Wifey had to explain to her bosses what the date meant and just what kind of crowd would be at Centennial Olympic Park on 20 April.
So, um, are all of your wife’s students, um, historically qualified to attend those universities?
I suppose so (TBH, I am happily ensconced in a veil of ignorance regarding modern race/ethnicity grievance calculus), her school is predominantly West-Indian/Guyanese with a small cadre of Syrian refugee kids. They are, in my very limited interactions, quite nice kids but the idea of leading them towards out-of-state tuition rates (particularly when there are great schools locally) seems misguided at best. This is an ongoing problem in my opinion. At her last school (high school) the guidance dept. routinely pushed seniors to go to very expensive upstate liberal arts colleges rather than the SUNY or CUNY system schools.
All of those schools are historically black and high society schools. It seems like a weird group of schools to visit from NYC.
I’m more surprised that this would be an organized school activity. My HS gave space to visiting college reps, but
visitsvacations to schools? That was on you.Keep in mind that blacks whose families are from Caribbean countries have done a great job of falsifying the opposing notions that racism is the main problem preventing blacks from educational and economic success and that there is something inherently inferior in the brains of descendants of sub-Saharan Africans.
Actual African-Americans, either immigrants or the children of immigrants, do the same thing. In fact, if the guy I know at work from Cameroon is any indication, African immigrants take a rather dim view of American-born black people and their culture.
There is a lot of tension in our Minnesoda schools between Somalis and American-born black kids.
It makes the local proggies minds explode because they can’t understand why everyone from Africa can’t come together as brothers.
Apparently in the DC area there’s a big thing where Ethiopian women, even second or third generation, don’t give black men the time of day unless they’re off-the-boat African. I’ve been told it’s a cultural thing, that there’s less stigma in dating a white man than a native African-American man because of a.) slavery, and b.) the stereotype of “urban” black men.
Pope, it’s like the progs don’t understand why the Somalis had to be refugees in the first place. If they were displaced from Somalia due to warring tribes, of people in their same country, and very similar to them, why the hell would they like people descended from entirely different parts of Africa, with entirely different cultures? I find that treatment of all people with a certain skin color abhorrent, since it is basic racism to assume they all share the same culture. Shoot, my now former supervisor grew up in NC, went to college at UK, and now works in Central Ohio. His culture was different than African Americans that I grew up and went to high school with in Southwest Ohio, never mind 2nd generation immigrants from an entirely different country.
Yes, they are largely the province of the black upper class. FWIW, I went to a hoity-toity private high school. In the four years I was there, there were three black students, all of whom were from wealthy families (two were the sons of doctors, both parents of the other one were lawyers). Two of them ended up going to Morehouse. Morehouse and Howard are the Harvard and Yale of HBCU.
“After the election, Bill would spread a more absurd Times conspiracy: The publisher had struck a deal with Trump that we’d destroy Hillary on her emails to help him get elected, if he kept driving traffic and boosting the company’s stock price.”
Did you know that the Times is totally in the tank for Trump? They’re always putting out such favorable, 100% accurate stories about him.
Yeyeah, 4/20 fest starts today at Centennial. It’s a legit music festival, not just a smoke in or something like that, so probably can’t get in/around there very easily.
Do you have any Republican friends?
“Why not?”
“Because I’m open-minded”
“Because people in New York are more just like minding their own business…” is the one that got me.
Mayor Bloomberg was renowned for minding his own business
It’s just that his business encompasses your business.
I accidently clicked on that while I was surfing YT yesterday and immediately exited the video. Interviews with the general public are infuriating. I also turn off C-SPAN whenever they have the call-in segment. The most passionate people that call in can’t even form a proper sentence.
Sigh… I was a daily Washington Journal viewer and general CSPAN junkie for damn near 30 years. Since around 2010, I’ve only watched occasional bits of Book TV. The across the board dumbing down of content to match the appetites of the increasingly pig-ignorant viewers coupled with the outrageous increase in (likely) paid partisan calling has been thoroughly depressing.
How do you dumb down stuff like a senate hearing? At the times that I tune in, it’s usually arguments from the floor or other various talkings from various government officials. That’s why I like C-SPAN, I get to hear it straight from the horses’ mouth instead of through the filter of some hack journalist that has nothing in mind other than “TEAM”
The chamber feeds are still fun to watch and I still do the SCOTUS audio but it was more about callers and CSPAN’s growing reliance on having as guests reporters and pundits to talk about X rather than the elected reps and bureaucrats who actually do X.
Ah, yeah, okay I have noticed this before.
And to be quite fair, having Samantha Power as a guest on several occasions, before she was an apparatchik of Leviathan, showed me what a wicked human she is. So, there’s that?
That said, one of my great delights was turning others on to the chamber feeds after demonstrating that what was being reported on whatever news outlet was often quite at odds with what really occurred on the floor.
I think Brian Lamb is less involved in the day to day at CSPAN these days.
Yeah, I watched it and now my blood pressure is through the roof.
One of my remaining guilty, expatriate pleasures is watching Prime Minister’s Question Time when the incumbent is sufficiently combatitive. This has been rare and sometimes extinct since John Major, but you can still get the occasional stinging put-down.
I know it’s an old and much-suggested idea, but I’d totally be for Congressional Dueling Thursdays on CSPAN.
I’d be down for that. We’re talking black powder pistols, right? And maybe sword canes? Those are pure class, man.
Less classy. But how many members of Congress are trained fencers these days? Sad.
You learn! Or you die!
Fighting irons!
It’s like these guys don’t understand the way unions work. They protect the useless workers, and punish the hard workers. And they charge you money for it. If unions were trade unions, like in Germany, where they provide training, health and other insurance, and other valuable goods and services, I would be pro-union, and want to have a union job. As they are, I would never join a union, and go out of my way to avoid paying the union at all, if I took a job in a union shop workplace.
Some trade unions do, but usually as a crony employer-union apprenticeship ran by the union where there are limited non-union slots and barriers to entry by state licensure. Everybody gets their vig.
Still not the dumbest thing Jacobin has published this week.
Home Invasion Victims Use AR–15 To Defend Themselves Against Five Armed Intruders
Can’t read it, because adblockerblocker, but- I find it rather amusing when people say “You don’t need an ASSAULT WEAPON for home defense!”
What could possibly be better or more effective? Threatening to call the police?
Here’s the story from another site
I can’t help but think justice was served.
If the homeowner had a bump stock, he could have tagged all of them.
As I age, I find I shoot my Ruger Mark 3 more than anything else and while I know that .22lr is generally disregarded as a defense round, I really think the stability and brutal, unerring accuracy could make up for small size in such a scofflaws-funneling-through-one’s-doorway scenario.
The problem is not that it’s bad for personal defense per se, but that it contravenes that fundamental concept – of ensuring that there’s only one surviving witness.
However, getting a well-placed 22LR in the face is a pretty effective dissuader.
ensuring that there’s only one surviving witness
Yup. Guns are for killing, not wounding. If you need to pull the trigger, you better be sure you are justified in killing your target. And since you have decided they need killing, why not save yourself a lot of trouble down the road and finish the job.
I read a “devil’s advocate” piece that made a reasonably compelling argument for the Ruger 10/22 as a home defense weapon. Not the best, but a perfectly good choice. Basically, there were the various usability benefits of a 22LR carbine, but the crux was the idea that in a home defense situation you’re probably dealing with one, maybe two intruders, without body armor, neither of whom wants to rape you or take your television bad enough to be shot, so the benefits of being able to place repeated shots reasonably accurately thanks to the low recoil outweigh the relative lack of power.
It’s plausibly true that worldwide, 22 caliber firearms have taken lots of lives. The problem is that if you’re in a home defense situation and you confront attackers who you feel
then you have no business shooting them, because you lack justification.
Now, one could argue that this is merely a good reason to load with CCI Velocitors or go for a gun chambered in 22 Win Mag.
in a home defense situation you’re probably dealing with one, maybe two intruders, without body armor, neither of whom wants to rape you or take your television bad enough to be shot,
If they break into my house, I think I can assume that, whatever they want to do, they want to do it bad enough to be shot. I’m certainly not going plan my home defense strategy around the idea that nobody who breaks into my house wants to commit a violent crime.
There was a Forgotten weapons episode about the American 180
the philosophy was if you can put enough .22 LRs in someone, they die. Apparently it works well.
While there’s no question at all you can kill someone with a .22, the only reason I can think of to have it be your home defense caliber of choice is because you aren’t comfortable/proficient with a heavier caliber.
The reason to fire a gun at someone is to kill them. Other calibers are more effective for this purpose than the .22. My philosophy is, shoot the heaviest caliber you are comfortable shooting, with the caveat that you might need to “gun down” to get a carry pistol that works for you.
Now, I’m not going to pick up the most powerful guns in my inventory (.308 and .300 Win Mag) because they are too unwieldy to use indoors compared to a handgun. Indoors, I even prefer a handgun to one of my shotguns for that purpose – I am more comfortable indoors with a handgun compared to a full-size shotgun.
I can see landing on a .22 caliber rifle only if you aren’t comfortable shooting any handgun or shotgun. But that’s about it.
I’m not disagreeing, I’m just making an excuse to post a link to a video about the American 180.
Mossberg has new (I think) version of the 590 that takes detachable box magazines, I might be partial to one of those loaded with #4 shot or those fancy plastic Slap Shot slugs but you do make a fine point.
Someone had a writeup of a mini-shotgun that sounded like the ultimate home defense weapon. It held probably 6 or 8 cut down 1.5″ shells and the recoil on maybe #2 or #4 buck shot was little enough for his aged mother to handle it. Plus you could put a green laser site on it that was pretty darn effective for low-light situations. I’ll have to see if I can find it. Because that’s what I want. Something that won’t shoot up my neighbors or kill my kids if it goes through the floor.
One of these maybe.
Yeah, with mini-shells and something like the LaserLyte Center Mass – I know I saw some article covering one setup that way.
That’s the one I was thinking of. Yes. Okay… begins plotting to acquire Mossberg 590
I love that it’s non-NFA entirely due to technicalities – since the bird’s head grip is a factory item and the overall length is over 26 inches (26.32″, to be exact), it’s just a ‘firearm’, like a pistol. No stamp required. It’s almost like that was done on purpose…
Compliance with the law doesn’t necessarily have to be in the spirit of the law.
Well, it’s not technically a pistol either, otherwise there would be other issues. It’s designated an AOW (any other weapon) and – hate to break it to everyone – is likely to attract the gun grabbers at the state level once they’re aware of its existence, when it gets used by someone in a School Shooting at a school for disabled minority orphans with gender dysphoria.
This is why, even though I don’t want one at the moment, I will be buying one soon.
I just picked up the new 20 gauge model, it’s more fun than I should probably be allowed to have.
Can you actually hit anything with it of is it really just a novelty? I’m interested but won’t pay that much for a neat toy.
Sure you can hit things with it, but it’s a completely different kind of tool. If you’ve ever done any point shooting, adapting to it isn’t that hard. It’s basically a coach gun.
What Number.6 said. Yeah, it is much more a home defense firearm so I would not be trying to engage targets more than 5 or 10 meters away.
20 gauge for something like that sounds like the way to go. Plenty of power for the (very) short ranges it would be useful for, and a lot less kick that will be very hard to control.
You can click past their “PLEASE WHITELIST US” thing in the bottom right corner.
Nobody needs an AR 15 for home defense.
The Warsaw Ghetto was akin to a “gated community” so thinks DC Council member’s staff. So much stupid and casual anti-semitism. Unbelievable. Who goes to a Holocaust museum and sees pictures of Polish Catholic clergy being executed and thinks “did they manufacture their own guns?”. Because, clearly the guns were the problem
To say that the culture that generates characters like Trayon White is insular would be an understatement of magnificent proportions. They really do not know anything outside of their own communities and mythologies.
Oh, I don’t know if it’s insularity. I’d say it’s abiding, lifelong hatred for Jews.
Most of them have never met a Jew, so I put that under mythology.
I never met a Jewish person until I was in junior in high school. And I never met a Jewish person my age until I got to college. Despite that, I managed to never spout antisemitic talking points. There does seem to be an insular culture in different parts of society that continues to breed antisemitism.
That’s just what (((we))) want, to lull you into a false sense of security…
I knew it.
The first Jew I met was (I think) the archetypical Jewish Princess. She used to go on tears on Facebook telling off friends or strangers for being antisemitic, always based on minor slights that never seemed antisemitic. And it was all the more ludicrous given where we live. But the melodrama was highly entertaining.
ABQ’s (((population))) is not, shall we say, overly large, so I’ve probably met whoever it is you’re talking about. Positive note, the few (((girls))) in my high school were decent looking and pretty slutty.
If not for the nutty chip on her shoulder attitude, I’d have made a pass.
Fair point.
How long do you suppose a capital-P Progressive party will last after the Dems shed any remaining vestige of liberalism? The racial tensions alone seem like they’ll tear the party apart. Forget the thoroughly
cuckedcowed white core permitted to run things for the moment, at some point the racial grievance competition will reach a boiling point and make the 1968 DNC look like a lively frat party.It’s all well and good to build a coalition on a shared vision of mutual comity and prosperity, but when your party line is segregating and ghettoizing every minority and rehashing every racial grievance, in the process killing the capitalist engine that brought us to the point at which we can afford to indulge such fantasies, running up tremendous debts to do so… that does not seem sustainable.
The only thing the Democratic Party has going for it is the Republican Party
This is Washington, DC, not American Falls, ID. There are plenty of Jews there.
Not in Anacostia.
The head of the Bureau of Reclamation that built the original American Falls dam, forcing the relocation of the town, was Elwood Mead
(((conspiracy))) confirmed
Linked to above by LJW. Enjoying the holiday, bro?
Damn, I suck
But not as badly as Akira. LOL
Hey, gimme a break… As far as I know, there’s no Delete Fairy to summon!
Only in quite drastic circumstances.
Listening to the radio on the drive into work this morning and I heard a multiple PSAs from the Arkansas State Police. I guess this weekend they are going to be doing “advanced enforcement” of impaired driving policing.
That means, this weekend is 4th amendment free weekend. Yay roadblocks, warrantless searches, and baseless stops.
Just don’t be so sweaty and tired (after a shift in a steel mill) and don’t be so reticent to hand over your entire wallet (I’m still shocked and appalled that was sufficient pretext for a puppy-sniff) and you’ll be fine.
I’ll be leaving work at 7pm this evening. we will see how things go.
Hillary Clinton on Election Night : They Were Never Going to Let Me Be President
The Vast Right Wing Conspiracy (starring the New York Fucking Times) strikes again!
I read that, and thought, “Thank God.”
I love that it’s non-NFA entirely due to technicalities – since the bird’s head grip is a factory item and the overall length is over 26 inches (26.32″, to be exact), it’s just a ‘firearm’, like a pistol. No stamp required. It’s almost like that was done on purpose…
I read about that thing, too. As I recall, Mossberg attaches an explicit warning: DO NOT PUT A STOCK ON THIS, because that would transform it into an illegal sawed off shotgun, due to the barrel length.
I work with a guy who is pretty firearms law ignorant. A few years ago, he got his hands on an AR-pistol. Being a tinkerer, after having it for awhile he put a stock on it and took it out shooting a few times.
Some time later, he was running a little short on fun and decided to sell it. He took it to a pawn shop to get a price. The owner told him to get the fuck out of there.
I had fun explaing to Jeff that he had committed a felony with a max prison sentence of 10 years and was close to have the full weight of the federal government come down on him. He’s just a little bit more libertarian now.
Hah hah. Just like admitted but unindicted felon David Gregory and his illegal magazine.
“Two low-credibility businesses part ways, both breathe sighs of relief.” Just when I thought there was no way I would ever do business with Wells Fargo they kick the AFT in the nuts. I might have to go in and get ripped off to say thanks.
Remember guys: Democrats are the Party of Science AND racial tolerance!
I have a hard time imagining that if a Republican, especially a white Republican, said something like this that the response would be to gently try to “educate” him…
It’s also noteworthy that they mentioned his party affiliation once (with the surreptitious little “D” after his name) but devoted the last two paragraphs to loony conspiracy theories put out by Republicans.
Dude, that was linked to twice already on this thread.
Yeah, but have you seen this?:
Just make sure you have a barf bag next to you. Obama paying homage to the Parkland activists.
And due to the geographical distribution of blacks and Latinos, they’re the most likely to have their rights curtailed by gun control laws. After all, the Democrats in the 1800s created these laws to disarm them uppity negroes who were shooting back at the Democratic Party’s grassroots community activists (the KKK).
Why does Obama support policies that have a Disparate Impact™ on minorities?
Democrats tend to forget most of history. Or never learn it in the first place. Or deliberately lie about it.
Probably the last one.
Victims of or purveyors of?
Remember Suthen, “progressivism” does not account for human will at all. Everything everyone does is just the result of some “system” forcing them to act that way except for a few enlightened Democrat politicians who are here to show us the way.
It’s the gun’s fault. If there were no guns in Baltimore or Chicago, all those gangsters would be living quiet, serene lives reading poetry and tending community gardens.
Victims of or purveyors of?
African Americans and Latinos—the disproportionate victims of gun violence
I think he mis-spelled “perpetrators”.
Who knew there were this many sexy Newfies?
A Newfie was walking home late at night & sees a lady of the night in the shadows. ‘Twenty dollars’ she whispers. He had never been with a hooker before, but decides what the hell, it’s only twenty bucks so they hide in the bushes and get down to business. They’re going at it for a minute when all of a sudden a police officer comes up and shines a light on them.
‘Whas ya doin ey by?’ asks the officer
‘I’m having sex wid me wife!,’ the Newfie answers sounding annoyed
‘Oh, I’m sorry,’ says the cop, ‘I diddn know’
‘Well, nedder did I, til ya shined dat light in er face!’
Does anybody else have the recurring motif in their dreams where you’re watching something catastrophic happen but the actual catastrophe doesn’t. quite. hit?
I had a dream last night that an airplane was in trouble and going down over my neighborhood. I was waiting in morbid anticipation as the plane drifted lower and lower, and even started clipping trees, but the final thud never came. In defiance of physics, it was still maneuvering despite plowing going through a forest 50 feet off the ground.
I’ve had similarly structured dreams about other things like tornadoes, too.
I think it’s a common theme in dreams. I remember a lot of dreams about guns not working (then again, I’ve had a few where they did work).
I had a dream one time that I was back in high school, and I was sitting next to some super hot chick in a leather SS uniform (what?? It’s a fucking dream!) We were sitting there talking about how much school sucks and how stupid all these other kids are. Everyone left the classroom but we stayed behind and started getting a little flirty. She started to lift up her skirt, and just before she revealed the goods, I woke up.
I consistently have dreams about my gun not working. Usually it’s that I pull my FNX for some reason, but the double action trigger pull is so heavy that I can’t get it to fire, even when I use both index fingers.
Those are probably my most frightening dreams.
Since you mention an SS chick, the most frustrating dreams I have are the ones where Mr. Rogers kills my harem of Nazi sexbots with a bayonet before we can get down to business.
My subconscious is a strange place.
Whenever i have dreams like that the catastrophe actually happens. I’ve also died in my dreams more times than I can count, which I have heard isn’t supposed to happen.
*looks at avatar* Somehow I’m not surprised.
Ahh, but what may surprise you is that elevator crashes are probably my most common cause of dream-death. Which is weird, because I don’t have any phobia about elevators or anything.
*reminds self NOT to get in elevator with pat*
I have lots of dreams in which I’m striving really hard to do *something* (no pattern to the things I’m trying to do) but I can’t. quite. make it. Could be trying to run a race, light a cigarette, get something out of the fridge or more X rated stuff. I have that dream probably once a week.
That’s very common for me too.
I also have dreams where I’m in a fist fight and my limbs move in super slow motion and I can’t hit the other guy. Those suck.
I have these too.
With me it is usually a gun that wont work or I cant hit anything with it. I hate dreams about impotence. After I wake up it usually takes me a while to shake that feeling.
I’ve had those. Or where my teeth chip and fall out. The punching ones are the worst, though, because sometimes I wake up swinging and because I’m straining as hard as I can when whatever hormone that paralyzes you when you sleep wears off I wind up barely missing the cat, or a dog, or my wife with a pretty respectable cross.
When I was a kid, I had dreams where I was being bullied, and I tried to flip them the bird, but I couldn’t move my middle finger.
I used to when I was a kid.
I dream a lot less now, and haven’t had that type in years.
Just had one last night – running through some unknown airport, trying to find my gate but couldn’t find any gates at all. Free-floating stress dreams (though mine likely triggered by recent trip planning).
Is that where you have a brief dream about having to do something important and running behind, then you wake up with the unshakeable feeling of urgency, but you can’t figure out what it is you’re supposed to do?
I wake up with that once in a while. It usually takes a minute or so to figure out that I’m just laying awake for no reason, but I’ve actually gotten out of bed and walked around the upstairs area trying to figure out what it is. Those usually happen during times of my life where I’m stressed out about something.
I have those a lot as well. A lot of the time I’ll be trying to talk and it just comes out as gibberish or incoherent moaning like a deaf person. I had a recurring one when I was a kid where I was trying to spit a loogie, but it wouldn’t come out and just kept getting bigger and bigger.
I don’t remember many dreams, but I have had a few recurring ones, all of which were disturbing. The most recent one was trying to find my son in a deserted city. The city is huge but it’s not like any actual cities – it’s just block after block of relatively low brick buildings, institutional-looking like schools built in the ’60s. I just keep walking around calling his name without another living soul in evidence, and I never find him.
Do you ever have the one where you are recalled back to the Corps, but you don’t have any of your old uniforms and you have to sneak onto base to try to get a set before you get busted for being out of uniform?
That is one of mine. It has faded as time passes, but it is still one that gets me.
Are you the fucking Dream Police? I had this dream a couple months ago. All I had was woodland BDUs to report in.
And everyone else had ACUs or the Multicam pattern.
Hah! I vaguely remember having one where I’m back in the Corps, but I don’t remember any uniform problems.
Fun fact – digitals came out not long after I was in. I think they started issuing them in boot camp in early 2002. I was in Pensacola for a looooong time because both my A and C schools were there. After a while, once most of AMS-2 only had digis, it became kind of a status symbol if you had woodlands. The newbies wanted them; meanwhile, we wanted digis because you didn’t have to starch and press them. I traded two of my faded-ass woodlands to a new kid for two of his digis…..sucker!
Dear God, you guys are all miserable sinners.
I sleep the sleep of the righteous, rarely troubled by dreams of any kind that I can remember, apart from the occasional absurdist alternate histories of trivial subjects.
I blame it on my state of pre-coma inebriation at bedtime.
So what you’re saying is, you drink away your guilt before sleeping?
/Cathy Newman
“What I’m saying, Cathy, is that I wouldn’t even rape you”
Here in ‘merica we call it blackout drunk.
Thankfully I haven’t had them in a long while, but my specific form of nightmare was very troubling when they occurred. Kinda similar but very specified.
I would be doing normal, everyday things. And then my muscles or my brain would seize up. Like being covered in a 200 pound full-body lead apron. It would take tremendous effort and maybe 30 seconds to make one step. I was always in someplace public, like a school or office or something. I don’t specifically remember if I had to do any task at hand, but it always just became about the struggle to move and to not freeze in place.
I’m glad I haven’t had them recently. They were really disconcerting and unpleasant. I studied psych and think most of it is bullshit. Freud was absolutely right about some of his defense mechanism theories though (projection, heeeeeello). And there is obviously something weird going on with dreams. Even if our subconscience doesn’t necessarily drive the content of our dreams (which I don’t buy–I/we have had too many dreams that we can source their genesis from), we sure as shit build a narrative after the fact.
Thankfully I haven’t had them in a long while, but my specific form of nightmare was very troubling when they occurred. Kinda similar but very specified.
I would be doing normal, everyday things. And then my muscles or my brain would seize up. Like being covered in a 200 pound full-body lead apron. It would take tremendous effort and maybe 30 seconds to make one step. I was always in someplace public, like a school or office or something. I don’t specifically remember if I had to do any task at hand, but it always just became about the struggle to move and to not freeze in place.
I’m glad I haven’t had them recently. They were really disconcerting and unpleasant. I studied psych and think most of it is bullshit. Freud was absolutely right about some of his defense mechanism theories though (projection, heeeeeello). And there is obviously something weird going on with dreams. Even if our subconscience doesn’t necessarily drive the content of our dreams (which I don’t buy–I/we have had too many dreams that we can source their genesis from), we sure as shit build a narrative after the fact.
Thankfully I haven’t had them in a long while, but my specific form of nightmare was very troubling when they occurred. Kinda similar but very specified.
I would be doing normal, everyday things. And then my muscles or my brain would seize up. Like being covered in a 200 pound full-body lead apron. It would take tremendous effort and maybe 30 seconds to make one step. I was always in someplace public, like a school or office or something. I don’t specifically remember if I had to do any task at hand, but it always just became about the struggle to move and to not freeze in place.
I’m glad I haven’t had them recently. They were really disconcerting and unpleasant. I studied psych and think most of it is bullshit. Freud was absolutely right about some of his defense mechanism theories though (projection, heeeeeello). And there is obviously something weird going on with dreams. Even if our subconscience doesn’t necessarily drive the content of our dreams (which I don’t buy–I/we have had too many dreams that we can source their genesis from), we sure as shit build a narrative after the fact.
Thankfully I haven’t had them in a long while, but my specific form of nightmare was very troubling when they occurred. Kinda similar but very specified.
I would be doing normal, everyday things. And then my muscles or my brain would seize up. Like being covered in a 200 pound full-body lead apron. It would take tremendous effort and maybe 30 seconds to make one step. I was always in someplace public, like a school or office or something. I don’t specifically remember if I had to do any task at hand, but it always just became about the struggle to move and to not freeze in place.
I’m glad I haven’t had them recently. They were really disconcerting and unpleasant. I studied psych and think most of it is bullshit. Freud was absolutely right about some of his defense mechanism theories though (projection, heeeeeello). And there is obviously something weird going on with dreams. Even if our subconscience doesn’t necessarily drive the content of our dreams (which I don’t buy–I/we have had too many dreams that we can source their genesis from), we sure as shit build a narrative after the fact.
Link submission thing is going crazy on my comp.
It’s funny to watch dogs dream. Such a mammalian thing to do. Go fuck yourself Mr. Lizard, on your warm rock. Your shit is like totes gay.
For once, I’m actually happy that I bank as Wells Fargo.
Hey you’d be happy too if the doc diagnosed you with super-Gonorrhea at first.
The AFT, a 1.7-million-member national union, is dropping the bank as a recommended mortgage lender, to which it currently channels more than 20,000 AFT mortgages.
So 1.2% of their membership has a mortgage with Wells Fargo. I wonder what percentage of AFT members will change banks vs. what percentage of gun-owning AFT members will quit the union if allowed to do so.
Not that anyone cares-cares but I just wanted to explain my general absence: I’ve been trying to reduce my anxiety levels – which have been sky high the past few months – by not keeping track of politics or much of the goings on of the outside world. It helps to a certain degree. Things have been a little rough in life, so I’ve been jogging, listening to a lot of music, and just trying to keep the threads together. 20+ years of internal and customer support takes a toll on a man, especially someone of my sensitive temperament. I still lurk here ‘n’ there and will be comment now ‘n’ then.
Weird obsession (not HM level) has been pre-disco era Bee Gees. Like this fitting melancholic song from their album Trafalgar.
Also getting back into building stereo gear, sussing out which car to buy (something fast ‘n’ stupid), men’s fashion (no, really! Let’s talk Armani and some British brands I’ve been buying), and relearning how not to give a fuck.
*puff puff passes to LH*
*snatches blunt from trshmnstr* Psssssssh, you don’t even smoke, brah!
Where the hell did that blunt come from??
*grabs hookah pipe back from LH*
*drops GHB in trash’s drink. wanders off*
Interception! /Obama
Fuck off, Tulpa.
Seriously, though, glad you’re back and doing better.
Good to see you. Taking a media break is one of the healthiest things you can do.
I was out in the garage messing with the Triumph last night. It’s finally starting to seem like I might get to drive the damn thing in the near future. I miss tinkering with it.
I took a break from TOS for 6 weeks after JsubD died. It is a good thing to do every so often.
I’m toying with a lot of idea – something to wrench on like this:
or something modern like a BMW 335i, Mustang something another, or a Challenger R/T or 392. Or stay with MINI and get an older supercharged JCW? The MINI would be the slowest of the bunch but probably the most fun to drive.
Those old wagons are cool.
I went the slow but fun route and don’t regret it at all. Someday, I may get a track car, but this works for now.
Taking a media break is one of the healthiest things you can do.
I’m pretty much on a permanent one. The only news I watch is the local evening news, a couple times a week while punishing my first cocktail of the day, and even then its mostly because the milftastic weatherchick gives me a chubby.
[Hot] weatherchicks are the best on local tv.
Some people get really offended when I tell them that I don’t really watch the news. They seem to think it’s my civic duty
Comrade reading Pravda is a responsibility of citizenship. How else can the Party guide you through life?
“sussing out which car to buy (something fast ‘n’ stupid)”
May I suggest?
Mustang GT with magnaride and active exhaust. A stupid grin is pretty much permanently affixed while in the car. Don’t mind the occasional maniacal laughter, I’m mostly not dangerous.
The first question has to be: How many monies do you have for this?
We were wondering where you have been lately. Welcome back, shitlord. I understand your pain – sometimes its best to unplug and disengage from politics.
Thanks for the update. I would have done something similar this month if not for links commitments. Find your happy place. And try not to get blown up by the Road Warrior.
We care.
*hugs LH*
You just came back because you needed FETs. ADMIT IT!
::drops head in shame::
I started down the made-to-measure path a few years ago. I can not go back. Count yourself lucky if you’re one of those people who can just buy straight off the rack.
So far it’s been off the rack, just trying different brands – Armani and Versace polos and dress shirts, mixed in with some British goodness from Firetrap, Lonsdale, and Lee Cooper. Also a Hugo Boss leather jacket. Pants have been the toughest, least bought items.
Firetrap makes an excellent Harrington Jacket
I started down the made-to-measure path a few years ago.
I’m OK off-the-rack for shirts and pants. Jackets, though, I think I have one that isn’t custom, and that’s a loose-ish fitting silk blazer for summer, that probably shouldn’t even be worn with a tie.
The great thing about men’s clothes is that, while you may drop some legit coin on a custom jacket, it will last you forever. Assuming I don’t blimp out, I expect to be wearing mine for the rest of my life.
Agreed – I dropped some serious coin on a Samuelsohn MTM suit for my wedding last year – I’ll have that for years.
I have been rocking the same 100 dollar carhart jacket since 2006.
Working for a living is no reason not to care about your presentation. My grandfather got dirty in a steel mill every day for forty five years. He still had three hand-tailored suits in his closet that he wore for church, weddings, and funerals.
I’ve got, roughly, the body proportions of Shrek – normal length legs, super long torso, super super long arms. If my shirts aren’t made to measure, they look like shit.
I’m like a 43 extra-short, 27″-and-change inseam, 32″ arms. They don’t make anything for me, though there are now some things like – but even they assume I’m waify (we’re a bunch of stocky little dudes in my family – think Franco Columbu)
You sound like my Grandfather, mentioned above. He was 5’5, probably 290 or 300lbs and built like a fire hydrant.
I’m a couple inches taller and a hundred pounds lighter but, yes, fire hydrants are often mentioned.
I’m pretty much an off-the-rack 46R, sometimes 46L depending on the cut and the manufacturer. I’ve gotten a mtm dress shirt and I’m pleasantly surprised, but if I go into, say, Joseph A. Bank and get a 16.5 x 36 “tailored fit” dress shirt it’s basically the same thing in terms of fit. And yes, it’s damned convenient. Pants are a whole separate issue, however.
My problem with pants is that the damn things always seem to shrink after a few years.
Ironically enough this is my first time back in a couple months for similar reasons. Just haven’t been feeling it lately. Hope things start looking up for you. When I’m around, I always enjoy your company.
Good to see you. Actually, I admire you – such a break would do me much good, I think, but my internet habits have become exceedingly hard to break.
Not giving a fuck is a useful skill, one that needs practicing so you don’t lose the ability.
LH I grew up hating the Brothers Gibb because my first exposure was their disco work and I’ve always used them and disco music as a great example of how wypipo ruin everything. I’ve only recently (like in the last month) heard their earlier work and it is intriguing. What would you recommend if you were hearing them for the very first time?
Trafalgar is their strongest, though most depressing work.
Their hippie era, if you don’t mind strings and psychedelia is also fine: albums like 1st, Odessa, Idea, and Horizontal.
Thank you very much. I rather like both strings and psychedelia so I’ll give them all a spin.
Good to see you back LH
Happy 4/20
Handle checks out.
Well, I guess they will be glad to learn that nobody actually sells assault weapons.
I’m Brooks-ing this because it’s important.
Even former military people are unfamiliar with the purpose of 2a and what “assault weapons” are.
Thankfully those idjits aren’t representative of the average vet.
That’s good. I like how the morons in the video use their rank as their first name.
Was also waiting for one of them to say that their assigned duty weapon was the M9, therefore pistols should be banned also.
I know it’s an old and much-suggested idea, but I’d totally be for Congressional Dueling Thursdays on CSPAN.
Hell, I’d settle for Senatorial Slapfight Saturdays. I bet Lindsey Graham can swing a purse like a pro.
Also getting back into building stereo gear, sussing out which car to buy (something fast ‘n’ stupid), men’s fashion (no, really! Let’s talk Armani and some British brands I’ve been buying), and relearning how not to give a fuck.
Cheers, dude. You could do a lot worse than a Boxster. Just be careful about the Intermediate Shaft Bearing Issue in the motors on the early cars. I think they did a factory fix, but I don’t know when that took effect.
I was in New York a couple weeks ago and work has kept me busy since then, but there was a story on the local news that ground my gears:
Woman’s dog has surgery. During surgery the vets use a heating pad to prevent hypothermia. Her dog gets burns from this.
So far I feel sorry for her and the dog.
Now she wants to ban the use of heating pads, and her quote was “I don’t know, but there’s got to be something better.”
Is there? I don’t know and I don’t have a journalism degree from Columbia but I wanted to know how many times heating pads were used, and what was the rate of them injuring the dog. Also what are the alternatives?
Did we get any of that information from the reporter? NOPE, just her nodding very seriously while talking to the woman.
If you get these banned and my dog dies of hypothermia, can I sue you?
I don’t know which bothered me more, the woman wanting to ban something she admitted she didn’t know much about or the reporter failing to do any basic reporting.
Just another reason I try to avoid the local “news”.
I used to have an excellent heating pad that was probably 30 years old. You had to keep the switch held down for the heater to work, but it got hot. Easily hot enough to burn if held down too long. Then it got damaged and I tried to find a new one. All of the heating pads sold at Walmart, drug stores, etc. had these safety devices that prevented the heating pads from getting hot enough to burn, but also from getting hot enough to be of any use.
I finally found an old school version on Amazon but it wasn’t cheap. I bet the vet used one of these and held the switch down with a rubber band. Still, I blame nanny staters like the woman in the story for the wholesale switch over to the half-assed heating pads found in stores today.
Really wished the reporter would have done some reporting so I would know what caused the burns.
The lack of information was frustrating.
My wife said she doesn’t like to watch the news with me because I make it look stupid.
It’s not me making it look stupid.
If killing a thousand dogs through bureaucratic negligence saves just one dog from getting burned, it’ll be worth it. Isn’t that the theory behind pain management and opioid abuse?
I don’t know, but there’s got to be something better.
Well, she’s half right: she doesn’t know shit. She’s wrong that there’s something better, though.
I really think if it was me in that situation, I would do some research before I opened my mouth.
But I am a libertarian(awful, awful person) so what do I know?
Sure, you run its blood through one of those warmers they use on hypothermic patients. No way that could go wrong. But you’ll have to mandate that vets have them on hand, because they’re kinda pricey.
For surgeries here in the hospital on actual people, we use . . . heating pads. Not store-bought; they are specialty items that are probably along the lines of heated blankets. Running anyone’s blood through a machine should only be done as an absolute last resort. In surgery, we do it only for patients whose hearts are not working at the moment.
You probably need to ban those before someone gets burnt.
I ready a story by a guy who barely survived hypothermia, the whole paradoxical stripping and everything. Pretty chilling.
I helped fend of hypothermia for a girl who was in early stage hypothermia when we were in our mid teens. It was most exhilarating.
I was out in the garage messing with the Triumph last night. It’s finally starting to seem like I might get to drive the damn thing in the near future. I miss tinkering with it.
We have had, like, two days in a row of sunshine. The day of “putting the battery in the 914 and firing it up” approacheth.
Yup. 65 by Monday. I’ll have it running over the weekend.
Which reminds me, I need to find some tires…
Cars schmars. Motorcycles schmotorcycles.
I might get some plane spotting in on Sunday – the elusive south wind may return.
Now she wants to ban the use of heating pads, and her quote was “I don’t know, but there’s got to be something better.”
I would have thought a vet could afford a heating pad with a goddam thermostat. Maybe even have the “nurse” check the temp.
That’s another thing they didn’t even cover what caused the burns.
Was it a malfunctioning pad or did they not monitor it properly?
Last time I saw a pad being used at a vet it was a ‘normal’ human-use pad with a rheostat.
Problem is that apparently, dogs’ and cats’ needs are for a lower temperature than humans, and some people (vets and groomers) aren’t always aware of it, so it is possible for you pooch to get a burn. Of course, you’d expect the animal to react if it’s getting frickin’ burned, but these are animals after all.
I guess the answer is to find good animal services people.
I’m assuming the dog was anesthetized in this case.
I agree, find out what happened and learn from it, not just try to ban it because one time something bad happened.
Tits McGhee says he’s finally gotten around to looking at actual data, and thinks it’s time we legalize Federally.
Tits McGhee always makes me laugh.
I had a physical therapist with huge tracts of land and I always called her Tits McGhee (in my head)
I was terrified of accidentally calling her that out loud, but the internal chuckle helped me survive the torture.
I hope I get to meet Chuck Schumer someday, and “accidentally” call him Tits McGhee.
You are a terrible human being, KK. That’s why we like you.
You’d think working and living where I do, I get many chances to needle politicians. Sadly, this has never happened, except the one time I kind of did one of these when Ted Kennedy walked by me.
Tits McGhee.
something modern like a BMW 335i
Dude- get a 6-series (pre-85). Or get a 2002 and put a 2.5 liter six in it.
To Rick’s link above:
10. Take Cynthia Leitich Smith’s advice and read 100 books.
In this article, Smith says that if you want to write about any culture, then you need to read 100 books by people from that culture.
If you read 100 books from a certain group, you’re going to have a deeper understanding of that group and a changed perspective. They can be fiction, nonfiction, picture books, etc. — they don’t all have to be novels.
If you can’t find 100 books written by people from that culture, then maybe you should reconsider whether or not you need to be the one to bring people from that culture into your work.”
So what about non-literate cultures? ie, those who do not have a written language and thus don’t produce books? What about the perspective of the persons of that culture not vetted by the publishinghouse gatekeepers of progressive thought?
So what about non-literate cultures?
I thought British colonialism took care of that a century ago?
They imposed literacy on them, and now it’s the white man’s burden to revert those cultures back into illiteracy. For their own good.
“Kna wot I mean?”
“I’m gannon oot, oop tha toon, wit tha lads.”
“Fine, I’m nae arsed.”
“I’m nae a fookin’ Geordie, I’m from Hartlepool!”
“Check it out Treveh, min, this Geordie guy reckons he isneh a Geordie.”
It tickles me that there’s such a thing as Geordie Shore.
“…you need…”
I can tell you what I dont need.
Oh yeah. That’ll help their cause in the midterms.
So many democrat politicians hate automatics and semi-automatics, but this is like them pointing a belt-fed, crew-served PR disaster, right at their own feet.
Right? Can’t wait for the barrage of anti-SLAPP motions and rulings.
For once the Dems are the ones pulling the stupid party, circular firing squad. I have no faith whatsoever that the real Stupid Party™ will find a way to screw up their chance.
won’t find a way*
The organization that paid a UK ex-spy hundreds of thousands of dollars to fabricate an oppo dossier based on Russian sources in an attempt to influence the election, which dossier was later used as a pretext to spy on Trump campaign officers…
Yeah, I’m not sure if they completely thought this one through.
Word has it that Steele was dismissed from his role for ‘irregularities’ in his conduct – I’m still trying to find out whether that’s true or not.
‘irregularities’ in his conduct
Not for producing a pack of lies? Apparently, Hillary and company didn’t mind that.
That was freelance lying for the DNC.
I’m talking about his UK-government-paid job.
“Yeah, I’m not sure if they completely thought this one through.”
Actually they did think it through, and felt they were going to be fine.
The only fault in their logic was that they presumed their efforts to rig the election and steal it for Hillary would work, and thus nobody would ever get to see any of the downright criminal behavior that was SOP for the Obama admin., was a done deal. After all, they are smarter than the rubes they figured would go down in flames and have to cow tow to princess Hillary’s new weaponized government.
When Trump managed to win the election despite their belief they had already stolen it, they concocted this Russia shit to both undermine his presidency and deflect from the real criminals.
So the idiots with password as a password are suing so they can get hit with discovery?
Bold plan Cotton, let’s see how it works out for them.
And shielded a Pakistani IT spy from police investigation.
Can’t forget about that, even though the news has.
Wait a minute…which one is the stupid party again?
Looks like the crime syndicate party is trying to give the stupid party a run for their money…
Didn’t their lawyers tell them the other side gets to dig up dirt and present a case, too? Did they think that by filing suit, they’d be the only ones that get to tell their side?
I bet they think they can get a woke judge that will absolve them from following the law like the DOJ and FBI did in Hillary’s clear criminal mishandling of national security obligations with that bathroom server of hers.. After all, it is one set of laws for the cattle (us), and whatever they want it to be, in their minds…
Unhinged tools do unhinged toolish things..
I still don’t get why the DNC still brings up the Wikileaks shit.
If Wikileaks had published false info, doctored emails or lies about the DNC I would totally agree that they should keep it front and center. But WL simply let all of us deplorables see what the DNC elite really thought of us and how they were rigging the primary for Hilary.
How can you sit there with a straight face and sue WL because there release of your true thoughts cost you the election? “Hey! Not cool dude. You can’t let the unwashed rubes know what we say to each other in private every day. How will we get them to vote for us now?”
It’s not fair that people found out the truth about Hillary? It’s cheating to keep people from being scammed?
The D’s are off the deep end. I suspect they dont have any principle because they dont understand what principles are and thus cant predict how people are going to react to their behavior.
It’s just intended to keep the mindless howling mob that is their base riled up to ensure they’re motivated for the midterms. And it will work.
During the 2016 presidential campaign, Russia launched an all-out assault on our democracy, and it found a willing and active partner in Donald Trump’s campaign,
Change “Donald Trump” to “Hillary Clinton”, attach an affidavit citing news stories about the sourcing of the Steele dossier, and Trump’s counterclaim writes itself.
‘SRV style coffee’ – Stevie Ray Vaughan style coffee? Didn’t he pour bourbon and cocaine into his cup?
Mark Steyn wins $4M case against company that canceled his online talk show
Mark Levin really wanted to be the biggest name on the network.
He does not suffer fools, and while clever, he can be abrupt, temperamental, sarcastic, cutting, hurtful and rude. His zealous guarding of his time and personal space was seen as condescending by most around him,” retired Judge Elaine Gordon wrote in the decision.
Why was this part of a legal decision?
As an aside, it sounds like he and I would get along.
Steyn’s content was better.
I still won’t watch Levin for his mean-spirited and pointless interruptions to snipe at irrelevent attributes of people he doesn’t like.
Steyn is my second favorite Englishman, Cooke is #1.
Now he can fund his climate case….
“The notion that Trump, however unattractive in his xenophobia…”
Good lord. Has anyone ever given any actual examples of this?
There you go again asking for proof.
Search your feelings Suthen, you know it to be true.
*searches feelings*
Doesn’t feel true either.
So, cite examples.
There are some things to legitimately criticize Trump for but the useful idiots are programmed to only see one thing. The guy has been in the public eye for 40 years. He is a rich, notorious playboy. In all those years no one ever called him racist. He gets elected and all of a sudden he is TrumpHitler.
When you have the law on your side, you argue the law.
When you have the facts on your side, you argue the facts.
When you have neither, you pound on the table.
Screaming “RACIST!” is them pounding on the table.
I’ve told my Mother that many times.
He was way too famous for too long for him to be a racist and not have some real examples.
Does that convince her?
She searches her feelings and it must be true.
Yeah, it’s gotten depressing, honestly. This site is one of the few places (including in real life) I can go where expecting arguments to be based on evidence, logic and reason is considered normal. In a lot of the world, at this point in time, doing that is now considered a faux pas.
They could probably point to his “some them, I am sure, are good people” crack about Mexican illegals.
Other than that, though, nothing comes to mind.
To neoliberals “secure the border” = “hates brown people”.
So, why does Mexico hate brown people?
Familiarity breeds contempt?
That was funny right there, I don’t care who you are.
Since they’re brown they get the magic “not racist” exemption whereas Trump is white, so he gets the magic “of course it’s racist and you must be a racist for asking” add on.
Yet by far the greatest threat to Jews, not only here but also abroad, comes not from zombie fascist retreads, but from the Left, which is increasingly making its peace with anti-Semitism.
See, “making their peace” seems like something the mainstream right is doing: acknowledging and accepting that some small portion of their base holds reprehensible views about Zionism. The fact seems not to affect policy, and their man in the White House hasn’t evidenced any of their antisemitism, so what does it matter?
The left hasn’t just “made peace” with their antisemites, they’ve elevated them to some of their most prominent speakers.
National Teachers Union Cuts Ties With Wells Fargo Over Bank’s Ties To NRA, Guns
If you ever wanted evidence the teachers’ unions were nothing more than a shakedown scheme for the Democratic party, I can’t think of one. Gun control is not an issue with any discernible relationship to the teaching profession. That they would reallocate their membership’s money (presumably in a way that is less directly beneficial for their members’ finances) to push for an unrelated agenda shows they don’t really exist on behalf of their members, so much as their political allies in the Democratic party.
Can we find out what bank(s) the Teachers Unions use so we can cut ties to them?
Some people get really offended when I tell them that I don’t really watch the news. They seem to think it’s my civic duty
Wasn’t it a criminal offense to not listen to Fidel’s hours-long rants, back in the glory days of the Cuban Paradise?
Still is I think. Even for the reruns..
“When the Twitter Mob Came for Me
Recently hired by the Atlantic and then promptly fired, the conservative writer Kevin D. Williamson discusses the social-media outrage that made the celebrated magazine retreat
By Kevin D. Williamson
If you want to know who actually has the power in our society and who is actually marginalized, ask which ideas get you sponsorships from Google and Pepsi and which get you fired.
Where my writing appears is not a very important or interesting question. What matters more is the issue of how the rage-fueled tribalism of social media, especially Twitter, has infected the op-ed pages and, to some extent, the rest of journalism. Twitter is about offering markers of affiliation or markers of disaffiliation. The Left shouts RACIST!, and the Right shouts FAKE NEWS! There isn’t much that can be done about this other than treating social media with the low regard it deserves.
But when it comes to what appears in our newspapers and magazines, some of the old rules should still apply. By all means, let’s have advocacy journalism, but let’s make sure about the journalism part of it: Do the work, ask the questions, give readers a reason to assume that what’s published adheres to some basic standards of intellectual honesty. To do otherwise is to empower those who dismiss the media as a tangle of hopeless partisan opportunism.
Without credible journalism, all we have is the Twitter mob, which is a jealous god. Jealous and kind of stupid.”
lines that stick
“The remarkable fact about all this commentary on my supposedly horrifying views on abortion is that not a single writer from any of those famous publications took the time to ask me about the controversy.
Did I think I was being portrayed accurately? Why did I make that outrageous statement? Did I really want to set up gallows, despite my long-stated reservations about capital punishment? Those are questions that might have occurred to people in the business of asking questions
Instead of interviewing the subject of their pieces, they scanned my thousands of articles and found the tidbits that seemed most likely to provoke. I was half-amused by progressive activists’ claims to have “uncovered” things that were, after all, published”
this is the same point made re: Robby in his latest “lets fabricate some reason for outrage” and never actually bother to question the subject of his outrage whether their actual sentiments aligned at all with his imagination.
I thought Jonah Goldberg had the best point: KDW was fired for what he might have thought, not for what he wrote. In other words, The Atlantic has every right to control what their writers publish, but not what their writers keep inside their heads.
I was surprised that KDW was surprised at the way he was treated.
I don’t think he was surprised.
the op-ed suggests he anticipated it, and goldberg was like, “dude, we’re not that high profile”
“”You know, the campaign to have me fired will begin 11 seconds after you announce that you’ve hired me,” I told him. He scoffed. “It won’t be that bad,” he said. “The Atlantic isn’t the New York Times. It isn’t high church for liberals.”””
Kevin Williamson in WSJ on getting twitter-lynched
before yall start bitching, it opens up fine for me in private browse
You’re no fun anymore.
Also, no bueno for my browser, even in private mode. What are you using?
Opera: the only acceptable browser for the cultural-elitist
its odd;
again, the link i clicked on in Twitter opened up to the full article
but when i try reading the link i myself posted, it is also behind paywall
WSJ remains a mystery to me. not sure why/how it does this. in most cases i do see the OG article the first time i go looking for it tho.
in fact, i right clicked on twitter link again, and it opened full piece.
Am watching the ID channel and saw a suspected murderer out-and-out confess to a detective, because he thought since the detective was wearing a nice suit, that it was his defense attorney!
Courts upheld the confession.
If the criminal was stupid enough to not verify the role of the person they were speaking to… I really can’t sympathize. Unless the cop claimed to be the lawyer, there really isn’t a reason to quash just because the criminal was an idiot.
If the cop claimed to be a lawyer, there are two scenarios:
(a) The cop isn’t a lawyer, and violated the laws against the unlicensed practice of law.
(b) The cop is a lawyer, and by presenting himself as the perps lawyer, actually created an attorney-client relationship with the perp, so that the confession is either privileged, or the lawyer loses his license, or both.
Not sure about that one, but nothing worked to change me from a law and order type to being skeptical of the police to downright not trusting them more than watching the ID channel and seeing false confessions, lying cops, invented evidence and the like.
Meh. I’m not really bothered by that. I mean, wearing a nice suit isn’t a violation of anyone else’s rights, at least in itself. That the murderer did something stupid n response shouldn’t be a reason to give him a get-out-of-jail-free card.
“Tomorrow is April 20th-which is a significant day for white supremacists because it’s Hitler’s birthday. Racists usually send racially coded messages to each other as a way to commemorate Hitler. One way is to use the number 88 which is a code for “Heil Hitler” #TheMoreYouKnow”
One way is to use the number 88 which is a code for “Heil Hitler”
*camps out on comments for chance to post comment 88*
“Execute comment 88.”
The comments are a dumpster fire.
66 is code for kill all jedi
Do you blame them?
Way to appropriate from the Chinese.
TV tower collapse.
What struck me, though, was the reporter thought the tower was “1000’s of feet in the air”.
I suppose 2000 is technically “1000’s of feet”
It just goes to show that most journalists are not experts on anything. Hell, many of them don’t even understand basic spelling, grammar, and composition.
If you want someone to fuck up the facts, give them to a reporter..
“Gibs,” an alt-right slang for welfare widely used by The_Donald, is short for “gibs me dat” while “WE WUZ KANGZ” is used to mock both Afrocentrism and black pride in general. This style of digital minstrelsy was popularized in the earliest days of 4chan in the form of a meme called “bix nood.”
The phrase originally appeared in a racist caricature drawn by “A. Wyatt Man,” which is believed to be a pen name for cult filmmaker Nick Bougas. In the cartoon, a black man speaks a long string of nonsense into a cell phone: “…gub bidda be dat tum muhfugen bix nood…” ”
Anyone know what “bix nood” means?
The claim is that “bix nood” means “black person”, but I’m more of the opinion that the “long string of nonsense” came first and “bix nood” was interpreted that way from the context, as an apparent noun, following “muhfugen”
“A teenager who posted rap lyrics which included racist language on Instagram has been found guilty of sending a grossly offensive message.
Chelsea Russell, 19, from Liverpool posted the lyric from Snap Dogg’s I’m Trippin’ to pay tribute to a boy who died in a road crash, a court heard.
Russell argued it was not offensive, but was handed a community order.
Prosecutors said her sentence was increased from a fine to a community order “as it was a hate crime”.
She was charged after Merseyside Police were anonymously sent a screenshot of her update.”
I refuse to believe that’s real.
That kind of thing causes cancer.
That’s just so fucking pathetic. England is fucked.
It’s going to get very loud in the next few days, with Dankula being sentenced for the Nazi Pug episode.
I forgot about him. It’ll be interesting to see what happens there.
I think the Laura Norder impulse will win, and they’ll put him in for 10 months, which will get him out in 3. “Free speech” issues are a powderkeg and they can’t just give him community service and still hold their ground.
He looks like a thug, says “cunt”, is obviously “on drugs” and comes from Scotland. Those are offenses that cannot be tolerated.
It’s already a travesty of justice so I fully expect them to make it worse.
Acid attacks and knifings, getouttahear with that noise. The Met has real problems to tackle.
She was charged after Merseyside Police
Chelsea crossed the Mersey?
“Women’s March Leader Calls for Starbucks Boycott Due to Partnership with Jewish Group
Women’s March co-chair Tamika Mallory called on her followers to boycott Starbucks Tuesday night after the coffee chain announced it would partner with the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) to develop anti-bias training for employees.
Mallory, who has been roundly criticized for her ties to notorious anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan, accused the ADL, a Jewish advocacy group, of “attacking black and brown people.” She further demanded that Starbucks discontinue its partnership with the group, which was initiated after Starbucks CEO Kevin Johnson mandated “racial bias” training for all employees in response to a rash of public criticism over the arrest of two black men in a Philadelphia store.
“So you are aware, Starbucks was on a decent track until they enlisted the Anti-Defamation League to build their anti-bias training. The ADL is CONSTANTLY attacking black and brown people,” Mallory wrote in a statement posted to Twitter Tuesday evening. “This is a sign that they are tone deaf and not committed to addressing the concerns of black folks. Be clear what’s happening here!””
You’re really trying to get to comment 88, aren’t you?
Liberals get the bullet too.
Serves the ADL right. They’ve been feeding at the SJW gravy train for the last few years as well.
Seriously. One small pleasure of seeing the progressive left swell in numbers and influence is watching it turn inward.
Yeah, remind me how some hick in Alabama posting about the (((globalist conspiracy))) on Facebook is a threat to democracy or whatever, but this goon with an actual platform and loudspeaker is fine.
As I recall, the Women’s March organizers included some pretty prominent anti-semitic notables on the left.
Naturally, the organizers and their unsavory associations and opinions were overlooked by our Truth to Power media.
“Who’s Afraid of the Female Nude?
Paintings of naked women, usually by clothed men, are suddenly sitting very uncomfortably on gallery walls.
While feminist art critics have for decades pointed out the shortcomings of the “male gaze,” the post-#MeToo reckoning with the art world’s systemic sexism, its finger-on-the-scale preference for male genius, has given that critique a newly powerful force. And the question of the moment has become: Is it still an artistically justifiable pursuit for a man to paint a naked woman?”
I’ve heard SJW/RadFem criticisms of the very notion that a male game designer would create a female character out of his own mind, and now they’ve moved on to art.
It’s funny how there’s no criticism of female romance novel authors who are creating male characters without consulting with real-life males first.
Because the man is simple and dumb, while the woman is complex and smart.
I maintain that this mask dropping is actually a good thing.
Jonah Goldberg’s counterpunch to resurgent socialism.
Prosperity is not the natural condition for man. These people want to take us back to our default nature, deprivation and misery.
“Throughout history, poverty is the normal condition of man. Advances which permit this norm to be exceeded — here and there, now and then — are the work of an extremely small minority, frequently despised, often condemned, and almost always opposed by all right-thinking people. Whenever this tiny minority is kept from creating, or (as sometimes happens) is driven out of a society, the people then slip back into abject poverty.
This is known as “bad luck.”
― Robert A. Heinlein
Honesty is great and all but the only reason they feel confident calling themselves socialists is that more and more people agree with them which is not a good thing.
Didn’t he have only one testicle? Or is that urban legend?
“The nation’s largest cities and metropolitan areas — home to a majority of Democratic voters — are at the forefront of the party’s most vexing racial, ethnic and class conflicts.”
Must be a coincidence.
RC Dean is slacking off.
I’m sitting here, waiting for his comment.
I’m at work. Of course I’m slacking off.
Nazi Muslims?
Absolutely. Hitler had no problem cozying up to the Grand Mufti.
Note that he does look remarkably like Obi Wan-Kenobi
Is legacy Twitter the Twitter that pretended to be a free speech platform?
Well, at least we got a Nazi reference for comment 88.
Posting 88 now!
I hear you man, I love Lynn Swann too.
“Women’s March Leader Calls for Starbucks Boycott Due to Partnership with Jewish Group
Women’s March co-chair Tamika Mallory called on her followers to boycott Starbucks Tuesday night after the coffee chain announced it would partner with the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) to develop anti-bias training for employees.
Great; for some reason, all I can think about now is a minivan occupied by drunken lesbians and screaming children, headed over a cliff.
“Acting FBI deputy director David Bowdich says Obama’s DOJ forced the deletion of 500,000 fugitives from the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) which is used to conduct background checks on gun buyers.”
So, Bernadene Dohrn and Bill Ayers can buy guns now. Sweet.
I remember this story now. The NICS database had about half a million US persons denied on their status as “fugitives from justice”. The issue came down to an argument over whether a federal data had any reason to record (and deny) access to firearms for anyone who wasn’t breaking a federal law.
So, the roster was cleaned for all but the 700-odd true *federal* “fugitives from justice”.
This is an issue which I am conflicted over, because at least some of those names which were removed were probably on the NICS register for a damn good reason. We can debate what kind of percentage that was, but it’s improbable that there were none. Plus, this is a great stick to beat the gun-grabbers with.
On the other hand, if NICS has any value, it ought to contain the names of violent offenders in the states where the offenses were committed, which I’m sure some states store, and some don’t. This obviously has ramifications when implementing national reciprocity on a “full faith and credit” basis.