As OMWC alluded to yesterday in his afternoon links, we’re going into a rotation. He does great links. The best. Wonderful links. Sloopy is doing awesome in real life, but that leaves him less time to be the morning linkmeister. So you get my sad, links. Pathetic. In the SPORTZBALL, Army completes the sweep and ousts the Kings for a coup, Winnipeg tightens their grip, and the Senators Capitols get one back. The NBA is only playing every fourth day so who gives a shit? The Marlins shelled the Yankees but somehow ESPN forgot to run 11 stories about it. BoSox win with Ohani leaving early, and your World Champion Houston Astros finally managed to score some. And now… the links!
As best I can tell, National Security Advisor Mustachio Bolton has decided that what we really need is a Lawrence of Arabia strategy to solve Syria. “Which way is Damascus, Sharif?”
Apparently, the internet existed in the days of Mahabharata. Somehow they left that out of the Sutras.
San Francisco, one of the denser areas in modern America blames climate change for poor air quality. Yeah guys. Just like LA in the 80s.
Oh man, imagine that… you can still count on the apathy of youth in these times when a Child Shall Lead Us.
Nate Silver, mediocre Sabermetrician, will move to ABC where he can work with news personalities who have the same relationship to statistics that dogs do a vacuum cleaner. They’re not entirely sure what it is, but it scares them.
Here’s a classic for your orphans.
I guess my links weren’t worthy…
Don’t mind me, I’ll be over here adjusting my crown of thorns.
Swiss whining for recognition…
*Hands Switzy an ice cream cone*
*simmers down*
*slaps away ice cream cone, hands Switzy an Imperial Stout*
I bet you plead for pity fucks, don’t you?
Please, we don’t want to see a picture of that.
Correct…you do not.
I bet he has one on hand.
Relax mammal, no reason to crucify yourself…
*skitters back under glare-proof rock*
One of yours?
That’s a look that just says “Don’t eat me.”
Damn Swiss, OT on the first comment?
He’s fallen to the Dark Side.
Certainly not OT… see first 6 sentences.
That is just the preamble and doesn’t mean shit. You didn’t read a link and then comment on it properly. Face it, you are ONE OF US!
I see mention of Sloopy’s links, and OMWC’s links, and Brett’s links. No mention of Swiss links.
*blank stare*
First 3 links are CNN, Newsweek, and SFGate.
Fuck up my morning, whydoncha?
Oh, we can do worse…do not tempt us!
Peace Offering
Oh, we can do worse…do not tempt us!
Tomorrow morning all links will be to the root and feministing.
“Heroic Mulatto’s links of random East Asian perversion!”
I think I’d rather prefer your suggestion to mine. It can’t be that bad, can it? Can it?
*cowers in fetal position*
No, all the links will be to Hihns blog.
“Here’s a classic for your orphans.”
A wise man for our time.
The last 2 seconds were righteous
I’m not saying it was aliens, but…
The Kama Sutra was the first internet porn.
Without the arabic numbering system, you can’t have Rule 34. That means the A-rabs invented the internet.
Well, they did fight a nuclear war in the region around that time.
“In 2014, Prime Minister Narendra Modi told a room of doctors at Mumbai hospital that plastic surgery had been around since ancient India.”
Well, for certain values of “plastic” and “surgery” this might be true.
It’s Civil War time in Negroni’s class. I just taught the students about the Corwin Amendment. There was some delightful confusion. I’ve been “problematizing” Lincoln for them too. Good times.
Appomattox courthouse! (the only thing I remember from HS history on the civil war, everything else I know I learned on my own)
Ah. Not the rail-splitting vampire slayer that they’ve been accustomed to. Good. Good.
Actually I don’t think they even know that reference. He’s just Saint Lincoln to them. The most perfect human that ever walked earth and the greatest president ever.
But they don’t know he was a Republican.
Well, that was before the wholesale Party Switch!!
It was like the Earth’s Polar Magnetic Shift but with more racism.
They do now.
I assume by now they also know the slavers were Democrats?
Indeed. They also know that pretty much everyone was a racist asshole outside of some quaker “ultras” that believed in equal rights.
We talked about the Colonization movement, and how even the “good” guys wanted to ship all the black folk home to Africa.
We talked about how Garrison and Brown were largely considered freaks even by other abolitionists.
We talked about how Lincoln and the Republican party were not at all interested in ending southern slavery. Their ENTIRE platform regarding slavery was to prevent its westward expansion.
I’m surprised a few heads haven’t exploded.
To complicate things even further for your students, you can also mention how the Haitian massacre strengthened the resolve of the pro-slavery South and that the US contributed to the West Africa Squadron (the naval force tasked with ending the Atlantic slave trade) before abolishing slavery on its own shores. History is complicated.
Well then it’s good you seem to be disabusing them of that notion.
The most perfect human that ever walked earth and the greatest president ever.
Other than the Lighbringer Himself, surely. PBUH.
You better lay some Freddie Douglass on them.
Mr. Douglass got 30 minutes for himself in a previous lecture
While his teetotal abstinence gives me some reservations, Douglass was an impressive guy. I’ve always been impressed by his eloquence.
He was fascinating. He was all on board with Garrison to burn the Constitution down until he read Spooner. Then he realized he was wrong and completely changed his mind. This burned a bridge with his strongest supporter, but he did it anyway.
He was highly critical of the Underground Railroad early on as they freed few slaves, but resulted in much harsher treatment against all slaves.
Really worthwhile to read Douglass.
He read Spooner and it CHANGED his mind about burning the Constitution down!? Interesting. Need to read more Douglas.
Freddie was a TOM!
Wait you mean to say that the war was not viewed to be about slavery until after Antieteim (I know I spelled it wrong), when Lincoln issued the emancipation proclamation. Something he did to keep British from intervening?
And the emancipation proclamation did not apply to slaves in Union territory.
And it was a meaningless psyop campaign aimed at inciting slave revolts. I mean you can’t free slaves in territory you don’t control. He COULD have freed the slaves in Union control, but didn’t. Ergo the emancipation proclamation freed exactly zero slaves.
Well what’s interesting about that is he specifically ignored slavery in the Union because he wanted to offer a carrot to rebel states who might consider rejoining as well as to avoid upsetting border states where slavery was practiced, like Maryland and Delaware.
The real weird one was Tennessee. They were a Confederate state but fully under federal control. He could have freed the slaves there as they were a rebel state, but Johnson convinced Lincoln not to. To me Tennessee is the test case that really puts the proclamation in a bad light. All legal justifications presented apply to Tennessee AND you actually have the power to enforce it there and yet…. Tennessee was excluded.
I think it was needed to keep support at home as well. Turning the war from a dispute over states rights into a moral crusade was the way to shore up flagging support. Once all your friends and neighbors start coming home in body bags, your commitment to abstract (and debatable) Constitutional principles tends to wane a bit.
And the emancipation proclamation did not apply to slaves in Union territory.
Or the neutral states like Kentucky. They were afraid it would cause even more Kentuckians to join the Confederacy.
KY in general is evidence #1 in the case that the war wasnt about slavery. Ky was strongly* pro-union and pro-slavery.
*you know, for a border state.
Until after the war, when it re-invented itself as always having been a staunch bastion of the Confederacy and became ground zero for the earliest iteration of The Lost Cause salve for the Southern ego.
Yes, I remember reading a state historian who said that Ky was the last state to secede (spirit, not letter), doing it after the War.
In fairness, the Republican party had always been for the gradual abolition of slavery, and their ascendance was the catalyst for secession as the Southern states saw the writing on the wall for their way of life. The war itself may have been over the issue of secession, but the secession was over the issue of slavery.
Sure. If the Republicans were successful at limiting slavery to existing states, eventually free states were going to outnumber slave states by enough to pass a Constitutional amendment.
You’re doing God’s work. Keep it up.
But work fast, you’ll probably be fired soon.
My history teach was just barely old enough to suggest that the Civil War was a bit more complicated than what the text book said. After all, those toothless confederate soldiers all had dozens of slaves in chains back at their shack in the swamp.
My parents were “party” people. I must have heard that tune many times sleeping on a pile of coats. Good selection!
To be fair to ABC Nate’s own bloggers talked about how the election showed how racist everyone is in America, despite there being no evidence for this.
I don’t think Starbucks management has thought this through.
How can you tell between hobos and hipsters?
The hipsters generally have starbucks cups
The hobos usually smell better?
Hipsters smell like a horse corral, Hobos smell human.
Phone quality
Hipsters use essential oils.
Yelling at some name-tagged dork with a bullhorn is sure to bring about the Clinton Presidency!
Iowahawk had a lot of fun with that picture.
Those are damn funny.
What a fucking LOSER
Once you go woke, you are bound to go broke…
They’re going to prog themselves into bankruptcy.
Luscious bankruptcy wherein they retreat to the island and everyone else fights over the floating doors.
I know you can use the bathroom at a McDonald’s or Walmart without buying anything, but you can’t live there.
McDonald’s also has on average the cleanest restrooms on the road.
I vote for Cracker Barrel there
Not as plentiful.
Tell that to Natalie Portman.
That movie was awful.
The caricatures Hollywood types come up with when they try to write the heartland are as hilarious as they are cringeworthy
It depends where, because you can’t at McD’s in Manhattan.
Given the small fortune I’ve given McD’s over the course of my life, I believe I’ve earned a free bathroom usage pass or two.
Yeah, I don’t know what Starbucks is thinking. And throwing the manager under the bus like that, I wonder if he/she could sue, as I’m sure she was following laid out policy. He/she had the misfortune to come head to head with two douchebags who hide behind their race.
I’m pretty sure they weren’t thinking.
I predict mass Starbucks vandalism in 3, 2, 1…
Who to cheer for, though?
Well if the Vandals are showing up, I’m going to assume the Byzantines are the ones to root for.
The Vandals would get me to go to Starbucks.
Hold the government, please
I was hoping that was the song you linked to.
I saw them a couple of years ago at a festival. Yes, they still roam the earth. They were okay.
I predict mass Starbucks vandalism in 3, 2, 1…
Like this?
In response to 23 one black person doing that is loitering 2 or more is a sit in.
I don’t get how Starbucks still is so big. Didin’t the hipsters and yuppies switch to small local coffeehouses which roast their own organic single estate fair trade coffe from, that little farm the owner found while hiking in poor countries to find spiritual enlightenment?
My local coffee house actual does roast their own beans and the coffee is far superior to Starbucks. But… they sell coffee, espresso, cappuccino, and teas – that’s about it.
Starbucks, on the other hand, seems to specialize in giant milkshakes and sugary concoctions loosely related to actual coffee. When I occasionally show up at one and order a medium coffee, they seem surprised.
Starbucks coffee always tastes like it’s burnt. I don’t know why anyone likes it.
That’s because Starbucks over-roasts their coffee. It makes it easier to hit a consistent flavor profile, but that flavor is also burnt. As for why people like it… most people going to Starbucks aren’t getting coffee. They’re getting adult milkshakes and snacks. I read somewhere that Starbucks is now the second largest fast food chain in the world.
Part of the burnt thing is roasting too hot to get more throughput. That also causes the roast to be uneven, so that flavors are weirdly burnt and green, all at once.
Agreed, Starbucks coffee is overroasted and bitter. I say this as a man who loves bitter beer. But, bitter coffee? Yecchh!
I go to Starbucks Coffee for the pastries and Dunkin Donuts for the coffee.
It’s criminal that Dairy Queen which makes actual coffee milkshakes isn’t open until after the morning breakfast rush.
They don’t have 1,000,000 locations.
Ha! The whole thing is a funny read, but the end is gold.
Do the restroom Starbucks have public restrooms?
Yes. With a Starbucks in them.
So it’s Starbucks restrooms with Starbucks in them all the way down…?
I’ve often wondered why a competitor hasn’t been able to try and swipe some Starbucks market share. Dunkin’ is probably the only other national contender, but they’re a donut place first.
Donuts are the LAST thing Dunkin Donuts gives a shit about. They’re awful, which is why they haven’t advertised them in years.
Caribou coffee is probably next biggest after Dublin and is much closer in business plan. Not sure why they don’t have more locations. Starbucks also bought out a competitor or two such as Seattle’s best.
Everybody loves to gripe about Starbucks, but it’s all social signalling. They have at least one on every block downtown and they are all busy.
Comedian tries to get restraining order against Trump due to fear of big red button. Which could be a really funny bit if she wasn’t mentally deranged and in need to therapy.
Somebody needs to come up with a cure for TDS.
well, the left thinks he can’t read, and the diet coke button does look just like the nukes button.
That is where I cannot abide Trump’s taste…I would have a Coke Zero Sugar button.
Fuck that shit. Coke Cherry Zero.
And fuck their new millennial flavors, that shit’s awful.
I approve this message
I’m drinking one of those right now. Delicious!
I’ll go to the mattresses for the ginger lime. It’s damned good.
Caffeine free coke zero
What’s the point?
Same as decaf coffee… Slow-burn masochism
That’s what I drink at night, but I usually add a little flavoring (cherry, lemon, or my new favorite blackberry-cherry).
Sanctions, Rule 11, etc.
Celebrities are the intellectual leaders we deserve.
Are we sure it’s not a bit? Have you seen Lady Dynamite?
They forgot to put quotes around “comedian”.
Comedian Maria Bamford, unknown by anyone outside of her immediate family until now, knows how to work the contemporary PR machine.
This, though I do actually know who she is. She does weird voices on stage, not an entirely unfunny person, but obviously never hit the big time.
She’s quite well-known in a limited way for being a “brave” comic that uses her own damaged psyche in her routines. Cute in a crazy way but I’ve never stuck my own dick in a hornet’s nest, so there is always that.
She was funny during the 90’s.
Back then she also looked a bit like ENB.*
*random thoughts
Wow. That is fucking uncanny.
I’d do it. Take it down. It ain’t easy being a hero, but someone has to do it.
Yeah, when I was young and single… She’s not atrocious but it would take a lot of effort to pull that one from the ditch (and I’m not the fucking belle of the ball these days)!
SJWednesday: That White Boy David Hogg Is Stealing Our Limelight Edition
“young organizers of color”
Clean your room
“Pull up your pants!”
And I thought it would be tough to top how annoying Hogg was, and these kids go: “watch this”.
I hate how much everything is about race. It makes no sense.
Ouroboros time on the left.
Not the Young-lings!!!!????
Yes! Yes!! Feed upon one another!! Feed!
You know what has historically hurt students of color?
Gun control.
Oh, i know,the answer is “words”.
Alternative answer, affirmative action. Asians, blacks and Hispanics are all harmed by it, perfect democrat program.
Historically? Democrats in the KKK… Oh you don’t mean that historically?
Well, Democrats are still hurting them now.
No No No benefactor! I not run away from you, I run toward you!
Students of color
My lecture would be about the racist underpinnings of the gun control movement and how they were afraid of those darkies getting the gun.
The article about the underwhelming numbers of new voter registrations is sweet sweet sweet, like a Starbucks frappuccino.
The “meh” generation has been a thing since I was a teen-aged asshole nearly forty years ago.
It was all about their 15 mins of fame and facebook followers..
Registering to vote, and then voting, doesn’t help with either of those things..
But the usual suspects don’t seem able to grasp that from generation “LOOK AT ME!”
Regarding the ancient Indian internet, if you think young earth creationists have done stupid ideas, Hindu nationalists are even mmore off the deep end. Ganesh was the first plastic surgery patient and the Mahabharata proves Indians invented nukes. Why do you think Oppenheimer was interested in Indian mythology?
It’s still that country where a significant proportion of the population shits in the streets…
Is that why San Fransisco is so shitty? Should we be blaming the consultants instead of the homeless?
It’s still that country where a significant proportion of the population shits in the streets… – that is because evil English destroyed everything with Colonialism
…and IPA.
*narrows gaze*
SJWednesday: Hot/Crazy Edition
It’s really too good to excerpt and includes “Things That Never Happened for $600”, but here’s a sampling.
These people are like Samuel Jackson in Unbreakable.
“The Crucet Curse. All the women in my family experience our stress in our digestive tracts, though for everyone else, the trouble (when it comes) is at the other end. My system may have it backwards, but it’s still there, the curse”
I’m sure her sisters are happy the world knows they poop their pants when they get stressed.
Funny. I only puke and shit meself when I’ve not minded my P’s and Q’s.
I can hear this in Adrian Belew’s voice: “I shit myself when under stress, I shit myself when under stress..”
ha-HAH! That was AWESOME!
I’m sending you my cancer treatment bills.
“I am, perhaps, a sea cucumber. Or maybe a turkey vulture with an impressive 10-foot spew.
But to become this unruly body, to feel it as my whole self, looks eventually — I think — like this: I keep evolving, from cucumber-vulture into octopus, my brain decentralized, neurons buzzing through every arm. I am a mollusk without a shell. I have three beating hearts. I’ve been known to walk on land when I have to. I teach others like me to open jars when no one is looking. I jet around on my own ink, its disguise my best form of propulsion. The ink is mixed up with every disgusting thing inside me. My soft body throws up nothing else.”
Now that’s old-school crazy.
She’s been anxious and upset since 1960?
A nice summary of Russiagate with a comparison of some of the timelines.
Damn it that website just made me hungry.
I had one of those last year. Pretty good. I think I was the only guy there under 300.
Somebody needs to come up with a cure for TDS.
Hush, you! Not a cure-cure, anyway; there’s no money in it. Just something which will temporarily alleviate most of the symptoms, preferably with a side order of addiction and dependence.
I heard switching off soy milk works.
It’s the skinny jean thing.
Apparently, the internet existed in the days of Mahabharata. Somehow they left that out of the Sutras.
There was a joke along the lines:
Europeans start archeological digs to see how great their ancient civilizations were.
The French dig, find some copper wire and conclude ancient Gauls had telephone connections.
the Italians dig, find shards of glass and conclude ancient Romans had fiber optics.
The Romanians dig, find nothing and conclude ancient Dacians had wireless networks.
Or something like this.
I love it!
There was somewhat similar joke
wife to husband: I did not find any hair on your jacket. Who is this bald woman you are cheating on me with?
SJWednesday: Relationship Warning Signs Edition
Reading that I assume the rich bitch became non-binary to score some oppression points, but apparently it ain’t enough. I suggest she cuts one of her legs off or I dunno take an eye out or something.
These people are first against the wall or hastily dug ditch.
“shut the fuck up and enjoy your Sugar Person”
Living like this must be exhausting. Can you imagine the psychotherapy bills in the future.
This is actually after several years of therapy.
“I’m a white, cisgender, working-class queer femme woman dating a white, non-binary queer person from a wealthy background.”
Every time I read one of these ridiculous identity word salads all I can think is “it’s spelt Raymond Luxury Yach-t, but it’s pronounced Throatwobbler Mangrove”.
I’m a white, cisgender, working-class queer femme woman dating a white, non-binary queer person from a wealthy background.
“I’m a lesbian dating a gay guy.”
I tuned out long before trying to figure out what that meant.
On a related side note, I come into the office this morning and bring up the internal website and the front-page asks me:
“What is intersectionality? Find out!”
Fuck me.
Do you work in government?
Thanks for unwinding that. It didn’t help that the… uh…. romantic interest is referred to as “they”.
“California State Assembly is set to vote on a bill that would actually — among other things — ban the sale of books expressing orthodox Christian beliefs about sexual morality.
Yes, ban the sale of books.
Assembly Bill 2943 would make it an “unlawful business practice” to engage in “a transaction intended to result or that results in the sale or lease of goods or services to any consumer” that advertise, offer to engage in, or do engage in “sexual orientation change efforts with an individual.”
The bill then defines “sexual orientations change efforts” as “any practices that seek to change an individual’s sexual orientation. This includes efforts to change behaviors or gender expressions, or to eliminate or reduce sexual or romantic attractions or feelings toward individuals of the same sex.” (Emphasis added.)”
Lawsuit prediction – Upheld by the 9th, ruled unconstitutional by SCOTUS.
Can we burn them instead?
Think of the carbon footprint you monster
That’s a wide net.
Go ahead and pass it. I’ll eagerly await the first case involving an older gay man making a pass at a younger straight dude.
Kevin Spacey hardest hit
California must be stopped.
California delenda est!
That’s not good.
The left loves to tell us how people are ‘complicit’ on issues they selectively choose to be outraged about. So when do writers like Chair play their part in things like book banning given their progressive rhetoric? Anyone with a sober and informed mind knows how this game of the left ends.
Poverty, starvation, and mass graves?
I read it as outlawing any kind of transgender treatment.
Or pamphlets about it.
Does it matter? It’s still banning.
How about some T&A to start off your Wednesday?
1 and 22 will do just fine for me.
Smoking weed over guzzling hooch might fend of dementia. I have to admit, since I started smoking after a twenty five year break, I wake up with a clearer head. I still love my liquor, but I feel better lighting up my pipe.
The danger, of course, is that now our nursing homes are going to be filled with dreadlock wearing grandmothers, smelling of incense and breaking their ankles playing hacky sack.
Frisbee is a no-go zone!
David Hogg calls for investors to boycott BlackRock, Vanguard over gun holdings
The overlord has spoken!
Rather funny, he announced this on Twitter. Blackrock and Vanguard own a lot of shares in Twitter.
Edit fairy! I pray to the!
Pray to the what?
Pray to the junkie maker
I’m not sure he was trying to get people to boycott them as much as shame them into divesting their gun holdings. However, ridiculous either way.
Remember when there was a momentary pretense about wanting “reasonable common-sense gun controls”. How completely unpredictable that it quickly morphed into “let’s put those evil gun manufacturers out of business”.
“Sweden’s violent reality is undoing a peaceful self-image
To understand crime in Sweden, it’s important to note that Sweden has benefited from the West’s broad decline in deadly violence, particularly when it comes to spontaneous violence and alcohol-related killings. The overall drop in homicides has been, however, far smaller in Sweden than in neighboring countries.
Gang-related gun murders, now mainly a phenomenon among men with immigrant backgrounds in the country’s parallel societies, increased from 4 per year in the early 1990s to around 40 last year. Because of this, Sweden has gone from being a low-crime country to having homicide rates significantly above the Western European average. Social unrest, with car torchings, attacks on first responders and even riots, is a recurring phenomenon.
Shootings in the country have become so common that they don’t make top headlines anymore, unless they are spectacular or lead to fatalities. News of attacks are quickly replaced with headlines about sports events and celebrities, as readers have become desensitized to the violence. A generation ago, bombings against the police and riots were extremely rare events. Today, reading about such incidents is considered part of daily life.”
Funny how organizations like Freedom House still give countries like Sweden top grades on civil liberties when criticizing the things that lead to increase in crime in your society can get you prosecuted for hate speech.
Sweden is 100/100 in 2018.
Outfits that rank nations like that are just Lefty front groups trying to add a patina of “science!” to claims that Scandinavia is a socialist success story. That’s literally the only reason they exist AFAICT.
But I thought they had gun control?
Things must truly be getting bad in Sweden if even a mainstream publication like Politico is acknowledging it. The press spent a long time scoffing at the notion that anything was wrong in Sweden.
News of attacks are quickly replaced with headlines about sports events and celebrities, as readers have become desensitized to the violence
Yeah, that’s why such news stories are memory holed. Because readers have become desensitized.
California has some of the worst air quality in the nation, both in terms of ozone and particle pollution, and perhaps the biggest factor appears to be climate change, according to a new report.
“We are improving air quality, but the impacts of climate change are interfering with progress,” said Bonnie Holmes-Gen, senior director of air quality and climate change at the American Lung Association in California.
“In a religion, you blame everything bad on the devil. In our religion, climate change is the devil.”
If you have a moment I would like to talk to you about Our Lord Solar Energy
Have you any pamphlets?
Made out of dead trees?! Shitlord!
I have this scratched rock right here
That rock took mother earth 1.5 billion years to make, you Gaia-raping motherfucker.
Oh Minnesoda…
I thought fundementalist christian texans were in control of text books. wasn’t that the big fear monger a few years ago?
That’s been going on for a very long time.
Cultivating young minds; that’s what our higher learning institutions do.
For some reason whenever I read something about that school a bad joke about linguistics occurs to me.
However, it is not a school well known for being cunning in any field.
Almost 90% of refugees are still unemployed after living for 2.5 years in the Netherlands
Obviously they are going to need a lot more refugees.
Shocking (ly predictable)
Not what most Europeans thought the politicians meant when they said immigrants would prop up the welfare state.
It would certainly lead to more pols that peddle the welfare state being elected, and hence prop it up, wouldn’t it?
Imagine how much worse the natives are! /Cytotoxic
Why work when you get paid not to?
I’m a white, cisgender, working-class queer femme woman dating a white, non-binary queer person from a wealthy background.
I’m a crabby old asshole. I couldn’t give a fuck less about what you do, how or with whom you do it, or where.
For the love of Cthulu, STFU.
Hey! Where the fuck did you get my opinion? I’ll bet it was from that (((Zuckerberg))) feller.
Let me send you some literature about the People who Hate People and Want to be Left the Fuck Alone Party.
<— 2020 Presidential candidate on that ticket. Vote Animal/STEVE SMITH!
I’m voting for Zombie ALMANIAN! “He probably won’t make it worse.”™
**pours out liquor for Alamanian**
Got my vote. Who is the choice for VP?
Smoking and drinking are bad for you. Women, minorities, hardest hit.
Poor kids do stupid shit at higher rates than rich kids. Pay me now!
It’s a chicken tikka disaster! Rivers in Bradford are turning YELLOW because the ‘Curry Capital of Britain’ is polluting them with food waste from its 200 Asian restaurants
Read more:
“Smells like a dirty diaper filled with Indian food!”
On the bright side, at least the residents of Bradford can rest assured that their Asian restaurants are truly authentic.
“Vanguard is taking action, meeting with the leaders of gun manufacturers and distributors. We want to know how they will mitigate the risks that their products pose and how they plan to help prevent such tragedies from happening again,” Vanguard said in a statement. “We believe that when a business poses a risk to society, it can also pose a risk to investors. We are expressing this viewpoint directly with company leaders because we believe greater focus and transparency on these issues will ultimately benefit society and investors alike.”
Fucking pussies. They should say, “Our fiduciary duty to our clients is to provide the best yield on their investments we can.” Full stop.
A bunch of virtue signaling cucks is what they are. The world really has gone insane.
“Ahem. Members of the board, it is important that we look into our holdings in gun manufacturers and distributors immediately!”
“We, uh, received a tweet… yeah, the 140 character posting thing…. from a, uh, high school kid.”
“@davidhogg111, @blackrock owns part of twitter. Time to fully boycott Blackrock and log off Twitter. Bye
The biggest holder and 4th biggest holder in Twitter are being boycotted. I guess liberals are all logging off now.”
“Some sneaky females have learned to avoid getting beaten up by possessive pebble owners by targeting the nests of unsuccessful males living at the edge of the colony. With no parental duties, these singletons are free to go on a pebble-hunting extravaganza and amass veritable stone castles. They are also extremely desperate to spread their seed. The sly female shuffles up to one of these lonely males with a deep bow and a coquettish sideways glance, as if she wants to copulate. The male bows back and steps aside to allow the female to lie down on his pebble castle and prepare to procreate. The sex is a swift affair, with the inexperienced male frequently misfiring and missing his target. After the deed is done, the female toddles back to her nest with a pilfered pebble in her beak.
Researcher Dr. Lloyd Spencer Davis noticed that some cunning females stole stones from the males without even offering sex in return. They flirted but skipped the sex part and simply made off with a stone. One particularly effective hustler was recorded swiping 62 stones within an hour.”
“Penguins Might Just be Nature’s Most Perverted Animals”
Given just the work provided by SF and HM at this venerable site, I don’t think humanity is at any risk of losing the title to penguins.
Hey Look Everybody! An Actual Criticism of Trump!
I wonder how long it’ll be before Mattis is shitcanned.
It can’t be that far away.
It’s a bit disturbing that a guy with Mad Dog as a nickname is the current purveyor of foreign policy sanity in a presidential administration. If the ‘stache goes unchecked we’re fucked.
Yet the numerous signs waved by the protesters contained such slogans as “Rule of Law = White Supremacy” and “The First Amendment is Not a Licence [sic] to Dehumanize Marginalized People.” Students shouted “Legal objectivity is a myth” and “F – – k the law.” CUNY Law’s National Lawyers Guild chapter tweeted that “free speech” activists are “not welcome at our PUBLIC INTEREST school.” Is this the face of “social justice”?
The best. The brightest.
The world keeps getting more and more insane. Now Tom Brady threatened Stormy Daniels to protect TRumPf!
Two problems:
1. If it was Brady she’d recognize him.
2. That sketch looks nothing like him.
That’s the funniest part. I’m not an aficionado but “Stormy” always seemed to be sorta too much. Fits right into the Donald’s sweet zone, I’d wager.
3. But the mystery man threatened to let the air out of her boobs. Ergo must be Brady.
Well, Brady is like the pinnacle of white privilege and the patriarchy, so yeah, it must have been him.
That sketch is far too masculine to be Tom Brady
Between 5’9″ and 6′?? That’s a rather wide range of heights.
Between ‘Shrimpy’ and ‘Kinda Short’
Landlords are social parasites. They’re the last people we should be honouring
good ratio of derp per word count
“giving them a prize is like giving Stalin a humanitarian award”
Stalin a big fan of the landlord class?
What do you think Stalin was setting up all them gulags, huh?
The author should borrow some money and become a landlord so that he can offer a better alternative.
Or he could just shut the fuck up.
To me all that Social Justice drivel would be assholes like this doing exactly something like that – setting up their better alternative to something they criticize – only to have other prog assholes ruin it all for them and make them deal with that reality.
Landlords are social parasites.
“I’d rather see you sleeping on a park bench than living in that dump.”
“EXCLUSIVE: ‘We just went at it like she just didn’t exist.’ Former Playmate reveals she had sex with Donald Trump in front of her friend during a steamy six-month affair while his then-fiancée Marla Maples was pregnant with Tiffany”
Donnie really likes the attention whores.
In my opinion it makes him more respectable….
Controlling girlfriend, 22, who starved and stabbed her lover, banned him from her bed and took over his Facebook account is jailed for more than seven years
Read more:
A controlling girlfriend who made her partner’s life a misery by inflicting a catalogue of injuries on him in violent attacks has been jailed for seven and a half years.
Petite Jordan Worth, 22, stabbed him with a knife, scalded him with boiling water, banned him from their bed and decided what clothes he should wear.
Worth, who lived with her boyfriend in the village of Stewartby, Bedfordshire, also isolated him from his friends and took over his Facebook account.
Aspiring teacher Worth had a degree from the University of Hertfordshire, had come from a loving and supportive family, and had raised money for children in Africa.
England needs a national conversation on toxic femininity. Also what a cuck am I right?
Commonsense soy control.
Hard to feel sorry for the guy.
Maybe he was into S&M and liked playing the submissive? Not what I would ever go for, but that sort of idiot, I mean preference, does exist.
Men have been abusing women for centuries, this is just reparations. Leave it to the patriarchy to jail her just for trying to even the score.
One more reason to hate the fact that the Superbowl came to Minnesoda. It served as an excuse to turn up surveillance to 11.
What is amazing is that the cameras that the cops use to watch us never seem to break. How come those work so much better than those body cameras that are supposed to be worn by cops?
‘Big bitcoin heist’ suspect escapes prison and flees Iceland ‘on PM’s plane’
The suspected mastermind behind the theft of 600 computers used to mine bitcoin in Iceland has escaped from prison and fled to Sweden on an aeroplane reportedly carrying the Icelandic prime minister.
Sindri Thor Stefansson escaped through a window of the low-security Sogn prison in rural southern Iceland before boarding a flight to Sweden at the international airport in Keflavik located 59 miles from the prison on Tuesday. Police said he travelled under a passport in someone else’s name, but was identified via surveillance video.
“He had an accomplice,” police chief Gunnar Schram told local news outlet Visir. “We are sure of that.”
Guards at the prison, which has no fences and where inmates have access to the internet and phones, did not report him missing until after the flight to Sweden had taken off. Stefansson had been in custody since February, but was moved to the low-security prison 11 days ago.
Anyone want to bet that the p.m. of Iceland was the accomplice, in exchange for some of that sweet sweet bitcoin.
Why escape from such a nice hotel?
Presented without commentary: Why This 27-Year-Old Mayor Is Giving His City’s Poorest Residents $500 a Month–No Strings Attached
Here I would have said, “This idiot is 27, and they want 16 year olds to vote.”
“And boy, was that way off base!” is what I would have said.
Why This 27-Year-Old Mayor Is Giving His City’s Poorest Residents $500 a Month–No Strings Attached – because it ain’t his money so why not?
Also I love it how lefties think buying a political add with your money is buying votes, but literally randomly giving voter tax money is not
As long as someone is freely donating that money to Stockton, I don’t care what they do with it. When they start taxing for that money, then we have a problem.
Someone might want to explain to Mr. Tubbs that perverse incentives means more than just the free trial period on pornhub.
perverse incentives means more than just the free trial period on pornhub.
Surely no other poor people will move to Stockton to take advantage of this.
The fascist ‘libertarians’ at the Niskanen center are complete assholes.
I think the actual answer is you’re a bunch of fascist fucks who want to be part of the aristocracy in the new feudalist paradise you’re trying to build.*
The rest of the essay is both hilarious and infuriating at the same time.
* (when in fact it’s guys like you who are second to have their backs against the wall after the revolutions succeeds in taking over)
Here’s the link… if you care:
They’re actively competing for worst new thinktank status.
I find this shit incredibly stupid. Oil companies do not burn fossil fuels. They sell it. It is not they who produce the CO2. This is holding a toolmaker responsible for what people do with the hammers they buy.
Also Niskanen center why keep the libertarian thing going? Who still believes them?
The left whenever they want to claim they are moderate.
“This is holding a toolmaker responsible for what people do with the hammers they buy. ”
This is what retarded people DO. Have you not heard of gun control?
Because they are actually progs wearing libertarian skin suits?
Will pre-firing squad refreshments be served? They’d hate to miss one more cocktail party.
Put them in general Pop, there will be a cocktail party but I don’t think they’ll like it.
“Comedy” in the 21st century.
What a sad, puritanical age we’re now living in. Can’t wait for the cultural vandals of Gen Z to tear down this crap, and create anarchy the likes of which 4chan would be shocked by.
Why would 4chan be shocked by themselves?
I still say Louis C.K did nothing wrong. Weird but to each his own if you will.
What’s the deal with Ion Iliescu’s indictment for crimes against humanity during the oyster of Ceausescu?
Is that like Oysters Rockefeller, but with more totalitarianism?
Oysters Bucharest?
What do you mean?
He is a criminal. But when he had power no one touched him. Now he is old enough and his party PSD moved on, and they are making a show of justice. Not that I don’t hope he dies in some fucking jail somewhere.
I was unaware of how the events of 1989 are perceived in Romania today. Also, who isn’t a criminal?
Actually, this sounds like an excellent topic for Pie’s next article – a retrospective on 1989 from a modern Romanian perspective.
Basically my view is some party big wigs had some people shot to make the coup look like a revolution and then played saviors. And then they and they clique took over power and most of whatever wealth Romania had. When some time later some people protested, they brought gangs of miners to beat up the protesters. And now they still control Romania. But the young beasts can “prosecute” some of the old toothless ones which are past their usefulness.
The thing is, when you get involved in these things you should know that you are at risk of being eliminated until the day you day, when it is suitable for the outfit. It is something they know and accept. Like any mafia.
Special for UnCivil
‘Blue-brain’ cheese: is this the mouldiest cheese in Britain?
When young, this cheese – one of the mouldiest in Britain – tastes fruity and mellow. At six months’ old, however, it looks ready to walk
When cheese gets moldy – you throw it out.
The worse cheese smells and looks the better it tastes. I want to give this stuff a try sometime:
Look, in years past, people had no choice but to choke down the maggoty remnants of food to stave off starvation.
These days we can afford to not eat rancid cheese.
Mental note, remove UCS from the invitation list for wine and cheese party. No wine, no cheese, no coffee. Any other foods you disapprove of?
I assume he doesn’t drink sour beers either.
I have yet to find a beer that is drinkable.
Much more useful to make bread from.
*Head hangs down in hand, thumb and middle finger gingerly holding temples*
I mean, man. I hate to yum another’s yuck or vice versa, but that’s just a perversion of Natural Order.
You give a man manna or Lembas and they don’t like it? I feel like saluting a sinking ship.
Rest well, fair soul.
It would be easier to say what he does approve of, which is effectively hardtack, and water.
Rainwater and pure grain alcohol, Mandrake.
To quote a Neal’s Yard employee, “Cheese doesn’t go bad, it just turns into different cheese.”
“A great cheese should offend at least two of the senses.”
So Hilary Clinton is actually cheese?
Which of the five senses does Hillary Clinton not offend?
lacking synesthesia, I’ve thusfar been spared any smell or taste.
So you’re saying you felt up Hillary Clinton?
No, but proximity of even a few miles, or electronic transmission of likeness results in skin crawling.
“The cheese is old and moldy.”
Customer: Cheshire?
Owner: No.
Customer: Dorset Blue Vinney?
Owner: No.
Customer: Brie, Roquefort, Pont-l’Eveque, Port Salut, Savoyard, Saint-Paulin, Carre-de-L’Est, Boursin, Bresse Bleu, Perle de Champagne?
Owner: No.
Swedish reps from ambulance association discuss at length “areas of social exclusion”, i.e. no-go zones, in tv interview.
But, but, when Trump mentioned “no-go” zones in Sweden, the media ridiculed him and said it was nonsense!!11!!
Wasn’t there a riot in Sweden a few nights later?
I think so. But it’s not like reality matters.
They don’t call them no go zones though so checkmate (that’s actually an argument they were making at the time).
How many things that Trump was ridiculed for saying on the campaign trail that now turned out to be true? There’s that matter of the Obama administration spying on him, for another.
There weren’t actual wires tapped!
Cocaine & hookers:
Also, would.
Simple quiz for hot, young women looking to cash in. When selecting a Sugar Daddy do we pick the one who:
1. Has us work as an escort, screwing random people in various ‘exotic’ locales and smuggle suitcases full of coke.
2. pays our expenses, supports us in style, and buys us luxury items in exchange for being his girlfriend?
I’ll give you a hint, number 1 is not the correct answer.
…. What were the options again?
Number 2 doesn’t have suitcases full of cocaine.
I think a cavity search is in order.
In other news, Think Progress is retarded.
“Neil Gorsuch voted with the liberal justices, but his opinion should chill you to the bone”
TW: Think Progress
I think the analysis is very accurate with the exception of thinking that this is bad for the country. It’s the fundamental problem with progressives. They like government straight-jackets and see any effort to remove them as heretical.
Yeah, I have no problem striking down laws for vaugeness although I’m not sure why you need a law to kick out a guest who steals from you. Not listening to anything progs have to say about the constitution since they don’t believe in it.
Or, in this case, kick out a tresspasser.
They did a good job of convincing me to like Gorsuch.
They are correct. To the extent that his opinion was derived from anything other than unrelenting desire to push forward the progressive agenda, it chills them to the bone.
As best I can tell, National Security Advisor Mustachio Bolton has decided that what we really need is a Lawrence of Arabia strategy to solve Syria.
This seems like a good development. The neighbors should have been the ones handling the issue all along, anyways.
It’ll be the arab Vietnam (or Lebanon if you prefer).
So long as we, the Russians, the French, and the British, don’t have a secret agreement about spheres of influence that causes the Arab Revolt to consider allying with the Ottomans, I mean, Turkey.
Words, on a page.
Since the election of Donald Trump, political analysts have expected a left-wing version of the Tea Party movement to arise. But Republicans still suffer from more ideological dissension even after gaining control of Washington.
As the 2018 nomination season gets underway, analysts anticipate a network of insurgent candidates and activists to seek a liberal purification of the Democratic Party, in the same way that Tea Party members took aim at a detested Republican “establishment” via a series of formidable primary challenges and congressional leadership battles. Yet there has been no evidence of a national, ideologically motivated rebellion among Democratic primary voters, interest groups or donors.
The lack of a “liberal Tea Party” reflects a fundamental and longstanding asymmetry between Republicans and Democrats. The Republican Party is the agent of an ideological movement; most Republican politicians, activists and voters view their party as existing to advance the conservative cause.
Because their goals of reducing the scope of government and reversing cultural change are difficult to achieve in practice, Republican officeholders are vulnerable to accusations of failing to uphold principles. They risk becoming targets of interest groups, media outlets and rival politicians who see their role as enforcing symbolic commitment to conservative orthodoxy.
I have no idea what these idiots are trying to say, other than possibly Democrats are completely without principles or scruples, and exist purely for the pursuit of political power and the personal spoils which accompany it. And they seem to be proud of it.
“I have no idea what these idiots are trying to say, other than possibly Democrats are completely without principles or scruples, and exist purely for the pursuit of political power and the personal spoils which accompany it. And they seem to be proud of it.”
Occam’s Razor. You don’t need to look past the obvious on this one.
“Liberal purification,” more oxy or moronic?
That is exactly what they are saying. They dont understand principles or why people with principles behave the way they do. They also dont see anything wrong with admitting it because…they dont have or understand principles.
Uh, yes there is. I believe this week it is has moved on to the purification of Starbucks. Last week it was Facebook. Sometimes BLM attempts to purify the gay pride march.
You see, grass-roots Republicans attempt to “purify” the party on a policy basis, derived from a common set of principles. Like Mr. Brooks said, the article seems to gleefully tout the fact that Democrats don’t have any shared principles. But we already knew that — that’s why they’re paralyzed by shallow issues like “should we call ourselves human or people kind?” rather than focused on fundamental issues like “what’s should the role of government be?”
“Black Guy Walks Into Starbucks, Calls Them ‘Racist,’ Demands Free Coffee, Gets It Immediately”
That’s fucking hilarious!
I am guessing the genius that gave him the coffee has a degree.
Some “Studies” discipline I am going to bet that degree is for too.
Wonder if this caused them to update the curriculum for their upcoming national sensitivity training.
Something about swimming.
I get my all my best news from Yahoo
Didn’t Devo cover that?
“a push to build a coalition of Arab military forces that could replace US troops in Syria and serve as a stabilizing force in the region”
But will the Arabs tolerate the Persians materially supporting the targeting of their soldiers like the US does. That could get interesting.
So we just give the Syrians Mecca as originally planned, and PROFIT!
Better idea tell each country in the region will give them that city, then sit back and watch the fireworks.
Or nuke it and frame the Russians, then buy stock in popcorn.
“”Here’s a classic for your orphans.””
written by Allen Toussaint
the 1960s had a dozen tunes that were small hits for others that all came from him
RIP Allen Toussaint. Gone just over two years ago and went out on tour.
There has a been a lot of talk about coffee. I am in the “caffeine vehicle” camp. I do heartily enjoy the smell, however.
Let us talk about the superior beverage: tea. But not your jive-ass tea that Brits put goddam milk into. I’m talking the Cadillac (when they were fun, dammit) of teas—iced tea. Best drink that doesn’t have precious Venus inside of it. The best delineation marker between the North and the South is how one serves iced tea. Better than the Mason-Dixon.
For those that don’t know, SugarFree and I are respectively from Evansville, IN (duh.) and Henderson, KY. My house growing is perhaps a mile away as the crow flies. Above the Ohio, unclassified tea is always served unsweet. South of the Ohio unclassified tea is always served sweet. Add it to the Iron Rules.
So which one is it for you, SF?! And for all other Glibs…this is the beverage debate that America needs. Unsweet is a delightfully refreshing beverage–savior of summer days, while its Mr. Jekyll is a foul, literally undrinkable and poisonous plague afflicting the minds of its pitiful acolytes.
Tea>coffee. Discuss.
* puts on Indian disguise, throws tea into the harbor.*
Sweet tea is gross. Diabeetus in a glass. Iced Russian Caravan is delicious.
But coffee is still my go-to.
/me gets 3 more shots from the Nespresso.
Also, my experience with getting unsweetened iced tea at any random spot is… not good. Terrible, weak, brown water most of the time. It’s not even hit-and-miss, just “mostly bad, occasionally delightful”. I’m not sure if there’s a region of the country that consistently makes good, unsweetened iced tea.
Also, we Americans seem to be alone in our love of it. My ex-pat friend living in Rome despairs of the total lack of iced tea, despite it being an ideal choice for Rome in the summer. I just took a train with some Aussies and they were giving our seat-mate’s iced tea the stink-eye – they just don’t understand our attraction to it.
It’s not that hard. You make tea normally and put ice in—-
Oh. Yeah. I forgot that Euros have a bizarre and unnatural fear of ice.
I mean, Christ. It’s ice. Why wouldn’t you put it in drinks? It’s not like it really costs money. Why would you actively avoid drinking a cold beverage on a hot day? It’s not like they don’t like beer cold. It’s not like they don’t get the concept.
And yet they don’t. I find it quite perplexing.
We’re already diverging – you brew it double-strength, let it cool, then pour it over ice. You need it double-strength so it doesn’t get diluted as the ice melts. That’s the basis of my “too weak” complaint – most people make it as you describe it.
What ice? Put the container in the fridge overnight.
Eventually, yes (though put it in the fridge before it’s cooled to room temp and it’ll get cloudy and bitter). But ice when serving (it’s hot out man, we’re not drinking this in the AC).
No joke, I can’t drink it.
Also, “SugarFree and I are respectively from Evansville, IN (duh.) and Henderson, KY…”
Respectively….uh….I put my hometown first because I don’t respect SF.
*looks around nervously*
Agreed, tea is better and a lot cheaper too if you don’t go crazy with it.
Tea > coffee only because I can’t seem to acquire the taste for coffee. Much like Beer and Wine, I can’t train myself to like it.
Your avatar is perfect for that comment.
And I agree, that Tea is to Socialism as Coffee is to Capitalism.
A beverage consumed by some part of the population?
Limey socialism or Chicom socialism?
Limey crap
Tea is unsweet with the pink packets. Coffee is lots of cream no sweeteners.
Ice tea must have lots of ice. Hot tea or coffee must be really hot. Luke warm beverages are only served in hell.
But it’s not that sickly sweet of sweet tea that’s for girls. I don’t want sugar tea. I just want to take the edge off the bitterness.
I just want to take the edge off the bitterness.
Don’t we all, friend. Don’t we all.
“Aspartame is approximately 200 times sweeter than sucrose (table sugar)”
So you like it the sweetest of anyone here so far.
In my experience, iced tea in Henderson is delivered sweet unless otherwise specified.
But I can’t drink sweet tea (obviously) but even before my pancreas crapped out, I wasn’t a huge fan. I always preferred it lightly sweetened.
I did find that in California, when I would stress “unsweet tea,” I would get strange looks, as if it could come any other way. Nowhere else in the nation has done that to the same extent.
I moved from Iowa to South Carolina and it was the exact opposite. I would go to restaurants and the industrial tea pot labeled unsweetened would often be empty, sometimes on its side in a storage position or the un would be crossed out with marker.
My mother only drinks unsweetened iced tea, and everywhere she goes in the southeast she has to repeatedly emphasize “unsweetened” because the very concept is alien.
Yep, and you still get sweet half the time.
/fellow unsweetened tea drinker
That’s my South/Not South dividing line. If you have the option for sweet tea you are in the South.
Used to be. Sweet tea is prevalent throughout the country these days.
McDonalds serves it in their stores all over. I’m sure you can order it in Anchorage now. There are Popeyes locations in Maine and North Dakota.
I always found it crazy how quickly the culinary culture changed. And literally right below the Ohio. Making the tea was a part of my many duties when I started work at Schlotzky’s Deli when I was 15 (turkey original on jalapeno cheese and a BBQ chicken pizza would still be my Last Supper) and I had to add EIGHT Dixie cups of sugar to that shit. Ugh. Hemlock at least goes down smooth.
@Waterfall Insurance: You get it.
Makes me feel like Michael Douglas in Falling Down. Of course, tea where I live is complete horse shit and the two most populous businesses are coffee and phone shops. I’d love a “coffees shop per square mile” metric. There is no way in fuck that Korea isn’t at least second, behind perhaps only Coffistania.
I usually get tea over coffee for consistency reasons bad tea is never as bad as bad coffee.
That’s some tattoo.
Land of the Magna Carta folks.
Wasn’t Scotland a separate country then?
Great, another worthless registry. I have an idea. If your convicted of randomally snatching up young women, we keep you locked the f’k up. No registry necessary.
What, precisely, would his inclusion on a violent offenders list have accomplished? Would they park a cruiser on his street and tail him when he’s out? Keep a tracker on him in case he strays near bicycle paths or cornfields?
Thank God that young woman wasn’t armed, someone might have gotten hurt.
It let’s them cut down on the number of places to check when they’re looking for bodies.
It would indicates to people that their neighbor is probably a psychotic rapist even if he only just got in a bar fight once. Kindoff like how everyone thinks people on the sex offender list is a pedo even if they just got indecent exposure for peeing in an alley.
“Thank God that young woman wasn’t armed, someone might have gotten hurt.”
God, am I glad to be going to a community college in one of the poorest states in the country. People are here to learn a trade, not to run up several grand in tuition every term learning to spit up progressive Marxism like cholicy sprogs.
You lack wokeness!
“Resolving the Tensions Between White People’s Active Investment in Racial Inequality and White Ignorance: A Response to Marzia Milazzo”
Nary a mention of WHITE LION.
I’m thinking SugarFree wrote this.
Sound the John Siren!
Trump’s Amerikkka
A Fresno State professor called former first lady Barbara Bush an “amazing racist” who raised a “war criminal,” and expressed no concern that she could be fired or reprimanded for her outspokenness on social media.
Randa Jarrar, a professor in Fresno State’s Department of English, expressed her displeasure with the Bush family within an hour after the official announcement that Mrs. Bush died Tuesday at the age of 92.
“Barbara Bush was a generous and smart and amazing racist who, along with her husband, raised a war criminal,” Jarrar wrote on Twitter. “F— outta here with your nice words.”
Jarrar, who in her Twitter messages describes herself as an Arab-American and a Muslim-American woman, goes on to maintain that she is a tenured professor and makes $100,000 a year.
“I will never be fired,” Jarrar tweeted.
In a separate tweet, she wrote: “If you’d like to know what it’s like to be an Arab American Muslim American woman with some clout online expressing an opinion, look at the racists going crazy in my mentions right now.”
Trump forced her to say those mean things because his authoritarianism has broken America’s heart.
Fired for saying mean things about a dead lady? How about put on leave for being a boring, predictable hack?
More men supportive of women going topless.
Why wouldn’t you support it?
Because there are many more women you wouldn’t want to see topless than women you would want to see topless. Believe me, I’ve spent a lot of time in New Orleans.
It’s always the people you don’t want to see undressed who insist on removing their clothes.
Absolutely true. My first trip ever to New Orleans in 2002, within 15 minutes I endured seeing a middle-aged woman who looked like a shaved-down Shar Pei getting completely naked and dancing around. Some scars don’t heal.
You said it UCS…
Heinlein has a great line about that in “The Puppet Masters.” Can’t remember exactly how it goes now.
Well some female mammals do need more support then others.
*pushes Q Continuum Boob Joke alert button*
Tea>coffee. Discuss.
Economics 101
Hoorah for social justice! Every woke company needs to follow this example. Close down your business on some days and when you’re open, give away free stuff to anyone who asks. Nothing could possibly go wrong.
Self limiting problem.
They’re actually closing their stores for a day for struggle sessions? A chain that keeps stores open on Christmas and Thanksgiving? Wow.
Never stop your enemy when they are in the commission of a grave error….
Confucius, I think.
Except that they and the media will blame the drop off on sales as backlash for not being woke enough, not because they’re pissing off their regular paying customers and cozying up to & coddling rabble rousing malcontents.
That is just more of the same mistake we should let them keep doing, while informing those that do want to know what is really going on. People that like to have their heads up their asses are going to keep doing that…
Except the sky is pink and up is down crowd control the narrative in far too many areas. Good luck trying to foist
the truthfake news.Strike that first except.
Close down your business on some days and when you’re open, give away free stuff to anyone who asks and operate a de facto homeless shelter.
Tennessee state lawmakers voted to take $250,000 away from the city of Memphis after its decision to take down Confederate statues.
The Republican-dominated state House decided to take away the money, which was meant to be used next year for a bicentennial celebration, by passing an amendment attached to the House appropriations bill, The Associated Press reported.
Memphis was able to remove statues of Confederate generals from parks in the city after it sold the parks to a nonprofit.
The Memphis City Council last year unanimously approved the sale of two public parks — Health Science Park and its easement in Fourth Bluff Park — that contained statues of Confederate Gen. Nathan Bedford Forrest and Confederate President Jefferson Davis. The statues were subsequently removed.
The city had faced numerous legal hurdles in attempting to remove the statues from the parks.
Rep. Raumesh Akbari (D) said lawmakers in Tennessee were “being ugly” if they decided to punish the city for removing the statues.
“It’s not fair. Memphis is a part of Tennessee,” Akbari, who also represents Memphis, said.
Oh, noes! Consequences for our actions? That can’t be right.
We should be allowed to prog hard without consequences!
“Oh, so you’d rather have the money than take down the statue? Help us out here – how much money would you be willing to give up to take down the statue? None? Then apparently you don’t really think taking down the statue has any value. So why’d you do it?”
Math is hard.
The competition is stiff, but I feel very comfortable in saying that Joy Reid is the single dumbest person on a news channel.
This guy comes close though:
In Spring, weather thaws.
Yet, her brain remains frozen.
This is an apple.
That is one big ‘ol steamin’ pile.
Isn’t writing haiku cultural appropriation?
Love the comments about strippers being “good people” and Nina Hartley being “nice and down to earth”
It can’t possibly be pollution and population density! We’re the greenest city in the world, with our feces on the streets and whatnot!
Yeah, thousands of cars sitting in gridlock have nothing to do with air pollution.
I remember when 2014 was hailed as the hottest year on record, by .01 degrees. It was shouted across the media. They somehow forgot to mention that the margin of error was 1.7 degrees.
Never underestimate the power of American apathy. It’s kept us from going over the cliff a number of times in the past.
I thought the Bushes were Good Republicans™ who were in solidarity with all those right-thinkers in the #RESISTANCE and wanted Hillary to win. Yet some slag who writes for Colbert still takes a <a href=""cheap shot at a dead woman.
No matter how much you may play their game, in the end they still hate you.
ah hell…at least the link works
My internet search efforts have failed me.
How many dozens of cargo trucks and fuel tankers are needed per armored fighting vehicle in the field?
How far are they going? Distance & terrain will determine that supply chain.
Oveseas from amphibious landers pushing in no more than 100 miles from the coast in hilly, sometimes wooded tropical terrain is the expected theater of operations for the fictional country’s expeditionary forces, I’m trying to figure out how large the actual front line forces are based upon the limitations of their finances (about $25Bil/annum) and personnel (63k people in the army).
What is the average fuel, spare part, and ammunition consumption your force of APCs/AFVs is expected to utilize? Are you basing this force on real existing hardware (say a force utilzing A1M3, T90/Amrata, or other type of tank, M2A4, BTR/BMP, or other type of APC, maybe amphibs like the AAVP, and so forth), or on fictional stuff? I suspect the cost of the naval vessels to deliver your force (both the amphibs ships and their escorts) would eat most of that money to begin with.
It’s fictional hardware but the equivalent of modern NATO hardware. I haven’t gotten to the naval supply spreadsheet yet. The number I’m looking for is more what they had on hand at start of hostilities. Since they’re an archipelago nation, a good percentage of their hardware is probably expected to have limited amphibious ability (at least get from boat to shore in calm conditions), but not the MBTs.
The navy is already eating up 10,000 of the people for the warships, meaning that 63k is already a wrong value, and liable to go down from the 52k left at the moment. (And I haven’t got a single boot on the ground yet!)
All right then UCS, I would recommend you read this great T3R paper. Tables B-4 & B-5 might give you some idea of what you are looking for.
Might also want to explore this site which can help flesh details out a bit more.
Needless to say, amphib ops are some of the most demanding and difficult ones to execute properly, and that makes the hardware needed expensive, and the people and their training, even more expensive.
You might also want to explore the logistics and composition of a Marine quick reaction force (MEF) to give you a pretty accurate feel for this sort of ops.
It looks like the maximum force that this fictional country can bring to bear is about 12,000 infantry, 125 tanks, 500 IFVs, 150 infantry support walkers, and a serious helping of artillery. They might actually be artillery heavy.
This, of course, would empty out their archipelago of ground combat assets, so they can’t deploy the entire contingent overseas.
That’s not counting the reserves. This mental exercise was a baseline for when the conflict started.
I should see about doing one for their opponant.
Please don’t move here
The Commiefornia diaspora is inevitable.
I love how the lefty pols told us the fault in this tax plan was how it favored the rich over the poor – that whole crumbs argument and such – to then focus all their attention on how to circumvent the fact the bill now made the rich people in these high tax blue states pay an even more fair share. I was laughing my ass of at all the assholes in CT trying to figure out how to make the state tax a donation for these people, so they could keep their federal deduction…
Shysters the lot of them…
I was assured by several Democrats that the $2,400/year increase in my net take-home pay was peanuts. So I guess money becomes “not peanuts” somewhere between $2,400 and $4,400.
Well, $4,400 is 2.2% of $200K, and 1.76% of $250K. What do you want to bet the people whining about their effective top marginal rate going up by around 2% were vociferous opponents of the Bush tax cuts, which dropped the top marginal rate by 4.5%.
Rubes, fleeced
According to the latest Monmouth University Poll, the 2017 tax law may do to the Republicans what ObamaCare did to the Democrats: cost them control of Congress. Right now, the Democrats need to flip about two dozen seats to wrest control of the House, and the much fêted tax law looks like it the answer to the Democrats prayers.
The Republican tax bill caps the amount of deductions that may be legally deducted for state and local taxes at $10,000, while raising the standard deduction for a married family to $24,000. In red states, that may sound fine, but in blue America that’s a problem, particularly for higher-wage earners. They stand to get hosed, they know it, and they sure are angry.
Can you say a blue to red wealth transfer? Exactly. Because it’s wealth transfer, anger in New Jersey will likely be contagious to other places on the map that are similarly situated, states like California and New York for starters. In California, the average state and local taxes deduction exceeds $18,000, and among higher-income residents that figure jumps to more than $64,000. In New York, the number is more than $84,000.
But they like paying taxes, or so I have heard. It’s not like that state and local tax bill just suddenly appeared out of nowhere. They have been paying for all those trappings of civilization all along.
Is it just my imagination, or are they trying to frame this as if that local tax is a direct credit to the federal total, rather than a deduction against income? Math is hard. Let’s see if I remember how this works:
Let’s say- $1,000,000 income/ $75,000 state and local tax/ made-up simplified tax rate= 30%
Deduction against income means: $1,000,000 – $75,000 = $925,000 x .3 = $277,500 tax
Tax credit means: $1,000,000 x .3 = $300,000 -$75,000 = $225,000 tax
That first change is nothing to sneeze at, but let’s try to be honest, shall we? (stop laughing!) And that is admittedly an extreme and extremely simplified example. I doubt very many people will see that magnitude of change.
If they are be angry, why not be angry at the states who are hosting then just as much as the Feds. It’s like they have wave the fact that the difference between red States and blue it’s that the blue had exorbitant tax rates.
Tell me again how raising taxes in areas that don’t vote for Repubs, and cutting them in areas that do, is going to cost the Repubs seats?
Also- how is it a blue-to-red wealth transfer that people in high tax blue states pay local taxes which directly benefit them? Unless, of course, all that money is really just getting
flushed down the toilettransferred into the pockets of retired state and municipal employees.A lot of that going on…
OT: On the way in to work this morning, I saw a pickup truck with 3 flags on its tailgate – a “Come and Take It” flag, a Gadsden flag, and a…”Thin Blue Line” flag. I was a bit confused.
That guy has a cousin in MA who had two bumper stickers on the ol’ Prius in fall of 2015: “War is not the answer”, and “I’m ready for Hillary”.
“Uh, dude, you know the thin blue line are the guys who will be coming to take people’s guns, and generally treading on people, right?”