Hey Glibs. Did you miss me?
Esta bien. Once again I, your melanin enhanced but totally in a good way guide to the media catering to spanish speakers brought you the links!
Neil Gorsuch throws CNN for a loop. Its almost like he has principles, which might give him a nuanced opinion of things…or something like that.
La Corte Suprema de EE.UU. invalidó una disposición de la ley federal que exige la deportación obligatoria de inmigrantes que han sido condenados por algunos delitos, argumentando que la ley es inconstitucionalmente vaga.
Como se esperaba después del debate oral, el juez Neil Gorsuch se unió a los jueces más liberales por primera vez desde que se unió a la Corte para producir una mayoría de 5 a 4 invalidando el estatuto federal.
The Supreme Court of the United States it invalidated a provision of the federal law that requires the mandatory deportation of immigrants who have been convicted of some crimes, arguing that the law is unconstitutionally vague.As expected after the oral debate, Judge Neil Gorsuch joined the most liberal judges for the first time since joining the Court to produce a 5-4 majority by invalidating the federal statute.

¿Un motor? ¡Puedo hacer eso sin motores!
Ice-veined pilot lands flying Greyhound in Philadelphia.
Un vuelo de pasajeros tuvo que aterrizar de emergencia este martes en el aeropuerto de Filadelfia.
Un pasajero a bordo del vuelo 1380 de la aerolínea SouthWest le dice a CNN que el vuelo programado para partir de Nueva York el martes por la mañana rumbo a Dallas fue desviada a Filadelfia cuando el perdieron el motor izquierdo del avión.
Desde el lugar de los hechos se puede ver una gran cantidad de líquido debajo y detrás del lado izquierdo del avión, y a los bomberos ayudando a los pasajeros del avión.
SouthWest dijo que le vuelo salió de LaGuardia en Nueva York cuando algo salió mal. El aterrizaje fue descrito como “seguro”.
En imágenes tomadas en el aeropuerto de Filadelfia se puede ver a los pasajeros desembarcando con calma.
A passenger flight had to land emergency on Tuesday at the Philadelphia airport.A passenger aboard flight 1380 of the SouthWest airline tells CNN that the flight scheduled to depart from New York on Tuesday morning bound for Dallas was diverted to Philadelphia when he lost the left engine of the plane.
From the scene you can see a lot of liquid under and behind the left side of the plane, and the firemen helping the passengers of the plane.
SouthWest said the flight left LaGuardia in New York when something went wrong. The landing was described as “safe”.In images taken at the Philadelphia airport, passengers can be seen disembarking calmly.
Nikki Haley is the latest member of the Tump administration to be contradicted by Trump himself. BECAUSE HE IS TOTALLY IN BED WITH THE RUSSIANS.
Partly serious, because this time it helps them.
El presidente Donald Trump decidió no seguir adelante con un plan preliminar para imponer sanciones adicionales a Rusia, contradiciendo el anuncio hecho por la embajadora ante Naciones Unidas, Nikki Haley.
Las medidas punitivas serían por el apoyo del gobierno de Vladimir Putin al régimen sirio de Bashar al Asad tras el supuesto ataque químico hace un poco más de una semana en un suburbio de Damasco que mató a unas 40 personas, la mayoría civiles.
President Donald Trump decided not to go ahead with a preliminary plan to impose additional sanctions on Russia, contradicting the announcement made by the ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley.The punitive measures would be for the support of the government of Vladimir Putin to the Syrian regime of Bashar al Asad after the alleged chemical attack a little over a week ago in a suburb of Damascus that killed some 40 people, mostly civilians.
Preventable crimes are preventable with this one weird trick. Jeff Sessions hates this.
Una pareja de civiles ecuatorianos fue secuestrada en la frontera con Colombia, en la misma zona donde la semana pasada fueron asesinados los tres miembros de un equipo periodístico del diario El Comercio por supuestos disidentes de las FARC vinculados con el narcotráfico.
El ministro ecuatoriano de Defensa, Patricio Zambrano, confirmó este martes que los secuestrados son ecuatorianos, de una provincia cercana a Esmeraldas y desestimó las informaciones, supuestamente con origen en medios colombianos, de que los raptados pudieran ser agentes de las fuerzas de seguridad.
“En ningún caso, ninguna información (indica) que pueden ser agentes (…) No son militares”, subrayó. “Se supone que han salido de viaje y han sido extraídos por parte de los delincuentes en la zona de Esmeraldas, cerca de San Lorenzo”, dijo Zambrano.
A couple of Ecuadorian civilians was kidnapped on the border with Colombia, in the same area where last week the three members of a journalistic team of the newspaper El Comercio were assassinated by alleged dissidents of the FARC linked to drug trafficking.The Ecuadorian Minister of Defense, Patricio Zambrano, confirmed on Tuesday that the kidnap victims are Ecuadorians, from a province near Esmeraldas, and dismissed the information, supposedly from Colombian media, that the abductees could be agents of the security forces.
“In no case, any information (indicates) that can be agents (…) are not military,” he said. “They are supposed to have gone on a trip and have been taken by the criminals in the area of Esmeraldas, near San Lorenzo,” said Zambrano.
Mr. Lizard visits Florida motel. Hilarity ensues.
That little guy is newsworthy?
Translation services, as always provided by the Alpha Beta Corporation who have nothing witty to say to you today, because you’re nothing more to them than small gator running around a motel.
Busty bikini beauties make you pine for summer.
5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 13, 16, 18, 21, 22, 23.
Cerveza! that’s all I got…
I’ve never much had a fear of flying for two reasons.
1. I have no control over what happens anyway, so I might as well approach it from a Zen angle.
2. If something goes wrong and we crash, it’s probably only going to hurt for a split second before it’s all over.
3. The chances of you being on the plane with the failure, even if you fly every single day, are minuscule.
Like bug on a windshield… The last thing to go through your mind is your asshole.
but in a plane crash, won’t the vector of impact be perpendicular to the cranial/anal axis?
Those are probably post-hoc rationalizations. You probably have no fear of flying because you just aren’t wired that way. Same thing here.
RE: Gorsuch.
It’s very telling that people *always* know how the “liberal” justices are going to rule on a controversial issue; they never, ever break lockstep.
The wildcards are always the “conservative” judges since they actually use their minds to try and interpret the law as it is written.
It’s almost as if progressivism is a cult…
No, no, no. The liberals you can trust to be on the right side of history, you know this because your feels tell you which side is the correct side if history
God, how I hate that term now. ‘Fine don’t be on the right side of history’ someone once told me.
Oh, shut up.
I interpret “being on the right side of history” as succumbing to inevitability. If there was a wrong side, it wouldn’t be history, because every final outcome is on the right side by virtue of its existence.
People are such fucking idiots.
Interpreting it that way makes the Spanish Inquisition, the Holocaust, the Purges, the Cultural Revolution and the Killing Fields all on the right side of history.
I like it.
They’re on the ‘right side’ until they’re…not!
‘My ideology dindunuffin!’
Excellent observation, Michael. I’m stealing that.
Not quite always. There were a few weird Scalia/Ginsburg dissents against the other 7.
The wise Latina has been on the right side of some police misconduct/4th amendment stuff.
A bit surprising as she was once a lead enforcer
Wrong wise Latina, I think. Kagan the former government lawyer stooge has been predictably awful; Sotomayor the former trial judge has been occasionally decent.
I don’t have an issue with Gorsuch’s decision. In principle, I believe he is no doubt right, in fact. So when do we get around to striking down 90% of our other laws for being overly vague or unconstitutional? I’m not holding my breath.
If the law was in relation to something the liberal justices were in favor of, then it would have been an 8-1 decision. Gorsuch may have principles, but not everyone on that court does.
OT: Yesterday got the news that I got the new position at work I applied for.
Carry on.
I frist misread that as they told you you got the position you already held.
It’s a distinct possibility where I work
I once got a raise to the exact amount of money I was already making.
I was pretty proud until I got home and told my wife. I’m not sure if she was more disgusted with my boss or with me for not knowing how much I was making.
That is the definition of a good job. One where you don’t really care about the pay because you are excited by what you are doing.
Me too. I noticed during the review. It got a bit awkward since the budget for raises had been finalized before the reviews were given.
It’s a step up from asshole bleacher?
It is a 180 degree difference.
Not true. Bleaching is a technician job, fluffer is unskilled labor.
Meh, I’ve met some of your female mammals that demonstrated to the contrary. Granted the truly good ones are rare but impressive.
Having employed both skilled and unskilled individuals for this task, I can assure you that a skilled technician is much preferred to amateur talent.
Yeah, but a fluffer is a stop gap until a pro is available.
No you need the fluffer to be ready to stop the gap.
Perhaps you could be so generous as to take an apprentice under your wing to teach proper technique.
Everybody likes a fluffer, nobody likes the person whitening your Pujole.
If that was true anal bleaching wouldn’t be a thing.
Dude. Spend the extra $$ and upgrade to “box” seats. Once you try it, you will never settle for the asshole bleacher seats again.
congratulations. I hope it’s an improvement.
“OT: Yesterday got the news that I got the new position at work I applied for.
Yeah, woohoo, another shitlord winning, bigly!
Woo hoo! Congrats!
Good luck! I hope it turns out great!
Raúl Castro se retira del gobierno. Miguel Díaz-Canel es el único candidato a la presidencia de Cuba
Raul Castro is out in Cuba. Vice President Miguel Diaz-Canel takes over as of tomorrow.
First time without a Castro in charge there since the revolution.
I predict that without the cult of personality, and familial toes to it, that Cuba will go the way of Venezuela.
“Familial toes” sounds kinky.
I was thinking more like Cool Ranch Familialtoes?
Cool Ranch camel toes.
Makes cunnilingus 250% more delicious!
Q if there is white stuff with specks of green… just no
They guy was hand picked by Castro. When’s the last time a commie hand picked a successor and it went badly? Hmm, let me think…
Has this made the rounds yet? Playa called it yesterday.
California State University’s Fresno campus is investigating after one of their English professors tweeted she was “happy” former first lady Barbara Bush was dead just an hour after her passing was announced.
The author and professor, Randa Jarrar, tweeted a slew of comments about Bush, calling her “a generous and smart and amazing racist who, along with her husband, raised a war criminal.”
“I work as a tenured professor. I make 100K a year doing that. I will never be fired. I will always have people wanting to hear what I have to say,” she wrote on Twitter.
The university’s provost, Lynnette Zelezny, referred to the professor’s comments as “disrepectful” during a news conference Wednesday, and said the school is taking the situation “very seriously.”
I think that blatantly using tenure as an excuse to be an a-hole should be one reason to fire someone.
It’s made the rounds.
Punishing her for that would be a first amendment violation.
Punishing her for saying “hey, y’all, call me with how you feel, this is my telephone number!” and that number actually being the number for the campus mental health hotline is another story.
‘“hey, y’all, call me with how you feel, this is my telephone number!” and that number actually being the number for the campus mental health hotline’
Did she actually do this?
Punishing her for that would be a first amendment violation.
True. But, that seems a bit of a cop-out. She’s entitled to her job. Of course, the University President is also entitled to call her “an imbecile” or “an embarrassment to this institution”. The College President is also entitled to publicly single her out, whenever the occasion arises, as a prime example of where academic hiring and tenure decisions have gone woefully awry. Free speech. It’s something that is supposed to be a two-way street.
Tenure was the worst idea in the history of employment. I know from first-hand experience. Those who can’t perform will hold onto their positions with a deathgrip, and their failings will drive away the people who are actually worth keeping.
It makes sense from the Galileo perspective; however, higher ed has become so intellectually homogenous that there’s no need to protect unpopular opinions because there is no dissent.
“I work as a tenured professor. I make 100K a year doing that. I will never be fired. I will always have people wanting to hear what I have to say,” she wrote on Twitter.”
Sounds like she has some sort of privilege!
“I’m using the death of a more prominent person to draw attention to myself.”
“I will never be fired”
Famous last words…
Fired AT still a possibility
We’re not going to fire you, we are just going to relocate your office to the steam tunnels under the engineering building, cancel all your classes, an take your stapler
*chuckles sensibly*
Man, I can’t even understand what you’re going on about. No hablar Messican! Well, I know a little, TACO TACO BURRITO PUTA AREEBA AREEBA UNDALAY UNDALAY!
Did I say that right?
Ain’t that some sort of sausage the rednecks in Weezianer make?
*lights Suthen signal*
Next thing you know, the Messicans are stealing our sausage!
Did Swiss get fired?
You cannot fire what is already unemployed.
Valar Mor-gaze-us
Swiss left to join Mummenschanz.
*searches for Mummenschanz*
*closes browser window*
Man you’re gullible.
His shadowy masters have him slaving away in the rosti mines.
He’s up in the mountains, singing about cough-drops.
What? I thought that was all about topping off peoples’ glasses of pop. You know…. Re-Cola!
There he is! Hiding behind that stupid grin! GET HIM!
But its cool, because they have awesome cocktail parties.
I hope not.
Admit it Bacon, you’re in on it. ADMIT IT.
Hey! I thought you had a new Glibs-friendly job?
Super busy, they expect me to work…for now.
Fucking people, always refusing to follow the plan
Urbanists thought their moment had finally arrived. Those who favor increased urban density and transit options believed the housing bust and the great recession could end decades of development centered on automobiles and suburban sprawl, shifting planners’ focus more to cities, density and transit.
There may just be too much land in America and entrenched local control over land use to turn urbanist dreams into reality, at least anytime soon. As the country continues to grow, more and more metro areas will “fill up” and become congested and unaffordable. Urbanists and planners wishing for a different model will speak up advocating for change, but for those for whom one city becomes unworkable, well, there’s always another Boise.
Not everybody wants to live in a congested, crowded shithole. Maybe they should teach that in Urban Planner school.
And then, there’s this.
That’s where Boise comes in. It doesn’t have California’s climate or amenities, but it’s affordable. And now, in large part thanks to California migration, Idaho is the fastest-growing state in the country, with Boise absorbing the bulk of that growth. A Wall Street Journal story notes that 85 percent of Idaho’s net new arrivals from other states came from California in 2016.
DOOOOOOOOOM! You’re doomed. They will bring their stupid politics with the, never realizing those dumb politics are what’s ruined California.
Plus, Idaho only had 68 residents prior to the migration. It’s only gonna take about a week to flip the electorate.
It will be fun to watch though.
I think a fun contest would be to predict future potato regulations that the transplanted Californians pass.
1) All potatoes will be doused with flame retardant so that they don’t set babies on fire accidently
2) All potatoes will be required to have a prominent label about the carcinogenic effects of flame retardant in them
3) 75% of Idaho’s energy must come from potato batteries by 2020
How to build the perfect city, according to this horrible, horrible person:
“It doesn’t have California’s climate or amenities, but it’s affordable. And now, in large part thanks to California migration, Idaho is the fastest-growing state in the country”
“but it’s affordable”
The cure for that can be found in the next sentence. And it has a state name in it, and the word migration.
It’s naturally affordable Hyp. The affordableness has nothing to do with government policy and population density.
Wherever you go, there you are. The guy who made that up is some sort of deplorable nut. If I can just go somewhere else, things will be better, it’s not me!
We’re going to Arizona, This place sucks
I’ve long given up on my goal to move to NC, people are pouring in from California like a plague of locusts. Not to mention, I saw this figure somewhere a few days ago, avg 37 people from NJ, NY, and MA a day moving to NC. A fucking day for crikey sake. It’s too late for NC, it will soon be just another permanently blue shit hole. Only SC and TN are left for me to consider. After that, fuck it, why move anywhere? TX maybe?
Arkansas is pretty tolerable.
I don’t much care for the middle of the country. I got burnt out on tornadoes. I need something new, earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes, whatever.
You could move to S. Padre. There you could get hurricanes, insect plagues and voodoo curses.
My top two choices were/are ID or NC. I like both a lot, but are clearly being overran.
DC has ruined VA. We could have handled Richmond and Hampton Roads but having the Fed lair on the northern border proved too much. The Dem’s are giddy with their proposed anti-gun laws that I have no doubt come straight from Bloomberg.
Strategically remove Boulder and a few neighborhoods of Denver and Colorado becomes about the perfect place to live IMO.
Funny thing is, the Courts struck down the one thing that would be a remedy for this. Voting delay. Immediately on residence you get to vote in the state you live in. That makes no sense. Really, states should insist on a five year residency requirement before letting someone vote.
You know the old saying: When the Californians migrated to Idaho, they lowered the IQ in both states.
**Stares blankly at monitor**
**Slows breathing**
**Takes of shoes and socks**
**Begins counting**
**Minutes pass**
Methinks we are building the wall in the wrong place….
I’d say I’m sorry, but I’m from AZ. You’ll have to figure out how to live with them like everyone else.
I’d probably fit right in with the geriatric fucks, but I hate bingo and I won’t be able to forgive them for voting for McCain.
I think you’d like Prescott.
Bullhead for me, my Daughter is there with Her kids, and we found a place maybe…
I don’t vote, so I won’t fuck up AZ
Its hot in the river country. Nice in the winter though.
“Its hot in the river country”
You can say that again. I think Satan vacations in Yuma and LHC in the summer.
They have water sources in AZ? Damn. I thought Uncle Owen’s moisture farm scenes were filmed there.
When we deployed from Yuma to Iraq, we required no acclimatization at all because Yuma was just as hot as that hellhole.
This handy chart will help you understand the weather in Yuma.
See, Alaska has escaped the worst of the Californey diaspora. They can’t take the winters.
“85 percent of Idaho’s net new arrivals from other states came from California”
Locusts or metastasizing cancer cells?
*crosses Idaho off the list of states to flee to when VA gets too proggy*
It’s horrible. You can spot them a mile away. And they’re all still driving like they’re in California. I got cut off twice yesterday and then got stuck behind an SUV with Washington plates doing 35 in a 50. Ada County already votes team Blue. Once southern Idaho has more population than the rest of Idaho, we’re thoroughly screwed. Thank god we got Constitutional open and concealed carry before that happens.
But will you keep it?
Thank you for taking my misery and shitting all over it.
Actually, it will take a long time to get enough support to change that. Most of the Democrats even own firearms here. And of the 85% moving from California, a significant percentage are retired cops and firefighters.
“The punitive measures would be for the support of the government of Vladimir Putin to the Syrian regime of Bashar al Asad after the alleged chemical attack a little over a week ago in a suburb of Damascus that killed some 40 people, mostly civilians.”
One year ago, Assad launched a savage chemical weapons attack against his own innocent people. The United States responded with 58 missile strikes that destroyed 20 percent of the Syrian Air Force.
Last Saturday, the Assad regime again deployed chemical weapons to slaughter innocent civilians — this time, in the town of Douma, near the Syrian capital of Damascus. This massacre was a significant escalation in a pattern of chemical weapons use by that very terrible regime.
Yesterday got the news that I got the new position at work I applied for.
I wish I had a transcript of this. I heard the last two minutes on air, and was flabbergasted by the professor who thinks that the appropriate apology for using a racist term, even if it was used in an overly familiar but not hateful way, is to dedicate your life to fighting racism and that you cannot be forgiven.
In North Korea they don’t have soda; they have “carbonated sweet water”, and you know Kim gulps em down more than Trump and his diet coke.
? Spanish links!
That sounds really good. I’ve been fasting all day. ::Homer Simpson gurgle::
This is why we need a wall. Pomp will pay for it.
Anyone notice the fake anti-war protestor is suddenly making a comeback?
I thought Cindy Sheehan was actually anti-war (if unhinged), and was only shunted aside because she remained anti-war after Obama started his drone bombing.
I wasn’t referring to her but in general. I notice people are protesting bombing Syria with the usual shitty signs.
I loves me some twenty-plus word slogan scrawled in small, spidery print on 22 x 28″ poster board.
Trump should invite Sheehan to the White House.
Punishing her for that would be a first amendment violation.
If all the fraternities and sororities and other unofficial curriculum/course rating services were to label her as “a stupid useless cunt whose classes should be scrupulously avoided” I’d be okay with that. Especially if it resulted in a conversation with the university system’s Higher Powers about “Why the fuck do we pay this person all that money, when nobody signs up for her classes?”
I can dream, can’t I?
Unpossible. You see, she “will always have people wanting to hear what I have to say.”
So they can mock her.
Not clear on how firing her could be considered be a first amendment violation.
I’d be justifiably fired in a second for dragging my employer into in a hate-filled rant online.
The first amendment means that people like Kaepernick must be hired even though they piss of a good chunk of the costumers, but doesn’t let conservatives be invited to public college campuses. Don’t worry, it totally make sense.
Amazing that FARC is still around.
What the farc man?
I’ve been reading Strategy by Hart. Interesting stuff. The gist is that in all of the history of war, only a handful of campaigns/battles were won by direct attack. The rest were a matter of avoiding the enemy, luring them into an unfavorable stance, and then striking when they became vulnerable. Pretty much the same thing Sun Tzu said:
An army may be likened to water, for just as flowing water avoids the heights and hastens to the lowlands, so an army avoids strength and strikes weakness.
War. War never changes.
Was just reading about Marius and Sulla. Both were masters of avoiding battle whenever the situation wasn’t totally in their favor. If they decided to fight, it was because thier opponent truly had his dick in the woodchipper.
Caesar would just Siege Your asses, it usually worked well
“War. War never changes.”
Meh, it gets easier when it’s two completely different species. That’s why you have to level a few capital cities at first, then a relatively peaceful takeover. Although inevitably you have drop kinetic rounds on resistance groups that try to fight back. Usually only takes destruction of two sites, then a few public executions of suspected collaborators in other cities. (The evidence need only be as solid as a seagul fart). Anyways that usually sorts things out in about 6 months. Then it’s a matter of wether or not the locals will become slave labor or food.
Pfft, if you scalies think leveling Washington and London will weaken us, bring it on. In fact I dare you to destroy every city of 2 million or more! Or hell, just use the Clinton Archipelago as your bombing map.
That was pretty much how Robert E. Lee was able to stretch out the War of the Northern Aggression for as long as he did.
A bunch of incompetent Union generals didn’t hurt.
Sun Tzu said a lot of things. That overrated book of his reads like a collection of fortune cookies.
I remember in the late ’80s, early ’90s every businessperson had that on the bookshelf in their office.
+ 5 golden rings
+4 Calling birds
It probably does get more credit than it deserves because while it may be the oldest collection of those sorts of axioms most of them are pretty self evidently obvious and have likely been independently derived many millions of times over the years
…while it may be the oldest collection of those sorts of axioms most of them are pretty self evidently obvious…
Never overestimate the obviousness of something.
- Sun Tzu
Git thar fustest with the mostest, or however you want to colloquially spell Bedford Forrest’s philosophy of war.
Panresistant infections are what’s going to do us in.
If a global disease is what gets us, it will be because the FDA kept the drugs needed to cure it from being produced.
“A tenacious epidemic of extensively drug-resistant (XDR) typhoid in Pakistan”
Name something good that comes from Pakistan.
“tenacious epidemic“
Biohazard album name?
XDR is a good band name.
So is “Panresistant Infections”
Pakistani Cuisine.
MRSA. It will be MRSA that kills us all.
I’m shocked.
Those friggin Amish!
“Mr. Lizard visits Florida motel. Hilarity ensues”
Well your mother was giggling a bit
I’m sure you’ll all be pleased to know Marissa Meyer is back in the news. Fortunately, my ad blocker saved me from reading the article. I guess she’s tired of counting her
moneyshoes, and is looking for another company to sack and destroy.I can’t really fault her for destroying Yahoo, it was well on its way to self destruction when she took over. But she did sack it on the way.
Yahoo had pretty much nosed over before she got there, but she hit the thrusters anyway.
Tariff threats working?
The European Union is drawing up a peace offer it hopes will end trade hostilities with the White House and avoid steel and aluminum tariffs being imposed on the bloc in two weeks’ time, according to European officials.
Its centerpiece: A miniature, simplified version of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership—the controversial EU-U.S. trade agreement that was negotiated but never concluded under the Obama administration.
To complete the offer, the EU is considering joining forces with the U.S. in tackling what both see as China’s unfair trade practices, the officials said.
It makes sense, since the US is dealing from a position of strength they should be able to leverage things more in their favor. With a mere 4.3% of global population the US produces 25% of global GDP – it’s a beast.
53.7 dimension trans-temporal chess?
The European Union is drawing up a peace offer it hopes will end trade hostilities with the White House and avoid steel and aluminum tariffs being imposed on the bloc in two weeks’ time, according to European officials.
According to what I read the other day (Bloomberg, probably) the market for raw aluminum is locking up anyway, because of the Rooskee Election Hack sanctions. Nobody wants to risk buying raw material from Russian sources and have it seized, I guess. Prices will be rising.
WSJ had a different perspective:
The aluminum bull is profiting from the troubles of the Russian bear, one of its main natural predators. The Chinese dragon’s claws still look quite sharp, however.
Does an actual market ever lock up?
Could, if there is asymmetrical information. That’s the whole idea behind the market for lemons. Of course, markets generally find ways around it.
Good, I gots a lot of beer cans to recycle.
Seriously, check this out:
And these two because she’s cute (the brunette):
I, unfortunately, missed a chance to see The Carolina Chocolate Drops when they played in NH.
I love them. Got to see them at the Birchmere.
That’s Phil Cunningham on the accordion in the first video; he’s one of my favorites.
Visit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7uwanyjgN-o!
Alaska has escaped the worst of the Californey diaspora. They can’t take the winters.
Neither can I. I catch myself daydreaming about moving back to Idaho, now and then. Someplace in the vicinity of Pocatello or Idaho Falls. I probably won’t. I’ll just have to stick it out in Montana and hope the Californicators can’t completely usurp the state legislature until after I croak.
With all of this talk about progs spreading their rot to other states (hey, I’m in Colorado, I understand), do they just have the numbers to overwhelm other states in the long run, or do the deplorables gain states in this equation (or at least survive the onslaught)?
I can accept that Trump’s last name in Spanish is Trump, but how does “Donald Trump” not translate to “Donaldo Trump?”
It’s “Donaldo Trumpo” shitlord
El Trumpeñero
Tilday- fancy
I thought the translation was Naranja Jesus?
Listening to a talk from retired generals at a work conference. Summary of the talk: “Reeee, we need more money for the military and bomb half the world. Why do you hate freedom, pussy?”
What happened to military leaders like Smedly Butler?
They don’t get hired by contractors.
Read the responses and get cancer.
“This is pure bullshit projection, liberals don’t hate conservatives, we pity some, we laugh and mock some but we don’t hate, it’s many of you who hate us because we stand with ppl of color. We’ll never solve the problem until we acknowledge it. It’s white supremacy”
Oops. Should have been a new comment.
Read down as far as the “Democrats don’t favor taxpayer funded abortions” business.
Yet another reason libertarians (the real ones) really should do more talking to progs. Progs need to know that there are people with impeccable pro-choice ideological credentials–usually better than theirs–who have absolutely no sympathy for that line, who don’t buy one iota of that baldfaced prevarication.
Full disclosure: I myself am about as pro-choice as Pope Benedict. The respect and understanding on this issue from libertarians of the other opinion (completely absent elsewhere) has been one of the most pleasant and unexpected surprises about this community
Or William Tecumseh Sherman.
The Starbucks Saga continues:
Members of POWER and other advocacy groups that attended the meeting provided Starbucks with a list of demands, including that the company team up with them to address the role it plays in the gentrification of black neighborhoods and to examine its policies regarding how customers are treated.
The group also asked that Starbucks pay all of its workers at least $15 an hour and to open cafes in black neighborhoods of Philadelphia and invest revenue from them back into the community the way it has done with other “community” Starbucks cafes in low-income neighborhoods of Queens, Chicago and Ferguson, Mo., where the stores employ local workers and serve food made by neighborhood vendors.
Never, ever, EVER apologize or give them an inch; they will take a light-year.
Exactly this. But, the apology was already written way before the guys got asked to leave the Starbucks. Only a couple of years ago, Starbucks was pushing the agenda of lecturing its customers on the host of social justice bromides (e.g. white privilege, male privilege, feminism, LGBTQ issues, etc.). They endorsed every principle the Social Justice Cadres want to make demands on. Well, what the hell made them think they were so holy and exempt from the principles? They’ve already endorsed the position of the BLM protesters. Well, then who the hell are they to question the experiences of racism felt by the protesters themselves. How the victims feel is of supreme importance, Starbucks has agreed. Well, BLM activists don’t feel safe in Starbucks. And they feel their treatment is due to racism. Well, by their own standards, that makes Starbucks racist. And the only move they have, at this point, is to apologize, fork over the cash and shut the hell up.
Yeah the problem with that is Starbucks the crusading SJW company got bitch slapped by the market so hard that their CEO had to resign back in 2016.
Turns out that people who can afford $4 cups of coffee are nowhere near as liberal as the population at large and don’t like being lectured to
Hopefully these CEOs learn their lesson. NEVER TREAT WITH AN OUTRAGE MOB!
See my response to Q.
I’m enjoying this story a little more than I should.
The schadenfreude is just so hard to resist.
It seems unlikely that low-income people are going to want to pop by Starbucks for a $4 cup of coffee.
Step 1 of gentrification?
I recall an interview with Magic Johnson on this. He said they’d drink the coffee but they wouldn’t eat the scones.
That is because scones suck
Scones are delicious crumbly and only mildly sweet, what Starbucks sells are not scones.
“…and to open cafes in black neighborhoods of Philadelphia…”
Starbucks is a den of racist monsters! And we want more of them around!
I think I’d like that protest to work, frankly; when I have a friend meet me at Starbucks (the only time I ever go, pretty much) it would be nice if they served the delicious “food made by neighborhood vendors” instead of wherever they get the current shite.
What the hell are you doing eating at Starbucks anyway?
I just realized I slightly misphrased. I never suggest meeting at a Starbucks, but friends and other appointments often do and esp. if I don’t know the area I roll with it. It’s too ubiquitous a landmark to try to resist.
I don’t eat the food; that’s just it. Whenever I have given them a chance I’ve gotten disappointed. I think they used to serve some Cheesecake Factory (or California Pizza Kitchen; I can never keep those apart in my mind) food at certain suburban locations a few years back, in Barnes and Nobles I think. Those are pretty decent in a sort of normal mass-produced way, I think I remember.
Anyway this is rare. In Manhattan even in those rare places I don’t know the area ahead of time the Pret a Mangers are so ubiquitous nowadays there’s usually one there I can ask to meet in worst comes to worst. And those are fucking delicious.
But how do you know which is the right Starbucks?
I never heard a Starbucks direction that wasn’t aware it had to be painfully specific, lest you go to the one across the street by accident.
I’d bet it’s actually a lot worse in those wealthy, newer-construction inner-ring suburbs like northern Arlington County VA than it is in NYC, where our local entrepreneurship culture has always been strong (strong as all fuck given the absurd regulations they have to navigate). I think every third storefront is a Starbucks in those places.
Trouble in Hipster City
Erika Monterroza, a spokesperson for the California industrial relations department, confirmed that an “open inspection” into conditions at the Fremont factory was launched on Tuesday, but Monterroza wouldn’t say if the Reveal report spurred the probe.
Monterroza did say, “Cal/OSHA’s inspections typically include a review of the employer’s Log 300, as well as a review to ensure that serious injuries are reported directly to Cal/OSHA within eight hours as required by law.”
“Cal/OSHA’s regulations define a serious injury or illness as one that requires employee hospitalization for more than 24 hours for other than medical observation, or in which a part of the body is lost or permanent disfigurement occurs,” Monterroza said.
In its lengthy rebuttal to Reveal, the company accused it of “directly” working with the United Auto Workers to produce its story. (The UAW has been trying to organize at the Fremont plant for over a year.)
State of California vs Tesla vs the UAW. Please can they all lose?
TW- Jalopnik
Hey hey, it’s the online car magazine where I saw a comments section a few months ago where they were arguing FOR speed governors on all vehicles and slagging the few who were saying they’re nuts.
Members of POWER and other advocacy groups that attended the meeting provided Starbucks with a list of demands, including that the company team up with them to address the role it plays in the gentrification of black neighborhoods and to examine its policies regarding how customers are treated.
That problem may solve itself, as those stores get shuttered.
Who wants to live in a non-shithole neighborhood anyway?
Please Brer Fox don’t gentrify my neighborhood
If black people sell their properties for a profit, they’ll move and someone’s power base will get diminished. Better that black people not have any mobility at all.
Has Morrissey always been a shitlord?
I don’t know, but he’s always been shitty.
That’s accurate.
When you’ve lost the Meat Is Murder guy…
No no, it was meat for Mordor. He was trying to feed starving Orks.
Yes, it’s amusing seeing Morrissey saying things that AREN’T completely insane for once, and getting excoriated for them
Yes. Morrissey is well known for not being fond of the Wogs.
Don’t sample the product before you make the delivery. Just sayin’.
Christ, how hard is it to set cruise control at the limit and don’t drive like an asshole when you have felonious amounts of contraband in your vehicle?
Don’t run stop signs, don’t do deliveries at 2am and for christ’s sakes, don’t drive with a tail light out or your turn signal on.
I spent a year without a drivers license in my early 20’s. I still drove most every day and never got pulled over. There are ways of making sure you don’t don’t attract attention that will signifigantly reduce your chances of encountering law enforcement.
Make sure all your lights work.
Use your signals.
come to full stops.
obey sped limits.
Most important though-
Avoid driving at places and times that would make police suspicious of you.
Yeah, I think that last one is the killer diller. I’m always scrupulous about every one of the others (even though I’ve never been unlicensed or dirty), but who has control over the last?
Still worked pretty damn well.
Oh, and you forgot a big fucking one: Don’t put fucking bumper stickers on your car, for the love of God! I wouldn’t be surprised if this one had a pot-related bumper sticker on it or something. Sometimes I see these juxtaposed even with stickers indicating the race of the driver. I’m all, I can’t fucking believe this shit. You might as well dig out those crown-shaped air fresheners from 1992 while you’re at it.
Amy Schumer Responds to Her Backlash: I’m Not Going to Shut Up
TW: Amy Schumer
*grabs popcorn*
This should be entertaining
This is following her “you are just threatened by a strong woman” tantrum when her last special was panned. It’s never her, you see, it’s just you shitlords don’t appreciate real comedy by a talented and attractive… sorry, I can’t keep that up.
What convention would that be?
Are we talking about the Amy Shumer from the Mirror, Mirror universe, or the loud, fat one?
Chuck’s niece.
They do have the same build.
Chucky has better boobs.
She’s not even “curvy” in the large but kind of hot way. Maybe I could drink myself into it…or a coma. Not actually sure which would come first.
If she was a guy, they’d say she has a dad bod. She’s a single(?), childless multimillionaire. She could afford a few sessions with a trainer. It’s not “keeping it real” to avoid exercise.
In the same way communism is popular with losers, fat girl lionization is popular with lazy girls.
Let me add this, I’m not a fan of fat shaming. If you choose to be fat and happy, I think that’s a valid choice, but don’t tell me it’s healthy or I should personally find it sexy.
^This. I had an uncle. Key word: had. Fat as can be and died of heart failure at 50. He would always say “quality of quantity”. He was perfectly happy to eat a ton of food and avoiding working out, and if that led to a short life, so be it. That was how he chose to live his life, and good for him. But that doesn’t mean he was healthy, he clearly wasn’t, and no one every would try to convince you he was attractive. Be happy, but people are free to have their opinions about you.
*quality over quantity
She got married. To a chef. The jokes write themselves.
Mmmm, nothing gets me excited like an amorphous blob of goo!
Yeah, curvy is different. Curvy, zaftig, buxom, built like a brick (shit)house, all that stuff implies…how to put this delicately…threatening the structural integrity of the modern brassiere and having hips. She’s got the same build as whatsherface from Girls, which is what you get when you aren’t active and eat too much. There are men and women who look good big because they’re still proportionate. When you’re shaped like a sausage, you’re no longer proportionate.
In lieu of anything intelligent to add, I’ll just leave this here.
She wouldn’t be a “would” if her body looked like Sofia Vergara’s. She’s just not a very attractive woman, period. I was quite surprised and impressed that she agreed to be in a movie whose premise is that she’s an uggo though. Just a couple years back she showed her true colors from all the “positivity” nonsense when a mag included her among “plus sized” women and she threw a conniption. Tried to use the preposterous fig leaf of that it degrades and body shames real big girls when even she is labeled plus sized.
Remember, when you put your penis inside of Amy Schumer, you are only 1 generation, once removed, from putting your penis inside of Chuck Schumer.
My reaction
Are you Kristen’s husband? You have a similar gif game. I like it.
From Schumer to Schumer, all penis flows.
If I was going to do an insufferable, ultrahawkish, corporatist shill, nanny-fascist moral panic-peddling NY-area urban blue-collar Jewish Senator’s mid-’30s insufferable SJW “activist” comedic-performer first cousin once-removed, I think I’d choose Joe Lieberman’s former Disney Channel star over Amy fucking Schumer. At least then I could say I fucked someone with looks and talent.
Fair enough.
She was also claiming to be a size 6 or 8. Ahhh, no. Size 10 or 12 I think.
Christ Almighty! Even if I could stand her personality, I’d feel like I was boning a Cabbage Patch Kid.
It’s not as bad as it sounds
shit I can’t post that I’ll look like a freak maybe I shouldn’t be using this text to speech software when I’m on glibs
uh, ear race text
whew good thing I didn’t say post comment
Meh, She’d be in the top quintile of my possibles. I’d take it.
Good Lord, who are some of the others. I want to know if you have poor self-esteem or are just fucking crazy. Blind will not do in this case.
I don’t hear Jack Black complaining that not enough people like his flabby bod.
Jack Black is much handsomer than Amy Schumer is hot. Plus seems like someone you’d like to be around. Plus there’s the social factor. If you fucked Jack Black wouldn’t you tell all your friends? Fucking Amy Schumer you’d only tell trusted people as a cringe anecdote.
I’m reminded of the quote by 1940s Dominican actress Maria Montez: “Every time I look at myself I’m so beautiful I scream with joy.”
Premium is the New Regular: Automakers Want to Kill 87 Octane
How about making your behemoth cars lighter, fucko? Ditch a bunch of those so called ‘safety features’ and see what you can do. Oh, and maybe make the visibility better than a goddam WW2 tank.
Much more from Eric Peters.
I should have known he was all over this
HIgher octane is a big no-no for my rotary.
I’m so sick of this shit. Hopefully Pruitt will throw up a roadblock or two.
I finally figured it out! You’re Takahashi Ryosuke! I’m a Mazda fanboy too!
It might help to drop one of them, honestly. I imagine it would make the overall price of gasoline drop if they didn’t have to refine three separate grades of it.
I bought a goddamn Honda Civic so I could avoid shelling out the cash for premium. Fuck this!
More like drop the requirements that vehicles have to be so efficient and emit so much emissions or face penalties. Deregulation will make vehicles more efficient a lot cheaper than mandating 95 octane.
Yes. I was thinking back to an old Honda CRX I had back in the ’80s that got damn near 50 mpg on the road. It’s not new tech that we need, it’s less bullshit, arbitrary regs.
Little 2000 Kia thrives on 87, and still at 42mpg, 88945 miles today
You can in Montana.
Perfect example.
That Roxor is damn sweet! Looks like my 53 Willys.
Fuck that. That stinks of the the auto industry wanting to drive more old cars off the road to boost their numbers. And the ethanol manufacturers would obviously love it, because ethanol can be used to boost octane.
I say we nuke Iowa.
Rent seekers seek rent.
But it can’t melt steel beams. Think about it, bro.
I’m also going to bet that cars that use higher octane have a higher up front cost. GM is saying out loud that the higher octane vehicles wouldn’t be able to cost compete with current models. So they want the current models to go away. Fuck the consumer.
They’ll get their way, too.
Right: This is pro-industry. The industry itself asked for this. See how real concern for the environment need not be hostile to business.
Left: “Even” the industry “admits” this regulation will help the environment, and that they “can” conform.
“Smart” “Center,” the true moderate, boundary-breaking, nondogmatic heroes of our hyperpartisan, insane age (“pro-market” “classical liberals” who do not at all sound like Mussolini, no sir): See how everything works best when government, industry, labor, and environmental justice work together as stakeholders in our future?
See? Support across the political spectrum; what could possibly be missing? And this is certainly a refreshing, new phenomenon, so very, very different from the way regulation has normally worked since the days of the Interstate Commerce Commission.
I’m not a naturopath myself or anything but this seems dangerous.
It’s listed as 12CH, meaning the sample (assuming it began with a sample at all) was diluted to .01^12 ( I *think*) “potency”. That or it was diluted to 1/1200th. Either way, not a lot of anything in there.
I wonder how many live virus molecules it takes to infect someone.
Sam Harris and Maajid Nawaz on Joe Rogan right now, interesting stuff:
Ah shit, threading fail.
It gets stronger the more dilute it is! Don’t you know anything?
I hate people.
Piano-Roll Humor
its worth it.
If you wish to pursue a further investigation of the “Africa” question…
Arghhhh….. my brain hurts
I miss being a music major.
Funny, very
*wanking motion*
Congress refers Clinton, Lynch, Comey, and McCabe to DoJ for criminal investigation.
How much weight does a referral from Congress carry?
Cool second link bro
Somehow the link formatting carried over, but not the link. Anyway, just the one link intended.
Doesn’t this site limit you to one link per comment? I think it does, last I heard.
(sits and stares mysteriously)
Good, now somebody wake up Sessions.
He’ll have recused himself by now.
In other news, Cal 3 made the November Ballot in California,
SoCal would be it’s own State, and Red it would be, Maybe I could stay……. Nahhhhh
There IS precedent, and it wouldn’t hurt, the place is a dysfunctional mess as it is
and a link, duh