What this country needs is a good swift kick in the @#$

I have noticed that word caused considerable grammar Nazis and Aspies to change it to “normality”. I have looked for “normality” in my dictionary and I do not find it there. “Normalcy”, however, I did find, and it is a good word.

We are returning to normal here at Glibs. Well, at least for this morning. No cryptids running about, all the tech is working, and I will be off morning link duty starting tomorrow…as I submerge myself in the work my beloved Swiss overseers have allowed me to do. *wipes chin*

So…in the words of the great American Philosopher, Tone Lōc, Let’s Do It.

Birthdays – J.P. Morgan (1837 – tip your top hats, please) William Holden (1918) Olivia Hussey (1951) Maynard Keenan (1964) Liz Phair (1967) Jennifer Garner (1972) Victoria Beckham-Spice (1974)

Sports – All my teams are out of the playoffs or have started their season and suck, hard….so there is nothing to say other than the NBA and NHL (allegedly) are playing off. Euro soccer angers some, delights others. MLB is lying under a curtain of snow and ice.


  • Whatever Cuba was doing to US diplomats, they appear to be doing to Canada now. PM Zoolander hardest hit? I cannot imagine what the Cubans are thinking, especially since Canada has been fairly stalwart in forging a path that is a bit more friendly than that of the US. Go figure.
  • Lay your bets as to allegations of poison gas use! Where? Here. Time to go long on missile futures.
  • Is there a doctor in the house? Well, one woman thinks at least one particular one is a good fellah. Here, she could run for Congress in certain districts.
  • You no steal phone! POW! Somebody buy that man a cigar.
  • So much for information being available. Sigh.

Now go do that voodoo that you do so well!