“Goddamn, I just love bombing motherfuckers!” the hat crowed. “Who can we bomb next, huh? Who? Iran? Some cave complex in Afghanistan? Surely somewhere in Iraq needs the business.” He was upside down in Donald’s lap, full of McDonald’s french fries and hadn’t stopped giggling since Friday night.
The hair struggled to turn the last pages of A Higher Loyalty and only grunted a reply. Donald had fallen asleep watching the satellite reconnaissance footage of the missile strikes. The hat chortled as a white line streaked into a building on the grainy green footage and the screen overloaded white from the glare. The hat cheered the same strike he had already seen a dozen times.
“Well,” the hat said, closing the book, “looks like Comey doesn’t know even the half of it.”
“The tenth of it!” the hat shot back.
“He doesn’t know about the Viagra shipments, the lampreys we sent to Elizabeth, most of the Ukraine piss hooker visits…”
“Ah, piss hookers,” the hat interrupted.
“The Provo cottage,” the hair continued, “The Ivanka dolls, the black egg escorts, Cory taking a dump on Biden’s Trans Am, the time the Deep State operatives kidnapped you, the time you tried to give Priebus an icepick lobotomy, and nothing at all indicating he knows about you and me, or USA hat or that idiot windbreaker…”
“Goddammit, that windbreaker is an idiot,” the hat interrupted again.
“Or,” the hair continued, sighing heavily in irritation, “the nine, um, Chappaquiddicks we had to clean up for Junior and Eric.”
“Man, those wacky kids just love driving off bridges,” the hat said admiringly.
“Comey’s done, he’s toast, he can’t touch us,” the hair said.
“Did you see that next to the last one right before the Sunday news shows?” the hat asked. “Boom! Headshot! And I texted it upside-down, bro!”
“Yeah, I saw it.”
“Don’t be such a Gloomy Gus. You want an french fry? They’re kind of cold, but you know… still OK.”
“Nah,” the hair said. “I always feel kind of funny when I, um, eat out of you.”
“Fine, whatever,” the hat said sullenly. “More for me.”
Joe! Joe! Joe!
Joe Biden Is the Front-runner. Uh-oh.
Joe Biden, who leads the Democratic 2020 presidential field in early polls, has all the markings of a front-runner. He possesses a sterling résumé, access to a donor base, name recognition and eight years of loyal service to a president who’s loved by the party base. There’s just one problem: He’s also a deeply flawed candidate who’s out of step with the mood of his party.
Biden hasn’t announced he’s running for president, of course, but he’s made clear he’s seriously thinking about it. On Sunday, he confirmed it again on MSNBC’s PoliticsNation. The decision, he said back in February, will be based on whether it’s “right for me to do.”
But that’s the wrong question. What Biden should be asking is whether the party wants him, and not just whether he should seize his last chance.
Oh, Joe. Please run. Please. You and Donald going at it in a debate would be a spectacle for the ages. 18 debates. Let’s have at least 18 debates. And one of them has to be townhall-style at Oberlin. And the Hell’s Angels can do security.
Weibo Reverse Ban On QUILTBAG content after protest
One of China’s largest social media sites, Sina Weibo, has reversed a ban on online content “related to homosexuality” after outcry from the country’s internet users.
On Friday, Sina Weibo said that for the next three months it would be removing comics and videos “with pornographic implications, promoting bloody violence, or related to homosexuality”. The internet company said the initiative was in an effort to “create a sunny and harmonious community environment” and comply with the country’s cybersecurity laws.
In response, Weibo users posted photos with their partners, comments, and rainbow emojis, accompanied by the hashtags #iamgay and #iamgaynotapervert.
Weibo is, I guess, Chinese Facebook? Or Chinese Tumblr? Either way, I’m sure the CEO will be accused of helping rig an election in the next few years. It is becoming very fashionable to blame social media for every social ill.
UK Government Proposes Five Basic Principles to Keep Humans Safe From AI
Artificial intelligence should be developed for the common good and benefit of humanity.
OK. Sounds nice, I guess. But who will immediately break this principle? Government.
Artificial intelligence should operate on principles of intelligibility and fairness.
Unlike laws, then? Or tax codes? Or the NHS?
Artificial intelligence should not be used to diminish the data rights or privacy of individuals, families or communities.
I’m not sure how they even managed to get this one out with a straight face. This is the first thing governments will do with AI. Hell, governments trying to invade data privacy and break civilian strong crypto is probably how AI will be developed in the first place.
All citizens have the right to be educated to enable them to flourish mentally, emotionally and economically alongside artificial intelligence.
Uh, OK. I’ll just assume that means pay raises for teachers or something.
The autonomous power to hurt, destroy or deceive human beings should never be vested in artificial intelligence.
Governments want to reserve that power for themselves.
We already Have the Three Laws of Robotics, Who needs Five?
4 laws. You’re forgetting the zeroth law.
0. A robot may not harm humanity, or through inaction allow humanity to come to harm.
Those rules are the worst example of attempted logical thought I think I have ever seen. I think a script kiddie could do better.
I identify as first, and all of you shitlords shall address me as such or I will complain on twitter. You have been warned.
I fuckin’ love The Hat & The Hair links.
I am so damaged now, I can see that perfectly clear, in my mind’s eye.
Having a shit day and getting blamed for stuff you didn’t do? I am! Gazing upon these magnificent mammaries temporarily assuages that misery, however.
3, 4, 6, 7, 12, 13, 27, 31, 38, 44, 45, 46, 49…
But #1 is #1 for a reason, the true champion.
Woo hoo, 1 and 2, Hell all of em!!!
Definitely having a shit day.
Thanks for the rays of boobshine.
“I couldn’t have done that–I barely even work! Just ask Rufus!”
#37 looks fun.
1 is nice but 4, 34, and 36 are the best
OMG Trump is going to eat Biden up with ketchup.
PLEASE run. It will make for MUST SEE TV!
If they were to ask me, you know, as an advisor and stuff, I’d have a yyyuuuuge picture of OMWCs van as Trump spoke to provoke Biden.
I just don’t believe they’ll run an old white guy, but I agree Biden & Trump debates would be epic.
I’m going to laugh horribly if they nominate Ellison.
Joe Biden possesses a “sterling résumé”?
I assume it was autocorrected from mis-spelling “rectum.”
Perfectly waxed and bleached.
The auto-correct got “sterling” wrong too.
“Soiling”. Obviously.
The article continues on by explaining how his resume sucks.
So does his rectum.
If so, it’s because he plagiarized someone else’s résumé.
Artificial intelligence should be developed for the common good and benefit of humanity.
Got a problem with that? You’re a NAZI.
As long as “the common good and benefit of humanity” means “to identify, isolate and destroy all cis-hetero white men and political opposition” I think we’re good.
Everybody knows that programming is just like legislating.
Kyoto protest beaten back by inflamed petrol traders
How the “Sod off, Swampy!” phrase was invented.
You do realize that was 13 years ago?
Didn’t see second comment.
I realized I forgot to qualify it.
Its still funny.
At least they still had Lou Reed.
The autonomous power to hurt, destroy or deceive human beings should never be vested in artificial intelligence.
Governments want to reserve that power for themselves.
Governments have already cracked the Artificial part; it’s the Intelligence portion that will stump them.
You fools! That’s what they want you to think! Don’t fall for their games….!
*6 Federal Marshalls drag MS away shouting*
Great now we will have to call STEVE SMITH and see if he can go rescue MS.
And by “rescue”, you mean RAPE?
He seems to be a bit partially to TPTB here – we do let him post. I think he said “I LIKE FUNNY GLIBERTARIAN PEOPLE. I RAPE YOU LAST.”
Trump and Biden rolling around on the floor
fightinggasping for breath would probably cause me to die as a result of aspirating a handful of popcorn while laughing.Totally worth it.
They should just have them both stand on stage and talk about the good old days without a break. First one to piss his pants loses.
I’m planning to enjoy first the battle between Biden and minority Dem candidates. Identity politics just hasn’t been enough in the spotlight.
Sl last year I made just over 17k. But I owe 776 in federal income taxes. But that has to be impossible cuz not a day goes by where some libertarian spews the nonsense that poor people don’t pay taxes.
But you aren’t poor, your Libertarian,Muhaauhuahahaa!
You fallen into the Trap! ZardoZ will be with you shortly……
My dad got an Obamacare policy for my brother. My brother has 0 income, but for purposes of the application, my dad put something like $10k. Found out my brother wasn’t qualified for subsidies at $10k, but he is qualified at something like $13k.
$10k – no subsidy
$13k – subsidy
My understanding is that at 10K he qualifies for Medicaid.
I hate when that happens.
Depending on the size of household, $17K is not officially poor. The US poverty threshold is $12K for a 1 person household and $16K for a 2 person household (according to government definitions). In any case it’s tight, for sure, but not necessarily poor.
yeah see that statement is what you call on aggregate.
See, for every “poor” person like you who actually did end up paying something there is another one who got back more on their refund than they paid in thanks to child and earned income tax credits.
I have an acquaintance who works primarily in the grey market receiving cash for day labor (things like mowing lawns, painting houses). He makes sure to pick up one temporary job each year with a W-2 so he can get that earned income credit, child credit, etc.
You’re not gaming the system the right way, when it’s right there asking you, actually almost begging you, to game it. At 17K, you should be driving a giant Escalade with big shiny wheels and having to feed steak and lobster to your 5 dogs because you can’t eat it all. You ain’t even woke.
Ted Lieu is a) a poorly-spoken dingbat, b) a slimeball slickster, or c) both
Sometimes, you just gotta go down swinging…
29 Dec 2017
Was the commie, @tedlieu even born in this country? He’ll say yes & produce fake birth certificate just as Obama did. Joke is, @BarackObama can’t deny Hawaii doesn’t issue long form birth certificates to children born in Hawaii. Go ahead, Barry. Call me a liar, birther, whatever.
Total thugs,” one protester said, rubbing his bruised skull. “I’ve never seen anyone less amenable to listening to our point of view.”
Cory taking a dump on Biden’s Firebird …..
That’s no way to start a presidential run.
Always pop out the T-Top and take a dump in the Firebird!
Whatever you do don’t let Biden near your hair, he’ll either try to smell it or kiss it.
More bad news for Muskie.
That looks just like my Mazda 3 – only it costs twice as much before state incentives.
Love the Mazda 3. We had one some time ago and thinking about getting Spawn 2 another.
Mazda is a real car company.
Sean Hannity was a Michael Cohen client. Now the feds are having a leisurely read through his records.
That’s the big problem here, they hoovered up all his clients’ info and now they’re going to leak leak leak.
Fuck Hannity, but that’s part of the reason why the feds grabbed Cohen’s papers.
That and to leak to the DNC so they can leak stuff about Trump in the runup to elections.
Hannity’s a twat but I don’t like this nonsense, it’s way over the line.
I agree, although I worded my last comment rather inelegantly.
I know I’m not supposed to like this. But can I at least laugh at Hannity’s expense?
The judge forced Cohen to disclose that in open court. Judge is of course a Clinton apointee.
But remember yall, when you nominate a partisan hack true believer to the bench, they instantly become sober, judicious, and non partisan.
What the fuck?
How in the hell is that relevant to anything?
From WSJ article:
The names of Mr. Cohen’s clients were at issue because Mr. Cohen, under criminal investigation by the Manhattan U.S. attorney’s office, filed a motion seeking a temporary restraining order concerning material that was seized last week. In considering that motion, U.S. District Judge Kimba Wood instructed Mr. Cohen’s attorneys to provide information about the clients and attorneys with whom he had shared what he considered to be attorney-client privilege. After Mr. Cohen’s attorneys resisted disclosing the third client’s name in both their filing and in court, Judge Wood ordered his attorneys to provide the name in court.
Mr. Cohen’s team “has not met the standard for an exception to the notion that client identity and even fee arrangements must be revealed,” Judge Wood said.
Mr. Cohen’s attorney, Stephen Ryan, initially offered to provide the name to the judge in a sealed envelope, but he eventually announced Mr. Hannity’s name aloud in the at-capacity courtroom.
Yeah….. the only having 3 clients thing….. didn’t help his argument at all.
client identity and even fee arrangements must be revealed
pursuant to what lawful exercise of the court’s power?
Also, I was going to make a joke about Judge Kimbo Slice, but then I discovered Kimbo Slice is dead.
I remember getting into arguments on HnR over the abusive nature of subpoena power. Ah, the bygone era of innocence.
The rule of law is dead.
Seriously. Can we just skip to the point where Consuls start marching Legions towards the Imperial capital and proscribing people?
There are libertarians who would support it too since some of those victims will be corrupt assholes.
Dude…you already won Most Tiresome Commenter, thanks in no small part to this monomania of yours, you don’t need to pile up the points!
I’m torn. On the one hand, Biden is a total nincompoop; on the other hand, it would be so, so very great to see Hillary push that boulder up the hill one more time, then watch the priceless expression on her face when it hits her: Oh no, I’ve lost again!
But are the stars right? Can she sail again the wind between diseased suns? Can she once more Become?
If skin-suit her then it is on.
The Hillary skin suit became self-aware and eats whomever tries to wear it. Lizards, Mole People, whomever.
Bill Tried it on once, that’s how he lost so much weight. Partially digested.
“Can she sail again the wind between diseased suns?”
Is that code for shitting herself on stage during a debate?
This is a year old, but still just wonderful.
“Needed a safe place to share this beautiful picture”
Well, you done fucked up real bad.
Err, the internet is not a safe space so like maybe you shouldn’t have shared there
And one of them has to be townhall-style at Oberlin. And the Hell’s Angels can do security.
I would watch this on pay-per-view. And, really, Biden’s probably one of the least-worst Dems that could actually get the nomination, so why not?
So, that Biden article took me to Politico, which has a sidebar article about teacher protests in Oklahoma City. This is about as local an issue as can be. The headline?
“Teachers Are Going on Strike in Trump’s America”
They have been fairly widespread actually. There have been strikes in West Virginia (where they won concessions) and Kentucky. Maybe a few more places I’m unfamiliar with.
Sure, but the federal government doesn’t set teachers’ salaries.
Apparently in Oklahoma they got a 6000 dollar raise on March 30th, but that wasn’t enough.
There’s all kinds of Go Fund Mes popping up everywhere. Poor poor teachers.
Apparently in Oklahoma they got a 6000 dollar raise on March 30th, but that wasn’t enough.
Of course not. They got $6k from doing nothing for a few days, imagine what doing nothing for a few months can do!
A $6K per year raise is not enough?
In Oklahoma?
Before taxes that is basically rent on a nice 1 bedroom apartment in a decent neighborhood, and about 2/3rds of the rent for a nice 2 bedroom.
Even after tax you’re looking at it covering at least half of their rent/mortgage. I am having a hard time seeing how that is not a large enough raise
It seems to be a bunch of coordinated actions in red states. The local news here in the Bay Area was covering a teachers’ strike in WV, which seemed really odd to me. Now we see it in OK and AZ. Once is an accident, twice is coincidence, thrice is enemy action.
It’s actually a Trans Am
81? 77 or GTFO
Dammit. All I recalled was the bird on the hood.
Actually, you’re both right, the Trans Am is a sub-model of the Firebird line up.
Uh, OK. I’ll just assume that means pay raises for teachers or something.
With predictive abilities like that, I think maybe you should be doing the horoscopes.
Two things. 1) How can the Dems possibly have a lead for the mid-terms given how retarded they are and 2) Rachel Maddow has 3 million viewers tying her with Hannity? Wtf?
She’s a Rhodes scholar Rufus, A. Rhodes. Scholar.
I knew a guy in Uni who went on to be a Rhodes scholar, but that was in Biological Science, so he’s probably doing something actually valuable right now.
Maddow’s just sucking oxygen.
Maddow’s just sucking oxygen.
During the Obama Presidency she seemed to be sucking a lot more, especially impressive for a lesbian.
Except she’s absurd and hopelessly a tool of the left-wing herd state. How does she can viewers? People who like to rubber neck at the wreckage? I don’t get it.
Leftists like to be validated and righties like to feel smug and superior and/or outraged.
Maybe I’m more jaded as I get on with life but what does that mean anymore? It’s like the Nobel or Pulitzer or Oscar prizes. They’re just awards to give to each other’s pals.
“Her record at Stanford shows that she is a very well-qualified and able student. The college is also pleased to extend its link with the Clinton family.” -Oxford guy talking about Chelsea.
1. Because Team Red is more retarded
2. See 1.
Washington GeneralsRepublicans are trying their very hardest to lose in November. The alternative – being expected to legislate as conservatives – is too terrible to contemplate and is driving many of them to quit.The Dems always lead the generic ballot. Shy Tory effect is very real, hell that’s how the election of Trump was such a surprise.
This whole blue wave thing is vastly overstated. They’re not taking the House, but they don’t need to take the House. They just need to hold enough Senate seats, combined with the RINOs, that no actual conservative legislation can pass, and then the next POTUS will be a Swamp critter, either Red or Blue, doesn’t matter.
Dems often fail to show up in non-Presidential elections.
The Ds don’t always lead the generic ballot, but the last few elections the polls have generally given them ~+3 upon actual performance. Even with that, though, the Rs are still in the hole, so they probably will lose the House unless they turn things around in the fall. But that shouldn’t be too hard to do, I wouldn’t think, as their ad people would just have to trumpet the successful economy to swing things their way. Heck, they could even point out that last time we had a D congress the economy crashed, to fear-monger a few points their way for a win.
Don’t forget most polling organizations actually want them to win
tying her with Hannity?
Does anyone have an anchor handy?
The Republicans are the less racist wing of the Uniparty.
Military Times actually has a decent article on the Syria strikes with the kind of details you won’t get from the generic WaPo/NYT/etc BS.
Looks like things went pretty well for what they were attempting…take that as you will. But again…conspiracy theorists or otherwise online – other info is out there.
One of the Office Progs was talking about the airstrikes and used the phrase “Trump is starting a new war!!!”
How on Earth does someone who constantly talks about politics not know we have been bombing Syria since 2014? Oh, because Obama never bombed anyone.
Maybe then the progs shouldn’t be yowling constantly about Russia.
And given Hillary’s history with Libya, does anyone really think she would have kept her dick out of Syria?
Actually, I don’t believe either side. I’d bet some were intercepted but not nearly as many as the Russians claim. Considering the Syrians use antiquated Soviet developed systems the outcome isn’t surprising.
No way in hell the Syrians got a single missile. Tomahawks and SCALPs are damn hard to spot and engage, and they would have been TOTed. But it looks bad if the shit you are defending gets hit and you still have SAMs on the rails, so you fire them off at whatever you can to tell Assad you tried.
So the big winners are the defense contractors:
JASSM-ER – unit cost US$1.359m
Tomahawk – unit cost $1.87M
SCALP EG – unit cost €850,000
Congrats guys.
Oh naturally. Gotta keep all the retired generals retirement plans intact.
Standard Libertarian Disclaimer, but any government employee who goes to work for a government contractor post retirement should forfeit their pension.
Of the 105 weapons launched, Syria shot down 314 of them.
Hey, that was the exaggerated initital reports…they quietly knocked the number down to 187 a little later in the day.
Man, i miss the good old days when our Secretary of State could just have a few meetings and everyone would pinky-swear that they didn’t have chemical weapons anymore.
When Barbara Bush expires, the outrage machine will go into overdrive “debating” whether Trump should be allowed to attend the funeral.
This is not a prediction, it’s a promise:
Somebody will try to go viral by saying something really offensive about her right after she dies. Then, a race will break out to see who can most strongly condemn it.
Rinse. Repeat.
That time a bunch of French men dressed as women and fought a guerrilla war
The War of the Maidens (French: Guerre des demoiselles) was a rebellion that took place in the French department of Ariège from 1829 to 1832, and continued in a less intense fashion until 1872. It was the most well-known struggle among those that developed in the Pyrenees in the 19th century.
A demoiselle is a young woman. The name guerre des demoiselles comes from the fact that the countrymen disguised themselves as women, with long white shirts or sheep skins, scarves or wigs, and blacked or concealed faces. This disguise was for attacking—mostly at night—large property owners, forest guards and gendarmes, ironmasters, and charcoal burners.
The rebellion was due to the passing on May 27, 1827, of a new forestry code, which was applied from 1829 onwards. This new code imposed “new regulations of forest usage, in particular concerning gathering of wood, wood cutting, and above all pasturing (forbidden from now on), the rights of maronnage, hunting, fishing, and gathering.” [1]
Officer, am I free to gambol?
I don’t ever read Slate, but this article just popped up in my Twitter feed:
Read through the entire thing and then check out the site’s disclaimer/solicitation at the bottom afterward.
Is there a way to short sell Slate Plus?
This exists. You are welcome.
Apparently there’s a Super Troopers 2.
It’s what the world needs right now.
It’s what the world needs right meow.
Rape Culture?
As long as it’s less terrible than Joe Dirt 2 and Dumb and Dumber 2 I welcome it.
And… in the you might also like:
Rick and Roll!
Quick question – is there an easy way to clean up the Windows 10 start menu? At work it’s a minimal design with just the primary office tools/settings/etc – but my default one shipped with all the extra garbage I can’t see how to get rid of. I don’t need photos/MS ads/etc on the start menu cluttering up my interface. I’ve looked through the menu settings but can’t figure out an easy way to hide/turn them off/etc.
A lot of it is right click and tell it to go away
Sadly, you cannot tell Cortana to go away.
Wow. That was easy. Shoulda tried that sooner I guess.
Are you just trying to clean up yours, or are you preparing a golden image for deployment? If it’s the former, Nerfherder’s suggestion would be the simplest route. If you’re setting up a whole bunch of computers and want to have the same customized layout on all of them, then you’ll need to generate an XML file and push it out via Group Policy or whatever you use for management.
No way this can be abused…
Commie charters are always bullshit.
Silent Cal knew
“If all men are created equal, that is final. If they are endowed with inalienable rights, that is final. If governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed, that is final. No advance, no progress can be made beyond these propositions. If anyone wishes to deny their truth or their soundness, the only direction in which he can proceed historically is not forward, but backward toward the time when there was no equality, no rights of the individual, no rule of the people. Those who wish to proceed in that direction can not lay claim to progress. They are reactionary. Their ideas are not more modern, but more ancient, than those of the Revolutionary fathers.”
Where’s Hihn?
On his lawn in a dirty untied robe, yelling at clouds, just like always.
They’d better never let me be King-Lizard-Emperor because ‘general welfare’ for me would mean HAREMS.
The US has the advantage since the phrasing and being in the constitution make violating them more difficult. However we have to deal with the “living constitution” which means that all laws and rights are meaningless since it is up to at least 5 SCOTUS justices to determine everything. Oh and these justices are appointed by elected politicians and come from elite law schools.
It is an interesting accident of history that, were it all to be done again today, the Constitution of the United States of America would be a far less liberal document.
I always found it interesting that with all the discussions about the historical definitions of “liberal” and “conservative” that the US is a constitutional Republic with elections without a state religion and aristocracy. The US already did not have 3 of the main pillars of European Conservatism. This made American rightists and conservatives far more liberal than most other rightists and conservatives. And the American leftists and liberals were already living in a very liberal regime so they only could drift more socialist…
A new report by the Lords Select Committee in the UK claims that Britain is in a strong position to be a world leader in the development of artificial intelligence. But to get there—and to keep AI safe and ethical—tech firms should follow the Committee’s newly proposed “AI Code.”
If the Brits build AI like they build cars, there is nothing to worry about.
AI that is unable to stand up to a rain storm?
AI that leaks oil?
Adidas wants to sign Kaepernick if he can convince an NFL team to pick him up…
From the story…
““We love athletes that have a platform to make the world a better place,” King said.
“If they’re an activist in a way that brings attention to something that moves the world forward, even if there’s controversy at that moment, we’re really interested in those athletes because I think it represents the world today.”
He added Adidas isn’t in the business of activism.”
Are they going to offer a shoe deal to the Westboro Baptist Church too?
“Adidas isn’t in the business of activism”
Evidence seems to belie this.
Can’t they be satisfied selling track suits to every man in Eastern Europe?
I just bought one of those. It’s pretty damn comfortable.
SW Shown below:
Looks a lot like younger me, even the nose is right. You wouldn’t have caught me dead in a track suit back then though.
The stupid party will probably find a way to fuck up winning what should be a cake walk.
The WV Senate race will come down to if Manchin can successfully lie to his constituents about his “conservative Democrat” credentials.
WV’s interesting, because the unionized coal miners, leaving aside pure social issues, seem to have finally wised up to the fact that the Democratic Party’s support of union labor does not include resource extraction private sector unions.
I thought Manchin was going to flip parties.
No, that was their governor, who flipped at a rally he invited Trump to (who carried his state by one of the widest margins in the last election).
All the libertarian attacks on the “stupid party” makes me wonder if people realize that limited-government Republicans and Electable Republicans might not be the same thing?
“limited-government Republicans”
All 2 of them.
Walked right into that one…
From the most trusted source in news.
“‘The story is supposed to be that Donald Trump was involved with a certain girl, who’s a sexy type of girl, with big boobs and a hot body'[…]Jackie posits that it’s Mueller’s own “sex problem” – jealousy of Trump – that is behind the latest twist in the investigation[…]’You know what I think? We should figure out why Mueller has such a sex problem'”
This guy’s focusing on the important stuff. Mueller can’t get laid and is jealous that Trump has a hot wife and a porn star as a side piece so he’s taking out his pathetic beta cuckdom on Trump.
This. Is. Breitbart.
“Serve the public trust”
“Protect the innocent”
“Uphold the law”
“Never Oppose an OCP Officer”
Heh. After a bunch of stuff about how European colonialists used science for their own purposes he is surprised that an attack on science can be used by people he doesn’t like.
Not sure how this is supposed to work? We need to Trust scientists but they are a bunch of racist imperialist cishet white men who suck and the Glory days of Science we should embrace involved said men.
Integrating science with social questions will simply lead to science being used as a tool of a different kind of colonialism, and we already had enough scientific socialism last century, thank you very much.
Can’t see that using in that way can be used at All…
So why is Hannity being the “3rd client” a big deal? I mean, I get why revealing his name might be a legal breach, but the reaction seems to be more along the lines of hilarity. Like, can’t Hannity hire a lawyer? Just seems like a mere coincidence more than anything that he happens to share a lawyer with Trump.
Just not seeing why social medias are blowing up about this. Nobody says “OMG both random person X and random person Y are represented by the same lawyer!!! LMAO! Sooooo funny!!!”
I think it’s the question of relevance and privacy. I would be pissed off if my lawyer were tied up in a big public case and then was forced to drag me into the middle of it when it was not pertinent to the other case.
Of everyone on Fox, Hannity certainly has the biggest Trump-boner.
Well, they aren’t just random people, and it’s not as if they shared a lawyer who had dozens of other clients, it’s just three of ’em. Also Cohen, I believe, self-identifies as a “fixer”, a bagman paying off hookers and others with potentially embarrassing stories to tell. Hannity’s involvement may be entirely up and up but he’s such an unlikable prick it’s fun to imagine what Cohen had to “fix” for him.
Thanks, now I see. Not being a Trump hater, I didn’t know what reputation Cohen had among the TDS set.
Actually, he self-identifies as a “pit-bull”.
—Michael Cohen in a 2011 interview with ABC News.
self-identifies as a “pit-bull”.
Why, is he on fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiire?
I think it’s more because he’s a fan of the culo.
Good summary – thanks!
I got $20 on Asian hookers. Any takers.
Got a hot bodied martial artist guy? I’ll take one.
In case you wonder why certain people snicker about “global warming” during any winter weather…
Many years ago one off the weather dudes in DC said “We’ve seen the end of major winter storms in the Mid-Atlantic”.
We’ve had several major winter storms since then. Like, full-on blizzards.
Global warming is not working in the Mid-Atlantic. Who can we sue?
Maura Healy, Attorney General of Massachusetts seems to specialise in frivilous horseshit to sue people over. Maybe ask her.
I love that McMillan lass. She’s like a one-woman Rebel Media, but with more brains and a much more acrid sense of humour.
The microscope I bought my son a few years ago finally got some use. I just verified that the youngest doesn’t have lice, but instead a bad case of dandruff.
That just saved me a very long night of washing and decontaminating.
Cool! IFLS!
“The latest data show that people use guns for self-defense only rarely. According to a Harvard University analysis of figures from the National Crime Victimization Survey, people defended themselves with a gun in nearly 0.9 percent of crimes from 2007 to 2011.
David Hemenway, who led the Harvard research, argues that the risks of owning a gun outweigh the benefits of having one in the rare case where you might need to defend yourself. ”
Well, if you count every crime, I’m sure it is a low percentage. Not a lot a gun can do for a torrenter.
I do try to help that average. Whenever I see someone commit the crime of Jaywalking, I pull out my gun and force that motherfucker to walk between the lines.
What the morons don’t seem to realize is that they don’t because they don’t have to. Duh, you get rid of the 2nd amendment and people will have plenty of reason to need to use guns for self defense. Idiots.
Ignores the crimes that were not attempted because the intended victim appeared armed, the crimes committed against a different, unarmed victim because the original target appeared armed, and most importantly as HM said And?
You don’t get to restrict my rights because you think my decision as to how I exercise them is statistically unwise.
The risks and the benefits to whom?
(And why should someone’s “right to feel safe” by not having any guns around them outweigh someone else’s “right to feel safe” by carrying a gun for purposes of self-defense?)
What percentage of usages are reported? If someone pulls a gun on a robber and he runs off the cops aren’t necessarily going to be called.
Ah, it’s a survey…what percentage of people tell the truth on those?
Not just not necessarily, but almost certainly not going to be called.
Cops ain’t gonna catch the robber and now you have to show your permits and give statements and probably be interrogated. No Thanks.
Yep. Calling the caps afterwards is all risk and no reward.
Cops are there for generating paperwork for your insurance company and in the rare instances when the crime will still be ongoing 10 minutes from now (unless it’s a school shooting and they cower outside for a while). Otherwise you’re on your own. That seems like a good reason for gun in my mind.
+1 Don’t leave town.
Here’s what the study showed.
Seems reasonable to suggest that the number of people not reporting using a gun in self defense would be at least as high as the 6-in-10 figure cited for non-reporting of nonfatal firearm-related violence.
So far I’ve never had a reason to use the fire extinguisher in my home, but that doesn’t mean it would be a smart idea to get rid of it.
It’s more likely that you will lose control of it and the fire will use the extinguisher against you, so you really are better off without it.
The argument is irrelevant. The right to self defense is not utilitarian.
I heard the audio version of this steaming pile of horseshit last week, and this jumped out at me,:
Same as it ever was.
Oh noes. :’-( Universal Medicare for all criminalz is what we need.
NRO has a nice adaptation from Goldberg’s next book – will probably need to pick this one up. Haven’t really read much of this type of book since my first contracting job. That one was so slow and boring I could knock out a good novel and a history/non-fiction/philosophy book every single week – at work.
For all his other faults, Lincoln definitely had a way with words.
See, this is what pisses me off about the typical “West Iz Da Bestest!” arguments:
Whether it is out of mendaciousness or pure ignorance, the evidence given often relies on Orientalist stereotypes counting on the average reader to not be aware of facts like that the Chinese scholar-bureaucrat class was gleaned from the general populace in a meritocratic system of imperial examinations since, depending on how one wants to reckon, either 200 BC or 605 AD. In the light of that data-point, claiming “we” overcame nepotism whereas the inscrutable China-man, did not, leading to the stagnation of their civilization is just rank nonsense. Let’s not even get into the fact that neither the Ottoman Janissaries nor the Bashi-bazouk were not eunuchs. (Kinda hard to rape infidel women with no nuts.) It is true that despite the prohibition on castration in Islam, the Ottomans did castrate slaves who served in the harems of the Sultans’ palaces, however, they were neither bureaucrats or soldiers. Indeed, one might argue that the Turkish Devshirme system was also meritocratic as it took children from the Christian minority and elevated them to the rank of elite soldiers and civil servants (after conversion to Islam, of course).
Is Goldberg seriously asking us to accept his claim that only the West (whatever that means) was collectively intelligent enough to figure out the whole “get the best person for the job” concept? One can advocate for Enlightenment-era values without tripping over one’s own dick with piss-poor analogies formulated out of half-remembered facts from AP World History.
I think in both those cases it’s a bit more of a generalization. I’m pretty sure you could find were significant examples of those in both cultures, albeit not necessarily the examples that first come to mind. I recall the Turks or caliphate tended to castrate quite a large percentage of their black african slaves vice the European slave children Janissaries. The Chinese period is less familiar to me, but things did tend to swing from pole to pole depending on the dynasty IIRC.
Right, but those slaves were neither bureaucrats or soldiers. And Catholic Europe used to castrate young boys so they could sing in church choirs, because Paul once wrote that bitches need to keep their mouths shut when menfolk are praying and shit. Where is Goldberg going with this analogy? Anyway, I’d just be satisfied if he got the historical facts correct.
Forgot about those massive exploration journeys. Cussler has theorized a bit about them, but I’d love to see them on a movie (Don’t think they made one yet).
The Chinese Confucian civil service was a very nice, generally merit-based professional system, but you have to wonder at a system that invents moveable type and gunpowder and doesn’t allow anything to progress further in developing society as a whole. I’m sure this story is entirely fictitious/apocryphal, but it does ring true from historical precedents.
That you can blame on the eunuchs. After the treasure voyages of Zheng He (who was both a Muslim and a eunuch!), it became clear that contact with the outer world through trade was allowing the scholar-bureaucrats and their merchant allies to gain more power than they had. So they used their influence over the 3rd(?) Ming Emperor and his secret police, the Jinyiwei (By the way, if you haven’t seen 14 Blades with Donnie Yen, do so.) to convince him to close China off from the world and basically halt technological progress as it would spur economic advantages that would benefit their rivals. Added to that, Confucius always viewed merchants as the lowest class on the social hierarchy, so it was an easy sell.
True, but there were some other factors as well: Mongols were rebuilding in the north, there had also been some natural disasters which the Confucian model of leaderships virtually demanded the emperor address. Good summary here:
Yes, the early Ming experienced the devastation of northern China that was the price of throwing off the Mongol Yuan yoke. The Yongle Emperor basically had to deal with famine and debt for his entire reign.
The part of me that wishes all history is cinematic is really drawn to the possibility that Zheng He’s voyages were all about finding the Jianwen Emperor cum pretender.
For cinema, I’d love to see the “unrecorded” voyage, you know the one where the Chinese built cities in America.
I think this would make a great movie.
There was one of those Age of Empires games.
“I think this would make a great movie.”
I agree. Have you ever read Thomas Harlan’s “In the Time of the Sixth Sun” alt history/sf series?
No, I haven’t.
Back story is that the Japanese flee Japan and the kamikaze wind drives them across the Pacific. They introduce steel to the Aztecs who conquer the world. The stories are set in the far future where the Aztec Empire has expanded into interstellar space. The Japanese are the secondary rulers with everyone else in very subordinate statuses.
I just bought used copies of the whole Sixth Sun series based on your description alone.
Let me know what you think: I* thought the first two were pretty good but the third was a little weaker.
*Raven Nation’s choices in music, film, TV, & books have been regularly pilloried in Glibertarians.com coments.
Well, the plot sounds over the top, and I like that.
Interesting concept. Might be worth looking up – esp with Stephenson.
Not really related, but I would be interested to see more from the world of Chabon’s “Gentlemen of the Road” – was not familiar with that period/locale previously.
Ooops .meant to reply to HM’s movie idea.
Really from that article, it seems to just be a lead-in to the American exceptionalism intro. That’s the primary focus of the piece – and presumably the book itself.
Interesting as some people claim that Japanese isolationism was motivated by the shogun fearing trade would benefit his opponents.
I forgot that part of the Ming eunuch’s argument was the effect of Japanese piracy on destabilizing China’s maritime trade; an argument which would be completely mirrored in reverse when the Japanese instituted Sakoku 300 years later.
“ne might argue that the Turkish Devshirme system was also meritocratic as it took children from the Christian minority”
Not only that, at least through the late 1600s, those children, regardless of what they ended up doing in Istanbul were almost certainly better off than if they’d stayed in their home village.
Trump/Biden at Oberlin with the Hell’s Angels providing security sends a thrill up my leg. That would be worthy of a watch party with myriad piles of food and intoxicants.
That’s a PPV I would pay to watch.
Just plagiarize Jeremy Corbyn…
Man so Biden is older than Trump? Are Carter, Jerry Brown or Walter Mondale still available?
The thing about Biden and Trump and debates is, it’s nearly impossible for anyone to actually debate Biden from an orthodox political debate stance. For example, see the Ryan/Biden debate. While Ryan was trying to be all geeky and technocratical, Biden just grinned like a jackass and looked around laughing like a court jester. That won’t work with Trump because he’s anything but your typical orthodox politician. It would get real interesting and I’d wager that Trump will get under his skin and make him lose his shit. Just a guess.
Just finished my taxes. I got a gigantic refund (well, way more than I have before). Since it was a weird year for employment for me, I’m gonna sit on it and not make any adjustments until next year. We’ll see what happens next April.
Is anyone else miffed by the Feds holding onto their income, and we don’t get to find out how much until the following year (well, unless you’re an accountant and/or really good at calculating taxes)? That money could have been in one of my financial accounts, working for me!
I always resent giving the Government of Canada an interest-free loan, particularly because it’s at the point of a gun.
And I’m not allowed to point one back at ’em.
People say it’s an interest-free loan, but is that because I’m claiming 0 deductions up front vs 1 for myself (I can’t remember what my paperwork currently says) or something else?
Can’t answer for the American experience, but here in The Hair That Walks Like A Man™‘s Land, if you’re over-deducted at source, the government of Canada is only required to reimburse you for the nominal value of the over-deduction. No interest. Even though they’ve held it for up to one fiscal year and, presumably, received economic benefit from doing so.
What do you mean “their income”?
Given the complexity of the tax code, I don’t see how they can do it any other way. Even if they simplify the tax code to get rid of all the deductions and had a flat tax, we still would have to file annually, because they would still want their vig on all forms of income.
The individual person’s income.
I figured you meant that. Just wanted to give you a hard time.
(or, I coulda had ~4 pairs of Fluevogs for that money)
I owed.
I’m finishing mine tonight because I owe as well.
For many years I have used spreadsheets to forecast my taxes, even making mid-year corrections so that I come out close to even at tax time. It’s not that hard once you figure out how the whole thing works.
… Hobbit
I tried using spread sheets, but I couldn’t figure out how to keep them from falling off my bed.
National Treasure
Burge alone is worth being on the Tweeters.
Some more captions
WTF is that? Some fallout from the trespasser incident?
OMG I didn’t think this “national conversation” could get any stupider but I should have known.
Another example of “American Exceptionalism,” I guess.
Apparently so. And the Starbucks CEO is publicly apologizing to the two and offering to meet with them? What for? Kowtow and struggle session?
Hookers and blow.
It’s insanity – assuming I even have the actual facts of the story straight but how when whatever really happened is already being memory-holed as we speak.
I hope to meet Dave Burge in person one day and buy him a whole lotta drinks of his choosing.
For Gilmore:
I missed the obviously fake marble machine, but here’s another performance, where they at least admit it’s all done with editing software
Also, if I can be arsed to find some examples, there’s a whole hobby/mini-industry of demonstrating that experimental data is too good to be real.
…demonstrating that experimental data is too good to be real.
Isn’t that known as ‘science’?
The first example I ever heard of was back in my calculus class.
There was a convalescing (Union?) soldier during the Civil War who claimed to have demonstrated an empirical proof of this theorem:
By dropping a needle off the side of his bed. He published his data,and got exactly the right answer, which you can only do by choosing to stop on a particular number of drops. The probability of actually getting the exact right answer on that number of drops was some impossibly large number to one against.
“”‘ here’s another performance, where they at least admit it’s all done with editing software””
Yeah, OK Go has made like a half dozen of those kind of vids. Everyone knows what it is.
The Marble Machine guy, on the other hand, has been celebrated as a genius (he very well may be) and had his machine put in a museum.
I genuinely think his design and engineering skills are amazing, and many of his musical-crafting projects are insanely cool.
its just that the *recording* of that machine functioning, in my opinion, is fake. Well, I guess the vid too because it at least pretends to play an entire song, when at best it seems it could have whacked out a few bursts of notes at a time.
*I ran my little analysis on this vid, where he’s “Testing the kick drum”… and this seems “real”. Because the timing of the thing is what you would expect: sloppy and inconsistent. The timing between beats varied by as much as .05 seconds PER BEAT.
that’s 5x the difference measured in the performance over 32 bars.
iow: if the thing can’t accurately play back a single bar without timing errors, why in hell would anyone believe it could possibly play an entire tune with near ZERO variation?
THAT’S RIGHT FOLKS STARBUCKS HATES BLACK PEOPLE. I heard some actual audio of the protest chants, maaaan, I don’t envy Starbucks. (chortle)
Maybe people will boycott them, and I can get my iced quad venti whole milk caramel macchiato quicker
See, I’m a cheapskate. I just make Maxwell House/Folgers in my Mr. Coffee machine and bring that into work.
I really need to go (back to) that route. I’ve lately been app-ordering my $3 Americano in advance every morning (Gregory’s, not Starbucks) and it’s sooo convenient…
Why do you hate coffee, Kristen?
I noticed no difference this morning, even in my indigo enclave. So apparently all these woke folk don’t care about the plight of the oppressed in Philly.
Roll over a take it in the shorts from the rest of the world.
Fuck them and their horseshit internationalism.
I’m like, “Yes, now please list some examples”
…and all you ever hear is some chickenshit about “He’s Eroding *norms* !NORMS!” and bullshit like the Paris Climate Change agreement, and the Iran “nuclear deal”.
and both of those latter 2 things are without question some of the worst diplomatic charades ever engaged in. Both were “agreements for the sake of looking like we agreed” – so that politicians could come back home and say, “Look at this thing! This thing I did. I did something, therefore, this something is good.”
Never mind that the former (Paris) wasn’t agreeing to anything – it was literally just a bunch of non-binding pinky-swears without any specific emissions targets, and was purely designed to get China to at least pretend to care. BUT it was also going to cost the US real money, and there’s no reason for us to suffer that sort of penalty while getting zilch in return for it.
And the Iran deal, … i mean for fuck’s sake. It was in shreds literally weeks after it was signed. Obama did it purely for “legacy burnishing” purposes, and it was a dead letter weeks after it was signed, and the Iranians were happily lobbing missiles in Saudi’s direction and using all their newfound cash to ensure the regime’s continued solvency. What concessions did they make, in reality? None.
I don’t like Trump. I think he’s a cad, and i think he’s irrational and does stupid shit (like his tariff bluster) purely because he thinks it makes him look good w/ his yokel base. But all this “OMG HE IS DEATH, DESTROYER OF WORLDS, ENDER OF CIVILIZATIONS” shrill gibberish simply bores me, and undermines legitimate criticism.
The thing that has made me the most angry during this post-election period – by far – is the tendency of Lefties to literally hyperventilate over something Trump did when Obama did almost the same exact thing and they didn’t say shit. I never heard “well, I like Obama and everything, but that was a bad move” or “I wish he would stick to the things he said during the campaign“. Nope. I never heard anything from the Obamabots but declarations that he’s a perfect president and anyone who disagrees is a racist. I would confront them with these bad things Obama did (warmongering, NSA spying, completely fucking up the health insurance market, etc.) and all I would ever get is “hmm”, “huh”, “oh”, or “yea”. Never the slightest glimmer of acknowledgement that Obama is a politician just like the others and he does shitty things.
“Progressivism” has truly become a religion.
The dog is working my last nerve this evening. Probably because I just filed my taxes and I’m irritable as hell.
Take him/her/xe for a walk. The puppez know how to fix things.
^^ This.
I literally just asked my dog what his pronouns are!
Let me guess: he was too busy licking himself to answer.
Pretty much!
Our female dog thinks she’s the alpha male of everybody in the house, and our male dog is a beta cuck. But he’s a lovable cuck.
This is usually the case. There is a reason bitches are called bitches.
Exact same in my house
Dadgummit…do I need to switch to Apple products now?
Depends. Do you want them to artificially limit your battery life like a Tesla or do you want to be able to choose the shape/size of your oppressor (I’ve gone from Motorola to LG to Samsung).
MacBook Air for laptop. Love it.
OnePlus 5t for phone. Love it (although it’s gigantic).
Between Apple and Google, I see Apple as the lesser of two evils. From my limited knowledge, Apple seems more committed to privacy & encryption.
I switched from samsung galaxy to iphone about a year ago and don’t regret it at all. Gifs and emojis work so much better, and I like using both to comedic effect, so there’s that too.
Apple’s business model isn’t centered on leveraging your data, Google’s is and they’re terrible on that stuff.
YOUR data. Ever since Gilmore pointed that out, I can’t stop noticing it.
No, you’re data!
Yes, that is the ultimate point. Apple’s business is selling hardware. Everything else is incidental.
Well the original concept for Android was an open source phone (my programmer buddy was really into it conceptually) vs the locked/limited iPhone concept. Apple is extremely tight on what they will/won’t allow in their app store and you can’t get around it with 3rd party apps like Gab (twitter alternative). If they don’t approve you, no joy. On android, the open architecture lets you download/install apps from the internet vice the store if you so choose.
You can jailbreak iPhones if you want. But Apple doesn’t like it because Apple doesn’t want garbagey, insecure apps of the kind that I have heard litter the Android store to detract from the “experience”.
Yes, you must join our cult!
I’m still partial to VAX
I vaguely remember that from college. Dropped my one and only CS class after a few weeks and goofed off for ten years before starting a career in IT. Sigh.
My gripe with Apple is from personal experience with their shoddy products that I spent my hard-earned money on.
HOWEVER, if Google were to ban NRATV, I’d have no choice. For now, it’s nice Apple is not banning them and comes close to making me want to switch.
FWIW I went to the dark side in 2006 when Macs switched to better Intel processors and have had nothing but positive results since. My work gives out iPhones so even if I didn’t finally buy my own last year I would be on that anyway. I’ve never had an Android but my old company gave out Blackberrys…
I have a very old model (5s) and I love the form factor, fits perfectly in one hand. Battery life seems fine to me /shrugs. Otherwise, I’ve never own any other apple products and have no intention to, besides another iphone when my is lost, broken, or eventually fails due to old age.
Last part got cut off..
Is he mischaracterizing Paul’s stance or is that really it?
Perhaps if we just stopped sticking our collective dick in every crazy that walks thru the bar door…
The specious arguments of the warmongers are always such a joy.
“The world is different, mmmkay.”
The defense of the Republic can be accomplished for less than 100 billion dollars a year. What you can’t do for that cost is defend every square inch of the fucking globe from ROOOOSIANSS and CHINESE and TERRORISTS.
Eh, the US could probably get away with Australian levels of defense spending, given our neighbors and relative geographic isolation.
Australia spends about $900 per capita each year on their military. The US and Israel spend about $1800 per capita each year.
So we’re looking at about a $300 billion defense budget, which is similar to the Clinton years.
If the goal was simply to defend the US, there wouldn’t be need for much more than a few hundred ICBMs.
Oh, you’re fixing to sink our merchant ships/bomb our cities/land an invasion force?
Have a little fire, Scarecrow.
Now, if you want the military to defend other countries, provide emergency relief, train foreign militaries, etc- that’s gonna cost extra.
A navy for dealing dealing with the Barbary Pirates and the like. Preventing/responding to attacks on our shipping on the open is legit.
Eh, I’d rather just let the merchant ships arm themselves. A few .50 cal guns would be enough.
On a related note, today I learned:
“So we’re looking at about a $300 billion defense budget, which is similar to the Clinton years.”
Hell you could go lower then that.
The entire USMC as it currently exists is a 40 billion dollar budget. Keep a LANTFLT and a PACFLT amphib group built around a couple America class ships for embassy reinforcement/small unit raiding/hostage operations.
Navy gets cut down to 2 CVN groups per ocean, keep enough Tridents to glass any nation, a few attack subs per ocean for interdiction of enemy invasion fleets. Expand the UAV program for surveillance, patrol, and maritime interdiction.
Slash the Army down to staff and cadre. Open up the Army school system to any civilian who wants to train, with no service commitment, reviving the milita tradition for the modern war environment. Small arms and crew served weapons to be liquidated to American citizens at cost, transfer the armor and artillery to state control or to mothballed depots with maintnence cadre. NTC stays open and does nothing but rotate Guard units through, along with any interest civilian clubs or organizations. ICBMs stay. Air defense assets seeded along the coasts and border zones.
Air Force slashes manned aircraft heavily, full push into UAVs. Break the monopoly of the fighter jocks. Sell the cargo planes at auction.
The main thing is slashing the number of people. That’s really what costs. Yes, subs and planes are expensive, but they’re nothing compared to salaries, housing costs, healthcare costs, pension costs.
All good suggestions. To yours I would add that there should be one officer per 50 enlisted instead of 1 for every 5.
side note: I was surprised to learn that US military spending went down less than 10% after the Cold War ended.
“To yours I would add that there should be one officer per 50 enlisted instead of 1 for every 5.”
Yeah absolutely another key thing. Officer corps should be no more than 3% of the total force.
“I was surprised to learn that US military spending went down less than 10% after the Cold War ended.”
Oh they just had to find new reasons to keep it rolling.
This is my favorite idiot trope – that the post-WWII world, i.e. the cold war, is somehow representative of normal international affairs. And that the collapse of one power meant the unchallenged unrivaled ascension of the remaining one. No, it threw us back toward the more typical condition – wherein smaller powers band together to counter a larger power.
We don’t deliver beneficence at the muzzle of a gun. No one does. Now there are people that do profit from such, and woe be to any who threaten that profit.
I don’t think that’s right at all.
In fact, i don’t think any rothbardians were remotely influenced by Realist arguments. What i’ve read from him suggested his influences were “The Old Right” of the 1930s (the Anti-Imperialist League, the Nation, WWI opponents), not post-war Realists.
sure, everyone who talks about FP eventually makes realist arguments – just as anyone who argues in favor of capitalism on principle will also say, “And it works (shows data)” Utilitarian arguments are always made to support positions of principle. Its just that they’re dropped when the data turns around the other way and points to anything contrary.
I don’t really like arguments that say things like, “many X believe”…. and then don’t actually link to any source-material substantiating the claim.
Thing we must realize about Rohac is that he is a Czech so his attitudes towards the US and EU are filtered through his view that they have made the world, including his own country, a better place and the opponents of the US and the EU have bad ideas and will make the world a worse place. After all “non-interventionism” gave Czechoslovakia to the Nazis and then to the Communists.
“After all “non-interventionism” gave Czechoslovakia to the Nazis and then to the Communists.”
It was the interventionism of the Western Allies which led to the fall of Czechoslovakia. The “Sudetenland” (the term itself is a post WWI propaganda creation of the Greater Germany crowd) contained vital border fortresses, defensive terrain features, and crucial industrial infrastructure. The Western Allies giving it away to Germany essentially disarmed Czechoslovakia for the war to come.
The thing about the interventionists in foreign policy, is like their brethern, the interventionists in economic policy, they constantly change history and outright lie. Munich was interventionism, not isolationism.
WWII is the evergreen wellspring for the warmongers, because FDR’s maneuvering of the US to a war it did not need to fight is praised because the Nazis were evil. So it gets constantly brought up as a fig leaf for the new wars. Because everyone is literally Hitler when the warmongers want to get their boners het up.
Well I did put “non-interventionism” in quotes since the Allies helped create Czechoslovakia in WWI and enabled to the Soviets to March into Czechoslovakia in WWII.
I totally missed the sarcasm quotes, my bad.
What the fucking fuck is box 14 for?
Gynneth’s head?
I thought that was #7.
Is that the one with the alphabet soup in it?
*gibbers maniacally in corner*
I use a website and just plug it in verbatim. No idea what effect it has if any.
That’s what I do. And now I owe Cuomo nearly $700 bucks. I should start hiring a professional to do my taxes.
Ouch. He’s giving me back $89.
Sad news for the Gen Xers; Harry Anderson died. Only 65 years old.
RIP. He was terrific.
It would seem I’m definitely on the tail end of Gen-X, by means of the Night Court test. This fantastic song is the first thing that came into my head when I clicked the article. Now I need to listen to it again another half dozen times before I call it a night.
Nice… that show was on every week in my house.
Also, I just noticed I did jury duty in that court building once.
Excellent. Thanks for that.
Awesome. Now enjoy this wonderful part of the show.
I was wondering how long it would take to switch focus to Markie.
10 minutes! And only because I had to take a call.
Damn, NBC was edgier than I remember.
Still might
I knew it would be you and you did not disappoint,
*tips hat*
It’s what I’m here for amigo!
What’s new with the AH?
Frustration and aggravation. Won’t start. Think it’s the valve timing ( the engine builder has a real bad case of ADD). Then the heater in the garage died and it’s only this week that it looks like Spring might arrive. I’ll wait ’til things are looking bright and sunny. I’ve learned (the hard way) not to work when I’m frustrated/angry. Better to let things sit a bit.
I keep looking at the lump in the back of my garage and wonder if I’ll ever get the damn thing out.
This was a motherfucker of a winter.
Rumor was that her and Hillary had a thing going on in the Arkansas Governor’s mansion.
That’s right, you boys, Markie was the first Huma.
Meh. I’m just gonna picture her with Stephanie Zimbalist.
^^^^ oh please, yes ^^^^
“Try this for a deep, dark secret: the great lesbo matchup Markie Post/Stephanie Zimbalist? It doesn’t exist. I invented it. Follow. I always loved excitement, so I studied, and watched, and put out hetero pr0n. But absolutely nobody knocked down my door to buy it. A female-male relationship seemed so…mundane. So I invented a same sex relationship. A decidedly feminine companion. Suddenly there were punters around the block. It was working like a charm…until the day she walked in, with her hazel eyes and mysterious past. And before I knew it, she assumed the submissive identity. Now I do the work, and she takes the dildos. It’s a exhausting way to live, but as long as people buy it, I can get the job done. We never mix business with pleasure. Well, almost never. I don’t even know her favorite position!”
Right as they are getting into it, the Heather’s knock on the door…
Where did that rumour originate? From the depths of Mike M.’s booger encrusted cranium?
The sourcing I heard it from was a guy who worked a state Governor’s detail, and heard it from someone on the Arkansas detail.
That areola shot is legit.
Does the Night Court test involved immediately IDing Brent Spiner as Bob Wheeler instead of Data?
I would think that is just a sign of someone who never had a television after 1988.
Well damn, RIP guy.
Posted without comment.
There’s like 100 of us. How the fuck can we be such a powerful force in a country of 360 million?!?
And all 100 call the other 99 heretics?
I just thought a single example of libertarians “consistently failing to protect those same free speech opportunities for the right” might have been helpful.
He’s speaking here in DC in a couple weeks. I wasn’t gonna go, but if the SJWs hate him, I may just go see him.
He’s an adjunct scholar at CATO it says. SJW targeting mainstream libertarians now. Hans Hoppe on campus would start a riot.
Shocked…shocked by this. To the SJWs even the most milquetoast libertarianism is too much.
I wonder if Ron Paul could go to a college now? He use to pack colleges
When was the last time he tried? The news letters alone would be enough…
I did not know this:
Harry Shearer is continuing to play his Spinal Tap character of Derek Smalls. and releases songs, as tho he’s genuinely an aging rock star who refuses to go away.
Hey, sooner or later that animation gig is going to lose it’s uniqueness and then he’ll have the music to fall back on.
That show will never last.
I think the audio in that video has been doctored.
you might be on to something.
Credentials and awards are so meaningful… https://www.forbes.com/sites/ogdenpayne/2018/04/16/kendrick-lamar-wins-pulitzer-prize-for-damn/#526e00c63cc3
There is a Pulitzer for music?
I think I know this euphemism…
Ah. The kind of song where if you took out the swear words, it would last 10 seconds and consist entirely of words like “the”, “and”, “of”, and “is”.
It must get exhausting to be so full of yourself.
there’s a Dilbert cartoon for this:
1992?! It’s amazing that this could have come out yesterday and be exactly as fresh.
That’s great. How did you find it?
I searched the Dilbert cartoon database for “rap”.
Keep this up, the Left. It’s totally going to work this time.
So Commerce Clause, General Welfare and Equal Protection…/SCOTUS
Imagine if Kyle Kashuv tried suing the gun grabbers.
Former Clinton Strategist to Hillary: Be Gracious Like Al Gore Was
The thing that Clinton and co don’t get is that enough people are so fed up with the status quo that a guy like Trump looks like a tempting alternative.
That should be setting off alarm bells for them.
They think Trumpalos are the scum of the earth, but I wonder if it crosses their minds that the feeling is mutual.
And then she bit his head off, injected her poison, and sucked out the liquefied entrails.
Maybe ceding those Humanities departments to the Marxists wasn’t such a brilliant move? Maybe, just maybe, the Liberal Arts really freaking matter? And maybe the way they matter is precisely in the area of preserving and transmitting the historical (History), mythic (Classics), philosophical (Philosophy), and literary (Literature) canon that teaches the underlying ethos of liberalism? But hey, STEM is what matters right?
” For whatever reason, such ideas are in short supply in both the social sciences and the humanities”
As if the ‘authoritarian populists’ are not a direct backlash against the policies supported by these types.
Sometimes Tumblr hits the mark:
I give you now Professor Twist
A conscientious scientist
Trustees exclaimed
“He never bungles!”
And sent him off to distant jungles.
Camped by the river side,
One day he missed his loving bride.
She had, the guide informed him later,
Been eaten by an alligator.
Professor Twist could not but smile.
“You mean”, he said, “a crocodile”.
I memorized this poem in elementary school and never forgot it.
I remember as recently as some Simpsons episode where it was normal for Americans to ridicule know-it-all eggheads. Now we’re supposed to worship them or something. Fuck that.
Simpsons still has a corrupt Democrat Mayor and Educrats who don’t give a shit. Not very woke attitudes these days.
I haven’t watched in at least ten years but I remember back in the day some of the stories had themes that would be considered “conservative” today and I bet every writer was a lefty.
Simpson writers are leftists? What gave you that idea?
Or that Episode where Burns is defeated running for Governor (I think?) because of a three-eyed fish.
Heh. Forgot that one.
Well… consider the episode where Homer buys a gun and uses it to turn off the TV and pop the toaster and shit. Marge of course convinces him to toss it… only to pull it out of the trash for herself. I can’t see a woke lefty television writer coming up with that today.
Last week’s episode took a quick shot at the comedian who is incensed by Apu.
“Bully Hunters”
*uncontrollable Cartman laughter*
“Bully Hunters.” Move over, fake-rapping boomer parents, you’re back to being cool again. It turns out millennials are the cringiest motherfuckers alive.
It’s incredible that there are people who simultaneously believe that women can be just as tough and strong as men to the extent of wanting them in the infantry …and also that female gamers hearing trash talk is a serious problem.
Ooh, someone is saying mean things to you? Join the club.
It’s good. It’s so good. The whole thing was an ad campaign by some headset manufacturer to push their wares as an “anti-bullying field guide package,” literally a bunch of crap themed with the anti-bullying logo dropped in the same box as their headset. And when they’re called on their shit and realized they’d get no cred with either crowd? They’re blaming “right-wingers.” Hey, guys, maybe you could get Hillary to spotlight your gear on The View.
Ah, I take it back. Steele Series “disavows” the campaign. The streamers who were enlisted to run it are backpeddling and blaming right-wingers. Hilarious.
Ugh, and now they’ll probably say they’re being bullied even though what’s actually happening is that they’re being heavily criticized for good reason.
The best thing is that the entire thing was faked – – same folks logging on and killing each other, bullying other folks, etc. The whole shitshow rose and fell in something like a week. These timelines are getting shorter and shorter ;p Meh, was about the link the Metokur vid but it looks like you already did.
That’s why I go straight to China for my gaming headphones.
Afraid to look at that…
It’s a bunch of well priced headsets, NSFW
I’m Teh Disappoint..
There are two ideas of what women really are:
A) No-nonsense hardasses who can do everything a man can do, and then some. GRRL power!!!
B) Dainty, helpless damsels who need a big strong man to protect them, support them financially, and refrain from ever hurting their feelings
Feminists will switch between these two positions as expedience dictates.
LOL suck it Lightning
I’d have thought Rangers fans hate the Devils more.
Watching a making-of of National Lampoon’s Vacation. Top 10 favorite off mine, all genres.
Tonight OMWC made me watch “Beavis & Butt-Head Do America.”
I was indeed drinking, but clearly not enough. Wine, not the hard stuff. Disclaimer: I was never a 12 year old boy.
Quick poll: Love it, Hate it, Neither, Never saw it
Also, on a deeply personal note, as of 2016 the only grounds for divorce in Illinois: irreconcilable differences. DING DING DING!!! We have a winner!
(It was still better than “Jaws.”)
My oldest sister took my older brother and I to see the movie. We didn’t MTV in my town, so we only ever saw what video store had. Bottom line; Demi Moore, would.
CPRM, I’m so disappointed, yet not at all surprised. *sigh*
Hey, it was a simpler time, David Letterman was ‘a subversive comic’; a more innocent time.
I was about 8 when I saw it, and I loved it. I have my doubts that I would find it entertaining now.
Grammar and Robert Stack, how can it get better?
OK, Robert Stack was perfection.
It’s one of those culture breaks I had with friends that my mom, the electronic puritan, left me unequipped to understand. I love King of the Hill and Idiocracy, but I never could get B&B no matter how much my friends tried to talk me around. It just seemed so pointless and uncouth. And when South Park went into full swing, it wasn’t until later seasons when it went surreal/absurdist or ripped-from-the-headlines political that I could stand the series. Wendy and Stan revealing a conspiracy to rig the list of cute boys is terrific. Cartman getting an alien probe shoved up his ass, not so much.
Yes! I love his non animated movies, and even came to appreciate King of the Hill when I moved to Texas and my neighbors were in fact Dale Gribble, Khan, and Boomhauer.
But this was stupid, juvenile bathroom “humor” I just do not get.
I refer you to the Robert Stack Grammar joke linked right above.
I was in college when the TV show came out. I never got the appeal either.
That, and Twin Peaks.
Neither, because I forgot it. I know I saw it but I literally cannot recall a single scene.
You are blessed!
Did you ever watch the show? It was very uneven as I remember it. Some of it was fantastically stupid without being funny. Sometimes it really captured the zeitgeist of a younger teenage boy particularly when when one of them went nuts for a video.
Um, no.
I was perfectly situated to be the archetypal Beavis and Butthead fan. I was 14 or 15 when the show started, and I knew guys who basically WERE Beavis and Butthead. Been a fan ever since. I will say, though, that the actual show could be hit or miss. It was the videos that made it pure gold for me.
THis^^ The show was lightning in a bottle. It satirized a lot MTV, mocking videos and teen-age boys.
The movie was mostly meh, a little too late the show, but it did have some moments.
My brother at the top end of the range for the target.
Biggest fan? My Mom. She’s 71 and still does the voices.
“Shut-up, ass-munch! Heh!”
The Beavis and Butthead show was always a treat for me in large part because my mom told me it was bad for my morals and that I wasn’t allowed to watch it.
I guess my opinion on the movie is “neither”. It was funny though.
I never really cared for the movie Jaws. I read the book when I was like 10. The only thing I remember was how the author vividly described teen males pressing their erections into the sand on the beach; I found that kind of weird.
While congress doth protest too much about people voluntarily giving their information to facebook; this was the message last time I logged in: Introducing Face Recognition For More Features
Hi, we’re always working to make Facebook better, so we’re adding more ways to use face recognition besides just suggesting tags. For example, face recognition technology can do things like:
• Find photos you’re in but haven’t been tagged
• Help protect you from strangers using your photo
• Tell people with visual impairments who’s in your photo or video
You control face recognition. This setting is on, but you can turn it off any time, which applies to features we may add later.
-The Facebook Team
Makes me feel so much safer that I won’t get brainwashed by phake newz
Yeah, there is no way I’m signing up for that.
Also: SugarFree is my favorite. There! I said it!
But I’m a 9w1!
Ok, you’re my favorite 9w1!
SP is my favorite…
Host/commander/dictator/holder of catbutts. 🙂
I have never cat butted anyone. If I think someone has transgressed that far, I just ban them forever.
In short: I’m a 9w1. If you make me go into conflict mode, I scorch that damn earth and then salt it.
PS: nobody likes a brown-noser.
I’m a 5W30, I protect four cylinder engines from corrosion and have a mild viscosity.
The brain behind animated Hat & Hair ain’t that mild, dude.
Now there is a brain involved? Nobody told me!
That’s probably the best way to go.
If agression is called for, then maximum agression is the way to go.
I tolerate only so much. once that tolerance level is broken, maximum agressive should be applied.
animated Hat and Hair haz sad.
Has animated Hat & Hair ever bought me dinner at one of my top two restaurants ever or plied me with fine bourbon? No? I thought I’d remember that.
That’s a Low Blow!
Like I’m clicking that.
I’m not HM, I’m I’m PG-13 at best
Uh-huh, sure, yep.
/SP doesn’t click Glib links, duh
Not even to hear: Kiss from a Rose (metal cover by Leo Moracchioli)
It’s safe and entertaining.
My wife quit her job last week. She did because of the perverse incentive of the ACA.
For awhile she has been making and selling craft products. She is kicking this into high gear since she quit. Her efforts have been somewhat productive so far. She complained to me today about all the effort she has put in to products she hasn’t sold.
This gave me an opportunity to explain how the the labor theory of value is bullshit.
Tomorrow I shall send you an email. One of my specialties is marketing for creatives, addressing such questions.
How would one make a youtube channel blow-up?
Just kidding NSA!
Seriously, in short: other social media driving traffic; ads; an email list of rabid supporters; an online community; GOOD SEO; persistent local, in-person community presence; luck.
I’ll send you detailed ideas, too. It’s very much possible.
/not charging her usual agency rate for Glib insiders
Yep! And, also, YouTube is a long game. LOOOONG game.
Unlike Facebook and Twitter where the half-life of a post is less than a day, or even Pinterest where it’s 90 days, on YouTube if content is evergreen, it can survive and continue to grow for years.
SP and I are merging our two agencies into one kickass agency where we can cover the full spectrum of online marketing. We’re always happy to chat with Glibinsiders.
Wow, I was graced with a webdominatrix response. I must be special.
Of course you are!
Time for that arranged marriage then. That’s what the Jews do, right?
Already married or I’d have to take you up on that!
Who said I’m Jewish?
That’s very interesting. I do quite a bit of content marketing for my law firm. It works for damn near anything if the wide spectrum of conference attendees is a guide. I’m glad to talk with any Glib who needs help.
Right? It just takes consistency and effort. People expect it to happen overnight.
Although, sometimes it does. One of my clients went from 0 to 12k followers on Pinterest in 1 month. The content they shared at my urging got the attention of people who could advance them quickly.
We should talk seriously when you are next in Chicagoland!
Jeebus, you are a magician. The longer I do it and the more consistently I do it the better my numbers but I’ve never had a jump like that. Mind you I’m “limited” to my website and YouTube. My marketing director keeps pushing to do more in social media but I’ve never seen a return on what we’ve done and measuring it seems impossible.
We will talk. Means and ways. Better ways to measure. Etc.
It’s sad I can’t go all out on Glibs, but…. so many reasons not.
Wait. Are you a lawyer? I don’t talk to lawyers.
Email me your website if you like. I’ll take a look. I worked with a law firm in CT to improve their website SEO, sm and online presence a couple years ago with good results.
Sp@ this domain etc
I look forward to that. any advice you have will be appreciated.
I read “a fools errand” last night.
Holy shit, I have always thought the war in Afghanistan is bullshit. The book reinforced my preconceived notions and conformed them more than I thought possible.
The military industrial complex is real. for real.
Never trust anything you disagree with, but absolutely never trust anything you agree with.
It’s well cited. I recommend it. The while war in Afghanistan has been a farce from the start. The book proves it.
I am always very skeptical. Truly I am. This one is a good read.
Who is the author?
Scott horton
Thanks. By the description it looks something like Cobra II by Tom Ricks.
That would be worth the price of admission.
Nothing that charges admission is ever worth the price; except flea markets if you want to buy a lot of junk.
Next episode of the animated Hat and Hair runs here at 11am Central. Stay tuned.
The worst thing about have a gruff pantie melting voice? No one in the real world can hear me unless I speak up, then I get a high pitched squeaky voice. Fuck acoustic science!
Barry White at low volume but Peewee Herman at high volume?
Pee Wee has a voice too deep for my every day voice.
If this isn’t hyperbole you may want to talk with a voice coach.
/has no idea what that means
You don’t have to understand. You just have to accept it’s true because… science. *might be confused with global warming debate *
You met me, did you think my voice was amazingly deep? But apparently on the radio it is. I don’t know.
I thought your voice was pleasant. I’ll have to dial in one of your shows online and seriously evaluate.
Every time I hear myself I think I slur like a stroke victim. Even the people I work with were making fun of me for how deep my on air voice is. I was just talking. I don’t know.
More shall be revealed!
Ok after listening to the received clips, you sound on air as you do in person. Are people just not paying attention? Losers.
And! As OMWC will attest, I am very sensitive to speaking voices. In fact, I once declined an excellent marriage proposal (rich, well-connected, charming, kind, and handsome man) because I couldn’t imagine listening to his voice for the rest of my life.
And OMWC was worried before meeting me IRL because he thought I’d hate his voice/Baltimore accent.
(I do, but don’t tell him. 😉 )
I imagine you being up all night and him getting up early helps keep the conversation to a minimum. 🙂
That’s just about right!
Night people FTW!
Everyone always asks me to to speak up; and my voice cracks, but on the radio I just pod that shit up.
I Say Hello, and Good Night!
You say good(night) and I say hello! Hello, hello!
I don’t know why you say goodbye, I say hello!
Don’t say it,
Don’t say it,
You can say anything
But don’t say goodnight tonight.
Where are muh morning links?
Just watched Kelly-Anne and Chris Cuomo sparring. Reminded me of this! https://youtu.be/kW_wLhYErR8
Twitter is down. Where am I supposed to discuss this?
I blame capitalism