By PieInTheSKy
In this particular piece, Pie ponders people’s perceptions of pragmatism pertaining to politics, particularly partisanship. Is it just me or does this blog need more alliteration?

2 Major Parties
This is, as you know, the most important election of our lives. This is a time to be pragmatic; there is no place for philosophy or idealism. It is important to stop Insert Candidate Here and now. For every other country, add names of parties, rinse, repeated. This is something I am often faced with people when I try to discuss principle. A call to pragmatism is what I get. People do not have time to read and debate the fundamentals of economy, philosophy, and ethics. They are pragmatic. They care, mostly, that the party they oppose loses this time. This time is important, we will think of principle after. Unfortunately this time is every damn time. So is this truly pragmatic? Yes, my candidate has many flaws, but the other is worse and this is not the time nitpick a bit of theft and fraud here and there.
The question I would ask, as a libertarian, is when and how can we get to the point where the election is not that important and we can think principle? Also, if so many crucial elections were lost by the side The Great Pragmatists support, it is obvious The Wrong People will inevitably end up in power and the Most Important Election will be lost. So would it not be a good idea to reduce government power and make these often wrong elections less crucial? Of course not. This time, we cannot allow the wrong lizard to win. And when Our Side gets that elusive Permanent Majority, we will have the time to think upon the fundamentals.
This permanent pseudo-pragmatism is rather obviously, to me at least, engineered for a very clear purpose: a way to keep people alarmed by the next election. Create urgency so people do not think long term, or in perspective. Many blame politicians for thinking only about the next election, but regular voters do the same. And more importantly, vastly lowering the expectations placed on politicians. Some Romanians have been voting the lesser evil for going on 30 years now, and are constantly screwed. And the lesser evil gets worse and worse, as it is no longer expected of politicians not to steal, but to be the lesser thief in the election. And this led to exactly what they wanted. So how fucking pragmatic is it, in the end, to constantly vote for the lesser thief? Maybe it would be better to vote on some clear principles. Maybe the lesser evil might lose until it becomes not evil? Maybe … eh who am I kidding?
This so called pragmatism often leads to missing the forest from the trees, to miss the fundamentals of what a government should and should not do. In the end, to hardly notice that the parties are not all that different, and not in the positive aspects, if there are any. That certain people make bank whomever is in power. That lobbyists thrive, that laws are getting complicated mostly for the benefit of special interests. That year after year things are not improving nearly as much as they should.
Each election we try to fix the cracked window, but what about the rotting foundation of the house? Well I don’t have time to think of the foundation, I am, after all, a pragmatist. That crack in the window is crucial, so it needs fixing. Laws and regulations are constantly patched without thinking if they are so bad to need constant patching maybe, we should rethink them. But people are pragmatists and they patch and patch and one year later a new patch is needed. Not unlike software, a point comes where the code is too complicated and full of bugs; you need to outright rewrite it.
Beyond ideology of left and right, if people were actually intending to create a good society , some things would be a lot more bipartisan, like make things as clear as simple as possible, constantly analyze if things work and if not change, don’t patch. But they do not intend that. They want to push their little pet projects, protect their sacred cows and care not a jot about anything else.
I used this Douglas Adams quote before, but I will again, ’cause I like it:
“It comes from a very ancient democracy, you see…”
“You mean, it comes from a world of lizards?”
“No,” said Ford, who by this time was a little more rational and coherent than he had been, having finally had the coffee forced down him, “nothing so simple. Nothing anything like to straightforward. On its world, the people are people. The leaders are lizards. The people hate the lizards and the lizards rule the people.”
“Odd,” said Arthur, “I thought you said it was a democracy.”
“I did,” said Ford. “It is.”
“So,” said Arthur, hoping he wasn’t sounding ridiculously obtuse, “why don’t the people get rid of the lizards?”
“It honestly doesn’t occur to them,” said Ford. “They’ve all got the vote, so they all pretty much assume that the government they’ve voted in more or less approximates to the government they want.”
“You mean they actually vote for the lizards?”
“Oh yes,” said Ford with a shrug, “of course.”
“But,” said Arthur, going for the big one again, “why?”
“Because if they didn’t vote for a lizard,” said Ford, “the wrong lizard might get in. Got any gin?”
“I said,” said Ford, with an increasing air of urgency creeping into his voice, “have you got any gin?”
“I’ll look. Tell me about the lizards.”
Ford shrugged again.
“Some people say that the lizards are the best thing that ever happened to them,” he said. “They’re completely wrong of course, completely and utterly wrong, but someone’s got to say it.”
So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish…
it is difficult to make good wine in the ocean
Apparently not true
So you’re saying we should just dump all of the wine in the sea?
I support this course of action.
*listens to murmured whisper*
Oh, you plan to fish it back out again later. Nevermind.
Pragmatism, Canadian Edition –
This lady is a celebrated lefty agitator and is being feted by the CBC for being mentally ill.
But you repeat yourself.
I knew it!
There’s no such thing as Multiple Personalities. It usually gets “diagnosed” because of an overeager, non-physician psychotherapist and a gullible, reactive patient.
“So,” said Arthur, hoping he wasn’t sounding ridiculously obtuse, “why don’t the people get rid of the lizards?”
Looks nervously up at the sky ….
No need to look that high
Ignores Pie, continues scanning the sky for Mr Lizard’s impending bombardment.
Dude, You already know we’re already here. And relax about some crazy earth-shattering bombardment man. I told you the invasion permit is being held up in committee.
The plans are on display in the bottom of a locked filing cabinet stuck in a disused lavatory with a sign on the door saying ‘Beware of the Leopard.’
we’re already here …. held up in committee
Looks like our most dangerous virus has infected your species.
Jokes on you!
“The bureaucracy is expanding to meet the needs of the expanding bureaucracy.”
That’s genius Gord. I would read an article-length parody of War of the Worlds where bureaucracy is the infectious disease that brings down the Martians.
This mentality drives me crazy. Everyone wants their special pony, and everyone wants someone else to pay for it.
Buy Me a Pony!
No you may not have a pony. You don’t need one and we can’t afford it.
*loses election*
Who do I look like?! Oprah?!
I have no desire for a pony. But, damn, do I want cake!
mmm… cake.
Since the odds are effectively zero that anyone will remember my anniversary tomorrow, should I bring my own cake?
If you vote for me, I’ll let you eat cake.
TK for president!
The distinguished gentleman, my esteemed opponent TK, wants to give you cake in return for your vote. He seems to think your vote is not worth a whole heck of a lot, pardon my language. I stand before you today, humble and gratified, here to tell you that a vote for Junior is a vote for cake, pie, AND the adult beverage of your choosin’. So come November, you folks get out to your pollin’ place and tell Mr. TK what he can do with his measly piece of cake.
F. Stupidity Jr. for president!
To put it frankly, ladies and gentleman, my reckless opponent Junior wants to bankrupt our precious nation by providing his friends and cronies with multi-million dollar pies and adult beverages on your dime! My delicious plan will focus on fiscally-sustainable cake provided using budget-balancing mechanisms. A vote for Junior is a vote to mortgage the future of your children and your children’s children in return for diabetic policies that are in direct contradiction to the blood-sugar stability of our nation. A vote for me is a vote for stability and common-sense delicious treat control. Vote for me for yourselves, vote for me for the nation, and most importantly, vote for me for the children.
F. Stupidity Jr. for president! What have the children ever done for us?
Goddamn Russian bots!
The person has spoken, TK – thanks for running a fair and clean campaign
just like we did.Here’s my victory speech.
*opens congressional investigation into Mr. Junior*
The only reason my opponent, Mr. Junior, was able to effectively lie and STEAL the presidency of these United Candyland States is because is because he illegally scraped candybook data and invaded the platform with FAKE NEWS! Listen to his campaign slogans “give candyland pie again.” Notice the word “again?” My opponent is looking backwards, while I won all of the votes in the areas looking forward, to cake.
Odds are low, if you end up facing the Animal/STEVE SMITH candidacy on the “Fuck Off, Slavers!” party ticket.
Some Romanians have been voting the lesser evil for going on 30 years now, and are constantly screwed. And the lesser evil gets worse and worse, as it is no longer expected of politicians not to steal, but to be the lesser thief in the election. And this led to exactly what they wanted. So how fucking pragmatic is it, in the end, to constantly vote for the lesser thief?
Too many partisan retards here in America who think that they can’t possibly let the other tribe win, oh noes, that would be the end of the world, while the world burns around them anyways.
I would say the average voter is incapable of evaluating the merits of a candidate. You could have a good person and knowledgeable legislator running for office and lose to the seeming lesser of two evils. Part of this is due to asymmetrical information and part of this is that the voter may assume things (i.e. not giving is taking) that just isn’t so.
TW: Long.
Here’s the problem: within any human organization, power hierarchies will develop; whether that be a school board, a rec-league softball team, an HOA or a D&D guild. When such a hierarchy develops within the government, the implications of who controls that power hierarchy will have profound impacts on people’s liberty and freedom. Because humans are malevolent, venal and power-hungry, there will always be a cadre of people that will attempt to seize control of that power hierarchy for their own benefit. The simplest and easiest way to seize that power is to work within the structure of the system created to maintain that power hierarchy. Therefore, a might-makes-right monarchy will invite assassinations and coups; an oligarchy will invite intrigue to install one’s family and allies into positions that will facilitate ascension to power and, in our case, elections will invite those who thrive in such an environment. No matter how many limits you try and place on that power hierarchy at its inception, it will always fail (as is being vividly demonstrated in real time in US politics). Therefore, there is no way to prevent elections from becoming “THE MOST IMPORTANT ELECTION EVAH!” each and every time because those running will always be cut from the same jib; power-hungry control freaks that would try to seize power no matter what system they inhabit. People sense this and that’s why they take the “practical route” and vote for the person who they consider superficially less evil. The joke is that they really are (usually) equally bad and perpetuation of the kakistocracy is inevitable. People rip on libertarians for trashing both parties and saying all options suck, but that’s only because libertarians are usually a bit better at seeing through the bullshit.
People sense this and that’s why they take the “practical route” and vote for the person who they consider superficially less evil. – or they could not vote or vote for anyone not a mainstream party. but I don’t think many see it as superficially less evil. They see it more significant difference then it is.
The majority of voters don’t vote – it doesn’t change the outcome.
The only times I ever voted for someone was back in the 80s. Since then every vote I have cast was against someone else when I felt it was necessary (I stayed home otherwise).
Some good points here. My explanation completely ignored human power hierarchy.
Every revolution has been about some group of assholes wanting to take power from another group of assholes. Some promise a lot of fake shit that play really well with the people motivated by envy and jealousy (all the collectivist ideologies) and when you couple that with a whole bunch of idiots indoctrinated to believe that they are woke for believing marxist drivel, you get a lot of evil, death, and misery.
How does that Heinlein quote about luck go again?
“Because humans are malevolent, venal and power-hungry, there will always be a cadre of people that will attempt to seize control of that power hierarchy”
The base root of The Prince. Macky called humans ‘wretched creatures’.
And people think the solution to this is to give government more power.
Ken Shultz says that’s short.
Some Romanians have been voting the lesser evil for going on 30 years now, and are constantly screwed.
That’s a pretty low bar, considering the the benchmark is Ceaucescu.
When half the population can’t go out in the day light it makes winning on election day that much easier.
Romania not Ireland. The vampire population isn’t that big relative to its food source.
+1 Trophic levels.
Excerpt from recent WSJ piece regarding education:
The irrational actor in this whole drama, Mr. Caplan says, is the voter, who almost without exception wants to keep the tax money flowing. “Only about 5% of Americans say that we should spend less on education,” he says. Even among self-identified “strong Republicans,” the figure is a mere 12%. In this regard, Mr. Caplan is quite the nonconformist. In the new book, he says his ideal would be a complete “separation of school and state,” a position he describes as “crazy extremism.”
in Romania the corrupt government admits one third of the budget is stolen or wasted, it is in reality probably half, and many thing the problem is the government just does not have enough. well it will need a lot more to have enough after the theft and incompetence
I imagine living on the western frontier sometime after the War of 1812 and before the Civil War. I’m asked about the next Presidential election – I shrug and honestly say “it doesn’t affect me at all.” That was the libertarian moment.
-1 Bleeding Kansas/Missouri Compromise
-1 A whole lot of Mexican territory
-1 Bunch of Indian killin’ and displacin’
In fairness, most of those items you listed were made issues by the people living on the frontier, not the people in Washington – although they were the ones who devised the resolutions, so I guess they had some effect.
Nice article Pie.
I think that the fundamental problem is that the electorate is completely split. These aren’t minor superficial differences that pushes one to select the lesser of two evils… one side wants communism and the other does not. It’s not clear exactly what the right side wants, but it’s not outright communism (at least on the voter level).
Sure, conservatives and some libertarians may have despised Trump but voted for him as the lesser of two evils, but that’s not the case with Hilary voters. As far as I can tell, the people who didn’t like Hilary but voted for her anyway disliked her because she wasn’t far left enough.
Though, I guess if you consider communism good and free-markets evil, then in that sense I suppose Bernie supporters still supported the lesser of two evils by voting for Hilary. That doesn’t resolve the issue where each side considers the other to be evil. How is that solved when the split between the electorate is so vast?
one side wants communism and the other does not – I doubt they actually want communism even if they seem to vote that way
but that’s not the case with Hilary voters – I am sure Hillary had reluctant voters. ..
I doubt they actually want communism even if they seem to vote that way
You’re right. In the US communism isn’t popular – the preferred progressive economic model is really a form of fascist economics (i.e. private ownership with public control) rather than communist economics (public ownership with public control).
Party ownership with Party control.
The story of the election was the number of people who held their nose and voted for Clinton despite identifying as libertarians, or conservatives, or Republicans, or what-have-you. There was a huge “lesser of two evils” motivation for both candidates. I daresay more people voted for someone they didn’t like than someone they did.
I weighted which issues I cared about most, and on the big ones it came up “worst Trump will do is status quo, but Hillary will be a disaster”. So yes, I was also a ‘lesser evil’ voter.
Not that I managed to swing New York’s electoral votes.
I was one of, I don’t know, seven people in Maryland who voted for Johnson. I absolutely could not stomach the thought of Clinton, but I wasn’t prepared to vote for Trump. I wasn’t wild about Johnson, either, but he was the least worst to my way of thinking. Where I am, as I think is true for you, it pretty much doesn’t matter who I vote for because the state’s going to the Democratic candidate regardless.
Hildog barely squeaked by here. It was shocking, as we were the only state to break for Mondale.
The idea of not voting ideology or principle is, in my view, problematic for another reason: even pragmatic solutions are, almost always, ideological. A “pragmatic” response to military budgets takes an ideological position on what the role of the military is, etc.
That’s an excellent point. What a person views as the “pragmatic” response will necessarily be colored by their values, which will tend to be ideological. Even the idea of just voting for things that sound good or that you like, piecemeal, is an ideological position.
VERY good article, Pie.
I think there’s probably some sort of continuum of principle versus pragmatism that is ultimately the proper perspective. The discussion has been moved so wildly over to pragmatism that it can look incredibly binary, however. That said, politics is the art of the compromise. I’m going to disagree with pretty much everyone on at least something.
Did you read Jamie Dimon’s letter to shareholders (IIRC you are are quant?) – page 33 discusses bad thinking/arguments and policy impact.
I hadn’t read it. His last two points were actually quite good.
This is, as you know, the most important election of our lives. This is a time to be pragmatic; there is no place for philosophy or idealism.
This is hard to articulate, because it doesn’t make any sense, but I see it as a bizarre two-headed coin toss between “pragmatism” and wishful thinking. One the one hand, we need to pragmatically cock-block those evil bastards from that other party, because they will rape and pillage us if we don’t, but hey, maybe that whole snake-in-the-grass politician persona was just an act, and our lesser of two evils guy will turn out better than expected.
Not everybody can spend their days wallowing in despair.
Thanks for trying to tickle my nutz guys but I really have to go to my physical therapy appointment
Lizards have nuts?
Try not to snap off the head of the therapist this time.
Ya so if you saw what she was trying to do to my arm you would understand. Regardless they are using robotic arms now, but mostly it’s those damn elastic bands
I’m not saying I have a masochism fetish, but my wife is going to PTA school.
In Harper Valley?
So the PT is going to tickle your nuts instead?
Hillary would have been worse.
Worse than Liviu Dragnea? That’s a tough one
But the point is US should not be in the situation to pick between bad and worse
“Worse than Liviu Dragnea? That’s a tough one”
I would say yes. Hillary was world ending evil/stupid all in one package. Remember that she made Trump look decent.
Maybe for you, but my bosses were counting on a full civil war by 2020 if the mammal with the kankles had won. Do you know how many free mammals we could’ve disappeared. It would have been the same rate of meat production without a single plasma bolt fired. Also the ratings would’ve been insane. The intergalactic audience loves live urban combat.
anyways that’s why left all those chlorinated young mammal carcasses out in Syria. My bosses want to see some carnage so that we can meet 2nd quarter revenue and meat goals.
Despair not, future overlords. I think Trump’s victory made that civil war more likely. If Herself had ascended to the throne directly, I don’t think the populace would have risen up in anger, I think they would have begrudgingly accepted it and done their best – working within the system, not outside of it – to fight a rear guard action on those rights that She doesn’t view as important. In contrast, winning the election and THEN having it taken away from then (in some sense) regardless…. THAT I think has potential to generate a real uprising.
Your strategic planners should be praised.
Also- people are highly susceptible to appeals to authority, which explains why so many people beat the “most qualified candidate in the history of candidacy” drum so hard for Herself. I am still utterly baffled that anybody would fall for that one, but they did, in droves. And we have seen quite a few think pieces about how much better it was when Top Men in smoke filled rooms put their heads together and selected a candidate, rather than putting the Party through a lot of turmoil and confusion in an interminable series of primaries.
“I am still utterly baffled that anybody would fall for that one”
But, but, she flew more miles than any other Secretary of State in history.
/actual reason for claiming HRC as “most qualified.”
The other thing that is bizarre about the people making that argument is that most of them voted for Obama over McCain.
About that cartoon at the end of your article Pie…
I have often found that the people engaged in the dumbest shit rarely come in 2 categories. The ones without any real responsibility or financial obligations in life prog hard and want you to see their creds. It is easier to agitate for world communism and social justice when mom & pop are loaded. The second group are those pissed that someone else has more than them and believe they deserve more than they have (and deserve it without having to do anything for it). Idiots the lot of them.
dumbest shit rarely come in 2 categories.
Should be: rarely come in but one of 2 categories..
Type 1: “FUUUCK YOUUU, DAD!!!”
Don’t mean to go off on an Eddie, but I can’t help but wonder if, in the U.S., part of the problem isn’t cultural. In part, politics has become sort of a proxy for a fight between two subcultures with distinctly different and incompatible visions of the country they wish to live in. One wants a cosmopolitan technocracy overseen by an enlightened mandarinate committed to progressive values and radical egalitarianism with respect to identity and operating as the lead participant in a global system overseen by the elites from around the world. The other wants a traditionalist republic, with leadership dispersed to the local level, morals and values rooted in Judeo-Christian tradition, America acting in its own national interest, and social equality taking a back seat to individual effort and initiative.
Now, the former has acquired cultural dominance. And it’s adherents are actively trying to implement that particular vision of the world. If you’re a committed to the principle of individual liberty, that;s going to tend to align your interests with the latter, even if you remain committed to principle and not supporting the latter as the lesser of two evils.
I would settle for a future where we have the least amount of government possible and we are all left to pursue our happiness within the boundaries of a legal system that applies equally to the lowest and the highest, but that option is not wanted by the people that think government should give them their pony.
Oh, I agree. But, I don’t kid myself about either subculture. When the traditionalist subculture held sway, they were happy to push for record bans, sodomy laws and expansive police powers. The vision of libertarians is an entirely different one from either subculture. It’s also a lot less common.
I think not wanting either is where we come in or at least where I come in.
Yeah. Sort of the same for me. Just not quite. I want to be free to choose either way of life. Or some combination of elements from both. And I really don’t care if other people get to choose some other combination for themselves.
cosmopolitan technocracy is one of the more idiotic utopian fantasies people invented. But I do not get people. They know so little and have such strong opinions.
Actually today I heard people in my office honestly wondering: why would anyone want to live in the US over Europe? Is there any advantage?
They had not idea beyond knowing that “savage capitalism” reigns in the US so why would you live there?
cosmopolitan technocracy is one of the more idiotic utopian fantasies people invented. But I do not get people.
Well, cosmopolitan technocracy’s major appeal is to the millions of people who imagine themselves cosmopolitan technocrats. For them, it offers the best of all possible worlds. They get to be in charge. They get to believe they’re good people doing good things and taking care of everyone else. They get to believe they’re more enlightened than the rest of mankind. I would imagine it’s a seductive proposition.
Actually today I heard people in my office honestly wondering: why would anyone want to live in the US over Europe? Is there any advantage?
Which is especially funny since Romania is not one of the four European countries with a better standard of living than the US.
“Better” by what criteria?
I go with GDP per capita. And there are, indeed, four Euro countries with higher GDPs (Luxembourg, Ireland, Norway, and Switzerland).
That is not a very good measure, given the sort of shit and shenanigans that go into coming up with the GDP number.
Got a better one?
No, because ‘better’ is a subjective measure dependant upon that which is important to the individual. I just find GDP a remarkably deceptive number in isolation, because it’s an attempt to boil down a complex situation to a single numeral that can be compared, and the sort of offal thrown into that pot more or less renders it worthless for actually looking at the situation of the people on the ground.
Got a better one?
Hottest chicks.
And I wouldn’t live in any of them.
USA all the way.
Have you applied for a visa, or are you just going to walk across the border?
I can apply but then what?
Crash at your place?
I don’t think so.
I was using median household income adjusted by PPP. It avoids the issue of GDP calculation but does introduce the issue of PPP calculation, but without an attempt at parity adjustment I don’t see how a fair comparison can be made across currencies and markets. All statistics are imperfect at best, I guess.
^ Ding! Ding! Ding! Exactly. PPP has to be taken into consideration.
I like that one better.
To me, “better” can mean 1 of 2 things: (1) Which country does a better job protecting my natural rights from the government and other individuals? (2) Which country’s citizens have a higher purchasing power? Which country has high average wages and a low cost of living?
Fuck GDP
“Better” by what criteria?
I was using economics only. Different people value freedom, security, and equality differently, but (nearly) everyone values money the same (more = better).
“why would anyone want to live in the US over Europe? Is there any advantage?”
One breed of Canadians that grate are the ones that think this way….until they move to the USA for work and then suddenly ‘wake up’.
They either never come back or if they do, try to return to the USA.
Honestly, it’s just plain ignorance people who think this way. America offers everything Europe has – and damn more. And I love Europe.
Nation-states can become too large to manage effectively, and one of the reasons is cultural differences that will exist in an empire of such a large size. Nobody likes to be ruled over by people who don’t share the same culture and values as them.
This is probably why the Founders designed the country to be an alliance of small nation-states (or “states”) that were united by a federal government that did little else besides national defense. Unfortunately, people have lost sight of that design, and they now think of the federal government as THE government through which all things should be done.
I don’t think they lost sight of it, I think they actively rejected it. They want the national super-government, it’s the model that they really understand.
In part, politics has become sort of a proxy for a fight between two subcultures with distinctly different and incompatible visions of the country they wish to live in.
Since we now have a Total State with the power to enforce the acceptance of one subculture by the other(s), this is not a proxy fight any more.
One wants a cosmopolitan technocracy overseen by an enlightened mandarinate committed to progressive values and radical egalitarianism with respect to identity and operating as the lead participant in a global system overseen by the elites from around the world.
I really admire when someone can boil down the core principles of a political philosophy as succinctly as you just did. Bravo. With the possible exception of the word mandarinate, I think most progressives would whole-heartedly embrace that description as well, something that I don’t think I’ve ever said about a progressive’s definition of libertarianism.
Sounds like what Rauch, Brennan and Niskanen believe.
The historical cycle seems to be: From bondage to spiritual faith; from spiritual faith to courage; from courage to liberty; from liberty to abundance, from abundance to selfishness; from selfishness to apathy, from apathy to dependency; and from dependency back to bondage once more.
seems complicated.
Lack freedom, seek freedom, achieve freedom, piss it away.
piss it away
*insert “Feels Good Man” meme here*
Piss it away,
Piss it away,
Piss it away,
Piss it away now.
They had not idea beyond knowing that “savage capitalism” reigns in the US so why would you live there?
Maybe they read that moronic sob story (NYT? I can’t remember for sure) by the English woman who moved to New York for some sort of dream job, only to discover unfettered capitalism was sucking the lifeblood out of her as surely as if she had signed herself into indentured servitude.
“Wot’s all this? Where is my four months’ paid vacation and free health care, Mate? I cannot fathom the indignity of being expected to show up for work and produce something of value in a consistent and timely manner. That’s not how we do it in Blighty. Where’s my union representation?”
The full quote is awesome. This is the first time I’ve seen it.
Paradoxically enough, the release of initiative and enterprise made possible by popular self-government ultimately generates disintegrating forces from within. Again and again after freedom has brought opportunity and some degree of plenty, the competent become selfish, luxury-loving and complacent; the incompetent and the unfortunate grow envious and covetous, and all three groups turn aside from the hard road of freedom to worship the Golden Calf of economic security. The historical cycle seems to be: From bondage to spiritual faith; from spiritual faith to courage; from courage to liberty; from liberty to abundance, from abundance to selfishness; from selfishness to apathy, from apathy to dependency; and from dependency back to bondage once more.
The selfishness part should be replaced, something like:
“from courage to liberty; from liberty to abundance, from abundance to
selfishnessalong came a lefty who convinced all the sheep they ain’t gettin their fair share”Another way of saying
Strong Men make Good Times
Good Times makes Weak Men
Weak Men Make Bad Times
Bad Times makes Strong Men
To add on to the Douglas Adams philosophy:
Nobody who wants power should ever be allowed to have it.
The fatal flaw with democracy is the same as with (almost) all other systems of government — regardless of the method of selection, you are still selecting among people who want to wield power.
If I got to magically change things:
1. The Senate goes back to being chosen by state legislatures.
2. The House of Representative is chosen by random selection from among all non-currently-incarcerated/committed citizen residents of a district.
3. President and all other elected office ballots must include a “none of the above” option. The result is binding. If NOTA wins, the office remains vacant until the next term.
4. Purge the bureaucracy. Otherwise 3 opens the door for them to run the show.
That’s actually a very good point. And it’s one that I don’t have a very good handle on. Texas has a part-time legislature in part because they (the leg) don’t really do much besides increase the income of local strippers. The daily function of government is run by their bureaucracy. Somehow (and I’m not sure how) they haven’t collapsed into the sort of “the forms must be obeyed” hellhole that you would expect by giving the DMV more direct power.
Just as a point of reference: approx. civilian employees in DOD, 742,000. The number in executive departments is close to 2 million, overall maybe 2.1 million. And those people will continue to be boils on the body of life if there is no president.
Somehow (and I’m not sure how) they haven’t collapsed into the sort of “the forms must be obeyed” hellhole that you would expect by giving the DMV more direct power.
Because they haven’t been given the power by the legislature. The problem with the federal bureaucracy is not so much that it exists or that it is large (although this is an issue) but that it is empowered. All those “do something” laws that basically say such-and-such bureaucracy is going to solve the crisis-du-jour add up to an unaccountable fourth branch of government.
I’ll toss in my hobby horse as well: No withholding and Tax Day is same day as the general election.
There’s no cure for this until we all get our own planet. People cannot get along in lots bigger than 25 people or so. Maybe 50-100 max. So everyone gets their own planet. You can come visit my planet as long as you agree to be left alone and leave everyone else alone and if you start talking statist shit, we put a bounty on your head and give you a 100 yard head start.
Followed soon after by a 105 yard head shot
*Makes MikeS Miinister of Justice*
Hyp’s version of the future.
YOU get a planet! YOU get a planet! YOU get a planet!! EVERYBODY gets a planet!!
— Oprah Winfrey
Isn’t that the Mormon afterlife?
yeah 3 is a recipe for disaster. Power exists and largely cannot be destroyed. Failing to fill the office does not mean no government, it means someone else is taking that power for themselves.
Now, if you said If None of the Above wins then you have an immediate election where anyone who was a candidate in the first election cannot be a candidate in the second then that could work
How about
If None of the Above wins then you have an immediate election where anyone who was a candidate in the first election
cannot be a candidate in the secondis cast adrift on an ice floe slathered in BBQ sauce?A bit extreme, but it absolutely would be useful if the losers to “None of the above” were barred from seeking/holding public office for a span of time (say, 10 years).
Not extreme enough.
They’re cast adrift on an ice floe after they’re covered in BBQ sauce *and* red ants are poured on them.
Since the odds are effectively zero that anyone will remember my anniversary tomorrow, should I bring my own cake?
Absolutely yes. AND DO NOT SHARE!
“Gitcher own cake, moochers.”
Nice alliterative opening.
ah someone who appreciates the finer things in life
Pragmatism is voting for a candidate where you only agree with 70% of what you believe they will attempt to accomplish (as opposed to what they say they want to accomplish) . It is also not voting for a candidate who you agree with 50% of the time but not really working to oppose him either.
Pregmatism is NOT voting for a candidate you agree with on 10% of issues because you only agree with their opponent 5% of the time
I second this. Pragmatic pragmatism FTW.
A controversial city ordinance to ban “assault weapons, bump stocks and high capacity magazines” passed the Boulder City Council unanimously on first reading Thursday night after more than five hours of public testimony on both sides of the issue.
As written, the ban would require anyone legally possessing anything under the ban to either register that gun with the Boulder Police Department (fee charged) or surrender it for destruction.
The first reading passage is not a final decision. The Council could make changes on second or even a third reading before it becomes law.
Councilwoman Jill Adler Grano, who asked for the ordinance, called the ban a “no brainer.”
City attorney Tom Carr asked the audience to stop laughing at him as he tried to explain the nuances of various types of guns.
“We’ll pass it now, and figure out what it covers, later. Don’t worry, we know what we’re doing.”
Councilwoman Jill Adler Grano, who asked for the ordinance, called the ban a “no brainer.”
Well, she’s not wrong.
For the record, Moms Demand Action is a Bloomberg astroturf group.
“The Second Amendment does not protect assault weapons.”
-Not only citation needed, but utterly meaningless because “assault weapon” is not a recognized category of firearm. It’s akin to saying “2A does not protect ‘weaponized fully semi automatic flame guns’.
“There have been hundreds and hundreds of mass shootings in America.”
-Non sequitur. Also the non-category of firearms you dub “assault weapons” are a very small portion of firearms-related deaths.
“This is a long overdue proposal. I think it’s time to say enough, not in the city of Boulder.”
-Overdue relative to what? And what’s “not [allowed] in the city of Boulder”; the BOR? More meaningless Pablum.
Also this gem:
“Advocates of the gun ban said if it saves just one life it will all be worth it.”
Ban cars then. And swimming pools. And skiing. And horseback riding. And rock climbing…
” if it saves just one life”
Parody as policy
Grano said she found it interesting that many of the people who spoke against the ban were from unincorporated Boulder County. She did not point out, however, that many of the gun-ban supporters were not only from outside Boulder city limits but also outside Boulder County. Some of the gun control proponents who spoke travel from one public meeting to another reading letters from family members of Sandy Hook Elementary School, victims and survivors of Columbine High School and Aurora movie theater victims and survivors.
Many women testified against the ordinance as did college students of both genders.
Anne Michelle Hill, co-chairwoman of the Boulder chapter of Mom’s Demand Action, suggested magazines holding more than 10 rounds are “the common denominators in these mass shootings.” Hill stated, “High capacity magazines are accessories that make guns more dangerous. Limiting magazine sizes to 10 can force active shooters to reload giving people precious seconds to get away or restrain the shooter and potentially save lives. That drive time might be just the time to change their mind.”
Stop perpetuating the astroturf myth! Those people are all concerned local residents and taxpayers who demand you respect their right to feel safe from virtually nonexistent threats.
as did college students of both genders
Both?!? Only two?!?
James Comey, man of righteous fashion choices.
And he’s telling people Tump is mentally unfit?
Sounds like more projection that’s all the rage these days.
You know, when you think about how much power is wielded by people who couldn’t find their ass with a map and probably should be locked in a room with a box of crayons, some paper, and no sharp edges, it’s a little horrifying.
Excellent Comey op-ed in the Journal:
From the article:
Again and again, Mr. Comey essentially asks Americans to accept his violations of government policy and traditional due process on the grounds that he is devoted to our welfare and to “the values that matter.” But in this week’s interview he’s often talking about political outcomes, not law. Here’s another excerpt from ABC:
JAMES COMEY: Values matter. This president does not reflect the values of this country.
GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: If you are right, what is the remedy? Should Donald Trump be impeached?
JAMES COMEY: Impeachment is– is a question of law and fact and politics. And so that’ll be determined by people gather–
GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: You’re a citizen. You have a judgment.
JAMES COMEY: Yeah, I’ll tell you, I’ll give you a strange answer. I hope not because I think impeaching and removing Donald Trump from office would let the American people off the hook and have something happen indirectly that I believe they’re duty bound to do directly. People in this country need to stand up and go to the voting booth and vote their values.
Thank goodness a man who presumes to tell American voters they have a duty to vote against a particular political candidate no longer holds any police power.
Try this.
As somebody presently wearing a blue shirt, I am not sure how to feel about this.
The big blue dick mural will arise again in Sweden
What do the Swedes have against Western culture?
Cathedral in Iceland which even locals agree looks like penis:
If your penis looks like that, see a doctor. Immediately.
I just submitted an article…hopefully it gets posted some time this week.
I promise incivility in the comments.
This is pretty much the same “philosophy vs. politics” point i make in various forums.
they are entirely different approaches, and people sometimes confuse one for the other.
e.g. in philosophy, idealists and materialists don’t sit down and “compromise” on some middle ground which satisfies neither, but prevents one from lording over the other
in politics, that’s the entire ball-game. It is not a means to arrive at truth, its a means of accepting lies that most can live with.
Michael Cohen’s previously unnamed third client: Sean Hannity
Forget movies or television, real life is far funnier nowadays.
href=”″ title=”New Alcohol Study Is Mostly Hype. Journal, Authors, Media to Blame”>Quelle surprise!
Oh, FFS:
Quelle surprise!
Excellent link. Ashamed to say I wasn’t aware of this site – definitely on my donation list.
Was it The Lancet that published the BS study about autism & immunization?
Good article, but the author’s a bit of a prude – 2-3.5 drinks a day makes you an alcoholic?
2-3.5 drinks a day makes you an alcoholic?
*reads question again, drools, falls out of computer chair*
That little bit of Puritanism came as a surprise to me, too.
Those definitions come from CDC, or something like that.
They can’t be retarded by themselves, so they rely on Official Government Retardation for details like that.
Most “science” is politicized garbage anyway.
“Advocates of the gun ban said if it saves just one life it will all be worth it.”
Ban cars then. And swimming pools. And skiing. And horseback riding. And rock climbing…
A couple of days ago, some dumb fuck from Bozeman got himself killed in an avalanche skiing in the Bridger mountains not far from Bridger Bowl. Definitely ban skiing. And avalanches.
And abortion.
Both?!? Only two?!? [genders]
Good catch. I’m such a shitlord I didn’t even pick up on that.
Many years ago, as a young man facing a dilemma over who to vote for, I took the pragmatic approach. The team Red candidate was Michael Huffington. An arrogant ass who had been a pivotal figure in the S&L scandal. There wasn’t a snowball’s chance in hell I was going to vote for him. So the pragmatic approach was to vote for team Blue. And that’s how someone who considers himself to be a “pragmatic, conservative libertarian” ended up pulling the trigger for…Barbara Boxer. It’s a secret shame that I’ve been carrying to this day.