By Not Adahn
Last week I tried communicating the astral influences abstractly, allocating no alphabetic allegories to muddle the mystic meanings. I was accused of “phoning it in.” While I was initially angry at such Phillistinery, it occurs to me that perhaps not everyone is as connected to cosmic conditions as I am, otherwise you’d all be casting your charts yourselves. Perhaps music and gun reviews were too pointed of parables to perceived by the peanut gallery.
So I should say stuff simpler. I need a knack of knowing what to whisper into the inner ear of the lacking listener. What medium could there be that speaks so succinctly, that communicates so completely, so infinitely innately immediately understandable than interpretive dance?
This week we have an alignment of the prime light (Sol) with TWO retrograde planets (Jupiter and Mercury) all sorts of evil shit is going to happen in a desert place.
With the moon in Aquarius, we have two powerful water/femininity confluences resulting in enhancement of tides, the color blue, and zaftig burlesque dancers.
I’ve warned previously about the meaning of Saturn and Mars in Capricorn, but with the two planets coming into conjunction, you really should pay attention.
Jupiter retrograde in Scorpio, I really shouldn’t have to tell you what this means.
And, while this video really was more apropos when Venus was in conjunction, it still works as long as the Sun and Mercury retrograde are doing their thing in Aries.
And in continuing good news for our phallophillic glibs, Venus remains in Taurus.
I, for one, welcomed the Hodorscope. I laughed, and laughed long.
I wasn’t in tune enough with the cosmos to catch on to the Hodorscope, but I am pretty sure this weeks horoscope means we should invest in booty shorts and yoga pants manufacturers and sheep futures so get your broker on the line. Also, burn all your Ozzy CD’s.
If my smart ass comment leads you to link interpretive dance to Ozzy Osbourne I aint saying shit. WTF was that? That is beyond HM’s standards for too weird to link.
I am pretty sure HM doesn’t believe in “too weird to link.”
Oh God, you’ve summened the monster.
A metaphorical depiction of SP moderating the comments.
Poor SP. A job even Mike Rowe won’t do.
I am not so foolish as to try to moderate comments here, HM. After all, if the Glibertariat make the site crash and burn, less work for me!
Short version: Feature, not bug.
I watched a little of each video. My immediate thought was, “How of these did HM pick out?”
In a way, all of them since he’s responsible for these sorts of things pupping up in my youtube recommendations.
Did I do that right?
Following Friday the 13th, we need a horrorscope.
Not just any Friday the 13th but a Friday 4/13. It’s an East/West unlucky mashup.
Nothing about The Rapture?
Blind squirrel writs op-ed, does so in annoying academic vernacular.
Unlike liberalism, progressivism is intrinsically opposed to conservation. It renders adhering to tradition unreasonable rather than seeing it, as the liberal can, as a source of wisdom. The British philosopher Roger Scruton calls this a “culture of repudiation” of home and history alike. The critic of progress is not merely wrong but a fool. Progressivism’s critics have long experienced this as a passive-aggressive form of re-education.
Because progress is an unadulterated good, it supersedes the rights of its opponents. This is evident in progressive indifference to the rights of those who oppose progressive policies in areas like sexual liberation.
This is one reason progressives have alienated moderate voters who turned to Donald Trump in 2016. The ideology of progress tends to regard the traditions that have customarily bound communities and which mattered to Trump voters alarmed by the rapid transformation of society, as a fatuous rejection of progress. Trump supporters’ denunciation of “political correctness” is just as often a reaction to progressive condescension as it is to identity politics.
What have you done with your editors, NYT? Have you fired ALL of them?
I notice no comments on that article. Just as well since it would be a bunch of rabid, mouth-foaming Bolsheviks calling for the author and anyone who agrees with him to be put in a labor camp.
Shorter version: Communism is good.
Almost done with taxes, bad news is I get a small amount back from the state. More bad news is I miscalculated the Feds and have to pay the retarded underpayment penalty. Fuck you Milton Friedman.
I hate that our tax system requires us to do a ton of paperwork and pay huge penalties for minor errors, and it’s all so that they can give exemptions to this group or that group. The Ohio Dept. of
TheftTaxation sent me a letter saying they found errors on my return. When I called to clarify what the errors were, they told me they actually don’t have a return on file at all, which I still think is bullshit.If we’re going to have a government funded by taxes, I think the best one would be the complete replacement of all taxes with a head tax on people of legal voting age. Total government expenses divided by the number of taxpaying adults. The entire IRS computer system could be replaced with one MS Access database with two fields: SSN, and whether or not a payment was received by the due date (which would ideally be the same as election day, but I’m probably wishing for too much already). The only thing for the employees to do would be process the payments and start the follow-up process for those who didn’t pay.
Anyway, I started taking my taxes to a professional accountant who does them in his home office. It costs money, but I’m willing to pay it – I just want the fucking thing done right so I don’t have to worry about it or deal with one of the various tax authorities.
Change “legal voting age” and “taxpaying adults” to “people who voted”
You want Daddy Government to do A, B, and C. Fine. Pay for it then.
I would surrender my Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and all welfare rights in a fucking heartbeat for them to even cut my tax burden in half.
As of the 24th Amendment, poll taxes are explicitly unconstitutional.
No one even reads that, it’s like over a hundred years old and stuff.
And written in a language no one understands!
Some say cheap beer tastes like urine….
I like citra, but the cat piss complaint isnt entirely wrong.
Watching Orbiter 9 on Netflix. The actress is muy caliente.
The only interpretive dance one needs.
I don’t know, that fat chick in the middle kind of ruins it.
Worth clicking just for the girl in pink. WOULD
Good thing I don’t believe in hell.
The only interpretive dance one needs.
Oh, what a fool I am.
Oh, what a fool I am.
Yeah, #metoo. I never learn.
And this.–sexy-asian-girls-asian-hotties.jpg
If I identified as A Hodorist I would be A Virgo/Leo cusp, rising Sign, Sagittarius, Basically an Arrogant smartass Neurotic that likes to party to excess, you know, Normal……..
Worried about anti-government gun nuts? NPR is on the case, with an assist from you-know-who
Another group publicizing the events on social media was Oath Keepers. According to the organization’s website, Oath Keepers is “a non-partisan association of current and formerly serving military, police, and first responders, who pledge to fulfill the oath all military and police take to ‘defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.'” The Southern Poverty Law Center, which tracks the activity of far-right groups in the U.S., calls Oath Keepers “one of the largest radical anti-government groups in the U.S. today.”
Those guys at the SPLC know who’s naughty and who’s nice, by cracky.
I’m puzzled how you can pledge to defend the constitution and be a radical anti-government group at the same time. SPLC is so dangerous themselves, I’m amazed they don’t list themselves on their watch lists.
“I’m puzzled how you can pledge to defend the constitution and be a radical anti-government group at the same time.”
Uh, I would argue the loyalty to the Constitution at this point requires you to be anti-government. There’s a decent argument, albeit a somewhat tongue in cheek one, that if the Oath Keepers were actually going to honor their pledge, they should be doing more than talking about it, at some point.
The Constitution is not perfect at all (shout to my homie Lysander Spooner) but it sure beats whatever the fuck they’re using these days.
Black guns matter
Ha! and he’s a race traitor, too. Maybe somebody will take him into a re-education camp. For his own good.
Reposting from the dying morning links thread, interested in hearing more Glib opinions on this:
Thought you might appreciate a post from an “actual climate scientist” on another board I read now and then, where he’s answering a climate change skeptic:
The Earth doesn’t get warmer or cooler for no reason, outside of short-term (decade-scale) cycles in the atmosphere-ocean system. The climate only changes for reasons.
The main driver of long-term climate changes (on the order of tens to hundreds of thousands of years and longer) is a collection of cyclical orbital patterns (Milankovich cycles). Those are the main reasons behind big, long-term warming and cooling cycles (glaciers and ice ages). You get some complicated feedbacks in the system, but those cycles are the main thing.
Beyond that, when you get into really long time scales, things get more complicated because continents moving around change surface albedo, the development and evolution of life on earth has drastically altered the planet’s atmosphere and its greenhouse effects over time, and so on.
> How much impact humanity (perhaps 10,000 years) or the industrial age (less than 500 years)
> has had on that long term trend is still uncertain in my book.
But not in the book of the experts who actually study this stuff.
We basically know the things that affect the climate, and we can (and do) measure them. We know what the sun has been up to, we know what volcanoes have been up to (and you can see the short-term cooling effects in the temperature records, because science). And so on. We also know how much CO2 and other greenhouse gases we’ve been pumping into the air, and their sources. And we can see the various fingerprints of warming driven by greenhouse gas increases (compared to other possible causes).
To reasonably small degrees of uncertainty, we know that human activities (mostly greenhouse gas emissions but also land use change) are responsible for a little bit more than 100% of the warming observed over the last 100 years or so. It’s more than 100% because we also put a lot of pollution into the atmosphere that blocks some sunlight, resulting in a cooling effect that offsets some of that warming.
If they’ve got this all dialed in like he claims, why can’t they do a predictive model that isn’t laughably bad?
My rebuttal: the eruption of Mt Tambora in 1815, which led to the year without a summer.
That’s outside of the time range he gives, but the principle is the same. Natural causes have far more impact on the climate than anything humans could possibly do.
Atmospheric CO2 concentration was over twice as high 500 million years ago and life flourished.
If volcanic activity returns to prehistoric levels, it won’t matter how many people switch to hybrid cars.
We also know how much CO2 and other greenhouse gases we’ve been pumping into the air
Really? We know exactly how much is being pumped into the air? Or we’re calculating how much CO2 levels are between two different times using survey methods, and all of the attendant calculation errors and assumptions?
To be fair, there are pretty good records of how much oil has been produced. And for any relevant timescale, we can assume that it all gets back into the atmosphere.
Enormous amounts of CO2 are held in the oceans. It would be very difficult to measure the how much CO2 is going in vs how much is going. Oceanic CO2 concentrations have risen in some places, but that depends on temperature.
The whole thing reminds me of the way the Soviets tried to calculate how much iron, coal, wheat, etc they needed vs what they produced and then calculated the price. There’s no way such huge amounts could be measured accurately.
wiki sez
In the economy of the Soviet Union, Gosplan’s major function was the formulation of material balances and national plans for the economy. In 1973, supplies for 70% of all industrial production representing 1,943 of the economy’s most important items had their balances worked out by Gosplan. State Committee for Supplies Procurement and the various economic ministries were responsible for the determination of the suppliers and recipients of supplies in the Soviet economy.[3]
Material balance planning encompassed non-labor inputs (the distribution of consumer goods and allocation of labor was left to market mechanisms). In a material balance sheet, the major sources of supply and demand are drawn up in a table that achieves a rough balance between the two through an iterative process. Successive iterations corrected imbalances with previous iterations – for example, deficits signaled the need for extra output in the successive iteration of the balance. The Soviet economy suffered endemic supply problems stemming from the crudity of the material balance technique, where balances were highly aggregated and thus imprecise.[4]
This part already puts me off:
Sure, he’s probably just being glib (perish the thought!) but no, actually, it’s not “because science”. It’s “because we [hopefully] have a robust and accountable system of measurement”. It is a question of sampling, precision, accuracy, data provenance, and data stewardship, all things over which scientists have demonstrated, shall we say, a cavalier lack of concern for rigorous application. Put another way, it takes boring grunt work to collect and maintain this data, and that isn’t science. It’s necessary for science but it’s not science. And that doesn’t even get into data we don’t have (i.e., reliable temperature records before the 19th century) and the consequent use of proxies (like dissolved CO2 in ice cores) which is inherently fraught with uncertainty and is also, not coincidentally, not science.
Then there’s this part:
We can measure atmospheric CO2 concentrations, yes (but see above points). However, just because we can measure it doesn’t mean we can say with certainty that we know its sources, or even that it all came from the surface. Indeed, we can’t accurately measure (only estimate) total global emissions from the surface and our understanding of the relative amounts from various sources is speculative (because it’s based on estimates and assumptions). Speculative does not mean “wrong” but it also doesn’t mean “proved beyond all doubt”, either.
Finally, the coup-de-grace:
No, we don’t. This is just a straight-up lie. We have many pieces of evidence that strongly point to human activity releasing many different kinds of greenhouse gases and higher concentrations of those gases in the atmosphere contributing, in some part, to warming due to the greenhouse effect (which is why they’re called greenhouse gases in the first place). That is true. However, we have been unable to identify with anything approaching “small degrees of uncertainty” the measure of this effect in the atmosphere. There have been laboratory experiments done to measure the greenhouse effect (in literal greenhouses) but they are, at best, weak proxies for how the greenhouse effect works in the Earth’s (or any other planet’s) atmosphere. We know this because all but the most “conservative” climate models have extremely weak predictive power past 10 years. Every time somebody looks at past predictions against a reliable source of temperature data over the relevant time periods (like the satellite record) they find that the actual temperatures, while trending upward, start to fall out of the model’s “most likely” predicted ranges after a decade or two.
The biggest problem with all of this is that we should have at least 2 reliable temperature records, satellite, ground stations, and (possibly) ocean buoys (plus others I may not know about). But we only have one* and that’s because the other data is poorly kept and constantly “revised” to make the models look less bad. Not only is that not science, it’s also subverting what is (or should be) science, i.e. testing hypotheses. If your hypothesis doesn’t match the data, it’s wrong. Pick a new one and start over. Maybe the atmospheric temperature is not nearly as sensitive to CO2 as you thought. That doesn’t mean “global warming isn’t real” it just means you were wrong about the details. So, try again.
* = I call the satellite record “reliable” because it hasn’t been manipulated (yet). But that doesn’t mean it’s accurate. Satellites can only indirectly measure surface temperatures. Their methods are quite well tested in controlled conditions, of course, but without the other sources to test against we don’t even have consistency for validation.
I see (and enjoyed reading) the seeds of an article.
This isn’t going to end well.
LAREDO,Texas(KGNS)- It’s a growing concern for border patrol as Laredo has become the number 1 crossing point for Bangladeshi nationals, a country that has known ties to terrorism.
In a KGNS news special report, our Noraida Negron rides along with Border Patrol to find out why these cases are on the rise.
There is one specific area where they are crossing in South Laredo.
Agents have consistently detained 11 Bangladeshis during separate events.
That puts Laredo sector at the top, when it comes to having the highest apprehensions of Bangladeshi nationals compared to other border patrol sectors.
In 2017 they apprehended close to 180 Bangladeshi nationals, and since October of last year, there have been over 160 individuals caught.
Of all the Bangladeshis arrested, the chief says a small percentage have ties to terrorism.
Herman Cain’s moat filled with alligators idea seems more reasonable with each passing year.
I imagine it can’t be that difficult to find Bangladeshis in Nuevo Laredo.
They’re still Brown People, Easy
Gorditas are completely different from puri!
I’ll have HM know that I was thinking of him when I selected the video of the three-way with Asian chicks
Always think of me looking over your shoulder.
…and through your bedroom window.
Which one was that? I missed it. The Dancing Sheep is the best one. That is awesome.
The last one. *bites lip*
Aaah yes, see I didn’t put that together. I may be a lost cause with the stars. I don’t even know who Hodor is or that a Cambodian chic directing a bull penis is an Asian three way. I was going to invest in cattle futures but it didn’t look like the cow gave proper consent so the vibe didn’t feel right. The Dancing Sheep all the way. They wanted it.
Well, now you know what you’ll be getting if anyone offers you a “Cambodian Handjob.”
Women are dying. We should ban elections and just appoint democrats to rule us.
These people are truly insane. This would be political suicide if team stupid wasn’t so…stupid.
Gaze into the mind of an utter imbecile:
Mostly As: Libertarian Paradise/Fascist Robot Death Hell
Margaret Atwood once said “every dystopia contains a little utopia,” but did you think it would be a utopia for you? Did you really think you might be one of the chosen, the Designated Yeahs, destined by your superior strength and brains and overall genetic excellence to sit at the right hand of the Silicon Emperor? If you did, you’re an idiot. You were devoured by death spiders long ago.
Mostly Cs: Mostly Automated Luxury Socialism
Is it perfect? Nah. Is there lots of pointless infighting? So much. Are resources still distributed imperfectly? Yes, but it’s getting better. Are you thoroughly sick of spending so much time working out problems with your obnoxious fellow citizens? YES, but you’ve got a nice solo vacation to Enceladus coming up. Is this political arrangement better than anything that’s come before? You bet your socks.
Automated luxury socialism. That’s up there with “colorless green ideas sleep furiously”.
It takes an impressive level of stupidity to think that Star Trek Socialism is a possibility.
People actually read that shit?
Good God.
I read some proggy bullshit SF short story once about an alternate history where Pinochet’s coup is defeated and Allende successfully gets True Socialism going with early 80s era supercomputers.
“Socialism works with limitless energy, strong AI, and replicators” -The Reality Based Community
The only way it would ever work is in fiction.
So basically the precondition for socialism is the end of scarcity. Ok, I can support this. How about we all agree that since free markets are the most efficient method of reducing scarcity we will have absolutely free markets until the day when nothing is scarce, and then we will all agree to own everything in common. All it will take is instant, localized to each individual, energy to matter replicators, which require no maintenance, are fueled by perpetual motion free energy, and some method of transdimensional transport, also localized to each individual, which allows each of us to live in exactly the setting/house we desire. Of course 3 minutes after we get this someone will start a campaign to emancipate the robot serfs and it will all collapse, but for that 3 minutes you can have your socialist utopia.
Asimov wrote several stories where the plot was basically, “supercomputer runs just world.”
counterpoint: there is not nor will ever be an AI that could have properly predicted the crat beer industry.
check mate. bitch.
I think the amount of labor that humans must perform to live will continue to decrease, but it’s hilarious to me that socialists think THEY are the ones who will get us to that point.
The commie dunderheads who complain that every new invention “widens the gap between rich and poor”… The public safety nannies who screech “precautionary principle” and want to ban everything… The enviro-nuts who openly state that we should lower our standard of living to save Mother Gaia… The big government fanatics who want astronomical taxes that would remove any incentive to invest in new technologies…
Yea, this crowd ain’t gonna be the one to drive us to robo-utopia.
As a colleague recently pointed out, if aspirin came up for initial approval today, it would be either banned, or requiring a prescription with black-box warnings and very limited ability to dispense.
The nannystater/Marxist crowd believes they can prevent all improvements and eliminate all incentives but somehow despite this, we’ll be knocking on the utopia door as soon as they have their way.
I get frustrated enough with fellow doctors who seem to believe they are holier than thou by refusing to prescribe any drug that is still on patent, because that just enriches the drug companies, and new drugs are only created with a profit motive. These same docs also scorn anyone who ever gives 5 seconds to a drug rep, or eats a complimentary drug-rep bagel, because then apparently they’ll be in thrall to the drug and powerless to prescribe anything else. With this mindset, I suppose every time I watch a ball game on TV, I have to buy a new Chevy, because I can’t see something sponsored like a broadcast and not be able to resist the mind control of the sponsor.
Then you may not want to read this
Here’s a pull quote most relevant to your comment, although the whole thing is fantastically outraging:
Ah, yes! The Rawlsian “original position”. You can’t be assured that you won’t be a fucking loser, so we must engineer all of society to the level of your fucking loserdom.
The vial of ignorance. Imagine that neither you nor your parents aren’t responsible for where you are in life. Would you want to have a purely merit based society?
And in continuing good news for our phallophillic glibs, Venus remains in Uranus.
While Venus could fit inside Uranus, there would have to be some seriously fucked up orbital mechanics. I’m sure we would have heard about it, if only to have it blamed on AGW and/or Trump and/or America’s “lax” gun laws.
Gaze into the mind of an utter imbecile:
Watching the monkeys jerking off and flinging their shit around the monkey house is a more productive use of time.
Reason TV continues be good:
Made me laugh and want to stomp puppies at the same time.
Indeed 10/10
Jesus our Government is ran by idiots. Still the question I have not heard asked in the whole FB stink is if the DNC and Team Obama has destroyed all the user data they siphoned up back in the day or if that is still in play and pretty much their mailing list.
I don’t think anyone needs to ask that question, the answer should be obvious: “Yes, the data is in play”.
I know it is, but I want to see the Senators with a D behind their name explain it after the kerfuffle about how sweeping up FB user data is such an evil thing.
“That was different”
Goddammit that makes me want to give them money…
Interesting article by Michael Crichton. I will probably post anymore that I find interesting. It’s about aids and strangely reading most of Michael Crichton as my first non child literature (because of Jurassic park I was born in 91) planted some of the seeds libertarianism.
That was good. The general panic because something’s “in the news” applies to lots of things. There’s somethng to be said for getting your news delivered by sailing ships.
So if it hadn’t been for Jurassic Park you wouldn’t have been born in ’91?
Lol either I need better punctuation or I owe owe it all to one blissful night with an airport novel.
my favorite Crichton article:
Environmentalism as Religion
I’m in the middle of reading state of fear which I haven’t done since I was like 12.
Dance and poetry.
Two art forms that go right over Rufus’s mediocre mind.
And the circus.
Including that Commedia dell’arte reboot Cirque de soleil. I remember going on a date with a girl who had tickets insisting it wasn’t the circus. She asked me what I thought afterward and I said, ‘it’s the circus. But bad because there were no peanuts and elephants and bears on unicycles’. Not sure what happened to her.
Aquarius are the best.
The most physically impressive man I ever met was an Italian mime — Tony Montanaro. The guy could do fingertip pushups, one handed handstand presses, all sorts of gymnastic things and freakish facial contortions.
The yelping and whooping of support when the dancers take the stage reminds me of telling my kid that her awful brownies were delicious.
“Aquarius are the best.”
Jackie Robinson – January 31
today I learned
Sarkastodon- actual name of a prehistoric creature
I like to think it caught its prey by making snide comments.
The name means “flesh tooth” in Greek and it was a hypercarnivore, which turns out to be a real scientific term and not something an 8 yr old made up.
The word sarcasm comes the Greek words for “to tear flesh”.
Oh, that’s very interesting.
You didn’t really mean that, did you? 😉
Ted, I can’t believe you’d doubt my sincerity!
It took me a second (OK, a minute) for it to register.
Well played. You should have linked the tiger meme.
I thought about linking this (because I’m old)
considered responsible for one of the largest mass-die-offs of dinosaurs.
“No, seriously guys, i’m in this mud-pit because its good for my skin. Seriously, it feels great. You should try it. Why am i sinking? Because its just so *cozy*. There’s no place i’d rather be, jump in, its great”.
The Far Side comic just writes itself.
RIP Gny. Sgt. Hartman. 🙁
Oh goddammit
Being dead didn’t stop him before, at least in this movie:
Hopefully he got permission to die first.
RIP, Gunny.
Some music for Gunny.
Some angel is getting finger popped through her pretty pink panties.
In other sad news, they are just going to make Barbara Bush comfortable. So expect her to pass soon.
She always seemed like a classy lady.
She did. Sorta like “America’s Grandma”
She was a dignified FL.