Show me your REAL war face!
Sea Smith not kind enough to give that Sgt a reach-around?
Hey, do I get a dancing 1st? I’ve never gotten one before. I referenced the links and even adapted a quote from Full Metal Jacket, where the links picture came from.
RIP R. Lee
RIP. A huge loss to the Glock community as well. He was a very public and active part of the Glock Shooting Sports Foundation, hosting the Gunny Challenge match for the past 8 years.
RIP, the guy was good enough to make even Saving Silverman watchable.
Excuse me, past 13 years.
R.I.P Gunny
You are only encouraging him, you know?
Well, knowing how to alter your clothing is not a bad skill to know.
How about altering a comment?
And also completely unnecessary and annoying.
It was necessary for that joke.
True. I’ll give you that one.
Butt, Eye have mai I ohn u.
OT – I’ve figured out what season we’re REALLY in.
“Fimbulvetr is the harsh winter that precedes the end of the world and puts an end to all life on Earth. Fimbulwinter is three successive winters, when snow comes in from all directions, without any intervening summer. Then, there will be innumerable wars.”
End of the world? It’s about time, this shit is getting old.
Looks at calendar.
Looks at 6 inches of new snow outside
My mom called this morning. Apparently, SHE HAS HAD IT!!!! with this snow. That’s all she said.
Mom and I both!
6 inches, how provincial. /24 inches
Pool was 82 today and another god damned bunch of apple bananas are turning yellow. ~200 more to deal with in the next few days.
Sounds like commie talk to me
Who else is looking forward to the “Trump presidency killed Barbara Bush” takes?
Is it a world party?
+1 Karl Wallinger, brain aneurysm survivor.
Nice. Always dug that song.
Oh heavens no!! Not tha Fake Noos!!! The Brits are done for.
This just allows Western governments to dismiss legitimate criticism as Russian bots and Kremlin interference. It’s propaganda for the retarded.
Haven’t the Russians done enough damage by giving us Trump? Jesus, stop already!
It is odd that people act like Russian disinformation ops, or rumor mongering in general, is something new. In the 1960s, there was an uproar when leaked US war plans called for using chemical weapons in Europe. Turns out it was a KGB forgery and the give away was they got all the military jargon wrong. Later, the KGB made a priority to capture any US military documents so they could create more convincing forgeries.
The Soviets also originated the rumor that the CIA created HIV.
Today, on various language services (especially Arabic) of the Russia Today news agency, they peddle various anti-American and anti-Semitic conspiracy theories. These broadcasts don’t get much attention since the focus is what they say on the English language service. And the Russians are smart enough not to broadcast anything too stupid in English.
The Soviets also originated the rumor that the CIA created HIV.
Everybody knows it was really the (((Jooooooooos))) who did it.
“It is odd that people act like Russian disinformation ops, or rumor mongering in general, is something new.”
I mean, Zuckerberg just got dragged in front of congress for something he’s been doing for a decade. It all comes back to the election. It broke peoples brains and now the hard left is trying to create an alternate reality to explain it away.
I doubt a good number of these people had brains to break in the first place. They’re mostly flesh puppets for the DNC to ram its fist up to work the mouth.
“Britain’s cyber-intelligence agency GCHQ and the Ministry of Defence are said to be on standby to retaliate “proportionately”.”
By pant shitting?
a cute, cuddly pet for SEA SMITH
giant isopod
SEA already has a pet.
The ZardoZ of fish , Truly a wonder of nature
Aww, look at those buck teeth.
Of course they are.
Chinese people will eat everything with 4 legs except tables, everything with 2 legs except people, and everything with wings except airplanes.
Empanada update: I find that after three tequila and sodas they are too much work. The recipe recommended rolling the dough 1/4″ thick and I think that is too much dough. Dough made of butter, lard and chicken stock is good stuff though if you are into meat pies and the like.
[steel drum solo]
There’s a giant squid AND a colossal squid?!
[Jacques Cousteau voice]
Truly the sea is teeming with life.
I understand that R Lee Ermy was brought in to consult with the actor who was going to play the drill sergeant in Full Metal jacket and the he did such a convincing job that he ended up getting the part.
My Dad did I and I in the Vietnam era, Telling people there Kid was Killed and then training Newbies to do the same, this was considered a “gift” for 3 tours of Duty,
It fucked him up bad….
Jesus man. That sounds horrible.
Interesting Youth for me and my Big Bro, My Dad ended up O.K. I guess, but Wife and I cared for him in his last years, way too young to die, 67 years,
/no worries, a long time ago..
I’m sick of western governments blaming any opposition on “Russian Bots” it’s exactly the kind of stuff you see from full totalitarian regimes.
It’s ridiculous. The CIA has been actively working to overthrow Assad for years. US is arming the Saudis in their attacks on Yemen. Yet online trolling is a global threat. GTFO.
Today is the 106th birthday of the man who founded the most scientific, rational nation in history; free from religion and superstition.
Somewhere, Black Science Guy sheds a single tear.
Oh fuck #metoo. I will continue to prefer memorializing Elizabeth Montgomery instead.
Thank you MIkeS, that’s the hottest picture I’ve ever seen of her.
Twice this week I’ve run into the expression “consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds.” In both instances – and in many others before these – the context is that only little minds are concerned with consistency. But I’ve always understood that expression to mean that little minds are the ones scared of consistency. What do fellow glibs understand the expression to mean??
I’ve always understood it the same as you.
The full quote is “a foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds”. I take it to mean that it is stupid to think that everything follows clear rules with no exceptions. There are always inconsistencies and special cases. Rules are at best a rough guide.
Yeah, I realized after I posted what the entire quote was. Most people leave off “foolish”, just like they leave off “the love of” when claiming “money is the root of all evil.” Even with “a love of…” it is ridiculous as we can all cite plenty of evil caused purely by lust and envy having nothing to do with money.
surely you know the famous equation:
women = time*money
but time = money
women = money^2
but money = sqrt(evil)
women = (sqrt(evil))^2
women = +/- evil
more or less
Derp, are you telling me that Q’s bevy of women are evil? I don’t want to believe that.
There are 7 deadly sins. The only one that doesn’t cause violence is sloth, because, well too lazy to explain it.
Here’s the full quote:
Sounds like he didn’t think too much of consistency to me.
I promised myself I would go easy on the links this time, but this one is just too good to pass up
Bailing Out 1949 US Navy Pilot Training Film; Animated Cartoon
Yes, Navy pilots used to be trained via cartoon. Larf!
I’d rather watch cartoons than PowerPoint.
We have the same YT feed, Whoa
Derp minds think alike.
McCarthy has a story up explaining that the Cohen investigation may seriously imperil Trump. Unlike the collusion investigation, which was counterintelligence in nature and as we know now premised on pretty thin gruel, the Cohen coverup is a criminal investigation.
Now, frankly, I don’t especially care about Trump or the affairs. The dustup is rife with repugnant, contemptible people, including Trump. But it peeves me to know end that while Clinton was cleared of blatant wrongdoing, evading FOIA laws while running her family’s cash laundering business during her time at State, by a corrupt lackey of the DNC, Trump will at the very least be raked over the coals for a twelve year-old affair l he had with a greedy whore. Deservedly? Sure, why not. And you can’t cry too much for the party that nominated him. Dogs and fleas and all that. But Christ does the absurd double standard burn. Comey should be sharing a cell with Clinton.
Lady Justice isn’t blindfolded anymore. She’s got an eyepatch on so she can’t see left.
That’s pretty good. I’m keeping that. It’s mine now.
If the right person wins all will be forgiven, if the wrong person wins he’ll be destroyed. Anyone in position to possibly win the presidency has mountains of skeletons in his closet and selective investigation is a powerful tool.
The U.S. has always done of piss poor job of prosecuting it’s criminal political class. I’d like to see more of this.
Only one side will be prosecuted though.
Bingo. Spurious rationales on the question of mens rea to exempt some people, grinding special counsels to thoroughly proctologize others.
I can see the right finally getting wise and sucking their own prosecutors again lefty criminals. It wasn’t that long ago the right tried to get to Bill over some pretty frivolous BS.
I support the prosecution of politicians. I think it’s good for the health of our country.
Technically, they tried to get him over some more serious stuff, but lacking an evidence trail, they went for the frivolous stuff.
Citation needed.
Yeah and it failed thanks to media hostility. The Media and the Intelligence are even more leftist now.
Really worked for Iran, USSR, North Korea, Cambodia…
Only if it’s done to every political who breaks the law regardless of party affiliation.
If they’re going to be biased about it, I’d rather they just not investigate or prosecute any politicians at all.
The Democrats have much better party loyalty than Republicans. They also have the media on their side. If the GOP think turfing Trump is better than saving him then they will like what happened with Nixon. After all the GOPe don’t like him that much.
Yea, they’ve been very successful in convincing most of their politicians and many of the voters that the world is literally going to end if the Democrat loses because of either Republican warmongering (because Democrats never start wars, right?), climate change, or the Koch brothers somehow taking over the planet and turning it into dystopia.
The democrats don’t seem to have limit on their left flank and don’t need to because the media doesn’t call them out for association with loonies. The right has to denounce potential allies all the time. Much easier for the dems to have a big tent.
Also you expect the criminal political class to prosecute itself?
I expect nothing and am unlikely to get anything. I do support criminal politicians being prosecuted for their crimes.
I doubly support prosecution for politicians who break the supreme law of the land, The U.S. constitution.
Pass an unconstitutional law- go to prison and have your law removed. Implement an unconstitutional policy- go to prison and have your policy abandoned.
You want President Pence? This is how you get President Pence.
No, no, no…the US line of succession goes Donald Trump>Hillary Clinton>Elizabeth Warren
No No no, STEVE SMITH>ZED>ZARDOZ, that’s better
Not to mention work to destroy communication records in violation of subpoena. Just try and see what happens if you, a lowly pleb, decides to destroy records after receiving a subpoena.
Federal pound me in the ass prison?
I basically agree, the double standard is disgusting banana republic shit.
I saw a clip from the Maddow show. She was handing off to the next windowlicker’s show and they were both holding up Comey’s book and giggling.
I have more respect for the crud behind my refrigerator.
Ohtani already won Rookie of the Year. A wee bit early, but the kid is a stud.
How a Single Swedish Submarine Defeated the US Navy (in a war game)
gist: the Swedes made a really quiet diesel sub and only used passive sonar
Ships in general are sitting ducks. They’re loud, visible, slow, and have little armor. Expensive as hell too.
Seriously, we have the Same YT feed
Was Kelsey Grammer the commanding officer?
Down Periscope: Animal House, but underwater
“Choke yourself!”
R.I.P. R. Lee Ermey
Emo Rick Grimes
No spoilers!
So Rick Grimes gets his teenage son’s hair?
Worse. He listens to My Chemical Romance
R. Lee was a fine Marine, but this one is still alive and was the best of his generation.
I had worked as a staff officer on readying my command for their part of the cluster fuck of MC. It was apparent long before the opening bell what a rigged game it was. MC kicked off when I was a student at the Army War College and we were observing it. I only remember part of the evening when it was apparent that Red For kicked Blue Forces asses. The reason is because the AWC MC team had to buy the first rounds for the Special Operations and Marines because they lost many a bet with us. We being generous souls then purchased rounds and the whole thing degenerated under many rounds of imported beers.
The number one lesson from Desert Storm was you do not want to fight the Americans toe to toe with forces. Since then nobody has tried. The US has been too blinded by Schwarzkopf’s left hook to realize the entire world is on to us and the US needs to determine how to fight a new style of fight.
If Stevie Ray hadn’t died in a crash at 35, he probably would have OD’d at 36. A great talent lost.
350,000 Spaniards protesting on a Sunday is known as a day on the town. Followed by Sherry and tapas.
Puty-put seems to think he’s the only one with access to computers. “Would you like to play a game?”. Fortunately, he likes to systematically eliminate his competition, so when he’s eventually gone, there should be a power vacuum and we will only have Xi trying to take over the world.
“This is your rifle, this is your gun!!! His is for fighting, this is for fun!!!”
Sarge will be missed.
Back into my glass of Pikesville Rye.
At Highway’s still with us.
I had a hankering for smoked oysters, so you know what? I jumped in the car, drove to the grocery store, and got a can. Cost me less than two bucks, including the gas I used getting there and back. I can get a tin of tasty oysters for cheap, despite living eight hundred miles from a coast. In other countries people have difficulty getting their hands on staples. In ours, luxuries may as well be staples. So of course, the commie kids all denigrate this country and laud countries like Venezuela. It’s madness. There’s a reason the helicopter meme took root, and it’s down to shit like that: pig-ignorant wannabe fascist dweebs spouting Marxist drivel to intellectualize their solipsistic hatred for their home.
new rule: if you have ever worn a Che shirt, you don’t get to complain about Confederate flags
Wearing a Che t-shirt is a punchable offense
There should be an exchange program where these rich, spoiled, socialist brats go live in Venezuela for a few months since they admire it so much.
Hell, I don’t think most avowed Democrats would actually want to live in a place where Team Blue rules everything virtually unopposed (Baltimore, California, Detroit, etc.) Here in Ohio, there are a ton of people boasting about “getting the hell out of this stupid red state someday”, yet they linger around year after year… It’s almost like they know that unchallenged rule by Democrats does not actually produce a utopia…
I’d post the hastily made Cleveland Tourism video, but I think you know where to find it.
Haha yep, seen ’em both. Masterpieces.
“Grocery store”. Too good for gas station oysters?
When I was 20 or so, some friends of mine and I went out one night raising hell. We got very very inebriated. I woke up the next morning safely in my bed with a receipt from wal-mart in my pocket for 10 cans of smoked oysters. I have no idea what happened to those oysters.
Ooh! I found something relevant to the posted links!
“I’ve had a very fruitful career. I’ve done over 70 feature films,” Gunny told FOX411. “I’ve done over 200 episodes of [‘GunnyTime’]… and then [Hollywood] found out that I’m a Conservative.”
Actually, he corrected, “I’m an Independent, but I said something bad about the president. I had something unsavory to say about the president’s administration, and even though I did vote for him the first time around, I was blackballed.”
Gunny, who is an NRA board member, explained that his association with the organization and his disapproval of President Obama cost him acting jobs.
“Do you realize I have not done a movie in five to six years? Why? Because I was totally blackballed by the… liberals in Hollywood,” he alleged. “They can destroy you. They’re hateful people [who] don’t just not like you, they want to take away your livelihood… that’s why I live up in the desert on a dirt road… I don’t have to put up with their crap.”
The “Toy Story” voiceover actor is focusing on ventures outside of Hollywood, he said, like hosting “GunnyTime.” On the show, he gets to try out the biggest and baddest new military technology.
Gunny voted for Obama, but that still wasn’t enough. Burn the Heretic!, the bloodthirsty mob shrieked.
Dear engineering and computer science people on this board.
I am not either of the above. But i do know a little about audio and music.
Dude showed me this video of a guy who built a music box machine which uses 2000 marbles to play a song.
My instant response was, “yeah, that’s really cool. But the recording has nothing to do with the machine. The recording was sequenced”
He got really angry. “Do some research!” he said “there are like videos of the guy building it and shit. Its one of the great wonders of the world etc”
I said, “I have no doubt the person who built the machine is a genius, and its a marvel of engineering and craft.
But i still insist that the recording which shows this machine “playing” a song is, more or less, “faked”. The sounds IN the recording may have been made with the machine. And that by itself is amazing. Each bar MAY have been played by the machine. And that by itself is amazing.
but the entire recording was not performed by that machine.
He is still angry with me and says, “you are stupid and you don’t know this, do some research”.
My research was this:
I pulled the audio out of the video. I cut the music from Bar1, beat1, within 4 samples of the first kick hit. I then moved forward 32 beats, and cut the end 4 samples before the beginning of the next kick hit.
i then cut EXACTLY the same sized 32 beat segment (using same 4 sample gap before transient) from a random spot, 20 seconds later in the recording.
the 2 segments turn out to be less than 1 thousandth of a second different in length. you can attribute 100% of that error to my own arbitrary cutting.
i then took random segments, 8 beats long, from parts of the song over 1 minute apart. they were accurate to one another to 1/10,000th of a second.
i then sampled different portions of the recording at different spots, and they all read that the thing was clocking at 147BMP point zero zero zero.
In short: this is a machine made out of wood that has more-accurate timing than most of the drum machines (or computers) of the 1980s or 1990s.
How is it that 73 million people have watched that video, and dozens of media orgs covered this guy, but no one pointed this out?
Thas really cool, but it has nothing to do with Trump, therfore it’s not going to get a ton of coverage.
Good Sleuthing Gilmore! Cutting that tight is a chore, and yes, Mechanics isn’t always electronics, IYKWIM
“How is it that 73 million people have watched that video, and dozens of media orgs covered this guy, but no one pointed this out?”
For the same reason the word “pareidolia” never appears in most articles about the Virgin Mary of Clearwater, FL.
The Arabic script for the name of Allah is purported to be visible in a satellite photograph of the 2004 Asian tsunami. This was taken as evidence by some Muslims that Allah had sent the tsunami as punishment.
[head desk]
If you interlock your fingers and then look at your palms, the wrinkles in your hands spell ALLA. This is proof that Allah is god.
Actual shit I heard from black muslim prison gang members.
Punished for sharia, I hope.
“147BPM point zero zero zero.”
Let me clarify this point.
No human being can tap their finger at perfect BPM (beats per minute) for more than a second or two. even if they correct themselves over multiple bars, such that their overall timing turns out to be “pretty good” over the course of 30 seconds or so, there is ALWAYS drift internal to the timing of the recording.
I’ve been chopping recordings for 20 years. There is hardly a recorded performance in the history of music which maintains “X BPM point zero zero zero” timing for even a single bar. The music pushes and pulls. bar 12 is a few ticks shorter than bar 32. they might average out over a minute or so…. but they don’t accurately, bar by bar, maintain perfect consistency.
It simply doesn’t happen. The only thing that has ever produced accurate timing bar after bar is a computer sequencer.
My point is, if the recording just “coincidentally” happens to show *absolutely perfect BPM tempo no matter where you cut it*.. it is a sequenced piece of music, full stop.
This is True, even in Analogue music, there is Music with a set Beat, i.e. Drums, or a “given” beat, such as with a Classical Quartet, or even an Unplugged modern performance,
I don’t know much about this, but what you’re describing sounds like the guy built a mechanical computer that plays music?
That’s pretty cool. I have worked on old automated equipment that used a mechanical sequencer.
There was a small electric motor turning a drum that had dimples welded to it. As the drum would rotate, the dimples would actuate micros witches that went to pneumatic valves that controlled the machine.
Some early automation tech was pretty neat.
I did some of that with old Lennox Equipment, pretty cool
He claims to have built a contraption out of wood, with hundreds of moving elements….
…. which maintains timing better than swiss watches or scientific pendulums.
Oh, and it performs complex music.
honestly even just the first half, before you even got to the “it also makes music” part, is implausible.
but that it keeps perfect time is the simple thing that makes the recording obviously “pre-sequenced”
Neil Pert couldn’t play that-accurate. the early Linndrum, electronic (not digital) drum machines were not that accurate. But somehow swedish wood-shop guy made a machine that performed for 3 mins straight with computer-perfect accuracy?
You can see my difficulty here.
What is sequencing? I am not at all musically inclined.
This works,
“The advent of Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI) and the Atari ST home computer in the 1980s gave programmers the opportunity to design software that could more easily record and play back sequences of notes played or programmed by a musician. This software also improved on the quality of the earlier sequencers which tended to be mechanical sounding and were only able to play back notes of exactly equal duration. Software-based sequencers allowed musicians to program performances that were more expressive and more human. These new sequencers could also be used to control external synthesizers, especially rackmounted sound modules, and it was no longer necessary for each synthesizer to have its own devoted keyboard.”
essentially, “machine controlled performance”
they evolved from the 1970s from electronic sequencers (think the synth sounds in baba o’reilly by the Who)… to Kraftwerk, to all the pop music of the 1980s… to the sampling drum machines of hiphop… to the modern computer sequencer.
modern computer sequencer programs are called “DAW’s” (digital audio workstations)
the most popular being Logic, Cubase, Ableton Live, Studio 1, ProTools, etc.
There was a famous James Randi experiment where he set up a test for a so-called Qi master who claimed he could turn the pages of a book without touching it. Never mind the fact that Qi is not needed to turn the pages of a book. Randi suspected the Qi master was surreptitiously blowing the pages, so he scattered styrofoam peanuts around a book and invited the master to do his thing. The master made various excuses and said he couldn’t do it.
People like to believe there are wonderful, amazing things out there even when the evidence is weak, because it makes them feel good. The sad part is there really are wonderful, amazing things but they get ignored because they do not reinforce preconceptions.
I love the story of the breatharian. They spend an afternoon with the guy setting up the parameters of the test, then leave him in the hotel room. We’ll check up on you in the morning. Of course, they catch the guy sneaking in with a bag of Burger King half an hour after they “leave.”
My favorite Randi debunking was of the Russian “psychics” who said they could tell about a person from their photo. So he gave them a photo of a smiling Ted Bundy.
And here’s the other thing…
… i don’t think the guy even claims directly that the video is an accurate, “single performance” of the machine.
He just allows people to assume this, and has managed to dodge questions about it.
he’s now talking about building version 2.0 of the machine (the first conveniently “broke” so he can’t demo it anymore)
and, get this….
he’s blaming the software is unable to handle the sophistication of his designs
he complains about the lack of computing power enabling him to perfect his design (now using far better materials than wood; metal, composite, etc)
He was able to hand-build a machine that had zero-error BPM performance, and now he’s saying… AUTOCAD is unable to replicate what he did in a woodshop?
why is no one else calling bullshit on this?
Maybe you otter. Write up a post.
Electronic Music and DAWs (Digital Audio Workstations) are extremely complex to learn, but quite easy to play, there are no Rules you see..
you are, and so am I, I’m sure you could build a sequencer out of wood, but no where near the precision of even electromechanics, let alone solid state switches… The Guys a Charlatan
why is no one else calling bullshit on this?
Because we’re not a bunch of nerds.
Ermmm, I am, and I’m not the only one, You’re a Towel!
Yeah, I know, it took all I could do to get that out with a straight face.
You’re still a Towel,
/See you tomorrow
For amusement, and comparison:
here’s an example of a guy who made a “machine” (an actual electronic machine) which plays simulated techno
basically, piling elements on top of a direct-drive turntable and hoping that the torque drop between each subsequent level on top of each other doesn’t produce noticeable timing differences.
this uses one of the most reliable machines in the history of engineering (the Technics 1200) as its base timing-element…. and it is a sloppy mess compared to mr Wood-Shop guy.
I will say that the video has definitely been edited and the Sound has been cleaned up. Looks more like a weird gimmick for some music video as supposed to a real music instrument but what do I know.
You’re right. I can’t find anyone critical. But all I can find about it are lazy clickbait articles, from the occasional mainstream site like NPR or CNET, and a bunch of clearly more indie DIY blogs; and a few forum posts linking to these articles. That’s all I can see accounting for so many YT views. It’s apparently “viral” but also rather fringe? Maybe it’s that a bunch of Svens are watching it.
Doesn’t seem to be much about it on more serious audiophile forums (my way of saying I can’t find anything). So maybe it just hasn’t really penetrated those corners. Have you taken your argument to people who actually know what they’re talking about (i.e. not most of us here :p)?
I’m actually curious what the truth is. The Swedes get away with too much musically.
The Swedes get away with too much musically
Yeah! Fuck ABBA.
the Finns make hot Women and great music
Hot Finnish woman singing
So Anni-Frid Lyngstad is okay?
the problem is that the guy (and his various collaborators) are genuinely extremely creative and obviously expert in building “this kind of stuff”
im not disputing the genius of this guy: i’m disputing the validity of the performance portrayed in his most-popular video.
I would guess that the original machine might possibly have been able to whack out “little bits” of his desired sequence at a time. and that the final recording was assembled out of bits of the original source-material
but when he was asked to take his machine and show it to an audience, and he went to an museum and was unable to make it do fuck-all
here he complains that it can’t do fucking anything right. and he lets someone crank away at it, and they can’t make it do more than spit marbles at irregular intervals. Much less play basslines and drums and keys simultaneously.
somehow it performed for the video purposes so well that the video creator got dozens complex shots of a real-time performance… which literally doesn’t even slip by a tenth of a second over 3mins?
You will excuse my skepticism
I mean, the thing gorgeous in its appearance alone. Can you blame the guy for milking it for all it’s worth (and then perhaps a little more than)?
He’s being a misleading and people are so wowed by the thing’s seeming magic and w/o their knowing its intricacies, that they’re willfully misled by video ‘tricks’.
Not everyone is as essentially skeptical as you guys, and they (I) fall for things easily and then stubbornly defend those things down to the last detail. It’s annoying but that’s what happened when you guys decided to be the way you are.
Enough of all that
I am your God. Join me
Usually those types of software can handle pretty big projects, like millions of data points, without too much issue.
Maybe he needs to carve some more RAM for his wooden laptop?
I used to design timing systems for radars. There is no way anything runs that consistently without a highly accurate oscillator driving it.
It’s a wood working marvel, but I don’t think that hand crank and spring and whatever the escape mechanism is has any quartz nevermind rubidium in it.
Also, there’s a shit ton of friction and since it’s wood there’s no way the friction is consistent over time. Any sounds produced would wobble like heck.
–thank you for being the first person who knows what the fuck i’m bitching about
there’s no way if the input “clock” is a jackass spinning a wooden wheel… you’re going to get results more accurate than quartz-timing-crystals
As a video editor, it takes a lot less for me to call bullshit. Before I was a minute in I knew there was no way to get all those shots in one ‘performance’.
yeah, my argument doesn’t even involve the various other implausibilities.
i think the whole point of shooting dozens of elements is to avoid any obvious asynchronicity
meaning – you can control the ‘rhythmic appearance’ of many shots. you can make them look like they’re in tune/on time with the sound source.
if it were just static, and showing a single element over time (either the chimes or bass or drums) it would be far harder to fake, because any ‘mistake’ would appear in a few seconds. so they jump cut between things constantly.
I know nothing of music, other than Buckcherry is badass, so on the music things I won’t posit anything.
I found someSoftware i had laying around called Slayer, sounds like a Guitar, so i set up a MIDI controller and now i sound like Yngvie Malmsteen and shit, pretty funny…
/but Cool
Anyway all the leftist hate directed at Pail Ryan is a good example of how we are fucked. Too much of the country he was too fiscally conservative yet to us here he was a phony fraud.
Yup, I realized that many years ago as a young lad- people talk the talk, but they couldn’t think of a single substantial thing they’d agree wasn’t necessary for the government to do.
The fact that fiscal conservatives can’t agree on anything is a serious problem…
Power went out this evening. Called the power company, used the automated system for reporting an outage, lineman was out and power was back on just over an hour later. On a Sunday night.
I complain about the high rates (and they are higher than surrounding power providers) but they do a great job of maintenance and responding to outages.
If they had great maintenance, maybe your power wouldn’t have gone out to begin with?
Outages have been very minimal or non-existent during past storms. Tonight the wind was blowing the trees a bit so might have been something came down. Funny thing is only one phase seems to have been out. Neighbors still had power but not my leg.
It will run eventually as an article, but I like treating late night glibs and I need validation for my own confidence: Hat and Hair episode 2.
Those tweets are awesome.
RE: Hillary, can she be deemed an enemy combatant while overseas and droned up nice and good, ala the Obamanator’s execution of American citizens?
On the desk, Easy Button and Even Easier Button?
‘Diet Coke’ and ‘Nukes’
“That’s one heck of a Diet Coke!”
If I can get the style right, the next episode is ‘land of confusion’
I liked the animation of the hair sneaking down from Donald’s bald pate.
Can’t find the clip, but the only other time I’ve heard the term pate used was in the film version of the Chuck Pahlaniuck book Choke.
Read more fantasy. Common with certain authors.
Thanks, CPRM! Tough weekend with extended family news, so the levity is much appreciated.
im crying
Music time?
appropriate for Gibs.
Better, and more wig-twisting, Herbie composition
Also = Idris (+ grover)
Any time the left tries to grab the moral high ground, remind them that they have as their hero, known liar James Comey. Promoting what he has to say with out a thought to his credibility, and pushing the most retarded story with speculations of “if this is true”!