Which one of you is it? The Saturday day drinking crowd at Glibertarians.com has averaged 163.7 comments per weekend for the past 10 Saturdays, which means if this crowd is anything like the rest of America, around 16.4 (I’ll let you decide who is less than 2/5 of a Glib) of you have on some level have an unnatural fear of the number:
“Please, I’m not afraid of a number,” “that’s preposterous,” you say. Sure you’re not. You wear the veneer of the pure rationalist as your public face. Never flinching at the thought bad luck or fate. You walk happily under ladders and you pet the nice black kitty that crosses your path—if you’re not a cat person maybe you kicked the little bastard in the ribs. Deep down inside you’re clutching your rabbit’s foot or rubbing the head of the Raphael action figure you’ve had since 1991, the last remnant of the talisman you swore by as a kid. After all, Raphael was cool—but rude. You do this in secret.
I know with certainty, one of you uses Not Adhan’s horoscope as an investment strategy. Your secret is safe with me. Its cool, I won’t judge you.
This is my review of Lagunitas Lucky 13 Mondo Large Red Ale
Whether or not you are among the 10% of Americans that is superstitious, Friday the 13th does have an effect on your life. Not just the marathon from the movie, which I contend still has the best ending to any horror movie. There is a quantifiable effect, that has drawn the attention of serious academic researchers. People call in sick from work, stop travelling, and generally avoid leaving their house. But why?

Foolish mortal, murder is merely mischief,
Some attribute it unfortunate events occurring on Friday the 13th. The number 13 itself being associated with the Norse god, Loki, the god of mischief. Leave it to the Vikings to consider murder merely “mischief.”. Maybe Judas Iscariot was the 13th person to show up to dinner and we all know he formed a heavy metal band in the 80s. Most of it is simply attributed to simply being one digit behind the number 12. With 12 months,12 apostles, 12 Norse gods, a day being divided into 12 hour segments, et al. 12 is a “complete” number.
80% of buildings in America avoid using the number 13; buildings with greater than 12 stories simply call the 13th story above grade the 14th floor. The Apollo program even considered skipping 13, which would have made the movie much less interesting. Interestingly enough, a commercial runway is designated 13R and the standard Roulette wheel sports Black 13.
Lucky 13 was released at an unusual time. Its spring, but for most of the country it still pretty cold out. Maybe a bit late for a stout but certainly too soon for a summer ale. They made it a red ale, and a strong one at that. This one I have to admit, is okay. I’ll leave it at that. Lagunitas Lucky 13 Mondo Red Ale 3.0/5.
I would like to draw attention to an update to an article from a couple weeks ago. The information I presented was, to put it bluntly, incorrect. I have amended the article to reflect this. H/T: DEG.
Why mention this? Unlike some other websites, I like to think we have integrity. That is all.
One equals dash space 3 equals delta?
That’s the prism from Dark Side of the Moon.
Friday the 13th’s are my lucky days..
The fact that my date canceled on me lats minute led me to believe things might have changed. Then someone proceeded to tell me how fucking nuts this chick was, and I realized I had dodged a bullet and avoided sticking it in crazy..
You got stood up? Rub one out.
Whatever happened to the chick you saw a few weeks ago who you said you had brought slightly out of the MSM fantasy sphere?
Didn’t work out. As usually happens, even though I am honest up front and tell them I am not getting married again and them telling me that is fine, I got the “where is this going” talk not even a month after that previous conversation. So I took my bow and exited left.
Yesterday when I got into work, two people who get in a few minutes earlier told me they weren’t able to log on at all. So I tried and — I was able to log in to the computer in my cube. Everybody else starts coming in and — no luck for them. Turns out there was some issue that 90% of the computers couldn’t be logged into for almost two hours, and I was one of the 10% who could log in. Nobody could figure out why.
More likely India.
That is bad luck.
Hmm- might be worth finding out. One of the things I try and mostly fail to impress on people is that dead-chicken debugging (I.e. I waved a dead chicken at the bug until it went way) doesn’t really count as debugging.
Except for sign errors when doing graphics work- I just try to have an even number of those.
Sounds like your company’s computer authentication system was having some problems.. If your security guys are as lazy as those of most companies, it could very well be that the problem is a shitty implementation left to get even shittier over time.
I don’t understand this article. *Belch*
Donated blood yesterday as a hearty FTW to Friday 13th. Not dead yet, I think I want to go for a walk. I feel happy!
Tip of the hat, good sir. I’d donate my blood too, but I’m Canadian so I think I’m prohibited from diluting the Pure USA Blood pool.
You could donate to the Canadian blood pool.
I think the main question is linguistic. If you’re an Anglo from Alberta I’m pretty sure Texas would be happy to take your blood. OTOH if you’re a pepper your donation options are probably limited to the coastal elites.
I should probably do that. They tend to like me as I am type O negative.
Ahhh yeah
I was born on the 13th. So there have been a few birthdays in my life where I spent the day in the closet, waiting for the end. Which means there are a few 14ths where I came out of the closet. I hate the 14th, it creates internal confusion.
I was born on a 14th, but not April.
That leaves just eleven months to go. We’re on to you, Ted’S.
One Friday the 13th birthday when I was a kid was bad. One kid broke his glasses, one fell and skinned his knees and elbows, one got hit in the stomach with a baseball bat…it was bad.
So you broke a kid’s glasses, pushed another kid down, and hit a third in the stomach with a baseball bat?
They knew what they were getting into.
They gave him lousy presents.
This is how the party ended. One friend’s dad kept calling me Anthony. Pissed me off.
Sorry to hear that, Anthony.
I haven’t seen that one yet, hmmm
Why only 3/5?
Its not terrible, not great, but okay. Know what I mean?
Yep, always good stuff though, keep it up
Thank you!
Friday the 13th brought me a foot of snow. Right now I’m trapped at home and I can’t find my damn cigarettes. And yeah, Raphael is the best turtle.
Was he the Singer?
He sang sometimes.
False. Michelangelo was the best.
Next thing you’ll say Pidge is a better Voltron pilot than Lance; you’re disgusting.
I never watched that. Weird-ass ‘sconnies
I would imagine there are a number runways marked 13 (130 degree heading). The letter after is Left/Right/Center depending on the number of parallel runways.
They could rename them 31 and have planes land from the other side. 🙂
Glib Air? We land Where We Want To!
They already are (assuming it’s used both directions) but that’s a different runway, even if it’s the same concrete.
Opposite heading. At Shaw AFB the runways are 22 and 04.
I was trying to crack a joke about some runways not necessarily wanting takeoffs/landings in both directions because of wind or whatnot.
The other joke is that they could rename it 22 and have some short landings.
Its like he asked for a 13 but they drew a 31.
one of you uses Not Adhan’s horoscope as an investment strategy.
I for one know I would If I had any money to invest.
I would have used the Hodorscope as a guide, but when all I could say to my broker was “hodor”, he couldn’t execute any trades.
*narrows vocabulary to one word*
This is what happens when govt doesn’t work!
Do you so-called libertarian geniuses want our roads to be impassible because govt won’t stop speeders?
This guy is the poster child for grumpy old GET OFF MY LAWN guys.
MUH ROADS!!!111!!!
And why are you implying that government ever does work?
They blew up stuff in Syria.
RE the linked author bio video. I may have liked the enema guy better. WTF?
You’ve never seen Wishmaster?
You have to, its awesome!
As he is in his beer reviews, so he is correct here, too.
Must watch.
I’m generally not superstitious, but in light of the Winter of No End, I’m wondering if I angered the gods somehow.
Your review is spot on. I’ve tried it a couple times and found it to be decent, but nothing to go out of my way for. Nice of them to make all their beers really strong though. SHows commitment.
Great piece, as always!
Crom cares not for your feeble jabs and thrusts.
I’m enjoying a nice chilly breeze coming through the window. It’s April in Albuquerque.
This winter is bullshit, on the other hand Charles must have a great supply this year.
What a great character!
“I’ve been going to this high school for seven and a half years. I’m no dummy. I know high school girls.”
One thing to keep in mind with the Lucky 13 is that there are (or at least used to be) variants of it, identified by the hair color of the girl on the label. But it’s been a while since I bought anything from Lagunitas, the old owner pissed me off with his behavior.
Dave Rubin interviews Sam Harris
“What do you think we should do about these people?”
“Go into Gaza and kill everyone.”
Oh God that got better and better.
For the dirty people here:
Czech town offered million hours of free porn
Time to spoof.
What’s Intercourse, PA, chopped liver?
It’s right next to the town of Blue Ball for a reason.
Keep driving until you hit Virginville.
I guess if you can’t make it to Intercourse, you gotta stop in Blue Ball.
Climax and Fertile Minnesota would like a word as well
Bragg and Heaton continue to deliver the gold.
I saw that. Very funny.
Day 9 of sobriety. Every once in awhile I make it a point to give up smoke or booze for at least a month just to see if I still can. I just got back to smoking a little over a week ago after nearly two months of abstaining. One day I may be strong enough to forego both simultaneously but I’m doubtful.
Cheers to all the lushes.
*hits bowl*
What’s sobriety?
I’ve managed it a few times. A long time ago I managed to quit smoking for 6 months with no nic substitutes, but I had to stop drinking to do it, because if I drink I’m going to smoke. I was pretty dumbfounded by the whole thing- what do people do to while away the hours when they neither drink nor smoke? I tried taking long walks and came to the conclusion that long walks suck. Eventually I started drinking again out of sheer boredom, and that led to smoking again.
For me, the only thing that has ever worked in terms of not smoking is vaping. It doesn’t work for everyone, but as long as my equipment is in order it works for me. That said I’m sitting on the patio smoking and drinking because my equipment is not in order and some of the new FDA regs have fouled up my orders so badly that I still don’t have stuff I ordered from US retailers a month ago. It’s at a point where it would be much faster for me to order from Chinese sites, because they do not give a fuck about regs.
I noticed that someone asked about vaping in a different thread, but the thread was dead by then. Despite the fact that I have a cigarette in my hand right now I do know a lot about vaping (I mix my own juice, use pretty cutting-edge equipment when I can actually get it, and am basically an aspire when it comes to things like this.) So if you have questions about vaping ask away. It doesn’t work for everyone, but it does seem to work much better, for a lot more people, than any other cessation aid.
what do people do to while away the hours when they neither drink nor smoke?
I’ve heard mad shit like yoga, or playing with their children… some of them even read.
Oh, and painting figurines. Christ, even if I wanted to make teeny tiny brush strokes on a little 40k model, I’d have to be two drinks in. Looking at you, UCS, that seems like some superhero bullshit to me.
Honestly? All my free time seems to be demarcated by podcasts. I let smart people rent out my headspace for free. Any manual labor, that’s not a chore, it’s podcast time. Makes it a lot easier to contrive horseshit
chorespodcast time to do.I’m not even going to bother responding to the Yoga thing, except to note that I won’t respond to it. I do like lifting weights, and was at one point pretty strong by weak-people standards. But I have some persistent tendinosis/tendinitis that I probably should have tried to work out, but that got bad enough that I stopppedd lifting a couple of years ago. I threw in the towel when I failed three reps into what was supposed to be a rehab set of bench-presses at 95 pounds.
Yeah, I suppose I am kind of a pussy. But it’s hard to describe just how demoralizing it is to go from working hard and making progress to being debilitated by soft-tissue problems. I tried a lot of things to make it better and they all just made it worse.
I decided to try taking some time off, a lot of time, because soft-tissue damage can take a long time to heal. It has been almost two years now, and I guess it’s time to get back in the gym, but I can still feel the tendinopathy around some joints. It doesn’t hurt, but I can feel it. And I know that it will take careful management to keep me lifting at all, between that and sciatica. I suck at careful management, at least when it comes to lifting.
As for children- I don’t have any of my own, but my best friend’s daughter is now in her early twenties, and has turned out to be pretty cute. I’m not gay, but I’ve always been fond of said friend- if I -were- gay I’d likely start there. And his daughter reminds me of him in a way. So thanks for the suggestion. I don’t have children of my own, but perhaps I could find greater meaning in my life by interacting with my friends children. I’m old enough now that most have reached the age of consent.
You just need the right kind of yoga, like the kind Diamond Dallas Page used to rehab Jake the Snake Roberts.
Ok, but even if I pull it five times a day what should I do with the remaining 86,300 seconds?
Read thousands and thousands of comments?
try these guys, they are in Pomona Cali,
The issue is that the new regs require an adult to actually sign for deliveries, apparently. It is not easy for me to that, given the nature of my work. And when I try to get the post office to deliver a package on a Saturday morning (when I’d often be at work, but can WFH) they fuck it up and try to deliver on a Thursday afternoon. I am never in the zip-code I live in on a Thursday.
I’m just going to buy everything from fasttech from now on. It’s cheaper, and more convenient these days, because they do not give a fuck about US regs. Thanks Obama!
Can’t use a mailbox service like UPS?
I can’t control how the vendors ship, and the ones that follow the rules actually require an over-21 signature. It is very difficult for me to physically sign for a delivery. Easier to have things shipped from China. As our fearless leader would say: SAD!
I don’t know about that. Last customs broker Amazon used forwarded the shipment via USPS signature required.
They can hold them at the Post Office, if that’s easier for you.
Oh, I apologize, I should have been more clear. I meant smoking weed, not cigarettes. However I do get what you mean about smoking cigs and drinking. My smoking is down to under half a pack a day unless I’m drinking with friends. Then it seems like a circular reaction of drink a beer, crave smoke, have smoke, drink beer for dry mouth, repeat.
That’s just mean.
What did I do that’s mean? Can’t tell with the fucked up threading.
I believe he was replying to F. Stupidity Jr
Just gently mocking your distaste for misused apostrophe’s.
13 was always my number in soccer. It’s my favorite and lucky number.
My son was 13 in hockey and lacrosse. It always drove my wife crazy.
As you all know I don’t like beer because I don’t like carbonated beverages. But this (safe for work) seems particularly nasty.
Kill it. Kill it with fire.
Don’t say I didn’t warn you all.
That actually sounds interesting.
Seems kinda fruity tbh
That pun was just rotten.
I hate these pun sub-threads from my head tomatoes
The direction of this sub-thread is indeterminate
Yeah, well orange you glad it’s almost over?
You could say it roma rounds.
You are really going to plum the depths looking for a pun, aren’t you?
There is plenty of wordplay that’s still ripe for the picking.
Don’t worry, it’ll die on the vine
Hmm- there is something about the smell of a green tomato that’s vaguely hoppy, but… I’m inclined to think I don’t want.
Bah. They are just trying to catch up to terrible ideas that we’ve perfected years ago.
I was referring to the gratuitous apostrophe in your name, Ted.
See, if you had threaded properly I would have figured it out.
I had an extremely delicious Robust Vanilla Porter yesterday. 4.7/5.0. One of the tastiest, most full bodied beers I’ve had in a really long time.
That looks very nice! May i show you a Local Porter?
Hanger 24, Redlands Ca.
Hyperbole, I saw your criticism, I agree the other angle of the hat looks better, unfortunately my software does weird things to it when I try to animate it because it’s not a straight on face. As I get better with the software hopefully I can use that angle more.
That’s what frustrates me about most animation software, seems you spend more time learning the tricks than actually animating. I imagine once you master them they save a lot of time but I always give up before getting to that point. Guess I’m a Luddite in that I’d rather draw frame by frame than set up a bone system and a mask/mesh thing and tweak a dozen controls to get the effect I want.
That’s what I think about graphic design software (not sure if that’s even the right term).
For simple image manipulation, I’d much rather have MSPaint than Photoshop or Gimp.
I don’t have the patience or skill for frame by frame. But I get the frustration; I’d just rather be frustrated with the software than myself, helps with self-esteem to blame something other than myself for my failings.
Hmm- I’m actually… dunno how to put it nicely, so I’ll just say that I’m the originator of some of the most significant advances In animation software in the last decade. Perhaps the most significant. I’d offer you some bona fides, but I’d kind of prefer to keep my professional identity separate from places where I ruminate on banging my friendsk daughters. I’m joking about that (sort of) but you know…
That said, the software I write and the algorithms I devise are mainly meant for high-end shops. This is good in one sense- they really need what I sell, and can pay for it. But the market is inherently limited in size, because there are only so many shops out there. This is why I actually get most of my income from IoT work involving manufacturing, even though I’m a patzer in that realm, but a top man when it comes to animation.
I’m surprised to hear that you even use animation software, but not surprised to hear that it sucks. Getting animation software really right is surprisingly difficult- I’ve spent a lot of my career trying to make it suck less, at some detriment to myself.
I’d be interested to hear about how you use animation software and what your complaints about it are. I can’t help thinking that some of the lessons I’ve learned from writing high-end animation software might be applicable to consumer software. I’m just not sure about the size of the market.
I didn’t know you invented the GIF!
That was remarkably … odd … even by your standards, HM.
Well, I wouldn’t call the gif the high-end. I’m not exaggerating when I say that I’m likely the foremost expert in my little niche of computer science though. That niche happens to be non-physically based deformation of animated characters.
I’ll admit that the competition in that niche isn’t stiff. The best minds of Ginsberg’s generation were destroyed by madness. The best minds of my generation were diverted by the promise of Facebook money. Paradoxically this left many interesting problems essentially untouched. I’ve spent much of my career mining the untouched problems, especially those related to animation.
I blame you for the Transformers franchise
I’d be interested to hear about how you use animation software and what your complaints about it are
I’m just a hobbyist, I like animation and dabble in it. As I said I’m a Luddite in this area, I prefer working 2D, frame by frame. Seems all the stuff out there now is focused on 3D, where you spend most of your time modeling characters and scenes and then let the program animate them. I get the benefits of that on a large scale project but it’s way more involved than I need. There are some programs that mimic the old light-table onionskin type of animation but even those keep edging into the ‘let the computer do that for you’ area.
Well, the interesting thing is that the principles involved in 2D are the same as the principles in 3D. And it is in fact much easier to animate well in 2D. I could go on an epic rant about this, but I’ll refrain.
Instead of a rant, how about an article (assuming that wouldn’t out your professional persona)?
Well, this does out me if you feel like matching names to handles, but I used my real name on TOS and anyone perceptive could figure out who I was there from what i’ve said here. I don’t really care if you know who I am- I just don’t want googling my (unusual) name to bring up pages where I think out loud about banging my friend’s daughters.
It is perhaps the case that I have a fiduciary duty to make sure that doesn’t happen. But the horse has probably left the barn on that one. I’ve said some pretty outrageous things online, often under my own name, and I have a dossier of those things at the ready, because I wouldn’t want an investor to be blindsided by my outrageousness, so I’m inclined to give them the dossier first.
As for animation- you should start by reading the blog of my great friend and business partner Raf Anzovin. The word genius is perhaps overused these days, but Raf is a genius, and an underrated genius. https://www.justtodosomethingbad.com
Who are you calling an authoritarian, again?
Former U.S. attorneys say the FBI’s raid on Michael Cohen’s office is a red flag for President Trump and suggests that Robert Mueller has compiled significant evidence of criminal activity by the president’s longtime personal lawyer.
These legal experts say the raid was significant because of high-profile nature of the case and the likely scope of the search warrant that authorized it.
The breadth of the search indicates prosecutors suspected Cohen possessed a trove of evidence pointing to illegal activity that he would not have turned over to law enforcement voluntarily.
But, former prosecutors note, the raid doesn’t necessarily implicate Trump in criminal wrongdoing.
Instead, it may be an attempt to turn Cohen, a close confidant intimately familiar with the dealings of the Trump Organization, against the president as a key witness.
“It wouldn’t surprise me if it turns out that they start to use these charges that we might otherwise think as petty or small to try to turn a very key player, the president’s lawyer, to turn him and to use him as a cooperator,” said Brett Tolman, the former U.S. attorney for the District of Utah, who served under the George W. Bush and Obama administrations.
This is such a brazen attempt to use the power of the state to intimidate a private citizen into “co-operating” with a federal
investigationfishing expedition, it boggles my mind. These fucking clowns are openly attempting to stage a coup against the sitting President of the United States of America, and the overwhelming majority of the press are not merely looking the other way, they are actively encouraging it.That motherfucker Mueller should be
strung upseverely chastised, and a formal letter of reprimand should be placed in his personnel file for ninety days.I don’t like to say this, but I am seriously starting to entertain the notion that this nation is fucked.
Let’s ignore the possibility that this is an attempt to deprive Trump of his right to counsel and intimidate anyone who would replace Cohen as Trump’s lawyer.
Along with oops, accidentally on purpose obtained privileged communications and insight into Trump’s legal strategy.
“I don’t like to say this, but I am seriously starting to entertain the notion that this nation is fucked.”
Yeah, it’s not about Trump, it’s about the notion that the winner of the election is the President and that “he’s not the right kind of guy” is not grounds for impeachment.
Way too many libertarians are like “Good, Presidents should get hounded by investigations! This is good!” It’s only good if whatever swamp critter is POTUS 46 gets the same treatment. But they won’t. If Trump is impeached and booted from office on this bullshit, than this isn’t really a democracy any more, it’s an aristocratic banana republic where anyone who’s is a member of the Establishment can be POTUS, but no one else. It means the power is not held by the voters, but by the bureaucrats and the media.
Another thing that pisses me off about the Cohen raid, is that any legit judge would ALSO have to weigh the likelihood of that information getting leaked to the press. The FBI should have a pretty high burden at this point that they’re a fucking pipeline of Trump stuff to the media and that ALONE, regardless of any other consideration, should’ve had this warrant rejected. Of course it wasn’t because this is a police state, so FYTW.
When we were initially told it wasn’t Mueller after the lawyer.
Yep- I am not exactly a Trump fan. I am close to being a nevertrumper, though with less hysteria than is generally involved with nevertrumpers. But I am far more concerned about the reaction to Trump than I am, so far, about Trump.
The investigation must make some allegations public soon, or disband. It looks like an utterly partisan exercise of law-fare to me at this point, and that is a very dangerous exercise.
Another issue with Michael Cohen is that he appeared in the infamous Steele dossier, where he allegedly traveled to Prague in August 2016 to meet with a high-ranking Russian. The problem is that Michael Cohen has never traveled to Prague. Some other Cohen traveled to Prague at that time. This mistake in the Steele dossier indicates that the info on “Cohen” came from the unlawfully extracted FBI/NSA database search results. The FBI/Mueller people wish that this point would be ignored. Perhaps extra pressure on Cohen will make the matter disappear?
I don’t have the patience or skill for frame by frame.
Neither did Hanna or Barbera, but that didn’t stop them.
The FBI’s decision to search Cohen’s office in Rockefeller Center as well as the Park Avenue hotel room where he was living indicates they suspected a wide array of incriminating documents spread in various locations, prosecutors say.
“The fact that they were able to go into his home and his office and all of these areas, tells me there was probably quite a bit in that probable cause statement,” said Tolman, the former U.S. attorney for the District of Utah.
“That guy’s guilty as sin. They wouldn’t spring the trap on an innocent man.”
I don’t care what any of you stupid assholes say, this screenshot from the latest trailer for Solo looks awesome!
“Let the wookie…have a happy ending?”
Also, I don’t care what Disney says, Chewbacca’s dad spending Life Day watching holo-porn is canon.
The Ol’ Ron Howard touch. Just like starting a jukebox.
Everyone enjoys washing the undercarriage. What’s the problem here?
Wookie penis ain’t nothing to joke about.
This pretty much what it would take to get me to watch another Star Wars movie.
I’m going to regret it but… where did that screenshot come from?
I’m soon off for another round of house-hunting in the South Bay (CA) since we’re move to get closer to my son’s new high school (Jesse’s former school I hear). But of course everything is ridiculously expensive (luckily we sold our ridiculously expensive house, so we can do this, I can’t imagine entry level buyers in this market, ouch) and supply is low.
Please don’t crash, housing market, until we can sell whatever we get in ~4 years time and we can get out of this state.
You and Hayeksplosives can start a prayer circle for your soon to be SoCal purchases.
another round of house-hunting in the South Bay
Something something hopes and prayers
It’s official: We live in a Michael Bay movie.
UN Ambassador warns Syria: “the US is locked and loaded”
It would have been better if she said “cocked, locked, and ready to rock.”
Her remarks came after Russian ambassador Vasily Nebenzia tore into the U.S. and its allies for the strikes, accusing them of an “illegal military adventure” and “hooliganism in international relations.”
“You are constantly tempted by neo-colonialism,” he said. “You have nothing but disdain for the U.N. Charter and the Security Council which you are unjustifiably trying to use for your illicit aims.”
“Now leave us alone while we spray nerve gas on defectors and reassemble the USSR one little piece at a time.”
So the people who hold the keys on both sides are basically children, and we exist only as long as they don’t get things wrong. How comforting.
Danke for the hat tip! Glad to be of service.
While reading the number stuff in the article, I couldn’t help but think “Illuminati Confirmed!”
I’m drinking Founder’s Curmudgeon.
Oh, does anyone have the phone number of the babe on the Lagunitas label?