When you have been waiting for the links and they finally come.
I’m not clicking on that… Until my wife leaves the table.
Save this one for when she leaves too.
Much better.
I didn’t watch the whole thing buts it starts innocently.
Actually ends the same way.
It was a lumbersexual millennial looking for toast toppings.
*opera applause*
It was Suthen pissing in it.
So… completely off topic, the girlfriend and I will be heading to Vegas next week. As Nevada now has recreational marijuana sales, and it’s been 20+ years since I’ve indulged, are there any recommendations from those who are more knowledgeable then me?
Enjoy! I think there is on place on the Strip that sells but most are off Strip.
Oh and the Strip is dead. Fremont Street is a much better place to be. Plus you can buy beer in the numerous markets and avoid the $15 a can prices
Fremont Street has the Heart Attack Grill. The menu used to have a blurb at the bottom about taxes fueling wasteful government spending.
And the best brewery I’ve found in Vegas. Banger, which is right next door to the Heart Attack Grill.
I would have stopped in there, but I was stuffed from the Heart Attack Grill.
The only time I’ve seen someone get cut off in a bar was at a Sin City Brewing location in the Miracle Mile behind the Planet Hollywood.
I know exactly where you’re talking about, and have had a pint there. I was disappointed at all of the Sin City locations I’ve been to.
Banger led to me being far to intoxicated to manage my food at the Heart Attack Grill. The girlfriend still has a video of me being spanked for that…
“”the Strip is dead.””
Something i learned the last time in vegas is that no one who makes money off the casinos will ever give you directions to places that aren’t other casinos.
or at least none of the doormen or cab drivers i asked.
they were all like “dude, if we told people other places to go, we’d be doing the opposite of our job, which is to funnel everyone back into the casinos”
We had to wander around and ask people on the street. and even then it was like, “you guys want hookers?” no, we want a bar with a pool table. “but I know a place with great hookers.” No, just pool table. “I also have meth”.
The amazing thing to me is how quickly it gets sketchy if you walk off the strip. There’s a brewery called Ellis Island brewing, which is the brewer’s retirement plan. They go for the whole 70’s vibe ($5 steak dinners, $3 pints, etc). But the area around is one that I wouldn’t want to be in after the sun set.
Just off strip…sketchy. In the outlying areas, way west or to the south…normal
I noticed the sketchiness when driving to The Gun Store. Things got a little nicer by the time I got to The Gun Store.
Dear bog, those experience packages are eyewateringly expensive.
$1000 to fire 260 rounds of various calibers? Ouch.
Plenty of off strip places. Mcmullins is the Irish Pub, just by the Orleans. Great place to get some good food and a proper Guinness. Sell all types of whiskeys too. Live music and football and rugby is typically on the TV. Though they are probably playing Army Hockey this time of year.
Opposite that, near the airport on Tropicana is Crown and Anchor British Pub. That place is fun.
The Double Down if you want a trashy punk rock bar is just by the MGM.
Vegas is kind of my idea of hell. I have no interest in gambling, hookers, or Wayne Newton. WTF else is there to do.
Drink and get high. We got hiking, Red Rock is actually really nice this time of year.
I didn’t go to Red Rock Canyon when I was in Vegas. There wasn’t enough time. I’ve heard it’s a good place.
But I can do that anywhere. OK, Red Rock (don’t know what that is) isn’t everywhere but hiking is.
Get you van fixed at the Ford dealership.
(6-year-old me spent a day there after we had a blowout in the Mojave. Las Vegas by day was decidedly unglamorous.)
Check out Chumley at the famous pawn shop?
My wife and I live down in Southwest Henderson for the record.
Well the girlfriend and I are heading in for Viva Las Vegas next week, if you want to meet up for a drink. The events for that are all at the Orleans.
See above…great pub next door to the orleans
We’ve grabbed several meals at McMullan’s in the years past during Viva. Feel free to hit me up at my handle at gmail if you want better contact info for me, and are interested in grabbing a pint.
Just one: take it easy. I don’t know NV but it’s still probably not the skunk weed you smoked in college.
Good Call
I was hanging out with some degenerates a couple years ago and the weed they were passing around could have knocked out a horse. It had been a few years for me so naturally I horked up as much smoke as I could – big mistake.
Right now the apparent problem is picking up the right amount to be used through the weekend. Without having any leftovers, and without going full Dowd any day.
Pay attention to your hotel’s policies if planning to intake in your room. I noticed a sign at one in CO post-legalization where they’d tack on a huge cleaning surcharge if there was any sign of smoking or MJ usage.
OT (but is there even a topic here??)
In my fridge are two chickens, halved, soaking in a mixture of rum, lime juice, brown sugar, and Caribbean seasonings. Going to grill them in this newly tolerable weather and have them with collards stewed in coconut milk and rice and beans.
What are you crazy extremists cooking tonight?
I had salmon and rice several hours ago.
Just leftovers of Pesto pasta I made a couple days ago. Everyone else is out of the house on a road trip to Ikea, I choose to stay home with the kids, took them to the bakery down the street and got cupcakes.
Wife made “glooey” which is just home made macaroni and cheese. (Named after a short-lived mutiny my sister and staged when we were served mac&cheese one night.) Kids love it. I’m OK with it.
I am staring outside wondering if I am really dumb enough to try driving to the gym (or anywhere else) just to get out of the house during a blizzard.
Took some leftover chicken, browned it in a skillet with some broccoli and garlic. Then deglazed with some chicken stock and tossed in some orzo, and finished with Parmesan cheese.
A stew of beef, beets, parsnips and dandelion greens
My innards are not agreeing with me the last couple days. Cooking is out of the question.
I made some shredded chicken (aka the Mexican way of cooking chicken to death) and it is going in some tortillas for enchiladas in a bit. I chinced out on the sauce and went with canned Hatch Green chili enchilada sauce. Not one of my prouder culinary moments but it will do. Tomorrow I am going to try my hand at some empanadas. I have never made them before but I have a whole chicken worth of chicken meat and lunches for next week to make.
Awesome. Cooking lunches ahead of time is a valuable skill.
I usually make some kind of stew along with bread. It’s usually an Indian curry with naan bread.
But I also like to make “Roman lentils” (mirepoix, garlic, canned tomatoes, a splash of white wine, rosemary, lentils, broth, some of my home-smoked salty ham, and a few anchovies just to add a little umami).
Do you make your own naan? I have a recipe somewhere that uses greek yogurt in it and it makes some tasty naan. I try to stay off the breads but have been on a binge lately. I could go for some garlic naan right now.
I do – I use the recipe from the Joy of Cooking 75th Edition. It’s delicious.
I also add garlic and/or onions in there.
I am taking a break from cooking tonight. The wife is making grilled bone-in pork chops. With a risotto with mushrooms and bacon. Substituting shredded cauliflower for rice.
Sipping a Smirnoff on ice with fresh squeezed lemon juice, topped with Perrier.
A University of Virginia statue of Thomas Jefferson was vandalized with the words “RACIST + RAPIST” as the university commemorates the 275th anniversary of its founder’s birth.
Racist? Jefferson was far from a racist.
Wasn’t he a therapist too?
He had a lot of side businesses, but I don’t think that was one of them.
Arg! I fucked up the joke. I was thinking along the lines of Tobias Funke.
I think it’s a math equation what is RACIST + RAPIST X Thomas Jefferson?
=William Jefferson Clinton?
I’ve been reading 1776, and my respect and understanding for George Washington have increased. It’s frustrating to see snots who would have licked King George’s balls denigrate the people who started this country. They may not have been perfect, but they get a pass in my book.
I expected more drunken stupidity in the Aintree pictures.
Wisconsin AG drops the gloves.
I love the argument that showing a driver’s license to vote has a disparate impact on Dem voters.
Well if it means that Democratic voters are not citizens, or are double voting… then ok. I have yet to have heard a convincing argument as to why a person can not be bothered to do the bare minimum to receive a state issued iD for voting purposes. If you have registered to vote, then you are responsible enough to get a free ID card.
The one I have heard is that they are too poor to afford transportation and daycare to go to the DMV or SS office.
But all those poor people find a way to get down to the county offices and signed up for welfare, food stamps and lots of other programs.
And as many have pointed out here before, why is it bad to ask for an ID to vote but not to require one to buy a gun?
I’m still trying to get a straight answer from “progressives” about why voter ID is totally racist and stuff, but gun buyer ID (and more) is perfectly fine.
Because people of color have no interest in guns, duh
Been watching “Red Green Show” Re-runs on YouTube, and realized that the main actors name is Steve Smith…
Have you memorized the man’s prayer?
I like Red Green. I haven’t watched the show in a long time.
I always found it incredibly unfunny.
Same here. I always chalked it up to it being “White People Shit.”
Not wrong, though.
Heck, I’m Canadian and as such am expected to like it. I never did.
Re: the weapons discussion this morning.
Mines – multiple varieties are out there. But the key distinction is AP (Anti-Personnel) vs everything else. AP mines are formally banned by most of the world – a few key folks are NOT signatories to the treaty – Russia, US, etc. The one specific reason we haven’t signed the treaty is the DMZ – don’t like to tie our hands policy-wise. Pretty sure we don’t technically produce them any longer – and virtually all new mines have to have a minimum metal content or an auto-self-destruct feature (that includes most non-signatories – excepting the obvious ones). AT (anti-tank) or other vehicle-focused mines are not as big of a deal – mostly because they can’t normally be accidentally set off by people walking, etc. Also, pretty sure claymores aren’t technically considered mines under the treaty wording since they’re mostly either control-operated or tripwires – and I think most of ours have expiration dates.
White Phosphorus – as noted previously, we use it in all kinds of illumination rounds, smoke, etc. What you can’t use it for as noted is for directly engaging people in the open – incendiary weapons like WP are worse than most others because there’s no way to extinguish the flames. Basically if it gets on you, you have to cut it out – or get submerged and stay submerged.
Also, interesting to note – most “flamethrowers” using the traditional parlance are now RPG-style launchers – ie. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RPO-A_Shmel_(Bumblebee) – US has a variant too. Basically a thermobaric RPG – disperses a cloud of material at a set distance and then ignites it – extremely good at taking out buildings/bunkers/vehicles/etc – some of the sales videos from the manufacturers are pretty impressive. They’ve even designed rounds small enough for an underslung grenade launcher or hand grenade types now.
WP is hella fun to watch on the range though.
That bumblebee looks Sick as fuck! Far Cry!!!!
Mercenaries 2 actually has a variation of it in the Chinese PLA arsenal that you can play with. Extremely effective (my favorite of the RPG class, but limited for fast moving vehicles/aircraft).
What is the official libertarian line on women who kill men and claim it was due to domestic abuse?
I’m inclined to agree with the protesters on this case, but I hate to side with some of these feminists.
Before I started hanging out with you reprobates, I would have said that I’d let the system figure it out. Surely shady killings would be discovered and brought to justice and women who really did act in self-defense would be exonerated and let go. Now I realize that DA’s are scum who will go for an easy conviction.
On the other hand, there are too many crazy feminists who think any woman who kills a guy should be let go and no one should dare to question them.
I think it’s a tough question, like all, due to what you highlight. DA’s aren’t selflessly going about trying to enact justice, but are trying to move their political carreers forward. However, i think these are situations where if the evidence is good that this was in self-defense, then fine. But I also tend to fall on the very strict end of “Self-defense” spectrum (i.e the threat needs to be fairly imminent).
If a guy is actively trying to kill his girlfriend, she has the right to kill him in self-defense in that moment. However, I don’t believe she has the right to kill him pre-emptively, such as in his sleep. If she is able to sneak into his room and kill him while he sleeps, she’s able to take the kids, leave the house, and bring evidence of previous assaults to the police so they can arrest him.
Meh, I’m a bit more forgiving. I know a man who had to put down his son, a piece of shit that abused this guy and his wife for years. When he finally had enough (came home and found his wife freshly beaten) he shot the kid point blank as he lay asleep in bed. Sixty-eight-year-old guy did five years, he’s been out a year or so and he’s never bitched once about it, I can’t even imagine, he wouldn’t have spent a minute in jail if it was my call.
Wow. That’s something else.
If a guy is actively trying to kill his girlfriend, she has the right to kill him in self-defense in that moment. However, I don’t believe she has the right to kill him pre-emptively, such as in his sleep.
I agree, and I have some female relatives that were with abusive guys. Just get the fuck out, and if he’s trying to kill you, kill him first.
“Throughout her trial, Pollard, 36, maintained that her actions were self-defense against an abusive boyfriend who broke into the home she shared with her children and became combative, putting all of their lives at risk”
So a real journalist trying to push this agenda would have included statements about evidence (which should have been thoroughly documented in the first trial) of any of the following: broken door, broken window, bruises, scratches, black eyes, children’s statements, busted tables, busted chairs, and maybe a note about shit strewn about…
Aaaannnnnd nope not in the article.
Listen and believe, shitlord.
Regardless if she is guilty or innocent, that shit is pure fucking evil.
Agreed. I’m all for punishing irresponsible weapons handling, but twenty years is excessive.
Fuck, excessive? That’s all I come up with? Yes, pure fucking evil is right. Two years probation and a felony strike robbing her of her carry privilege, if you must.
It’s just another example of the ruling class making sure it doesn’t have to think or do its fucking job. See: Congress et al.
All she was doing was following Joe Biden’s advice.
What is it with the Mail and their articles about nothing which nevertheless contains hundreds of pictures…? Silly Brits.
They’re sometimes filled with all but topless celebrity sunbathers? Do you complain about the stars and the moon, too?
Especially in a story about a photo finish race and they didn’t actually bother to post a pic of that. But there were a lot of long faces with big crooked teeth in that story.
+1 set of cleavage in a yellow dress. Something something corn something picket fence.
That was a nice dress.
Oh, they’re pay for play publicity pieces.
Ms. Famous-but-not-too-much-in-the-limelight-at-the-moment has a conversation with her publicist and they drop $10k on the Daily Mail for a puff piece in advance of Ms. Famous’ new photoshoot with Vogue. How can they afford to drop $10k like that? They put in a call to Donna Karan who donates some clothes and $3k. They put a call into Burberry, who lend her a scarf and drop her $2k.
It all adds up. She and the companies get publicity, the Fail gets content.You can identify these pieces by the bottom 1/3 of the article that tells you where you can buy a thong just like Candace Swanpoel was wearing.
*duckduckgoes Candace Swanpoel*
See, that’s my point entirely.
She needs a cheeseburger. And fuck that site trying to push their stupid goddamn videos on me.
It was bad enough when clickbait sites like DM started pulling that shit. It’s gotten fucking obnoxious with the Fox affiliate of Bumfuck, VA adding it to their site.
A proper website would tell you where you could buy the thong Candace Swanpoel was wearing amirite?
Yes, but the readers would have to go looking for an as-yet-unexperienced desire to make a purchase. This is the kind of stuff that makes retards claim that advertizing has been weaponized to exploit people.
That link was interesting because they didn’t have a couple of panels that tell you where to buy those swimsuits. My guess is that Victoria’s Secret underwrote a lot of the costs to re-launch her after her maternity leave in 2016 and for a change, the model herself is the product.
For me, the interesting part is her awfully veiny hand and wrist. My grandmother doesn’t have horrible standout veins like that. A 94 year old grandmother has more attractive wrists than Candace Swanepoel.
Rule 34 implies that there are people who find veiny wrists a turn-on.
I’m not saying euthanasia, but I’m not not saying it.
Yeah, on a dude. She has man-hands.
This is why there are no female libertarians….
That, and all the aspy motherfuckers who put the buy-in price for the movement well above what most women are willing to pay.
I’m doing my part with the outreach. I keep a svelte figure and public sperging to a minimum.
Warning to all the ad-averse – the Daily Mail – Let’s watch the left eat themselves #8762817 – Starbucks edition.
He stressed that the males were not harmed in the arrest and were taken to the police district.
Well, as long as they weren’t inconvenienced,
Give it to ’em good and hard, lefty twitterati. Make them understand that conforming to the woke standard means painful dissolution.
You left out the best part.
They were trespassing. End of story.
Fuck the left for racializing everything.
Yea, the first thought that popped into my head was that a “paying customers only” policy is not exactly uncommon. I doubt this is the first time that someone got tossed out of Starbucks, but it came at at time when the SJW Left is eagerly seizing upon any little incident to generate the racial tension that fuels them.
Disgusting, vile people. They won’t be happy until the country tears itself apart.
I won’t even try and tell my “kicked out of starbucks” story…….
OK, I will.
They outlawed smoking on the street the Starbucks was on, but there was a loophole where it was legal two feet from the sidewalk.
So, I’m casually smoking at the street side of my car when some asshole confronts me. I tell him I’m within my rights and that he should just leave me alone.
He starts pushing my chest and doing the whole grade school let’s fight thing. Round about then, the cops pull up and he tells them to arrest me. They question me and when they hear he shoved me they offer to arrest HIM!
I tell them to just warn him to leave me alone and go about my day.
The next day that guys best friend shows up and spits down at my feet as he walks by. Then as I was stirring my coffee, he’s at a table muttering various obscenities.
On my way out I stop and tell him to shut up and leave me alone. As I’m doing this I flail my hands a bit and oops, my coffee lid pops off and coffee spills on the table, roll to his side and some drips on his lap.
So I leave. Next day the staff tells me I’m 86’d.
I give up and start driving a few miles to another coffee shop.
Fast forward three years and I get a FELONY stop in my car! WTF?
He called the cops and got me charged with battery. He’s gay and they were considering hate crime charges! No shit. They arrested me and took me to jail.
I had to bail out (500.00) and go to court 4 or 5 times. The da offered me 100 anger management classes and two years probation. I refused and demanded a jury trial. Finally, after all that the judge dropped the charge against the days objection and purged my record completely.
The process was the penalty. The gay guy was extremely litigious and a chronic cop caller on top of being a mendacious cunt. I had to dance around the whole episode in some job application events and almost missed a couple of jobs because of it.
I’m a shitlord white guy from a really good area of l.a., btw
“Only in Brooklyn.”
I wonder why he really did it. I mean, besides being nuts.