Well, I do not lack for news today, which is a good thing because I spent most of yesterday at a consumer electronics trade show, stumbling around in a daze. The only thing that sustained me was a few stiff drinks and the amusement at both the number of companies peddling blatant snake-oil and the conversations among the dummies lapping it up. Sometimes, being a scientist is painful, especially when I realize that Bill Nye and IFSL are the main sources of public education. The positive side was that the other half of the convention center was occupied by some sort of dance contest for teenage girls. Many of the attendees of the trade show (99% male) are likely going to hell now. Anyway, news:
A wise fellow once observed that while history does not repeat itself, it often rhymes. Remember when Bill Clinton would heave a couple of cruise missiles into some remote shithole when he needed a distraction from a somewhat zealous special prosecutor? Pepperidge Farms remembers.
The Donald giveth, The Donald taketh away. When he does something right, all praise to him. Though one can question the motive here, the result is a good one from a libertarian perspective. Now I can only hope he decides that opioids aren’t a crisis nor a proper issue for government to deal with- which of course is as likely as Ellen Degeneres releasing her sex tape with Mr. T.
I’m so happy that with the massive financial and regulatory crises facing Illinois, our lawmakers are fearlessly and forthrightly attaching the important issues. Especially forty years after the fact. In other local news, the gay community has reason to celebrate.
Well, it was fun while it lasted. Now back to doing something useful, like digging tunnels.
Old Guy Music, and this one will bring down the wrath of Mossad on my (((head))). I discovered Leon Thomas when I was a teenager and was fascinated by the things he did with his voice. He talked about it as an African technique, but let’s call it what it really is- yodeling. Not the pitiful shit of a Slim Whitman, this is REAL yodeling of the sort that would make Swiss swoon. Here’s a song by the great Pharaoh Sanders featuring Thomas doing his thing.
OT but the UK implemented a sugar tax. http://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(18)30531-2/fulltext
They are going to start rationing food altogether soon
Well how else do you expect everyone to get the correct amount? You think that just happens by chance, by people making their own decisions? Are you mad?
They already ration medical care. Food is just the next logical step. They are going to end up making Airstrip One look like a libertarian paradise.
What is Airstrip One?
That was the name for Britain in Orwell’s 1984.
They are going to have to ration everything that they decree is a natural right. Well everything except freedom, because there will not be much, if any, of that left.
Just food? Proggie utopia can only happen if everyone does what they are expected to, so they will need to be told what to do.
The potentially larger financial burden on low-income households created by taxation could be mitigated by a pro-poor use of the generated tax revenues.
It’s a Perpetual Motion Machine, by jove
“Pro-poor”? That’s an interestingly closer-to-the-truth way of saying “keep the poor poor”.
If you are a warrior to eradicate poverty and it happens, what the fuck will you be left to do?
How fucked up must one be to believe one is justified in forcing others to give up things to right some wrong that exists only in one’s head?
The world is not fair fuckwads. Worse yet, some behavior leads people to perpetually get hit with “bad luck”, while some other behaviors, more often than not, result in “good luck”. The only way you can stop the behavior that leads to bad luck and create more of the behavior that leads to good luck is to remove freedom from the individual. Sadly, whenever this has been tried, we have ended up with only bad luck. The sad thing is that the people peddling these vile marxist ideas refuse to accept this reality. Even when over 100 years of proof – resulting in the murder of over 120 million people and the enslavement into misery of close to 3 billion people – indicate this shit will not work. Ever.
You could at least pretend to comment on a link for the first comment. I always do.
I picture Swiss yelling at his computer every time the first post is ot.
Ja. I have my eyes on all of you…
“Don’t shoot until you can see the whites of their eyes! Err..”
Jesus Christ, they needed a study to find that out?
Heh. Just noticed.
That’s a new one.
Lemme guess, you degenerates are all still sleeping.
Looks like there were fireworks last night. I am holding off until I know more.
I’ve been up since 4am.
Cocaine is a hell of a drug.
Up since 4:30 since the dog was insisting she needed to be walked right then. Neighbor was giving her cheese last night trying to teach her to shake. Next time, he can walk her at 4:30 am.
Ours learned to high five. She’s much cooler. Though not as cool as the Hitler dog in Great Britain.
I thought you taught her to sing along to the theme song from “Shemesh”
Dog digs its jams. Nice.
I aint sleeping i is day drinkin
This degenerate has been up for an hour. On a morning when I could have slept until noon…
I’ve been up for maybe a half hour. I’ve never seen the point of getting up early on the weekend just so I can tell people I got up early.
“You know, it’s a funny thing, every one of the bastards that are out for legalizing marijuana is Jewish. What the Christ is the matter with the Jews, Bob?
Bob: “Christ IS the matter with the Jews, Sir”
Imagine Nixon tweeting. More entertaining/frightening than Trump, or less?
Far more.
““But they are particularly adept at catching fish,” Rutter said. He added that it’s wise to be aware of their place in the food chain, telling the audience about an incident in Florida last week where a small dog was taken by an otter.
“If it’s smaller than them, they consider it a food source,” he said.”
Is there anything that doesn’t live in Florida?
I have been diving with otters before. It was hard to believe what I was seeing. They move through the water like magic and at incredible speed. They can pluck sunfish out of the water like you can pick an apple up off of the kitchen counter. Fish dont have a chance. They are incredible animals and they know it. Playful, smart, and jerks.
Sunfish are wimps
We’re going to need a smaller boat.
Bullshit. If sunnies grew to be 4lb you would need tuna tackle to reel them in. I’d much rather catch sunnies than walleyes for the fight.
After the polar ice caps melt, the polar bears will have nowhere to live and certainly not Florida. :’-(
So the answer to your question is at least: polar bears
Mu sister lives in Florida and she identifies as a polar bear.
What a poser!
I am afraid to ask why…
She doesn’t need a reason, shitlord!
Obviously she’s a racist.
I’m so happy that with the massive financial and regulatory crises facing Illinois, our lawmakers are fearlessly and forthrightly attaching the important issues. – can you remind me which are rights illinois women are denied?
They are denied the basic human right to feel safe because of the failure to pass more common-sense gun regulation. They also only have 73% of the rights that men do.
Oh can I walk around slapping women on the ass? Because if so I may plan a trip…
I thought you could do that already in Romania.
A (female) colleague of mine did some work in Italy a few years back. From what she said, if you are female and even half-way attractive, you can expect to get patted on the ass. She is, and was.
And women that don’t get patted on the ass get bitter over there..
Cuase that means the guys (and the gals) figured they are fugly.
“Senate Women’s Caucus announces support for Equal Rights Amendment, which passes chamber
Women are finding a voice in ways they haven’t before”
Angela, maybe you could use that voice to mention what’s in the amendment? Or did you go to the Columbia School of Journalism?
Yeah, I keep hearing about this ERA revival but never see the text of it. Something tells me that ‘equal’ has nothing to do with it.
So round these parts a beer bar opened called mikkeler some danish outfit. It is ridiculously expensive. I mean damn.
I am drinking this.
Not particularly impressed. Kinda hazy and not bitter enough for an ipa.
Mikeller is one of the best brewers in the world. He is what they call a gypsy brewer because he has no brewery. He travels to multiple breweries and makes batches of beer for sale. His Belgium beers and derivatives are wonderful.
Well he should make clearer beers. Either that or new england people dont know what an ipa should be like
It’s just their nature
I dislike Belgium style beers. They are too winey.
I love Belgium styled beers. They are very winey.
That also why you like children?
Same here. The body, the depth of flavors, the malt v hops balance (hint: not hop soup) – if I could only drink one family of beers, it would be Belgian.
Belgium styled beers are winey?
Which Belgium style? Witbier? Framboise? Other Lambic? Stella?
I imagine you’re referring to a particular Belgium style: monastery ale.
^^^ This. There’s nothing winey about a nice Weissbier or Witbier.
Their Beer Geek Breakfast stout is great as well.
The style of IPA is a New England hazy IPA. They are more fruity in flavor than bitter typically. The Reis Ling combo Doesn’t make sense to me however.
Their Mexas Ranger beer is overthought, unimpressive, and doesn’t live up to the hype.
A wise fellow once observed that while history does not repeat itself, it often rhymes. Remember when Bill Clinton would heave a couple of cruise missiles into some remote shithole when he needed a distraction from a somewhat zealous special prosecutor? – maaaan Romania never gets to lob missiles. You Americans could do the right thing and give us a couple. Although i am not sure we can build a big enough slingshot
Well North Korea isn’t abducting Romanian pleasure wives any longer, so at least there’s that.
As always, the #MAGA brigade in the comments is unhappy that he would dare question Glorious Leader.
Impeached for what?
Managing to win the election they thought they had rigged and stolen for Hillary.
Impeachment for starting a war in the absence of either a declaration by Congress or an attack or an imminent threat to the US is more than sufficient grounds for impeachment. Trump even lacks reasonably strong evidence that Assad is guilty of a chemical weapons attack. However, Trump’s aggression is fully endorsed by the bipartisan Deep State, and Congress has more interest in shutting down free speech rights and controlling the Internet than in its responsibility regarding war and peace.
This is the last straw. I now no longer care whether Trump is impeached because, in matters of war and peace, he’s just as insane and megalomaniacal as his predecessors and even more of an ignoramus.
Complaining that the president is conducting military strikes on a sovereign nation without the authorization of Congress and risking a broader conflict in a region that we are already far too deep into is now cutting and running.
Stop the train, I want off now.
Why does Sessions still have a job?
Healthy living and a clean conscience?
Pee tapes ?
So much this.. That fucker should be fired. Maybe we will get lucky and Like Boehner he will suddenly discover the wonders of pot because now he can make money from it.
Roseanne returns and snooty feminists should be scared
If they lose control of just one more TV show it will be handmaiden tale all over again just like the 50s.
They’ll be breaking out their giant can of misogyny on her ass soon. #notarealwoman.
See, I think the decision to make the characters Trump supporters is really smart and gives lots of scope for comedy. It’s why she has a successful show and her critics don’t.
A few years ago, NBC gave Whitney Cummings a sitcom. I haven’t seen her standup, but I had seen her before as a guest on the Tonight Show and I thought she was great. But GOD, her sitcom ticked every PC box there was. Attempting comedy while trying not to offend is total cringe.
Reminds me of Rey from the new Star Wars movies. This orphan girl from a shithole planet can do everything extremely well on the first try, but she’s supposed to be the person with whom we in the audience are to identify with and relate to. Flawless characters and inoffensive comedy is the state of mainstream entertainment today.
Rey is such a perfect example of why people complain about “Diversity” coming to comics, or movies, or whatever the subject is. The problem isn’t that the protagonists are black or female or gender-nonconforming LGBTQIROWKDS+++ otherkin. The problem is that these minorities (and women who aren’t minorities but get minority status) can only be portrayed as perfect beings, good at everything and morally pure. These characters are so unrelatable it drags the stories down and makes people complain. Lord forbid you show a black female who has some sort of flaw she must overcome to accomplish her goal.
As you say flawless characters and extreme attempts to be inoffensive are killing entertainment.
It also provides ample opportunities for the left to demonstrate their insane pathologies. Like the bit about “how can she vote for Trump and love her black grand-daughter at the same time?!?!”
This comes back to the basic problem with the left IMO. Their biggest problem is their belief that what they belief is absolute truth and that because of that they are smarter than everyone else. Whenever reality cock-slaps them on the forehead (the woodpecker effect), basically exposing that castle in the sky they build as the shit-house built on sand that it is, they lose control. Someone with true intelligence would see reality not conforming to what they believed, and thus, rethink their frame of reference, starting with accepting they were maybe not as smart as they thought themselves to be and that what they believed was not gospel truth. But proggies – especially the ones that peddled and grew up in our age of “everyone gets a trophy and is great” – just can’t go there. They would rather burn the world down and kill of civilization/humanity, than admit they are the fucking idiots they are (especially because they would also have to admit they were played by some vile people, making it even more obvious how dumb they are).
It’s pay-walled for me.
Subscribe? c’mon Pie….
Epic Alex Jones rant on Syria. NSFW (cursing)
“You’re now the butt boy of Al-Qaeda, Trump.”
Russia is claiming to have shot down 70% of the missiles with air defenses that totally weren’t manned by Russians or anything. Syria itself claims 13 were shot down.
For all the attention, and Trump wanted this to be a spectacle, it remains just another small step up in escalation as I see it. More bombs were dropped on Syria. I’m sure this will learn them.
I am holding off on opinion until I know more. It might actually learn them. It might also turn into a complete shitshow. I formulated an opinion about Iraq too soon, I wont make that mistake again. This could prevent a lot of bad actors from acquiring chemical weapons, some of whom we may have to face on the battlefield some day. It could deter bad actors from manufacturing this shit (who is making this stuff anyway?) and thus it wont end up in a terror attack here at home.
I dont think it will end up in an extended war with Russia.
I just dont know yet what to think. I want to see what happens before I solidify my position.
What I never understood is why or how it’s agreed that things such as chemical weapons aren’t fair. Napalm and land mines are OK, but if an officer puts hollow-points in his pistol he’s a war criminal? It doesn’t make sense.
Just shut up and listen to your betters
Bleeding out from entryand exit wounds is more humane than possibly bleeding out from only an entry wound.
wiki sez
In 1898, the German government lodged a protest against the use of the Mark IV bullet, claiming the wounds produced by the Mark IV were excessive and inhumane, thus violating the laws of war. The protest, however, was based on the comparison of the wounds produced by expanding and non-expanding bullets from high velocity sporting rifles, rather than a comparison of the expanding .303 British bullets with the previous, large bore service cartridge it replaced, the .577/450 Martini-Henry.[16] Because the energy was roughly the same, the wounds caused by the expanding bullet of the .303 were less severe than those caused by the larger caliber, solid lead bullet used by the Martini-Henry.[17]
The German protests were effective, however, resulting in the ban of the use of expanding bullets in warfare. The British replaced the hollow-point bullets with new full metal jacket bullets, and used the remaining stocks of expanding bullets for practice.[18]
During the Hague Convention of 1899, the British delegation attempted to justify the use of the dumdum bullet by pointing to its utility when putting down colonial unrest. Barbara Tuchman writes that, “Developed by the British to stop the rush of fanatical tribesman, the bullets were vigorously defended by Sir John Ardagh against the heated attack of all except the American military delegate, Captain Crozier, whose country was about to make use of them in the Philippines. In warfare against savages, Ardagh explained to an absorbed audience, ‘men penetrated through and through several times by our latest pattern of small calibre projectiles, which make small clean holes,’ were nevertheless able to rush on and come to close quarters. Some means had to be found to stop them. ‘The civilized soldier when shot recognizes that he is wounded and knows that the sooner he is attended to the sooner he will recover. He lies down on his stretcher and is taken off the field to his ambulance, where he is dressed or bandaged. Your fanatical barbarian, similarly wounded, continues to rush on, spear or sword in hand; and before you have the time to represent to him that his conduct is in flagrant violation of the understanding relative to the proper course for the wounded man to follow—he may have cut off your head.'”[19] However, the rest of the delegates at the Hague Convention 1899 did not accept this justification and voted 22–2 to prohibit the future use of the dumdum bullet.
The Sudanese are still pissed about the dum dum bullets Ol’ Blighty used against them during the Mahdi wars.
I have a shitload of those things in 8×57.
The effectiveness of chemical weapons is overblown. Nearly ideal conditions are needed for them to be effective on large numbers of people and even then they disperse pretty quickly. Still, I ask again, who is manufacturing this shit?
My understanding is some chemical weapons are fairly easy to make. Weaponizing them is harder. There was a cult in Japan that released some gas in the subway, but that was a fairly crude delivery system.
I remember that. I also remember reading about the large scale use of it on the field in WWI. Sometimes in the middle of a chemical attack the wind would change and blow that shit back on the attackers. It isnt a very good battlefield weapon. It is better suited for terror attacks on civilians in closed spaces.
Which this was. My thought is the US (and her allies) know pretty much when anything flies in Syria. When the attack happened the Syrians were in the air at that location. Fairly damming evidence but not necessarily definitive proof because the local group could have manufactured the chemical and released while under attack.
Bush 41 unilaterally renounced the use of chemical weapons and pledged to destroy the existing stockpile. By 2012, about 89% were gone. The rest will be destroyed over the next few years at weapons depot near Fort Carson.
Nixon was the first to renounce the use and manufacture of biological and chemical weapons. The Soviets promised to respond in kind, but secretly ramped up their own programs. They thought Nixon’s announcement was deliberate misinformation.
I am seeing on the news now that Syria has been manufacturing them.
I know a man that personally knew Assad Sr. He says the guy was great and everyone liked him. Assad Jr. on the other hand, a 24 Carat prick and no one can stand the guy.
Assad Sr demolished one of his own cities to end an uprising.
The thing a lot Americans don’t get is just how fierce tribalism is in so many other places, whether the ME, Africa, of the Balkans. People of different tribes who live in the same place generally don’t get along and are always trying to massacre and subjugate each other.
The multi-ethnic countries that *don’t* have this problem have free markets, a common language, and secular govts. Of those 3 things, the first is the most important.
This is why identity politics is so dangerous.
There’s CW and there’s CW.
Old school stuff like Mustard Gas and Chlorine are ridiculously easy to make, but their efficacy is dependent on deployment in areas where air movement is restricted or predictable, They’re primarily vesicants (irritants that cause blistering) that will hit the respiratory tract.
Then you have the WW2/Early Post War nerve gases which are far more effective, but still subject to some of the limitations of the older CW. Typically absorbable thru; the skin, they’re very nasty, with a very low LD50 (dosage required to kill 50% of the sample). Typically, the reagents are prepared from precursors just before deployment, and have shelf lives of at the very best a few years, so when you hear of “stockpiles” of nerve agents, what is usually talked about is a mixing plant stocked with precursors and empty munitions cases (such as Al Muthanna)
In forensics of the limited cases that have been studied, people tend to need much higher dosages than anticipated if modest triage is applied, but they still remain a potent medical as well as psychological effect. Halabja in Iraq has been extensively studied, if only for the fact that the attacks appears to have been of a number of different CW reagents. Many of these reagents are capable of ‘sticking’ to surfaces rendering them inhospitable for a period of hours or days unless time-consuming decontamination can be undertaken.
The newest flavors of CW of which I know tend to be either true binary agents (of which Novichok, “tested” on the Skripals in the UK seems to be an example) where two or more quite stable reagents can be deployed separately, reacting at the deployment site, or developments of older nerve agents with better resistance to dispersion.
The upshot is that some regimes are still making first-gen CW in modified industrial plants, and newer types in quite small facilities. Many of the precursors for more modern CW such as Tabun can be synthesized in equipment only slightly more complicated than a cornmash still, and if the people working in the plant aren’t too worried about OHSA, a small-scale CW plant could fit in a tractor trailer or two.
Actually Suthen, when it comes to militarized chemical weapons, quite the opposite reason is what makes your assessment that they make for piss poor combat weapons, is true. Persistent agents, the ones specifically designed not to lose their effectiveness with dispersal or time, pose an even greater problem to the forces that use them on their enemy (you should read the nonsense the Soviet military had to write to twist this fact into a positive so they could justify their use in a conflict). After all, if the weapon when deployed not only kills the enemy, but stays around to kill your own people as well, it make for a shitty method of opening up your opponents defenses to move your troops through. The only time these weapons would make sense is if the intent was to make some place a no-go zone. Heck, in cases like that nukes might even be a better option then.
Actually they have supposedly banned both incendiary weapons and mines, but nobody seems to have really taken that seriously considering the effectiveness of those weapons.
Incendiaries are a complex issue – case in point, Phosphorus.
It’s used as an incendiary – in which context it’s forbidden as a munition to be deployed in locations where civilians might suffer – but it’s also a recognized smoke source for the battlefield – and its deployment is civilian environments is not expressly prohibited – hence the complicated dances around whether some clear phosphorus use in an urban setting might or might not have contravened the Geneva Conventions and the subsequent Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons
Mines however are somewhat more cut and dried.
The UK and France were already hot and bothered enough to do this on their own. Somehow I don’t think they would have been down for this kinetic action without the US’s leadership.
As I’ve been saying forever. GTFO. STFO.
Russia is claiming to have shot down 70% of the missiles with air defenses
Uh-huh. Suuure they did.
Leaving aside the negligible merits of this exercise in dog-wagging, drawing out Russian air defenses is actually a good thing. Here’s hoping they put their newest stuff out there for us to spec out with drones and missiles.
So about 100 missiles were fired at Syria in this latest round- some from ships, some from aircraft. The Russians claimed Syrian air defenses shot down 71 missiles and that only minor damage was caused by the rest. No casualties either.
It was a fireworks show. A very expensive one.
The Russians are now considering deploying their most sophisticated air defense systems to the region. That would make it much harder to implement a no fly zone or launch other air strikes.
Russia’s ambassador to the US offered this what-about-ism:
“Insulting the President of Russia is unacceptable and inadmissible,” he said. “The U.S.—the possessor of the biggest arsenal of chemical weapons—has no moral right to blame other countries.”
That’s pretty funny coming from a country that sprays nerve gas in people’s faces and support a thug who gasses civilians.
If the goal is to remove Assad, the least bad option left is to tell him to leave Syria or a drop bunker buster on his Tony Montana fortress mansion.
He’s also literally Hitler 2.0: Alexander Sherin, deputy head of the State Duma’s defense committee, said Trump “can be called Adolf Hitler No. 2 of our time – because, you see, he even chose the time that Hitler attacked the Soviet Union.” The Nazi forces’ opening attack against the USSR in 1941 was launched around 4 a.m., the same time in Russia that Friday’s attack occurred.
So Russian pols are as retarded as our pols.
I think that applies to all pols baring a few exceptions that actually prove the rule.
Considering who is fighting Assad it has occurred to me that we might be on the wrong side of this thing. Get rid of Assad? And then what? Another fundamentalist Islamic hell-hole exponentially worse than what is there now? Who cares if the Ruskies get a port there. Has anyone bothered to look at it on google earth? I think there are half a dozen or so wharfs and when I looked at it there were three ships there, none of them military.
I haven’t heard a single compelling argument for involvement.
Here’s one:
Letters to the Local Rag: Pax Americana Edition
I said compelling, not deranged.
Then I can’t help. Deranged is in right now.
Home on, Deranged.
Neither have I, nor have I gotten an answer to my question ‘What does winning in the ME look like? What do we get?’.
Single-payer health coverage
And a free signed copy of Comey’s book.
What winning in the ME looks like
Not our problem. Are they fucking helpless? If they prefer the left column, get it done!
“Not our problem”
True- for now.
I think the basic strategy of the Cold War applies here- containment, limited war, support for dissidents and defectors. Most people who lived under communism hated it and wanted to escape. Most people who live under Islamist govts hate it and want reform or escape.
How Islamist?
It doesn’t seem to be the Islamist bits of Indonesia or Egypt that people are protesting.
Jebus. Talk about dropping the ball.
100 missiles, I expect BAE Systems’ stock is climbing in after-market trading.
Fuck BAE. Fuck them in the ear.
If Syria shot down 71% and the rest delivered only minor damage then why is Russia thinking about bringing even more sophisticated air defense to the region. Those two statements contradict each other.
Look like Kate Mara for $425
If i buy that and dont look like kate mara do I get my money back?
Why would I want to look like Kate Mara? I think my chest hair and beard shadow would ruin the look anyway.
I’m sure that’s already a fetish on youporn.
In other Trump news, Scoot was pardoned.
Probably justified. He still needs punishing for having the name ‘Scooter’. That is unforgivable.
Isn’t the name the punishment
Overdue, Libby was hung out to dry.
Fucked over so the left could keep a false narrative going is more like it.. And I think the guy is a douche, but what was done to him was just wrong.
Yeah, Fitzpatrick should have been disbarred. Even if the perjury charge was technically allowable, it was still a shit move and small-u unethical.
The withholding of exculpatory evidence, though – that’s straight up illegal/unethical.
And, of course, the news was as much about how the Deep State was bitching about the pardon.
But GMO is bad
TW: Vice
the wider perspective
It’s rare for a war to end because of a single decisive victory. It’s generally a slow process where one side shows its superior determination by taking losses while it inflicts losses on the other side and forces them to retreat.
In ancient and medieval battles, most of the casualties happened after one side broke ranks and ran. Those who ran were chased down by the enemy cavalry.
Even the shortest war in history has some lessons to offer:
The Anglo-Zanzibar War was a military conflict fought between the United Kingdom and the Zanzibar Sultanate on 27 August 1896. The conflict lasted between 38 and 45 minutes, marking it as the shortest recorded war in history.[3] The immediate cause of the war was the death of the pro-British Sultan Hamad bin Thuwaini on 25 August 1896 and the subsequent succession of Sultan Khalid bin Barghash. The British authorities preferred Hamud bin Muhammed, who was more favourable to British interests, as sultan. In accordance with a treaty signed in 1886, a condition for accession to the sultanate was that the candidate obtain the permission of the British consul, and Khalid had not fulfilled this requirement. The British considered this a casus belli and sent an ultimatum to Khalid demanding that he order his forces to stand down and leave the palace. In response, Khalid called up his palace guard and barricaded himself inside the palace.
The ultimatum expired at 09:00 East Africa Time (EAT) on 27 August, by which time the British had gathered three cruisers, two gunboats, 150 marines and sailors, and 900 Zanzibaris in the harbour area. The Royal Navy contingent were under the command of Rear-Admiral Harry Rawson while their Zanzibaris were commanded by Brigadier-General Lloyd Mathews of the Zanzibar army (who was also the First Minister of Zanzibar). Around 2,800 Zanzibaris defended the palace; most were recruited from the civilian population, but they also included the sultan’s palace guard and several hundred of his servants and slaves. The defenders had several artillery pieces and machine guns, which were set in front of the palace sighted at the British ships. A bombardment, opened at 09:02, set the palace on fire and disabled the defending artillery. A small naval action took place, with the British sinking the Zanzibari royal yacht HHS Glasgow and two smaller vessels, and some shots were fired ineffectually at the pro-British Zanzibari troops as they approached the palace. The flag at the palace was shot down and fire ceased at 09:40.
The sultan’s forces sustained roughly 500 casualties, while only one British sailor was injured. Sultan Khalid received asylum in the German consulate before escaping to German East Africa (in the mainland part of present Tanzania). The British quickly placed Sultan Hamud in power at the head of a puppet government. The war marked the end of the Zanzibar Sultanate as a sovereign state and the start of a period of heavy British influence.
Miloš Forman, 1932-2018.
What’s the email address for submissions again? I finally got around to doing a submission for the site, a slightly libertarian review of one of Forman’s lesser-known movies.
What you do is hit the Leads/ Submission button at the top of the page and fill out the form. It will go straight to the spam folder. Wait about a week and when you don’t hear anything post a drunk whingy rant about it, then Brett’ll give you his email and then one of the editors will get in touch with you. Easy peasy chicken greasy.
They got back to me within a few hours. Maybe you shouldn’t title your submission “GROW YOUR PENIS!1!11!11! NIgerian model Prince wants to Send you $10001991867 which he earned in his spare time from home on your sister’s computer” next time?
I figured the above was a polite, sober rant.
submit@ this domain.
Look forward to it, Ted.
Oh, and apparently Art Bell died yesterday, too.
But, did he really?
I’m not saying it was aliens.
Alien abduction
Mr. Lizard? Anything you want to tell us?
“Chick-fil-A’s Creepy Infiltration of New York City
New York has taken to Chick-fil-A. One of the Manhattan locations estimates that it sells a sandwich every six seconds, and the company has announced plans to open as many as a dozen more storefronts in the city. And yet the brand’s arrival here feels like an infiltration, in no small part because of its pervasive Christian traditionalism. Its headquarters, in Atlanta, is adorned with Bible verses and a statue of Jesus washing a disciple’s feet. Its stores close on Sundays. Its C.E.O., Dan Cathy, has been accused of bigotry for using the company’s charitable wing to fund anti-gay causes, including groups that oppose same-sex marriage. “We’re inviting God’s judgment on our nation,” he once said, “when we shake our fist at him and say, ‘We know better than you as to what constitutes a marriage.’ ” The company has since reaffirmed its intention to “treat every person with honor, dignity and respect,” but it has quietly continued to donate to anti-L.G.B.T. groups. When the first stand-alone New York location opened, in 2015, a throng of protesters appeared. When a location opened in a Queens mall, in 2016, Mayor Bill de Blasio proposed a boycott. No such controversy greeted the opening of this newest outpost. Chick-fil-A’s success here is a marketing coup. Its expansion raises questions about what we expect from our fast food, and to what extent a corporation can join a community.”
Maybe you could build a wall?
How dare New Yorkers like something this writer doesn’t?
Must destroy perceived enemies.
This guy drew a cartoon about that. Since I can’t find it, here’s a similar one:
Christ, what an asshole.
That is incredible. And telling.
“They haven’t gotten a northerner elected President since Kennedy.”
Well, they have now.
Weren’t Reagan and Nixon from California?
“They” in this piece refers to Democrats.
They haven’t gotten a northerner elected President since Kennedy
*Checks Chicago on map. Notes position North of Mason-Dixon line and latitude north of NYC. Shrugs, moves on.*
Their victory was cemented after the fight for full civil rights in the Sixties. This was the last time the Democratic Party stood up for anything it believed in and because of it they lost the South forever
Odd, given that the Democratic Party actually stood for segregation and opposition to the Civil Rights Act.
Now we know what Tony does in his spare time.
I thought it was parody of the ridiculousness of the American left.
“Its expansion raises questions about what we expect from our fast food, and to what extent a corporation can join a community.”
Questions answered by the financial viability of said corporations.
I wonder how the NYC “progressives” would feel about a Muslim-owned restaurant whose owner donated to some groups that supported “traditional Muslim values” (which are decidedly anti-gay).
Plenty of cognitive dissonance, followed by a campaign to boost sales at the restaurant by extolling the authenticity of the cuisine.
Oh, and hand waving. Lots of hand waving with declarations that nobody has the right to criticize authentic cultural diversity.
I have a fan of my work. Over the past year, this guy at a client’s office keeps asking me to write project proposals, even for stuff that’s not from his office, because I just do such excellent work(his words). He then says he will go advocate for them (kinda weird, but my boss is happy). I had never met him until this week. A colleague has a project for him and he has apparently been pushing for me to work on it. It’s not really my kind of thing, but I sat in on a meeting with the fan. He was just so thrilled to finally meet me. He was seated across from me and kept staring. The whole meeting (more than two hours) was creepily uncomfortable.
Hooboy, here’s to the hope that you don’t one day come home to find your trash cans having been hastily rummaged through for trophies and treasures.
Is your stalker at least out of state? Don’t be surprised if you stumble upon niche anime about you on this dude’s deviantart page at some point.
About an hour after the meeting, my colleague stopped by and said ‘that was weird right?’ I said, I don’t want to meet with him alone. And he said ‘no problem, that will never happen.’
Jeepers. If he was so obvious that others noticed it as well, that is worrisome. I hope he’s just socially awkward and this is the end of the story.
You sure it is not someone that figured out he could take credit for your ideas and getting a boner thinking how your work will make him fast climb the career ladder?
I don’t think so, that would mean going against my institution and that would be stupid. Also, if it were not for the repeated requests that I work on this project, I would probably be the only one creeped out.
He was just so thrilled to finally meet me.
Words that have never been spoken about me.
Oh come now, I was at least mildly amused, right?
Chick-fil-A’s success here is a marketing coup.
Not even New Yorkers can escape the thrall of marketing. If one were to build a restaurant based on serving deep fried shit-on-a-stick, they would have no alternative but to mindlessly (eagerly!) lap it up.
Marketing conquers all.
You mean khlav kalash?
And then someone else on the west coast would open a chain of deep fried shit-on-a-stick restaurants and we’d have to listen to assholes from Manhattan endlessly droning on about how much better New York deep fried shit-on-a-stick is.
The whole meeting (more than two hours) was creepily uncomfortable.
“OOF: Court filing reveals Feds had ‘covert wiretaps’ on Michael Cohen’s email accounts”
*sigh* how this was legal, the hard hitting journalists will never ask.
You are still stuck on legality, the constitution, and all that old shit about your freedoms bro. The deep state has long ago decided that the only ones with rights is them. The rest of us are there to serve and/or be fucked over.
Cathy died a billionaire, in 2014
And his true sin is revealed.
“A Durham, NC restaurant is serving up a pasture-raised beef burger topped with Gruyere cheese, spicy chili sauce and an oven-roasted tarantula.
Bull City Burger and Brewery is selling the $30 meal — aptly named the “tarantula burger” — to celebrate Exotic Meat Month in April, according to local news reports.
Visitors can’t simply order the item off the menu. The only way to get the tarantula burger is by entering a raffle, whose winners are announced daily while the supply of creepy-crawlies lasts.
It also comes with fries.
Bug-loving diners who finish the whole burger earn more than just bragging rights.
They’ll win a free T-shirt, too.”
I’d try it. I still haven’t had an opportunity to try Oxacan grasshopper tacos.
That isnt really something to brag about.
Hell no.
Well, its fucking scorpion season in Tucson. Killed two this morning. Off to Amazon to see if I can get something incredibly toxic in a 55 gallon barrel to just pour over the house.
I’d rather have tarantulas. Which we also have, I just don’t see them in the house.
My bug phobias are kind of weird: spiders and house centipedes freak me out, but cockroaches don’t bother me at all. I live in Ohio so I’ve never encountered a scorpion in real life, but I don’t feel any fear or revulsion when I look at pictures of them.
Quit making football safer. It’s a goddamn gladiator sport. They fight for my amusement and the chance to make millions of dollars. At this point they all know the risks and keep playing anyway so quit watering down the sport. I’m sure a bunch of kickers are going to be pissed that their diminished utility will end up costing them a bunch of money down the line in the big show.
Violent aggressive men are violent aggressive men. It’s not a lack of education about the risks that makes them compete in a dangerous sport, and for lots of men it’s not even about the possibility of money. It’s just fun.
I got a whole bunch of concussions and other injuries from full contact martial arts competition when I was younger and there was nothing on the line but pride. There was nothing I wouldn’t have risked if you added enormous potential earnings into the mix.
I believe it was Sowell who pointed out that even though more people get killed from skiing than boxing, it is boxing that the pols want to ban. It’s easy to see why. Rich people ski. Poor men box.
Your sensei didn’t bother to show you how to counter Miyagi’s crane kick?
A Durham, NC restaurant is serving up a pasture-raised beef burger topped with Gruyere cheese, spicy chili sauce and an oven-roasted tarantula.
And the sanctimonious cretin at the New Yorker pees his pants in ecstatic envy.
No way man….”North Carolina”. Probably sniffing “look at those rubes.”
“the other half of the convention center was occupied by some sort of dance contest for teenage girls”
So you went for the electronics show. Riiiiiggghhhht.
“Sources: Mueller has evidence Cohen was in Prague in 2016, confirming part of dossier
The Justice Department special counsel has evidence that Donald Trump’s personal lawyer and confidant, Michael Cohen, secretly made a late-summer trip to Prague during the 2016 presidential campaign, according to two sources familiar with the matter.
Confirmation of the trip would lend credence to a retired British spy’s report that Cohen strategized there with a powerful Kremlin figure about Russian meddling in the U.S. election.
It would also be one of the most significant developments thus far in Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation of whether the Trump campaign and the Kremlin worked together to help Trump win the White House. Undercutting Trump’s repeated pronouncements that “there is no evidence of collusion,” it also could ratchet up the stakes if the president tries, as he has intimated he might for months, to order Mueller’s firing.
Trump’s threats to fire Mueller or the deputy attorney general overseeing the investigation, Rod Rosenstein, grew louder this week when the FBI raided Cohen’s home, hotel room and office on Monday. The raid was unrelated to the Trump-Russia collusion probe, but instead focused on payments made to women who have said they had sexual relationships with Trump.
Cohen has vehemently denied for months that he ever has been in Prague or colluded with Russia during the campaign. Neither he nor his lawyer responded to requests for comment for this story.
It’s unclear whether Mueller’s investigators also have evidence that Cohen actually met with a prominent Russian – purportedly Konstantin Kosachev, an ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin — in the Czech capital. Kosachev, who chairs the Foreign Affairs Committee of a body of the Russian legislature, the Federation Council, also has denied visiting Prague during 2016. Earlier this month, Kosachev was among 24 high-profile Russians hit with stiff U.S. sanctions in retaliation for Russia’s meddling.”
Never mind the anonymous sources and unconfirmed reports crap. Remind me how maybe possibly talking to a Russian is illegal?
It’s all unraveling for Drumpf!!!!!!
They are gonna keep this hollow moon/lizard people shit up until Trump wins with 80% of the vote in 2020. Who will they blame then? They are going to turn on the voters more so than Hillary did.
Keep it up motherfuckers.
The best part is half our skin-suit agents are their people
I don’t know lots of people believe the Russia conspiracy thing. Most people don’t pay close attention. I think the power of CNN is that it is on in airports etc there are a lot of people who only watch news sitting in a lobby. They usually don’t vote but they contribute to the mob of people who create the illusion that everyone agrees with something.
Hey everyone, I would like to state that Count Potato posts on the internet and that he also likes fucking goats.
I have evidence that he posts on the internet therefor I have credibility. So you know he fucks goats.
Am I doing this right?
Not baaaaaaaad.
No. First you need to spend several hundred thousand to manufacture a dossier saying so. Then when he denies, say: but I have evidence that you frequent goat farms
Nice tactic…
Don’t forget to leak the dossier to the press, and then use the press reports as confirmation of what’s in the dossier.
Driving you to drink TW_ HuffPo
Recently published investigations by The New York Times, Wired and Stat paint a disturbing picture about the way alcohol companies are trying to influence scientific understanding, and thus public perception, of alcohol as a health tonic.
These stories reveal that officials at the National Institutes of Health’s National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) aggressively courted alcohol executives to fund a $100 million clinical trial on “moderate drinking” with the expectation that this study would probably conclude that it is safe and lowers the risk of disease.
It adds up to a concerted effort by alcohol companies to make sure customers keep buying and drinking their products ― or even to increase people’s alcohol intake ― by tying alcohol to better health outcomes. And if industry-funded trials can’t convince Americans that their products are good for them, these sponsorships can churn out junk science that muddies the scholarship on alcohol, food or drugs, leaving consumers confused and awash in contradictory news headlines.
“The obvious conflict of interest is that the funder of this research stands to benefit when the research comes out with findings that encourage more people to use its products,” said David Jernigan, a professor at the Department of Health Law, Policy and Management at the Boston University School of Public Health. “It’s kind of the whole reason we have an independent science sector ― to wall it off from conflicts of interest like this.”
If anything makes me want to drink more, it’s panicky hyperventilation about corporate predation in Trump’s America on the part of press outlets like HuffPo.
“It’s kind of the whole reason we have an independent science sector ― to wall it off from conflicts of interest like this.”
Because “we” designed it like that? This is a pet peeves of mine. When someone takes a state of the world and says “we” decided to do it that way.
Also, how about all that independent company funded R&D? That has been especially instrumental in AI development.
Who’s “we”?
And what independent science sector? Did I miss something?
Imagine my irritating when a “progressive” told me that non-Democrats are morons for opposing the minimum wage increase and “thinking it would be better if we paid people even less than we already do”.
It’s just part of their collectivist mindset. They think of the country as one giant corporation and themselves as the board of directors who have the right to weigh in on every decision that gets made anywhere by anyone.
Americans will never develop agency, if they are presumed to not have agency.
National Institutes of Health’s National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) aggressively courted alcohol executives to fund a $100 million clinical trial
Nothing. Left. To. Cut.
the Department of Health Law, Policy and Management at the Boston University School of Public Health
Exhibit #35683 of why healthcare is fucked up
My cousin is an otter from Barrington. Moved to Toronto a few years back.
Is the otter status verified by a third party? Or should we trust your judgement?
Obviously zhe self-identifies as an otter, so don’t judge him, shitlord!
I mean I was thinking of England like a place I could emigrate to but …
Joking about the Welsh or criticising black actors is the new limit to free speech.
Rod Liddle’s Sunday Times column included a short item on Welsh opposition to plans to rename the second Severn crossing the Prince of Wales Bridge. Liddle wrote (sensitive readers, look away now) that, ‘The Welsh, or some of them, are moaning that a motorway bridge linking their rain-sodden valleys with the First World is to be renamed. They would prefer it to be called something indecipherable with no real vowels, such as Ysgythysgymlngwchgwch Bryggy. Let them have their way. So long as it allows people to get out of the place pronto, should we worry about what it is called?’ – I mean you have to be pretty stupid to be offended by this
The political and cultural establishment of Wales drew itself up to its full height, effectively to accuse Liddle of the crime of ‘Cymrophobia’ – hatred or fear of all things Welsh. – to be fair …
Liz Saville Roberts, member of parliament for the Welsh nationalist party Plaid Cymru (PC), demanded to know not only ‘[why] we should put up with this’, but also ‘what legal defence we have in situations like this’. – speaking of stupid… I like the : why we should put up with this’. SHe actually asked why she should put up with a joke. GO fuck yourself that’s why
So the Welsh aren’t only sheep fuckers but they have no sense of humor?
OK, that’s me on a list somewhere.
Would she rather go back to the five hundred years of ruthless oppression that was norm until recently?
France and the UK should be cleaning up their rooms before going out to play with their toys like junkies.
rufus is confirmed alt-right
I made my peace with being called a white nationalist when the
Warmongers decided that opposing war == white nationalist.
Same here.
It has no weight or meaning anyway.
It’s just a bunch of idiots spewing it. I feel sorry for them. You know, people like that guy at The Root.
I think the canonical rendition of that should be:
In a nice up-country Albertan accent
pfft like an Albertan would say ‘damn’
General Motors Co. will fire as many as 1,500 workers at the end of June at the Ohio factory building the Chevrolet Cruze compact car, undercutting President Donald Trump’s bombast about bringing back auto jobs.
The Lordstown assembly plant will operate on only one shift as part of the cutback, spokeswoman Dayna Hart said in an email. The company will be roughly halving the workforce at the factory, though Hart wrote that it’ll remain open for the foreseeable future.
The job cuts fly in the face of Trump’s repeated claims that he’s spurring a renaissance in U.S. auto factory jobs. He’s touted investments in American plants as proof that his administration is revitalizing the Midwest at the expense of Mexico.
As recently as this week, Trump has touted the move by Fiat Chrysler Automobiles NV to retool an existing plant to make heavy-duty Ram pickups. He’s incorrectly claimed that the company is leaving Mexico and building a new factory in Michigan. The Italian-American automaker is actually re-purposing the current heavy-duty truck factory in Saltillo, Mexico, to build commercial vehicles.
Commence the impeachment!
But… wait:
GM’s plans for its Ohio factory are the result of American consumers snubbing cars in favor of crossovers. Cruze sales plunged 26 percent in the first three months of the year to less than 40,000 units and slipped 2.2 percent last year. Automakers have been laying off workers in passenger-car plants as roomier sport utility vehicles have seized record share of industrywide deliveries.
Let’s politicize every fucking thing, even business decisions. I’m surprised they didn’t drag Scott Pruitt in there, for forcing people to buy big dirty pickup trucks instead of clean socially acceptable sedans. I haven’t finished the article, so they might get around to it.
you Americans make some ugly fucking cars
If I could, I would get in my vintage AMC Pacer and drive to your house. Those are fighting words.
Agree. But ugly cars are the inevitable consequence of US safety and fuel economy regulations.
Ever wonder why all cars now pretty much look the same? Ever wonder why visibility, particularly rear visibility, from cars is far, far more limited than 25 years ago?
I have a conversation with some people from Western Europe last week. They were disparaging American’s desire to drive SUV’s and pickup trucks. I floated the theory I read here not long ago that Americans tend to drive bigger vehicles and have bigger homes, etc. because America is a much bigger country and that influences choices here.
This was immediately laughed at and I was informed we drive SUVs/Trucks because Americans suffer from self-esteem issues and low confidence. It became pretty clear, at least to me, that its not the Americans who suffer from confidence.
Let me see if I have this straight; there’s two big issues with Americans:
1) We are cowboys; arrogant and overconfident.
2) We drive huge, gas guzzling, Gaia killing trucks because we are have no self-esteem and we lack confidence.
Years ago we had an intern from France. One of his goals was to drive a “big American truck” for the summer.
One day he came in all excited and shows us his new Chevy S10 (with an extended cab). He was so proud of his “big truck” that we didn’t even have the heart to make fun of him.
Later he admitted that he might have over estimated how big his truck was. But in France it would have been a big truck for a private person to drive.
he might have over estimated how big his truck was
Hey, who hasn’t?
“Police say missing marijuana eaten by mice
Nearly 1,200 pounds of pot missing from warehouse
Eight Argentinian police officers have been dismissed due to a pending investigation into their claims that mice are responsible for the disappearance of 1,191 pounds of marijuana, reports the BBC.
Police say the drugs missing from the warehouse in Pilar had been in storage there for two years. The officers involved in the investigation claim the drugs were “eaten by mice,” but forensic experts say if mice ingested the drugs they probably would have died and “a lot of corpses would have been found in the warehouse.””
Mice. It was totally the mice, dude.
Might as well blame it on dingos.
was thinking of this
Are they doubting the police? Why do the forensics people want the evil criminals to win??
It’s sad that Argentine cops are scrutinized more than American cops.
SO pie’s NBA first round predictions
Toronto in 5
Clevland in 5
Philly in 6
Bucks in 6
Houston 5
Golden State in 6
Portland in 6
Jazz in 7
who can beat that?
Golden State will do it in 5. Even without Curry.
you Americans make some ugly fucking cars
Joking about the Welsh
Something something Nick Gillespie.
Start your weekend off right with some fine specimens, most of whom are at least 80% naked.
Too many good ones to choose from so I’ll just take 93, 95 and 100; don’t wanna be greedy.
#68 looks like https://twitter.com/Barbara4u2
“Why the Apu Simpsons Controversy Bothers Me as an Indian American
Kondabolu’s tirade largely runs off the tracks as he blames the Apu character for all sorts of slights and insults during his career: “Apu was the only Indian we had on TV at all so I was happy for any representation as a kid. . . . He’s funny, but that doesn’t mean this representation is accurate or right or righteous. It gets to the insidiousness of racism, though, because you don’t even notice it when it’s right in front of you.”
The ridiculousness of this statement is almost too much to bear. On the show, Apu is a strongly accented, traditional Indian immigrant. As such, he is the owner of a convenience store (obviously a nod to the many 7-11s and other small businesses owned by Indians throughout the northeastern United States), who later gets an arranged marriage, has octuplets, and is shown as a fantastic father and husband. He is also, among other things, a gun owner who is extremely religious and devoted to his Hindu culture.”
Funny how the Simpsons has been on the air for 25 years and this is only now becoming a controversy.
As a
HispanicLatinoLatinx, I was offended that Bumblebee Man was the only Simpsons character representing me. They lampooned my people as nothing more than costumed goofballs. Why couldn’t we be portrayed as normal people worthy of respect and dignity, as in the portrayals of Homer Simpson, Monty Burns, or Ned Flanders?Surely, you also had the paragon of medical competence, Dr. Nick.
Don’t even get me started with the insultingly offensive portrayal of lawyers from Lionel Hutz.
Seriously… this whole “representing me” nonsense is so utterly tiresome. It’s right up there with “of color” in the pantheon of SJW jargon that needs to be ruthlessly mocked.
Everybody point and laugh at the “adult” offended by a cartoon past its prime
They should get with the times and make him a doctor or IT worker.
Actually, Apu has a PhD in Engineering or Computer Science — can’t remember which — but it’s part of the shtick that the only job he can get is the 7-11.
And every single white person on the Simpsons is a blundering idiot… Oh wait that’s the point of the show. It’s a comedy about a town full of incompetent people AKA anytown USA.
Actually, there aren’t any white people on the Simpsons. Last I checked, they were all yellow.
They look pretty white.
Colleges are a haven of truth, intellectual inquiry and personal growth.
We freedom’d the shit out of Syria yesterday. That southern belle Lindsey Graham must be as giddy as Scarlett O’Hara was every time Ashley Wilkes walked into a room.
The moisture between his and McCain’s panties could cause the Sahara to bloom.
You just know those two gabbed on the phone until 5 in the morning, giggling the whole time.
Lindsay: “I wish you could have seen the look on that A-rabs face when she blew up! Phew were we freedomed her so hard know what hit her”
McCain: *blinks*
“It’s ok John, we can Draw a picture for you”
*Drool drops from McCain’s mouth*
Oh, John I didn’t mean to excite you so much, let me clean that up.
Please let her stick around.
Stick around? Shit, she is running again. This Time It Really is Her Turn!
I can’t imagine something that would piss if the progressive base more than nominates Hillary again.
I’m tempted to throw a few bucks her way just to encourage her.
Having the Repubs implode because they are a pack of swamp creature asshats is not a bad thing at all, but we really need both parties to tear themselves apart in simultaneous orgies of hate and recrimination. And Herself is just the one to do it to the Dems.
Contribute $5 to Her Highness, and the Democrats and their allies are bound to spend more than ten times that in future solicitations before you get dropped from the mailing lists.
You can double the effectiveness of this tactic by returning the postage paid envelopes empty.
How many astronomers would it take to measure the size of this asshole?
So the left is really hitting the “Dossier is real” super hard. It’s like both parties are racing to the bottom.
The scorpion and the frog. The Republicans and spineless idiots, so they pass a huge spending bill, cave on the wall and immigration and bomb a few places for fun. Bonus points when they’re mystified why their base didn’t turn out for the next election.
The Democrats are evil authoritarians and want to use the power of the state to force the upstart Trump into submission. The Dossier, as crap as it is, has been positioned by the media as an effective cudgel to beat Trump down with, so they have to play along and pretend it’s real.
Well, as Comey says, “it’s possible.” It sure is. In much the same way that Richard Gere has never proven that he didn’t stuff gerbils up his ass, Trump has never proven that he didn’t engage in Russian hooker golden shower parties.
If you want to live dangerously, read some of the responses on the Twitter feed. Beyond the Trump admin, it’s terrifying that people who think this way are, presumably, eligible for jury duty.
Ha! I generally never read the Twitter unless it’s something funny that’s linked here. I don’t have the stomach for that much derp.
Yeah, no politition wants to go near that discussion though. I think that’s part of the push for immigration. Can’t have a Ponzi scheme without the bottom layer paying in.
DRUMPF in league with the Russkies!: Vladimir Putin calls US-led Syria strikes an ‘act of aggression’
Bet you guys feel stupid running all those Facebook ads now, dontcha?
Say what you will about Canada, at least the refrained from this foolishness.
That’s because they’re not capable of bombing Syria.
The Hair That Walks Like A Man™ is more than capable of photobombing Syria!
I’m just going to ask (again)- who in the entire fucking universe seriously believes Kirsten Gillibrand should be President of the United States?
Kirsten Gillibrand. That’s about it.
I think she is one of my senators and I don’t know a damn thing about her. I suspect Schumer just wrestles her out of the way any time she might want to step in front of a camera.
Amy Klobuchar.
Same mystification here. Local media keeps saying that she is a “front runner”. WTF?
In a strongly worded statement, Russia’s ambassador to the US described the airstrikes as a direct threat to Moscow and said insulting Putin was “unacceptable and inadmissible”.
Did he then proceed to
remove his shoe and bang it in the tablegrab a folding chair and hit the interviewer with it?In the email, McErlean decried conservative students as “evil,” noting she quit a civil discourse committee because working with conservative students was making her “miserable,” according to a copy of the email obtained by The College Fix.
“Civil discourse? That’s just stupid.”
Yeah… She never belonged on that civil discourse committee…
#NotMe >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> #metoo
I’ll be in my bunk.
And the left be hatin’
Stoke the boilers on the outrage machine. Full steam ahead!
Recent advancements in science and medicine have put cures within reach for diseases that have long plagued humankind.
In a recent report, though, Goldman Sachs analysts posed an uncomfortable question that quickly sparked criticism.
“Is curing patients a sustainable business model?” analysts asked in an April 10 report entitled “The Genome Revolution,” which CNBC first reported.
One-and-done cures enabled by gene editing, analyst Salveen Richter wrote in the note to clients this week, are near-miraculous innovations that stand to benefit patients immensely.
But they also present a challenge to business.
“While this proposition carries tremendous value for patients and society, it could represent a challenge for genome medicine developers looking for sustained cash flow,” he wrote.
The trouble is, it’s hard to reap long-term profits when you’re actually curing the patients who would buy your treatment.
These are not unreasonable questions to ask, in the course of looking at a “global” concept. Get back to me when you have board minutes detailing a plan to infect large numbers of people with communicable diseases in order to boost sales of the new miracle drug.
And consider the price these cures would have to cost to recoup R&D costs. They’ll certainly be called greedy, evil cost-gougers and vilified for daring to not bankrupt their companies.
I read an interesting story about a company that incredibly invented a cure for certain types of blindness. I think they are setting the price about $800k. The price was heavily influenced by looking at court cases where the plaintiff had been blinded and the resulting value that the court set on loss of vision.
Brutal takedown of not-soon-enoug-ex-Speaker Ryan by the generally interesting Mickey Kaus:
Many of the comments on that gizmodo thing can be summed up in this one:
This is exactly why medicine should not be completely a for-profit industry.
If we could ban profits from medicine, nobody would ever be sick again!
It always cracks me up when Lefties insist that a government takeover of healthcare would result in lower costs.
Here’s what would really happen: it would become unionized, which would drive the costs of healthcare through the goddamn roof.
You think doctors make a lot now? Wait until they’re government employees who are allowed to “bargain” against the taxpayers/voters. MDs in the highest paid specialties make about half a million a year on average; that could easily climb to a couple million, and that’s not even counting the unsustainable public pension system that would be constructed once healthcare workers are part of the government.
The whole economy is already heaving under the huge burden of Medicare and Medicaid. If the entire healthcare system came under the control of the SEIU or AFSCME, the tax burden would become absolutely intolerable. It’s a scary thought.
“I Listened To Taylor Swift’s ‘September’ Cover So Y’all Wouldn’t Have To
Finally, redlining has a soundtrack.
Aight. So I just wanna make it clear up front that my Nana did not play Earth, Wind and Fire’s “September” in the house when I was growing up for Taylor Swift to come along and ruin it.
Swift and her blasphemous cover of Earth, Wind & Fire’s “September” — part of the Spotify Singles series — got me and the internet fucked up beyond measure. Her version of the blassic hit, released on Friday, manages in three minutes to strip the song of its iconic funk elements, its soul, its rhythm, its ba-de-ahh in the hook. She has morphed one of our culture’s greatest songs into one of them acoustic covers white women who frequent coffee shops love so much.
“September,” the original “September,” is the sound of black joy. It’s a song that black folks can dance, jig, jam, smoke, drink and play spades to, a timeless bop. This is why it is a black cookout staple — revered alongside “Before I Let Go” and baked mac and cheese.
It written by Maurice White, Al McKay, and Allee Willis.
Allee Willis is a white woman.
one of them acoustic covers
It’s one thing for vocal speech, but to actually write that intentionally, and have a supposed editor pass it over, is truly amazing. Look at me, I piss on grammar!
They didn’t even do it right. Should be “One of of them there acoustical covers”.
Apparently there is only one way to sing, arrange, and present a song. You learn a new thing every day and I guess that is my new thing for the day.
And amazingly, there’s never been a “rap” song that’s sampled ‘white’ music like rock.
Any company putting forward palitive care versus cure should be dissolved and all
patents, trademarks, and copyrights placed in the public domain.
That would inspire a lot of new research.
So, no more end of life care (that’s what palliative care is, you moron). Everybody gets to die screaming in pain. For Great Justice, I guess.
You first.
Now I’m conflicted. Graham and McCain were locked in a man love frenzy over bombing Syria, so I’m automatically opposed to the action, but it triggered Alex Jones in epic fashion.
Nixon may have been a bigot but that doesn’t mean his question wasn’t valid.
“EXCLUSIVE: Leaked Emails Show Democrats Planning Nationwide Protests Over Mueller Investigation, Believe Firing Imminent
Democrats believe President Donald Trump will take action to stop the Russia investigation this weekend and are contacting local organizers around the country to plan protests, leaked emails to The Daily Caller News Foundation show.”
I think Scooter’s pardon was a warning shot to Mueller. Not that he’s going to be fired, but that Trump will just cut his balls off by pardoning people he charges.
“I am pardoning everyone charged with a crime not related to Mueller’s mandate to investigate Russian interference, as Mueller violated public trust by illegally expanding the probe beyond what he was authorized to do. I look forward to the media reporting that this is worse than the open bribes Bill and Hillary took for their pardons.”
Standing in front of the clanking, rumbling tank of history, crying, “STOP!”
Journalism’s value skyrockets daily, with each new bit of wackiness coming out of the Trump Administration. Movies like The Post and Spotlight have helped feed the trend. Suddenly, journalism is sexy.
Local news outlets are the roots of the news ecosystem. If they continue to wither, the entire system will crumble. Stories will be missed, facts will go unchecked, tales will go untold — and partisan echo chambers and social-media hysteria will rush into the void.
Case in point: A recent Politico analysis shows a clear correlation between counties with low news-subscription rates and how well Donald Trump fared against Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential election.
Return with us now, to those thrilling days of yesteryear, when Americans got their news from a large sheet of paper, as God intended. It’s funny, how selective memory works.
That little factoid about Hillary is something I had not seen before. I’m deeply moved.
You mean, people who were drinking from the DemOp propoganda firehouse were more likely to vote for Hillary? Stop the presses!
No, really. Stop the presses.
So, we’re just assuming that if you voted for Trump it was because you were badly informed. I’m not reading that wrong. They are saying if you don’t subscribe to the news (and how would you ever get news if you don’t subscribe to a newspaper, I type into the INTERNET) then you are badly informed and therefore you voted for the wrong candidate. They don’t even try to hide that their job is to propagandize and not to report.
That’s how I would read it. This is Rousseau-type thinking: everyone would support the General Will – IF they were properly educated.
Totally OT: Can a staffer confirm my submission was received and not spam filtered? Not trying to rush y’all, just a confirmation. Thank you sirs and madams.
The Hyperbole above says you need to go on a drunken rant.
I’m guessing rants fueled by meth, cocaine or (probably best of all) large quantities of hallucinogenic substances would work as well.
I have a conversation with some people from Western Europe last week. They were disparaging American’s desire to drive SUV’s and pickup trucks. I floated the theory I read here not long ago that Americans tend to drive bigger vehicles and have bigger homes, etc. because America is a much bigger country and that influences choices here.
Euroweenies drive little cars with little motors because of taxes, and not just fuel tax at the pump. The Limeys, in particular, taxed the shit out of cars, based on engine size.
And, of course, there are many Americans who would be only too happy to emulate this. I’m surprised California doesn’t have a displacement tax.
I floated the theory I read here not long ago that Americans tend to drive bigger vehicles and have bigger homes, etc. because America is a much
biggerricher country and that influences choices here.Ya think? And why, pray tell, is America richer than just about any European country?
Our enlightened tax system?
‘Woke’ tax system, shitlord
At least I ‘woke’ up to why I’ve had to send the IRS money this year and last, rather than the modest refund I always got before.
I explain to SWMBO and she says “OK, Connecticut, we’re done”.
Bad news is she liked MD of all places. Good news is that every state she visits (other than CT) has some sparkly feature that she likes.
Same boat, different state. It amazes me how little you have to make for the federal government to say “woah, woah let me get some of dat”
Exploitation of women and minorities for the benefit of straight white men. Duh!
Well, its fucking scorpion season in Tucson.
So, we’re just assuming that if you voted for Trump it was because you were badly informed.
By George, I think he’s got it!
Also, this is the charitable view. If you voted for Trump, it is at least “possible” you are not evil, but merely pig-ignorant. You may even be redeemable.
Redeemable but still deplorable.