Happy Friday the 13th. Hopefully you’re old enough to know that God’s own shit chute can point at you on any day and date confluence, but I don’t know how those guys in the Cishetero Disaster Timezone do it. In sports, now that the hockey season has started, Bolts, Bruins and Predators all put up 5 in wins. The BJs needed all 4 to beat Washington, and the Sharks beat the Ducks. No pushing and standing around happened in baseball last night. The BoSox are just tearing it up, as are the Angels. Looks like all the Dodger bandwagonners won’t have too far to go when they jump off. And now… the links!
First off, the person to climb the body of the youth hockey team injured and killed in a terrible accident has been found. Tip of the toque to beloved contributor Gordilocks
Science proves communism makes nations poorer and less healthy. Send this to your IFLS commie friends.
CNN is suddenly very concerned about President Trump’s accusers being silenced. Huge turnaround from the Clinton years where they were obsessed with silencing the President’s accusers.
More science: Just one drink a day could shorten your life. Which is why I drink at least two. Also, in a discovery that will shock absolutely no one who has been a part of the restaurant industry, Food Preparation and Serving have the highest incidence of marijuana use.
Triskaidekaphobia you say?
When the early testing shows serious problems caused by your proposed refactoring of the directory services do you A: Pause the project and attempt to figure out why the issues are arising and remediate them, B: do a phased roll out so you can address issues with smaller impacted populations at a time, or C: Change the entire damn agency at once and blame the application administrators when everything breaks?
C. Always the right answer, because good leaders are bold.
Well, look forward to a day of additional wasted taxpayer dollars, because that’s what they did.
And I have to clean up after them.
Not my tax dollars. While I’m certain that Pennsylvania’s IT departments are just as imbecilic, I’m blissfully unaware of their latest shenanigans.
They’re my fucking tax dollars, and shits like Cuomo are addicted to them.
It’s how you prog harder bro…
Don’t you prog harder?
And if there’s no directory information, there’s no one to bother them with work.
Kinda like my idea to remove everyone’s access to the application, in order to resolve outstanding issues.
It depends, I am on my first envelope or my second envelope?
Well, we got the big screaming fit cleared up for my desk. There are smaller screaming fits, but the Sev 2 is closed.
We had to do a mass update on the database side to change all the application users to match the damage the AD team did. Shame we went with single sign-on.
I held up a project at my old firm for nearly 3 months while the Server team got its AD shit together so that the databases would work. Best shitstorm I ever weathered, holding out on that.
If one drink a day could shorten your life, I would have died in 1804.
Ghost Bear!
*Belches loudly*
*whirls around frantically*
Somebody hid Krugabe’s meds again, he’s yelling at the birds in the back yard, calling them Nazis.
he’s disgusting stay stain on economics.
This from the guy who worships all things China?
But China does the “right” authoritarian things, and more importantly, its leaders profess to be marxists. And that makes them shmaarth!
Why should they be allowed to call people fascists without justification?
You’re a pure, true, piece of shit Krugman.
So how did such an obvious con artist get a reputation for seriousness and fiscal probity?
Everyone reading your drivel asks themselves that, Kruggy.
Times Pick
What you are describing, of course, is not just Mr. Ryan but the soul of today’s Republican party. They do not have principles; instead they have power. Their goal is to make the world conform, or appear to conform, to their extremist but profitable economic ideology. Poor people are a problem not because they suffer, but because they contradict the idea that enriching the rich benefits all. Social Security & Medicare are problems not because they don’t work, but because they do. Democracy and government must be demonized not so they can be reformed, but so that the public will leave the powerful alone to use government for their own profit. I often disagree with Mr. Krugman, but I thank him for speaking the truth about Mr. Ryan.”
Times pick folks.
Yes, trillion dollar increases in budgets indicate a hatred of government. It’s obvious.
The money isn’t going to the left’s pet peeves, and more important, it is not one of them living at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, so yeah, this is government hate..
They do not have principles; instead they have power. Their goal is to make the world conform, or appear to conform, to their extremist but profitable economic ideology.
Pure, grade-A projection.
Wow, the comments on that article sure are disheartening. Paul Ryan is a pretty vanilla politician and they have turned him into some sort of boogeyman in their minds. I can’t even figure out what exactly they wanted from him anyway. They rip on him slashing welfare programs (must’ve missed that) and then castigate his spending bills. The only thing I can glean from the whole mess is that apparently anything other than pure unadulterated socialism is now fascism in their minds.
He said he read Ayn Rand and held up a copy of The Fountainhead or Atlas Shrugged once. That’s all the proof they need that he’s a crypto-fascist.
“Wow, the comments on that article sure are disheartening. Paul Ryan is a pretty vanilla politician and they have turned him into some sort of boogeyman in their minds.”
Once you do that you don’t have to argue your insanity on facts, logic, or reason, and are free to basically dismiss the other side as being morons, despite the fact that your side continues to fail and fail horribly.
I would argue with you over definitions since “fascism” is a subset of “socialism”, but it’s pointless because “fascist” is a meaningless term at this point.
I agree with you 100%, I was just using their language.
Didn’t you see that documentary where he pushed his Grandma off the cliff in her wheel chair?
Paul Ryan is a pretty vanilla politician and they have turned him into some sort of boogeyman in their minds.
Two Words: Mitt Romney
Trump’s authoritarian tendencies
Reducing taxes/regulation and repealing Barry’s constitutionally dubious e.o.’s is “authoritarian”…
I made the mistake of turning on the Bloombergers this morning. They’re all aflutter about Comey’s book. They’re like thirteen year olds finding out about Lady Chatterly’s Lover.
“Comey says Trump is just loike a MOB BOSS! Tee hee hee.”
Fucking retards. I remember now why I stopped watching.
This coming from the guy that let off Hillary – a real crime syndicate boss if there ever was one – is kind of ironic..
Remember the last book that was supposed to take Trumpf down? Always a new shiny object to cover for their failed past predictions.
I wish a toque was tipped my way for something positive.
Can we burn the national broadcaster to the ground, please?
I’ll bring the torches if you can snag some pitchforks.
Infants at Missoula daycare exposed to meth by caregiver
Cleaning company sounds legit.
On a related note, when I recently purchased my house, I realized what a sham all the additional testing you can get are.
I can tell you as someone in the trucking business that Canadian standards for obtaining a CDL are an absolute joke. That said, I’m not sure more regulation is necessary. Insurance companies have been correcting this issue for awhile.
The point is, though, that no report on the cause of the crash has been released, and the driver involved has been with no charges laid.
You can’t scream MOAR REGULASHIONZ from the top of a pile of dead bodies while there is no evidence that the driver did anything wrong.
Ahhhh that’s where you are wrong. Dead bodies make the sturdiest platform from which to spew any inefectual idea.
I’ll leave my fuzzy dice outside the door for the union drivers.
Never let the facts get in the way of a good crisis whorin’.
There was a tragedy; something must be done, and new regulations are something. Sure, they won’t prevent new tragedies and would have done nothing to prevent the tragedy that is being used to justify the new regulations, but they’re something.
See: every proposed gun control measure after a school shooting.
something always = More Government
Ban all trucks!
The NYT is getting its Paul Ryan hate on today, with an extra-special appearance by a special guest star, Little Willie Wilkinson
If only he had slashed some programs.
Niskanen strikes again!
If you can’t trust the Niskansen center to be true to their principles, who can you trust?
I’m firmly convinced that Niskanen’s only principle is to suck up to popular media opinion.
And do they ever betray it?
What devastation has Trump inflicted, exactly? The all-time lowest black and Hispanic unemployment? The rising GDP? Historically low unemployment, with increasing labor participation? What is this idiot referring to, exactly?
Bupkis. I’m less and less a fan of the man as the days go by but not for economic reasons. Although he may change that depending on how this China TRADE WAR ZOMG!!@! goes.
His scary tweets, obviously.
He managed to win an election the left had figured they had already rigged and stolen for their crime syndicate boss Shillary, so she could double down on the evils of Obama’s weaponized government, and finally send all those wrong-think people to gulags?
Party elites in the grip of dogma can’t see the point of checking in with the people they represent and are blind to new problems the partisan catechism is not equipped to comprehend.
The irony is thick and rich today, coating the tongue with unctuous desire.
Without knowing the context, I’d have assumed he was talking about the Democratic Party with regard to the Clinton campaign.
It burns me up that a tool like Wilkinson gets to bang Kerry Howley… and I don’t.
According to that drinking article I am probably down somewhere between 2 and 10 years, and you know what? I’m okay with that. Based on my family’s predilection for being alcoholics until their mid-80s, some 90s, and one great grandmother who is somehow still alive at 107, I’m good with the odds.
Genetics for the win.
Yup, I had a grandmother who was an alcoholic and chain smoked her entire life. Lived into her 90s.
Man with small animal up his ass praises another small mammal who may, or may not, also fit up his ass.
So now Ryan is leaving. Good riddance. But hold the celebrations: If he was no better than the rest of his party, he was also no worse. It’s possible that his successor as speaker will show more backbone than he has — but only if that successor is, well, a Democrat.
It’s a shame. I used to be able to read Krugabe for entertainment value, but it’s just embarrassing, like when the chemtrails guy suddenly strips naked and takes a giant shit in the middle of a busy street.
And then eats it.
It’s funny because he just wrote about how leftists scholars aren’t shills, when he clearly is the biggest shill for the Democratic party. I don’t think he can physically say anything bad about them.
“They don’t do a good enough job of explaining their policies to the dumb hicks.”
The forthcoming implosion of Mr. Ryan’s party, and his imminent retreat to Wisconsin, illustrates the danger of hidebound ideological overconfidence. Party elites in the grip of dogma can’t see the point of checking in with the people they represent and are blind to new problems the partisan catechism is not equipped to comprehend. If a decent Republican Party one day rises from the devastation Paul Ryan practically invited Donald Trump to inflict, it will be one that has stopped legislating for an imaginary world of self-financing tax cuts, having rediscovered and realigned with the basic interests of aging and working-class white suburban and rural American voters. It will take their woes seriously, and nurture their welfare, not their grievance.
It’s always projection with the left.
It must be Friday the 13th. Brooks just threaded.
*prepares for Rapture*
Holy crap…you are right!
*hits knees in prayer*
Hide the until recently virgins!
“Gentlemen, let the missiles fly!”
Oh dear God…….
I’m actually concerned now.
Ia, ia, Cthulhu fhtagn!
*joins chant*
Welp, looks like the end times are upon us. Time to get out the robes, “The End is Nigh” sign, and my tinfoil hat to go out and tell the world.
Good thing I bookmarked this site:
“Party elites in the grip of dogma can’t see the point of checking in with the people they represent and are blind to new problems the partisan catechism is not equipped to comprehend.”
As if it couldn’t be any more clear:
Holy fuck. I always thought I’d die young, now I know it’s certain.
I prefer bum fights, myself. If children aren’t going to be allowed to work in the mines, we should at least be able to get entertainment out of them.
“Ryan Avery Fish, 23, ”
This guy is 5 years older than these kids. He could have gone to school with them. Where do we think someone so young could be qualified to teach high school, when they are still in high school.
I have more than one friend who has dated, is dating, or married someone ten years older than themselves. So, yeah, when you’ve got a 24-year-old teacher as the freight car in a train of lacrosse team juniors at beach week I’m not exactly stunned.
But it wasn’t that long ago that the only qualification to teach 1-12 was a HS diploma. That was before the bullshit degrees in education, the teacher unions and all the other crap that killed the schools.
But also we expected a lot more maturity from eighteen year olds back then.
But it wasn’t that long ago that the only qualification to teach 1-12 was a HS diploma.
It should still be that way, IMO. I think that after graduating from high school an aspiring teacher should be apprenticed to an experienced teacher for a set of years and that should suffice to prepare them to teach.
Teaching high school isn’t some magically difficult chore that necessarily takes decades to master before someone can be allowed to try it out. The problem is that the pipeline of candidates for the job is populated by people that I wouldn’t trust with a book of matches, let alone with children. And the pipeline is full of those kinds of people because state-run schools have turned one of the true joys of the human experience (shaping young children into productive proto-adults) into a soul-crushing bureaucratic nightmare.
There’s nothing wrong with a HS teacher being 23 years old. I taught summer school for “at-risk, college bound” utes when i was 24. But I’m not a fuck head, so nothing bad happened. I also didn’t go into the HS teacher pipeline, because I would have rather slammed my dick in a car door than put up with that kind of bureaucracy.
More science: Just one drink a day could shorten your life.
My response to anyone who has argued that “X will take N years off of your life.” has been “Have you seen those last few years?” [guzzles vigorously]
Exactly this.
*hoists one*
Sure, one drink can shorten your life. At the end of your life! And that’s if you live long enough to die of old age or something similar. (Heck, that’s when you’d want a drink the most.) So, screw it and drink up now.
This is something everyone seems to overlook.
I’ve never had an alcoholic beverage or used any mind altering substance stronger than caffene in my life but as I approach 50 I an seriously considering starting. I mean what the fuck do I got to lose? It’s gonna shorten my life? News flash the good parts of my life are pretty much gone and while I’m not itching to shuffle off this mortal coil any time soon whacking a few years of extra suffering off the end by self medicating and making the ones between now and then more pleasant ain’t looking so bad.
There’s valid reasons for avoiding drink and drugs in your teens, twenties, thirties, and fourties but once you hit 50 they are pretty much all gone
^ This.
So you’re saying I *should* buy the Porsche I’ve got bookmarked on cars.com?
Is that the limited edition Paul Walker model?
VERY limited.
Seriously. I’ve noticed that the people howling the loudest about things that will shorten my life, don’t generally have any hobbies or interests beyond watching TV and going out to eat. What, exactly, are they preserving themselves for?
They need YOU to keep paying into the system until they are ready to cash out.
I haven’t read the article, but I wonder how much is due to the alcohol, and how much is due to the fact that people who drink on the reg are also people who engage in risky behaviors like walking on thin ice, crossing the freeway on foot, or otherwise engaging in Florida Man type activities
*symphony applause*
I don’t know who you are anymore.
An alien replicant?!
Mr. Lizard sighs and focuses disrupters on blown agent.
See below
You fucked up, Tulpa
I always thought you were pure, Brooks. I always thought you were pure *runs away crying*
Another victory in our war on prostitution. I mean, it’s not like people have been trading sex for goods for a long time, or anything.
Anyone know why he accepted the plea and didn’t fight it on 1A grounds?
Probably because they threatened him with 30 years to life for thousands of counts of “human trafficking” and he didn’t want to risk a jury full of morons.
He has family. He has employees. They have families. There are a million ways for the sociopaths in the DA’s office to torment false guilty pleas out of the decent.
And that in a nutshell explains our legal system. Small fires and big fries would all be cooked unless they have the right political affiliations and pedigree…
Remember, government will always be there to find the girls dumped in the ditch.
Well that’s assuming we don’t get to them first…
Sometimes the government is there to dump the girls, and blame whomever comes looking.
+ 1 Lion of the Senate.
Fuck Ken Paxton and fuck this socon/feminazi coalition. I’d say more, but I don’t want a salty fuck like Paxton to have any reason to fuck with Glibs.
More science: Just one drink a day could shorten your life.
Teh Demon Rum will kill you. The WCTU told us that long ago.
Is that Elizabeth Warren?
That’s a man, baby!
Wilford Brimley?
It’s the right thing to do, and a tasty way to do it
Be Xe identifies as xer spirit animal.
First wave feminism. Who would have believed that it only got worse?
Golf clap.
Oh! The lady who got run out of Kansas City by the Pendergast Machine, with her tail between her legs!
the Pendergast Machine?
Slightly different spelling there, but good music choice.
Science proves communism makes nations poorer and less healthy.
That’s only because they didn’t have the right people in charge.
Fake sciunce!
It must be Friday the 13th. Brooks just threaded.
I’ve been hijacked! I’m not saying it was
aliens/strike> the cat, but…Relax, We didn’t skin-suit you. Just hit you with a compulsion field. You would call it a mind flashy thing. The effects will wear off soon, just drink plenty of water.
*scoffs* Grain alcohol and rainwater for Brooksie.
Tulpa…lizards…P. Brooks threads…this is some sort of…Glibularity.
Brett, what have you done with these links?
The Glibbening.
*throws salt over shoulder*
Congratulations on making it to Friday! Here’s your reward.
In Friday the 13th fashion, they will suck your soul out through your penis during intercourse, leaving you a lifeless husk. But it’s worth it.
I fell in love with #1 and after scrolling all the way through, my heart remains stolen.
My god is she cute. That amazing blur where girls are super hot but still seem down to earth and relatable.
#4 looks shopped. If it isn’t…then idk something weird is going on there.
Haven’t had time to peruse the entire selection, but please invite nos. 5, 6, and 11 to my suite, with my compliments.
38 is trap?
Like a Trap Queen?
#14 with a side of 39, please and thank you.
Good grief.
Which timezone is cis-hetero shitlord?
Hold on, lemme check…
*checks Q’s link upthread*
…EST, apparently.
What does that make Mountain?
I got married on Friday the 13th. On purpose. 16 years later, still going strong. “Fuck you, universe.”
I got talked into getting married on Sylvia Plath’s birthday. As omens for a poor marriage, that one is up there.
At least you know you’re marrying a woman who knows her way around the oven.
If only that were the case… 🙁
** thunderous applause **
That is hilarious
I’m sorry that happened and I’m sorry I LOL’d.
I also was married on Friday the 13th, but only four and a half years ago.
I have no words of wisdom. We figure it out as we go.
My wedding was on the 13th, but not a Friday. I feel so left out.
Suckers! I got married on June 1 because it’s an easy to remember day.
Of course, I still forget.
April the 15th. But this year I don’t have to acknowledge it until April 17.
Especially with the John Cleese avatar. I’m hearing it as Basil Fawlty discussing his marriage with Sybil.
I wanted to get married on April 1st but never got that. After 23 years we went our own ways. Maybe the joke was on me?
My first marriage was on Friday the 13th and it was also my Birthday
Things were looking good for the next 4 years but fell apart pretty damn quick after that
Vegan teen cuts contact with pal after he accused her of hypocrisy because oral sex ‘counts as eating meat
Glad to see the media in the UK is on par with the United States.
Especially if she swallows.
Don’t be starting up that old flamewar about when meat actually begins.
How did this song end up being on point two days in a row?
Or this:
Or this.
A solution to the meat eating.
Finally found a man who will say “stop sucking my dick”
“Do you want a blow job?”
Teenage internet arguments are now news.
Totally would though.
She has to be the . . . fleshiest vegan I’ve ever seen. Makes me wonder how strict she is about it.
Jesus. The wreckage of the bus. Just….Jesus.
Yeah, I hadn’t seen that. Unreal that any of them survived.
I was wondering if they had cut the roof off for rescue operations.
A Peterbilt and a set of Super Bs will always leave a mess when disturbed.
So what happened here, Gord? It looks like the semi is in the lower corner of the pic.
Don’t know yet. No report from the accident has been released, which makes the preening for more regulation even more stupid.
Haven’t seen it, and I’m not about to go looking for it. There is only so much darkness my soul can take.
Agree. I am not actively seeking out traffic accident pictures until Hillary no longer walks the earth.
There’s hope. Looks like Liberal insiders have had enough of Trudeau. Damn, even John Manley is speaking out.
I know someone at Canada Post. He tells me that all the senior positions are being handed to every possible victim status/minority worker even if not deserved.
It’s pure insanity. I’ve fallen into the somewhat shrill ‘Trudeau is destroying Canada’ camp because his policies are destructive.
Due process is sooooo twentieth century.
From now on, I’m only going to drug girls in my car. I like how even when they’re dead, they’re giving consent.
Give this man a cigar!
*Standing Ovation*
Yeah, not at all unconstitutional. I mean, it’s totally legit to require that exercising one constitutional right (freedom of movement via Privileges and Immunities) requires that you forfeit another constitutional right (4th amendment).
Every drivers license I ever had said that. The penalty for revoking consent at time of request is losing your license for six months if you don’t win the administrative hearing.
Just shoot them. Then you can get blood at your leisure.
German polezi can use force to get breath or blood for DUI check. Needless to say I never even came close to driving with more than one under my belt whilst in the BRD.
The system works!
Anti-gunners sure are violent. North Carolina Gun Range Goes Up In Flames In Obvious Case Of Arson.
My club has a retired Sgt. Major who was on the Army shooting team living above the indoor range. One of the last people on earth I would chose to fight.
So, attempted murder too then?
Oh and from what I’ve read, arsonists are one step above child molesters in prison due to the indiscriminate nature of their crimes.
pfffft, like the Army can shoot?
Yes. Yes we can.
*1000 yard stare*
This jarhead agrees – but I saw a few soldiers in the National Guard who were magicians with pistols.
What a bunch of cunts.
No suspects, of course, but this does have that, “Let’s ruin something that someone else cares about!” progressive feel to it.
To Suggest An ‘Amicable Divorce’ For America Is To Talk Civil War
Federalist contributor Jesse Kelly recently wrote an article suggesting that political divisions in the United States may now be so extreme that the country should be peacefully divided into two separate countries. He is wrong, and his advocacy that we should divide effects by negotiation flies in the face of the political values that have dominated American political thought for centuries, especially among Republicans and conservatives.
Never mind that THE principle of the American founding was that of secession.
It is true we are in a very divided moment, and that when there are divisions that run deep, unitary, centralized decision-making can make those divisions even worse. But that’s not an argument for secession!
That’s an argument for, wait for it …
Large-scale devolution of Federal powers and responsibilities to states, counties, and municipalities to allow distributed and divergent state and local decision-making is a reasonable solution to periods of heightened division. We can’t devolve everything of course, and we need some shared standards on some issues, but we should not try secession before we try enhanced federalism.
And if federalism fails, then the war will come. And may I say, when the chips are down, secessionists may find that the spark of union has not died. It doesn’t take many of us unionists to reach a critical mass to torpedo peaceful division, and let me tell you, we will torpedo it. There aren’t many things I’m willing to bury myself and two of my best friends over. Union is one of them. Union forever; hurrah boys, hurrah; down with the traitors and up with the star!
So what you are saying is that you have chosen to inaugurate civil war. Never mind that civil war and war of secession are two different things. The feds were never granted the authority to prevent them from doing so for any reason. That said, I do not dispute supporting federalism, but part of federalism is the right to leave a federal union if it no longer serves you.
I agree that the answer is Federalism; but that’s dead simply by the nature of the Progressive Movement. As a proselytizing religious movement , they simply cannot live and let live and will never allow the Deplorables to conduct their own affairs absent the light of Progressive Truth.
So I don’t see what’s so wrong about advocating peaceful secession; it’s far, far preferable to violent secession. Setting aside the horror and death of such a war, there is a good chance that what emerges from it is much worse than either side can envision.
If we’ve truly gone this far down the rabbit hole, we owe it to ourselves and future generations to at least try and resolve this peacefully.
But given the–let’s call it what it is–collapse of the Free State Project, where would it leave us? The fact that the right authoritarians and the left authoritarians hate each other is one of the few reasons we have any freedoms left.
Moderate places are already being squeezed out; HyperCanada or Redneckistan is not really much of a choice.
Pretty much this. We get squeezed into tighter spots. There’s not many other places to go, so we either have to find somewhere else to go (space?) or we fight and hold the line on a tiny stretch of land. The open borders crowd won’t much like that.
Given that (awful) choice, I guess I’m going to go with the place that is least likely to confiscate my private property; though it strongly depends on how big of a police state they build to prosecute moral crimes like sodomy.
I’d like to see a State secede and say, “We’re leaving, and we’re taking the US Constitution with us.”
North Dakota is a good candidate. Or Wyoming.
Nodak wouldn’t be surrounded…
Split em all, let people move freely for several years, then make it official.
Several years is all it would take for the proggies to plunge their territory into 3rd world status.
I’m thinking 2-4 to let people escape ca or whatever.
Forgot the TJ quote on secession:
“Whether we remain in one confederacy, or form into Atlantic and Mississippi confederacies, I believe not very important to the happiness of either part. Those of the western confederacy will be as much our children & descendants as those of the eastern, and I feel myself as much identified with that country, in future time, as with this; and did I now foresee a separation at some future day, yet I should feel the duty & the desire to promote the western interests as zealously as the eastern, doing all the good for both portions of our future family which should fall within my power.”
I think there were other times he commented related to the secessionist movement in new england during his presidency, but I don’t have time to find them right now.
Did drinking give me breast cancer?
Answer? No.
technology that allows police to generate an “e-warrant” that can be sent electronically to a judge for review right from a curbside traffic stop.
Yes, of course. The judges are all on standby at closing time, ready to ping back those “warrant applications”.
As if we needed any more evidence that judges just rubber stamp warrant applications.
Believe me, in my experience the judge who pulls the late shift is not interested in lengthy consideration of the matter at hand.
Probably magistrates or other junior varsity judges. The smaller the jurisdiction, the bigger the ego.
So, in regards to the mother who dared to feed her daughter peanut butter in a grocery store. It was the other, hysterical mother who was irresponsible. How could she have brought her peanut allergic child to a grocery store that sells multiple peanut products? Many brands of peanut butter are packaged in glass jars, and there is always breakage. Plus, many stores also offer on-site peanut butter grinders and those can be…messy.
I had a similar thought – if your child is so deathly allergic, the onus is on _you_ to keep them safe, not on everyone else to anticipate every possible threat to ever other human. By that logic, we should exterminate bees, since some people are allergic. Shellfish beds must be destroyed as well. This list goes on…
Our 2 year old son has a peanut allergy and that’s been our approach. It is our job, especially when he doesn’t completely understand, to let him know that he can’t have them. We tell all the babysitters and give them the epipen and show them what to do. But we don’t force everyone whose house we go to to trash all their peanut butter or not enjoy it.
Sorry you have to deal with your son’s allergy, but thank you for dealing with it like an adult.
Just put your kid in a hermetically sealed bubble and get it over with. Then you never, ever have to let your little darling grow up and rob you of the only meaning in your life.
Oh, I’m sorry. The answer is Moops.
In case this has not been mentioned: John Travolta at his finest.
But her special snowflake must be catered to, doncha know.
I bet it wasn’t even about the snowflake, but about her wanting everyone to know what she has to deal with..
Alan Dershowitz Predicts FBI Will Leak Privileged Information About President Trump
dear god he’s a clairvoyant.
I figured that was the whole point of the raid.
Send this to your IFLS commie friends.
Well, they DO “fucking love science”.
Maybe they “love fucking science” instead. Anally. With no lube. And no consent.
I like sending them crime stats and questioning their love for science
The newest tidbit to come out of the Minnesoda vehicle licensing fiasco is this: after begging for emergency funding of $10M, it is revealed that the MNIT department spent $2.5 on reconfiguring cubicles.
This article doesn’t mention it, but on the radio, they were saying that the money included new carpet and other stuff.
Cubicles? What is this, the 90s? If the rest of us proles have to endure open offices they should have to too.
P Brooks has been Friday the 13th’d
Go Bayern. #neverRonaldoReal.
It’s rare fans of the big leagues/countries will support one another but dammit enough of Real. Good luck playing Real AND the refs.
Liverpool-Roma is a nice tie (there’s even the Salah angle). Roma will look to avenge the ’84 CL loss!
Always liked Liverpool. Kenny Daglish was one of the first players I enjoyed watching along with Dominique Rocheteau – that socialist bum.
Science proves communism makes nations poorer and less healthy. Send this to your IFLS commie friends.
Key findings from that article:
So an Islamic Communist country would be the worst society to live in. Future Europe is going to be a shithole.
Except for the rulers, of course.
They are the only ones that count…
how can a communist country have poor health? They have universal healthcare!
It is a shithole now.
More science: Just one drink a day could shorten your life. Which is why I drink at least two.
Ditto. And there are plenty of studies showing the opposite, that a little indulgence can be healthy. So who knows.
Well, a couple drinks enhances the quality of my life, so I’m sticking with it.
I’m not concerned about studies.
My reaction to story…
It has been a while since I checked in on Timmy Egan– he has been doing his taxes, and he’s not happy. He just now discovered that the government spends his money on a bunch of stuff he wouldn’t spend it on himself.
Also, given that I’m not happy you’re spending my money on things like protection of Scott Pruitt’s afternoon nap, I like to think that self-filing gives me the right to complain more than usual.
I see you’re still punishing me for working — taxing wages and business income at a much higher rate than the money I make doing nothing, like holding stocks. Plus, you’re still taxing Warren Buffett at a lower rate than his secretary, despite his plea for fairness.
And please, no lectures about underpaying my quarterlies. You are a world-class deadbeat. You’re running an $800 billion deficit this fiscal year, and that will swell to more than $1 trillion in coming years, thanks to the Republican tax cut. By 2023, it will cost more to pay the interest on your debt than all but a handful of government functions.
So I guess you’re modeling yourself after President Trump, who has called himself “the king of debt.” Also, he’s expert at con games, stiffing contractors, and running casinos into the ground. As he’s shown, those skills are certainly transferable.
And, of course, the Warren Buffett Fairness Tax gets a mention; at least he manages to get the word “rate” in there, but I’m willing to bet the check Kindly Old Grandpa Buffett writes has a lot more digits than the secretary’s.
I had no idea the government was running balanced budgets prior to Trump’s arrival in Washington.
“….thanks to the Republican tax cut”
Good point – spending obviously plays absolutely no role in deficits.
Also, doesn’t he read Vox??? The interest doesn’t matter because we can just print a shitload of new currency and inflate everything to the stratosphere.
I have to admit that I am the guy who makes more than the average couple but paid a ridiculously low rate of tax, also. Married, filing jointly. Wife went to school full time for a semester and earned nothing, kids went to daycare, bought a house. This year should be even better since wife will be in school the whole year, and I’ll pay on the house all year. SLD, there shouldn’t be income taxes or tax breaks.
All that means is you’re just a 1%er shitlord and should be taxed at a minimum rate of 75%. Don’t you even care about poor, starving, inner city children you monster!
And the government won’t even let me deduct my student loan interest anymore since I make over $80k/year. All while they complain that “young people aren’t buying houses!!”
The tax system is set up to fuck over young, single people. Sure I get to use the roads, but pretty much all of the other “generous” government services are not exactly targeted towards my demographic. I guess I got the federal guarantee of my loans – but that’s part of the reason why I college was so expensive in the first place.
Oh, its get’s worse my friend. AMT, TK. TK, AMT.
*apostrophe shame*
AMT sounds like a nightmare, but I don’t even get any deductions other than the standard one.
My income doubled and my tax rate halved after marrying, having a kid and taking out massive student and mortgage debt. As the debt gets paid off, significant portions of money (in the 5 figures) will be added to our tax bill. So much for doing the right thing!
Ouch, that sounds painful. I really despise using tax policy in social engineering schemes.
It’s the ultimate form of wealth redistribution…
As the Federalist noted the other day… the Media’s obsession w/ Pruitt is a sign Pruitt is actually being effective at his task of defanging the EPA
Caps last night. I don’t even know why I even bother to watch.
I understand.
/Wild fan
There was hockey last night?
/Rangers fan
Vigneault has blessedly been fired, though, so this disaster of a season was not in vain.
The question is whether the Coastal NIMBYs who hold all the political power will vote for such a proposal. My guess is no.
They’d almost assuredly get four more Team Blue senators out of the deal.
Point taken, though I’m not sure the “Southern California” they’ve drawn on the map would automatically go Blue. I wonder what it would do to House representation?
Why would they want tax slaves from the far redneck places of California to have any say in governing themselves. They might choose to do things that the Coastal NIMBYs would disapprove of.
. No report from the accident has been released, which makes the preening for more regulation even more stupid.
I “know a guy who knows people” as ridiculous as that sounds, who said he was told the truck had just come up an on ramp and the bus slammed into it from behind.
Clearly a more experienced and trained driver would have gotten it to accelerate faster.
Honestly, it looks like the truck may have missed the stop sign.
Add up the vectors, and you see the center of mass moved northwest. The truck had to be moving at a pretty high velocity to get both vehicles to end up where they were.
It continues to say that the bus “collided” with the truck. From looking at the bus, it does look like the bus went head on into the side of the truck. Its hard for me to tell whether the truck didn’t stop or had started into the intersection because he couldn’t see the bus. A bus going 65 mph — the posted limit can come up fast, and if that truck was going slowly, there’s just not much either party can do at that point.
If the bus had been going “fast” and the truck going “slow”, the wreckage would be scattered mostly in the direction the bus was traveling. Given the wreckage pattern, the truck and the bus were moving at similar velocities.
It does look like the bus drove into the side of the truck. This would account for the front of the bus being sheared off and the final resting spots of the two vehicles.
What do they have to say, over at the NYT peanut gallery, about Egan’s rapierlike wit and insight?
Mary Ellen McNerney
Princeton, NJ1h ago
Once more, Mr. Egan is on point. Sadly, I anticipate that my taxes will go up next year, as my income is entirely from salary, and the SALT deduction is eliminated. I do not relish giving more to the 1%-ers, nor to the wasteful government of this administration.
If you don’t want to “give” to the 1%, your first order of business would be to cancel your Amazon account, and boycott facebook, and toss your iphone in the nearest trash can.
Then start electing people that will lower your state and local taxes to something more reasonable.
“…wasteful government of this administration.”
As opposed to the frugal, fiscally responsible administrations of the past.
“Sadly”? Since when are lefties sad about paying more taxes??
When it’s their ox being gored. That’s the reason tax hikes exist. To make sure that deplorables, business owners, and the few in the 1% that contribute to GOP campaigns pay more taxes.
$1000 says if you ask Mary Ellen whether the ACA was a good or bad thing she’s all for it. She doesn’t have a problem with high taxes, she has a problem with high taxes on herself.
From the out-of-control judiciary files we have:
Wait…. so the “Right to Contract” requires people to do business with people with whom they don’t want to do business?
Not only that, but the DACA EO negate existing federal law that prohibits employers from hiring illegal aliens and requires them to collect and maintain I9 forms?
It doesn’t… basically, she’s saying you either break federal law or commit contempt of court.
It’s yet another example of how the U.S. government is deteriorating as a viable intistitution.
“It’s yet another example of how the U.S. government is deteriorating as a viable intistitution.”
Things that can’t go on forever, won’t. What I’m scared of is what comes after.
I feel like I’m taking crazy pills
Wait a minute I thought we were cracking down on employers who hiring illegal aliens. I just can’t keep up.
FOR OMWC: Rick Astley news from The Times of London –
5 DOWN Rick Astley
Headline of the week goes to the NME, which relayed the following confusion from clean-cut ironic 1980s icon Rick Astley — he of “Rickrolling” fame. “Rick Astley says he has ‘no idea’ why Dave Grohl invited him onstage to perform with Foo Fighters.”
Here at Celebrity Watch, we believe we know exactly why: because — LOL.
It’s pretty funny.
That’s awesome
Wow, I would probably have been trampled at that concert, from ROTGLOL.
RNC Releases Brutal Video Of Democrats Attacking Comey’s Credibility
Team Red less stupid than originally thought. I mean, there are probably hours stuff like this that they could make ads on for this and other issues. Team Blue anti-gun rhetoric comes to mind.
George “Blind Squirrel” Stepha-unpronounceable finds a nut:
“He may have destroyed the credibility of the FBI permanently”
Perhaps a bit hyperbolic: J. Edgar, Ruby Ridge and Waco certainly did a bang up job, but Comey might have driven the final nail into the coffin.
Well, yea. But this is directed at Comey’s credibility as opposed to the FBI as a whole. I suspect it is intended to pre-empt his new book that is coming out soon.
I approve of this message.
Honestly, it looks like the truck may have missed the stop sign.
Ah. The truck pulled out in front of them, I guess. The story I heard was “unclear”. Although, looking at that mess (fucking hell), I can’t help thinking the bus might have been going faster than 60mph (100kph). And that truck had to have had a fairly good head of steam to get across the road to where it ended up. Like, as you suggested, it ran the stop sign.
Most people appear to be in a hell of a rush to get to their own funeral. Really pisses me off. What the fuck is so important that they have to push push push and go so goddamned fast? I think they dont understand the reality of what they are doing. They dont believe it will happen to them. If you are traveling faster than 15mph or so you are traveling at high enough speed to die in a wreck. Back the fuck off, slow down, pay attention. Put the goddamned phone and eyeliner down.
In 40 years I have only been in accidents when someone else was driving. I refuse to ride with other drivers anymore. We are taking my car. I am driving.
People often made fun of me for driving so slow. Although I do tend to drive slower when I have someone else in the car.
Yep, I am very cautious on the road. Defensive driving is a valuable skill. There have been many situations where I would’ve been in a wreck if I didn’t drive so cautiously. Never been in a crash as a driver, but plenty have honked at me for not being ridiculously aggressive.
I’m withholding comment on the cause of the crash until the report comes out, but the fact that the RCMP have released the truck driver without charge leads me to believe it wasn’t his fault; if the cops thought for a second he might have done anything wrong, they would have charged him immediately.
Bd deal, either way. That guy is never gonna be normal again.
Wait…. so the “Right to Contract” requires people to do business with people with whom they don’t want to do business?
“Nice little business you got here….”
On Andre the Giant. Or “the Giant Fairy” if you prefer.
Yeah, that guy was something else. From everything I have heard he was the nicest guy you could meet. I feel sorry for him, in his later years he suffered greatly from his gigantism.
He could drink 100 beers in one sitting and not only not die, but stay conscious. That deserves a Nobel Prize if I’ve seen one.
And an Emmy.
But so can Wade Boggs
May he rest in peace.
Wade Boggs style!
Wiki says he was billed as 7′ 4″ and 520lbs.
Wrestlers always exaggerate their size. Huge man, but more like 7′ than 7’4″
Standard door is 7 feet. I remember seeing him ducking to get through them. Also, those afflicted with gigantism often continue growing throughout their life so it could be both.
Considering these folks didn’t have much a brain to break in the first place it probably didn’t take that much.
Some people in media were broken to begin with, but years of glad-handing Obama allowed them to hide it.
Google loses landmark ‘right to be forgotten’ case
Businessman wins legal action to force removal of search results about past conviction
so most important negative rights mean shit in the UK but somehow the “right” to be forgotten wins …
Right to defend yourself is also right out the window.
“Sadly”? Since when are lefties sad about paying more taxes??
When it is they, personally, writing the check, and not some fabulously (and undeservedly so) wealthy faceless evildoer.
We’ll expropriate all of the Kochs’ wealth, which will fund the federal government for about thirteen milliseconds, and then everything will be golden.
I’m withholding comment on the cause of the crash until the report comes out, but the fact that the RCMP have released the truck driver without charge leads me to believe it wasn’t his fault; if the cops thought for a second he might have done anything wrong, they would have charged him immediately.
An excellent position to take.
SNBC’s Joy Reid, for example, spent part of her show this weekend speculating about what might happen should the president refuse to allow himself to be arrested by federal marshals. This is a real thing that was discussed on a real show by real political analysts.
Hang on…
I see a contradiction, here.
Missing lots of scare quotes in the last sentence.
…and also by Joy Reid?
Who does she think federal marshals work for? Until and unless the president is impeached, all federal law enforcement works for him. He could fire anyone trying to arrest him. The sitting president cannot be arrested – he must be turned into a private citizen first.
If I were Joy Reid and this actually happened, I’d be a lot more concerned about how many deplorables massed outside the White House to stop Trump being taken away. And, that would be really scary.
trully a dilema
Why is the far right so against US intervention in Syria?
But 15 years later, as the US edges towards a greater involvement in Syria, there is as yet no progressive, mass anti-war movement. For now, the most prominent opponents of Middle East intervention are all on the right, while leading Democrats are entirely on board with military intervention in the Middle East. – a less charitable man than myself may suggest that the left is devoid of principles and just a bunch of power hungry hypocrites. Not I off course.
I like how they say alt right in the title and then in the article they use right wing, conservative and white supremacist examples as if they are all the same thing.
I think I see the problem
The intimation that military intervention in Syria is being opposed because of anti-Semitism is a real humdinger.
I could easily make the argument that the civil war in Syria destabilized the region, making it more dangerous for Israel, and that, therefore, intervening in Syria would make it more dangerous for Israel. Following that very weak logic, I can say that any pro-interventionists are Anti-Semites.
I dont even know what that means.
That’s because it’s a piss poor argument. My (again, very weak) argument is that the Civil War in Syria allows countries like Iran, who hate and want to destroy Israel, to amass unconventional forces nearer to Israel, and to fund and operate terror groups more easily, that can act against Israeli interests. And since Israel is a Jewish state, opposing them is sometimes conflated with Antisemitism (which is another very weak argument).
Fun fact: “apophasis” is the term for saying something by supposedly declining to say it.
I take back everything I’ve said about the guy’s intelligence, he’s a keen wit.
Thank you for verifying that the label alt-right is simply a method to tar anyone to the right of Keith Ellison.
One of the reasons Hillary lost is that she was foaming at the mouth to go to war with Russia.
Not wanting to go to war with Russia is a sure indicator that you’re alt-right, and therefore an anti-Semite and a racist in general.
As an American taxpayer who would be paying the bill for this war, and maybe sending a son off to fight – what exactly is the expected benefit of a war in Syria – and maybe with Russia? Somebody please explain.
That Friday The 13th poster made me think of Edgar Wright’s Grindhouse Trailer for Don’t.
Yesterday I got a letter from my incompetent and evil old employer. They informed me that, as a shareholder, I’m entitled to a K-1 form, but they’re not going to get that out before May, so I should just go ahead and file my taxes late, thanks very much. So. How nice to only occasionally be bothered by their incompetence, instead of every day. And I haven’t watched a grown man throw a tantrum since I left that hellhole, too. Life is beautiful.
My old employer was nice enough to send out the KY form before tax time.
Scruffy, I know taxes are like rape, but they really sent you KY? I’m sorry.
*Makes note to send a tube of KY with my next tax return, and a note requesting that they use it next year when they come around to assrape my checking account*
Glad to hear that. I know you were miserable. Life is short, make the best of it.
Oh yeah. Life is much improved.
At least he aknowledged your right to a K-1. My former employer disputes that I own part if the company, despite having a fucking operating agreement with his signature on it that says I do.
How much is an hour worth? The war over the minimum wage
Some economists say it should be raised. Others say it’s already too high. But what if both sides are missing the point? By Peter C Baker
rather long and says to little in to many words so I kinda lost my interest after a few paragraphs but maybe someone else wants to read and make a summary
Get somebody else to enact your labor.
Depends entirely upon the worker.
tl;dr “Science, schmience; increasing the minimum wage is emotionally fair, so do it.”
I like how they compared it to debate over slavery
Slavery is the Godwin’s Law of every American policy debate.
No mention of how the minimum wage was intended to keep negro, female or catholic ‘wage parasites’ from undercutting white protestant men’s wages?
You’re not missing anything. The thesis is that to reduce the discussion about minimum wage to whether it is economically beneficial to those it affects is to take away the moral power of the act. You know, the Progressive thesis of damn the men, we’re doing right.
But beneath all this conflict, there is a single, widely shared assumption: that the only important measure of the success of a minimum wage is whether economic studies show that it has increased the total earnings of low-wage workers – without this increase being outweighed by a cost in jobs or hours.
Umm… Yes?
For one thing, they suggested, it was likely that monopsony conditions were much more common in the low-wage labour market than had been previously assumed – allowing employers, rather than “the market”, to dictate wages
Correct me if I’m wrong here, but employers are half of the labor market
Economies and jobs are, to some extent, what we decide to make them. In developed economies like the US and the UK, it is common to lament the disappearance of “good jobs” in manufacturing and their replacement by “bad” low-wage work in service industries. But much of what was “good” about those manufacturing jobs was made that way over time by concessions won and regulations demanded by labour activists.
Right. Those “good” jobs didn’t move somewhere cheaper. Kentucky, Mexico
there is a single, widely shared assumption: that the only important measure of the success of a minimum wage is whether economic studies show that it has increased the total earnings of low-wage workers – without this increase being outweighed by a cost in jobs or hours.
Eh, that’s too narrow. Even if we jump right over the violation of rights involved in mandating a minimum wage, a utilitarian analysis should look at how it affects the economy as a whole, no?
For example, its not just low-wage jobs that are affected by a minimum wage. There is a knock-on effect into the next tier of jobs – those wages go up, too, and as the cost of that input goes up, the demand for that input goes down.
/union demands raise after min wage hike that they campaigned for.
How much is an hour worth?
“Everything is worth what its purchaser will pay for it.” -Some dead guy
so my instincts told me Pie, you are a man. You will not enjoy a beer called Heartbreaker a hibiscus jalapeno and lime ipa. But as I like to try new stuff I bought one. Worse then expected Gah, Awful
Peppers don’t mix with beer, are you nuts?
I’ll follow your recommendation, Pie. Yeccch!
I liked the Twisted X Jalapeno beer. Everybody else I know who tried pretty much hated it. But I liked it.
Ha, ha! You have to love it. Comey now days it was “possible” that Trump was involved in the infamous Russian piss hooker situation.
I guess you could say it was possible that Comey sometimes fellates barn animals. No one has proven that it’s not the case.
There seems to be a shortage of oxygen in that bubble
President Donald Trump is dangerous. The main things mitigating the danger are his incompetence and cowardice. We live in a time that teaches how outrage can turn to a shrug, how the unthinkable repeated over and over can induce moral numbness, how a madman’s manic certainties can overwhelm reason. He is very busy; people resist; he opens another front; people shake their heads. It’s hard to remember on Friday what happened on Monday. Trump’s is the unbearable lightness of the charlatan.
Disorientation spreads. Trump’s main war, beyond all the military bluster, is on truth. This reflects his instinct for the jugular: Once the distinction between truth and falsehood disappears, anything is possible. There are plenty of examples these days, from Moscow to Budapest, of how “democracies” can be manipulated to the point where they can yield only one result. This is Trump’s objective, and for it he needs a weakened Justice Department, a weakened press and an American public that will believe anything. He has had setbacks but is stubborn.
Blah blah blah Hitler Hitler Hitler crazy crazy crazy.
Pack your bags and wait by the door, Cohen. Your ride to the train station will be along shortly.
All of these TDS rants sound the same to me. Lots of innuendo and accusations but short on details or examples. It really is insane.
Call to Insanity
We live in a time that teaches how outrage can turn to a shrug,
Indeed we do. Previously outrageous acts, like raiding the office of the attorney for someone under federal investigation, or threatening a newspaper for not running articles critical of a politician, are now met with a shrug.
Tucker Carlson doesn’t want a war in Syria and that gives conservatives the sadz. “How could you Tucker? We’re going to kill so many Arabs and you don’t want to do that? Racist.”
(Defending Tucker Carlson is making me feel weird. I need to sit down)
You are weird, Have a Seat
Carlson isnt that bad. I have to respect a guy who takes his daughter for a weekend shooting clays. (He passes my 2nd A test)
I liked him when he was a Ron Paul guy briefly in 2008.
The man has gone through every ideology on the Right: he was an establishment Republican guy; a neoconservative guy; an anti-war libertarian guy, and now he’s a paleoconservative.
His shtick of beating up on soft targets can be amusing. It is good that someone is holding up the SJW and Proggie idiots for all to see. Wife turns his show on a couple of times a week.
Has he gotten in the ring with that camera-whoring twerp from Parkland? I’d pay cash money to see that bout.
But beneath all this conflict, there is a single, widely shared assumption: that the only important measure of the success of a minimum wage is whether economic studies show that it has increased the total earnings of low-wage workers – without this increase being outweighed by a cost in jobs or hours.
Don’t you see? Those people would be better off in breadlines and homeless shelters than working menial jobs at pittance wages.
Q’s new website?
A .org no less.
Looks like they’re just camping on the URL, but at least they’re doing it in style. Extra points for “powered by your mom”.
The D.C. area saw ~44,000 jobs added to its rolls in 2017. That’s down from 60,000 a month in 2016.
As an American taxpayer who would be paying the bill for this war, and maybe sending a son off to fight – what exactly is the expected benefit of a war in Syria – and maybe with Russia? Somebody please explain.
Focus on the important things, for crying out loud. Like Scott Pruitt’s security detail, or Ben Carson’s wallpaper. What are you, some kind of alt-right Nazi peacenik?
People lie as hell when they are asked how much they drink, so I always take those ”averages” with a lots of grains of salt.
The article also links to a Booze Calculator but I think it’s broken because it says ”value must be less than or equal to 99”.
Oh great, just realised I commented in the morning links thinking it was the PM links…. yea maybe I should cut back a little.