Banquet Salisbury steaks recalled for bone contamination
Conagra Brands has issued a recall for Banquet Salisbury steaks that may be contaminated by foreign material.
According to the USDA, about 135,159 pounds of Salisbury steak products may contain “extraneous materials, specifically bone.”
Bone contamination. Sounds like a very awkward sexual innuendo a biologist came up with.
“So, did you get lucky with that girl at the bar last night?”
“Oh, yeah. She came down with a severe case of bone contamination.”
Slate culls some choice cuts from the Banquet user review site for us:
“The amount of bones in every piece we considered disgusting.”
“We were sadly disappointed that the Salisbury steaks were not edible because of the bones.”
“Me and my wife couldn’t make it through a single steak because of the amount of bones.”
The Hate Birds That Hate are just lonely and lashing out:
Lonely goose runs a fowl, causing chaos in DeBary neighborhood
For weeks, some neighbors said the goose has been nothing but trouble, chasing people and damaging property. Leah Jones Digges took cellphone video of the goose that she said ripped apart her neighbor’s window screens.”He’s also broken several windows,” Digges said. “You can’t even sit out in your yard in peace anymore because of this guy.”
Resident Jennifer Gesule said the goose will also go after neighborhood kids.
“He usually follows the kids home from the bus stop or he tries to attack everyone who is at the bus stop,” she said.
However, residents said the goose wasn’t always so fowl.
“He had a friend and then the friend passed,” Gesule said. “I don’t know what happened with the friend, but his friend died and that’s when the goose went a little bit crazy.”
Of course they are going to act this way with the so-called Mainstream Media giving them cover.
Sometimes a picture does say a thousand words… classy words…
Caption Contest, of course. Winner gets his home address posted on Woodser, the dating site for lonely Bigfeet.
And you can read the story, too, I guess, you know, if you want.
Louisiana law to ban sex with animals wins Senate vote 25 – 10
The state Senate has approved a bill designed to make it clear that bestiality is illegal in Louisiana.
A law on the books prohibits “crimes against nature,” but it also outlaws so-called sodomy and was ruled unconstitutional in 2003.
New Orleans Senator JP Morrell says it’s important that the state has a way to arrest someone for having sex with animals.
He told fellow lawmakers, “God forbid you vote against this bill, good luck explaining it.”
Ten senators did vote against it.
The measure does also specify that previously illegal forms of “sodomy” are no longer against the law.
“Anal sexual intercourse between two human beings shall not be deemed as a crime,” part of the bill states.
The measure now heads to the House of Representatives.
Those 10 brave pervert hold-outs?
John A. Alario, Jr. (R)
Bret Allain (R)
Dan Claitor (R)
Jack Donahue (R)
James R. Fannin (R)
Ryan Gatti (R)
Gerald Long (R)
Beth Mizell (R)
Jonathan Perry (R)
Neil Riser (R)
One party is clearly dedicated to protecting your rights to have sex with animals and the other wants to strip you of these freedoms. Vote accordingly this November.
Also, it’s now a butt-loving paradise in The Pelican State, y’all! I have a great idea for a Lousiana license plate:
Anal Sex: It’s Not Just For Alabamans Anymore
And some music to help you wash that down…
Odious grandstanding douchebag does what he does best
As Vitter testified in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) asked her if she thought Brown v. Board of Education “was correctly decided.”
“Senator, I don’t mean to be coy, but I think I get into a difficult area when I start commenting on Supreme Court decisions — which are correctly decided and which I may disagree with,” Vitter responded.
“Again, my personal, political or religious views I would set aside. That is Supreme Court precedent. It is binding. If I were honored to be confirmed, I would be bound by it and of course I would uphold it.”
But Blumenthal pressed Vitter by repeating the question.
Christ, what an asshole. I blame Number 6.
She should have asked Dick why he was confused as to whether Connecticut is in Vietnam.
Sounds like a boneheaded way of saying “It doesn’t matter what my views are on settled precedent. Its settled, therefor I will follow it.” Because I’m an ass, I probably would have continued “Perhaps when I am nominated to the Supreme Court we can discuss what Supreme Court precedent I would vote to modify or overturn.”
Blumenthal is an Olympic-level shitstain, even by this tawdry, feculent state’s standards.
The correct reply was “Senator, are you familiar with Harlan’s dissent in Plessy? Had the Court followed his logic and conscience, there never would’ve been a Brown v. Board. You do know what I’m talking about Senator?”
Re: The Bone Contamination Story
I literally had that exact frozen dish for lunch today. I’ve been bone contaminated, and now I feel… shame, mostly.
Banquet meals are rank, they taste like someone ate a Stouffers, yacked it back into the tray, and stuck it in a box. They’re the Nick Gillespie of frozen meals.
Yeah it was gross but they were 75% off!
One resort hotel (((guest))) to (((another))): “The food served here is terrible.”
(((other guest))) “Yeah, and the portions are so small.”
“Fuckin’ Canada Geese.”
Still not legal in Louisiana.
Gonna have to use that line next time I’m in the freezer isle.
Why is the White House Listing?
“Next time I dine with Romney, I’m going to force him to order the Salisbury steak.”
While all the other boys scampered about and played stick ball outside, little Donny Trump had to stay inside and write “I will not expand gun control” six hundred times.
“This would be a good place for a golf course… And a casino”
If he did this I would vote to repeal the XXIInd Amendment.
*smirks, gives writer the eyebrows-and-nod approval combo*
That steak had so much bone in it, only your Mom could love it.
Afternoon gaming lynk:
Valve (Owner of Steam) changed its policies in wake of Facebook scandal (although its hasn’t been officially confirmed if the changes were influenced by the Facebook scandal).
So if an advertiser decides to use my gameplay data from Steam, they might be able to.. advertise more effectively to me? (gasp!) I don’t get the attitude that advertisers are somehow “bad actors” for using the tools legally available to them. I find ads less annoying when they’re for shit I actually care about. YouTube almost exclusively gives me ads for conservative groups, movies and video games. What’s so bad about that?
I have an ex-roommate that used to flip out about advertisers. When I asked him why it’s such a big deal – he said that he’s “very susceptible to advertisements.” He explained that he has a hard time resisting the purchase of a product that has been well advertised to him. I simply don’t understand this.
I find people advertising things I want to be even more obnoxious – because I have a policy of not buying something if I can remember seeing an ad for it recently (doubly so if that ad was annoying).
Though the option to have more granularity in what game information is public is something I wondered about a while back.
YouTube almost exclusively gives me ads for conservative groups, movies and video games. What’s so bad about that?
Google is making money off it?
He explained that he has a hard time resisting the purchase of a product that has been well advertised to him.
I feel sorry your roommate is that weak-minded.
Ha! Classic
adult visual novels
I am not sure what this is a reference to.
Gamified cartoon porn would be my uneducated guess. When I get off the work computer tonight, I’ll edumacate myself.
I don’t know, but it sounds like Choose Your Own Adventure porn.
Pretty much, sometimes slightly more involved, with stats and shit, sometimes even less, just text and images you read like an actual novel. But mostly that.
Comic books that you read online, often involving sexually mature people/cephalopods inserting things into other sexually mature people/cephalopods. Then removing those things. Then inserting them. etc. Sometimes those things are physical elements of said sexually mature people/cephalopods. See, eg, Kurt Eichenwald.
See, eg, Kurt Eichenwald.
I thought you said ‘mature’?
The only targeted ads I find offensive are the Google ones that pop up around gmail. I email a client LLC documents so Google decides to advertise legal zoom to my client! Damn it how can I properly rent seek if you go and tell my clients about options? Oh wait… I don’t really care at all
Is it possible that, I don’t know, he’s being well advertised shit he actually wants or needs?
If I have to consume ads as the cost for using a free platform like YouTube or Steam I want the content to matter to me. I don’t want Steam attempting to sell me on dating sims. Shooters, yes. JRPGs, no.
The view from Trump Tower is better.
“According to the USDA, about 135,159 pounds of Salisbury steak products may contain “extraneous materials, specifically bone.”
I just assumed that there was bone in it already.
Bone-in ribeye, Bone-in pork chop. Bone-in Salisbury steak.
I really don’t see what the problem is here.
Two words: Mechanically Separated.
This is what happens when you don’t have LFTB available.
Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.
/pink slime
LFTB — I know what LTB are, but is the acronym now using Fag?
LFTB = lean finely textured beef
I have no idea what the rest of your sentence means…
Lower Future Trouble Back?
I’ve wondered what the alternative is. Chemically separated? Doesn’t
seem like an improvement.
“I can’t believe I forgot to put on my Depends”
“I can’t believe
I forgot toThe Hat and The Hair didn’t put on my Depends”Mae’r defaid yn llawenhau, mae’r ffermwr yn crio.
Now THAT’S funny!
Thankfully the local weather has turned and those filthy Canadians went home.
I’ve always said we were building the wall on the wrong border.
Everything about summer here sucks except that there are no Canadians left around.
Just knowing that there are tits in the world like this makes life worth living.
10, 11, 14, 18, 29, 36, 38.
Fishnets are like tattoos – they take something attractive and turn it ugly. At least you can get her to take off the fishnets.
You, sir, are a monster. For the fishnets remark. You are right about tattoos.
Fishnets AND tattoos for me, please.
Same here. I’ll take ’em happily.
Fishnets are a fucking huge “LOOK AT ME!”
If the view is worth looking at, I’m all for ’em.
19 Looks like Emily Ratajkowski.
I like 16 but if I can have all three in 23, that’s a higher total.
Greater total boob volume.
I’m certain 19 _is_ EmRat (pic is maybe a few years old?).
#14 for me, please.
I’m a well-established breast man, but 14 has spectacular gams.
#14 is indeed very striking.
23 and me.
*narrows gaze*
How can you pass on #7 when she has clearly demonstrated her sandwich making skills
The sandwich-making is a strong plus.
WaPo let one slip through the cracks..
In his NRATV interview and subsequent apology, Killer Mike highlighted the importance of having a serious and sustained national conversation about black gun ownership in the United States. Wherever one stands on the issue of gun ownership, one must wrestle with the reality that firearms policy has for hundreds of years served to regulate the bodies and movement of people of color and indigenous people. Arming themselves has helped African Americans escape subjugation and enjoy the equal rights promised to them by the law. Given the fierce resistance to gun control, Killer Mike just might be onto something.
Libertarian Moment™
firearms policy has for hundreds of years served to regulate the bodies and movement of people of color and indigenous people.
Allah give me patience, but I am sick to death of this trope of calling people “bodies”. In this sentence, it is particularly stupid, as firearms policy doesn’t actually regulate your body at all. Of course, it doesn’t really regulate your movement, either (although it regulates what you can have while you’re moving around). Although I applaud the authors for pointing out that gun control is one of the last vestiges of Jim Crow, I have to believe based in that sentence that neither of them is very smart.
They use it because they want to connote the idea that they are seen as non-human. It’s an annoying trend.
Its worse than that. It actually started out as an incredibly sharp and insightful critique of US chattel slavery. Field work literaly breaks the body of the slave, blistering the hands, breaking the back, and burning the skin. These slaves were capital investments purchased for the mechanical action of extracting a grain or cotton from a plant and putting it in a bag the same way a barrel is a capital investment to perform a mechanical action.
So not only is it slavery, its the most dehumanizing kind. This is no paedago′gus tutor teaching Pliny the Elder about Greece, a respected and valued part of the family. US chattel slaver made men into shovels.
As an insightful and cutting observation, it became very popular. As a popular turn of phrase, it is used by idiots who don’t grasp the implication of it, and now toss it around as a signal to show they’ve pledged allegiance to tribe of people who read Ta Nehisi Coates and don’t think too hard.
The fact that they dehumanize the people they claim to be fighting for just boggles the mind. They are telling us what I suspect is an inadvertant truth: They see minorities as objects, not as people. Of course, they see everyone as objects, not as people with inherent rights and agency, so this shouldn’t be a surprise.
My body, my choice!
Hey RB, OT- I read your post about your dad. As someone who just lost a parent, I wanted to convey my sympathy.
It’s been 10 minutes. Where’s my Double Quarter Pounder?
How the hell did Biden get back in here?
He’s waiting to fight him.
“Who does that fucking Trans-Am belong to?”
^ winnah!
That’s bone
Rufus has small feet so Rufus is out of the caption contest. But if Rufus has bigger feet Rufus would probably go with:
‘Are those Mexican landscapers legit?’
“Bone contamination”
Man, I am so stealing this one.
Anal sexual intercourse between two human beings shall not be deemed as a crime,” part of the bill states.
I think they just legalized anal rape with that sentence, on account of it applies to all anal intercourse, not just the consensual kind.
That was my first thought as well; unless “intercourse” is by definition consensual?
I think the definition now is intercourse without lawful consent.
What is a four letter word, ending in k, that means intercourse?
Jerry Sandusky approves.
Libertarian Moment!
Alternate music link:
This works, too.
Caption Contest
Didn’t I fire that guy last week?
The reflection in the window?
Apparently, there’s some park in London where the pelicans do that all the time, which is odd because pelicans are obligate piscivores.
The heart wants what the heart wants.
I always thought there was something fishy about those damn pigeons!
That video is horrifying. Note to self, never click on Sugarfree videos.
I don’t have a caption but I can’t help but think this song is playing softly in the background.
Yes, or the version where Thurston Moore sounds like he’s dying the entire time.
I take some small pride in never having listened to a single Sonic Youth song the entire way through.
there’s almost no one i can say that about. and i don’t even *dislike* them.
Since the last thread is probably dying, I hope you appreciate this.
Caption: *quietly singing*
“Hangin’ around
Nothing to do but frown
Rainy days and Mondays…always get me down….”
I never knew pelicans were so revolting.
“Cannibalism of chicks of their own species is known from the Australian, brown and Peruvian pelicans.”
I learned a lot of horrifying things putting this post together.
Like what baby pigeons look like:
Sea urchins from Chernobyl.
Mmmmm…. Cornish Game Pigeon.
That’s all squab is.
“Fuck I’m Awesome”
When I find myself in times of trouble . . . . . . . .
Caption contest entry:
“Is that Steve Bannon or just one of the regular Washington hobos?”
Caption Contest
If I don’t move the protestors outside can’t see me.
Caption: It’s been twenty minutes – where the fuck is Kushner with my Diet Coke?
I told Lewandowski that Hicks was gone, but that dumbass is hiding in the bushes again.
YouTube personality Styxhexenhammer666 announces his candidacy for Governor of Vermont on a pro-gun, pro drug legalization platform. Couldn’t be worse than what they have now.
I can’t wait until the gubernatorial debate, where he takes 20 minutes to answer a single question, pausing only to stir and sip his drink.
If he does it without a shirt I’m going to find a way to vote for him.
*Vigorously clinks coffee cup with spoon*
and encourage the abolition of super PACs and corporate campaign donations to try and save our Republic.
one of these things is not like the other
one of these things doesn’t belong
Doesn’t quite pass the purity test does he?
Corporations already can’t make campaign donations. That’s what PACs are for – to allow corporations to have a separate fund/mechanism for bundling campaign contributions from other people.
“Mayor Stanback sure has done well with the place”
Obscure, but I like it.
I feel validated. 🙂 I wasn’t sure if anyone would pick up the reference to today’s earlier glib comments.
I wish I were Kevin Spacey.
If I pretend I don’t notice him, maybe Pence will take his mid-afternoon prayer group to his own office.
The National Transportation Safety Board stripped Tesla Inc. of its role in an investigation of a fatal crash involving one of its vehicles, saying the electric-car maker failed to abide by an agreement not to disclose information while the probe was underway.
“While we understand the demand for information that parties face during an NTSB investigation, uncoordinated releases of incomplete information do not further transportation safety or serve the public interest,” NTSB Chairman Robert Sumwalt said in a statement.
He relayed the decision Wednesday night in a call to Tesla’s Elon Musk, he said.
The unusual move followed public statements by the company blaming the driver of a Tesla Model X who died in a March collision, in apparent violation of agency protocols. The NTSB guards the integrity of its investigations closely, demanding that participants adhere to rules about what information they can release and their expected cooperation. These so-called parties to investigations must sign legal agreements laying out their responsibilities.
“It is unfortunate that Tesla, by its actions, did not abide by the party agreement,” Sumwalt said.
Where’s our common sense Elon Musk control?
The NTSB is very pissy when it comes to investigations. They will not hesitate to sanction someone who doesn’t abide by their rules.
Where’s our common sense Elon Musk control?
It’s called the market. It sometimes takes awhile, but it eventually shows up.
For very small definitions of common sense.
And what does “stripped Tesla Inc. of its role in an investigation” actually do to TESLA?
To be sure the market is coming for Tesla. I wouldn’t bet against SpaceX however
Caption entry:
Get off my lawn!
“I said-… oh, wait, that’s the secret service.”
“One party is clearly dedicated to protecting your rights to have sex with animals and the other wants to strip you of these freedoms. Vote accordingly this November.”
Wasn’t this a commentators whole thing at TOS….
SIV, the Chicken Fucker Supreme.
His handle was a fucking lie. It should have been TIV (closed borders *and* cock fighting).
He also had his panties in a twist about abortion and gay marriage.
I once had a football player in college deliver a speech on why cock fighting should be legal in a communication’s class. His closing line was classic: “And, also, roosters have no souls”. He was a good guy otherwise
So basically, he grew up on a farm with rooster?
Basically. I give him credit for having the balls to make the speech. He also had a big chew in his mouth while he gave the speech, so he fit the stereotype well
“Grab its motherfucking leg.”
That too.
Put the history up again. I think Jesse linked to the first comments under a different name and then when he switched
SF asked me to track my earlier comment down, but I wasn’t at a computer so here’s the thread from the other day
And the full comment quoted for our lazier folks.
The Hit’n’Run was something then. You should have seen the Hit’n’Run in those days.
What do those acronyms stand for?
Single Issue Voter was SIV’s original handle in the before times. He shortened it to his current acronym eventually. His single issue was the legalization of cock fighting. I assume by TIV, Tarran means Two Issue Voter.
See Jesse for more details.
It should have been HIV. That guy was a virus I did not want to be around.
Belated golf clap.
I believe Heroic Mulatto’s nickname for him was “Monkey AIDS”.
As opposed to what?
You are correct.
The Brilliant Dr. Eye?
Thanks. That explains so much. I’m pretty sure I mixed it up with him on animal cruelty at least once, and probably also state recognition of same sex marriage since the state obstinately remains in the marriage business.
Not anything so crass as ‘fucker’.
It was sweet, sweet love.
[Europa League]
C’mon, CSKA. If nothing else, to see Troopz ranting about Wenger while fleeting Russian hooligans.
I just realized I’m probably the only one here who gets that, but oh well.
Yeh, I want Arsenal to lose after that guy dove against Milan. I forgot his name.
Fuckin’ Wenger. Nobody has squandered more talent and won less. Give him his gold watch and his pension.
Oh well. So much for that.
Handball in the box? Is that what happened?
Which game are you referring to?
Arsenal. It was 2-0 CKSA, then I saw something about a handball, then it was 2-1. I guess Arsenal got a garbage time goal, too.
I didn’t see it.
VAR. Now. The sport needs it bad.
Caption Contest:
“So many losers out there. SAD”
Letting the days go by…
ooooo… blocked as adult/sexually explicit
Really? LOL.
This is not my beautiful house!
This actually is my beautiful wife!
That is a good caption.
That is the problem with laws like this. The merits of or actual need for the law are irrelivant it is nearly impossible for a legislator to actually rationally consider the law because he would forever after be known as the guy who voted to keep dogfucking legal
I’m sorry but I don’t see an urgent need for such a law. If fucking an animal is so self evidently harmful to the animal then it can be handled under existing animal cruelty statutes. If it is not then I don’t see why it actually requires a law against it.
It’s possible they voted against it because they didn’t want to legalize sodomy.
That’s exactly why they did it; it’s just funnier to accuse them of being sheepfuckers.
^This. Even though it’s a moot point after Lawrence v Texas. But they always hope that will be overturned so they want the laws on the books.
Plus, I believe they can still arrest for that under state law even though it’s unlikely that a prosecutor would bring charges.
Next town over is having a kerfuffle over hate birds. The birds are shitting everywhere, so the city council wants to cull them. People a very concerned about protecting those innocent animals.
People in Shelbyville are stoooooopid.
I’m not too crazy about the darker folks but I’ll be damned if they can’t clean a mean window.
Caption : I really miss Stormy. She really knew how to wield a rolled up magazine. Mmmmmm Stormy.
“Me and my wife couldn’t make it through a single steak because of the amount of bones.”
You know who else gagged on a bone?
Monica Lewinsky?
Ernst Rohm?
I suspect he was a top.
The Donner Party?
mom gets publicly lambasted for giving daughter peanut butter and jelly sandwich at Target.
GTFO. Never let the busy bodies in public get the upper hand in public. Miss hysteria over peanut allergies is completely out of hand and it needs to die.
Christ. Speech to text and lack of proofreading make Homer go something something. S/Miss/Mass
The Miss Hysteria contest was always the worst part of the Miss America Pageant.
I hope the mom’s response was: “Fuck off. I hope your weak ass kid dies.”
This should be the twitter link in the response.
That makes me want to smear peanut butter on shopping carts.
You haven’t been doing that? Am I the only one with common sense in the place?
nearly every parent of a child of the age that can sit in a grocery cart has wipes on them.
*raises hand*
I don’t have wipes nor would I use them if I did, because I want my kids to have an immune system.
This guy gets it. Toughen up and rub some dirt on it
And, of course, it’s these neurotic parents who are responsible for the rise in peanut allergies by not exposing their children to peanuts: Under the new recommendations, published simultaneously in six journals including the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, all infants who don’t already test positive for a peanut allergy are encouraged to eat peanut-enriched foods soon after they’ve tried a few other solid foods.
Cool link, bro.
Goddammit – this
The [expletive] was”fucking sweet”.
It was her fault for asking.
Do you know where I DON’T get parenting advice? Strangers on the internet.
Did you know that barbiturates help your kids go to sleep faster? I recommend using them on school nights.
Pro-tip- Don’t give them the amphetamines until you get to the daycare.
I think her biggest mistake was participating in a forum called UrbanBaby.
WASSSUP? How ’bout you come over to the crib and we can chew some teething rusks?
Excellent – I had a similar thought at ‘UrbanBaby’
The reactions are a fucking product of being able to spout out inane and completely batshit asshollory comments in near anonymity without fear of being called a raving mad lunatic.
1% of people have a peanut allergy. The chances that someone with that allergy goes to THAT Target and gets THAT cart are so fucking small. And then only worries if some ankle bitter was eating a PB&J and not worries about the thousands and thousands of other people who handled the cart deserve to be raging assholes.
I don’t see why we won’t let the peanut floodgates open and finally get the genes out of the gene pool. Who the hell wants some weak-ass kid that can’t even eat a peanut, anyway?
Its a joke- obviously. I do have a friend that has a death-reaction to peanuts. Its kind of a good point that your kid might smear peanut butter on the public shopping cart — but its no reason to flip out. That seems like an overreaction. If she’s going to feed the kid while its in the cart, just be sure to wipe the seat/handle down after you leave. Seems like a courtesy thing – because some people can die. And that’d be really shitty… but good for the gene pool. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
People give me shit for it, but you know what? THIS SHIT DOESN’T HAPPEN AT WAL-MART
You have to be human to have human allergies.
Fair point.
It would suck to be allergic to humans.
It does…………
Moms are the worst.
I remember my school in the late 90s telling us that if we eat peanut butter for breakfast to do a through job brushing our teeth before school. We also had a peanut free lunch table and the school stopped even carrying peanut butter in the cafeteria all because of one kid.
I never heard any batshit peanut allergy nonsense through all grades
Caption: Look at that squirrel, he doesn’t have to wear pants. Why do I have to wear pants….mirror…
Caption: Is that Mueller digging through my trash?
Easy money?
The idea that higher interest rates don’t matter because they will simply reallocate cash between borrowers and lenders is misleading. It assumes that the easy money of the past decade was spent productively and is generating the earnings required to service the borrowing. In fact, to a substantial degree, borrowings simply financed consumption and leveraged purchases of existing assets rather than new investment. At higher interest rates, many borrowers won’t be able to service the debt they’ve incurred. The Fed and others had better be prepared for a return to “normal” that’s anything but.
Umm, listen, Shirley- about that “stimulus”…
At higher interest rates, many borrowers won’t be able to service the debt they’ve incurred. The Fed and others had better be prepared for a return to “normal” that’s anything but.
Or, you know, signalling a raise in rates and doing so in small
interestincrements might cause the vast majority of borrowers to re-evalute their exposure to risk and do something different.**edited because Brett L can’t type gud**
shit Obama’s entire 8 years in office was ZIRP. goddamn that fucker was useless.
^fact check: 7 out of 8 years. ZIRP from 12/16/08 – 12/16/15.
Soooo, we can’t raise rates because the debt is too high and we wouldn’t be able to service more debt? Seems legit.
Caption : Smithers, release the hounds.
Caption : The shitter at Mar-A-Lago has never seen Hillary’s ass.
Someone asked how the 3 Californias proposal would impact the various Federal Balances of Power in the Greatest Post Ever and I broke it down some but likely after everyone had abandoned the thread so I’m repeating and expanding here
Trying to eyeball the existing congressional districts and place them into the prospective new states works out to
North California
D – 15 R – 2 Push – 1
D – 17 R – 0 Push – 2
South California
D – 8 R – 8 Push – 0
Counts based on the CVPI analysis. The one district I am most unsure about is the 4th Congressional District. It looks like based on the map at the website that it is in North California but probably realistically belongs in South California. Also currently all 3 push districts are occupied by Republicans.
The House would be effectively unchanged unless one of the new states gerrymandered it’s districts a bit more. I could see both Nor Cal and Cal becoming true one party states with no possibility of a Republican ever holding office but the net impact on house seats would be essentially 0.
In the Senate you would go from 2 secure blue seats to 4 secure blue seats, 1 secure red seat and likely 1 seat that is continually contested in So Cal so the net effect would be either + 2 seats for the Dems or nothing based on which party carried the San Deigo Senate race.
In the Electoral College it would be a pretty big win for Republicans as it would carve ~16 seats out of California’s Blue wall and turn it into a new battleground state that likely initially at least would lean slightly red.
Politically I could see each party in general supporting the maneuver as both get something from it. republicans get a much easier path to the Presidency, Democrats get a slight benefit in the Senate making Republican majorities there harder to come by. That said I can’t see California’s current ruling elite going for it because of their unsustainable debt. Cal and Nor Cal having had much higher costs of living are going to be on the hook for a far larger slice per capita of the impending public pension tsunami than So Cal would and there is no way they would let those taxpayers leave without paying for it.
North California would effectively be like New York. A geographically large conservative area being dominated by a small, heavily populated progressive area.
Do you know where I DON’T get parenting advice? Strangers on the internet.
Well, YOU’LL never be “Mother of the Year”.
God, I have to give a talking to a couple of lippy millennials. Wish me luck.
“Listen, its always a good time for fucking, its never a good time for kids. Wrap it up!”
“Bitches leave!”
All you ever need to be an effective manager.
Be sure to tell them how people behaved in your day!
Do it in the form of PSA rap.
Not as bad as the radio PSA, where the white-bread woman goes:
Don’t do drugs
Drugs are bad
And you’ll make your mother sad.
It’s your fault for offering to babysit children over the age of 15.
“This is your disrespectful, smarmy face. This is your disrespectful, smarmy face when I use it as a hockey puck. Any questions, eh?”
I considered opening with ‘listen you little stupid illiterate, hyperbolic cunts’ but decided on a softer approach.
I had the chat. You know how it is. They’re contrite, and promise it won’t happen again ‘it’s just that I had personal issues’ blah, blah.
I quell that shit immediately. Funny how they straighten up after they get called on bull shit.
I explained the chain of command and no more lip. O
Anyway. We’ll see.
Did you have the chat in English AND French?
These two are Anglos. One from Alberta.
I thought you were in Quebec?
I demand 100% American Bones in all my frozen ready meals
That also works as a caption contest entry!
If she’s going to feed the kid while its in the cart, just be sure to wipe the seat/handle down after you leave. Seems like a courtesy thing – because
some people can dieonly an asshole leaves her/his kid’s grimy sticky pawprints all over everything the next poor sap is going to touch instead of wiping them off.You mean you don’t like playing the classic baby game Poop or Peanutbutter?
“I’m going to have a statue of me put out on the lawn because I’m a great President. And unlike many of my predecessors, I’ve never owned slaves.”
Soooo, we can’t raise rates because the debt is too high and we wouldn’t be able to service more debt? Seems legit.
Oh, we will, one of these days. Just not yet. The time is not yet right.
How a ‘Cashless’ America Could Become ‘Gunless’
Because cryptocurrency isn’t a thing.
He’s got an idea on that: DiNapoli suggested that these companies should consider whether gun transactions should be classified with restricted high-risk purchases like pornography, illicit drugs, and crypto-currencies.
It’s a thing. It will just be an illegal thing.
That was the first thing that came to my mind, and I think the reason why it isn’t mentioned in the article may have something tangentially to do with the 2018 email address.
Not that I think the piece was bad otherwise, it’s just that “think-tank futurist” and that conspicuous absence made my eye twitch.
Fuck “cashless” right in the ear. The second that happens some central economic planner is going to go straight for negative interest rates – “We’ll _make_ people spend”.
The implied threat was clear: stop extending credit to gun- and ammo-buyers, or risk having New York State investment money taken away from your bank or credit company because the left wants to ban guns.
i wish NYS would. i wish Illinois would too.
it’s beyond time NYSE and CBOE were completely decentralized and i think that would be the proverbial straw/camel event.
The revolution LARPers really do want a hot war.
Yes no one who wants to buy a gun would ever be able to figure out how to purchase a supply of silver or gold coins to buy the gun with.
No what he guarantees is in a cashless society all guns become untracable
The moment they try to go cashless, an underground economy based on alternative physical scrip will simply come into existence; prolly backed up or augmented by various cryptos, precious metals etc. Not to mention the ever-popular barter for smaller items.
For those who haven’t seen it yet: the worst “Lets go to War In Syria” non-argument i’ve yet read.
Im slogging through it and giving it a line-by-line rip. will probably take a day.
what’s worth noting is that no one makes these arguments because its far easier to simply avoid even trying to articulate specific reasons, which is what the pro-war media mostly does.
why bother? most people don’t pay attention, and most people can’t think straight when they do.
but what bothers me is the fact that anyone has the gall to introduce their piece with “Here are some good reasons”, and then proceeds to list zero good reasons. Or that no one else has yet bothered to point out how vacuous the case being made is.
more than half the liberalish people i follow on twitter spent yesterday mocking Tucker Carlson for his anti-syrian-war rant.
You don’t have to read far before you come across opinion stated as fact: The Trump administration established a precedent in April of 2017 with its strikes on Syrian targets following Damascus’s gruesome release of sarin nerve gas on civilians.
And later we get this gem: Reestablishing deterrence is in America’s vital national interest. At the moment, that would likely mean disabling anything in the Assad regime’s possession that can fly
That person is insane.
“Reestablishing deterrence””
The entire concept of “deterrence” is to deter attacks against *yourself*
Not “deter anyone, anywhere, from doing anything to some 3rd party”… because “Well what if America gets involved?”
Its this batshit reinvention of what words means, and this sweeping assumption of necessarily authority over the entire planet’s behavior.
No one has explained to me why we are at war in…how many places now? What will we win? What does winning look like? The only thing approaching an argument that I have gotten is the run-up to WWII. We let our enemies get too powerful and then it was very expensive to defeat them. Give me a break. The ME is going to unite into some kind of powerful enemy? The only thing they like more than killing us is killing each other.
GTFO of the ME. I dont care if they all eat each other, really.
We’re staying in the ME until we’re more bankrupt than the Soviets.
I had this conversation with a couple of libertarian-leaning Trump voters at the office yesterday, about how we are about to start WWIII. They were like, “Are we not supposed to care about Assad gassing his own people?” My response, of course, was “No. Fuck them. Tell the Americans to get out of there and close the door behind them. Not our problem.” They thought about it and eventually agreed.
I think it comes down to – “We must do this because we have to do this.”
That and bombing = stabilization.
MBC is reporting Mattis cancelled travel plans. Buckle up, boys! We’re going to (another) war!
NBC. Jeezus.
Wake me up when we beat Hitler’s record.
SPLC Report: Users on hate site “” call for genocides in greater numbers than the Nazis!
I shoulda said “Mao’s record”
Actually, I shoulda said “Marx’s record”
Hey now, Freedonia only entered one war, and if you ask me, Sylvania was asking for it.
It could have been MBC.
What is the best case scenario if they up military action in Syria? Even by their own rosey predictions, it sounds terrible.
Deposing Assad is a move with little chance of positive outcomes. Can we add “don’t depose strongman dictators” to the list of unwise military strategies, along with “don’t invade Russia in winter”?
and “Never go in against a Sicilian when death is on the line!”
“Never get in a land war in Asia!” (which is also from Princess Bride, but true)
Pfft, if
BritsEast India Company listened to it, there’d have never been a Raj!Deposing Gahdaffi with no plan or power structure to replace him was the worst FP action in history. I cant help but believe Obumbles did that on purpose. He spent 8 years shitting on everything American and that was his biggest turd.
I notice the MSM does not report on what is going on in Libya at all. Dead silence from the shitweasels.
Well, they can’t talk about slave auctions. Everyone knows only white people ever did that…
~~~Your comment done got Faeried~~~
Thx, edit fairy.
Fuck you, blockquote.
Why would Deep State want to have a strategy that won’t require a budget increase?
There are no positive outcomes for this scenario, period.
The best thing is to stay the fuck out of it.
“best case scenario”
Iran and Russia slink away quietly, and the Kurds and Turks sign peace agreement and everyone hugs and declares the USA the best nation on earth.
oh, and i win the lottery.
Best case scenario….
We limit it to a missile strike to start, Russia’s vaunted S400’s fail and they don’t escalate because they don’t want any prospective clients to know about the failure so they state publicly that they chose not to interfere in the interests of avoiding a nuclear tragedy
I’m gonna take a look at to see if there’s any indication off commercial traffic in the area being affected.
Also, I believe the UK has issued warnings to airlines that flying to and from the Eastern Med is going to be dangerous in the near future.
So there are no commercial/private ships anywhere between Latakia and Tartus. A couple of Turkish ships bound for Iskenderun, but they’re swinging pretty far to the west of the Syrian coast.
No cancellations in and out of Adana that I can see. Damascus airport probably isn’t a good gauge, as they probably have very few flights these days regardless. There is a flight inbound there from Baghdad right now. I hope the callsign is “Shithole Airlines” (though, Damascus used to be a really beautiful city. Very glad I got to experience it.)
A lot of Air refueling and transport taking off from March ARB today, a Lot
Interesting…I wonder what the activity level has been at Incirlik?
What do you expect when the Secretary of defense is known as ‘Mad Dog’.
Fab Five Freddy hardest hit.
Yeah, he told me everybody’s high
DJ’s spinning are saving my mind
Wow, I posted saying “everybody’s high” and it said it was post # 420
*Twilight Zone theme plays*
What’s the matter with them, they can’t at least hold it off till Cinco De Mayo so we can all get one last shot at drunken mexican ass sex?
That’s the day before poor old Count Dankula gets sentenced.
Connection? You decide.
I dont get the goose problem. Do I have to post a recipe for plum sauce?
Caption contest:
Don’t move. Their vision is based on movement.
What’s that saying about
“‘Racial pride is in unearned accomplishments of others, and yadda yadda yadda”
i recall hearing J Peterson and others mentioning it, and its a quote
Doug Stanhope has a bit about that as well, vis a vis nationalism.
It was a simpler time. A time before the world went bugfuck insane.
Minnesoda millionaire really urinates off local proggies.
You know why the big tuff DFL-er can’t prosecute the guy? Because legally he didn’t do anything wrong. Since he wasn’t pulling in any income – and Minnesoda doesn’t count other assets when deciding who is eligible for food stamps – he could get that money.
The DFL-ers are really mad that this guy has shown how many people are sucking at the govt teat who don’t need to.
“You knew this was wrong”
It ain’t wrong if it’s legal.
“Once the government has declared something legal, it’s no longer a sin.”
Sounds like he did the right thing by exposing the ridiculousness of the law. As Tonio said below, these Dems are pissed he made them look like incompetent morons. “Draft a better law next time, fuckheads” would have been an epic yet accurate concluding remark from Undersander.
That is awesome and fucked at the same time. Wow. Had a friend once that would brag about sharing all of her food stamps coworkers (we didn’t work together). She gets so mad when anybody points out how fucked up it was. I don’t hang out with her anymore.
I applaud this man.
I like this guy! The millionaire, not the political douches.
“You knew this was wrong and you did it anyway,”
The very definition of progressivism.
I remember years ago watching Ol’ Dirty Bastard go pick up his food stamps with MTV in tow. It was quite the show.
That’s OK, food stamps are for Democrats.
Perhaps the inspiration for James O’Keefe.
And he was drunk as fuck too. Drinking vodka out of a plastic cup
It was, in my mind, the greatest moment in MTV history
Awesome, hard to believe that was 23 freaking years ago.
“[Usanger] said that he donated the equivalent of the food stamps to charities, his church and the needy.”
And that’s what really pisses them off, that he was truly, as he said, auditing the program.
“You knew this was wrong and you did it anyway,” Considine said while staring at Undersander. “I find it pretty despicable. …. I am just sorry there is no way we can prosecute you.”
Man, you can smell the impotence.
I am sure that there is an audit or two in that man’s future.
At the very least all the orphans who die of hunger next time they fail to spend another couple billion on SNAP will be dropped off on his front lawn.
It’s both impotence and incompetence. I suspect that those DFL turds voted for a food stamp bill that didn’t means test and now they are covering their asses.
They are shitting themselves that someone might do an audit of the entire program, which could be bad for them next election.
The local GOP could run with that idea to a huge wave of electoral wins in the state. But that would take brains. So they will let themselves get bamboozled and drop the issue.
Only an asshole would defend the concept of “taint teams”.
“Caption Contest, of course. Winner gets his home address posted on Woodser, the dating site for lonely Bigfeet.”
Here’s mine: “The Hair, missing the Hat.”
As you may have guessed, the Mayo Clinic pulls a lot of weight in Minnesoda. The recently got a huge chunk of money to expand their main clinic in Rochester. Things have not gone as well for some of their other hospitals though. They operated two hospitals in Albert Lea and in Austen. Mayo says that the two hospitals are only 23 miles apart and by offering identical services they lost $13M the last two years. They are going to consolidate the operations. Some will stay in Albert Lea but most services will go to Austen.
Needless to say Albert Lea has freaked out. They have formed all sorts of political action committees to stop Mayo. Normally I’d be totally on the Mayo’s side of this, but because they are such big corporate welfare jerks, I find it funny that the legislature is fucking with them. No idea why Albert Lea folks think they deserve a hospital that is losing money.
I bring all that up because there was a secret meeting in Albert Lea recently and the local reporter says that the city council is talking eminent domain. Which she humorously writes up as:
Uh huh. I’m sure that is what most people think it is, but in this case they are talking about seizing the hospital to give to another provider (who is private).
Well, Kelo took care of that, eh? Perfectly legal, guvna!
And “purchase” is really the wrong way to convey the core meaning of eminent domain. It’s called a “taking” for a reason.
It’s just fixing a price and enforcing it. Like taxis and utilities. If you’re a socialist, supply and demand setting prices is evil.
Besides the controversy over the meaning of “public use” which gets all the attention, the meaning of “just compensation” as interpreted by the courts rankles me. The courts interpret JP to mean fair market value, which is bullshit, since the ordinary meaning of FMV is the price a willing buyer will buy and a willing seller will sell. Obviously, in ED cases the seller is unwilling. The government should be made to pay more than FMV, although I don’t know by how much.
Agreed – if they’re gonna fuck you, you should at least get some sort of premium to sooth the burn. FMV +X%
Interestingly, they don’t (or didn’t) mince words back in the UK, calling it “Compulsory Purchase”
So they should move out all the assets in the middle of the night.
+1 Colts
(And yes, Maryland was threatening to take the Colts via eminent domain.)
Caption attempt: “The president going through his daily search of the curtains for James Comey.”
Related: In new book, Comey says Trump ‘untethered to truth’
This book sounds like a hard hitting tell all.
Good to know that our country is run by Mean Girls.
Yeah, but will Hillary be reading excerpts from it at the next Grammys like she did with Fire and Fury? That’s how you know you really made it.
Easter morning, 1988. Our first one at the Salem road house, a few miles outside Victoria, TX. “Country living”, you know. Anyhow, my mom wakes my dad that morning with “Honey…there’s a kangaroo in the yard!”
This is what the kangaroo looked like.
Dat ass….
That’s a Joey is all, mate!
That’s a fine idea, don’t mind if I do (literally just made one).
It’s very easy to mistake a trash panda for a tiger.
Anyone in the Chicagoland area considering going to TOS happy hour in River North Monday evening?
And if you are, can you smack my brother upside the head while you’re in the neighborhood?
neither here nor there
According to a Finnish comedian. the most complex word in English is ass. Consider:
big ass
dumb ass
smart ass
bad ass
jack ass
fat ass
ass hole
piece of ass
laugh my ass off
I like this Mulvaney guy that Trump appointed to head the CFPB. Elizabeth Warren sent him a bunch of questions she wanted him to answer, and he told her he wasn’t going to, because the way she set the agency up to be unaccountable to Congress means he doesn’t have to answer those questions. She can ask him questions when he testifies, but until then she can pound sand, because that’s the way she wanted it.
Clicked too soon.
Warren, unsurprisingly, is unacquainted with the Iron Law: Me today, you tomorrow.
That’s excellent. It sound like he may have actual principles. Shocking.
Trump has managed some very good appointments — Gorsuch, Mulvaney, DeVos, Pruitt — and at the same time some equally heinous ones — Sessions, Bolton, Pompeo…
My political life is becoming recursive. I can’t stand Trump. I can’t stand the anti-Trump narrative. I can’t stand the anti-anti-Trump narrative. I can’t stand the anti-anti-anti Trump narrative.
It might go a few more antis at this point.
I can’t stand Trump.
I like him less every day. Today’s brainfart was that he wants to mandate 15% ethanol content for fuel year-round.
Wawa sells ethanol-free gas here. It’s amazing how much better my car runs on that versus standard gas.
Unfortunately, it’s 50 cents more a gallon, and the increased gas mileage doesn’t come close to covering the difference.
Wha? This place, I do not know of….
It’s in the mid-Atlantic and Florida. Gas Station/Convenience Store. Awesome place.
Do you get the hoagies with Amorrosa rolls away from Philly?
Wawa. 🙂
My advice is to start drinking heavily.
The economist’s joke comes to mind. “How’s your wife doing?” “Compared to what?”
Just walk way for a while, Politics rots the Mind you know
Second. He was amusing for a while, now he’s just tedious.
Dunphy against Police Accountability, Who Knew?
Trump weighs rejoining Trans-Pacific Partnership
o… ok? It would be a good thing, but strange.
This is another thing (along with war) that Congress needs to take back responsibility for.
I don’t know the details, but I’m pretty sure the TPP currently in place is not exactly the same as the one Trump pulled out of.
NO TPP, whatever it’s iteration.
It’s a ploy to get China, I mean CHI-NA, to sit down and negotiate.
“Congress needs to take back responsibility for”
Or You’re a Funny one
The good senator from Slothville is right. This is the worst idea.
All apologies to (our) Jesse:
Give it a minute, “creed”–you’ll soon see what the government has turned into.
random thought
Why would the Russians kill someone with a method that is so easily traced back to them? Is the idea to leave a big enough hint?
If they really wanted to kill someone without being implicated, a gun or a knife or an ice pick would be better.
They Want you to Know, and Squirm cause you Can’t prove it
Of course they’re sending a message. Giyorgi Markov, Alexander Litvinenko. All the same.
Kill one man, terrorize one thousand. Go to Camp Pendleton and read it on the wall, carved in stone.
Ice pick has been overplayed
Chris Hayes:
“If Racists dislike war, maybe war isn’t so bad after all”
wiki sez
On November 5, 2010, MSNBC announced that Hayes would be filling in for Keith Olbermann during Olbermann’s suspension. However, the network later backtracked after finding out that Hayes had also made political contributions—the issue over which Olbermann was being suspended.[16]
Hayes is married to Kate Shaw, associate professor of law at Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law;[36] his father-in-law is veteran Chicago reporter Andy Shaw.
Hayes’ brother Luke worked on Barack Obama’s 2008 and 2012 presidential campaigns.[42]
They’re all in bed with each other.
I like Andy Shaw. Too bad his son-in-law is a turd
I am in shock…
“These white nationalists don’t want to go kill a bunch of Arabs overseas. Let’s kill a ton of Arabs just to stick it to those white nationalists”
Yeah, that doesn’t make any sense.
I like how he hedges, though, by saying that somehow Trump’s drone strikes are worse than Obama’s were. Under what metric?
Obama did it out of love.
Obama got a Nobel Peace prize, whereas John Bolton was merely nominated for one:
fun fact: previous Nobel Peace prize nominees include Neville Chamberlain and Josef Stalin.
Trump’s greatest gift is to turn his opponents into even bigger blithering idiots than he is. How does he do it?
I mean, we are being fucking governed by someone with slightly less intellectual horsepower than Chauncey Gardner, and STILL, his critics can’t crawl out of their own drool?
You know it’s warm weather when you hear the “Dixie” car horn loud & clear outside your balcony.
Hope the sheriff doesn’t hear or those Duke boys could be in trouble.
Someday the mountain might get them, but the law never will.
god damn it
14 killed in Taliban attack in Afghanistan’s Ghazni province
The head of security for Ghazni province, Ramazan Ali Mohsen, said five people were injured in addition to the 14 dead. Other than the district governor, Ali Dost Shams, all the casualties were security forces, Mohsen said.
Taliban spokesman Zabiullah Mojahid, in a statement to media, said the militants had taken the key parts of the district including the district and police headquarters. He said Taliban fighters had killed about 20 Afghan security force members.
I just finished reading The Future of Land Warfare by Micael Hanlon. He wrote that in counterinsurgency, you need about 1 soldier per 50 people. For Afghanistan, that works out to about 700k troops. The Afghan army and police are about 320k. Foreign troops are about 13k.
What’s the ratio of FBI agents to US Citizens again?
about 1 per 10k.
We are far from a police state, fortunately.
Looks like there are well north of 1mm cops in the US. Eyeball number would probably be around 1.25mm, and that probably doesn’t include TSA, corrections officers and others that aren’t technically law enforcement officers but sure smell like ’em. Total SWAG here, but I would say there’s probably 2mm cops and copalikes.
There’s about 320mm people in the US, so that works out to 1 to about every 160 – 200 Americans.
this might be worth referencing
the short of it being, there are no fixed force ratios for anything.
Jew Girls ! YEA!!!!!
Caption contest –
Caption attempt: Damn, that is one fine piece of ass that Kushner has on his arm. Oh shit, I’m doing it again.
I’ve been reading Nothing To Envy. It’s a collection of stories from survivors of North Korea. There was a time in the 90s during the same when markets were semi-legal. Later, the govt cracked down on them because they didn’t want people to become to independent from the govt.
MacArthur wanted to drop 50 atomic bombs on China and North Korea during the Korean war. I wish he got his way. Much misery would have been averted.
Rothbard on the Vietcong
14 yr old me responds thusly:
Not allowed in my country…
29 year old me responds thusly:
I had forgotten they existed. Fortunately.
Thanks for nothing 6.
So, another self professed fan of liberty championing communism. Shocking. I am still waiting for the crowd over at TOS to come completely out of the closet.
The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire…. (NSFW)
I have looked for this for YEARS THANK YOU!
Whoo, c’mon party people
We don’t need no water, let the motherf**ker burn
Burn motherf**ker… burn.
A bit nihilistic, but still, a good song.
Speaking of birds. I adore that little girl. Fuck pigeons. And fuck youtube commenters.
What a load of bullshit. That is not at all what the bill states. From the bill :
8 §89. Crime against nature
9 A. Crime against nature is either of the following:
10 (1) The unnatural carnal copulation by a human being with another of the
11 same sex or opposite sex or with an animal, except that anal sexual intercourse
12 between two human beings shall not be deemed as a crime against nature when done
13 under any of the circumstances described in R.S. 14:41, 42, 42.1 or 43. Emission is
14 not necessary; and, when committed by a human being with another, the use of the
15 genital organ of one of the offenders of whatever sex is sufficient to constitute the
16 crime.
The new bill strikes out “with an animal” from line 11, and then adds an entirely new sub-section defining bestiality as a seperate crime. Basically, the new bill seperates out bestiality from ‘crime against nature,’ but leaves ‘crime against nature’ on the books.
From what I can gather (after sifting through all the dishonest media reports of the most recent vote) republicans that voted against this bill were in favor of Senator Dan Claitor’s bill which was proposed on Monday. His bill would have removed the sodomy law from the book, but was voted down by…. the democrats. I wonder if this was all just a big ploy to score political points?
The blatant dishonesty of the media is astounding.
SIDE NOTE: I apologize if I screwed up all of the HTML. I have no idea what I’m doing and had to google the code.
Damnit, I retyped part of this, and left out a key point. R.S. 14:41, 42, 42.1 and 43 are the rape statutes. So anal intercourse doesn’t qualify as a crime against nature ONLY IF it qualifies as a rape instead.
Anal sex is still illegal in Louisiana.
It must not happen then.
*No one here pays any attention to that. A couple of years ago a dude got pinched for fucking a dog, but other than that people here dont care much.
So apparently if the National Enquirer is spiking stories because they embarrass Trump that is a campaign finance violation. Do they really expect us to believe that the National Enquirer is the only entity to be doing this?
The Wapo and the NYT have never spiked a story about a prominent politician, ever.
Also I’m sure Trump is the first person to pay someone with an embarrassing story.
Paying and getting caught paying are not the same thing.
That’s because the Feds and MSM usually don’t care…
This really is feeling like banana republic stuff. Trump is guilty of stuff the political class has been doing for centuries and will keep doing.
The argument is a bit nuanced, but I still don’t think its a good one.
Basically (if I understand it correctly) money paid in order to benefit a campaign, when coordinated with that campaign, has to be disclosed under campaign finance laws. There are exceptions carved out for the media, but those exceptions specify costs incurred in ‘covering or carrying’ a story, or in ‘distribution’ of a news story. The argument being made is that by sitting on the story and not covering it, National Enquirer doesn’t qualify for the exception. I think they’ll have to get a judge to agree, and also prove that the payment was coordinated with the Trump campaign.
Am I understanding this correctly? I know we have glib lawyers in here.
Should I jinx it?
Live po-po chase in LA
go skiing FFS sake, car chases? you need Friends, come and play with us Westies….
What a world we live in where Tucker Carlson and Tomi Lahren are the voice of reason and restraint
You take it back. Take it back right now.
Maybe this guy is (hopefully, finally) correct.
WTF, can’t the rapture come before Tax Day? Gotta render unto Caesar first.
Was worried it would be this.
This is the only thing that comes to mind when I think of Blondie. (relevant lyrics: All alone on the overpass
Wired and phoned to a heart of glass
Now I’m falling in love too fast
With you or the songs you chose)
Some idiot already referenced it above.
Brent Barrie and Honest Abe, music
Local brewery, nice Porter, Beer
Obstruct justice or “obstruct” a kangaroo investigation?
Reaction to tonight’s hockey games, by order of start time: Yay, Boo, Yay, Yay (if it holds up), Yay (if it holds up)
Better than yesterday.
Fuck the Pens
Hockey would be better if if it were played on a grass field, probably about 100 yards long, and the puck would be replaced with ovoid ball which has restrictions on who can move it at certain points on the field.
Hockey > Real Football > American Football > Basketball > Baseball
Soccer is out; because it’s not a sport if you can’t hit someone. Hockey is out because sports that are only constant action have low standards for strategy. Basketball and and Baseball are out on point 1.
Real Football? Who made Ebenezer Cobb Morley the owner of the Word?
And you might find yourself posting on Late at night. And you may ask yourself, “well, how did I get here?”
I don’t trust heads that don’t talk.
I think I like Daniel-san less and less with each passing year.
Weird. That was supposed to be a standalone comment not a reply.
How can the white boy who was taught asian arts by a white boy ever overcome the white boy who was taught asian arts by an asian in the age of cultural appropriation? Maybe they are both the villains?
Am I supposed to root for Cobra Kai? Because that trailer makes them sympathetic.
Now that is a twist. I like it. Would watch. Much curious.
That will work because Johnny was always the more interesting, complex character.. portrayed by a better actor.
Does ZARDOZ talk?
Love the song even though I don’t understand it.
You aren’t smart enough to understand the lyrics. Just ask David Byrne, he’ll tell you so.
A neat version of my favorite Talking Heads song –
That’s great, thanks for that link.
early link
Study: First responders more likely to die by suicide than on duty
Delta looks insignificant. Still fascinating the numbers are so close.
“Ya see shit. Shit that you can’t ever unsee.” It’s actually true. I’m no ball gobbler when it it comes to this but some of those people see some pretty fucked up shit. What about the poor tow guys? Nobody ever gives a shit about them even though they are on the scene just as quickly as the heroes.