Happy Hump Day…No, not that kind of hump, you degenerates! Middle of the week…you know, “over the hump”… No? Fine, we’ll make it about camels then. As suggested, the camel we gave an ID card to at Bagram AF will now be the Official Wednesday Camel of Glibs.

Everyday is Hump Day with me!
Sport – Baseball continues. If your team is not off to a great start, just tell yourself “150 games to go, relax.” If it is doing well, “YEAH!! THIS IS OUR YEAR!!!!” Something else is starting, but I don’t want to talk about it…

No TV on tonight…
Birthdays – Oleg Cassini (1913 – says something about fashion designer…not a space telescope?!), Ethel Kennedy (1928 – she wasn’t the one that got pithed, right?), Jeremy Clarkson (1960), Mark Teixeira(1980), Dakota Richards (1994). Slim pickings today.
- Progsplain this? How many times does something like this have to happen, eh? But, once again, it will be someone or something else’s fault.
- Well, this all sounds calm and not at all alarming. Nothing like waking up to “hey, lets have a lovely war, shall we?”… Now where did I put that Reserve paperwork again?
- There are no ill effects from prohibition or punitive taxation. Pay no attention to any events that say otherwise.
- OK, childish, but this made me snortlaugh all the same.
Well, there you go. Off to commenting with ya!
100) As I was driving into work this morning I saw an SUV with an Obama ’08 bumper sticker. Not so unusual, except it struck me this was not a 15-year old Volvo, but a late-model SUV, probably from the last two years. As I peered closer (traffic was slow), I also noticed the bumper sticker seemed fresh—not sun-faded and worn like you’d expect from a 10-year old bumper sticker.
So, 1) some progressive bought a stack of Obama ’08 bumper stickers back in the day so every time they bought a new car for the rest of their life they could put one on the bumper?
2) Some website is selling nostalgic Obama ’08 bumper stickers so progs never have to stop celebrating that glorious moment, sort of the way my parents’ friends when I was growing up acted like they’d protested against the Vietnam War only the week before?
3) Or is this a Goodbye, Lenin!-type situation, and the driver’s mom just woke up from a coma and the slightest shock could kill her, so the driver has to act like the world hasn’t changed since 2008, replaying old news shows on TV and scouring shops (or at least Amazon) for the technology, fashion, and consumer products of 2008?
Was there a link about this? My old eyes have issues these days.
It was the link about sermons.
Was “Goodbye, Lenin!” any good?
It was better than the German porn we watched in my German history since WWII class
It was reasonably humorous, for a German movie. And although it treated the old woman with sensitivity, it was pretty clear that all the old East German stuff was pure nostalgia, not actually because they had better products or anything. It kind of glossed over any deeper issues.
It was alright, it was certainly an interesting premise.
Probably #2.
Order away!
Congrats on hitting a century. That’s all comments here, right?
Yep. Volume 2, you might say.
Uffda. Do you even bumper sticker for commies?
I’m sure Tundra’s car is covered with these.
I loathed that motherfucker.
I thought for sure you’d have the one that said “Wellstone is my copilot”. That made me laugh.
Friend of a friend story time: One of Wellstone’s kids wrestled and was pretty good (but not a champ). I guess Paul was a complete tool at many a wrestling match because his kid didn’t win it all. Total diva parent.
Hah! I missed that one!
Wellstone Is My Co-Pilot
I drive around with a “Don’t Blame Me, I voted for Goldwater” bumper sticker
On your Trabant?
“The 5-foot-7 executive squirmed in a chair that included a 4-inch-thick pad under his behind while being blasted for hours with questions from lawmakers about his social network’s handling of user data.”
Is 5′ 7″ that short, historically speaking?
Historically, no. Now…a bit.
I once visited where Washington’s army stayed, and I was surprised how the buildings and doorways were so short.
Here is a picture showing an example of such a place:
Historically, people might call me a Giant. I’m of unremarkable height in this day and age. Zuckerberg is short.
5’7″ wouldn’t even come up to your waist, Stretch.
Zuckerberg’s like the Napoleon of social media!
Perhaps he had a visit from STEVE SMITH ?
“a 4-inch-thick pad under his behind while being blasted for hours”
not sure 4 inches of padding is enough protection for hours of STEVE SMITH pounding
My university has a newly-appointed trustee. His name is Stephen Smith. I had to bite my lip when I was introduced to him to keep from laughing.
Was he hairy and did he mention a cousin Sea Smith?
My shortest male friend is 5’4″, and the next shortest is maybe 5’7″, and everyone, women included, consider them both notably short. As an American man in this day and age 5’10” is about the short end of “normal”. I’m probably the high end at 6’2″.
5’10” is not the short end of normal – it is normal. The average height of the American man is 5’10”, which is taller than the average height for men worldwide.
5′ 10″ is short.
No, it’s average for an American male.
Which average? Mean, Median or Mode?
Doesn’t matter, you’re still short.
Yeah, well you’re fat.
Hey! I’m the only one allowed to call me fat!
And your mom wears army boots!
Median based on data sampled from 1988 – 1994
Based on that chart the 1st standard deviation would be roughly 5’9″ to 6’1″ and the 2nd would be about 5’6″ to 6’3″ (using age 30 to 35 since that is Zucks age range)
So that puts Zuckerberg just barely hanging onto the bottom rung of “normal” but he is still short by any definition.
Would also be interesting to see if the numbers have changed at all in the last 24+ years
Only when she was in the Army. It was part of the uniform.
Apparently being tall distorts people’s perspectives. My guess is that it’s insufficient blood flow reaching the brain.
Just kidding on that last part, but it is funny to me how often tall people seem to have a skewed view on what’s a normal height.
For reference, in case anyone is curious about height distribution.
It’s easy to understand, we don’t look down. The world is severely unpopulated…
Whatever you say, shorty.
I’m 5′ 11″ (I tell my doctor) and have a huge chip on my shoulder about it. I certainly feel short when I’m out in public.
I’m only 6′ 3″, and I don’t feel tall anywhere. I constantly run into taller people.
I know a place where that makes you the equivalent of a seven footer.
I would think that average height would vary a fair amount depending on which area of the country you are in. Areas with higher percentages of Latin and Asian people will probably be shorter, on average, than areas with high percentages of Nordic or Germanic people.
I’m 6’0″ and I generally feel “average” to “short” in the upper Midwest.
Or, maybe I’m just a racist.
I have a correction to make to my previous statement.
I do feel taller at work, becuase all the consultants are Indians and really short (As in Zuckerberg short)
My brother says walking around in Chicago was like being surrounded by lumbering giants. He’s 6′ 1 or so.
You are right: my cousins all have a higher portion of Germanic heritage than I do, and I’m the shortest male in my generational peer group in my extended family. But I live in Texas, in an area that also has a large Indian immigrant community, and consequently I feel tall whenever I’m out and about.
Yeah, I think I’m moving to Guatemala so I can finally feel like a giant for the first time ever.
This actually works. I lived in Guatemala for 2 years in the mid-80s, and it was the only time I ever felt tall in my life.
Try being 5’8″ and go to Southern Brazil. There won’t be anyone over 12 years old who is not taller than you.
5 foot 7? That’s exactly how high they stack shit.
It’s Slim Pickens’ birthday?
No, but I wish it was.
I’ll supply today’s music link.
Yeah, I am not very good about the music links.
But your links are like a concerto for the eyes.
I should have put a Dakota Richards pic up…
FLBP candidate.
Forget NoDak…I say YesDak!
I prefer this:
I was never a fan of the whole 90’s “alternative rock” thing.
I like this cover (I’m guessing you won’t)
I know I risk getting torn apart for this comment, but after 30+ years of listening to Ozzy, I am tiring of him just a bit.
Want to get in a fight at a blues festival? tell people that you’re kinda tired of hearing SRV.
Uffda. Yeah, that sounds like a good way to get hurt. But, I must say I agree. Although, it has been a while since the one good radio station here played any SRV.
*Heads off to listen to Life by the Drop*
I have every SRV album and I can’t tell you the last time I put one on. I find I need to switch it up more and more as I get older, I even started listening to country a few years back.
I like old country; stuff before around 1980. Depending on the artist, I like some stuff up through the 1990’s or so. But current mainstream country is pure garbage. There’s some alt-country -or whatever the hell you’d call it- that is excellent, though…
What MikeS said. I can handle some Willy and Waylon, and enjoy Johnny Cash, but nothing much newer than that. Working in modern country now it blew my mind that the lead singer from the nu-metal band Stained is a country singer now.
Yes, yes, a thousand times yes.
I’ll do you one better:
Awesome. I can’t wait until it actually is Slim Pickens’ b-day.
“S. Korea unemployment surges to 17-year-high after minimum wage hike”
“The wage floor increased to roughly seven dollars an hour, a 16.4 percent rise, or the biggest annual increase seen in 17 years.”
Listen, Swissy, the problem is $7 is not a living wage. If the South Koreans would just raise the minimum wage to a level people could live on, it would stimulate enough demand for everybody to have a job. Right now, the corporations are hoarding all the money, and so demand isn’t high enough.
They’re tiny, their dollars stretch further.
So, shorter than 5’10” ?
The secret is you put all that cabbage you earn into a clay pot with some peppers and bury it in the back yard to ferment. Then you have all the kimchi you want!
I have all the Kimchi I want – none.
^^This guys fucking gets it.
I’m hit or miss on it. I will ramp up and then get a particularly rancid piece that puts me off it for a while.
Truth is, it’s not that bad in small doses. If you grill it at Korean BBQ it’s actually fucking good. Lots of my friends love it, but the absolute ubiquity of it is just mind-melting, even for foreign fans.
Every. Single. Meal. Every single one. Without exception. There exists no exception. None is an exception. Poor (as in pitiable, not economically) kids eat kimchi and rice for breakfast, the poor fucks.
EVERY. FUCKING. DAY. They know nothing of the beauty of an actual fucking breakfast.It’s all consuming and it cannot be stopped. One hilarious achievement that Koreans love is that they made freeze-dried kimchi–after much difficulty–for their first astronaut because it was unthinkable that you could possibly live without it for x number of days.
The lack of breakfast spots here is distressing. It’s one thing that makes me miss Singapore. That fucking place knew how to rock everything, goddammit.
My wife wouldn’t last a day without kimchi. You are absolutely right that it is part of every meal.
It is pretty similar to bread. Most meals in the west have bread with every single meal.
Bread, on average, does not have as strong a flavor as kimchi, and can blend in to a lot of recipes, making it a carb-loaded filler for peasant work, hense the staple status.
From what I understand it was the 20th century wars that caused Kimchi to become widespread (due to lack of other foods) and it stuck around culturally.
My wife who is about as Euro as you can get (pale freckled skin, natural redhead) would be perfectly happy to never go a meal without Kimchee
I’ve never had kimchi. Is it similar at all in taste to saur kraut?
“ One hilarious achievement that Koreans love is that they made freeze-dried kimchi–after much difficulty–for their first astronaut because it was unthinkable that you could possibly live without it for x number of days.”
I am sure the people stuck in that enclosed vehicle with that kimchi eating fook loved it too….
go on…
if you insist
sparkling pale green eyes, a decent sized rack, daddy issues but nowhere near enough to be in bunny boiler stage and the kind of body that John dreams about
@Pope: I forgot that your wife is Korean (I think I’m right that that’s you.)
Where is she from? When did she move over? Or is she second/third generation in America? If she’s an immigrant, does she have sticking points with US food or other cultural issues?
Would Judge Nap approve of this message?
My wife is from a small village outside of Daegu. She moved to Japan and graduated from a Japanese college (her sister married a nihonjin). Then she went to Memphis State in 1990 where I met her at a dorm mixer. She was fresh off the boat and thought I was a steal. Just another example of white guys fucking over the immigrants.
When it comes to food, I think the biggest thing for her is cheese. She thinks it is rotten milk and as someone who has problems with lactose, she really doesn’t see the upside in eating it. The kids and I all love cheese but have found it is better if we buy it ourselves because she just randomly chooses what type of cheese when she is at the store.
Bread and rice are similar for us. Just like I know we should buy pumpernickel bread if we are making reuben sandwiches, she knows that there . are certain types of rice for certain foods. Both of us have gotten better at tasting the differences, but neither of us could choose the right rice/bread if asked.
Our biggest point of contention is probably education though. She has the typical asian love for getting a degree and thinks that all of our kids totally need that. I was a horrible truant because school bored the shit out of me. I like learning, but don’t like school much. So we have arguments about whether it is ok for the kids to miss school to go on a 2 or 3 week trip to Korea/Japan. I’m a big yes because I think the kids learn more by doing that than sitting in a classroom. Wife thinks that sitting in that classroom is more important.
It doesn’t help when the kids and wife are fighting about grades/school that they all use me as an example of why she shouldn’t punish them: “Look at Dad! He always skipped school and got bad grades and he is doing fine.”
You should tell the kids that you are doing right because you made sure that was the case. Unless they can promise with 100% accuracy that they will also apply themselves and will avoid any misfortunes bringing them down – and that is the thing you stress – they should not just assume things will work out for them.
Then again, I understand that whole tiger mom mentality (dated me quite a few of them oriental ladies [bad joke deleted]), and I have seen some of the kids rebel horribly once they were out from under mom’s yoke too, so you need to make sure she doesn’t push them into that Pope.
No. Kimchi is delicious and spicy. Saurkraut tastes like cabbage pickled in douche juice.
^^This guy….is not my kinda guy.
Gochujang is an abomination.
“Oh, you don’t like spicy food?”
“No. I don’t like food that’s terrible.”
Seven co-workers all eating gochujang-based dishes at once makes for quite the pungent lunch break. I’ve gotten guff for how my chili smells when I bring it in, and I just refused to budge on that business.
Thankfully their food is so powerful that it overwhelms your nose pretty quickly, like popcorn in a theater.
Korean breakfast: Literally non-existent.
Korean lunch: Quite nice if partaken sparingly.
Korean dinner: Pretty fucking rad. Just sucks that you can’t eat alone. They make you buy two+ portions, which makes no sense for me.
I get very excited when I go back home or elsewhere and a group of friends can all order their own meals and playfully take a bite from each to learn about the menu. This is why I cook most of my own food, but I only have one burner and a tiny little oven. Makes you get creative.
Moving to Korea despite hating kimchi is like moving to Pakistan and unsatisfying your first cousin.
“Laboratory tests showed that nearly pure alcohol had been mixed with herbal drinks and energy drinks with high caffeine. Police had previously said at least one suspected bootlegger had added mosquito repellent to the mix. ”
I see weird malt liquors mixed with energy/herbal stuff all the time at the grocery story, over in the cheap section of the beer aisle. And you really need the mosquito repellent in Indonesia.
“Joe Camel”?
Did you pay royalties to R J Reynolds?
Governmental FYTW exception.
Tom Cochrane performed ‘Big League’ at a tribute for the Humboldt Broncos. For those interested it’s a video off to the side of the TSN page:
The country is still reeling. My wife was asking to put my hockey stick outside the house. Apparently they’re doing this around the hockey world.
Tomorrow’s headline:
Thousands of hockey sticks stolen
I just want to be clear I wasn’t making light of this tragedy. It is horrible, and the hockey stick thing is a wonderful tribute.
But, you know there’s plenty of assholes out there who will do their asshole best to ruin it for some people.
We’re talking hockey here, not NFL or NBA. Mid-west people are good stock.
Yes, but you’re Canadian.
Thanks, Rufus. I’ll dig one of the old pond hockey sticks out this evening.
Any chance that stick is a left handed one piece composite with a heel curve and open loft? /just curious…
*narrows gaze*
Hockey sticks put outside?
Begins preparing for extra stinky day at work as all the hockey stick chicks come to work extra stinky.
*A hockey stick chick is a woman so fat that she has to wrap toilet paper around a hockey stick to wipe her ass.
Banging one of those counts as sex on a waterbed, even if done on the floor, right?
My kids have their hockey sticks out on the Front porch and we are not even Kanuckistani
The 5-foot-7 executive squirmed in a chair that included a 4-inch-thick pad under his behind while being blasted for hours with questions from lawmakers about his social network’s handling of user data.
“Bring out… the COMFY CHAIR!”
+1, no 2, no 3 chief weapons
S. Korea unemployment surges to 17-year-high after minimum wage hike
Trump’s America strikes again!
Suckerberg needs some Cotton Hill in him. Toughen up a bit. ‘I don’t need no booster seat. I killed fiddy men!’
As for South Korea, I don’t get it. I don’t get how, given the literature showing the downside to MW, why they insist on it. Is it one of those ‘I know the band aid doesn’t help, in fact it may impede the wound from healing’ kinda mental thing?
I just don’t get why politicians insist on it.
Ummm…Korea has Progressives too. They do Progressive things, like strangle the economy.
I know that. I was more referring to the lousy idea. I just don’t get how it continues to have legs. I know progressivism is virus. It can’t be cured.
Minimum wage keeps poor people poor yet the stupid-poor think otherwise. I find it hard to understand why any political elite would be against it.
So the Russkies are threatening to sink US ships bluster or is WW3 a really close thing?
I’d guess Russia has too much invested to back down from this one. We’ll find out soon enough I think.
I need more context, where are they threatening to do this?
Read the second link.
Happy Swiss? 😉
Syrian bluster? Not gonna happen.
Not clear if you realize that Russians are saying that stuff and not the Syrians.
But it’s still bluster around the Syrian situation.
There’s a reason the Russians that got blown up around a US-supported base were deliberately classified as ‘Mercenaries’.
Vlad isn’t stupid. I was wondering if there were some odd confluance of events in another theater.
They lack the platforms to engage a Burke class destroyer effectively, and unless they have managed to sneak in one of those Oscar class SSNG boats, they have nothing that can come close to firing enough rounds to be bothered with.
It’s bluster.
The motivation in one picture.
So the green fetishists are essentially responsible for starting WW3.
Listening to an early investor in Facebook right now talking about how Facebook is a threat to democracy. What is that even supposed to mean?
Depends. Is he worried about Facebook censoring conservatives or not censoring alt-right and Russian bots?
Not removing “Hate Speech” fast enough I’d guess.
With hate speech being whatever they want it to mean, right?
It means that it holds too much influence over the stupid, knuckle dragging plebes and might cause them to vote incorrectly.
Evidence: Trump.
Making people too stupid to remember which day the election is?
Don’t forget Big Wednesday!
Code for: It’s regu-latin’ time!
“Bikini babes found a new way to show off their cleavage
Instagram models and influencers have been ‘gramming their beach-ready bods in the revealing “V-bar,” a minimalist style created by Bamba, an Australian label that has Bella Hadid’s seal of approval.
Consider these sultry suits as the ultimate cleavage hack: Shaped like an inverted V, the underwire top gives extra support without covering up anything. It also meshes perfectly with the suit’s V-shaped bottom.”
I fucking love science.
Step one: be smoking hot.
Step two: Put on anything that fits. Less cloth is better, but it really doesn’t matter as long as you follow step one.
I don’t think that top can handle what the girls I favor are packing.
Why do you hate science?
There has been at least a half dozen times you have said exactly what I’m thinking, Q. Either we’re related (separated at birth?) or all we think about are tits.
Soul brothas.
The point of that V thing looks like it’s poking into her sternum. Just go topless.
No kidding. That is going to put somebody’s eye out one day.
Just go topless.
Major Kong music link
The story about 86 people in Indonesia dying from bootleg alcohol makes no sense. The police claim it was “96% pure alcohol”.
Ok, 96% is really expensive. Ordinary distillation will get you to 70% ethanol / 20% water, because that mix has the lowest vapor point and will come out together. Getting past 70% requires other, more expensive methods.
So i doubt that cheap bootleg liquor was 96% pure. Maybe they meant 96 proof?
Next, they talk about this “pure” alcohol being mixed with energy drinks for sale. So now it isn’t pure any more. So the scare quote about the dangerous pure alcohol is irrelevant at that point.
Finally they get to something that is perhaps relevant. Somebody mixed mosquito repellent with their hooch. Well, that’s nasty. But the article goes on to tell us about the plastic vats used for mixing the drinks, so perhaps it was just contamination from poor hygiene? The way it is reported leads me to believe this detail might not actually be true. It sounds like it might have been a scare tactic to keep people away from untaxed booze.
Anyway, we never learn what actually killed 86 people. They talk about “extremely pure alcohol” being added to energy drinks high in caffeine. But if the alcohol was extremely pure, then it should be nice and safe to drink.
I dunno. The reporting in this story is painfully incomplete. So much so that it makes me doubt the veracity of the whole thing.
A buddy of mine had beer mixed with small amounts of formaldehyde in Laos. He said you got uber wasted and had the worst hangover ever.
My understanding, back before S. Korea had their first Olympics in 1988, and S. Korea was still a third world shit-hole, was that soju often times had the same thing going on.
What? Ordinary distillation, well tuned will get you to 95% alcohol. 190 proof. After that you have to do weird shit like add benzene or change the pressure pretty significantly.
Wow, that was a major brain-fart. Not sure what wires I crossed to get there.
“That Prohibition and Prohibitionists willed the bad no righteous or Christian person will doubt for a moment. That Prohibition and Prohibitionists eventually work the good may appear for the moment more doubtful…. The presence of the devil is plain enough in the pleasing scheme of the American Government to poison all the alcohol under its control, so that anybody drinking it may be duly murdered; but murder has become almost the ordinary of the enforcement of a teetotal taste in beverages.”
-G.K. Chesterton
The entire story is complete bullshit.
I just don’t get why politicians insist on it.
Just think of it as “The blind leading the stupid.”
More the evil leading the stupid. Destructive consequences are not always unintended
Exactly. Minimum Wage was designed to keep the powerless dependent on the powerful. Slavery sold as compassion.
And yes if you read the PDF Rauch is using the NSA, CIA and FISA as examples of TOP MEN doing good.
Rauch is a fucking retard.
Who wants to decide everything for the rest of us. No thanks.
It’s just amazing to me how pundits and political decision makers are lining up to suck the intelligence community’s dick even though they make mistake after mistake after mistake. It’s pathetic and dangerous.
Hang around academia for a while and you will clearly see where this ‘expert’ BS comes from. Hey, world, I got a paper says I’m real smart and stuff, now I get to tell everyone else what to do!
Populists suck so therefore we need TOP MEN to rule us since they know best. How do we know they know best? Well they say so.
According to him we all need more smoke-filled rooms, pork barreling, Conor Lamb and no Republicans.
Is this the same Rauch that’s an on-again off-again contributor to TOS?
Yes the same.
Hey, it’s working in China! Now on with the social credit scores.
LOL. These ‘suggestions’ always come up during Republican administrations. When that wannabe strongman clown was running things ‘democratic institution’ were strong.
Fack off.
Democracy is too important to be left to the people. Here’s what YOU (not the people) can do about it when you’re guy is NOT in power. Pecuz when your guy isn’t in power democracy suffers.
Step 1: Get your beanie. Plastic propeller will do.
Step 2:
“substantive professionals, such as career politicians and experts”
Christ, what a moron.
These ladies are definitely Bactrian, given the two humps.
23 ’cause she apparently wears lingerie in public and 32 because WHOA.
# 7, 39
“Prostitute busted for having sex with 14-year-old boy
A Scottish hypnotherapist was busted in Florida for having sex with a 14-year-old boy who paid her $480 for a hotel tryst, police and a report said.
The Orlando teen said he was searching Quora.com and found Sophia Belle — later identified as Sarah Louise McGill by her UK passport, according to her arrest report.
Orange County police said the teen and McGill, 28, began to text and met in person at a Marriott hotel, where he paid her $480 for sex, in a mix of $50 and $20 bills.
After speaking with the boy and his father, cops went to the same fourth-floor hotel room Saturday and found McGill there with another man, they said.
The room’s safe was allegedly filled with cash, condoms and used condom wrappers, according to the arrest report.”
480 bucks is a lot of lawns he had to mow so he could mow her lawn.
Ehhh…. it costs $480 for a hooker? Dang.
Still, woulda been cheaper than getting married….
For a hooker who looks that good in a mug shot, yes.
More immigrants doing the jobs Americans won’t.
Who says Florida officials are stupid?
They wanna keep her around to give blowies to the prosecutors.
It’s all part of a thorough investigation. In the interest of justice, of course.
This is the first case of these women being busted with underage boys that I can actually understand her motivation
Good morning glibs. Anyone know if it’s possible to mainline pure caffeine? I think I need it.
We can’t define what in the heck “assault weapon” means, but we need to ban them anyways!
Monster Energy is your friend.
Don’t you know? Assault weapons have the thing that goes up of course!
Take 3 caffeine pills and 2 aspirin. You’ll be flying and won’t get a blood pressure headache.
Cause all your blood will leak out of the new openings you burn in your stomach lining?
The old-school meathead preworkout stack was caffeine, asprin, and ephedrine. Substututing pseudoephedrine would probably work ok if you live in a fascist nightmare commie totalitarian state that bans ephedrine.
Good thing we don’t have to worry about that in the U.S.A…oh.
JB, aren’t you in Florida? If you want to find out if it’s possible to mainline pure caffeine, just go to your local library. There is a guy hanging around the front steps selling meth.
“Nothing is foolproof, we grant you that. But there’s a big difference between can’t and won’t. And seven states have somehow managed to overcome obstacles and pass an assault weapons ban. They did it mostly by mimicking a federal ban that expired in 2004. It listed guns by name and specific features, including a pistol grip, a folding or telescoping stock, and a “large capacity feeding device.””
Because that prevented Sandy Hook?
“And 26 students and staffers killed at an elementary school in Newtown, Connecticut, in 2012.”
Connecticut has had their own assault weapons ban since 2008. It didn’t prevent Sandy Hook.
I love to remind people that Columbine was carried out during the AWB. They used a Hi Point carbine for Christ’s sake. Getting killed by that is insult to injury.
That’s an excellent talking point. I mean, the gun-grabbers are utterly impervious to logic but still, I like it.
As a young soldier, it was not unheard of to take ‘.357’s, and chop them up and snort them.
They were big caffeine pills with some ephedrine in them.
It would keep you functioning for the length of an ARTEP (72 hrs) or extend a night of drinking into two nights.
Paul Ryan won’t run for reelection.
Well bye.gif
Say hello to Nancy Pelosi, again.
Nothing the mainstream Republicans want more than to be the minority party again.
The evidence of a wave election is lacking. My prediction is “some seats turn over both ways, distribution not significantly changed, new establishment speaker takes over, we still lose.”
I think it’s pretty clear there’s going to be a wave. If nothing else, all the voter enthusiasm is on one side. Team Blue’s going to come out in force in November.
They’d probably take the Senate too if the numbers weren’t against them.
Where’s the evidence of enthusiasm on either side? The signs are pointing to both parties driving away their bases rather than invigorating them.
I think moderates are being turned off. A pretty big chunk of the Pubs base also got turned off by their embarrassing failure to repeal Zero-care. However, I think the Dems’ new ultra-proggy base is getting whipped into a frenzy by all the TDS and will come out to crush the Pubs. It would be a different story if the Stupid Party had actually kept their promises.
I think we have vastly different opinions on the size of the ultraprog sliver of the population.
The proggy base is in deep blue enclaves. I doubt a big turnout by them will flip many House seats. Could flip a few Senate seats.
No, what will decide many races is Repub turnout, and right now they have very little to motivate them.
Lately, they say it’s going to be a millennial wave that’s going to do it for dems. Well, good luck getting them out of the mum’s basement on election day.
You can stick to stereotypes if you want, but I doubt they will do you any good. I don’t have any friends that live in their parent’s basement — but almost all of them are hyper-engaged politically and are huge on get-out-the-vote efforts through social media. The anti-Trump stuff has turned up their enthusiasm to 11.
If the Republicans don’t motivate their base the way Trump did in 2016, they’re going to get crushed this year.
If the Republicans don’t motivate their base the way Trump did in 2016, they’re going to get crushed this year.
Statewide races, this will play everywhere, I suspect. The Repubs are dumb lucky that the Senate numbers are so favorable; I still don’t think there’s more than a 20% chance they lose the Senate.
House races, I think it may be more localized. If I was a Repub in a purplish district, I’d be worried. I think there’s at least a 60% chance they lose the House.
They are simply doing everything they can to suppress Trump voters. They don’t pass the agenda they were elected to pass, and they don’t back the President these voters put in office. That’s what will cost them in November, I believe.
Yep, GOP will lose 4 seats in Penna. alone due to court imposed redistricting map, even if the voter turnouts mirror 2016.
What baffles me in that case is how there is not one legislator going “Yeah, no, it’s not within the court’s power to draw the map, so we’re ignoring that.”
There is (in fact, one guy is trying to rally support to impeach all the judges who imposed the map), but in a legislature it takes 50%+1 guy to do anything.
Why do I get the feeling he’s planning to run for something else?
K Street Lobbyist of the Year?
Boy, bye.
Good. Now we have about 430 more wastes of protoplasm to get rid of in the House.
Who are the four good ones?
I count 2 (Amash & Massie). Maybe that Brat fella from Virginia? The one that primaried Eric Cantor?
Brat is my congressman. He’s ok on fiscal matters, kinda retarded on most everything else. Plus he’s just a weird, off-putting guy. At least that was the impression I got when I met him.
I was hearing on the radio that he’s supposedly in trouble this election. Probably bullshit, but I haven’t been following him closely. My Rep is the commie Gerry Connoly, who runs unopposed all the time.
I have Don Beyer, then Jim Moran before him. GOP never puts any money into my district.
Mia Love isn’t too bad. Gabi Tulsard is at least principled anti-intervention. Ditto Barbara Lee. They’re also against WoD. They are just horrible about economics.
Tulsi Gabbard?
Spoonerism. I’m old and addled.
Gabi on the mind, eh? That is supposed to be ME!
Unfortunately they’d just get replaced by worse bags of biotrash.
That too. LOL.
Buh bye, establishment hack.
Now no one can stop Trump from destroying the Deep State and guiding us to Libertopia!
Is this finally the moment?
If the federal regulators had stopped at standardizing weights and measures, preventing the several States from impeding trade, and providing a venue to hear interstate claims of fraud I’d have no issue with regulation. You know, the items actually listed as being their business in the document that is the sole source of their power?
Do you want us to refute this for you?
Well, price arbitrage in a free market tends to level out peaks and troughs in prices, so anything that impedes free markets will exacerbate peaks and troughs, so in a sense, we could be critiquing an economic genius here.
All I have to figure out is why you’d want to impede price arbitrage and its beneficial risk-reducing effects.
That reads like it was written by that chucklehead semi-prog blogger the Glibertariat got into a minor slapfight with when the site first started last year. Can’t recall the site or the guy’s name though.
You mean the guy that accused us all of being Alt-Right? (gasp!)
Yeah, that’s the guy.
but that’s a corruption-problem, not a problem of regulations that shouldn’t exist at all (according to libertarian dogma)
While true, it elides the fact that corruption is endemic to government, such that an honest government is much rarer than a corrupt one. Who would’ve thought that amassing wealth and power into an institution would breed/attract corruption?
Another retard that doesn’t understand the difference between regulation and restriction.
As suggested, the camel we gave an ID card to at Bagram AF will now be the Official Wednesday Camel of Glibs.
Can we make Momma Dog the Friday mascot?
Luddites and Malthusians, Oh My!
Bringing Skepticism (and Math) to Electric Vehicle Fuel Numbers
I’m deeply suspicious when people extol the virtues of their electric cars, particularly bigger ones.
Do they still teach the law of conservation of energy in grade school?
OH YEAH we need a law forcing people to conserve energy!!!! Wait you mean… I can’t even
More important here is the Second Law.
I think Fudd’s First Law of Opposition is more applicable.
Yes yes good mammals, we love a good shit talking before the ordinance starts flying
Is that in a ritualistic sense, or spontaneous?
Like… Lizard #1 ambles out, clears throat, begins long denegration of foes. Lizard #2 crawls over and and offers rebuttal slagging?
Well yes back when we were still using pikes, axes, and throwing rocks. Now we pretty much use digital communication similar to what the mammal with the hair utilizes. In fact the intergalactic equivalent of Twitter was actually developed to facilitate pre-conflict trash talking between any warring species
For reptiles, I’d have thought “Hisser”
No mention in the sportzball section about tonight’s big matchup between the T-woofs and Denver for a spot in the playoffs?
First time since 1988 that there’s a winner in the playoffs/loser goes home game on the final day of the NBA season.
The Sixers go for the NBA record 16 game win streak to end a season. From 10 wins 2 years ago. Trust the motherfuckin’ process.
Yeah, the Sixers were a big topic last night at our rehydration session after playing hoops. They win tonight and they’d be the 3rd seed… ahead of Lebron and the Cavaliers.
*Some relative of Cromwell should protest the name of Cleveland’s team.
*sobs quietly*
I’m not sure who suffers more – the Minnesota fan who knows nothing but heartbreak, or the Chicago fan whose arms are tired from hoisting so many fucking banners.
Red Wings fan wave’s ‘we’re #1’ foam hand.
This seems like a fucked up situation.
There must be more to this story. I can’t figure out why he’d take a plea deal (or not call the cops right away) if things went down the way he claims. It would have been nice if the reporter had maybe tried to figure that angle out instead of extensively quoting the family of the burglar who was killed.
Yeah…. hiding the body is pretty much an admission of guilt. And he admitted in court that he was angry with the guy over stealing his tools. Combining those facts alone makes one pretty suspicious of the suspected burglary story.
Then when you factor in that the dead guy’s friends were so sure that he was the killer that they broke in to his garage to look for the body….
Some kind of shady deal gone bad.
But wouldn’t it have been nice for the reporter to maybe talk to the prosecutor or someone and put those facts in the story?
Not all the loving tributes from the burglars relatives about how he didn’t need to die.
Personally, I don’t think there is one good person in that story.
Damn preppers, always worried about where they’re gonna get their next meal The Day After …
Nanny staters can’t handle something that might threaten their little cartel.
Because it’s so hard for peasants to read “positive” or “negative” on a printout. I guess we need to pull all those at home pregnancy tests off the shelves too.
No stealing jokes from TOS.
According to something I read yesterday, Q lives smack dab between the second and third best cities (reading south to north) in America.
I have no idea what the selection criteria might have been. Austin, Texas was numero uno.
Certainly not government…maybe BBQ and music?
That just means I need to move. The criteria for ending up on those lists are always ominous.
I spent most of my life in Austin. Goddamn I couldn’t wait to move away from there. The crowds, the traffic, the hipsters, the tech trash yuppies.
I’ve lived in Florida now for 7 months. I really really wish I’d never left Austin. For as much as I mocked all the shitty people crowding Austin, that place had amazing food, amazing booze, amazing artisanal random shit. It had a shockingly educated populace. We all mock the baristas and bartenders with MA’s in silly subjects, but I will take that over the terrifying illiterate garbage people now surrounding me.
I never thought I’d say it, but goddamn I miss Austin.
If you’re going to move to the Sunshine State, don’t move to the places where Florida Man is your neighbor.
So do I. Great town, and as a local, I knew how to get around the traffic bottlenecks. The only thing I don’t miss is the heat.
…the traffic…
Supposedly this was deliberate: the original Austinites didn’t actually want to be overwhelmed by people moving to their city and so refused to upsize their roads in the hopes that small roads would keep people away. Didn’t work, and now they are frantically trying to fix the problem – all manner of new construction projects are going on there.
Who wouldn’t prefer the company of shit-for-brains rich people versus shit-for-brains poor people?
I’ll help you pack.
Today in Trump. Yay war!
And this is a reminder that there’s an old Trump tweet for everything.
I want the old Trump back, that guy was alright. This one we have now is a douchebag.
You mean you don’t like trade war, actual war and gun control? What are you, some kind of yokel philistine?
First one shouldn’t have been a surprise but the other too…
Yeah, trade and immigration have been about the only things Trump has been consistent on over the years.
More detail to the Russian position: Their ambassador says they’ll shoot down any missiles targeting Syria and attack any source of the missiles – explicitly US ships and aircraft.
So this could get real ugly, real fast were they to follow through on that threat.
All this over an unconfirmed gas attack by unconfirmed parties. It’s insanity.
That was my point yesterday. No one can be sure who did it. There are dozens of groups fighting in Syria.
Watch it, you just became a Russian bot
“No one can be sure who did it.”
Just the way the CIA likes it.
Not good if both sides think they can’t back down.
Get your war on, bitches!
You forgot the other tweet where Trump talked about Russia helping us in the situation and ending the arms race. Trump is basically doing the same thing he’s doing with China, trying to strike a deal from a position of strength.
But it really is too bad we don’t have Hillary in charge of the military, that would be fucking epic.
That’s the thing, Hillary would be doing the same thing, if not sooner. Neither her nor Trump seem to be able to back down or turn the other cheek if anyone calls them out. It’s like they have to prove they’re badasses, so they run off at the mouth and as soon as someone says something back it’s a fight. Neither of them can stand defiance because they’re both, I think, insecure people.
The difference is, in my opinion, is that Trump might actually pull it off and achieve something good. With Hillary the only possible outcome is an even worse implosion of the ME and a 10 fold increase in the refugee crisis in Europe and the US gets it’s share of that too. Hell no, we’d better still be counting our blessing that cunt lost.
If Trump was smart, he’d totally back out and let Russia take over the Middle East franchise. We don’t need their oil anymore, so let Putin spend all his money to try to do something over there.
Agreed. But it’s not happening, we can never leave the ME because NOVA /PANEM needs your money.
I think there would be a disturbingly large number of non-Military Industrial Complex folks who would also be mad. “How dare you pull our dick out of the beehive? LOOK! The Russians took our place and now THEIR dick is in the beehive. That should be us!”
“Russia take over the Middle East franchise.”
Which, to the left, would be proof he was a puppet of the Russians all along.
Oh, bless your heart!
Sportzball! A player from my alma mater goes to NBA, makes good.
I walked in on dad watching college basketball a couple weeks ago. It’s like I don’t even know the guy.
My opinion towards my school has become less vitriolic. It may have something to do with the fact that the requests for donations stopped showing up.
My alumni association has been contacting me a lot to verify my info. Nope. Not gonna do it as long as they have a yellow light rating on FIRE.
And they had a so-called “racial incident” on campus that they have said nothing about since going full SJW and promising a follow-up. My educated guess is the person who committed the “racial incident” was…not white. And they’re gonna sweep it under the rug.
It’s Time For The United States To Divorce Before Things Get Dangerous
Not a fan of where he put the dividing line.
Given the actual demographic co-mingling, no territorial division will be acceptable.
Yep. Which is why a bloody civil war seems likely.
The demographic co-mingling was just as much when the 13 Colonies seceded from Britain. Territorial division never respects the views of the minority.
And that was not a peaceable transition either.
*looks at actual map*
What a fucking moron. You’d be more acurate if you shaved off Boswash and San Angeles and then tossed them Chicago.
That’s the real division, between urban and rural. And you can narrow it down further and say, basically, port cities excluding former members of the CSA. These are areas that are used to and dependent on a paternalistic, centralized model of government or are simply dominated by the proximity of the federal government in DC. I’m talking about culture, here, not necessarily current governments.
I love the clinton-archipelago map in particular.
Yeah, geographically speaking Team Blue America would be a handful of urban islands and Team Red America would constitute almost all of the rest.
You draw that line and you’ll get a caravan of migrants from southern Maryland and the eastern shore (of MD, obviously) headin’ south, I’ll tell you that much. And I imagine there’s a healthy chunk of Virginia outside the DMV that would take issue with the line as well.
I was thinking that most of PA, OH, MT, and IN would not appreciate that line.
You know, the guy I know who currently owns the most guns by a country mile, is an avid hunter, makes a new AR-something damn-near monthly, and has a separate room to store ammo is from about twenty minutes north of Philly, originally.
Yeah I think realistically you need to cut a corridor to San Diego to give a Pacific port to the righties.
Plus that line in the Midwest is guaranteed problems. You can’t leave all of downstate IL, all of IN, all of KY, all of Southern Ohio, all of WV, and all of Western and Southern VA in BlueLand.
Why does Blueland need to be contiguous? Their people are all tucked away in urban Enclaves, give them no more ground outside of that.
“Damnation Alleyway … duh duh duh .. duh duh da duh duh”
He has Wilson’s touch for drawing borders.
Geez, wouldn’t it be simpler if the feds quit dictating bathroom policy to Muleshoe, Texas, and taking a hefty chunk of their income for the pleasure?
Idaho, and Montana appreciate being sacrificed…
Uhhh,….yeah, that line sucks. There is no way in the case of a split that KY goes with the North. This time.
The mistake is trying to divide into two.
Realistically it is 3 pieces: Pacific coast, Yankeeland, and Flyover.
1. Coastal Washington, Coastal Oregon, Coastal California north of San Diego. Plus Hawaii.
2. New England and North Atlantic Corridor, and stretching across to Michigan, Chicagoland, Wisconsin and Minnesota.
3. The rest.
I’m coming around to the idea of a peaceful dissolution of the country; but that dividing line is beyond retarded.
He’s lumping Kentucky, WV, Indiana, the Dakotas, Montana and Idaho in with Cali, NY and Illinois? That’s just stupid.
Any division needs to carve NY in twain.
If we were seriously going to do this, I think the way to do it would be to first let states vote, then once the boundaries are semi-set, let counties within states vote.
So CA would vote to be in blue land, but then a bunch of counties would vote to go to red land.
And the blues could decide to be one country or two or 47. Ditto for red.
He’s not entirely wrong and his line kinda sucks but in a way does represent the likely things would happen in the real world with the exception of the fact that the Peoples Republic ends up with all the Nukes in that arrangement and there is no way the Federal Republic of Copsucking Militarism would agree to that.
That said he is further failing in assuming that there are just 2 sides, progressive and conservative.
It is WAY more complex than that. For example, Reason is probably being overgenerous with their 15% of Americans believe in libertarian things but it is probably north of 5% who are libertarian enough that they are not going to be happy to live in either of those countries so why don’t we get our own country out of it? Hell even within the conservative movement there is enough of a split between those who want to live in Jesusland and those who just want the icky gays to go away and abortion to be made illegal but keep access to their porn and booze and would consider decriminalizing pot that it is questionable whether they could coexist any better than progressives and conservatives can.
We’re totally serious, this time!
“The time to get spending under control was four weeks ago,” said Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), again referring to the late-March spending vote. “Coming back four weeks later and saying, ‘Oh, now we’re going to pound our chest like Tarzan and say we’re for a balanced budget amendment,’ it’s not going to fool anybody.”
Jordan and Meadows support the balanced budget amendment as a marker for fiscal austerity — it’s the timing of the vote, on the heels of the spending bonanza, that rankles them and other conservatives.
The proposal requires supermajorities in both chambers to pass, as well as ratification by three-quarters of the states, an impossible hurdle. But with Republicans swimming in red ink — the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office projected regular trillion-dollar annual deficits starting in 2020, despite a growing economy — the party feels pressure to do something.
The CBO’s deficit forecast hasn’t been that bleak since the Great Recession. And this time, Republicans can’t blame Barack Obama and the Democrats.
Rather, it’s a result of a combination of GOP-approved bills: tax cuts that CBO now expects to add $1.9 trillion to the deficit over 10 years; a newly passed bipartisan deal to raise strict spending caps by $320 billion for two years; and a recent $100 billion infusion of cash into emergency disaster coffers — almost entirely unpaid for.
I just need another hit to get me through; I’m having a really shitty day. I’m gonna get straight tomorrow. Honest.
Almost the entirety of Congress are drunk on power and graft. No one is going to get the budget under control, those days are long gone. It will eventually implode and force them to do something and it will be ugly. Not a pessimist, just a realist.
Where is our repeal of Obumblecare?
Someone should call McCain and ask that question.
Mr. Grim Reaper to the white courtesy phone please.
Hasn’t it been dismantled by the tax law which ended the mandatory provision, and the recent law which gave states the right to decide what they want to cover?
Trump is about to further engage the US in that circle jerk of a conflict in Syria and #Resist is nowhere to be found. Instead they’re pushing for more war with….Russia, Russia, Russia: https://twitter.com/ggreenwald/status/984046128487378945
#Resist was always just #War. The only push back has been from Amash and Massie. And the only commentators arguing against escalation are Tucker Carlson and Glenn Greenwald.
But, OMG- Tucker is parroting…Russia, Russia, Russia
After 2012 it should be no surprise that the anti-war left is no more.
And all those articles bemoaning the end of the “liberal world order” are basically calls for more US Interventionism.
The left was only anti-war when we were at war with commies or a Republican was prosecuting a war.
Yes. Anyone remember how rabidly pro-war the left was in WWI and WW2?
Yeah, I seem to recall a certain communist pulled his antiwar book from the shelf when the Germans invaded the Soviets.
Pete Seeger’s band the Weavers did the same thing with their antiwar album.
And Pulitzer and Hearst were considered leftist Dems back in 1898.
Except this time. There is a Republican in the White House and Howard Dean is creaming in his pants over war. Remember when that guy was the “peace candidate”?
Russiagate and “the end of the liberal world order” seem to be bringing back the leftist warboners.
Dean was also supposed to be somewhat of a libertarian…
Only to cosmos
And cosmos never give a shit about war anyways. Their foreign policy isn’t really all that different from Lindsey Graham’s.
Pretty sure Lew Rockwell was a Dean fan back then…
I stand corrected
I think Trump really wants to pull out of there. He’s hinted at it several times. The issue is that no president will do it, there is too much pressure from the enormously profitable military industrial complex to continue their wars of fortune. NOVA is too buy becoming Panem, got to feed the beast.
‘busy’ *calls edit fairy*
No more “benefit of the doubt”
Sometimes a cigar is a cigar, and sometimes a warmongering asshole is a warmongering asshole.
Except that that’s not really true either. Do you really think any of this escalation would be occurring if there weren’t Russia fever dreams? This was a set-up from the get go and Trump is just too spineless and too shallow on policy to push back. But, I have no doubt that everyone is going to act surprised about this after spending the last two years pumping up a bullshit Cold War
Does it really matter if he’s a spineless asshole or a warmongering asshole? Either way he’s an asshole.
This isn’t 76D backgammon. He’s just terrible.
Yeah, but if you’re not addressing the narrative that lead to this point then you’re not really addressing the problem. At this juncture it has to be accepted that Trump’s original positions on Russia, Syria, and Afghanistan is why he is so hated by all the “respectable people”. Or we could pretend like that’s not it
It’s still his fault, but this same game is going to be played with anyone who pushes against the consensus- Trump or not
Yes, exactly that. No one can tell our real overlords, the military industrial complex and their growing empire, no.
If that’s really the case Trump needs to be the big boy that he is and say”no.” This guy hired Bolton, he’s for all this stuff-this isn’t 4D chess or his hand being forced, he seems to agree with it.
And every time he says “no”, he gets blackmailed.
Not a fan of where he put the dividing line.
No kidding. That guy’s an idiot. He doesn’t know any more about flyover country than Tom Steyer.
The US is not splitting apart without violence. For one thing, because the blue half knows that part of your money is rightfully theirs despite their decision to split.
Hyperion, the blue half knows that all of your money is rightfully theirs, because you are a deplorable, and have wrongthink views.
Hyperion was just going to blow it at the tractor pull (and the adjacent tattoo tent).
And booze, hookers, and blow, don’t forget.
The UK has become a parody of a nation.
Oh, ok.
Spoken like a true knife apologist. You have blood on your hands! Nobody needs assault knives.
I just can’t figure out why they still don’t have common sense knife control.
Need Common Sense Knife Control!
What’s up with nested domains like .co.uk?
I blame the uk government.
.com and .edu envy.
I was talking to a buddy at work about that yesterday. How the fuck are you going to look at violent crime in your largest city and, as the mayor, say, “I’ve got it! We’ll institute a licensing regime for kitchen knives! Problem solved!” He brought up that they banned guns, so now it’s down to knives, and I pointed out that there are still shootings in London, including a drive-by that happened recently. And because it’s my issue as an issue voter, I couldn’t not say, “And now they’re going to regulate knives like they’re explosive devices and you can be put in prison for saying the wrong things on Twitter. That’s what happens when the citizens of a country allow themselves to be disarmed.”
I understand that slippery slope is a logical fallacy, but that is academic. In practice the slippery slope of ceding to the gov’t is real. Hence the reason we cannot give anymore ground to anti-2A, anti-gin, anti-self-defense leftists. England/London is a prime example.
The British are unlikely to EVER go anti-gin.
Of course not they’d sooner lose the choco rations than the victory gin.
The national beverages are Gin and Tea – Twigs and Leaves.
I guess maybe I was never actually British. I dislike tea except as a digestif with Asian food, and I really dislike botanical booze of almost all kinds. I’ll drink Genever and if pushed, I’ll drink retsina, but gin?
So I need to proofread. Or I need a higher proof gin.
“I’ve got it! We’ll institute a licensing regime for kitchen knives! Problem solved!”
The level of delusion to actually believe this is astonishing.
This is real? I can’t imagine where they go from here. Common sense sharp corner control or an end to unsupervised bathing just too many people slip and die.
Yes – only rounded walls permitted on new construction. And no more bicycles without permanent training wheels.
In the PR document from the mayor’s website where he outlines his knife strategy, he refers to the fact that people have used kitchen knives and screwdrivers in attacks. So, he wants to institute some pretty serious regulation of kitchen knives, which leaves one more thing on that list…
Next up: sharp sticks and rocks.
Time to regulate fists and feet.
Wellington defeated Napoleon. Churchill defeated Hitler. their navy was once the lion of the oceans. Dutch, French, Spanish couldn’t hold a candle. Brit outcasts founded the fucking US of A.
they have fallen so far.
When are they going to regulate pointed sticks and 16-ton weights?
Frypans, rakes, broomsticks and anvils haz a sad 🙁
Progsplain this?
They already tried, but it was weak tea. FTA:
Yeah, a declining population means an increasing number of people on the unemployment line? Likely story.
It’s the person, not the gun. But we should repeal the second amendment anyway so the person cannot get the gun. And definitely don’t blame the entertainment industry for violence.
WASHINGTON – Comic fans at Awesome Con dismissed the idea that violent content in Hollywood and in video games is connected to gun violence in the U.S. and called for more gun control to prevent shootings.
Samuel from Prince George’s County, Md., argued that watching gun violence in films does not influence people to carry out violent acts with firearms.
“No, I don’t think so because animation has been going on for years,” he said during the recent Awesome Con, Washington D.C.’s Comic-Con.
When asked for his opinion on gun control, Samuel said the Second Amendment should be repealed.
“They should get rid of that amendment because back in the day they were carrying around wooden sticks. Now it’s machine guns. Guns have changed, so should the laws, you know, that’s how I feel about it,” he said.
“They should throw it out. They should just throw it out because times have changed. People aren’t walking around with silver wigs anymore, you know, walking around with broomsticks. It’s a different era,” he added.
Bastions of wisdom.
They should throw it out. They should just throw it out because times have changed. People aren’t walking around with silver wigs anymore, you know, walking around with broomsticks.
Except at comic book conventions.
There would still be plenty of guns. It’s just that they would all be in the hands of criminals. This experiment has already been done. It didn’t go well.
Hey Sam. Guess what has been going on for many, many years longer than animation. Gun ownership.
And nobody walked around with broomsticks, you fucking weeb. Are you high on Mountain Dew or something? Is the blood loss from zits popping affecting your brain?
If they didn’t have broomsticks, smart guy, how the fuck did they play Quidditch, huh?
Maybe he meant Boomsticks
Guns have changed, so should the laws, you know, that’s how I feel about it
Well, thank you for being honest about feeling rather than thinking, anyway. But if you want to change the law then give it a shot, bucko.
I want to change the law – repeal the NFA and explicitly forestall local restrictions as the violations of constitutional rights that they are.
Maybe he is right about depictions of violence. There were plenty of shoot-em up Westerns in the 50s and war movies too and kids didn’t march into school and waste their buddies. Jeez, Mark on “The Rifleman” must have seen his dad kill about 50 men over the run of the show. And there have been virtually unlimited access to magazine fed rifles and pistols for a century or more. And school bullying has been noted in literature for many centuries. But school shootings are, what, twenty years old? Something has changed and maybe it isn’t the usual suspects.
“Comic fans at Awesome Con dismissed the idea that violent content in Hollywood and in video games is connected to gun violence in the U.S.”
I dunno, I think I would prefer to see less violence on TV and more “acts of love” IYKWIMAITYD
If he’s pontificating on the finer points of Superman vs the Hulk I’d consider listening if I cared which I don’t.
The main problem with that fight was that they depicted it as being decided by raw strength rather than requiring the omnipowered supes fall back on his billion other abilities in the face of the character sho’s supposed to be stronger.
/deliberately obtuse.
Is the thing with the Hulk still the madder he gets the stronger he gets? Eventually he’d clean Superman’s clock if he didn’t get knocked out too early.
I don’t know, I don’t read Marvel.
I think the Hulk is some Asian Hipster right now.
So if I understand it correctly, the “liberal world order” that is so under threat basically amounts to perpetual war overseas, a disarmed populace at home, democratic voting that can be undone if the populace votes wrong, managed trade deals masquerading as ‘free trade’, and censorship. Doesn’t sound like it’s worth preserving
Pretty much it exactly. I notice that “liberal” is used in a classical sense yet the backers of this “liberal” world order have never been classical liberals.
And commentators speak of “free speech” as being a pillar of this order yet its backers increasingly oppose free speech.
“Bank of America to stop lending to clients who make assault rifles
Bank of America’s vice chair Anne Finucane said Tuesday that the bank will no longer lend money to clients who manufacture military-style assault weapons for civilians to purchase, such as the AR-15-style rifles that have been used in several recent mass shootings.
The details: Finucane told Bloomberg TV that the move, which is part of an effort to help reduce mass shootings, was met with mixed response from clients, which she didn’t name. Per CNBC, BofA — the country’s second-largest bank — lends money to Vista Outdoor, Remington and Sturm Ruger. In the wake of the Florida high school mass shooting, Bank of America told Axios it is reexamining its relationship with banking clients who make AR-15s.”
Well now I know what I’ll be doing for the next stockholders vote.
Selling your proxy?
I was thinking of just flat out voting no for everything.
That won’t do much. The institutional investors/ISS are what decide proxy elections.
If you want to annoy them, do things like write to the corporate secretary for a copy of the proxy and attend the meeting and ask for a copy of the record stockholders list. They’re required to do those things, but nobody ever actually asks for it, so they have no clue what to do once they get the request, and it’s a huge pain in the ass for them.
“Thank you!” says Wells Fargo.
Re-examine away. If BoA drops gun makers, they’ll go to the next bank that will lend to them. I don’t know what BoA’s bottom line is, but I’d hazard a guess that those companies bring in a sizable chunk of coin.
Nah. If it was going to have a significant negative impact on their bottom line they wouldn’t have done it. They did it because they knew it wouldn’t, so they get to virtue signal without it being a big deal.
It might not have an impact on BoA, but it might help a smaller bank grow and become more competitive. Besides, the virtue signalling starts with stuff like guns, but how long before it moves on to various social justice issues? If things keep going the way they are, a market space could open up for banks with a policy of just being banks. Or, for that matter, banks that cater specifically to conservatives/classical liberals/anti-Progressives.
If it was going to have a significant negative impact on their bottom line they wouldn’t have done it.
I’d like to believe that, but there are too many examples of “Get woke, go broke” out there for me to believe that businesses don’t let their political/social leanings interfere with their business judgment.
And there’s the knock-on effect. To the extent the non-wokers start making decisions based on politics, this will lead to second-order losses for BoA.
They’re trying to SJW their way to the front of the line for the next bank bailout.
They’ve already lost a customer in me.
I guess they need to find a hedge fund that’s prepared to go thru’ the effort to buy or establish a commercial bank. Branch out to retail, and offer a cashback scheme to new customers. I’d switch banks to a competent, 2A-supporting (rather than 2A-neutral) bank. And I’m sure I’m not alone.
I sense a (((business))) opportunity…
How many times does something like this have to happen
It will happen until most people realize that labor is a cost and the real minimum wage is always and will remain zero.
So, forever?
“Connecticut Democratic gubernatorial candidate Lee Whitnum was told to leave a forum because she was not invited. Whitnum refused and threw herself on the ground, so the cops dragged her out.”
Still, no one could be worse than Malloy.
I wouldn’t be so sure…
Yeah, every time you think a politician could not be worse, they end up proving us wrong. It’s like when I posted a while back about why the monster Diane Feinstein won’t just retire since she’s been in Congress for 2 centuries. Then someone said Cali will find someone worse to replace her. Yeah, I do believe that, as difficult as it is.
Unless you have a Stalin/Mao/Hitler/Pol Pot in power then yes things can get worse.
I hear we already have someone worse than all those combined.
I thought Hillary lost the election.
Our local clown show activists had themselves quite the townhall meeting in Minneapolis.
Your crazy person just plopped down and laid there? Hah! Our crazy person had a bull horn.
A scuffle and Harsh words? They better be careful that can lead to a sternly worded letter
I was just reading a thing at CNN (no link, because I don’t feel like it). The basic premise was, “Mueller’s investigation is driving Trump nuts, and that’s a good thing, because Trump is an asshole and nobody in their right mind likes him. And- since this investigation is making him nuts, we need to get rid of him (Trump, not Mueller) for the good of the nation.”
Am I the only one here who likes this?
I want this to go on. With every President from here until SMOD finally gets here.
Every President?
Well, since SMOD is taking its time getting here, I expect there will be at least a few after Trump, unless the Dem fever dreams are true and he declares himself dictator for life.
This also assumes that Future Republicans will have balls to go after Democrats.
Which they won’t.
Which of course they do not. The Republicans will always steadfastly refuse to use the same hardball tactics that the Democrats use against them. Because they prefer being the minority party.
Also the MSM opposed Ken Starr and Nixon yet let love Mueller?
It has a certain “burn ’em all down” flavor which I find quite appealing, but I’ve never been that good at spotting subtle secondary and tertiary effects, so while it might be very appealing, it might not be particularly wise.
It would be nice if it causes total distrust of the government as opposed to keeping out all outsiders and/or Republicans from power. Of course this distrust might not lead to good things…
“I want this to go on. With every President from here until SMOD finally gets here.”
But that’s not going to happen.
The next POTUS will be business as usual, an Ivy League lawyer who worked his or her way up through the Party apparatus. The media will gush about how we’re finally free from the vulgar terribleness of Trump.
It’s not even about Trump at this point. It’s simply the Establishment making damn sure that only Their Kind of People can ever wield power.
Nothing will change until the feds start raiding retirement accounts. Then the fireworks will start.
I think they’re just gonna keep printing. Yeah, you will still have your retirement accounts, but you won’t be able to afford to buy anything with them.
I was in the “burn it” camp but it damn sure looks like Trump isn’t abusing the office enough to scare people away from the principle of a powerful executive or, god forbid, to drive people towards limited government. And, honestly, we might be past that point. I think you could get a Chavez in the White House and a fairly large number of people would be fine with it so long as he was of the right party and handed out enough free shit. Progressivism is a cancer that has grown in our political culture for over a century now, and I’m not sure how you get it out.
JB, I’d agree, but we all know this won’t happen to every President. This will only happen to Presidents that aren’t swamp creatures. Now, its just not true that double standards are twice as good. In fact, they are a net negative compared to no standards, so I’d rather have no Presidents under this kind of scrutiny than only certain “irredeemable” Presidents.
They assume that if they get rid of Trump, that vacuum won’t be filled or the next guy who replaces him will be better not far worse. I think they are wrong.
I’ve studied Roman history – every escalation in political dirty tricks is eventually met and exceeded by the opposition. Right up until the sides forget what they are arguing about and just have at it with clubs and swords.
Samuel from Prince George’s County, Md., argued that watching gun violence in films does not influence people to carry out violent acts with firearms.
“No, I don’t think so because animation has been going on for years,” he said during the recent Awesome Con, Washington D.C.’s Comic-Con.
We need common sense anvil safety regulations.
We need to ban stuff. What is this animation stuff? Ban that too.
<a href="http://fortune.com/2018/04/11/texas-maternal-mortality-miscalculated/"Texas's Horrific Maternal Mortality Rate in 2012? It Wasn't Actually True
I remember progs parading this anomaly around demanding single payer. Well it looks like that was yet another lie.
Truth, smuth. It’s all about the narrative, man.
Am I the only one here who likes this?
I want this to go on. With every President from here until SMOD finally gets here.
It’s not like we’re seeing anything even remotely resembling governmental paralysis.
It’s not even about Trump at this point. It’s simply the Establishment making damn sure that only Their Kind of People can ever wield power.
Exactly. That short-fingered vulgarian is making a mockery of Government By and For Top Men. He’s only significant in that he is drawing back the curtain on mandarin establishmentarianism.
The erstwhile squeeze will be picking up his shit on Friday. I will gladly sacrifice my telework day to not be here when he comes. Neighbor will let him in.
So let it be written, so let it be done.
Spring cleaning FTW!
You’re gonna let your ex haul shit out of your house and generally have the run of the place unsupervised?
Your call, I suppose.
I’m OK with it. The neighbor will monitor. I’m not up for a) making this more difficult and b) doing any work
I gotta say, I though this was the reason black Hefty Sacks and sash windows were invented.
This right here. He can pick it up on the front porch.
“Margaret Atwood says 9/11 terrorists “got the idea from #StarWars” ”
“You attended one of the women’s marches last year. What do you make of this latest wave of activism?
Typically, waves are waves. They hit the shore and then they recede and then they hit the shore again. How many backlashes have we been through? We used to have a race going on, to see which would win, between “1984” and “Brave New World.” It looked as if “Brave New World” had won. That turned out not to be true. Just to give you a very creepy feeling, there was an opera of “The Handmaid’s Tale” that premiered in Denmark in 2000. It started with a film reel going across the top of the stage and showing various things blowing up. And one of the things that blew up was the Twin Towers. But it hadn’t blown up yet. They did the opera again, and they had to take it out, because it was no longer in the future. Does that give you a creepy feeling?
Yes, it does.
They didn’t get that idea from my opera, don’t worry. They got the idea from “Star Wars.”
Do you really believe that?
Remember the first one? Two guys fly a plane in the middle of something and blow that up? The only difference is, in “Star Wars,” they get away. Right after 9/11, they hired a bunch of Hollywood screenwriters to tell them how the story might go next. Sci-fi writers are very good at this stuff, anticipating future events. They don’t all come true, but there are interesting “what if” scenarios.”
Wouldn’t any historical program about WWII in the Pacific be more instructive? Or that Tom Clancy book?
I always assumed Bin Laden read Clancy. I mean, he was a rich man, so it’s not like he couldn’t have gotten his hands on it.
I think I read that one.
Did you know they’re still putting his name on books written since he died?
Sure zombie Tom Clancy and zombie Robert Ludlum and bestsellers. I look forward to the conclusion of Ice and Fire by zombie GRRM.
Zombie Martin will probably release on a better schedule.
I thought the 9/11 bombers got their inspiration from the B-29 that flew into the Empire State Building in 1945.
Not that “Lone Gunmen” episode?
That was actually the first thing that came to my mind on 9/11 when I saw the first tower burning on the cafeteria TV.
Laugh all you want, but Atwood is correct here.
Has the CA bill to require fact checkers before anything can be posted on the internet been discussed?
I am in favor of letting CA secede, just so we can see how fast it crashes. I know, we are talking millions of lives, so probably not the best experiment, but wow.
Hiring thousands of
censorsfact-checkers would help push up wages in CA due to the tightening of the labor market, so maybe there’s an up-side?No, they’d outsource it to India, then transition to an AI.
It would be sort of funny watching the migration flow switch 180 degrees. All those people fleeing towards Mexico in hopes of finding economic hope and a functioning govt.
” I know, we are talking millions of lives”
You can’t stop suicides.
It has been raining off and on this morning; preferable to snow. The snow’s supposed to come back tomorrow or Friday.
I’m getting sick of Montana
They assume that if they get rid of Trump, that vacuum won’t be filled or the next guy who replaces him will be better not far worse. I think they are wrong.
I’m not convinced they have figured out that Hillary won’t be summoned to take her rightful place at the helm, once that cheater Trump has been officially disqualified.
If they manage to oust Trump maybe the Reps can install Pat Buchanan, that’d teach them a lesson.
Democracy is only ok when you vote the way we like.
Hungarian prime minister Viktor Orban won big in his nation’s election Sunday, and progressives are furious.
Orban’s right-wing party, Fidesz, got right under 50 percent of the vote. Fidesz’s next closest competitor was another right-wing party, Jobbik, which earned 20 percent of the vote.
Liberals who were hoping that Hungarians would turn out for the center-left were dismayed that 70 percent of the population voted for the Right. Especially when the country had a record turnout, a sign that was previously thought to be a bad omen for Orban.
Since Hungary is a democracy and the people made their preference very clear, there’s little liberals can do about the results.
However, many progressives think the European Union should punish Hungarians for voting the wrong way.
The Washington Post published an op-ed by journalist Frida Ghtis Monday making the case for EU sanctions against Hungary — all in the name of promoting “democratic principles.” Ghtis argues Orban violates EU principles in having his party control the judiciary and the media, while also “demonizing” immigrants and (heaven forbid!) George Soros.
For these crimes, Hungary needs to have its EU funding cut off “to send a warning to the other would-be autocrats who see Orban as someone to be emulated.” Ghtis holds out hope that Hungarians may bring back “real democracy,” which apparently means center-left liberals holding total power, open borders and respecting George Soros.
“This is what democracy looks like”?
Hungary got kicked around by the Ottomans for centuries and they want to keep Muslims the hell out. If they cut off their funds they’ll just cozy up to Russia and China.
They did let in a bunch of Chinese back in the day and every was fine. They were Hungary an hour later.
That was just…just terrible.
Did you hear about the foreigner who tried to disguise himself as a samurai?
The found a chink in his armor.
*They found a chink in his armor
**Narrows gaze**
It wont be long before they drop the lip service and we wont hear that word come out of their mouths anymore except to demonize it.
“The people who spent the last 12 months mocking Trump for being Putin’s lackey, and who have been trying to pressure and push Trump into greater belligerence toward Russia and Assad, will – now that they are getting what they’ve demanded – try to pretend they’re opposed to it.”
Ah so the anti-war left will now revive themselves. Will Rockwell and Reason slobber all over them?
Better than jacking off to the murder hobos in Congress.
It would be sort of funny watching the migration flow switch 180 degrees. All those people fleeing towards Mexico in hopes of finding economic hope and a functioning govt.
And a stable currency. California sure as Hell won’t be capable of any sort of rational monetary policy. They’ll be trading cigarettes and blowjobs for food in a year.
Now that talk of repealing 2A has gone mainstream among Progs, how long, seriously, can this country limp along? Reading that article in the Federalist lobbying for a peaceful dissolution of the country I continue to get more and more convinced that something like that is the only way either A) war or B) millions get their rights usurped and put in camps can be avoided.
Top comment from that article:
“We have trouble when the left uses the “civil rights” laws to foster their perverted “identity politics”, dividing the country and destroying our individual liberties.
We have trouble when government can force farmers not to use their own crops to feed their own animals.
We have trouble when Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes sarcastically refers to God as a “brooding omnipotence in the sky”
We have trouble when some are “more special” and are given “special rights” at the expense of others.
We are in trouble when our country’s sovereignty is challenged with open borders for reasons of political domination.
We have trouble when government can force people to do things against their will and conscience, just because they own a business.
It is astonishingly troubling notion that someone could be financially ruined or thrown in jail for not baking a cake.
If that divide means war, so be it.”
That seems like a pretty comprehensive list, though I’d add repealing 2A and staggering federal debt to the list. Unlike prog revolution LARPers and OKC bombing militia types, I’d very much like to avoid Civil War 2: The Sequel. How does a peaceful split start? Is it even possible?
I’m afraid it’s not possible. The geographic comingling means there’s no equitable distribution of territory, and so there will be no peacable divide. You will have a lot of people who say “Why should I move, they’re the ones who suck” and be opposed to being lumped in with their neighbors on the wrong side of the divide.
Look at Asheville, NC as an example. Buncombe county was one of the strongest counties for Hillary in 2016, and every surrounding county went for Trump. What do you do with those people? Personally, I’d give them the option of continuing to run that county the way they like, and not interfering in neighboring counties, or moving elsewhere.
“Personally, I’d give them the option of continuing to run that county the way they like, and not interfering in neighboring counties”
Ideally, this is the way things are supposed to work on a country-wide scale. However, the Left is incapable of leaving people alone that think and act differently than they do. They are the ones pushing the country toward Civil War simply because of this incapability; most conservatarian types I know are perfectly happy to let Progs run their own affairs as long as they are left alone. But they won’t be left alone; because the Progs are on a religious crusade. They can’t let heretics, unbelievers and apostates contaminate their land so they must convert or die. It’s a jihad.
They are our betters and rightful rulers – why won’t we just accept that?!?!
I don’t know, but I’m pretty sure there’s no way to do it with a neat dividing border splitting us in two. In the abstract, bringing back independent city-states would seem to be logical – the NYCs, LAs, SFs, CHIs, etc become their own independent states, but there’s obviously no practical way that will work. I honestly don’t see a way it would work without bloodshed.
Think of how vulnerable those city-states would be to the rubes simply blocking food shipments to them. How many people in those big cities know how to grow food or raise livestock?
And even if you ceded them a lot of the surrounding farmland to grow their own food, how many of those hipsters would deign to go work on one of the farms.
Add to that the animal nuts who wouldn’t even let the half million scarecrows in Denver shoot any of the deer, rabbits or squirrels.
-1 James Wesley Rawles’s “Golden Horde”.
Well it wouldn’t be all peaches and cream in the country. The big cities could hold those subsidy checks to from the Ag department up and the farmers would be fucked.
It is not possible without a very bloody and likely very long civil war. Most people lose in that scenario, at least over the short term. the likely outcome is chaos and a military intervention and then a military dictatorship, not 2 or 3 new countries living in relative peace.
It will not be long once the shooting starts.
You really don’t have to think about this long. You have the left who are batshit insane and really believe they can start and win a civil war. But they have no plans on doing any of that fighting themselves, they plan on someone doing it for them, the government in particular. Then you have the right who definitely would fight and some of them think it’s just like 1776. Unfortunately, things have changed a little. We have an enormously powerful military and someone in that military or someone close to it is going to quickly decide this has to be subdued before we wind up in hell. And there you have it, martial law declaration, then a strong man emerges and we all know the rest.
I wouldn’t count on the military staying united if a proggy DC general ordered them to fire on US citizens. In my former life, about 90% of the people I worked with were active or former military and I’d say about 90% of that 90% would be on the side of the liberty-minded folk in a true SHTF situation.
With the caveat that I received my discharge 12 years ago, I would say a majority of the people I served with would not fight on behalf of progs, and probably at least 80% of the NCO corps. Officers would be at best 50/50, though.
So the Red Army gets 60% of the enlisted and 80% of the NCOs, and 50% of the officers.
The Blue Army gets 40% of the enlisted, 20% of the NCOs, and 50% of the officers.
Yeah I think I know who wins that one.
That would be my take too (but I graduated from Uncle Sam’s Misguided Children even longer ago).
I think the key would be to trade 40% of the officers for an extra 10% of the NCO’s. They were always the ones that made real decisions when I was in the suck. Without those extra officers, we might not have properly credentialed camels, but we’d cope.
Most Officers do a better job of hiding their political bent.
Imma say the split is more likely 85/15, if done on a purely ideological spectrum.
*steps away from Jimbo*
*mulls over how to vaporize Pope Jimbo*
“I wouldn’t count on the military staying united if a proggy DC general ordered them to fire on US citizens”
General Jack D. Ripper I assume.
“I wouldn’t count on the military staying united if a proggy DC general ordered them to fire on US citizens.”
Most of the FBI would gladly follow the orders. Turn it into a paramilitary organization, “AHS” for example, then fund it as part of the military budget and pretend you’re supporting the military with budget increases earmarked for the Schutzstaffel. Then send most of the military overseas.
I might have a typo in there somewhere.
Eh, the FBI as a paramilitary organization kicking down the doors of deplorables would last about a week before their body count got unsustainable.
It would probably end up like the Spanish Civil War, with the military splitting in favor of the traditionalists while the government apparatus is controlled by socialists, leading to a long, dirty war with the last surviving populist/traditionalist general emerging as a strong man guardian of the nation.
If we get Franco that might be the least horrible outcome. I doubt we get anyone that restrained.
I feel bad for Zuck’s ass-cushion mockery
its a long, brutal session of Q&A with maddening idiots. and if you’re sunk backwards in some chair that’s *just* an inch or 2 too-low, you will be uncomfortable and psychologically cowed.
and i have no doubt that the fuckers in the senate would purposely try and mess with seat height just to fuck with witnesses. cops do. why not shitty-politicians?
that said: if i were zuck, i’d have made my testimony conditional upon allowing me to bring my very own chair. He’s worth ()@#*@()$* 60 billion. He could have had one custom-made for the event. So, i suppose he deserves some fault for his own silly-appearance.
“A rep from Facebook said the cushion was not the billionaire’s private seat, but was provided by the Senate Judiciary Committee.
“That’s the committee’s standard practice,” a company spokesperson told The Post.”
There’s a comedy show on TV where the comedians get a cushion if their joke is good and get one taken away if it’s bad. They should’ve done that with Zuckerberg depending on if he was answering a question directly or obfuscating.
Even better they could address Zuckerberg as:
水行末 雲来末 風来末
パイポ パイポ パイポのシューリンガン
He could have contacted Sloopy, he has a few chairs – one in particular ….
Cruz skewered him and he was squirming. Doesn’t matter, nothing will come of it and derpbook will continue to toe the progthink and double down on the war on free speech. But hey, it’s a private company, I blame the dumbasses who stay on that pool of idiocy all day.
**side note:
if he’s 5’7″, how low does that seat have to be that he needs a cushion?
meaning: if he were taller, he’d probably have needed 2.
If they set out a chair where – at ‘normal height’ – your ass is lower than your knees? they’re purposely fucking w/ you. “Standard practice” or not. Its just fucking stupid.
I can guarantee you they don’t see the irony and still won’t if you point it out to them. Anyway, they’re all for the government spying on YOU to see if you’re up to wrongthink. But don’t worry, couldn’t happen to them because they’re the good people.
That is a truly great parody account.
They link to the MaxinePWaters Parody talking smack to the NancyPeelosi Parody about # of followers.
Or this:
Robert Mueller @RobertMueIIer · Apr 10
Believe me, I have nothing personal against Trump, it’s just that he wasn’t supposed to win the 2016 election.
We’re dealing with real geniuses here.
Y’all do know that’s a parody account, right?
It’s like DPRK News Service, except more obvious.
Yeah, I was thinking of the people in the picture though. Unless that’s fake too; but we’ve gone past the point in which anything is obviously parody.
Yes, but it’s funny. And the picture might be real. Even it isn’t, there are plenty of people using Facebook to complain about their data collection.
if i were zuck, i’d have made my testimony conditional upon allowing me to bring my very own chair.
A throne of skulls.
Would the universe end if Zuckerberg and Pelosi locked eyes?
Only if they had sex.
Zuck making Pelosi log out. Hawt.
Would Zuck need a booster pad to get him up to the right height for Pelosi’s sex swing?
“We All Need To Unite Against War In Syria, Regardless Of Ideology”
Sorry to the OP there, any chance of any unification for any purpose between the left and right is long, long passed behind us.
dunno bout that. this is an opportunity for everybody to talk tuff and support the troops and be patriotic and blah blah etc etc
Would the universe end if Zuckerberg and Pelosi locked eyes?
I don’t know, but I have begun to see the end of the universe as something other than the worst that could happen.
Dershowitz calling out the ACLU over Cohen raid
I’ll give Dershowitz credit for being one of the few intellectually honest LibDems left.
Him and Glen Greenwald.
I disagree with both of them on a lot of stuff, but I will take them pretty seriously because they are honest about what they believe in.
Dershowitz said it is a “dangerous day today for lawyer-client relations.”
I am no lawyer, but i find this claim confusing
Mueller was involved in securing the warrant for USAO. He’s feeding other investigations and aiding/directing them. I suppose technically his office isn’t the one conducting these peripheral investigations, but he’s certainly orchestrating them. he’s the sine qua non of the whole circus.
i don’t really see how you can maintain this, “he’s within the confines of Russian collusion-case” claim while he’s providing direct support to investigations about completely unrelated shit.
I hate to have to actually listen to any Hannity segment because his voice / speech patterns give me pain.
*i did watch the segment, and the way the article is written is stupid and confusing. Dersh specifically said, “Mueller wants to remain in confines WHILE using others to squeeze his targets”….. not “instead of”. Dersh’s point was that Mueller was ‘having his cake and eating it too’, not that he was being scrupulous.
Hannity voice gives me brain cancer. Even my father who was a devout Bill O’Reilly guy hates Hannity with a passion.
Dershowitz said it is apparent that Mueller is staying within the confines of the Russian collusion case parameters
Well, he is staying within the non-existent limits of his appointment. WHich is invalid because it doesn’t impose real limits.
However, I have heard nothing whatsoever about Cohen that makes me think he has anything to do with Russians. Ergo, he is outside the confines of a genuine Russian collusion case.
Now, does the referral to the SDNY prosecutor mean Mueller is staying within the confines? If something came up incidentally that he referred, sure. But, we are led to believe that what he referred was so substantial that it justified an extraordinary raid on a sitting President’s personal attorney. I don’t see how you get there when (a) there is no reason to believe Cohen had anything to do with the Russians and (b) enough was referred to justify an extraordinary raid, unless Mueller did quite a bit outside the confines of an investigation of Russian collusion.
Sorry, Dersh, your “to be sure” here isn’t convincing.
Note: didn’t read the article, just the comment above.
Because that isn’t actually what he said.
he said Mueller was using the USAO to squeeze his target from other angles. he’s not technically involved with Cohen investigation himself, but he knows it puts pressure on his target.
i had the same reaction you did, which made me watch the segment
that story does not get Dersh’s point across at all. i didn’t read it until y’all commented on it.
Oh, fer crying out loud. I can’t post an ill-considered response to a hot take without people actually looking at the facts.
This is the internet. We don’t need no steenkin’ facts.
Many years ago I played Bioshock 2 and enjoyed it. A couple weeks ago Steam had the re-mastered trilogy on sale for $15. So I’m taking the diving bell back to libertopia and starting from the beginning, fun games.
I have come close to buying a new PC just so I can play the remastered Homeworld. It was probably the second video game I ever played, and it was awesome. The gameplay was good, but the story and emotional engagement were a revelation to me in video games.
You need a new PC to play a game from 2015?
Well, (a) its remastered and (b) I don’t actually have a PC at home at the moment. Only a decrepit Apple that won’t even support the iOS release from 4 years ago.
Oh, apple, then yes buy a new PC at the first chance.
They dumped the original soundtrack. Won’t buy.
Not sure about Steam, but GOG version has the original HW included, presumably with original soundtrack, that should still run on modern Windows.
I just remember the final mission of HW1 and the sneaky shit the game designers pulled that made it almost impossible to win unless you could stand on your head.
It’s terrific and totally faithful.
I stole my wife’s diary and handed to friend who will go through it and tell me about anything that is related to me. The rest he’ll just keep to himself. She should be cool with that, right?
I hope you’re joking.
If not, I hope you’ve got a good divorce lawyer.
I figure if the FBI can do it, why can’t I?
Well played, sir
Now you have question her on the exact contents of diary. If she gets slightest detail from years earlier wrong, she obviously a liar and needs to be prosecuted.
With Paul Ryan not running for re-election, the twitters reminded me that Paul Nehlen is the only other GOP candidate currently running in WI-1.
Hoo boy.
That district is only R+5 so not partisan enough to elect a Nazi… probably.
John Boehner leaves politics, slowly becomes a human being again:
Ex-Speaker Boehner, who opposed legalization, joins marijuana firm’s board
“We have literally filled up our jails with people who are nonviolent and frankly do not belong there.”
Prison lobbyists get a case of the vapors.
I think it was a different kind of green that swayed him.
Reminds me of when McGovern left politics and for the first time ever was running a business and was like “WTF ARE ALL THESE RULES AND REGULATIONS AND TAXES?!?!?!?!”
I remember that my history textbook in high school actually had an article on that. In retrospect that’s quite surprising, given that it was a public school and those generally don’t like anything critical of the state.
How convenient! Now that he’s no longer in a position to actually do something about it, he’s seen the light. Fucking scumbag.
Bill Weld provided a helpful list of people that he’s endorsing. So these are the people not to vote for (except Larry Sharpe who should run, not walk, away from this endorsement).
My favorite Raimondo Tweet was when he and Soave went back and forth bitching at one another.
To summarize:
“No, you’re a poopy head, because Democrats are all pure and totes care about government surveillance, even when they vote to expand it”
“No, you’re a poopy head, because Trump was duped into supporting government surveillance. Why don’t you just marry Democrats if you love them so much?”
“You’d like that wouldn’t you. Next time I see you, I’m going to slap you like a man”
“I’d like to see you try!”
I’m sorry, what state is Weld the governor of? It’s not a fucking hereditary title – you don’t get to call yourself that in perpetuity. It’s an office – while in office, you have the title. When you leave office, it passes to the next man in the office.That shit pisses me off, and they all do it.
I thought the exact opposite was true.
I’m not following you.
I was saying that I thought they do all get to keep their title. Turns out it’s a little of both. According to this Slate article anyway.
TW: Slate
Emily Post’s take: http://emilypost.com/advice/addressing-a-former-president-of-the-united-states/
The proper title to address them is “Citizen”
I was gonna go with “barista”.
One of my pet peeves, too.
I’m on an eviction currently. Just waiting on the sheriffs to get this guy out so I can rekey the locks. I’ve been in hundreds of these and it never ceases to amaze me that people can be in such denial that it is happening. This guy hasn’t paid his rent in over a year (this is SF) and had multiple court dates and notices and yet it’s still a surprise.
Only a year? He probably expected at least another 9 months of free board.
One county south I also do these. There the sheriffs can be knocking on your door as soon as two months of non rent payments. Here in SF the quickest I have ever done one is for six months of non payment. The average is a year. At least this guy hadn’t changed the key beforehand. That’s always nerve wracking when I’m picking locks with four sheriffs standing behind my back and a nervous owner.
You are cancer
I am Aquarius.
I’ve never had to sit in court, because my rental is in semi-rural MO, where the Sheriff will have your shit in the yard two weeks after filing.
Thanks. Awesome article.
And the people who bitch endlessly about the high cost of housing in SF are likely the same ones who pushed for all this renter protection bullshit.
Guess what? You make renting risky for the landlord (as in, you may not be able to actually collect rent for months or years at a time), that risk gets priced into the rent, making it higher than it would be without all the renter protection.
And, the inevitable response if they even acknowledge the reality that their renter protection costs renters a lot of money: “unintended consequence” and off they go to support another law that will hurt the people its intended to help.
They can’t seem to grasp that very very obvious connection. SF has some of the strongest tenant protections in the country. I have seen some absolutely outlandish shit happen. I once translated the handing over of a 22k check to a toothless young Guatemalan woman who was squatting an apartment. The look on her face was classic. I bet there was a serious week long fiesta in some mountain village after that next Western Union got sent. It all gets added on to the rent bill in the end. It screws the young and newly arrived to benefit others.