“It is MISTER Servator!”
I got the call to do links this morning. I think sloopy got trapped in a warehouse full of merchandise he is going to auction…

“Top men…TOP. MEN… said it should go back in here somewhere.”
So…Sport – One team had enough fortitude to take the field in Chicago yesterday (fine, they lost…what do you want, they are rebuilding!). Otherwise, the standings seem a mess. But it is early (just keep telling yourself that…Keep hope alive. Endeavor to persevere.). In Premiership rugby – the playoffs should be fantastic, if what I saw this past weekend is a preview. The Sale Sharks vs Wasps was a sight to behold. The very end featured determined offense, stout defense and terrible injury.
Birthdays – Hugo Grotius (1583), Admiral Matthew Perry (1794), William Booth (Go Salvation Army! 1829), Joseph Pulitzer (1847), Chuck Connors (1921), Max von Sydow (1929), Omar Sharif (1932), John Madden (1936), Steven Segal (1952), Brian Setzer (1959), Mandy Moore (1984), Daisy Ridley (1992).

“Yes…Happy Birthday to me.”
- A slight step back from Trade Warz rhetoric? God I hope so. My ferverent hope is that Trump will blast out tweets saying “See – victory!!!” and then stop all but maybe a symbolic act or two.
- Our own RC Dean had pretty good analysis of TEH GREAT TRUMP LAWYER RAID yesterday, so did Popehat (Ken). UPDATE: If Popehat is still crashing…try here. HIHN WARNING!!!!
- Cosplayers? Furries? Both? You look, you decide.
- Bot Lives Matter! Oops.
Now then, off to the comments!
For some reason the popehat piece refuses to load.
Apparently his blog has been swarmed and it has broken a bit from time to time. It was fine, but I set these links up a bit early.
Steppin’ up on lynx, again? You deserve a raise.
I got 15% last year!
“Lets see here…15% of $0 is…$0! WHOO HOO!!!!”
Forgot to carry the 0
I want compensation for having linked to an empty page.
Reparations even.
Heck, I’ll settle for a high five and some flattery.
You want 16.19 hectares and an ass?
I’m British, can I just have 160 roods?
You know when you complain so much about people not reading the linx, you should at least post working ones.
Just yanking your chain dude.
I just clicked right through…WHAT IS THE MATTER WITH YOU PEOPLE!?
Nope, still not loading. Maybe you have it cached.
Maybe the server squirrels squirreled it away.
Have the alter boy try a different position.
Pope Vader: Pray I do not alter the boy any further…
The piece was republished on Reason.
You know that had to be painful for Ken White. Please do read the comments. Hihn is….. well, you’ll see.
The same Ken White who referred to reason comments as a hive of scum and villany?
He’s often correct.
It is a horror show.
Hihn has surpassed Mary at her most deranged.
Ken just has higher standards for interpersonal conduct than the rest of us.
*Blocks Scruffy*
*throws flag for illegal chop block*
That sounds like a compliment.
LOL, old man raging at the world is calling everyone else psychopathic.
I stopped reading last night. I can see that he came back this morning to finish the job.
It’s hilarious. He probably fell asleep in his easy chair late last night, and just woke up angry.
Wow, he’s up to 150 posts on that thread alone.
He desperately needs to take his meds. Good lord.
Hihn – Mary = ZERO
The projection is strong here.
What a fucking shithole they let that place become. The unwillingness or inability to do anything about the trolls is why I left. Even when you block them individually, you still have people who cannot resist taking the bait.
Yeah, ditto. In my dotage I’ve found I don’t enjoy looking at train wrecks, garbage fires, or car accidents, either. I appreciate the sort of, “Hey, we’re libertarians! Say whatever you want in the comments! Self-regulate!” bit but I’m pretty sure they just can’t be assed to exercise some conscientious moderation, and CotS stuff like Disqus is pretty much garbage. Between the efforts of the mods and the rigorous vetting process, this commentariat is of an altogether finer cloth, as attested by the Family Friendly certification.
Agreed. Any time I want to see a train wreck, I can turn to CNN.
But here, where the Magistrate Judge knew that this would become one of the most scrutinized search warrant applications ever, and because the nature of the warrant of an attorney’s office is unusual, you can expect that the Magistrate Judge felt pretty confident that there was enough there.
Or that the entire process is so politicized that it wouldn’t matter what he did. The whole thing is a shitshow.
I am not confident after watching the behavior of these people. They are so goddamned crooked when they die we wont have to dig a hole, we can just screw them into the ground. They also think they are bullet proof.
I don’t either. They want a scalp more than anything to justify what they are doing. God forbid, they went after me.
I enjoy reading Ken White and I respect his opinions, but I think it’s strange that he thinks this is an example of the DoJ working as intended, unbiased and above-board. At this point, I think the most reasonable, least complex explanation for anything involving the DoJ, especially with regard to Trump, is that it’s politically motivated. It’s not the white blood cells of justice purging the system of evildoers, it’s an episode of Survivor.
Remember, he used to be an AUSA. Its hard to say that somewhere you’re proud of having worked for is a dysfunctional mess.
And the branch of the DOJ that had sign of powers is the Woodchipper branch.
I realize the difference between getting a FISA warrant and what Ken described here is probably substantially, and, yes, we’re talking about a difference of a couple years and quite a bit of personnel shakeup between the initial investigation into Manafort and Gates and the current Special Counsel… but this is still the same agency that probably sought warrants under false pretenses, and is still as of this week dragging its heels in turning over the unredacted applications to Congress. But we should take it seriously this time because raiding an attorney’s office is super serial and would like never be abused.
As I’m given to understand it, Rosenstein directed Mueller to hand the case over to the U.S. Attorneys because it wasn’t germane to the Russian collusion investigation. So, what, Mueller can dig into every aspect of the president’s financials and personal life looking for those elusive Russian meddlers, just so long as he launders irrelevant discovery through the SDNY office? Some narrow scope you’ve got there, Mueller.
probably substantial
lyThese are the same people who refused to even open an investigation into the Clinton Foundation citing a lack of evidence to substantiate it.
When you look at everything Mueller looks into it, it’s based on hunches an innuendo.
The Ukrainian who paid Trump $150,000 for a speech paid the Clintons $13 million. Bill Clinton was a previous speaker at the same event.
Exactly. This is just political combat between opposing factions, I think.
Mueller is certainly fighting for one faction? But who is the other faction, and is anybody from that side actually fighting back? Seems pretty one sided to me.
I vote Shitshow.
This reminds me of the madness of the French Revolution.
White Sox gonna take care of the bottom of the Central this year?
Possibly – depends how bad KC decides to be.
Good point. And I have a bad feeling that if the Twins aren’t in the hunt at the All Star break there may be a fire sale and we’ll have a three-way race for last.
“Welcome to the AL Central, or as many refer to it ‘The Dumpster Fire Division'”
Yeah, but we have a really swell stadium.
With no roof.
There’s no roof in the entire division. If we had a roof, the rest of them would want one.
And yes, I said “we.” I pretend to be a Minnesodan when it suits me.
I also got to get my hate for Mauer on last night.
Down 2 with a guy on base and a full count. Mauer takes a hittable ball 4 for a walk instead of trying to get something going. The only thing that keeps me from slicing my wrists is that Mauer is no longer treated like Baby Jesus.
My poor kid had to listen to my “Mauer is Scotty Pippen” rant.
Mike if you want to be one of us, you have to root for the Vikes too. You can’t just root for the Twins.
To get the good you have to care about those fuckers that will rip your heart out year after year with their nonsense.
Wild, too. For the same exact reasons.
Wild yes. Vikes…maybe. They’ve always been my second favorite team. And my favorite team (49ers) has been doing everything possible to push me away the last few years. But the NFL in general has been doing that too, and is fast joining basketball on my don’t give a fuck list.
I got a dancing number!
The Popehat link is giving me “Error establishing a database connection”.
I saw Larry Kudlow on FoxBusiness yesterday. He doesn’t want a trade war either, but we were already in one. The difference now is this Administration is going to try to negotiate an end to it.
So…some sort of chicken wrap sammich blamed Trump for trading a wide receiver?
*toss translation guide in the trash*
Mmmm, chicken sandwiches.
Wide Receiver? Chicken Sandwich?
That be racists.
I understand the disparities, but I’ve been in manufacturing most of my career. The thing that bothers me the most is theft. But if you were naive enough to think the Chinese would honor your IP, it’s on you.
It’s not a level playing field and never will be. Find another place to manufacture.
It’s not like the Chinese government has ever considered Gweilo law to be valid, moral, or binding upon them. I mean, for guys that are the sons of revolutionaries, they sure as hell have a God Complex, and I don’t believe that the majority of them would even think of anyone except the Middle Kingdom as legitimate equals.
But if you were naive enough to think the Chinese would honor your IP, it’s on you
*continues filing Chinese patent application knowing full well that it’s completely worthless*
*shakes head at the waste of money*
Re: Bot lives matter. I wonder how often that actually happens.
Actually, I’m a bot. Glad I got that off my chest. It was crushing me.
Mr. Roboto?
That’s Robotov to you, mister.
Ah, Russian bot. *bows*
Domo Arigato
“The page was tied to Ian Mackay, an official with the National Union of Workers in Australia. ”
Pinko runs a scam. News at 11.
“The largest Black Lives Matter page on Facebook is reportedly a fraud — run by a white man in Australia who used it to take in more than $100,000 in donations.”
“In April 2015, he registered blackpowerfist.com using his name, e-mail address and phone number.”
That sounds more like a porn site.
Not a fishing expedition
The prosecutors obtained the search warrant after receiving a referral from the special counsel in the Russia investigation, Robert S. Mueller III, according to Mr. Cohen’s lawyer, who called the search “completely inappropriate and unnecessary.” The search does not appear to be directly related to Mr. Mueller’s investigation, but most likely resulted from information that he had uncovered and gave to prosecutors in New York.
Mr. Cohen’s lawyer, Stephen Ryan, confirmed the raids. “Today, the U.S. attorney’s office for the Southern District of New York executed a series of search warrants and seized the privileged communications between my client, Michael Cohen, and his clients,” Mr. Ryan said. “I have been advised by federal prosecutors that the New York action is, in part, a referral by the office of special counsel, Robert Mueller.”
The payment to the pornographic film actress, Stephanie Clifford, who is known as Stormy Daniels, is only one of many topics being investigated, according to a person briefed on the search. The F.B.I. also seized emails, tax documents and business records, the person said. Agents raided space Mr. Cohen uses in the Rockefeller Center office of the law firm Squire Patton Boggs, as well as a room Mr. Cohen is staying in at the Loews Regency Hotel on Park Avenue while his apartment is under renovation, the person said.
I like the gleeful tone of this news report. “We’ve got him on the run. Any minute, now, federal marshals will enter the Oval Office and drag that traitorous criminal cockroach out into the light.”
Also- can we just refer to Stormy Daniels as a prostitute? $130k is not a bad wage for a night’s work.
“…refer to Stormy Daniels…”
In conversation my wife referred to her as Stormy Weather. I corrected her. A minute later she referred to her as Smoky Daniels. At that point I had to check because I couldn’t remember which was correct.
Remember, it’s the name of her first pet followed by the name of the street she grew up on. Hence, I’m Duchess Kinderbrook. I always pictured a porn actress with that name looking something like Morgan Fairchild.
Would, incidentally.
Hmm. I’d be Bimbo Lenham.
No comments on a postcard, please.
Shadow Bay Tree Beach?
I’ll pass.
<— Cinnamon Lightning, aw yeah.
Seth Poplar Forest?
Tippy Stetson, checkin’ in.
I’m Pal Mannington. Actually I like that, and may start using it
Clever way to get people’s security questions, Bill!
Hey guys, I read somewhere that part of your social security number is based on where you were born! Let’s all see if it works and post the results in this thread!
“Naught-naught-naught, naught-naught, naught-naught-naught-*two*. Damn Roosevelt.” /Mr Burns
Real mature, Swiss!
Especially that 69 part.
*fondue eating grin*
Babs Gardenwood
My porno name is Rupert Merrimont… Sounds like an upper-crust British guy with a monocle – hey, maybe that could be my new thing!
Clancy Lennane!
My porn name is Fluffy 7th.
Needs work
Lobo Chestnut.
Scrapper Bryant here.
I can’t remember the first pet for sure, but I know its one of two.
So I’m either Bandit South or Rusty South
NASCAR Driver or Wrasslin’ manager.
So “gay for pay”…
This actually works pretty well for me:
Timothy Rosewood.
Julius Crofton.
Pepsi Flamingo?
Sounds like I’m destined for tranny kink porn.
And crush videos.
Thumper Tustin
Fluffy Anita.
Duke Brookwood
Denis Cortez
Boo Braodway
What can I say, I was 4 and named my dog after the song
Boob Rodway might be a good draw.
Waggles Kenworth.
She was paid to keep quiet.
How could that be considered a campaign finance violation? Are they thinking they paid her off with campaign funds?
Exactly the right question, Stinky. Cash being fungible makes you wonder if they stuffed all that Trump election money in her g string.
It’s strange how these people suddenly understand that cash is fungible when they want to.
Are they thinking they paid her off with campaign funds?
Yes. I read something about a matching transfer of funds from the campaign to the lawyer after the payment. If it’s true, it was an incredibly stupid thing to do.
Surely they aren’t that stupid.
If that’s the case, they’re fucked.
Cohen was very vocal about the fact that he paid her with his own money. If he was reimbursed, it wasn’t his own money at all.
That would be stupid, but…
1. Unless the Russians paid her off, this has absolutely nothing to do with Meuller’s investigation. At this point he has zero limits on the scope of his investigation – and no underlying crime to try to prove. Just a fishing expedition with unlimited funds.
2. According to Alan Dershowitz last night, that crime would carry a civil penalty and in no way would warrant this kind of violation of lawyer-client privilege.
Saw Dershowitz on Hannity and it was nice to see him bitch slap Sean with, “One silver lining is that this is turning Republicans into civil libertarians.” Of course, in the next segment, Hannity was itching for more war in Syria.
Trump should have just let her blab to the public all she wants. The truth has now come out anyway, and it’s not something that would have affected the outcome.
Rich guys who run beauty pageants fuck around with hot women. In other news, water is wet. More at 11.
Why else would rich guys run beauty pageants?
I think campaign finance laws are really broad, the language is something along the lines of “anything of value” falls under disclosure requirements. So paying her $130,000 to shut up 3 weeks before the election probably falls under that. BUT, I don’t see why you would need an FBI raid to prove that crime. I think the facts (payment made; payment not disclosed) are not in dispute. The only dispute is the legal question of whether or not the payment is something of value to the campaign.
That and the whore went and blabbed anyhow. I would be amused if Cohen went ahead and bankrupted her.
I’m no lawyer, but if you can pay someone to sign an NDA. Couldn’t you get around prostitution laws by paying prostitutes to be quiet about it?
Not that laws against prostitution aren’t completely silly in the first place.
The “sugar daddy” method is easier.
I thought the whole purpose of paying them was so you didn’t have to listen to em?
/My daily dose of misogyny.
You don’t pay a prostitute for sex. You pay her to go away afterward.
The largest Black Lives Matter page on Facebook is reportedly a fraud — run by a white man in Australia who used it to take in more than $100,000 in donations.
Hey, Tim Tams are black on the inside.
So only certain people can profit from the race racket?
The searches open a new front for the Justice Department in its scrutiny of Mr. Trump and his associates: His longtime lawyer is being investigated in Manhattan; his son-in-law, Jared Kushner, is facing scrutiny by prosecutors in Brooklyn; his former campaign chairman is under indictment; his former national security adviser has pleaded guilty to lying; and a pair of former campaign aides are cooperating with Mr. Mueller. Mr. Mueller, meanwhile, wants to interview Mr. Trump about possible obstruction of justice.
Totally not a fishing expedition.
“Mr. Trump about possible obstruction of justice.”
Cause that’s what Mueller was hired for.
But a half million dollars paid to the husband of a Secretary of State by a foreign entity seeking State Department approval on a highly sensitive transaction is totes legit.
Obama and his lackeys, Hillary and her lackeys engaged in all kinds of egregious, felonious behavior and they get a pass. Deep state my ass, they are a bunch of goddamned banana republic crooks.
Hey…..wait a second.
It isn’t?
/checks donation account to see if it’s big enough for the next round of hookers
Nope… Time to link to a Hihn thread to get people motivated…..
As you wish…
Thank Hihn here, people:
for the next round of
hookersroofies.Sorry, the balance still reads: “OLD HOOKERS AND YOUNG WINE”
That gives me an idea….
Tempo-rarily fat: A queer exploration of fat time
I refuse to believe that isn’t parody.
I’m having a rough time right now. I need to clutch on to something that’s real. Please don’t make chrononormativity a thing. Surely that’s a bridge too far.
Better than their made-up gibberish words are how they hyphenate or change the spelling of normal words. What information are we supposed to get from that? It is deliberate slaughter of language.
“Playing With Time: Gay Intergenerational Performance Work and the Productive Possibilities of Queer Temporalities
This article examines the tendencies of LGBT intergenerational theater projects. By engaging with ideas of queer time, temporal drag, and the pervasive heteronormative imagery of heritability and inheritance, this article explores the possibility that LGBT intergenerational projects may generate some of the problems they aim to challenge. Through the lens of queer time, the article describes the normativity generated in LGBT intergenerational theater projects as a form of restrictive interpellation. The article explores the temporal complexities at play in such theater productions as The Front Room, a specific LGBT intergenerational theater project performed in the United Kingdom in 2011. The article concludes by noting some ways in which intergenerational theater projects might seek to work through the embodiment of the historical quotidian as a mode of resistance to normativity’s recirculation.”
I’m a very mild-mannered person. I think that my inability to express anger is among my biggest failings as a person.
If someone said that shit to me face-to-face I would not be capable of *not* loudly stating that they need to go fuck themselves in the harshest terms possible.
I got stomped by three guys that were trying to rape a girl (she got away) and even that didn’t make me “angry.” It must be Peak Derp. It must. It must. It must. Jesus fucking Christ.
Dude, help yourself to some of mine. I have a hard time not getting in fistfights on an hour-long grocery run.
Peak Derp is only theoretical, like infinity.
You will always be approaching it, but you can never get there.
If Chuck Norris ever went gay, it would be the end of the gueer-time continuum as we know it.
Chuck Norris doesn’t go gay, Gays go Chuck
What, gay people can’t bequest possessions to their adopted children, artificially conceived children, or younger relatives?
I, for one welcome our Vogon overlords.
Well time does slow down when you’re closer to a massive gravitational field.
OT question for the Glibertariat: does ANYONE sell decent-grade TVs anymore that aren’t “smart”? I want to save myself the trouble (and warranty cancellation) of getting in and physically destroying the microphones and cameras.
Most of the plasmas. Bonus: Will keep your living room warm.
I got my aunt’s old plasma. Old as in maybe 5 years old, so not really old. Heavy as hell and it sucks up electricity like it’s going out of style. Also, even when it’s “off” it’s actually in a standby mode, and it constantly makes a very high-pitched whine. Apparently that’s a plasma thing, something to do with the power supply. On the other hand, it’s dumb as a brick and the picture is beautiful, particularly the blacks. Only thing is there’s occasional burn-in but it goes away quickly.
Huh….my plasma (which truly IS old, about 11 years now) makes no whine. It absolutely does suck up electricity and get hot as hell, but the picture is to die for compared to LEDs. The color is fantastic.
I am going to cry real tears if/when my plasma TV dies. It was one of the very last models produced, and it surprisingly doesn’t use that much power. The picture is absolutely gorgeous from that thing.
Check out this site, they have more info than you’ll be able to stand.
Get a commercial display unit instead of a TV
I’m sure you already thought of this, but how about not connecting the TV to the internet?
My internet isn’t even connected to the internet.
Mine is all fucked up. “All they watch is porn and kids shows on Amazon, send CPS!”
Picture in picture?
Everything we watch is streamed, except for the NFL.
Consider streaming via a different device connected to the TV… something like a Roku or Amazon Fire Stick or Chromecast or even an Xbox. Those devices don’t seem complex enough to have cameras/microphones. Let them connect to the internet and then have your TV just be unconnected and “dumb.” Then you can just watch the NFL via good ol’ rabbit ears assuming the local team (or the ones on the national network broadcasts) is what you’re interested in.
You don’t have a 19″ tube TV sitting on the ground, enclosed in some cigarette burnt mid-century furniture? Disappointed.
When Plasmas first came out and cost more than a new car, my uncle got jealous, and ending up cutting a hole in the living room wall with a chainsaw. He put a tube TV flush with the wall. It was actually pretty funny except for that the TV stuck far enough into the garage that they lost a parking spot.
I just keep a patch of electrical tape over them. Computer as well.
Hey, the prostitute thread is up there^^
Same. Every laptop I’ve ever owned with a camera has a piece of tape over it. Even my work-provided laptop.
So the suburb that Tundra and I live in has barfed up one of the saddest excuses of a criminal ever.
Student carries gun to full day of classes.
short story: Cops pull over a car for multiple moving violations, smell MJ. Start hassling the occupants and find a loaded pistol and MJ in a backpack. Kid from Maple Grove admits it is his and that he was at school all day with the gun in the back pack. Quickly switches from “my buddy gave me the gun” to “I stole the gun from an unlocked car”. Is now looking at a long stretch in jail. The story doesn’t mention it, but I heard on the radio that the gun charge/burglary could lead to 25 years in the pokey.
Of course the poor school district spokesperson is getting bombarded with questions about how lucky they were that the gun didn’t leap out of the backpack and start shooting everyone in sight.
But man this guy is fucking dumb. If he had followed the first rule (don’t talk to cops) he’d be doing so much better right now.
Bernard told police that he attended school from 8:50 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. and “knowingly possessed the backpack and handgun” while in the building at 7300 Boone Av. N.
Literally lol’ed. He actually told them he had it on him all day.
Yup. He also voluntarily confessed that he stole the pistol too.
There is a reason this guy is going to an alternative school.
Lol. The Red Star opted for no comments.
Weird, huh?
Oof. Shame he wasn’t caught by the SRO, the whole thing would have been swept under the rug.
She was paid to keep quiet.
You pay them to keep quiet and go away. That’s what makes prostitutes special.
Question is, how much is she being paid to open her mouth?
Wasn’t she already paid for doing that?
One of the birthday boys:
Put Your Cat Clothes On
A birthday from yesterday and today:
Blue Suede Shoes
If that doesn’t get you going, you’re dead!
Here’s his birthday song.
Tucker Carlson makes a damn good case for not bombing the hell out of yet another country. How this made it past Fox’s gatekeepers I have no idea:
Fox’s gatekeepers never seemed that strict.
Anyway, I agree with what Carlson said.
And if you missed the hot takes from existential comics
People think “wealth disparity” is the only problem with Capitalism, but the whole system is made of servants and masters. The property owners command, the workers obey. Regardless of wealth, this system is the opposite of freedom.
True freedom is having the state tell you how to live your life.
And dragging your sorry ass out into the woods and putting one through the back of your neck if you complain.
That’s exactly their view.
Their reasoning is that capitalism is bad because everyone needs an income, so you have to go work for one of the various corporations that will hire you, and you’re basically a slave. So the obvious alternative is to nationalize everything so that you can go and work for one mega-corporation that also controls the military and police.
Would you rather be poor in America or rich in Venezuela?
**mic drop**
State Capitalism!
I used to read that comic, but after I read his Twitter and realized that he’s a no-shit Marxist, it’s impossible for me to enjoy it anymore. Which is a shame, because it has moments of genuine brilliance.
Funny because Free Market Capitalism is the only economic system that says “If you can find a way to pay for it you can live your life as you see fit”.
You will note that in Socialist states there are not any people who create internet comics about philosophy for a job.
does ANYONE sell decent-grade TVs anymore that aren’t “smart”?
I took some looking, but I found a Polaroid-branded dumb teevee at Target a while back. Still working.
*I subscribe to the theory that the guts are all the same, and different companies assemble them.
Like this?
Is Sony guts!
Time for another episode in the Gender Pay Gap Fiction!
Maybe their bias has something to do with that whole “key motherhood years” bit? Did you ever stop and think about that? Why the hell would a company promote a woman who is likely to miss out on a lot of work because she decides to have kids?
“get less and less”
It’s getting worse, you see?
Also don’t forget about women who are getting married are absolutely worthless for several months at work as they spend all day at work calling/emailing people about “Their Big Day”
In fairness, March Madness and the Masters takes a toll on productivity, too.
Like I’m productive during other times of the year?
This is absolutely true at my company. Degenerate gamblers, the lot of them!
I gave advice to my teenage son: “If a girl tells you she’s been planning her wedding since she was 8 years old, run as fast as you can.”
Recurring theme in your life, OMWC? I can understand how it might unnerve a man of your tastes.
So in OMWC world that means she has been planning it for what? 3 weeks?
You don’t have to go that far. Did the study separate women who became mothers vs those who didn’t? My guess is that it didn’t, to which I say, no shit you see less, but if bet you see that childless women get those managerial roles just as often as men, probably more than single men.
Trump is angrier than he has been at any point according to “two sources close to him.” AKA, let’s make some shit up.
I would love it if he lost his shit and fired everyone in the top 3 or 4 grades in the FBI and DOJ. Just have Federal Marshals collect their IDs and Computers and throw them out.
Good God at the TDS in the replies. I still dont know exactly why so many people have such a flaming, irrational hatred of Trump.
Suthenboy, I don’t like him, however, I think the TDS is a virtue signal of the ruling class, or Deep State, and is inherently tribal.
It would be nice to have a dirty team to go through the shit I’ve posted so the clean team doesn’t get corrupted. The FBI thinks having a “dirty team” and a “clean team” to go through all the crap they get from Cohen’s office somehow makes this on the up and up? Any of you lawyer or law inclined people able to explain how this practice is not a 4A violation? Asking out of ignorance, mostly.
I trust it about as much as I trust Hillary to sort her emails into business and personal.
The same way that parallel construction allows them to use illegal material to build a clean case?
No shit. Knowing what the end result should be (because of the illegally obtained evidence) poisons the whole foundation.
How admissible would other unrelated indications of wrongdoing they happen to come across be?
Admissible or not, I’m sure the DNC will have a field day with it.
There’s going to be something else: the business he’s in and the amount of money he’s worth virtually guarantees that.
I don’t doubt it. Real estate development is a nasty business, but in New York/New Jersey and overseas markets, it’s filthy.
It appears that they’re filtering stuff not connected to the “Russian collusion” narrative through the New York federal court. Seems awfully poisonous tree to me.
Now that they’ve seized his lawyers records, Trump cannot ever let himself be questioned by the FBI. They’ll make it into a trivial pursuit game and charge him with lying if even the most minute detail of one of his answers doesn’t match those records.
Good point
Maybe that was the end game?
Mueller would be fucked if Trump let himself get interviewed by him. At that point Mueller would really either have to charge him with something or shut down. And given how media savvy Trump is, I don’t think you could get away with charging him for “lying” during the interview.
By pissing him off, and shutting down any hopes of an interview, Mueller can now keep his circus going indefinitely.
The only way I can picture it is if…
1. Trump showed up with a film crew and his new Attorney General in tow.
2. Answered any question not directly related to Russia with a stern reprimand that Meuller was outside the scope of his investigation.
3. Give him a 2-week deadline to wrap up the investigation.
4. Fire Mueller on the spot if he complains about any of it.
It’s not a 4th Amendment violation because it is a 5th Amendment violation 🙂 Right to counsel not right to be free from search.
That must be the way they are saying FYTW this time: “See, we aren’t violating your 4th Amendment Rights, because we’re violating you’re 5th Amendment rights instead, therefore, ipso facto Columbo, Loophole!”
20 Words and Phrases White People Just Ain’t Allowed to Say
Bodega… hmmmm
Why does black authenticity still require one to write like uneducated white people talk?
If you knew that, you’d be a Very Smart Brotha too!
Damon Young can FOAD.
That is all.
Ninja? Sorry, but ninjas are good at not being seen or heard.
Ninja? Collard Greens?
Really? How fucking stupid is this guy?
maybe trolling?
It’s just red meat for the black racists. That’s all The Root is, Storm Front for the woke.
^Ninja lover.
Ninja pleeeaze!
Because only black people eat collard greens? He made that up, right? Someone forgot to tell all of the white people in the south apparently.
Unless collard greens are an African dish, slaves were culturally appropriating southern culture. Their descendants should be punished.
Greek, originally. But the ancient Greeks were probably black, right?
how ancient are we talking about here?
why black Athena? Phoenicians and Egyptians were not black
You’re expecting facts from Afrocentric theory?
Don’t appropriate his diet, shitlord.
Yeah, we had this discussion on another links thread a while back – most of soul food is just Southern food, eaten by black and white southerners alike. Fried chicken, pork BBQ, cornbread, collards, mac and cheese, etc. The only one that leaps to mind as distinct to one or the other is chitlins.
Can I sing it?
Only if you’re Jewish
We now refer to it as Shi Pa Town
That guy HAS to be satire.
No one can be this uber-puerile and retarded.
Yeh right like blacks can pick and choose the words they want. Fuck. Off.
How about a list of words black people can’t say, homie?
PROTIP: It’s satire.
Good thing I can still say Idiot, because that’s what this author is.
But yet they still haven’t figured out the code words ‘Canadians’ or ‘Mondays’
Or “Number Ones”.
Virginia woman accused of beheading boyfriend, shouting ‘let me get my heads
We still blaming these on bath salts?
Beat me to it.
Top Ten Relationship Warning Signs:
Number 6: She wants to bring her collection of heads on your first date.
It’s almost like you were lurking just for that. Amirite, Tulpa?
::kicks pebble::
Just a coincidence… probably
Mercy County Prosecutor George Sitler said it’s unclear how White died and didn’t disclose a possible motive.
“George Sitler” any chance your relatives may have changed their name when fleeing a certain country in the mid 1940s?
My brother has a professor named Hitzler. He also has a thick German accent.
Yes. They were embarrassed to be association with Mr. Hilter of North Minehead.
fuck you, autocorrect
Posted this on discord last night.
Parody account, or real?
that’s a tough one …
I still maintain that this is real. I read the last like 100 tweets and they seem pretty legit.
A butter knife can be an offensive weapon, the High Court ruled yesterday.
The decision came in the rejection of an appeal by Charlie Brooker, of Welling, Kent, who had been convicted under the Criminal Justice Act of carrying a bladed instrument.
Mark Hardie, appearing for Brooker, argued that the knife had no handle, sharp edges or points and therefore could not fall foul of a law intended to protect people from dangerous weapons.
But Lord Justice Laws, sitting with Mr Justice David Steel, disagreed. He said: “I would accept that a sharp or pointed blade was the paradigm case – however the words of the statute are unqualified and refer to any article that has a blade.”
this was funny
…and refer to any article that has a blade.
Uh oh.
Shoulders, ice skates, Wesley Snipes…
Breaking: Razors banned in UK. Women hardest hit.
Residential ceiling fans are somewhat unusual in the UK, which is probably a good thing, because that’s a goddamn arsenal spinning around up there within reach.
There was an article about the State of Washington Supreme Court affirming that knives manufactured as weapons are protected by the US 2A, but a paring knife was not manufactured with intent to be a weapon, so the possessor could still be arrested under Seattle’s anti-knife law. I’m sure as soon as someone gets arrested carrying a Bowie knife, they’ll declare that knife to be “not a weapon” as well.
Fuck it.
*hangs Ka-Bar on belt*
+1 “That’s not a knife. That’s a knife.”
“And that’s why I’m cutting this tomato with a high-end tactical machete, son.”
Question is, how much is she being paid to open her mouth?
And an excellent question it is.
It truly enrages me to see how desperate the Deep State and their fellators are, and how hard they are working, to make it plain to the little people that only the chosen noble few may be permitted to rule the land. They want so desperately to get Trump out of the White House, and are so open about it, it’s shameful. The very notion that somebody who has not been accepted into the system, and who was never carefully groomed for political greatness, could waltz through the electoral process, laying waste to the entire edifice, and land in the Oval Office just kills them.
It’s sacrilegious. It’s horrifying.
This is a warning. Anyone who isn’t approved by the Deep State now knows they’ll stop at nothing to destroy them. The DOJ and FBI have been fully weaponized.
Oh, you can run for the highest office in the land. You just have to be poor enough so that you have no complicated investments, no internet foot print and don’t challenge a Clinton.
Jesse Ventura 2: Electric Bugaloo
Same thing happened when Jesse won the governorship. The DFL and the GOP found common ground to oppose anything he came up with. He still found ways to get a few good things done, but it was nonstop “Can you believe how awful he is” in the papers and on the news. But at every bar, coffee shop and diner it was “He’s doing pretty darn good.”
Fucking light rail happened on his watch. But he also killed vehicle inspections and gave me a tax refund.
Best governor in my lifetime, regardless.
Especially when you think that the alternatives were “Skip” Humphrey and Norm Coleman.
The Governator actually made a solid run at the PubSec and Teacher’s unions in CA.
He tried to take to big a bite though, and got smacked down.
After that he turned into prog-lite.
Will Wyoming Get a New Governor – and Conservatives a New Superstar?
She seems pretty damn good. I liked this:
I learned some interesting facts about Wyoming, too.
“If the Trumps were Democrats, Melania would be on every cover of every chic women’s magazine in the world every month.”
I take issue with that, since Trump is effectively a Democrat, just not in name.
He may be a 1960’s Democrat like JFK – tax cuts and big military budgets. He has nothing to do with the insanity of the current DNC.
He’s a 1990s democrat, which is now far right wing.
I don’t recall them cutting taxes.
That’s what kills me. There are so many issues where he is identical to Bill Clinton and even Obama, yet he’s Literally Hitler™ because he has the wrong letter after his name.
The name is the only thing that really matters.
If we really want to tackle youth violence on the streets of London, we can start by getting rid of the term ‘gang’
Part of the problem is the use of the term “gang” (I’ve been guilty of using it myself in the past), which needs to be expunged from the public debate about our young people.
Labelling young people in this way reinforces the notion that they are gangsters when they are not. These terms enable officialdom to put all of these young people into a pigeonhole and carry on as if this is what one expects in certain communities.
In any case, the term “gang” and the imagery it provokes is increasingly inaccurate. Ten years ago, there tended to be large groups of young people operating together, whereas now the groups are smaller and more locally based, sometimes in and around a particular estate.
So, ganglet?
They could call them co-operatives I guess. The word has some historical precedent.
How about thug herds?
“knifey platoon”
“stabby squad”
A murder of teenagers?
A pod of hoodlums?
A gaggle?
why launder money through D.C. when we can improve things right here at home for our own citizens?
Our new European party can unite Britain’s feuding remainers and leavers
What we need, in the UK and in the EU, is a combined municipal, national and pan-European strategy to tackle our common crises: private and public debt; the low levels of investment that contribute to precariousness, unemployment and poverty; environmental protection; solidarity with refugees
Our programme is founded on two pillars: a pan-European economic policy framework amounting to a green New Deal. And a commitment to launch a grassroots assembly process, from villages to cities and high schools across Europe, culminating in a constitutional assembly which, by 2025, will draft the new foundation texts of a democratic Europe.
It will totally work you guys
a pan-European economic policy framework
Yeah, that’ll get the Leave supporters on board.
So. Was there an enormous volcanic eruption that I was unaware of? I am tired of snow.
We outsourced the supply of weather modification reagents to the Chicoms and they stopped supplying us as soon as this trade war started.
Haven’t you noticed the rarity of chemtrails lately?
Enough people are now spraying vinegar into the air to counteract them chemtrails, thank god!
2 of our terraforming plants are down hence the ‘pause’ in warming. Um sorry
25 degrees and sunny here… But I think the apricots were fucked by the late march snow.
Anyway snow is good. Kids get to see some until it’s gone forever.
Good news: C&Rsenal now has an hour and 40 minutes about the Mosin. Enjoy missing your deadlines today.
Fuck. Slutty edit fairy, fix sluttily plz.
I’m about 30 minutes in and I thank you so very much for sharing this. Son is building with Duplo and I’m trying to do my chores while watching this. Warty, you’re the greatest.
What we need, in the UK and in the EU, is a combined municipal, national and pan-European strategy to tackle our common crises: private and public debt; the low levels of investment that contribute to precariousness, unemployment and poverty; environmental protection; solidarity with refugees
Austerity be keepin em down an shit.
What’s up g?
A letter we’ve seen millions of times, yet can’t write
As some Russian emigre nearly said once, G is G.
They’re talking about typography, which really doesn’t have anything to do with science, daily or otherwise. Do they even know there are also two ‘e’s in #6 Sans Serif?
Did you read the article?
Couple days back, I read thru’ it.
You could spend a shitload of grant money on running a project to find out how many people can remember whether an article they read was in a sans serif or a serif font. Or on whether the f’s have descenders.
Announcement to readership of Sciencedaily – most of the time, your brain is working on semi-auto mode and doesn’t give a shit about whether a ‘g’ or even ‘s’, ‘p’ or ‘b’ is being mirror-written.
The point of the research paper didn’t have a wit to do with what font was being used other than to explore how people know a symbol represents a certain letter but they are unable to write that symbol or even pick it out of a lineup. And specifically how or if this will affect learning when humans do less and less writing and more typing.
The implications for reading being that beyond a certain level of experience in day to day reading, people can handle “non-standard” representations of characters, and indeed, do so without apparently even noticing that there are different yet interchangeable renditions of the same letter, as experienced between fonts, and sometimes within the same font.
It’s not at all revolutionary to recognize that again, in moderately competent readers, the common English lexicon often doesn’t even need some of the vowels and consonants in order to represent a word uniquely. This does, of course, lead to a discussion of what the purpose of an alphabet is – is it primarily a vehicle for the communication of ideas, or should it be an accurate phonic representation of words spoken?
I guess what I’m getting at here is that in day to day usage, we don’t NEED to concentrate on how a ‘g’ is written, how gravity works, or what the specific air pressure against your face is as you ride your bike. If you had to worry about – or even consciously apprehend these changes in your environment, you’d be incapable of functioning in the modern world. We should be grateful that our brains can filter that crap out and leave it to the tax man to extort the money that pays for someone else to bother about obvious human characteristics.
I sea wat ur sain
Apologies for the screed – while I’m supportive of almost all productive forms of research, this was retarded, because it just screamed Buzzfeed Clickbait at me.
Given the variation in human handwriting style, the expectation that people would be shocked and astounded that a modern typeface might be hiding something as obvious as redundant renditions of glyphs makes me SMDH and go back to completing my 2017 taxes.
Which of course illustrates another reason why I’m on the rag.
Vintage sex-positive feminism, or something. Probably NSFW, I guess, but if you get fired for something as tame as this you should thank me for getting you out of that hellhole.
I stay in a corner of the open space and as such my screen is not really visible to others
Yeah, but you live in Occupied Slavistan or something. Watch out, you don’t want Kim Jong Un to see your web history.
The big screen hides the fact that he’s got his pants down.
Reminder that Mad Dog Mattis was skeptical of last year’s chemical weapons attack, and is not doubt skeptical of this year’s too. Same goes for Hans Blix. (and talk about a blast from the past… hadn’t heard that name forever)
Hans, you’re breaking my balls here!
OH no, Hans Brix!
I’m still stuck at what the fuck difference does it make, as far as the U.S. is concerned? Would it be better if they were all killed by “conventional” munitions instead?
Like the classic Archie Bunker bit:
Gloria: Daddy, did you know that every day X people are killed by a gun?
Archie: Would it make ya feel any betta, little goil, if they were pushed outta windahs?
Swiss – I’m glad that you like my picture so much from the other day!
Impressed you allow for completely non-roman character based messages. One of the benefits of registration!
Gosh, you want more?
Hihn is so fun.
“(Defiant sneer toward Sevo) (Boldface in defense of MORE aggression by a serial stalking cyber-bully)
Right-wing snowflakes = Left-Wing snowflakes
Authoritarian group-think. Shout down ANY mere disagreement.
But only conservards talk like that 12-year-old bully on an elementrasy pklayground
Aggression The action or an act of attacking without provocation
ad hominem (of an argument or reaction) directed against a person rather than the position they are maintaining
1. A person suffering from chronic mental disorder with abnormal or violent social behaviour.
2. The Authoritarian Left
3. The Authoritarian Right
Left – Right = Zero”
So how much damage was NEEDED by
a) Russian interference?
b) Comey’s testimony?
c) Buying off Stormy.?
d) All combined
How are your skills in elementary-school arithmetic?.
Ehh. A win is a win no matter how close it was.
So how much damage was NEEDED by
a) Russian interference?
b) Comey’s testimony?
c) Buying off Stormy.?
d) All combined?
(To win the Electoral College he needed to switch a mere 29,000 votes in three states COMBINED)
How are your skills in elementary-school arithmetic?.”
You are violating Hihn’s copyright! BuLLy
They should consider replacing all of his posts with a picture of Grandpa Simpson shaking his fist at a cloud. It would be a minor intellectual improvement.
This is why 91% of libertarians reject the label, according to CATO.
I’m feeling a bout of yellow fever.
Couldn’t get past 1.
Why, yes, Q, I was thinking of masturbating today.
Speaking of fever dreams
And yet, the prospect of impeachment may well be front and center in the midterm elections. Two recent polls show that while a small majority of voters do not want to see House impeachment hearings, at least 7 out of 10 Democrats do. Billionaire activist Tom Steyer is trying to give voice to that Democratic base sentiment by hosting 30 pro-impeachment town halls across the country. A handful of Democratic congressional primary candidates are running on impeachment, including at least two—Florida’s Mary Barzee Flores and California’s Andy Thorburn—airing TV ads to that end. Republicans are more eager than Democrats to discuss impeachment, as they want to wake up a lethargic conservative base with alarmist predictions of what a Democratic House might do.
Most Democratic candidates may prove reluctant to take a stance, but they still will be dogged by impeachment questions on the campaign trail, especially if the special counsel’s investigation concludes before Election Day and reveals incriminating evidence of crimes committed by the president. Many voters will go to the polls thinking their ballot may decide whether or not the president gets impeached.
Why can’t these people just spend their days productively, like drooling over child pornography?
Tom Steyer is such a loathsome piece of shit.
Yeah he is. Let him waste his money on this though. I think it’s a losing issue; I believe most independents and normies would see impeachment as a posturing sideshow driven solely by politics (which it would be). Nevermind the fact that he’d never actually get removed from office.
This sounds like a win-win, tbh. Impeachment talk is a liability for Dems. Impeaching Trump would seal their fate as far as ever winning back erstwhile Trump voters. And what does the GOP lose, really? A major liability in Trump, for one. And if they’ve lost enough seats to make impeachment possible, it doesn’t much matter anyway, they’re already hamstrung.
At this point, I think at least half of them are looking forward to being in the minority again.
It’s a whole lot quieter there, for sure.
Funny how the great progressive crusade is put on hold for a few years–not even dialed back, just encumbered for a little while–and progs lose their minds as if their interests aren’t routinely advanced by their representatives. They went from talking about respecting the moral majority on gay marriage in 2008 to rabidly barking at people who aren’t certain they like the idea of men sharing bathrooms with girls. Where have they lost ground? Trump’s banner causes are back-burnered for the time being, he’s grown our debt, promises no restraint on entitlements, and Republicans in Congress are so feckless and disorganized that even if Pruit or DeVos make substantial changes to their agencies, the next administration will simply revert them and double down on the progressive mandate.
The future looks golden for the far left and yet they are totally bowled over by having to spend a few years in the penalty box cooling their heels. It really is astonishing.
As they say, the ultimate dream of so many Republicans is to give a beautiful, poignant concession speech.
And what does the GOP lose, really? A major liability in Trump, for one.
His approvals are higher than Obama’s were at this point in His Reign (PBUH). He won an unwinnable election against the Dems, the DemOp media, and half the Repub establishment. He is making good judicial appointments and his agency appointments could have been worse. He browbeat Congress into doing at least one thing – the tax cut. Squishy establishment Repubs who run squishy establishment Repub campaigns rather than bare-knuckle Tumpulism campaigns are getting their asses kicked in the off-cycles.
How is he a political liability, again?
kbo is right, though. Lots of Repubs can hardly wait to be First Loser again so they can relax in their cushy sinecures without people bothering them about accomplishing things.
Oh, he’s “giving voice”. I don’t think they’d use the same gentle terminology if Hillary had won and the Koch Brothers funded pro-impeachment town hall meetings.
So, lost amidst Trumpamageddon yesterday, Loretta Lynch publicly called James Comey a liar, saying that he never told her that her handling of the Hillary investigation made him “uncomfortable”.
You know, the kids in my high school were more mature than these people.
A clear sign that your high school wasn’t woke.
Well, no. But I graduated over a decade ago, so woke wasn’t a thing yet.
That’s at least refreshing to hear the word “liar”.
I was listening to a report on NPR about Syria where they characterized Susan Rice’s version of events as “wrong”, when it was obviously a lie.
She didn’t actual use the word “liar”, she just said he was lying, in a roundabout fashion. Full exchange:
She seems extremely evasive.
I think was battlespace prep for the IG report that is getting kinda overdue. Lynch wants to make sure that Comey is ahead of her in line to be underbussed. If Comey’s version stands, Lynch is exposed as overriding the “professionals” for political reasons. Now at least she’s got a chance of getting Comey to take the fall.
So I’m coming around to the idea that perhaps Muller is just trying to bait Trump into firing him and causing a political shitstorm. If that’s the case, he’s just going to continue doing more and more outrageous shit until it can’t be ignored and he’s shit canned. Then the media can pick up the baton and call Trump a traitorous dictator who doesn’t care about due process and is covering up his own selling out the country to the Rooskies etc. etc.
There’s about a dozen different things that are plausible. But, apparently, the GOP in Congress ending this sham is not one of them.
They want that boor Trump that is polluting their elite club gone just as much. If not so, that asshole Sessions would have already resigned so a real AG without the need to recuse himself could be put in place to hand Mueller his walking papers.
I’m buying the suggestion upthread that this is about painting Trump into a corner on an interview. If he refuses one, the circus will go on forever and cripple his presidency. If he agrees to one, they now have his communications with his attorney and will use those to pursue him for perjury for the slightest deviations between his interview answers and what they find in Cohen’s papers. It boxes him in with no good choice either way.
Even before this, the key to the whole thing was getting Trump under oath. Everything he says is a lie, a boast, an outlandishly spurious assertion or something Sean Hannity told him. A head of lettuce could charge him with perjury after a 2-minute deposition.
This is probably true. But then they’d have the problem they had with Bill Clinton. You’ve got him on perjury, but nobody gives a shit about the underlying action that he perjured himself over.
And Trump isn’t gonna be disbarred.
True, but having a handy reference guide makes it a)much easier b)much harder to claim he’s being unfairly charged.
I’m not saying it doesn’t help, just that seems what this was about all along. The few sane Dems have to know the Russia charges are nebulous mouse farts.
The raid also creates more negative consequences for not agreeing to be interviewed. Before, there was more of a sense of Mueller just kind of spinning his wheels, and a lot of people were starting to just shrug about Trump brushing him off. Now there will be a palpable reaction of “Well, what is he hiding by not interviewing? What was so damaging that his lawyer’s office and home were raided?”
He stuck his penis in that woman.
And since he was not Bill Clinton, sticking cigars into a chubby intern, he needs to be crucified for that..l
Yep, I sincerely doubt any lawyer could get him to merely repeat: “I do not recall that incident with sufficient detail that I will not perjure myself by answering your question. Please present the written question to my attorney, and we will respond when I have time to make sure my recall is sufficiently accurate to avoid incriminating myself.”
Trump could fire Sessions and Rosenstein – and hire the guy who should have been Attorney General – Chris Christie. Love him or hate him, Christie is a fighter. He would start busting heads at the FBI and devote part of every day to bitch-slapping Mueller for exceeding his scope.
Make Mueller’s life a miserable until he gives up.
nothings going to happen until after the investigation concludes. Then Sessions will be replaced and god have mercy on the FBI’s budget in 2019, not only that but personally I would declassify every file ever created at the Hoover building just for kicks and giggles.
“I would declassify every file ever created at the Hoover building just for kicks and giggles”
Now THAT would be Epic Trolling.
nothings going to happen until after the investigation concludes.
So long as Trump is in the White House and Mueller is the special counsel, the investigation will never end.
I think Trump has a smarter play – pardons.
Pardon everyone charged by Mueller for anything other than (a) Russian “collusion” or (b) obstructing the investigation into Russian “collusion” on the grounds that Mueller exceeded the valid scope of his appointment by charging them. I’m pretty sure that would be a pardfon for everyone charged by Mueller so far.
Oh, yeah, pardon his lawyer, too. The investigation into his lawyer doesn’t involve a single Russian, either.
If the DOJ won’t keep Comey in bound by limiting his scope, Trump can do so by a different means.
The ol’ Cap Weinberger play
I thought you were going somewhere else. (pardoning whoever rid him of these pesky assholes)
Reading more tea leaves on the Cohen raid.
I believe it was to investigate allegations that Cohen took a donation from a Ukrainian to pay off the hooker. Exactly what the nexus of this might be to campaign finance, I can’t quite figure out, but supposedly this would be a campaign finance violation. Notice what’s missing? A Russian, any Russian. Mueller wasn’t chartered to investigate Ukrainian interference in the election.
Why the referral to the NY AUSA? A couple of thoughts:
(1) Mueller is worried that the courts are going to rule against his overbroad appointment. There’s already a motion filed (Manafort, I believe). To do this right, anything not Russian needs to be referred out of Mueller and to the usual channels. For once, Mueller did something right(ish), to backstop against his charter being corrected and narrowed by the courts.
(2) Mueller can’t process anything taken from Cohen’s office with any semblance of propriety. Records seized from attorneys get special processing by a team separate from the rest of the investigative team to avoid tainting the investigative team with all kinds of crap they are not allowed to know. Mueller can’t set up a separate team because his office, bloated as it is, just isn’t big enough to set aside several employees for one document review, which would bar the from the rest of the investigation.
A remaining puzzle: Cohen was cooperating (how, without a waiver of the attorney-client privilege, I’m not sure, and I haven’t heard that any privileges were waived). Why kick down the door of a cooperating witness?
To get the real target(s) to stampede like a kitchen full of cockroaches?
That pretty much explains it.
So, did Trump stupidly play into their hands last time or was that another inscrutable move in his 64-dimensional chess game, Goldy?
He’s got the (((time travelers))) trying to enslave humanity right where he wants them!
64? Try 264. Your TDS is showing.
“The Truth About the Chemical Weapons Attack in Syria”
Oh, for fuck’s sake! Is Syria trutherism a thing now? Can we at least get Truther Pirate to comment on Glibs?
I’ll never forgive Warty for chasing him away from HnR.
To be fair, I’d say “token” is an improvement over “Uncle Tom” or “house nigger” or “race traitor”.
403 FORBIDDEN!! Oooohhh!
Anyway, i assume it’s about Colion Noir. I liked him up until he hemmed and hawed about Philando Castile. He kind of wimpily said “yeah, maybe the NRA should not have did what it did (or didn’t do) on that case”. No, the NRA dropped the motherfucking ball, hard. When push came to shove, it showed it has no intention of defending actual individual gun owners.
It is indeed Colion Noir. As far as NRA spokesmen go, he’s probably my favorite; but you’re right the NRA destroyed its own credibility by choosing to copsuck instead of defend a lawful gun owner getting murdered by said cop.
That response was disappointing, as was the NRA’s reactions to Castile in general, but he’s still one of good guys overall.
The NRA has drifted into being a right-wing advocacy group rather than a gun rights advocacy group. Sure, in today’s political climate gun rights is going to pull very heavily from the right. But that doesn’t mean they have to jump into defending cops or handing out awards for telecommunications policy. They achieved most of their successes by being tightly focused on a single issue. As they lose that focus, they become less and less effective.
Lost in all this Cohen raid drama is the fact that a Trump appointee at the DOJ had to approve this raid. People are just taking this at face value that something must be afoul if that happened, which is a totally laughable assertion is their any doubt on anyone’s mind that any attempt to prevent Mueller from doing whatever he wants is going to result in an Obstruction of Justice charge? It’s a heads I win tails you lose proposition.
Ya that appointee was our guy. We really want the five way Shithole Shitshow to go down. The intergalactic pay-per-view numbers will be staggering. Especially ((((THEM)))) always draw yuge numbers
At this point Sessions – whom sucks ass – should resign so we can get someone that can actually put an end to this politically motivated witch hunt intended to help the Deep Staters hide the corruption of the Obama admin and the Clinton mafia long enough to destroy Trump and get someone friendly in to keep the DNC crime syndicate rolling. This has now become a critical matter, rife with the possibility of the credentialed political oligarchy trying to deny the plebes their elected leader, in order to show us all that it is one of them or no one, starting a real civil war. We stopped being a nation of laws a long time ago, but now our elite have even decided that they can’t even be bothered to keep up the appearance if something irks them.
This might be the most fucked up basement shit I’ve ever seen on the internet.
I don’t understand about 75% of that.
be glad
Could you provide a synopsis for old people who have no idea what any of that shit means?
Going by the Twitter post (I can’t watch the video right now), a closeted gay man joined a chat channel for closeted gay men to roleplay being women who want to seduce straight men. That’s my understanding of “traps,” anyway. As part of his induction he had to submit photos of himself crossdressing. Meanwhile, the group had identified him and now are threatening to blackmail him with those photos if he doesn’t start undergoing hormone replacement therapy.
Sounds like bullshit to me, but it’s not the internet I grew up with.
I probably shouldn’t have asked.
I feel dumber now. I think it’s retardation by contact.
So is this the new Metokur thinking a kid’s show is brainwashing children to like interracial sex moral panic?
Hipsters r stooped.
“While the Albany-based sect had seemed to be imploding after its founder, Keith Raniere, was arrested in Mexico last month on sex-trafficking charges, it now appears to be searching for new blood. Last month, a number of notable Williamsburg artists and writers, who asked not to be named, were invited by friends to what was billed as a party promising “authentic conversation” among creatives and “light vegetarian fare.”
A flyer for the event at a private home in Williamsburg billed it as “an evening of meeting cool, like-minded artists and chatting about life, authenticity, and the awesome human potential,” also vaguely referring to an unexplained “human expression program.””
What’s with hipsters and “authenticity”?
While participation in this cult is definitely retarded, why exactly was the founder arrested? What did he do?
As far as I can tell, these people are participating of their own free will.
Failed to offer a bribe?
Something that they do not have, and desperately want?
Dude bums a smoke from me, then proceeds to stand right next to me to smoke it. Like, no more than a foot away. If he had tried to make conversation it would have been far less creepy. But he just stood there, huffing & puffing the shit outta the cig.
Thought you wuz quitting cigarettes.
Ummm…. how would be able to tell?
Today, in Things I Did Not Want or Need to Know:
Ford is/ will be putting a diesel V6 in the Mustang.
Chevrolet is/ will be putting a turbocharged four cylinder in the Camaro.
The Camaro is a rice burner now?
Going for the Vietnamese street racing demographic.
Camaro has come with a base turbo 4 cylinder for at least the last two years.
With a mid -level V6
Mustang was the same except the v6 was the base and the turbo 4 was the mid.
Thanks, FedGov!
Hmmm… I have an old 302 lying around that needs to be rebuilt. While I can’t justify the cost, something about taking one of those new mustangs and dropping in a proper engine into it, and taking the 6 cylinder diesel and finding a way to wedge it into my old civic is oddly appealing to me, based on nothing but the stupidity factor.
The V6 in the Mustang is faster than the V8 from 15 years ago.
Watching a thread elsewhere where someone used the term “raped” in a non-sex crime manner for taking advantage of something. Person B demanded that they edit their post and change it. Surprisingly, the author did. To “pillaged”. And Person B was actually thankful.
So I guess we’re not allowed to listen to the album The Land of Rape and Honey anymore?
“” Surprisingly, the author did””
I would not.
My feelings would depend on the actual usage; if it was gratuitously offensive, i’d probably simply apologize and say, “i agree it was probably in poor taste”. But whether it was or wasn’t, i’d not go back and edit things just because 1 anonymous shmoo demanded it. I refuse to cater to the vocal .01% who demand things comply with their hypersensitivities.
Responding to the right post with proper capitalization?
Fuck off, Tulpa.
Shitlord status confirmed.
re: impeachment ravings
The people who write about this shit are so far up their own asses they have no fucking clue. I would be willing to bet Democrats not part of the hard left fever swamps on the coasts are viscerally dismayed by the thought of impeachment, because they realize how fundamentally destructive it would be to the whole system of “governance” in this country. Most people do not want to see the criminalization of policy differences, and they (the kind of people who actually work for a living) sure as Hell don’t want to see the basic concept of profit-seeking capitalism vilified and turned into a crime.
I think the Democrats will suffer terribly if they continue to push the narrative that Trump could only have won that election by cheating. Losing that election completely broke their brains.
Without opening the can of worms from Suthen’s immigration piece yesterday and speaking strictly of practical results, not principles; this is why the Dems have a vested interest in keeping the borders open and immigration high.
Their ideas have proven extremely unpopular with middle class, middle America, native born folks of all races (exception made for Blacks, however that might be changing). If they can’t convince the electorate of the benefits of the Glorious People’s Revolution, they’ll just import voters until they have their majority. Recent immigrants don’t have the exposure and experience with limited government necessary to see through the Dems’ BS. Their frame of reference is of a default uber-State. If the US is so successful, that must mean that the US uber-State is more generous and benevolent right? Of course, once you get people on the dependency treadmill (native born or otherwise), it’s very hard to get them off of it.
One of the problems with European elites imo is that the natives still want corruption kept to a reasonable standard. Import people with a track record of voting for the most corrupt possible, that is no longer an issue.
If they can’t convince the electorate of the benefits of the Glorious People’s Revolution, they’ll just import voters until they have their majority.
It would be interesting to map the rise of the Dems to dominance in CA against the number of illegals in CA. Correlation is not causation, of course, but I bet you’d find a correlation.
“Shrine to dead burglar near to house where he was killed as homeowner forced to stay away under police protection
A shrine to a dead burglar was set up yards away from the home where he was stabbed – as its pensioner owner is forced to stay away under police protection.
Dozens of flowers were attached to a fence just 20 yards away from Richard Osborn-Brooks’ home in Hither Green paying tribute to Henry Vincent.
The career criminal died after being stabbed while breaking into the home last week where the 78-year-old owner lived with his wife Maureen.”
WTF, England??
Fucking chavs
It’s an easy fucking fix.
Send in the council street cleaning crew every morning and throw the ‘shrine’ in a garbage truck.
That whole thing is a cynical move by that lowlife’s family to paint him as a caring and decent person.
So the “mourners” are opportunistic cretins unwilling to stand by their actions, and there apparently exist some voices of sanity. Not altogether worrisome, then.
If somebody pulled that shit near me, I’d douse the shrine in gasoline and set it on fire.
And doubly retarded. Look at the handwriting from the alleged kids and alleged father.
Pay a couple of winos to go piss on it.
That’s your answer to everything!
Well… yeah.
A few years back there was a double murder on the street a few blocks from my house, a drug deal gone bad or something. Friends of the deceased kept trying to make a shrine for the scumbags. The neighbors kept sweeping up the trash.
Nearly a dead thread, but here’s a follow-up to the story:
‘Extremely furious’ man drives to south London to tear down shrine to burglar killed by pensioner
Very likely the guy was from South East London, probably Brixton or Camberwell, based on the accent, which also implies he’s a minority – possibly Afro-Caribbean.
Maybe we’ll find out when someone decides to showcase him as a ‘Brave Brit’.
hint “pro-per-tee”, “right heear”.
Maybe I’m naive, but I just find it nigh unto ludicrous to believe Democrats in Kansas City, or Tulsa, or Pittsburgh, or Salt Lake City really want to see their party go all in on impeachment.
Democrats probably do; but they are a shrinking constituency everywhere except in their comfy enclaves. They’re on an inquisition/ideological purity crusade right now which turns off the remnant sane elements and pushes them into being unaffiliated. You *WILL* be made to care about tranny bathrooms, neutral pronouns, white privilege and speech codes or you are no kind of modern Democrat.
Living in salt lake City, I can say that the Dems do have some support for it, but I’d be you are correct in saying that it would bother the moderates.
New Pet Peeve of the last week or so:
people using the experssion, “My data”, or “their data”, to describe ‘information generated through Internet activity’
Its not ‘yours’. Its not ‘theirs’. Its a byproduct of a service being rendered.
– Imagine shopping in a store, cashing out, then immediately (post-sale) demanding that the retailer destroy any/all records of your transaction, as well as any video that may have captured your likeness while shopping
No retailer could do any accounting, nor protect themselves from theft, if they were obligated to comply with these sort of demands.
Why are your interactions with a 3rd party “your” data? the arrogance of assuming you can dictate terms to post-facto service providers is insane.
correction: “”assuming you can dictate terms to service providers post-facto is insane.””
Since when has that stopped Congress or the media?
so those dick pics I sent to glibertarians.com are not my dick pics is what you are saying?
Someone didn’t read the Terms of Service ….
It’s not even your dick anymore.
Exactly. If you’re worried about Facebook, Google, and Twitter doing things with “your” data, use a fake name. It’s not hard. Every 14-year old on 4chan knows how to do that.
Except that your identity is one of the less useful things that Facebook learns about you.
true. behavioral data is far more useful. and ‘age, political orientation, income level, etc’ can pretty much be sussed out of activity anyway.
you don’t even need to hit ‘like’ on that Sally Kohn entry. If you actually click-thru to that sort of thing, you’ve pretty much self-selected into known categories.
Its not ‘yours’. Its not ‘theirs’.
One of the skirmishes that we in the health care industry won back in the HIPAA days was that the (electronic) medical record is the property of the health care provider who created it. And I think that’s the general rule – data that you create is yours. Its pretty straightforward with medical records who creates it – the provider – they are entering the data into their system.
For face-to-face retail transactions, its the store you are buying from. Its their people/systems that create the record of the transaction.
For intertubes, its probably not quite as clear. Generally, the customer enters the data into the seller’s system. If there is a TOS, that could settle any questions, too.
Adopting a general rule that data is the property of whoever the data is actually about would be catastrophically stupid. I give it a 60% chance of happening in the next 5 years.
Why does that retailer still have my money?
The retailer doesn’t have any of your money. It became his money when you gave it to him.
Just like one of my pet peeves: The government doesn’t waste taxpayer money. That money stopped belonging to the taxpayer when it hit the government’s account.
That’s my point.
You pay BookFace for their service by giving them your information, just like you give Target your money for their products.
2Chili shoots and scores again. Come for the sensible column, stay for some pharmaceutical-grade shreek.
… that stuff would never get past the FDA
Wahabi Christian Aborto-Freaks
Returning to his roots I see.
Leyden puts forward California, where the GOP has collapsed and been swept aside by a nearly one-party state, as the ideal outcome for “the new American civil war.”
Leyden should be required to live in Texas for five years before spouting that kind of idiocy. You want a uniparty state? Fine. You should have to live in one run by the other party. That this fuckwit feels there’s nothing wrong with saying shit like this, let alone the fact that other proggies are lining up to agree with him should wake people up to what a disaster the removal of civics from the curriculum has been.
They ironic thing about Cy’s comment re: living in a golden age is that it’s something Williamson has repeated for the past couple years, as the tumult of the Trump administration washed away all reasonable debate: it’s perfectly plausible to think that this era will be regarded by historians as pretty boring, overall. So the possibility that his firing might be the crux of a major shakeup is kinda funny.
Brian|4.10.18 @ 8:52AM|#
Show us on the doll where the conservative tried to pray your gay away.
I do wish that I had the option to sign up for Limited Government, while letting those who want Unlimited Government sign up for it, pay the appropriate taxes, and get whatever benefits out of it they can before it collapses into a heap. And I don’t want to have to do this by moving to Texas, I want to be able to switch government providers every year during Annual Government Enrollment.
Yeah, I can think of at least a dozen problems with that arrangement that I am not smart enough to solve. But I still want it. Even if we can’t have literally separate governments, I wish I saw any movement at all to push for more government “opt in/out” for various programs instead of “one size fits all”. Obviously this would seriously crimp the style of those for whom redistribution is the ultimate purpose of government, but surely all those liberal elites who keep imploring the government to take more of their money will be more than enough funding to carry the redistribution-based programs.